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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1896)
dubbin Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be Bent to sutwcribera for $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gitt in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directlv to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a w3 N. Y: World, $2.00 a year. ; Subscribers to Daily paying in adv-ace will receive all the advantages of either proposition. TERMS. - Daily Democrat, 25c per month; $3.00 per year, in advance 30c pmr month nei in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run ovei ? months. Single copies 5c Weiilt, tl.25 in advance; SI .50 at eno of vear; $175 for second year; $200 fot third and proceeding years, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five rw subscriber! (for $5.00. Prohibition Meeting "Broke Up.' Was Not Editok Democrat: : ; Of course tne riera'a uuu . misrepresent, not by even telling half the troth. At the- meeting Katurdat evening several songs were sung ana then speeches were made and the meet ing dismissed in good order. By req uest of some personal friends Mr. Walker sung a temperance song in jargon. An other request was made for another song men ue caught reujeivuo ovwg language. Then he made a few remarks in jargon and then the boys becan to whoop till more noise was made than necesarv. But soon after this Mr. Walker "and Mr. Will Galbraith sang a temperance song but nnder many dif ficulties. Now when we left all was "quiet, aud of course we aie not in any way responsible for a disturbance after we "were gone." Hoping the Herald maawill makethis correction in hispaper and save his own integrity, we are yours. tiooD Citizens. ndnlin with book $5.00 buvs a good new Guitar with book. $11.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" lolm . strings. ... $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one doren steel v lolm 1st or 2nd strings. , . $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed 5 years . 36JT-Prieea on Pianos, Organs, banjos seut on application. E. U. Will : : Albany.. College Notes. Several of the students are planning to attend the Intercollegiate field day next Saturday. Oration! orations! the air is full of them. Oli, the bursts of eloquence one hears as seniors and juniors are prepar ing for the coming events. Mr Sdgar Stewarts poem on Albany Oollege has been set t J music and is to be sung during commencement week as college song. The Erodelphian society held Us last meeting Friday afternoon. All the mem bers but one were precept with thirty visitors. Among the visitors were Kev. Wishart, Misses Anna and Ora Flinn and Mrs Hogue. Mrs. Hogue acted as judge of tue exercises. The senior class finished DcCorona last The literary societies will have a re ception probably next Friday, given by ithe one defeated in the series of contests completed last Friday. Prof. Pamn gave a very,enjoyable re ception rnday evening, His pupils showed remarkable proficiency in their renderings of beautiful classical produc tions. Alter the program refreshments were served and various games played Among others was the popular game of doubtful orthography in which the ptin opal point of interest is the contraction of certain muscles in the neighborhood of the eye. THE BIKE RACES. The bicycle meet at this city Satuiday was a success. It was conducted in reg ulation manner by the Albany Bicycle Club and went off smoothly. After the procession reached the grouuds the races were soon gotten under headway m charge of the following officers: Referee, A. J. Hodges; timers, F. M. French, J A. Wilson, W. A. Denton; judges. 11. J. Hopkins, T. Wandel, E. E.Goff ; scorer, P. J. Smiley; starter, a W. Elkins; clerk of the course, Edward Blodgett; marshals, A. Freerksen, A. W. Githens, A. S. Hart. The grand stand was filled with spec tators and many teams were present. About 500 people were on the grounds. . The first contest was a half mile spin for novices. Sam Dngger, of Scio, Robt. Huot of Albany; W. A. Huddleson, of Jefferson and.T. A. Kigsrs, of Dallas, started. Dugger won with remarkable ease, Rigga second. Time, 1:S1 4-5. Iu the one mile open, best in three, W. O. Onto and Watt Shfpp, of Salem, Bruce Burue't, of Oorvahis, started. Ogle won the first heat, Shipp 2ud, in 2:2-1. Burnett quit. Ogle won the 2nd heat and r. Time, 2 :42 4-5. The oue mile Linn county race, 2 in 3, had four starters, Arthur Wood, a stu dent in the O. A. C, Chas Sears, . O. Biddell and Harry Pollock.all of Albany. The first heat was slower than the time limit and was run over. Wood won the heat in 2:36, Biddle Snd, Sears Srd. Wood also won the second neat ana . . . v A . race, Biddie ana, in suit. In a tandem race Steiner and Cook ot Salem were d feated bv Sears and Pol- Lwb nf Alhanv in 2:4o. . . ... , , A race for bovs under li uau lour starters, Robert Hunt and Harry Pol lock, of Albany, Ed Mcuiananan, oi Eu gene and Charlie Clever, of Salem, Mc Clanahan won in 2 :59 4-5, Clever 2nd. The pnaes consisted ot mercnanause, according to amateur rules and ranged in value up to fa). THE ELECTION. R. S. Bean is elected supreme judge by considerable of a plurality. For congressman in tins district, a dispatch from Salem states that Van derburg's election is conceded. In this county his plurality is approximately 1000, in Marion Co. Tongue has only about 250 plurality over Vandtxburg. The legislative ticket wilt probably be repub lican, though a good many populists and a few democrats have been elected. Sam Hay den's election is conceded at Salem by 500 plurality. It will probably be 1000. His majority in Marion is about 700 and nearly as much in this county. ' "Brown popjdefeated Minto for treasur- oi Marion county, sheriff and clerk in dobbt. J. S. Smith probably loads on the leg islative ticket, though Somers is close. Say is also elected according to the last figures, making two republicans and one . . u - tl'.t.'