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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1896)
n 5 :: Mr. I . . tlitc cmoctat for Horace Boies. when Ex-Governor Boies, of Iowa, stands a fair chance of being nominated by tbe I silver party at the coming convention reaolv6 for-jjcKinle"yiaai and pass a gold for president of the United btatea, says plftnk an exchause. Boies nas seen a aeunr- crat and until recently bas been all pow erful in Iowa. He enjoys the reputation die. of being both a clean and able man. . Many years ago Senator Allen, then a country lawyer in Iowa, need to practice law at the same term of court with Boies Tn & recent interview, he BDoke of him in the strongest terms. "Horace Boies," he said to a re-1 nnrter. "ia the strocaeit man I have ever met. He is the greatest man I ever knew. As a lawyer I know of no one greater. He has the clearest method lf that I know of in any man. He cannot be called an orator, and yet it is a foregone conclusion how a CA.9A will be decided if he is to make the closing address to the jury. A we say out west, be can raise the hair on the jury, and keep it raised. His mini ia of great strength and scope- ile has a ; singular power of analysis, and is an absolutely honest man, and as pure a9 a pure woman. Ha is so just in his nature that he could not be unfair to either friend or foe. Thare is soraetLing mag netic and convincing in his voice, hie face and. his manner, and all of these three features combine to make him strong, lie is a typical gentleman of he old school." : . ; : When asked whai his habits were, the senator from Nebraska replied : "I da not believe he knows even the tasteof whiskey, beer or tobacco. When I knew him be was remarkably abstemi ous and frugal. I don't suppose he ever wore a suit of clothes that cost over $30, and yet he is always dressed with scru pulous neatness and care. Although 60 or 63 rears of age, be ia of irhe physique, and is generally in splendid health. H? is not a native lowan, but emigrated from BufUlo, N. Y. Wealthy t Yes, for that country he is. He has been a law yer all his life and has earned large fees. He mist bs worth at least 5200,000 or 8300.000. He has a lams farm of 2500 acres, and a fine home at Waterloo Thia is certainly high praise coming from one who ie opposed to him in poll (tlCS. James M. epenee, who came .home today, says that the cj clone wreck of St. Louie ia beyond description. Newspa per reports cannot describe it. ' Houses were not only blown down, bat the tim ber was crushed into small bits of pieces. Oat from St. Lou's a little town & depot of the LNRE and 16 houses, were literally bliwn away, even to the rock foundation. Railroads into St .Louis Sunday, May 31, carried, it is estimated, abcat 36,030 people to cee-tbe wreck. Mr. Specce has gone now the second time to the South, his former home, and has each time decided that the wild and woolly West beats the conservative Souih far him and he will henceforth cast his permanent lot with the Pacific coast. ''People back there have gone to Bleep," said Spence, "and nothing less startling than a prolonged .tooting oi Gabriel's trumpet will rouse them from the condition of lethargy into which they have falleu. The west suits me. The East don't go with me, any more." - Pendleton E. O. A Trip to England. " Mr Samuel Nixon, with his character istic honesty of purpose, bas done every thing ia his power to discharge his whole duty to the beneficiaries of Mrs Costello's l&3t will and testament. He returned last Suaday from his trip to England where he went in search of the missing heirs to the Costello estate. He was not successful inthe object of his trip, 'but does not regret having made Che journey. ut course, euch an undertaking, t jr a farmer of sixty-five years, would have a tendency to discourage one of lees cou rageous character. Mr Nixon with his usual good jadgmeot so manager the details of bis journey that no delays or miMiaps, so common to tne inexperi enced, occurred to him while on the trip- He traveled by the U P route and it' connections, to New York in 5 days Tnere he went aboard the -steamship fimbria, whose facilities for. luxurious accommodation could not be excelled, and with the exception of a short dura tion of seasickness the journey across the briny deep was ail that could be de sired. This ebip was 7 diys' time in making the trip from -her moorings at Sew Xork to tbe landing at Liverpool Mr Mion visited at Liverpool, War rington, Manchester and several of their jubarbau Tillages. Ha sajs the contour of tbe country and apparent quality of tbe land is very similar to our own. The people in . their habits . differ but little from those of our own country.' The meet marked difference, he observed.was that tbe main business streets of theso cities are densely crowded with the most wealthy and thoje of the most abject poverty all crowding and jostling for their way on the thoroughfares. The rich with their to moo la tbe value cf which could scarcely be estimated, aud the rickety cart i h as old donkey driven by uen io ragi compete for their rights of way ia perfect silence and with out either seeming to know that tbe other is ic existence. ' . . ; ; For the relitf of chronic weather growlers in Oregon, it is mentioned by Mr Nixon that the rain fell in torrents while he was in England. r ; Aiter a sven dcyo' stay he was