The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 24, 1896, Image 1

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ALBANY (MM. ON, 1'1MDA. JULY 24. iwpc.
T IimiC Paiuaelairrertetr
SO 51
l b il (nil
U r 1 Ir H III
JJ Katerea a-.S tag TobH a Or. eaadCla Mali Maiieti
m m w k ' r w l r 1
ai U U -
ultra rMaWAT
viZ-Ti'ivXiv J! 1 I1 i ,ns,ae "cd two ounce bag I
The IndestructibFe Maywood
Past Hod era.
Host Retlsbis.
Hart Darable
Wbtel on Earth. pwoUDLE Y WITH COUPOt.
I May J. it
TTm "VtwJ" i. u. . . ...
wads and ritters. Made ilaler 'ttfij 2TTri'd "I ?" ' ct
m "yenapmandpnt thaVfcw r.' "rJ " ,a-'l!c su "-'-"
JrlU hold together even in aBiTrlo hlilV. ",ach 'f c-s.ruc t.c:. that Its , an
that cannot be broken; m 8ii SSi' "u.rD2i luc"il1 " coutc.-t; a irama
-rolled steel rods (toapheat and anecsfnieai f, IV; a-SU Vt""- . : IJ
altuninam bronze fitting in soch iWDnTH, L i Srl ,c., av: .'a J ioef t-r with.
-In bicycle mechanism known, tohnil-i al.. -ii t"-rfsi' cno! iujM:nitr
: that frameacontinnaltTl teeak ifSrfiiffJSy- -k?"
tocannot be repaired. WUEat.i5riSchir2 Vs '"-- --t- f. i.nck,
tan & WrUrht Qoiek Bepair oVsom otr fi t, - A-ht:i " 1 --l pt it.-r-
Bet analitT tool tZi . 'ec:-ti iea-i ui'i s i rs nu
: hardened -entelKSSS;! .1 ' KI b
oy pacnci: no cotter Din a. KP4rn
.rtrAr-,","e,comP! tu
" aaouiea. eic 27 to
A written binding wV- T-T. "
aWf j f uicTC!
awity paaa. Addreae all order to
ma Wat Vaa Barea Street. B at o. CMJCaCO. i
Dealer in
Extras and Attachments,
Mowei and Harvester Sections,
Hollingsworth Tiger rake teeth
Harrow teeth.
lExclusive agents for Osborneand Deering'extras.
Albany, Or.
Full English On?
p. mi x
imm mmmv urn
.f , JOMiifT Proprietor
! . : '
r y-.-w. rb-A. -TkXh'1
!" JSv. 7
i in I J-- 1 w131"- i
i-xJ'3Xx -X--AIJ tlnanclrtl standtna. j.'0tutra venwnat.atinnti Rn.
Ju.f. IMkLUl. MMI. IM.. turn. Bnldb.yai wL ntit. Itjt Mlfkluli ,
-.C Fur sale n D&nj.Orec..bir j. A. tliMilLNljit.aiia tijUODWEAAJic aI, vii.i:-
s. taaat gmm - M it m T ' r i t- t- rt a I riDriTiTfAiTnT
AlV"7S5Pr fll ' I Ihmh.n. DKPARTSIIiSTNO.2,
f ,"S v?ttv' I it ndt,roeuP0' Inside each I
PVprj I. - i IburouneebagofBlackweirs I
'r'ir 1 Durham. Buy a bag of this I
-"rt'D' v ' "" , ' , celebrated tobacco and read I
J ' J the coupon which lv- - I
Sv - l"7Ts7 llstofvalu,'hIe Present, and I
Ajw Y -5sL I kowtoget u,em- I
Jan. 91. lfitu
I - . 1 8:: 7
Orhi-r IVniiine
ot..! t c v-zf-:T vi?:-';. iu 'v ,;-
in:id - .
ll-r- n t:t.t
--j . tea
- -mi
is a -r
... Cicvcle...
i 'I'll r4-?-i- .
A 3tf ww "a
kinds of fumi a
bedding-, and it
i 1
want tne most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest,
-.-T- - 'I'CjLLaw ta
Li'i, Tola Fmiaons jemedrenmsmtotiy: a
3.nrypos awae. Wwt Hvmurj. L.J,7
Xil Ueadacba. Wako'utiieiis. i-a i iTT.iwJ,-
manemly an
hruio fower,
NlKluly KtDla-
ciwd br
""'. "u potency ana waMinit tiise.'w
blood bfltKlpr. MakestheimleandpanriHK
csrrIM in TMt pocket, tsi pwrtioii torVSiZ '
Sand plaiup.
r HTOiwiorm muvnrwKlts.. a.
noclals and
A niaa entered the depot this forenoon
in a nervous and suspicious manner.and
asketi Mr. George Vandran, for some Kx
aminere, it didn't make any difference
how old. Just as they were handed him
he looked at a poster with the picture of
and offer of tewaid for the arrest of Dun
ham, the notorious California murderer
wlm killi hit ruvtnlA Via twl miai1..
disturbed and left the building and down
me tract at a very rapid rate. Though
Btnnnth faiwl il nn ,
- - w . sbh v la 1 u ail
the appearance of Dunham. The same
Fred Dawson.
He was arrested by acting Marshal
Reeee about 11 mi niain.i Tn ti.
aboose. The Demik rat is confident from
the many pictures and descriptions of
Dunham that this hian ia nnl Diinnim
at all. It is undoubtedly a case of mis
taken identity, as is alwava
where there t a big reward up for the
arrest of a murderer.
An erunlovA in V t-nr- )r-..s-.-..
knew Dunham ib California, eavs he
thinks this man is not Dunham, though
he has some of his peculiarities.
The man was turned loose this after
noon, and left rejoicing.
D. P. Masnn ami kmlln i. . ...
shore. v
3 W. VT. Itowell is at tliA
Spring Jor a few weeks.
T...I 1 . r ...
tfuumana .11 rn. hnpn 1 ..
. ' - u . 4. UMIV XU'IC
Miss Luew Oard nf Alhn- .
... , , 0 jeuV
oi ner cousut, Mim Zadis Falmer. of
tuis city. i-Latet man.
Miss Mabel fVnr of r.i:
forma, is in the ntv n i
the guest of Mm. liouck.
Mr. J. H. Clam. nf P,v-.t i .
, - 1 w imuu. IS lu
the ci t on a Tis.t mh at
K - wiioiiib JUIB,
Joe Ralston left thU r ... i -
,. w wvmuiu luf .If
lington where he wil sjjend the summer
with his brother Lmnr
near that city.
Mrs. Dr. McAUialir;ili-.l.
i ... i. usuKrrvu?
it HI at the family residence in this city.
r. b. R. Jessup, of Salem amted here
i uiuui as consmiincv nhMi.i.H . . i
case. tugene Uuard.
W. II. Mansrtelil. fnmniiii : . t. r
. r . m mr a. i,
office, we, to I'ortland this mornu.r to
.... . w wu, mid rciiuea in Mn h ra.
Cisco, and who is temporarily in fort
uuia ior a lew 'lays The Dalles T. M
tx. ivrank PrL- i:. t
ir.n. --iTrcT:. "" tue
alia niua NiiHrnati . i. . .
