The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 22, 1896, Image 3

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Daily Democrat, 25c per month; $3.00
per yaar, in advance. 80c per month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run ova 3
months. Single copies 5c
Weskly, 11.25 In advance; $1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 foi
third and preceding years, when not paid
ia advance. Club of five new subscribers
for $5.00.
! Ali fiA Knee a rrnnA Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E
strings. ...
$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25 cts buvs one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2ml HtrincH-- '
$25.00 buys ao-drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light naming; guaran
teed a years
SflT'Pricee on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
sent on application.
; : Albany
Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Democrat and Weekly
Examiner will be sent to subscribers for
$2.35 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of the Examiners big premium gift
in May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directlv
to the paper. Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat aul thrice a "'wk
N. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
Subscribers to Daily paying in adv-ace
will receive all the advantages of either
E. U. Will
Where are all that noble b.uid,
lew snort yean ago.
Bravely dared to fight for teiup'r.ince,
truth and rrght,
Braved the sneers of scoffing men, and
proud end haughtr foe.
Bared their browned am', brawny arms
forsluruy fight.
Strike I now, strike! again fo temp'r
De-d some sure and deadly blows;
And we'll raise a joyous shout, wheu the
ei-emy we rout.
And the tide of Gospel temp'rance
freely Hows.
Valiantly they triel to win, helped by
women true as steel.
Thick and last the whi e winged tem
p'rance lullots flew;
And alt day the battle raged, fought for
justice, common weal;
Till the wilLlit shadows brought the
evening dew.
Oakvilus, Or. May 16, 180C.
Editor Democrat !
My attention was called to an item in
this week's Democrat entitled "A Pro
hi's Queetions." I am not sure that I
know the writer but 1 was present at the
nolitual meeting he refers to at Oakville
and heard that question asked to Tom
Tontfue and di-tinctly remember how he
treated it. Tom was working for him
self then, as he is now, and he cannot
condescend to so small things at prohi
bition. It makes no ditterence to him
and his kind how many men and boys
go down to drunkards graves to they get
what they want. 1 heard a man say not
long since, when told by a populist that
there would be no surplus if every man
woman and child had all they could eat
and wear- "It is not the business of the
government to feed and clothe its pau
pers." The government (we the people)
that i oes lnto partnership with the liquor
Then they "rested on their arms," where
the most are resting yet, :
Waiting for a fancied, proper time to
come ,
"Times not ripe" they sadly say "other
issues must be met,"
And delay to strike for temperance
and home
God's own time is now my friends, and
the power in his hand's,
Yet his righteous purpose we can helo
His is all the silver, gold ; his is all the
wealth of lands,
And he givetb 'into whomsoe'er he
Intemp'rance is financial loss, bat still
more, 'tis mortal sin ;
And its victim's blood the Lord re
quires of all ;
For earth's agonising prayers reach, his
secret place within.
And heftq the ti'urti AarE.i'a RiifT. rinn
ones let fall.
Albany, Oregon, May 13, 1896. -
Albanv Or.", May 20, 1896.
Editor Ekxocxat:
In giving you my Linn County Tem
perance song to publish, I think best to
make a brief "statement regarding it,
hoping '.hereby to ward oS any censures
that niigh. othetwise be laid upon yon.
As you had kindly published my Ore
gon Temperance Song in your issue of
the 6th lust it was thought no more
than fair and best for several reasons to
have this last published in the Albany
Herald. was given to understand that
it wquid be published and I asked to
have a few copies of the daily reserved,
until I should call again in a few days.
When I called last Saturday I found it j
bad not been published and the reason
given was, "That it was not thought to
be the proper thing to publish tie cam
paign song of another party, at least be
fore election." Well, I suppose it was
rather "eheekv" to ask it. thorn? h I was
not told so. I sometimes think it takes
I 'cheek" to make a good prohibitionist.
flaring beard yoa say the prohibition
party has a right to be beard and yoa
Eropose to give them a chance aa they
are no organ. I place this song in your
hards, confidently expecting to see It in
print, and in behalf of the Linn county
' ... w . ..u ' V.. , ..u... J v.. . .... . .
thanks for the liberal and generous spirit
shown towards as. V. 11. Walker.
Late Chairman Linn County Prohibi
tion Convention.
traffic and receives a share of their ill
got'eu gains, but it is not the business
of the government to feed and clothe the children made so by
this e.iMf , end we btast that we ara a
christian nat-on? T.'iis curse will be
visited on our nation as long as the
churches pass resolutions against the
saloon and on election day the mail of
the Bible and the man of beer goes hand
in hand to the ballot box and voles the
came ticket. I would like to see plenty
of monev in circulation, but if we license
these hell holes how long would it be un
til we are as bad off as e are today. 1
hope that the ministers aU'over our state
will take the advice of A. L. B. and
preach trom the text be has selected.
