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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1896)
lie MtwmtiL Washington Letter. Front our regular Correspondant. Washington, May 25th, 1896. In declining to furnish the senate with the correspondence connected with the rreat by the Spaniards of American cit izens on the filibuster competitor, Pres ident Cleveland merely exercised his conetitntionat right to withhold infor mation which in his judgment ought not to be made public, and doubtless he will explain his reasons to such senators a may take the trouble to call on him. The republican house was so disgusted with a resolution offered for the im peachnient of President Cleveland by Representative Howard, of Ala., that it refused by an almost unanimous vote to give him a hearing on it. Howard has virtually been ostracised ever since he became a member of the house, except by his fellow populists, because of a dis graceful book he wrote just before he be came a candidate for congress. The Virginia democratic Association, of Washington, at its last meeting unan imously adopted a resolution endorsing Senator Daniel of that stats for the dem ocratic vice-presidential nomination. The convention might easily nominate a woise man than Senator Daniel. There is food for thought in the words of Senator Bill concerning the probabil- j ily of tariff legislation at any time in the near future. He said: "There will bt no tariff legislation in this congress, or in an extra session if on9 should be held, or in the two years during which the next congress will be in session." Ii looks as though most of the eenatots agree with Senator Hill's very emphatic assertion, for not one of them even made a pretense of denying or of challenging them The McK'mleyites knocked the last prop from nnder the republican anti's when they brought tneif batteries to bear upon the members of the repubii can national committee with snch good results that thirty-two of the fifty-one members are now announced by name as feaviog pledged their support to Mr Mc TTinlor that latest nwmila hfinr Senators Hansbrough, : of North Dakota, and Shoup, of Idaho, the former having just ' returned from a visit to McLinley. This destroys the hope of bis republican op ponents that alcKinley might be beaten by the national committee throwing ont McKinley delegates from all the states in which there are contests, as the commit, tee will now be certain to favor him wherever it can be dene. : . Senator Harris, of Tenn., chairman of the sob-commute which will make the bond investigation nnder the recently adopted senate resolution says he favors conducting the investigation in secret and making pablic its tesalt when ob tained. He takes this stand not because - he favors hiding anything bat because ' he is opposed to having the testimony published by peace-meal as itisjacen .. and commented upon in thi public press. . Direct information from Chairman Harrity, of the democratic national com mittee, knocks out the sensational re port that Mr flarrity had said that no aeiegaies woo gave advance nonce 01 nis . . - . i - intention to bolt the candidate and plat form, if they didn't suit him would be aiaiitted to the Chicago convention. Of ' course Mr Harritr didn't sav so. A Salem Bankers Proposition. Dr. Cusick, the Salem banker wanted to test free eilrer by having all the banks of tbat city handle only silver for one week or one month. The Journal swers this very out of tbe way proposi tion in this way : Tbe whole argument rests on tbe assumption that the advocate of 16 to coinage of gold and silver is advocating silver alone as money, which is false Silver advocates do not oppose tbe nse of gold and paper as money, bat want the nse of all three. . .' ' It wou'd be just as unreasonable and jast as unfair to propose tbat for a week or a month all business should be done in gold or paper. It would be imprac ticable and impossible, but it wonld be ' no more of an argument than Dr. Cu sick makes against silver. A carload of sil 7er would be from fSOO.OOO to $1,200, 003 of silver according to the size of tbe car. In bop-pickit.g season that much silver could be disposed of in this part of the Willamette valley, and it is a well known fact that bop growers often pay good round premium to get silver to pay oS bands. There is hardly a man- - nfactnriog establishment in Salem- tbat can get silver enough Satardar nights to pay off its hands. The Journal has a small roll, but has of'.eo troubled thi banks not a little, when times were flash and more silver was required, to get enough silver to pay even fifteen or twenty people. Now tbat business is at low ebb, and laborers are working for one-balf what they were getting five years ago, there is plenty of silver in tbe Salem banks. f But small as the wages are, and even II the goldnes could depreciate silvern coins to only tbeir bnilion value, which tbey never can, tbose coins even at bol lian value, will buy. as much flour, wheat, and the necessaries of life, as tbe same amount of silver bullion would ten years ago, or as much labor as tbey wonld five years agj.