.. kul.:..! Geo. D. Barton is elected Judge by over 150 plurality, Duncan second and Garland third. D. L. Curl evidently elected commis sioner. The vote on clerk is very close and it is probable Montague is elected, though one count gave Need ham 3 ahead. Gaines' majority has been figured from 80 to 100. Hard man is elected recorder by about 200; P- t. Morris, treasurer, by nearly 300; Stafford, rep., assessor, Richard Wheeler, eup't, JS. X. T. tistier, sur veyor, A. G. Vrill, peoples, for coroner. J. C. Powell is elected Justice ot the peace in the West Albany dixtrict, and C. J. Hawkins in the East Albany dis trict by 205 majority. Constables S. H, Bryan and F. T. Blount. Pennoyer is elected mayor ot Port land. Frazer Sheriff ot Multnomah coun ty, defeating Sears, and Geo E. Cham berlain has a close vcte f -r circuit judge, DEA1I1 OF PROMINENT CITIZENS. Mb AiM AHKOAM Fieih fish of all kinds at EdSchmeei. Factory sboon Racket prices. Baket stor. I ae cream 5 and 10c a dUh at View s summer garden. Special bargain in shoes for a short time at St. Luis Rakot utor. Mr. Viereck has opened her ice cream parlors and summer garden for the teason A new invoice of Shces just opwned at St. Luis Kaket Prices lower I bin ever. Linen Pique and Duck suits ready made -perfect fit and Litest styles for $3.00 at the Ladies Bazaar. Several hack loads of A. O. U. W. peo ple will leave Albany Saturday morning lor the big Hnlsey picnic. Are you go ing? Don't forget the ice cream social this evening in the building recently occupied by Stewart & Sor Hardware store, post office block. Ladtes will do well to call at te Ladies bazaar for their shirt waits. They car ry the largest assortments and IVeH stylet aperfoot Ufuaranteed. The Ethnological department of Bond Brothers' Teub d Wonderland, i raid to be one of their very attractive features lhe exhibition will be here Monday. June 8th. For the Masonic Grand lodges. Stat Sunday School Couvention and Vouieos Congress the O. R. & N. Co. will ninke round trip rate of $1 00. Good troing lune 6th, 6th and 9tb. Return tickets geod until June 15:b inclusive. Mr. I. F. Knpp, repre-nting the Sun Francisco Cai ban been in the oily making arrangements to five Albany and Linn county a liijr writeup in thst paper. In consideration of the saute he haa receited a larg number of daily subscription from our leading businew men. The Call is a reliable, enterprise paper, well conduct ed on conservative lines. THE ELECTION. J. S. Smith, people's representative. J. M. Somers, rep representative. T. M. Munkerf, people's " Geo. Barton, " judge. D, L. Curl. " commissionor. C, B. Montague, ' clerk. ,., M, O. Gaines, " kherlff. J). F. Hardman, rep recorder. P. G. Morris, treasurer. B.A.Stafford, " assessor. , ' Richmond Wheeler, people's stijierin tendont E. T. T. Fisher, rep surveyor. 0. F.Wright, coroner. 7 populists, 6 republicans. W ithout the official count, that is the way the election went in Linn county Monday. It was considerable of a pop ulist victory and their first one of anv kind in Linn county. On county clerk the vote is very close between Montague and Needham and it will take the offi cial count to settle it. As soon as made the Democrat will publish the official count. As made from the figures re ceived from all the precincts promiscu ously, and hence not always correct, the vote was as follows: Unn County's Vote. KEik KMTB FEATBE Umi' Sumtnu-y. Station, Albany, Or. Month My. 189T. M-"n tempem'Uf", j2. Maximum teanperatme, 8th dt. 29 r. Minimum temperature, 37;U 14, .5. To l tofl' Oich-. Total prcoipiutkm i HI inch. No. of eear d ,6 N ib of pa.tly et No. of cloody dy, 14. Dates of light frt, 0 Uauxoi ki iik (owt, 0. mi h cli hH frl , 0 Dale m wiuh :rt tel, 0 Dst of noraw. 0. AaKxap, 0 Previliodi';tiop f th w. d.N. S. Raif-ll. 3 48 f-r May, 18 e w -. Rnr-: T oipeiatara 6 tor avrc , ' " Joas Baieoa, . Volunteer UHtinr. My Judge Wolverton is in the city to vote. C. H. Dairy m pie has returned from his xitiamooK trip. Mr. Lawler was in the Blue River River mines last week. Prof. E. B. McElrov delivered the m 3 mo rial oration at Cotaee last Satur day. ' Mr. A. Senders was gradually sinking at press time with prospects of living on ly a short lime. W. H Headley bas been attending court in Portland as a V. S. juryman. It will require several weeks. Mr. J. M Irving, one of Albany's old residents and most prominent business men, who was stricken witn paralysis one week ago yesterday, has been slow ly failing, and' it fs doubted if he can Jive more than a few hours. A large .circle of friends have been earnestly hoping