The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 12, 1896, Image 3

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    TERMS. -
Duly Democrat, 25c per month; $3.00
per year, in advance 30c per month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run oret S
months. Single copies Sc.
Wkski.t, $1.25 in advance; $1.50 at end
of year; 1 1.75 for second year; $20O foi
third and proceeding? years, when not paid
in advance. Club of five new subscribers
for 15.00.
Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Democrat and Weekly
Examiner will be sent to subscribers for
$2.35 a vear. This includes all the piiv
ilegesof the Examiners big premium gut
iu May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directly
to the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat and thrice a weak
N. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
Subscribers to Daily paying in advaee
will receive all the advantage of either
Important Changes.
Beginning yesterday the O. O. & E.
will run its freight train in add lion to a
first class passenger, ins tea I of the
mixed train inn for several months. The
passenger will leave Yaquina at 7 a.
,m., arrive at Alhany at 11:40;
leave Albany at 1 p. m. and ar
rive at the Bay at 5 :40 p m. A mixed
train will leave Idanha at 6:15 and ar
rive at Albany at 11 Aoi.m. It will re
turn leaving Albany at 1 :20 p. m. ar
riving at Idanha at 5 :50 d. m. The
freight will leave Albany Mondays, Wed-
nesqays ana rniays at 7 a. in. arriving
at the Bay at 4:20 p. in. retarnipg on
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays,
leaving Yaquina at 7:10 a. m. and ar
riving at Albany at 4 :05 p. m.
This important change is made on ac
count of the summer business, and puts
several men to work who have been
waiting for the event.
The Congressional Situation.
.. Sale, Or., June 8, 1896.
. Will be mass meeting at Salem Satur
day to contest. No later news on con
gressional situation except Tongue claims
his election by seventy.
College Notes.
The college steps make an excellent
vening resort.
The A. C. L. S. gave a reception to the
Erodeiphian society last Friday."
The junior class has adopted as a mot
to "semper vacuis et cetera"
Examinations begin tomorrow after
noon. At the receotion Friday night it was
unanimously voted that "Flies" were a
scarce article.'
An excess of noise in the library is
Mis Xettier Ash by, of ?jiem,
Sunday with Albany friends.
Mrs Judge Wolverton, of Salem, is in
the city tb guest of Dr. Mastn.
Prof. D. V. S. Reid has been re-elected
principal of the Eugene public schools
for the ensuing year.
Mr. Robert Shaw, of Lafayette, a
former Albany College student, is in the
.city oo a visit.
Miss Zella 7ood, a recent graduate of
the Portland University, has gone to Los
Angles to spend the summer.
Mrs. John Barrows, of Oakland, Calif.,
returned with Mrs. Walter Alonteilhand
will visit Albany friends.
Mrs. G. A. Newman, of North Platte,
2feb., arrived in Albany yesterday on a
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Adams.
Misses Bertha Ellis and Testa Mason
went to Salem on the steamer thie-morn-ing
to attend the Pinafore entertainment
there to-night.
S.G.Long, brother of Miss Long of
Long Photo Co., arrived in Albany to
: day and will visit with his sister for a
few days. . -
Frank Spaight returned home several
davs ago after traveling lor some time
. with the Bond circus, which he left in
" .Eastern Oregon. . .
Mr. A. R. Chapman, recently with the
O. C. & E. hac accepted a position with
the Canadian Pacific and will leave to
morrow to assume bis new duties.
Miss L. A. Woodin, ofTacoma. is in
the city the guest of her brother, Mr. A.
B. Woodin. Miss Woodin has taught
for several years a very successful private
echoed there.
Sid Dorris and Vo. Wetfal,
i . .
$6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book
9a.uu Duvs a good new uuitarwitn door.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd sinners.
$25.00 buys a 6-drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light running; guaran
teed 5 years
BPriees on Pianos. Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
E. U. .Will : : : Albany.
The celebration to bo given at Albany
on Saturday, July 4th, 1896, under the
auapices of Albany Camp No. 103 Wood
men of the World will be a big affair.
a monster excursion will be run far
in to -the cascade mountains where a
woodchopninir conte&t. outdoor dancinir
and other amusements will be held.
This train will leave Philomath at 7 a.
m Corvauis 7:30 and Albany 8:30 re
turning to Albany at 4 :3Q p. m. remain
ing until after the exercises in the even
ing. Fare, round trip $1 00 from Phil
omath, Cor vallis and Albany; Maxwell,
Munkersand Shelourn75cts; Kingston,
50 cts; Lyon and Mill City 25 cts.
In Albany the entire day will be con
sumed in various contests, consisting of
a steam fire engine contest, tug of war '
oetween towns, wrestling match, one
mile, 50 and 100 yard toot races, wheel
barrow; three-legged, sack and egg 'aces,
climbing pole, cracker eating contents
bicycle and obstruction races, tor which
suitable prises may be given.
3000 haudsome souvenirs will be given
away. - . ' -: .
A "drill and calensthenic exercises by
500 school children dressed ii red, white
and blue will be one of the features of
the day.
Out-door dancing will he indalged" in
all day and at night on the public square
which many arc lights wil make as
bright as day.
Thirty-five camps have accepted invi
tations to be present. The largest gath
ering of peop.e ever assembledgin the
Central Willamette Valley is expected.
The entire day's festivities will close
with a grand display of fire works the
equal of which was probably never ex
hibited in the valley.
Half fare raterhave been secuved on
the Southern Pacific tailroad and excur
sion boats from Salein and Independence.
Jury List.
Following are the jurymen drawn for
the term of court to convene in Albany
on June 22 :
Ed McCaw, farmer, Crawfordsville.
Wm. Ingram, farmer, Sodaville.
D. H. Ambrose- farmer, Brownsville.
N. B. Washburn, merchant, Shelburn.
Samuel Nixon, farmer, Uamaburg.
W. H. Ramsey, merchant. Mill City
W. C. Washburn, farmer, Brownsville.
B. W. Cooper, farmer, rlainview,
Scott Ward, farmer, Plainview.
J. W. Cheshire, farmer, Sodaville.
James Freeman, farmer, Crabtree.
W m Bassett, farmer, Maieey.
F.G Gross, merchant, Waterloo.
J. T. Follis, farmer, Kingston.
John Rinehart, farmer, Sweet Homo.