- Labor and farm products and silver have gone dowsi as gold has gone up, or w are- very much mistaken. ' The Journal does pot wish to get np a controversy with g6 learned and able a man bb D-Cusick. But he meet see that what he proposes is not all the principle involved in the silver question. He adroitly covers np the real issue and seeks to make the cause of silver as of fensive as possible - Nobody wants sil ver alone to do all the. business of tbe country. We very much fearDrCusick and his friends want gold alone to be the basis miner of the eountry. If tbat is not true, we wish to be corrected. Most of the opponents cf silver do not want to be called gold basis money men, because tliey know t'lat gold alone wou'd not make ai sa'e or sound a basis as gold and silver taken together. If they do not know it tliey should. The meanest man is dead . ; He killed himself in Jersey City. His last act, except suicide was to burn $3, 'X0 which his wife laboriously acquired and saved. " . ' There are mure prophet before elec tion than after. It in astonishing how much just half the people think they can see ahead before election.- - - New Suits, "They make you feel "sheepish" be cause they are ALL WOOL, we mean our new suits just received. Bring your money or some big grub oak, and try one of them. Thk Albant Wooles Maui Co." The Knife That Cuts. The following poem was written by Oregon's best tnown poet, just before the recent election, and was dedicated to the Clatsop county branch of the Knights of the Spectral blade, whose motto is "Sic Semper Maginnis " FAX SIMPSON. It is slender and keen, with a shining sheen ,- . - . . And is worn in the boot or the sleeve ; But it loves to sleep beet hid away in the breast , Of the man with revenge to achieve. Anear the heart's spring, where the broods of bate swing - -In the blossoms of passionate Eny From each venomous flwr )trctives aweirdpower ' 1 '. 01 vengeance -remorseless and aire.. S:m xIm .tools were made no world famous blade, v , t ,h .nn.u nf knighthood asleam, At that tunouet of death has cut Off SO much breath That the owners were prone to esteem, n ia aawt tn rennRe in the heart of arose Like a worm that is fed with its bloom, But. oh. it is blest, in the sleeve or the 1 vest To a bi do as a master of doom! It is as shy as the kiss which the maiden with DllSS -TUatnn-a nn hatr lover in dreams i But it rips up tie back of a victim, alack, xrr l i l. - i; i t a.. I.a '.Mtnm.',. Kairii While basking in false iortunt's beams Ah me! at the polls, where the great battle rolls, How silent and swift is its work, When the bold candidate, unaware of Bis fata, . Is impaled on the pitiless dirk! For no handle protrules and no crinnon exudes. And lightly his friend she salntee; But yet all the while, as he smiles the slick smile, , There is gore trickling down in his boots With a stab that ia dark it leaves a man stark In the trarop'.ed electoral field; "He has turned op his toes," is the most that one knows, "In spite of bis armor and shie d. No close-woven mail can against it prevail, -' - Ant it knnara naither "itv nor fa'. And it settles awld scores with the blood that it Dours. In libation to hopes that were dear, When its red work is done, and the vic tory won, It ia Haintil clean Red of all stain, And returned to a aneat'i fiat ia vocnd with a wreath Oi the causes bequeathed by the slain At the feast of the ghouls o'er the death of tbe fools Who failed to remember its might. It is waved o'er the wine where the bab bles-beads shine In the wavering, sepulchral light. s At Newberg Last Week. Eorros Dkmockat : In New berg where there are more christian women of culture gathered than in any other of oar small towns, the Womans Christian Temperance Union held lately its Slate convention filteen hundred women belong, out oi our hundred Unions and each successive year swells the number. There are home women, who make thif toeir one outing because tbey love their home.and want t tee it better protected. There are the solitary women no longer set in families who look out on tbeir larger home and who wish to see it more homelike. There is the qn:et tinid woman, who baa been all her life afraid of her own voice. There is the brgbt and sparkling woman, whose Kindling thonghts fly forth like anvil sparks. There Is the practiced one with her etick-lo-business capacity, there are Uie specially spiritually minded, who dwell on the "Mount," and who import iU brightness to the dwellers below. Tbey ail have large receptive hearts taking in each new necessity of the passing hou, and each o&e ia anxious to leave tbe world a little better than what she found it. to help make a concentra ted effort she is here in Newberg, so tbat according to tbe last analysis the name of thisnnion seven millions of women tbe world over baa come to signify, We Come To (help) U. L. The 20,000 people who gathered at tbe Buckeye Park on tbe Columbus, Hock ing Valley & Toledo road, Saturday af ternoon, have a pretty well defined idea of a railroad collision. Two 40-tpn loc omotives, to each of which was attached three coal-cars and a caboose, were ran together at a speed of 40 miles an boar As ooe of tbe engines was a little faster than the other, preliminary trials of speed were made so a to bring tbe .col lision at certain point." lbe engine W. H Firher was started 3600 feet sooth of the point of meeting, the K. L. Street er 3000 feet north. The engines were started on tbe main