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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
ihc Democrat Washington Letter. From cur reguUr Correspondent. Washington, July 13. 1896. lion William Jennings Bryan, of Neb., the democratic candidate for president, needs no introduction to the democrats of the U.S., although 'he is only 36 years old the youngeet man ever hon ored with the presidential nomination ; his two terms in congress did that thor oughly, lie was a member of the house in the fifty-second .and fifty-third con gresses and would probably still be a member if the tepubheans bad not ger rymandered the first district of Nebr., which he so ably represented. In each of the congresses in which he sat he had the honor, although he was one of the youngest members, of making the speech which was most widely circulated. The first of those speeches was delivered March 16, 1892, and was against the Mo Kin ley tariff law. That speech made his fame, and may be considered as hav inz been one of the direct causes of his having been nominated for president by the Chicago convention, and was more widely distributed as a campaign docu ment by the Democratic Congressional Campaign committee than any other speech on the subject, and he became in a day one of the most talked about mea in congress. The other speech was made at the extra session of congress, called to icpeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman silver law, and was against re peal. The speech was at the time and is still regarded as one of the ablest argU' ments ever made in either branch of congress for the free coinage of silver. and millions of .copies have been sent oat by the eilver men, and it will prob ably be even more widely circulated dur ing the coming campaign. Mr Bryan is thoroughly democratic in his manner and ways of living, is easily approached, always affable, but never "gatgy." . He ia a member of the Pres byterian church and when in Washing ton be always attended with his wife, the New York Ave. Presbyterian church. His wife is, like himself, a lawyer, but she didn't study law with the intention i of practicing, but merely took the di ploma in order to make herself more companionable to her husband. Mr Bryan is poor and he never makes any attempt to appear otherwise. When in Washington, he and his family wife and three children occupied apartments in the house of a resident of the un fashionable section in the immediate vi cinity of the capi'ol building, and with the exception ol an occasional lecture before tha Y M C A, in which he takes a deep interest, his time was dvoted to hia congressional duties and to study. After he made his first speech and be came a congressional lion, Washington society tried to entice him and Mrs Bryan within its silken coil, bnt it was time wasted. He felt that ha had some thing more iirportact to do than to ex hibit himself at fashionable social enter tainments. Mr Bryan was thus described a few months ago when no one had any idea that ba would he the candidate, this year at any rate : "Bryan ia a collegiate scholar, and has stored away in his ca pacious cranium much of the golden grain of wisdom and little of the husks, and it is all there for use, either as argu ment or embellishment. Some men are bo ugly and eo ungainly that it is a posi tive disadvantage to them as public . speakers. Some men are so handsome and graceful that they are on good terms with the audience before they open their lips. Of the latter class Bryan is a shining example. His appearand ia a passport to the affections of his fellow men." There is much talk in Washington of the probability of President Cleveland and the members of his cabinet joining with the eonnd money democrats in a movement for the nomination of an in dependent democratic ticket on a gold platform, bnt it is based more upon conjecture than upon fact. It ia, of coarse, certain that a considerable num ber of men who have besn democratic leaders will refuse to support Bryan and Sewall and the Chicago platform that was indicated by the refu-al of the most of the gold men to take any farther part in ttie convention aftr they were defeat ed on the platform . Bnt will they carry any considerable cumber of democratic voters with them? That ia the im portant question. Senator Call, of Fla., now in Washington was asked if be thongtit the gold democrats wonld bolt. He replied: "Many of the leaders will, but the misses wili not. The tronble is that the leaders are not in touch with the maeees and do not know That they feel. The hacks and the big newspa pers will oppose Bryan and Sewall bnt that will help elect them' "Tbe effort of any newspaper to bnild np a town ia practically nullified unless it is backed by tne business' men." says the Snohomish County Tribune. "A atranjer tarns from the news columns of a paper to its advertising pages and if he fails to find there tbe business carda of the merchant and professional firms, hi t-oines to the conclusion that tbe pub lisher is not appreciated, in which case it ia a geed place for him to keep clear of. No town ever grew without tLe active aseistince of its newspaper. Jor can papers grow and build up their local ities witt.ont the assistance ol tbe town. Basinea? men should realize this and remember in lending support to the newspaper they are not only building up thsir own Dudness, buthelpiug to sup port that which is steadily work in for the growth of the whole town Col. W. K. Botcher, delegate to the late Chicago convention, arrived home last evening. He was seen by a Demo crat reporter and the gentleman was loud in his praise of the ticket nomina ted. "It was the greatest convention ever held in the United States," re marked the irrepressible ''Batch," and continuing he sale: "Bryan is a giant among giants; he has an 'eye like an eagle' and a delivery 'out of s!ght.' I would pot have, missed hearing that speech for $590. It wag the greatest ef fort I ever heard. Tne 21,000 people present went wild with enthusiasm and the repeated outbursts fairly shook the big h'lild'cg. Bryan and Kwell are sure winners. 