The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 19, 1896, Image 1

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    j 1 g 5 JWSsfctK . MBJ.,J m
9 r- tTTia rfctarirrnf
second-Class Mall asallait
is the
very best
Blackweli's Genuine
To will find one eoopoa Inside each 1 oaoce be and two ooapooi Inside each 4 oance bac
Buy taw, read-the eou poo and aw how to set your ttan of ttfujMO la peos-tota.
1 i ' i ? i 'ii . 'jV f,
- I " - x KBorweaj ;, t i,
mmm .
I k I-
Hie, Indestructible "Maywood
Has post Jfodesn.
Hast ReluUs.
Host Cora bit
THIS $75.00 COM
v. J- - - x. -J4as"
rci. i?. 7- ..'. i33
The "Haywood Is tea troB-
woads and" riders. Ma-ti of tt;2
- easily takes arart asd rut sort
wlUhoki totretber ee:i jh a:
. that cannot be broken: fOR!!u!.
' tolece crank in place of a ilo.-jn :
. rolled atel rods (tonebest ra-i
Tan. CI. 1898
(Mhw; IVnrlinc
r ... - V '. - ff-ie -r r i-j:!le. Atr-t?t1 for all kinaa ot
-r J s - V sm'e couHtiucnuD.
: is. ievc irt: -jt i cii wrry coti cv tiC- that it parta
i 1:1.: no ;::o.- tui-r r. m at evr y cH:act: a frsnia
.I;at it- sdjcsuria r, ;. 1 1."irfc arti: a one
r's: always Kajy t.-jiv !-. :.- K iui: aisM U- napoilation.
aluminum bronze fiittaus ju so -ii aEiaDC?rtu t i v:'i -a t
loose: a marrel of noyolty "iicit-v anl dnrai'iUt .-; u.e ct-: i
in bicycle taectianism kiowr;. n om!i a inmc wiilioii i-rt.-r
that frame? continually brcoksj 1 locwrt at
in cannot Ik rppaire-i ni-i - :-mt'a: wnrra-n ! rra r!
and brass ninnies. Ii1:t-i Ij-rr" li-n.M mtier. T;, r."-
a-an r WrMlit Quick Henair. or f-ttir firt-' -y. r :
bearines to ever part, in .-lnl:n-.' vbr-ls orac: axV .-?oiiu.- j -t
COXtA-Best ranltLY toot s.-e , csr.-tclty tmp rj-" n:! n-r
hardened center, r-jar stfmsunent. - v4iAS"K ceR.t'
tecved by patents: no cotter pms. Bgtf S-wtui :Mac!v
I-. I M- .i. cr any rri work
i iuction of lnronitr i? .J?c!''r -. yin know
Imms t;-e KrT Imckled
! i wiie tenant polrea
tioMpipe cr Mar
t t'KAIil.Sl.S- Ba:!
- -, U;.;;-Hich irrade
' . ranlr. f n!ly pro-
rrcbes. fc-AK
4 Cancos II 03
r. or Tl ritONT '4Kii Intlestrnctible: forL en --Ti -n-ur f : .el stocl. HANDLE
BAB Reversible and ailjast-volc: ensile iSinw! iu av j-o: .:uii: tar'a bom fnr
nrsbed If ordered. SADIH.K P. F.. H:r. or sonu-t.r :i-;!-;i..- "ouH EOALt
Rat-trap or rubber: fnll ball !earins. FIZMZ miml. .t, si sH in Irbt parta
nickel plated. Kach Bicycle complete with too' '. y-srup. --r-.ueb n.ioikr. WaiaM. ae
eording to tires, peial. fui.lolci etc. 27 to i
' S lO la oar Spect-sl Wtiotos-le PrV-- K'. r betore t
' for less. To qnicklv tntrodac th? iTwot. rjj- ydo, i
hare decided to make a special ooapnn ofecr l ivjoerTsrr
reader o( this paper a cbmofi to set a first-ciot: '.ecl at tbe
iloweat fyice ever offered. On receip; of n ti rrw
we wilj ahip to anyone the abov? Bi.-vrl.-. " rel-cratftd
. and guarantee aafe delirsry. MoQ'T "r'nr,j: 1 if
' represented after arrival and eTatnniatinn. ' vY bir
C X D. with privilege of exaninatinn in: :- a:.i toc-jen
rovided $3. no is sent with order as i.rr- -1 c-v1 f iJ.
A written bindintc warrantv with rn RfsyH-. M ta a
faaooa of a lifetime and yon nw aord .o :.t nMr
tBBUypaa. Addresa all order ao
ta Wast Vast Bareai Strret. Ea f . J CKIkACO. IIX
The grand lodge of Masons convened
in Portland yesterday. The following
aie in attendance from Linn county:
Shedd, No. 79, N 1 Crume, J P Cor
net: Haleey. No. 61. W H-SUepherd;
St. John's, No.- 62, D 11 James, F J
Miller, J PGalbraitb; Lebanon, No. 44,
JO Gordon; Thurston, No. 28, James
McDonald, M Cunningham, G VV Brand-
enberg; Corinthian. No. 17, A U treerk
pen, J Fleischer; Brownsville, No 86,
W B Blanchard ; Scio, No. W A K w-
mg. Ibe omcrrs electea tor the ensuing
rear; Philip Metschan, grand master;
V II Hobeon, deputy graud master; J
it meiand, senior grand waruen; 4 at
Hodson, junior irrani warden ; D 0 Mo
Kercher, grand treasurer; James F Rob
inson, grand secretary; Jacob Mayer,
chairman of the educational fund.
The Eastern Stars elected the follow
ing officers: Mrs F A Helm, W. ti. M.;
John Vert, W.G. P; Mrs M Luike, A.
W. O. M.; O H Janes, A. W. G. P.:
Mrs M A Conkhng, G. 8.; Mrs G M
Strange. G. t.; Mis Carrie Wise, G C;
Mrs Jenuie Muckle, A G. C ; Mrs A M
Haley, G C; William Clemens, G. L. ;
Minnie E Lee, G.M.; MK Brown, G .
Adah: Clara Darling, G. Uuth: Susan J
Henui-er. G. E; Ora 11 Morey, G. Mar
tha; SlecUE Colvin, U. Electa; Bar
bara Crabill, G. W.; S L Slone, .G. 8.;
Clara BurkholJer, G. O
Depraved Hobos.
Yesterday evening a most disgusting
and outrageous crime was perpelrateu
upon tue person oi a young Doy in a
hobos' camp in tee river bottom a abort
distance beyoLd the Eugene bridge. The
crime commiiu d was that of sodomy and
the beasts who did it compelled toe
helpless boy to accede to their demands
by uiog force. He wa badly bruised
and beaten by the fiends in human flesh,
who were in a drunken condition at ice
time the act was committed.
Marshal Day, Puliceman Pratt and
Sheriff Johnson last evening invaded
tLe camp and arrested eight of the ho
bos. They were placed in jail and the
matter brought before the grand jury
today. The town has been thrown into
a fever of excitement over the horrible-
ness of tha crime. Eugene Guard.