track and ran together on a siding at the park, ifcatb engines were started at tbe same time, tbe engineers jumping after opening tbe throttles. The collision occurred at 4 ;10 p. m., the engines within about 100 feet of calcalated point. The immense crowd was silent with awe a the engines steamed into sight, each running at rate of 40 miles an boar. There was a terrific crash and a roar of escaping steam as the engines came together, and they reared np in tbe air. Tbe cars behind them ws telescoped, but tbe cabooses were ' only partly wrecked. As tbe clonus of dost and steam obscured the wreck, there was a tremendous about. . Then, wnen tbe et caping steam subsided, the people clam bered orer the wreckage and every loose bit of Iron that eonld be found was car ried away as a relic Both engines were a complete wreck. Kinetoscopie views of tbe olHioa were taken by experts. Tbe failure to nominate Binger Her mann for congressman ' played an im portent part in tbe election that has just dosed. ' Mr Hermann wonld undoubted ly have been elected by a very big ma jority. Not only bis great service,for the Northwst, which no one has a right to deny regardless of politics, bu. his po sition on the financial question, would ha'e assured such a resnlt. His defeat, through no fault of his, but through tbe people was the defeat of Tongue ; not only that but bis defeat at the Albany convention resulted in tbe defeat of a great many counv candidates through the district whose nominations were se cured in anyway through movements that brought about bis defeat. Defects in the construction of the big battleship Oregon, just completed, have recertty come to light and have been tSe subject of investigation by the navy demartmept. It appears that there have been departures from the contract reqnlrements as to the thickness of the pUtes to be used. Certainly, that is the spirit o! theatre. brlvecter Peor.oyjr seems to be a man of destiny. When be runs he gets there, regardless of the Oregoblan. Mr Pen noyer will make things lively in the me troj oils. t You can tell much better tomorrow evening than this evening how the elec tion Las gone, f Once in .wo years is o'ten eo Uj(h fcr an election. MISFITS. After all the Willamette valley does sometimes set struck by a cyclone. The Texas Cyclone left his marks here. Nearly evervbodv and everything the Oreeonian favored were defeated in the recent election ; but it is very doubtful if Mr. Scott will ever appreciate that he has been set down on and learned a lot son. A Portlander figuringon the pluralities : J i. .1 : j . i I claimed by different candidates for the Mime office made Out the population of Portland to be nearly 1,000,000 people A sample of anti-election talk. Three thousand lives lost in a useless displav to satisfy a despotic emperor. (50,000,000 spent in extravagance, the redeeming feature being that it put lots of money in circulation. But the eyes of the world were on kussu. The Albany man who went on board the Ruth last night and shouted for the 'Albany' was met by the fireman in a very pugilistic way as well as disastrously. The fireman, though, on reaching 0r- vallia had an encounter with another man and came out second best. The man recently ordered out of Al bany. Governor Pennoyer's friend, it is said, has been visiting Albany nights. and now the family which he was intcr- femne. it is reported, has been broken up by the wife leaving her family for this man, (or whom tar ana leathern would be none too good. As election is over we give some of the campaign speeches, as illustrated by an fcx: A snout, rang nut, there was roar ing, and soaring, a flutter, and sputter, rehashing, tongue-lashing, crashing, smashing, gnashing, dabbing, routing, pocting, bawling, equalling, fussing. cusaiuK, glaring, swearing, wipiug.awip-l ing, whooping, swooping, gnartiug,rnarl-1 log, uuggunK, juggling, uiuok, Buaiung, wranelinir. ianulintr. sweating, fretting. biffing, twitting, cajoling, log-rolling, I paddling, straddling, cavorting, rip-1 snorting, moaning, groaning, munching, I crunching, bambonxling, jainanoosling. iimsmggung, wimsniggiing, namcod- dung, ramsnoJdiing. K. of P. Offk-kb. Laurel Lodge No. 7, K. of P. at their meeting last Monday night elected the following 'officers for tne ensuing six months : C. C, J. 8. Van Winkle. V. C, E. R. Huston. Prelate, Jas. T. Hunter. M.of WK. U. Will. K. of R. and S.. 3. Ii. Wilson. M. of F., Ceo. W. Hochstedler. M. of E., V. G. Hayne. M. at A., S L. Riley. I. G., N. 1. Conn. O. G., F. P. Kitchen. Thk Sbco.vo Stkawbcbbibs. A box of strawberries was left at the fine ICM- ockat office last evening by Mr. Wm. Peacock, the first Irom Cloven! ale this tear. Mr. Peacock expect an average crop, not a big one. Air. Peacock ie an ap-to-date man, his elegant gardens be ing one ot the finest resorts around Al bany. Besides a big windmill, a pboto- grapn ganery ana a taxiuermicat muse- am Mr. Peacock now has a bicycle track, one fifth of a mile, makiug quick circuits in ma ouainesa. Axothek Record. Recently the steamer Albany arrived in Albany at o:oo o ciock in tne evening alter a very iast run, naving leu rortund at 8 a. m leeterday the Ruth started out to beat this record. She left Portland 5 minutes before 6 o'clock in order to reach the in the