A. Y. SsiitH.
If a man were to say black was white
he would, of course, not be believed, and
yet that is exactly what Sheriff McFercn
and his official organ have said. With
the bi'l for the board of prisoners for
October before them they deliberately
eay it was not all an October bill. Here
is the omcuil record :
Boarding prisoners for month of
3 W Boulin 31 days 71 S-7 cts. .$ 22 14
A R Johnson 22 days 71 37 " . . 15 71
Oscar Williams 30 days 71 3-7. 21 45
Emma Hannah 31 " " ct 22 14
Jas Murrav 27 days 71 S-7 cts. 19 28
Fred Wagner " " " " . 19 28
$120 00
Breakfsist for jury in Isom case
jury incidentals $ 3
serving unnpoenes in Portland,
fare $4 85, meals, 75 cts
Envelopes, stamps, stationery . . .
Fixing lock on front door office. .
J V Standish expenses bringing
insane irora wownsviile
Lamp chimneys 25c and coal oil
for lady's cell 50 j
5 60
2 50
2 00
Board . . .
....$ 15 60
.... 120 00
.$135 60
Memorial Services.
Rev. I. T. Abbett, pastor First E
Cbarch, Albany haa betn "cvited by the
G. A. R, to preach the memorial sermon
in his church op Sunday, Uie 24th. The
aerfices will be beld at o'clock in the
afternoon ' lk i tbe deue of the Pott
that all the resident pastors of tUe city
participate in tbe service, and 'hat all the
citizens attend . The following is the pro
gram of exercise :
Hinging the Doxology by the congrega
tion. Invocation by Rev McKee cf the Bap
tist cbnrch. '
' Male qnarWHe bv Eev. Puling and Oth
er; 3 - V ' "
' Scriptait lesson by Rev. CleUod of the
Presbyterian cl urch.
Prayer by Rev. Mcft'aee of tbe Cam'.
Presbyterian church -
Quartette bjt Uev. Poling and others
Sermon by Rev. J. 1
Prayer by Rev. Cane of the Christian
church. y .
Singing America by tbe congregation.
Benediction by iter. Mansbardt of tbe
Evangelical church,- ,
BJcyc.i Acci.-eata.
Tbe Preferred Accident Insurance Co., of
New York, insures against accidents of
fell and every description, and especially
from-riding bicycles or ball playing.
vachtine. fishing, gunning, or other
SDorts and athletic exercises,
The rates are much lower than other
accident companies.
Double benefits paid if accident
cars while traveling on a public convey
a nee propelled by
cable. . x
For f ujl particular, ratei apd, appH
patjons caljoij ' C.G.'Bprkhawt,
-."'".'. Agent.
Mrs Edward Mc.Vfree, of Salom, is in
the city the gueit of Mrs. w. B. Barr.
Dime social at the M. E. church Friday
evening. -After short program lunch
will be served. All are invited.
Mrs. M. Bryson, mother of Mrs. O. C
Awbrey- of thifc city, died last Saturday
in Portland at the agt of 70 years.
Mr. Frank Power came np from Port
land yesterday .will cierk in J. A. Cum
ming's while Mr. D.O.Wood worth takes
a vacation.
Mrs. J. V. Wilson and Mrs. Jas. El
kins left this morning tor PrineviHe, the
former on a visit with ber parents, the
latter with ber son.
Mrs. L. E. Blain. Mrs. Henrietta
Brown, Miss Lib Irvine, Mrs. John Alt
house and Mrs. J. A Jflyman left txly
for New ber.', to attend tbe i?tate conven
tion of the W. C T. U.
In to-mormws Democrat an address
from Hon. Jeff ei son Myers, democratic
nominee for congress, will be given, j
showing in a plain manner his position
on the leading questions of the day.
Mrs. John Foster and daughter Martha 1
were received at the asylum from Crook
county Saturday. The mother is aged
50 and the daughter 13. They formerly j
resided in Albany. I
Dr. J. F Henry, of Brownsville. Or ,
after an absence of thirteen years, is here
visiunst relatives. lis said that tie came
to see (as it is leap year) if one of Ken-:
tucky's fair daughters wouldn't "pop" j
the question, he being so y ntkful aud ;
bashful. ralraoutb IKy) tmuie.
W. M. RntWie, J. W. Cox and Wm. !
Clark, of Mitchell. Crook county, re
turned home today alter a visit witb
Linn county friend. They are all
former Linn county boys, and hereafter
will keep posted of" doings here tb.oagh :
the co umce of the Democrat.
Notwithstanding "rather" Howell, as
be ia famihary called, is 75 years old, tbe
latter part ot last week is tbe nrst lime
he was ever bothered the the toothache
in his life. The tooth ached until be was
obliged to have it pulled, though it was
pertoctiy sound, a are an itie rest ot nis
teeh. Harisburg Review.
A eentleuan now in Albanv was a fel
low citizen and personal friend of Rev.
