The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 17, 1896, Image 4

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    he cw0rai
Attorneys at law. vyill practice in al
courts of the state. Special attention giv
en to matters in probate and to collections.
C FF1CE In the FUnn block.
17- R. BILYEU.
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
Collections made on alt points. Loans
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
All legal matters will receive prompt at
om? on. Office, First Nwtional Bank
uudin?, up stairs.
Attorneys at La.
Albany, Oregon.
J. I.. HILL.,
hydclaii and mion. OFFlCB-oorns
sr7 strata. Albany .Oregon.
Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem
ishes nouraluia and ether disease, with
g.i v.mi.iAjmcity Office on Ferry st , 3.1 strait.
iJil X . 1 1. Al. BASK,.
.. .. ... i-ruN
V.CS FroasaoSV
THA-NSaCTS A Gl'KKAt hanking asluM!
.A.-.nvra st.T onKWt to check.
s!OiT Kii'SASOK and tel Taphie rsf r, who
Sj York Sao Francisco, Cnicttfo aoa t u
J ..i ;rO SADSon favorsV.e erras
TousV . K Aawwia
gswaas I . Sox.
'torney at Lw, A bany. 'Jr.
S !, It1 It ' '1Vr"
iad and Broadaibin struts Mbany. Or.
Bents ad Collect ioa a apcialtT-
Prof. A. STARK
mr.xr.f fees
UtlUa, oiark.
Optical Specialist
of the Chicago Opthalnuc
I am prepared to examine scientifically
auu accurately, oy tne latest ana improves
metnods ot modern science, any who de
ire to ca?e their eyes tested.
Cusick Block A least. Ohxsoh.
Cusick Block
Albany, Or
- -5
Pilling and extracting of teeth witlou
pain a specialty
ICxnsir a.-idTrocie-Mwire
rarjcjccK . 'nc.nTt me.
joun crmxm cpr&srTC . FATisrrOrne
mote litco VaJi.nsioa. 1
Send m jciH. drawuif rv rt?A
Oiu fee not itict, 1 1 ocre J
rtjnHLri , "P-u in Cbr j tietU." wttkl
ox sse .n ins v. . 2 vw
int free & Jdreis,
Hair, oi)! and shoddy naUivsoea
ated and made over.
Fnrnitore of every deaciiption and
carriages reutbol8tere.d ard vartished.
Drop a note in th. P. 0 . or call at 7
Mxeet, between Ferry and Br jadalbin, A
hany, Or.
The modern stand-,
ard Family Medi
cine: Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Hafeislaies, Eii lej
Got things spelled wrong and all mix
ea up display was poor type old
- lasliioned press work bad paper
cheap nothing as itought to be? Well,
take your next job of printing to Smi
ley the Printer and
Will Ee Done Ei$t
P. 8. (Important). The price Tor do
ing 'twill be right, too.
Smiley's pi inting u gTod printing. '
oureilta 15to3S day.. Yoacantreawd ,2
borne (oraame prim antler aame amarau.
ty . If yoo nref er to erma hpr.iiC
(ractt6DayralIraadfiinuiiihr.aiKiM. .
chanre.if wa Xail tomn. If jouhare taken mer
ry. Iodide Dotash. ar.l um h.w -
!).ID8, M uootuVatchea In mouth. More Throat
2'iuiplea, Copper Colored fepota. Ulcers on
cut. It la tliia becondary BLOOD POISOV
IfL0? I"nte "' e moat obati-
a&te cases and challenge tlio world for a
'ed the skill of the mo" t emtaJilt Suyli
50O0O capita behlndonr VSZtti".
?nn." umY. A oso I st te proofs e n t seaiert n.-.
m. Adarswa COOK HEMEDYrfl
(0 T T7 Lfct Ub Reason To
WiVl 1L, getherl Is it not bet
ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes,
etc, at a reliable store where they use
only the Best material why of course i
is you dont want dyspepsia and yon''
aever get it by eating anything ironi op
Store. U.tJ. BAKEKY
, Bet Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St.
C. D. Vaxdykk. Proprietor.
j..-i.sndaj lat-f
9 fc,
Star Bakery
Cor. Broadalbln and First Sts
-Dealer In-
Canned Fruits,
Dried Fruits,
Canned Meats,
Etc,' .
everything that a sept in
good variety and gro
eery store. High
est ptfee paid
to strike oil, as it were, in wall paper is
presented by our present tale. The de
signs show a richness, noveltvand fresh
ness of conception that are not to be seen
elsewhere. Our papers are of a quality
worthy of the art they embody. It's
only on prices that we come out short.
Perhaps it's the summer weather that's
melted them down to 15 cents a roll and
up. in variety ot patterns, too, were
verv strong, snowing no less than 600
different novelties.
J. A Cumming.3
Insurance Agency
-M. SENDERS, Mgr.-
Bnys and sells wivat. oaU and woo! at
all points in the Willamette Valley ana i
the leading insurance agent of Albany.
Ia placing your insurance there are two
things to be considered :
IsL Get a good company.
2nd. Place your insurance with an
agent who throughly understands his but
iness and knows bow to write a policy,
giving you its full benefit, rfcavin? had 8
years of experience in a gen?ral odice and
the adjusting of tosses. Can guarantee
you 1 have these requirements. Very
Raepectfully Tours.
Red Crown, Milling Co
la now under the management of Ed
ward Goins, If. H. AL'an, Wm. L. Taxs
E. D. Barrett and Samnel E. Young, who
are now prepared to sell the beet
in the market at reasonable rates.
Highest cash price paid for wheat.
D. Whites jc lfaii
A head of hair or no pay. Cures l
diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421
lor Free Treatise on the Scalp.
Razors Honed and Set and Put in Or
er on bb ort ot ice.
By the use of
On your floor,
When applied to floor of anv kind en
ables yon to sweep without raising dust.
it is an oooriets compound which ,pene
trates the wood and for months keeps op
a constant exudation sufficient to catch
and hoid the dust.
Atwateb A Brows,
Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer
House, Albany, Or.
Wholesale A Retail
Pare Drugs and the Finest and Largest
Stock of Btationary and Books
in the Market.
Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de
li very. Telephone No. 51
K. N. Morris, Mar
Cor 2n1 and Main Sis.
The Printer.
The president of Audorra, the o'dest
republic in the woild receives $15 a year.
The financial plank is the oue on
which political parties must rily to keep
themselves afloat.
