The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 26, 1896, Image 1

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si i El
v if, XXXI
CX'rti vt t fi-cut vJlea a tleaajr. r.
t(-(li Hall If ami t
ALBANY Pltl iA . JUNE 26. 1890
V P- aiTTIXC PBkiUher t4irr.rlr
t""i" ,vmt. v.vss -y--,' .w.'eaay. .rf'wV,ryyygtT'w -
aw -iiiiiitn , i -".-finriiitiiim urn -i-m .iiaaAaala W f j ''V
.EST with a bljt r. BUokweU'a Genuine Bull
Durham ta In aclasa by itself. You will find
coupon Inside each two ounc bar, and two
pona Inside eoca four vuuce bag of
anuine y or
Smoking Tobacco
Bay a bag of th Is celebrated tobacco and read the coo pan
which give a luUtfvaloaoi proaona ana oow to g mem.
am I I
Hie Indestructible "Maywooa'
o poet' Wodera.
. Host Rellsbl,
Host Danbte
Wbsel on Earth.
" 4i tar"
"TEyrS May I J. IHiH
Ort. 3, 1903
J-o 1. 1893, 1899
Oihm PeaUlaff
The "May wood to the afa r xtmWr btrjiefe ever made.
naaB ana riaers.
'Adar4ed tor all Irlna At
alaale cf material that is rotui. 'oott nt trim: aimnle In rout rnsit ion
easily taken apart and rat tevetbcr: has few Dans: is of snch Tr'rv coastrartion ihu it rrt
will hold toireiher even in anacci ient: no hollow tal-i tocruU in at every contact: a frame
that cannot be broken; so simple shat its ad just ine pts servo a iu connect lite parts: a one
uece crank in place of a dozen pirte: always ready to give reliable and rapid tranrort s tion.
FKAMJi Improved donhle diamond. guassujteett lor three yearn. Made of V-inch cold
rolled steel rods (tonirhest and strongest metal tor it weicht known'; joined tocetber with
alwmlnnm broniee fiLtimrs in snch a meaner tbr.t it is itnpoaible to break or any j-an work
loose; a marvel of novelty, simrtlicity end dnraliiiity: the ereatest cotnninntioo of inarnnity
In bicycle mechanism known, to bnil l a irimc wi; honi braxe!) Joinia acd tpbias, as yon know
that frames continually break and fracture r.t braran j'ints. tabes when they are bnrkied
ta cannot be repaired. WHEtii,- s-inch: warranted wood risu. piano wire tangent ftcokea
aad brass nipples. IICBS Laree bnrrel paMera. TiKfc-i "Ariinsrtoa Bosfptpe or JJoe
ran Wrieht Qaick Itepatr. or some tifcr nrst-ei-ss tmetcaatic tire.' UEAklSO HsiJ
bearinea to every part, Inojudme wheeis. craak axle, berins head and pedsls. CCPH AU
CONKS Best quality tool steel, carefully tempered and hardened. CUAiKS nirh (trade
hardened centers, rear adjaMment. CKA';ii Otar cclebraUxl one-Diece .-rank, folly pro
tected by patents: no cotter pin. BEACH Shortest. inches: locccat S7 Inches. btlB
prTi 1KUST FORK. Indestractibl; fori croau made from eun-oarrel steel. HANDLE
ItAJt Beversible and adjnstaule: easiiv aijusaed to anv position desired: ram's horn tar
nished if ordered. SADDLE P. A F Gilliam, r tome other first-class make. JEDAL
Batcap or rubber; full ball bearinc FlstStt Enameled ill black, with all hrisht parta
nickel plated. Each Bicycle complete with tool biz. pump, wrench and oiler. Weiafat ac
cording to tires, pedals, saddles, eta. 27 to 31 pounds. . ' f
5 to Is ear Spoeial Wholesale Price. Never before sold
for less. To quickly Introduce the -Miy-wooU" Bicycle, we
have decided to make a special coupon Oder, tivrnar every
leader of t his paper a ohaaos to get a first-cl&s wheel at tbe
jowest price ever offered. On receipt of &. and coupon
we win snip to anyone toe abort JJicvcie. semreiy eratea.
and cnarantee safe delivirv. .Minn irfnndrd if not aa
represented after arrival and exuainatieo. We will ship
C O. D. with privilege of examination, for i3&t4 and conpou
raviaea suo is sent witn oraer ss a cnarantee or good caitn.
A written binding warranty with each Bicycle. This la a
Banes a uletime and yon cannot afford to let t) "por-
Aooress au oraers to
Cospc Kx 2J C3
sooo ro
sou 4
a9 West yaa Barea Btrcet. Bxaio. CKICACO.
No. s Majwi-vl f
. . '
I I 11 I 11 1 I 1 1 M
Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated.
A . -
" ' " "
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon
; : Xo Charge tor Hearse or Services '
40,000 Ha
Bodies Mrflstad evar. yw Bra1ff iani v
ia ma Uaitod htatas.
Protect Out osad." Thoosanas
of (ravas robbed annually, ho
rsTS, regard 1m of location, IS
ssfe from the ravages of tbs hu
nsn gnool. Th. Botd Gaiva
Vaui affords awrttivs and abso
lute ecaritr against -thy Grava
Bobber, and protects both caafcst
aod body from dampness, ntold
and decay, and front burrowiac
Is Absolvtsty Air-CgH aad
uJTmiinhr at Bessemer steal
ticallyiadeetrwctibU. Should be
need In every interawnt. Over
in actual ue. Fjrrsalsbr
sli aadsrtaaars. Manuf d by
Tbt C1M CklCi! tl,
SpriafftsM, Obis.
-5 For Sale by Albany Furniture Co.
, Platform
I After' all tbe best feature of the com
. uiencement season ia the alumni reunion
I and banquet. It is an exclusive affair,
I though, and generally takes years to bo
. able to enjoy it On this years occasion
J lueo.bers were permitted to tako friends
j upon payment of the requisite fee,
: and in mis manner tbe Dinocb i man
. obtained his first alumni experience.
The banquet was held at the St. Charles
Hotel and indulged in by about sixty.
Two laree tables were beautifully decor
ated and the following menu was served
with the exception of the pie, a delicious
lepast, gotten up in Delmoniean st) le :
Blue 1'oint Oysters
Queen Olives Chicken a la Heine
Sirloin of Beef
Cold Turkey ' Ham
Chicken Mayonnaise
Shrimps Mayonnaise Aspic of .Lobster
Salmon a la Bernaise
Assorted Cake Jellies
I ruil
Aesorted Ties Nuts
Strawberries Fillwrt Ice Cream
Salton Cheese Cream Cheese
During its enjoyment the Aluitny Man
dolin Club discoursed sweet music from
the adjoining veranda. At its close Prof.
ucwiana, asoast master, took charge of
the good natured company aud brought
out a bright series of toasts.