evening, makinir tt faatMt mn I between the two cities in tbe historv of the world. She approached Albanv tooting victoriously, and a big smile could birseen on Capt, Kaab's face far in the distance. All those wishing to attend the A. O. TJ. W. picnic an Ualsev. on Saturday lone 6. win please leave their names at losenn "a cigar aiare, oy r nuay, in oraer to tnaXe : . i , , l arrangements for transportation. By order cf M. W. Sew Bicycle Seat. The latest and best thing in a blcvcle seat is the automatic. Being divided through the center and adjustable to tbe rider il is the most comfortable and is the only absolutely safe bicycle seat. Especially rood seat for ladies. It is being introduced by J B. Marks bo will be pleased to have Automatic you buy- The Masox a A tte xno x . To members' of the Mason fraternity wishing to attend the grand lodge the Ecyal Arch and the juviern fciar grand lexises at Portland, the O. C. & E. R. R. will sell ticket on June 7th Slh and 9th good for return until June 14 h at 1.00 for the round trip. Scxdav School Esctbhiox. On June via tne o. V. &E.K.R. will ell round trip tickets good to return until June 12th to delegates attending tbe Stale Sunday School Convention at Portland for Jjl.CO for tbe round trip. The steanprs Al bany and Hoag have been designated as uio ouiciai ooats lor tins occasion. txcm8iox to SaLax. The O. A. C. Athletic Association will sion on the Steamer Hoag on June 6th to tne iniercouegtate nel J day at Salem. Round trip tickets 50 cents, on sale at the Postal Telegraph office. fhe Modern Way. Commends itself to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the cmdest man. ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, head aches, and fevers without unpleasant aftereffects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy. Svrnn of Fi factored by California Fig Syrup Com- BORN STELLMAKER. On Ma av 23, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Stellmaker, a boy, mu can f named iiysses urant. The full intensity of livirifr is reached only by tbe perfectly healthy. Sickness discounts the capac ity for enjoyment. When a piano is badly ont of tune, the noises that come from it are certainly not musical. They are not beautiful. If it ia only a little bit out of tune, you can play some few things on it. You can create a semblance of m tlflip- tlt ,AH MM- not make really beautiful, satisfying, soul stimns; music, unless every string u tense and firm, unless every piece of the whole Instrument is in perfect tune, in perfect condition, in perfect harmony with every other piece. It is the same with a human beinjr. If his body is all out of order and run-down, he will not be able to raiov anvthins-. matter how full of enjoyment it may be for other people. If be : of order, if be "is not sick, but doesn't feel is was ist a little bit out wa VIUVIi M H2 M uut just right" he will only things to a half-hearted i ill only be able, to nin hearted sort of war. fhe nearer he is to being perfectly well, the nearer will his ca net-feet i ui Hoaaif ior enjoyment M To really live, and to take hie part iu the work and , pleasure of the worm, nis ooay must D in perfect con dition. If this condition doesn't exist something is wrong and something ought to be done. That something nine cases in ten means the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It works directly on the digestive organs, and on the blood and through these on every tissue of the whole body. It makes the appetite good, the digestion perfect and nutrition rapid and easy. It supplies rich, red blood to all the tissues and builds up solid, healthful flesh. It brings perfect health and restores vig orous, springy vitality. It makes every function in life a pleasure instead of a drag. It is an -invigorating tonic as well as the greatest blood-purifier of the age. You can get it at any drug store. If you care to know more about it, and about your own physical make-up, send at one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only and receive mmmmmjr jrec a copy oi ur. fierce' cele. pratea dook, -i Common Sense Medical AH. ser- looe pages, profusely Illustrated. Auuren worm's u ociation, Buoalot N. I's Dispenaarv Medical As. V. TELEGRAPHIC. Over Ike rmldcal' Veu Wapiti notoh. lune 2. The house de voted itself today to passing tbe river and harbor bill over the president's veto, and to unseating, by a vote of 162 to 39, John j Walsh, the democratic member Irom the eighth New York district, whose place will be allot by Jonn Murray fliitcueii, repuou can. Both of these actions were foregone conclusions, so they excited comparatively little interest, although there was a tun house to vote on the river and harbor bill. It was caused bv 220 to 60. many more votes than the two thirds necessary to over- , ... . .. i :,i .) rule a veto, and it was passed without de bate - lbe Eleellea. Poktlanr. June 2. Tbe indication are, from lnconiDlete return in the nrst congressional district in Oregon, tbat tongue has been beaten by a small piura'i tv. Drobablv 200 or 300. i be subjoined list of members or we next legislature is believed to be practical Iv Wft .... . . . I conect, though complete returns may aUer corresponueDta' statements. Un the jowl ballot the legislature atanus: Republicans, ob; populate, re: democrats, 0; union bi' metallic, o; jaiicueu republican, . The C-ataatMa UMmg. VAjfcoDVKR. Wash.. June 2. Tbe Co tumbia has been steadily rising since the warm weather set in. i'be rise has been quite rapid during tbe past few days, reg- isterinx about lb inches during the last 24 hour. Farmers in tbe lower river bot tom lands are becoming alarmed on account of crops and a few have already begun to move stock to the up anus. Re Here Bead. Washisotox, June 2. At 7 o'clock the long struggle iu tbe senate over the bill to prohibit tne issue of bonds came to an end and tbe bill was passed by a vote of 32 Zo. iue bill, a pausani, covers only three line, as follows: "He it enixled. Thai the issuance of interest-bearing bonds ol te United State, for any purpose what ever, without further authority of congress is hereby prohibited. IB falarada. j Wjuy, Colo., lune 2. News has reach- ed here of a cvclone. tLe first ever expert enced in this section, tbat blew down ttu postotEce, tcboolhouse aid a number ol residences and farm buildings at Lansing, in -.astern Colorado, last Saturday, Mrs Joseph Poillipa was seriously tort. but will recover Postmaster Bee k and bis mother and Mrs Mortis, received bruise. A !-( la aswkaae. SpdKASK. Wash.. Jane 2. Frank h luck was held up on prague-aveoue brutee last night by two men with guns. He resisted strongly, but the robbers succeeded in get ting bu gold watch, leaving tie chain. A car came along just at that time, and tbe robbers disappeared. Ia rwUaaa). Porthnp. June 2. Indications from yesterday's election in Portland are that the ollowing will have a plurality of votes: lea), for supreme jodge. Urge plurality. North op, for congress, large plurality. Lord, for ditrict attorney. Thompson, for member board of equali sation. Penooyer, for mavor. Frazier, for sheriff. Moore, for circuit court clerk. (Sam bell, for auditor. HacLeney, for city treasurer. Ta BaftsSaa. Poktlaxd. Jane 2. Nerer have tickets in Oregon been so scratched as at tbe elec tion beux yesterday, lbe count is pro gressing w.tb pQenotnenat stOwLeas throughout the Us- Tha only things certain are that the republican bare elect ! ed Bean supreme judge. - it is impossible yet to determine wbeiner tbe republkans will control the next legis lature or w better it will be in the hands of tbe populists and democrats. in lbe second coazreasicnal district it looks rtrt much a though Litis had been elected. 1 Bake Citt, Or , Jane 1. At 5 o'clock I yesterday morning a cloudlxirt struck tbe j "T mining camp, which comfieteij I wrecked tbe boarJing-boase. I'be iamataj. I cotui.ting of William Brown and wife and Morse ttonaliuoa. had a miracolooos es I cape from instant death, as the flood moved i the wrecked building to within a few feet 1 ot ioar creex. tsrtssl ISKsL Sax Fuas. cibco. June 1. Tbe bill of exceptions prepared by counsel forTheo dore Ourrant was submitted today to So perior Judge Murphy to cet-ify to the cor rectness of facts stated and by him to be sent to the supreme court The appeal covers 175 typewritten pages and embraom every exception noted by tbe defense dur ing the long trial. Tbe appeal will be printed by the county rlerk, fur which SO days are allowed, aed t&a the supreme court will pass upon it Am arJ ataaapMe. Moscow, Slay ?0 A terrible nanic' suiting from toe great rrush of people at the popular feast here today, in honor of the coronation of tbe cxar, caused the tramping to death of many people. May 31. lbe disaster is cootlrnUy gaining ia proportion, as toe inve:igauon u toe auinonuea conuboes. icrte are made CDuex difficulties, as the recovery of tbe victims was conducted by hundreds of volunteers, and many were carried away uerore wey were enumerated. It u said now the fatal itiaw will amount to between 2000 and SOW. but it is impos sible as yet to learn exactly tbe extent the disaster. la Seir geCesne. Stockto, Cal., May 81. D Sangul netti, of Lathroo. snrretdered himself to the authorities tbts morning and is now in custody fcr the killing of a robber at his wayside place, near the Corral Ilollow mines, jost at tbe mouth of lbe can von. where it opens into the San loaquia valley. it was a desperate bgt be bad lor his life, as is evidenced by tbe deep cuts on bis bead and the bruises on bis body. Ihe robber he left lying dead just off Ihe front porch of the saloon. The Last Week. WASntXGTOK. Mav 31. Tbe senate will begin tbe week with the intention of mak ing it the last session, if possible. Ihe imperative work before the senate. in order to reach adjournment, is to dis pose of the conference reports of the ordi nary appropriation bills, fo vote u; on tbe bond prohibitory bill, and to cnmider tbe proposition to pass tbe river and harbor bill over the president's veto, in rass the bill receives the necessary two-thirds vote in the house to bring it to lbe senate Aageltae B)ea4. Seattle. vTah.. May 31. Frinopsa Angeline, one of the best known and most written about Indian characters on the coatt, died here today, after a long ilmess, at an unknown, but probably meat am. Sbe was tbe daughter of Chief Seattle, after whom this city was named, and was tbe central character ot mny s.ones of early history if the town, mostly mythical, the prcductof imaginathe newspaper cor-j respondents. The old settlers will give her ' spienuia luaerai. Ia aba- Tampa. Fla . May 31 Private advices from Cuba announce that yellow fever is raging tbere. On the 29th a train from Matanzas brought into Havana from one battalion 60 men afflicted with the fever. Thirty men from the Madras battalion, in the oelta Aba jo, have joinad forces with Maceo on account of the scant suddIv of rations. Brick Fsmerajy DraS. New York, May 31. -Mark M Pome- roy, better known as'"Biica ' lomeroy, died yesterday al bis home in Brooklyn from Bright s disease. Mr Poineroy was born in Elmira in 1833. Will Go On The Elmore. The 0. A. O. cadets of Corvallis, who will engage in the competitive drill with Co. 1 of halem at the capital on J une 0, have arranged to go on the 0. 