ready and anxious fjr a &&y retnmto the shores w litre Olduiory is flaunted to tbe bretze as a signal tfnit America, tbe best and greatest country on God's footctool, . is safely protected. He made the trip back to Haw York safely and without any unusual eyeot. Trim there be went to Philadelphia ior a visit with two sisters whom he hil nt seen for forty two years. Such meetings can be better imagined than desciibed. The fact of this having b-eu among tbe most joyous ones is to be easily detected from Mr Nixon's remarks; He visited with them for a week and then went to Indianapo lis, Ind., where he got possession of Mrs Ida Bennett's little boy aud brought him safely' to her. The peculiar circum--tuicei of Mrs Bennett'' hiikband, I A Bennett, absconding with their children .ind going into hiding with them for the sole purpose of distressing her, and the lue wh'.ch Mr Nixon successfully fol- lowed to the rescue ol tliij one (;he other having died) go to make a cane iu which our people take great Interest, We H -rajoicewithherln the restoration ol her . a . ., , - - ceioveu cuiiu. . . t, -rf i goio, ana tne remit ;it inai ony a Since Mr Nixou's arrival lion e h has' 'mail price Is pa'd for the products of settled down to his usml business of ' ihssoil. For several years we have been taking care of his pleatiant home in this (trying the single gold standard ilh city, witu the addition of a constant use poor results. It is an nnreasonab'e man or bis descriptive powers. Harris burs who Is not willing to try silver wiib gold Review. ii Us old place. The Quay did not need to announce i i. . vaA f.r nresi tOBt ne DU giveu up im n- - r dent. He could do nothing else. , ? The a man with rheumatism even cau ran office, bat it makes the joints ache free he baa to walk back after defeat. ThARitSiili'iMimntioa- - assets io under morrow ; It will. nomiuavuA J he Jn fortn t..j At w.t t nlav second fid ' ".r . ' rf.l He isn't that kttt ot -'.- . . Mnrtnn will take nunc in anw irei.u., wnrstuuuio --r- . t.!u. -- - . l xne ' ' gU--:-. j ; thing in tot pwW make people be. Teller'.will undoubtedly bolt - a gold I that. : :? ' . l- plank, and there are several nana .1 .r,,l nrhr nnubllCADS WHO win I IUUUOMUVI " - - ' likewise on election day All thines considered November would ha the beat time for holding the Oregon election. June is not a good month. ik. oto ahnnla he uniform In ail in stales. ( v ' ' Tne gohl reserve is" again down to about the $100,000,000 mark, which smelts of bonds, which suita iheRoth childs and is apart of the Wall street game. - , ' . .., : , The bloomer is undoubtedly doomed. r mnsf viva niM la short skirts witn neat lezsinn. . The bloomer is a norrv ble looking affair anywayt and ought to Thia is a speculative age. - An Albany h honsl.t afiftn hand wheel ior . ... jt i nant 45 cents for repairs and sold the wheel for $1.10.. Uow macn make. .:.. - did he A Kansas girl has been sued tor throw ing kisses. So tar as the uanocaaT ia concerned there ia nothing tn mat aino ot a kiss and it was an outrage to fine a woman just for a thrown kiae. ? Draw a circle around Wall street and you will find the center ol the .angle gold standard .sentiment. The farther you get from it the more Eilvery is in lining otthe financial clouda. -. -,. Judging from the amount ot cham paign tbe California ' delegation took to the St. Louis convention which convened today, there will be a high o!4 and fail arioas time there by the gold bags of the country. ' - - . Annie Dyer, a woman was banged in Nt Fnffland. a few dars ago. for murdering a little chill she Lad taken, As she undoubtedly mordeied several hnntrl others. cerbaDt 300 it is to be regretted she could not be .angd 300 tinges. - . - : - There is every prospect now that the republicans will pat out a gold atandatd plank, and the democrats s free silver plank. It so toat will be the ' Issue in tbe coming election, and bo third candi date should be put in tbe field to detract from it. It looks very much as if Mr. Bland will be in the lead at tbe Chicago convention as the free silver candidate lor president. Mr. Bland not only bas a clean personal record, bnt bis position in favor ot the money of the people as we I as in favor of the inlet eeti of the labonog man generally is unquestioned. The Baker City Republican keeps at the bead of Ite editorial columns, "Only one more year ol Grover. Thank God .' As a matter of fact there will be les than nine months more of Grover, then the Democrat will be very glad to see Bland, Boies or some one else who will not be run by Wall Street and tbe Rothchild take his place . "Pennoyer is as clever an old rascal as was ever left outside tne Oregon peni tentiary. He may again rut quite a fig -are is Oregon politic before, many moons." Eugene Register. Whatever else Pennoyer is be is hon est. . He may be peculiar in some things, bat be is square, and yon know where to find him. Besides be bas a faculty of gett'og there witf marvellous regularity. Every da'lar of silver coined under a free coinage act would be put into circu lation, having been earned in the mines of the country. So strong is tbe United States it would force silver to a parity with gold, that ie, gold would come down to the price of silver, which practically does not fluctuate, and the price of the prod net s -ot our country wonia increase as the two cams together. A very fair