Miss Av Baltimoro, president, re
sponded to the toasf'The Present Hour"
in a manner that reached into the hearts
cf all present, giving some splendid
thoughts, closing with a welcome to the
new members of the alumni. Mr. A YV.
Foehay responded on behalf of the new
Mrs. L. E. Hamilton's toast was ''The
Married Members," which she handled
like a veteran, in the course of her re
marks referring It all of the married
members from the first class In 1S73 to
the seven who have entered into the new
state during ihe past year. The outlook
is good for several more daring the com
inii year.
Frank AY. Power, of Salem, was down
for tbe toast on "The Unmarried Mm-
ucta. iu ins aueence rroi. sox re-
8ponaed,reaUing a letter from Mr. Power,
supplemented with timely suggestions.
Miss Lou Dyer responded to the toast
"The Normali," whose liie work speaks
for this departmeu
"The tr-pirit of tbe Agw was respond
ed to by At. J. Clem Irvine in one of the
brightest and best responded to toasts in
the history of the alumni, so good au
thorities declare.
President Lee spoke tf the future, and
his remarks became serious. His re
marks altogether revealed a good out
look. Prutfrvss" U being made and the
college in on a better fooling by o-et
$3000 than a year ago, whilo the attend
ance is good. The faculty with one or
two exceptions will continue tbe coming
year. ProL Lantx will be added in
penmanship and tbe art department will
be kept up. A good suggestion made is
the erection by thealamniof a dormitory
or some other building to be known as
Alu mni Hall. ProL Lee has proven an
energetic president, rnd has the complete
confidence of tbe alumni as well as oar
Letters were read from Dr. Rora Alex
ander, of Seattle, Lewis Lee, of ubicago,
Mrs. A. B. Slauson, of Washington, aud
Miss Lilly Robertson, of Tacoma.
Prof. Tyre and Superintendent elect
Wheeler were called opon and spoke
briefly ,and Prof. Tor bet sang a song that
captured tbe company. The banquet
closed with a song, and thus ended the
commencement exerciiea of 1896.
Those present were: President and
Mrs. Lee, Prof and Mrs. How land, Prof,
and Mrs. Torbet, Prof, and Mrs. Parrin,
Prof. Sox and Miss Mary Cundiff. of the
faculty, Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Merrill, Mr.
an4 Mrs. E. F.Sox,Prof and Mrs. Tyree,
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hamilton. Mr.
nd Mrs. g. E. Yonng. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Percock, Mrs, Jmlm Flinn.N. H.
Allen, Misses Annie Yantia. Lena Mo-
Cormick, Mae Pollock, Annie Altboufe,
Mora and esta SJaeon, Helen Crawford,
Marv W;iliams,Mia Lee, Mabel Brouner,
Maine Parton. Maud Crjsby,lna McCul-
iOtig-i, OraJ-unn, Ava Baltimore, Lois
ler, Nona Irvine, Miteral Burmester,
Era -impeon, Olgs Hewitt and Edna
Freckenridife, and Messrs Kicbard
Whetler, Elliot and Clem Irvine,A. Met
vin Williams, A. W. Foshay, Harry Pol
lock, P. A. Younr, Anderson Cannon, J.
. -1 i 1 - i 1 1 ' : i t ti. J
a. viriBDUi V. x . rt iaitr auu nr, log
Mrs. Nutting.
Go Out.
Silver Men'
McKlnlcy Nominated on the First '
St. Lows, June 18, 10:30. Convention ,
was called to order aud platform present
ed. It declares for existing gold stand
ard, opposes free coinage of silver,
pledges prctec;ion, reciprocity and just
relation, eudorses Harrison's adminis
tration, denounces Cleveland's, favor
Srotectn.g American sugar, endorses.
Ion roe doctrine, favors extension civil1
service, opposes use of money for sectar
ian purposes, favors liberal pensions,
government construction of Niuaraugua
canal, restriction of immigration, good
offices and active irterposition for re
storation of peace in Cuba, denounces
government in reducing pensions.
Upon motion to adopt Teller arose to
ouject a unci si ureal cneenng ana con
fusion, and he ia loudly cheered, says
gold plank would lower price of farm
products, and that protective tariff can
not be maintained on gold standard.
Says he believes a majority of the people
ot tuis country laror silver, uol
to Huy.
Special prices on "whips for the
next sixty dajs.
ard will work great hardships and
wcuaro ot people is at etaae in tins con
test. Teller stated that he would be
forced out of the party if the gold plank
prevailed, that be will never address an
other republican convention.
1 1 :48. Foraker moved that the Tellor
substitute he laid on the table. Carried
818)a to l0-5. Foraker moved previous
question on adoption of platform. Idaho
demanded separate vo.e on financial
plank. Roll call of states ordered taken
on the question.
1:15. MHiou to vote ou financial
plank separately was cariied. The plank
was carried, also tbe whole plaUorm
Cannon of Utah, acnounced that the
minority would not yiejd. Thirty or
forty delegates immediately weot out
lead by Teller. Alternates took places.
One Montana delegate remained, who
made statement. Chairman announced
eno-igh left to do business fareijously.
a o clock p. ni. Roll t f states called
for presentation of candidates. John H.
Ea data presented name ot Allison.
2:17. Lodge presented name of Heed,
cheers. Secouded by'Lillleiield.
2:30. Depew presented name of Mor
ton. Great applauses. Called with
drawing delegates erring sister. Morton
would only take rice-presidency unani
mously. ,
8.1?. Foraker presented name of
William McHiniey Storms of applaud,
plume wai Asd, horns blown, immense
demonstration, men on feet cheering,
handkerchiefs waived. Aedience sang
"Marching Through Georgia" and "Bat
tle Cry of Freedom "
A man with Napoleon hat created en
thusiasm. Thurston seconded nomina
tion of McEiuiey. Gov. Hasting pre
sented name ot tjuay.
5 -Pd p m. New York rotes 54 for
Mortou 17 for .Mc Kir. lev Yote challeng
ed. Including New York MckiniewS&ti.
Bied 81, Al.isoo !, Quay 3lt.
5:26. UcKinley nominated. Great
cheering. Yote including Ohio 467 1-2.
An Elcphuttt on Hand.
A big farce is goingoudoanst Astoria.
Here are some Budgets on the subject:
This moraine th flshermen n resented
, the militia with 25 line, hi? salmon.
sjtiid- "Kh "ere caugtit last night. Not a bad
.i.-, present from the "riotous and blood'
limn y uiou wuom Foute oi our wise II)
officials w ant the soldiers to kill.
new daily paper, The
A re built in
the largest
"Pactorv m
- a
The road boss is making some needed
improvements on Church street in tbe
way of bridges.
