The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 12, 1896, Image 4

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    A AaiAsi an tAti
Pain often con
centrates all
its Misery in
bi B 3 J w,W B?S B Ku?'. m an Ki9 El BV.aVi&V ' . KWaT KJ n BB.
' . a aaaa. ' If too want tofeel t con
oT. JAUUtib U1L gas t
Attorneys at law. Will practica in all
courts of the state. Special attention giv
en to matters in probate and to collections.
C FFICE In the Flmn block.
5fc MtrntmA.
It is fun to see the wiggle-waggle of
the Oregonian and Telegram. ,
Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
Collections uade on all PO'13 L04"!
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
Orrgon. . '
aTOH3sr33-5rs -6-r lav,
All legal matters will receive prompt at
entfcm. Office, First National Bank
uildin?, up stairs.
There were a number of arrests
in Port'and (or illegal voting.
TtlA U'lV to. be elected nowadays is to
have the Oregonian oppose you .
J. H. Mitchell will succeed hirtselfas
IT S fcnatnr. Tha - People have l-
ready said so
hydcuva aad durgmn. OFFICE Ooraa
wty stnsta, aibuj .Oregon.
Jolt and" Cyclone Proof .
Th. Pathlight
Tiber who tide most see the X
ifA-'The. Patblhrnt makes t
bright tWar. . All dIm X
seu it, lac uu w. i
f.G247 Centre 5t-IN.Y. J
Lark Bilyeu. a fjruier Albany man,
wa elected represent ive in Lane coun
ty by about 500. -
Kentucky has spoken emphatically
for free coinage of silver. Does that
suit Carlisle.
Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem
ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with
galvanic electricity. Omce on lerryhti
near 3d street. - , -
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
oriuunr.oKieon -
. " ; .LFLHtH
," " .. 8,K.VOTJHa
reaKSACTS A aRSBRLbanktooM"
. ar DT kU4 atHaafk.
MOHTKXCHANGS dt Tmphlo tewj T, tow
Vice Pre)ier.t .
,l.CTtO!tS WtlnoBbl tm
Bun, t. Fm
a aw lo-ted !n the Doca otBre. earner
Sad and Broadalbia rtrwn Albany Or.
Urmta ad CoUeelioas a Specialty.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon
toe Honey
- and Time
And get the best service
- and accommoaatioiis.
Cheap Ticltcts to
and iroin all parts
of the "WORLD."
Canadian PadBo Royal Mail Steamship
I ine.
"Empress Line' ; v
1 1 antl nest line on the Pacific
300 Miles Shorter than
any otner ATaus-x-twiuu
Short line to the Colonies.
These vessels carry an experienced med
ical man and a stea a ds on each voy
age. J-'or rates, accommodations, pamph
leW or any iaformaUon call on or address
HBSACRY. allancameros
Agent, Frt. Pasa. Agent
Albany Or. Ho Third St Portland, Or.
ccn Up T. KHOWS.
. " nt Pans. A (rent. Vancoaver, B. C
Clatsop county spoke pretty lively for
free silver.
Previous to the present campaign Mr.
Tongue delivered several lectures on
'Genius and riodain." u si-oaia
now consider the subject further and re
vise bis hcture.
An exchange says Harvey has
goue plumb craiy. and that the returns
have made him a gibbering crank and
teveral other nice little' thing like that.
Mr Scott never wilts though.
The DastocaaT is for Albany, Linn
Ciuntv, State of Oregon and United
8tates of America right aloog. We pro
pose io stand bv all of them and speak a
good word for each on every
possible. '
It is claimed some ricb ore is being
worked in the mines. Don't tail to keep
yourero on tneee mines, iney i
mean a good deal for Albany.
Rev. Barkley lead the ticket in Marion
county. That is better man Rev. vriver
did in Lane countv- Barkley run on
free silver Driver did the gold
These electious are very uncertain af
fairs. Down in Astoria Mr. Fralenburg
bet $100 to $20 that Frank Cook would
be elected Sher'.ff, so absolute was h!s
confidence in what he was talcing about.
Instead of Cook being elected he was de
feated byj; W. Hare by 4C2 tlir-ality.
A bosclDg week.
Simple enough.
Many excursions.
Can't stand prosperity;
Our crops never fail
Albany all right.
The past week has been a'iv-e with the
buzz of politics, and back of the bun
there was a stiog. When the result li
known one would sometimes think to
look at th6 faces of some that the world
was about to go to smash cross lots, and
even the remarks of tome mn are in
that line. It lias been so always but
the world wags on. When a man is g-
ing to pull up hit stakes became things
don't go bis way took out fir him. - All
thesame in six months be will be the
most contented mm in the community
and one would ha'dly believe there bad
been such an In-aginary crisis patted.
There may be la I in the world, and lots
of it ; but there U also good and the good
is a bin enough cork to hold us up.
llr. Tongue talked tariff, but the peo-
p'e voted money, there'" whore Mr,
iongue ion aown.
The Transcript ears times are so hard
that only $8,000 or $9,000 are invested in
that town in bicycles.
ng ot building an
Astoria is now talkin
elephant of a hotel. Why not buy f?a
It-tn's (Jheiueketa, or rather Willamette.
There is an elephant for it. and it could
be gotten cheap.
The Democrat will contibce to rustle
for news, giving all it can lay lie bands
on with no partiality. We believe in a
liberal use ot the columns ot a newt-
paper. '
The Oregonian yelle that notwith-
ttanding the result of toe election Ore
gon is a gold fate, all ol wbicb it nn
true. Oregon it emphatically a bimetal-
ic etate. The people bave spoken. v
Croan Morris and Mr. Card roan will
be turrounded in the conrt house by pop
alsts. according to the unofficial count.
Rnr nonnlitta will have offices in the
The refusal of the senate to seat Du-
pont as sena'or from Delaware was alto
gether light and righteous. Dnpont has
never been elected senator from Dela
ware, The attempt tq teat him in that
capacity was an attempt to over ride the
constitution of the state for partisan pur
poses in aid of a grab for political power.
In voting with the democrats to forbid
this wrong the populist senators did
themselves honor Ex.
Slick TO Itt
Stick to what? . Why, the bhzing fact
that our display of np-to-data wall papers
beats everything in sight, 'ibere un t,
room for tne shadow of a dcobt on this
puint. We have the papers to which tnU
town should surrender its walls unconditionally-
Our designs are new and taste
ful, artistic and eletrant, ricb and pleasing.
