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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1896)
mm jar VOI, XXXI. CUrJ eS (fee Pcui inee Albany. r. second-Clssi Mall Kstttit ALBANY OfthGON. Mil DA tlFo IS1M. r aimas rasiae si irrasrer HQ.' ill The highest claim for other tobaccos is " J ust as good; as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as 55 Yoa wi'l find one coupon inside each tv ooutice Uig.and two cou pons inside eacu four ounce bag id" Ulackwcll's Duihatn. Buy a bag tf this cele brated toUicco and read the coupon which -gives n list of valuable presents and bow to get them 5 jfPN- "ST, !2C0 . The Indestructible "Maywood BICYCLE tie post godem. Hart ftellabla. Hot tarabfe AND STRONGEST Wbt oa Earth. THIS S75.00 OOM FLST6 BICYCLE i ' J. WITH COUPOri. ' - " . - . .CI'. ' .. , V t"? ."Ct ' ? "V ' That Rebuke. The notes published in the Democrat yesterday in reference to the testimony in the Montgomery case were as given by Orin Beam. The statement of Judge Burnett was read (rout his notes (Hjraon ally, and the whole testimony as pub lished is also in writing and can be seen at this office. If young Beam was aid $5 the Democrat knows nothing about it An immense court house full of men heard the rebuke outside of the testimony of Mr. Beam. Ko paper in the valley has spoken more kind words of Judge Burnett s ad ministration than the Jjkmocrat, though opposing him in politics. In reiercr ce to his remarks which weie certainly taken as a very cutting rebuke of the sheriff be has undoubtedly forgotten the circumstances. Mr. Beams certificate covers the statement of Judge Burnett fully whatever immaterial error there may have been in setting up the rest of the testimony. Instead of the Dkmocrat trying to im peach Judge Burnett's word it is Judge Burnett mdeavoring to impeach a state ment that appeared iu the Iikmockat. considerable discussion on the subject, overheard by a gentleman, it was finally decided to ridicule the matter and the result was a very hard hit at Mr. Beam, the steLographer. Mr. Rufoa Drum also took the testi mony in short hand, and informs the Democrat, without receiving a cent for the information, that his notes corres ponded substantially with those of Mr. Beam published yesterday. Probably fifty men present at the time in the city now will corroborate it, and no one knows it better than the sheriff himself. State Sundny School Convention. The annual State Suuday School Con vention will be held June 9-11 at Port land, in the Centenary M. K. church ou the east side. The program this year has been prepared especially with a view to giving practical assistance' to every school represented. This is a mass convention to which all Sunday-school workers are invited. The number of delegates from each school is not limited. Free entertaiumeut will be furnished all who present credentials as delegates from their superintendent or secretary, but names of ail such n.u-t be mailed at once to the State Secretory. Delegates paying full fare over the Southern Pacinc lines will be returned at one-tuird faro. On the O. R. & i. Willamette river boats a rate of one fare for the round trip has been made. But note carefully, that in every case the delegate must take a receipt when paying fare to Portland, showing that the hold er is a delegate to the Sunday-school convention, and this receipt must be countersigned at the convention. j Copies of the Oregon Sunday School Tidings, containing the program and further particulars, may hti secured by addressing the State Secrelanr, Mr. F. U. Cook, at Portland. The Boys Will Shoot. Don't get frightened. It will be noth ing serious, but wilt give them the needed training should they be called I out to fight Cuba. F. Co. have received a tuu target equipment with one hun dred rourds of cartridges to each mem ber. These mast all be fired at a target. which wi.l be placed somewhere in Uol- tra Park. The firing wid be done on regulation ranges fiom 200 to 600 yards, From those making the best score a team will be selected to compete in the I state target contest next summer. Con siderable interest is being o.anifested in the matter. The "Maywood" le ti - T -, " " - ! roads and riders. Mart c t:r ..-. i easily takea apart an-3 j T-.f s - S-: -. wtll bold toswlier w:i i i t - -- : that cannot be broke . o s - .:' ' iv - . ieee crank in place of k i 5-i . . jiw , , " ; FKABt-Improved -ti "i ? ?t i. kc.- soiled steel rods (iouiu t; ' ui -r 1:3 st i-icr-. j Aluminum bronze fi'tm- it-' ):';. an:i loose; a marvel of octs" - -rits- nni In bicycle mecfaani set x tri. tsttaaa'-. that frmmesoonti i i.-.l v : 'k u i j.-Mr ni ta cannot be repiirs-i .r -r - ' .'-neu wsrrt and brass nipples. -I T -lr" i. p:t- . ana & Wricbt rj-ci. -r r - bearinca toercry job. r' 1 l n . -- c 1 H t- ' !-.; COSES Best im-liT c- .1- .-.!:-z- ztardened center:, rc-k.- 'V'-h - I: v tected by patents: no co: tir T.s .s. iCvf ". .; - Morn. MtOSTKUttK tU Ic. . : jBAK BeTersibls an-! r'J.". 1 : - . : : . Bisbed if ordered. S.VI .- f. -V .. 1 ili...s. - . Bat-trap or rnhber: fc't !?! i irtu -. tuck el plated. Kr-sri fti-ry -ic o pi v ::; . ordUna' to tires, r InU. 'sK i ik -i. T $40 la OTP Speri ! ffji r i . k1... ... for less. To quickl? hum i fa-' bave decided to ma!:s a'ljje.-!! cats . -reader of this pap?r acinar- tt h e.'-k-i 1 : ;v- iowest price ever olfer -d. 'tnj r.-si v ' ' - we will ship to anyone tlr- sj-yr -U- - and vnarantee safe dcii v - ; . represented after eirirai rn! e-.-7f.--r;:i.! . ,? C O. D. with priFileee of exsiB'mt;-; v r ? i- r-i. Bnnrided $5.00 is sent with or.i-t js -'. -!---.- " . A written binding warraatr K-;;b ' - "'.tt' ! ahance of a lifetime and yon ,v;-e af(ir ! u- i-f -'i.i;prve-ftutity pssa. . Address all orders r . - CASH BUVERS. tJMOfi. Bta Wsst Va 9mm Stu Pi i . - lT)3s Of is ai ruction. hiU !rsita -ic:, - ir .iae ti irr-c: ; r1 a co?- lu ' i.i i TH; Silica. v. . . i z -iri oid or ss'.r j J urert . v!,:-d - j, . it , r ' c. i 1' i - rrale . i:;i jto- - -i. Mi.iS- - i -'. .'. ;.; - ...-.-.- ' " -S ' l -it pst: . . e it.-i -. . j .- f ; -L - - 1 fC8 ."