Our base ball nine is always prepared
for any emergency and are generally suc
cessful. Thev will play the Albany boys
next Saturday at the IS to 1 picnic, which
will be equal to playing Portland as the
Albany nine bare employed a Portland
battery ; out mere is no sncn wora as
"backout" with tbe Oakville Johnnie,
so bring on the expert players you will
Ond us on hands II "J6 to 1.
strawberries are not so plentiful this
season, home ot onr people wisi go to
the Santiatn country lo bny a few
Smith will go to.Tangent ; he says "There
is enough of berries in Tangent for me."
H. M. Mow? has a nice prune orchard ;
t is the ni-eat'we have seen this season.
Although the prune crop will not be large
this year .Mr. 8 is not discouraged ; he
says it will pay to rulliva'e and keep up
the orchard and he has demonstrated
this fact bv thoroughly cultivating his
orchard, lie has received a letter Irom
an orchardist in California making in
quiries with regard to fruit driers. Mr.
H is well prepared to answer all inquiries
in thu line as lie has had experience in
drying prunes asd other iruit.
. .. ... . .I..- loomwi to know ine aif
eelect u.e t.aveny X.lZZln.'ZZirZri and one that
ference between a wneei iuai in "" , . f -
Sy to le. Borne others may be good tat tte
Varly is the highest. of all high grade, orcher (3 heights)
$85 00, Bene ar-a -o iucu i.w ou-
A.J. Hodges,.
Jtfwr.tfeaflV:3r ."3D, ''JSllrwrJtlr
i; ;-v,:i -.--5 w..i-.v, sealed pen wrapper, wiin imuni my-U-
' ws- ..-- i iZZZt", tvmt. boU!-re"as,era0Jr.-BSIiU O.. amleTeCUUs.
. A-ciiJiiMua.auairiiuuw.ow -
,H C V""
FRisKCH '.'
Aopnt I
Os Tub 4th. -There will be more at
tractions in Albany on the 4th than
were ever given here hetore. there are
cow five contestants in the oratorical con
test to be given in the evening, among
the number being Mi p. Gbas. lieily.
Balem. The gold medals for this will
cost about $150. A feature of this enter
tainment will be some skirt dancing by
a coupie ci 1 ortiand young ladies, the
Misses Tay tor. Also a nub! c weddinir
The day will be spent in amusements of
different kinds, and there will be no lag
ging in interest. Those desiring will go
on the excursion to the mountains. The
train will leave Albany at 8 :30 returning
to Albany at 4 :3U p. m.t the round trip
fare being only $1. Immediately after-
warus mere win 09 a grand parade. At
night the best display of fireworks ever
given here will be presented, including
four ballon ascensions.
Portland has a
A St. Louis dir patch was receive J to iav
in Albany jut tia minutes after it lef . St.
Louis. .
Prof. Partia. assisted by tnemVrs of
his laieclsas it Kite a concert at Unity
hall Salem tonight.
Prof John M B!otr, ci tbe 0. A. C.
win deiirer I be 4;h of Jul j oranoa at Sa
lem this jrar.
A Saee got glorioadyMrank lact night,
oecame cy 1 -oic and is now in the err 11 1
erring out a t So.
Mr- C H. IU'nmpV U tie Linn coun
ty member ot the MngreiaJ invw:igat
tng committee and not B F. I amp. as
stated by a SUem paper, and given ty the
An t. 'peak in ir of Kliis
aajs. "He ha a tiirft pnyiqtie aclearcum
plexioo. and doean't drink, smoke, chew
or swear A tut hrjin. he it-ts a ony
very well without Ibaaj."
The Post make a v rj candid a!a.ik!ion:
A farmer in lfA ba a brg cith sis
legs. It is conirfered a grr,t turioi!j.
But we can Uat right b.-re in Salem.
Here we bare nog witn two h g. and
pleat cf them.
Great interef wa taken today in the
Mes'era L'ntou rworts vt the M Louis
oonverition. forni-Led the public throach
thecnorUay of tbe acromplisbed sg pi,
Mr. SenJera.
Ben tfndton. aged IS yew, was re
ceive" 1 at ire s ate reform school Ut even
log tn a commitoien front Port. and He
stole a bicvele re.-ejiiy and rxls 11 to Hal
aey where he sold it and went on to Ash
land. There ht was captured. Seism
A letter w received at the P O. ad
dressed to "Hon. . ni of tbe
bravest 0 d sMdiers who ever lived in Ai
b.tuy. Or. God bless him " It was for
warded to his address, the worthy gentle
man now being a resident of another cO'io-
Farmen, arv irreat-v interested in a ntw
t le of harvester and binder. wbic!t is
being exhibiied at Hopkins Bros, bard
ware store. H is railed the Celunihia It
is designed lo overcome alt r.f the defer'
of roach ms nw in ne It Is worth rs-
amioing even tht ngh on has no inl..n
tion ot 1 urchaMiig.
lit his pra'er at the opening of liie ns-
pulilican national cnreniinn. tbe !-wih
Rabbi Hole at St. Iuia. said: "rt.wt
Thou tbe work of this council cr.nv-rod in
the cause of the people, And when its mes
sage gcs forth over the land, may its
golden image bring lo tbem the gUd as
surance that prosperity will btighten our
Domes.' 1 be ussr brother tn Israel dsn t
seem to rea'ize that the people are not wor
shipping the golden calf - Sa'eni Journal.
Messrs Booton ard Reed. f Cmrk coun
ty arrived tiers today at noon with 82 he-td
of horses which tbev brought across the
McKenzie route. Fifty bead of tiie ani-
roal are panics aod are the property M
Mr. Booton while the remaining 1'2 are
workhorses and brlonar to Mr lie!
They were bromrht here for sale. 1 h iiii
tleman report 20 miles of snow fn ni 4 to
20 feet deep st the summit and sU'e thst
they bad a rough trip The Hampton cat
tie was met on the Stimmit and tuey 1.1 1 1
successful trip. Guard.
Governor Iord state,! to a resident pf
tl:i citv that Cl'tff county could have
themi'it a, but that the OJiinly would
have to pay tbe greater part of the ex
penses. The total expense is $2500 per
day, besides extra rxpeuao for p rol
Iwata "and inmdentals. As Judge! tay
is familiar wiih the tinanciassrondi ho
of the county we will rive him credit for
knowing what he is doing. Clatsop
county is only in debt to the state $22,
000 now. What will It be by the lime
tbe fishing season is over.
Mr. D. B. Mcnteitlt went to I'jriland
today on business.
fcx-county treasurer W. E. Crl, of
Sci, was in the city today,
"Col." Jeff Myers tnik the foretou
local yesterday for a few day" visit at
hut Ikio home statesman.
Prof. W. J. Craw ford, ot the Sclo pub
Ue schools, was in Albany today on bis
way l his Polk county farm.
C. W. Fairbaoks. of Indiana, who was
temporary chairman of the national re
publican convection, is a c .usia of Hon.