for a turn for the better. , Mrs. Walter Monteitb. of this ?ity,who xias Deea nsQiuwg u uiemuu, " , wi iwo or three years, has returned to Ore gon, and is now visiting her sister Mrs tate, in Portland. She will be in Al bany ibis week and open her residene at 5th and Calapooia streets The Oregonian eays : 'Er June roses have faded, four of Portland's charming pociety maidens will have joined the rank of dignified matrons. The fiancees who who will be June brides are: M ies Edna Hackay, Miss Florence Glisan, Miss Beth Conner, Miss Stella smith. The lucky bridegrooms are : Dr. illiam Skene, Mr. Arthur Minott. Mr. William L. ttrewster ana air. rrea -i. jtheo. j"" Conner is a daughter of Mr John Con ner, and formerly resided at Aioany. -Dr. Earl Cranston, the new'M E bishoD who is to be located at Portland, was born June 27, 1840. His education . was obtained at Ohio University, at Athens. O. He enlisted in the United States service and rose to the rank of antain of the Sixtieth Ohio Volunteer ' Tnfantrv. He is a member of the Mil- I'fan Ortor nf th IavbI ftKrin. II is service in the church after tne war was in Ohio conference, and in Eransville, Ind.; Jacksonville, IU., and Denver, Col. Dr. Cranston bas always held a iiigh rank as a pulpit orator. Two Watches A tramp en- tered the residence "of Milt Awbreyoni High street, Eugene, about S o'clock last Friday evening and stole two gold watches and chains belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Awbrey and two daughters Misses Mae and Annie were about the premises at the time Mrs. Awbrey had laid the watches on a bed and left the house for a few minutes. Miss Maa was up stairs and Anna was in the parlor. The former saw the tramp enter the yard and sup posed he wanted something to eat and that her mother was in the kitchen and would give him something. The tramp entered the bouse and findicg no one present took the watches and departed. A few minuter later the Iom was die-r-nv-pred and the office? notified. A search has failed to reveal the watches or the guilty man. Eugene tlnard. J. m. ibvi o. Mr. J. M. Irving died at his home in j Allwny this morning June 2, lSKi, after an illuesa of nine days, of paralysis, ag gravated by other complications, lie leaves a wife and two children and a boat of friends to mourn his death. Mr. Irving was born in Wisconsin. He moved to California and from there to Albany in 1&3, engaging in the har ness and saddlery business, which he followed until 1879, when he formed a partnership with Mr. F. M. Keddeld, in the grocery business, which be followed for several years. In 18S6 under Harri son's administration he- assumed the duties of the office ot Postmaster of Al bany, retaining the position for four years, when he engaged in the furniture business with William Fottmiller, his accusation at the time of bis death. Mr. Irvine was peculiar! of a genial, social disposition, making many friends in Ins every day me. who win univer sally reuret bis death while yet in the prime ot lite. The funeral services will lake place at the home of the deceased tomorrow at 9 o'clock p. tn. and will be conducted by Bey. Dr. Thompson, of uorvauis. x A. 8EXDEKS. Mr." A. St-nders died at bis home In this citv this morninir at 6:30 o'clock, of a complication of diseases at the age of 61 veare. He was born in Boeen. Ger many in 1835. and came to the U. S. in 1856,' locating in Missouri. On Oct. 4, 1S58 he was united in marriaee at St. Louis, to Miss Lottie feinstein. They moved to Oregon in 1880, residing number of years at Pnnevitle, where Mrs. Senders died in 18S8. They finally came to Albany, six or aeven years ago, this havimr been their home since then. The deceased leaves three children, Belle, Fred and Minnie, and many rela tives and fnenda to mourn his death. The funeral services will take place to morrow at 3 :S0 o'clock, and will be un der the auspices of the Master Mason of tt city. The remains will be interred in the Jewish cemetery near ibis city. SOCIAL AND r'KKSO.NAL Mr. Oley Woodarorth has returned iroiu a trip to Eddyville. J. E Courtwright. editor of the Re view was elected Justice of the Peace at Harris but g. Rev. Roland D. Grant leaves this even ing for Boston, accompanied by bis fam ily. The family will spend the summer at Waterloo. Telegram Rev. T. J. W ilson who lives on a fruit farm south of town, had a runaway last Saturday that bruised him up consider able but no bones were broken and be will soon be around. tugene Register. License has been wsued lor the mar riage of Mr. E.J. Seeley, superintend ent cf the creamery, and MixaSteena Frerkaen, ZJacob J, Keber and Mary W. Meinert. al'PKKME JCDGK. Bean, rep. Burnett, detn , Gaitou, people's Bean's plurality... COSOKKBSMAS. Vanderburg, people's Tongue, rep Meyer, dew .... 1857 1197 1673 184. 