..?;5cycle... THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT: v 40,000 H aa Bodies MaOatsd wary yr Diwss6s Tables ia atsdiwl CoWsoas ia UasM Siatsa. TrotartfiMsead.TbooaaB4s ,rr. ? n-,,. T 1 Alwlrtsaj Ihr-BflM ' c mm nuM sanaaur. w g-rmTc. reemrdlflst of location, ia mfefroB ttaa ruTaea of tbe bo u Kbool. The Bon Gbatb Vaolt sftords pomttwm sad abso lnte aaeartty aeaiast tbe rT Jtoboar, aad protect kota eaAst aa4 body from ilamaw . axld aad aacay. aad fraas aacioarias! - 4-5 For Sale by AHan Furnituee Co. Mads waoilr of 1 a&d IWU iron, aad is ane ticaiir iodeetraeti bU. Shoaid a a4ia mrmrr teumaat. Unr UJOtiaactaalaM. Farsalaby ail aadartakaia. HaaoTd by Was. Mies Pauline May. of Harrisbunr. has been visi'ing Albany friends Misses Ora Flinn and Mattie Parton arrived in Albai.y from California, by j way of Yaquina, this noon. Mrs. Rev. Abbett and children have iu Ashland spenl there for the benefit of Mrs. Abbett a Ifeallb, which has been I improved. I ards are out for the marriage of Mr. C. P. i'ealer, the skillful superintendent 1 01 tt"e. Albany Creamery, and Mies Freer ksen, of Orleans precinct. It will take place on Wednesday Jane 3. Dr. H. J. M in thorn, of Salem, passed I throngh Portland today on bis way to Seattle, where he embarks on a steamer for A'aeka, where he is to become the physician for a large commercial and trading company at Ketchikan. The I doctor will be among the Indiana. This I summer he expects to make the trip to iloofc's inlet. Telegram. At Marion yesterday the Woodmen of the Hi tie burg had a good picnic. The Stayton camp joined in. and the Turner band furnished iray music About lAJO were present. The advertised apeakers I ta lea to materialize, but a rood lm- promptn program of a literary character was given. Editor Maun.of Stayton .made ?oni remarks .ana a magnificent chicken I dinner was served. Salem Journal. The yonnz ladies of the Degree of Hon or gave their last entertainment in the prize conteH last night. It was good. the lodges took the matter under ad' visement and will soon dei-ide w better i he young or old folks cave the best tenes of eiteruinuitnt!. The losing aide will give a supper to the other. The I contest has caused great iiileiet. The most friei.dlv feeling has prevailed and the losers will take their .I f-' with grace. Harness Collars 1 iM Chen pest' Pit CO to Buy. Special prices on whips fur tl e next sixty days. Power & Tomussom FEIDAY DtCORAIIO.VI.! Are built is the largest IGYTsim a-'d Best jiiquippeu. Factorv in fiigtetof top the World . . .. r. i., loomnd to know the dif- vect tne vavny imwj - , i ,.nR that . , . ia .italic lnnh orade ano ne tnai Krence Detween a wiirw e- o - , , . tt e i.Bnmr claimed to be. Some ottiers maybe FI? 'ti f k i.;i.Mt f all hiifh srrade. bcorcber 1 neiguu. $85 OO.'Be'.le 26 ar.d 23 inch $75.00 and $85.00. Yimiir:.mxt. MACK BT INDIANA BICYCJ-E tX). KDIASAPOL18. ISO A. J.Hodges, Aenl Albanv Furniture Co., Incorporated. ft aw J l - m- ' mm..- i fnriprtflkers and Embalmers Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon No Charge for Hearse or Services , , - . . .'-'.I.-' I k.! :l C ; ' f - V I 1 tm mm n i r 1 i ' R" .. .. iaJ..V.7rnjL Ifr 1 V sHg. USINESS 1 ' l't)S!J(i:sS ttKKSOHeii.' ' i.nW;- 1, SHUKfi.lANO.'l.St. ntm rnuni ml caret qalcsiy, vemsnenuy au nervous ainwe. wuuk leiuurjr. " " . , . ' ?, -Av.. i.s Vlutllty. MmhilT Knits. irtfrr- evil dtmms. Impotent- and waulnx Ueaa esnged by & j.Vulrrorr. opiates. 1. a VOinju.;.--. -r,-, " , and t.T,.rrneand Plump. f f t r- r; vd .el-sb' 3 'a1"1 "JSr7KTa i Bau.pi Bond Bios, enonroasrailioad show will ba in Albany June 8. Biibop Cranston, f-f the M. E. Church will be seot to Portland to reside. A whin found cn the streets of the city can be bad by calling upon J.N. lloffmin. The bicyclists of the eitv bad an epvov- ble ride fat night on the "Coryallis road, going to Mr. Freemen's and return. Madison Street school will Le prevented itb a handsome flue torn -rro at 8 n- m All friends of the school are nqnestid to be present. Nothing takes tbe dare of good ireat Haigbt Bros, bare what yon want, care Fully bought and nicely cuf, abo some fine hams nd bacon. . A woman ore a larire crod at the Hodges i Bnrkbart corner last night, she harangued tbe audience on tbe issues of the day in tbe interest ot labor. Tbe DmocHAT during the present cam- piiin has net made a statement it did not oelitre to be true. If it mates an error it s always triad to correct it. Cp to last night Sheriff Johnson and depmies bad collected $99,575.23 of '95 taxes Today $3,991 37 was paid over to County Treasurer Gra", leing tbe reset of he week's collecting. There is yet about 128,000 lo collect. Eugene Guard. . W. (1 Kesmith. a son of tbo late U. 8. Senator f estLitb. is m Jbuirene. Hesy mat I. I. Driver otteretl a maiuifns false- nood anH reviled tbe dead'wben he taled tbat his father did not believe in a Uod He aks thst ail friends of bi father resent -hi 4 dander by vot-inir against Driver ne' VJonHay. Eugene Guard , Grun Pass bas'Uea tretfed o a s'ifhl if the I'tw Wldikii several times during 'le p.u-1 etk. Two your ir ladies appear ed on our streets, astride of big horses. The turk like trousers big s'eeves and legg'nga eaured a stampede on tbe Dart of More c.etKsann saloon ifHimrers for ine ironi to get a glimpse of the ui. usual sight Orants ra8 touner. Some time since tbe readers f f tbe Beg ister wid remember, an aiticle was print ed under I be head cf ''A Freak,' regard' mz the birth of calf from a Jersey cow owned by J. K Ciow near J unction, wbicb has the features of a doz and the body of a al. This pecaiiarity of nature Mas been mounted and is now ou exhibition in Ld West's saloon. It is well worth seeing. Eugena Register. Mr. Contractor Wakefield arrived in ihe city yesterday, and says tbat b will have bis men at work in a very few da driving piles along tne waterfiont hetween 7tn street and tbe depot. Poon the buy hum of many workmen bu'ldinir-the railroad within the city win be snmricnt eviuence to releirate the doubting Thomases to the rck woods Astomn. Tbe following