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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1896)
TERMS. D iiLY Democrat, 2oc per iiion'.h; $3.00 per yar, in advance 3i)c ivir month not tn advance By carrier, 10c per week. It percent added if allowed to run ovei S months. Single copies 5c. Wrkki.y, fl.25 'n advance) 1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 foi third and proceeding yeara, when not paid in advance. Clulw of 6ve w auiscribers or 5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Dkmocrat and Weekly Examiner will lie sent to sulscrihera for $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift in May, the same as if yon sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly to the paper. Isn't that a hargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a -feok N. Y. World, 2.00 a year. Subscribers to Daily paying in adv-jce will receive all the advantages of either proposition. $6.0D buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys ltt choice "cat gut" Banjo Is atrintrtt $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E . strings. -$.00 bins a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 9ml arrimrfl. $25.00 buys a 5-drnwer sewing machine; high arm, light miming; guuruu tenl 5 years "Prices on Pianos, Organs, Uanjos sent on application. E. U. Will : : : Aibany. JVl03Sr3D-A."3r ALBANY'S 4TH. A warm day. A big crowd. A scattered celebration. THE CROWD CAMK. The boats, trains, teams, bicvcies and feet brought a goo J sized crowd of peo ple to Abany from different parts of the valley, how many we an no; know. During the forenoon they had plenty of timo on their hands and it was spent "walking around," patronizing the many stands, merry go round, and good natur edly wondering why 4th of July light ning didn't strike. In the mean time the Harrishurg band had arrived and played some popular airs and at 11 o'clock the Independence band, which assisted in doing honor to the occasion. PARALY2KD, An interesting event to those en joying howling was a contest at the alley at 10 o'clock, where the feathers of the Pin Paralyzers, the pick of the town, were ruffled by the "Scrubs" in a 10 .frame contest, as follows: Paralysers Drum 35, Watts 43, Hopkins 33, V a (son 40, French 31 187 Scrubs Porter 48, Leinenger 44, Wandel 29. Simpson 52. Hughes 36209. ' TFIE K GLsSCKEAMKD At 1 :30 o'clock the pUvform exercif occurred on the court house steps Ho a Ross, p THE COLTS FIRST VICTORY. The Albany Colts defeated the Salem Leviques last Friday by the very one sided score of 26 to 3, in a very enter taining: and satisfactory game, at least to Albany, inasmuch as the Albany team displayed a marked ability for base ball and the capac.ty to compete with the stronger teams it will have to face. A close game with the Salem team would have meant inevitable defeat hereafter with other teams. As it is the splendid game played ly the Colts in d.cates that they will be able to make a good showing ag.inst the strongest loys club on the coast, with an excellent chance for not only winning in Oregon rut ou the coaft. lliey played alive, snappy, careful game from the start, the battery work of Fleming and Miller be in5 errorless, and probably never eo,na ed here by amateurs. The work of We.uheilbrd at first and Connowatant 3rd was particularly mxxl.' One of the ' best piays was a doub'e by Fleming, ! McKarluinl and VVeathertord. In the third inuiiig ot tue Leviques was mid out and the game proceeded with 8 men. A protest tiled by .Man ager Levique of Salem, was withdrawn, the emphatic character of (he deleat.and the superiority of the all-round playing of the Co'.ta unking it manifestly out of place. Nothing speaks like the tabulated score for a gauie, and we give it in de tail: ALBANY COLTS A.B.R. 1R.S.B. P.O AE Miller, c 6 Conoway, 3b.... 5 McFarland,2b. . . .6 R Wetberford,lb6 Layton, at 6 Crawford, c f 6 Thompson. If... .6 FWeaiherford.rjf.S Fie v ing, p 5 Totals 51 BALK St LVQ.CES. A BR.1B.S.B 4 3 1 13 1 0 4 14 10 0 3 15 2 14 2 0 1 9 0 0 111 101 3 11 0 0 1 4 1 3 0 0 0 3 2 2 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 0 26 10 19 27 5 7 Tangent. Tasokst, Ok., July 5th, 1896. Mr W W. Powell and family started on their journey across the mountains on last Wednesday. They went bj way of the Lebanon rout, all their family ex cept Charles and Miss Ida. Hay harvest has already begun with many of the farmers of this vicinity. Mr. Langtry has moved his family from Monmouth to Tangent to reside. He is our city blacksmith'. The late grain and gardens all need a good rain and if it does not rain soon the late grain will not bo worth the cutting. The fall grain is good in places. Prof. II. H. White has been stopping some few days in Tangent. Some of our citizons spent their cele bratiou at home and others went to Al bany ana other places while we went to Albany to celebrate and on the ground we noticed our familiar friend and brother scribe Little Rose Bad, of O.ik ville, we had a tine time taking in the sights, ot the city together, Mr. Alf Hiett, who went to Sissom Ual., in the spring came back to Tangent one day last wtek and has gone to Gil lian county to engage in some kind of work th ire. Mr W. W. Crawford informs in that he is doing a good but-iness In the wind mill trade, considering the dull times. While Young America was in Albany we were treated to m delicious supper by Mrs. M. E. Crawford fjr which we wis.'i to express our thanks. After isuiiper we listened to some choice violin music by Uncle Johnnie Uilmour and excel lent piano music by Miss Helen Craw ford and Mrs. Jennie Crawford. They are loth fine musicians and they deserve much credit for their mit-ical qualifica tions. Young America can tell good music when he beats it fur us i- sotnewhst of a musician himself. Miss Eva Milk who hat hfan in T.m geut for some time visiting relatives hits returned to her home in Portland, Mis Ida Knighten went w; ! her to spend a short time. Miss Cora Vann has been tecioyed to teach a summer school in Benton con atr a short distance frm CWvallis. Miss Jessie Hawley has been visiting with her many friends in Tangent ai.d returned to her homo in Polk county las' week . Statesman, lb..l Benjamin, 8 s. . .4 Gray, 1 5 J. M. Somers delivered a patriotic e fort with the American flag as the central thought, end excellent music was fur nished Dy the Albany Malo Chorus and the Harrishurg and Independence binds. THE BABtfcS The baby contest occurred immediate ly afterwards, with about a dozen entries in the general contest. Chas. K. War ner, eon of Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" War ner, was give.1 the first prize. Uonnoyer, 3b, r f.3 Miller, e r.4 Bushuell, 1 b....4 Brown, 2 b 4 Stewart, c 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 P. O. A E 5 0 0 1 I 0 I 9 4 0 Totals. ...33 3 2 6 23 11 17 Colts 1 2 4 0 0 5 6 8 2tt Leviques ..0 100000203 Struck out, by Fleming, 11 ; by Rots, 5. Umpire, Chas Fuller; scirer, W. H. Warner SOUK RACES. The small races occurred and created considerable interest. Following were the results : 50 yard foot ra-e. won by Clark of Corvallis. Tom Riley second. 