2067 150 454 1087 Tangent items. TaxGEvr, Ob.. June 1st. Farmers are still rushinar Uieir spring sewii.g, tome are throngu and other are still sowing yet and will be alt through this week un'.ees the ground gets too dry. Election day is oaseine off very quiet. It veems everyone is voting tor Mr. Van derburg for congress so far and people Thk Fiect Stbawbeekies. ThU year Tangent will get the credit of producing the fiiat ripe strawberries, an honor gen erally held by Cloverdaie. Mr. W.J. Tutit.l lvisv ft at the DEMOCB4T office two boxes of Crescent Seedlings, a de- , eeem to be mi: ing their ticket a great i licious berry, as well as a fine looking j de,!. one, being solid ana a gooa Keeper. Thanks are hereby returned. Conn &. Huston will have Mr. Tis d ales berries on sale this summer. H ee max the Healek ministered to an audience of ladies SAturday afternoon, giving some striking examples of his magnetic powers. - in mo cuiuj u. HaS did not lecture to men only, 'Hi ac mnnt (if the sodiem-o beine much small er than he derired, being in the habit of addressing pci-led bouses in the city. . Beviva-. "n?).-There was a largs and atten'ive audience at the opera bouse lat 'night to hear Evangelist Gbormley on -Christ the Divine Heal er." There will oe arrange inruia m uw opera bouse in a few days to immerse several persons wno ueoire vunnnu baptism. All are invited to attend these meetings. The young Albania will play be Indt pendence janiors in Albany o& June?. 1 be officers of this liw yung club are ' Wm. Mark, manaeer, Keatt. t.-eatberford, captain; Henry Cr-wford. treasurer; A. uonoway. secreiary, earn neauru-a, wku- rwm. . .1 L f if . er . Abe eiuo uas tne maierisu u m class beys club. Trof. B. S. Hughe of Harrisburg wa eeo on our streets on Surday. ; Kev. James Calloway preached' to a full home at the M. E. church on last Sunday and Mr. Howell preached in the p. m at Fairview. Everyone is making garden in the city and they are getting them iu good shape. Mrs. Lavina Wetiel of Salem has been here visiting her daughter. Mrs. Sylvia Grwn. ! The voters here in this precinct are voting for the stock to run at large snd we think it will carry all right. Mrs. Ruby Anderson has been quite ill for several days - Tangent has a new blacksmith, Mr. Langtry of Monmouth, who will take the place oi Mr. Bacon and will move his family herein a few days. Mr. Jodd Ross and family of this city have moved to Albany to reside. C. D. Knighton will move in'otbe house vaca ted by Mr. Roes. We are sorry to announce to the peo- Ele of ' Soap Creek that the Tanent rasa band cannotfplsy forthrm on next Saturday at their picnic." We see the populists have been circu lating papers ou the election day for the voter to be aware of traitors. Obituary. Mr. J. M. Irving was born in Genesee coooty, New York, in 1S4I, afterwards residing in leconsin, aod then coming to California, where he worked in the mines until lyi3 when be came to Albany, where he engaged in the harness ant aaddlry bufinea, afterwards in the gro cery business witn r. J. liedueld. in ISS3 he was appointed postmaster by President Arthur, servinx for four yaars. when he engaged in the stove and hard ware buaineaa with n. II. Jlctarianu and upon hi death in the 1u.-nitnre bus- , : -1 r . : 1 1 II. I 1 VMS W1IU IU. ffunu 1IHTI, I ID mmm united in marriage in 1ST! to Mia Ida Hogue, who with two children, Miss Velle and alter survive turn, to mourn the death ot a loving husband acd father, one agreeable in ail the relationship of life. The funeral this afternoon was tt tonded by an immense concoure of our eitizens.the business boues being gener ally closed as a testimony rf rj.-c:. Educated Horses. An entertaiument outside the usual order of theatrical affairs will be given in the opera bouse. Wedoesdav aoa Thurs day evenings, w lien Prof. Bristol famous school ot educated horses appear. These ! wonderful animals have met with great popular sucreas for aereral years in all the laue cities of the cast, this living their visit to California, w here no doubt they will be accorded general favor. They do not perform the usual tricks done by Lorses in a circus ring, but are thought feata never before attempted, which they accomplish with astonishing perfection. There will be a ma'inee ses sion Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. m iiru an , uv nine uii.ui vu .10 jl v . m j pouy ride. The tan Francisco "tm ' iner" oi April 28th says: "One of the! most -etnarkable ("erl'Tmancea ever wit nessed in this city r, Uiat of Professor D. M. Bristol's trained horses at the Auditorium last evening. The animal are traiced to a wonderful degree of per fection and one almost eapects to bear them talk. Titer play at school, put up jokes on the teacher, carry chair and tables, dance, do penance for infractions of school rules, tell ttie time of night and ancwer problems in arthmetic given by the audience. 'Denver, the trick mule, is a wag iu bis way. The performance concludes with a military drill, in which perfect discipline is maintained. Auditorium was packed to its greatest capacity. The Eqtiea-Corriclum" runs for a week, and promise to be the fad. Oakrilie. Decidedly lively in ibs city last night. A Portland baby was born Iat week with teeth. A eabinet of Wm. Peacock's birds is an attraction at the Immigration .rooms. An Alhanv horse De Linn, won the 2:28 trot at Eugene last week in 2:38 and 232, doing so with o much ease as net to test bis speed. If promiscuous balk indicates anything, aw heard on the streets, Vanderburg, the nennle's party candidate for congress will have from 500 to 10C0 piarality ia Jbia county. This a holiday in the public schools. This afteraoon several of the lady teacher, nearly all of whom ride bicycles, formed a party and went to Granger, in