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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1896)
KNOCK A sore spot, green, black, or blue, is ft THE POTS Usa QT llPilDC Oil JAUUDO OUT. IT IS WETHERFORD & V.YATT Attorneys at law.' Will practice inal courts of the 6tate. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Flmn block. W. R. BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points. Loan negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. BLACKBURN & SOWERS ATTORJSTETS IeVW, All legal matters will receive prompt at entfon. Office, First National Bank ailding, up stairs. OKT&KTB HACK1.EMAK, Attorneys at La. Albany, Oregon. D K. J. Lt. UILL, hvelciaa and Sonreon. OFFICK Com. trry streets, Albany .Oregon. DR. C, U, CHAH1BERUN nnMOBQPATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity O Bice on Ftsrry St , near 3d street. 1BST NATIOSAL BASK, OF AIDANT, OBJsOOM resident Vice President . C abler - ..LFLISH . S.B.VODNO K, WrJiAJIUVUS rRASSACTS A OEERALbanHDuliieS . ,-uAiTVTa K OT Mkbrt tn shark. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel -rapaie tranet r, olc Hew York San Francisco, Chicago rw. !5 ?Ci! JtlOXS SfcDCoa fasorabls mi nunrai Tocas' w. as-" Buiin. L. hm, Boie F.Sol. J WIIITAI. Attorney mt Law. Albany. Or. Ets.W. HA KBI.4 JUSTICE OF PEACE, nw wtt In the !waT o?e. csraer Sad and Broadalbia streets Alfcaay. Or. Bents and Collections a Specialty. RIPA-N-S The modem stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Smiley i i Good printing Always Jone Very uicklj. The Printer. UlUlUiUmmiUiUsiUU Prof. A. STARK tBaua&2x rati Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalnsic College. - I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improveo methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cnsick Block Albakt. Orsooh Fire Insurance INSURE YOUR PROPERTY with In the Old Hartford, the 3!ew York Un dexwriters Airency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will b prompuy attended to. OFFICE IN P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OK. wl id I 'f-Hir ': Caver.. idTrido.Marktti.ae5.odll P.O-. tlc i urn asHincion. a bead ir. jdrl, diavio o phcx, nta 4ewtfp- . VV'c afl-iBC. J iMtefitar1!? c not, tree oti ikstfTe Ou; nfH ve t. . xftecare 4 A r'jPHt r Rcr -.oOh i i-.cstu,'- mHhl lost oi unc .n tlie L tia ye-.oonTh ) it Irec. A direst, dPP pa-TflTOrrW 's- r-.jH 3 '. inlLDOD PQISOIl A5PECALTY irellnl6to8&day.. Too ean treated borne foraame price nader same roaraa ty . if ran oref er to h. . r." noebane, l( we fail to core. If yon bare taken mr. "aina, M ocoas Vatches in mouth, gore Throat. iimplea. Copper Colored Kpots, Ulcers on : nj part of the body. Hair or JRyebrowa fall In 2 Jut, It la tbia becondary MiLoOD POlio5 'e iruarmntee to core. We solicit tbe mo.t obiti aite cases and cl.allen(r the world for a?S wnotcure. Tola disease has always Uied the skill of the most emlneot u iT.i . lans. SS0O,OOO capital behind our nScond tonal guaranty. Abaolutepiwifssen'sSScn ; Wlleatlon. Address COOft KKMEBYCO? S3 Mteirfilo Xernle. COUiMiS, JUJU Male Mistaies, Ml Thej Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed up display wab poor type old fashioned press work bad paper . cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well, take your next job of printing lo Smi ley the Printer r.J II fill Ee Done Ml . ). .1 "1 I I, 111 r r i -i j f do ing U will be riulit, too. Siuiley'ii printing is soi printing. fill Rnd vvatch the color fade,. UIL the soreness disappear. MAGICAL. Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbin and First St i CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR- -Dir in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Canned Meats, Queensware, Vegetables', Cigars, Spices. Tea. Etc everything that sept in s good variety and gro eery store. High est pi'e paid for ALL KINDS OFJ PRODUCE Stick To It! Stick to what? Why, the bluing fact that our display of up-to-datd wall papers beat everything in sight. 1 here M t room for tbe shadow of a dooM on this puint. We have the papers to which tnis town should surrender Us walla uncondi tionally. Our designs are ne and taste ful, artistic and elegant, rich and pleasing, t here are no fewer than 500 duf erent pat terns here to choose from, and every pat tern is shown in ft fine qaclity of paper. Prices, 15 cents to 100 cents a roll. J. A Cumming. ALBANY Insurance Agency -M. SENDERS, Mgr. Hnn and sella wbraL oats and woo! at all points in the Willamette Valley and. is the leading insurance agent of Albany. In placing your insurance there are two things to be considered: 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with as agent who thoroughly understand; his bus iness and knows bow to write a policy, triving joa its full benefit, having bad fe years of experience in a general office and the adjusting of losses. Can guarantee you 1 have these requirements. Very Respectfully Yours. M. SENDERS ALBANY Red Grown Milling Co la now under the management of Ed ward Coins, X. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vau E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young.wbo are now prepared to sell the best FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. VIERECKS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR D. Whites je-v? Ifai Gjcrvvei. A head of hair or no pay. Cures al diseases of the scalp. Address Box 431 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Pat in Os er on Short Notice. NO MORE DUST, K0 MORE SPRINKLING, fib MORE SCRUBBING By the use of. DUSTINE On your floor, When applied to floor of snj kind en ables you to sweep without raising dust. It is an odorless compound which pene trates tbe wood and for months keeps op a constant exudation sufficient to catch and hold the dust. Atwateb A Brows. Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer House, Albany, Or. FOSHAY & MASON, -Wholale A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLER ALBANY. OKKCON PiireDrufrs and the Finest and largest Stock of 8tationry and Books in tbe Market. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 51 R. N. Morris Mgr Cor 2ni and Mair Pis. r stM. Cnsicr Block AHnj, Or Filling and extracting of teeth witbnu nain asoetialty WANTED-AN IDEAo? thing to patent t Protect your ideas ; they maj bring yoa wealth. Write JOHN WEUDKK. BtttN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washing-ton U. C. tot their $1J&) prize otter. he MtmsaL The Free Silver Dollar. 1 Air : 'The O d Oaken Bucket." (low dear to our hearts is that free sil ver dollar hie.h loud contemplation presents to our view The coin of the farmer, the merchan, the scholar And all other people except the rich few. The wide spreading eagle, the arrows belov it, The stars and the goddess, we all love so well, Now claim our devotion and we are to show it By voting the ticket and letting that . tell. While bankers denounce it, defame it and spurn it, And call it dishonest, they also con demn The masses who seek it by toiling and earn it, And claim that free silver means free dom to them Means freedom from toiling without any profit, From seeking truat-mortgagts eat op the farm. From leaving the market, and taking not olit Enough to keep them and their chil dren clad warm. We're on to their methods and on to the reason Why free-silver doctrine is wormwood to them Why those who proclaim it are guilty of irt aartn Which all money-lenders are bound to condemn ; Why money to lend as and nothing to ell ns Makes scarcer the money the better for them. wane plenty oi money is evii, mwj wit i as ( An evil to Shvlocks. and therefore to them BcktoxT. Dovur, Washington. D. C. Who They Are. A writer in the Portland Tribune says: Did you ever Uke a careful look over the political situation as it stands? If so, look again and note if yoa don't Me plainly that every single gold-standard and sound-moner man in the crowd is either rich or comfortably fixed? They all have a good aixed sack of gold dollars tied op and laid away. Now, they got this gold with silver. It only cot them 100 cents, bat they intend to keep it :ied ap till they can make gold oar money. Then the muscle of this coun try will pay tbeee patriotic (?) gentle men from 200 to 3D0 cents for these tied up gold dollars. They- talk about tbe credit of this government, etc., Io which they care about as little as did Benedict Arnold when be sold the secrets ot West Point fc the British, or Urover Cleveland and Carlisle did when, locked in a room at midnight, they sold oar bonds at par to the Morgan syndicate, giving Morgan & Co. a chance lo clear nearly 120,000,000 by this secret dealing. Look carefnlly, and yoa will find these fellows who want tbe gold standard for the salvation of oar national crtdil, all have a good sack stored away. There is no each thing as a srokl democrat. He is limply a gold bag camping in the democratic tent. No true democrat or popnlist can be a gold standard man. and let me say to tbe people, don't be misled by this cry oi our government credit being in danger. If the silver party wins this government always was and will continue to pav its prom ises in good, sound montv- U gold contracts will bs paid In gold, and we mast watch the decoys or we may be misled by tbe gold men's patriotic (?) triumph- God help as! Why So Momentous? A gieat many cannot understand why the money question the issue between cold monometallism and bimetallism is so prominent. They ask why does It obscure all other issues? We shall try to tell: First, in 1893, Cleveland called the congress in special session, to repeal the Sherman act. nnder which f 1.500,000 silver dollars were coined each month. It was ciairued by the opoonentt of sil ver that this was necessary to prevent a panic, and restore good times- It was done. Next, the silver men in congress pass ed a bill to coin about fcSO.OOO.OOO of idle seigniorage silver bullion lying in tbe treasury. This Cleveland vetoed, say ing it would be dishonest and inflation, and would stop tbe revival of the good times sorely coming. The next battle in congress was over the issue of gold bonds, to ibe amount of 202,000,000, which silver mtn thought unnecessary. All these questions were debated fully in congress and on the stamp. The newspapers have been fall of them. The money question is para mount. Salem Journal. Perhaps ex-Gov Pennoyer's name will be presented for ice-president. Tbe Chicago convention nextTuetdty promises to be one of great interest. All eyes will be on it.. Tne eagle will be in Albany on the 4th and tally 10,000, it is thought, will hear him scream . The committee believes in giving local talents rhance. Hon J M Somers will deliver