15aker City Democrat Reports from the country indicate that Linn county will have about two, thirds of a crop of wheat. While some fields are very poor others are rernarka blygood. Mr L Zulesdorf, for instance, on his farm on the Sauti.i.rn, "has 120 acres of as fine wheat as one ever saw. He believe it a ill average 50 bushels to the acre The lay t.f hU land in pecu ar!y suitable for fine crps, and beside'' he understands how to prepare it. Or. I 'rice's Cream baking PowAs World's rair H AwvC Be moderate in all things, including bicycle riding. It ia said there mere one hundred twenty bankers and fifty railroad men in the St. Louis convention. Now somebody is wondering if Most will support Bryan. By all means most of the people. Mr Bryan was not nominated on ac count of hia speech in the convention; but because of his great ability, ur ques tioned integrity and because be repre sents winning elements in his life and conduct. 1 he republican papers are having a great deal of fun giving lists ol demo cratic papers that have bolted the ticket because of its free silver plank. They are not taking much pains to give lists of republican papers that have bolted the republican ticket on account of the gold plank. Never was a nomination for the presi dency received ao enthusiastically in Douglas county as is that of Wm. J. Bryan. Whether the populists aud sil ver men endorse him or not, a large majority of their voters in Oregon will support him. Dougiaa county can be safely put down in tbe Bryan column, Review. Ia addressing a delegation of old sol diers who waited on him at his home in Canton, a few days since, Major McKin ley when referring to the money ques tion and the possibility of the free silver issue carrying at the coming election, made use of these words: ''We have reached the point in our history when all man "who love their country must anite to defeat by their ballots the force which now assail the country's lienor.' This refers to tne movement far free coinage of eilver. There is absolute proof that only a short time ago Major McKinley was assailing hia country's honor by favoring the free coinage of silver himself. How different this convention from the Repblican convention held at St. Loiis a few week ago says an Ex., when Marcus Hanna with all the combined wealth of trusts, monopolies and Wall Street were behind him, dictated the platform of hia party and further than that named the nominees. How in tbe name of all that is honorable can the common people who are the bone and sinew of t lis nation suffer themselves to be betrayed in this manner much less be Defrayed with a kis? If all signs do not fail ns there will be the greatest po- iilical revolution at the coming election ever known in the history of nations. The republican papers are telling about how rich Srwall is, and cf bow niny in stitutions be is connected with. They don't boast about the fifty corporations Hobart is connected with and of bis im mense wealth. Sewall ia undoubtedly wealthy, bnt nevertheless he is peculiar ly a man of the people, and be repre sents an interest, ship baildinjr, which the government of the U. S. should pay attention to and put on a footing that shall enable tbe U. S. to defend berse'f . What They Think of Bryan. The following are the sentiments ol several of 'Bryan's former fellow con gressmen. Contrast them with the rot that cornea from tbe Oregonian office: F.-aaklin, Pa.. Jaly 13. My judgment is that if elected Mr Bryan will attempt the duties alone im posed by the Constitution, and will not seek to aggrogale to himself tbe powett of the legislature and judiciary. He ia better than tbe platform. He poeeeees tbe ability, the courage and the high moial character that gniided by wise counsels, will direct tbe ship of state in safe channels to a prosperous harbor. I fear no man as chief magistrate who at the close ol each day's labor on his bended knees invokes the guidance of Almighty God and seeks in public and private action to conform to His re vealed will. Joseph C. Sibley . Hartford, Coon., July 13. Mr. Bryan was known to hia asso ciates in the Honse as a man of earnest and serious temperament; of good hab its and great industry. Hia character it without e pot or blemith. he ism very agreeable ro in to meet, respectful and considerate with those who differ with him, approachable and easy '.o become acquainted with, and every one who knows him eojojs his personal acquain tance. Mr. Bryan never indulged in disagree able personalities, either in debate upon the floor or in conversation in tbe cloak room. During his four yeais' rervice in Congress I do not think lie had an ene my in tbe House, and do not think be has an enemy in tbe country today. By those who believe in tbe princi ples eet forth by he Democrats in Chi cago Mr. Bryan would be looked upon as a model President. Lewis Spkbby. Bridgeport Conn., July 13. Bryan personally ia a mncb better man every way than McKinley. He has more firmness, more honesty, more abil ity. Hia free eilver notions are against him, bnt be is frank and sincere in avowing tbem, while McKinley, wno is at heart no better on that snbject, has not the courage or honesty to express his convictions and is trying to play a dor.ble game. There is no doubt bnt that it will be secretly given out by McKinley's mana gers, and with hia approval, that tbe free silver Repnblicaos of Ohio and other States will get all they want from him more certainly than they would from Bryan . The same kind of a bill will probably be preeented for approval to either if elected, a combination of tree coinage and high tariff, and I think McKinley would sign such a bill quicker than Bryan. I cannot see how any intelligent self respecting Democrat can vote lor McKinley on the St. Louis platform. Robebt E. DkFWbst. Carlisle, Pa., July 13, Mr. Bryan is an educated man, an able lawyer, a brilliant debator and s practical journalist, and qualified to fill any public tru t He was born and reared out on the boundless prairie, close to the