V m Hale, farmer, Millers.
II. T. Stanley, farmer, Scio.
W. F. Hammer, mechanic, Albany.
David Andrews, merchant, Lebanon.
Frank Dempse, farmer, Harrisburg.
' Wm Shepherd, farmer, Harrisburg.
W. T Jordan, farmer, A'bany.
Wm Roba, farmer, Orawfordsville. .
XV. B. McCormick, farmer, Shedd.
John Morgan, farmer, Plainview.
T. Grimes, farmer, Harrisburg.
C. E Hawkins, justice of the peace
elect, Albany.
Peter Ruettner, mechanic, Albany.
John Curl, mechanic, Scio.
P. J. Philpott, farmer. Holly.
Fred Butter, farmer, Oakville.
Gkt Rkadv, Shoi-ldkr Arms. The O.
N. G. boys are almost resting o:i their
arms ia anticipation of a call to go to
Astoria, and in fact have been notified
to be in readiness. The Statesman says:
Major Hiram E. Mitchell, of Brigadier
Beebe's staff, O. N. G., made a hurried
trip up from Portland yesterday and was
in close conference with Governor Lord
until the departure of the 2:20 train in
the afternoon. Governor Lord returned
to Portland with him and the inference
is abroad that the niilhia ia to be put
upon an active footing for service in sup
pressing the salmon fishery troubles along
the Columbia, although nothing author
itive could be gleaned from the state
house in this behalf.
The U. or O. Won. As pradicted by
the Dimocrat the University of Oregon
athletic team wou at the inter-collegiate
field dav meet at Salem Saturday, The
score bv points was U of O, of Eugene,
59 ; to U, of Salem. 24 ; O A C, of
Co: vallis, 21 ; P U, of Forest Grove, 4 ;
P C, of Newburg, 3. Brady Burnett ot
CorvaHis won the mile run in 4:58 3-5;
V. Overhalt of the UofOthe 100 yard
run in 10 3-5; Murphy of Salem, and
KuykendalLof the U nf O;, tied on the
220 yard hurdle. The latter won the
run off in 26 1-5 ; Clarence Bishop of Eu
gene, the 880 yard run in 2:12 1-5; Sbat
tuck of Eugene, the shot put, 35 feet 11
?4 inches; Kuyhendall ihe 120 yard
hurdle in 1?.;45; Coleman of Eugene, the
440 vard run in 53; D. H. Bodine of the
O A C, the hammer throw, 103 feet 3
:Lcbes; F. Scott of Willamette, and Wes
ter of the U of O, he pole vault, 9 feet ;
M. Davis of the U of O, the high jump,
5 feet 4 1 inches ; Delahmutt of the U of
O.the mite walk ;I. il. Van Winkle .of the
WU, of this county, second, 8:31 25;
220 yard dash bv F. Colvig, of the O A
C; in 23:25; ft. Gciseof theW C, the
broad jump, 20.i feet, F. Moore, of the
C, the bicycle race, 2 miles, 6 :37 35.
The O A C cadets won the military drill
. Uscle Sam, Attention. Look out for
Uncle Sam's soldiers from Vancouver.
Washington, they will be in Alhany
next Sunday and " Monday play base
ball with the beet ballplayers mat can
be had in Linn, Marion and Polk coun
ties. wib a Portland battery. The sol
diers iasve Uie best amateur team on the
coast, hare been defeated but once
and that was by the league team of Port
land, .now do not spend an tue money
that is in Albany on excursions but go
and pay 25 cents to see a great game of
base ball. Please help the boys to pay
for fixing the grrnnds up.
Wm. Mack, Manager.
Another Chapter. Captain Wirt W.
Saunoers, of Spokane, and Miss Minnie
Allison, of Montana, will be married at
St Johns, Mont., June 10. No caids will
be issued. Captain Saunders is cow a
a prosperous attorney of Spokane, and
pniet trader on the Colville Indian reser
vation. Miss Allison has been a teacher
in the public schools at Helena. Ore
gonian. Thns-another chapter will he
added to an Albany tragedy. The result
will exhibit Miss Allison's faithfulness
to her lover, through many years. The
Democrat has no desire to be present at
the wedding of a man w horn a competent
jury found guilty of murder iu the first
degree, and yet 'who spent only seven
Tears in the penitentiary.
Roy Wood, son of Frank vVod, has been
reported to the health officers as having the
diphtheria, by Dr J P. Wallace, physi
cian in attendance.
"High Handed Fraud."
A call has been issued by leading popu
lists of Marion Oo. for a meeting at Salem
next Saturday. The call w ill explain
the situation:
"There is ample proof that a high
handed piece ot fraud and trickery is be
ing perpetrated under color of law,
whereby Hon. W. S. Vauderbitrg, the
legally elected congressman for this dis
trict, is beinir unlawfully and f-audn-
lently counted out, and lion. Thomas II.
Tongue is being counted in, contrarv to
the expressed will of the majority of le
gal voters of this district.
"Therefore, we call upon all good and
law-abiding citizens who believe in hon
est elections, in an honest vote and a
fair count, to unite with us in a public
mass meeting duly and lawfully assemb
led, to take such lawful measures as may
bo necessary to protect the purity of the
ballot box, and to utter our protest and
indignation against the most disgraceful
attempt to defeat the will ot tho people
ever attempted in the history of our
state, and if allowed to be consummated
would tie a lasting disgrace to the name
of our state.
"Therefore, all eood citizens are re
quested to assemole at Marion square
where good speakers will address the assemblage."
y - .
Froth fish of all kinds at Ed Hch meets.
Factory shoe Racket prices. Raket
Ice cream 5 and 10c a dub at Vierock's
summer garden.
Fresh veeotables of all kinds at Conn &
The Moneer Picnic w ia ioii t
S. 1. Pratt has been reelected as principal
ot tne Uorvulhi schools,
The best groceries at prices lo suit the
times at Conn 6 Huston.
Special bargains in shoes for a short
time at St. Luis Raket stor.
Packers of Astoria have positively de
cided to pay only 4 reuts per pound.
Mm. Viereck has opened her ice. cream
parlors and summer garden for ths teaeon.
A new invoice of Shces just opened fit
St. Luis Kaket Prices lower thin ever.
