The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 12, 1896, Image 2

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Alhanv creamer? butter is becoming
familiar to people alt over the Northwest,
even Seattle ordering 12,000 pounds
That means something for Albany-
It there is anytfting in this signal sei-
vic busiuese why weren't the people of
St Louis warned ot the approaching
storm. The Weather Observer ot Bt
Louis savs the people should have been
warned in time'
You will know how McKinley stands
nn thn monev Question after the St
Louis convention. He will be a straddle
brnr. eold bun or silver bujr, just as the
convention dictates. The country de
mands a plain statement and no 1892
mill of mystery. '
Don't buy what you
cause it is cheap.
do not wantbe-
McKinley wi'l be nominated on the
first ballot '
borne people think it is just as well if
the circus didn't get her.
There are 20,000 newepapeis in the U.
8., of which 183 are in Oregon
TheOiegonlan is glad Mr Tongue is
elected. This is a great relief. The
people now ought to know how to stand
on the money question. '
The Chicago convention will
tooted for silver. It will speak
plain terms.
be fiat
oat in
If these nre hard times there are no
signs of the iact in the way people enjoy
Just think of it.. Negro delegates to
the great republican convention at St.
Louis are not to be allowed looms in me
noteis with the white men. It they are
goad enough to be elected delegates they
are good enough to be treated in a white
$10,000 has been offered for the capture
o! a fiend down in California, who mur
dered five or sir innocent people . Won
derful efforts are being made to capture
him. It caught it is doubtful if he will
be alio wed to face a jury.
The Cottage Grove Leader says that
lander is a eoctfazation of evils, the
source of Infinite miechier. It under
mines peace, saps the foundation ot
friendship, destroys families, rends in
pieces the very heart and vitals of char
ity, and makes an evil man at the same
moment, the accuser, witness, judge and
executioner of the innocent. Man may
practice it, the world listen
devil favor it, but God wH
fearfully punish it.
It costs Li Hang Charg $28 ,000 for his
rooms in Moscow for the taeuty days Le
will be there. The landlords of Moscow
are making hay while the sun shines.
Tangent items.
W R Pi ivett, a former resident ot Linn
county was re elected superintendent ot
Baker county br 342 majority. This
will be his third or fourth term.
The terrible cyclonic stormj o the
East have been general, covering a very
wide field, and not picking out any par
ticular section. In this connection it is
pleasing to note that Urn Willamette
valley is cyclone proof. We do not say
this in a Draggadocio spirit; but because
we are built that way.
"Patriotism, prosperity and protec
tion" is the slogan of the McKinleyites
in particular and the republican party in
general. It sounds nice and ia allitera
tive, but the Philadelphia Kecord sug
gests that alliteration hae been the bane
of the g. o. p. "But it may do better
with its three P'a it adds, "than it did
with its three R's.' Wilmington Every
Evening. '
to it,
vnWhnrr auit euttroz meat in a
Marshfield butcher shop to get elected
to congress, and Qainn, who carried the
day in tlie second congressional district,
is ssid to have been the driver of a laun
dry delivery cart. Truly this is a demo-
i-nlif! rnnntnr ret. and fully up to the
Jeffersoriian standard ! Ex. Certainly
Lincoln was a rail splitter, and Grant I
tanner. Never mind what a man's oc
cupation is, just so he gets there, that is
"the question.
The trial ot the woman in New York
accused of poisoning her own mother,
bears the eecsationat features so common
to New York murder trials, but the elab
orate accounts given by the daily papers
ot the most repulsive details of the affair
can but disgust the more decent element
of the public. Ex.
The Oresonian doesn't know what it
is talking about when it intimates that
this is a "sound"' money state. It ia a
sound money state, but that ia bimetal-ism-
We all want sound money and
that is gold and silver with equal priv
ileges in mintage, and that is the senti
ment of over 73 per cent of the people
of Oregon, if not 90 per reft.
A good deal is being said about Mc-
Kinley's views on the money question
The New York World says: "On the
27th of October, 1S90. after the Sberiuau
Silver-Purchase act was passed, he
wrote, signed and sent the ; following
succinct statement of his views : 'I am
in favor ot the use of all the silver pro
duct ot the United States, for money as
circulating medium. I would have sil
ver and gold alike. This is as fiat-looted
a declaration for free coinage as Bland or
Teller or Tillman ever made or could
make. It Mr McKiulty has since chang
ed his view will he now say si? It not,
will sound-money republicans go on and
nominate a man whose free-coinage
views are satisfactory to the most ex
trerae advocates." That isnotMcKin
iey now, though. lie will be whatever
the St. Louis convention is, and that is
anli fiee coinage.
Tanqknt, Or., June 7th
Prof. H. II. White, ot the Lebanon
public schools, was seen our streets last
Some of our cilHtens went to Iialeey
last Saturday to the picnic and others
went to soap ureeic to aitenu ir.e picnic
at that place.
: The Albany Farmers Co. ia having an
addition built on to the southwest corner
of the warehouse.
Some of the farmers are still busy sow
ing their oats thinking they will make a
fcood crop yet but it is rather late.
We hear that Mr. Smith and Mr. Bar
ton intend to give a free picnic near
Tangent sometime soon, but we do not
know the program and time set for the
There will be a school picnic over on
Muddy on next Saturday close to W.
Millhollen's place at which a good time
is expected and a good program rendered.
We had tho pleasure ot taking a buggy
ide on last Kaiurdav eve to the city of
Oakvillo and found our brother scribe
Little Rose Bud had pona to bed. but we
rustled him up in good shspe aud he in
vited the crowd in. They refused 4o go
in, but Little Rose Bud treatod all to soda
pop but Young America, he save him an
empty bottle and said that would do him.
Yocnu America.
Every business man of Albany should
increase his energies to advance the in
terests of this city. Ia prospects are
unoaralied in Oregon . Its central loca
tion, railroad and river faculties, manu
facturing interests and nearness to a big
mining proposition apeak beyond a
doubt for its future. So loyal citixen
will for a raomen. discountenance any
thing that will operate to build up Al
bany and Linn county.