hrarl oi the toiling people, and is acquainted with their condition an I wants, their hopes and aspirations. He was nomin ated by these people and will be the people's president. Hois utterly fear less, matchlessly eloquent and supreme ly honest. In Tennyson a words be ia s man with heart, head, hand Like some of the simple, gre-t ores gone For ever and ever by. ' One still strong nun in a blatant land. Whatever thev call him, what caie I, iriatocrat, democrat, autocrat, oi.e Who can rule and dare not he. . E. 15BLT2KOOVKK. The Bee Hums For Silver. Here are some very outspoken remaiks from the Sacramento Bee, one of tho leading republican papers of the Pacific coast, tor forty years au important factor iu republican campaigns in California. Alter reviewing its long years of fidelity to the republican party it says: Standing thus as a Republican pupet proud of its past and conscientious in ita present The Bee declares that it will not follow the Republican party into its house of bondage, into its land of' cap tivity, into its slaver to the kings of Wall Street. It will not sacrifice its manhood and degrade its honor it will not bastardiae its Republicanism by bowing the knee to Mammon and accept ing as an article of fai'h a declaration of principle antagonistic to every interest of the people, destructive of the welfare and corroding to the progress of the na tion, and beneficial only to those who fatten and thrive upon the very life blood of tbe masses. It will not it can notremain silent during the coming campa'gn, and not point ont the base use to which the glorious Republican party has been put an organization at whose birth Liberty hereelf smiled, transformed into mere capper, for the money jugglers and the gold gambler. It has cost much to write these lines; but they are true, and they ehculd be written. It has ccst an additional pang, because it most probably means the sev erance of any support from William Mc Kinley, for whom the Bee baa always had the most intense admiration. This journal bad ever looked upon Wm. McKiney as a typical American ; one embodying the best elements of Americanism; one surcharged with that principle which should be so dear, be cause so vital, to every true American heart protection to American indus tries. It had looked forward if not with confidence, at least with some tra ces of hope to the pleasant task of lend ing him a generous and loyal ' adher ence on a platform combining protection ia all its varied forms protection not only to our industries from foreign com petition, but protection as well to our people from the clutches of tbe gold bandits of Europe. Bet it waa not to oe, Wm. McKinley has been thrust betoie the people in a dual and a contradictory capacity. He stands before tee ji at once the apostle of Protection and the month-piece of organized robbery ; at one and the same time the Vishnu and .he Siva of Ameri can prosperity, conjointly in himself the preserver and the destroyer ol the wel fare of the people and tha hopes of the commoowea'th. In one, band be holds the garland, and with tbe other presents the me. With one voice he proclaims undying feal'y to the great principle of protection to American industiirs, aid in another confesses himself the weak an I eappliant tool of a gold ring whoe intamoas policy would soon leave no American industry worth prrtectinir. I The Bee cannot marcn behind Wm ! McKinley when he carries any such Janus-faced banner. It carnot aacri-1 fice the principles of a Sile time, to com placently accept what it believes to be an outrageous wrong upon the people the shackling of the masses with tbe single gold standard, to tt.eir own oa d"tog and to the ruination of the coun try. It cannot and will not d. fT ita coat of independent manhood, 'a substitute therefor a garment of servitude to a mon ted oligarchy wbich is yearly robbing j this nation and this peop.e out of ban- dreds of millions of dol art. Presidential Chances. Figuring on the outcome ha i begun. Here ia some from an exchange : For Bryan. Alabama . . Arkansas . . California . Colorado. . . Florida.... Georgia ... Idaho Kansas Kentucky . Louisiana . Mississippi Miseoari .. ...11 Montana 3 . . . 8 Nehraka 8 ... S Nevada 3 . .. 4 Sottti Carolina ..11 ... 4 "vjaih Carolina.. . 9 ....13) Tennessee .... &Txa ....10, Utah ... 13; Virginia 8 Wyoming .... 5 . ..171 Total Doubtful. 54 Oregon 15 South Dakota . 13 Washington... SjW.t Virginis. 14 Wiecousin ..12 ..15 .. 3 ..12 .. 3 ..1SS Illinois. . Indiana . Iowa Maryland Michigan Minnesota North Dakota . . 3 Total For McKinley. Connecticut G'Obio Delawae 3,f ennivlvam'a . ...23 .32 . 4 . 4 Maine Cilihode Island Massachusetts ...5 Vermont New Hampshire. 4 New Jersey lnl Total ....113 New Yoik 2ty Total vote of the 43 states 447 Xecesary to a choice --'4 Giving Bryan the sa'.id Soatb and West, including Oregon. Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota. Minnesota and Maryland, hi) vote as given in the above table wonld he increased to 220 only four leei than a majoiitr. There is a fair chance ol carrying Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Michigan, any one of wbich would furnish more than enjugb vote to elect. Tbe great fight of thie campaign is to be in the four states last named. The business men's league of Chicago io a proclamation recently issued recognized this fact. They urge the people of the .ountry to unif) in an effort to carry Illinois, Iowa and Indiana. If there are weak spots in Bryan's bat tle line in tbe Sjutb and West they are counterbalanced by weak spots in the trobaof the gold man in tha East. Mr Hofer writing from tbe can on hie trip F.att says: "McKinley ia a noble, honorable, patriotic christian gentle man, lie was a eilver man and abhored the singe gold standard. With his clean character, persoual integrity and protective princip'e, he was the idol of the people until he refused to express hia real tentiuiunta and honest convic tionaattlie bidding of the gold syndi cate. He repudiated hia lire long belief in silver as tbe standard primary money and fell