A Bad Depctt. E. J. McClanaban,
of Euirene. for a year - and a half the
trusted deputy rame warden of Mr
McGuire, has fallen from grace, and
turns out to have been a wjll in sheep's
clothing. He was arrested in Eugene
yes.eruay, and, on being confronted wub
overwhelming ev deuce chanting ntni
with illegally dealing in deer hides, he
pleaded guilty and was fined 50. The
evidence revealed the fact that McC&n
ahan had secured over 2000 pounds ot
deer hides, and had ixxed and shipped
them under a fictitious name to Port
land. Mr. McGuire expects now to ar
rest the parties to whom the bides are
consigned. Mr. McGuire has revolted
tue deputveuip ot aicmananan. r,. i,
Reed, who was indicted with McClana
ban on the came charge, a!w pleaded
guilty, and was also fined 10 Oregon-
Good Horse Sense.
Trot. Bristol's educated hones, ponies
and mules displayed their wonderful in
telligence last night at the opera house
to a large audience. Perhaps as high a
grade of horse sense as one ever sees wa
exhibited; also mule sense Prof. Bris
tol tuts a bright company of performer! ,
from the trick mules to Sultan. He
holds school and his scholars do their
parts well. The arithmetic exhibit inn of
Sultan on the face of it is a marvel,
though of course everybody thinks it a
trick some way though Ju. able to tell
how. The swinging, rocking, etc., were
all as advertised. People like to see
horse shows, particularly when so well
preented as that of Prof. Bristol's, hich
was greatly appreciated by all witness
ing it. i
Prof. Bristol gave a matinee thi after
noon and will give anohtr entertainment
A McsicaL. A Grand - musical and
literary entertainment will be given by
the students of the musical and literary
departments of the Albany College,
Tuesday e eniug. June 16, in which
the fo lowing will take part: The Col
lege Glee Club, of more than 20 mem
bers, in glee and college songs. Miss
Mary Cundiff, and members ol the col
lege oratory, assisted by the celebrated
Albany quartette, Messrs Aken, Ham
nier, Steele and Lundell, also Mies Aid
erson and others. Closing the grand
program with a Medley of national songs
with approniate statuary posing in tab
leau. Musical director, Dr. 7.. M. Par-
vin: literary director. Miss Mary Cun
diff; accompanists. Misses Aldeison and
to Buy.
Special prices on whlpn for th
next sixty days.
Wat Comb to Alba sr. The silver
water st t, which was presented to Al
ba.iy crmp. No, 103. W .O. W.. b? the
Saletn tamp, as a prize for the largest
representation on Woodmen's day at the
state fair last October, is now on ex
hibition in the aaat window of W. W.
Martin's jewelry store. It is a beautiful
set and is bighlv valued by the members
of the fraternity at Albany. On one side
ot tne water pitcher me loiiowing words
sre engraved: "noodmen Day, Oregon
state Fair. Oct. ?, 1895. Presented by
Salem camp. No. 118, to Albany camp,
No. 103." In the same window a beau
tiful silver salt.urn used in the funeral
and nn veiling ceremonies of ths order,
is displayed. This was but recently re
ceived from the manufacturers and was
purchased for the use of the Salem camp.
Statesman. T
PowgR & TcMUNtCH
. (;- e fo.
No. 5 Mayrr"
Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated,
ii A
A Qrura Placs. The election of As
sessor Jackson aa county clerk may cause
iiome embarrassment lan'ees dipiomalic
relations are estaMisned between judge
Neil and the populist patty ia some
manner, and even in that event there
mav still be embarrassment. Mr. Jack
son cannot qualify aa clerk while be is
assessor and hia leim of office aa aasetwor
does not expire until next January, lie
must qualify as clerk on July 1st and to
resign before that time aa will be nec
essary will give J udge Jeil tbe - appoint
ment of his successor, air. jatkson is
now in the mulct of the I8S6 assessment
and it ia not probable that a democratic
assessor to be appointed would care to
take up f-'r. Jackson's work wnere no icit
ott. continue it and uiiier tne wnoie
woik. Ashland Tidings.
10 Ci.
Admission, 2 ct children.
J. S. Smith, represent a ive elect.
moved to Albany to reside.
Mr. Julius Joseph went to the Bay yes
terday with his cigar case.
Mr. Samuel Nixon, ot Harrisbarg. has
returned from his trip to England.
Mr. and Mrs. George Letrllier have
been in the city on their way to Ainalie,
Vi ash . to reside.
Misa Rose Bloch, of Porfand, it to
sing in an entertainment at Salem next
Monday eveumg.
Mayor Robert MonUgue, of Leba
non, will be the new deputy county clerk.
tie is a bright and competent young
Hon. John Burnett, of Corvallis, was
in the city to-day. Mr. Bume'i has the
atifactis of having received 40M) or
5000 mora rotes for supreme judge than
Cleveland dul tor president.
Hon. Asa Lewelling, of OakvUle, Las
received the appointment of deputy;
sheriff under Mr. Gainee. He ia a broth
er ot the ex-governor of Nebraska of the
same name.
Mrs. W. C. Davis and daughter Ethel
left vesterday for Butte, ilon., where
Mr. Davia and son Merle have been for
several weeks, and where they will all
locate permanently.
Mr. J. fc. Wright and family left on
last evenings overland fo their old home
in Denver, Col They made many
friends here during their rhorl residence
whose best wishes for their success and
happiness accompany them.
Mrs. Rebecca Goodrich, a sifter of Mr.
Hugh Nkkerson for many years a resi
dent of this city, died at Iter home in
Sharon, Noble rounty, Ohio, where she
had spent her life, on June I, al the aje
of 76 vears. The Niokeraona trace thrr
anceAry back to the Plymouth col.-ny,
an honorable lineage.
Vf. C. Peteison will apolr f jr a patent
on ins improved shoes with pneumatic
J. h. Charlton was in Salem a few
dys recently. He says that many resi
dents oi tne wapitai city, of all parties,
believe that Vanderbuig was counted
out, and much indignation is expressed.
Mr. J. C. Maver returned to Lebanon
Tuesday from DuBuque, Iowa, after an
aueence oi auout two month. Joel says
he was glad to get back to Oregon. He
gives tome terrible accounts of a cyclone
mat pasted near ucre tie was.
Mr. Charles M. Anderson, of the Ex
press, went over lo Soap Creek, in Ben
ton county last Saturday, where be bad
been engaged to play In an orchestra for
a picnic given at that place. He also
played aith tbe same orchestra Saturday
ntgbtforadance. The manager of the
orchestra seems to think Charley a
pretty good player, as he drove twenty
nines alter nun to piay witn tuem-
A lodge of the Degree of Honor of tbe
Highest of an ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 V
Good to Eat
Linn County Pioneers,
Boa i DurEaKKCav About as laughable
an incident aa we have beard of the last
campaign, was of a ceitain populist and
a friend who went to Albany to hear
Coxey,savs the Scio Press. On the same
evening lion. M. C, George waspeaking
at the court house. Our populist came
in auer tue speaking nau commenced
and as most all public speakings occur
at the court bouse they went there to
bear Coxey. After the speaking was
over tbey remarked that they did not
tike Coxey for the reason that be talked
just like the goldbuga do, and they could
not aee wherein he differed from any of
the gold standard speakers. Wbet they
were informed of their mistake, a sort of
bnmstooey scent so our informant staled
was perceptible in tbe atmosphere,
WiLLAwma Co mm ex cicar tt. The
commencement season of Willamette
University will begin on Tuesday June
18. On Wednesday the comic opera.
"IhelKoae ol havoy" will be presented
by tbe college of music. There will be
reunions, aod a price spelling match
during tbe week. Sunday the 21st will
be baccalaureate day and Rev. Rasmus
will deliver the aermcn. Tbe com
mencement ot tbe college of oratory will
take place Monday, Jntte 23, at 8 p. m.