from the Eugene Guard about one of Prot.lmdall's entertainments has a familiar ring to it: ' He bad adver tized to Dr act ice bvDnolism at this per formaneeand many wbo bad previously seen the tests in mind leading went I aft niebtwith tbe expactation of seeing some one hyoDotizrid, but they were disappoint ed as tbe professor faintod away ju-t as be came to this part of tbe program and failed to revive in nine to continue tue peno ui- ance. .., i , : "Old Rocks," the horse that propels h ice wagon about tue city, is a very inte'li- gent creature. He is quartered at Banos1 stable, and when be i hitched to the wag on be is started out of the barn without a driver. He immediately crosses over to tbe ice factory and backs the wagon op to tbe aoor. or oi own acoora. as soon as the wagon is loaded be starts on bis rega I ax route about the city, which he safely mattes witnout receiving instructions from bis driver. Kugeoe (ioard. . Revival JlKwrixo.. -There was a good audience last night at the opera house to hear ltev. Gbormley on "Tent Pitching Toward Sodom." 'The Evangelist said tbat good morals, pure lives and high ideals were the foundation of good o- ciety and therefore of good government ana toe happiness ot rransunl. tie handled the social evils without gloves Card playing, dancing and the social glass were severely condemned, tie urged church people to slop card playing and not to teach it to thuir children be cause cards are the instruments by which most of gambling was done. ot tce.e ia harm in the cards any more than there is in any card board paper, but when the the young man becomes an adept at card playing, he is more easuv tempieu to sambhiig,just on the same principle that Be who brinks bis morning dram or tips the social giasa will be more likely to be come a confirmed drunkard and go the downward road to ruin. Rev. Gborm ley believes in no double dealing" for the christian; that the christian should keep himself unspotted before the world tbat tbe lines between the church and the world should be so distinct that il is easy to see which side the individual is on. Subject tonight, "If Christ Should Come to Ajbany." . A Pocket of Goli. Archie Mason.the contractor, returned from the Pioneer stone quarries yesterday afternoon, where bs went to inspect the works with the ioea in view of taking a contract ' to nn eiver a ledge for a new quarry for Geo. VV. Davis (t Co., the lessees of the prop erty. Messrs. Davis fc Co. are u liable to till their orders and will open a quarry on tbe opposite aide of the gulch from where they are now working, where new machinery will be put in in order to fill their orders. They have now about 30 men employed on tbe works and this number will probably be -doubled soon, the steamer, which transports their product to San Francisco, was to have arrive I at Newport yesterday, and will be loaded today with 25,000 cubic feet of stone, wbicb is intended for one of .tbe targe buildings to be erected in San Kranciso This atone is cut sway by a steam drill in pieces two fest square and eight feet long, and bandied by derrick in loading and unloading. Mr. Mason regards the quarries as a veritable pocket of gola. Statesman. Ladies AcxiUvbt. Tbe rest regular meeting of the Ladles Auxiliary will t held at tbe Y. M. C. A. rooms r'riday af ternoon Mav 29, at half past three o'clock. The rrogrvni ill be of exceptional in terest, the snl ject being Distinguished Women, in Their Special Lines of Work. AU ladies are cordially invited to be present. Following is th program: Marian Harland Uie Home Mrs.C. C. Kellv. Francis E. l lard Temperance Mrs e. r. butting. " Flo-wee Xightinsale the Kurre Mr. J K. Aeatberford. Yo-.-al olo Miss Mildred B;irmeter. Mrs. Stanford K location Mrs. C. C. Ilogue. Mrs. Frank Isue nomrii in bon- t.o- Mrs. II. C. Harkness. Rev. Anna Howard Sbaw The' min ltry Mrs. E. E. Goff. At Soovttut. First animal com mencement of Mineral Springs College of Sotlaviile will take place daring tbe week beginning on Jane 7. Rev. J. II. Longbottom 'will deliver the barraiaar eale sermon on thaldav; graduating ex ercises of bnsinea college on Junes; lecture by Stale Superintendent Irwin on Tuesday June 9, and graduating ex ercises of the Normal department on June 10. Fallowing is tbe ptogram for tomorrow ; Assemble in hunt ot the G. A. II, ball to form in procession at 9j30 a. m. The procvaMon will le formed under the supervision of otticer of the day A. B. Woodin in the following order: 1 Cornet Band ami ol her music 2 Company F. O X.O. S W. It. 0. and F ag Corps from the Public chool. 4 G. A. R. and old sMieis. 5 Ladies of the O. A. R. 8 Degree of Honor. 7 L.O.T.M. 8 Eastern Star. 9 Beulah Rehekah Lodge. 10 A.O. U.W. 11 Firemen. 12 Other Orders. 13 Public Schoo's, 14 Citisent. At tbe commencement of the march, the column will open rank and reverse order. The order of march, will be up Ferry strwt to 5U street, op 5th etrt to the east gate of the cemetery. Tne column wiil open ranks and reverse or der inside tbe cemetery, and form for the ceremonies at the grave of Comrade Philips, forming a square about the grave, the school children to decorate the grave before the ritualistic strvice. Address Rev. Burbank. Assemble at tbe unknown grave, and W. R. C. service. Flag Corps from Public bcliooi desig nate soldiers craves and give bi'torv of eah solditx while the $ raves are deco- raieu. Assemble at ca! of tbe bugk and form to march back to tbe G. A. R. ball. In tbe morning before the forming ot the procession at 9 a. m.,s flag wbicb has been presented to the Madison street schorl a ill be raisrd frr the first time on tbe school bouse. Citisen are invited to be present on tbe occasion. The flag corps from the public school, under the direction of Mrs. Larnbson.will station a sentinel at each soldiers grave in the city cemetery, who sill be pre pared to recite the military history of the soldiers buried in that grave. lnnner will be served old soldiers and thir families wbo e"me irom a distance on returning from the cemeterv, by tbe ladies of the G. A. K. A carriage in which the