. , . o iu lll3 io
.raryeriau.S marshal for
his district and a gold democrat, lv-
.tuwiy oe uaruiy itnowa where he ia at.
A pleasant reception was tendered
Ker. Chas F. Hishart, last evening, by
. y. ,i. newart. it was a
lawn affair and was .
good program was presented during the
- uciiciuus lunca served.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens left this morning
for lWttan.l Hi.. ... J- .
-ncuuing me it-
pTO iionor grana lodge in that tr
sue will vunt Albany and Yaquina Bar
anc wia be absent from the city about
tiv tue i.aitea 1 . 3,1.
Thia morninir at 9 -XI i
. - - v.i. w.urmi
one of the most imposing wedding cere.
was the .onion nf Mica aJ- ti
and Mr. Carey F. Martin, and was at.
wnaeaby several hundred of Salem's
-r r. nuijcuura. xnecourch
was beauutuHr decorated for the event
by the Udies of the eocietv. The hail
and vestibule were garnished with sweet
peas, whiks the auditorium was fes
tooned With man.-.,..!. I , . .
-iiMVUi uuipie toy Wllu
clematis, x : .
f MZi,u . "pannea tile
front of the platform, from which was
-ITrt w ",,oree Bl,oe- decorated
With LlMlrnnA I.:. - i -
, , . . . co, mm- times and
garlands of wild vines. The ceremonv
was beantifnll- i v . , '
r!-.lLnd wa.iul hy Salem's Lest
swjcwuim. ouiciai and
emDlores. anH tl. r. ,
, , - . ujcro auu empiores
of the sute nsUtuticr- -alern JournaT
Af .1 l ' .. . -"-Irr7 or ice tail
ot the b.itile, a dyrememberibj French-
F. D. Ijimt'iw.i. '-f fv.11:. 1 .
- , uaa 1-en
cured of consumption by the new cure
aseptolm, and is r?joicing at ban almost
a new niaa.
Mrs. Riaa (iIn Inf.-. k. n
f8-11, t-at the millinery store on BroadaJ
tm street does not belong to ber. and has
notfor sonve, time; but to Donald McLean,
of Canada.
The hct twit., u i.t. .
, una burn a Kwa
mrnyoff to the mountains and seashore,
tw itf nKh wlormed the Democrat
tnat tbe met enry went higher than 10J at
- .iubivi, Jionuay,
Tho -. , ... vt . .
d " r " '"'"K wnuen by sirs, namet
-ner Nowe, onU a few das before ber
death, wis y. lovinsr acknowledgement to
tie pubuc ft fond remtmbranc-Tandtok-1Vforlltnf"i,ea
ens and erm ...
on her foih birtbdiv. which h -.nt t
tuiaiea .Home Journal. In th next
issue of thia vnin,i.. mi t . . 1 .1
in lac simua- It reflects tbe beautiful na e'fted "o'noreas. and by her
oeath has become ker last messaze to the
American public.
Mial Hllcrrut- !. i. I U: il. tr:
, : " icittiiiuit toe IDO
nascnool in Whit
) in ft experience the other day, says the
Garfield Enterprise. Several boy. con-
myircu 10 iriKHian the teacher. After kill
ing a large snake, they coiled it up on tbe
teacher s desr. Going t j her desk for
something, she lav.d her Land on it before
she saw it. With a scream of fright she
ran toward the door, but tell senseless be
fore she reached it, and was unable to re
sume ber duties fro: t the nervous shock.
Postmaster L. Vat 1 Winkle, of Weston,
has been compelled by tbe post office de
partment to put up the 1400 taken from
the Weston postrtnee while Mr. Van
inkle waa in the mountains and Georire
w-ynolds waa acting as bis deputy. Mr.
V an V inkle will endeavor to have tbe case
'Wandered by tbe postoffice department.
. Pos'ers are out for an immense celebra
' on i t Waterloo Saturday and Sundiy.
.-'rank Miller aa aeronaut is to go np in a
Dalloon and give a parachute jump. C.
u. uairympie and j . b. Smith are to
make speeches, there are to be laces of all
kinds. Arnold's merry-iro-round is to 1m
there and the Albany bicye'e club is ad-
verusea 10 oe present.
Fob the Teachers. S ato Superin
tendent of Public Instruction G M. Ir
win lett Salem yesterday for Newport
where be will perfect arrangements for a
teachers' midsummer institute at that
resort on the 18th, 19th, 20ih, 21st and
22d of August. Everything possible will
be done to make it a season of deep in
terest and delight to all who attend. It
is not intended that this shall in any
way take the place of, nor interfere with
the regular annual Bession but it is to be
an extra summer-day program 0 study
and clam-chasing. Ex.
Wlwn I was thirteen years old I began to bay.
aim eyas aad Mrs. and from mv eara knm-
spread. I doctored with live different skilful
doctor, bat tbey ,
was Eczema. By
did me no good.
My dleeaas
' i TT'!",v warn ail oyer
my bead, taos. and body. Nobody thought I
would live, and would not bays bat for Cutiocba
Siiianni mm S k. . . .
Bra cake, of CDTIct7a 8oap, and three bottles
of OtmcoBA Basm.yiT. My hair ail cam ont
at that time, bat now it is so thick I ean hardly
aomb ft- I am edxteen vmm nLS .l.k i
pounds, and am parfectly well,
vtcusA hour, ntle esplieetlaae ol Curious taint.
--. mm, hiki wmm m v,aziuvaa a asouaat,.
le.i It
Trim. CrrrmpE,
uvmv a. sne.i
PoTtsa Dsua
u,r. aac.t kiulii . Mm. .j.
SD gasM. Cor Bole Ptom., Boeloa.
ua St.
m r "imaiiw arsry sua.
ii. u. iiKwrrr, jonac
D B Monteith agt E A Parker, city
treasurer et at, injunction suit. Contin
ued. Eliiaeth Kickerson agt Hugh Xicker
son et al, partition. Demurer and con
tinued. Annin CI fimnn.. n ii i . i
. - i ! i vnrn ttt HI
foreclosure mtire. Continued for ser-
Clara U Kilo- not r'l.r;u;an v r-.i
e" x j.iivv,
divorce. Cause dismissed for want "of
If It MncAr ki f..if f v:..i. .4 -i
conurmaUon. Confirmed.
J lv Weatliorfrl rt i ti...i.
- . ; - Hulu, .kk v v iur
nan et al ccnbrmatiou. Confirmed.
M Ma lv act .Ian M;ilur t
ation. Confirmed. '
First National Bank of Albanv agt O
vau,.uuuruiaiion. tjonnrtueu.
Mahaley Jane Chmdlera t Marnuia
f1 V. . n . 1 1 . . 1 : fT' - . . ..
v, unuree. irieu ana suomitted
tweree. rendered dismissinir the com
Mitchell, LewisA Slaver Co. ant G W
Kopers et al, forecloKure of nttte, On
Eagle Woolen Mill Co. agt Linn coun
y et ai. lniunci.101 was maiiK nrnt
ual atrainat Mnlin.-). ... i i.-
solved aa to Linn county, money in hands
"if P.apIf .,: i . i
v .aw in I'BIII fill I H w -H lllnA f y
piaintin, Multnomah countv to psy costs
Amanda Long agt G W Rogers, fote-
me vAuuuueu.
