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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1896)
oooocoococcooooooo Such ills aa SOREflESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, WETIIERFORD & .HYATT Attornevs at law. Will practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collection. CFFIOE In the Flinn block. W.R. B1LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany' Orrgon. ' - - -- BLACKBURN & SOWERS A.TTOBNETS AT Xi-A."W, Ail legal matters will receive prompt at ent:cn. Office, First National tfank uildinjr, up stairs. OKlksil as. sfc HAS. kaLES-AN, Attorneys at La. Albany, Oregon. jjr. j. Li. am, hydcUn and Jnrreoa. om-Omi rty stmts. Albany ,Ore-oa. DR. C, U, CHAHBERLIN HOMOBO Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ftaybt, near 3d street. QEO.W.H4KKU JUSTICE OF PEACE, . - .-id in tna Dnocut fttoe. corner Sad and Broadalbia street Albaay. Or. Beats laad Collections a Specialty. WH1THEY Attorney at LMf, Albany. Or, PIKST NATIOJAL BAM 14, P OF ALBAST, OBao! resident Vies Pradaent . Cashier,,.. . ..LFLlinS S.bVTOCJIIG K. W. UlNODOS TRANSACTS A OaUNKRALbaoalnt'baitaaal i.iAntcn HKPriihtecttoMes. - SIGHT kxcHAKGR and tel -ranhle few r, sok K.fkHu Fraaciseo. -Chlauto d F Uarc aroa f!y"i A.Dsa taaorabla .anas Yousa - S w L. Tunt Kswsaat.aoi. Stick To It! Stick to what? Why, the bluing- fact - thatour'dleplay of up-io-daia"wall papers beats everything in tight. '1 here in't room for tbe shadow of a dcaot on this point. We have the papers to which tnis town should surreuiier its walla uneondt- uonally. Our designs are new and taste- . tui, artistic and elegant, ricb and pleasing, i here are no fewer la an ow aiaerens pat terns here to choose from, aud every pat , tern is shown in a fine quctity of paptr, 1 noes, l-- cents to luu cents a roll. J. A Cummin g. Prof. A. STARK Of Will A Stark. - Optical Specialist Graduate of -the Chicago Opthalmic college. ,T am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested. Cusick Block Albasy.Orbsos RIPAN-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. U. a j m u CA a tZ'l o Smiley Good jprlntinj; Always D tone Very Quickly. The Printer. UiUiiiUUUlUiiUliiUiUiUI A-mdi FAYS otljers hi vanti-.i ; r J&ir"' .... : r.s time liv Drocjst i Cntaloir te!!fc all IH3 4PR it,and describee every describee every 2D H lurateil article ueecea lor use tatalojut PBEB. , rhe4ERIE" mechanically the beat vrheeL Prettiest modeL We are Facific Coast Aeenu. BicvcU cata- kuelmaUedree,Kiee full description, prices, etc., aomrrs WAimtD. PET ALUM a IHCUBATOR CO.. Fetaluma,CaL DKAAtu aavn Z31 e nam tt.; io. Anelea. Insurance iNSURE YOUR PROPERTY - -With ! '-i.,-,:-:. ; t" Old Ilariford, tbe New York Un. -erwriters Atroncy or any one of the reli . ble old line companies be represents. Notes 1 iken and plenty of time giwn for payment a farm insuntnos. All buainess will be romptly attended to. i .OFFIOii; IN P 7 0. BLOCK ALB AN). OH. Or. Price's Cream SakiDQ ?owder wr4ei GoU Medal Uiii vlater Fji. -; f laiica. ST. JACOBS OIL WIPES OUT Prcmplljf and ffsotua!!j. Jolt and Cyclone Proof. Th.? Tney-wno ride must see tie i oaL . Trie PathJis-ht makes T bright the way. All dealers X ..111 TU- Plar Ar Trrr T Cor. Broadalbiu and First Sts CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR Dta)r In Canned Meats, I Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Qucenswarc, I Vegetables, Cigars, Spices? Tea, Etc. everything that e Kept in good variety and gro eery store. High est pHce paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE NO MORE DUST, R0r.10RESPRINKL.XC, HO MORE SCRUBBING By the use of DTJSTINE On your floor, When applied to floor of any kind en ables yon to sweep without raiting dust. It is an odorless compound whicu pene trates the wood and for months keen op a constant exudation sutiicient to '.atcc and hold the dust. Atwatkk & Brow. Agents for Linn Co., at Pioneer Bouse, Albany, Or. ALBANY Insurance Agency M. SENDERS, Mgr. 0 ' Bnvs and sells wbraL oat and wool at U points to tbe Willamette Valley and is tbe leading insurance agent of Albany. ! placing your inMiance th?re are two things to be considered: 1st Get a good company. ft a na . ... ina. riace your usurance with aa agent who thoroughly onaterstandt hia bos iness and' knows now to write a policy. giving you its fall benefit, havin? had h years of experience in a general office and the adjosting of : losses. Can - guarantee yo 1 nave tiiesse requirement. erj itsspecuuiiy lours. M. SENDERS. ALBANY Red Crown Hilling Cc la now under the management of Ed ward Goins, N. H. Alien, Wm. L. YaiM E, D. Barrett and Samuel E. Yonng,wbc are now prepared to still tbe beet FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. FOSHAY & HA80H. Wholesale Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSElLERb ALBAJTT. ORKGOff. Pare Drugs and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books " . in the Market. - Upholsterer -tAr.d Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy mattresses rated acd made oyer. - Furniture of every description and carriages re-upholstered ord varnished.' . Drop a note in the P. O., or call at 7 street, betweenJFerry and Bnadalbin, A hany, Or. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS - Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de li very. Telephone No. 51 . R- N. Morris, Mgr Cor 2ni and Mair. Sts. VIERECKS SHAVING AN DHAIRCUTTING t 1 PARLORS.' ' -HEADQUARTERS FOR I D. Whites Ifai A head of hair or ho pay. Cures al diseases of the scalp " Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honed and Set and Put in O er on Short Notice. or aM. GnsicV Block Albany, Or Filling and extracting of teeth without pain specialty) tWslght 1 2 ox. Pathhqht Bakery A Patriotic Ode. Enough to bid the grateful verse On this auspicious day rtdiearte How uercy swept the cloud of waraway, And rainbow 'd peace athwart the heav ens lav. O North I O South 1 O East ! 