C. O. Brown, who haa received 'o much
notoriety in fcan Francisco, pnd he de
clares that he has not the least doubt of
his innocence, that the trouble with Kev.
Brown is that be ia too apt to do thiLgs
without enough consideration, bat per
sonally he believes him a clean man.
Next Monday evening Hon. J- K.
Weatherford will deliver an address at
Philomath on the political issues of the
day Jimmy Weatherford ia well known
and popular'in Beaton county, where he
received his education, and is. withal, a
man of pure personal character. An ad-
drees from him will necessarily attract a
large audience. Corvaliia limes.
Following is the makeup of the Ladies
Beeina Uand of Corvaliia, which will
famish music lor tbe Chautauqua as
semhiy at Oregon City this year
AiHe Andrew, E ba.
Hattie tirimwi, B baritone.
Lola VViikiiu), 1st B tenor.
Mamie MilW. 2nd B tenor.
Bessie D tte-mun, 1st alto
Emma Marlyn, 1st B cornet.
Josie Moses, solo cornet.
.. Lola Brown; snare drum.
May lleadrtck, bass dram.
Judge Geo. H. Burnett a few days ago
was given a big surprise party on bis
43rd birthdav He waa down town and
MavorGatch took him, home. Arriving
at th nrettv cottaee on the corner of
nber I u;..u rCmtaruratlia Statesman, he.
Abbett, of M. E. lth. maTOP. reluctantly a.ei.ted Jndge
Burnett's invitation to enttr and unisn tne
discnssion oendine between them, mere
wan nothinar annsaal about the house as
they approached but on entering its hos
pitable doors tne eiecinc iu;!"o wcie
turned on and "his honor'; stood in de;
limited amatefn the midst ot hutnenns
It waii coniDleta in everv detail. Ac
cepting the situation with his unfailing
aDtitude lor inn rucn anairs as viiia, tue
tndire ioined his estimable wife In mak
ing it one of the pleasantest evenings of
the year lor everyoouy.
Total ...
Clerk's Certificate
Stats ok Ohkoos ) .
County or Liss f ,
I, N. Keedham, county cletk in and
for Linn county, Oregon, and ex-otncio
clerk of the circuit court of the state of
Oregon, far the county of Linn, do here
by certify that the foregoing and attach
ed copy ot part ot lulls, has I wen by me
carefully compared w'th the original
part of bills now ot, flic in my office and
custody, and that it ia a true and correct
copy of part of the origiual bills.
lu testimony w hereof , I have hereun
to set mv hand and aifixed th seal of
said county court, this Hili day of May,
1896. " ' N. Nkkwiiam,
- (SEAL) Clerk
The bill shows on its face that it was
all an 0-to!er transaction. Besides it is
known from outside evidence that the
six prisoners were in the jail together
the number of davs named. Besides he
admitted to judge Whitney that be
charged $5 where more than four were
in j til at a time; besides he admitted to
an Albanv lawyer only last week that he
had charged the $5 when there were
moe than four in at a time.
A fact that absolutely proves the
falsehood of the she iff' statement is
that the receedtng bill, for September,
was allowed in full, showing that the
October bill did not ran back into it.
Here it ia.
J G Boulin, 30 days at 71 3-7 eta.. $21 33
A R Johnson, So " 71 3-7 ct. , 21 43
Oscar Williams 11 davs at 71 3-7c. 10 CO
A Blaker 3 davs at 71 3-7 cts 2 15
Mrs Hannah 3 days at 71 3-7 cts. . 2 15
$57 16
The last item in this bill, though
small, was illegal, the five prisoners be
ing in the jail together.
The bill lor December allowed waa for
eleven prisoners all in that month, ovr
four at a time, a fact known outside the
record, which speaks for itself as it was
for December board. It waa 11 prison
ers for 13d days, $97.37, at the rate of $5
per week for ail of them.
The bill for boarding prisoners for Oc
tober, 1894, was $167.39. This bill has
gone from the box, and is either mixed
op in the other boxes or abstracted. It
was nnxnestionably at the rate of $5 for
all of tbe prisoner, which mast have
been 8 prisocers, 31 days at 71 3-7
cents makes the amount within a few
We give toother bill to show the prac
tice a plain one. The amount of over
charge though small, is not material. I
shows deliberate violation of tbe taw :
Lian County Dr. to J. A- MoFeron.
To buRrding prisoners for tbe month of
February, 18i5,
Frank Peck, 28 days 71 3-7 cts $20 00
W F MaxwelLSS
Walter Boss '
A F Stowe, "
Otear Black, 5
Bill Ray 2
20 00
20 00
20 00
3 56
1 40
$84 97
This has been certified to by tbe coun
ty clerk.
As the sheriff and bis organ have made
each a disastrous bungle of their at
tempt to get tround these board bills
will they please explain what right tbe
sheriff had to put in a hill at the March
term of court 1895, as follows;
Mileage on civil cases for January. $29 75
Mileage " " " " ebruary.