the oration. Bulldozing methods do not count. Tbe repeated assertion that bimetallism is merely a coveting for silver monometal ism is simply twaddle, 'there is nothing in it. We all want sound money, most of as fod and silver on equal terras. We are not opposed to go!d; but we are in lavor of silver as well as gold, the money of the masses. Our Gates correspondent yesterday said "Time were good there.". That has a good riiig to it. If all of us would get to thinking thai we would have good times for certain. What was the objection to Mr Berkley that he is a silver man? Does the party intend to drive every man from the organization that does not stand for a single gold. standard? If such is the in tention the doom of the republican party in Oregon will be signed when the re turns of the Jane election are certified to, and sigued and aea'ed Salem Jour nal. The longett bridge in the wo-I I is the L;on Bridge, near Sangang, In China. It extends five and a quarter miles over an area of the Yellow S.'a, and is e up- ported by 3(0 huge stone arches. The roadway is 70 feet above the water, and is enclosed in an iron netwoik. A mar ble lion, 21 feet long, rests on the crown of each pillar. The bridge was built at the command of the Emperor Keing Long. A Joaquin Miller Story. A gentleman who was a guest at the Hotel Pendleton recently ncticed in the East Oregonian that Joaquin Miller will come to Pendleton to read at the cele bration a poem written for the occasion. Ia conversation with other autsts. he related the following interesting etny oi the old "poet of the Sierras :' "It was quite a number of years ago 1 met Joaquin Miller, and I'll never forget the occasion. It was on a steamer on the Atlantic ocean as we returned from Eu rope. During- the first half of tbe jour ney, we had extreme! rouh weather, and nearly eve'yone was sick. One old geutlen an was aprarently no atfdctei with seasickness. He stood looking off at the waves and the sky and was fond ot being on deck, even though the toss ing of the waves mide it necessary for him to laih himself into a chair on the deck . J "Finally, the weather cleared up and tbe sea became calm and the passengers became acquainted. The old gentle man was not approached much by any one and appeared to make no advances. Ilia name was unknown, excepting to tbe ship's officers, with whom he reis ietered. Before we reached New York, the ladies were arranging a program for one evening in the main cabin, and a self appointed coin milt as went about to secure assistance. Several well known public mtn and women were on board and all promised to contribute some thing ' for the general enjoyment. The ladies went to the old gentleman. Yes, said he, I will try to entertain the com pany for a few moments. About five minutes, did yoa say? The ladies were somewhat amused, and went away think ing it rather a joke. They expected some sport from the fanny old man and asked nirn his name. His reply wa that he could te announced simply as an old gentleman who would furnish a number of his own selection. When the time came, be arose and said that be would recite a piem of bis own composition and bs proceeded to give them 'William Broan,' a poem fa miliar to all who know Joaquin Miller's productions. The sotnpaoy were per fectly delighted. They '.orined with applaase, and Joaquin Miller was com pelled lo tell his name, which, once re peated, was familiar to nearly every one in the cabin, and he was the lion daring the remainder ot tbe trip bome." The McKlnlcy Nine. Here ia the executive comui.llee of nine appointed by Mark Hannah to as sist him in running the campaign for UcKioley, which premises to be the most extravagant in the history of the U. S.a as complied by an ex. Cornelias N. Bliss, of New York, was treasurer of the la rrah!i.:an national and handled the csmps'ic fat loar years ago. He is the h. ad of Bliss, Fabyan A Co., Jrj goods jobbers of New Yotk City; vice president of the Fourth National Un, and of .h. gov- ernors of the Union League Ciub of New Yoi 't City. He is Piatt's bitterest e4 emy. . TLomas Dolan, of .Pennsylvania, wat president of the Manufacturers' C'.ob of Philadelphia and helped Waoamaker to raise tbe $XMK fond for Harrison. He ia looked to again to "fry the fat' out of Eastern protecte i manufacturers. Samuel W. Aliertoo, of Illinois, is a pors man. oi vuicago, who knows all about practical "'fat frying" in politics as well as batioes. Raseel A. Alger, of Michigan, a as sev eral times a candidate for Ibe republi can presidential nomination- Has made millions ia lumber and has always been a liberal contributor to campaign funds. W. a. PluoketU of Massachusetts, is an active manufacturer of Adamt, tress -arer of the G rat lock mills sod the Berk shire Cotton M an u far! on eg Company, president ot Ibe Graylock Natioial bink, and a director in several insurance com panies. Redfield Prjctor, tf Y-rmont, was secretary of war iu Uarrison's cabinet now VJnitel SUes senstor Has male . . a fortane in granits. F. G. Netdringht-jt, of Mionri, former congrrssmsn fron St lUiS, a manafactorer, who is given the credit of framing the lia schedule in the McKioley bill, lie is interested ia tia piate manafactnring. William B. Msrria n, Mtnnesolo, for mer governor of the state. Wa a mem ber of the res ilutioo cimmittes of the St. Loais