0 West I Away with jealousy, suspicion, hate! Joint heritors are ye ot one estate, Forevermore to hold- Ample and broad, so 61 I'd with bread ana meat, The recouinense ot honest toil. That ye might welcome ull the world to eat: A laad whose hills are iron.coa'.and gold " Whose vallevs run with oil: A land of churches, schools and charities That heal the mind and give the sufferer Yea. everv ill assuage. From orphan'd infancy to helpless age: I A land of freedom for right deed and thought, The iust aud eanal law its only king. Which none may set at naught. bat would ye more? What lacks your earthly e'.ore? O happy land I to God thank-offer-inns brins ! Stand foitu, O land, in unity and might. Laving the true, ana valorous lor me right! Down to the unretu'ning depths be burl'd All things by trod abborr'd. And stand thou ever forth a blessing to the world To tna glory ot the Lord I Mr. Holer on Primaries. Ai.yone wishimi to get some potn(d, timely ideas on r olitice, and partico'.arly primaries can ao so in me tune occ c 01 Hon. r. uoier, 01 aiem, on - a oe o-,uooi of Politics." As the subject Is an interesting- one we give a few quotations. Our system e almost perfect. hence comes tbe greai source of fraud and political corruption? From the packed primaries, and Kanipnialioos'cf political machines rendered possible thereby all over oar country- The criminal politics of our cities, that contain nearly one-thud of the ooDulation of our country, extends into and corrupts our state anil national gov ernment. The primary is the source whence springs all political power. If tbe source is viUated, bow can tbe stream of our national life be otherwise than impure, corrupting and finally destroc live to our government? The answer to this inquiry is: The corrupted primary is tbt political crime of the country. The spoils politician readily replies to all arguments for a reform in our system of holding primaries tor nominating conventions, "llow areyou going to get the people to attend the primaries?" Lst it be said, the people in an? large nambers are not wanted at the primaries b tbe spoils politician. If out of a p miotic sense ot duty they turn out in any nntabar, these bosses K r revenue see to it that they are not permitted any freedom ot expression, that a slats i pre pared for them, that tbe officers of tbe primary are there not to record the hon est effort of tbe d.sinteiested citizen but the dishonest effort of the interested boss. The primary laws in some of the states go so far aa to compel tbe eitizer to receive tbe printed ticket directly from the bands of the primary official immediately before be votes, ana no other ticket is permitted to be used there. No real reform of this abuse is possible until tbe people are aroused to see that in alio eing interested parties to conduct their primaries tbey are really surrendering their mast important pol itical ptivilege, the right to say who shall be the candidate of the party whose principles tbey espouse. When it is said that tbe packing of the primaries ought to be stopped, we are met with tbe objection that the people will not torn oat to vote at tbe primar ies. Hence the boss is a necessity. He attends to these matters and gets out enough voters to carry bit slates, and re wards himself out of tbe spoils ot office Dy making up the ticket tbe peopli af terwards turn out well ennogh to vote Tbey consider , voting a patrio'ic doty. But tbey dislike to take a band in the management of practical politics, it is said, fhe term pslit'cian is odious. To retrain from meddling with politics is considered quite a virtue. So we bave expensive campaigns tu get out a full vote of the people to rat'fv a ticket that was put up by the action of one-tenth or one-twentieth of the party, that tben becomes responsible for the actions of the few. Well Stated. Tbe National Bimetalist gives the sit uation in tbe following very convincing manner: Tbe real trouble with eilver is in the bullion, not tbe coin . By closing the mints of Europe and America to that meta', while they remain open to gold as already explained, tbe gold b as risen reetly in valne. Ia fact, it has about doubled in purchasing power, while ail ver bullion remains ?ery nearly t ho same as before. For this reason silver coin is not available for shipment abroad Measured by gold, when melted down it loses nearly one-balf its value. It is, therefore, no longer an international money metal, as it was prior to' 1873 Then, everywhere, silver and gold were practically linked together at the French coining rate (15 to J), and tbe whole world was, in effect, b'.metallic. A debt in gold standard England could be paid with a bar of silver bullion at about the French mint price. A debt insiher standard Germany could be paid with a bar of gold at tbe same rate. The ag gregate mass of gold and silver, welded together, as it were, by the action of the bimetallic countries, constituted tbe world's standard of value. Bat when the mints were closed to silver the two metals drifted apart; the par ot exchange was broken, some of the nations adopt ing the single gold standard, while others adhered to silver, two distinct and ever-varying standards were estab lished, ft has been demonstrated, over and over, that this gives the silver using countries the advantage in international trade.