Benton county where they visited with Mis Ab bie Wright, the teacher of the school at that place. Th Drwoorat predicts that about thme-fonrtha of the men wbo run for office today in this county will get le't. Accord ing to other prediction heard on the : streets three fourths will be elected, only the prohibitionists not claiming some thing. S. Price, wbo came from Indiana, to Oregon in 1852, hrcoKht with biro at the time a 11 bill, which be exhibited the oth er day to a Dalles Chronicle reporter. It was issued by the state from the Miami county bank at Troy, and at the time wa arood in Indiana, Ohio and a portion of Kentucky. Camp 103 Woodmen of the World have elected tbe following officers for the emu lag term: Consul Commander, C 0 Burk hart; Adviaer Lieutenant, Louis Viereck; Escort, Anderson Cannon; Watchman, j S Lamar; Sentry, L E Moe; Manager 8 VanWinkle; deleiratfs to to tbe con tention at Eueeoe. V E Allen, C G Burk- brt, J 8 Van W inkle, C E Ha wkins, D DuBruiIle O. C. A E. Exccrsiosb. Beginning Sunday, May 31st, and on each succeed ing Sunday, round trip tickets will be sold at one way fare between all landings annih nt Oreoon City and meeting roint of steamers, wnere passengers will be iMni arml to tlia opposite sieamer IUI return trip. For convenience of parties wishing to avail tnemseivea m ui - . fA. . !.. nnliro An cellent opportunity for a day's oulirg oa tbe bancs of the Willamette river, boats will leave Oorvalhs, Albany and caietn an hour later than on wee days. 4 m U. WATO, Sop't River Div. Letter List. - The political camaien bas at lastclofed and our people are all happy and we have demonstrated the tact Uiat, a Vanderburg's plurality DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Hayden, dem Carson, rep KKrHEpKST.lTIVES. Somers, rep Smith, pop Munkers, populist Say, rep Roberts, rep Watson, dem.. Hartnius, rep. McEltnurry, dem Philpott, dem Brown, prohi Hacklman, prohi...! Walker, prohi eOCXTT Jt lKiZ. Barton, pop . Duncan, rep.... Garland, dem COaMiasioXEa. Bridgefarmer, prohi Cuil, pop Miiiaru, rep Potter, dem cor nt y ru.sK. Mon'ague, pp eedhaai, rep... Archibald, dem corsTT siisairr. Blakelv, dem Cochran, prohi Gaines, pop Jlcreron, rep eocsTT aEtopata Hardman, rep - Peery, dem McDonald, pop ... tsrnft, prohi corsTT Tmuarara Archibald, prohi Morris, rep.... Montgomery, dem Wilton, pop. " ASalt&soa . Buck num. pip Miller, dem Kotierta, proh i Stafford, rep acuoot rri3rTEjtpasT I'.ibee, dem Courtwright, probi I., rep... Wheeler, pop l KVEYOB FUher, rer ; Saann, prohi Wliitconib. pop ooaonia Chamberlain, prof.i..... ItilL pop Reeee, dem-.- Wright, rep Judze Powells majority in ban) lt-r jutK i 68. A son of J. K. Cbarlton of thi county wa elected sheriff of Lake county. Tbe indication are that tannin is elected in Eastern Oregon. harden' tnajori'v over Carton in Marion county ia 1223. The vote on congressman is: Vanderburg, 2SfcO; Tongue, 5507; Myers abuul80; Chna iHia. 220. In Marion the republicans bare lost the treasurer to tlw populist by 33 and the republican sheriff and clerk got in with a small piarality. Mitchell tbe low- et on the republican leeulaiire ticket bas a plurality ot 219. Smith leads the j ticket with hOl plurality. Ter.-ebs, rep, i ia elected judge bv about 700 plurality. In Benton county E. R. Lake, rep. nominee for joint representative for Ben ton and Lincoln counties, is elected by 275 majority. R.O. Loggan, for repre sentative on tbe republican ticket, is de feated by about 20 plurality by John Whiuaker, a populisfc. On tbe county tkki, the aucoewfol democratic fusion candidates ate Peter Reckard, sheriff, and V. E. Walter, clerk. The den.o crata alto elected their awewor, Asa Alexander, and Wm. Buchanan treasur er TliM rntihtii?ana elected school UO- ! erintendeut. George Denman, John Gal- latly, recorder, and John uucuanan, commissioner. W. E. Yates, republi can candidate for prosecuting attorney of the second judicial district, will be elected by about 1C00 majority, 2100 ItiHO 1781 1840 1809 1601 1709 1273 1493 782 855 120 135 100 1743 1634 1341 130i . 1723 . lffiM 1263 . lCTfl . 1356 . 1122 . 86 . 161W 184 l&Sl 1553 141 14 1916 933 175: 1440 1468 113 1616 10&8 137 1741 1771 rsi ..... 208 160 ..... 2TJ 1470 10M . 16t West Al- ?.3?: ar8 : gS: s-f: : yg- . 3 W P3 O V, 3 SSg(St3d883SeaSSS8S&S8SS8SS!SSft- uojseol K i C M tO -frSQ33lO M05 O 2 l 00 OB" O0iOlUtJ0 SecirSuuciSSaSSuuS!SrSXaw 'SJafK 3 V. o K A uoti3 3 53 II TOO Want a Inn rmm.l t- :.!.. . .. limb, us an " , aide, cbevt, w Allcock's tions I VII UUa? A Piaster 9 sBf.ALI'N.Drat .e boat of counterfeit, and imita- , s a good as the rennina. . at IS e"2 It fi MMtiiottoAKMei m s- ge&e.. --&ia-jMjSSiaOCOl3-- wwo'KMweiiMOxsot-; eKawj.uMO'ic.; - a. syissslsssSates-sisssssSssssrs- oa 1 K i t i4a.3B3kX3t u Ca 0 3D -J W -J snmijyi SJauacK; Xunm33j "jlodRq.j " UOalVjU auapoa mtujg! uaoig K s s o at o 3 w 3 o c n MOM i M Ue0t9i-M a. O a 5 S o ' uatnaprwnj "1tMj A FEW IDEAS. The best and choicest patterns of Oregon and Eastern woolen mills are among the selections we have in Spring suits. " The quality material the style tbe tailoring of tbeae garment are far ni- perior to ordinary "special price" clothing one so often reads of. QUESTIONS OF PRICE are all-important if they were a problem we have so ved Uiem