Assignment of C E Rxkwell. Con
Milton Hale apt Win Hunter. Present
siiemi ordered to make deed.
S E Voung agt tieo W Luper et al
irs rut, siierm rriiorm.j m . i- .1.1
. . . - - w uv ' i 4 U
uouert traford.
L HlMPlovs nv HuLhM .11 : :.
the lH(t qttintruple head of a lorn- artirl.
in Tuesday Examiner: "Champion
ie Aioany volts win the
title in three preat names. Anon a lads
stand before them for only one inning at
v t.u. 1. u wie victor tt
same. Tlin nnr1l,.m .i.i. .
. . -r in J ' CWtfl"
eji by a strong leini and will make anv
club work." Besides full account f the
three games played the Examiner savs:
Champions of On-gon! The Albany
C-olts took the title yeslerdar in an easv
irame at Portland. One inning was
enough for the Astorias. for the Salmon
Cttv men ar luill r.) . t. . .
last enough for the Colu. The Albanv
juen are not only phenomenal platers,
b have undoubtedly ihe bett amaicur
pttciier in the north! i.vU v...
several years Fleming has had a sute j
uuiuua. u year be appearetj at
ioruan-nd the local Athletic flub
nine could unt lAh .im if.
day s gaoiethere was a protest, but the
" " uut. . 1 I . 1 1 1 1 .
team rests tits claim on
affidavits It tat'M mnn.v ... I
evn ly' club, and our business men
"""" r "ie cnio t-vougn t lie eon !.
Tber stanil a rwl .- ,.... i: . .1 .
coast championship, and I Uu? need sup-
i""' ' v ecj tilings BJOVJC5,
AstlltwU'iy T) ..
Oregon has a ureal evstem in rvf. r-..
to diischanretl convicts. It cui ihem
otit upon the world with a fj suit of
dothew and not a mnt rJ n.nn . :.t. .. .
- - ... v. 1 j , ,,M M
opportunity to get to his furnnr
"T aruni? out as a tramp, which
he has to do. That is reform with a
vengeance, and any sute ought to be
ashamed of such a system. Yesterday a
man from Jacks ,n countv, diarharyed
from the av!uni. was in th'ecitv. having
been helned aa far 1 !in- . .i.. J7
,. 4 j w , cstrui
editor. He was assisted to his former
home in JlrtvinnlU ,1.1. 1 ...11
live a better life. His crime had bean
Alfalfa the Fax Last
the Walla Valla uimian "a man 'call
on Judge C. C. Maiden, in Uie Valle
Chapel neia-hborhood, and rtsiuested him
to nerform th m
r - nisii irirmooT lor
himself and fiancee on the next Sunday
i .. y wng man said he had no money,
but could pay the fee in hav. Judge
Maiden told him to come on with hi.
brtd and his hay. .i,re enough, last
Sunday here came the hanpT couple rid-
iiipio triumpu out bit load of alfala.
Ihe ceremonv was quickly i-rformed.lhe
bay unloaded in the judge s mow, and
then the bri.le an.l ...-.
-i u-wiu. m-ir laces
glow with mx, seated them ilves on the
.-. a.a auu arore on.
itcncij I COPT OX
in the A bany-Monogram gam on
"r,f w" wasoeci-ied that Qler
ti. riemine. mtcher nf tl. lit.... r.i..
. . 4HU V JUU1.
waa over 18 years of age. giving e.i
dence in tbe form of an aflidavit of h;.
ur,er.,n l ortland, aad tbe application
J ? to join the hospital corp. in
hi birt' Itiven as
I March 2. i7.1 Ti. . "
k.i..- : s i .
Uf. t .7 - l- - "V aougn,was
left to the Examiner for final decision
and onighf. mail will take the prfi
ot rlemmg being under ih
O.C.4E Itkii t . c.
, . w .-.Mji, re-
ceived a wire yesterday ironi President
lirTir 1 ! me u. U & Em stating
that he would arrive in Portland today
Mr. Hammond has been abtetu in New
York on business wnilnln.. . 1..- -,
1 - r w nia rail
road Pnffrntwi tr w . 1 1 1 : 1. . 1 . .
Corvallia in a few mn
.manager atone returned T imUt from
an inspectini; tour of the O. (!. A v ti
vu.jniijr ua i ju men employed a.t
present in completing the system of re
pairs to Bridges and track lnacuratod a
vear avo. and hv iw.. 1.
it is expected to have all the bridges re
built and the entfre line re-tied The-
COmiltn.'n mnnthl- m. .11 - 1
, u ouw aer
aues between 10,000 aud 12,000. Ga-
BlCVCI.H va IIaiii r. t-
Piper, manager tf the Mearns bicycle
team, and Air t.'. I- c- . ,
. . , - ...... .... i iirr, uiner oi
the famous pacing stallion Oheualis, met
Si, evn,nK "n,f rrangwl a wager of
f-XK) a side for a race between John F.
btaver, of the Stearns bicycle team, and
, i .'AMler " W0D',er,u' Pcr. The sum
m. t?0?,ea5h?,J, WM depos'toii with
oJ. R C' mP"111 to bind tho I, and
250 more will posted by each side on the
" ,"", rce, wiuoii u set for Sat
urday, July 25, and will be held at Iry
ing Park. Oregoniao.
Was a Fake An a n.. . ., .
.... iiuiiiit man tins
week paid a stranger 10 for asure cure
for deafness. It consit ted of two bottles.
""k-i1 Uke,n ,nte""l'y d the othe
.uumuuimmoearj. Upon Investi
gation the liquid to be taken internally
was found to ha witi.. ..i .i
mere coloring matter. The fake had not
.en town, anu was made to give iid 1
of the amount. Ho had sm.nt n.1 r-,
cents. r ' "
A Cow Comhlai.vt. Complaint Is made
to the poundmaster that boys driving
cows to pasture permit them to go into
yards, eating shrubbery, etc. This must
be stopped or the cows will be taken care
of by the poundmaster.
"A bona fide offer of 1400,000, inclmlino
a 100.000 deposit in tbe local' bank Wm
made to the owners of ,he Bonanza mine"
ner Baker City.
Colfax has a sensationil suit in which
A.H. Gray demands 35.0O0 damages
froraJ. H. Ferkinsfor the alitnation o
the affections of Giay s wife.
The eamer Hoag was pulled off the Dar
last night. She pawed down on ber regu
lar trip this a. m. Tbe O.C &;E boat
hereafter will inuko rosn -:.." j
.. , , uijn on aa
vertiseo days,
It conts 70 a month to keep Fiester
Jcsephiiie county wife murderer.
0. R. Sylvester and family and Mrs j.
II) n an went to Yaquina Bay today.
VI lie
to liny.
Special prices on 'whips fr
n.'xt sixty days.
llenl Estate Sales.
H Bryant to E W Tryon, 11 6, B'
J H Wigle to J C and MaVy Enge'r,
W-V t!
XewtOrabtree to Phoebe Turner,
? m ... 1
L W Pomeroy te u AGri'tri'nVs..:ij
acres, is i
. W W A . . ,
Newt Crabtree to G A GriiYin. 13
acre, 10 w 1
W W Howe, in ll-an. Vv.'.ii'u
iNT.eo ai-i. i-i v i '
J 11 Simrtfon t. Van..,, a ci.