into the trap of the golditei. In the name of I be leat money in the world, wLen there is no audi thing, be wants s divhonett dollar that will only bt a part of the people prosper while it is crush ing tbe life out. of the rest of them- A noble brave McKiuley, loving hia fellow uen from the largeness of his heart, the p-ople love that man. But aa Mark lianna'e man, aa the gold padlocked napoleon and heart etifled politician the people will repudiate him." There was a surplus oi more than 100.000.000 in tbe treasury of the United States when Benjamin Harrison was in augurated cn the 4th of March, 1889, At the enu of his term tbe surplus waa ex hausted and thi treasury bo short ol money that payment cf many ordinary expenses was postponed for months. KVtunda of IT irrisrin'a fldminlaf.ratiin At 1 ny that plates for a new Issue of bonds f itaA tu.o,i neiiurttA linh it nanntit ka nied that tome preparation for a bond isiie waa made in tbe laet few months ol bis t"rin. nor that ench issue would hav.e been made by his Secretary of the Treas ury if be had remained in office for a few mouths longer. Republic MISFITS. Here's to tho memory of Bobby Burns upon this anniversary of hia birthday. Keep your eye on Pasco. The mer cury stood at 118 in the nhade there a few days ago. An Albany drayman looks for a raise in the Willamette on account of water melons having come to market nnd the high price of the same. There must be some awfully honest peopie in Albany. A local paper pub- lishes two adds this week offermg to re turn umbrel!as to their owners. Port- land Welcome. A newspaper in La recently saia: "ine prettiest girl in this city doe3 not carry horaWf straight enough when promenading." For a week aftei ward all the young ladies of the town walked about like so many bean poles. and every girl said : "That horrid old paper! Ma, don't I walk straight? ' There is an interesting fact in Portland journalism. The Welcome, which has neretolore been democratic is now stand ing in with the Waif street ticket and shouting for McKinley and gold, while tho Mercury, which has been republican is now speaking for the people, Bryan, and ia the interest of eilver. Thus times are working great changes. 10,000 wis appropriated for the fish ladder at Oregon City. Governor lYn noyer thought that was too much, so he told them how to make on cheap, an 1 S00 waa spent for a business absolutely worthless, and the result is the tish re main where Oregon City people want them to below the falls. Lets try again . The La Grande Chronicle aavs: And now it is held bv the o.nrl thai tl, .tw. ! qualihcatton of Miss Nettie Stevens tothe otlice of school superintendent disoual-i itiea her from discharging the duties of crfek wot a report that "Uradley, wile and the office of deputy Such may he the ! &ve tbildrea ere washed away and drown law, but if it is it will work a revolution j ed; lits liryant, toll-keeper." widow, and in the deputvships of some of the oltirea in almost everv count v ol the state, Heretofore it has been the custom in many of the counties for clerks, record ers, treasurers, and occasionally other otlicers, to appoint women aa deputies, and many are serving today. r, " ; 1 lie .Modern M ay. Commends itself tothe well-informed : to do pleasantly and effectually w hat was formerly done in the crudest man-' ner and disagreeably aa well. To clranse the system and breakup colds, bead- aches, and (were without unpleasant ; alter eflects, use tbe delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrnp of Figs. Mann tactured bv California Fig Syrup Com pany. PARKER BROS. IXcal ia groceries, Produce, fruits. Ana Baked goods. Here are some tbing worth con-ui rin :: All road' lead to their tore. Reawnabie price rueke bard timet eas ier to bear. Their gocU are the UM ar Fheir irt rutoner are this bo have knvwa them longest. A buyer ha a right to le aited. Ii is their desire to Miify even body. Tbey make no charge fur time and at tention. They tme to give good quality as wcli aa reasonable prices. Uo bcs tomorrow. rarihe Laiact Elder ASon W. SteT write from Tort- land. Or: There U no medi.-ine f-r the tbroat and tunc that I can rcmm.nd to minttr, pah'dc (Deasera and fingvm. tth tbe conSJno that 1 can tis S. H . j Coh Cme." For sal by F.hay k Ma- on at .X U pe. t..tUe. mvji Oar ftlaadlaa al F.wr oat of every five bo: tie ot cine soid in th lau rjTe year are S. B. gx?. TheS. U. lleadacte and Livet 'iireiBM myted a a pejera phj:c. If you are tick and want to get w.-il. tb q jicke. che.ii-t and safest mtrni i t bur the S. 1$. rwmedie and aw aa dir-d C. P. UU"H. lruit, tufur, Jrr Km sale by Fob-y A Masto alo'J rtj per bet- te. - A Saiarml Ceaallflrr Karl't C over Roui Tea iiriSes- btcod nd giv a cbr and tantifttl exrp'fi For 'e by Fobay and Maon. Karla Clavrr Baa tea is a tur cure for heidAcho find nwr ! I1le4ie .Nu'll tin THrf. an laic " i For rwe by Fohy & Maton. Tarra Init. 3 12 i "Mr ,l,re chMdren are ll subject to j croup; I elgrapbed to Sn Fmocitco, got jjglitot a ball doK-n bottles of S B Cough Cure- it ifi rwrMt retowiy. ijod bleat yoQ tor it. lour, e'c-. J.H. Cioiier. lifot Pa, lr." For sa'e by Fobay k Mason at 0c per b-Utle . Let everybody come to th Star B.tker and get 4' itrtt of reh brrtd for $t.o cash. CUirti. 'r sSftpeaia and Urer Complaint you have a printed gua'anteeon erff bottle cf Shilo't Vita mer It nevr fatlj to cure. For sle bf Fohay& Mason k tmr Warta aaawlac. Consvntption. Lt'trippe. I'nenmnoia anJ all Throat ail L ing d'ne are cure bv S'lilo'i's Cure. For sate or Fbay Mason. Letter List. Following i tbe list of letters remaining in the I'ottotfire at Albany, Linn countv. 