fatbsfac. tory to tbe trading baying appreciative public puH: uojajyy Hearty flr f ived is Oar great line of satnmer shifts last colors led by ttie - "Mocar" Soeaters Bicycle CAPS and SUITS Mens Shoes Pointed and caff oo$ sqcare medium and old mail's lasts Boys shoes Bicycle shoes Tennis shoes AT BKA Mssaes-- jUMja8ppg M aaa aut9UHaasi aattMuuastissx -jno, 3 K it :265if S2- Ruqiqw? ea ta sea e St i u a-ac o. " ' I 2f t't S2i:555gSSiSSggH5gi:S3S qtrmjqiaol " ouafejuojr, L. E. Blain Clothing Go's. Capes. a.iaa-9xe4ttusuasa9aaMu sate . Vwatasisas--ISaUXasS-UtXKal9 "iiia '-trsjuMO amnl ' ocaajopi 3 ! ca.stgii;5aaS:--4iwisa&-tca.uaex- e hicxu pproocpn; 1 ii? , tcus 4. u-ciovKa KMaMea-.c " PflllT iua f iaae? aHI!KSMtiaaag. fugujigofr Lieut weigbt for tprirtg aad sunnier. Black asd colorwl. Uteat yles. Mediam prion. Shirtwaists. Lot aid lota of tbem more just re . aMved. Many differeat grd and pnoaa. Etjleanew. Summer Goods. Stock now coaple:.; largt ver brougiit to thw part rf the valley. AN oew goodji aad wices very reaaoar abte. bead for sample- S. E. Young, Albany. iffrBECOB CENTRAL tJl & EASTERH. t.SSlf3tS2SSSSSSS8SS3SSSSSZSSS' gtcas se MSS-15E uu tos C aery- je i tnnujtig 5 ? at O c u - a. c i W : X9U9aexMU?sasxsaHisoxaa'. -q3tg mStnroooj I n; I 1 SSI-?E32SS:SeE2iS2 S35S2S2222 qey 5 e M a Kxeeuiioa oa otiiouns-uumjs tx s An Octoenean's Death Died at Stayton. Mari-.n county. May 2R. 1896. Mrs. Susan T. Hester, in the 89th year of her age aiihout any special dioease, but jutt physically worn out. She was the mother ot seven children, five of whom, with her husband Martin V. Hester, proceeded her to the Deyonu. One son, Mr. Allen Hester, of Kings Prairie, and one daughter. Mr, i-itaa Montgomery, of Stayton, with whom she made her borne, yet remaining. Grandma Hester was one of Oregon's pioneers, having crossed tbe plains wilh her family in 1852. settling near Scio. She was an honored and beloved mem ber of the Baptist church at Scio, While she will be sadly missed we humbly bow to the will of Him who candidate who resides in Oakville gets there every time." The last week was one of excitement, all parties came to Oakville and told tueir stones anu uien w an voteu as we pleased. Mr Fred Dawson wa In our town Sat onlay evening and called on A- V. Smith at the store. Amkts. a.ttC. Gates, Oa., June, 3d, 1398. Monday was election alay, everything paned on quietly. The citizens of our little village are making preparations for a rousing time the i'ourth. They will offer great indue- menu to the Woodmen to spend the day in Oatcs. Wesdames Cox & Collins are on the sick list. Their many friends i-di them a speedy recovery. Tilden Qninn who lias been arsisling L. Jacobs in the store has gone to the Breitonbush for a few weeks. . . . 1 1 11 IIm. WHMOtlllllff rOllOwmg IS iuo llt vl ctiA:io i.iuiti..", , uuuki'JT uuw w t lie in the 1'oatofBce at Albany, Linn county, doeth all things well Oregon, June 3rd, 1896. fewonscalluig for j lhM tetters mo aivc uc " tiey were advertised. Brown, Mrs ise Mabt J. Folus. Lo k at This. Fritler. W Gilliland, Mary Miller, Fred Thornton, Hiram Cox, M Alma Gslley, M8i Mitchell, M Neal, Price T. J. Stiteb, P M lhe fieid day of Pac'fie college ot Kew srg rjBulied as follows: Hugh Feliton berg ran th 100 vard dash in HJ- eaond&. and the 220 yard dasb in 21 second. Luther Hakfir won the pole vault at 8:11 incl.e. Britt and Round tied for aecona piaa. Running high jump, first Hobson 4 feet! llincheti; second. Baker. The 2J0 jvd! hurdle race, first D. P Price, 81 see-; onds, with Kenworthy a close second . Running broad jump, Hobaon. 18 fret 1 inch, second Round. 440 yard ract, Price fiiBt Allen tecond. titte 63 seconds. Had robe run, Macy flof. Stanley cond, time 2:17?4. Mile run Macy hra', SUnlHy sec-. . nd, timi 6;40 0t. vtU' crcwhan4: Fowdcf World's Pair lUcfieat Award. a' , prored by the sUtemenU of lcaa SaleS in drueiriaU everywnere, ahow that the people have an abiding confidence la Hood' SaraaparUia. ureav proved by the voluntary state iV lirCS ments of thousands ot men and women show that Hood's 8arapariUa ac tually does poaseaa a..aa. over disease oj Vmn3'"t KOWCF rlcUing and InvlgoraUng tbe blood, upon which not only health but We ' ftsell depends. Tbe great O. of Hood's Sarsaparllla tn OUCC6SS curiiiu others warranU you In belleylng that a taltlif ul ue of Hood Baraaparllla wlU cure you you sutler from any trouble caused by impure Diooa. n 9 Sarsaparilla . ..... n.rnia ninndPiirinr. All (IrllCL'IsM. (I, Prepared only byCI.HoodCo.,Lowell,Maa. J ladies of the W. C, ' ;,' n. are eaay to take, easy tbeir ball. HOOCl S PlllS to operate. 