Linen Pique and Duck suits ready'e
perlect fll and latest styles for $3.00 at
the Ladies Bazaar.
0. W. lone, the sntHn-iutendent dlw-l nt
Marion county, is a graduate o' the
University of Oregon.
Seme lundnome birthday gems at Wi I
& Stark's, cheap. Ore for every month
in the year.
Linn County's Vote.
23 sr: W 9 :
. . ra Q
. to .
. 2.3.
3 :
C. . S CP ,
b 3 5 S : : s ?
a sr. . . . , ,
5-5: :
' "001880
As Orwos Bot. Master nogh C.
Gearin, the 16-year-old son of John M.
Gearin, of this city, who has just com
pleted his third year at Santa Clara col
lege, Cal., carried off one of the fine gold
medals given by the college, known as
the "Owl medal," for the best paper on
"The California Missions and the Mis
s on of Santa Clara." This is the first
time that one of the gold medals given
by this college has been carried off by an
Oregonian. What makes bis success the
more eratifyinz is the fact that this med
al ia otien for comoetition bv the whole
1 sch jot, which comprises some 300 stu
dents. Oregonian.
A Wrecked Wind Mill.
The high wind mill of Dr. J. L. hill
took a fatal tumble about 1 o'clock this
morning. The entire structure fell di
rectly upon the adjoiring barn, miking
as complete a wreck of the two as it
struck by St Louis cyclone. They are
lying npon the ground a mass of timbers,
the contents of the barn in the open air.
A horse and mule in the barn happened
to be in that part of it where they were
untooched. Their escape will be ap
preciated npon a view of the wreck. The
weight ot the tank, full of water. wnd the
weakness of the frame was probably the
cause of the collapse, as there was no
nd daring the night, though various
other causes are asserted, such, for in
stance, as that the Dr. was so disgusted
wuh vanderbnre s bein counted out
that he went out and kicked it down.
in Portland until
fished on the Marys rivar beyond Corvallis '
made a gmd catch. They recommend j Some of the local ireaas of the votes
that part of the river through the 8 1 Monday in certain counties are curious
King farm, ran bv Dr. Pittman, partico
larly, and ad vine fishermen to visit ;t for
fine fishing water.
Miss Susan B. Anthony, one of the
most famous of the world's women, is in
Portland. The editor of the JJemockat
was a neighbor of the "old g rl" for sev
eral years, residing in the same part of
the city, and while not a personal friend
of Susan, knew her nieces well. She is
about to stir man-rs np in the north-
' west, and knows lt-jw to do it if anybody.
Personally Miss Anthony is a delightful
old lady, 'possessing many noble qnat-ities.
For example, Linn county gives Vander
burg nearly eleven hundred votes more
than Tongue, while Lanecounty, adjoin
ing gives Tongue a plurality of over four
hundred. In Linn, Myers' borne county,
Myers gets only 442 votts, about one. in
ten, while in Lane, a republican county,
he received I, Co I. Douglas county, too,
which n.iirht he supposed to be Her
mann's jstroi.gWd, gives Tongue a hand
some plurality, while Marion, supposed
to be republican bv 1.000 and Washing
ton, Tongue's borne county, make about
a stand orf between mm and anger
burg. Welcome.
A farmer from iha foot bills brought a
live deer o Albany today evidently to sejl
to the circus.
What Albany can do in beautiful Cow
ers may be seen at the Immigration rocms.
ransies and roses now reign.
Wao precinct, Sherman county cat
187 votes, and Nortbrup, the Oregonuin's
geld candidate did not get a single vote.
A good representation of F. Co. and the
Hospital corps at their annual encampment
may be sees at Conrad Meyers Mr. John
Ooocklin was the artist.
The street sprinkler is now able to do an
entire street on two trips, due to tne in
genuity of Hopkins Bros. The new ar
rangement speaks for itself.
The McMmnville Transcript charges the
Salvation Army at that city with being a
den of iniquity. 1 he one at Albany is un
doubted ly well run by officers who are what
they profess to bd.
Edward Cree. tried Satnrday afternoon
. before Justice Hams for assaulting W. J.
Turnidge near the Providence school house,
was found guilty and found 5 and costs.
He will se. ve bis tine in the county jail.
A street auctioneer did a live business
last week before big aud.encen at First add
Ellsworth streets. The rapidity with
which people bought indicated considerable
loose change around. The auctioneer is
' "onto his job," and has a gift of words not
often equalled.
The game of baM ball yesterday between
the A banies and the Independence club
at the Goltra Park grounds was a wt.U
played, close contest. Independence won,
8 to 4. Nearly every error of the Aloanies
cost a score, one muff of a ny two.
- Arthur Hodges was re elected county
clerk of Crook coantr over J. N. William-
eon by 30 majority; J H. Gray sheriff. G
S Hamilton commissioner, I F-Shorn as
essor, W B McFarland treasurer; Wm
Johnson, superintendent.
just as the liemockat went to press i
Saturday a dispatch arrived from Ha'sey
announcing that the A O U W picni; was
a grand succeso, and such it is declared to
have been. The Albany men.b-rs did
themselves proud. It took tustling for
others to get enough to eat, tbongh the
supply was bountiful and elaborate.
From Vr. Joseph Claypool who was over
horn the Sisters during tne week, we learn
that' there is about 25 miles of snoir on the
Sant-iaot route acros the Cascade moun
tains, extending from Cialer to Snow
preek. It i ait the way from 4 to 8 feet
deep and will probably be Iha first nf Inly
before it is safe to cross JVineville Ee-
. ' view. -
From Mr. L, W. Woods, who returned
from Mitchell lust Tuesday we are ia
formed tb & man by the name of Lee
. Smith was instantly killed on Mounfaiu
creek on the 29th ult. He was in a corral
separating horses when he was thrown
violently io the ground and was ran over
by the horses and in passing over him,
one stepped onto bis bead, crushing in the
' skull and causing death instantly.- -Fri De
vil's Eevi8w-
The Cibcts. Bond's circus advertised
to exhibit here this afternoon and even
ing bad not arrived at press time, in fact
had not passed Independence," though it
passed Salem last night. It m as thought
to be on a bar below Independence. The
steamer City of Salem was bringing it to
Albany and Corvallis and was having a
bard time of it. Hence it is safe to pre
dict there will be no circus tonight. A
big crowd was in the city awaiting it this
A Thbesrixg Scggestios. A Linn
county thresher believes that payment
for threshing should be for the lOOpounds,
Aa it in in the Walla Walla country, in
stead of by the bushel as here. Under
the present system he informs the Dem
ocrat the thresher doesn't get full
bv pay considerable for his work, often
threshinz 2' or 3 bushels for which he
is allowed only two bushels. He sue
gests a meeting of owners of threshers
to consider the matter.