T. W. Davenport, state of the stale land
board. alem Statesman.
I'rof. C, H. Jones, lat principal of the
McMiunviHe public schools, it in the
city. He is a brother of Marion count v'a
new school tuperinbsudent Prof. Geo.
W.J on vs. Statesman. And a former
Linn cointv teacher. -
Hat-u r.a thi Gkind Jrav. Frank
Spaibt, who broke into the Adrlptuan
Misaion riuuis and sle-t in the Ud was
taken before Just ice Frverk sen lat even
ing, waived examination, and was held
to await the action td Uie grand jury. Id
default of bail he was iucMwrated in the
county jail.
Mr. V. B. Lan ier, is in the city today.
Whilo in Salem yesterday he gave the
following information about the situa
tion at the mines :
W, B. Lawler, general manager of the
Lawier Mining Company Quartzville
mines, was in Salem todav. He reporU
progress in the big tinartxville mining
enterprise satisfactory, with results fullv
Rood as had been expected. Three
tunnels now extend well into Dry Gulch
mountain. Tunnel No. 1, which starts
at the base of the mountain extends 800
met; tnnneinp. z reaches 850 feet into
the mountain, and tunnel 3 is completed
about 900 feet. These tunnels run par
allel to each other. Tiinnul N'a '
directly over tunnel No. I, with which it
is connected ny a vertical chute 200 feet
in length. Tunnel No. 3 enters the
mountain about 200 feet nearer its sum
mit than No. 2, and thev are also con
nected bv a vertical chute. Th
mill is situated at the mouth of tunnel
No. 1, and by means of the chutes and
ears, all the ore passes out ihrongh this
tuunei slo is dumped into tbe large bin
near the mill. Still another tunnel is
being dug into the mountain, starting
nearer the summit. If paving ore is
struck, this will be connected by chute
witn No. 3, from whence its o.e will find
way to tue great ore uin. There are
now eu men at work. The20-stamp mi I
is going night and day. 50 to 00 tuns of
ore beinor d is Dosed it averr da v. Th
Lawier Mining Company has expended
about $140,000 in these minaa. but tli
work of dt conleiut.lated t.v
the company, has just fairly begun. The
plan of the company waa to extend tbe
tunneling clear through tb mountain,
and the estimate of the expense was
from $X,0O0 to $900,000. Further dt
veloptnenu may induce the expenditure
.utu uiun capital in Mat region.
Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
4Oa50at8JTsSasV s?UEE
Who la on the Committe :?
Mrs. Percy A. Young returned home
SsKiors AcciLEST Taesday aftern'i
about 4 :30as Mrs. W. P. Elmore , Mb f
, Effie Btown and thetwo small cbildre i
of Mat Caroline were returning from th
north side to their homes on the eoiit.;
side, in a covered-top buggy, the hors
became- friahteiied and pimj-ed dowit
the embankment near the plan. irg mill,
torninz the boyK.v over twice, bruistnr
the occupants very baoiy, especiailv
Mrs. fclo.ore, wh' was a mass of Lraie.
The next day she was nnsble to turn
, herself in bed, and is not mm mrch lt
, fc-r. The wondr la that no one was kifi-
ed. as the embankment ia 5 or 6 feet
high Brownsville Times. .
airs. rercyA. xonng returned home rT j !""
yesterday from ber visit in San rraacisco. 'sZ50m ttl 1 1
Misa Bertha E'.lia went to Portland A t l
this morning on Os Elmore on a reventi AJOOtJ tO tiat
Weseaai'.. . -
Mrs. Thos. 0. Hopkiru and MksLiliie
Crawford went to SJem this morning on
the Elmo.-e.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Dorris arrived in
Albany yesterday irom Los Anirelee.and
are visiting at the latter's mother Mrs.
Several clean noa have afreadr besn
made, but w hat the output in gold has
hen is one thiiaaJbe com piny aid not
allow divulged. It evidently is satis
factory to the company, howeter, as Mr.
Law ler, through wboae instrumentality
the Qtiarlsvil.e mine were bought, has
made representations to member of the
same company, who, toge'her with the
Kof.child house in LomhoAre cegotiat
ing fc the Blue mines, in Lane county.
The contract has not yet been sealed ir
h-s deal, but thera is good assurance
that it will be, and within 30 days tbe
work of developing the Blue mines 00 an
extensive srale wnl be begun.
A Very Live Bear Snry
The Toledo Leader tell Its There
one Indian oo the Siletst that had an ex
perience witn a bear last week that he
doe not rare to repeat. I . was old "Dr.
Johnson," one of Ihe old tyees. The
other night be caught a bear. When he
discovered the bear in the trap be had
00 gun. and so he secured a goud-Ued
club and started in to lt ihe hie out of
At tbe indignation meeting in Salem,
tbe DeiiocaaT stated on the authority vt
a fealem paper, as a matter of news that
B. F. Ramp, of this city was appoi-ied a
member of the committee to have charge
of the contesting of Tongue's election.
Tbe peoples party paper of this citv cor
rected thi item and said it was Mr. C.
H. Dairy m pie, and not Mr. Ramp who
was on the committee from this county.
R. R. Ryan was chairman of tbe meet
ing, hence the following letter should be
authority on th suhUw
' y. " I If a m a . . ..
bale, ur., jane 15, 1896. ""' ""ewoey, 01 Indiana, wpo
Mr B. F. Ramp, Albany, Or. f'La'a General of Turkey under
J Jear Sir : At tbe indignation meet- rrison, is lecturing and preaching
uk uetu nere eaiurdav last von waa , ""e'-
chosen as one of tbe committee to Ukej E. H McAUis'er, tutor in the Sute
ateps to contest Vanderbr.rg's seat and ' University, has been promoted to a-siet-KTl
n,eT COQnt- Yoa the Juirn- ar.t profesor in mathematics aud his
al mailed von tcday. Meeting in Salem salary increased to $1100.
on June 23. at I p. m at 99 State St. ProL Hiram Tyree attended tie eon.-
lours trnlv. I mencement exercise of the Sute Uni
. K. Ury. I versitr in Euirene this ave-lr n,l ti.
f . kj - - w w. mm u wsa
venwon 01 tecrer-.
is hard to prepare onlew you have
nice wife ami a eraeking good coo
stove. Now it you have the wif-, w
have the stove. Y'on don't wantt
; dispor cf the wife and we do was
lo sell the stove. What's to prerea
os front making a diekrr? Cora
round and we'H talk a! out it.
SrrwaBT A Sox Hxw Co.
The Best Paint
in fbe world is Marary's Mixed Paint
and we have it in ail colors. Every
body using; it likes it. Jf yon want
lead and oil we have that, too, and
ato varnish, turper.tice. Uoehen,
tic. fcrmwjfcT A Sox H&w Co.