Something which women riders ought
to study with more than usual interest
is a good styU of dismounting, says an
exchange. Few are able, or rather few
do, dismount in a graceful and easy
manner. Nineteen times out of twenty
the woman jumps down from her wheel
as though it were a dog cart or some
other vehicle extremely high. There is
no need for this. She will find it
infinitely eayer and tar more becoming
to her dignity and modesty to step off
lightly and at the proper time with
the down stroke of the pedal. Ex.
An effort is being made among blind
institutions to secure the establishment
of a national college for the blind, whert
they can secure a more liberal educa
tion than is offered in the smaller schools
for the blind. Oa account of their loss
of one of the most important of the'
senses they have a bard battle to make
a living and hence are entit'ed to all the
help it ia possible for the government to
give them, that they may be placed on a
better footing to make their way. The
matter ie deserving of attention by all.
and the Democrat is glad to consider the
euggeetiona of a blind youag lady of this
city and speak a word in favor ot such
an institution .
Washington Letter.
Fran our regular ComwpoodaoU
Washisgtos, June 1st. 1896.
It is not denied by anybody that Pres
ident Cleveland's veto of the .River and
Harbor bill was in hne with Jeffersonian
democracy, nor that bis veto message
was an entirely truthful and conge rva
. tive arraignment of that bill and of the
anti-democratic system upon which it is
founded ; yet many democrats are help
ing to get a sufficient number of the
members of the house and senate back
to Washington to pass the .bill over the
President's veto, and it is probable that
they will succeed in doing so during tb
- present week. In view of the fact that
this bill could not pass over the Presi
dent's veto without receiving a consider
able number of democratic votes; it be
hooves patriotic democrats to carefully
read President Cleveland's words: "To
the extent that the appropriations con
. tained in this bill are instigated by pri
vate interests, and promote local or in
dividual projects, their allowance cannot
fail to stimulate a vicious paternalism
and encourage a sentiment among our
people, already too prevalent, that their
attachment to our government may
properly rest upon the hope and expec
tation of direct sod especial favors, and
that the extent to which they are realized
may furnish an estimate of the value of
governmental rare." That some demo
crats, both in and out of congress, have
been bitten with the "vicious paternal
ism" which lays aside an old party prin
ciple in the struggle to get a government
appropriation ia as true aa it is regreta
ble. Mr Cleveland scored one on con
gress, when he said in the closing sen
tence of his veto message that "the con
tracts provided for in this bill would
create obligations of theU. S. amounting
to $02,000,000 (exclusive of the $17,000,
030 cash appropriated), no less binding
than its binds for that aum ." The un
fortunate part of this matter ia the large 1
number of democrats in congress who
admit that the President is right but yet1
are going to vote against, bim because
the bill carries appropriations for their
states or districts.
The statement of Chairman Hrrity,
of the National Democratic Committee,
that he i going to the Chicago conven- '
tlon with the intention of supporting the
ticket an i platform adopted by that con- j
vention, and that he thinks every dele- j
gate ought to enter the convention with '
the same intention, has been well re- !
ceived by democrats in congress, and as
a rule democrats, whether for or ivgainst
silver, endjrae Karri'y'a position, be
cause it is the old, old democratic prin
ciple of the ru!e of the majority. During
Mr flarrity's stay in .Washington he was
very emphatic in stating his belief that
there wool i ba no twit at the Chicago
, convention.
Secretary Cr!itle lost no time in pay-
. ing the sugar bounties in accordance with
a decision of the supreme court, handed
down last week. The sugar makers who
. will share in the 5,000,0W appropriated
by congress will get about 85 per cent of
their claim, a-d it is expected that the
money will all ba pail beloie the first ot
July ' .
Since the news of the result of tlie
- Kentucky contest was received it is the
opinion of at least 7 demerits not of
every 10 in congress, regard lesa-of their
personal preference, that the silver dem
ocrats will have a majority in tlie Chi
cago convention and will be able to die
tate the platforrc. The more conserva
tive among tbeui think, however, that
the time-honored two thirds rule will be
' continued and that it wili b utilized as
a toner down of extremes- In other
words, that while the silver men Kill
have a majority whinb will enable them
Mr Tongue ia liable to be sesawed into
office. It is safe to predict that he will
go to Washington, aa well as E:lis from
Eastern Oregon," whose election ia ad
mitted. After all Mr Q linn will have to
continue delivering laundry instead ol
washing the dirt out of Washington, and
Mr Vanderborg will cnt meat, very hon
orable occupations J be truth is, there
should have been only two candidates in
the field.m each district, so, for instance
that the vote could have been a straight
one fur Tongue or free eiiyer in this dis
trict and then the latter would have won
by an overwhelming majority. The op
ponent to Tongne should not only have
been flat footed foi free silver, but as
well a representative man of marked
ability, who as well could have a marked
influence for the good of the interests ol
Oregon, so well put on a gxni founds
tion by Hermann.
Here ia the way the recent election is
viewed in the least by the World :
Oregon is the first aUte to hold an slec
tion since McKinley became a certainty
as the republican candidate. The quer
tion on the returns ia naturally ot wheth
er the republican heart is being fired at
the prospect ot another McKinley bill
campaign. It it ia the Oregon .news fail
to show it. The state gave 3T.291 for
Harrison and only 26,522 for Cleveland
in 1838; in 1892 it gave 35,002 for Harri
son, 14,212 for Cleveland aud 28,000 for
Weaver. Now, though it is without
doubt republican still, the result ie so
mixed that the republicans forget to
about over the "Oregon victory" as was
hair wont in former campaign years
Of the Oregon election the Philadelphia
rimes taja: 'Oregon has fired the first
gun of the campaign. It loo" a as if the
charge were fulminate ot silver. The
Soiinsfield Republican remarks: "Who
ever won was either a straddle-bug or
silver-bug. The politicians will notice
Jus and will be more inclined than be
fore to trim their sails to catch the pop
alar breere. The Oregon election is a
silver victory."