The club has completed its arrange
ments for the race meet to be held at the
fair grounds the afternoon of '.lie ,30th
The race will be for bicycles only.
Prizes to be awarded are to consist of
merchandise. Those winning prises will
receive an order on the various stores in
town, amounting to tbe value ot prize
won. By this arrangement no money
will be taken away from town and no
money will be solicited from the busi
ness bouses, providing the people of Al
bany will give us their support in join
ing the club or buying tickets of admis
sion to the races at 25 cents each, which
includes a seat in the grand stand. We
do not ask something of you for nothing,
but warrant a tine afternoon's, enjoy
ment, as the prizes offered are cf suffi
cient value to induce the fastest riders of
the state to compete, in fact they have
already promised to come.
The advertising committee has been
instructed to advertise the meet exten
sively. Round trip tickets from Salem I
have been placed at tbe low price of 50
cents, and -'o cents aad return lrt-m uor
vallis. The transportation committee
will arrange for the cheapest and most
effective method of carrying the people
to and from the track. Those who walk
out will find a gate o(en at the nearest
corner of the grounds, thus avoiding the
long distance around by the main en
trance. No pains will be spared to make
tbe meet a complete success. We ask
your patronage.
The bicycle has come to stay. Good
roads must come next.
The i.bjects of the club are to promote
a more general interest in cycling.
. To conduct road runs and ui encour
age the social ido of bee' ing.
To lead in and to assist others in secur
ing (Measures for the improvement and
construction of the city streets and coun
ty roads.
To promote bicvclo racimriu Alkinv
and Linn county.
llie bicycle clubs of I'ortland have al
ready shown their influence for good
roads in and about Port and, and there
iano reason why we should not follow
their example. Any organization which
baa tor it? aim a nrocn-isiva movement
deserves success, and every progressive
citizen should give it hi substantial aid
fc. fc. uotp, Coiaix Llki.vs.
President. Secretary.
Following ia the niembvrsiiitt of the
club: F. M. French. Tim WamJel. Mrs.
Wandel, A. J. Hodges, Mrs. Smiley,
Henry Hopkins, Then Hopkins, Mar
guerite Honing, S. E: Gofl, Mrs. Goff,
W alter Biddle. Collins Elkins. Mrs. El-
kins, P. R. Conn, E. R. Hutton, Mis L.
Carutbers, C. A. rM-ars, Mrs. Sears, C. B.
inn. ill rronk. Z. H. Rndd. U. Wal-
den, John Irving, Walter Irving, Velle
irvju, i, ui ourmin, iv. i. nuranart.
rred bloom. At henZvr. U. w. Waits.
A. B. Charaberlin. Wm Fortmiller. Chai
Neely, Albert Sternberg, Frank Frouian,
J. E. Brown, E. N. Blodgett. Mrs. Blod
gett, Mrs. Hardman, Loesie Knox, C. H,
Stewart, Dr. Davis, J It. Wbitner, Dr.
J. P. Wallace, Arlene Train, F. 1 Nut
ting, Mrs. Nutting, H. B. Sacry, Mrs.
Sacry, Mi.- Bird Anslvn, Mtes Eva
Simpson, Mias Louis Dver, Win. Campbell.
The Herald in its usual equivocating
and disingenuous style ignores the Dk -ocrat's
real charges against the sheriff
and says the Dkmocjut charges the
sheriff witb putting in a bill against the
county for break fan for jurv, etc., $3.00
etc., knowing full well Unit it was equiv
ocating, and tliattlioto items were only
pubiisbed because In tbe lull as certified
to by Uounty Clerk Needham: ,'gnnrlng
the main bill which showed conclusively
tnt Mierm Alcreron Had Illegal lees lor
the board of prisoners, that is $5 hen
the iaw distinctly allows only $.1, stricly
only $3 for all of them, and thus show
ing dishonesty, continued whenever a
like occurrence happened as other bills
showed. It is tbe opinion of the Dkmo
ck.vt that the act comes plainly under
section 1852. Vol. l.of II ill's code.which is
as follows: "If any officer of this state,
or of any county, town, or other munic
ipal or public corporation therein, shall
wiituuy and knowingly charge, take, or
receive any fee or compensation, other
than that authorized or permitted by law.
for any otticial service or duty performed
ny sucri otticer. such olncer. upon uon-
virtion thereof shall be punished by ini-
prUonment in the penitentiary not less
six months nor more than one year or by
imprisonment in tbe county jail, etc."
woesn t that read pretty plainly, what
uo you mink ot it. is there any mole
hill to that?
Besides the board of prisoners Sheriff
McFeron also received mileage, as ahown
by the DeuorRAT,ipeciiically not author
ized py law, likewise resolved expenses
in private cases not authorized by la
beside having deputies do work for
which he wns paid.