--Their standard remaining un- cbangea, they can afford to sell their products in gold standard countries for the same amount in silver, which means half-price in go'd. We bave to do the same thing, because we can get no more than our competitors. This has operat ed to depress the prices of our farm pro ducts even below those of manufactured goods and placing the American agri culturist at a great disad vantage. The silver men believe, and think they prove, that the United States, by throw ing open its mints, can restore eilver to a parity with gold at our ratio of 16 to 1. That tbe moment we do this every other nation must pay our mint rate for silver or not get it ; and, as a reec It, silver will be substantially at par with gold the world over. Under such cinutnHanu) s it would make no difference to us which metal went abroad, for one would be as good as the other. Now,' however, a small shipment of go'd almost frightens ' the financiers of the Country out of their seven senses, and the blighting effect is 1 elt In every qnarter of the country. of the Situ- Plainvuw, May 20, 1SWJ. Editor Dtmocrat: Republicans in this part of the cout ty are going to rebuks McFeron and the Herald for the unprincipled and vicious means to which they have resorted in the present campaign. . . It was not only the right but the ab solute duty of the Democrat to investi gate and to state the true conditions and if McFeron has been wrongfully charged it was for him to defend himself In a manly and honorable way, by deuying and offering an explanation which tie has never done. The Heraftl attacks personally a good and bonorabls citisen that we all have anowo for 30 years, be cause he is an oppoeing candidate and goes so far e to stoop to gross and wilful misreprestntaions while on the same sheet it admit the charges as true in the following labguage: "The sheriffs charges for boarding prisoners may have been a am cettsloo high but tbe amount is so trivial as to make McFeron's tra duce re look mighty small. '' Now the defense for the above is "that Jackson a former sheriff under a differ ent law got as much aud Henry Blakely drinks and was indicted 23 years ago for stealing cattle." If the Herald's admis sions are true McFeron has committed a great offense for no sheriff ever assumed his duties under more sacred p.edges of j economy and reform. In coumeotlug upon that indictment lbs Herald says: "In order that, tbe public may know for a certainty tbe whole, truth in tbe mat tet. we publish etc., which is followed by a copy of tbe indictment, and tben it winds np with, "How the case was dis posed or, whether Blakely forfeited his bond or whether it was dismissed by some other proceeding does not appear." When tbe Hera'd made tbe openinit statement it uttered an untruth which it proved by lying in the last statement. It it wanted the public to know tbe whole truth it would state that the ease was dismissed because it does appear so on the records and the Herald knows it. The intemperate part of this controversy may be briefly summed np as follows: U tbe sheriff is to be only a figurehead, and the deputies do all tbe business, then it is the character' of he deputies we.niust look out tor because tbe sheriff only draws bis salary and is sure to at tend to that in any event. One of the foremost and the one that baa stood at the McFeron helm the last year owns stock in a ore aery at Aioany, and was setting up tbe drinks, evideolls in McFeron a interests, in Lebanon tbe evening of the Tongue speaking. An other in the Forks of the Sauiiam gets drunk, runs scrub horse races aud figbts on Sunday. Any oneeoutf have seen this last summer that was rusticating at the fashionable watering place of Water loo. This is Only spoken of to prove that we might elect a nice motal and re ligious officer and get a a biskey admin iatrstiott. The men from Brownsville who signed their names to a itaierueni that they never saw Henry Blakely under the influence of liqtor stand above re proach and soma of them are known to be radical temperance men. The cor respondent in the Uerali from Browne Title told tbe truth when be said tbey were men that never visited saloons but be drew his band pretty strong when be said they bad no chance to see Blakely nnder the Influence of whiskey In the last 40 years if be drank to any extent. All men have equal rights and can aspire to office and in so doing sorely an tagonize but any man that is fit or com petent for ao officer will only strive to forward bis Interests bv fair means Republicans are going to vote for Heniy Blakely and populists are invited to help awett the majority and elect man with as good natuial qualifications for tbe place as aoy mm ever nominated by any party iu Lino county. A RarrBUCAX. The above Is written by a republican just as it profrses to be, an 4 as it is in tbe character of a cross examination simply covering tbe matter of an official record we give it place. The Scio Press, a strong People's party paper, is a remarkably fair newspaper, ran in a clean manner. Here is a splen did example: In the Ai-Baxr Democsat of this week will be found a complete explanation of tbe indictment business that waa published with. so much eclat by the Albany Herald upon Henry Blakely, democratic nominee for sheriff. Blakely indicted. So -can any inno cent man be indicted if any one can be found who ia willing to perjure himself to do so. As soon as Blakely knew that there was aa indictment against blm in Umatilla county, be immediately went to the proper anthoritiea and surren dered himself, giving bonds for his ap pearance at court. When court met, tbe Indictment waa dismissed and Mr. Blakely set at Iiberry without a stain against bis name. The man who pro cured tbe indictment was afterwards arrested for crime and sent to tbe pen! tentlary for tbe term of two years. These facts are substantiated In the Dkmocbat by affidavits from both the cleik of Uma tilla county and Wm. Blakely, the man trom whom tbe cattle was said to liars been stolen. We publish the above,, in justice to Mr. Blakely, believing that it is tbe duty of every newspaper, when an hon orable man is maliciously charged with the commirsion of a cri ie when he Is entirely lnnoceni to assist tn relating tbe accusation. Jt