33.36. ai-rM l i '
Hannah 51 Newland 10 Win Pris
ton. 400 acrva It
J C DuUon to Mar T 1 W,...'
8 lots, li'a ad l!mi n..;iu '
Jerlle Stringer to Mary Stringer.
100 acres, II w 1
Lewis Mringrr to Jerile Stringer,
' of Itk) acrm II w I
Jerile Strinmr to Leaia St i in.r
W of ltk) acrva 1 1 w I
T L Golden to lielie tener, piece
land ou antiaiu
A E Kirer to.M K in un57 Acres'.
t 1 and2
J R Cave to J if tin. 4rt aVV
Jl w 1 '
R A liatnt.v to Ehl I'DmeyV "
lot. Fuller trarf
H Bryant to Albert Browneil, I lot
Edgar L Power to M A 'pVink'ard
3 lots. N Brownsville
A I) McQueen to Carrie A Rolf, 1
Sot. Sweet Home
J II Fleeoer to R A PetiDerlin
ISO ai rt-s 10 K I
Edward Kellenberger to John Kel-
lenoerger, l-.'J srrrs
Lizzie Lee to H J Ergland, $.ZS
acres, Scio.
W il Morrison to Lixxie Lee, 8.23
acre., Scio
Fred Bluruberg to Chan D Bates,
13 acres near Alltaoy
A J McFeron to J C Iotvn, 1 lot,
Amelia . ,
H F Mcllwain et al. to W if' R.v-
n.ond. lots T and 8, bl MS H's
ad. Albany
EL Thorn pMri to IU and DP
Mason, 13'j.x-j feet, Id i.
11 M Be-lf, receiver, to F VV Bluui
Ben;. 12 acres. a,li 'I.n
Joa Harrison to Robert Harrison,
Emily I lasher loC P Hassler,
46 acres II K I
s o
J S Anns to Fred Mxttke, 7 acre..
Jacob Kee to Kmma Keea. :13-3
acres 12 w 1 . . .
France Holman to G A Tayior.ptrt
oi ii .i ii t ;oi ai
W M King to J A McDowell, 2 lots
A C King to J A and A A McDow
ell. 1 acre Hollv .
E Sylves'er to Marv Sy!ve:er. SI
acres 11 w I
M M Ba'hor to Hannah Xewland
1.1 acres SodsviUe
CapL Hank Smith, of the Lawler
mines, is down for a few davs.
Hen. M. A. Miller is extorted homo
from ihe Chicago convention tomorrow.
Mr. Julius Joevtih is in P. j-t!.n,I .a -
delagale to the grand lodge A. O. V. W.
Mr. Earl Race is president of the
Workingman's Republican Club of Sa
lem. Mr. G.W. Wright and family left for
Lower Swda this morning for a" summer
Mr.Cbaa. PfeiSTer received a dispatch
today announcing the dangerou iiln of
hi. mother at Council Bluffsand expects
to leave tomorrow for that place-
Mr. F. L. fiotchxie. the New York
banker interested in the Santiam mint-,
left for hotre today, greatly pleased with
Ihe outlook and his visit f. the W illam-
ette valley.
Mr. Bert Van Cleve was in the citv to
la with tbe 1st mimrnl taind and or
chestra, eight pieces, which will furnish
music ior 'ewpcrt rewortem this year.
Mr. Van Clptit It tn lw. iVo' I l
music yet furnished the Bay.
IH-tmtv Proeecutint' Attorne O. P.
Coshow, will retire from the law firm of
Irvine & Coshow. on Atiirusl 1st. and will
ettabibh an ollice of his own. He will
employ a stenographer for his own use
and the convenience of others desiring
such service. McMinnville T. R.
Amos Kln-inLr anil V Hnfor. of The
Journal, left todav for St Louis, as del
egates to the national bi-metaliic con
vention held there July 22. They joined
the rest of the delegates fruni Oregon at
Portland and will jcin the Utah and Cal
ifornia delegates in a body at Salt Lake
City. Salem Journal.
Mrs. 0. W. Rodgers wa a passenger
oa the flyer last night, she goes to ban
Fraucisco to visit her daoghter Mrs. Oc
tavia Savage and get a lew weeka of
much needed rest. Mrs. Rodgers was
accouiwitnied by her daughter, Miss
Lottie Elder, who thinks of accepting a
position in a wholesale tnilliniry store
as an anon? tit ice. Miss Lottie will prob
ably make San Francisco her future
home and her uianv friends were sorry
to see her leave and will join in wishing
her Hiiccew.
H. V. Ross lias booebt tte Cottage
Grove Leader.
Thpre are l'-'.'l bovs in the reform arhnnl
247 on the roll.
Tbe rial of Arthur Townsend, of Salem,
on the charge of teduc'ion under promise
of marriage, made by Miss Maud Wagnon,
was completed yesterday. The defendant
was discharged.
The Yountr Peonies Union of Iha Rnnfiat
church will give a scecial program neit
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Tbi pro
gram win treat oi toe won or me (.hicago
iruinin ahfwl A rilhw.tin ;il l.A
: . . . - - .III fcl
taken to help pay the expanses of one of
ii : . i. .. i . .1 i
tueir meuiuera iu ma, bcuuui .
c n Wo. ia Kinr nfiu r;ni v.n
al bank of Pendleton, says, after a personal
inspection of 75 wheat fields in Umatilla
county, and upon careful inquiry, that the
damage to tbe wheat crop in Um.ttilia
county, done by hot weather, has been on
ine average, ou per cent.
The Asiorian devotes a column to the
Portland ball games. Among other things
it says: .The Astoria boys are firmly con
vinced that nearly ail the men in the Al
bany anil Pnrtldnfi taama ara nvu, un.
of course have no positive proof. The Ex
aminers looked like infants by the side of
tbe large players in tbe other nines, Flem
ing, the Albany pitcher, is under protest.
I'Ka man ma i I u lrlr av Ol .,il,.l.n.
-- vwws.v v v a. 1 1 auu pilA tlta
glYRt ball; but he wn trat9cl JiHraoefulIy
uurinif ttjegarutM witb tbe Astorians am!
ed, but conducted himself wonderfully.
Long ways from New ton City.
Long rainy days in Ongon.
Long time no see sun shine.
Long years in the photograph businees,
i u-jhs ie iiud tvnMiug anisii in A.oan y,
.Have your photos mada by Long Phot
Cov 2nd and Ferry SU.
A Portland Wedding.
Portland. Or.. Julv 16. !.
At the Calvery Baptist parsonage.
and Last Grant, Rev. J O. Borroughs
unued m marriage Mr. Edward D. Wil
.lams and Miss I'.trrie L. Williams of
tins city. Alter receiving congratu a
tiitia frrim friutul. w.auan 1 1. I .
. . . .....w (IW VIIO ' ' I ' y
couple were driven tc their futurs home,
V)7j Williams avenue, fallowed by the
best wishea of their many friends.
ine unue is a cuarming young lady of
18 summers, heine- th sweinl lin.,i.t..
of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Williams, of this
city, while the groom is a young man of
t wen sou lavorauiy Known in A I Lima,
having for tbe past two years been an
einpioye of the City & Suburban Ry. Co.,
during which flfnA li a L n.n .1.. .
f. ......... ,u.w . iibo 1. 1 u ' .3 uiBIiy
warm friends among his fellow employes
-uu win wwii aim ana nis toung iinue
a long and happy life. His "former home
was near Albany, where he is known aa
. i. A i.. ......
in- ouiy son oi itev. Biias Williams, a
weii-anown citizen ol 1-inn county
At Yaquina Bay.