Can t tbe I)emoi ht oppose an officer
who has conducted an ofli w ;.i that wav
without b-iug foolii-hty charged with
working simply for a little county print
ing, much less llun iep!e gunorally,
think, which it has been getting along
reiuaraauiy wen without.
Another Statement Disproved.
Statements are being made that the
assessments fir l.inn co nty during tbe
'ast three years have bern no more in
pro port. on than the three years previous,
the follow ijg ngurvsdi-irove such ste'e
ment. Account of assessors for the following
named years as shown bv the semi-annual
account book :
Assessiu.nt of the year isTO .. ..$1419.00
Some of our populist friend went to
Albany lart Saturday to Cyekt e
lMvis speax.
Congress met everv afternoon last
week at Snrth's, corner of Church and
Stale street. Their debate were of in
terest to every body especially the "tar. IT
and finance" discussion. On Saturday
the speaker of I lie boose Mr. W. li.
Millhollen waa ant and Cla rente
Stockton was chue-en speakrr pro it ru.
There will be a republican club meet
tng in the near future. It is keot verv
quiet but we will ttt there all the uni
and wilt lake notes (not gold).
Oar rixht arm it almost uarahxed
shaking the bands of candidate, and we
cannot vote for alt . of them, wish we
could and give tbim all a good fat job.
Lttle Roi Bt o.
Chautauqua tliU ye.i
Tbe Willamette Chautauqua Associa
tion n again making arrangtaienUforila
great assembly at Gladstone Park, Ore
gon City. July 7-17. Lt Tear this
proved to be the largest and most popu
lar educational gJtiierina ever nt-id in
Oregon, the average attendance during
tbe Chantauqua proper being nt less
than people daUy. This slmoat
phenoittfoal appreciation and encoarsiw
ment for a newiudertakimr baa led to a
$73.40! great extension ot flans for this vear:
and many bills like it before and after, S over siouo nasbeen spent on plaitorm
mm VAN tt Ttwnm hllllt in riTll CUM I mwuKr KlvunilKuyawtumni
from month to month, and which were M k"e Dr. Carlos Martyn, the peer
allowed bv the con ntv court eren tboaeh I ' writer, author, preacher, reformer
CLkax'a cxrtiricATS.
Rtai k or Orkgon )
Cocutt or Lixx f
I, X. Needham, county clerk in and
for Linn county, Oregon, and ex ollkio
clerk of the circuit court of the slate of
Oregon, for the county of Linn, do here
by cert i ty that the foregoing and attach
ed copy of figures cf asovsnor's account
has been by me careful! v compared with
the orig nal figures of I tie a-eor't ao
counts now oq file in mv office and cos
tody, and that it is a true end correct
copy of figures of the accounts of asses
sors as shown by the svm'-annual state
ments. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my band and affixed the seal of said
county cfflrt, tins ISih day of May, "JS.
(Sr.AL) N. NrtbiUM, Clerk.
Mr. Dalrj mplc's Kotisnatiun.
Mr. C II. DAlrymple, popuiit caodi-
dite tor district attrny l.ii filed bis
ret'unaiion as nominee for that a;!), as
follows :
I, V. It. Htlrytopie, having Urn duly
aominatrd by the people's party at their
last state convention, held at lU cttr of
Salem, stale ol Ureaoo. lor l'-- tbir4 io-
diciml lif tri -t, my reniacstrs of noiui-
natiun and acceptance having bern nie
in each of the counties com pnring the
third judicial distrtet, to wit: Marion,
Lir,n. Polk, Yamhi 1 and Tillamook, do
hereby declu-e Uie nomination tor the
reason that IcontcmpUteremoviegfrom
the said judicial district, and respect
fully demand that my name do not ap
rear on the ballots to l yotrd t j Uie
electors of your county, at tbe next gea
era! election, to be In-id on Mondav the
first day of Jane. 13$. as a candidate for
the omce of duti let attorney Utr the si4
thir l judicial district.
Dresi gingbaiui at SI. Luis RVket,
See tht elegant diipluy cf ladies tit pee
at the Ladies Uuzaar
Full roller flour 75 cts per s k at H. F.
Afellwain's cash store
A fine line of straw bats at St Luis Baket
tor Kaket pricus
For quality und price, the St. Luis
aket beats the world on shoes.
Eggs 8c; kidemett 7c; ohoice bams 8c;
best butter 15c dm roll at P, Cohen's
JO lb sack breakfast srerms 20 cs at H .
r. Mollvain't cash store.
An exc'nng dedres tbe contest in
EisUm 0 egon i between Bennett and
North up.
, Have ; on s en tlio new 25c intti
bangle rings, in French's show window.
a hey are ths late .t fad.
II F Mcllwnin'i cash store hus received
another invoius of new coods, tbe latest
and will sell at tut prices
Nothing takes the place of good meat.
Haiirbl Bros, .hare wind von nnt .r&
fully bought and nicely cut, also some
bne hams sad bacon.