bas been stated on tbe campaign that tbe over charges of tbe sheriff were only a few cents or dollars. In the matter of illegal fes ia tne board of prisoners alone tbey mon nave footed up about '2d), though tile disapptrance of three big bills makes it impossible to give tbe exact ain iuut. Tbe overcharge waa deliberate, thoiifti and it is imma terial if it had been munh smallsr. As already stated the total overcharges were undoubtedly over $1000, it being impossible to give the exact figures, nor is that material. These things have not been denied. It has been said the charges for mileage, board, unauthori zed expenses were mae in order that tbe sheriff might not loose anything In the office, aud it has been said on the campaign, the Dkmocrat has just been informed, that the sheriff has nothing to show financially for the office, a fact which is known to be nntrue. He bas considerable to show for it. I Here is some Marion county pleasant ry from tbe Post: Mr John Lewis, can didate for assessor, broke loose sgsin the o'herdayat Stayton He maue such a vigorous and pathetio appeal to the ladies for their moral support, that even Parson Baikley shrunk to the dimen sions O a small boy, W J D'.Vrcy wept like a child, and McKinley Mitchell be came to excited that he struck lhe chair man on the head with a potato that he was carrying around for a sample. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder World's Fair Highest Medal ana Diploma. Republicans View atlon. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Sunshine or water. 'Thie day. Water but never cyclones. Be true to yourself. How to rpell government- How the sun has shone during the past week. One can hardly realize that we have just passed tbrongh a rainy sea son that seemed to have no end. Now we have almost begun to wonder if it will ever rain again. In a few days we will hear a dxmand for water to: the crops. After all water is the greatest blessing In this country. This is decoration day. Honor has bsea paid to the brave dead. It is a beautiful annual custom made more im pressive as the graves increase and the number of veterans decrease. When the flowers are Dion in bloom, and na ture assists, we 'pAt flowery tribute to de parted friends. Too much respect can not be paid to thoe remaining, and they should receive our warmest considera tion. The day a well Is a proper time to beaotify all gravea and drop a tear in memory of the departed. We have ben reading during the past week with horror of the devastating cy clones that have been sweeping unfeel ingly and madly through llu eaH in savage blasts tearing down and destroy ing, taking life ruthlessly. We have the greatest sympathy lor them, but at the same time rannot help congratulating ourselves upon tbe fact that the cyclone never flings iteetf through this lovely valley. We get rain and gentle breezes, but no cyclones. We re cyclone proaf. and our crops never fail. "To thine ownself be true and it mast follow as lhe day the night thou canst then'be false to no man." We need more of that spirit in the world, and with It we would have a more honest and npright citizenship Nat aelBthly true to yourself but loyally. It takes a long time - to learn to spell government with an n to esy nothing of tbs pronunciation ; bat tbe older one gets the poorer ooee spelling sometimes. Lcnz's Death. The following is a graph 'c account of tbe death of Frank G. Lena, the bicy clist who patted through Albany several years ago on hia trip aroond the world : About Ave miieesrorn Tcbe.kani is a p'ace called Top':k," which means knoll. This was 00 the hiahway and marked the division between the lands of the lehelkani village and Muasori. Besides this mound ran a sa.all rivulet. In tbe spring of 139 all the streams of Ateshgerd were unusually high and the small rivulet which fijwed past this mouou waa swollen to quite a striata several feet deep, while In tbe fall it is perfectly dry. Tbe rainy weather and sampy country made matters worse for Lena, so that be could not tide bis wheel in the deep mod. At this knoll tbe seven murderers awaited their victim. Lens arrived at Top:k and was preparing to cross when tbe Kardi attacked htm. One ot them, either Nabooe or Ma.oiouJ, suJJenly drew bis sword and cut Lent severely in the right hand, breaking bis arm, so that be eould not draw bis revolver. Leu begieed tLern not to kill him, say ing. "Ben Ua-solmia" -I I! be a Mo stem, take all I've git. but spwre me." Moostoee eaid: "Don't kill him; I to'-d yoa to rob him." The-eopoo the KarJs seized him with his baggage and took biro, wounded as he was, across tbe fields about twenty minute' wa'k to the right bank s tbe llopi 1 River, about halfway between Tcbelkani aud Shaw tan. Here they robtwj him ot everything, and at Mooetoee'a ordr pat him to death with their ar!re, eo that he cou'd not reveal their Dim-, acd threw his body into the II spat li ver. On this spat were found ao inner tabe ot hia bicve'e, the grojad glass and sev eral large adjastint screws and a brass rod with two small cogwheel from bis camera and ban Jful of gelatine film, while on the saddle gin ha of Moostoee 's bono were seen tbe outer raober cast ings aa a protecUon to the horse's belly when the straps were tightly drawn. tlis hottest tbe last mght in Tcbel kanl, the wifeof Pareeglt, about a month later saw a ferein coat on Moostoee's young son, which she recognised as Lent's, and the r vol ver, which was lying on tbt floor that night, they taw in Moostoee's poseaaion, wbo had not yet learned to open it. We do not believe the Republicans of Linn county will vote for a man for sheriff who on bis own record stands con victed of charging contrary to law and thereby taking from the county treasury of Linn eon sty in one single month seventy three dollars more than he is legally entitled to. The confession