Th Lw-t t'ay of th rubic scoot s fo"
Uu scbol esr.
Rev. ) . T. Abbett will deliver tbe cort
mencemeat Sermon of Santiam Academy
Several Albany people went to Oaknl'e
this morning to attend a ACE. piontc.
Quite a natnber cf Albany pncpill go
le Ire 16 to 1 picnic at t qtbirfVa grove
The Pionear quarry near Toledo baa
oiders ahead for on milliow Inns of stone.
A Briber quarry is being opened.
It is said that Maw Penenyer will make
Mania (fuinn. the late populi4 candidate
r O'Dirresi. saperinUnient of tbe street
cleaning department of Portland.
A picture of Mark Hannah ia ihe Sakm
Statesman iodi-atea that the famous Uaa
ia now in I be hut stares of advanced age,
certainly one hundred years old.
Tbe fkMoraAT recently mentioned a
dirkev healer who was dciag tbe eoaatrr.
It now transpires that he was u eaeawd
rnoter frwn tbe jail in Port! aid, and is
wanted by Sheriff Sears.
Tea Albany writeoo lo appear in the
San Fratx-uco Call will bepobiubed with
in tr a dart, (aarcmoiof the i akeose
space oevoted to the St. Louts coaventioa
otiier things have bad to give wT.
Tbe roar en at the ehutch cf the Unity
last ait bt waa a rvre soceess in everytcieg
save tne aa'nber of auditors gatiered to
eaioy it. Tbe epeaI ba'nm of Ihe
poor oid orwio. nut in tr had no', i evectng were the cehjrtful irxl artietic
nrureu mat way. and at tl. stvond blow 1 newing and irstnrmentatiaa of the Albany
from tbe dub it wrenched itself fiee . quartet S-Im S'xtesmaa
!r.i?l,"Pi. 'd' . I Icb pnbiUhed ia the DEwomaT
w-w. aa 111 iian. it Wl f UK U U VU 1U
W 8 Trainor has llio contract fo- I ui!d
ing the dancing platform for the 4th. It
is to be 40 x SO feet and will be located in
front of tbe court house,
On July 4th, a local team. Drum, Watts,
r rench and ataon will play all ctnie'S
at cocked bat.
Otto Lee, ol Salem, is conflnrd to his
heme in t eitv -ilh vnloit fer.
ItTbU Fawiows aenedy enres in!. kly, vrmaiKnJTBfl
J Ut'ilacha. Wakeuiie, tt Vlutlll.y. tsishtlr Bulls.
5Bluii, evil areams, lmpoteiicr wmmhk " i
aadbnoe builder. Makeethepaleand ponretronyaiKl Vum-
fy ujnii,
CSoVorsaloin A6aar.Orea..M i
The two davs oicnic at Jefterson is a
thing of the past, a big crowd was in at
tendance both days, every thing went
well until the evening of the second day
when a few knock downs were indulged.
IIMr. Spelijngeris building quite an ad
dition to his houst, also Mr, Thomas
bkeiton anticipates the erection ql a new
house in the near future.
Little three year old Sadie Groahong
bad the misfortune to get a bean pushed
up her nose last week. After some dif
ficulty Dr. Smith, of Jefferson, extracted
it on account of tbe swollen condition of
the nostril he had to pass it over and out
tue opposite nrstrn. ,
If we had gotten a slice of the cake we
would have recorded two marriages that
01 Air. win xtnoues, ot near Jetler
son, to Miss Boown, of Marion county,
and Mr. Jno Baity and Miss Phillipi, of
nearShedd. May all parties concerned
find a cmooth pleasant voyage through
life. .
Hartly Phelps and Ned Skelton will
each bave a log rolling this week.
' Joshcwav.
TO ; ; ;
Bpsedlly eared by CtmenBA ResotvEirr,
greatest of humor cures, assisted externally
by warm baths with CdTicuna Boar, ana
gentle applications ot CnTiooBA (ointment),
the great akin euro, when all else fails. .
Sals ttHsuheat Ihe world. IMre, Crrirra. me t
Soar, ais. 1 Rsaoiviar, . and Si. furrea Ohio
S1 CSSH. Coar., Sole Prop.., IlMin, V, H. A.
as- - klam to Cure Ifiverv Uumor," ouuled tn.
Mr. K. S. Train an I dsughter Ailene
went 10 Luene today lo visit friends.
Mrs. Wait Mead and Mrs. A. Rideoul
returned ibis noon from a several months
visit in California.
Mr.Thoa G. Merrill, of Salt Lake City,
secretary of the Ji-Me'a!ic League oJlbe
V. 6., was in the city I lay.
Mr. Wade lftavis re'nraed today from
Bortop, Wash., w here he has hVea at
tending College, and will spend
but vacation here.
Mr. W. H. Crawford and Mrs. Ja.
Marks return I this morning from Cali
fornia, coming on the flyer, which for
tunately SMpped at this' city.
Mr. Jonas Davie '45. of Sbedd, was in
Albany today on Lis way home from
Portland, where he had been to attend
Ihe pioneer gathering, a grand affair
Prof Urownson, recently president ol
McMinnvida ColWge, was 'in the cilv to
day. He will soon go to Oakland, Calif.,
toaxrept th nreeidencv of the Baalist
College located at that city.
Mis rata Mason went to Portland
yesterday to attend the wedding of .Mr
William L. firewater, a prominent young
attorney, and Miss Elisabeth Conner,
which will occur in the Baptist church
this ewning.
Mr. John Alterruatt has just complet
ed a course of one hundred lessons in
oil painting with WiUins A Tabor, the!
art.sie in the Hlutuherg block. A big
painting executed by l im may be eeen
at E. L. Will's, lld.rj.tays a marked
talent in the artistic line. '
George Humphrey, deputy U. S. mar
shal was in ihe city yesterdav. While
here he and his brother Capt. talked
polilics; but they could n't agtee at all.
There waa 1 decided split in ihe family.
Georyi.- is for single gold standard aud
land f r revenue only t Capt. is for free
silver tilnl high prolcctitn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blumbcrg, of Al
lany drove over from that city last Fri
day. Mr. Biumherg ia securing fruit and
grain fpeciwens lor the emkation
rooms at our county capital. Every one
should aeit in the enterprise, as it ia
for the purpe ot shewing the prodtic-
live p8iiiiiu s of the ctuoty. Stio
Homer Davenjxirt, the New York
Journal star caitoonist. is lean and lank
with the tiesunatured face in the world.
One glanoe at the man shows his gentle
nuniur lie nas the sojt. graceliil ways
of the Californlan, fot his home is on 'he
I'acttic slope, lie has lately tntm en
tertaining Jew york with Ins t-iever
renuil work tlinmh the columns of the
Journal St. Loufa Uepublic.