McKinley has been officially informed
of his nomination, but it ia by no means
probable that his friends will ever Lave
an opportunity of congratulating him on
his election. Ex
The manner in which McKinleyism is
the advance agent of prosperity is illus
trated in the lact that the losses by
business failures for the thren years
previous to the McKinley bill were 14
175,340. Daring the three years of the
McKinley bill they were $05 1,662,634.
Ex-oovernor Tillman Bhould be muz
zled, lie slops over the worst of any
man In the U. S. and does democracy
more harm than good, lie is too loud
mouthed to be allowed to run at large,
even though he does frequently hit the
nail on the head.
We hope and believe the more radical.
membership of tLe paity will be able to
keep Jonathan Bourne and bis crowd
from voting for McKinley and Hobart,
anyway. Salem 3:atesmaa. That is
then a a man running for office in
Marh n county talked before election,
and hi was defeated.
T..e Salem Statesman backs down
from a peculiar statement in the follow
ing ingenios manner: We hope Jonathan
Bourne and hs crowd will vote for Mc-j
Rinley and Hobart, and believe they
will do so. The lynotrpist and proof
reader made nstay the opposite b the
omission of the word "not" yesterday
Probably the most venerable delegate
at St. Lonis was Col. Richard W.Thomp
son, of Terre Haute, Ind., ex-Secretary
of the Navy. He celebrated the eighty
seventh anniversary of bis birth recent
ly, and .'a in perlert hearilh. He is the survivor of tLe Congress of 1841.
There are few living who served with
him in 1S47-4S, when he sat beside Lin
coln in the old hall ot the louse o'. Rep
In reply to McKinley's remarks about
the "voice of the people" the Hartford
Times says: "No, Mr McKinley, the
American people do not care to listen to
the sound of their own voices jast now.
What they want to hear is your voice.
speakLig out in clear and distinct tones
about the money standard and a good
manv other things besidts your old
stuffed ido', Protection, with a large P
Yon know very well that the Wilcon bill
raised IIS.QOO.OOO mare revenue than
your McKinley bill. Irn't that enough
pio;eclion for any bod) ?
Oar republican exchanges are already
telling how McKinley ili bring pros
perity Tritb. his little bill that he will re-
enact as soon as elected, a statement
they must know isecntrne. A sample
of the way McKinley bills make pros
perity is well illustrated in the follow
Strikes and Lock Outs.
Before McKinley Bill.
No. of Mrikes.
During McKinley Bill.
No. of Strike?.
Totals 13,656 503,610
The toes of wages to strikers during
the two Tears before the bill went into
effect was 16,7S7,435; for the two years
after, $23,574,127. Tiiia is the kind of
prosperity the McKinley bill gave the
Mr Bland said the other day: "The
present attempt to turn the Democratic
National Convention into a struggle of
the West and South against the East is
founded upon a mistaken idea of the
free-BiU'er cause." "The coming fight
at the polls is to be between the produc
tive masses of the United States and
what might be called the fund-owning
classes. "The toners of the Last are
just as deeply concerned as the toilers of
the West and South. It is no more in
the interest of the men in the Eastern
factories to have the agricultural labor
era of the nation bea'en to tne earth by
a ruinous and cruel financial policy than
it is in the interest of the farmers to
baye their fellow workers in the factor
ies reduced to starvation. "The workers
of the country have a common cause
now. I do not believe they can be di
vided on geographical lines.''
As The World foretold on April 16,
Garret A Hobart is nominated by the
republicans as their candidate for vice
president. Mr Hobart has no claim
whatever to be considered as a states
man. He is simply a corporation lawyer
who has grown rich by manipulating
monopolies, actiog as receiver and pro
tecting bis clients in the legislature. lie
is at the bead of the East Jersey Water
Company a Wall street concern that ha
a monopoly of the water supply in the
cities of Eastern Mew Jersey. He la also
one of thu "arbitrators' at a S5O.0OO is said of the national rail
road pool, a lawdefying combination.
He has a ''barrel," which he is expected
to lap freely. That and bis -ability to
deliver 19 of New Jersey's 20 votes in the
convention to McKinley were the con
siderations that induced his nomination.
He was "Mark fiaana's man." New
York World.
Here is another hit at our ba I roads,
showing the necessity of improvement
at once. The Portland Telegram says
J. Harry Brown, a young man who rode
2200 miles into Portland on bis wheel
trom Phoenix, Ariz, expressed himself
in unmistakable terms on the subject of
Oregon roads before he left for the Dalles.
last Monday, he said :
Oregon has ths worst roads In the
West. With the exception of 400 miles
of sand, crofsing the Colorado desert
the worst portion ot my trip wan the ride
from tb3 CiUfornia line to Portland.
Tho Southern Oregon roads are simply
fearful, and, while those in the norlheri.
part of the s ate are somewhat of au im
provement, they no mora compare with
the roads of California than does a dirt
road with an asphalt pavomeut."
'Mr. Brown's expression of ' pinion is
very appropos j ist &t this time, when
the Oregon Road Club is struggling with
the perplexing road proolem. It waa
fust this condition of atlaira reported by
Mr. Brown that prompted the organiza
tion of the club, aud it is now beginning
to make its influence felt in the "good
roads movement."
No tee. I wid euu.ey campinj parties
to an! from the mountains at reasonable !
rates. Call on E. C. Sacky, opposite
Sugar Pue Mill and Future Go's oliice.
Democratic Platform.
We, the democrats ot the United Stales,
ia national convention assembled, do re
affirm our allegiance to those great es
sential principles ot justice and liberty
upon which'onr institutions are found --d,
and which the dernocratin party has
maintained from Jefferson's time to our
own freedom of speech, freedom of the
press, freedom of conscience, the preser
vation of personal rlxhts, the equality ol
all citizens before the law, ard the faith
ful observance of constitutional limita
tions. Recognizing that the money question
ia paramount to all others at this time,
we invite attention to the (net that the
federal constitution names silver and
gold together a the money metals of
the United States, and that the first
coinage law passed by congress under
the constitution made the silver dollar
the unit of value and admitted gold to
free coinage, at a ratio measured by the
silver dollar unit.
Wt declare that the act of 1873 demon
etixing silver without the knowledge or
approval of the American psople has re
sulted in he appreciation of gold and a
corresponding fall in the prices of com
modities produced by the people; a
heavy increase in the burden of taxation
and of all debts, public and private; the
enrichment of the money-lending classes
at home and abroad; paralysis of indus
tries and impoverishment of the people.
We are unalterably opposed to the sin
gle gold standard, which has locked fast
the prosperity of an iudstrioos people
in the paralysis of hard times. Gold
monometaHsui is a British policy, found
ed upon British greed (or gain and pow
er, and its general adoption has brought
other nations into financial servitude to
London. It is oit only nn-American,
but anti American, and it can tie listen
ed upon the United -Mates ouly by the
stifling of that indomitable spirit and
love of liberty which proclaimed our
political independence in 1776 and won
it in the war of tne R-volution.