Maccabee Picxic. At a big Maccabee
picnic at Corvallis on Thursday of this
week a feature win oe a tug ot war. ue
Albany lodge will be represented by the
Herculean . Pete Anderson, J as Ven
Winkle, Tillotson, Pete Kitev and
others. This is the fifteenth anniversary,
Mrs Abigal Scott Doniway, cf Portland,
an old resident of Albany now of nations!
tame, will deliver the oration. An ex
cursion train will leave Albany at 9 a. m.
and return at o u) p. ni.
The congressional sesa-v earns continues,
and longue is now 44 abe id .
Dr. Adams will be
next Saturday.
Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. Jackson.of IIley,
were in the city today.
Mr 'Frank Kitchen went to Yaquina
today to fish several days along the Ya
quina river.
Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper, during her stay
in the citv, will be the gnret of Mr. and
Mrs. F. Eggert, at the Uill. Telegram.
Mrs. S. A. Parker has returned from
a visit with her daughter at Comstock.
Mr. Pirker is again confined to his home
by illness.
Mr. Chas. M. Charlton was admitted
to practice law by the supreme court at
Salem yesterday. Of be veil I r-four ap
plicants all were admitted.
Jefferson Myers took the train for
Linn county today. He says he is con
fident the returns will snow roneue
elected over Vanderburg. Salem Jour
Attorney Percy Kelley of the firm Kel
ley A Curl of Albany, was an arrival on
the afternoon train, and will attend to
business before the circuit court En
gene Guard. -
Rev. C. W. Coartright of Albany has
accepted the call of the Presbyterian
chn'th and will arrive here this week
with his family to take charge ot the con
gregation. Oakland Cor , Boseburg
Plaindealer. x
Mr. G. W. Wheeler, o! WalUburg.
Wash., editor cf the Times, baa betn in
the city on a visit with ids former neigh
bor Dr. Mas ton. Mr. Wheeler returned
home today accompanied by Dr. Maston
as far as Portland.
Mrs. J. K. Weatherford, past grand
matron, is in Portland attending the
grand lodge of the order of Eastern Star,
r . x A. m. if. r. aiason and J.r.
Galbraith were also present in attend
ance npon the grand chapter. The grand
lodge was to convene today.
The Hosg bad a targe passenger list on
its trip down s ream this morning,
among those goii'g to Portland be;mr
C. H. Stewart, Wm. Thompson. Jas. M.
Wallace, O. A. Gentry, 1 H. Fmerkson,
Dr. and Mrs. Adams,- Fred Fortmiller,
Mrs. E. U. Will, Mrs. Rev. MctCee,
Misses Celia Pennington, Edith Uura
bongh, and Foshay, and Mr. and Mrs
Crume of Shedd.
Pinafore was presented by Prof. Her
itage and others in Salem last night and
proved a great local success. The follow-
I . 1 t.. ? ..
ing ironi me niaiesman win inaicaie oy
whom tne leading parts were taken : J.
O. Bozorth as the pompous Sir Joseph
Portia to J. W. Blckford as rollicking
Dick Dead eye. Miss Ethel Hughes n.ade
a charmmz and effective Buttercup and
Miss Julia JWetschan sang Josephine s
Corcoran 's lines in sn exceptionally
gracenil and acceptable fashion. Miss
Lona White accomplished the role and
chorus leadership of Hebe verv cleverly,
while J. K. V. Uavis sustained the some
what difficult assignment of Ralph Rack
straw with marked credit. Professor
Heritage was a capital Captair. Corcoran
and gave a ring and snap to the product
ion that would have been sorely miesed.
Scott Bozortb was in fine voice and did
the intermediary work of Bill Bob
alay very happily. The sisters, cousins
ant aunts of the chorus were in tiptop
training and sang the concerted melod
ies delightfully.
Oakville, Ob. June 7th, 1896.
Some of our people went to Albany
Saturday evening to ratify tho election.
Some of the young man and maidens of
Tangent called on ns last Friday evening.
Come again Young America, we have
plenty of candy hearis ! !
Ah Milk has a nice new cover to his
milk wagon, which baara the advertise
ment of L. E. Blain Clothing Co." on
one side and "Power and Tomilson Har
ness Makers" on the other.
There will be a school picnic at the
McCoy bridge on next Saturday. The
ladies band of Corvallis will be there and
play. Everybody come and have a good
Millhollen and. Porter have the con
tract to build a bridge on Muddy, &er
Everything that had the appearance of
a man was brought out and voted last
week, but the women couldn't vote;
Why is this? Is it just? We show the
idiots and insane and paupers to cast
their vote but our women are not allow ed
this privilege. Some women pay taxes
and we don't rtfuse to take it, they a.
tried for crime and fined and imprisoned,
we say this is right. Then why not give
them the right to vote?
There will be a C. E. convention picnic
at Oakville, June 19th, 1896. The fal
lowing pre gram will be rendered :
10 a. ni. Singing and scripture "Les
son. Address of welcome, J. W Fisher.
Response Kev. Reed.
Half hour propram, Shedd's society.
Song by quartette.
Half hour program, tUlsev society.
Recitation, Mrs. Cole.
Papers or reports from corresponding
societies. t
Report. Business session .
Recitation, Mrs. Cole.
Addresses bv Rev. Reed and others.
Address by Slate President.
Good music will be furnished by the
Oakville society. Come everybody ! !
We were hifonued this morning that
EdDatis and Will Morgan of our city
were in Albany Saturday and led the
procession of small boys With banner in
the populist jarsde. Amcrs.