' 'there are no fewer than 500 different pat
terns here to choose from, and every pat
tern is shown in a fine quality of paper.
Prices, lo cents to 100 cents a roll.
J. A dimming.
After the election it all over the Tele
gram accuses Mr. Tongue of being a
tr,Mlrnn the mouev Question, and
therefore aot entitled to as much tym
pathy at it be had been out and ont one
way or the other.
rbe E. O. gett tunny: McKinley de
tervts the name of the ''Republican
Sphinx." He has not spoken and he
will not apeak hie viewt on the money
.. . . t ,
question. However, tne gow men snouiu
be content, as silence bat always been
considered golden.
The anti-toxine treatment for diphthe
ria teemt to be almost completely suc
cessful. The redaction ol the death rate
from 60 to 4.8 per cent, indicates a com
plete triumph over tbit dread disease in
the near future when tbt treatment be
comes more folly understood .
The congress that bat jutt closed ile
very tlimy session, a bloi on congresses.
appropriated $19,030,000 more than any
other congress, at a time when the pub
lic is entitled to economy. It looks like a
job to make people think the Wilson
bill doet not provide enough revenue
and that more Mclvinleyum it needed
Tbe Wilton bill it good enough, the best
that can be devised now, and sensible
people will certainly tee tbroogn tbe
fact that redaction in eipensei it what
it needed and not Increase in revenue.
We need more legis tation in the inter
est of agriculture sad lest in favor of
monopoly and trasta.
Cosier Block
Albarfy, Or
Fillinat and extracting ol teeth witbon
pain a specialty j
. Cheat seed for tale or trade rree de
li very. Telephone No. 51
R. N, Morris, Mg,r
Cor. 2n1 and Mair. Sia. .-
Star- Bakery
Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts
r- af Tanmna Ba 7 "with tne
San Francisco and equina Bay S team
ship Com pan r
en. hnm Vannina everv 8 days for
San Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Oxford,
Trinidad and Humboldt Bay.
Shortest route between the Willam
ette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany and points west to
Sau Francisco
nABK : - 09
To Cooe Bay and Port Orford,
ToHnmboldtBay 1
Cabin t800
Round trip good 60 days special.
Steamers "Albany and "Wm. M.
Hoag," newly furnuhed. leave Albany
daily except Saturdays at7 :45a.m. arriv
ing at Portland tbe same day at 6 p. m.
Keturn'mg, ooaU leave Portland me
dava as above at 6 .-00 a. arriving at
Albany at 7 .45 p. m.
Edwtji Stosx, -"J. C. Mayo,
Manager. Snpt. River Division.
Agt. depot, Albany Agt op Kfvere
, . House, Albany
The wire nail trust it telling naitt for
export at $1 a keg lest than tbey are told
to the home consumer, who it 'protect
ed' by the tariff from any tccb advant
age. But a number of jobbers have beea
playing a trick on the trust by takiog
aaila for export, tending them to Ear
one. shiDoins them back without un
loading and telling them in tte borne
market at 55 eenU let. than the trust s
himeorice. And tbe trust is of coarse
for McKinley. Ex.
A home paper speaks for a place more
than all tbe outside papers put together.
It it going constantly and being read
daily or weekly by a good many curious
people, particularly when tent away, bas
big influence, and no doubt directs
- . . a
many towards a ttaie iar more man
flashy writeapt appearing once, The
DcxocaAT, for intUbce, goes to about
thirty-nve different states mostly seat
away by people residing here, to oigbt
different placet in Illinois, Bvt in Tenn
essee, four in Indiana, foir in mow,
etc., at an illustration, while oo lliecoatt '
it goea to over twenty different placet in
Washington and sbout at many in Cali
fornia. In this way a great maoy peo
ple are kept constantly familiar with Al
bany and Linn County, though not resi
dents ot the ttate. The better a home
paper it supported the better it it able to
fill its mlesion as a home advertiser.
Ring the bells and fire tbe anvils ! Tbe
Funding bill is 'practically dead . Tbe
great Huntington iniqeity has been too
muchjor the stomach of congress- Even
the most extravagant lobbying and the
most reckless expenditure of money
could not force tbe filthy tteal through
at tbit session. To be 'tute, tbe abort
session is to come when tbe congression
al conscience will not be quickened by
the fear of tbe election! in the districts
But tbe abort session it really short.
There it a great press of Wgis'ation. Tbe
appropriation hills mutt be passed, and
it ia almost impossible to crowd them
through both bootee. Examiner.
- Dealer Ia-
Canncd Fruits,
Dried Fruits,
' Etc.
Canned Meats,
evprytbinz 'hat Kept in a
Kood rarie'v and gro
eery stow. High-.
et pi'-'S paid
Hholewale A Retail
' Pure Oru and the Finest and Largest t
Ktix;li of Stationary and Books
in tbe Markets
pay. Uures al
Address Box 421
A head of hair or no
diseases of the scalp
for Free Treatise on the Scalp.
Razors Honed and Set and Put in Os
er on Short Notice.
' Upholsterer
X Ara' .
Repairer ,v
Hair, wool snd shoddy mattivseus , '
ated atd made over.
Furnitora of every desafption and
carriages re-upholstered aru varnished, .
Prop a' note in the P. O , or call at 1
street, between Ferry and; Erjadalhio, A
bany, Or.
Fire Insurance
T h OM Rari ford, thr Xew York Un
derwriters Aaroncyor any one of tbereh
able old line companies be represents. iote
taken and plenty of time given for payment
on farm insurance. All business will bt
promptly attended to.
By the use ofj
? On your floor,
ables you to sweep without raibing dust.
It is an odorless compound wmcu vc'"r
trates the wood and for months keeps uj
a constant exudation sufficient to catch
and hoid the duet.
A tw ate it & Brows.
Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer
House, Albany, Or.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will k Stork, r1
Optical Specialist
Graduate of tbe Chicago Optbalmie
College. ;. ?ii i .
. . . . n
i l am preparea to examine scienanranj
I and accurately, by the latest and improved
methods of modern science, any wbo da
ire to haro their eyes tested. -Cusick
Block Albabt. Ormoh.