We demand the immediate restoration
of the free and unlimited coinage of gold
and silver at the present lensl ratio ol 16
to 1. without wailing for the aid "r con
sent of any other nation. We demand
that the standard silver dollar shall be a
full legal tender, equally with gold, for
all debts, j-ublie and private, and e
favor such legislation as will prevent tne
demonetization of any kind of legal ten
der money by private contract
We are opposed to the nolU y and prac
tice of sarrenderina to the holders of the
obligations of the United States the op boys and mrls of the com nimty have it
t!on reserved by law to the gaveromen'. to e pend in toaw f orm. T'ie prevai ing
of redeert ing such obligations in either op"ion ai to be that ii it to throw
silver coin or gold coin. sway, 'that is a p,r notion. Better
We sre opposed to the is-ning ol ir.Upeud it ja licju,.y. I,Q-t fruter it
terest-bearing hondeuf the United States j .r- Manv a boy has laid ths oiaJt
ia lime of peace, and eon Je ton .he tral- tioa t! f""ir" ''' '"tl" va.-at. .a.
ticking with banktog sinCik-ie, hsch,:
in exchange tor bonds at an enu'rr.. '
profit to themselves, supply the f-J'ti j
. :.w - i . . ; n . ; , t A .. .1
trra.iy .uS.w
icy of gold .
vongresa itoai lias me pjer ii w:u
and uue money, and F resident Jackson
decared that thia poer cou d not b.
delegate to corporations or individual
e, inereiore, urraanu iu nc e,
to issue notes betaken from the back,
and that all paper shall b issued direct
ly by the treasury department. We
bold Uiat duties thoulJ be levied
solely lor the pa-poe of revenue, and
that taxation should be limited by the
needs of the government, honestly and
economically administered. We tle
n ounce as disturbing to besiness the re
publican threat to restore the McKinley
law, which has been twice condemned
by the people in national election, and
wnicn, enacted nnuer toe Pra o.
prowcuoa to nome .uuus.ry, p.uiru .
proiicc oreeaer ct trueis ana monopolies,
enriching the few at the expense of the
many, restricted trade and deprived the
produ..-ers of the grea. Amrican staples
of access to their natural maraets. Un'i!
the money question is settled, ws are op
posed to any agitation for further
changes in our
lar.u laws, except igcu
j, , , . t . .
as are necessary to make the uehcit in
revenue, caused by the adverse decision
of the supreme court as to the income
There woo'd have been no deficit in
the federal revenue during the last two
years but for the annulment by the su
preme eon rt of the income-tat law, placed
upon the statute books by a democratic
CJngress. The obstruction to au income
tax, which the supreme court discovered
in the constitution after it bad laid hid
den for a hundred years, must be re
moved, to the end that accumulated
wealth mar be mad-j to bear its just
share of the burdens of the g vrnmen!.
We, therefore, favor an amendment to
the federal constitution that will permit
the levy of an income tax. We bold
that the efficient way of protecting
American is to prevent the impor
tation of forsign pauper labor to compete
with the home market, and that the val
ue of the home tnaraet to our American
farmers and artisans is greatly reduced
by a viciocs monetary system which de
presses the prices of their product be
low the cost of production, and thus de
prives them of the means of eaiMying
their needs. We denounce the profli
gate waste of the money wrung from the
people by oppressive taxation and lavish
appropriations of recent republican con
gresses, which have kept taxes high,
while the laborer that pays them ia un
employed, and products ol the people
are depressed in price until they no long
er repay the cost of production. We de
mand a return to that simplicity and
economy which best be tils a democratic
government, and a reduction in the nuui
ber of useless offices, the salaries ol
whfcb drain the aubotince of the people.
Confiding in th) justice of our ciuse and
th necessity of its success al the poll,
wesubmitthe foregoing declaration of
principles and purposes to the consider-1
atJ judgment 0f the American peopl
We invite the support of all cittzaus who
approve them and desire to have them
made effective through legislation for the
relief of the people and the restoration
of the country's prosperity.
Occasionally some one tries to make
out the democratic party a free trade
party. The Wilson bill, a democratic
measure, raised $12,000,030 mom than
the McKinley bill. It wis a measure for
revenue and with the income tax law
would have met theexpunses of the gov
eminent. With any kind of economy it
would more than have met the expenses
of the government. The outrageous ex
iravaxance of the pi-t two yetrs was too
much even for the Wilson b'll. Why
can't people be honest?
1.' tin re ever waa a Just measure in
augurated in the U. S. It was the in
come tax law. The rich not the poor
should have the most taxes to pay.
The ieaue baa been made. It la single
gold standard or bimetallam It is not
emphatically an issue between gold and
silver. We want huh on qual terms,
Dr. Price's Cream taking Powder
Awatdad Cold istat frlUvtrlar Fair, au Fmnnanry
Saturday holidays.
4th of July kicks.
Mod.-1 celebrations unknown.
A young candidate.
Counting chickens before hatched.
How to spend vacation.
A week ago this Saturday nighl col
umn rested, occasioned by the celebra'
turn of the giorious 4th. This year the
holidays have been making a specialty
ot falling on Saturday. It will, though
be impossible to have Thanksxiving on
that day. Were our Lord as radical as
the greet Pemioyer he might possibly be
induced to change it to Saturday. The
Dkmockat always regrets losing its Sat
urday night thoughts, though no doubt
a rjlief to a gx 1 many readers :
Cue of the pleasantest features of a
4th of July ce;t-Uralion is to hear people
kick. Soma people alio their spirits
to drop at the sound of a kick ; but really
there is nothing to cause depressed feel
ings in a 4th of. July kick. We heard
I hem a,en a ixy, and it is very doubt
ful if they ever case. One would think
after a c debralion that at the next a to n
couldn't have a corporal's guard ; but it
is like the next circus, the lat one ia
forgotten. It is undoubtedly a good
tuing mat people nave live torgetiers
else there would be more troub'e than 1
there is in the world.
Just like tunning a newspaper theie
are more people who know what a 4th I
of July celebration should bj than there -flju't you think yoa will be a uiinU
are who do not. Perhapt the model one J ter?"
has nerer beer, discovered ; but we know I j;';".? ,l,,ji' kl-v responded, "I don't
when a boy wi had slathers of fun juit ; ' tn.
snapping fire rrakcr an i seeing ping i
j Mr Bryan is tu youngest iuaii evr
! tifnin.r.,! f:.r I m'A, I... I-
36 years of ae, and a man at :W j ears
with the brain and force of Bryan :s fully
capable of serving his coantry as chief
extcutive. William Pitt was a power a!