10J yard race, won by Tom R'iley, Clark second. Bicvcle race, 1 mile, won bf Jos Sternberg, Walter Biddie Sod. 50 yard foot race under 16, won by Clyde Rupert. Foot race 4 mile, won by Ed S.ewart, Wayne Bridgeford 2nd, Tom Riley 3rd . Bicycie race. 2 miles, won by Jos. Sternberg, Walter Biddie second. Barrel race, won bv George Cvy ; sack race by Felix Hamilton; race with egg n spoon by CI vde Rupert; race around barrel, the most confuting affair of the day, by George Cary ; race for 3 eggs bv Emery Haley ; cracker eating contest by Percy Farrell; greased pole by Felix Hamilton. The tng cf war between Albany and Jefferson was won iy the latter, the muscuUr Petes of Albany being pulled ont. Daring the afternoon and night the light toe was tripped on the dancing platform. A waltzing content was won b Harry Sa'.tmarsh and Mrs. Annie Williams. TUB K-fTBHTAlXaESr. At the opera house at 8:33 a pleasing entertainment was given by the .toll men in the presence of a fair size audi enee. Mr. Anderson Caunon delivered the address cf welcome in tit words and Rev. Gould, of Corvaliis, the resKitse, Mrs. S. O. Barnes the welcome in he- Ten Virgins. fiyur- The Corvallis Times does some ing as follows. . Wednesday evening the Salvation army was out in "full f.rce. There were ten women dressed in white, carrying lant erns, in representation of the Ten Vir gins.1 It niiV be of interest to emne to know that in Christ's time leu virgins, gve of whom were wise and five foolish, took their lanterns and awaited the aim ing ot the "Bridegroom " The wise virgins had oil ;n their lamps, anl they were trimmed and burning, while the lamps of the foolish uiau'ens lacked oil and consequently did not burn The com mon interpretation of this passage of the Bible ia that the bridegroom was Ciirist, while the vinrins were the churches, so to speak. The bridegroom tarried and the intervene was uevoieu to sieep oy the virgins. After a time the cry 'Behold the bridegroom comelli." was raiseo; then there was a commotion ainoug the giils to prepare their lamps, and Uirem who bad no oil, ana were consequently foolish, tried to beg some of the wiser virgins. Kawing in this, they o buy some and iu the meantime the b.-iu-' groom appeared and the wise ones wero j ushered in (persumably in heaven) and the door locked. Whea the foolUh vir gins had prepared their lamp ami knocked at the door.begging H.lmi. tame, Chri-t exclaimed, "Verily I say unto vou, I know you not " The women ot. Corvallis and v cinity who represented the "Ten Virgins" may compliment I i tl.... st.-.-. Aid.lj a imul Bt X-t onrg, pieasea tne auaiencewun uue , - .tUW tl foolish vir.dns whose lain OS were not burning failed to Major R. F. Canterbury, now of Port land, has been spending sewral days in Albany. Judge Hale, of I-akeview, is in the citr on a visit with his father Mr. Milton Hale. Mr. W. R. Power, of Salem, lias been in the city the guest of his eon. .Mr. K. L. Power. Mr. Frank Kitchens, who is stopping at Chitwood for a few weeks, Ins been in the tit". Mr CastM-r Vandran. who Sat been on the S.tuud several months, is in the city on a several days visit. Prof. love, who has been teaching the Canyonville school, has returned to Al bany, and w ill spend the summer here. Mr X J. Hunt has gone to Ontario, Malheur county, yn a several wetrks trip to visn a "i.-ter whom he bas not ero lor forty yrais Eli le, the well ki own Wvvlut. and Miss lHutha Knight, were married in Cauby on July 1. The bride is a niece of Sheriff Knight of Marion county. Mrs. Jos. Webber, Jr., and Mrs. D Manstild, Gertrude Mansfield, and Mies Uanshaw, of San Francisco, sere in the city over Sunday and today went to Shedd. where they will ricit a couple of weeks with Mrs. Slanstield's sitter, Mrs. Jrnaa Davis. Married, at the residenre of the bridi in Prineville on the 2Stb ult, by Judge M. E. Brink, Mr. J. L. MvCulloch and Mrs. Jane Compton. The ceremony was perfoi med in the presence of a few in vited guests and relations. Mrs. Mc Culloch i well known in this county being the daughter nf E. N. White w ho lives just aljove this city on the Ocboco. Mr. McCullot !i is one of the popultr jewelry men ot this place. Review. Dr. r. C. Mackev returned on last night's overland from bis trip to Buffalo est. A warrant was issued out o. i estate of Emanuel Goan. nice Hawkin's tourt and placed m the (ittreu d l0 u Burtenshaw. ids of Constable Blotuit, who went to. f .i .i residence of Mrs. Everett last even-1 t' "u"' fCCHU,,t DODGED A BULLET. Mr. Fred Biount began his socond terra ol constable of the East Albany district last evening in a lively mnnner. The Democrat last evening mentioned the attack upon Mrs. Thorn is by Mrs. Everett, wife of it woolen mill man, with a whip, and the fact that Mrs. Thomas had come up town to secure Mrs Everett's arrest. A warrant was issueu oui oi Justice hand the ing; but tho house was locked ana ue wiis refused admission. Upon advice of Deputy District Attorney Humphrey he returned and proceeded to force an en trance, breaking through a screen door and then the main door, when h was surprised to see a rille in the hands of Mrit. Everett, and directly in his face. He saw that she was furious and meant busiuess and jumped to one Hid.', mid none too quickly, for the rille, a 22 calibre repeating WlncueMer, cracked, aand ball landed in the wall just behiud where lie was standing. Ho sprang forward and grabbed the gun by the iniu'e when it was again discharged, the ball going into the wall. Then Mrs. Everett set her dog on him. Mr. Blount thought it was tune to act. and puded his re volver, when the dog sneaked under the sofa, and Mrs. Everett was persuaded to go to Justice Hawkin's ollice, li re she was fined flO ami coHi, $17 50 iu all, which was paid. The lo kill an otlic r, though a very serious offenne,will probably not Ih- taken up now. It was a close call lor the constable's life, an.' on ly for t..e fact that the offe.ider was a woman the matter would be pushed. Neighbors declare that there was not the leat occasion for Mrs. Everett's at'aek in the first place. Mrs. Everett's version of the matter Is that she thought all the neighbors were accompanying the tonst able and 'ha.sht was terribly frightened. She declares that she dt-i not shoot at the couttahh-, but at the fioir, to frighten him, which ia different from the constable's version. Probate Record. . In estate of J. F. Price inventory filed. Real property, 2500; personal, $432. In estate of L. Gerhard, administrator discharged and bondsmen exonerated. In estate of J. M. Irving, inventory filed. Property ordered set apart lor widow nd minor children. In estate of Fortmiller & living, jht sonal property ordered sold In estate of Lewis Cox, a minor, final account tiled aud guardian discharged. In estate of Emanuel Goan, residue or- fllo 1 In es tate of E. R. Cheadle. P.'