Tne Australian ballot s;tem after all
ii simple enough so far as the voting
goes. , Anybody ought to be able to vote
an Austra'ian ballot intelligently, and
yet through tbe county there were sev
eral men tuch back numbers they didn't1
know bow to do it and they got things
all uiie J up. The number though, was '
comparatively small.
It makes onet head ewiia to try to
keep track of the excursions advertised.
Never before have excursion trips been
as cheap as this year and as frtqnent
Think of going to Pjrtland and back for
1.00, being at the rate of about ?i of a
cent a mile. A railroad certainly ought
to bv able to cairy passenger! nearly as
cheap as a stealer.
Years ago a man came to Albany with
a lot ol money be got suddenly and eai
ly. He turned things upside down for a
while, but it didn't last, and it wasn't
long before all the gentleman bad was
experimoe. There art a goad many
people that way even unto this Saturday
night, oo small scales.
Afttralt the worrying and fretting
snout prospecti of poor crop, a big acre
age of spring wheat baa beettput in, and
it already being sprinkled in a timely
msooer;the fall whtat that looked yel
low bas assumed a healthy bne, and tbe
outlook it good for jutt at big t crop at
ever. That is the way it goea io Oregon.
Jap Minto made the lest treasurer
Marion county ever bad, but was cruci
fied for all political sins committed and
yet to be committed by the Minto family.
Salem Journal.
They told mutual pools on the election
in Lane countv at follows: Driver
Jennings $2.70, Jounson IU'iO, Scott
11.30, Yates l.H0, Potter tl.65, Wheefir
ti w. iiiey were sola for SI each, hence
an over tne latter turn is prodt.
The next legislature wilt be a notable
one. It will liave Key. Lriver in it. and
things will fly. It is a goou thipg Bark-
ley ot .Marion la in the ol'jer liouiie to
even things up.
"Before you venture on the main.
Pray once you may return again.
Hvlore you into oatue go,
Pray taice you may escape the foe.
nut ere you take a wue percee!
Our pravers should not Us leas than
Lola, aChlppewatuawrtinq 100 yards
in D'a seconds, by expert timing, and it
is declared can do it in second les.
She also runs any distance up to ten
miles, and it is declared ia the fastest
runner in tbe world, hhe 19 year old
and weighs 117 pounds. Her home U at
liurdicksville, Miss.
A Eugene paper displays the spirit of
the timet by advertising: "We will take
wheat, oaU, bacon, lard, but'er, egrgs,
chicken, turkeys, geeae, and all otner
marketable produce, including wood,
four-foot moling boards, lumber and
pickets. Allowing you tbe bitrhevt mar
ket price. Hoping that we will bear
from i hose who owe us."
Pres. Blow acted very wisely lat Fri
day morning in speaking to the yoang
men of the collegia regarding their eligi
bility to vote at OorrallU, Monday, lie
cautioned ail students not to attempt to
vote if there was any queetion of the
legibility of the ballot they might cut.
This is the proper way for an American
ciuien toaaert hit patriotism by lift
ing Lit voice for an honl ballot.
1 tmct.
Secretary of State kincaid was fouid
busily engaged at bit deck with routine
Ike Election
PontUND, Or., June 6.-W R Ellft hat
emerged fromjne clouds of nnS;
and is now certain that he will again li
ZtnT'T- ' Oregon for the Dd
awtrict. Hu re-election has been made
sore by tbe returns from Grant, Malbeur
ll.tfelT" eun,M!- Kil1' 12.212; yuinn,
In the first district a f..w votes either
way will decide wh-ther Tongue or Van
derburg will p, to Washington. The cor
rection of errors uinovered in the count has
sa changed tbe tola's -that Vanderburit u
now only . voles ahead, the returns so far
'.PX'-JderUarg, 19.156; Tongue, 19,
oiJ. J beoc fitfures, however, do not in
clude Curry county, whore Tongue has a
niijomy ot 1UD votes. -
Celllag eerate.
AsmiRiA. Or . Jnnn r. Ti.i. l
aj0Ut J ?'cloclc' one of the boats engag
ed in nshinu for Cook's cannery at Ctifion
iciuiumg wuo in eaten ot bub, tbe
occupant were bred upon ty strikers in
ambush on shore. Tbe tuUrDian and boat
puller socteeded. by strenuous efforts, in
getting out ot range with no other damage
than numerous ballet bo ea tbrougn tbe
ides of tbe I .oat, one lull panging throoirb
. nm. .ot 0,(1 bot-pullers bat. It is
aaimeu uy tbe men that they were the tar
get of 40boU by actual count.
Ia Carry t'aaair.
Maksbfieij), Or.. June 5. -Ton true has
10j majority in Curry county, with one
precin.-t to bear from that will probably
Utac Urmdf tmr Ike I taL
f?T. Lotis, Jane 5 At yet, none of the
leaders who are to lake part in the republi
can national convention, have arrived.
Local polilicuns aay that Jlarcus lianna,
leader of the McKinley forcoa, will reach
here Tuesday, and T C Piatt, wbo bat
charge of Morton's campaign, will come
to days later Perry Heath, formerly
ruauagn.(r e-htor of the Cincinnati com
mercial liajeH. who will be the ebuf
McKinley ipok&uian until tbe arrival of
Han Da, ba come and is keeping the special
correpondenu w-plied with McKmlev
A I VVS-X VIa TJ t- Svl 1 ' itrt II
g raim.sSf3rs.
"Knocks Out All Others-1
The PaM Week.
New Yore, June 5. Bra-ltreet's to
morrow will sav:
General trade continues depressed in .
mon an anrs. Demand i umaller it-.n
a werk ago, and request for and offerings
oi cwmmerciaj paper nave aearased. Mer
castile collectionj continue compbuned of.
anu tne tendency of prices, particularly of
cereals, tugar, coffee, pork product, cot
ton goods, and irco and steel, cnutinoes
Lfc taecrtala.
roBn.srp. Jone 4 In the first district
ioncae's very bare cbisce bat bcotne a
good lighting cm, doe not to much fc tbe
new irora Lorry county of lfcj mairify
there, as to tbe fact tut an error of 200
wa made in footing op Yanderborg's voe
in Ysmbill. i!bouv Curry, tbe vot by
the returns to far reeeivtd, und: Van
derburg. 19,07i; Tongue, 1374-
lie t!ven precincu yet to bear from in
MuOn-miah county wUl pTobably decide
The Large Piece and High
Grade of "Battle Ax" has injured
the sale of other brands of - higher
prices and smaller pieces- Don't
allow the dealer to impose on you
by saying they are " just as good"
as "Battle Ax' for he is anxious
to work off his unsalable stock-
atjairs, tui tie stopper long enougu to between feius jxt yjinn. Without Grant
answer an inquiry put oy tne reporter, itcanty, tbe turum so far received crire
depleted repebrxan mabritiee ret Tied
.... ... ... .
n the election are due entirely to tbe
K. O. T. M
Meets every Saturday evening in K.OT
M, Hall. Visiting KmVhis invited a
tend- I. VA Wwblr, Oo .