21 and Alexander Hamilton nasiu the
btJgut i. bis g'ory Imu bef-we 33
. t . . , , r
Sf I t.t tat fillwr 1. ut 'lift I ft .r It fit M
BUndnut stronger than McK.nley. for
s,.;.,ii,m..i,i.i. ......... -).,t
pf'j.-es a tiAt uncer
tain wo;k aat- c iavcnti a figuring ia
anyway. Mr B and, at it transpires,
only had a cerU'.a elrrg'.h, far from
enough to do any good.
acalioa u luhy tip n u n.w
W. J. Bryan.
Following is the short story oi tiie life
of W. J. B.-tao, deaiocratic nominee for
pfe.iJent cf the U.S.
W !..nitt A tt.f.n H . . I ... n In
i , v.r,., , , . .,
1n) ntll! n 9ttn M develop at.ioni.J.ini:
j of noditl, w, vkcaSioa, on Ul,;T",iM-
farm ; in tne fall ol IS75, enteral Whip- '
p'.e academy, al Jacksonville, LI ; en- '
i.m.1 fti-...;.. - t..i, ;
lerej ISlinoit colltue, at Ja 1
r' .......v,
is, ,, compieled a ctamral roar
wai xrad'JAied with tne highest hoi.urs
in l.Nl ; attended Unioo celiegs oi law, '
at Chicago, for to year, d mng whu-h
lime be was coeoeetJ with the oi5.- J
ex-Srnator l.rman Trumbull. Began
the practice of hi pr-!es:ou at Jack-J
e-javille; rem;jvel to Ijncolu, Neb , Oc :
tober 1, 17, and becme a memUrr (,f !
.1 j. , . - . t , , ,,
Ibo 6rm of Ta.iwt Bryan. H never
j heJJ a ,;;cljv, pHjr , ,
. , .
... .v
. COnnr-.. Was el-ta.l
t, rf .. .. -31 ..i
I S2 J and reirctel to the 53 1 conerest
.emocrat, routing vote.
against 13,614 votes for Allen W. FielJ,
, , . .a..
repua.ican; t'j vole lor Si. . Maxwell
atid 2ft t-Ksw for Jerome
hamp, independent.
I'oon adm:tion to Use lur I, a
, . .. . . ....,, , - .
.i, , .,,.. ... . , . -
tuiogte an auorney. ii:s
nine for the first six mint lis
was tiS :
a:ter "hat he had a fine practice. Hit
wife has fc:?3 been a d in lie J io the bar,
and she is in mire en,e than wives
usually are a helpmeet her husband.
They have a delightful liuie home and
several bright children.
cut, bnd,me man. a fia, shaker and
a ready debator. U is au ardent tariff
rtformerr. ?ince h:s retirement Iroio
congress he has been active opin toca
si..n. in preaU.i,g the free si ver pro-
naanda all over th. L .
- ; - ... .
uowo into .vv lexico. tie never fail
secure convert, he began his con
gressional career by carrying an over
whelmingly republican district by 7,i00
"'.""i;. as long ago as eiay, l in
ion and declare in Us platform
free cotnae of silver a; 15 to I
On account of his d;are.-m tnt wi;h
Cleveland he refused to run again. Mr
Bryan was in Oregon !at fail and
spoke at the Eiate fair and at I--bAtion,
in this county. Though a young man,
being only a little .irera year older than
the constitutional limit he is a man of
solid judgment. He is one of the best
orators in the party, besides lieing a
man careful io bis speech, entirely d f
fsient from the l stripe ot men
He creates enihtivaMii on amtuiit of bis
inanhool as well as oratory.
The Halem Journal, repitbiu-Hn says of
Bryan :
T::i young Nclira-ka longresnman of
Datioual reputation has today been
nominated for president in the t'oii-ago
Democratic convention. This isact iu
pliment t ) the great west, to the caiHe of
?bimetalism. and to the young lus-n of the
nation. Wm. J. Bryan ii a model of
young Ainnricun uivitiood h peer oi
any mau today or ths face of the' earth,
He will ba America's yonngeat presi
dent. He ia an able laa-yer, a istaiesman
of renown, an orator of ni.ttchles elo
quence and above all a ami who has
given uo quarter to tin mercenary plu
tocratic administration o' (trover Cleve
land in congters or out.
He Is the ablest man of the aije and
for hie agu who hai buoii produced in
this generation. He U of the west, for
thewestand by the west. Ha is typi
cal of (he present feneration, and not of
the past. He is the equal on the plat
form of Blame, Clay, Corwin, or 11 tker
of Oregon.
Bryan la the foremost champion of in
dependent bimetallism among all public
men of our country. He is n man who
can and will unite the silwr men of all
parties Into a solid and invincible pha
lanx against the gold a'uodard and re
store Co the Auuricau psople self govern
ment and prosperity.
Dec ring Mowers and Binders.
Knapp, Burrell & Comnanv hava a f,
of tli -so standard machines on hand
which they will sell at special banraina.
on account of retirement from business.
For particulars bpdIv to J. M. ltumxiy'
Albany, Oregon. . " '
a speecn in Missouri, Mr. Bryaa raid he I , ""ei au-i isramatetier drew a re
believed thedemocratic party would tak- 1 5nW
tta p )s.tH.n at the next national couvvn- i and l-e then aitack.:i tl... Jil" . . 1
People who try other places arc gen
erally glad to g';t back to Oregon .
We would liko some rain now. Only
a 'ew weeks ago we wanted it to stop
raining and wondered if it ever would.
The Yale oarsmen wcro much more
popular on account of their defeat by
the Lcanders than if tUcy had won.
It was a slight poeti- injustice that
nnm iiayuran urisr, cr.u.iual case was
against a meniWr of the populixt rential
committee who was fluiemled bv a re
publican lawyer. hsalein Journal.
The Dkvockat said B would l
nominated for president by the demo
crat. We were a goal prophet. The
truth is, though, we had Bland and
Boies in our mind.
The Santiam mines are the finest in the
U. S. Why not. They many as well be
tine as any in Montana or Colorado.
Mines are not built to order by gold syn
dicates or politicians. Nature does the
work nd nature never asks the advice
of men.
Today, says Ui6 Mountainee, an In
dian man and woman were oWrved on
the streets of The Dalies, wheeling their
offspring, a boy of about six months, in
ia f-M baby carnage. Those aborigines
' ar a ...ia .... I .... ..I:... 1 . . I .