A Harvard professor said to hia pupils
"Personally I do not like Spenser, and
Milton ia to me excessively unpleasant
Milton is trying to be a Puritan and an
artist at the came time, and the twi
thine do not and cannot coiocide.
conscious moral purpose ruins any effort
for artistic effect. To my thinking
Comus isn't in it with the 'Faithful
Shepherdess. A fellow like Milton
that baa bored me with 'I aradis Lost'
and 'Sampson Agonistes, I have abso
lutely no use for. When I read Milton
as I have to, I read him for stody, not for
enjoyment. I feel that Milton ia rhetoric
just aa Spenser ia rhetoric. Take
'L Allegro," 'Comua,' Ac. ; these are rhet
oric jolly good rhetoric some parte of
them. I should guess that 'Lyeidas
aad some few of Milton's sonnets were
some of the most spontaneous things be
ever did. He certainly wasn't spontane
ous in 'Sainton Agonistes,' although he
spoke out with a certain reeonant bang
No one can be spontaneous who con
structa a Greek tragedy on the plan of
Hebrew story.'
Rising Above Prejudice.
Probate Record.
In estate of Ira Stroud .bond approved.
Inventory filed; real property fiOO ; per
sonal, f3o7 to. 1'ersonal pioperty or
dered sold. . i
In estate ot Win. Kinder, inventory ,
filed, real estate, 12350; personal prop
erty, 1437.30. Personal property ordered
First account filed in estate of J C
In estate of O T Craft inventory filed:
real property,) 1020; pernor at, f29Q.50.
In estate of J F Price, J A Perry
appointed administrator. Bnd, foOOO.
In guardianship of Mary A Conner,
fifth account tiltd.
In estate of Wm Hunter, will admit
ted to probate O P Coebow appointed
ex. Bond, (2000. Inventory, real prop
erty, ft&o; personal,
In guardianship of Nellie Bryan et al.
hnai acct Med aua guardian discharged
In estate ot Robert Johns, second ac
count filed.
In estate of J M Irving, C C Hogue
waa appointed adaiinutiator. Bond,
t'abaa ailaatioa
Key Witsi", Juno 9. The following re
port has been received from Las Villas,
Cuba, by letter:
Tbe Cuban army in this tercitorr is com
posed of more than H5,000 patriots. The
Spanish commander acknowledges the loss
or xouu men killed and wounaeu ai tai-
caiajcara. The SDiinUli colonels, Fegura
and t'Rlunea, have been defeated several
times in the post month by general Gomez,
wno in wese engagements eupiurea iwo
cannon. There is no truth in tbe report
that Uarrido and Pinero. Cuban leaders.
have been killed. Vicuna, the bp-wish
Keneral, did not die of yellow fever, but of
a wound in tbetuign.
Mckla'ey a fioldbaa
Sr. Louis, lune 9. Ex ConsrreMinan
Thompson, manager pro tern of tbe Mc
kinley forces, was aktd today:
What will be McKin ev plaltonu on
the financial nunttinny"
It will be for the single trold standard.
pure and simple," he promptly answered.
-anil to te explicit, he continued, "i win
add the fiuancial utatform of McKinley at'
ways has been iln antithesis of what is
known as 16 -to-1 s'uverUui, and it will be
throuitb O'is campAiirn."
Dronar4 al Aalarla.
A stoma, Or., Jane 9 Ibe bodies of
Auirust Norbersr and Charles Ostick. who
were accidentally drowned yesterday, while
boating, were found today, near a scow, in
which Oxvick resided. The men were seen
to take a skiff and proceed toward tbe
scow, but nothing was beard ot them after
ward, until their bodies were fonnd lying
side by side It is thought that in getting
into the skiff from tbe scow, the frail boat
was upset. A brume on the head of Nor
berg indicated that, on coming to the sur
face, he '-ad struck heavily on tue bottom
of the scow.
Pramer of tho Indiana Military Bill Made Well by
Paine's Cejery Compound-
In estate cf B N Hardman.first account
In estate of K Meinhart, aile personal
property approved. rmal account set
for July 11.
In estate Jane E Carter, $230 ordered
appropriated for monument.
In guardianship Wm Osborn, real
property ordered eold.
Human nature has many tbinga to
contend against in order to rise to the
true dignity to which man t-bould attain.
Opinions are formed aud become a part,
aa it were, of cur mental , construction.
We think a certain way, and bring our
minds to bear upon it, too of teii with a
contracted and shortsighted vision. Tbe
more we think "our" way, the firmer wr
become convinced that it u the onty
way, and tbe more ready we are to con
demn every other way. We thus become
prejudiced, and prejddge a matter be
fore we look npon it from all sides, or
really understand it in all its bearings.
We refuse to listen to argument, and if
convinced of our error, we are too bigo
ted to acknowledge it. tie is truly pre
jodiced, who, being
"Convinced aga:nst his will
Is of the same opinion still." .
Prejudice destroys a man's usefulness.
It contracts bis ideas, and narrows his
mind. He loses much himself, aad
many a time remains in stupid ignorance
when he should be well informed. That
man who says a thing is wrong, and re
fuses to listen to any explanations, rr
proofs of bis mistaken notion, is Injuring
bimsell and any cause be advocates.
He is playing "dog in the manger' and
snarla his self-opinionated assertions in
tbe face of truth, or with a sweep of his
powerful right band consigns al) who
differ with tim to eternal oblivion.
It is surprising how much golden tro'.b
men hide beneath the rubbish of preju
dice. T!:ey bug to their bosoms some
pet notion of their own, they attribute
certain wrong moMves to their fellow
man and gloat over their imagined su
periority of knowledge aud will. They
express an opinion at var'ance with their
fellows, and whon spoken to about it
they draw themselves within themselves
and with despotic and selfish gesture,
ssylike Marat, "the people? I am tbe
people." Prejudice is the quintessence
of selfishness, and is despotic in the ex
treme. No man whose soul is chilled,
aad whose mind is dwarfed by prejudice
can expect to enjoy the coogenla! friend
ship of bis fellow man. There ia a cold
ness about him that makes a warm.
irenerons natnra ahrinlr 'warn him an I
to make any sort of platform they want, ha is left alone to riv hi. n nr
tby will not have the tmrc-lhirdsnecea-J limit, of thought and action Eastern
- ""' """''"' Mn'Maif ,.gTOT......IJ.m. unx 1,1 i ... i n i .. i .ii...... .'"in Jin
The Legislature.