of bis friends snd of himself that it is onlv a small stnornt is not true. The record shows that such statements and confes sions are false. Neither is it tme that because the coonty court finally allowed the bills that McFeron should be ex cused. The offente consisted lu knowingly charging for hia official services in plain violatioo of the statots of this state the offense wss cermitted before the bill was passed on by the court. The courts action could not legalise an illegal charge nor nullify a criminal statute. Because the court acted contrary to the statute iu allowing the bill did t,ot in aay way escute McFeron's violation ot a statute governing- him In the Tasking of his charges. Do the people desire to uphold such a Dlaln undoubted violation of law sim ply because McFeron has beea re-nomi nated. If ne knowingly Illegally cnsrgs l nve dollars too much, is it not as bad as if he had charged more. it would take hundreds of dollars to replace what he has gotten by illegi cnargmg. me records snow mat s.'nce 1 SSnt a a . a a he went in office he bas paid off one mortgage and has moneys loaned out, the mortgage record showing that he loaned thirteen hundred dollars in one loan This is no personal fight -against McFeron. Every honest man is in. created in knowing his official career.' Yoa cannot be too careful how you voV , The public very properly are tired of rire pulling politic. : You vote ith an X, this yar beside the candidate you wish elected. Re member this aud do not scratch accord ing to the old way. Money to Loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm security N. Stems A Co. For Pills and Plasters Dawson Now Ready. The Receiver of the Linn County Na tional Bank is prepared to pay a divi dend of 15 per cent on the proved claims against said trust. Claimants will p'ease present I heir certificates promptly at the bank for payment. H. MrBKAIX. Receiver. VI IS FltS. Rev. Wm Cleveland, who has a salary of $000 has a brother who gets 0,000 a year. They both started alike. The Dayton Herald appeared this week on green wrapping paper, 1 was a long ways from SI Patrick's ana it day. This practically closes the campaign so far as the Dkmockath colums are con cerned. Tomorrow is decoration day, and we shall get out a paper as free from politic as the circumstances wilt juatify. rerbaps entirely. .31 r. Israel Carlton, of near Lebanon is emphatically in favor of allowing stock run at larue. tie says it would be a great hardship to many poor people in mo luuuiiiis to ciiange in taw, aa tiey are dependent upon their stock for a liv ing. TliA IfArftlil lavi that all ihiaI m licana will vote for McKinley and pro tection. If that ia true, it is also true that on the lft day of June. many good republicans will vote for tbe 'protection' of tbe. county treasury against illegal hills, aud thore who ao, will not vote for McFeron. We have no laet hour surpi isea to hoist upon tbe people. We have have made out a strong case and the veraict of th jury, tiie people, will oe gracefully cepteu Lat iseue thunder sent out when no one can answer should km taken with an immense amount of allowance, ' if not disregarded entirely, generally reacts. In fact it The has received a letter from J. P. (jueener, of Lyons, in which he writes up Mr. O. B. Uartmus in a very lively manner in answer to liart mus' article in the Herald charging Queener with writing a former letter in order to extort whiskev money from him. which be brands as a falsehood and then proceeds to show up Mr. Uartmus in a suoulder striking manner, giving per sonal incidents, in fart in detail bis life up tbe Santiam: bis removal to Port land, and bis coming back after the Mmon-Cory fight. On account of a lack of space and the very personal character of the letter we refrain from publishing it, even though th e writer probably tells considerable truth. According to re ports Mr. Hart 111 as bas made such a poor impression on the canvas it will make lime diflreence anyway. Dj yoa know that the day, which is now only 2t hoars Iocs:, is slowlr in creasing in length, and thtt it wui b eventually 25, 24 or even 1000 hours in length? Tb'S statement. Strang 1 as it may sound to one who hat never read tbe retails of observations tail e on that sure, is believed to be true in every re spect. sys the St Louis Republic Net only will the earth's mJtioa slaw up aa til toe d7 will bs one, two or three times as long at it is a", present, but this pace-sUckentng process wilt increase with time, until th day will eventuaily be a week or even a uisaih ia ten (r. li the "retarding md;om." which tbe astronomers speak of as h?icg the caae of this phenomena, is not folly coder stood at preterit . Prjfeseor ittlt says that it is the friction ol tbe tl-l-s whirb :s responsible fur tbe most ot it. fie urges that the time will come wnt l.'ie day will be a fa'l year io length! Oth era among the investigators wloiig this line declare that it will be ehsaiately impossible for the day-lengtbeoing pro cees 'o increase berond oue lunar month- nV t ? c3n. jm 1CUK, f Lcras CWrr. Fmjur- J. Cwcnrr nafcea esia tbt be ia Cm ram nanwerof Utefcrniof K. i.CannC.. sour CiaaMMa ia the Oljr of Tvioo, CMMf and StsMaJofvasJal. ami that asid Srui wiit pay taw of O.NK BrXD&KD OIJUU f ssx-k aad every rase t4 Catarrh that cannot bs cam! by law saw oi Bau'i Caraaan Cr. FKA3K J. CHFr. Rwora to ere sae a ad saWrieew tr nf preaeaos, this day ot Uecesabar, aWD. aas A. W. GLKAVW. Aatara PuiUe. Ball's Catarrh Oatw is take lateraanv aid arts cirvctiy os taw mudq sno sumosi sarfaoas off tawsTslem. 