D) Yoc RKKtvinKa Dick Pattos. A
doxen years ago one of the tastes, run
ners in Oregon was Dick Pat too, of Sa
lem, lnite note races oi uio days dab entered in the big Examiner b
me, was always one , ot me leaner oi bail loamament for Uavs under IS W
the fast CtpiUl tea,ra. He won many years. Thev are not to be given a free
foot races, several in' Albany, ard was J field, though, ft r Jos. Ireque and Chas.
one of the prettiert and mot promising i Riely, of haiem. are orgaaUinir a dob lo
... . , . . -.
coniri i or Hie revrewnlat on from this
state. The final contest w ill be between
Ellis Las 441 nlumlitv for concressmi'.n
and Tongue 74. It is probable tu fig.
urea will not bo chunked nat-rkl y,
Any young man or woman intending to
attend a l'ortluml fcu.ii e caliche will find
it to their iutenwt itcn ut tin. Dkxocuat
Coquille, Coos count j, rtce'ved 215 plu
ra'ity for couuty et, und hence wa elect
ed. This will chant. the county f.-at from
Empire City.
Lad'es will do sell to cull at lre Ladies
Udz-iur fur thf ir klurt v,i,u. They cur
ry the i.u-tiol iwsor'niriit-. uud lolet styles
aperfool j ubmntct-(t.
Just across the street at Ihiight Bros,
you can gvi what vou want la Ihfl iuewt
line, wil cut, with good treatment thrown
in. Mjme bice bucuu und hams on band.
P'of. I'arvin's junior ela in music
will give a recital at the coliego next Frl
d .y afternoon at 3:30 o'cloik. Everybody
invited, l'oere will be no a imitwicn fee.
First class meats ot all kinds, a well
as bams, bacon, etc.. at the Linn Dressed
Beef Go's shop at Second and Ellsworth
streets. Courteous and prompt treat
ment. . Albany mined tba circa. troba'i!v a
good thing f.,r Aibiny. for w will git ;
umething better. Prof. Bristol's trained
pontes and horses, who will ixhihit at tltei
opera bouse tonight.
Four or five car loads cf logs were Uke n
to the Corratii taw mill from the front
today, the hrt of a coottnttaus shipment
ArMhgemenia hare beea nudd Lr shiv
ping los this way.
Following are the dates of the national
contention this year: May 27U prohibi
UoDUtj, at PitUburg: June Itkh. republi
cans at St. Loui; July 4 to swialuu, at
New York City; July 7ih. democrats, at
Chicago, and Jly JJ, pt puiisu, at St
An) body cdjoys a nice serenade, and
they are aiways appreciated at the borne of
the Democrat; and y-t ws are infer med
that last night out of the ttigotwatrtonten
a giHE to put !op to one Cinl was
procrectng in a qjwt and orderly manner.
Rev.J.T. McCrorr. ofP.frtwrg, lat
evening delivered an tntererltng kcare in
tbeUni'ed Pre-h) t. rum chutcfa, eattJrd
"Lions in the Wajr." To icf are was di
rected more pcully to tie young people,
and the ieadiug IhotigUt was ttte nutienog
of 'dirlicu.ti in tie wjy." Te'cvram.
Arrsnpf n.-ot wrre partia.!y nud for i
iiavtctf tfcu lecture in AiUsny, but il was
necewary to cano l the eognfroMot
The Albans Cults is the only Oregon
-isui-custt to oc w n as roceo was. o" nosuaisurjo
.'S . "r i-"
1 ?: n X " . '.5 11 lr 9" " "" to omo a. .o - isiA,, ,
!iSS?i9',S5i! Co oe wgi - to c enoe e miiannn
j m is t ; -i to MODatosetto-u
c-'aais-aa -cetocn9e-tso skooss9D-4aso
! tiO tac . to tSOCS9SOl.Cde
ii: 4r !5 5tc - te ie p. 3 ts to to ie a. . a. m -j as - a: nanjarJ
; sXKMS4MuoSiiiU-iaiSuSxue PalJU 2
. "
o S to o a ' Jau8pa
g uo S2 S uS See toS Sis SSSS5S Jel'd
ts . is to w cts to i ie to, as a. go . co..MnMnnll,
so ui;i:u3t to . . es os acto csio od coob" ,n!,HlmOi
S5 iic-suouSSisSsss.uiii..u-ei 'I'lWlU
S X0k--0-U3U9- - SO
co as se at s
" SMnrd
runners in the northwest Yesterday he
was ommittej U the insane y'.um at
Saiem, a morphine fiend, alter U ing ar
rested for stealing a gold ptn and bolder
with which to get money to buy the
deadly drug that has wrecked bis life.
Makes life misery to thousands of
people. It manifests iUclf in many
different ways, like goitre, swellings.
running sores, boils, salt rheum and
pimples and other eruptions. Scarce
ly a man is wholly free from it, in
some form. It clings tenaciously until
the last vestige of scrofulous poison is
eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho
Qne True piood Purlflor.
Thousands of voluntary tcBlimonlaJ
tell of suffering frqm scrofula, pftcn
inheiltcd and most tenacious, positive?
Jy, perfectly and permanently cured by
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Will GaADCATa. The Salem Journal
says: The graduating class exercises of
the Alhany Cmservatory of music, nndf r
Prof. .. M. Parvin, will take place Tuet
day. June 16th. Mies UHie Steiner.
Uucia tjclirsn and Uarne Ifatctelor. of
this city who are members ot the class,
nave gone to Albany to take examina
tions and to prepare fur commencement.
The t-!as numbers eight, two of which
are o..og geniWrneii. The graduating
exercises will take place at 10 a ni. and
in the evening a hign grade musical con
ceit will be given by the me tubers of the
Will PaoTwtT. A petition is being
widely circulated among populists of
Marion coanty urging Uov. Lord to with
hold the certificates of eleeU-n from the
republican congressman-elect until time
for investigation of the returns is bad.
Gross Land ia charged and laid to, the
doors of the republican camp, in count
ing ont Vanderburg and Quinn, espec
ially the former. It is rumored that ex
Uov. Pennoyer will next Saturday ad
ore a rxass meeting of enraged pope in
tnis ciiy.--sa em rost.
Ai.bjxt Wgt L Ii kps e k xt. n. A t th
Wooiat.'s Congress in Portland jester
day a paper prepared by Misa Ida Max
well, of this city, who was not permitted
to run for school superintendent oo ac
count of a decision of the supreme rouit,
on the subject of "Women as county
school superintendents, was read by
Miss Helen Crawford, and an addrees
was delivered by Mrs. Nellie Lamboon,
on "The Lady Maccabees." U lit well
on:y four ciu', one from each stale con-
Pnesent Mayor, recorder, marshal.