Seventeen young friends gave Miss
Flo Nutting a genuine surprise psrtv at
4 o'clock yesterdav aIterno)n in honor of
her twelfth birthday. A pi- neaat tune
was had. Those present were Mary
Sttwhrt, France and Kva French, Ruth
h iiii n, l-ena and Jeliie Miller, Alt ha and
Nellie Mcteron, Marguerite Uundiff,
Gertie Itohv, of lirownsville, Emma Sox,
Grace and Frankie Pavne. Mabel McCoy,
Mary Gaston, Lena Russell and Nellie
John D. Dalv 'eft on theetramerTues
day morning or Portland, w here he has
ticepted a position iu the business ollice
of an afternoon daily, feoon to be stsrteii
in the nia'ropolis by the Metropolitan
Printing Company. "Mr. Daly is a news
paper man ol many years experience
and atone time was associated in the
management of a paper with Mr. dlenn.
one of the partners of the firm which is
to publish the new daily. Oorvallis
John Aiken and Miss Eunice Alexan
der took the train for Albany -yesterday
morning, and before they started Mr.
Aiken took the precaution to secure a li
cense to ted from Oxin'V Clerk Jones.
Liucol n Leader. Miss Alexinder ia a
niece of Judge Hufford. and tins many
friends in Oorvallis who will wish her a
a happy and prosperous journey through
life. Giiwtte. They were in Albany on
their bridal trip.
Mrs. F. A. Helm, of Corvallis, was
elected to the highest position in the
order ot Eastern Star, at the meeting
held in this city last week, within the
gift of tha Oregon jurisdiction, that of
Grand Matron. The position is no high
er than Mrs. helm has the ability to till
with honor to herself and bonoflt, of the
order. Portland Dispatch. About
' twenty years ago Mr. Helm was one of
.the leading lawyers of Jlun county.
Mrs Uol in has always been held in high
I esteem.
' A nine oi Salem base ball "kids" hear
ing III." Albany had a boys club, came
to the city in a hack this morning after
a five hours drive, covered with dust
An Albany nine was orgnnixed for the
occasion and this afternoon the boys
111 1 t on the college grounds.
bind lews it started in oa Dr. Jt hnton
in regular Marquis of tiueenehury style.
The ui si swipe split the scalp on the
trapper's head from the back of bis bead
to bis forehead 1 tl.o ae-ouod took out a
new swath of sv!p; the third made a
kind of weather map on Lis face; the
fourth tor all the clothe ami a good
share cf the njeat off the Indian's breavtt.
and the tilth split his pant's leg frum
the waist to the knee, and incidotally
tore op a lot of meat with it. By this
time the I war bad got excited and it
landed a full body-blow, and a ben IV.
Johnson lit he was in th rreek aod tbe
bear had rlataaaed. Johnson crawled
out and made his war 10 the Agency
where Dr. Meriwether dressed his
wounds, none of which were so very
The Orion at Home.
Tbe Vancouver Independent tells of
the return of the Orion s to that citv after
their has) bal" t ip tlroogh the Willam
ette Valley. They won every game bat
The 1 ndependen t fay s : The members
of the team report having had a good
time, ait houeh the attendance at tbe
games was light, putting the financial
end of the trip "in a hole." At Albany
a dance was given Monday evening in
their honor. -
The features of the game was tbe
work of the Orion s batteries and tbe
great stick work of the entire team, they
having no less than i t home runs to
their creoit in the first game at Albany.
1. . , mtiv ii (j (eautna waa
ot.derful. Pries in kft rarden. Kia:
gins in center, "Shot t Rol 1 json" at sec
ond and Capt. Cook at first, all played
great bail.
Manager Mack of All an v Las a rood
team aod with better team work can
down any thing ic that section of the
country. Mack is an all around snort
and a gentleman and d-serves a winning
The hovs boast of tie treatment thev
rece:ved at the Ria House and sav that
the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Row-
ell are the most hospitable people in
jesuT.tsj announcing McKmieja Boeoina
wm w ant ooe minute ia reach me Al
bany frjan St. Lout, and was niihliahsd ia
tbe Kvsiso rfc.MOf peart t two boors
ahead of the St l,.uis time and perhaps at
the riMt boar in tbe day of any paper in
the U.S.
There were 1 17 deVate and 10 proxies
psvseol at the Woodraea e coaretitiosi ia
Kocene. and mi 4t enthnaiaan nrermiU.1
The nest meeting wi'l he held at Oregosj
City. FUiowiaff arthed4tea to the
Heieaa eoavcti.-a. Tbeo. Neostadt. J. P.
Rorkhar.iL R, R. Merrill. L. A. EDstm. J.
C.O.ed. WiKism Co'ton. LLSnoo,
C. r. McK inner. Y. C. Hawser. Scott
Bovwtb. C. E. Haw-in. W. V. Header-
R.L Cbsswman. P. E. nedra. C
R. Hay. Alierta'e 1. Ford. X. S.
Piers.. E. N. Wh'-r. W. F. Georae. R.
A. Williams. J.E. Y.Povey.E. C. Kirk
patrick. Ir. E. M. Smita. C. W. IVake.
U oraoe Masa. C. G. BurkbardL L. Wixb-
Hy. George Moalton, C A. Cram, J. D.
Taj lor.
Miss Bessie Merrill, of this city attend
ed the wedding of her cousin Mine E.ira
beth Conner and Mr. Brewster, in Port
land last evening.
Jffsa Belle benders, of ritr l.a.
'-fhe diphtheria, in. malignant form, and
me ooard u health has been notified as
prqveded by ordinance.
Prof. More, a profeesional diver, yes
terday dove several time from Mary's
bruise at Oorvallis 60 feet into nine fet
of water.
A. F. Cary has begun a trip aronnd
the world following in the tracks of tbe
unfortunate Frank G. Lens, and hence
will be through Aibanv in a lew monUis.
He was at Buffalo. N. V., testerday.
Invitlocs are out for the wedding of
Rev. Frank Abram Powell lo Miss Win
me Avery. The marnsce wLl l kA
e it. nixed at the ClirUiian church in Cor-
vaius at nine o'clock text ThnrsJav
Misses Helen CraaforJ an.l rr
diff will gradua.e from the School' of Or-
aiory 01 Wtll.mette Universitt. ie-xi
Mooar ew sing Sjcueul 1 -i."i. Pfpii.
will g rdoau to pret-i.t a' 1 e . ' t.t
Mr. F. M Brown. ioraer f;unr:r ,.
litis rjafjt-r. Ml fur Brua net il . .. t v
an.. 1 ... ' -
' - uraiiiirb:a.ill c-lKfe in
the newspaper Uu-o-w.. Ii.drw.,,1. rn-e
xvx-Kaaroad Cnnmii.,ntr Cow, of i
UUcwwb. was in town terxerusy. He
says that nine men at of ten in I ne
county, if he t free to vote their senti
tuwnta withoat partisan eocsiderations.
wooid w. tor free coinage. Srem
Mr Joe Purdom. S. P. agent at Grar ts
Pas, ex-marshal of Oregon Citv arjd (Z.
sU;nf of Dotiflaa count v. is in "the eity
V'8-tir.g relali m and oid' friend-, of whom
he has many in Albany. He i a brother
tA Fra.k, John and Alex Pnrdom
Hon. L. Hofer. editor of the Salem
Jocmai, w ho allows no party whip to
last him into line regardlese of hie e n
ictims. was in the city this anorauigaxd
went -ul to Hurort's 'grove speak an
l.'lf0 1 O. T P.ine-, Dr.