opinion of the condition on tbe Atlantic coast is expressed by Mr M. W Lucy, of Baltimore, who says: "Tne east would not be so anxious to maintain tbe gold standard if they were educated on the money question. Nine men out of ten you meet here that op pose free silver, will, when asked if they know anything about the aobject, tell you tbey have never givesf it any atten tion. They derive , their inspiration from the daily press, and, in fact, know nothing whatever of tbe other side." You can buildup your town, 1st, by trading with home people; 2nd, by en couraging public improvements ; 31, by the economic nse of public money; 4tb, by advertising liberally; 5th, by keeping op to date, complete stock of goods to correspond with your advertising; 6th, by providing good schools and churches; 7tb, b avoiding cliques - and rings and all exclusive ainds of business; 8th, by bidding a warm welcome to all strargers who seek a home in yoar midst; 9.h, by standing together as Brothers in busi nessanq socially; iutb,.Dy making a heroic effort to pay your debts; Utb, by not talking all tbe time about hard times; 12th( by not requiring business men to sell goods below Cost : or artisans to toil without a profit Kx.' (515,000,000 appropriations by one ses sion of a congress is an outrage. - That makes it high over the rite of a billion dollar congress. Is it any wonder there is a shortage. The Wilson bill is all right as a revenue raiser, under it there being a deficit or only about $25,000,000, whereas with an economical congress ran in tbe interest of the people tnere would bean annual surplus o! thiee or four times that. The people indirec'.ly pay this enortr 6ns expense bill, and it ie ridiculous to call a tariff of t over 40 per cent free trade, when it is pretty high protection. This suhjest will imi P'ay any part in the catnpiigu. The jpiople eaunot be hoodwinked. .. Money is the great question. The debasement j0' has appreciated the price of i f - , , , .1. 1 i ' . 1 . republicans will have to get a new chairman. MrCarter likes silver too well. Max That democrats of McKinley's home, cjx B'.srkcountv.Ohio, have aeciarea ior silver. Mr Morton who said be would nit ing nignt, any circumstances accept tne nomination for vice "preaidenmow y will.' Morton will accept most any toria thing. : One of the principal weapons oi i.i .'...ut..i m.n in tha threat of ft T7''i' f .tw. m. ' .. ; ' dtiM r. nan i.ww mrni. - j One college orator predicts that we're about to have a big international war in which the V. S. will take part, and wants millions spent on our coast to put it in a condition for protection. - Tna Dkmo -crat predicts that wa will not. Tha nawnanera ha?e been accused cl notalwava telling the troth, particularly about commencement season. The press comes closer to that than the public, which praises indiscriminately without regard to merit. The San Francisco papers are filled with rot aboat Corbett and Sharkey. - Ii wilt etid in smoke. Even if they fight it will be a fiasco. - In the first plare Sharkey has already shown in his match withCboynski that he i simply a run ner and docker. dneral J SCIa.kson who is against MrKinlev sends ns Pgures to snow that MeKiohs? has 3S4 dslegates, other cand: dates have 452, and 62 are contested Major Mores P Handy who is tor McKin- ley gives him 660 out of a toal of 95 vote. Necessary to choice 402, Sale js Journal. , Sjme very nice idea were bronchi to ia the junior oration on "Sinin eays thumbs np,M in reference to the prevail ing practice of people following others, as well as fad, etce'era. This is very noticeable, regardless of righ, not only in every day life, but a wtl in business and political life. Men and woitien too frequently permit others to do alt the thinking for them. The Inter-Ocean, altboogh of strong silver leanings, is still stronger ia its republicanism- It ia working very hard to show that the trouble with onr finances i owing to the tariff, and consequently that tbe tariff is tbe great issue. It tries to prove this by stating that there was a defieit of $4,000,000 for Mar. o2 a total of $26,000,003 for the year, to far as it oa Faeed. That isn't much. There wouldn't be any deficit at a!l ii the gov ernment did not rob the people by iu outrageously unnecessary appropria tions, and corrupt jabs. Oar congress men absolutely rob the government of over $28,000,009 every year, Elect men to office pctsessing a scintilla of economy, that la what is needed. Anyone with half a grain of sense ran we that the whole achf ins baa been to keep tbe ex penses above the receipu at all events just for po'it'cal effect. Doesn't the tact make one dot. Tangent. Tasoturr, Os. June 15th, 1836. The farmers are all through with tbeir spring sowing. Some of the fall grain that wa town early is coming out io head and looks well, late grain wilt sot make much if it does not rain oo iu ' The llbany Farmers Co , is baring most all the wheat shipped out of their warehouse at Tangent, loading six cars every day. Mr. David Moan is talking of taking a trip to California ia a lew dars. Mr. W. W. Powell teUt he is going to take a trip to Washington in a short Ume. Apples will be vary scarce in this neighbor hjod. Mr. Bacon and family hare moved away on last Tbnrsdav to the Spokane country to reside, with him Mr. Ed Moore and family. Miss Maud Beard, who has beet teaching school op at Holly, is