moUters of old soidiers will be given s ride will bead the profession ot vehicles to thecemetry. Gnat Ba Ball Tournament. The San Francisco Examiner is mak ing arrangements for the g ret test bias ball tournament of boy plavers ever held on tho coast, if not in tbe V S. Every p'ayermut be nnder It years. Be tween thirty and forty have entered, among the number the Voting Albanies. Tomorrow afternoon they will play their Crst game w-th the Corv'allis burs. Fot losing is the makenp of the team: S Cones ay c. Arch Gouts, p. Reach Weath erford 1st b. Ua-ry Cuck 2nd b. Hockey Willis 3rd K Frank Layton s s, Oscar Zeyss r f. Lair Thompson, c f, Fred Weatherford. I f. Harry Crawford, Hugh t-aiterson, ermon lump, subs, m Mack, manager. Tbe Itest boys cl'ih in Oregon will be selected from its victories to go to the tournament, their expenses being paid, also from California, Nevada and Ari sons. No score count though, without the clubs have ma le their preliminary entrance with tbe Examiner. THEY GAVE FACTS. Th democratic nominees met at the Cjurt house last night for the last time during tl.e caii-paign. They spoke the truth a: id 'gave talks that must have convinced at) hlieHtd them. ' " Ttie meeUi'g w;ncalle l to or jer by Hon W. It. Bilveu, chairman of the democratic central committee, wbo im mediately introduced Mr. Henry Mc Elmnrry, nominee for .representative, who disclaimed beings politician, but simply a farmer, lie did not discuss the tariff, or even the money question, the great issue of the dav, though he expressed himself pointedly in favor of tbe free coinage of silver. Speaking of local matters lie asked the Lord to for give us for having such an ignoramus as Hartmos around. He touched up the run ning of the three republican representa tives w ithout a platform. He promised to go to the legislature pledged to live up to the reforms advocated in the platform upon which be shall be elected. He was emphatically in favor of the mortgage tax law, and of a tax payer paying on what be owns, not on bis debts. 8. M. Garland spoke plainly a few mo ments, rght from the beginning against a politician for the otfice of county judge, which be disclaimed being, and promis ed if elected not to mix politics with the olliee. He would not do like Judge Duncan, give so many figures as to leave his audience in darkness. He was op posed to falsehood even in politics, lie would not compare two republican ad ministrations, but showed conclusively that Judge Duncan's administration has cost the county an average of $44,618 while Judge Whitney's cost only $31,792, $45,452 less in 4he four years, fie show-! el that while we had more people the cost of every thing during Judge Whit- j ney's administration was so much high er ss to offset it, A dollar today is I worth $1 60 then. Judge Duncan bad an opportunity to make a record, but it was an extiavagant one at a time when we should have had economy. He charged Duncan with permitting money to be taken by officials not authorized by law. and proved bis charge conclusive ly. He showed how bs allowed bills of the sheriff of $5 for board of prisoners in exivss of four, reading the law. also one of the several illegal bills verified bv tbe County Clerk, Judge Duncan also allow ed Mc heron's it'egal bills tor mileage, citing bills, end showing tbe law. Also cow ihestiertnstrhd to detest it by bbying in tbe last legislature but fai'ot through Gov. Lord's emphatic veto. Re ferring to the three important bt sheriffs bills be said he gmse4 they must have gotten ashamed of themselves and run off. What do yoa think of a Judge allowing an officer to receive bnn- retis ot dollars be is not entitled lo. If be is elected be will allow no illegal bills. nor any politics in tbe otlue. With em phasis be told of tbe poverty in the foot bills and the need of great economy in this county. He will not allow a high salaried o nicer to featber bis nest under bis administration. li. C. Watson spoke exclusively on state and local matters. The last dernn cr tie state legislature appropriated V531, while tbe Ust state lexis's tare appropriated $1, 466. 465. The great increase was due to a vicious cyitetn. prominent features be ing the many commissions of different inJs, at a Ug cost, and all useless. tre Uiem opportoni'v and they wiil have blackbird and wild animal com- ision. Tbsse commissions all criaf- nated with poiiliciataf, wbo wanted a po litical machine, and net with tbe people, Tbe railroad commission was particular ly roasteif . M e should get tack to tbe simple plan of government contemplated tv tne eonsutauon. The extravagant and sire palling stile of tbe last legists lure was illustrated by pointed incident. one case showing tbe rot te neat fob ever pnt up on a people, uesiaes wis legis Utare required 165 clerks, appropriating $(0,000 fur a state printer, an enormous sum fur 2000 supreme court reports. never disposed of. electric lighting, etc.. showing bow our mooev is being wasted. great cvtt is the log roiling system in vogoe. Many of tbe appropriations in Hie general bill bars been is defiance of tbe confutation. Prof. C. F. Big bee spoke for s few mo meets A tescber of sixteen years ex- penetioe, be nont-t make work among toe public schools ol tbe country bis business, risiung them and attending to Uietr needs ami working ta their in terests, working lor nmty among tbe strict of Uie coont y. 