Mrs. Flinn and danirlrftT if nth nf 11
bany, came over Tuesday evening and
are occupying their cottage near Nye
Liruua. .tews.
anmirhpira i iha iinmiv..ii.
nee for yirw tireaiil.nt i m iVtiirf I. n
of Geo Sylvester, of Xewnort. And an
Lincoln counlv marches on to fame
A Mr. Iln'rhLUa v V'n.v ,:n:
. ' ' 1 .VIA UJMMUU"
aire, spent Saturday and Sunday on Va-
nllina Pun ,1.. . : .
iw.uin ujj tun uipuriuniiiea
fjr promi. ing investmects. lie has been
interested by Mr. Hammond in this
country. Mr. Hotchkiss la also intei
ested in tbe new lumbering mills that
are going np in the Cascades. Ttieeen
tleman only represent, one of a class of
investor that nnr li.rtm. - :.
. - ------ w. .'uivii mttkjiio
w rure tu uring uv
The Lealer makes the predict! c r that
before the calendar bears date o fjan
uary 1, 197, that the O. C. A E. will
nave extended it. track to Newport. The
ex'ension will be one of the buainee
neceamie. which Mr. Hammond will
meet, finding it cheaper and a better in
ves.ment to build to Newport than to
w m. il. ll-wg lor property right. at
'l'jiu. ivcacjer.
A Fatal ScalJ.
Un lut u hlnM,ljr li. r
Harvey Sbelton, of f'our mile, above the
uruaa eiore cn i n-Aiias creek, was car
rying a pan ol tcaiding water from not
room to another for scouring purposes.
-r lui.e loor-year ou daugbter run
aint and overturned the to the coo-
tent, of which was spilled all over the
cniiu. A. might be so d nosed she
friifhtlalir aril, 11 !)
---e " mt9M W2f-(W
thing was done that the skill of the ex-
i r ence oouu aiisit to aiinvt- h
u!!ering. The suLering of the little one
uuotu vj ueaio. ocio t ree.
Rmia V if.ivrv. A . u 't : ..
. ... ...... ...... vuici
Dugioeer w dram Mahrr, of the steamer
i.oiu, su arreatea yesterday, cliarl
.iu ui.iuw mure steam on Ills Ij. At
than the law allows. He is the tim of
OUArtet Of nirinMta m f w m.1 . I.
. - - - . . . . . . . .iivtu
coasplaint. were made several weeks
v.- . 1 1 . i . . . . . . r
i"? in. wo. wno resf iea atone ol me
isndiugs above Oregon Citv. Mention
a. tUaila of the tocir .iir.l.i in ll,Ma rvil
ami. at tbe time, but as none of thm
engineers named seemed to take the
master seriously, it was thought that
nolhine wnnLI I .froi- In i . H. . . .
-V!r- Ms her i. one ot the most careful and
M.i--nown engineer on the river, and
.-( i u;y utn eniruteu witu the
Imst steamers nf thai il P Jr V
llie lacl that hi. employers have perfect
Confidence in Lis ahliilr ia nmlulJ. m
of the re-eons why he is so conndest of
acquittal, oone seen.s to know who
Mr- llulon is. but it is renorted that h
tbe man who m l.i!
trouble lr steamboat owner a few years
I'V H . E r . mirnJimli imimi n . .
crowding buala. Unrgoniau.
Til AT ( ALirBVI4 Vmrrnni An th
night of May 2th Ian near Camrl-I.
!SQta rtsrs ivuinl r t J T . n.o f I
ham brutally munlered Mrs. R. P. Mc
Ghncy, Mrs. Hattie B. Duoham. Miss
Minnie S-hessler, Col. R. P. McGUnrv,
jam. K. eils and Kobert A linX). lie
is a bicyclist, is about 32 vear. of a 5
feet, 11,',' inches high, we'ighs 15 or 170 "w't act' ' the grand jury cn the
pounds, has sharp feature, dark hair and ct'ir8 murder. Independence Enter
moosucbe. and blue eye. Gov. Budd, P"
of California, offered a reward 01 11 ftsl
Ior fllS ftrmt ami mnvitmn mnA
iens of Santa Clara county raise! an ad
asuonai (lu.uuu l his capture, dead or
a live, iianham bas been seen in tnanv
;.laoes.and in view of the arrest of a man
n Albany veslerdav for him we etvw Uie
a w,e,
1, ATXRLOO I'lrxic. .vatnn'ar ami Sun
dav. July 18 snd 19, a big picnic will be
nem at aterioo. An immenrse crowd
is looked for. Prof. Frank Miller will
give a balloon ascension. The IW. ia
already there. Prof. Arnold's merry-go
round mill i nn un. r .... v -
eight mile ladies walking race for a cash
! . .. , . .
iwize 01 io. 1 nine !.t race, iree Ior all,
lor trood nrizet K.' mite rare fnr hnya. tnor
of war. t.tfht rone walking haae hail
wheel borrow, sack, egg and 0! her races,
U'sides shaking by J. S. Smith and C.
II. DalrvmDle.
A Morvritv PiieA
. ... .... . . .. - L . .1 .
mountain fire bas betn in progress in
this county, opposite Gteen Basin. It
has burned about four miles and per
haps . mile wide. N T. Mrmrw inn the.
family of S N. Meele, who were camp
ing there were obliged to leave, it had
lv(Main af ato ( fV-Tl Ssa I at .-. ws 1 l.aia aw-A--a.
"-y.- rv e UIVWI MWUUI4 WltlS .V,MI7a
Last night they took a hand car and rode
to the nearest station and came to Al
bany this noon.
A aeitri t. ui ivn nf t l.a U. n..
... - . t V . kVUUUI
was held last nirrht ihn ...
oi improving the ditches on Ferry. Broad-
aiuin anu L.yon streets, ine commitiee
reported that the nait nf fnrniahina an.l
lading the pipe, to be done bv the
,, ater company, win tie ajjy, niling
and paying lor dirt (434, or by using dirt
from streets as improved $239.40. The
proposition of the company was ordered
accepted and a contract prepared to be
presented at the next regular meeting of
the council.
Al.ilAW Wo. Th Alhanv itinU .IM
up the Salem juniors yesterday after
noon on the Goltra Park grounds 21 to
13 in a lively contested came. Gal.
hraith'a lint, mrvna on,l innnAri n
... - - - . . i.t. n.i'pvi . .rii!
too much for the Cp tal City boys. This
"iwi out oi tiiree games won by
the Albany boys.
Til P,A PAA-II t ,. ,. TI... I. .
-- " ... ... 1.. I 1 1 V 1 1 1 1' I wiiu
have been running the Hod Crown Mills
so successfully and satisfactorily the past
year, haw re-leased it again for the com
ing year and are ready to receive wheat
at the highest market price. Red down
Hour will continue to be made the pop
ular ursuu oi tue vaiiey.