A Good Protection. ,
Theveiy best "protection" we can
possibly have at tbe rreeeot time ia the
complete restoration, of silver, so long
as we moat tell our wheat and cotton and
petroleum and many other things io tbe
European market on a f-ee U-ade silver
basis, in competition with silver-using
countries, those staples are bound to be
cheap, and tbe producer of aucb things
cannot afford t3 pay higher pricee for
manufactured goods.
Restore stiver and tbe price of it will
rise in tbe European market. At tilver
rises to must those things told on that
basis. It will bring prosperity to the
agriculturist particularly, whose labor
constitutes tbe basis of all industry. Be
will be able to buy tbe ' products ot the
factory at fair prices, and thot thj bene-
fits will spread themselves through the
entire country.
After this has ben done, tbe question
of a proper adjustment of . tariff rates
will naturally come under consideration,
for, "like the poor," the tariff isaae is
always with ut.
But there it another and stronger
reason why at this juncture a raise of
tariff rates will not be an adequate rem
edy, or In fact any remedy at all. The
United Statet it the greatest debtor na
tion in tbe world. Our debt to K a rope
it not less than $6,000,000,000. .The in
terest upon tbit vast turn at 5 per cent ia
$300,000,000 annually. This interest
charge, and the principal also, if paid at
all must be paid either with products or
with gold. If we sell products in Europe
we mutt tell as cheaply as any other na
tion. If we sell enough to meet so enor
mons a charge we mutt actually under
sell our competitors and thus force prices
still l.twer. Tbit meant low prices for
everything that we sell abroad, and our
borne prices must follow the tame gen
eral course- Tbit In -time meant the
rain of agriculture, and under such cir
cumstances it would bs impossible for
manufactures to flourish; for at alieady
stated, agriculture it the foundation of
all wealth. The very most that a higher
tariff could do would be to give the man
nfacturert an advantage over the farm
ing classes, and in that view, it would be
utterly indefensible. If we do not put
down the prices of what we bave to sell
abroad we must tend the gold, and that
meant lower and lower price'. There
fore, uo tariff can give relief under the
gold standard . What we need is a gen
eral rise of prices, both here and abroad.
Tbit we can only get by restoring tilver
to Itt pot'lion as full standard money,
tide by tide with gold. When we re
monetize silver fts gold price will rine
and in doing so, it will carry up the price
of everything now told on a tilver basir.
At the tame time the enlargement of the
volume of metallic money will raite all
pricee. Then and not until then will the
wheels of industry begin to hum in
earnest, and prosperity dawn for all
classes alike. Let us settli the mos im
portant question firnt; all others will
follow in fieir order, Bimetal'st.
A Girl Graduate
Editor Dtmetrat:
A young girl bad prepared her gradu
ating essay at a Pennsylvania college,
and it bad received the approval of ber
professors. While looking listlessly oat
of a window jutt before commencement
a street scene attracted ber attention
A man with bleared eyes and unsteady
gait waa being urged along by a woman,
Suddenly a dem&n teemed to etter into
him, and be dealt tbe wrmao cruel
blows about tbe bead and face, and tbe
fell eaooniog at fait feet.
''What it good ot my essay aithiu
platthodee when each scenes are being
eoacUd onier my eyee. A woman lead
ing ber husband home from tbe saloon,
and half killed by bit di unkeo fury !"
And this girl graduate wrote another
eway. This time sbe arraigned the it
loon s for making tucb scenes possible,
and tbe government for tolerating tbe
saloons. The professor of elocution
urged btr to speak ber may instead tf
reading i. ar unheard of innovation in
tbatconteivaiive Presbyterian college,
but to which tbe kfbd'.y gray-haired
pretideot an J divine gave bit consent,
and' Karcttfa White (now Mrs. N. W.
Kinney, of Astoria,) made her first tem
perance addrea at her college gradua
tion, hhe now leads the fifteen hun
dred .Oregon White Ribbons ia their
"peaceful war" for "God and Home and
Native Land." L.
Albany's fa;toriet are all busy. Tbey
are run unostentatiously ; but all the
aamatbev represent important indus
tries. Tbe woolen mih runs steadily and --"'Y ,ul' U,B m Bimr mi.
"I . . . ,. bas al a ays characterised party action :n
iitiifactortiy. tbe floor mill is Urtorj heretofore." MitMscsn.
o it its splendid brand' of floor all over
the N'ortb west, tbe two chair factories
bave ad tney can do, the Iron woiks are 1 Th lobowing "state flower." have
never idle, tbe creamery it doing a rush-1 by the votes of the public
. . , . " , (ectioola scholars of the respective stale:
lag oasmett, reeeiv;ng more cream j AUbama. Nebraska and Oregon, tbe gol
makioguior butler, and other indus-jjen rod; Colorado, tbe columbine; liela
, tries are kept going. This city bat tbe , ware, tbe peach blowom ; Idaho, the
taandati'n for a big factory t3o. In!"0; lowaami ew lork UeroeP
, , " ... . . . . Maine, the pink cooe and Laswi; M:nne
addiuoa to I ins it it a railro-d andf lut.rnnA,rnnr mr. .'
steamboat center, a aleodid piace for a Montana, tbe bitter root; North iMkota!
iobbin- bo : nest, and is the center it the wild roe; Oklahoma terri'ory. tbe
saipiiee far tbe iocratog important s """f1' v"! u ""7 n"ier
Santiam mines. Albany is all right. It i.ianj ., n ..r.,i
ill emerge from tbe rard times in a ; ute tree, tbe maple being eetel by
splendid condition for prosperous timtt Iwb.
and Ihi men wbo stay by it and rattle
for its Institutions wi'd be tbe ones to
profit thereby.