The following list of members of tbe
next legislature is practically correct,
though the complete official returns
may alter it. Aa now composed, the
iegia'ature will stand, on Joint ballo, $5
republicans, S Mitchell republicans, 16
populists, 8 democrats and three union -
bimetallic: '
Baker a Valbecr-Will R King, pop.
Benton and Lincoln Toi be rt Carter,
rep. j
Clackamas tieorge C Browne!!, rep.
Clackarsaa and Marion Alooxo Gee
ner, rep.
Clatsop John H 3mith, dem.
Columbia, Washington and Tillamook
O W Patterson, rep.
Coos, Cnrry and Josephine -E C
Harding, rep.
Crock. Klamath and Lake Barnard
Daly, dem. .
Douglas A W Reed, rep.
Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco K B
Dafnr, dem. -
Grant, Harney and Morrow A W
Uowan, rep. '
Jackson S H Holt, pop.
Lane I D Driver, rep. ; J H McClung,
rep. -
Linn 3 A Duwsoo, rep, J John
son, rep.
Marion W H Hobson, rep; I L Pat
terson, rep.
Multnomah Joseph Simon, rep ;
George W Bates, rep: Donald Mackay.
rep; Ben Selling, rep; J E Haseltitf,
Mitchell, rep.
Polk a F Mnlkey. rep.
Sherman and Wasco John Mitchell,
Umatilla A R Price, rep.
Umatilla and Union T C Taylor, rep.
Union and Wallowa Justus Wade,
Washington Sa-noel Hughes, rep.
YamhiH-JVClbreat!,rep. -
Baker I D W Yoakum, pop.
Benton 1 fohn Wnittaiter, pop
Clackamas 3 John Krnse, pop; W
S Uren, pop; George Ole, pop.
Clatsop 2 N J eiind-eth, pop; John
E Uratke, dem
Columbia 1 Norman Merrill, rep.
Coos 1 Thomas Buckmao, pop
Crook 1.
Douglas 3 George W Riddle, rep; J
T Bridges, rep; A M Crawford, rep;
. Uilliam-1.
Jackson 3 N Langell, rep; J Howeer,
pop; G T Schmedlein, pop.
Josephine 1H L Hanson, rep.
Lane 3-L uilyeu, dem ; V) G Palm,
rep; T J Vangrian, rep.
Linn 3 John M 8omrs, rep; J F
Smith, pop, T M Munke-e, pop.
Mai ion -5 J N Smith, rep; H L
Berkley, rep; E W Chapman, rep; Mc
Kinley Mitchell, rep; David Craig, rep.
Morrow 1 J N Brown, rep.
Multnomah 9 J C Bayer, rep; J N
Davis, rep ; George H Hill, rep ; A L
Maxwel', rep; D L Povey, rep; W E
Thomas, Mitchell rep; Henry Wagner,
Milcbell rep; Jonathan Bourne, Mitch
ell rep. and pop.
Polk 1 J A Venness, rep; T J Lee,
Umatilla 31 8 Gurdane, rep; E J
Davis, rep; W TRigby, rep.
Union 2 J W McAlistar, pop; F S
Stanley, rep.
i Wallowa 1 C F Jennings, rep.
Washington 3 J R C Thompson,
rep ; G W Marsh, rep ; II S Hudson, rep :
Yamhill 2 H G Guild, union bi
metallic; OC Emery, unioa-biuietallie.
Benton and Lliicolu I E K Lake,
Coos and Curry 1.
Grant and Harney 1.
KlamatL and Lake 1 Lsrrabee, pop.
Sherman aud Watco 2 F N Jones,
rep; B S Iiunt'ngton, rep.
Tillamook and Yamhill 1 Jon Gill,
pop and union-bimetallic.
summary Republicans, 32; populists
13; democrat, 3; union-bimetallic, 3;
,JMjAah.UJJ n hi 1 n BaA:j? onhtfnl. K, ,
Curative pewer la contained in Hood's
Sarsaparilla than in any other similar
preparation. It costs the manufacturer
and proprietor more. It coats the jobber
more and it is wortn more to the con
sum or. Mote skill ta reqoirrd in its
preparation and it combines more reme
dial qualities than any other medicine.
Consequently it has a record il , more
i cures and its sales are more than any
other preparation. Hood's Srapar;l!a
ia the beat medicine to buy becau -e it is
n honest medicine and thousands of
testimonials prove that it doe actually
and permanently core disease.
talaertaf at 81 Lala,
St. Lor is, June 9. Politicians, great
and small, b'atk and white, and a l the in
termediate sbadea of complexion, from ait
over the Union, are swarminir into this
city tonight. For the last week they have
been dropptnfr in at odd intervals by ones
and.two. bat now thev are coming Ly the
carload, and it wilt I a week before al
have arrived. M 11 De Young is conopico
oa a' ready.
latBatlaat lrrUrIUa.
Wasiiingtox, June 9. In the confer'
enre reort on the Indian appropriation
bill, tilth was agreed upon today.
change was mad in the i'c!arai ion on
Indian schools, ibe word Indian wa
oruit ed, so the declaration was broadened
It now read: "It is hereby declared to be
tbe settled policy of tb government to
hereafter male no approixiatioo whatever
for education for any sectarian school.'
Taaaa aa Elite EK-rtra.
PohTi.aSD. June 9. Complete letnrns
have teen received from all counties ia tbe
first conBTewiorul district cf Orrgoa
Tbcmas 11 Tongue, tbe repubficaa candi
date, now le4ds V S anderburg, popu
list, by 74 volet, the totals beicg:
Tongee 19,355
Vandrrburg 19.2S1
t ltl " rvhtrfeltfv Ar f)-iinn i. kaw a7v)
votes, the latter baring ad-fed to bis total
22 from Baker, 2 from Crook. 23 from
Harney, ?7'2 from Union, and loot 10 ia
Unuttilla. Ellis total baa been increased
by SI from Baker, 45 from Cnxk. 14 from
Haraev. 107 from Usion. and be baa lost
34 in L matil.a. The vote dowi:
Eiii n;v
Qiinn 11,916
Notice ia oerebv iriven
that tbe tax roll of the city of Albany,
Or., for road and atreet tax for the year
1896 has been placed in my band for col
lection. Such lazes are row due, and
payable to me at my office In tie Council
Chambers In said city.