11. & N. steamer Elmore,aud will be accompanied by the Students band. Uo with the crowd, rnd Join this excursion. Tickets only 60 cents for round trip, at Hodges A Ilurkhart's drug store. Steamer Elmore leaves Albany 7:45. Steamer Ruth returning will leave 8alem at 8 p. oi. There will be a grand mili tary ball, on the steamer on the trip home. 1 People like tender &eat. nicely cut. Henry Broders keeps a full line ol. meats, from the best stock to be obtained, com mended by all of bis customers ANOTHER CONGRESSMAN Pain's Celery Compound the great Spring Remedy Hade Him Well. A congressman is a public servant in the full sense of the word. He is responsible to his constituents, to his party, to himelf the honorable office is full of hard, thankless work, and heavy responsibility. Congressman William W. Grout is grtteful to the friend who directed him to Paine's celery compound, when pro longed official work had we'd nigh ex hausted his strength. His letter reads: Committee on Expenditures the War House oi Kepreeeniauve. I . p., Washington, D. C, Feb. 28, 1896. I found relief in trainee ce-Ierv com pound for insomnia. Iu action on the circa at ion and digestion waa also bene ficial. Very truly yours, William M Groct. There is something wrong when one feels "tired all the time." It is contrary to every condition of good health. There ought to be no necessity of drumminar into the ear of tired men and women who feel they are broken in . . . . .. .! health, and are every Uay losing in me'eht and strength, the orient ned of taking Paine's relery compouod, now 'tis spring, to restore their spent nerve fnrre and nnrilr ihair hlonJ. Some of the earliest gcod resolU noticed from taking Paine's etlerv com- noand du-iner these annni dav is a rev- olarity of the bowvls, a better appeute. toumf sleep, and good dijrc-tion. A healthy blood supply is regulated by the FARM IMPLEMENTS AND We find that we and must dispose at a sacrifice. We will sell: Monitor Seed Drills, Sulky Plows, Lever Harrows Engines at Cost. We have a few hand which we are offering below cost. OUR CRESCENT BICYCLES' S e . a . nave proven so have arranged for a line .of HIGH GRADE . BUGGIES at low prices. Not old style shop-worn jobsbut bright new work of the latest style. Hopkins Bros. Everybody Does Not Ride a RAMBLER They Cost $100 But those who do are happy in their choice having the wheel Best-in Material Best in Style and Model and the wheel that made the fastest mile C. W. ELKINS, Agent. FORTMILLER & IRVING KEF.r comtantl on hand a full line of metallic, cloth and wood caskets and coffin AUo burial robes and suits, in broadcloth, satin, caieuiere which viil be sold a Tb. IVoweat Living PrsUti EMBALMINQ and the propercare ot ihe dead a specially. fen -V -;.--f"Kv7 MISftMC TFaSi'LE f 0 EXTRA CHARGE FOR THOMAS Dealer in ALBANY. OREGON. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY '.'sis eVOfetil'h. FOR TRDE. Blacksmith shop, lots and dwelliair npr Tamma for trnrl for property in Albany, address Dox 25, Albany, ' nerves, and when these vital tissues be come fatigued and badly nouriehed, the bad efu-et is seen in failing digeetion distressing, ringing sounds in tbe ears, dixzv spells, depression, neuralgia and lassitude. Spring days afford every one the opportunity for shaking oil old weak neseea and persistent disorders Physicians of every school have been from the start nrged to inquiie into tbe formula of Paine's celery eomponnd.that they might eatisfy tlien-selTea of its won deriul power of making the sick well Prof. Edaard E. Phelps. M. D.. LL. D as soon as he presented Paine celery compound to his fellow physician, was always anxious to have the invigorator tried in cases that had resisted the usual methods cf treatment, that he utight prove tbe troth of eerv claim made for Lis newly discovered formula for Paine celery compound. The great remedy always gave relief, and in VJ cases out oi tO) made people well. fame a celery compound cannot be juuircu wy "J vrii j ' . I . . i t . i -. . . 1 i . t - . . ; - medicine, tarcanarula or nerve tonic. It i a great modern, saenufic deoverT. s:nga!ar!y unlike any remedial spent that bas ever aimed to effect a similar ! porpoee to make people well. Paine's celery eompoand is Uie one real spring remedy known today that never tails to benefit. Get Paine's ci- ery compmind, and only Paine's celery com pound il you wish to be well, TEMPLES. are in need of room of some of our stock and Buffalo Pitts Oregon Hacks on popular tnat we BICYCLE iritom petition ever male in Oregon. HEARSE OR SERVICE B BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. Proprietor WANTED A woman with una capital to engage in a good payinK business. Befwencea reu)rl. Jixrer- i . iiJ .. ? i s of Dkmockat olfcee. ALBANY OPERA MOUSE Wednesday and Thursday, JUNE 10TH AND HTH FAMILY MAT, NEE THURSDAY, JUNE 11, AT 3 P. M. First Appearance in Albany cf the Famous V A" , At- ? f .