When your atonu begini ta tru'jl
you it needs help. Tbe help it needs, is to
digest vour food, and, until it gets it, you
won't have any peace. Stomach trouble
is very distressing, very obstinate, very
dangerous. Many of the most dangerous
diseases begin with simple indigestion.
The reason is that indigestion (not-diges-tion,
not-nourishment) weakens tbe sys
tem and allows disease germs to attack it
The antidote is Shaker L'igestive Cordial,
strengthening, nourishing, curative, it
cures indigestion and renews strength and
health. It does this by trenglhening the
stomach, by helping it to digest your food.
) I nitl 1 11 UhAk TJ11 Kit A IliAaariiiA fAa-
w a w-bwb j vast viunaui A-' A aj V VA VJ
dial is made of pure herbs.plants and wine,
is perfectly harmless and will certainly
curs all genuine stomach trouble. Sold hv
druggists, price 10 cents to $1 00 per
For Prescriptions Dm wnona
For Pills and Plasters Do wson
Highest of all b Leavening
Whif nillt run..l. a. or. .1 11.
Ladies Bdziar.
Special sale nf el antral a i:
center nturM . w! i.,n.. ii . : i . . .
, ,j r"-" us. in an tue
httett designs for the next en days at the
l-flLsilaVat Uua-i J
Conn ft Huston for snwiM.
Campaign buttons 10c at French's.
Ioscream 5 and I0ca dih at Yi.v.
summer gt ieo.
Freh vei tal.Le r.r .11 i,.,i. .
Huston.. wua
There will ! n.i v.i -...! 1. .1
wheat this year.
r . - " " airi. uo aers, at
jr'.iy store.
- .
ine bet irrrjnna at r.rt i.
. . .. - . .. " I'-.H.- MJ euii ul.
umes at uonn tt Uustons
special sale on Uble iinsa at St. Luis
naaei oiot ior ten dajs.
Udies, Ihe St. Luis Raket will
you oast on Table Ltn
Ihe St. Luis Rak Kin ;. a .u
.. 1 . ...... . " meir
ru, i'sj per cent in Jane
1 L. .
oe ur-oppomt Uate ha. spent iU
luroc anu is graauaily going oat
.u-. . ... . . . "'uon at
. . u i. 1 . ronr rnmnrmt -. . . r .
-"g row m i., for short time only
II ... ... J
. . - iw cream
uu summrr garden or ihe sea on
3-IB6 ban 'some oirtoday getns at W ill
at oaraa. cnean. Uiu r .t. :-
.1 w-uiaj IB
,uc year.
for toe next tinHe A 11,. it: ,,
-, ... . . m iui j.e uaii
eeii uieir entire stvx-jr r.t m.;i...
. . .
nave toe Halt r lls-uwi.- . .
, - . 01 uiog
at lb-sea or raounUins. Only 25 cents
Ur. K A. koriM I r i ,
, . iviiiin 1 tyutoa
pr.TMciaa. has hmoK 9 l
lands puitamenu
If fOQ want a fine hair cot call ou Luey
, an Nortwick at thm TV .1
. Wl. UN 11 NiUV
Annuir. U Ii.... IJ ... '
Call at Haigbt Bros, opposite the Desi
a a T o&oe fur your bam. bacon or Lard
for your camriait expedition. They Lave
a ue- uppy.
rt- t
. . t w. iriu.i 1UT
.-a imo su omce. an arrang-meot ma-ie
oy fcira. adding to the comiurt of hta isa-
t l4-lt Iri-jt Imm J "
The Alltusv rrirw, r
- -a-a- m mull 1 1 Wilt
the nortii at 5 o'clock and tbe Uywy went
down at that hour. IV, ... . .
. . . c It I flit
atist two (ret above low water tbe boat
re thatiog a brave Sjfbt for navifaiion
Albany W'ooSea Mill, now Lave
their own electric hgtat pUnL Ti com
pany has pot in a dynata j and hereaf--er
wni uuuiatactare its own Uiumtnator.
The residence of Uin V" , r
Ucd. was entirely consumed by c're yetr.
.lav IL: . 1 -.
i.u,Krui(,n.j x: the time
-rre on ineir way Cp the Sanaam on
Uackberoicg trip.
KoiMcn A Sh.w - r-i-ri . o-at.i.
I itts engine thioreiK.n. whee its weight
bivk. the crtw.ttg at Baker and First and
toe ironi went down serrr feet.
11 toc-k a b:g cr-jwj to get it out.
Mr. Manlv Cook h iJ I m. vu t
Monitor to J. teann I -lh- .kA .1. k. .
tuuie it J11.-T anj tusiivs maoAgf r Mr.
I'oo k is making arrangements to move to
Lebanon to entrap in frmir.- hr,.n
cent!) come in pcecesaion of dL'O acres of
land near that tlice. Ex.
Dr. T J. La inwl a kH-rj. 11.
. . . . - ' " " IIVUI UUB
V Olton. of Prlnrilli fnJ..
th particuiar of tbe murder of le C
we.ricgn bv lo-hn ii r.mrJI .t v.l
fomtreek. Crook coanty. July' 4. Mr
swerin-en is a brother of Mra. T. J. Lee
Gibson sacs the mnrdr mr. i- j.l 1,1 1
t-amprii ca two held without bonds
Joseph H. Albert retorrel from Oregon
'it v last evemntr. where at th n.mi.A...
he graduated from the regular four years
scientific and literary course. Tb-re were
thirteen ia the class, and the d
were conferred by Dr. Dilley of California.
It is an honor to Salem and to Mr. AJbert,
which ia hi&rh.v anrK.i.r.I TAnH-i
There are ten or fifteen such graduate, ia
Albany, a fact that is hardly known.
Following is the ham halt lilniiin.
su merited by tbe Examiner: Nevada is
down t j one duo, tbe Nevada Stars
t irgtnia citf Urgon is down to
club, Ihe Albany Coiu. Wasnington
lour ciuos yet 10 pl.v h-ti e it will reach
the champions. California has nearly fifty
clubs left on the circuit and the great bulk
of them are scattered among tbe cities and
wy ii i l.c interior.
The presidency of the O. A. C. will be
decided by the board 00 Inly 2. The sec
retary close his call for the meeting with
ttee significant words: That tbe majority
of the special committee appointed to con
sider and recommend a suitable person for
tb. position of president of the college and
director of tbe experimental station having
agreed upon a report and asked for a meet
ing of the board of regents to be called so
as to act upon said report tc-
The otBcera who have manage.! the
Chautauqua assembly at, Oregon City in
so able and successful a manner have
been re-elected as follows: Colonel Rob
ert A Miller, presiueot; Capuin J T
Apperson, vice president; D O Latour
ette, treasurer; Oil Dye, secretary; II
E Cros, ground manager; James S"teel,
Rev Oilman Parker, E E Cbarman,
Charles H. Cautield and George A Hard
ing, directors. All but James Steel are
ol Oregon City.
A Cure Suggested.
EJUar Dtmocrat:
AutAxv. July 18, 1S96.
In your last issue you invited the
readers of tbe Democrat to suggest a
remedy for these newspaper fiends who
make o practice of stealing the news
from h tels and other places. I heartily
endorse Vhe proposition and my first
thought is : Publish their names. I will
be pleased to furnish the names of two
or three, and if that should not prove a
remedy I shall in the future invite these
gentlemen ot degraded self esteem to va
cate their seat at my newspaper table.