.M's. Salaries. The salaries of the leading postmasters have lieen increased and decretixed as follows: Increased : Miss Carrie Millov returned to her .r.o at l,iaette ti..iy. Mr. Chs". Paiufoid ki-d son have gone to itt !knap Spring tor th sitmii.tT. Mra. A. Hunt left thi morning for Boise, Idaho, on a visit to her paren s. A. It Seal, fo'n erly of this city, now ot un Francisco, was in the eity today. Mr. and Mis. Simpson, of theCitr Ijitindrv, went to Indein m.ence llJy on a visit. Councilman T reddle and family left vf elerday to lieg,10 their suioniers rei dencv at Ya-riiinH. Mr. hh, t-r. (V.lius E kins will leav tomorrow morning lor Yaquiua Bay, go ing on their bi.-ycle. Air. and Mr. John r.rv.t, n I ,.ro is ilt condii wn, ai,d very t, mother of H. Bi vaut, left this noon o i - tlTO u grow,njf 6pelv; it, t. Mrs. B. W. Cundift and Miss Mary Cundi:! went to Salem this morning on THE CHICAGO CONVENTION. Chicago, July 7. Fine weather at the opening of democratic na'lonal conven tion. Called to order at 12:30 p.m. Harrity moved Hill for temporary chair man and Clayton moved the substitu tion of Daniel amid immense enthusi asm. Roll of state called for- The matter was diecussed. aller appetaed for Hill for temp.iiary chairman and Daniel for permanent chairman. A very heated discussion followed. Cleveland's name cheered by gold men. The call of the states resulte fin Daniels receiving 5,4 votes and Hill 345. Oilicial vote 606 aud 349. Daniel was escorted to the chair amid cheers and confusion at 3 :31 p. in. Daniels makes speech upon taking the chair. Relerred to Hill as great cena tor. Said the country would not mis construe the action of the convention. Daniels reference to Teller was loudly cheered. For first time In history of conventions tho government has established a post ollice on the floor of the convention. Chicago, July 8. It is said the com mittee on credential will throw out gold delegates fron Michigan aud Nebraska. The platform will declare for unlimited coinage of silver at 16 to 1. Denounce issue of government bonds in time ol e.M-e, demands that power lo issue notes lie take:i from n tlional b.tnks, declare f r t-uiff for revenue only ,deu a ids enact uient of coiistilnlional amendment to permit income tax, expresses sympathy for C.iban beligerenta, demand re iiet lou of immigration of pauper labor, (a vors liberal pension to old soldiers, le- ,, . uounces facinc funding bill, opposes I he Dalles Tunes Mountaineer ens: Death has claimed for his own another nounces extravagance of last republican bright and shilling nun k, Mrs. Caesie congress. Hill, wife of Dr. C. L. Hill, died at the Convention called to order at 10:51 a. residence of her -ni. Mr and Mrs. ,. Draft of platform read to cominiilee. . N. Wiley, iu il.-ei:y, last night, Senator Wh.te, of California, will p-ob-after an illne-s of t- months ably be permanent chairman. Tribune Mrs. Hill was lri, on i-iiteen-Mile in rays gold men will bolt this county, on F. 2. 1873, and most W hile awaiting report of committee of her life sr-m in The Dalles, Gov. Hogg, of Texas addreaei conven-1 where she 1ndd i a lovable girl and iiOII. He advocated friendlioeas of spirit grew to mature . ii..uihood. t Cor- among del. gates. Predicts ktK ceu it vallis, on Nov. 2 S'.H. .he was married parl- workll together, that people will to Dr. (. . L. Hill, and ..n April 30, of ,,ot tolerare retur of republicans lo l hi' yi ar, a lift I- .htughler born to pooer, denounce republicau platform aa I them. Mrs. Hill was a uiemlr . i M.e ,i,a.s of iililleriog generlitii lo deceive rirst Coi'gregatioiial church .. this city the public and protection as iu interest j and alrool rem Ljdge. i of h. j we-lthv and against farmer and work-1 The fui.eral will take pU.-e rom the jn!man. He reportei a corruptiin fund rexid. m e of Mr. and Mrs. W il.-y at 2 i .,r carrving LI., Ooio aod oilier tau-a iii. tomorrow, coi.d.ietel be U-v. W. O .S Mckinley. Hogg Uvors free ioinge l urns and the IVgree of H-.n...- j wjvt.r , denounced republican plar- j leru. as in tin iuterest of foreigners. He Tils Cu tea. Mr. Pague says; The j appealed for the healing of all sure after warm dry weather has been unUv.jral.'e the convention. to late-sown graiunand t"garden. Fall ' i.ui klurn was unanimoualy rrquea'ed Old. New. i Albary ... v . . l,800 l.tt00 Baker City 1.800 i.jknj Med ford leWO 1.00 Astoria 2,100 2.:x Marshtleld 1,300 1.400 Tl.o Dalies 1.800 2,000 Decreased : Old New. vl.100 l,000 Oregon City 1.700 1,600 Union :.m 1,200 La Grande I,ti0 1 500 Pendleton....... 2,t0 l'iOO t KEEP .Mrs.Clvdc Hill's Death. .- and winter-vow n grain itiin-an !s ll.e warm dry weather tii-ulgh It, loo. w.i ild tie benefited by rrin. tor it tl!.. the heo- s to Sli better. The h,pnii grain is in fair condition, while if at ?-on after the mid He of day is in very poorcondiiioii. The dry wea her is nut la vora hie to the berry croj,, though the ro- loo, , ...,i.i i i. Ti.. weather i verr fine for baring, and the j hay crop is b in barvele I in good form. to iid-lrris the convention. He aii I the j rity uf the A-neri.-an p np!e mere iii. ring, and were lokmg in Hie roil vent ion u right in -:r wr.i.ig- He want el a pUllrm - , .in thai everylxwlv woti:d iiu.iersuiid i.. Alipe d a'l.'l Hili sere anked lo I ire Hie c nv. itt'on amid inlee t-onfei -n; Hill noi .n hall. )vermytr of Kan ;oke. 4ltgril met with great r.cepti.i. Rtttaiked at every tliii.g being un ier luort- age tr m farms to sewing in n and a I in the interest of the English money lemlei. COOL 1 1 The Neatest Designs of the Sea- son in : : : Summer Coats, . J White Duck Vests, Negligee Shirts, Light-weight Flannel Shirts, i Cotton & Woolen Gauze Underwear, j Summer Balbrigan Underwear, LISLE THREAD HOSE, rfiw shoes, ! TEHMS SBOES, 53 BICYCLE SHOES 3 AT J L E. Blain Clothing Go's. 1 iiUFw OUTING XO. 2. the Klmore, the former to remain sever-1 Tlu-re are no rondrioii present lousy jTlie conv nlion should give relie1 a! days, the latter to return tonight. Mr. Itjrt Vao Cleve, the well-known comedian, arrived iu Albany tl.i noon fruiu Los Angeles, and went over on the O. C A. E. to join his wife. . Miss Anna Crain, formerly of Kugene but now of Junction City, who has been visiting friends in this cay, returned to her home lUy. B.iker City Democrat. Miss KelJie II "go cave a plea a lit party last evening in honor of the friend visiting her. 'o-t of the guet wer high school student. S-verai hours were passed in a .lel ghtfu! tnatii.rr. , Dr. E. K. Geary, Ci. C.of the K d P.. spent last night ilh the Ailiany lodge tr tiearj- wasome an Albany U-y, his father being rsurof the Congrej.iion tt church ai one time. Mr. A n h -it Wood, of this city, a stu dent of the O A. C. and tuemla-r of the that indurate a material rbug from the ! hhaxrd how guitf tnjr. liwt lowered current weather. Kaio frocn thumter price of farm pruiiucu. while farmer storm if proabble.bjt otherwise there is ' paid more for wbal lie hail to bay. Maid hi' le hope for rain j .o".a democrats wanifrJ lo put hal'er on Atnericjins in favor f knglitli oioney A 5wCiimi A .ao-...