Any tax pyer who elects to perform la
bor upon the street, either in person, or
by a substitute, in lieu of paying said tax
n money, snaii, 00 7t before tbs J'tn as;
ot Jane, 1896, noti'y tbeci'y marshal ia
writing, that be will be ready at any time
thereafter, upon receiving three days no
tice from tbe saperintendent of streets o
said city to perform such labor.
Any and til tax payers wbo fall or ne
Marshal cf tbe city of Albany.
Notice It hereby given that tbe
signed executrix of tbe estate of
Van '"Indie Brasher "eeed, bl
ber final account ith tbe e'erk (
county coort for Linn cnoofy, Ornd
the court baa fixed the lib dayoi
ife&fl, at ibe hour of one o'clock i 1
aaid day for the hearing- of objects
ssid account and for tbe settlement 1
estate, ?
Ibis tbe 4th dat of June. WW.
MniKnt Brcot
Executrix of tbe will of Sophia Vans
die erne ger. deceased.
ioo noiny irie manhal, wi'btn the 1 1 I I I fi 1 fra I U
rpecined in this noture. will be re-1 1 1 II I " 2...J I J
to par such tax in monev. Ill II I r"V i - lifr-
at Albany. Or., this 25ib day of KKA-d aa, E I t i T
,jm C.O.LEE. WV '
I 11 in nn s 1 11 at 1 r.
The OM Lady
and her family and friends are beand to
get their prescri otiose ailed at ilodgea at
BurkarU, wbo as well carry a complete
stock of patent medicinea. aa eiegiat line
of ttationaiy. tbe fineat perfumes aad no
tion generally, ifomptnea. care, the
bet good and Snt class treatment is their
fhe Modern May.
Commends iteelf to tbe well-informed
to do pleasantly and effectually what
waa formerly done in tbe crudest man
ner and disagreeably aa well. To cleanse
the system and break np colds, head
aches, and fever without unpleasant
after effect, use tbe delightful liquid
laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. Kanu
factnred by California Fig $yrup Com
Farm Lonos.
1 have a limited amount of money tc
loan on good farm land in Linn aad ad
joining countv. On very favorable terms.
Interest parable annually. Call or write
at ones a trie amount I bare for loaning
will soon be gone.
Albany, Oregon.
Long wars from New Tort City.
Long riny days in Oie;ou.
. Long tijje no see sun hioe.
Long years in the plu-graph basinet.
Ismg is tbe leading artist in Albant.
Have your pho'o mact by Long Pboto
Lo jk at This.
I have 48 Iota with fair house. All
! kinds of fruit, ail in one bodv. close to
college and city public school, to trade
for residence in Albany. Look tUia up.
Good place to make monev or for specu
lation, g. W. JInston.
l-cttir List.
Following is the lit of letter remaining
in tbe PostoihCe at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon. June 7th, 18a0. 1'crsonacalling for
these letters mnl give tbe dale on which
they were advertised.
Cain, J A Evins, Miss Addie
Langdon, J W-2 Howard, J L
Mci'herson. J A I'ickrel, Emma
Peterson, Miss Annie Patterson, L M
Spellinger, Bell Yanderpool, L
Woody, W II
T. 3. Sirrra, P M
A mirror conld not
lie if it wanted to.
Tbe glass has noth
ing to pin by flat
tery. If the roses of
health and plumo-
nets of beauty are
leaving your face,
yoar mirror will tell
you so. You can see
for yourself you are
in aanarer of loaina
the admiration
jlli man's due. You
VI may not really real-
l fx it, but health is
' the greatest beauti-
Ce r In the world. Lotions, plasters, creams
and cosmetics cannot make aa good a cora-
16x100 aa health can. Tbey cannot hide
ie tory of ill-health. Tbey merely em
phasize it Health shows in clearness of
eyes and skin, in redness of lips and vivac
ity of manner and expression. Disease U
graved positively by tha absence of these
ling. When a woman sees the indica
tion of ill-health in tha face, she msy wilh
almost absolute certainty look for the cause
In one or both of two conditions constt.
nation, and derangement of the organ dis
tinctly feminine. These things in them,
selves are in some degree related, and nine
tenths of all the sickness of women come
from them. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion will cure permanently and positively
any so-called ,' female complaint." iir.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellet will core constipa
tion. There is no reason in the world why a
woman should not be perfectly healthy. It
rests with herself; It she will take these
truly wonderful remedies, and follow a few
hygienic measures, she nay become per
fectly strong and healthy in all ways. She
Hollows and angles will give place to full
ness and grace. She will be that noblest
and most beautiful of all creation a per
feet woman. All druggiita sell Dr. Pierce's
medicines, bnt if you care to know more
about them andnto know all of the grandest
medical truths, send si one-cent stamps to
cover cost of mailing only, and a complete
copy of Dr. Pierce's 1008 page book, ''The
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser "
will be sent post-paid. It ia a veritable
medical library, complete ia one volume.
Several finely illustrated chapters are de
voted to the consideration of diseases of
women and their successful home -treat-ment
Addrsts, World's Dispensary M?d
tral ArwHMionfS Main Ft., Buffalo, K.Y.
a Caaaery Bat aval.
Astoria. Or.. June 8. The cannery an J
otber building of the North Shore Pack
infr Compaar, belonging to George k
Marker, ot this city, and situated acr
from .trtoru, on tbe HaU-icpton side of
we river, burned tonight. here was no
means of communication arrest the river.
It is tmporubie to learn the caae of the
ere or any other particuian, but it i gen
erally supposed the building were set on
fire by sinkers.
Kabfertl star fle4ftl.
Msdford, Jane 8 Miner Rkbarlaon
was knocked down aad robbed near UoM
Bill, IS mile north of Uediord. this morn
ing, lie was walking aksgr the road aad
met rwo men, wno, alter paastng htm
struck him oa tbe bead with a sandba
knocking him senseless. Ttev tLea re
lieved bttn of all bis money, about $-0, and
ten turn .
T aJara laaaamar.