-"-"' i. Sge ' -' PROF. D. M. 30 Educated 0 W hi Ii Ponies and Mules. "Poe.tively the largest and beat exhibition of the kind in tbe world. For the T.aniz years a i-opolar and fashionable iaxeea in all the large cites of Ue tMV. "HORSES OF THE Rare.t Beauty & Human Intelligence Watch for the Glorious New Parade. ADMISSION' EVENING, MATINEE At the Matinee all Children get s Pony the boose for 25 cents. . Scats on sale at Hedges COMING! ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS BOND BROTHERS' 1HECR0WNINC CLIMAX OF yJ j .i l- kj j. - Acr- kT V ALBANY. MONDAY JUNE 8. The most Traveled. Pcnolar. Famotts. and bitions of the Universe. It is infinitely worth more to witness a few of oar Marvelous Special Feature than it wooid be to see the lnfid and Outskie of any Show in the world Three Complete Circus Troupes - - A Five Continent Arenie Assembly BLL HHTIOWSCREBTESTMBLE BHD FEMALE CELEBRITIES ColicESil lEigeri8 of Im Will Asia, Enropt. Africa and 6S1BD XJiim HiPP ODaOU-lSIiSSLI IJS? AID CMSII1L KIT The Grandest EalubiUonal Fearnre reriormanoee the Greatest Wooders the most complete Wild Seast Sh.iw sJi Kvenr where Conceded Beet Show on Earth. Etbeolocical Conere of Marveloos, Cnriooa Creswion. a Wonderland Samptoooa V.amiVal. IvlCU, Kile, UtUWUnUU tmnaiKRU, ammwHK inaiiiaa- able Special Feature, never before exhibited in America. To see Either ot which would be worth a Doaen Admission Fees. UitnnmnrniriiMuil ransall toot KOn HUOTIIKRS' dav. Se. tile Foreoooo. One Ticket for the Usual Price. Admits to the WORLD'S : BEST : SHOWS Two Grand Exhibitions and Performance. Daily. Bain or Shine. Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. It will please you to see our line of 1896 SHOES and will save you 15 to 25 per cent on every pair READ, PEACOCK & CO. Notice for Publication LoOirn s at Ckeoox Crrr, 0, May ll h. 1S96 Notioaia hereby a'ven thattha olloiBg caned Mtllor hsa tiled a Uc r hia into Iod la nuia llnal t r.Kf io nppr ol his claim, aad tbtt said proof will be ramus before the count e.rrk: ol Mann udit, (lrvoD, at Salem. Orrron. on Jon 3P. 1896. vm: Jvhn Smtsinsar I1KM.U1W for lh N V.' si N E If and K t' of N W Ji See 21 T lu $ K a K. He r-siues tbe fol lowing witnrsses to prove his oonlirjoot residwnv npon and cul'.itio of.said land, vis: D W Dsnforth, V S Panfortb, Wm lUidaoke; S F Kerr, all of Potroit. Ol. ', KuBSBT A MlLLKR, Ke&istcr. loop poison n lnmarr.rtah UlcuradlnlStoUdara, ToacauuMtoaaunlaa j Hon f uraatna prlos oiwlar aaw smanus Brsiiantl ij t uj9ipmrwwnaiwn wawiitoua tract to nar imllroad rartNUMt aotal bukvaacl BOOham, If we fail to otu. If job hara taaea uta orjr, lotilile notaah, aixl still taara achaa and rlna, M ocoaa J'attvhos In mouth. Sort TltroaU, imptoa. Copper Colorcnl 8tta, Vlwra ua any nariox tba Ixxly, Hatr or Kvebrows faltlac utTlt this BHndry 'LlM a?01so3 riwrantM tororti. W e aol ic 1 1 tha oxM. ohaO uala cas and rhaUenir tha world fur a Pan a w aaanot aurw 1 hia diMiaaa hoa al vara ftiaH tKa aklll of the moat astinvnt via rat rlana. SAOO,Ot0 capital betaiDd our aneoodt. Stonal snarantr. ADaolutanrooiiaanntawairdov appltcan. AOtrwaa twin ir..Mr.i i o 1 aUMOOio XtuulUo, CiUCaaUO, ILL. I r i v;J afaafafataMaW Wonderfol Jumping Hone, BRISTOL'S Horses- 30 25, 35 AND 50 CENTS. 25 AND 35 CENTS Bide and are admitted to any scat in . Burkhart'a Drug Store. EXHIBIT10NAL GRANDEUR aJtoeether tbe Greatest Tented Exhi feasts as! Ocean! Esfp Sea Ecrp rial America in CootriboUoo. The Mot W'onderfol and Amazing Animal Statioa Asent for Excnrska Bate, on Free Spectacular Street Faseant in the NoticQ for Publication Laxd Officm at Owkgos Crrr, Oa. Msyli.1896- . Xdtios ia swswby grvea that ta follow lag NDMid sett'er lus fiWd Botses ol his i tsettea to vsake final proof iasnppwt tf his elalss, aai that said proof will M saa i befo-s tee tjoaaty elan -f Mario eeul, O eoa, aa SaJean, Orrgoa, oat Jasa S9. 189. v a: Albert $aitx-.rr H E No 11159 fo the 8 i of N E i t, H W ofJS S S 21 sal S W X of N W V bw 22 T 10 S R 7 E, He SMustes the foitovnag awtotusss to prove his ooatnsaoaaa mi&amam mpam aad calbva'ton ot. taid larai, v: D W Dan. forth, V Q Daafortb; Was Haidaoka, S P Kerr, all oi Darroit.Orrgoa. B. BJtXT A Mihua. Befistar. NoUce for Publication Laxd Ofmci at Qataos Citt, Oa. May 12. 1S9& Xotlce is harsby s'.Taa that ifc folktviag nod acfsW has 6 lad aotioa ol his inton lioa to ssake final proof ia sapport of his claim, and that aaid proof will bis ssade bo fore tbe ooooty oletk of Liaa onaaty. Or, at Albany, Urswoa. Jaaw S9th, 1896. via: Jamas H klcCooo), H K Nat. 11409 forth W i,' ol N W 1 and W of S W V See 19. T 10 S R 4 K. Ha aaoiaa tbe following witnetssa to prove bis eaatinaoas rsaldeoo upou aad oaltiratiaw of. aaid taad, via: V M McBrid. Hsarv GabW, W U MoCoenrl, all of Minto, Oragoa, aad J Q GibfWD, of Shaidd, Orotroat. Kobirt A Mills a, Rsgistar. Notice for PublicaUon Laxo Crrica At Orbsos Citt, Ow. May 12. 