Hill. C S. MocUgue, U. H. Dalrvmple.
Judge 1 itnev and others attended from
Who Hath Woe?
Who Hath Sorrow?
Who Hath Much Wrath?
Verily it is h that Lrtveib a Hijsf
Grade Bicycle at a eticf I'aj ant
10 per cent eff foreath FcrlLt4
it breaketh and caeteth him if.o Ik
dost; vea, even into the mire, ant
, gette h into tl;e I acde of the repair
er, and in the end eoeteth him mars'
pieces of gold
Moral Eur a "Colon. Lia. It
costs $100 and is sold bv tbe Stewsr
A Sox Hdw Co.
You Can't Fish
very e ittoot a good oofXt, and
we avucld like to sell it to von. Wa
have reO. cets, hooks,, reels, '
etc.. an l ti c j rites are lower than
3 03 ornally tay.
Sriw akt & Sox II nw Co.
i- j . rhirsr, acd if yon
-I ) ti t-a sai.uo sipsv
or lH.ggie, just come aroncs
-ev H t e carry the "-tude
baler' refcidt. the very Lest r
earth, ar d can n:sfce yon good ten
Stewajtt A Sox Hdw Co. '
Two for a Nickel
is lb way we sell packets of garden
. seed, and we also have garden seed
in hoik asd grass seed ui all kind
for Bale cbp.
SrrwAarr A Sot. How Co.
almost Anything
wan'e-l bv a farmer kept for m
by the Mew art A Sox Hardware O
Engines, separators, binders, n ot
e, rakes, plows, barrows, and al
taost acytLiog els is? the lice cf im
ptementa or hardware.
Ax Excmso RrxawAT eecnrreJ last
night. A Benton count v farmer's team
became frightened on Second afreet and
ran borne at breakneck speed, going np
Second street to Casapooca and tornicg
towards tbe bridge. A crowd rushed 10
the river to see the race over the bridge.
The speed np tbe socih end was retarded,
bat down tb other tide gravity aaisud
the fleeing horses and they snaCe good
Ume.turmnt to the right and rushing oa
towards their home in the middle ot the
road, the wood wagon keeping at the
proper distance behind. It waa an ex
citing eight.
Tub Baptist Coxvestiox ia beins car
ried forward with much force and vigor.
Reports were read this forenoon from
churches. Sundae school work was
largely discussed, and denominational
literature waa disco seed with great seal
and loyalty. Christian education ia the
theme for this afternoon, and as we go to
press is bring bandied in a masterly
manner. If any body thinks that Bap
tist interests are lagging in Oregon, let
thern go into these meeting and learn
that they ara grosslv mistakeo. Rev.
C. A. Woody, editor of tbe Pacific Bap
tist, preacnes at e p. m. All are invited
and are welcome to these meetings.
iioa on Aix Brokk. While nassirg
Spring Hill last bight the hog chain of
the Albany broke letting one end of the
wheel down. The uaeeenirers dsi not
understand the situation, and some of
the women screamed and the men were
slightly frightened, It looking as ll a
wreck were uking plae. The boat was
gotten to Oorvallis and the chain fixed.
It arrived lu Aibanv on its wav to Port
Und this morning two hours late, caused
thoiiuh. by waiting to load one hundred
tons 01 nour at r ischer a mill.
Tux Watkbixo Mill. A gent'eiuan
from Oregon Citv by the name of Shaw
psssed throiiirli Lebanon yesterday from
Waterloo where he had been looking
through the woolen null with a view of
purchasing it. It ia reported that Mr.
Shaw is quite wealthy besides represent
ing some capitalists. It is said that
Mr. Kay is now offering these mills for
sale that he.inay devote his entire time
to the Salem mill. We ate informed
that Mr. Shaw was well p eased with
the Waterloo pronertv and that it is
more than prolwhio that they will pur-
-i.-t. - ...
cuaow iw iirrss.
Electwcity at Stavton Mr. Hughes
and familv arrived in Stayton Sun
day, from Reding, Cab, aud are guests at
the home 01 ueo tirown. mr. ungues
will locate in our little town, and erect
an electric light plant, to furnisit the
town w ith lights, h!ch will be quite an
improv -ment to onr little 'burg, and are
indeed glad to welcome sqch enterpris
ing men as Mr. Hughes, in our midst,
Cor. Journal,
Bell pins 5. 10 tod SSc at French's.
lo ere m 5 and 10c a dish at Viereck'i
summer garden.
Fred) vegetable of sdl kinds at Conn A
If ost on a.
Lsdie tirt wJst n (s frots 25c ta 52 00
at French's.
laJu pearl shirt,, wai-t sets 35 aad 50c ,
at French's.
The best groceries) at prices to star tbe
time at Conn A Uustoos-
Summer Corsets rt St. Luis Raket, jut
tbe thing for bot weather. -
The nest fitting corset ia tee cty at .he
Raket Stor raket prices.
Special Sale-Tte St. Lois Raket will
sell corstt at reduced prices this week.
Mrs. Yiereck has opened her ice cream
parlors and summer garden 'or the sea on
Olie tree are growing in Port Ian C. and
the Telesratn says tbe climate 1 suitable
tor tbeoi.
Joaquin Miller will deliver a lecture be
fore the ttarber at Monmouth next Mon
day evening.
Lnen Pique and Duck suits read) made
-perfect lit aad latest styles for td.00 at
the ladies Bazaar.
Seme ban 'some birthday eems at l i:'
& S'arka, cheap. Ono for every month in
tbe year.
Just across the street at Ha'gbt-Broa.
yon can get what you want tn tbe meat
line, well cut, with good treatment thrown
in. Some nice baccn and bvns oa hand.
A mass nieetina of Wruetalists of M:u ion
county will be held in Saleui oa lane 6 at
II o'clock a.m. The call is head-M t.y
ludgeR. P. Boise.
Mr. Preston, recently from Texas, tuis
week has purchased Mrs" Newlana's farm
consisting of 400 acres, about 7 miles
northeast ot this city, paying st.suu casn
for the same. ttrownsvtiU Times.