Another invoice of wrannen and India.
black dress s-irts reteife.1 at the Ladis
Itazaar. Tbe skirts are lined throughout ,
and uound with velvet, price $2.00 j
bity, boys and gins, did you ever see a
cuckoi and wacbtel clock? Fr-nch the
jeweler bu on, cbme and bear it strike.
Bids foi ir wood for the public school
of Salem ranged from $1 65 to $3.00 tor
nr. Oat was accepted at J2.34 to 2.50
fir at $1.60 an I $1.70.
Tbe city ordinance sajs only 20 bead of
cattle shall be driven across toe bridge al
one time. This it being violated by dri
vers of cows from tbe city . Take warning.
Those wishing to ana the bicycle races at
the lair ground on ths ifcXb can be (rank
ported to and from the fair ground for
only 15 cents. There will be some fast
riders here.
O.'d fasbioo peolecotal meeting at tbe
South Methodist church. Conducled by
Evangelists N. J. Bry.m and wife. First
pun brM Tna'sdiiy at 2:3d n m. Euoject.
"Holinesiand wrat u lU'' 7:45 p. m.,
ubjed. "Roll awsy tbe stone." Everj
bndy come. Bring jour bibles to -be af
brnuon meetings- ,
Our line of Ladies sbirt waists is cow
complete, having ju.tiecei red all the new
el pallet n in Uwn and dimity. This is
by fur tbe tlirsl line of goods evr
sb?wn in Albany, call and see them at tbe
Ltdies Bazaar.
Tbe score in tbe bowling tontert fur 46
frame i mm f,Jiow: I'm Pamlyzers
Wan. l.; Drum. 125; CnMck, IIS; Caa
n..n 7 152. Revere, Pfeiff-r, 103; Sow
er Bl; brown !: HaUoo. 109403.
t he contest wi.l close tonight, besinains
at 6:30
Tbe Ladirs Band aod tiie 0 A C. band
will aotuuuiy tbe U R. St N. xcorsion
t- Indepen'ieDce on y 2) Tbe s-earner
Elmore will leave Abany at 7:45; return
ing tbe Ruth witl leve lodeupnJen.-e al
5:o0. Fare 50 ceats fcr rund trip. (
tbe raout dy the Gypxy will ran from Bar
tubarg lo lndepeniteoce
Gates, Or., May, 20, 1896.
Gates was treateilo a eenaine eastern
hail storm on Monday.
Tne dance given by tbe Hall Associa
tion Friday ere was a decided success as
was also the sapper w hu.b was given at
Uie Hotel Cox.
Garman & New land of Mill City tbink
tome of l-ringing their large stock of
drugi and general merchandise to Gates.
Tbe train from Detroit to Albany was
di rbed yesterday one tmie vast ol King
ston, resulting ea a delay of several
We notice! a n tins ber of democratic
candidates on our streets yesterdav.
SOCIAL AM) 'i.i. .,
Mr. Charley Miller, of the Lav, wim in
this tiny today.
W. 8. Vanderburg, nominte fr n
gressmati on the jpmist tick.-i, hss h.
tbe city today.
Hun. C. B. MontKitiie a d wife ra-
tumcd today from their trip to Mdein
where tbey went to attend theoprnitig of
the new Woolen mill.
Miss Selina Whiteaker and MUs Ad a
Grlgsby of Independence are visiting at
the home of MUs Auna illis. of ib.s
Mr. slid Mrs. Conrad Meyer and child,
of Albany, were the guests of Air. and
Mrs. Phillip Pbile last Kundav. Thfv
returned by boat Monday morning.
vvwvaiti ximes.
The Democrat acknowledges a very
pleasing serenade about 1 o'clock this
morning ny two young men possessing
remarsaoy good voices, sounding in har
mony, in a h gh class song.
Hon. Jeff Myers, r. c, of 8cio, nom
inee lor congressman from the first dis
trict, was a recent caller. Col M vers is
a ostive Oregonian, and would do Ore
gon nonor were be chosen congressman
on Jane 1 Jeff is popular wherever
known. Pythias. j
Geo. E. Chamberlain, nominee for niu
ol the judges of this dristncl, is an hon
ored member of Laurel Lodge No. 7, Al
bany, and has been attorney gntral of
tins state, tie deieated that enemy oi
the press Lionet li. Webster. Webster
thought he could muzzle tbe press, but
iue voters muzzled mm. fythiaa.
The death ol Frank L. Fischer occurred
in Corvall is Monday night, of consumpt
ion. iur. r iscuer was wen known there,
having been born and raised in Benton
county. Dr. Edson's new consumption
cure was trwd on ilr. Fischer, bat with
out beneQt. .The disease had piobabv
ad ranee -
Alkock's S
nnt in ) withmit hit snecification.