Mimes Helen Crawford and Mary Con
fliff will graduate from this department.
Tlie college conservatory wi!l have it
eotntnenceo.enl on Wedoeaday at 10 a. m.
Commencement proper takes place on
inurauay june at iv a. at
A. O. V. W. was onraniat-d In thia ritv
last Thursday evening by Mrs. Uotman, I Tat Maccaa.l Pkwk-. The Maccabee
Grand Ladv of Honor of Salem. aasisiMi picoJc at CoryallU yw.erday was a decided
by Mr. and Mrs. Barker, and Mr. Gray, eoceea. The attendance was large, in-
of Albany. The lodge was organiaed I eluding a large delegation from Albany,
with twenty charter members, and was I TOieriauaiog program
A. F. ShulU baa bought the flouring
mill at Jefferson.
Rev. N. J. Bryan and wife are holding
evangelistic services at Brownsville.
Geo. W. Uarrij went to Portland this
morning to meet bis mother who will
arrive on the flyer from Sscramento and
come op lo Albany on a vUit.
Mrs. Ira A. Phelps and the two little
Iras left Med ford Wednesday for Albany,
Oregon, where they will visit with Mr.
Phelps' folks until the first of September.
B. F Ramp, C. II. Dalrymple and
other populists went lo Salem this morn
ing to assist in protesting against an
der burg's being counted out.
C. J. Bishop, who waa badiy injured
by an explosion at tbe wines oi Feb. I R f,
lSth. losing one eye and nearly the otb- o;!T"7'
.' i "t v Lsaa w 1 1 1 as-
er, is in the city, tin baa been in ma
hospital at Portlaul since then and now
has good osa of one of hia eyes.
Rev. D. V. Poliog and and family left
thia noon for Johnstown, Penn Mr. Rot-
trig's former home, where and at booth
Fork they will vitit several weeks, re
turning to Albaoy in r-eptember. May
their trip be a pleasant and safe one.
Rer. C. W. Court aright, wife and son
Dana Mt this noon for Oakland, Or.,
here Rer. Coortngtit has accepted the
pastorate of tbe Presbyterian cnarch
The remainder of tbe family will go af
ter commencement. They have all
gained tbe esteem aa4 mpect of Albany
named Upchurch lodge. Tbe officers
were elected as follows: Mra. Alice
Hyde, Past Chief of Honor; Mrs. U. Y.
Kirkpatriek, Chief of Honor; Miss
Minnie Thompson, Lady of Honor; Mra.
n m. liohine. Chief of Ceremonit-s: S.
P. Bach, Recorder: J. F. Hyde. Finan
cier; .Mrs. S. M. tiariand, Ktcetver: Urs,
ti. ihotupeon, t sher: Mrs. W. 11.
Reed, Inside Watchman; Win. Robins,
Outside Watchman. Express.
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon
No Charge for Hearae or Services - .
40.000 Hamaa Bodies Msfilated wy yw aa Diieiiag TaWas la MsCcaf CaCeoss
la B Uaitad States.
OuEGosc'a Goldxx Assiva.vaT. Th;
I fiftieth year since English rule ceased in
what is now the elate of uregon, v aen-
ington, Idaho and part ot Montana, oy
the treaiy of June IS. 1?4, win tie cele
brated by the Oregon Pioneer Assoiia
tion in it 24th Annual Reunion, in Porte
land, Oregon. June 1, 1886. The com
mittee ol invitations are: . aiav
thieu, 1842, P. G. Stewart, 1843, John
Mm to. 1844, Thomas K. Cornelius, lb,
Carlos W. Shane, 1P46, J. T. Appersoo,
1847. Ahio Walt. 1848. Cents C. Strong,
1849. T. Wrgant, 18S0. M. C. George,
1851, J. A. Strowbridge, 1852, E. D
sbattock, 113, uean tiwncnaru, 100,
A. II. Brevman. 1855. 0. N. ait. 185
H. D Sanborn, 1857, U. t. raxton,
1858, W. P. Shannon, 1859.
For a Ct-fas Evmau There are now
four clubs entered in the Examiner
contest from Oregon : Portland nign
School, Portland Academy, Albany Colts
and the Astoria Examiner, it is pro
bably .Salem will also have a club. This
will mean a series of games to decide
rhich club Ehall go from Orraon. How
will it be arranged.
Back to Tax a a. Three prairie schoon
ers passed tniougn tins allernoon
On the side of one ol tbem waa the in
ecriplioa, "Everett, Wash , April 28,
1896; back to Texas we go." Another
one said. "Texa. home, sweet home."
The wagons were drawn by h- raca with
die sign 'Oata wioted within." plainly
evident, and the entire on! fit did not
have the appearance ot very much thrift.
Ibis makes 10 or 15 of these outfits that
have patsed sou'h throneh this cite
with n tbe past three days. Tbe one.
tion arise, will theee poor deluded
people he anv better oft after they
reach Texas duard. Like Syftiphn
Ibev will be ever rolling the stone up the
mountain. Oregon wants immigrants
but not the ahifiiefs cla?.
Prateet tbs dead.'' Tbonaasds
of a-rsvs robbed saDttaUy. AO
arave, rCKardlsas of location, is
safe from tbe ravages of tbe ba- '
am gbool. Tbe Bot 6aavs
Vaclt affords sositivs sad abso
lots Mcanty aalost tbe Grave
Kohbmr. and Broteet both cakt
and body from dampness, moldy
aa4 decay, aod from borrowing
I , erntt ii
k Absehrah Air tiSM sad
Made wholly of BeawsMr steel
sad malleable Iron aad is aw
tieallyiadtstractible. Sfaoaldlia
need in avery iBterawot. Over
M.ow ia aetaal bm. For sale by
all aadertakara. iUnufd by
Tbs Ouussiea Caewlcal
, SprasyBaM, Obis.
4-5 For Sale by Albany Furniture Co.
t-T.3j--aaaT.- sa V .SaTswMar Ii I aaSW.
ik m ar I f if f nu v
v -
The vole for n-veyor in I ckn coonly
was a ti-.
the'n-goniao hs rwen hinjr about
istiria a. cording to the Bujget.
tierrisH. recently of Cnrval U h
bot'fbt a t.alf internst in a Eugene sa!xD.