WAsnrxoTox. I arte Both Snubm
Allison, chairman of tbe satiate ap!repria
tion committee, and Mr Cannon.' chair
man - or the boute committee, agreed to
niirbt that tbe situation indicated -a Etta!
ad'ourument on Wednesday.
Tbe. bouse creed o the final occfererx
on the poitoffice bill today, and the senate
pasted the reneraj debcieocy bill a it came
from the bout. 1 his k-ave hut four cf
tt-e great supply bill still in toe the
District of t oiumbi. tbe Indian, the nar&l
ana ine sundry civil bill.
Segrrs SUaty Treat.
fT. Loci. Jaae 8. What tha'l l .W.
with the colored delegates and albsroate to
the national republican convention? This
w a question wtich is puzzling the mem
bers ot tbe national committee bo have
arrived, and the Utuine Men's League,
which secured tbe convention, a well.
Every hotel, boarding houe and cafj came
out tUtfooted today and declared it trooU
not entertain negroes as guest or custom
ers. "
Aatlam la ;.
Portiasd. June 9. The First regi
ment, O. N G , is making preparation to
go down tbe Columbia river and preserve
tbe puUi: peace in the fishermen's troubles
No orders have been issued, but they are
einected at any moment.
I be member ol the regiment to a man
sreanxiovs to go, and tbe excitement
among them is worked to as high a pitch
as at tho time of the Coxey army dbturb-ante-.
lha Xaltjlag fttima
Washixoto. June 7. If, a now tut
probable, tbe first session of tbe 54th con
gress end this week, it will be the shortest
o-called "long seaoion" since that of the
33th congress, and one of tbe tortet in
the history of Ibe government. This roc
ord is partly due to the political difference
between the senate, house and president
which has forestalled ajrreemenU on line
of legislation and partly due to the de
termination with which tbe lepubliean
leaders in tbe house have carried into effect
Speaker Kecd's caucus prediction that tbe
coogtes would be a donothing assemblage.
' The MeKJatey Caaveallea.
St. Lous, June 7. Up to date, there
are fully live times as many out-of-town
newspaper correspondents in St. Louis,
who have come to the national convention,
as politicians.
It is not expected there will be much real
activitj in a political way until tbe arrival
of M A Hanna, Major McKinley 's mana
ger, with bis forces. He is expected Tues
day, as is also Hon T C Piatt, wbo is com
ing to look after tbe interests if Levi P
' aaiher Massacre frared, .
Iokdon, Jnne 7. Tbe Times has a dis
patch f 1 0111 Canea, island of Crete, which
says great alarm contiuoes among the
Christians. It is said the presence of war
hips only saved tbem from massacre. The
principal source ol fear is the Turkish sol
diers, who are tbe same as thoee wbo gain
ed notoriety at Zeitouu at the time of the
Armenian massacre. tbey tre selling
watches and jewelry whu:h they openly
state ttu'y took from Armenians.
Halabele Bsaled.
London, Iune7. A Buluwayo dispatch,
dated June 6, ays:
The American scout, Burnham, reported
that he rede into an impi of iHX) tfatubcles
last evening. A column was sent out
which routed the impi, killing 150 natives
A number of Martini repeating riiloa were
Ibe Egypt las rsaaht.
Fikuket. Eitypt. June 7. This point
was Ink-en by Egyptian troop at an early
nour inia muruiiiK, inu tueir milliner or
acquitting themselves in this, tbe first ec
gngernei.t of the Nile campaign, has given
great sat Ufacl ion to the British ntlicers in
command af them- Tbe Egyptian loss in
Ibe fight was '20 killed and SO wounded.
Hundreds of dervishes were taken pris
oners. A I'aial Burnt.
Baucki-ona, June 7. A bomb was
thrown into the crowd during the Corpus
Cliriati parade today, and its explosion re
sulted in the killing of six persons and the
injury of 40 The perpetrator ia not yet
known.and his motive i equally a mystery.
Major Bobbins of the 2cd(!ndiana &ate
guards, aide on Gen. McKee's sUfflsnd
president of camp Gray, baa been for
two years one of the most influential
members of the Indiana legislature ano
the author of the famous Indiana Mili
tary I -aw of I8S9.
Major Bobbins was a very sick man np
to tbe time ot taking Paine a celery com
pound. . . . ... . .
la prooi 01 waai sua remaraaute rem
edy can do to make a sick person strong
and. Major Bobbins' letter from Indian-
polis beat tells its own etrai!iUorword
I waa troub.ed with a torpid liver.
constipation and the accompanving sal
low complexion, w tine my entire nervous
system was entirely deranged, and l was
greatly reduced in tiesti. While in this
condition 1 waa taken down with a severe
attack f the grip, and was, for a long
time, confined to tbe too an and my bed.
-I resorted to var.oua medicines and
tonir, and under their temporary in-
fluencs made several attempts to resume
my boeinesa of traveling aboat in the
intereW cf A. Steften, cigar manufac
turer of Ibia city ; but relapse sacceeded
relapee, and I not only w at obSsgx4 to
abandon my btitine, bnt grow ic grad
ually worse, tweame apprebectire U the
nltimate result.
"At this junctors, my mother-in-law,
wbo bad used your remedy with gratifv-
tng results, prerai!el upon me to com
mence taking I'aine a celery coropwind.
aid it gie me g-eit p' atune 10 eta n
that I at ence began to feel its beneficial
returned, my constipation ceased, and
very soon my liver became normal in ita
action. Following this my sleeleeanees
and headaches ceaed, and 1 began to
train flesh. The insiduoua bold on me
that the crip bad hitherto bad was re
laxed, and 1 felt invigorated and strength
ened, so 1 could reeume my vocation.
and feel fee from the languid, enervated
fevlic? that bad so lone notaeeeed me.
"My friend were pleasantly sarprieed
with the change in my condition, and I
was only too nappy to recommend Paine's
celery compound to such of my acquaint
ances as were suffering from any of the
complaints which so complicated my
case. Therefore, I again eay I feel im
nelied by a deep senss of gratitode to
Notice for Publication.
Lasd Office at Okeoos Citt Oa
Msy 12. 396.