convention, is ace on u ted a man of wealth. A rich banker, presi dent of the Merchants' National bank of St. Fan!. H.'Clay Eaos, Tonu-jsse. republican leader of the state aud si aspirant for tbe republican nomination fr vice president. Hd is not a man of wealth Bit-hard P Bland, of Lebanon, Mis sour:, a prominent candidate for presi dent, in an interview said: "I do not know that I can add much to my pre vious expression on tbe subj-ct of til ver," he added. "It is generativ known lhat I urgently favor the restoration of silver as money and advocate its free, un limited and unrestricted coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1, to be maintained in ail respects at a mutual parity with gold . "I think the immediate effect of this would be to improve the industrial and commercial condition of the country. I believe the restoration of free coinage would be the ealvauinof this nation If the United States were to open it mints to the free aid unlimited coinage of silver, I think other leading nations would promptly follow the example. "In case theotherjnatloas of theworld do not follow this exmple, and the Uni ted States had to iu tintain the free coin age of silver alonn, I believe no ill effect would be experieoced in the financial centers. My idea is that restoration of free coinage would mean the awakening j of trade and allied interests, and pros perity would progress. The feeling is all one way. The silver idea will dominate the democratic convention and the silver candidates will tu victorious in the elec tion." Under a trunt things ought to be cheaper, but InstemPof that the price is raised. This is noticeable in the nail trust particularly. It itber price, are now being charged through this mon opoly. Ditto for oil. Tiusts and mon opolies breed corruption. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar te Hood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man IruOOdji said: "You never know you have taken a pill till It Is all I'aJ 1 . over." 26c. a I. Hood & Co., 1 1 1 1 Ifst Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. H W Tbe only pills to take with Hood's Sarsapiu-Ula. Tomorrow ws celebrate, patriotically. Let us do it The crowd will be in Albany tomor row Itiacominu from many counties. 177tJ. We are IStW. enough to pretty near oM nm., mono auu uu let r.ugmuu .u.. oui aQairs. Isn't that a fact ? ; The nam t rf the republican nominee tor governor of New Hampshire is Josiab Grout. Perhaps there is nothing in a name. An Albany man tells the Dkmocrat that the way to keep ice is to wrap it in flannel and set it out in the sun, and not in tbe shade, inatea.f of ine'ding it freezes to the fl tnnel. Try It. even if it does sound inconsistent. 1 noted ph)ic'iiu says that instead of olds coming from tla.ospher.4i changes, as people genera'lv suppose, they gen erally originate by breathing impure air. N'nety-nine per cent of what ars termed colds are nothing more cr less than the poisoning of the mucous membrane by bad air. By a simple rule the length of the day and night, and time of the year, may be ascertained by simply doubling the time of the sun's rising, which will give the length of tha night, and doubling the lime of smii.g will g'v'e the leng'n. of tbe day. MISHIS. Two Chinese women have ju.t gradu ated from Ann Arbor,- standing high in their classes They must be different from the celestials that inhabit Oregon. ! A gditleman 55 years of age yesterday i applied for a license permittirg him tbj marry a girl 15 vearsof age. Tliatinone! point where the law is deficient. How-1 ever, he did not get the licence, as the paiM-rs were not properly made out. s Uuard. Salem barlers ill hereafter, so long as they stand by their agreement, not open on Sundays. The Journal says: liev. Copeland has invited the barbers to attend church in a body in recognition of their effort to keep Sunday. To see ail the tonsorial artists at a religious ser vice, where they cannot do any of the talking, will be a sijfht many ail; attend 1 to behold. ; It as a sight to warm tlie cockles of all the old timer's hearts to see the old hand-engine with the o'd volunteer fire company out on the streets 1 uevlay night, drilling for the Fourth of July varad. In the ranks were Old Bill An-! derson and John a . , a al hose cart war ao close upon theii heels they could not pull out hut had it ran like nhitehcsds to keep (rout being tei ejoopeJ. Silein Journal. ! Apropos of the new arrival at the home T, MTi .fJT .?! , Miowing extract from a letu-r written ! by him to Salem friends and received yesterday, is in order, says thst papev. ? have to sell lots of heating apparatus now. liegmrds to all the toy. Ail hands well here except mraeif and I am recovering from the shock." The mot preteno to aristocracy is pruUUly dUplared br the wives of arm v oil cent. The are so Lis-h loned ther will : .. i,,', ...!.. ; holding themselves aloof. A ladv in Al- ! bany who traveled recently in a Pullman with several was struck with their co-i- fish aristocratic stvie. Oa one arcasion ! oneof tliem lecame very indsgnantat the conductor because he did not know her name when a telegram was handed him to give her. and gave him a warm lecture. "What, yoa don't know who 1 am" she stormed ber eyes snapping. Intelligent business men get trade wherever ihey can get tu Tbe Salem Journal says : " A Salem merchant refit to take Tbe Journal on tbe ground that it is a silver ; paper, ana a silver paper in his eyes is a Populist paper and he says he will not 1 nit-port a Popalin paper." i lie has a right to withhold support from :sny paper he sees tit. but his txwilion is ' not a sound one. What would he say if ,hf Popuiiyts and free silver men would ! i mu-r iu ii 'ic a ii iiim oa acocount ot I his views? 