The Mbanv creammv has orrters shesd
for 20.000 pounds of butler, which will be
The board o' fiw deleg-tes wi-l meet to
night at thoir hall at 7W. All members
A SiMTtAM Mas. The Irlle saloon
fracas which was mentioned in the
Stateeman yesu-nlay morning was
brought into the recorder's court yester
day when the injured man. who turned
oat to be the notorious Dick Ho-ner,
from the Santiain country, an ex-con
vict, swore out a warrant for John Ep
person, charging him with a fa tilt and
battery. Epperson is a well-known
race horse jocaey and hails from San
Francisco. At a late hour last even ng
Officer Fiester arrested hia man who.
hen brought before Kccoider EJee,
Pleaded not guilty f the charge. His
trial was set for 3 o'clock this afternoon
and he was rel:aed on bail bi- b he
furnished in cash It waa btaUtl lr.t
night that Horner, the proMriti.ig i'
nees, had left the city goirg to hia home
in the mountains. II thai is the cane
Epi era n a ili, of course, not be prose-
cuted further. Tbe trouMie i eai.l
have occurred over a game of dice. eecSi
man having 10 up and bj!i rlsmung
the putfe. Mateatuary
itvy:i fc and Best
Factory io
ghBFto!fiSu5rt the World
select the Waverly 'JIl
fwnce between a wlieei mat w tiuy e- - - -..
.i,nl, claimed to be. Some others may oe gooauu
Waverly is the Itighest.of l'Vgrle. portlier lo
on fl!' 28 apd 28 inch 175.00 and tSa.00.
.uA'KWc. ; A.J. Hodges
iwdiasapous, iu - - .
- -3z Are built irj
3 tVlfi larfireSt I requested lo be presenf.
At ire stave mwunii tumntwiun
1 . !V P.
was rendered
on tbe court bouse r rounds. VY. T.
Kigdon of Salem delivered lbs address.
The tog of war contest attracted a great
deal of attention. The Peter team of Al
bany was irresistabie. They pulled Cor-
ilia over tn 13 minutes and jrnerson
in 3 miontes and were declared victors.
Ia the foot races Tom Kiley of this city
won the 220 yard race. The Ladies band
and Sodaville band furnished the mane
the occasion was one the Albany peo-
1 ... .... . , -
pie say uiey win re mem Oct a long ume
peocleand will take the best wishes of
oor citisena geaerally to their new home.
The Yaooina Post says: Mr. J. Joseph
manufacturer and dealer in cigars, to
baccos, etc- Albany, came ia Wednes
day, going to Stlets the next morning
U IS IU1I IO Ul , M. w w PMiwi w
Lincoln county. Mr. Joseph has fairly
earned the reputation of mannlacturing
tbe best cigars ia Uregoa. and is one o
tne most popntar. geaiai ana
dating of buainaea men.
Uini A1 HKtD
Superintendent Lawler auJ Cant.
Smith of tbe Lawier mine were in ibe
city today. Nothing new.
Mr. Jonas Da via. one of Oregon
neers of '45, of Shedd, is iu Portland
tending the meet;ng of the pioieers
session usere.
S. S. Train and family. Mra. Car.
Phillips, C. R. Sylvester and others went
to Independence today t attend the G
A. K. encampment.
Dr. Nat Rcdpath. attendant phvcician
at tue asylum at Sieiiacootn, asn., ar
rived in Albany ytterdy on a (ew days
nan and vtent out to LeUanoa lo see his
mother Mrs. C. B. Mootagne.
rrank Conor. of Corvallis, fcrmer
proprietcr of the Corral: s GasHte. was
n the city, Taeeday. He has sold out
Lis interests in Corvaili and will take
rest for a year. swiKhng the litre in
looking una nea location McMinn-
vtlleT. It.
W Merriiusn, acnt of tbe S. T, Co.,
Gervais, k-ft Wediieedav lor a n o the
vacauon. He 1.1 go to Medtord and
Jacksonville wliere his wile and little
daughter are tsw vbiiing. This is his
first lay-off in fonr yeirs. Gerrait Star,
CuIU'KC Note.
Tug MraicAi. Jrxtoa. T1,is afternoon
the juniors of the Albuiy fjonserraturv
cf Music gave a recital at the eollewe
's pio. I with the fallowing program: "alan.ii
nj M. I Des Pompiers.'' W sison Vtda Maatoa
eers in I d Lottie Layton ; "Minnehaha Polka,"
Cera fctiaabeUi Coortnght ; Tha Deep,
Deep Sea." liatxiel Riley Uulburt:
-The Front," Sctioobeeg Mtss Marie
Parrish ; "Alpine Glow," Oeaten LMtie
Layton ; "Over tbe Ocean." Pineori
Mies Ella lor bet; Heather Bella,"
Lange Vida Maatoa ; Soeala Op. i No. 1 ,
Keetltoven, MiniurUo and tnreeuaaiBao.
Vocal X,io, twlecteU Mr. Loodell ;
"1'olanaiMi BnUiaata." Bohnt Mra
llora Par; "liarbar Seville," Overture,
Rossini First piano, Misses Page and
Sedgwick, second piano, Mias Torbet
and Mr. CI aa. A. Cundiff.
I-'!'!.' liNi.LI'.il C ' . . WV
. UUSLSkSS BA.VCHi.t; " r?yf:
" "5 - JLV-'--"V. I VtMSS.
n - ... . , .
V. ,.'i4." W - . ;.-,-' 1 .run 1
Ii ' rl jFTrZ
This Famous aemd7enres r.ol' kly. permansDlly aB
norvom aiin!iiee.'Wiui Meiuury. In of Uraln rower
SiaUacho. WaJu.nihe. lt Vitality. NighUy Bml
ovll dreams, Impotency and wauina dliieaaes caused bT
uouXtitVLlemnorenuw: Coot4inBoopiats. isa serreie.
nd blood bnlulrr. Makes ths pale and puny ptroogand plump.
En.iiv eed l"v e.tpw-ket. S I psrboi; f or SJ. By mall jpta.
m I d Su kavrHlUn qwrantft or nxmr nlnUd. Wrlta ns.i free
Mdleai bk, Sealed plain wrapper, wlta tlmonlals and
wuli. T"U7: TrthvUOOGEBAalO' AtM.AraiwUHS. ,
,DJ Bl eT" S VJ 3aW S -m
2lU.. KUttt.1. l"l- 1
-jl Iture&ls in A'iaay.yre
. n a' - if I
ttt rortiaii ' ir -oon a. ueisenuoner rean
4 paper 00 "Slight Ailments
P of l'arvin's junior clan in music
wiil give a recital at tbe college next Fri
Uy afternoon at 3:i!0 o'clock. Everybody
invited. There win be no aamissisn lee.
Mr. Howard, a laboring man, working
in a loggiog camp, near Mill City, was bit
tjy a fa'dng tree Ibis week and severely
injured, lie 1 expected to recover
Some goud t-liinz is repotted in tbt
tmall streams a few miles from Albany,
i'he Dkmocrat acknowledges the receipt
if a nice men from an Albany escu!a(eus
who caught forty all atone.
First class meats of all kinds, a 1 well
as hams, bacon, etc. at the Linn Dressed
Beef Co's shop at Second and Ellsworth
streets. Courteous and prompt treat
ment. .