'Jregon,Ju!y 2lst,Il. I'enont calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Aleran, Lizzie (Jrierson, Mellie, P L Needles, E T Thornton, Hyram Clark. W If (irawan, Mary I'yburn, A mon Radcliff, A Thomas, Dick T. J. Stttis. P M Tbe man who stands idly by find sees tbe life fading out of his wife's fate, sees her health goii g, sees her be coming old and faded and wrinkled when she should still be in the perfect enjoyment of vig. orotm, useful health, is either less than a man or else does not know of the one remedv which will bring her back to health and strength. Most women do not understand their own bodies, or the things that make tbem well or sick. The most frequent cause of sick ness in women is the cause last looked for. A women will go to a doctor when she has a sovere cold, or some acute digestive dis turbance, but she hesitates and procrasti nates wl'd the trouble is with the distinctly feminine organism. And yet the latter is infinitely more seWou. It is the most seri ous sickness that any woman can have. It is the most dreadful the most dangerous. Ita consequences are always serious, and serious right at the beginning because it is debilitating. It saps the life and strength and works on the nerves to such an extent that the whole body is disturbed. Appetite leaves, the color goes from the face and hollows sink into the cheeks. Irritability succeeds good temper and fretfulness tnkes the place of contentment. Little by little life ie comes more and mote miserable. The woman is killing herself with neglect just as surely as if she were taking deadly poison. Perhaps her husband cannot per suade her to go to her doctor, because she naturally dreads the inevitable examina tions and " local treatments. " He can per suade her, if she needs persuasion, to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This truly wonderful medicine has cured hun dreds of women after the best physicians have failed. It has been in constant use and tested every day for 30 years. It Isn't an experiment, there are no chances about It It is a certain and Infallible curs for all derangements peculiar to women. Those who care to know all about it, and to re ceive the best medical work ever prepared for the general public are invited to send ai one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only and receive a copy of Dr. Pierce's thousand page book, " Common Sense Med-, ical Adviser." Address World's Dispensary Medical Asaoctation. Buffalo, N. Y, TELEGRAPHIC. Tbe Pioaram. St. Louis, July 21. The populist and silver conventions convene tomorrow, the former in the hall in which the republican national convention was held, and tbo lut ter in Slumc hall, where drover Cleveland was renominated in 1888. The proirram of the silver convention is cut and dried. ' There is no division of sentiment. Con gressman Francis Newlando, of Nevada, will bo teniwirary" chairman, and V illiain P St John, the J,ew York banker, perma nent chairman. They will deliver their speeches, a til ilform of a single plank in favor of the free coinage of silver t 16 to I will be adopted, Bryan and Sewall will La indorsed, un J the convention will adjourn. A Horrible Matlny. Halifax, July 21. The harkeutine Horbeit Fuller, Captain Nusli, from Bos ton July 13, for Kosario, put into Mali ax this morning, flying tbe tarn and tripes a half mast with a black (lug iuiruediuU? beneath. Thin in the signal fr "mutiny on botrd." When the Fuller was boarded it was learned murder bad been added to mutiny ami that Captain Ni&h, his wife, Laura, aud Second Otticer lhaailerg had been killed in th- ir bed while asleep. The murders Lad been committed with an axe. FijjItilBs la C'rcle. Athens, July 21 There has been con tinuous hghting in Crete during the hut few days. The Turks have liecn trying to capture the heights on tbe Kismuio Selino road. If they could capture this position they would cut off the western portion of Crete from the rent of the inland. A later dispnhh frou the front stales that in the uour of tbe bghtiug tbe Turks lo.t 2u0 killed and Goo wounded. The Cietaa Iocs was 26 killed and 60 wounded. A Blj alarm. Fuaskkort, Ky., July 2l. Tbe sever est ruin kturui known here in years wa that ot la night. The Cainey bridge, on the Louisville ir Nashville railroad, was washed away, stopping tra'Tic Conway's mil!, wurenoute, etc , were aio wakhed away. turtle livm on the other side of the 'three children, were wa-hed away and ilr... ivul - hin ).. . a . . ( .fa f . . county judge, i missing. BriJijet on the hort line were washed away It U be- lieved live were lent. Ih ttrpabllraaa. Chicago. July 20. Marit Hanna ar- rived in Chicairo today, and national ns- publican headquarter ar to be opened as soon a the execuiive committee elccl quarter. vv h o nominal charge of the Vtern corutu'uW work wit, be in the hand of Hanna l.iuitw-f. the committee which will have to do with the actual work will be View l'ane. lKirbin and LeUnd luertpuuucan campaign in the West ! wiu oe openeo in Mmueaola and ebraa- J be ciaetl in ka. A Waa I at I iprrled Nkw Ioek. July IX) Tbe withdrawal ' f goid from tii uUreury f.u eifx-rt to I wj.ui uuu aui'litn. ii.wj.wj was in j cti . ,.,. .. .. - -.-i tiae go d Imts and I.4U,1W tn Coin. The P" e-'axn-nc aiwtf to ah 4 k'rv'ate aiiLiltawu!- aiuiuHrl to arxu" ; r,f J rejt'V.t tide lb ir ' 3.7tj tndodiiu SwO,iwi la l.y:''' -- f Uf Sl-.h t'ana.hau baaka, and rvduofd the trt-jirv ' ' . li' 'V n,'r. tSJi Uv jf. Id to abutt r.XU.UiA. j IUaar A M;u an, f:g ? e-. Tuiiay it waa rumored that I'rMiii-ut I ... .. . i-ieaerKk lappn, ci the Ut:n Ni- twnal bani, had ret-eued the kiatare ci o;i,er inn on:!a.t to an atrvtuat to turn mer t the u(tnuarv S1u.,ai.. id gyid in execaxgv km', letd-r n.-t, and uiat Irom fiO.Ji.0.0jO U tlb,if,AJ addi - uouoJ will he .ecared. . I kalrra la topi Caieo. July 3J. Tb-re w.w kt cae of cbolrra id Egret Knd4V ialanlav. ! aod ;55S deaths frvm tu-at dia. inclaJtng t:K(i( ttree briti-h x4ui.-rt at W ady - i ; - t3i mltrrilt r f ch .kr niana ti? ! 'rVJP'n trp b-tri Axjsia u aaa fv.ii-fi, U'AT? iij 16 a lo'.ai ot uj ta..-s and !' liejtrtaaii.Bjf item Uarrlblr liKm I Ih'vusoTt'X. W. Vs., Ju! ). '.V J Call and Nettw. Cad, hit .lJi:U:rr, (r- ; kiiied to a thaaty ta; n mik et.t i ! here thi mcfsug. l.i.i l..l r.. vr. ' chiidrm are the p.:tit f tSema. r-!U llmt i io jsl auel t.f ciiir4f i ,CT ti.m. UftSiT dta? bit ax a a weajn. Ctt and hi dtprhtr tad tiwr ! bead eifrJ. an J tbe childrt-n w.-e is.h d in a borrt'j e macccr. Ur.s wyheab i leap ictstt.e r.T.