' j'j,;,,v,, Lt,,iit:l UIIU M-vril to ITU-
jy u,e comforts of life jut-: as much as
do the whites,
A few days airo some or.- win trvin
to iind out what a 7-yi-aruid Albanv'luv
wan going to be when a man. Finally
tht. ti k ,
A ba'.h boat-eon the Willamette would
I a great convenience. As it is biti.-
l.ig is very tincomkirUbie except while
in the water, it is not very pies eant
l imw Willi your te-t covered till dstt
and sand. V ith a cheap house in the
: pjpuiar, and it certainly U very health v. i
!" I'uvc imihiur UU2I.I ira lu ll- very
i There is bhu.l on the awn hv t!
! The e!itur of the AutueviJle Recor 1 re-
centy rvterred to u. l. Tiolt-r of tbts
g'M ci. ana a a -cuckoo, - here-
11 ,w .r, 1 . t In.ln- M.u . . . t '
, tnS the Aumsviihan a
idescripf whatever th
pam.-i-.iiM nc(urunt oi nis ymrusu the
ticcurd aiyle. May ton Mail.
idaveaveher liee lord a litii !e-..r'
I ttl.iiii is wurth r-itsn, and as it leak
Tj,,, fed out, no contidence is ltryei. It
was aooot a loiiows: "ion i a.J ,n
your sitting room ith the mocto -t.ief
; I'.less Uur limine" and then fret an 1 fau e
and make the home as nearlv an inferro
a- you can There nothing !iU cn-
' lHvacy tbe hulis mailer. Kilher
;', sign down or eie d the ba-
; i: dv-niM." A.:w-iAn.
t All eyes are tnrtie-l now on KieCurrr
i c5tity, wl.eru aa t-! con;,-!-! ncr
i "e he ,tlsce cf rvuntv jtid.e bids fair So i . r "Koe at oigU. lu iext day.
iliavw far-rwu-b:t:g re-ui;s, as it may xa l-f doet.l. ir.?iry w vA.
luake a chancre in ihc i--siaiur as j tit- j " r"J Jrt of ti sio'tn rfliney
feat Toi.gue far carers. N-jatW'n!"'''1 ,n t.cion cf the too
; evKlences of fraud in ount ,ng the
.ftl.t ,-...-.,,- !K a ... t . 1 . 1 i
: there is na doult bat what . r.-v.n,
re !.:.
It 1 ok as thocgb Salem and Marion
cotintv were tobvooute famous bv
!.. i. ...... . " ,
''"" priuce.
: : 'Try, 1 ia ,
m n 11, . . "r- f 'n "-
"Z-V?"'?-1? l h
.., ., .,.u,iur, aj Kim to- w wbi. h haentl-rO a. ki.i.
morrow assume the Jut. v of a valu
able -osynoent ,a that imjrta:il ' aw
nas ia-.e-nian.
W.J. i'rvan. tne dmix-nlji rmctmv
. fur T.rrni . ... . n . '....
, - . ... - , a t, rev
; ord, a wt-llas W-irtj a manor th nw
ilt.., , .
;7,V -"-.'fn tsertver lie go.
- w vax. te adder, "the
; humblest cj
: . - ... ,., ., ,iirttiiai
r n ,n r ( .a t i . . t
; , the armor of rigbteoa.ns, is stronger
! Uian all the ho.s t. f error." This Hrmk
f :r- 'yJ'1 m ,i,cts "iei loi.'je risers.
' up veil at-
I after vacb rtrikiiig i.-riil.
A rliwrt time tine. afttvavrtain m:n-
: ,
ii.. cuy isai ir..;e itis usuai I
morning announcements, he !
j ?uuu.r
i s'.eppej tack
to take hi seat on the
rossrum while the choir !:ie-,l
i part of the service. The cin ister
j reached for the arm of the chair and eat
down not in the chair, but quite forc
ibly upon the floor. He had s;ien the
wrong arm of the chair. The minister
was cossidcrabiy embarrasser!. Eugene
A ic nafro . ,
j day bight's south enn I e
j hen the tram was i!t-i.r Mott, !-kivon
lun'v, th B-ji I ;n- lm 1'r'ess
i c .VI"rt!r- T?fk''iT at
i " ! :J. Jw-. o
; tuii n-. a cis in a loc-'in
i near mat place, attended th. Kn..h
rfiiiy ceieltralion st tNon. Tl.ev le-
came invoiVtsl in a .jtiarrv! and came to
blows but were seiwmiUrl bv friend.
They loth took the same train Sunday
evening to rvturn home. The ouartv'l
weapon, using it as a club, and inlliclini:
m-riuus. aij wounds. The pas-senc- r-.
a large nuiulier of whom were Iadie.
stanijavlvd and ltft thecir. ru.hiti wild
jly through the train. The
merchant was finally disarmed bv ibe
gentltman passengers and Kith men left
the train at Cantura earing vtiigeance
on each oihcr.
Catarrh Canaot bo C creel
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa they caneot
reach the seat of the diM!ao. Catarrh Is a blood
orcouatitaUoDal(ii!aju9. aad In order to car
't yon must take internal remedies. Ball's
Catarrh Cure ia Uket. iiitcrcallr. and acta
directly on the blood sod mucous snnice.
Hall's Cat arrh Core is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed l one of the nest pbvsicians fa
this country tor year, and is a rcirular pre-
scripiicn. It Is composed cf th best Inuica
known, com tiined with Uio best blond puriBers,
actinic directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of tha two intrredterts Is
what produces such wonderful results iac'rinw
Catarrh. Hrml for testimonials, free.
a ,K,-,J' VME3EY tx)- 'P. Xolodo, .
Bold by OiujfKUu, price Tic
Spring cleaning is at hand, see us for
prices on wa-hing carpets bedding and
cirtaina. We call for and deliver a'l
gooas. C. Kim i-son, city laundry.
lt St., opp. t Charles, Phone 49.
To Tiik Fkost. TheO C A K It K Co
uave imam placed on sale round trip tick
s to Manha and return for $3.00. Tick
s good Io return until Sept. oOtb.
Vy father ha Inkon several bottles of
llooi's Sai-napsrillA for his stomach and to
purify hu blood and cure that tired feeling-'
C. L I.ov a jot Pcio, Or.
Hood's Pil!s cure all liver i,la.
f or Prescriptions Duwsons
COXN. On July 4, 18M, in Albany, to
Mr. and Mrs. N. D Conn, a girl.