Dr. J. L. Hill is abcut to bein the
construction of bis brick block adjoining
tbe Russ House, which bat been in con
templation for sometime. It will be two
A good sized crowd left thia morning
for the Maccabee picnic at Corvallis.
Pete Ruettner. Pete Anderson, Pete
Rilev and others of the rope pulling team
have done some live practicing and ex
pected to sweep the field in the tug of
G. F. Simpson is building a big ware
house for R. Veal & Son's cbatr factory.
The large business of this company neces
itarn mora room Fourteen hanls are
-Hi ployed now, and sales are prompt and
iteauy. .
Tbe regular maimer excursion tickets
were placed en sale by tbe 0. C ft E. to
day. He'eitHer it wilt cost on'y $3 60 to
go to Yt.quina and return, good any day
and for tbe entire season.
Tbe papers, particularly, the Oregonian
is being failed with a good deal of rot
about the militia being sint to Astoria to
preserve order, on account of trouble witb
stxiktngt sbe men.
CoMUKStttVEsr. The cotnmcncetneii
exetcises promise u b" of untisiial in
terest this year. lle exerciei imi-y
will be beld at lbs v. r. cnurcii, tne
baccalaureau eermou being deliveied by
Rev. T. 1'. lioyd at tue u. r. cnurcn in
the morning and the address by Rev.
Clelandatthe M. E. Church '.n the
evening. Hie j'iniois nave a mw pro
gram for Monday evening st ine college
chapel. The conservatory graduates
will give a choice program at 10 a. m.
Tuesday and a public entertaienient in
tne evening, ine graduating exercise
will take place a', the V, l Churcti
Wedneadav morning. The suhiecs in
dicate something good: Miss Ina Me
nu loch's being "American rumic
Schools." John Philip Johnson's "The
Love of Fame." Miss Zella Maud
fVofd.v's "An lueal Education," Alfred
Melvin Williams' "Silent Forces," Ar
thur Wellesly Fosliay's "Patriotism '
Tntnrorxrsed will be a song bv the Cjin
servatory quartet, a solo by Mrs. Iang-
1 mil.. EJ....1 1 .. .. . 1
-ion. a Diano soio or misa xxtvucior nuu
a song by the conservatory trio. The
alumni aui meet in me evening.
Exsmaiion were ended this afternoon,
Tbe way iJ of the transgressor is hard
especially at rxaminalion time when he
has been running out nights so says tne
Several visitors were at chapel this
motning. After the chapel exercises the
students listened 10 some very ediiying
remarks noon the fatuity
The muiical itiniors gve a recital this
afternoon at 3:30.
Tbe order of exercise for the next
week is aa follows:
Friday. June 12 College tociety hall.
unior reception to the senior -class, (on
invitation. I
SablMMh.JunelJ l uiud Presbyterian
church. Baccalaureate sermon at 10:30
o clock a. in bv Key Thos. Poyd, D. D.,
Portland. At Mel hod. nt church. An
nual addrews to the Christian Associa
tion at 7:40 p. m.. bv IU-v. J. A. Cle-
laml. Montreal. Canada.
Motiday, June 15 College chapel.
Junior orations at 8 p. m
Tuesday, .'one 16 At opera house,
grdtiating exercises of the Conservatory
of Music at 10 a. m. Concert at 8 p. m
Wednesday, June 17 At United Pres
byterian church. Commencement ora
tiuns at 10 a. m. Al St. Ctiarlee, Alumni
reunion ami banquet al 8 o clock p m.
Mobs A lb r Bcrrsm. The Albany
Creamery bad not quite filled their S
attle order for 13.000 ibs of batter, when
aco' her order came in from roruand tor
16.OK0 lbs to be delivered lust as fast aa
it can be made. It ia probable that thia
last order U to be placed la co id storage
to await higher prices, nnererer
saaiple lot ot Albany batter has been
ent. the comoanv have received orders
in. mediately, and tbey have yet to lose
s customer on account of the quality of
ibeir product. There ia not an instttn-
ion ol tbe kind on the coast that baa
better reputation, and it snrprises
that thia has been brought about in
such a abort space of time.
Ilaxn roa tbs Gbaxd J car. Wm,
Slavenawas tried before Justice Harris
this afternoon for stealing a watch from
it. miiis. taaen irom uis veev pocaei.
He was held under S200 bonds for the
grand jury. Slavens claimed Mills owed
him somt thing lu a settlement, ana ne
took the watch without leave (or pay,
menf. Bail was furnished.
Pa!5X Kraosaxs. Robert, tbe 18
months o'd son of O It. Stewart last
evening drank part of the contents ot
tup of kerosene, which, bad been left on
a kitchen Ubie to be uri by tbe hireu
girl ia building a fire. Thinking it
aal-rhetook a big drink. A ic,ior
waaouickty called and everything posei
ble has been done to relieve bim. It ia
thought he will pail through all right.
Tbe annual pioneer picnie was held
at Brownsville this week And was a great
snccess; on Thursday about 5000 peo
ple being present.
On Wednesday addresses were de
livered by Stale Superintendent Irwin
snd Rer. Snyder, on Thursday the an
nual address was delivered by Rev.L. C.
; Haulman. Frank Abram Powell and
Rer Jas. Calloway also spoke. The
latter told about holding a camp meeting
near the eame place thirty years ago.
Friday. Hon. M A. Miller delivered
the address to tbe young people, aad
Mayor lmore of Brownsville, and Rev.
C. F. Wishart of Albany, the addresses to
ths W. C. T. V., stirring temperance efforts.
The followirg officers were elected:
President. A W Stanard, Brownsville;
VNe-president, Robt. Glass, Crawfords
ville: d rectors. D 8 Baser. Harris burg :
Caleb Gray, Hasey; TA Rigr-s, Crsw-
ordsvuie; secretary: O P Coh-w,
. treasurer: W R Kiik.
OThe meeting next year will begin on
me tbird wedneeday ot Jane.
Secretary Coabow has compiled the
iollowinz list of linn county pioneers
who cams to Oregon fi'ty or more years
1837. Mrs Elisi Warren (nee gpaukS-
1828. C H Walker.
1845. Mrs Jenett Walters. Mrs John
McNeal, Mrs Julia A Kirk. Mrs J D Ar
thurs, M.-S Sarah Ribetin, Mn Ruth
Pngh. Mrs trancis A Pagb, William
McCoy. William Hawk. Benwunin Cut
ler, A H Petersoa, John Foster, E T X
Fiaher, Jonas Davis.
u hard to pr-are urleea yore have
nii-e wife .and a cracking g.ant coo
nove. Now ii yon have ibir a ifr,
have the move. You don't want t
dispose of the wife, and we do was
fo sell the Hove. What's to pteves
us from making a dicker? Coo
around and we'll talk about it. '
rvTEWAAT A Sox Unw Co.
The Best Paint
in the world is Masnry's Mixed Pain t
and we have it !n all colors. Every
body using it likes it. If you want
lead and oil we have that, too, and
also yarrieh, turpentine, brashes,
etc. Stewart fc Sox Hue Co.
1846. Steward Lewis. Mrs E Lewis.
T A Biggs. James Blakety, W. R Kirk.,
John McNeal, Ehas Keeey, Jvn ood.
Who Hath Woe?