-r and util hi r Ufe 1 Vu cause t knoa-u fv-r the niarler. i Tkr M Laal. t. a Trail... ; . . i i-T. i.iis. juiy ite popnatt na- ur dm ripHl.y. Jte i w l 0'l"r ! I!? " I ?lvll!t vf 'iDHic.- Jvrjaa. HJi fa i tion :t" that it uritM to rnfrt tiw j auUurtniv of the ptr y organ.utioa. and j Itat IU a is way. mpwmrs and a j UH seems inevitable, no matter what the j uitiniite cutcionie is. The Uran 0 pviter claim to be in tb I tnaj-jrity . ! a.t af lae Alrlke. I Fai.&x, J ui Adiatant-i reneral Tat tle ha a warrant for $..17 in bt vest pocket ifu-d by the secretary cf state lor tbe payment of the militia afco did rvk at Attotia. Ail the who were cnlied out to prwve tee reaoe on the Columbia rirer can now get their par by oiling on Col nel lu'.tle. M Ualt rairaila Pr Lovia, Jaly 19. t'ew of tbe dele gates to the populict convention have ar rived, but among the fotiltrnt who have reached the city, a very bi ter feeiing nas already developed . They swtn to be align ing Uitmelves for a tiiree-cornen-d figut; hit, those wto favor a straight indorse ment of I'.ryan and NwaJI. whicn will l.rmgtotha Chicago ticket the support of the populist; second, those who ditiire a f uion on Mieelevtcral ticket, which will maintain the ppuli! party organization intact, and place the leaders in a position to il. uiaml recognition in toe event tbe ticket is suocessfut; aud. third, what are known as the middie-if-th road Kpuii.ts, who favor an indetendent pUUorm and ticket, and ho oppose funon in any form. A I w Itras. OoU)ksdai.e, Wash., July 19. O W Carpenter, who is w ith '"Fiontrr I'ave" jounwn, i tn old prospector, has written the Firnt National bank that tbev re in llhite feet of suow at a pomt 20 utiles be- I rrmd Trvitil Lt. ThM .-,! ....... ... Ooat rocks at the head ot Uie KhckiUnt and wait until thenoar disappears. Moun taineers in the vicinity of Mouut Adams ny tnere is more snow in the niouut:utis this summer than ever before. AaU-Rrraa raamlM. St. Lovis, Ju'y 1!). Some tf theanti tlryan poptilista held a secret meeting in Chairniau raubencck'a room at the Lin doll tonight. Among tho present were Ignatius iKmneily, of .Minnesota; "Cy clone" lavi. of i'exas; W McDowell, of Arkansas, and others. They di:use.l the situation behind cloned dvors and under strict injunctions of secrecy, for sevciul hours. At midnight, the. ma ting was still in session. Idurallsaal Mailers. Palkm, Or., July 19. The shite super intendent of public instruction hits issued a circular of information giving the nanus of iho!e constitii'ing the bourd of educa tion, the names aud addreMies of the mem bers of the state board of examiners, a lUt of thn county sutorintcnih tits ot the state, together with the average WHges paid teachers, male and female, in each county. The state board of education comprises the governor, secretary of state aad super intendent of public ir.ftrnciion. The mem bers of tiie slate board of examiners are: C II Chapman, Kugone; J 11 Horner, Corvallls; 1' L Citiuptll, Monmontb; tieo Peebles, Salem; I 11 istiinlev, Hillbori; J Hurniiam, Portland ;J 0 Kobb. Woodstock-; M G Koyul, Weston; Gillian Collhon-lrwm Salem. Morltluc roe Dryaa. 1 fiTLoris."Ju!y 1!). Hon Thomns I Putlerson, cliairiunn of tho regular Colo-1 ratio delegation to the populist Convention, arrived today, and with Ol hers beiran a cru sade in behalf of tho nomination cf Bryan und Sewall by the torulist convention. During the evening. Air Patterson and bis coadjutors prepared and issued an address in reply to Chairman Taubeneck'e. Aa Ininirane Loss of Idle, C . C. . 1 .a . . oas r liAHi isro. iu v I'J. nwi m. ceived from Japan up to July 3, states that j uie loss ot lire irom iiih rtn-nnt ti.i.ii was between 25.000 and 30.0oi. Tho irnv. ernmentbaa received rermrts from all tha1 i flevantated uiBtricta, and it is Uiought, all the victims of he disaster have been found or accounted for. PAKE'S CELERY COMPOUND. Tie Best Remefly la Die World It Mates People Well There is one true specific for digeaK-fl arising from impure blood and a debdi -tated rervous system, and that is 1'aines celery compound, soienera!lv preacriLcd by plirsicians. It is prohafdy the tuost remarkable remedy that the scientific re search of this country has produced, l'rof. Edward E. l'htlps, M. I).. IX. D., of Dartmouth .collide, firt preecrilurd what is now known tin' world over as I'aine's celery comjiouiid, a j oeitivecure for dveoetwia, uiIioui-ik-i', liver com plaint. neuralifia. rheumatism, all nervous dineews and kidnev troubles. For the latter fame's celery compound has gno ceeded attain and aain a here everything else has laiied. Timber Land Notice. V S Lsi Omit at OaEfccx City, O , Jane 3rd, ISM X .iic i heinbr giv-n that in cimpliaoc witn tbe provi.lim, if tba act of c ogte of Jjoe3. li7S, nlrlad -'An a-rt fjrttt ot t'm'je ind to tba iUU of I'aiUoroia, Oreoj, Sd end VWbuurten Terri tory," taii:be Public Lod ?tt by act id Abgaat 4. IR91. I'tri i Hi Url. of Jietrmt, cwnlvof Mar.or. ' c' O o .or, hat this day hlrd in tbia o&cm bi laorn s'tmt N. 30u!l fr.r th po r cbaaa of lb N i S K. 4 and S H S K U of ioa Kj. 11 in Tubip No. 10 !, Kaaa X. 4 E.aod will utter proof to boa thai the laod aoaubt i m .- T.iCib'o f r lit tim'ier "o ancolt-ral ( . ,lon xh, Unr.;r aa l n:ire.fif iirDMA. arm Vo wiwo ni c iai o aaa m om it Uf (o Cite, O St urH,.t1e 5 h ly of ittfb-', I '.,. II ntnt a ,t---: J O f , IBM jr. bv.h '' l)i!'i, M rot toin'.j, l- o. and it l -rHi'..A t. . a- - ' NOtiCG for Publication i "' 1-am- Orvn-'a at Osi.oj Ojt, Oa. , c . 1 . , . . Ju y N i hereby given tnt t!.e f c.w- ( ins-r.atcrd ieill'T ha 5 -d t.o 1C? of hit i tnieot-on to mk pro-'f in tappet of , bt ca:"". nd V tl md p'oc-f t i U? I inada twfore the f urty elfts of Mr.nn ; oasnt. at SaVai. Oi., Aapi.t 2th. ? vti: J - h A W IW ircie: ilKllt' l r ! 'he ? of S E , N ? of S E o! S.-c do j I ' s J It nm f ' 'i :i-'wt to . Df - cuto3ia rs.1 e-? -Jf-jTs a-a o.t a o - : . I r' i'Ol .'' d 'I ' l.roi, jam- l'o O.t- i jr.o ! lUttT A Si:iL. ' I.. ;.ur . ' jNctiCG for Publication - Lad Orrsca T Uiimon Citt. Or j May 1?'