Causes fully half ths sickness In the world. It
retains the digested food too long in the bowels
and produces bUlousucss, torpid liver, huu-
gestlon, bad taste, coated
tongue, sick headache, In
somnia, etc. Hood's rills
cure constipation and all Its
results, easily aud thoroughly, sac All druggists.
I'repared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The ouly 1'lUs to take with Hood's SarsaparUla.
A Ballread Held
LaGiiamik, July 10. Two special
coaches, with prominent railroad officials,
arrived from Portland this -morning to at
tend the sale of the Oregon Extension
Railway Company, otherwise known as the
Klrin branch. The gate took place at noon
ut the Ixland City depot, and the property
was bid in by the purchaxing committee
for 571,2i8.
Will Hmdvrnr llr)aa
Ciiicaoo, July 10 The Wile of the
national tuKer party and the populist pary
wuo ure in Chicago ajc'are that their or
ganization will indorse the nomination of
iSryttn at the convention to be held in St.
Louis July '1. Many of the prominent
men of these partii-s hav beM here during
the convention tsatchimr the proceeding
and in an official way working for silver.
Among them are Senators Jones aad Stew
art of Nevada, Congressman Newlands of
Nevada, and many ietmr lights.
A Marderrr killed.
The Dai-i.ks, Or , July 10. Kd Mur
phy. alUs Weorge Mootey, alias Burdette
wolf, who kilted Andrew Artman, at a
sheep camp in Grant county recently, was
run down and killed by a pose Monday,
July 2, on the John Dty river, near Day
ville. Persons just in from Mitchell, Crook
county, say it is generally believed that
Murphy or Mooney, is none other than
Burdette Wo f, bo killed birdie Mortoa,
his betrothed sweetheart, near Mount Ta
bor, October 12, 1 'Ji It U aid be admit
ted to the two i.lj-i-pheruers, Andrew Art
man nd Herman rroat, that he was Wolf,
and Ibenafterwjtds, and then afterwards,
fearing his sXT:t would be told, went back
and tried to kill them.
Tt lul Teller
Pi eiiio. Col ,Ja!y 10 Senator Teller
tou;?bt approved tiw f jilowins; interview
tor the Associated I'res. after receiving
numerous telegrams from his stiver col
league r-uarJlbi? a conference, whirh will
I probabl r b teld at I leaver:
vshat da you tcinx ot Mr
' Bryan's tom-
I ination ("
! "1 consider tie nomination an exor ti.m-
j al'y ruif one, sai-1 ibe senator. "tJryan
j an aiif- man. ot tign character, a airing
I i''eml ot stiver, and clow to the peop;
J He iil waite an excelled president."
j BlaalaLle I mimm
' j M'Mistxviu.K. fu!y 9. The Uid. oa'iet
city of McMionvifle. chief town ot Yam-
bwi. te niotter of .talesmen, i today en- I
j-jjing a ena!ion. A ww ijiitics, jurtv !
I is U-ite farmed.
o.'usi'i j bimetiliic in
coctuo, :iere- i tut McMahoa re latii.n indorsing fl M
rvta.iatM ly rasi- Teller, and cotauiendinir him to the CLica-pig-ht-a
it-l nm- go oveution. wa ag-in caUe-l up, and
that it, and t'te iioahy adoptnl, aiid irir-d t beattoT Eo:e
1 be McMahoa re-! a'.ion indorsing fl M
I T . . -
: it ti.e r, ,r,ie-.;.
Ite foiiowicg de e..a wera el -ct-d to I
; ait-td i he
UtuieU.i.K OjnrcCtisia at
' v- lang.
J C C-JOt-r. P lVil'i.m
! Ara- S'ivcj;. H W porker, F V Drake,
iKt'larnrt, tl lBrklet, W Bar.ow, Cj
fur.i. K U At, i.'Ufj;. MiUer. l ijimn.
1 1 r'J"- r. ' statiix. li LKier.
I Bl -
j Niw Yokk. Ju't 9 - A Jvlo, frnm Bar
j iLfuU. fo.W Sut, ol CumoU, tell
; or toe Uieit o sisJ ) ly two voanz mn
.,f bigii rt4!wo toe is cef-Uw of
i a iga .iiciai Tti- urnv; wa in cort
.''aMaJiioo t&roura toe cnul Tne
' - actotup.i.oe-t Ly ttreaKirig in-
I a Craaata SJwrwrr.
1 PoKT!.v:, Jc:r 9. Word was reoeiied
is' It l'i,e. iu,-iAj- n.;ht. tiiat iauc
. er;i.ejl W s - a-,j ;;;rt KrjdjV
, ti.-Vijt.
( lvt..i
Lit boii: S u.iies .:a;i-a.t of
in f t tl
f ," i, . -. ;
' "- M,w: tun
j Scswa", daaatliteT. and
( w and
1 lt.un.iBrf bc3M. Friday n-.-at.
Cat-tl t,. Li a fight ua.
. 1'oktlam.. July 9. r-rownics of
U UKfjn R.Li.aiy A Navigation Com
lny. k.i mi tu.'aUr. fiJ. terKsil and
n;ive.J, raiir-jaJ. telesraj a hoe. Meam
m-ijm. Mwmtoiti ac I vewifl. wi:i ail
I e ni,e.-e. OW clKDed
or wbtui i.a-4 fterf :er be a airwi r-v the
.'sf OS fc.rrr .are -i the
iiijr,. iy t. a ivus' p. c!AU-r cora-
Bit-'n at I uVf Sa'M ejttrt. at 12
Jrounsr. f -r l:.-;7.'i.i,
port'Sjae i
I tssde by a
purv..i;r.g oomrriifee.
!ingc4 Me!- A .Marcus. I i.2r
i child and Ctsirk-s C liearajn. appjmtrd
I t"1'" ff.ral iw7xaifau oasuu.te of
I ' l a . I..-. st ;em.
la t Blaw Caawlr.
I MON. Or.. July 9. A waterspout oc-
curren a lew case rtonive-t d tawn hut
aigt.t. -Jjsn,r oonjiderabiedaoiaeto giow
frLr iiiJ fn-.
luriOtf tha r-at few davs this M-linn
has Usen viiitei by ocpitt"licwer!. I litre
never Cave tea !;t.T erbium iyr an
Ktuna vnt harvest tia.i at prewen in I" Dion
reaaajrr svatbSrd.