These tlunirs remind tbe IJimocrat of
the remark made bv Judze Burnett dar-
inz the Montzomery tnw in rcierence to
Sheriff McFeron "An officer ought to
have more sense man ioqoi wing in
that way," or substantially like that.
with several additions to it.
Now wbo has been stupid.
Prof. Ty Dial l
Prof. Tyndall. the miod reader and
mystic, gave entertainments at tbe ar
mory Saturday night and last night.
Thn DinioreAT man was t) resent Satur
day night. The ProL very correctly per
formed lea is mat are certainty lujom.,
I dnnlicstimr while blindfolded ft mock
. . 1 . . a . , 1 .-vtlrrtl
marriage, mw u,um7i, 6
the mvsterious powers of the nerveus
riPin. The audiences on both even
ings were pleased with the powers dis
plaved. Committees of representative
citizens assisted the Prof., thus making
the tests absolutely square. At 4, :su to
day a street drive it to be given, 'anq to
night another entertainment u rr
mory, one in wnicn nypuonsiu a
merism will be the leatares, Atjmieaion
15 and 25 cents,
and platform orator of Chicago; Frank
unooin, tue lnimitaoie nnmortst oi Aew
1 ork Uty, wbo hs just returned from a
five years lecturing tour abroad ; Kev.
Anna Shaw, of Pbiladelobia. said to be
tbe most brilliant speaker among Amer- J
kuwwucb, etuwu d. Aut'iooy, wnose
name is a household word: Mortimer
Whitehesd, the silver-toneued orator of
New Jersey; Mrs. Marion B. Baxter, tbe
(lifted co-laborer cf Frances Wi'lanl in
Chicago; Edwatds Davis, the bov orator
of Oakland ; Elbert H. Dille, the mct
popular orator Of satt Francisco: Selsh
Brown, of Los Angeles; Alice llaniil
Handoock. daughter of theirivat ttan-ill
elocntionist, of Chicago, and Ella Uig-s-inson,
the poet, of Nw lmu-oiu.
asbiogton, one of the rwioe llterata of
Revival Last Nioiit The tubiect of
Rev. Ghormley's sermon last night was
"Tbe Gospel is the I"ower of God to Con
vert and Save Men." A brief synopsis
is aa follows : Tbe Gospel i a condensed
statement of the death, burial ad resur
rection of Cbri-U That in order to lie
saved by the Gospel men mu-t Uv.eva u
snd obey it. Christ baa a!t authority.
He conmiiooed the Apostles to preach.
Tbe Holy Spirit gave them utterance.
Tbey gave the terms oi solvation. We
are nut to hesitate and dispute about
what is essential and what ia son eesen
tiaL God will bold all men respoor.hie
for what He has commanded them. The
Holy Spirit is the agent and nses tbe
Gospel or Word of Truth to convict and
save. No man has any promises who
does not bear, believe and obey tbe
truth. The Evangelist charged bis con
gregation to receive the rertaled word of
God as their guide, lie wished them to
remember that the Gospel contained
facta to be bilieved, commends to be
obeyed snd promises to be enjoyed. H is
subject tonight is "What must I do to
be Saved," the most important question
any being can ask. A scriptural answer
will be given.
At nis KrvtvAU wis large
and mQcb interested audience at tbe
opera boose hut nigbt. The subject ol
the disroorse was "What most i do to
be Savd.' Tbe vrry best interest and
attention was manifested while Evan
gelist Ghrmley brought the scripture
together that bear upon this importaul
answer. Same answers as was given by
the inspired apostles He said the book
of Acts a record of conversion and do
ings of tbe etrly church. That no man
or ecletias ica1 body bad any right to
change the divine order of ihion or any
ot the ordinances. Several questions bad
been given in which tbe Evangelist ans
m ere.. The meetings seem to be on the
order of teaching more than that of ex
citement whi.-h if so often the case with
evangelists. Several ministers of ths
city arc in attendance besides many
members from ail ths cl niches. Kev.
Gbormiey credits all witb honesty and
treats everyone with rourtesy snd' love
Subjert tonight is "The Prodigal ffon."
Aw Excuesios to the .ttnd carnival at
Independence will be given sn Saturday,
U 23rd. The steamer "Wm. M.
Hoag" will make a special round trip for
this occasion, lea vine Corvallis at 7:00 a.
m.; Albany 7:45: returning leaves In
dependence at 5 :30 p. m. Fare for round
trip 5 cts. ' .
Splendid toweling at H F Mcllwai
.... ..t rt-.. .I K Aln ... 1 ' I L
, ' " ' ' ' I 1
Tbr e inches of snow fell at Detroit but
A voting man left Illinois last week with
c-1 tbe thermometer 103 in be shade. t ben
v- he struck Albanv be was ob'.'ired to tub to
steam, electricitv or ! tbe clotnier for heavy underwear.