! snperintt-ndenl of r reels and Council men
rwtwdate, Huston, Pfeifier, Oradwohl,
FsrreH and LSckev.
The following bills were ordered paid :
P. C. Anderson, 5; Strwatt A Sox
Hardware Co., Sn.10; anliam Lumtr
Co.tll.22; T. II. Khodr. 1S5; B. F.
Punlom, W25; J. X. Hoffman, 5.20; C.
W. Watts. I2 ,'0: X. J. Henton. ..1.60;
electric Ii!its, l:.9; Satnnei Conn fS.
The ftrcet superintendent recommend
ed a new sidewalk on lefferson street,
east side lot 4 W , li s add, and that
sidewalk west side bl 14 lots I at.d 3 be
In matter of apnlieation of Wm Frutcm
for damages from flame, further lime
reported a nuisance at shields', a hun
gry bud, which was ordered abated.
Upon motion F. L. Holmes was allow
edfiOfot springing the square of the i
city during the vear. i
Ordinance bill 321 was read three
times and passed. This provide fot a
14 inch curb in place of an IS inch curb.
Resolution 13 provides for the im
provement of Lyon street from 1st street
to the depot, at cost of property owners,
to be assessed, a hearing on the rame to
be had at the council chambers on June
Resolution Xo. 14. provides that any
ptrs. n owning a dog might pay tax on
esaio by work on the streets, at any time
previous to July Id, to be done in a sat
isfactory manner to the sopt. of streets.
. The committee on streets were in
structed to buy a plow and rent a scraper
tor work on the streets of the citv.
Councilman Oradwohl wanted to know
about the suit against the city pending
in the l. S. court at Portland. This
lead to a live Iwut with Councilman Far
rell of a somew hat personal nature.
UUSU'tMSKHCC-! t ts s ae to a i:ua-
-e titesast3a5s io-i-ti:y
" tnioipjTTj!
and iraita- y
The best and choicest oatterns of
Oregon and Eastern woolen mills are
among the selections we have in
Spring suits..
Tlequality-inaterial-th. atyle th Uiloring of these garments are far su
penor to ordinary "special price" clothing one so often reads of.
are all-important if tiwy were a problem we have solved them tatfefac
toryfo the trading buying appreciative public
. KccJly flf f lved is
Oar if eat line or summer
shifts fast colofs
led by the
Bicycle CAPS and SUITS
J McnsSIjocs
j-foiutcd and caf foal SQtiafe
median) and old man's lasts
I Boys shoes
Bicycle shoes
Tenuis sljoes
L.E, Blain Clothing Go's.
Light weight frr sprhtg and samrser
BUck aad colored. Latest sjles.
Jsedinni prices.
' Lots atd lota of them more jnst re
caved. Many different grades aad
pries. Style new.
Summer Goods.
Stock bow complete; lanteit ever
broognt to thia part r-f the valley.
AO new goods aad prices very reason
able. Send for samples.
S. E. Young,
c-tsri,e e!ss.5soij asa- 3E ? M ' 2 - -- - onstt u
3 u li u ? sa ti UaM ozc AtC03D
: 9K- OS
sswsaae j ssb ata o
guuioMlwio- Stc3 Sio
was granted to investiirstc whether ssmet S -
i thVh city propertor not. 2 H 2 g S 5 S 2 W 1 22SSSi8S2gS2SSe:SJ
liieromnmiw on tiea'th ana police '
3, uSS0-J.t4t iiu-. wM8lJi 2
i c seees sa.6s4ssvo s. vhoishcu " oawS
ts -;
v ti t
at v
i-j ii3! ai tctcsttotoX. -ji35 ii" 2 ' unrjjaqmvrj
3 3s3?cSSi 2-4iiOSiisisiS: Sat -4 11WJ
e?"S C wcs--; J.-.ijrto5.c3. ........ iSM
H. F. McIIwain's
Bash Store
Special Cut Priced.
.11 00
You Can't Fish
very wel! without a good outfit, and1
we woo Id like to tell it to yoc X
have rods, nets, hooks, lines, reels,
etc, and the arc lower than
yoa tuaally pay.
& & Sox How Co.
Free Silver
Is a mighty good thing, and if yoa
have any that yoa want to swap inr
wagons or Laggiea, jnst come srocr
and see as. e carry the ttads
baker' vehidea, the" very best r
earth, and can make von trood ten
Stbwih & Sox Bow Co.
Two for a Nickel
ia the way we sell packets of garden
seed, and we also cave garden seed
in balk and grass seed of all kinda
for aale cheap.
Urcwixr & Sox Usw Co.
Almost Anything
wanted by a farmer re kept for sa
by the Stewart & Sox Hardware O
Engines, aepsvrators, binders, mot
trt, rakes, plows, harrows, and al
most anything c!m in the line of im
plements or hardware.
Good to Eat
I 00
I 00
1 00
1 00
1 SO
Several will leave Albany tomorrow for
the encampment at Independence.
The members of the Sisters schral will
trive a Dicnic tomorrow at Rainwaters,
across the liver.
The controller of the currency has de
clared a dividend cf 15 percent in favor
of the creditors of the National bank ot
Pendleton, Or.
The Oregonian today has a Ion or srticle
about the approaching wedding of W, W.
Saunders and Minnie Allison, soir.e parts
of which are very wearisome..
Bond's circus, went np the tHst on the
Elmore at a o ciovk ana on the Baiem at
II o clock, probably reaching Corvallis iu
time tor the afternoon performance.
The last carload of supplies for the woe)
en mill has arrived and is unloaded and. as
rapidly as a large crew of workmen can do
it. the different machines will be placed in
position and made ready for the beginning
ot tue worn mat win again make earnm
happy with the buzs of industry. Tbe
large brick building has been thoroughly
white-washed inside' from top to bottom,
making every nook and corner light as
day Salem Stateemati.
Judge ('linn hai b!en ia Kuena at
tending court
Mrs. Ot. Burkhart went to Portland
on the Albany this moriuiiir. on a visit
with her parents.