Who Hath Sorrow?
Who Hath Much Wrath?
Verily it U he that luyeib a Uigf
Grade Bicycle at a cost A $50 aix
10 per cent eff for eaeb ForbeLok
it breaketh and casteth him into tin
duet; yea, even into the mire, ant
fceUeb into tbe lands of the repair
er, and in theend coetetb Lim man
pieces of gold -
Moral Boy a "Columbia.' It
costs f 100 and is sold by the Stewar
A Sox Hdw Co.
You Can't Fish
very well without a good outfit, snd
we would like to tell it to yon. v e
hsve rods, nets, hooks, lines, reels,
etc.. and tbe prkes are lower than
yon aanally pay.
&TKWAST A Sox Hew Co.
Free Silver
Is a mighty good thing, and if yoa
have any that yon want to swap t.
wago&a or baggies, just come aronnc
and see ns. W e carry the "Made
baker' vehicles, the very best r
earth, and can make yoa good ten
A Hot Saurx
VASK. ioaay oireciw al' sS
Oommiaaiorier James Culver, armed with I I WO TOT 3. NlCKCl
an oroer irom uie city council, siarieo us
to muore the fence belonging to Banker
1 . ti. Albert, which was reporter to be
tresTjasptng oa Misaioa street. He had
hardly eeansaetieed operauoos when be
was ordered to desist by the irate banker,
who at tbe same time assumed a threat
ening altitude toward the street com
missioner Of course Mr. Culver bav-l a s ... -.4 A a.f im
tng his order, and being uasessed of a AIlTiOSt AnVtniniT
A-. I a4;ubar:awa A w-aaaSbar-Saja IS IS1 I
Hlf'TI ajfWmHarUajrajBs SWV wtiamMS ubbbi
dnty, refused to accede to Mr Albert's
eooittianda and commenced to at the
fence oat of the street. This incensed
the latter to such aa extent that he
struck at Mr. Culver several times bat as
ths street commissioner is a pretty solid
individual he did not damage him to sny
extent Culver finally took bold of but
belligerent opponent and soca brought
the encounter to a dose The matter
will bs settled in the coarts. Poat-
BeU p-'as 6. 10 aod tiz at Fteach's.
fresh Gab of all kinds si EdSchrneejs.
Factory shoes Racket pra. Raket
Iters are 54 gradottea from the Engene
sccnois ibis year.
y tfsm S aad 10c aduhat Tieredt'a
amttter gardea.
Fresh vtg-tabies ofalikiadsat Coaa k
tl osl oris.
Ladiea shirt waiM acts, froee 25c to f200
Ladies pearl shirt vast aea 35 aad 30c.
st trench "a
The best groceries st price suit tbe
times at f'oaa A Hustooa.
Srecial taaTaias in shoes fur a abort
time at St. Luis Raket dor.
Mr-. Yiereck ba opened ber ice cream
parlors aad summer giroeo tor Vb learoa
A new i a voire of Sbcea jost epened at
St Luis Kaket Price lower tbta ever.
The rradoafioc sxercue of the stale
a Diversity will take pitc-oo June 13 at 9:30
Linen Pq3S aad Dock sails ready cait
-pertect fit aad Lata styles for $3.00 at
ths Ladle Bazaar.
Seme Walsome wrthday gnu at Wil
A Stark's, taeap- ibae for every month
US tbe Tear.
A strawberry sturt cake social Saturdty
eveetag. Jaae 13. ta tbe rost omce corner
by the Lpwortn Leae. AH re invited
Any yoasg mar or woman intending to
at teed a rortiaac' ' tail ea college will find
it to their at the Dbbtocbat
A local blav. written by a lady in Marta-
fie-td, will be pit seated by t Stetts
Theaire Co.. Saturday nijbt. Coos Bay
On Tbursdav of next week the big union
is the way e sell packets of garden
seed, and we also have gardea seed
in bulk and trass seed of all kinds
for sale cheap.
Stew AST & Sox Hsw Co.
wan'ei by a farmer ts kept for es
by the Mewart dc Sox Hardware O
Engines, separators, binders, mo
era, rakes, plows, harrows, and al
most anything else in the line of im
plements or hardsrare.
G. A. R. Omcxaa. At the state en
campment at Indeoeudence yesterday
the following ofheeta were elected lor the
euauig year: 1) C Sherman, of Salem,
dr-tia.rtroent lomminoer: J. ja.oiocatoti.
of 1 nde peodeoce, senior vtca ctwuuaad. I
er; J. W. Maxwell, ot Tillamook, junior
Tire commander: IV J. w. bradakaw.
of Saiem, medical dire, tor; Rev Barton,
of Portland, chaplain: K. A. Frame. E.
r. Manning. D. W. Maubcas. . i-l
Gardener, E. F. Chapman, coancU of ad-
mmietrauoe : A. K. Kadv. j. at. tsar-i
linganse, H. S. Ailen. delegates to ths
national convention, with tier, isarion.
J. M. Miller and T. O Smith alternates.
The VV. K. C. elected the following 1
officers: Mrs Sarah M. McGown. of
Oregon City, president; rs. W. P. Con-
oway. ot lndependenoe, senior Tice pres-
ident; Mrs. Baker, ot uuriaae, junior 1
vk president; Mrs Cochran, ot Uregon
cur, Uesaorer.
fcm Cared.
Four on ot S v wa
Hal w
partac t2a penalty cf
early tin nit. Vvs
Uaa, reclaim ymr
ttaat desraOx. Send tor book wtti
axpiaamtkaa aad proofs. Mailed iseaWI' troa.
4s Slraney-
. Repairer
run Yocsgest Miaraaaa. A Salem
enrrest ou lent writes to the Oregon iaa
to inquire tne name am atvi us u
voungwt members 01 ua nonee ww mo-
ate of Oregon tor tne pset toureewioas.
Unfortunately, there are no records irom
which to establish a certain reply. Rep
resentative Wilkinson, 01 urn coowy
waa supposed to be tbe youngest mem
ber of the session of 1393. Senator Job. Dr
own in
The twentt sixth aaaual camoiencement
exercms of tbe Orearn etatw agricultural
coih ge. Curraltis. wil bs beld on Wed-
aenlay. the 24 h int. ine al tiroes to tne
gra,luaUng class will be br lion. I- K.
eatherford nf Albany, aad SUie bnper-
intended irwin will deliver tbe state
teachers' diptonias.
vo tl ai
Busiitrss Chasgs. Mf. A, J . Hodges
has sold his interest in the drug store of
Hodges & Burkhart to Mr. O. C. Mo
Farland, formerly in the business with
Mr. Hodges, and the firm of McFarland
Jk Rnrkhart will hereafter run the bust-
ness. Mr. Hodges has been in the busi
ness continuously for seven years ana
has made many friends in it. lhe new
firm will have the confidence of the pub
All Bewanaieasl II.
Ask your physician, ) our druggist and
your fr'en'U about Saitoh's Cure for con
umption. They will renorainend it. For
ale by Foshay & Mason.