1 for tmitaoaiala, (rac. F. J. CHESEY CO., loaeao, O aw Sold by Oracciats. tSa, OX TIIE CORNER. JuIiusGradwohl Keeps Open Doors Early and Late. Julius Gradwohl does) business now in the opera house store at the corner of Socond and Ferry, h re yoa can find a choice stock of standard eroceries for sale cheap. Everything firi-clase. Also a uig variety ot croNterv ware of all kinds which yon can buy as cheap as it can be secured anrw Uere. The O. F. store holding the b:!k of his goods is kept closed, uaii at tbe corner place on business The Old Lady and ber family and friends are baund to evt their prescriptions tilled at Hodges A Barkarts. wbo as well carry a complete stock of patent m-difinee, an elegant line of stationary, the finest perfumes and no tions generally. Promptaess, care, the beat goods and 6M class treatment is their rule. New Suits. "They make you feel "eheertish" .be cause they are ALL WOOL. We mean our new suits just received. Bring your money or soroe big grub oak, and try one of them. Tits: Albany Woouts Mills Co " Bicycle Accidents. The Preferred Accident Insurance Co., of New York, insures against accidents of all and everv description, and esneciallv from -riding bicycles or ball playing., nsning, gunning, or other sports and athletic exercisre. The rates are much lower than other accident companies, asuuoie oenenis pa ia u accident c curs while traveling on a public convey ance propelled by steam, electricity or cable. For full particulars, rates and appli cations rail on f CI !!......... c -- v. v . . lii mini. Agent. Use Dawson" furniture polish MARRIED. HUTOIUXS THOMPSON. At the I'resbytenan tuirsonage. May 25, U96, by Rev. O. W. Oourtwright, Mr. T.M. Hutchins and Miss Maud M. Thorn p- oou, wui 01 oufuu, X.1UU county vr. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels and produces bUiousoesa, torpid itver, Indt- nm - n 3 LtlI(0)(DJS gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, tick headache, In (Bills somnia, eta. Hood's Fills eureeonsUpatton and all tu results, easily and thoroughly. 25c AO druggists. Prepared by 0. I. Hood A Co,. Lowell. Mass. The ouly rills to take with flood' Sarsaparuia. ' W1i TELEGRAPHIC, as Awrci. tftxoig. The Werst Beeer la the MIssImImI Vale. Ciiicaoo, May 27. One of the greatest disasters of recent years overwhelmed tbe city of St. Louis tonight in tbe shape of a cyclone, which began shortly ater 6 o'clock and for 30 minutes tore in an awfid way through tbe city at the rate of over 80 miles an hour. Although reports from there are very meager, due to the almost total de struction of tbe telegraph wires, it seems certain the number of dead and wounded will amount to fully 1000, and the damage 10 minions or dollars. lhe city hospital, which, forlnnatelv survived tbe torm, is filled to overflowing w,lu u.avw'tt win, women ana children, and the morgue, within two hours after tha end of the storm, was so full of corpses that it was necessary to provide other quarters for Ibe reception of the dead. In addition to those who were killed in their houses and in tbe streets, hundreds of tbe dead are beneath the waters of the Mississippi river. Kaksas Citt. May 27. Tbe train dis tia'xher at the beadquarteis of the Alton at Kdncue at Drake, III., says just south of nuouiiouse, on tue Alton road, a tornado at a late hour this afu rnoon demolished a big scboclbouse, and that SO children per- isnea in me rums. o confirmation ot the report can be obtaineJ. hrvHOKos, Mo.. May 27. A cyclone pased three miles norta of Sturgeon at 3 o'clock this afternoon. At Benick thiee men were seriously injared, and a family of colored people were carried over a mile, two children being badly hurt. Friend ship church, north of town, waa demolish ed. Chicago. May 27. It has been reported that the limited train from Chicago to t-t. Louis, over the A: ton road, was blown into be river with a section of tbe bridge, and ejj uvea lost. tteaalt r Ike Cjelsae St. Locis. Mav 29 Th situation In St." Louis t -wight, aa viewed from the R- public's siandpcint. is as follows fct. Louis IdentiSed dead Unknown dead Missing Fatally injared SeriooAly injured in harnilals 136 18 , 39 19 401 Kfttimated iejored outside of bopi'als.10u0 1 ."-n iwa. es imateo VM,Wfi,Wi Jist rt. uou.s- l.i-nl:3.-d oead.... jjo L lit new D drad . Djing juuing in Kerioaidy injared in bcwpitaU 20O Serious! v iniured ouuide of Property los. climated $5,000,000 Csesl rewaayivaata Mrwefc. - melkr. Pa May 19. -I a tbe torrado which tw-pt tbroufch the tower end of UoB!grmery cooo'y ysterday three lives were we and tnanv nrsoos iciarvd The storm careened through toe farming rV'oo. leveling barn and tnes. At Jar reitawa tre wind detroyed a atone barm, barring A I.' red Mf-fSit, Winfieid mUe. joiio Lsio and Charies peocer in the ruin. The two former were dead wnea taken out Thecunsmer mansion of Alex seder height was ruioed. toe wind scoop ice oat the center ct the baiidin?. Toe J&rrettown MethodUt church, school bouse and tereral bouses "e wracked, i inrooro, oeorge n utter was Killed .a a barn. A aratrara Fir. MrT.roRn, Or., May 23 The residence of H" p J Legate csagfct Sre at II o'clock oeigtt and was D-aurly deOroted- The origin ot tbe Ere is a mystery. Mrs Leg ate and son bad retired whew they were swskeaeo by an explosion, to find the room filled with smoke ana Same Ttr were cotupe'ltd to go oat throuirh tbe windows, and Mrs Lgt was qa-te sererfly cot boat tbe arms sad sbikicrv The fire tire company responded promptly, but were unable o sate aayt&ing of f altte. steawr rttw. W&oMiriix. Or., a'ay 29. Captain Poor-man. of company H. respited or-Ws this aitrtkoon from 'CokweJ Ycrao. of the Second regiment. O N U. to hoM his com pany in readiuec to go to A .'oris at a moment a notice. The cap-'aic bas nott&ed bts men, and they are ready and anxious to receive marcaing order. Stiver aasl Barwar MIL WasmstvTox. Mav 29 Tite oresidest ha ter-t to ewnw the f-.4icwin nee: to tbe It ) of Kf"4ctattv: I re 'tow bwaith. i!rtat rur approval, boose to i So. 7977. e',td "is art making n propria tiH tpr v r.crKion. rpair and prearrva of r"ttia public work on rifers and fcarb-jr and f..r other p'Jr pow. SaSB Srecaw. Yr. , iT I- - a ' ' and R Boo; k. of llrvip. wre la tbcitv iiT;-. V it 7 '""uuis - Uanna. manr. .