-H.t,-.enn,i'Jn,1- TIk-t caim to tore Itoir coon of The Dalle., and Honcymao i Ie- j J7 tMa Ut7 n Hart, of Portland, have clr,l tin con- -"J U a'ooer mn; . .... tract with the Astoria Hailed Co lor TMmmn . M nlM U x' di J not re build,ng47miiof road Iron. C.obel lo ! 'f000- . of M-... dree. within !0 mile of Astoria. This coo-1 U " d New KngUnd t is fur clearing, gra-li-ig. tnnnehng. V"" " "r. . apning and domg tbe rock work on , P'"1 tr"-or nd ttedo.n aw.v trat riprappuig Any who like to getaway from the noi and commotion of the city to cx-Ie-brtc theannt-ersry of their country's independence would have been ui:d exactly with Slavil!o on llie Fourth of luly, iJkM. After 9 o'clock a. in., the town au almost duMrrtci. Waterloo was going to ce;ebrate on a grand -.-aie, ae-urding to the a ivertised proram.and the mojontr ol the ppleot folviUe oniel ti tee the six w. Earl' in the mori inf the exolu began. $jme went by walker's line -:i I some n bicycU-t; but lh- maioriiv ureferre-l to borsetuck or in bugg;e. earriKe4 -! aagous ilo lu-t-iy went f.osn .oln viile and ihe mrrouti.ling Country 1 !. not Venture to say. Clouds ol dut were seen Hying over ail the ro-. which Wad to Waiet o -. aj early as 5 o'clock, and at 9o'cl ek. when luv obaeivatiooa ceased, they were still flying. lathe neighborhood of Sweet Home the peooie were on t lie nu.t W;er!oo- HOXE AND ABROAD' Capes. l- gh' weight for spriiig and tu P ack ad colored. Latest VJed-ura price. L ts -id lots of lbm more just r -ivid. Many different gr4e and P":ct. Style new. Summer Goods. Stock eow C3ni jiet; largvst ever broont to tjit part cf ti.e T-itey. All new good and prices ver reaso-' abte. bead for samples. S. E. Young, Albany. rork i eclionalism. I p. m. II reported ll.e em i re lenvth of the ro-ld. the t le comileled Jun 1, l!ft7. Mr.! Ulruu IV-. line hi - mt'i . . m. , , . his immediate sU-rviion. He etuu atr that it will rr.i.nre the lalnrof from ! 600 to TtW men t -r'w-iii Hie wtwk in j I he specified t:me. T(e con'.ract cver ' the esp-nditure of several miiiKn of VUm ino. OJlliil n liiev- in , . I ,! . rtl 11 mil l in uiac The committee tm rnrdentialt agaiO't the gold ilel vates of and Nebraska, but wanted further lime on individual delegates. Bryan delegate from Nebraska seated, ano I runlasion A moiioa of Kaw'l for rat' '4 uie waa withdrawn and dele gates lonk their eeala amid enthusiasm. . 1 Mum loloae-1 while waitiDn; com uiiirif. which the band ha ich is said to ptoses concideru!e merit. Kred Blount, Xorris Morris and Mr. Surrey !efl luisy for the mountains on a 6shing and hunting expedition. The Dlaot.tT pr rts that thev do not I ave ing a good Mr. (iVnn T. M ! -t -w e... .,,nf " report, li loian bAnc heet.-rhe Dalles I ioT That ' 1 aot respond At 1 :3. p. i o'eka k p. m. gm adjourn! until A Fixe Exjmrt.-Counci!oian I'b-iffer. j nf the It -vere Huuw. i I' i. " where bebas been as a delegate froai theiny such iiooting as Mr. biount ex t)r- j Hsvne it a rem cot gutter and cro' stata of Oregon in attendance nion a 1 ienced Ul evening 1 walk in !i'iniug bisrirst re-tprop-l sesior of ti.e sovereign grand lodge of F. A. Power. Mr. and Ers. A. C. Law-let,. This is movement Ihmt should! the A. O. U. W. Heioini-s home wil l a j rence an I Mint Simjon, of Afbmy, i i' eiaula'e.i. Noshing ii ii.-e.te.l nwr j renewed faith in this t-nler to accomp-! male a trip to Jilve F.iHs yesterday. S along tie ImMnes trvt-t ol Ue city,! iisu grvai re-mia lur iiib riiei oi ii i v.suing own tne laiss ol lie norm at u j anl It i io ue iiupe u vise cut toi.ioi ir. anes. Unreports the or.ler in a rery aotil h hirfcs. .etiiunog via Tiverton inlonire the roust ruction prosperous and harmonious condition in j the roul of the evening. Sjleoi Journal. ! ail along the sireeU Ttie imnvenient ad couutrits where adopted Harris-j ev K.'ward lavis, of (Uk'and, CjI.. j ' n oftl? n--!e.l ; but it give emp'.oy buigKevicw. . ., ; ,,!". cjj- io.y'on lu way o t - i -ent to a"gol many men. Urtgon pe -pie are all in'ere!.!! in ihe ega i ify, where be will tske part hi the " " woik d Homer Da veu iaui-1. Hie now ! rnatitaiioua aeo.b!r. which convene c, i.-br e,l artist ol ihe e Vork Jour- j iciav Me vij-iu-d is; f?ret: IVo. firre iia:. liio Cievelan.l tl .-i.r..-r rays: f while here. Mr. Davis I- one of lite i t.: .1., . . . f at... - . . "ifirf me, ui uic v--i ii mtr.-. alwais a pleasure. this district: O. P SOCIAL AND l'KKl. Sacm a two Mo.-e .. .o.t lust nis cunning ami tvepoier ; bngti! voting men The Tavlor sisters, of Portland, two bright young giris, were seen in two se lections in song and sk:rt dance, eaeh rime warmly encored, giving a delight ful performance. The elocutionary con test was engaged in by Miss Olive Long, of Hiikey, who recited "Revolutionary Uprising" and Mrs. bingieton, of Mon mouth, who recited "Jamie Butler and the Owl." The vite by the audience was 117 for Mrs. di'igleton and 41 for Miss Long and 14 hiaui.-. Bight here a marriage notice ia in place : WARSOCrl WOOD. a', the - opera bouse, in Alliany, on July 4, at 10 p. m.. by Rev. Gjuld, Mr. I. X. Warnock and Miss Daisy Wood. The bride looked charming ic a cream colored trait with veil, the groom wag a fine looking young man in a business suit of gray. Meudelssohns wedding gain admittance Heaven. to the c f Th-.Ti:ni.9: m of Fred fencers for ama ii. fo-ud matter Davidton.was f uro- uhed Krid eenn g alter a warm con test, bender was aojUl lied. The Evanmy rost. ot Salem, bu sus- nnl.i nnlnicxtion. It was no i paper; io il,i tieid i fullv E.l?d and th-re is al- m iimit o the snDDort that c n be given the papers ot a city. Waiorlrv.' 4ih was a venr It rely one wab Dresent. Hon. C. B. MonUgue Oelivered the oration and Mhs llaa ElVin read the declaration. Races were run and a u.j tiui? had. trank Spaight secured the required hilr,f K10U idav eveoins and was urn march ushered them in and a shower of I raurral from cuBtodv. ana will await for rice accompanied them out the action of the erai d jury on the chance The entertainment closed with the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" by Miss Minnette Grace Ash by. Excellent music was furnished by the Ladies Band of Corvallis and the Silver Bow Orchestra of Independence. THE FIREWORKS. The davs performance closed with sets of fireworks sent off from the top of the court house, variously received by the large audience that wanted to see them. Certainly several pieces were of a beautiful character, and the balloon particularly took with the children. TH2 EXCURSIONISTS. At 8:30 six car loads of people mcstly from other points in the valley went to Gates, where a picnic time was had. A dancing platform was run during the day and Gates taken in generally. The principal event was the chopping con test. Sixteen inch logs were used and the following score were made: J. T. Welch of McMinnville, 3:40; C. H. Werk, of Gates, 3:58; Chas. Doxtetter, of Buena Vista, 4:35. The Corvallis Ladies band and Albany band furnished the music, which was greatly enjoyed. died, wo have had no leader in p-dmcal