'Highest of all in Leavening i-uwu ix vv iissssa uav o . a. OoVt Heport SATTJBD. SOCIAL AINU PERSONAL Tindall, the mind reader is now in Roeeburg. Mr. ItrSl. Caldwell, of Lebanon, wrs in tbe city today. Rev. C. W. Courtrigbt went to oak land today to preach tomorrow . Miss Cordelia M. Hardy, of Lebanon, was visiting friends in the city today. Mr Frank Hastings, the miner, came down from tbe mines yesterday for a few days. McKinley Mitchell was called the "Lord Byron" of tbe Marion coui.ty campaign. T. H. Tongue spoke in Tillamook last night and will close the campaign tonight at Uillaboro. Miss Olga He lit arrived borne this morning from Mills Seminary, where she has just finished her first year. Mr. At Dav. of Portland, a former resident of Albany, returned home yes terday after a visit with his sisters in Ibis city. Miss Olive Baltimore rime in from her school near Piainview last evening, accompanied by Miss Lain Powell. daughter of II. R. Powell. Dr. Mas ton was called suddenly to Scio this morning to sttend Dr. Martin. an old resident ol that city, who ia lying dangerously ill there. Mr. Robert WakeSeld. who built the Albany bridge, ia now frequently men tioned in the Astoria papers, having a big railroad contract. HOW. tMi ti'HiMli Dotxaft Fur Dollar. The money is ready for the last dividend of the priitci pl due depositors fiom tbe Linn County .ationHl Bank, it will put $3,UUU in circulation here. Interest will he paid in a few weeks. The showing is a good one, one that will be appreciated gener ally. Exctsmos to Sals.. The O. A. C. Athletic. Assoc'ntion will give an excur sion on the Steamer Hoag on JuneOtli to the intercollegiate field day at Salem. Kound trip tickets ;0 cents, on sate at the Postal Teleg-apb office. Mr. George Harris, of this oitr, in i e district, and J. E. Jenks in the other, are men who sill till the offices of iuntice well If elected, and John Schmeer and S. II. Bryan ss constables in the tespec ive districts may be depended upon in those oliices. At the snnual btMinres meeting last night, ol the 1st, Bapt. cbnrch it was decided that Rev. McKee's pastorate would conclude "iih July 1st. Mr. Sfc Kee expects to continue work ia Ore- gon. The Lebanon Eapws ssys: Mr Blakelv's vindication is complete. Sen sible voters s ill resent so bold and base less attempt to Iwsuiirc s man's char acter. Biakely's election is msde cer- taia now, if it was not so before. Regular preaching service in the Cum berland Presbyterian church Sabbath morning as usual, bv the pastor. Rev. A. Melt in Williams, This wiil probably be his List sermon at this church for quite a a-lnie as this will close his pastoral year at thia place and be ex'pects to leave next month lor Southern California, where he has accepted a call toa church Leb anon bxpres. Though supporting another candidate tno l-etanon r.x press says: Mr. u. a Archibald, of Albany, democrstic candi date for county clerk, was in lebanon a coun'e days this week. Mr. Archibal has some warm friends in Le'noi. He is a gentleman above reiiroach and is well justified in every respect to till tin office ol county clerk, and if elected, w.ll make as good a clerk as Linn county lun ever had. Lo k out for uiamifnctured s'u!T ta late Tbe rartlion arrived at the Bay jester-l to be ne-eJ. Do not be tmU-d. day noon and sailed tl is nxn. Doesn't Tas Much Money For groceries Bt Packer Bros. Their prices are reasonable an I aiilt'euoesalong ways. Qtality it something also. Ibcy ket-p on ly the le.t. It i a fair and m) i.i.e flat footed fact that it )ou trade with them you al ways get good treatment in go- ti'. rices and personally, mat is consuii r able in the lone run. It counts particu larly in groceries ana uaketi goo is what you want witnout around by trading Parker Bros. Orcgcn State Grange. WHAT nERM ANN DID. Notwithstanding the many other at tract inns a good sized audience was pres ent at tne Armory last mgnt to see the ministrations of Hermann tbe Healer. On the tick seats there were people from all parts of the county. Prof. Hall de livered a lecture on animal magnetism, when Hermann was introduced and ex hibited bis wobderinl ma.-netic powers Tbe demonstrations certainly indicated that be possessed them in a marked manner. It was not claimed that cares were perfected in one treatment, bat probably 20 per cent, depending upon the nature of the case. The first case was thai of ex-Marshal A. J. liant, hay ing a severe case of rheumatism, follow ed by Mr. Hiram Kenton, also having rheumatism, both of whom kicked up their toes snd left the platform w iibont their canes. R. Iliatt, of Lebanon and Grant Ralph, of Jefferson, were treated for deafnees, and left th stage hearing s whisper. Jim Westfall. who borrowed an extra cane lor the occasion, was rob bed dewn for a multitude of ills, and aaid be ielt better; but the doctor said his case was so bad that bis cure wss doubtful, and certainly only after a num. bt-r of treatments; Jode Galbraith, whose right foot and leg were so core from a rheumatic attack as to prevent being touched, left the building carrying bis cratches; Miss Shore, from Benton county, having a severe case of neural gia, was entirely cored and left the plat form in smiles. Elizabeth McCoy, wlto cou d not raise her band to her head from rheamalism after treatment cwnng Iter bands ail over her bead ; S. P. hail, of Brownsville, wss also treated for rbenmacim and relieved. The-rooet in terereating case was tbat of V. C- Scbell. suffering from paralysis of the lower i limbs from tbe breaking of a bL-od ves 1 M-l in tbe lower brain. His case is well Fresh fish of all kinds at Ed Scbaaees. . known. Only a preliminary treatment rwuji. i:j : il, . . - . , 1 wss giren bat it was sufficient to greatly Deodadly tivly in tbe cty Ut night ' eB00r Mn Ke will be treati r actory shoes Earket ence. Raket a i nrin th r m t.,.nn ,n Portland has some big bicycle races tx ked Jith treatment cf Mrs. day. j M. M. George for paralysis of the right slue, n nai permanent enecs ue irea;- m en is wui bare the iawocwat does not Ise cream 5 aad 10c a dub at Yiere-k's summer gardes. Special bar? ia ia shoes fur a short time at St. Luis Raket or. The Albany tennis eJab beesn slating Lst ii"ht on the rerry stree court. Bishop Cranston, wbo is to be located at PortiaoJ, metres $4.UU0a ei. Portland lead Ld tbe Berth west tourna ment, Seattle second, lacoma tftud, then i tctorta. Mrs. Yiereek has opened ber see cream parlors and summer gardes fr te isaax-n- . A stew invoice of Slices iost ocened at H Luis Kaket Prices loser tnsa ever. The river is risimr lanidlr at PortlaBd and fears are eob-rtaioad ot a bur Jane -a-a apf reciation ot Uie day was thoan in know at this time; bat the at least tem jo.ary results shown Ust night were rertainly of an crder to make people think. Dr. Hall