28eent. The World's Best Shows, With the famous Bond Brothers n com' mand, will exhibit at Albany on Mon day. June 8th. This greatest ot ali Dig siiows. me most popular and praise worthy of exhibitions. is deserving of more than ordinary nien linn The preaa of the entire country laud it to the echo, and alt pronounce ft years in advance ot an contemporaries, It presents the acme of arettic achtcv- ments: many distinguished male and female Circus and Hi ppodome stars of the Old and New World ; tbe most com' plete and comprehensive Wild Beast displays; a troupe of Educated Horses, and manv wonders of intense interest to amusement patrons, students of natural history and everybody. Several former Linn county men are officers of Woodmen Camp 216, of Prine- ville: Consul commander, u. N. Lig gett; adviser lieutenant, jobnuombs; escort, J. L, McCullocli ; watchmen, B. V, Johnson; sentry, 11. J. Palmer man ager, M. b. Brink. The pupils of Dr. Parvin and Mrs. B, J. Shame assisted by the Albany con servatory quartette will give a musicals in the first rresoyterian cuurcti oi tins city. Saturday evening June 6th. The musicale is given in the interest of the W, O. T. V. Baietn journal. Carp or TitANKS-The ladies of the G. A. R. wish to extend their sincere thanks to tboee assisting in weir dinner and exercises May 30, especially the i. u. tor tne use oi 1 AMY LtVINOBTON, President. I have 48 lots with fair houe. All kinds of fruit, all in oue body, rioso to college and city public school, to trade for reside-ee in Albany. ixkk I'jis up. Good place to make money or for specu lation. G. Y. Muston. The "Pierce" 175.00 bicycle is the qual of many f 1C0 wheels see for your- ell. V. W. L.LKIX8. Agent. George Lovelace .was elected J. F. at Lebanon over G. F. Skipworth by 1 uiaj-mty. and G. . Taylor, constable over A. n. iMcaeraon oy a majorny. In Jackson county the populists had a cyclone electing uearly the uhole ticket. in mne county t it. euipworm w probably elected senator over Driver; lli.mnton. dem. sheriff : Spencer, dem. clerk : Potter, rep. for iudtte; Lark fcll- veu was elected representative. The populists carried Umatilla couay, the democrats not (retting an ottice. In Clackamas county the populists have elected sheriff, clerk, one member of the legislature and perhaps the whole ticket. A cood many voters through the coun tv coLthincs mixed, and some of them vi:ntlv do not take the papers. A nnmber of votes were made out accord ing to the old way, all the names being scratched but the one voted. Sometimes a rr an voted for three persons tor the same ofticeand in Orleans Precinct one man voted for everybody on ttio ticuci. In Santiam Precinct it is reported that thirtv-cightof the ballots were mutil lated" by the lower part used tor justice and constable neiog torn on, anu n ia ..luimnt thin wilt throw out the thirty' eiirht ballots entirely. It o this would elect Need ham clerk. In Portland Pennoyer has over 1200 plurality for mayor. Lord, rep., was lected district attorney. The circuit judgeship is very close between Cham berlain and Rears. Sears alio waa not willing to charge according to law, was defeated for sheriff bv trailer, the well known noree uuyer, oy auoui itw. Let everybody come to the Star Bnk'ry and get 4' 'oaves ot freah bread for ft. or cash. C Mavaa. Awarded Hilhest HonorsWorld's Pair, Cold Medal, Midwinter Fair. mm CEEM1 Most Perfect Made. 40 Yean the Standard ; oo to auHaHM xosSVCXCXUS-SMauO .-j cavt4 naOMMa(5-etisaa SS . S 5 av PLLJ caSico ac A as -a Urd (caaa?pa?ia.. mi' gtSSSSSsgfe tqSHM c 5t! 2S 5 3i Dally IScrvicc MRuth" 'and "El more. TheO. K. St N. Co's palatial steamers Ruth and LI more leave tout of Broadaibin mat tnllowa: Steamer Roth leave oa Mondays Wednesday and rnuay at a a. m. arriving Portland 4:30 p. m. aame day. Steamer Elmore leaves oa Tuea- 7 43 ft m. arriving Portland 4:00 p. m. same day. Rate are as foil wa: 10 t on- lnn1 Ana trtn St. 211. round trio 2 00. To (Wmrnuitr. one trio H.00. round tria 160. To Salem, one trip 00 ceuia, round trip 75 cent. To Independence one trip, M cents, round trip 15 cent. Special rates for parry 01 ten or more peo ple. The round trips are good for 30 day. Fare to San Francisco, first claaa, S3 60, steerage 3 00 U. U. kawuhos, agi. Dosnt TatKC Much Money For irrooeriesat Parker Bros. Their prices are leasoaable and alitt'eeoesaloog way. Qtality is something alao. 1 hey keep oa ly thebejt. It U a fair and aquare Bat footed fact that if yon trade with them yoa al ways gtt good treatment in goods, prices and personally. That i consider able in the lone run. It counts particu larly in grocenea acd baked goo is Ton can r' what you want wit bout running around by trading with Parker Bros. P IMIIADIAII PACIFIC RY & SGO PACIFIC LINE. Save Honey acd Tims And get the best service aud accriimouations- Cheap Tickets to and from all parts ak V Casadian Pacific Royal Mail Steamship lm" "Emprea Uae TO JAPAN AND IneUateatand finet line oa the Padfie Oceaa. 300 lliles Shorter than any other Trans-Pacific Iaine cqaOLUU. rui it iisuiuMu Short Line to the Colonies. Tkaaa mwlt carry an experienced med ical man and a steaardeoneca voy age. Fcr rate, accgtnmodation. pamph- YAQU1NA BAY ROUTS 1 .f Vanmna Ba7 with toe VUBacvuug- - 1 r Ban Francisco and Yaqmn Bay bteaan-hipCompany gaila from Taquina ever 8 days for ftmn Frauciaro. Cuos Bay. Port Orford, Trinidad and HomboUt Bay. raaeESoam Aodomopatiosb UsrarASi. Shortest route between the WUUm ette Vaiiey acd CaliSornia. Faro from Atbaey and point vest to San Francisco f!A - ;"lx inasici - To Coos Bay and Port Orford, Cabin - To Humboldt Bay I Cabin. Sound trip good 60 days oecjai. RIVER DIVISION. Steamers "Albany asd -Wm. IS. Hoau?" newly furni. bed. leave Albany daily except Saturdays at7 :5a.mamv- : 1. D .t.rA iKa uM dav St D. m. Keturning. ooata kave Portland m dava as above at 6.00 a. m arriving a Albany at 7 -45 p. m. ,. Ebww erosta. J- C Mato. Manager. SupU Kiver DiviBson. a. L. Walbcx, H. B. SAcar, AgU depot Albany Agt op Revere Boose. Albany 4X0 fS.00 EAST AND-SOUTM THE SHASVd Southern Pa.ciiau oo. CaBMa Cxpraaa -Tjaa jam far IfcataMaeya. ' I am 65 yean old: have bad kidney divaae and constipation for 85 yer. Am now well uaed your S. a. neauacuo ana liver Cure cne yer. uaeao oovi a m t. ..