caricature uutil Daveeport, the principal cartoonist of the New York Journal, ap peared in this fiel'l of useful work, lie is rapidly proving bis right to a higher place than either Nait or Kleplper earned. To a style of drawing peculiar ly his own. and great facility in giving to familiar faces characteristic expressions, llavenport unite tne taunltv ol clear in sight into political aitu.ition and limit- leas ingenuity in inventing significant devigns to illustrate them in carieatore e predict lot him niional reonroition before the campaign isover, a thtf great est of our p-jiilical caricaturists. Mr. fan'e wa-b.Hn Iril t iii kfer oo'mfor th tnird waid duturoince re- erred to lint ncht. Hewn bavin a ha-d ti-ne in getting a lawyer. of stealing woof f.oiu ilay & Seudi-rs of llarnsbur. of Portlanl defeated the Academies 25 to 8, aud the Oregon City Club Saturday,ny"ahandsoine core.The Monograms are the dub Albany will i rob have to defeat to go to San Prar cite . j They are a weh oraaiz-jd, live club. I'oundmasters Notice. All cows, horses and stock of any kind running at large, or staked in the street or S3 they can get in the street, will 1 put in the city pound. All parties will please take notice. No respect of person. The law will he enforced. By order of city poundinaster. OX THE CORNER. whom I The following is about a nm in-law of Mr. Jas. Marks of this c.ty, who pre-b-ed at Lelntnon for a year: The friends of Kev. IMward Eoclexton will lie pleas ed to know thai in ad-htion to his having graduated at the S F. Preuby.eriiu -em-inarv at Sau Aneelo.o, on April was ordained Jure 17, and also installed pastor of ihe Presoyferian rhuich ct Davivil!e, Cat., where be has loinH-r- ed to the people lor the past rear. the( services on the lai ter occasion were quite 2 interesting, ami the ran Isotue nine church was decorated with a wealth of flowers, such as lew countries o uside the Pa4-i:ic Coat-t know, and was alro crowdeil by interested siiectalor.i, inanv of whom came rom lhx-iu. a Ionuer ? hia l an.-e and ehaie, anJ oilier pla.-e in the vn iiuly. , praining r; of ,.. . , i ) .- . wi ooernia-i wiioog .nayitew m Sacramento, and Dr. McDonald "if I Hi. in officiated By this servire be is free to perform all the di-ti' a of his sacred calling. Mr. Hamilton, a Salem attorney, U in "eueii gutters the riiy un legal baainesw. Hon. John M. Somers wa in yeterlay uu baviuew. II J. Ner is at Llk City on r eel. tivbiit excursion. ' " Iicene ha been iavue l r ihe mar. II v.Ks D-mrir. auiailW Hay- riage of J. W. It ike.- and Mis J A, l-ii t.nt hi oaili of oi&ee and filed ltlCougill. j with t!,--cretarjr of state. ai;d has t- fiie family .( S. N Steile and X. T i;ay ap.uiie.1 me osiowmg oepjii '-! Moor- and fami.y are ruticaing fi?ric ai'orncT in ima ui7it; v. a i H. ffteaj Cohow.of T.-J 'Tmamofk Mi Eva S.,n,iaoo ha, returned conn y : t. land Thayer, of T VU!t ,,h B .lm relaJve. Polk rjunlv C. II. (alrvmple, of A!- j bnv. f-r Linn countv. Mr. Harden has , not e'eeied a teputv for M tv. ami i warl earuer man aro in j riavi le. io-? mail-carrier fro.u that ;4aoe re"nel '.at coa-e pwMeJ his at 3 o"cir. k i. in., and when lie came to WaterU there a as Sach a croaj he cnid hardly gi-t tlnougK it, and so much dat Uit he wb uScaed. Men. women ant iiuiHr I. young men an 1 llieir girls fratu ati the regions rnuml about Waterloo had tlucke I i nioHi tode) 'o tliai little,-!.- i-.n An.l for what? fosee a wan ao I i ! fa:l in a Wrei? If eo, they aere-ii- jj j appvuated. Ttie Uartel went over brt tne man wa dot in n. aa i iu e Uie fi e-work? Heie agasst i!ey wers diswppoinleI. The tr -work aid not woi k. Nor di.1 tiie twiimuii.g borses aim their swim. What. then, d.d thev ajee? A cro d boot tbe Lievil's Headquarters f -r the ruin of men and boys, several men w no had r.tifed thee he Iquarter on thc.r way m ruiu. of whom two were Water iooite ut:erly oiitit for tne discharge of tlieir duiies. two men arrested for their pnnaiiou djaiti -n, uitilutudes of pejfjle always t.n te go bil going iw a !ier. ti ro ne liane-i to be gon sxHoewhrre. lie- aw tturce .-m-iug, gir a ra-ii.iig toot race, men and bvys iPay- ' ing laSi. ty aad gn: envying tiieiw-jriv- n aui aaiu-e ..en: which -''.ue- boiy cd "ii ig'.ng -ci t m ; m," ai i a sniali hole in a rvwk. which is known i i Fiimr' dlAIIInrS l au I Irn n i. Chat. N rkeil, of the Jacksoovill rion OMin- i l inie in p-liar.i eaains; riera in trie t,-n.l I., i!. n.l to tbe ilutimff i r.atHMal demorraUc conveouon. tin titti'V in nertoii fcr ihe ticent. He attends bis fiest term of court Julv 13 ' Aiioinv. Journal A Srsttxtn Aki. Mr. lrrk llitchen came over fro ti Chilwooil this nonn with one r bis fe.-l lange.l up. He was work in on a bridge when lie lost fe'l a"iit twen'V leei bis ankle. He had it d-eed and may in l--sr navigating wiihiwo i-rutchi-. lie experts to I e lai l up for only about a ween. At rag C. II. There as oottaing about the court bouse today to indicate a j one eyclone, from a casual gianw. Matters setmed to be running along in their customary channel, and yet s close ' observations vealed a number of changes. Mr. C. B. Montague was at the clerk's desk, with his son VL. B. as deputy, and we look for a competent administration Mr. Needham, the late nooular oilicial will remain in the office for awhile, and perhaps in Albany nntil next fall. Mr. Coley Gaines had charge of the sheriff's office with Mr. Luelling as deputy. Judge Barron had one of bis feet hoisted as if lie had been in the office tor months. He will no doubt catch on to the ways of the office with the quickness for which lie has a good reputation. "Dick" ' Wheeler is in the superintendent's office. and manv think he has the head and push for filling it well. These men will all be closely watched by the public, and their records at the end of two year", a ehort period for these hard times, will ' again be of more than ordina.-y moment. Lively in the ThirJ WarJ. It seemed pretty quiet this afternoon; but down in the 3rd ward acoupUof fireworks were in progress of a live order. Mr. Dante, the same Dante who at hia wife with a sharp pointed rase knife a year or so ago, and upon be ing arrested npon complaint oy ner, wan discharged because she failed to appear,- has strain been making a lieu I am lor ma wife, so much ol a oue, nai tne neigu-, bors got tired of it, and this afternoon. were baving a warrant isEueu ior mo i rest. .... No. 2 was that of a contest in .ue street, in which Mrs. Evert, wife ol a woolen ...ill man. Hftnrlieit Mrs. iliomas wun a .hin Mr tinmen Patsv jumped be tween them, grabbed the whip and end edthe fight. Mrs. Thomas came up town to iret a warrant lor a-resr, but none had been issued at press time. The Democrat is not familiar with tbe particulars. JuliuiGradwohl Keeps Open Door F.arly and Late. Julius GradwoM does business now in the onera lio ice store at I he cnrne.r of SxXjihI and Ferry, wh re you can find a choi'-e utoe.k ol standard irroeeries for sain cheap. Everything first-class. Also a big variety of crockery ware of all kinds which ion can buy as cheap as it can tie ecureil anywhere. fheO. r. store holding the bulk nf his goods is kept closed. Call at the corner place on businehS. far alaadlaa at Haw Four out nf every rive bottlai t mrdi cine sold in th j last five eur are S. B good. 