Bryan For Freshlcnt.
Tongue's Cac.
After declaring that Tongue' dservrd
bis punishment In stronger lacguage
than the Democrat caret to repea. tbe
Aftjria Uudget aays:
Tbe nomination of Tom Tongue for
congress was the result of a bargain. In
1894 be came out in the Oregonian at a
free tilver man, and in his letter be
proved to the people that be wat as
thoroughly pooled on the money quet
tlon and the Importance of the rrmone
fixation of tilver at any public man in
tbe etate. tie exhibited unuiual ability
in arguing the tilver proposition and
making ont bit ease. Every tilver maa
waa glad to read him, and it wat thought
that tbe free tilver cause had gained a
champion able to cope with any gold
standard advocate ia the stale. But be
fell. When did be fall.
The logic of events declares that he
fell into the gold standard be
tween tbe time be wrote bis famous let
ter to the Oregonian and the assembling
of tbe Oregon Republican clubs in Port
land, one year ago last May. It would
not have been known then had It not
been for a simple incident. The vote by
which he was sent as a delegate to tbe
National Convention of Republican clubs
told tbe tale. It wat conclusive. lie
wat known to tht people ot the state as
a friend ef silver. The convention in
Portland waa In charge of gold standard
men. Mr. Tongue received the largest
vote ot any delegate sent to Detroit.
Had he been a free silver man he wou'd
bave been unable to obtain that-vote.
uere was tne inuireci eviuence ol a
eoutract, ."the consideration in wbicb
roust have been the nominal ion for Con
gress in tbe First District, and the over
throw of Dinger Hermann. Tongue'
consideration wat hit future adheran :e
to tbe gold atandard. We are all famil
iar with the deal - In the congressional
convention, at it adjourned hut recently.
Tongae got tbe nomination, bill that wat
all. On Monday the people had their
aay. They turned him down, and for the
next two yeart he will be found in Hills
boro at bit old job. This last defeat
puts a quietus on bit f. ubllo career for a
! Tbe Onard credits this to a Junction
girl : be ia juM tweet sixteen, and the
is a novire in almost everything, inciad
: ing kisaing. M,e has just been kused
for tbe hrct time by tbe only saeet heart
. the hat ever bad, and "in spite of all I
i could do to prevent it. too." sbe ex-
, .'plained. Ho ever, what tbe ears in de
ll it evident that tbe democracy of Ike atriptioo of iu spoken in confidence to
West and far South are in the mood to ' one of her o n age, it worth reproducing
nnminata flan. V. J. Brran. oi S e bra-' here : "Why, it wade me feel Uke a
, ... . . r tub ot butter swimming in boner, col'
...orpresio. " . cne, nutmeg and .cranberries li.oilgh
qaeni and effective pcblic speaker in ; something ran down mv nerve on feet
America; it a sincere, honorable ard ' of diamonds, escorted by several cupid
brave man, and as the nominee of the ! jn cltsriots drawn by angels tbaied a ith
" tiAA,-B.lnei a r.I K.av Si hJaat.wa.l aa-aStl.
party wonkl create an en.buio, that " .-ft ,u in t r
would be at inspiring to tne a bole coon-, delicious, but tbev tell me that tne has
try as Vance's campaign of thrilled : to practice denial to felly eijoy theve
North Carolina. Th Little Rock Tri- liinra. lo yoo think eoT Hut the
buneitnottoapa.lit i ! blowing S1'9 WM 0at amvtd'
estimate cf the voang orator and states-;
man: m uce wrr.
Young, suberb; eomir.g from thai
geographical center of the nation, bis
record clear aod nnambignoa, William
Jeoniogs Bryan, aiands to-lay the em
bodiment of Young Ainerka in this
great strangle tor the emancipation ' of !
tbe common people and ba is their id jI I
Without forwardness, bat by his own;
inherent force, aod brcanse men in-
Luis. ll.fu. H,,i ik.
from Grant ia that Klie
there i over 1W. leaving Qiian 7- in tbe
rear. However, the unheard from UnW
mah preciocu. whicn wUl euA about 500
tOU. are apt to give iii.n from W to l'X
A BeVraaka Ciclaae.
PtSPEK, Nebjjune 4. A terri'k. bail
ttorm and berricaae vUited the farming
action abrat gte miles northwest of Pen
der tbu evening, tor miles aronnd. tbe
leoce ar wnoiiy detlreyei. the wires be
ing rtrewa across the cobiie hiskwavs to
ocb an extent tbt pvtJge this evening it
unaue- Ttr OTKlgw (OQtn ot town are
wabed out, and about 1) feet of track on
tbe line vt tbe Chicago. St. Panl. tlinne-
ajoi'S i Umaha u watei away about four
mi e njiiu cs Danerort.
tkhtac tader aHatealfr.
IfWSIl. Or.. June 4. A nmminmt
ctuzen of liwaco was in toaft todar. and
aid that fbbing is prpt-rving paceaUv
tbroogbout Baker's bay. nnd-r tbe protec
tion ol tee aiangton mihUa. Tbe force
a Uwaco now conustsof aboat .') mra.
Tbey bare two steamer, - protected on the
enUide wita heavy railway ties, and each
mounting a cannon, carryinjr a iMul of
beaviiyumed men. and cKlan'lr patrot-
ing t ie bay da) and aigbt
ramey la CaUfaraia.
SS FnAsriJC-v lone 4 "GMml' J.
S. Coxey, of Mastilkm, Obio. who led iLe
commonweal artsy of freral thousand ut-
emp:oje4 av-n to aducg4o3 a crpie cf
yearn ago, u in tbe city en route from Pert
land to San CHeeo. where be will onea tbe
campaign on beta f of the popoilsia of tfeis
tuueon a-'oaoaf next.
' OakvOle.
Tbe light shower of this morning waa
thankfully received hy the gardnert here.
We want some garden staff if we can't
get trait.
Last night Peterson's batte looked like
an active volcano from here. We ap
pose that the people of Lebanon snd vic
inity were showing their respect to Cept.
C. B. Mo&tagae.
We are informed tha one voter in this
precinct bad each irreat rezard for three
of the candidate for county jadge that
ne coQuin i uecioe wtueb was bis choice
so be voted for ail three; beabooldhave
Know that Barton was tbe man. w hen
the people of Oakville nominate a man
tbey intend to elect him for they have
the right kind of men and arts not
ashamed of them.