announced the cost of tickets for private treatment to be $1 fur examinatioo and ranging from $10 to $100 lor treatment according to the character of Uie case, some requiring ooly abort work, while others a losger effurt. DECORATION EXERCISES A brighter day never dawned for deco ration day. ' It was ideal in its makeup. flood Have you tbe large numbers wbo turned oat. At seen iho-e new 25c initia 9 :30 the procession formed in front of bangle ntg. is F:esJTs show window. . . . i - . . ft uej ate VbC Hit k uo. Do yea wast a stop watch, or chrono- craph ? r leack the lewekr has some aood ones, very cteap . Linen Pwue and Dock suits ready cade -periect 6i and Ult stj les foe 13.00 at tne Lssairs Baxaar. One of tbe tonng mes wbo tued by Tyndall asyt a nmptf acting. Tbe Ycor g Alhaniea lbl forenoon tested Ibe oong Cotvaliuiu-s 31 It was ralnr of a slow game a HQ the G. A. R. Hail. along line, nnder charge of the officer of tbe day, A B Mo"di. F Co. lead fuliowed by the W. R. C. and flag corps of children, G. A. R. snd old soldiers. Ladies of tbe G. A. K.. members o( other order., fire men, public school children snd citixens. Tbe procession marched ap Ferry tc 5th, thence to tbe cemetery, where a halt was made, according to cm-tom. at lite grave of the last member to depart, that of CspU W. N. Phillips, around wbicb a de- square was formed, when tbe school to 17. children decorate. I the grave in a pretty good . manner. was hrnno- ibat bt was iA as ItL- - ll J'Off Sv-i isnirl. titit .yl)W7bi'- A cLlM-aoa t! BOlKiBB i Yoa can per running ith People like tender . iieut. nicely cut. Henry Broders keeps a lull line of meats, from the best' stock to be obtained com mended by all of bis cnstomeis COVERED WITH SCALES Eessnamadsltaaoneaianesonmybssdtn a it continued spreading There will be a good crop of strawberries this vear, but in some vards more tban in others. Mr. W.H. Warner will have an immense crop.' Its worst form, and aniu my race was ooverea wiid soaies ana earns a horrid sight. I had a fine head of bair, seven years' growth, and had tosacrifice It. 1 was in despair. The pbysioians had failed even to relieve me. when one recommended COTIOURA BOAe. My fatlier procured a set of CimoowA RSMCniKS, and In three weeks the scales left my face and lbs skin lost iu florid bus. M sis w't was tnttrtly rural. My lace was smooth and my complexion clearer Snd finer than it had ever leen before. I Miss MaiilON A. SMITH, Bunlmry, Fa. I BrDV Cnss Tbsstmbst. Wsrm baths with Ctmoeaa Bosr, cntl siplleatloi uf CtrrlocnA (ointment), and mild dosns ol Curl onaa ii.ssoi.Tssr. (rsstest of bnmor cures. SM taiearksa ths woe 14. Priest Cwmrtt, V Soas, iss.1 s4 Si. fonts bsva ssdCssm. Cusr.. Sols Pmi hwom. SWM lie 1 Cms las WsaS asmss," sasUsd Iras. li. . wynkoop. ot roriiand. ' htji in vented a water cycle on whib he claims o be Ve to travey 13 miles an bour AU me.ntierjoi Ut-greeoi nnnr aie re- m-srn I o mt at their hall on Saturd' U 9 i . m., to thke part in th memorUI ervicet. ty order of Chief of Honor, Tne frohibitionist csndi-'ates are mak inir arran-ftinents to hold a Public meetintr in Fird street tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Spet king, singing, c. i The ent; re democratic ticket is miking large gain all over tbe country and there is a splendid prospect of the election of three or tour if not more. Information from many precincts show tbat Garland will draw heavily from Dun can and wi I hold the full democratic vote. fnere is no question now of Garlands elec tion oy a large voie Lat Saturday was quite an exciting dav for Sodaville. Tbe prinriyal feature was a match game of baseball in the afternoon between the Sodaville nine rtnd a picked nine consisting of players from Albany, Tennessee, Leb inon and Waterloo, nnder the tin me of the Waterloo nine. There was m ine f-ne ploying exhibited on both idt-. 'I he gome r-isultt d in a core of 7 to 10 in favor of Waterloo. Lebanon Ad vance. , This Bicyclis Racks will beain tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock with the fol low inir among the fast rulers who will ronlest : 8. W. Pngger, Scio ; A.- Wi Wood, Uorvallis; Watt Sbipp, Salem; W. N. Biddell, Albany; W. O. Ogle, Salem: Chas. Olever, Salem: C. A. Sears, Albany; Harry Pollock, Albany; KlggS anu vt liners, taiiatmi. Officers Announcer, v. V. Poling; leleree, A. jbcb ncxigee; scorer, r. J Smiley ; starter, U. W. Elkins; clerk of Che course, Ed. Blodpett; timers, F M Entioa DEMcCRtT: McMixxviLUt, May 28. 1st day. Oregon Slite Grange met In .McHinnnile, Msy M, 1SWJ, at IU o clock m. All the officers but two were present snd all the delegates but one are in at tendance. At two o'clock we marched t3eCSIsni uiv cuott uuum ueairu ut i no jtttaiuu- ville band and Uie City Council, where public exercises were behl. cunsisting ol music by Uie band snd Uie McMinnviUe cboir ana an address of welcome ty Key. A. J. uunsa ker anl responded to ty A F. Miller, followed by the annual ad dress of Worthy Master Yoorhees, Tben came a recitation by G. R. Stevenson and several songs by a select grange chir. There is a large number of visiting members in attendance and all seem to take hold of lbs work with unusual in terest. McMinnviUe is a nice, autet little town snd Uie people are trying to make our star with them as pleasant as poesibl. The weather is 'pleasant and quite warm but everything is feeling tbe etfect of the cold weather. Alter tbe evening sees. on those who wished bad an opportunity to listen to an address hv J. It. Sovereign. Snd dav. Called to order at 9 o clock and the duties of the day commenced. Many resolutions were offered and re ferred to the proper committees. The attendance has somewhat In creased and ail the delegates seem ready and wiliinir to work. During the day reports of the different committees were received. Many of the reoorta were ably discussed and a final tiatwMition made of them. Today a picnic a as held at Amity and many o'f the McMinnviUe people were is attendance. There was estimated to be three thousand people from various parts of the country in attendance. Tho