at home for awhile. M. Laogtry, onr Tangent blacksmith will move his tamily to 1'angent n a short time from Monmouth. Our correspondent describes tbe Dixie school picnic, mentioned io onr Oakyille correspondence, at which it is estimated there were 700 or 809 people,, and which he pronounces the best be ever attended, hence we give only tbe program: Music by the Ladies Band, of Corval- is. ViV Song uard the Flag, by the chil dren of Dixie school. Recitation Tbe Firtt Settler's Story. ainriTDSDii. K eolation I Love Papa,Beseie Emith Dialogue Five bensss, ny five little girls. Declamation bpartacue to the Gladi ator, by tiny Lewellmg. Doett Misses Wardell and Hamlin. Recitation Tbe I u is led Dutchman. , , t uy Juje jatains. . Trio Nightengale, Misses Palmer. Kecitatton A Model Child, Pearl Bates. . . Recitation Total Annihilation, Leon ard Grimsbaw. Quartet Mine Hurlhurt, Morris, Ue&srs White and Morgan. Song Listen to My Tale ot Woe, Sol la U'l liBDU aujonii. Recitaitoa The Dead Dally, Forest Music by the Ladies Band. . .. Recitation A Conclusion, Roy Bates. Keciistion lhe Last lirmn, Etta urimshaw. vocat music by tbe ladies quartet, su lines -aimer anu warden. Recitation Mrs Kale. Recitation Tbe Deacon, Willie Wil- bancs. Solo Cast Aside, Lola Fa' iter. Recitation Poor Old John, Mrs EXe Milibollen. ' Song Ye Olden Tiui. Recitation Master Jip, Marcus Butler. itecitatlon Dora's Soliicqu.r, Effie omiui. Unet Uits Ltilte Uulturt and Mrs A V miner. . Recitation Elisabeth Jane, Claude Anderron. , : Recitation Hie Bobolink, Rnby Mobr, Song Vacation is tomiug, Alice, T I .. f 1 ' ' Mu-tiu by the Ladies Band. We notice a picnic will be had at Oak vil e on next t ridav by the Christian Endca for Society of that city . , . v Yocso Amebic. Tub New Tkachkus. Following ia the list of teachers selected for school dis trict 5: UiramTyree, principal; Mrs. Nellie Lamhson, Misses Julia Taylor, Anna Fortiniller, Jennie Blount, Margia Dunham, Mary Sedgwick, Eva Simpson, Ida Maxwell, Emma Harden, Jeane Hulse, Nellie Hogue, Alice Temple, Marguerite Longacre, Mary Oundiff, tbe last six being new teachers, though Miss Hogue has. served as supernumerary. Miss Josie Lasselle was elected super numerary. r fhe teachers retiring are Misses E'izabelh Carothera, Ida Black, Dorena Marihall. Lois Dvor and Clara Guard , -.. ; . ' ; Little children's tongues sometimes have no Drakes. A little Albany girl said to a minister a few days ago: "We were just talking about vou. We think you preach a good deal better than you look." ,?; ' MISFITS. j . . v ' . i rracht is in St. Liuis anyway. is nest hing to being struck by a iuiio. . A man who bought a big rat trap at Hopkins Bros., took it back this morn with eight rats in it, caught last Thd business men and citizens of As will send the following petition to Governor Lord: "Your Excellency, uov emor Lord: We. the business men, merchants, taatayers and peaceable citizens ot Astoria, would beg that you withdraw the State Militia irotn our orderly city, as there is no trouble here.' The action of the St. Louis convention ia settled Its platform is already pub lished before being passed. It consists of a tirade against the democrats just after one ot its own extravagant do noth ing congresses with nothing but mis- manairement. Droviues ior a uigu lanu and a single gold standard with a silver tickler. Mcktulev will be nominates on the first ballot. Tha details only will be of interest. Mr. B. F. Ramp was at Salem Satnr dav in attendance on the big indignation meeting, it is reported mat ne nas been ill since then from the enacts oi a gold bug swallowed. , Hearing of this Mr. A. l. isarner tins lorenoon, secured a bottle of medicine at one of tho drug stores labeled in big figures and letters 16 to 1" and took it to hitn to take. It ia thought he will now recover. Gates. Gatim, Oa., June, 17, 1806. W. B. Lawler returned to Gales Fri day and started for Quartsville Saturday morning where be is making numerous changes. Lively times are expected this icmuier. The Woodmen of the World organised a camp here last Thursday evening. . Mr. Frank Thomas, wife and daugh ter attended the Woodmen's picnic at Stay ton Wednesday. They report a fine ume. Justice Clark and wife are the rond parents oi a tnriving Dor. C. W. Read our genial merchant maae a trip to Portland fast week. Tiiden Quinn bas gone to Albany tn buiiness. Mr. George Random and family of Al bany, are visiting Mrs llandom's father T. Z. Draia. Lrons the painter 1 painting thj roof ot . TtsMarinans residence. Weather fine. Rax. TELEGRAPHIC. rb Plana! la I laaW. St Loi'ia, June IS. The committee have agreed upon the iotlowieg financial plank: "lhe republican party ia uueaemdiy for sound money. It canted the enact usee of the law providing for the resumption of specie payuenta ia 179; since then every dohar baa been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measnre cal-cuUie-l to dfWe onrenrrency or -impair the emlit of on- country, e are, there for opposed t the free coinage cf silver, except by iaiernatioaal agreemeDt 1 with the leading commercial naii-ins of the world, which we pledge ourselves to pro mote, and uatil such agreement can be ob tained, the existing gold standard mii be preferred. All our silver and papM1 ctit reory now la eircnlaUoa mutt ta miuUin ed at a parity with gold, and we faor all measures deugned to matnUin iorioiaU'v