'I be S. B Hea liuxi a-id Live Cuie I une myself ss a ge.ieral phic If you are siik and want to vet we'd, thr quickest, cheapest and safest inthrd i t buy the . U. rem(Mlns ami ns. a direcea C. P. Bilck. Druggist. Do fur. r " Foi Mrs. Everts I sain by Fosh-ty & Mason at 5o cts per bot- te uxu ro4 Talks DEtTU or Mrs. Hh.l Mrs. Clyde Hil AivA at. her home inThe Dalles last n'eht. afur an illness of only a few days. She leaves a husband and baby. Mrs. Hill w'as a young woman oi excellent thar acter, whose death will be generally re-; -retted bv her friends in Albany. The j bereaved' husband will have the sym pathy of all in his lots Ninety boxes of sfrawbrries were stolen fast week from Ed Fulton, agardene.- near Corvallis. "Merit talk'' the Intrinsic value of Hood's Sarsa carina. Mertt in medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and nneaualled curative power and there fore It has true merit. When you buy Hood's Barsaparilla,and take It according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure anv at the manv blood diseases, you are morallv certain to receive benefit. The power to curs is there. Yon are not trvin- an experiment. It wlU make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, ana tnu drive ont the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build np the whole system. Sarsaparilla sh.i-key Ihe pngi'iat is to up eir in a boting con'e.t in PortUnJ. Thol:et lady at the celehrati"" ti Mrs. Ficiier, who rceivpd ths hand bag. The State conr."ii i-ii ff ihn l'n;in Hi- rntnite psrtvwii; he belJ in Mi-Mtcn-ville Joly 9 At Euin Q" on h 4'h M . Pavi. of Fn- gn.e, Of-fcated Kav. torval.'i crack tpr nl er, and Trine waa defeated i.v O'Neil, of Salem. D pnrfnienl Kn 2 of the circuit cmirt will ennvr-pe in tllwiny n.'M M.ina with luilne Hewitt in iharge. art! without a jury. While peeving tl-erri-a at Ihelmnte if her danghter Mia. E. Ilerker nn Ma'f stfi. Mra. Wrxwl fell an l dWora'e-l ber slioIder. It i a ?rt;i hiril vnrk to kien mip'o ontofolfie. Though defeated for reider- fion bv Ueorero Brown. Jap Vinto th treamrer i f Marion cfiunly, ah-l'itlv w fn'eii to turn oi er tne oifiie, nntl venin . when he reronxiilered the mull -r an l I'ave up the key In tha ce'ehration at Eugene !e 'tmrd avs: The mist exciting evin' r.f le affar noon w8 the wrt tcsr hre ra-'e -V 'iet to hydrant, la' 150 fM '.f ho- and gel water. The prii-s were. Hist, 8125; sec nd. $75 But two eam. Eugene and PorvaMia. e i-ter-id Corvallis won Ihe rafi Tinie of i Corvallis team 29 3-5 second: Engena team, .W second. I.wrt'ng Tosu.iu. There wilt fi' a f, ee f lecture at tbe Pear-e Mem orial churrli tonight, by Mr. Pearl W. lieer. secretaty of the Oregon Hale seruiar t'nion. Kverybwlv invited to come cut an I bear Ihe p'inciple of free thought or reeulisritm apKundei. Uev. Kd want Davis, the w.-.i knoan in in ii-1. r and lecturer, is in the city and w ill deliver a lecture O l "the defense of Iugeri-ol ' sometime Us wetl;. tt will be a platform tieat. further particu lar tomorrow Mr and Mrs. Collins Eikin 0 at 4 a in. today for New jort, w bii h will U" their address when they arrive lln-rv. PARKER ItROS. Ijal la groceries, Prwdue. frtiUs A a BakeJ Riio.l.H. id A MAN'S A iMAX, Bm tts a big advantage to him to wear well lanndried shirts and underclothing. The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards & Phillips proprietors, make a stxjciaity oi gentlemen s work. Kree mending for men besides the first class lauiutry worn. superior high gloss finish to shirts collars, cvffs, etc. Ca'arrh t areit II tillo and sweet, bnatb secu'e.l by Shil. h's Cata rh Rm dy. PricJ s0 cents Nmal injector fee. roc ale by mhay & Mux U. Juet across the street at Ila'glit Bros vou can get wbat you want in tbe m at line, well cu. with good treatment thrown in. Some nice bacon anu bms on hand Ih-r-- are arnne thing"'h o All road le-id o ll.eir -ion lleaaoiiahie privn ui.iK.- hard f uiiea ea' ier fo Uar. Tneir gtoi's are the ln't nru xi nu. Their .t cuilouier are tii in li i h tve known tnem longer. A Inner h is a right to I e -Owned, t ia their diir to U sly Ther nwhH no charge f r time ami Mt- terlion. They strlvs to give good qu.iiit) us w II as reiisotisb's prices. (io bn-a tomorrow. Cl.aHie Wheeler, the barber, has g we ver to tbe 'jay It is tu inienli-n to run a shop over there during the bath ing mmi. 'orvalli Mr. E. A Parker left yeaierday for Coniatcrk where he will he the guest of his daughter, and alo pend several weeks lor the benefit of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kleinhaiumer returned to their otue i i KIlenstHirg, VVach , this inoriiing. af r an extended visit wilh Lino cwi:ity relativta and friend. Invitations are ont for the marriage ot iCarev K. Marin of the secretary of state's oliiie, and Mis Adda Davenport, daugh ter ol T. W. iHivenport. Hie event is to take place at Unity church, Wednesday, Julv 1Mb Journal. Mr. Martin will become brother-in-law of the greatest caricaturist in the L-. S. At the residence ol Juoge Burm;t on the 4th of Julv, Mrs. Ida Callahan and Mrs. Matty Huston, with their lamiliet. jome I ttie 'Old Folks at Home" iu a dinner in celebration ofthefcV'ili birth day t their lather. The judge is a i.ioiieer of the davs of "49." having croaeed the plains lo California when he waa 17 vears old, lie pa.wi mt eany veara nf hia life amid the beau iful and exciting scenes of th gold niin- of Cal ifornia. He lias lievn an i.regvnisn proper for nearly 40 years. During 1 is practice be has defended over men charged with the crime of ninrder ami never had one luing; he has served the people on tliecoamy.eireuitand supreme bench of this ftste "giving general satis factio i and is a l.ale,baiy and youni lootiig aa most men at 50. Oorvallii Times. abroad as Waterloo mineral apring.a hoee at ( cupp'y. un ibis occasion, w .s not e-j ja! io u.e uriotau. But what have ail tLeee thins to do with the ISllh aii'iiversary of American indepeiwlenee? That i what 1 o:ld like lo knj. Put m:u one may say, "Mi Kfkms read lie .leclaralioii of 1 o leDei.denee. Mr. C It. Montaguedeliver- 1 a,, el.neoi an i tkatnotic uration.and I the oUvile baud itieeoursed sweet ini- tie " Ab! Un tid that dust coveie-t rowd, which an rertel to numVr 3,t.. all hear the reading of tit decla ration and the Ue.ivery ol the o atioo? 1 venture to iy that uot one-tenth oi them heard either. One tiling I know and that is. that I have ctterty failed to find one who can give meant idea of the speaker's tine of thought. How many then, returned to their homes, whose love for and devot'on to their native or adopted country had been renewed by the exercise of the nav? I am unable to see the appropriateness of the Water loo method of celebrating the anniver sary of American Independence. 