County Clerk Elect Montairue todav
filed his oliicial bonds, anil will soon
move to Albany to reside.
Mr. Rodney II. Marchant.of I'ort'and,
has been in the city in the interest of the
Washington Life Ins. Co
Miss Maud Henderson, of Albany, is
visiting for a few days with Mrs. W. W.
Moore in this city. Eugene Guard.
Licenses have lxen issued for the mar
riage of V. II. Rhodes and Dellie K
Brown, and F. E. Harris nnd Eva O.
Miss Eva Cowan, of I'oi tlan.l, U in the
city on a vWt with Albany friends, ol
whom she has many. She is the guest
or flis vesta aiason.
Robert Brown. W. 8. John. Mr. IIuis
bell, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Woodin and
others went to Independence touav to
attend the O, A. R. encampment.
Capt. .Nelson, recently of the Eusene
S. A. was in the citv last evening on his
way to Astoria, where he has been as
signed. He goes to a tough place.
Mr. Jackson, the miner, returned to
the mines todav accomnanicd bv several
Salt Lake capitalists. It is probable im
portant developments will follow. They
have their eyes on the Albany mines.
State Superintendent Irwin went to So
daville yesterday to deliver the address
at trie closing exercises of the school
there. Today he is to deliver nu address
at tsrownsvillu.
J. M. Wallace, president of the.Salem
vyater company, lelt tbis momma tor
an eastern trip. His first destination is
uenver and from that city he will go to
Viucago ana other points. scio Post.
The Grand Chapter ot Royal Arch
Masons have elected the fallowing of
ficers: John It. Irvine, grand high
priest; L. N. Rooney.denntv ffran,l l.iirli
nriestj 11.8. Strange, grand king; W I
Wright, grand scribe; Ij p Mason, grand,
treasurer; J. ff. Robinson, giand secre
tary; J. P. Galbraith, captain of host:
Beth L. Pope, grand lecturer. The new i
high priest is a son ol Hon. R. A. Irvine
of tbis city.
No Hk.lp Xkki-ko A good l-al has
been said about the fishermen i trouble
at Astoria. The following from J. W.
Hare, sheriff, is probably correct: The
only call I have had for protection was
from Clifton. I now have a bjur patrol
ling the river in that vicinity and have
just returned from there mvself. Every
thing is quiet and all who wish are Hh
ing unmolested. I am able and w illing
to furnish protection to all who flh and
do not want or think it necessary for the
militia to come here. All is quiet and
good order is being maintained, and a
stranger would not know a strike was on
IMl t'lirkie, belt pins, shirt waist rets.
in goi.i una uiver, at r . iu rrencti jew-
e.ry store -
mm rk'if are th hest after-dinner
HOOd S HlIlS pills, aid digestion. 2SC.
P-r Pure Drugs Dawson's.
For the best Drugs DaVson's
e i
Smart Horses .Prof. Bristol with b's
educated horses will begin a two days
engagement at the opera house tonight.
The Plaindealer, of Rose burs says:
Monday at tbe opera house. Prof. U. M.
Bristol's educated hortes performed some
very wonderful as well as amusing tricks.
1 hey were truty equine wonuen, tuow
ing to what extent horses can be trained
by human skiii ana patience, me in
telligence of the horse is proverbial, and
Mr. Bristol has shown that he possesses
extraordinary knowledge of horseology.
TIihm hnmea. and mules too. DOSSesa in
marvelous degree the understanding of
things supposed to be restricted to hu
man beings.
School U it port. Report of Dist. No.
27. for the term endimr June 5. 1896:
Faox Axidkw . The Quaniville mine
ia Mill running a SO stamp mill fall blast,
day and night, working about 80 men,
and ore increasing in quality as well as
quantity. Supt. Smith went out to Al
bany yesterday aud General Manager
Lawler ia expected in now daily. Pay
day is near at hand, and snw ia a thing
of the past in here, two pack-trains make
regular trips. Snow about 5 feet on the
summit. Mr Frank Reed ia looked for
tomorrow. His arrival means a stir at
the Albany Mining A Milling Go's works,
which ia now being put in order by Mr.
i i ... .1 . .
nrro Ainee wiut email iorce oi men.
Salem Journal.'
18 lba best extra C sugar... I.
17 " granulated sucar..
25 " nee
The beet Red Tip matches
t tans sardines
Choice pickles per 5 gal krg
20 yds unbleached muslin ,
in ueacnea mosnn
SO " gingham (7c grade) .
25 " ahiring prints
Heavy toweling, per yd
Mens fins shoes iti 00 grade)....
" plonghsboa (1 60 grade... 1 W
Ladies fine kid shoes (t- 50 grade). 1 75
Ladies black cotton hose 07
Childa " " 0$
1 lb Schi!lu.g best tea l0c grade). So
Good broom for IS
Mena and boys ilothing made of Ore
oa wool, pries reasonable. '
When von want fruit jars call and see
what H.V. Mcllwain's Cash Store can
save yoa. Yoa can save money on every
desra, aisotnt ntst sugar at reasons cm e
prices by the sack.
Remsmber all my stock is new and of
the latest syle and I am receiving new
stock every week. My motto is quick
sales and small profits, as I believe will
be appreciated by all. The best values
for the least monev possible is the way
Id. F. Mcllwain's Cash Store does busi
ness. Call and examine stock and get
nrics. no trouble to show goods. Yours
for business. H. F. McIlwais
June 4th, 1S96.
is hard to prepare unless yoa nave
Bice wife and a cracking good cod
stove. Now ii you have the wife,w
have the stove! Yoa don't wants.
' dispose of the wife, and we do was:
to sell the stove. What's to preven
us from making a dicker? Cona
wronnd and we'll talk about it.
Srxwaxr & Sox Hdw Co.
The Best Paint
in the world is Masnry's Mixed Paint
and we have it in all colors. Every
bod nsine it likes it. If yon want
lead and oil we have that, too, and
also varnish, turpentine, brushes
etc SrcwAKT it Sox Bdw Co.
New I'ivorvc mil are Matte For against
!ohn Fox. and Mubalet Jane Chandler
sgainst Marquis P. Chandler.
i -
Nluct v l'cr Cent, ot al the people
need to take s course of Hood's Marsapa
rilU at this se.von to prevent that run
down condition of the system which in
vites dijease.