K itice is bcitby fivea that the folloing
ean-ed settler has hied r.otice of bis inten
tion to rrk final por.f in sopport of bis
clii-0, and that saui pr.f arili ba an ad
twfora iba ccnoty clerk ol Linn eoootv, Or,
at Albany, the son. oa Jul 29, 1896, Tlx:
Wm ti MlCocbcI, H E No. IMIOIorthc
E 4 of K W M and E of W 'X Ste
10. T 10 8 R 4 K. II aaew tbs fottowine
witrcfw ta prove kta eortioaous residence
ntrto and cuitirat. of. said laat, viz: J
G hfcedd. On-too. Iienrv Gaoler,
W M McKride awl J H MiCocsw.1. all cf
Mintn, I Tea, 00
ttoBEftT A atiuxa, Keguter.
Notice for Publication.
Lasd OrFicr it Oacoox Cjtt, 0,
May 12, 18S.
Kot ee is hr by fcive that tka fo low
ing caoM A rtUer has bird t;c of e
tcatiw 10 osaka flaai orocf ia sapfort cf
has tmtm. t i that said proof "ill ba aua
befors tt coBt eutk ol Liaa ecna'y.Or;
at Albany, Ora.ow, aa Jaaa 30 h, 1S96,
fi: Jliah Itaeaiea II ISO. 8K m ia
SEViHee32T 10 S R 1 E. Ha rave
Ute L.iurau.g; v rtaaisas lo ptoro a'a com
lioaooa teal las ea aron sal rlUlloo qt.
Ia4. 71: David Mtaaaaavy, Jona
Fleece--, of Jordan, Or, Jama A Crafr. cf
Lara 01, aad Karaest OHirae. Ur.
Eoartr A Millxsv, Kapuar.
E. McNEILL Eea..
erves TAX CHOK S Of
a an
thislexpref how much I have ba
vere ' for I now feel and look like a 1
been belped.
new man.
Physicians who rely on Paine'a celery
compound as thousand of the most
wide-awake members of the profesaioo
aredoin?. especially bow that nearly
everyone feeia tbe need of a genuine
sortne remedv Phvicin know Terr
ae'.l w hat that Unjraor and that tired
feeling meana. Tbey know that debility
today often resnJu in nervous prostra
tion tomorrow, enka the Ured fystem
is ouscklv invigorated.
Tat is why ail over tbe cooniry today
Paine'a celery compound is being taken
bv tbe advice of sktl.ed physicians. It
U the one remedy that physicians can
conscientiously call a genuine spring
remedy. Try it-
Notice for Publication.
Lairp Office at Osxooy Crrr, Obbgok
May 12, 1896.
Xotc is fcmby civea that tha tolsowinf
named art' la baa bled aotua ot hia iatan-
ioato asaka naal proof Ia aa pport cl Lis
- - . a a a. a a . n t
c a m, aad taai aail proof win aa aaaoc w
fora tba coaaty clerk of Lin coasity, Or.,
it A'.baav. Oe-oe, oa Jaaa S9. 1896, t:
WatMMeEid. H E Xo. 114 for ta
W J e X E ad W S a 8 ESccl
T10SK 4a. Ba aaaoa tba kMiowi
witaassa toawn hi e jatiaaoas raridraea
ansa aad caluvstion of, aaid br J, via: J G
Gfbaoo.USB.drfa, Otam, J H McCoaeel,
Wat UcOmmI. H li all at Niaio,
egoa. Koatar A axsat.
Notice for Publication
Lasro Oincx at Caasax Crrr, 0.
Hay llih. 1S9S
Kobe is bateby svea that tha foiloariag
saaed asl lar aaa bird aXlcs at hia iat
iloa ta asaae rBal rrf in tappers of his
ielaiaa, aad that sail proof will ba av!
oef ora tha coaacv eUrk ol Manas soaaty.
Unto, at &aVaa. Otw-oa. oa Jaaa 29.
I$96. vrc:J.A3 Serfsncr H EK. 1U60
for ibe XH' olXEk'ssdEafXWK
See St T 10 i 7 . Ho aarara tha fcl
scariag witajpaaaa to p-ora his eoatiaaot a
rcsid'Be apoa aad cafia-ttiqa afad taad.
T-a: U W Use o-t, v S Daafswth. v am
U-sdeoar; H P Kerr, a!l of Pcttoct. Ot.
B, t A Mima. Ba,lter.
eastern cities
ocean steamer'
eave poetlakd every dav
.. roe
For tall detail al aa
Ccuax & Mcrrwrw. Atbaoy, Or.
SB annaaaa:
Gaa'tPar .Aaa
We find that we are in need of room
and must dispose of some of our stock
at a sacrifice. We will sell:
Monitor Seed Drills, Sulky Plows,
Lever Harrows and Buffalo Pitts
Engines at Cost.
We have a few Oregon Hacks on
hand which we are offering below
have proven so popular that we
have arranged for a line of HIGH
GRADE BtlGGIES at low prices.
Not old style shop-worn jobs but
bright new work of the latest style.
Hopkins Bros.
Notice for Publication
Lasd Orrica at O a egos Crrr, 0.
Vavli. 1896-
XjUo as karrhv that tha toilow-
i-i aassed aatt'er haa fiiai aa-ioa of hi r-
t-eli to saaka fiaal praof aiarpxt ol
bi c-aia, aad that aaid proof vrill ea asaic
heicce tva eaaatv clerk af Msnoa ooaat ,
O eew, at Bcbb, Onataav, aa Jaca S3.
IS9n Alt Srrc H E Xa 11159
(or tkt S t of K E V- K W sOS E t4' Sm
1 .ad S W V' of X W X Sa 22 T 10 S B
7 E, Be aaasaa lb fatso-rag nWMt to
BToea km aoaticaoaa rrdasto anea aad
eamva'icn f. said lard, v-a: D Mf Dan
'ort. V G Dmaforth. Was Hcidreac, S P
Karr.aiiof Detract. Ors-sjoa.
B atxT A Mian, &--.
Southern Pacific Co.
"iaea Hay 11.
sSsr.a. t
iaxaaai l
SfeaSa a Ar
Ar I - a
Abort traliw top at Ea Portland
Oregon 5t. Wood two. Sakss, Tomer
Margie. Astsa, Aioaav Joac
Hon. Taa-. Stedl. Aaeae
Crea-eiL 1??JZZ.