-peecbe - mn oraace .asrers. MtMixxviijE, Ms 'S. -The Oreoa eauic day. Rates areas foil w: To Port Ssate Grange ekced lhe foliowiDg officers ,a0- one trip 51J25. round trip (2 00, To today: OrgoaUity, one trip 11 CO, round tria ft M Hil!arr. cf Minon. mrster: BG!" la balem. one trip 50 cents. Ieedy, o' erseer; J Costo. lecturer: G W fteeks, stea-ard; t rank ft ibon. assistant' stewaMi; j w MeMMitrer. cnapiaia; J Mnmp, treasurer; J U Sctr, secretary; J KtfooUi. ratekeeper; Mrs M V v'cnne'l, romona; Mrs trench. K!or; Mrs Clark. Ceres; ilrs Waldron. lady assistant stew-! ard- - Corvallts was selectei as the place for tbe neat meeting o! tne grange. IKhlas rrwaaeeta. ArroaiA. May 2S. The fishing situation remains wfchangvd, but it is sfe tnsawj tnat arrangemetits tor a setuement ot tbe trite w;ll be perfected oy Monday or Tuesday next. It waa rumored today that M J Kinney was about to draw away from the combine and begin packing tomotrow, bat investi gation proved the rumor to tie without foundation. An effort is beitg made to bring about a settlement on tbe basis of xi cesU per pound, bat the nV-ernien will accept no com; rotniae offer. Tkw St Iwta Otlawr. ffT. Lorn, May 23 ft hen darkness eeah for temporarily interrupted the storm victims touivht. 315 ueoiil were known to be dead on both sides f the river and, although the complete death list will nev. r i Known, it is believed it will ap proximate 400 in the two cities. The num ber of injured ia larger, and many of the maimed cannot survive. The property loss will reach welt into tbe millions Twa EStlara Flat Orkoox City, May 2S.-Dr Carll and Editor Fitch. Of tbe local nsnuliat lunnr bad a personal encounier in front of th postoffice, in which each slapped the other in the face onoe. and then the wen. mrtod by bystanders. The trouble arose over the publication by Fitch of the charge that Dr Carll was partly responsible for a circular mat mysteriously nmde its appearance in political circles this week. talwawie Brtrltfc. BxkKU City, Or , May 28 Allert and Edward Uniser brought in three gold bricks this afternoon from the Bonanza mine, weighing 9S3 ounces, and of the value of $15,210. This was the result ot 23 days' run. The road from the mine (o the mill has been bal lusted and put in excellent shape. A tramway will be built and other adi'ed to the plant immediately. It was rumored last week thut tbe mine hatl been sold lor fJoO.O'JO to an Eastern syndicate. Want law Mtiltla. Salkv, Or., May 27. Governor Lord is considering the advisability of issuing a proclamation calliag out the militia to preserve peace and order on the Columbia river in Ulackawaa county. Sheriff Doau, of Columbia county, bas represented to the governor that lawless ness among Columbia-river fishermen ia mil) pant, and that, without aid, heieun al'le to suppress it tr maintain the diimitv of tbe state. A MeMraa syrlaae. Mkxtco, Mo.. May 27 Audrain conntv was visited by a terrible tornado this after noon at 8:30. The total number killed at rtean Creek and Rush Hill is about eight. More 'ban 5 were injured. Houses, churches, barns and echoolhouses were rased to the ground. Th storm was pre ceded and fullowec by a terr-ble rain and hail storm, whien did incalculable damage. Fr Pur.Drugs Dawson's. a "Pass Your Plate." MLJUJ Prices of all conimodities have hem reduced except tobacco " Battle Ax 99 is up to date Low Price; High Grade; Delicious Flavors For JO cents you get almost twice as much "Battle Ax" as you do of any other high . grade plug List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. TJ. S. Patent office, Wash ington, . C. F J Barnard, Seattle, magnetic sepa rator; K O Bennett, Bay wards, CaL, rotary engine; J Bourn, Gualala, CaL, axle-out wrench; S Broueseao, San Frauciico, valve for eteam engines ; A J Collar, Yreka, Cal-, hydraulic engine; A A Dayton, tan Francisco, pea extract or; E J Do rant. Pasadena, CaL. filter; GWDurbrow, Pa! too. Cel., deep well filter casing; II B Everest, Riverside, CaL, egg-cutter guide and bolder; GJ King, Oakland, Ca!.. eSecxricai annun ciator; A R Lewis, Shelton. Wash, water mutoa ; ft Lace, ebaiem. Or, swimming device; II Malioow, Loe Angeles, lemon squeezer; H Maxwell Fresoo, refriger ating apparatus; W L Murphey, baa Francisco, wrench ; V Pfaff, San Fran cisco; car coupline; J Shaw, Wood burn. Or., draw bar for railway cars; J F bantu, J-n Jacinto, cat-, scissors or shears; U Terk, Coiton.CsJ, band truck. If a soisli bottle of Shaker Digestive Car dial doei joo no good, ooo't buy a Large one. Provs.! things; hold fast that which is good.' It 'a not good for everybody, only for the thin. pale, sick, weak sed weary. For thaws who are atarviog far want of dutettea food. For those wbo , cannot get fat or strottg. because their : stomach oo n?t work aa taer ought to. ! Tkee are the people, millions of them. wbon Sfcaker Digestive Cordial will care. ' Food maces strength, maecir. brain, biool, enenrv after it is digested, if not dipMed i wrill do yen no good at all. ' ShaVer Dig-tiv t'ot.Lal helps your c stumach to digest yonrfood and cure iedi- ee-imn permanently, ft ben yoov e tried a email lnf oo can tell. So.'d by 4ruggita. Trial bottle 10 oeats. I Daily Service -Roth" more." and -EI iseO K & N. Co s palatial sfewmers Bt ' ' j 71 street as tNlows: Steamer Ruth leaves on Mondays Asdnesdavs and Fridavs at 7 a-m-amnarrorwaataup. in. Mime .day. Steamer Elmore leaves on Tues- JT iliaradays and aturday at i:to a m. amving Portland 4:00 p as. i round trip 75 cents. To InoVpenoew l.r,P cents, round trip 75 cents. rsi ror pany ot i or more peo- I f.