Mr. Smith ran a dinimr hall election
cay wbicb waa a great accomodation to
luce wbo came to etav all da v.
We made a hurried viit to Albanv
last ioesaayaawe were auxioov to
now many candidates were left. We
found around the bulletin board mtny
laminar tacee. Among oar acquaint
ances were J. Hand, Davie, of Soedd a.
Young America and Hon. John Scott, of
isogent, V. r. Uardman ot the court
boose and many others.
The Bovine and Equine are now con
tented aod happv. tbev bave an undis
puted right to the public domain, and
tbe tiller of the soil most be visrilant and
guard against the trespasses oi these an
imals, oar earthly poaeecmoas are hood
ed aroana with a legal fence, so we will
not be obliged to resort profanity.
S rtce our Arnicas has qait making
visits to tangent, loans America ba
nothing to write about so he baa taken
B. F. Chil ls started for rbe gold fields
of British Columbia tot Wednesday.
Jnst bow long he will remain or what b
wiu do, depends npon cucamatanoes.
At a meetixg of tbe directors of the
North gide arbooi held last night, tbe
following teachers were elected : Princi
pal. W. A. Caller; firs-t assistant. Mrs.
W. A. Calder; second assistant. Mrs. K
E. Micbener; primary, Mrs. Anna Wil-
Fwaw J. Cmn alw oaJh that be la vba
araKM panaerof Ue irmofr. J. vasaarftCo..
doing Ubm ia Ibc ("tie of T-Wk, Onul?
Um aam ol ONB Ht DHKI IKlLXAbS lot
aa and rrry caw of Catarra tltM eaaaat bs
Cared by la aaa ot liali s C .raaaa Craa.
Mwnra to before ma and Mbtenard ia my
!f jni, oaf ot Dscannar, a-u.
stinctively recognxe the fitness ol it. ba
has by common consent, been pushed
into tbe position of a leader in tbe trout
rank. Tbe very treason of tbe adminis
tration in hie own state, aimed, as it has
been, to overcome and break bira doan,
proves to be one of bis greatna ele
ments of strength, and S3 recogn xed
by the masses of all parties.
Both tt to Uie tariff aod as to the
money question be has been recognised
throughout the nation as our invincible
leader, lie belongs to no loealitr. lie
it claimul by the nation. His nomina
tion would oot only be claimed by Ne
braska, but by Illinois his birthplace.
Beyond question bis nomination would
paraljxe opposition in all branches of
ti,e reform and produce such a anion as
would point to an overwhelming
triumph. His record ia without blem
ish, either, politically (aod especially
along the lines of the present issue) or
personally, and bis pri rate life and cob
duct is so pure and clean as to challenge
the respect without tbe opposition of any
element ot society. One of the most re
markable features about bis character
and record Is that one so your g should
Lave been to tried in, the furnace with
out "the smell of fire,'' and be raired np
now, as if by providence, so fully
equipped to be tbe leader to this tryirg
time. The only objection that hat been
raised hat been hit ; youth, but that
youth gives htm the magniQcant physi
cal strength si much required for eel
vice, and notwithstanding bis thirty six
yeart be hat the elements of power in
tbe contest which no older man possess
es. Pitt wat chancellor of England at
the age of twenty-nine.
Raleigh News and Observer. N . C.
XvLarg Public
Hall Catarrh fara ft takea Internally an4 acta
ainctly oa tb blood ad mocowa aarfaoaa ot
tbe ayataau Bead lirtMinrault, fre.
r. J. CBEXE.Y CO., luiedo, O
JtW Sold by Oracgists. TSs,
Karl a Clarer IhI Tta
is a sure core for headache and nervou
ieae No blng relieves oo qnic.
For sile by Fohay viaou.
Tkelllaal Wasaea
O-'n'tipa'tO", cane more than half t
I'ls ot women- Karl's Clover R.xl Tea i
a pleaoant cure for contiratin. For tab
by Fobay Mason. ,
r A raet Warth tvaawlac -
Coneiap?ion, LtUrippe, t'neumnnia
and a'l Tari4t aJ L iojr dease are cure
bvSnU Ojre. Far b,- Fhy
tar t)rBla
std L'ver Complaint you have a printed
guarantee on eety bott'e cf Silo'i Vital
laer It never fallj to core, for sale by
Fosbay Mason
The Statesman wants to weed the re
publican party out, that is, the Holer
element, wbo do their own thinking on
the financial question. Tbe Statesman
bad better quit the weeding business.
- The lots by tornado- tor nine years
f om 1870 to 1SS1 in Kansas, Ijws and
Nebraska, exceeded the loss by fire at
shown by statistics prepared by Lieut.
Finlay of the U. S. Signal service via:
Tornadoes $31,5(9,371, and fire 124,272,
Dr. Price's CreAm Caking ?owder
Awardad Cold MnUI Vtdiwin .. V-t FiacUc.
Tne "Pierce" $75.00 bicvele is the
qua! of many K0 heels see for your- cash,
elf. C. W, Elkins, Agent.
Mr. Tongue received 2M votes less
than Jndgi flean in bis own county,
whether elected or not, a fact ihatspeski
for itself.
Let everybody come to the Star Bnkery
and get 40 loaves of fresh bread for ti.o
Mcbic-. Miss Mildred Bnrmeeter
teacher of piano or organ. System the
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chuich.
Do yea want a stop watch, or chrono
graph ' t rench the jeweler has some good
ones, very cheap.
L0.1U ot This.
I have 48 lots with fair house. All
kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to
college and city ptiWio school, to trade
for residence in Albanv. Look tins up.
Good place to make money or for specu-J
lation. . u. w. atasion
nesday, June 3, 1806, at tne home of the
bride's fattier, Mr. Stephen Freerksen,
in Orleans precinct. Mr. S. J. See! v. the
etRcient and popular superintendent of
1 lie Aioany creamery, ana buss oiena
Freerksen, one of Linn county a beet
young ladies. About Hi guests were
present ana witnessed the happy cere
mony, performed by Rev. D. . Poling.
Mr. O. B. Winn, ot this city acted as
beet man and Mies Ida Freerksen as
bridesmaid. The ceremony was fol
lowed by a magnificent wedding repast
irreatlv enioved bv the larvo comnanv
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Beely,
as wen as an tne consumers 01 uie per
fectly made A. O. butter will unite in
beat wishes for the happy couple.