1 am ot the opinion (and others agree with me) th-t the htness ot things to uie oc casion w a a minor consideration. Tbe lea, term of Uie movemeut evidently had as eye to the money that waa in it Tuat was evident by the impelling nioie of the whole thing. If the procotion of patriotism hail tiee.i tne chief design of the celebration, more time and money would have been spent ou the prepara tion and patriotic decoration of the speaker's stand and les in advertising auch attract oos a "firework!', a man over the falf in a twtrrel. nd a horae swtniuiing rae," none of which put in an aimearam-e III na-l been it;e ora tor of the ay, I itunk the sight of the. stage and i's" surroundings wou'.-l hive! thrown such a damper o:. my p trn. iej feelinm ln..t niv ora'.ion woo.d liavet been like some of tl e ottier advertised attractions. It would have failed to ma lertalixe. And I think I would have been jujtiiied in postponing; ray patriotio nlleram-e to a more patriofun inspiring place and occasion. Caelkiis. s-i vvii.i.k, amy o. into. Conn k Has' on for grocener. Campaign buttons 1 at French's. Ice cream 5 and 10c a diih at V lero. k's commer garden. l ir a Freah vegetables of ail kinds at Conn k llirt YVclIStS. Huston. Shoe a pecLJty at St. Lais raaet aor Nw gonda every week. Tbe St. LoU rakH b e m great bar gmns in tu, all sfyka Yoo can sare money by tra ling at St. Lom raael. Cab teiis toe -t-ry. I Ue ta-4 grooeriea at price lo siic the '. ..urfw at t'oan liutot So U vocr rhano. Fiee rittiogs at ibc ijdi g Photo Co'., for abort tim only. Mr Yiervei has cpeoe-t ber km crrara I axiori ard omtBer gardea or the sea on "5 -toe baa Mxe Oirtnd-y gm at V ill r Varka. cMwl. Uoe f r every mooth ia ttw tear. I I'or tee ih xt thirtv d - the Miss Bwll . il eil their entire rtoi of miilinery at AM kind of par! an-l tie b-itloo f'-ri Unearbut wau4. t f'rich" jewt'xy I tore T e ISu j heu-.- o" K.rfe h- tirv-l frie erkL R -giafer will j.a-iwl A Lt cJin-rT at toe ; e.x will ootal- H y if tewdy f 1: tat inai l epecle-l in a ?-w w ek . ui.ntiou itit. c- J aainatin g CT' p of ii-t wil! g. tsut m. "-i 11 tr hi rarj re ari. recci ir.'i '-long-g Vt the Iura ira: ita.r-i - i-f e -terda-e. ihue 1 a.e w' the roou -1 tit --ard Inn-Crav-i biiui'-i i b: bowling it.-? jf .''mt. r-air frf t?e easn Uiahn;. ' e crowd to rgii i tji tne."e jeU i he - -rue M it Examine bote ball 1 lb. it tea!el tne crack team of Astoria li ! IT. IV the Colts will bate Ihe a to el "at. V i he fjrt t-ta,'. t-e- reeeipt .rf the Albany pn I " i..j-'j-l -iicijt!y to janiry aa in jre, of PI a )-r-r in tbe poatmas ters "ar pea fW Albany K-p )--or 'Vi iiaight Bros. T'aey iei; ic j u 'A oar.r ti:-!. and their a.oUo : t.i A' tar -rv-n lier.U. A lOit-uieat pia hi or ier tru!. . R.4-rriDg to tne arrest ot i rank Ppaight, tne Corvtius Times HJ its item. "A B -otos conoty sua." Young- Spaight is it jail and i noi ui-t on as waa re p ted by mUtake II run.oerof ihe . C. W. lodge a re -ted to nvet i liueir ha'1 at & eMie Tui'--? en-oi a besireas of li.p-tane oitcia- i- ikx j. IU ortt or ia- Ur Workman. T.e- go' -t n.e-i-. K " " wood cbop- pisii iti el aL-ti'i.Hi cM t-y tne -men ul Ue- j , 4'h. lutve jnst at rtve-i an re .n . ;tbtiou in F. H. Freacn" biw w n.u.w . f ney are otne thitw tbi winner -. -veil fed proud of. C. I Da lie. the arreted at the int idc 4t his ne; on accvtiot of div t iii-t jri.r.v a "-i b Be. wasex- amiired ve-terlav f:en bv Recorder Uet-n and fent-n-e.1 to fire data in the cttv i ul for nm iml -reui tangaue. He is serving the e teuc-; ou' . Fancy Sleeveless Vests 15-10-15-20-25 csEaGti . waa, mm at . READ, PEAGOuK ciu'S Colton Ctjallies 25 yds Si. 00 Wool (tallies fcrrneriy 25c 12 1-2 cinis per yard to close. Oakviile. DstTti or a PtovEsx. Mr I. W. Jon. H JerTerson. diel this m wrning at bis home in thai city, at tbewge nf about 5 years. He was oioneer ol IS-tl, otinia2 from Mi-asfiri in that rear. Mr. Jones was one of fo irt-n - hil Iren. his tides? brother b-ing Dr. D. M. Jones of Sidaviiie. The de-e!W.l leaves a wife and rive wois anl three daghters Among the sons are ltiie A. J ones, of thi citv, C. H. Jon's;, ot the SWUeni puhl c schools and Prof. U.W.Jones, superintendent of a-vntols in Marion co inty. Mr. Jones w a man highly repece l and leave gwl name, Fua enl set vices w ill take place tomorrow at 2 p n. Lttr List. The Virginia ritv Stars are the Ksamin er chanipiona nf Nt i!l go (o 'an rrannaco. ir wn iiih ipveral more g imes lo dfi ido who Iht rhsnipion nf C! iiornia, Wmdi, 0n mtd Oregon are It looks now a if tha Oregon ilianipionnliin lay netwa-n the ihiiny Co'ts and Mono grams of Portland. There must be some grren neoDle in Eu gene, judging frcm the following tr m the liuird: Sstnrdav one Pnloh Wmkl-v mr- ceedeil in pmrning a Conf-dent" five dollar bill in paymsnt for n uhiai nf hnr ht (In Dureati smoon. ric-i t,ir f i.n.j in pnv' , money in chant. . Tl e fr:ek wnt, d s ove-- ' ed soon af'er and fh- eftii-em 10 i!i'd nd j Winklev ws I'liiCed undrr Hrieat He claimed that nn.- Mrnrv Mil'or. hi"l g'vrn biin the bill anri bildlim to pirsit' if he -ould. Miliar wiik imm ili iti'li i.hiced it" er a res. Polli nin hsvilsm iilliwnl to go on their own rc gini.nre u-itil to morrow morning ul H o c'nrk. v t'en tisv will le given exivi innlions in the 1 iflieea court Mis Helen Crawford Is orjnixlng a class in reading and English Literature, All those who desire tti lake suc'i a course will notifv her at once. Terms, f2.60 or twelve lesions. I'll c.iilici". v fair. Rkv Kiiwabi Davis has announced the date of his engagement at the pera house, as Friday July 10th. The lecturer is making a longer siay tnan is uanai with such men, in that his present nip ia more of nleas-tre than profeaaional. U is with surprise that is notivei tne meagre price of admission, when it is known that on some occasions ten iiiuea the amount has been charged. The Uev. M. Davis, upon inquiry slated that "the numlier of acquaint ances whom 1 am pha-e tocorsiler friends, are sm-h as to preclude any sei.iblam-e of fusion of friendship and linac." This w ill guarantee a general hearing, interval will lie added by the .eiisuti. nalism of the subject, "The Pe- Thb Mk-TAsoB Cass. An int-res:mi divorcii ea- in which Kate Metasce figures as plaintiff auJ Ouieppe .veiasve as defend . nt, is on trial bd re Judge Sears. The parties were married in l.inn coontv two years ago, aod shortly after the wedding tne piatnun leu ner cue band and came to Portland to live. Re cently she lgan an action for divorce sgaiust him on the ground of desertion, t etasce, through his attorney, Hon. irge E. Chambelain is contesting the ...! Hill i claims he will oo able to ehtw h it beilid no: atwndoii his wife Port land Tribune. T- Pvtv It. It. Two weeks ago a ju- enile Iim lull c'uhciuie to Allatny from Sale n and were defeated by Uie Albanv iue .iles. A return g4iti waa des rd U w m to lie played at Sa'etu this after uo i'i, and early this morning the follow i ig club went to lti Capi'al City to meet the . lnl : Waiter Sh-ou, catcher; Jodie tialt-raith. vtchei ; RoIer Hunt. 1 h.; Stephen Wbitnev, 2 b.; Fred Weather- ford, 3 b. ; ernon runup, s. p.; tv. ac lis n, I f : O. Roweil. c f.: C. Lamo son, r. f ; Carter Lee, sub. Tlmmilav ' i t h rn I Tmirs l.iy i er Rier 3 4 F. i Fp nch diltplayiii in Mr Ringo'id Stone of WaUiington ia ru-i'iiig his ancles here. He is a newi-.ew f 11. 