- The round trips are good for X) dars rrancisco, first dasa. S3 50, crage f.wj. Ki. U. Kawxntos, agt. BE OBSERVING. Cash for poultry u R. 11. Robertson's The best fresh groceries and produce at oan dustn's. Ladiks the Istett fahto U a sea ale i ureas made by sirs, McLean. Dr. G. W. Mastoa, pnyaicuut and sor freon. Albany Or. CaJisaaswered prompt ly in city or country. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers offices and residence in tbe post office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of women. A MAX'S A MAN, Bat ita a big advantage to him to wear well laundried shirt and nintwrlnihi.. j ??L . iiv.p(, uiaaw specialty ot gentlemens , work. Free mending for men besides the first class tanndry work. A superior nigh gloss finish to shirts collars, cuffs, etc Blarla rtaver ataat Tea is a sure cure for headache and nervon jliease No hlng relieves so quick . For tale by Foshay & Mason. Tae IHaaS Waaaea Constipation, causes more thaa half the Ms of women. Karls Clover Root Tea i a p)ant cure for constipation. For tali by Foshay A Mason. ' A raet Wartfc Saawtac. CoosvnaptioB. LtUrippe. Poeomonia and all Throat aid L ing dtseases are cure bv ShiloVs Cure. Far sa'e by Fashay Mason. Far SrjrsBeBata, and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle c! SMlo's Vital aer- It never falLi to care. For sale bv Foshay Mason ' A Xalaral Beaatiaer Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the b'ood and gives a clear and beautiful comp'exina For sals by Foshay and Mtwn. rartke La ass Flder Also W. Steers writes from PorU land. Or: There ia no meoiraae for the throat and lungs that I can recommend to ministers, publio spesaws and singers lib tbe confidence that I can the S. B Cugh Cme," For sale by Foshay Ma ons at 50cU pw bottle. All Seoaaaateaat U. Ask your physician, tour druggist sad your friends about Shiioo" Curw for con sumption. .hy will recoottuend it. r'r "J osnsy Jrt&SOn. It Saves Uvea Kvery wr Thousand, cf cases of ConeomptloB, Asthma. Coughs, Colds and Coup are ured every day by Shiloh. l ure. ,v Cars Vraaav - "My Ibree children are all .uKii . croup; I elegrapbfr-l to Sat Francisco, got jo. a uau aoxea oottiewet s a Cough Cure- ji is a ptrioct taouKly. UoO blsssyontor it. Yours, sic J.H. Cioaier. Grants i Fan. Or." For aa'e bv Foihav A Uunn at Ocper botlle. - courrr democratic ticket For Beweeents H. C. WATSOX, of Albens H. W. McELU UBR Y, of Tangent. M. PHILPOT, of Harrieborg. For County Jodevj S. M. GARLAND, of Lebanon. For County Com miwiontr ft . C fUili.K, ot rox auey. For County Clerk O. A. ARCHIBALD, of Albany. For Cocntv Sberifi H. BLAKtLY, of CrownsviHe. For Counts- Recorder MARK PERY,of Franklin Batte For County Treasurer T. J. MONTGOMERY, of Scio. For Cbuntv Assessor BOB. M. MILLER, of Haiser. For School SGperintendent C. F. EIviBY, of Sweet Home. For Coroner O. B. REESE, of Brownsville. Justices of the Peace JAMES JEN KS. 1st district. GEO. W. HARRIS fcJ district. Constablee S. H. ERYAX, 1st district. JOHX SCHMEEB, 2nd district. iKmocnncbfiit 1 icket. PresdentimI EVctors EDARD KILLFEATHR. J. M. CAROLS J.J. WE1TSEY. W.W.OGLESBY. Supreme Jodje. - ' JOHS BCRXETT, of CorrsJIis. Coegreeaan JEFFtRSOSJtrERS.of rkio. District Attornev SAM CEL HAYDES, of Salem. Member Board of Equalisation B K.1BLER, of Lehanon. Aa viaw, swta. Alfred Linftrom, a Swedish descend aat, age years. He went to Wash ington eight years ago, and later to Port land, Oregon, and has not been heard front ior four years. H is aged mother is very anxious to know if be is living. Any information leading to has whereabouts will bfi kindly received by Charles Lin strom, Otbo, Webster county, Iowa. Other papers please copy. Taken in 'lime Hood's SareapariUa has achieved great success in warding off bkkness w hich, if allowed to progress, would have under mined the whole system and given dis ease a strong foothold to cause much suf fering and even threaten death. Hood's Sarsaparills bas done all this and even more. It has been taken tn thousands of cases whictt were thought to be incur able, and after s fair trial has effected wonderful cures, bri nging hewithtresgtb anvjoyto the afflicted. Another im portant point about Hood's Sau-eaperilia is that its cures are permanent, becaaew they start front the solid foundation of purified, vitalised snd enriched blood. But it is not what we sav but what Hood's Sarsapariiia does that tells the Fnrm Loans. I have a limited amount of money to loaa on good farm lands in Linn ana ad joining coonty. On very favorable terms. Interest pavable annually; Call or write at ooee as tne a meant I have fee loauun? will soon be goo. C.ti. Bceshakt. , Albany, Oregoa. Dont fail to e the beautiful painting at the new Wiikins and Tabor studio Btumlmrg Lkck, Ll everybody come to the Star Bakery nl get 40 lew res of frrh bread for SI. or cash. C Maria. If you want a cnoa and clean smoke buy cigars made bv osr Al- o&ny cigar tactorv. Catarrh rwrea; rteairn aau sweet oreaxn securea v Shilotr's Catanrh Remedy. Frlos 5O cents Nasal injector free. For sale by Foshay A Mason. . Fa tax avaarja . i am 63 years old; have bad kidney dt-eease and constipation for 85 year. Asa now well used your S . B . Headache and liver Cure ine year. Used 6 bot'te at 50 cent eacu . J H Knight, Rntlvdge. Or." For sale by Foshay k Mason at 50c per bottle. The "Pierce" "5.00 bicycle is tbs qua 1 of many f 1C0 wheels see for your elf. C W. Elkins, Agent. Conn Huston for grocenee Get your lawn mower sharpened by M. Ludwig, opposite I. O. Potent posters return rapid results, see Smilejs samples ,s Cloth circulars catch country ciftVOauers. '"mi y tbe printer. Leave users at rarser oros., iw some of that popular World Beater soap. Seme handsome birthday gems at Wi t A Stark's, vheup. One for every month in th year. - Lack Ccstaijii. henewed at the City iaandry. call sad get prices. Sbiit waists laundered with care at C L. - - For Prescriptions Dawson's.