1 Tk. I tK.n TV. . t at... ,1 Oretron Avrii-iihurnl Hn-n in .Un,-r 1 -- -- . . 1 . ....... 1 ....... -T-. ui unvuiiu a (wuiicai innuuiiun. ine Iemocral ought lo be more explicit, for ibis is a matter in which the whole state of Oregon is interested. The college so far has two signally frte from anything that would justify such suspicion and if there is anything in the a inJ that wonid tend to bring reproach upon the institu tion, publicity would doubtless prevent it being accomplished. Our institutions of learning must not be made political machines nor asylums for superanuated politicians. The board of regents f hould avoid even the appearance of evil. Cor vallis Gat tie. The Uarette ia much better posted than It e Dkuixti t v on this subject, and is no doubt familiar wilh the wires now well laid. The Modern Way. Commends itelf to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was lormeny done in ibe crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, head aches, and fevers without unpleasant aftereffects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. Manu factured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. Daily Service "Ruth' more." and "EI The O K & N. Co's palatini steamers Ruth and Elmore leave foot of Broadalbin street as follows: Steamer Kuth leaves on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 a. m. arriving Portland 4 :30 p. in. same day. Steamer Klmore leaves on Tues days, Thursdays rid tuturdays at 7 a m. arrivinjr Portland 4:00 p.m. same day. Kates are as follows: To Port land, one trip $1.25, round trip i 00, To Oregon Uity, one trip tl.00, round trio 60. To Salem, one trip 50 cents, round trip 75 cents. To Independence one trip, 50 cents, round trip 75 cents. Special rates for party of ten or more peo pjo. 'I be round trips ar good for 30 day. Fare to San Francisco, first clans, $" 50, steerage . 00. C. G. Rawlimis, agt. Oarataadlwa at Hum Four out of every rive" bottle j of medi cine sold in thj last five years are S. B. goods. J The S B Headache and Livei t'ure I use myself s a geueral physic. If you are sick und want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to buy the 8 IJ. mmediss and use as directed C. P. lUu-ir, DniggUt, Uufur, Or ' Foi sal by Fonh-iy A Mason at 5(1 ct per bot- i e- Pklivkky WatMNs. Notice is hereby given, the delivery wagons will make no trip on Saturday, July 4lh, Patrons please order accordingly. Htei.lmaker Bttos, The V eatlier. T night nnd sturdily fair and warmer, obaSy thunder storms Sunday. River pro i 3 F. VI. French dieplayman. TERMS. D ulv Democrat, 25c per month; 3.00 per year, in advam-e 30c per month not in advance. Hy carrier, lOc per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run ovrt S months. Single copies 5c. WrtKKi.y. $1.25 In advance! f 1 .50 at end f year; 1.75 for second year; '200 for third and proceeding eara, when not naid in sdvMnce. Cluba of five new sulMcribero for 15.00, TELEGRAPHIC. Hew Thejr Hlaad. Chicago, July 2. It being understood that the territories are to be allowed six votes each, and that the District of Co lumbia is to have tix voles also, the total number of votea in the convention is UIH. Then 4(50 would In? a mnioritv and 61 '2 n f Wl.t luriin mniiiFilu t if . L. . .. ... .1... lver men ,oUay ca,nie(J By0; g()u ni ard men li'St . i Mill far ball aaa. Chicago. July 2 -The movomett to make Heoator Hill temporary chairman bus received decided impeltu during the day, and there ia nood reaa m for believing that the executive coinmi tee Ot the na tional committee would be pleased to sug gest his name, if they felt that it would be uictpted by the silver men. Many im partial obaeners exprens tne opinion that the senator wi'l be ultimately accepted by all factious in crder to make smooth wil ing at the beginning of the convention. 'he silver leaders told out Hillly, however, for a man of pronounced atlver proclivities for presiding otiievr. They Will FlB1n. CmcAoo. July 2 The announcement that the Kaalern gold-staailard leaden",! VViliiam C W bitney and others, would ar-1 rive here tomorrow has put some heait in to tbe gold'ttandurd men w no are here. The rumor of a withdrawal of the gold standard mcD from the convention, if tbey are defeated, is otill current. I 11 1 it ran not I be definitely placed in the so far-arranged pian or ii;e gold standard people The plan arranged ia at 'east calcu.aled to make Uiing lively, even if it bu not the greatt-r efTtjU of obtaining convesU. Saddra (train. iJu.ij-noiio, Or., Ju!y 2 J J liee'schn, age J U, a Dane, hung 10 mile north ot hre, on the ScappiOi road, wai found dead in the field ut hi ton-in-iaw. Emit -Meter, jesterdjy atxm. 6;:i) P. M lie had been mowing gran, and was through work. He probably tat down to rat before going to the house to supper, and ftl over backward, dying in a few minutes, lt is thought that tlie d-ceaed. 