tie obligation of the L'tited State, and all our money, whether com or pap-, at the prevent standard, the standard of Use most enlightened nations uf the earth." Senator TelltT effered a freereoiBage re oluUoa as a substitute, which was voted dowa. . ea B raw serf. Bakes Cnr. Or.. Jan lfl VKn.t 11 o'dock last aigbt tbe large reservoir at the wsao ot uoooncu awi, VI miles west of this city, covttioff aa area of about 65 acres, and ranging in depth from SO to SO feet, broke a war and h wiun'nulwl dowa Goodrich creek, thence to puis creek j and into Powder river valley. About five 1 nutet aowri nee creek uood a frame Una bouse, inhabited by Lloyd R French aad wife and their fire children -four daugh ters aad one son. The mad water com pletely engaifed the anfurtnaaia family, who were atieep. and their dead bodies were not recovered until the daws ol morning. atreaay ce4. St Locts. June 18 The probabilitfe tonight are that it will be a abort conven tion. Of coarse it is a foregone conclusion that McKiniey will be nominated on the firtt ballot, if not by aodaroatioa. The sentiment is so overwhelmingly strong in favor of him that there i a very geeerai desire to see his nomiaatiun made unani mously and eatbosisxlicnlly. Tbe spirit which pervades tbe convention is admir able. The platform will be straigbtout for a protective tariff and sound moo. Bavtes a rtrale. AtToara. Or.. June 16. The appearance of the Firs regiment. O. N. G., ia this city todav was not received with anmixed satisfaction Early in the morning tb news f plead tbrooghout tbe city that the military were on the way dowa the river, but in some inUnces it was discredited. Manyanked what tbey would te doing r8; ,or !ot wht reason had Ooreraor Lord been called upon to send them down, but a few boors af wr their arrival the noveM p bad worn off and tne citizens be gan to remark that no harm would he done, and that tbe boys in bine would douMiet ecjoy their picnic. A rahesaaa' Lark. Arlisgtox. Or.. Jane 15 A young man, named Conway, who wan braking on the grarel train, met with a serious and Probably fatal accident here this afternoon. Hie brakesUff broke, and be fell between i0?"' Hl foot caught oo the bumper, and be leaped from between the cars, but. mains; on tbe side of a sand drift, be rolled back under the wheels of the moving train, 'lhe car wheels passed ovr his right ' i uuuiag me ooae in two places. The alte EtxUea. Tbe Da lies, Or., luce 15.-The city election today resulted in an avorhlnin victory for tne regular citizen' ticket. The couien was over tbe mayoralty. Frank Menefee, tbe rretent incumbent, being elected by a majority of 108 over S. b" Adams, tbe independent candidate. lhe day was exciting. A card on Cie outside of of. fice door says t "Gone to lunch. Be back in ten minutes." And, the man will b thra n timm. f) That ia, for some A 'days, weeks or even months, ih he wilL Then he will be fjjii i at nome occasionally for a a headache a turn of ehol- t era morbus, or maybe he'll eay he had a lump in his stomach and felt too miserable to move. The lump was probably' two or three ten-minute lnnches condensed. They were hurried in, bet they were taking their own time about getting out, or even " moving on." This ia a great mistake, but aa long as there's life there's a chance to rectify mistakes. The man who " bolts " his lunches will find Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best friend he ever met. The " Pellets " way not hurry as much aa the man doe but they will do the work for which they are intended surely promptly affectually. ' . There la no ease of biliousness, con Stipation, Indigestion, "heart-burn," or any of the rest of the night-mare breed ing brood, that these little ' Pellets " will not cure. They are not disagreeable to tnke, neither are the effects disagreeable. They are gentle laxatives. They cure perma TfZ'X ?h?T' no danKer of forming a "Pellet habit" Therefore, you donl become a slave to their use. Send st one-cent stamps to cover cost cf mailing only, and receive absolutely rroir. Dr. I'ieree'a Common Sense Medical Ad' vtser, and find out how to keep yourself and family healthy. The book contains looS pages, over 300 Illustrations and over 680,000 copies have been sold at $1.50 each. ' The new edition of 500,000 copies U to be jriven away absolutely ret. It is a veri- mcuicai norary, complete In one volume. Address, with stamps, World's ptspensary Medical Aasociation. No. 661 Main Street, Duflalo, N. V. ' V. JUDGE Congressman Powers Judge Towers, who today repreeents Vermont In congress, entered the nation al house with a magnificent record aa lawyer and judge of the supreme court of ermont. If ia a tine type of the careful, learn ed. New England lawyer. Though but 56 years of as, he was a member of tbe Vermont k-is!ature a third ot a century ago, and a .rata in I $71, when he was speaker of the house, lie bas been state censor, a member of tbe c-nslituliunal convention and of the state senate, la 1&74. be became judge of the supreme court of Vermont, aad remained 00 the bench anlU 1 '-), when be took his seat in congress. Judge Powers pretiCed at many of tbe most notable trials in the history of the state, and is the author of many ot the most important opinions to be found in Ver mont report. No jude oa the supreme bench in any of oar state baa a reputation ior more clearly and unmistakably expressing