Democratic Ei-tte Ticket.
Presdential Fleeter
i. M. C A ROLL.
Last Satardav morning betaees tbe
boon of 9 and 10 o'clock, tbe body ef
little Chescsr Curtis, a bo was drowned
some six weeks ago, wa found, at a
place about one and a half orile from
where tbe cool departed thta 11 le. Toe
bodv was foon-1 by tbe deceased boy's
father and brother, Lttwrence, wbo we
going down the river in a boat, as tbey
bad done several times before. Law
rence discovered the body wbeaaome
distance from it. It had eaogbt oa a
limb, several feet from the bank, the hn
only betmt above the water. Decompo-
s.Uoa tad ret in. Timea.
Prof. R. S. II aches, of Taneent. called
oa os last week be has quit the school
room for awhile and gone into the boa-
orapie DosineM 01 selling goods.
LrrrLX Rosx Ecd.
latl SWa4
WasaisoTON. Jcte 4. Tbe ways and
means roraniiue La not decided opoo a
Drjvrain K le Lonl mI:il,rM n llu
Iboofe. In view of tb nearness of tbe
aioa's ecd. and Ire pren of important mat-
ier, ii i very aontatui whether the bill
aiil be (tailed np. as it can be brought for
ward ooiy oy a frjai ork-r from tne cm-
cutiee 09 ruie.
BUaraaded Mreeta
Sr. Ltt i, Tune 4 There have been
jqt !s5 iniles of !reet ohmcted with le
l!saa rea!t of tie tornaJo Ail cf
tbe hate been made and will be
c'eoe.l up in 10 days In the city are 60
mile ol imiroet stnU o it ran bj
I what extent the t-.rnadj in'errupted
Tbe Eleetiva.
Port-so. June The vole Tor the
republican and pipuUt congreional can
didates in both diMnU is now so ciote
that it is impossible to say a ho are tbe
successful men
la the cecced district, tbe returns so far
received, give; KUi. 10,3t5; Ouina, 10.-
N-wthup. 771; Benne t, 53i5i. Ellis
is proitily ejected.
O Uie second dlrict tbe rettirna r
favorable to Vanderburg. but the fact that
nothing ba been heaid from Curry countv
introduces an element of oncertaint tba't
may jet be Tongues al vat ion . Tbe' ether
countiea beard from eire the foUowinir
vole: Yanderbiiiv. 19.111; Tni-n l?i
SlO; Mjets, 7CW; Christeasoa.
In AUarta
ArOKIA. Or.. Jnne 3. An ereninc
paper, dainfing to be tte ontan of the
striking tisberuien, tooay posted a notice
in front of its place of publication calling
upon the fishermen to rine and forcibly
eject from tbe city all Chinese employe
ot the canneries. Sheriff Hare, beintr at-
pealed to. went to the aewriarwr otfi.- an.i
compelled the publishers of tbe paper to
take down tbe notice and suppress the circulars.
Klver aad Haraar Bill a taw.
Washixgtox, June S. Tbe senate to
day passed Uie river asd baroor bill over
the president's veto by a vote of 56 to 5.
This was the last step io making tbe bill
effective, and it is now a law. Tie vote
was taken after three hours of spirited de
bate, during which the president was criti
cised and defended, the "remarks at times
being directly and bitterly personal. Tbe
opposition to tbe veto was expressed by
Senators Vest, Sherman, Petti grew, Haw
ley and BuUer. while the veto was defend
ed by Vilas, Bill and Bate.
A letter received in this city from A.
B. Nickerson, a ho is now at Win luck.
Wash., to a friend this week ears he is
getting along finely, having been given
tbe position of foreman of the planing
department at good wag,.
eVrase of the Lebanon bora got rather
boisterous last eight after' the ratinca-
tK and raised a disturbance. Tbev
broke out tbe front windows of Mrs. F.
M. Miller's building. beide doing other
damage around town. There will be
arrreeu made today.
It is now conceded that Mr. Montague
is elected clerk. The people of Lebanon,
regardlces of parties, join in congratala
tkas to oar fellow cilixen. Ia other days
Jlr. Montaene waa tbe leading merchant
of this neighborhood. He has alwavs
been one of oar most respected ciliiens.
Hi qnauticauona for the office are not
inferior to any man's. Lebanon hat
honored herself in honoring her citisen.
His large vote was- tbe spontaneous of
fering of her people, regardless of party
affiliation. Express.
JuIiuiGradwohl Keeps Opn Duors
Early and Late.
Julius Gradwohl does business now m
the opera boose store at the corner of
Socond and Ferry, wh re yoo can find a
cnoicw stock of standard groceries for
sale cheap. Everything fixbt-clasa. Also
a big variety of crockery ware of all
kinds which yon can bay as cheap as it
-au vc murea any w nere. xueu. h,
siore noming ire bolt ol his goods ia
kept closed. Call at the corner place on
List of Patents.
Granted to Paci&c States inventors
this week. Reported by C A. Snow A
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, W&sa
lngton, D. C.
T M Anderson, New Whatcom, Wash,
ebelf-bracket: P E Daniels, Oakland.
Cal, mecbaaiem for recietering and re
cording coins received and deiivend;
M Fernandes, Lne Angles, Cal, car
fender: J W Little, San Francisco, CaL
bicTcle-brake; C P Loojcbbridge, Ne
vada Citr. CaL meat-bolder: P Merer.
A'aroeda. Cat, atmofpher barner; & R
fairish, Portland. Ore, washstand and
appliance. B Peaieon, Redlands, Cal,
lancet; V J A Rey, Saa Francisco, Cal.
iTpe-predArine marhine; J M Thorpe,
San Jose, Cal, window pocket aad cover;
D A Zan, San Francisco. Cal; protective
armor for pceumati; tire
If a c.nail bottle of Shaker Digestive Cor
dial doe yoa no good, oat bay a large
"Pnwea'.l things; bold fast tial whit h
i good." if not good fnr - everybody
oeij for ttt thin, pale, lick, weak and
weary. For Mxae who are starving' for
want of digested food For- fhoae wbo
cannot get fat or strong, because their
stomachs 00 not work as they eognt to.
These are tbe people, bbuUobs of them,
a bora Shaker Digestive Cordial will core
Food maces strength, aascK braia,
blood, energyalter it is digested. If aot
digested it will do yon no gvod at all.