1S96. Kutloe ia hereby given tbat the follow, ing rand saltier has fi'a I aotioe af his ioteKtion to mska fiaal ptoof ia aapoort of hi claim, and that aaid proof will b mad before the ooonty clerk of Lion eoaatv. Or airon, at Alr-asv. Or, on laly 1st, 18ci NE VotSEi See 13T10SR5E Lota S and 4 K of N W i IS T 10 S R 6 E,llENo 10769 Usury W Betake. H aama the fo'tcwiaa witMiats to Biroie bis OOollDaoai raeidwoe upon aad etiJtivsiinn of, aaid laod, u: J S Lswia, A T lw, B O Lswi', K B Curtis, all cl Decmit, Or. Rosa, t A Miller. Rag later K. O. T. M Meets every Saturday evening ,y ev Enis ia COT M. Hall. Visitins ivniiilAs invited a lead. J. Van WlXEUt. Co Notice for Publication. Ld Omca at OaiooaCrrr, Oncost. U,( 12. 1896. Not'ee is hereby u ie that lbe tolt"intr loamed t ter ha It 1st nnfizm aif his ibs- i0 to n,ke tnl .ro, f .nr,no.t ol Lla daim. and that anil p,v.a m tm maaia itr tore toe county eterk f Lint, e nU, O'., st Albany, Oretort, m Jaa 29 1896, vis: WtB M McB Me. H F No. 11JS4 foe thm WaJefNEJiaod WH8 E g i9 T 10 S K 4 14. H ban tbe tolloig witossaas toprsvw his Oaotiaonaa raMdcee spg and enltir.tion of, i) iar.-t, viz: J ii ibuoa, of Sbcdda, Oregon, J H McConnai, n, MeUoaaet. U Uohier, a 1 of Mibvo. Ur egos, KobxbtA n-uta, Begater, Notice for Publication Laso Orrict at Ore'Ks Citt 0 May 12. 1596. K atkaj is fceieby giveq that the aaa&atd sttfler has Sled i die of bis iates- to ank final proof in tarpon of bis elaij), aad tht said tvroa-f will b avaale Mfwe tbe eeaaty clerk ot Ltea eoct,jr, at Albany, OreyoB, tm Jane 29, 1SC6, vis: Wm H McCobsw, H E Ke- miufortbo ! B J4 of K W 4 aixi EJiol W X 19, T 10 8 B 4 K. H oaam tba folk wiag witaetws la prove bss axis tii.aota rtdocm pow aad ealtrrauosi cf. said la or, vis: J G Git sob. .f fessdd. Or.M, Hecrv GabW, W U Me Bride moat J H VliCotacl. all cf If into, (srefcoa i.ostET A afnxKB, Keaistar. ! Notice for Publication. Lavs Orric irOtzoom Citt, 0, Kayl2.1S96. Xui;a5isbrtbv kie tbat iL fo low- - tag saaacd arttlanr baa fiW tie of bia 'n. tcatim to make final wo, f iu apt oat cf bis e'aiw, ad tbat said pmul ili be man betor Ure coa at , aark a L.a xiiB'T,tJr; a Albaay, Un.oe, e Jace 30h. 1898, via: Jed tab HHla II K H. UCV lor too SE8ee32T 10SB1E U iaeee tbe fUui-( yrtrnasa to po b'a eoa- tmaoas leaiaecee aton sa4 ratuvatioa of. aaia 1 ai. 7 T.; DaT-- Mootgoar cry, Jobaa rieeaer. of Jordan. Or, Jaaa. A Craft, of Lwaooaf, aaxl lUnteat Orleio. tA S io. Or. Eoai BT A Hiluce, Rog-atcr. K3ilCi ): ) r.j.lf I Tfca eooviardaip Lreonre ezwtiag Uk firm ease of B'0a;i & Mot r rison, and doing bosi-ar as tbe AiUny Sentries, is tris day dusoivea fcy bbism consent- 1. K. Morruoa retiring aaa Aioeri Browne!! coctiooirg tbe tnainess. All note and accovets doe said fina sbocid be paid to Attest Browoal at enceasttia Oured to eioee np ! affairs wvbocl de lav. A LB EST BeewxzLI JK.Mcs.biso. Albany, Orrgcw. May Sth. 1SS6. SHEETTAX. Socic. is hereby riven that tbe tax roH of tte city of Albany, Or for road and stmt tax for Lbe year igcaS has beea piaaced ia my baixts tor cot lectioo. Soch taxes ar. row doe. and payable to at my eEce n tLe Council Chambers ia said cii y. Aay tax pyer wna etc to pwnjssa la bor npoa tbe streets, either ia person or . . -. . - i - . - -1 . oy a snasuiBH m as w payicg sua im. ia money, rhail. as or before ins lflth dy ot Jtwe, notify the dy snarsaal ia writing, tbat be will be ready at aay time thereaUer, upon reeeivmai three days ao tice from tne satperisteodent of streets ot said ci'y to perform such laborl Aay and U tax payers who fa51 or ne glect o o ootify 'be annbai vitbia lbe time specified ia this aUice. will be re qahed to pav aoca tax ia asooev. Dated at Albuy, Or., this 25: b dav of May, 1896 C.O.LEE. 3farsaal of the arvof Albany. General Blacksmlthing: : : G. P. Crasser is now located next door to the Imprint office. bere be i prepared to do geoaal blacaMBithias: ia a first Cass manner. Prices towcitth. time, 20 per eeat discooct for caa. K. McKEIIX, Beosa TO THE E A aIT TKB CMOtCX T0 TKAKSCONTISENTAL ROUTES cheat union nORTIIERn PACIFIC via SPOKANE DENVER OMAHA aD ST. PAOt KASSAS GITY LOW BITES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS SAVE TOETLAftD EVERT 6 OAVS m FRANCISCO Fee tall daUiin call oa CcasjkH ft Mo"Trrtl, Albany. Or Mtmm: " . - WHHUBI.BlKT. K Usw'iaPas .Aaaa FORI LAND, OR. O. Gi E R. R. GO. vWillajneUe lUvex KvisionaK Steamer ALBANY, Cpt. T. L. Smith, Wm. M. Hoag, Capt. H. L. Hatch Ff ciitjt and Passenger, Dailv. except Satnrdaya. between Cor vallis, Albany, Independence, Sa-J lem, way points and Portland. Uneurpassed accommodations and schednlea especially lor tbe needs of a p per Willamette travel. Picnic parties can avail themselves of this schedule for any desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving io the morning and re turning is due time the sama evening;. Special rates for special parties of 15 or more. . .,.' Leaves Albanv down river at 7:45 a. m. Leaves Albany np river at S p. m. except Saturday. . Agent, depot. Agt., opposite Revere WANTED PROMPT AND F4ITH ful geatlemaa or lady to travel for reliable eeUblished boose ia Ci craa. Salary fTSO, payable $15 weekly and ezpeaaea. M'Stuo penuantaf. fnr eacea. Fac'ot self-addressed atamped ee vlop. H. K.lless. nree.. o tiearuwa EL, Chicago. MO ll - e ST