. ! X Jtk i rer hr ir,rn t- at the f-i:ow- ina" earned tt rr !; Sled nonce tf his I fnt?s.tioa to uiite ta' prx-t in topi-ors cf ! bl d dm. ar.d tt d pr f wih bf i made twdin? tfe ivt!-t-r a;-4 hcelver a' f.S. Lani U;r.c.t Orrosi lit, Ore- g-on. cn Acg 3. -J(. !: Jinwt It. Yearns, H i tsrv No. Iini7. fcr 'be S W V o! S .'i, T Vi !?. R 6 E- He r.smes tr.e Jo wwing ittchei to prove b o:n tsna -u re-idcuc upon aoi c-ltiatioa a'd 'and. iz: in.pcn Prj Will- KrU-fn. iitim Ab ef and Thniis , K lie all of Detroit. Onen. K'JBER I' A. Ml LLEU. i:i' r. ADMtSlSTRATCS'S SALE. No'-k i hereby given thst the under igned admicijttrator of lit e:a'e ol Jane K tr;er, drd. will it pur. uaric. of an wder ctf ti-e coun'y c.ur?. daly made and en'e'ed of recod on the I l-b Jv of April 1K6, offer for ta at poh.icauc ton, at tne court bense dovr in Ail''.n. Linn county. Oregon, on the CCtUtfa. t.f July. 1 at tho bour of 1 o'clock p m cf m d car the fo lowing cVscpbed rl etatp. to-it: Lots No's 3, 4, 5 and tin B:xk No. II i Hack eman's cnd add tion to f-e ei j of Albanv. Linn county, Or- vu- Terms of ml oo"-l.alt rah at time of; a!e, one-haif psjb'e in ix mor.tb from f dy of sle tbe celerred p nient to l j cored by morfgage upon 'be property slid. Ibis ibe I.f.b day ! Ju"e. IHi. Kr R M t'AarE. WcATHKKroau k Wtatt,"or, Alt. s for Adair. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is henby given that the under signed ba bwn duly appointed by toe countv court of L'nt couoty. IW'n- I ihe administrator of tbe es'a'e of J F Trice derea!. A'l perstms having claims f,iin. M'Jr:i a'e benby notified to pretrnt ih? Miiif 10 me duly verifird as by la rwjuirel wiihiu us months fr-cu Ibe di'e of dii n-iiiT. ljbxi hlsfi'h diiy of June, ISM. WrATHKiiKORo Jt 'rm. J A Peiirv. A'.'js for Ai tvr. AJ-nioistrit Notice for Publication LM) Or'Ktca AT 0BdOS ClTV. R. Ju 9.b, 1SP. N tice s hereby liven that thti following nuurd A- tU r h hi d noiic of his ir.ten to mk ri:il nr. f i'l upinrt ul his claim ondT SfO 2.tOI ft S, aud lht .d .r f will tx usile te'" the c-tcty cloili of I.itiU ei'tt:itv at A bny, Oreenn, on Auau it 2Sth, IS9'. vs It. so M Kourh; f I K 107(17 f .r it .. N i f X E , and K ot X W 4 if S.-c a. Tp Id K 5 E. lie nsmes tho f il o't witne-ses to pr ve his rontinunus roni.l -ro" npnt nd cultira tu.l of, atlit Un.', -51: I, V I ves, Jl tj bwi, A T Ie. E K Ourti., !! ..f I) tfit, Oregon. UohkhT A Miller, R-i.tor Notice for Publication Land OKrici at OiiEoM Citv Oiu July 7th. IS!?. Notice 'i hereby given that the follow i n ii named tet h-r has tiled notice of his intention 10 ui-ki? fi .i pro l in support o' his claim, tin 1 Mint s ii l pr xf wili be niaiie bt hue 'he len'ster and rerelver t Oicjn Ci'v, i'Kn, on Auu-l 2th, ISDO, viit: J U v irt. iviinl!un of Kl!a Wirt, insane; II K 8ltW for the S !4 of S W an.l S ot S E H of Sec 4 1 p Vl S K 1 K. lie names the followinir witnes es to prove hi continuous rrnulonce upon nntl cu'tl Viiti'in of. sstd land, viit: J K Charlton, Mrs W m Wool!pv, both ol Loimn ui. Or., K L B an, T W Curran, b th of Albany, Ure"'n. H nil T A Mili em. Reci ter. cy repairs bicycles promptly and in a lirst c'l.u-s niiinner. Ureuks, pnnetured cires, de, fixed c-rrecl(y. At shop just west of V. M. 0. A. ball. 1 1EO E FISR TUB TLUMBEm r- 1 1 u: . Tin roofimg and plumbing. Opposite ibe opera house. J aWvrj V VrCWEJfiaa5rarsrS. y-j wui a uie ra lor tvnbi. use ft Jicock s I i ?,Tt-n .!,o nns r' the Thirtieth ALBANY COLLEGE. C'AI tSIMB FOR 1806-7 180e- Kept. 16-ColI,.re Year bens Nov. 26-27 Thankpgivin? Day reoeaa, Dec. 21 Term examinations begin Dec. 2i First Terra ends Winter Vacation 1S07 Jan 5 Second term beeins Feb 22 Washington's Birthday, a holiday, April & Term Examinations bgin April 8 Second Term ends A rbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term bejrins . . Tuesday June 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate t-ermon . K.ahbftth forenoon June Addr.-es before the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Pabbath evening June 14 Annual Jleeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon June 14 Junior Orations . . Monday evening June lo Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory of Music . . Taeoday forenoon June l.o I'opular intfrtamment Tueeday evening June 16 ComTic-ncement . . . Wednesday Juneltf Alumni iCe-union . Wednesday evening Four Courses of Instruction leading np to (ievree. Well equipped Basicess and Mwic courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For further information, addrww WALLACE HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. W, T I I Ur V select the Waver! v because thev have learned to know the dif- EXDerienCt?d ,ernc ltwn a wheel that is actually high grade and one that D..K is simpiy claimed to be. Some others maybe good bnt tbe ttlflerS' Waveriy is the highest of all hijrh grade. Scorcher (3 heights) v.', txna ara made itr .NDIANA BICYCLE t). SOlASAfOMS, 1NU THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT: O,000 Haaaa 8at HaSatod wy r rreturt ISA 64- Tiwrsai of rT 1 ftaA.i,. 2l from t!M tcm at lb b-ffV-'Cl. lb. H-l B wniT cmiai Grara aa4 tw2r Uxu 4&om. awi al -it. r . uk4 frx arria 4-5 ia tas UaaM Castes. For .sale !y Albany Furniture Co. Albany Furniture k A ft Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon , No Clarke f -r Mbanv Red Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another year, -and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage, and to buy the same Sacts fill te foisM en application Fleur AnJ KeeI constantly on hiuid and for sale. Parties having wheat to sell o tore; we wiii try and make it to their advantage to ca.1 and see us. Flour will b xchanged for wheat 0:1 the earn.; terms as heretofore. w. L.Ym 5- H- ilien N-'t incorrora'.evl. Notice for Publication-. Land Offics irOnsaos City. Or. July 9.h, ! Xj;ie is bery Riven tht the f.f Ow irg Oini'd sptticr la' Hhd cot c? rf h mtrnti.iQ to oitke tioat pri-of i a sapixrt t f hiso aim, and th.t ssi l prv.' will be male bf.e the c.unty eerk of l.'Ou coontv at A'.b.r.v, Orgr. on Aapat 2Stri, lSt). is:C If noMck; H E 107:0 fw th W'H of the- X W J4 ,,f ;wo 0 and E y ol N K '4" of 13, Tp 10 S R 5 E. He oatnea ii fol!owin itifsj to prove hia eon t'nuota reaidcnc avon and eul'iTatien of, as lit land, vs: J C Uae. J C M.