Shaker Digectire Cordial Up voor
stomach to digest your food asd cores indi
gestion permanently. When youve tried
a small boi!e. joo can teil.
Sold by iroprist. Trial bottle 10 ceat.
Cjirc For Crippled Children.
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache.
h.ea larky lar rree Silver,
Lkxisotos, June 3. The tendency of
the democratic state convention today has
been to make Senator Blackburn president
and uenerat f watt ttcruin, toe defeated
candidate for governor, bis successor in the
enae. Tbe convention is 10 to 1 for tbe
16-to4 rutio. It was thought before the
districts met that the goid standard men
would iret tbe Chicairo dek-gates and other
representatives out of three districts, but
Uie Louisville district is the only one that
the gold men controlled.
The t'akaa l ire.
HaVAxa, June 3 General Linares, near
Baraca, crowwd the river and captured an
inourgent position on tbe other side with
the loss of five men. He later took soms
insurgent positions on the neighboring
heights, indicting a loss of 24 killed tn the
prevents diges- . V"""?' Moro;
-....1,-1 I killed while wad
, WM 1IUUU tU . , . , . ,
river, wuit n nau overnoweu.
A Craat s raas Fire.
Cash for poultry at R. M. Robertson's
The best fresh groceries and produce at
Conn A Huston's.
LxDtas the Utt fathtaa U a seamles
dress made by Mrs. McLean.
Dr. Q. W. Maston, pnyMcian and nr
geon, Albany Or. Catlsanswered prompt
ly ia city or country.
Dt. H. E. and O. K. Beers offices and
residence ia the cost office bnildinir. Snw.
I ial attention given to diseases of women.
Brtt its a big advantage to him to wear
well lanndried shirts and underclothing,
The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards A
Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of
gentleuiena work. Free mending for
men besides the first class laundry work.
A superior high gloss finish to shirta
collars, cuffs, etc.
. , , o : t. r . u.
Iseansed hr tornld llrer. whloh nreventa dlires- . . V . ,ae
' . -- I k. llv 1 .l,u a nrl 1 .m Al
tlon and nernilu food to ferment and nutrtfv In " ""e wauiun kiv
A Bne line of Baby Carriages just re
ceived at Forluiillej & Irring's.
ratarrh tared
Health and sweet breath secured bi
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Prlos 5O cents
Nasal injector free. For sale by Fosbav
ft Mason.
Far saa Haaaa
Elder AlMOn W. Steers wrilea Iron PnrL.
1,1. . 1.1 ; a ..
I mm ' PI V xraa m wmmt wirr. I lAnU, KfTl I uere IS no OieUlflne tOr the
I I 1 i Grant's Pa, June S At 10 o'clock ! throat and lungs that I can recommend to
I r r Tt I tonight a lamp was upset in the New York! minister, public sneaxera and singers.
I I (O) CUJ IU ! St. tore, in Uiisnty. and in aa in- Uith ithe coutidence that 1 can the SB.
I U NaSVe VU VS;cretubly short time a loss of about $3000 (Cugh Cme." For Bale by Foshay Ma-
Insomlna, nervousness, and, . - - - H had been sustained by fire and water. The 1 on at 50cts per bottle.
U not mUiivmL blUoua faver ITTa - I 1 1 H .tunurlment did some of the Ouickext All saassaiSB It. .
or blood poisoning. Hood's 1 1 I ? work evar seen in this city, and succeeded ' Ask your phjsiciso. our drugeUt and
Pills stimulate the stomach, Lin getting t'e fire und
rouse uie liver, eure ncatincne, airzines, enn i 15 minutes, ine ioks
stiaunn, etc. wnu. hold ty all dnniglsta, i-,,.--XlwulylilbWtukoiUillojd,liar!Wlarulii.
The National Surgical Institute, No.
S19 Bush St., Saa Francisco, eucceWul
ly treau all cases of orthoaedic sunrery.
One or more surgeons of thia Institute
will be at the Revere I loose, Albany
Tuesday, June 9th., to examine cases.
The success of the Institute in treating
all cases of curvature of the spine, disea
ses of the hip and knee joints, club feet,
crooked limbs and bodily deformities as
well as piU. fistula, nasal catarrh and
all chronic dieeadee bas made for tbe In
stitute a national reputation. Write for
circultr. References may be bad to:
J no. A. Shaw, Mill Citv; J no. Meier,
rrabTree; W. A. Cox. Albanv; J. S.
Morris, Kcio; Jadge T. U Davidson,
Salem, and hundreds of others.
U Savea Urea Kvery Bmj
Thousands cf cases of Coosaoptioa,
Athma. Coogbs, Colds and Coup are
ured every day by Shi oh' Cure.
area Craa a.
"My three ch'ldren arelt subject te
croup; I telegraphed to San Francisco, got
got a bait doxro bottles of S B Cough Cure
It is a perfect remedy . God bleas voa for
it. Yours, e'e, 'J.H. Ooxier. "Grsat
i , Ur." For h i by Fothay & Mason at
0c par hotiia.
A Maiarat Bcaattaer
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the b'ood
and gives a clear sad beautiful compiexin
For ae by Fosbay and Mason .
Oar ataadlaa at staat
"Four out of every five bottles of medi
cine sold ia thj last five years are S. B.
goods. Tbe 3- B Headache and Livei
Cure 1 use myself St a geoeral physic.
If you are skk and want to get well, tha
qtuckeet. cheapest and safest method is to
buy the S. B. remedies and os as directed
C. P. Buch, Druggist, Uufur, Or Fot
sale by Fosbty A Maeoa at bo ets per bot
te. Far IkttMMjt.
I am 65 years old; bave bad "kidney
disease and constipation for 2 year. Am
now well used your S , B . Headache and
liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at
oOcea'a eaca. J H Knight. Rutledge,
Or." For sale by Foahay dt Mason at St
per bottle.
Savuso NoritB. Steamer Farallon
will sail from San Francinco June 2nd,
irom laquina aunt nn. talis at fort
hr control in about 1 your friends about Shiloh's Cur for con. Orford, Coos and h.omboWt Bays Fart
lis fully covered by sumption. Iheywiil recommend it. For San Francisco, cabia $8, steerage $4. -sale
by Foshay M&son. IX. L. Wainia, Agt,