. Price's Cream Baking Pow.: t
Swarded Cold Medal Mldwiatar Pstr. ban Ptm Wa
I was a saftVrer for ettbt years from Eetsn. but
now sm enUrely cured. Ths palms of my "
wsra covereo ana oauiy juitain ,
blUUrs appeared, tbea would pe.1 off, sMvIng
a red, stoootb surfaoa, which would burs like
Bra sod Itch. On ths Instd of ths upper part of
. iimke. mat nd blotches would aoDr, and
aa soon as 1 became warm, tbs burulav and itch,
log would beets. Klitht sfwr sight 1 would lis
awake aod sorateh, and almost ao wild. I ft a
box of OUTictin. and a bottle ot Ouyioim lts
u. .ml .ft.r . Imw stintleatto&a 1 Btieed
ths redness snd inflsmmsiloi: disappear; '
. .. Ju.. A mm. mtnt a mitm earafSJIA
Ufl. I can truthfully as.erl that worih of
COTICtlBAKsMaoit s snred ms.
iOUX 1. l'OUTB, PltUbuig, Pa.
a ... fr..VM-vv. Warm fcattlf wltb Co
. .... . mil. ..HtlMtlnn. nl l-TiefH teint-
in austa Wl vurivwe n.-ua.,-ie
BMSti. sad ml
mi a.mor cur-fr.
..i. IK. M VrlM. (NnMfll.
sa-TsvK-i Ksl.sT. . anil i. Ivnss WsuO
asn Cssu. C"Kr., Hole I'mp... Ho.u-n
. say1 -tovr Is rvnusseuuy vur mi
Jeff Jlevrrfi received S6 more
anderburg in Curry county.
Several Albany peopl- went to tbe
neer picnic at Brownsville today .
A ne cost of paint i being slapped up
on the Itevere ifou-e ry Miner fcueeens.
Now that to fishing is being done tbe
Co'timbia is reported to be stive with sal
mon. -
Jeff Meyers received over twice a mny
vottx f r congressman in Marion county a
in hifln county.
Two dubs are being organ red in Satem
for the Examiner contest; but Uiey bave
not jet bt en entered
Prof. Bristol and his pinies aid mule
pleased another gocd anlience at the opera
house last night. Tbose horses know
their buiineas
Thirty prod offices were robbed in Oregon
from June 1. 1805 to June l.;i893 The P.
0- sr-emt lo be a favorite target of the rob-,
At the meeting of the city council Ut
ck, C. 8. llarnish resigned a cn.inci.
man and I. A. Bitveu was elected to fill the
vacancy. Scio Press.
The Albany Creamer reslArdav had to
return an 8000 pound order for bjtter. nl
ready having orders amounting t 2I.C00
pounds abend, all it ;an nil in tbe time de-
The grand lodge of Knight of P thi
ill moei lo Boker City in October tbit
year. 1 ready comniiuees have been ap
pointed and a local paper there says tne
city's reputation for noapita'ity and broad
mindd'ies will be maintained
No gamblers or swindlers of any class
whutever are tolerated by tbe Great Wal
lace Shows, Second class and inferior
aggregations make the swindling opera
tions the principal part of their business,
and some of them have a show only a a
blind unscrupulous followers. Baker City
Urmeaat. '
H1BaiaBiasSBalalB . ,a-
Two Bto CiaccsM. Sells Bros, and
Forepaughs great circus will be in Al
bany about August I. They have a con
tract with the S. P. providing that no
nther rirctis shall be carried over the
road ahead of it; hence if Wallace's cir
cus, wlitcti ts aneau oi it, gota up mo
val bv it will cave to Do oy river, ne
will be circuesed this year for certain.
Money to Loan. r
A limited amount of money to loan on
Fbeb Wind. Ilookins Bros, hsve in
vetted a com pressed air tank for fihing
bicycle tires witb wind, too nwaco a
tube to the proper place, let on the air
and the work Is done without any pump
ing. Krre ior everybody. Call and wind
vm f I inn MBhtV. SlWni
picnic will begin at J-JTersnn aad will last j jgg-. wmM aDdocbledly the voungest sen
over Friday There will be sheeche and I ik. isoa ssvnn. and wiii likely
faces aod a live ume jeoenuiy. I have the satDedu-tincuoa in 1S7. Kepre-
Lad'es wi l do well o call at tf-e Ladi-ja aentaUve Jeffrey, tbe iwpolwt "boy or
Baaaar tor their ahirt waists. They car- j ator," was supposed to l toe youngest
ry the targtU aasort meets aad l-Jet styles member of the house rt IShsving been
a perfivt I suaranteed.
On Sunday the O. C. E. taW-ner Al
bany will lay over at Salem until 6:30 for
the awuno-ialKjai ot those attending A
good sepprr alward for 28 cen-x
Just across ths street at Height - Bros.
you can get wLat vou wint ta tbs meat
line, wmtl cut, with good treatmeat thrown
in !-owe nice baoa ana cams on nana.
Wm Rials ol Benton county, war put
ting a ha ter c-a a colt -eaterday when it
r-reJ and struck him ia the bead with its
front feet, knorkiog bins s-Hue!es and
aotrly fracturing his tkulL
"Children's day' wilt be oUerved by
ths 0uaregaUfnal Sunday School on next
Sunday. June 14. at 3 o'doclt. ine pro
gram will consist of songs and recitation
by the school, aad special selections by tbs
choir. Everybody cerdiali tented.
Hair, wool and sbc-idy
anted aad made over.
Furniture of every dVaxaiptioa an4
images re -erbol-tired aed vartiabed-
Orop . aolc ia ta-5 P. O . or call at
atreel. betwaea Ferry audi Br jadalbia. A
taany. Or.
Primary. r.e
born in 1869. but iha-Moe book in
forms us that Repre-afntative Oeorgel
Rinearson waa only 24 years old in 1S95,
so he was the youngest Representative
John Gratke ia said to be the voungeet
memhe--aleet of the loae. He hails)
from Clatsop county, and hia age is
abcut 23.
rr If yoal teLL-aia ans wsvrute
, -antaals. i
ansa Tl hi ' "
Zay auiat tbeVdy. Hair or ESHrowatalli-.-;
Mrasraaualo-ifa. We soOra tbe mort
IlivTii m ai-1 astWait-s ta vswrid lor
;a r a iiaant far r Ti-a Si. iaae ha sJwstti
alnsa Tb
r,-cnr at Yaquisa. Kamor says l
irtat a sadmoa cannery is talketl of.
will nmraahlr ba erected this season, at
Yannina. A noted cannery man and
ia irrdited with being at the
head of tbe enterprise. The trouble on
tbe lowtr Columbia river this season
has set some cannerymea to prospecting
for other points where ttoey can
cute their business without the annoy-1
nM ami interference by lawless and
i i .rnoiKU fa-ie-nra. fcallawags and
T. J. Kresa. the paiater and paper hang-1 Uin. -ho should never have been per-
er of East &ilem. has returned Irom a six i miued to set foot on our shores, we
month s trio ia Southern California, and hnna. that the rumor of the eetablish-
says he is happy to be back where things j ,-. 0i u,e cannerr may be realised,
are green He reports Loa Angeles boom-1 .nj ,,xtrid our beet wishes in
tjMi-j aajaiaaa Aaaolte v-too'-. v?-a
Fire Insurance
Bask Ball. The Vancouver Orion S
detested independence 18 lo 7 yesterday.