Lis opinions. Ilia unqualified indorsement of Paine's celery compound in the follow ine tetter is as straightforward and con cise as any one of bia thoughtful charges MrtUairy'a sr Sr. Lovis, Jeae 1-L vVhUe tbe bead Qoarters of some tA'e have not been crowded, as u acualSy the cue before tbe convent ton aatemUe, there ha beea a L:g dayattheUhio delegKUoa. kna as the McKinv beadioarter. At McKiniey headquarters, there i siiU tbefalbwtcantide&te in the favorite bar ing 633 votes on the cnt ballot out of a total of 916. bnt there is nc-t any td Uale for the nominal ion far vice preident. rsea fee t -lrr14rat- St. Lorts, June 14. The Tioe-preai-deatial boom stood still this afternoon aad awaited development of a healed wire cor rerpoodence bHweea Piatt aad other re publican leaders aad Governor Levi P. Morton. Toe import of t'ic message was to gain bis content to plare hi asute ia nomination for lie vtoe-preaideacy, Mivee epakilraa. Sr. Lort. June H. rh arrival of fVoators Teller aad Mantle baa bad the effect of reviving the tniemt in the pro gram ot the silver men in tbe national con vention. Tbe silver contingent will be smalt, but compact, aad it is believed, on- 1 der perfect discipline. It is said tbey will boU ia oute of a gold ;lat.k. Btryete Ta.'evr. ASULA5D. Or., June 14 An officer f.-om Porttand left for that cilv this evening, having in cbartre Henry Gradv and Pen Hudson, atrfd 19 and 15 respectively, who ate wanted there for tbe larceny of two bi cycles, and who have been apprehended here. The boys rented the wheels at a ej dery on June I and left for the wroth, in tending to go as far as Roseburg, then pore of the wbeel and take the train f r San Francisco. They soon tired of the riding and rold tho wheels at (ervaia nnd worked their way on south as far as ttis place. At AtUrla. AsrontA, June 14. Additional reporU of outrage bv striking fltbermen near Clif ton wete received by the steamer Miller this morning, and scow that the situation is fully as serious at that point as bas been reported. Company H. Fifth arlill.-ry. Captain Crabb cotnmandiiig, arrived ia this city from San Francisco today. Tbey win be taken over to rort Lan'jy tomorrow on ine steamer rotter. Freaea firata Hopper. (:oi niNDAt.-, Wash., June IS. Ru- dolph Hlusck; a thrifty larmer of Good nol bills, reports that section of country utterly devastated by grasshoppers last year will be ftee from a visitation this year. The late spring did wonders in freeing the country of the pest, lie further believes that Goodool hills wrU have an unusual yield of wheat and fruit thityear. Will Bait Br. Louis, June 15. The delegates of tbe ilvor-producing states have not yet held a formal conference. There have, however, been several informal meetings, at which tbe.program to be pursued by the radical silver forces has been sufficiently discussed to no longer leave doubt of their .nteation to bolt the convention iu rase j heir demand for the free coinage of stiver not acepted, S alted )ai. Pobti ami, June 18. lhe First regi ment, Oregon National Guard, Colonel Summers commanding, was scheduled to 1 leave for Astoria at an early hour this morning, and will take a band in sup- uresHimr tne scenes ot t toiunce ana out raue wbicn have marked the cource of the lixhcrmen s strike on the Columbia river, it was accompanied by battery A, wivh full field equipment and the various regimental corps, lhe troops were called out on a rcriuUition made by tho mayor of Astoria, hrough the county j.ulga of Clatsop cour. y, upon Uovernor Lord. Morton Will Arrept, P.T. Loins. June 16.-12:150 A. M.-As a rviuH of much lelegrapbio negotiations be. tween 8t. Louis and Albany, it m detioitely stated, on what is believed to be good au thority, that Goveincr Morton kaa fina'ly iAA ih anlirilations of hiR frian,li, ' and ameed to accept the vice-prcsidontml nomination, despite the rnlit in (he New York delegation. v OF THE SUPREME COURT. Enthusiastic Over Paine's Greatest SpxiDgRemedy. - to a i-ry: ilonseof IpreenUtiv, U ?. Washington, I). U, Feb. 19, mi. I have for several rears beeaacouaict ed with tbe medicinal uualitieiof Paine's Sery compound, and can enthusiastic- ally indorse it as a specfic in man caea for which its oe ia recommended by iu proprietors. i. lleary Power. 1 Ihit. Vt. By far the lt nse that any tired or ailing pereoa can ctake of these precious spring days is to panfy their bin d and regulate their nerves with Paine's celery compound. It is plain to anr otaervant person that the beet remedv for neural, gia, persistent headache and a;h indications of low n-rvo;is vigor, is the unethatmoet rapidlr aad completerv nourishes the wot a oat paru. It m not in tbe power of any other re.tie.fy to d the vigorous work of Paine' celerv com pound in strengthening tbe jaded system, and in bringing it tack t an eaerjeik, healthy coriitiua. The real danger that stares sick people in the face is the patting off attending to sick neat and dreeaee, and letting lip OS BORNE and DEERING Extras and Attachments, Mowei andHarvcster Sections, Hollingsworth Tiger rake teeth Harrow teeth. Exclusive agents for HOPKINS BROS. Albany, Or. FORTMILLER & IRYING Tr EP comlantlv oa hand a full line of metallic, cloth and wood rackets and cofGa IX. Alio burial robes and suits, ia broadcloth, aatin, caimere which rill be sold a Tis lowest C M O A LM I NQ and 1 he proper MASOMC TEHrLK 110 EXTRA