1 obtLaxp. Iu:y IJ. i.xn ag .te la
noutxt meat ft ice uminatic-n if lrran
wa-receive.! io fiwtiar.d ycterdiy. Mayor
IVnnorer hA!o:d lo en i t5 tin foiio
ii;g d ip4U :
i ' t liil;n J Pr lkl.-i, ',i Til 1
Wet will h-a 1 tise refonu nrvvj if tiie ca
tion to victory. TLe story of 1'aviJ and
tioiiath w;U I rrjyated.
S'abaw Affairs.
Havx . July S it is semi cfSciaUy
reported the reU-1 thief Zayas. with a
stron;'. crossed the raiiwy line near
IJjivKstn, iu iiivana pixiviece, marching
1 he reU'I group cf l.V) men attacker! the
town cf Avaios. in Ma'anus province
htie garrison tvpolsed the attack without
loss, 't iie rc!els also a tackei the town
of v'ldra, in M.tiancas province, and pour
ed 6d voi.eys into the place. Tliev retreat
ed a soon as thegarruon returned the fire.
lawlMiy rwinoilr. .
wAcboha, 111., Jaly S. The trouble
hich occurred hers Stturday, wben two
misguidetl patriots fulhsi down a Greek
tlag eurrouniied by Ac:e.i'-an emblems. i
growing rather serious. A. represent iive
of the consul-general of Chicago ia in town
with liiftruaionj to investigate the un
pIcHsatuuos ihoroughly and report the
details of the alT.ur to the consul.
The repPwnUlive e.tid the Greek de
metriuo ought not to have lieen molested,
as he had his banner cotupleuly surround
ed by American emblems.
M ball rat y Will tsa.
LuiCAOO, Julv 8.-General Charles
Intcey, of the New York deleg-ation, says
ut? wm ieei couipeued to leave the conven
lion wben the silver platform is adopted
cr to announce to the convention that he
caunot support the candidate of the plat-
ivtui. is unuivuioi wuicu course to
nine, wnemer he will leave the hall oiiieilv
or make the statement from the floor that
ne win not support the noun nee. and r
tire, it theie are objections to his remain
ing unuer suiu circumstances.
.! the Klaarr.
La Giias pi. Or., J uly 8. There is dis
played in the tanners' & Traders bunk
SHWO in gold, which is the result of 20
days' run ut the Bas n mine. This brinint
tl... ... L L .1.
mo i-jMii ouioui ui tne oasin mine uo to
l 1 .L.i ri.. ..-ii , . " v
aoom f -u.uov. i no yieid nits been uni
formly about $400 per day since the mine
has been operated. There ia still trouble
witn uie water in the mine. Tne small
pump is being worked, but this will belaid
Hsiue and a new aud Ijhw on nut n
Mew machinery has been ordered, aud will
oc in operation iu about 10 days.
! Ulcers laoUtted.
Bitowssviu.E, Or., lulv 8. Klla M
Dyson. 1) D t M, instalted the following
as olhcers of Rachel tielvkah lodge, Jo. 5),
1 O O F, last night, in this city .
Bertha Biown. Is U; Mosne Smith, V
(5 i Liaxic McLeod. U S; Ina Tjcer. financi
al socretary; J J Brown, KSNG; Berth
Hoists, LS NO; G U Stand ish, conduct
or; O Iioudon, watden; J F Henrv, R S V
O; H Chimdler, LSVUjWO Smith, I G.
Itasalaa Tewa Bealrwyed.
St. Pktkrsbcro. Inly 8. The town
of Kobrin, in the province of Grotlnovtsk,
has been burned
re-em burntHj. Thtee hundivd houses f
dearoyxd and 2000 people a.e heme-1
The largest
R rfeh grade tobacco ever sold for
the price. Not the large size of
the piece alone that has made
"Battle Ax" the most popular
brand on the market for 10 cents,
M rs. A. J. Hodges;, of Albany, is visit
ing ber sister, Mrs. Ben Kirk.
A. F. Stowe Las been appointed a
ward attendant at the state insane asy
lum, at a salary of $25 pjer month.
. . Mayberry finUbed a term of
school at Sweet Home last Friday. lie
has engaged to teach the fail term at the
same place.
M. W. Wilkins, the railroad man, has
moved his family from Corral! is to Lena-ton.
I her nci-cpy the Wilson boose,
a !:oss the railrcad track.
J . C. Bilyea and family will in a few
days move to Brownsville, and be will
lake charge of the livery stable in that
place, in which he owns'a half interest.
The depart a re of this excellent family
w ill be regretted by many friends.
Mrs. David Sylvester, of Lacomb waa
thrown from a horse on Mon.iav and
was very e-riooaly injured- One of her
limbs was broken at the ankle and bad
ly mangled, and she also received some
bad bruises. The horse most bare drag
ged ana hcium ner. Ut. Foley is at
tending ber and hopes to bring her
throca-h ail right.
I r. t':ixabeth If. Reed has decided to
remain in Lebsmon iur the present and
will practice ber chosen profession. Dr.
Keed grad sated at the bead of her class
r t at. . .
in t oniaoa last ipra and is well in
formed in ail branches of her Drofeesioa
and being a Lebanon girl we are glad to
see hr remain in oar midst. Express
and Advance.
Sax Frascisoo. July . Eev. C. O
Brown de Darted for Ciucara tonirt. w-itn
bis family, an-i will probably not retora to
tne scene cx his troutview. He may make
ihibaqae, I a., his old home, ids bead-ioar-
ic. u iae latere.
I Tel.
CniCaOO. Ja!y 10. Sesaror DariJ R
Hill and WUiiamC. Whitoar left Chicago
at 5.30 today for home. Governor Flower
and a large number cf the New York dele
gates remained to attend the convention to-
n;git Senator Hill waa aked if be bad
anyituae to say, and be replied:
' wa a democrat before the convection.
aad I am a democrat siiiL''
AH the People
Should keep themselves healtbr and ,
pocial care should be given to this mat
ter at thia time. Health depends cnon
pure, rich Mood, for wben the blood is
impure and impoverished diseases of
various Kinds are altccet certain tore
salt. The one true blood purifier is
i tool s SarsaparUla. Bv its power to
purify and vitalUe the blood it has
proved itself to be the safeguard of health
and the record of remarkable cores ef-
teoted proves that it has wonderful power
over disease. It actuaLy and perma
nently cures when all other preparations
faU to do any gcod whatever.
Water Waste.
So much water is being wasted that
the water company is compelled to give
notice that the water will be shut off
trom premises where closets are allowed
to rnn continuously, or where hose
used for irrigation without a nnriU
charge win be made for tnrnins the
water on again. a C. Howck.