Thev will n lav Albany feunaav. anu mm
.... . ,
niieneniience oeieatea Aiuany, it wui
mean rustling for Albany to make a
good showing. The clab has been
strengthened and will 8ght to win.
pKriDiuiLY CsAir. J. A Letellier, the
man from Junction adjudge.: insane yes
terday, was taken to the as plum at Sa
lem today says tbe uuard. tie was ot
an excitable and violent disposition snd
had to be confined in tne county Jan last
ing, won about tuu.uw people, out lea
men fcr every job. Wages are very low
The State 8. S. elected tbe following
officers: President, Rev O E llawe. Port
land; vice president, C A Sehlbrede,
Romberg, and Key A R Olds, Weston:
secretary. A A worse, Portland, treasurer
snd financial secretary, W D Dearer, Port
land: rtnmsrv superintendent, Mrs & w
Allen, Port land; members executive com
mittee. F R Cook, Rev John Morrison aad
RevO a ttlatr; buios manager ot l ia-
ings, A A stone; normal upenmeoueo,
(IT BiJinga, Ashland: superintendent.
home vttitaUon wurg, Kev U A biair.
Portland ; superintendent, home Uepart-
forita fullest success,
otherwise. Poet.
night. A large crowd collected at the meat wors, ttev V tt cum-.
jau before tram time this mo-ning snd
when the unfortunate man was taken
out. he became very much frightened at
the crowd, wnen me train puuedout
of the station the excited patient rusned
out upon the rear platlorm of the last
rar. tie was seised by btierirt jounson
who attempted to force
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific States inventors
this week. Reported by C A. Snow A
him back into! Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
the car, but quick as a cat the fellow.who patents, opp. u. b. Patent omce, n aan
hasonly one arm. slid on tot his coat and init,oni'-u
jumped; from the platform. The train W H Bartel, Portland, Or., roUry air-
bad attained consiuerauie speea nv mail pump, i vimm, aukm-mui, vm,
time and tbe man lay limp upon the plat-1 dumping apparatus; W J Cranford, Spo
iorm irom tne enet s oi uis inn. tin aaim, aaKT-uiu.c, " . '
train waa atonnnd and. after hark i no nn. lUkeside. Cal. buckle: W II Martin.
the insane man was take aboard. I National Military Home, Cal, life saving
la the Old Hart ford, the Xew York Tn.
nWn-rStam A-MWVOT Xt OUO of tb reO-
advance I aKU old line companies he represents. Notes
financially snd I taken aad plenty oi time (riven for par men t
ott farm msursDce. au ousuiess wu,s
pcomrtly attended to.
arw arw W i" W aT
Maston Block. Albany, Or
Money to loan on farm ecurity, aia
small loans made oa persoral lecurity.
Citv. county and stbool warraato bought.
Col lee ions made on favorable terms,
fin. insurance wr.tten in thtea ci the
bvtyett companies ia tte world, at lowest
I rates.
Gladness Comes General
With a better nnaerstwuuiug "- .
transient nature of the many phya- BlaCkSmithing
cal ilia, which vanish before proper ef- UIUVIW" &
; or ts gentle efforts pleatefforto q j Cn.m,r is now located next doc to
rightly directed. There is comfort in ,bfl imprint ogee, where be U prepared to
the knowledge, that t many forma ot tt0 nai blackmithinr in a first eass
ticknesa are not due to any actual dia- pTi to wit the times, 20 per
ansa, but simply to a c-on-wp- cent discount for cap
tion -si tne system, wnn-n m-a t -
device for railway purposes; G H Perry, , family laxative, Sprupot rMg prompt- I .
A gentleman from Corvallis says Uie Needles, Cal, locomotive circulating ex- qr remove. That wiiy n .f' M .
IiaUHt aiiacuuieuv ; x- naunuauini, ras-wj " ' vl Tnw all I BA 11
oil-burning maii-ktin: a every wneru estecmo.- w- -v r i ava. w
OVaiUS ROOU ncJMWi. - Uul.a-v
circus had -Willi it it the rottenest gang of
pick Dockets, robbers and thieves gen
erally ever congregated together. Five
or six well known women were robbed
Angeles, Cal, oil-burning malt-kun; a
It Rice, Uktah, cal, austract-oooa wr
county records: R A Simpson, Ferndale,
VfliA WSillln owali
... .m Ana the fact, that it is the
remedy whlcn pr-.moes inwnw
T. M-
Meets every Saturday evening
of their pocaei books, a picjch m w .""wr"'? ',p"m ..Viv .itknnt debiliutinr
i i . i . ,, t i . . ,.. iviMii.iir, , tm m natkiam ;m i run., . . . uMiiMinw -- , . .
aiuicu I-T ma wail aavi an aiuua v v- .. , m , ......
throat games were run.
-nailed frae.
good farm secui-ity
f N. Stxxia A Go.
Oah for poultry at R. hi. Robert son' t
The best fresh groceries and produce at
Conn & Huston's.
LtDtesthi Utt t.iiht ja is aseamles
dress made by Mrs. McLean.
Dr. G. W, Mat-ton, phyictaa and sur
geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt
I iy in city or country.
Dr. 11. E. and O. K. Beers offices and
reudenoeia tbe post office building. Spec
ial atteution given to diseases of women-
ImportastSiut Deputy United SUtee
Marshal, Geo. Humphrey, was in the
city this week, eubpoening witnesses to,
appear in the United States court in
Portland next week, in the case ol Mar
tha Cochran vs the New York Life In
surance Co. Mrs. Cochran seeks ta re
cover (5000 from said company, that
being the amount ot her late husband's
policy at the time of her death. Tbe
company refuses to pay. claiming that
Mr. Cochran committed suicide. The
OTauaoa which it acta, His therefore
11 important, tn order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you haye the peuuine arti
cle, which la manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Sy rup Co. only and sold by
all reputable Oruggista.
If in the enjoyment of good nealtn,
snd the system ia regular, laxatives or
other reroedios are then not needed. It
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be coromenoea to me moot uui
. ' . . a A ! M a luvSiiiwsTl
M. Ball. Vituting anights isviieu
tend. . J- Va" wraxut, Co
f I) JV1 jtL getherl Is it not bet
a a. ar, Itnv vear Bread. Pies, Rolls, Cakee,
ate, at a reliable store where they use
snlv Ura BMtmswruu suj wiun. .
Is you doot want dyspepsia and you.
never get it by eating an1 mvw
Store. U.S. BAKfcKl
Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St.
CD. Vakdteu. Propneto
phyaiuiana, but if in need of a laxative,
Sn, shonld have the best, and with the AN IDEA
. n.inyna-nuMt svsmtheie. Svruo of Wall I tlrnw i w
Urn sses subpoene 1 were : O. V Co- g . , highest and is moat largely
Show, F M Powell, H. R Powell. Silas ' am"giv n.-nU
Powell and S P Barger. Times. 8 ,
Wboean tbln) .
of sooao simpb
Srtog yoa -" ...- W-uJiinztuJa
uTo- tor their P"