CHARGE FOR V m I.ari-wrsai.vUi-.V C Everybody Does Not Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLIU They Cost $100 But those who do are happy in their choice bavins the wheel Best-in Watctial Best in Style and Model and the wheel that made the fastest mile C. W. ELKINS, Agent. FJR TR.VE. Blacksmith shop. S lots and dwelling netir Taeotna for trade for property in Albany, a hires Box 23 Albany. - , EO E FIKR THE TLUMBER Tin roofiing and plnmhinjr. the opera house. Opposite SAKE FOR 8 A LF. Anyone wt&ntnfr purchase a soed fire proof safe chean please call on Mrs. Ashhy, Celery Compound, the ... - ,. - - ... , J theee Itealth-inritlng spring days, when leveryUiing so strongly favors getting I wey. nits greatest ot ail spring rem- - eood LLeM A uu, ciyk- nannlo and j those semi-invalids who are "run d down by tbe loo?, urine winter, or Iwara oat and afflicted by disease. 1 1 lie soul and life of aoand health is a weii-Boorikhed nenrous syctem. Paine's celery compound repairs tha worn, nerv- vos system as nothing else can do. It ie u on cer.ain and permanent core for tteepiessnesm, hysteria, nervous detaiity and exhaustion, rheumatism, neuralgia aa I the virion manifestatioos of aa ae healtby bodily condrtioa. sach as lan guor, nervoosaeas, heart palpi ut ion, lose of flesh and mental depression. With Paine 'a celery compound, re tnrningstrengtii and cheerfulness soon show tiiat one is undoubtedly oa the right road to health. Paine's cesery compound is the one real spring remedv known todav that never fasis to benefit. iet Paine's eel err compound, and oulv Paine's celery compound if j-oa wuh le be well. Osborne aiJ Docring extras. Livtsig PraUt- care of the dead a tpecial'y. A1BM OREG0.1 HEARSE OR SERVICE. in competition ever made in Oregon. HOUSE MOVING, Carefully, promptly Iv, at the lowest price. Call on or aUilrens U W Taylor, 4th and aladisoa Sta Albany. REPAlR-t BIOVCLES. lTiank Uict ey repairs bicycles promptly and in a first class manner. Breaks, punctored firea, tc fixed c-rrectir. At hop just west ot Y. Al.C. A. hall. BIOYCLE'rO R SALE. A second bai d ladies bicycle, in excellent cocditicn. Call at tho Postal Te'egraph 0Boe. ADMIMISTEATO&'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the under igned administrator of tbe esia'e of Jane E Carter, deceased, will in pursuance of an rder nf tlui rannir court, dulv made and ntered of record on the lUb dav of April 1 1896, offer for tale at pobiic auction, at tne court bouse door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on tbe 25th day of July. 1896 at tbe bocr of 1 o'clock p m of said day the following described real estate, to-wit: Lota No's 3. 4, 5 and 6 in Block No. 11 in Hackleman second addition to the ci'y of Albany, Linn county, Oregon- Terms of ale onchalt cah dowa at time of sale, one-balf payable in six months from day of sale the deferred payment to be se cured by mortgage npon 'he property sold. This the 10th day of Jane, 1896. Ed R M Caste", WeATHEEFOBb k Wtatt, Admicit:a'or. Alt s for Admr. Notice for. FubJication Lakd Orrica it Oaaooa Citt, Oa, Kay 12, Not;ce tabrbv ie that tt fo lo- tag aamed mi tier baa Bled atie of his a tcntiM te make fioal proof iasapiortcf bis t aim, and that said proof atli be mane befora tbe coaat eioik of Lwa rcuaty , Or; a Albany, Ore.oe, oa Jaa 30 h, 1896, viz: Jefir h I Inertia Ii Ho. IKrVU ior in NEU8eo32T 10 S R 1 E. He ate the filler ig eitPiiiss to pov h eon tinooe lesidecee apon aad ealuvatloa ol. saij Isod, 7i: David IJoatgoeMy, Jobs i F teener, of Jordan, Or, James A Craft, of Lara oad, and Ksraest Grigs', of Sao, Or. RoerET A MU-LXK, Register. ADAINlSTEAfOri NOTICE Notice it hereby gives thai the tjader- I signed bas been duly appointed b the count? court ot Linn cooatv. uresjua. a tbe administrator of tbe estate of J F Pnce deceased. All tenons bavins; claims aninst said eata'e are berebv notified to nresent the same to me dalv venneo as wy law reouuta wiibt six mosuu irom tne da'eotthi notice. T)ated Uilafith dav of lone. Ib96. W a ath eb soao k Wtatt. A Pebt. . Attya for Adtcr. Admiawrat. r. EXECOTEIX KOTICE Notice h hereby given that the under signed executrix of the estate of Sopau Van " male Brnger aeceaaca. n nieJ tier final aecoani with the derk of the county eooit for Lino oaaty. Oregon, aad the mart haa fix Jd tftell'-b oaT of JtUV i896. at tbe boor of owe o clock V- m., w aid dav for the Lear in? of obiartioaa to I said account and for the eettlemeat of sau ea'ste. Thia the 4th day of Jane. IKS. Unix ia Bacseca, Et ecutrix of tbe will of Sapid Van Win I die Bitterer, deceased. WalTStirHJ) AC TATT. A' ITS WT X-X. Notice for Publication Lasp Omct at Ors :o Crrr, Oa. May 12. 1336. Kotloa ia hereby gives US tha foUow ,n aaaeed settler baa fi'al aatieeef his ,tMUa te saaka awl naof ia aapoort ai ait eUias. and that awd pratf will he aaade before tho coast dark of Uaaeaaaty. Or- m. at Alraev. Or. ea laly 1st. 1A wix: " E V of E 1 Bee HTlO 8 R 5 E tati 3 aad 4 S E H W tr S 18 T 10 S B 6 LHt I Iti79 Ummtv W ifeeaae. ne aaaacataa fokwiu witaajaas to prove 1 enatiaaoaa rasidsawe apo aad cwltzratioa of. said laad. via: J S Lewis, A T Ire, H O Utwu, K K Cortia. u et uewi, w. Eoaaax A JUixaa, Regisi Notice for Publication Laxd Omct at Otmox Crn, Os. Ifayli. IjjSS Sjtic ia fcorsbv areas tha ta foiWw- img saned ocU'er lua fiied BOttoo of hajra taatteata saake Caal proof iasatpwt of bjseUiaa, aad that said prool will twsaaie befo.