Hotsl Kiepxiu
Tits Waterloo Motor. Hon. Thoa.
Kay returned yesterday from a visit to
Lebanon and Waterloo. When asked
about the new motoi line he stated that
ihe right of way between those two places
had nearly all been secured and that con
struction would commence in about ten
days. Mr. Kay is enteusiastic over the
prospects and is satisfied that the money
put into it will be s paying investment if
properly handled, and that in time the
line will reach Salem, connecting with
ieamera plying on the Willamette river.
It will open up a fine territory for the
business houses of this city, and will be
aitite a boom to tha hnai nmu intnrnete nf
Salem Statesman. Where will the ad
vantage to Albany come in, if Salem is to
get all the business.
Miril IVIni iaJ H.,1 i. T7 l.
.- .. - . . ... wuu tun. 1 "J I'UV I 9
Sarsaparilla holds tne abiding confidence
ot tne puoiic Hood's Sarsaparilla is
known by the cures it bas made. It ia the
One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure liver ilb, constipa
tion, jaundice, sick headache, bilto isness.
Dr. Price's .ream ivaKin&r Powder
wwean -waiHeaal JSWXSSew f air, kaa Wsasiaii
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Hon. H
. B. Miller was in tbe city this
A. Fountain, the boot black, recently
in Albany, has located in Eugene,
Judge Whitney and O. T. Porter rtr
.umeu last nigbt irom a tnptoPoitland.
Marshal Lee was upon tbe street. to
nfl. tnw 1. . . : . ..... ... .
j . ...c u,b, niueaiusi an illness) of
wcibi areas.
K.IL(imr anl fam:i T
... - w mvaiuuiuw so r-
LicensA waa Inno.1 tAmm .V
M . . VT. "ar-
..-. ui 1, 1. uentry ana aire. Nettie M.
11:11 11 r . . i-iii, vxaie
utll. niTnR kphIoaIamI p ti:
an4 Ath.M . . . 1 . '
v " wrm w me r .ay louay.
secretary ol SUte Kincaid and fam
llv wan! a a I it .
'lete outfit
r. . - . . j s-rau
including a big speaking
tJ" D.k was down from Albany
1 htlrfluifl V art1 w.l. w4 . L 1
j , Fik.p-i m ujtnujsotzte moD
ument at the grave of L. A, Holt. Jet-
icio-ju review.
r, .
rrot. rranir u... .it - ..
city today 1.;. -.. .' Tj., W
HH m. uiUVT. imm
onmoutb.vbere be baa been attending
We nndersUnd that Mr. W. P. Con a-
...t j uwn ci DOOC
keeper for the Santiam Mining Com
BV KlmM IHmrl - . . . .
Auutr naeoce -.nterpnee
ff -.
a SA -M arT in w-aW I AT-dm .
meseage, went to Albany to see her sick
urau" lire 01 toe week, il isa Edna
ICIUIlini I mm h. mmwnm '
- -"--b ten
-ir. jonn iced. sen., died at bis
v., -usrruugnr, on
m- i Jin inst at tbe advanced age of
e-veuiy .11 years, two month, and two
7 He ette to Oregon in tire year
311M Mlrr fimmtr. .
. , - j " -w" io Aacotna
tois mnrnin in u.n . . t . .
, a ckiau a uionui Del ore
scnool opens, wih Ler fwher. She was
eompanied to Portland by Rev. Wis hart
. . " I J " inuini vt UiC Av
vuuivai m mu City nn Hniuli
Air. antl Alrw trr-nt. -i
.-. iainua am.
luru unmain A;rnr K.,nHl.
rT" yi JJr ana Jirs. N. imbler,
.vt cuutc Ul Mr 311
iiZlDtar 1alfk ia aw-a-t-.-II 2 "
w 111 11111 llfl T F.Am Iaw um- ;
Mr. I
-Roboriaindeaie;. 7 ""
Kr. and M rs. T. M. Wit ten and
k. sicg Mrs. Hitten's mother,
Mrs. J. B. t-ia card, in Ashland, while en
rOQle to Jefler nn tlrw.. ..r.. .
. - v.wi, .vci ei euiy
uvTBis. Astiuna lidngs.
Hon. Milt .viillcr Back.
lion. At. A. Aliller has vtnuA t
. ..iirevi JIVU1
tue , iiin.i MnrMiiiA. -i i
, v- , iaow u me -rnma
mnciirih U rai;. . t
. -w. uuwir :,j aa me pre-
tenter of the name of SrlveeterPennoyer
r.uiuru. w m- l. 5, air. Milter
upon betn? interriewe.4 i !..-. -a r j
Mr. rennorer lm 1 1 f.. . .- :
- - - mmm, W IClXiVC
-iij EuFiwn ior toe ooce. thoagh he is
laturauiT regaruea in tne eat. He said
be thought the mnn !icij .n.,M
Bryan. "I talked with many of the pop
uUat !e.Ier" he "Aid, "and from what
ifcey said I am inclined to think that they
will decide to snnnAA-t htm . r w . y -
ixtue, yon anew, bas
issuea ana an address, over the sii?na.
lure of its president, A. G. Miller, ask-
ius lull nrran ne annrw.-i ti.
, - , . , - . r-r-w.. mri
claim that he will a rn- ..j m; :.
. , t ....wAiuiuiwa.
and, if the populists fall irto line, he will
o-j orrr jiicaigan ana Alinneeou and
me soua saam in.1 woe 1..-.1. ia
, . : . . u-u wuuiu
asure tus eiecuon-
"bryan is a grand man. Tho mil.
convention was made op of brainy men.
It was toe greatest gathering of the age.
pimj wmj renreEenteo, andBrvan
was the brainest of them alL"
Mr. Miller tlien sitaJ --.- v:-
iu. AAA Alia
eujogy 01 tne man who is to lead the
aemocracy in November, and adverted
to tne DlaUOrm. Which he tarmaA 11.
second rv..iarati.-m nf 1.1au.j..
detuned to tree the American people from
Aic j vk ui 1 lie guiu powers.
A- O. r. W. The rniwi .' Pl.
----- -- - avu mm A VI I
land elected the following oScers for the
tusuuik year : r.. , eriein, ot Indus try
lodge. No. 8, Portland, grand master; S.
A . MKaiLin nf Pm;w-rui l-4 V. 4
Salem Grand forexian ; D. C. Herren, of
- - .V.WHMA IIMIII .111.
irui uie .,0. a, tne iwiie. grand nn
seer: Newton Clark of Riverside So. 8.
Hood River reelected grand recorder:
R L. Durham of Hope No. 1, Portland,
reelected rand reroimr Willi., a -
strong, of Valley No. IS, Salem, grand
trustee, D. C. Herren, grand instructor.
This last office IU a DtV tViA in tHisi int I
isdiction. It was created yesterday by
vote of the grand lodge, and is similar to
that called grand organizer m some other
J IA! lauiv uuus.