-.I . J 11 R olirh'. Kutienire. " Fnru la py rony a roaaon ai uv. per bottle . Cure For Crippled Children. The National Surgical Institute, No. 319 Bush St., 8an Francisco, successful ly treats all cases ot orthoaedic surgery. line nr more uricc'a ui bum iubuium will teat the ltevere House, Albany Tuesday. Junettth., to examine cases. The succers 01 tne iiistiiute in treating ail caHea 01 curwiuic m iptuo, ui.v. ses ot the hip and knee joints, club feet, crooked Uuibs and bodily deformaties as well as pilie, fistula, nasal catarrh and all chronic diseases has mnde for the In stitute a national reputation. Write for circular. References may be had to: Jno. A. Shaw, Mill City; J no. Meier, Crab Tree: W.A. Go, Albany; J. S. Morris, Ndo; Judge T, L. Davidson, Salem, and hundreds of others. SaimW NorivE. Steamer Farallou will wil from San Francisco June 2nd, from Yumiina June 7th. Calls at Port Orford, Coos and Humboldt Bays. Fare Kan Francisco, cabin 0, steerage 4. II. L. Waldkn, Agt. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Awantad Cold Mtdal at Id win Ur Fair, Saa Fraadaea. n. v TWnnlr because voo baye i,;A man madicines and have failed to .;.a tutnafit. Uemember that Hood' Karaanarilla cure when all others fail to do any goed whatever, ii'a Pin are the be, family ca (Kariio and liter medicine. Harmleaa, reliable, sure.. - Soring cleaning is at band, aee us for prices ou waahtng carpets bertfiing ana curtain. We call lor ana oemer j. gOOdS. C. BIMPSON. C.ty ibuhuij. ltSt..opp. Bt Charlo. Thooe 49. Mis Helen Crawford Isorganiaing a .rlzl : .jin. and Kne sh Literature. 11 n,i,n.taairtotake such a course will notify her at once. TermB, 2.o0 for twelve lessons. Long wsys troui iew Tork City. Long rainy aay in long time no Ne sun ahine. , Long years in the phgraph busiocw 1 !. ika loadinir artist tn A.baay. T.J1 .nnv nho'oa maa-byLong Pho'o Co ,2id and terry St. Lck CoaTAtwt. kenewed at the City Laundry, call and get prices., Sblrt waists laundeied with care at -.. L. . Oar aaaaalaa at Blaaa 'Four out of every five bottle ot medi cine sold in ths last five year are S. B. good. The a o -Headacce and law uure 1 use tnvaeii a reoerai noysic If you are i.k and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safeat method i to buy tbe S U. remedia and ue a direct eo. C. P. Uuch, Druggist, Uufur, Ih " For aula by Foah-ty & Mason at 50 ct per bot- le. lewor any information call one addjww u BSACRY. ALWStaawi" l v & A 9mK Wfa"t a Albany Or. 146 Third St rorttana, vr. liEO Mc U BROWN. . Dwt . Fa. Agent. aucoaver. t. v ItP. a. I L irtaa mi a At "faoajas l. !' Pjnaaaa Albaay Art tss . . a Pttand . ...t. aCnn at IZvA Crae i. Draia, .rf all, mu. - R.oebnrgiata 10 ana ncw lvaL AJbaay ar t 1 1 Lat Sra aal Ar arSCrall. t9ra I At Albaay at Albaay Lv Ar Ha r-v B0RTHERH jvl PACIFIC R- R. PULLMAr Bdmi SLEEPS. Di.untr Cars 0gd;n Rout SEC0N0-CU5S SlEinKS CXRS U wtMrs Van- ta all VaMak Vralaa m,Aa rsatvataa an t oapt SI M a t:ta t arala aria Lriiaa Sunday) at 1. n;n daily (except AltVaad Corvalu onnect with rat-. ot It you want a enoa ana clean smoke buy cigars mad by our Al bany cigar factory. Barrel weet pickle t, barrel aoor pick lea, Ovater cocktail sauce A t Paiker Bros. Pullman Sleeping liars, Elegant Ding Oars, Tourist Sleeping Oars St Paul Minneapolis LNiloth eargo, TA Grand Forks Oookstba , Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS,..!. TO Farm loana. 1 have a limited amount of uione) to loan on good farm lands in linn anu ad joining county. On very fa'arable terms. Interest pavable annually. Call or writ at once as the ameunt 1 have for loaning will soon be arone. C. 0. BURKHART, 4lbany, Oregon. Belt buckle, belt pina. aliirt naiat aeU, 1 -1 . . u m c in gom ana auver, m i , n . crenui a jo elry store. For the beat Drugs Dawaon'a tr I ! fa 1 Ar ParUma Arl-t5 1 f 1 a. Ttroucb Tie Viet .-at a a-aaaa at rtsaf rjLTTT w airi a na fMak.Art Ahy. KOSHLKI aaaarar INm-as Chicago Washingtou Philadelphia New York Boston and all Pointa East and South Through Uekdts to Japan and China, via Tacomaaad Northern Pacifie tam8hip Co.. an American line r.,. ininrmatinn. time eards. taao ana tiekeu call on or write C a Borkhart, ImhI Alhanv. Or. 0 A D Charlton. At en Agt Portland, Or. Us Dawaon' furniture polish For Pills and Hastier Dawson Far Pur Drugs Dawson's. THROUGH System. Vesper Recliuin Til to tht EAST via the ODlon Pacilic Throwh Pulbutl Palaa Tnnriat aleoora and !w Chair car TiAILY PORTIJNn TO CH1C.M'". Train, heated b . andcara libl- d ihy Putsch Light. t m Time to tnaiw " , Sew York 4, day, whicK Is many hour quicker than all ,Jt,,,nLt For rates, UmeUbte and full infor mation, apply to 1W., S'wBAATOit. CBaowa. ' Gan'l Aent. D'1 Af Gn 1 Ageutj PonlMd. ur. a .Jv a ia.t 13 Reason To. ( vJ M Ea letber t Is it not bet Rread . Pies. Bol Is, Cakes, tc. at reliable store where they use anty tl Best material why of course 1 U you dont want oyspepwa Jra. ue Jr get it b, eUng inrn. - . B.. wZXZh. I Price; CBrtUj jter