Uood'n Pills re purely vegetable and
do not p'iree, pain or gripe. All drog
gisU. 25o.
New Bicycle Scat.
The l:i'ei.t snd best thing in a bicycle
seat is the automatic. Being divided
through the center and adjustable to the
rider it is the most comfortable and is
the only absolutely saf bicycle scat.
Especially good seat for ladies. It is
being introduced by J B. Marks who
will lie pleased to have you try The
No. davs taught
No. of days attendance. ..A -
No. of days absence
No. of times tardy
Total number enrolled
Average number attending
Those neither absent nor uray:
lie Liggett, Ed Moss, Cora bcott. and
Lydia Stellmacher.
E. L. Breckinridge,
Ed Woods, a rainier who has made
ps:ialty of painting smoke stacks for years
In different narU of tbe United Slates,
painted two smoke stacks for tbe Electric
Liianc company iat ctaiurmij. vno uiu
was 60 feet bih and tin other 50 leet
Corvallis Times.
Durrol sweet pickle,
Barrel sour pickles,
Oystpr cocktail saure
At Parker Bros.
Panny Plants 5 cents pr dozen. Frank
. Hufclvs. cornor B'h and R, K su. Al
Rany, Oregon.
For Prescriptions Dawson's.
Conn Huston for groceries,
Money to Loan.
A limited amount of money to loan on
good larni security
: N.8rt!&Oo.
Do you want a stop watch, or throne
graph y trench iha jftwtltir has some good
ones, very cheap.
Highest Honor World. Fair,
fold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
t -c r
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard
Who Hath Woe?
Who Hath Sorrow?
Who Hath Much Wrath?
Verily it is he that bnreth a Higf
Grade Bicycle at a cost c f $o0 am
10 per cent off for cash. For behdk .
jt breaketh and casteth him into tfs
dost; yea, even into the mire, am
getteih into the rands of the repair
er, and in the end costeth him man;
. pieces of gold
Moral But a "Columbia." It
costs $100 and Is sold bytheStewar
& Sox Hdw Co.
Chabgid with Stzaunq a Watch
Upon complaint of S. M. Milts a warrant
was issued out of Justice Harris' court
for the arrest of William Slavens on ths
chants of stealing a silver watch ot tbe
vaineoisiu trom Mr. Mills on the 6th
of last April. Constable F. T. Blount
arrested Mr. Slavens in the Fork ot the
bantiam yesterday and brought him to
aioany last evening, wtien He was beta
under S'JOO bonds for trial on next Fri
day at 1 o'clock p. m.,at which time sev
eral witnesses on earh side will be
brought to Albany. Mr. Slavens de
clares his innocence.
Will Want Damages The Corvallis
Times says Bonds circus will claim $1000
damages from the O. R. A H. for failure
to get the. circus to Albany in time to
give the exhibitions advertised. If se
cured i, wilt be only fair for it to pay the
other halt of Albany bills, ths propri
etor arbitrarily refusing to pay more
than half of cont.-act bills over the agents
signature. It ia a small eoucern that
will repudiate an honest debt, even in
pai t. ,
w wi ma t laims. Kecent mining
claims are the Red, White and Blue by
R. Thorn, Samuel Correll, J. A. Stnr
tevant and W. II. McPhersoo; Kitty
Bruce by Alex Bills: The Forest Fairy,
iy Aiex tuna; the Black UtamMid by K.
J. Munro; the Bell by Henry MaainKo,
and the Gold Run by David and Dell
uox, an in tne Bantiam district.
FOR S X LK. One bed-room suite: car
pets; chair; conk-stove, diving table,
etc . at a bargain, adores P. O. Lock box
L0S1'. A silver police star. Eeturn
to the chief of police.
Blacksmith shop, S lots
r t
X and dwelling near Tavoina for trade
for property in Albany, address
Tia roofuag aad plnsiair.
the opera house.
Good printipjp.
Always Jone t
Very QuicVly.
The Printer.
T) RENT. A good two story boose
eight rooms, good water.cheop. Ia
quire at Dsmocrat office.
MONEY IX) LOAN.-I have money
to loan at 8 per cent interest on good
farm or personal security.
J . M. Ralston. Maston block.
WOOD WANTKD. We will trade
la ir-dry work for wood or part wood
and part cash. C Simpson, City Laundry.
SAFE FOR SALE. -Aayone wisning
purchase a rood fire proof safe cheap
pleass call on Mrs Ashhy,
TJOUSE MOVING, Carefully, promptly
X A lv, at tba lowest price. Cait on or
address U W Taylor, 4th and Madison SU
The Corvallis Times says 106 Si lets In
dians all voted for T. H. Tongue for con
eressman. and to this fac4 his oWtinn in
due. What right bad they to vote. There T EPA1R- BICYCLES. Fiank Diet-
were ii votes in sueti preoinct, Uncoini x() reairs oicyiaes prompwy sou tu
county ,108 Indians and 15 whites. Thus, first claa manner. Breaks, punctured
lo, the poor Indian at a jump stands out' iires. etc, fixed correctly. At shop just
as a full fledged gold bog, west of Y. M. C A- hall.
JH Prios's crswoi Bcainj KowJct
WorM's t?s Nsm As
Use Dawson tur niture polish
Mais Histates, M Tknj -
Got things spelled wrong and all mix
ed up display war. poor type old
fashioned press work bad paper
cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well,
take your next job of printing to Smi
ley the Printer and
It fill Be M8 Eiilt
P.S. ;lj?rUat). The prtce for do
ing t will be right, too.
Smiley's printing is good printing. ,
G. P. Crau- t is now located next door to
the Imprint ft o . where he u prepwed to
do geaeial blcimi thins in a art c'ass
manner. Prices to wit the times, 20 per
cent discount for cash.
rrJf 17 V Reascn To.
.VJ iVl SZ. getherl Is it not bet
ter to buv vowr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes,
ate. at a reliable store where they ns
enly the Best material why ot course i
-yOu UOOS wan, vjeyyom mux. jw.
aever set it by eating anything from oi.
iore. U.S. BAKERY
Be Ellsworth and Lyon Snd St.
C. D. Vakbtex. Propriety
BUKJT CO., Pkwnt Ationwrs, Watriiig
U.CUfur Uaiaur $lsuu ruui itCol.