evening session will De taken np with a regular order of business and the exemntiucaiion of the unwritten work. All present seem to ne enjoying mem- selves immensely. many errors. Geo. Uark ot Ctrvslii am- j Rev. Barbsnk ll;e , oVUvered a pa-tn-ptred inij-mrtiatiy. otic memorial address, well spoken of by Tne regular meeting of tbe Ladies Aid Uiose bearing it. society f Aloaey wil be betdat tbe r-i ne snknown grave was remembered doronf l-r. I. IV U-.l. . ik.'brlllS W. R C hrst dacof Ja n i One of Use prettiest exercises eras that j r- i -, .. - , , i -, i Lad ea wid do e)i to call at tie Ladies ! nn" n!c?T? ""Tir" Kllurtlii..LM i I. TV-, : IS SRICD HlOri IIHCIKE VSCU IUCKI ry fbemenu i .,e,t" ZTZ o'st a V , T ar"'- A Mrs. Lsm'jeon wbo mans the matter A Portland coorteaan. wbo was arrested . sn skat th e-rrr-iae an on a crarge or suwuag f m put ap a cenin cate cf dejpout for $3,000 as e unt j for b r appears nee. s Tuck escaped from the jil ia Eu gene this week, aad tbe sheriff, wno is unning for re election is banag bis bands fall explaining itaUera. rmring the iatertlegide field day at Salem there will be a cumpetiUye drill be tween an O A O company sad a company tromsaiexa. Tbe ladies of tbe First M E. ( hasch will give an ice cream social Tuesday even ing, lone 2nd ia tne building formerly by Mewart st feox impreestveone This nooc a dinner wss served free to the old soldiers and their families. You Can't Fish very well without a good ontfit, snd we would like to mIi it to yon. We have rods, nets, boo , lines, e If etc., and l l.e are loser linn jou usually t ay. SrtwAST & Sox Hi-w CV. Free Silver Is a mighty good thing, snd if you have any that yoa want lo sssp f.-r wagons or buggies, just come sroorr snd see ns. Vv carry tbe tnd baker' vehicles, the very best ' earth, and can n.ake yon good ten Stewakt & fiox Hdw Co Two for a Nickel is tbe wsy we sell packets of garden seed, and we also have garden seed in balk and grass teed of sll kinds for sale cheap. Stswabt it Sox Hnw Co. Almost Anything: wan'ei by a fsncer is kept for ss!s by lite Stewart A Sox Hardware Co Engines, separators, binders, mow ers, rskee, plows,, barrows, and al most anything else in the line of im plements or hardware. Something Good to Eat is bard to prepare usless yoa Lsvw nice wife and a cracking good coo stove. Now if yon have the wife, w have the stove. Yoa don't wantt dispose of tbe wife, and we do was to sell tbe stove. What's to preves ns from making a dicker? Com round and we'll talk atom ic Srrwast A Sox Hnw Co. The Best Paint in the world is Msenry's Mixed Paint and se have it in all colors. Every body using it likes it- If yoa want lead and n-I we t.a ve that, too, and also varrieh. turpentine, etc. S .ivnt A Sox Hnw Ou. Wbo Oath Woe? Wbo Math Sorrow? Wbo Hath Bach Wrath? Verily it is he tbat bnyetb a Hie Gra Je Bicycle at a cost of $59 and 10 per cent off for cash. For beheld it breaketh and castetb him iate the dust ; vea, even iau the mire, and geueh into tbe rands of Uie repatr- er, and in the end coateUi Lisa many pieces of gold Moral Buy a "Columbia, It costs $100 aad is sold by tbe Stewart A Sox Hdw Co. FAILING UfiHHOQp feaenl asa Mervs Det&fiy. TTisI ii in cf Body aad Knd. IU acta at Errors er Estates ia Old er Tosres. Rcboft. No?)1? Haniiand f .'.It Bestertxi. Eos la ijifcartre ii Strengthen Weak. I fc ieveaqpad Portioas cf Bely. AbwtneiT vrr. laibssrHoBieTnafmst. Beoetta ia a day. lenity trosa M Stages aad Forespt Covntrsss. Eewd foe Euu iptrra Book, cx- Mew EfilE I2EEISJU. C0MBsff3i3,X.T. -M aaasasV-i ?. C P'JSSi 1 - ' - --S' . - ST at ww i ii w Drowned near Harrisburg. Mr. Jamei Beard was drowned in a slough of tbe Willamette river, five miles north of this city, Wedneslay evening. Tbe eirenmsunces. as reported are. that ia com pan v with Lee Ingram be crossed this slomth in Uie morning enroute to shear sheep near tlx foothills of the coast - . . - - j Hardware nift IN maumiiiis, ua crre ue nu m CMaITnsS.aaAta--Lultl I sta --oc-a-Tc rn nw mwCMi)l'li; S.ssvurr ysrssslmta asamatoa. 1 aead svsdel. tanaj r cSvsw area Lstnaw s- Tt ad-tse. ml pussMaajsKT sm.trss atl aa7t Ossfaaaot&swds sseJ arL-vr-. -Haw -j.C i rWata,- rk4 oat o aw .a lis L" cas kw. S aA.SNCWriOOv - A store. k.vwUx'y is lavtled. ! leturning to Us slough until snout lt lodge tVhitoey and Ben HsyCen poke o'clock in the evening I the attempt rM,lii i a .iA L. , at crossing they aMseed the route of safe genUeman from Lebanon informs tbe Dkmiicsut, making saie live speeches into swimming water Tbe wagon was unroapieJ, the wagon bed turned over and Uiey wera thrown out. Mr. Beard seems t-j have gained a t . r 1 : . 1 1 n.. n. t.-v ,Lar m-, m . .... ..... ' IIMH1IIV IDU aVHm AUKM w " 4 .P U53 ao WUBU,e;bimselL Ingram's coat rlesva had fbe report lbt they did not speak be cause lor want cf an audience raa untrue Bond Brothers' World's Best Shows hare given exhibitions to admiring and eaten- j xiastic audiences in Ibe ttxatresand opera bodies of Europe and America, aad will be at Albany on Monday, Jiiee Sth. Mr. Wra. Marker, of Tolwd-i. was ia the city Friday evening, pretumab-y 'a tbe interests ot that city tor scanty seat. Its o use Bill, West Yaquina is getting there with Voth feet or we don't read tbe signs of Uie times right Tbe vote this year will settle it perm mintiy, aad he.e the ngat is a very spirited ot.e. ews - Tut Albany Skxtvttx will give a cert m independence June -tin. con- The caught to some portion of tte wagon-bed and bad to be torn loose At this junct ure, Ingram being an expert swimmer, went to rescue his team, with the nnder-etandino- thai Beard would remain quiet until he shoaht return, as lie (Beard) could not swim- Ingram swam quite a distance down the atresm but concluded the aitmt.nn was too dangerous lor mo ther pursuit snd made a landing. He immediately went to Beard's assistance out wtien tie came iu eigu u utasra - i him floating with the current He I called to him to come to the shore, but Maston Block. wiuioul avail, tie wot uuu u w v no more. The boay has not been re covered st this writing. Tbe borses HaSs Histaies, Eli " Got things spelled wrong snd all mix ed up display was poor type old fashioned press work had paper cheap nothing as it ocght to be? Well, take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and It Wffl Be Doiie P. S. (liricr'titl. H e for do ing t will be right, too. Smiley 'a printing is good printing. Enterprise has the following interesting I ... . i... .i.hnnt ininrv. - j.. i;M . rv, tik..c.i.ii. I - assisted by Miss Margeurite Alderson. Review. To-Night. Matters ought to be very lively tonight. Here is the reason why. J. S. Coxov. who didn't keep off the vrass. the 'leader of the famous Ooxey army, a man of national fame, whom no nartv fathers and vet everybody wants to hear, will speak tonight, near the St. Charles hotel at 8 o'clock. M. O. George and others will speak al ttie court house for the republicans- nermann uie Healer, a bo alwavs draws, will be at the armory. . Rev. Ghormley will have a good house at the opera house, snd the Salvation Army will be out. Take your choice. Mrs. Dr. Maston, of Albany, came up from Portland bv last evening 'strain and is visiting at the home of Judge snd Mrs. C. K. Wolverton.on Cbemeketa street. Salem Statesman. . professor ot music in Albany Conserva tory of music, will give a concert ia the Anditorium on Thursday night, June 4, 1S96. This company of vocalists is un surpassed in the state ot Oregon. Tbe loliowing are ns memoers: Key. i . Poling, musical director and znd tenor; Messrs A kers and Hammer 1st tenors; Messrs. Steele and Situonton 1st bass; Mr. Lundell Snd bass; Miss -Alderson, pianist. Mr. A kers is a tenor of rare talent; possessing a voice with phenor raonai range. lie singa witn apparent ease V sharp above uie start. Mr. a. Hammer has a powerful, yet pleasing tenor voice, ami has no superior as a second tenor in Quartette singing. S. N Steele possesses a rich baritone voice and is the com 10 man ot tne company, tie also performs upon the Harmony Horn and will play a selection during the evening of Ibe concert. Mr, Lundell, is a native ot t-weuen, ana lias entoyeu a thorough musical education. His mag niHrent bass voice, is one ot great power and range, and be sings in the lower scale toO with perfect ease. Mr. Poling is well known in Independence is a singer and his voice bas lost none ol its magne tism. Mr. W. E. Situonton, as a concert ulaver of merit, and will render a se- iection.upontAU.Gonn. . n. Meets will bring tbe house down in bis comic songs at the Grand Concert. Admission only 15 cents. , J. M. RALSTON HKOlalilta Albany, Or Mnnov to lrn oa farm Kcurity, aiso . small loans made ea personal eenrity. City , r.untj and stbeol warrants nougat. ColWiofis made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written ia three ot tbe largest companies ia tbe world, at lowest rates. Gladness Comes With a better understandiag oi tne transient nature of the many phya- .eal ills, which vanish before proper ex torts gentle efforts pleasanteftons rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, mat bo axmay " . sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a coiisupaiea contu sion ot the svstem, which the pleasant WAKTED PROMPT AXD FITH ful gentleman or bd t. travel for Miiai.ia a&tkitkti!id host in ' rr goa. Salary f7St. payable IS weekly acd expenfe. Si' us ti on pennant n. Kehr nces Enclose self-addressed sUmped en velop. 11. E. lies, Pres . S56 Desrbnra ft., CUcago. T) REST. A good Iwe s'ory bone eUkt rooms. gcl water cheap I quire at DsMOcaat off ce. MOSEY TO AS -1 have mom-y to loan at 8 pel rm. interest on good farm or ters,Mil seenritv. M KAX.TTOK Mavni.oik. WOOD WANTED. W wil trle ! trdry woik for vtt r part wed and part cab. C Smrstu, Ci j L undry. l K .. iy removea. a ua - , y i remedT with millions of families, and is - safe tleap Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Urpkina sere in Salem yesterday. - Out ot Weakness comes strength when the blood has been purified, enriched and vitalised, v. tbs . aDoetite res'oT French snd aatittanta; indues. H. Hon-ied and the system built up by Uocd's Par kins. T. Wandell, E. E. Goff. saparilla. - ' Mammoth bicycle procession headed by Hotsd'a Pills cure sausea, ck he id three bands will parade the principal ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug- tha principal streets at 1 :45 p. m. to- cists. 25c. ; morrow. All cyclists are requested to .sssi ' ' - report to the Maiahal in charge and bo Chronographs split second u mie llmer, jtsigned lo places in the procession, atFiench's.- Tnt Bicyclists. Albany presented a very live apiearance thia afternoon. A crowd came from Cor vail ia in the fore noon The ste.tmer arrived from Salem at 1 o'clock with about one hundred ex cursionists mostly from Independence, headed by the Independence Band. An Immense crowd was upon the streets as tbe Drocession was formed aud marched towards the fair ground at about 2 o'clock. A number ol expert bicyclists, auirng the best in Uie valley were present to narticir-ate in the contests. As the races did rot begin until about 3 o'clock it will be impossible to give the results today. . : " Dr. kflce's Cream Baiting Powds World's Pair iilet Awaru. everywhere esteemed so highly hy all who value gooa nrsim. ' , Y effects are due to the tact, was no uw ne remedy which promotes lniemai cleanliness without debilitating the prgana on which it acta it is inereiore . . . y a . a la, all Important, in oraer g ftoial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia r ijr Svrup .o. oniy anu autu j all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual oisease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup ot Figs stands highest and is most largely aaed and gives motseoerl satisfaction H0UE MoVlMi. Carefnii. p'omp y tv. at the lowest pri.e ail s -r au - sddress O W Albany. raytor, 4tb ai d REPAIR BICYCLES i ' ey repairs bicycle prmptU n first class manner. Breaks . tiies. etc, fixed c rrecy At b' t west ol Y M. C A b-li jii.-i lilUS 1.E 1 farm of milch cow. SALE. (alt W. L Toole sixe) Aha It. 1'F.O E riMi THK PLUMBBH - Tin roofiing and pivvr. the opera house.