1 Mtnfrnrn-nuiA lit hmt r allnr-ltM.! with heart failure and died before ansittance ar- rived . J , ttm sure.', r.air.1. . . ,SraiXQriKU. ld luly 2.-Oovernor A'Ueld returned from Chicago todav. He eJtPecta to return to Chicago Sunday and remain nntil after the convention. "Free silver men will tave control of the 1 convention,' Le said, "and it i, we tnmk, to oar best interests to wind ap the bu.i nes of tlx c-nrenticn in one day. The ng!e-"td standard men will, of coarne. tight fi r a day. It is to their, interest In par lor aioJ. as Ibe sporting men would say. Pteaa el Ike atecersia BakehCitt, July 2. Albert Geir. sapenntendent of the Bonanza mine. brought in today 112,000 in tws, brkkt. f valued at $i.0u0 each, the resoit of about I'J days run, with 24 stamps. VSIll Swees Tklata. Fkkso, Cal., July 1. Senator M W bite paej through tbu city ib mormug en rente to tbe national demu-ralic M S-SlW aaft V UaV,V VF. S UasST UV WWXii f was eating breakfast at the Railrqa-i fcotel a reporter wa granted an interview. I Senator Wh.Uj talked quite rrweSv con- ! cernhig tbe coming convention, eti-rrv- ing contsdense that a strong stiver platform and acon?i'-tnl candidate weald tarehr be .' C1 "Will, .n.1, . t;.-St ."1 1 si. oVmocraY. w,M ..Tn. J.i, Zl ,,-v . . 7, , - croup; i eigrapoei to n rrSDcisco. eol .U..- 71:i:filfa?,,''. ,rafio- .half doWbott:eof S BCongbCure- ..j. aturkea ky Bnv DaVTs. Or.. Ju?y I.- Mb Iboel Ijili"'Mr- T lotbay Ar Mason al Fever, daughter cf Autone and Etta La r eier. wno uvea uiree luiie H-uthaet of DayU fi, lart Trjurtdat- was attaiked by two ravage d-v lelongisg to a air Wa-id. tbe dcr t- ail of ter clothe from her perca. and bit pixm of flrsa f.-om Ler UmtM. W ben foetid she was encoo- f wu- 01, '-il biting and -artng her. Had a n been for tbe ; tsmeiy approacb ot JSrWadJSe. M.. L i -id fcave oo ki.1 and eaten by j "" . - . " taken to ber bome, and is in a fair war to recover, rrr a'lar ratal ttrMral Bascn Citt. Oi., July 1. Fannie Jetkins, a daughter cf Caf4ain William JecliD. a miner ewployi in tie Virtue uiD-. while walking to a neighbor s house with ber little brother in her arm. to ta bled and. in trjicg to save the chili from being ic;ured, teil backward and broke ber oevk. Death was instantaneMOs. Tbe girl was H years of age, and will be buried to- S morrow. Tbe place where she fell wa level at a tl x. Mew Kate. w'sstvitsr. t., Ju'y 1 Over ICO shoU were exchange by tbe deputy then? and ttnkerj Uis ni -roiog al the iiersa stone qaamt. No one was kiiied so fsra known One striker had a W broken Many bate re ttU as the tvwil of hand-to-hand conihet . Tbe strikers apnroacbed the quarry Uirooch the wood, with tc 1 avowed iiiteitiun of routing the men at j work. Tbey were met bv ibe thenS and I ail .l..nnl 1-. vln II .... i The ttnkers bmran thnnlimr uJ ih fi..hi . - - -.I " " " ' 1 . t . .. 1 1 i""- unu geuerai. in a lew nivimenrs the strikrr we.-e repu!se-J and fell back to the woods. Teller's ttfrrptlaa. Dexveb. July 1 Senator Henry M. Teller returned to Colorado Uxiaj. and on arriving in Denver this evening from Cheyenne was met by a grtt ou.'pooring of people from all part ct the state. Tbe demonstration was part HI--' ted in by all claes, and by persons cf ali political be liefs, and it is (.oubtful if the scene of en tburiatm enarted on the streets of the Col orado capital tonight bare been raralieled id the Western history. Mrs Slew Bras). Hahtfokd, Conn., luly 1 At noon to day Mr Harriet Bewher Stowe, the fa mous autbnretx, paed away at her rei denceinthis aty. At b.-r boiside were three members ol tbe famly Mrs IsabWIa fecher. her Lvsband, lr. Hooker, and Harrie. Stowe. caro. i tt kuk, , Use a tv. !-. , Fa...K J. rurxEY makra oath th.t ;e ! ie aenioi partner of the firm of F. J. CtCo.. dnlna- basiojas in tbe ilr or TWedo. Ohhiit and titaieafomald. and ibat said flrta srilt pat tbe sum or ON K Hl'.VDKKU IHILLAKS f4 each and every case of Catarrh that cannot b cured by lbs use ot llaix's Osraaait Ci-aa. FRANK J. CHENIsy. Ksrorn to before me and subscribed If) us presence, this day ot December, A.D. ba. GLEAROJT. Hall Catarrh rSSw t takes Internally and acta airectiyoauie blood and mucous stirfi ot tb system. Bend for tnnimoniils. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., loledo. r Sold by DrofgUts. Tta. l'ottndmasters Notice. All cows, horses and stock of any kind running at large, or staked in the street or eo they can get in the street, will be put in the city pound. All parties will please take notice. No respect of person. The law will be enforced. By order of city ponndmaster. Long way from New Tor City. Long rainy days in Oi-uon. laing time no see sun fhine. Long years in the photograph businees iiing is tne leaning artist in A.lntny. Have your pho'os mac.a bv Lonir Photr Co., 2 id and Ferry St. A fine line of ltithv Carmines inst r- ceived nt Fortmiller i Irvitig't. Seaside Excursion Tickets. Summer excursion tickets, good to re turn until October 10th, to Yaquina Bay are now on sale by tho Oregon Central A Eastern U. R. at Albany andCorvallia at the usual reduced rates, vis : Albany to Yaquina and return, 50; Corvallis to Yaquina and return, $3 25. In this connection arrangements have been made whereby the tug "Resolute" bas been placed in regular service ho- tween Yaouina Bav and Xee-nnrt f..r la accommodation of excursionists. The Resolute" ia one of tho larcost and most commodious tugs on the Pacific- Coast and will take tishinv parties to aea and return whenever desired, the weath er permitting. Get your lawn mower sharnnneJ hv M. Ludwig, opposite P. O. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's; Fair highest Award. Lebanon. Prof. O. L. Calavan and Miss Ida M Jackson were married at the residence o the bride's parents, near Hodaville, on Wednesday. The young folks have the best wishes oi many lric-nds. A large number will go on the Fourth of July excursion from this place to Port land. The Firemen's band will accomp any the excursion and will take part in the parade, which will be about the largest ever witnessed in Oregon. Ed Kellenbergcr and Joel Mayer left Tuesday for a visit to Gates and Quartz ville. Mr. Kellenberger and R. Hiatt will soon open a aneat market at Gates, and will furnish meat to the miners st Quartzville and to the loggers along the river. Geo. Wheeler, eon of the late L. M WI.eeler, died at the home of his mother in this city on June28th,of consumption, aged 40 years. Funeral services were held on Monday in tlie M. E. church, of which church he was a consistent mem ber for many years. Advance. Mr. Moss Walker returned to Lebanon last Saturday from Winslow, Arizonia where be has been for the ?st eiuht months cooking in a boarding houe for Mrs. Grubb. Dr. F. T. Matchett, who has been vie. iting his parents near this place, left for his home in Warden. Idaho, last Satur day Kx press. Feed (lie Nerves upon pure, rub b.ooJ and you will not be nervous. Pure blood cones by ta-ing Hood s S-ir.aparilla which is thus tbe grta'eit and bent nerve tonic. Hood Pills cure rau-ea, i k head ache, indigestion, biliou.rie.. Ail drug gioes 20c. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will W seat to subscribers for 12.33 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of flwO direct! v to the paper. Isu't that a bargain Vteeklv ItEHoritiY arid Lhrira a --k I N. Y. World. S2.00 a rear. i Subscribers to Daiiv w vine in ad v ice will receive all the advantage of either proposition. Linen Pique and Dock tutU ready mavk pel fett fit and latest tj lea for t-J.lO at the ladies Uazaar. Soring cleaning i. at band, tr ns for prices on wahicg carpels becing and (rartains. We call for and deliver a'l gjj. C- inros. city laundry. 1st St.,opp. St ClarSf. Pbooe 9. . Miss Helen Crawfonl Is organizing a class in reading and English Literature. All thowe who desire to lake such a coarse am notily tier at once. Terms, f .50 or twelve lessons. .Honey to Loan. A limited amount cf onev to !oan nn goo.1 farm security K N.SrcKis&Co. I tnn ma. 1 -- I J 1 'jelto 1 It ia ptrfect remedy. God bw voa for 'jit. lour, e'e J.U. Oosier. Grant t p S ran Srertk aisalac. Cki- ip;ioo. Lwirippe. t'neatnonia and aii Tjrat a-ij L sng deates are core vSi.i.- Ca.-e. For4'eoy Ksthay Mason. Url'aCleiee Keel Tea is a urs care for beadacrte ard DTtoa lixase No hicg relieve to onick. Vor tZlr Foshav A- U e tyr TJ asoa. Taw Ilia ! vteaara Contipation, canvs tnort than half tbr l!b ol women- Karl's Ctorr li x4 Tea i a pleasant core for const i; ation . For tali by Fobay A Mason. a ftalarwl Beaaliarf Kari's Cover Bxi Tea M-n5 tts b'ood and gi-e a clear and beautiful cmpxinsj For aV by Fby and MJton. Barrel sweet pick.., Itarrel soar pttkl. (.rster cocktail Siure A t Paiker L5r,i. Doesn't Taae Much Money For groo-rie at larker Brx. Tl'eir pnoes are reamnable and a litt'e etm a long wavs. Qiality ii soseUiing aiw. 1 aey keep oa ly tbe l -t. I: is a fair and square fiat fcoted fact that it you trade with them yoa aS way g-t good treatment in good, pnees and personally. Thai is consider able in the lone run. It counts patticu larly in groceries acd baked goo i Yon can per wbai you want without ranning around by trading with Parker Bros . First class meats of all kinds, ti wel as hams, bacon, etc.. at the Linn Dressed Beef CVs shop at Second and Ellsworth streets. Courteous and prompt treat ment. II you want a enoa and clean smoke buy cigars made bv mir Al bany cigar factory. For Pills and Piasters Dawson Use Dawson furniture polish 'sr Pure Drugs liawson's. Tlie examination .f Frol S-nders for assault on iVundinarter lhividon and interfering wilii an oiheer was taking place at press tune lifore Justice Freer k seu. Wu l be Cutset) The general deliv ery of the post ollice will lie close lo morrow except front S to 9o'ciock,a. ni., and from o to 6 o'clock, p. tn. Help to celebrale l decorating your houses witb Has hunting, buy it cheap at Kad Peacock & Co's. aLBtsr siiwarr. Wheat, 4' OaU 164 c Fbur. M il l Butter IS; KgcsTc Lard 6 to 9c Pork hams. $ to 10cihoulderi 4 to 6. Sidts. S to 10. lly baled, tS-00 NEW YORK WORLD, 1HRICE-A-WEEK EDITION IS Tagcs a iTfk. 156 Papers a Year. Ia larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published aud is the only important democratic "weekly" pub lished in New Yo.