J. B. Keenev pnder several indictments
for selling liquor to minors came to Albany :
yesterdat and gave himself no, and next
week will be tried. Ke has been hiding ,
near his home for several months.
Ladies will do well to cad at the Ladies j
Basaar for tbtir shirt waists. They e iry 1
the Urges' assortment and hv'es. s'j'es '
a perleclGt outran teed.
The big picnic at Jefferson tlis week '
was well attended. The exercise wereofj
general interest A man who attended
yesterday says tbere were three fights dur-
tng the day. j
On the evening of iune 20lh a straw
le.rv and short cake social and ectertain
nienl will be given at the corner ot Broad
albin am 2nd Street in the P. 0 building
by the Epworth League of th M. K
Tax Parr Estate. ST r. Martha Teet,
as administratrix, has filed her final ae
count ia tbe ewtate of W T. Peer, de
ceased. All claims against tne estate
tare been paid, and t?ere remains in her
nan.ts resources as follows: Cash. $-.-754.71;
countv wawaots. t2.57C.80:
note.$I10; mo-trfe, $421 ; bank stock,
$1,000; total. $9 The properiy at to
w ui v mci eqrtaiiy bet weea the adminis
tratrix and her daagber Henrietta,
Times. At tbe time of Mr. Peet'a death
it was reported that the estate amounted
to $40,000.
CxwxntnTO thi Ksfvik School.
Jv'veral days ago Georje Allen and an'
other boy of this citv ran away with two
hobo going north. The boys were trac-
e-i iown tne road and stopped vesterday
at Salem. Last evening young Allen
was committed to the reform school as
an incorrigable and the father of the
other Doy went after him this noon, it
being decided to give him another
chance. The commitment of George
Allen was mailed to the officer st
Salem this noon.
Jhn Dixon, brother of James Dixon.
who shot I fcarlea Rice last Sunday, mar
Bladeley s in a hall game, rode into
Roseburg last evening, informing the aa
t booties that a larve mob was organised
near the scene of the shooting to lynch
Jame. confined ia the county jail. Th
authorities are preparing to defend
Hh a better understandirg ot the
V v transient nature of the manT Dhva-
cal i'.U, which vanish before proper et
orta gentle efforts pleasan t eftorta
righuy directed. There la com tort in
the knowledge, that so manv forma of
J foremen of the fire companies of the city sickuesa are not due to any actual dia
! I14.I.I vA-tnrti.iv 1 H.i.1jm, nnt tt wir ' mb. tint aimnlv tA a conatiDatedcondi-
The Astoria Daily News contains this
item: "At a meeting of the board of
Gladness Comes
A Dam.vcib Suit. The tase of W, J.
Turnide against Orvltle Dorving, tor
damages on account r I an assault on
election day at Providence school house
was tried liefora Justice Harris, and a
j-iry last night, and was not completed
nntu 2 o
was lor
hvl.l valnlav it waa ilxcnl,! not In nor ' jasa. hut aimnlv to a constipated Condi-
mit anything to interfere with Ihe Fire-' ion the system, which the pleasant
men's tournament. It was also decided to i.nily laxative. S.-nrupcd Figs, prompt-
have the hose tea-n eo into traininir at
once and to enter the races at Portland on
July 2 and at Eugene on July 4." The
Astoria team ts one ot tbe speediest in tbe
A W'alU Walla dispatch says that a',
ter being out 23 hours, the jury iu the
case of the state vs. Otto Liolilor, the
cattle-buyer for Harras Bros., charged
with stealing cattle, came into court
with a verdict of not guilty. This dis
poses ot all the tases.
A oommittee ot farmers was appointed
Victims ml Ijtst Facta
w4 eaoeld send at
rac for a anoev
that explains bow
is easilr. qaicir
aa4 persiajiesUv
rettcrei. saa
aa a erls front
vtUKjt CB Sf
Ijril ts Bcr this,
ttiseir advice
P'xit telle bow
tzll atrectlL. cie-
lekHHiteat aad toae as tmnaxsed 10 everr
porttaa ot tbe bod v. Seat with nesitiva
nraataseaJedlrss toaay manowappicm-.ana.
Prof. A. STAHK
Optical Specialist-
Graduate of the Chicago Ov?baunn
I am prepared to exttnine sarottw'
and accurately, by the latest and inipfe-:
methods of modern science, anj wa-.
sire to have their eyes tested.
OuKktttocs: AUASt.uaitiox
Mastoa Block, Albany, Or
Mcey to loan oa farm evenly, ais
small toaos madee personal lecurity.
City, cuetj and sihool warrants bou.-ht.
ColWc ton made on favorb terus.
Fir insurance writte 1 ta three ci the
largest com p Ante ia the w arid, it lowest
sV- Atd
Hair, wool nd shoddy eair
ated aad mad over.
Furnitnre of every description anv
carriages renbxisterd atvl varxisheu.
Drop a note ia the P. O , or call a. 1
street, between Ferry andj Brjadalhin. A
.tii2JQ,aiKiaa 1
oc.-aava rts
1'clock this morning. The Jury at Harrisburg to learn where they could
in a verdict for $'-0. jThe au't" get 40 potiuda of Hour for a bushel of
jqO , ! I wheat. The report resulted in the Bos-
' j ton and Crawfordsville mills being se-
Dr. Price's Cream Bakluz Powder
World's Fair tlifaest AUOal aad Olploaaa.
lected, atid it was recommended (bat the
farmers refuse to store wheat in any mill
th at does not give this rate.
i-v removes. That ta v. ny 11 is xue on iv
reiuedv with millions of families, and is
averv wlwsre esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
affects are due to the fact, that it is the
ne remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness Without deo-litatuur tne
rrat oa which it ao's. It la therefore
all importaut, ia oidor to get its bene-
ftcial elfoeta, to note when yon pur
chase, that yon have-the genuine arti
cle, which ia manufactured by the Cali
fornia Viff Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable nrugghita.
If in the enjoyment ot good health,
tnd the system ia regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. It
afflicted with any actual disease, one
nvy bo commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
no should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere. Syrup of
figs stands highest and is most largely
aaed and gives moctgenerul SAtibiwCUoB
Caveats an J Trade-M art a -t
sat baaess conducted aa
Due em ;v t Ceeoam v
Nad ws can secBre pateoc
Ma-it In WasbinaTtOn.
U s advise, it rtaotatw r not, ires atf
Ou ioe not t... '.V laaccrvW
aramrr.,-HowtoOt a rVteata.- wkm
at ol vw in the t.S w areasaosaanww
ant tree. Aeima. I
Ossx a-tarr Osncc ...a-oi J "
Cnsic Block
RlUng and extract Insj of teeth
pain a specialty
FOUSD. Xear HaAkmaa's grove a
valise con'airieg stnie clothing, "lha
same can be had by ot'ling at the Dej o
cuat office.