Roaebarg oo:h 10 and arindsaiT Ashland
aalt, ran
Sassa L
U i" a 1 1
Li I llin
Ll SJsaa
rs w
tJStal Ar
L aassa
tsl Wis
n;-.;nfr far b Crdsn Raute
attack taali Tsw-aaja) Traa
STest at
ata aas aaait
Everybody Does Not Ride a
They Cost $100
But thoee who do are Lapy In their choice having the aile!
Bcst-in Material
Best in Style and Modeli
and the wheI that made the fasteet mile in competition ever made in Oregon.
C. W. ELKINS, Agent.
KEEP conMantlv oa hand a full line of metallic, cloth an l wood caskefs and coffin
Also burial robes and suit, in broadcloth, satin, caseniere which ri 1 le sold a
The) l,.rrat Melng IroUt.
EM8ALMINQ and 'he ,-rapcrcare of the dead a S(eoialr.
tif "lit!
I All kinds of furniture
and bedding-, and it
you want tho most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest.
Dealer in
.1. JOSEPH. ' Proprietor,
Notice for Publication
Land Ofmcb at Oaanos Crrr, On.
Mar 12, 1SS5.
Notice k narai.r c.vaa that tha folk: ,
aaaoad 4Uc la filed aotsea of hi intan-
tioa ta saakr hnl proof ia aapport of hia
clsia, aad that aaid pmf will ba saad fca-
fora trsc caaarr mm ot Lo aranty, Ur.
at AJbaa, Urcaoa. a Jaaa S9ih. 1S96,
via: Jaasaa H MeCoor, II K V. U4C9
fortha WigfN W 1,' W 1 ol S W
.V Sea 19, T 10 S R 4 K. Ha aasaca tha
tot lowing witesaaes to nrova his eoatiaaoBS
rcaldaoo upot aad cahivaliaa af. said baad.
vis: W M McBnda. Usarv Uablar, V U
MeCoanct. all of Miato, Orejcoa, aad J G
Gtb 00, 4f ibdd. Otccoa.
RosiST A Jl IlXia, Ragistsr.
Notice for Publication
Land Omen ar Oaa o Crrr, Oa.
- May 12. 1S96.
Notica is hanhy rivaa tbat tha follow
ina Daaacd Mller haa Sal aotiea af hia
iaiatkB to mska Coal pi oof ia sapoort ol
hi e!aim. and that aaid prwt will be asad
before the aoaaty elarh ot Liaa aoaatv. Or-
coo. at Alr-aav. Or, oa Jaly 1st. IS96, a:
NEXlEJSi)l3T10SR5E Lots 3
aad 4 " R 4 of 8 W W sa 13 T 10 S R 6
E.I1EN) 10769 Hwf W Behake. H
easnos tba fo kwiac vitaaaaa to prova hi
ooaueaoas racdeaoe apoa aad ealtavati'a
4. said Uad, via: J S Lewi. A. T Iv, H
O Lwis K E Cartas, all ol De'mit, Or.
Kobb.tA Mttxaa,
Notice is herbv nvea that the nnder-
si cned administrator of the eaia'e of Jane
E Carter, deceased, will tn pursuance ot an
rder of tbe county court, duly made and
entered of record oa the 11th dav of April
1S96. offer for sale at public ano ion, at the
court bouse door in Albany, lunn county,
Oregon, on tlie thday of July. 1M at
tbe hocr of 1 o'clock p m of said day the
following; described rval estate, to-wit:
Lots No s 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block no. 11 in
Hackieman s second addition to tn. ei'y o
Albany, Linn county, Oregon- Terms ol
sale one-lialt cah doa at time of
!, one-half payable in six month from
dsy. of sale the deferred payment to be se
cured by mortgage npon he property sold.
Tbi the ltKh Uy ot Juno,
Ed B M Cartkk.
WiATiiEr.rosD A Wtatt, Adniinlstia'or.
AU s for Aduir.
Notice is betvby given that the under
signed ba been duly appointed b the
county court of L'nn county, Oregon, as
tbe administrator ot the ee'ste 01 lYice
deceased. AU persona havlaa claims
Ntrainst saldeata'e are hereby notified to
present the same to me duly vended as ty
law required within six months frm the
dte ot this notice.
Dated this 6th day of Jure, 1896.
Wkatrkrfoko & wtatt. J A Pkkbt.
Avs for A3ar. Ad t mist rat or.
BW will be received un'tl Tuesday.
June 16, 1896. by the undersigned for SO
eords ot oak wood, 20 cords ot fir and 10
cords ash, to be delivered at the Orphans
Home, Mas L U Blain.
Albany, June I, 1K.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair titan Maaal ass pint.
Tseaa II
ass r
Eiptvas nind.ilT (except S.)
Alba" aad Corral i camect with traia or
O a K- By.
3. Ar
arl-s i
l sB sotst ta ta
ie a
x r aectra
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Dining Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Oars'
St ran!
Trt Grand forks
Crook etoa .
Helena and
Near York
Boston and all
Point Eaat and South
ItUVUtsU wv w- j r . , -
Tacomaand Sorthern Pactnc ateamsnip
Cx an American line.
For information, time carta, jraape ana
tickets call on or write C U Boranari,
Acent. Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton. Ast Hen
Portland, Or.
0.U1B. R. CO.
vWillamette Kiver Division,)
Steamer ALBANY, Cpt. ml"
" Wm. 11. Hoa, vapu
Frciitjt and Passcuicr,
DailT, except Saturdays, between Cor-
- ,. . ,1 v...nn,tncf. Sa-Z
Tains, aiw, Aimv- v -
lem, way rxuntsand
-rr i aivniTinuvlationa and
, nam i. .
Khedulei especially for the needs p
ir Willamette travel. JVnic parties
n avail themsolve. of this iif.!
ny desired point between CorvalUs and
hakm, leavinsl the morning and re
turninVindultime the same evening
sStratea for special partiee of 15 or
more. . .
-sr M. IaaaWaa, SItlW U II'VI
m. lsnw -r
except Saturday.
Agent, depot, sa-crr"- -
at 7 :45 a.
X farm of W. JU.
TcWW. Also
mikh cow.