-niay, J L. I!rr, all ot Bony. U eson. and J W Cu- r.v, tlrn. IloBfKr A Miilk?, K.vsi,'er. ACMiHISTRATJRS NOTICE. No'. ice is hereby piven that C. C. Hopre has brfn duly apt oinud administrator of the estata of J. M. living. dwsevl, f-y the County Court of Linn County Oregon, and all per ons hnvitij; c!!ni"s aptlost said etate sre hoi-ey required to present the same to the undersigned at bis n!K.. in Albany 0-e)n. duly veriSed wi'h i)) proper vouctiers, i hin six months from the da'e hereof. C C n aihiunistrnfor cf et;i'e of J . M, Irvine deceased. tbe luted Albany Or , July 8.1, N0T!C FOR BIDS; The directors of School litrict .. 5 Linn county. Oregon. 11 receive bidt for i'liintini? Madison s'-cft and Central school btiildinifs. Two cots of pa:nt on each building oitddc The ;istrict to ft r nlsh all tnateriaU. H received up to and including July 22, V E, Clerk. aliont to leav Allunr li,- hOUSidll ho'd iroods nf ih i.r..l..;. 1 wm oe oireroa ttvr sala at a Unrain. Call at residence, J. Vah V iisos . FOUND, valise 00 Kenr llaokleman's cmv a onntilivini some-clnthimr. i h same can le had by calling at the Dkmo crat otlice. FOR TR ADE. Hlrtcksmith shop, 3 lot and dwelluijr near Taenia for trade for property in Albimy, adilresa lios 25 Allwuiy. OrTPrlce's Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Highest Award. OSN3-NSrx3Vi7 -C jutus u toe bacic ice. Porous Piaster hfit cf counteiic:t and .a-.'.iu- Year. Wednesday Tburs. and Fn. Monday Wednesday of Twelve Days Tuesday Monday 'i'needay Thursday SS Are built in VA4W A M Wt JftYGLFA and Best - .Equipped H'afitnrv in pjlMl d pSa tbe World men .o.uu ana W, A.J. Hodges,. ;Agent P llfa Taaiaa ia I ataa monrof I aa4 aian ri farm, aa w arae tcaUr laifcwiim totoA. f aaairf aa van ka avcrr muimtmu Over 11. ta actaal aaa. for aala ar axMnakais. Juaaf a a? wg .Jt Taw Oiaylw Cafim C, Co., Incorporated Tearse or R rrioevJ E. D. Bamtt, sn3 S. E. Toarg- CANADIAN PACIFIC RY & SCO PACIFIC LIME Save Honey and Time And ge t the best service and accommodations. Cheap Tickets to ami fro m all parts of the "VOKL!." Canadian Pacido .Royal Mall Steamship I ine. "Empre w Line' TO JAPAN Km CHINA 1 ue t.tMest and tinea tine on tbe TaciBc tXan. 300 Miles J?horter than any other 1 ans-Paciflc Lit te imOLi ir, FIJI & ACSTMUSIO Short Line to the Colonics. These vessels carry ; an experienced med ical man and a stet ianit-w on each voy a?. For rates, aorr txnodations. pamph lets or anv informa'ia n call on or adiires. HBSACRY. Al .lamcameron A (rent, 'rt. & Pas. Atfent. Albany Or. 146 T iird St Portland, Or. tiEO.Mc I.. BROW N. lisl . Pass. A g ent. Vancouver, B. C UMBRELLA FO found on a road UNO. An nmbrella leading into Albany at thi oftiae. It is can he had by callinf worth reclaiming. iHORTHERH VI PACIFIC R. R- TJ Pullman Sleeping oars, Elegant Dinipg Cars Tourist Sleeping Oar" 3t Pan! Minneapolis Dnlotb Fargo, TO Grand forks Crook et on Winnipeg Helena anJ Bn't? THROUGH TICKETS TO Chicago W'ashinrtou Philadelphia New York Boston and al. Points East and Booth 1 T Throogh tickdU to Japan and China, via. Tacotna and Northern Pacific steamahip. Co., an American line. For information, time cards, "ape and tickets sail on or writ C G Borkhart, Agent. Albany, Or. . Or A D Charlton, Ast Hen r agi Portland. Or. E. McNEILL Recent TO THE EAST 6IVI MB C HO ICS OS TvTO TKAKSCOIiTISEKTAL ROUTES 1 GREAT UNION H0RTKERH PACIFIC Tti! SPOKANE HKKEAPCUS DENVER 0 HI A HA ST. PAUL M.KSASCU. X" K TB; TO ALL. EASTERN 1T1E' XTEAS STEAUEK PORTLASD EVERY 5 D.v EAVE SAH FRANCISCO For tall dataila eal Ccaaax ft Mowtsith, A'.nany Or SB AODaj W H HCBLM Ki. (iu't, Pa- . A PORf LASO. OS. EAST AND-SOU7H via SHASTA THE SHASTA KOUlt or i rt& Southern Pacific Co. an Swtiusa Dailr- m MAJ li, ISA I Srt at 1 IS a AT i - a a L 1 TjS r a Abor train sop at Ea'. Portland Oregon Cit. Woodbarn. SaWoi. Tarwer SiaroB. Jefferson, ASbAay. Albaay Janc tioo. Tanirent. Shedd. Hlsey Eagene Cresweit, Cottage Grove. Drain, and ail atatiocs from Rcaebargswih t aad in- . aamnaBSaaaaaaasar: auasstaa BAaaaiu i-m i A' x-wr u ' s tea a tar tMoa It ! B: k s, si sr.: PULLMr Eufrfl SUIPI. ASI Dininr tars oa Ogdsn Rcute SECOND-CUSS SlttriNr CARS Attmta4 all Tanssk Trataa r at MtMm. STTWKKS aaat rsaisisn Sill. tBAI BABTtasnptSaaaar TWaa 1 It a Srt)aaa Cjrratns Arl r LTllatr UOtral Express train dsily (except Sunday) at lban v and Corval'ia onnect with train ot oaiE. Ry. lts raSra Pmlaaa VcMtaaTUi Arl-v t-TJa lar 'Itrousrli Ticltet to afl la taa aw StMs. Caaa aad Sanaii taa lis ntminiil a tiras riai tna C. I rrk,Ansl Alba?. K.KOCEUR KPROGEIS .Wanaisr AaM ti 1 F A ral Cts Pjnla4.0r r aAH. CusicV Block. Albany, Or- FUlinft and exUactint of teeth vit&uo pain a specialty v f T? lt Ta Eeswca To J iVl E, tether! Is it net bet ter to bov vour Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etr at a reliable store where they us oniy ttn Beet material why oi coarse 1 Is you don t want dyspepsia and yon.; never get it by eating anything Irom w tore. U.S. BAKERY Be Ellsworth and Lvoa 2nd St. C. D. Vax'dtsb. Proprietor. FOR REST. A five roomed bouse cere, rrally located. Inquire at Viereck a Ice Cream Garde. "TOUND.-Aa umbrella, witn a tnooo r trrain of B. H. in tbiee vertical hoes, is at the Dkxockat owner. office awaiting the HO'JSK MOVING. Carefully. prompMy Iv.atthe. lowest price- Call on or addresa O V Taylor, 4th and Madison Albany. " FOR WENT. A five room cottage i ls. -rd. pood well. ttc. ad for 5 rr month. See G. W Harris or leave word at this office TsINDER FOR SALE. A bucaeye fj binder, n ne five years. Oood ror several years tervic. Call ana see machine on Locke farm, one awta of Corvallia. CCKaaToa. TAKEN CP-One brown mare taken up at" Miller & Turner barn, with saddle ana bridle on, branded with C B on left shoulder and T on left thigh. Bbout 8 years old.