A PlONEKH8 PitATH- VThltfe
a - T l.w wa vwwiU-
iue.uieareet4fdar afternoon, July IS,
lkJl. Hi. slaA-tK av a . . I U " V - J
-'---- -- -i-wwa w.-aw OUUUru. UD UAU
hcri Ont - th- Haw n-ueiMM V...0 a-w
- vww av wuv VIJ fV V IVIAOa fUk - Sjaje m
hlKA l-PsAn -Itfllltaaal nrl f-all.-is aa I
Htllnair flAIMV W W-r- n-k.) i-dnAi;n.a-ai I
' i
v ... -ii
r,imok. I will riinrnr cammn? larfiAa 1
w auiu iivdi Mi- oivunuuna as rewsonaDie
a . . . i .. I.
. . va e . - .vai, VL'UUaM
3upar Piji Mill and Fijara Co't o&ca.
rat-!. Ulil no C. 1-- CACKT. OPDOKITA 1
Gladness Comes
With a better nnderstandlrg of the
transient nature of the many phvs-
.., tn. l. : .v. . : i . .
-vaaa Alia, . ii iv in reiiiau a-ivatw Jl.'JTI Cl"
lorta gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms ot
sickness are not due to any actual dia-
saw, not siiupiy iu a TOUKviptticucuuai-
.1.1. r9 IliA . I, whtith Iha
family laxative, S,mpof Figs, prompt.
I Mn,AWAB Til. t. 11-l.TT tf I. . An 1
A, .""- . .an H h. .. .. , . vua VU . J
remetly with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remetly which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
enrao- n which it acts. It is therefore
all imporwit, in order to get its bene
(trial effects, to note when yon pur
ehase, that yon have the genuine arti
cle, which ia manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Symp Co. only ana sold by
11 reputable ornggista. .
It in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system Is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be cojamended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere. Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
ased and gives moet general satitactjoa
A Teacher's Paper.
The tethers of Oregon at convention
convened at r.iiDAni in. 10
- . --.. i,, ef
fected an organization to be known as
the Oregon Teacher' Club. The obie. t
of the organization is to promote unit .4
enort in educational fields; to brii.z
a closer correlation between the differei; t
gradea of work and foster a spirit of In
ternal sympathy. To piomote the ob
ject of the club and education general!,-,
it was determined to publish a journal r
be called the "Oregon Teachers Monti .
ly and the following editorial committea
as appointed.
Hit tier Fv4nstinn Ti- m... ti
Chapman, president of the University of
Methods. Prof. A ca-.ii
cipal of the training department 'of th
O. h. h .8., Weston. Prof. W. C.Allen.
PnnCIDal of the t inirt a. -.-,.
O. S. K. 8.. Monmont h .
Chi.d etadv-Prof. G. M.
ldent of the 6. S. X. S.. Weston!
techool li. Hrvi i
' - m mm At! We AAA- a?J-
nerinteiident of public inetrnction, Sa
Mathemalirw P-.f Tn. T r i
Science Teahir- P-.r r y nr i.
born, Eugene.
Cnrrent Hiiin P.,.r f tt
ley, president Willamette V
Salem. "
Lanena e Prr.f tt; .-. t
superintendent of school , Albany.
Educational Intelligence. Prof. Lewis
Barzee, O. S. N. 8., Drain.
School Management, Prof. W. X.
Wright, city anrrlntAvntAti -i 1 ,
" . 1 ...... . vi klwii.
MiscelIaneoaa.-Mrg. Geo. M. Miller.
. . - ' m evuw, B-
uuciuwe .Manager o. w. Jones, en-
I Marion county ecboc4.
A rlance at ths aVa .
. c - . - 3 BAiiAi.mib try
ldence nt th tm. rj v. . i i
,. v. VI UIC JUtlALUAl. AIT7
editors of tbe various departments are
specialist in the line of work aseig ned
tnem and are progressve and enthusias
tic teacher of the. tk ...t.,
. - fc. ai .rM-iici c
oi Uregon have long demanded a live pa
per devoted to the schools of the state
and at last Uie leading teachers have
taken the matter into their nw- k,1a
with a determ inatlflll tf hat 1a
, -v GUF1"J a uvc--
mand by giving to the teachers of the
Kate a Darrtn which tn . ;rt.
P"de for information .and aeaistacce in
, -.4
t if-Jl'Ct
i Ills
Monmouth, Ore.
I Mks MM fur fmlm.
O ... ..AiiHHillA
Senior year wholly professional.
Twenty weska nf Psn4u!n ..t n
. - . . - . tin uru
em and r-nerial ltt-' - tA..
of teaching in training department.
aiuu riKXM ci nine gmdes witii
two hundred children.
KegoJar normal course of three years.
The Normal lnln.a im w:-i 1
lav as a fctate Life Certificate to teach.
IJsl t MraMI-O. I3-s sl -. a. "V Z
Dining Hall i0 per week Furnished
roonis with light and fire 73c to (1 per
week. Board an.t l.-l.,; '-JTI.
- - ws.&uk AlA L'l II I LIS
famihesi tiSO to $3.50 per week.
imuwiiiDo normal, f-, pet term of
ten Weeks. Norma! ti . r
ten weeks.
Gradea from reputable schools ac
cented. Catalra wa oIuaaI!. t t
cn applicauon. Address
or . A. w a-x. P. L. C kpbeix.
Sec of Faculty. President-
kXua. tt Lost Kanbood abonid seod at
100 ior a cook,
that explains how
fTlll HU. -imm
Is r&siiy, calckiy
wed permaaenciy
IB Tr f mmxrm
wieakwesa can at-
lord to Ignore this
timely advice.
Bnr lll. tum.
, . 7 1 1. ii eirvCAi'.n. at -
tHIE BtDICll C0 BUf rilOXT.
IS Tigts I ffk. m htm . nr.
. .a . .
as larger mas any weekly or semi-
weekly paper published and is the nn!r
ucmocrauc "weekly" pub-
1;. 1..1 v. x- .i . . .. . . .
aa tar e aa thi t...-4.r... m..k l.. i.
:e- iivuwmui wrca-
y nf Naw V nrm- INi. T . .-ii L. .
i. - - .111 i 11 ,
special advantage to you during the
Presidential Campaign, as it is pub
lished every other daj. except Sunday,
ana aas au tne treenness and timeliness
fa daily. It combines all the news
with a lvng list of interesting depart-
Iiuc-w, unique leaiures, cartoons and
graphic illustrations, the latter being a
All theee improvements have been
made without any increase in thecoet
wntcn remains at one dol ar per vear.
We oner this nnentialivi nu.
I and the Waiklt Dkhixkat together one
year tor i.-.uu. aiis;a.-!nn? turma w-ik
I ' ' -"
I ai .
As Straney
Hair, wool and shoddy oattraest.
rated aad made over.
I --w.a v. - wj wna iruvu sjsaav
ctsTiags reohoktered oid Tandsbd.
rWvn yA-aA O l" II ... t
IavawfAr aa rimi s u iu c . j ur van
street, between Ferry and' Brjadalbia, A
One 8 horse power Buffalo Pittsengine
used one season.
One 10 horse power Buffalo Pitts en For sale cheap.
Hofktss Baos.,
Albany, Or.
Hs ttissB' crewtn uakxas Pswdet
WaraT. Fate lUfdstss Awwra.
J ' I .A.
i :
Xi?-rV--k AJrv