-k City. Three times aa large as the leading republican week ly of New York City. It will be of special advantage to vou during the Presidential Campaign, as :t ia pub lished every other day, exeept Sunday, and has all the freshness and timeliness of a daily. It combines all the news with a long list of interesting depart ments, unique features, cartoons and graphic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. All these improvements have been made without any increase in the cost which remains at one dol'ar per year. We offer this mi equaled newspaper and the Wsrklv Dbmocuat together one i year for 2.00. Satisfactory terms with duly. HIl!!!ll!!!!!i!!!!!!l!!lI!!!I!i!!!!n!!!!ll!!!l!n!!!Ili!;!n:iinin!Iin!;!inin:Uli2r 1 A very smooth article,t f Dont compare "Battle Axft g with low grade tobaccos compare I "Battle Ax" with the best on H tbe market, and you will find you get for tO cents almost twice as g i much "Battle Ax" as you' do of 1 i other riigh grade brands, 1 tnimaaffliMiiiimiiiiiiiM RfORTHEBH 111 PACIFIC R. R. u Pullman Sleeping Uars. Elegant Ding Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars St Paul Minneapolis -DnJath fargo. T" Grand Forks Crook ston . Winnipeg f Helecsand -" - - Bntte- THaOUGH TICKETS,.., TO CSi Icago Washington Philadelphia Sew York Boston and al. Points East and South t Through tirkdts to Japan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamship Co., an American line- For information, time cards, maps and tickets call oa or write C Q Bar chart. Agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Aat Gen Faaw Agt Portland, Or. iRECOn CENTRAL & EASTERN. YAQUINA BAY ROUTF Connecting at Yauina Bay with toe San Francisoo and Yaqaina Bay Steam ship Company Stsauij "Farisi' Sails trom Yaquina everr 8 days for Sao Francisco. Coos Bar, Port Or ford, Trinidad and Humboldt Bay. PassENnEa Accomodations Cxsrapassxu. Shortest route between the Willam ette Yailey and California. Fare from Albany and points west to Saa Francisco Cantv ts-OO SnrxKAGX 4.00 To Coos Bar and Port Orfonl. Cabin $6.00 To Humboldt Bay i Cabin Si Round trip good 60 days special. RIVER DIVISION. Steamers "Albany" and "Wm. M. Hong," newly furnuhed. leave Aibany daily except Satnrdays at7 :45a.m. .arriv ing at Portland the same day at 5 p. m. Returning, coats leave Portland same days as above at KX) a. m.. arriving at Albany at 7.45 p.m. Edwis Stos, J. C Mato, Manager. SapU River ihvislon. it. L. Waltixs. H. B. Sackt, Agt. depot. Albany Agt p Revere House, Albany "L70T:ND.-0n Ut Street. lady's nocke book, containing more than one and lee than ten dollars, Tbe owner, will piease can at PKMonitT omce and prove property, anc pay tor ad. TJFIXG about to leave Albany, the Uhoum'hoid goods of the undersigned win be oaered tor saJa at a bargain, tali at residence. J. Yak Wnsox. fKOWS WANTED. 10 cent apiece V. will be paid for ail crows, dead or auve delivered at rronian Bros. 1 h?y are ffeatn to Chinese pheasants and it is desired to kill them off FOUND.-Ao umbrella, wita a niono trraru of H. H. in thieo vertical lines. is at the Dkxockat office awaiting the owner. FOUND. Near Hacklenian's grove, a valise containing some clothing. The same can be had by catling at the Demo crat otbee. BICYCLKFOR SALE. A second hand ladies bicycle, in excellent condition Call at the Postal Te'egraph Office. FoK TR PE. Blacksmith shop, i I ot un.l itiwllini. .tu. 1'a.vun f . . l.l. for property in Albany, address box 25 Albany. -, . REPAIRS BICYCLES. Ftank Uiea . ey repairs bicycle promptly and in a hrst class manner. Breaks, punctured lire, etc. fixed errectiv. .At shop just west of Y. M. C A hall. FOR RENT. A five mom cottage ia First ward, good well, etc., all for $5 per month. See G, W. Hams, or leave word at this othce. HOUSE MOVING, Carefully, promptly Iv, at the lowest price. Call oa cr address G W Taylor, 4th and Wad won Su Albany. at) n! oVft .-. 7 K. McNElLL EeceTr. TO THE E A errs rats cuom os TVO TKAXSCOXTISESTAL saav ea a a & m m v m creat union NORTHERN PACIFIC via VIA SPOKANE DENVER IIIMXEAPOUS 0 a AHA AJrp awD ST. PAUL KASSASCITT. LOWK -TEi TO ALL eastern cities OCKAS STEAilEKa EAVE POETLA.ND EVERY S DAVft SAH FRAIIC1SG0 ror tail dXaila eaP aa Ccaaair & MoNTarrH, Albany, Or ia ADtaa: WHHCBI.BlKl. Gii'l P .Aoai. POKfLAXD. OR. HJANADIAtl PACIFIC RY & oUU fAUlrlU LIHt. OlTTri ITATIfttT and Tims And get the best service J A auu accommouauoiis. m W . aSVSI St W eft. uiieap xickcis 10 n .A elf. a, KKK aBfsa V 1 1k sm MC of the UOKLU.": Canadian Pacific Royal Mail suraatuy tine. ... "Empress Lane ' Tn nam stir. r!'!t I Ine idlest and finest line on the Pacific ' Oveaa. 300 any Miles snorter man other Trans-Pacific Line nOXOLlir, FIJI k AOTUUSUP Short Line to the Colonies. These vessels carry aa experienced med ical man and a stew ardess on each voy age. Fcr rate, accgrnmcniations. pamph lets cr any information call on or addree. HBSACRY. ALLAN CAMERON Agent, Frt. A Pass. Agent. Albany Or. 146 Third St Portland, Or. GEO.Mc L. BROWN. Dwt. Pass. Agent. YaccoaTer, B. L 0.C.&E. R. R. CO. Willamette River Division, Steamer ALBANY. Cpt. J- L. Smith, a . I I ... L " m. 3i. uoa.capi. a- u. uaicu Freight ao4 Passccicr, Daily, except Saturdays, between Cor vallis, AlDany, independence, oar, lem, way points and Portland. fnanrnaiwwxl accommodations and schedules especially for the needs of np r Willametta travel. Picnic parties can avail themselves of this schedule for .i-.:.l Ini KaftvMn Cnwallia anrl any ircmivu (wm, .. - - 7 , Salem, leaving ia the morning and re turning in due time the same evening. special rates mr apectsu u ww more. . . - Leaves Albany downriver at 7:43 a. m. leaves aioany op river at o p.m. except Saturday. H. L. Waxdkm, H. B. Sacar, Agent, depot. Agt., opposite Kevers ST