Julius Gradwohl Keeps Open Doors
tarty and Latc
J ulius Gradwohl does business now in
inw opera noose store at the corner
svvond and Ferry, where yoa can find
cnoice stock of standard trraeeriMi for
sale cheap. Everything firet-clase. Also
T f ,.'Tly OI frockery ware of I
kinds which yon can buy as cheap as
can be secured anywhere. The O.
store holding the bulk of his
kept closed. Call at the corner place on
But its a big advantage to him to wear
well laundried shirts and nnderelnthints
The Albany Steam Laununr, Richards A
1 hiUips proprietors, make a specialty of
( wwrw. xree mending lo
uieu oesiuee the nrst class laundry work,
A superior high gloee finish to shirts
wvuars, Cling, etc.
Catarvfc Cwrew
llaltn and sweet breath secured by a Catatrh Remedy. Price 50 centa
s!ti injector fer. For sale by Foshay
All Kroaaasaead II.
Ask your physician, jour druggist and
our friends about Sailoh'a Cure for con-
umpnon. 1 hy wilt recommend it. For
aic oy r oshay ft Mason.
S'ar the atlaaeys . '
1 am bj veara nl.I. a.h I,-,! ' IM...
rw m-t cuusiipauon roj yeara. Aai
now well used your S . B . Headache and
iiver cure one vm, 17.1 t.iii
50 centa eaco. J 11 Kaight. Rotledge,
vr. roraaie py s oanav .V M .i jtlk.
per oottic .
The Ills at Yieaaea
VOnFtlnatlOn. Clnaa 1.1m IK.n tl,.
'is oi women. Karl, t 'lower W Tea i.
p easant cure lor constipation. For tali
by roshay & Mason.
rwi - -
ured every day by Shiloh'a Cura. .... ....
alaiw-awa, aeuaa arwasss aa.a -.--3-.
Highest Smallest
Quality. Price.
piece of strictly
A Girl Who Grew Up.
Eldor Drmocrtt :
A little g-'ri grew op with ' Samanth
Allen, the immortal Josiab Allen's
wife, La J-MiervHle. Mich , and like Sa
mantha, the grew np to believe in moral
reform- Samaatha'a pen, as we all know,
is pungent aol strong, tipped with
frolic and fun, the qaiiatest goos- qnill
that waa ever featAered.
The oJier little srirl caiti rated ber gift
of speech. A keen sense of h:mar
brightens it, while a trenchant logic
gives it baekbme, an! it has an occa
sional pathos that woaUi draw tears from
"Josiab eyes.
This is Mrs Marion B Baxter who is to
address tne Chaatacqia Assembly at
Oreaon City on Jo'y 14ih. She bas
spoken in all the Lare eities from Prince
Edward" Island to the Paeine oceaa and
beyond, in the Hawaii crowd.
Marion 3Axter is one of Frances W il
ia ris strong rigt has Is, and is now
ber financier. For a kci periol she
held the noon-lay ti.-r-.inxs to WiLiard
Hall of th Temperance T-nipW, Chica
that beautiful little aalitoriam with
its marble Sxki, aal frescoed eediaa; in
cerulean bine, m-Mogramtned for white
ribbon leaders, where back of the plat
form hong two latere paintings represent
ing jnstice between man and mats aad
the three ee!est:al graces, -t;'.h, hope
and cnarity. While Marios Baxter
was teaching at the nooa hoar bow
these three may becoms terrestrial too
WUlard Hall fil ed to its greatest ca
pacity. L.
Do Not Experiment in so ucortaat
a cuiUdr as-yoor fceaith. Pcnfr, enrich
and vitalize ycn blood with Hood's Sar
saparitlaaad tfces keep yoorseif strocg
aad healthy.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinaer
pill; assist digestion, core headache. 23
Cash for poultry at B. M. Robertson's
Tbebest fresh groceries and produce at
Conn HosUib's.
Ladies ths litest faht.
u a aeamies
dress made by Mrs. McLean
Dr. G. W. Maston. pnyMcian and sar
geoo. Aibeny Or. Calk answered prompt
ly in city or country.
Pre- H. E. and O. K. IWrs orSce. ard
residence ia the post cSce buildicir Spec
ial attention given to diseases of women-
Oar trtaaSlai aM Slaaa
Four out of every five bocrJa ol mAi
cine sold in tin last five virs are S. B
good. The S. B. Headache and liver
Core lose myself as a r-ej?rI ph. sic
If yon are skk and want to get weil." the
qnickest. cheapest and safest method ia b
bay the S. B. remedies and use as directed
P. Baich. Drureist, thifur, r Fo
sala by Foshy & Mas- at 50 cts per bot
te. Mcstc Miss Mildred Burmeeter
teacher of piano or organ. Svwtem the
Mason touch and technique. " Residence
F ifth street, opposite U P church.
wChas of TutB Beginning- with
Monday. June :h. tbeUCtE Co'a
steamer's will re Albany at 7 a, m. in
stead r f 7:13 a. m.
Awrca ITsaav.
"My three children are J1 subject to
aoup; I eierApbet to Sin Francisco, got
o a half doano bottiesof S B Conga Cure-"
It i a rarrfect remedy. God bless vt for
it. Yours, etc, J.H. Oorier. Grant
Pass, lir." For w e by hay i Mason at
Oc per rtt!e.
A Fae Wwtk kaawlac
ConsviBptioa. LiOrippe. Pnenmoaia
and all Throat aid Ling dWeases are core
by ShibVa Care. For s:e by Ksshay
auarl s rtavee Kaal Trw
is a sure cure for headache aad servos
dise.nses No'hlng relieves so qnick.
For sale by Foshay ft Masoa.
a Salaral aeaaltaev
Karl's Clover Root Tea puriBes the biooS
and gives a clear and beautiful comp!exi
For sale by Foshay and Man.
Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Dewockat and Waeklw
Kxaminer will be sent to subscribers for
I2.S5 a Tear. Thia incln.iaa all tha priv
ileges o the Examiners big premium gift
in May, the same as if yon sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directly
to the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat and thrice a week
X. Y. World, .2.00 a year.
Subscribers to Daily pavinirin advice
will receive all the advantage of either
rariaa Laar.a
Elder A (son W. Steers writes from Port
land, Or: There ia no medicine for the
throat and lungs that I can recommend to
ministers, publie s Dealer and aingers.
with the confidence that I can the S. B.
Cugh Cms." For sale by Foshay ft Ma
ons at 50cta pe bottle. everybody come to the Star Bakery
and get 4' Ve of freth bread for $i.t
eash .
Go to the Chautauqua assembly at Ore
gon City by the O. C. ft . boats. Roond
trip tickets good nnUl July 0, only $1.