-e IbecMatv derk af Manoa oosarv. Oeaoau at Baieaa. Oieaoa, om Jam 23, 1898. via: Albert eettamgor U K A 11139 for the S of N K K W S B See ZlesSWSt'saXVr-tfSeeSSTlOdR 7 E. BaamwMS the foiiowug witaea a to Ditka ooatiaoou rejldco apo. a cwlnva'toa cf, said lard, via: D W Daa oftk. V G Daaforta. Wat Hddecka, S P Karr, allot Detroit, Oresjoa. R asxr A Muxaa, Rea;lstar. Notice for Publication LaiiD Omca at Oeoa Cm, Oa. ltaylS,lS9& VJ rf ia borahr aivwa that the folicw.a hm aasiea ef his iata- k. anof im oactiort alius cia-aa, aad that aaid proof wiU saitde iba- fore ta. eoaatr etora et uu "V atAltausy. Orwoa. oa J.oe2. 15. J mil n Unui. H K Mo. 11409 forth. W,SolX Wla'aadW i ot S W .VSc19.T 10SR4K. H. bum the foil jo a witaeaoos to prove hi eaatiaaoaa rUscnpoi aaa eahivatiea ef. aald laod, era: W M McBnde. Hiarv OaWer. W H MeCoaaeL aJl of Miaio. Orefoa, aadJ t Gttx-oc,r Saadd,Oreoo. Koaaar A Jswxa',wi". Notice for Publication. Laud Orncsit OarooaCrrr, Oaxcos. - Mayl2.1S96. : Sotioa ia acreb sva taat tho fottowitlj aaoMd settlor haa 6te4 aoUoo ot his iaten- lioi to saaka aaol proof la sopport W ut da as. sad that aai proof will bo saade be fors the eeasty clerk of Li eeaotv. Or., at Alfaam. Or-eak OO Jaoa 29. S96, V s: Waa MMeB-ide. 11 K K. lI39itortao Wof N KaaJ W KS EiJSeatS T 10UK tn. Ui aasMB ue botwi mi iinia.i Snnm-n a s ejotisaooa fmtdlm an a aa eaiavsason os. saia mwa, vis: w vs SmoA; Oro;na. J H UcCteaol, v7 kltC MsaoL H G blw.ail of Miato, U rgie. j r.oaatT a stitixa. iwsni-. Notice for Publication Lasp Or nra at Caaaex Crrr. 0, May Ilia, 1S96 Kotio is heraby a'vea that tea follown g aaaied settler aaa bled aiUca of bia iao UaatoSBata foal jrjof io aprxet oi his clusa, aad that sail proof will bo saade before the eoaatv elerk of Marina soaatv, Drrvoo. at Si-ena. Oroma. oo Jaoo 2V. ISS6,vn:I-hn Seitainaer HEN. 11160 for taeN H of N E if aad K X ot N W H See 21 T 10 i R 7 E. te moms the fol- IcwiDg witaeaasa to pove his ooatiaaeca nidaeo a poo aad oaltirtttoa afraid load. rt: O W Danrta. V S Daaforta. Wat Uotdaoke; P Kerr, all of Detroit. Or. Rob tar A UiVLaa, RagUter Notice for Publication Laud Orric-t at Orkoos Crrr Ob Mav 12. 1396. N jtiao is berebv ftivaa that taa folloina named sottler has tiled aotkaof his iatesh ioa to make float proof ia sopport of bia claia. aad that said pr-J will oa aoade bef wo tbe oiooty elork of Lin a ooaatv, Or, at Albany, Oreoa, ea Jaaa Z9, u Wra 11 McConeel, H E No. 11410 tor the K H o N W aad EK ol W See 19. TI3SK4. Ha aaaws taa foltuwiae wit ss t prnvo his eoatiaaoas roaidoace apn aa t cattirattoa of, said laad, via: J U G Saodit. Orocoo, Hiarv QaUor, W M alcBndo awl J U McConntl. all of Miato, t-reg a. KoBERT A MILLCa, Kegtstor. TRACTION ENGINES. One 8 horse power Buffalo Titts engine used one season. One 10 horse power Buffalo Pitta en gine, new. lor sale cheap. Florrtsa Baocu. Albany, Or. fo) m tzi K. McNEILL Kew,. TO THE rvas raa choice or TWO TKAKSCOHT1SEK1 A I. ROUTES GREAT UfilOH ri0RTiRN PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE muvnus DENVER OMAHA AXO an ST. PAOL ICAMSAJCm LOWKATE-i TOAtL EaSTEBX CITIES " fXTEANSTEAVKBS EAVE PORTLAJin EVERT ItAVj oa , 8AH FRMlCiSCO For tall detail eal' o Ccaaas MowrarrH. Ai,Or APoaaaa: W H HUBLMiin ... Ijti'ii Pi . Ac. POtlILASt. OR. AIIADiAII PACIFIC R & S00 PACIHC LINE. &Ye Honey and Tims - And get the best service and accommodations. Cheap Tickets to and from nil parts ol the'OIaLal." Oim FadSe Eoyal llvl Stranstkip Iiae. ' "Lmprwa Line TO JAPAN AND CHINA law fastest and oest Gee oa the Pacific: Oceaa. any other Trans-Pacifla AISTULASIU Short Line to the Colonics. E A S T These veaaek carry aa experieaced saed-4 ical asaaaada etjeaardessoaea vey 1 age. Fcr rates. stranodatks. PPJ iet or aav iafcarma'ioa call on or address i hBSACRY. ALLASCAMEROXl Agesit, Fit. Paea. Agent. AlbaaT Or. H Third St Pordaad. Or-! GEO.Mc L. BROWN. Ist . Pass. Ageat, Taacoaver, B. S I REC0H CENTRAL & EASTERFI. -YAQU1NA BAY ROUTF m . . .. i;... VuimM Ba r with taa vnwm- - : f, . Ran Francisco ana taqiuna wj cicun- shipGompanr Saila froea Yaoaina everv 8 days rn,nM wvt Bar. Port Orfordj Trinidad aad Hamboldt Bar.' PiSSxsata AccoxoDAnoraUascarAaaxDw Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany aad poicta west San Francisco Cams SnxaaGX '.OO To Cooa Bay and Port Orford. Cabin To liasnboldt Bar Cabin tSW Bound trip good 60 day eyeciaL RIYER DIVISION. Steamers "Albany" and Wm. M. Hoag." newly furnabed. leave Albany daily except Satordaya at! .mv tng at Portland the same day at 5 p. m. Retnrning, ooata leave Portland same dara as above at 6 KM a. m arriving at Albany at 7.45 p.m. EswntToxx, J.aMiTo, M anager. Supt. River Dtviaioo. H.L.Wauks, H.B.Sact, ArU deiwt. Albany Agt op Revere UVUSVa attwin MlORTHERfl ill i PACIFIC R.R? Pullman Sleeping Uars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oars' St Panl Minneapolis Dnlnth f-argo, TO Grand Forks Crookstoa - tVinnipesr Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS, TO Chlcajro washmstou Philadelphia New York t Boston and at Points East aad Booth Throash tk-kdts to Japan and China, via Tacoraa aad Nortbera Pacific steamship Co., an Amencaa line. For information, time cams, mape and f tickets call on or write C Q uorttiar. Acent. Albany, Or. Or A O Charlton, Ast Portland. Or. Gen Faaa Agt Dr. Prfce" Cream Saklos powder