31. tone, A. S. tone and E. Stone. We went to Albany to celebrate the 4th and (taring oar short stay we met many of oar friends. Vt e were treated to a first-class dinner for which YonniC America will accept oar heart teit thanks e lock a look at tne grand dance half, bat alas! we didn't learn to dance when young In fact our parents were opposed. io such aarnsement. fro tor tis reason. we left for home soon after dinner. We made a harried visit to Tangent this mprnicg We foocd the princi pal basine-s house closed and not a. man in town, tt e matte inquiries or a. boy wilh regard to the closed bouses atvi was informed that tbe men were at s. "barn raising near he city oi meettn housew, we touowed his directions and. sxm found a large crowd of the mos; learned men ot oar neighboricg city. They were almost through with tho raising We found some of oar old acquaint ances such as Uncle John Luper, Mr. Mills, Rev. Haynes, &. L. Bridge farmer. Fike Ackerman, J. J. Beard, A. B Co rad, Mr. Hiett. Young America an-1 F. tt. and Jaraea Jenks. We leirde-t :ht tLe rn was the property oi r . B. Jo.ik. that the siae of it was 40x50 fee: and SO feet fuh. Forty men were ai the-rai---ing, including two reporters aa t one prewclier. Pcfiticwlly the crow I consoled of 32 nopnli&:s. 4 prohibitio n:s and 4 republicans. We found ta 1 lbs preacher and reporters were alwa i ready lor their share of tbe work aa 1 especially at tue dinner table. We foun t a table well laden with the best eatable i the country could afford. We dtt..'; learn the names of the cooks, k n ran sai'elv sav that there is none better. X ulh Secundu. We observed no pro fanity was indulged in. Everyone don t s tue boss old him. -No whiskey no; cigars. We mH .. lady on "the road and po litely si ok to "her. She stopped her horoe aud said: 'You are certainly bst.V Worder how she made our acquaint ance. Lma Ross Brn. (enpe of lngersoll . vs MovvKiRttis. tne Alttany - t...i.Tivn l.ivr. A few davs SCO fi.ha will ilav the Monograms, t-hai:- Adam Assell leeeivetl a tane from the I p ons of Porllai d. in the Examiner eon i..,.i- nf (luiit. Chattert n. o: the nay. ..-st. next N'i day, t -r t-ie siaie cns-m- Mont WIiih and that i hy ui viu to Adam frmii Captain pionship. Thy will also play on un- j .... . i.,.i. mm uiniiine con mien i to ..!.. iti. fme,i iiam'oriie. who . ..uv siioniii inrv in vitiunuun ' ot tint pubtte, IIimxI's -araapanll i 1 in, t,fe ofl tho mouth ol the Umpqnal s iMinl iv thet w ill also have Astoria known by the cur.w it hu made, it ia ihe riv,.r H wintsr. ltefore the death of j Ashland lo play. 'I hey are working One 1'riio lilood Purifier Captain Wynant, he had givei. tho cane! x ei,er well, and the Pkmoi-kat looks II ttJ' PilW mir liver iili cuiMiu.-ito Captum tJhatterton ami insirmi-n lo . 4 .reuitaoio .. - .M. - : ... i..,n.f,. .iek hnailaehe. bilioisiies i him to give it io Mr. Assell. the si:e a i. vt t ch;in. 5j 4T.t or Jctv Claims. Presei.t ihe same to F. K Allen as early as p b:e am? receive navment. as it is desire l to cloee up the buitie a at once. Xoric. I wil couy cimpin; pasties to and from ihe ni'-unnina at rea-tnble rate. (-.II on K. (. Svcry. npiaatite S'ngir Pi te Mill and Future Oo olK.-e. 1 1 tou want a sooa ana clea s ii. k buy cigars made bv our A . . tr fact -1 . FSH FlSU. Ir l. il.l ili. isi the tish market CB La s-tr ai:d w l keep on bandcontinnal y a fine opp'y ; d kinds of fish o be secured. Nome tin i salmon and boltbut now on ban i. Is tbe best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C L Hood St Co- Lowell, Mass. w-;ii Io not purge, pain or nOOCt S FlliS gripe. AlIdruKgiWac Following i" the lint of letters reinaiuing in the Postofiiee at Albany, Linn rnunty, Oregon.July 7th, 1896. ('ernon calling for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Dineen, James Houston, Orpl io Kline, lh Wing.ield, W H T. J. Stits, P. M th. pride crcaca UCK.m FowJct World's Fair fthnvt Award. him to give it to Mr. Assell. The csi.e whs one of mstiy that Captain Wynant 1.-.1 .wdUwieil in Ilia cruiaes among lh- First class meats of all kind i, a wel , Islaui'i of Japan and China. It ia -f - i - ii... t.inn rir.iaue.1 i huu.tmn wml is of ordinary length ; at iii f-tv r . f victory. 1 lWef Go's simp at Second and Ellsworth first sight il will appear very streets Courteous and prompt treat-' on closer inspection a small i Imetit. .. iet,,,jn.,!l,'i?,,pr'n?,.,'! tiolo the Chautauqua aaaembly at tie g. n City by the C. K. noata. K-unJ rip ticket good until July i:0. ou'y ! Following ure thi new rffietra of Msn xsnita Grove, vv. f W. elected liist weeki Worthy pu.inliiin. vr Clara lt;iikli.-irtj arvw, Mr. Rat Alleh; clerk, Vr Annie Hawkinn; lispkpr. Mia LiHie Parrel; grent niHiiniHn. Mia Julia Tstlor; at tends n I, M'sf'o'U While, intisr eiitinel, Mis Ella Vaughan; outer semim-l. Miss Iittie Ehltr; managers, Miu 8 O Uurnrs and Mrs L Gottlieb. For PillHHiid Piitstera llnwHun Cscl);nvsou' turn it urc poliah sr Pure Drugs Dawaun'a. For Prescription Dutvuont Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder world'- Fair highest Award. plain, hit ,T. Jili me Modern May. i cr - . .ain i . : - i w a t.b a ii. itt lAfniiMi uncouple, thr stick and the upper ,a , wonunem a " "r" "St about iei.iche.of suerb was do .e ... the crudest rneel ItWMM ne gift and Adam ner and d sagr, eably as well. To cleanse A I ac"rdngly.-Corvalli. Timet the sysiem and b eak up ih.I.U he.d- pritLs it ai-orumg j . aohes, and lever- without tuple o-am r CmrrAiwr. -Renewed at thft 0 ty after effmU, use the delighllul liquid nr.- Awarded khst Heitors Vorld Fair, j old Medal, WMwlr Fair. DR." Lc lauindrv. call and get prices. Hliiit waists taundured with L. care laxative reined V. SvrtlP Of Figs. AiMlltl a C. Ltctiireil by California Fig Syrup Company. wm, s-wb w - Most Perfect Made, do Yeara the Standard Barrel sweet pickles barrel soar pick tee, Ovster cocktail sauce At Parker Bros. Soring cleaning is at hnd. see as f " prices on washing carpets, bedtiing anl curtains. We call for and deliver a'l goods. C. SutrsoK, csty Uundry. 1st St- opp. St Charles, Phone 49- ToThk FaoiiT--T-e0 C URKCi have agaia placed on sale rom d trip t cii ta to Idanha and return for $ .00. Tic t ts good to return until Sept. 31 th. Far th Lag Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Port land. Or: There is no n.ediciue for th t ttaicat and lungs that I can recommend t in Utera, public speacer and singers, i h the coiifidence that I can the b. B. ugh Cme," For sale by Fohay & Ma ra at 50cts per bottle. fee Byapetuta I aad L'ver com plaint yon nave a prime i 1 a aanteeoa every bottle rf Shllo's Vital aer It never falU to core. For tale b Fbayt Mason