A couple "fly' drummers had the con
ceit taken out of them a little at tbe bote!
in Acer a few days naat as mentioned by
our correspondent, Tbey ordered e(tes on
the half snoii oi toe pretty gtn warress.
which were promptly turnuoed by serving
hard boi'ed eags nicely peeled half . way
down. The others at the tables in tbe
diuinr? room at the time gave them 'be
laaea. whea tne (trammers wuterea.
Yreka Journal.
Bsvival MeBTiso, -Sandayatll a, m.
Bev. (Jhormley preached on tbe founda
tion ef Ihe chnrch. the word of Jesus
that to Vxtfir. "Cnon this Rock I will
Knild Mv Church The rock ia the
great truth just confessed that "Thou art qnest.
Hie tliriSl, H1B ODD Ol IUB l""S
Prof. Tyrdali.
ii i i
Prof. Tymlall at 4 :30 yesterdav after
noon gave a wonderful street drive,
while blindfolded driving a team in 'the
tracks previously taken by a committee
and with grtat rapidity rushirc into
French's Storo and initantlv lindina a
cork screw, A big ciowd witnessed it.
In the evening the rrtif. give a, g ex
hibition, but ist as iio c the
newspaper test was overcome. His tests
were alt qtiiukly executed, un iiii.' Hie
tests being the driving of a nail ilii a
foniifbt Prof Tynd.ill will aivd a irr nd
and laughable deuonJralion in hypno
tism, at inn armory nan, ny spa ui re-
A lmisoton 15 and 25 ct.
Evangelists Gbormiey stated that tbe Judge J. C. Fullerton, was, it, tl(o city
iububt iuhs nooq oq nis wnv iioma irom Vos
county, by way of Yiiina.
Hons. J. K. weatherford and M. A.
aimer returned tins noon from Plulo.
nmmii to Peter wss fulfilled on
of Pentecost; that the church, was then
natal, uhRit and that tne doors oi tne
kingdom were then opened: tneconui-
. . ' f L
lines drawn distinctly between the churcn
.,i tk. tka oard ,.lavinfr. danc
i - t L "r.f aaa a.oyl I Mr. Tlnlmnn lirand fn.ltf .f 1 1 a.....
ing ana orain arinauig viinoiiaii icvo'v.. '.V TV ' , """i
arebnkewhicb will not soon be forgotten, of Salem, Mrs Mazgia II ui'.a i.iVand
The subject last night was "FeniecMt," I i-auy necortter, oi junoiiMn, rs; law, ot
.uuvuvm) v., .ui iu; iimiiuivr, anu
ol entiance were given ny uw APf" math, where they addressed a rousimr
Peter, who bad the authority qi trie meelitji Mt nig,t.
irit as to what to say and do. the! . . ta Mrlw .;
Iress to ladies elicited inueu commen- H.ffc ? lLLZ'l
hv all those who desire to see the r-v V, . ...
l ana oirs. r,. uavis. a immiier oi
Tbx O. A. C. Fieu Dt occurred last
Saturday at Corvall is on a muddy field.
Don Kay won tbe 100 yard race iq 1
seconds, Henry Kelly "tecond; Brady
Burnett the V mile raos in 2:S5, Art
Wooils. of Albany, a doss second ; Frank
Cr.wtor4 won the 440 yard race, Bradv
tiuroett second. Timt AS seconds; ZS0
ysrd bardie race by Fred Colvig, Harry
Kelly second; 220 yard race by Boo
Golden, Bruce Burnett second, in "34 sec
onds; pole vault by Frack Hagnr 8 ft. 4
inches, Bob Goklen second ; broad jam p
by Frank llagtir 18 ft 7 inches; 16 pound
shot bv Harvey Bodine, of Lino county,
32 ft. 8 inches.
Letter From a Republican.
Bbowssvilije, Or., May 19, 1S6.
Ebrroit Democbat:
I have noticed certain slanderous ar
ticles in a newspaper at Albany against
Uenrv Blakely, democratic nominee foi
sheriff. I desire to say that I was resid
ing in Eastern Oregon over 20 years ago
at the time that it is claimed that Mr.
Blakely was indicted. The indictment
againt turn was falsely procured and the
mull waa that Mr. Blakely was dis
charged as an innocent man. I am, and
always bave bees a republican bat when
I see a good man and true citizen IiIlp
Henry Blakely a andered as be bss been
in this campaign I think the voters ot
Linn county owe it t- themselves and for
the establishment of justice and right
that be be elected hefL. I have known
Mr. Blakely tor many years snd never
beard ought against bis character as a
man and citizen until the revival of this
old falsa indictment which everyone
knows that knows anything about it at
all, Mr. Blakely waa innocent. I know
enough about him to know tbatif elected
he will honestly and fearlessly da bis
duty as an officer.
D. G. MoClasax.
A Bepabjican.
A Bicycle Run.
All members of tbe Atbaay Cycle Club
are requested to meet in front of the
Baltimore building this evening st 6:45
sharp for ss short ran oat the Tangent
road. A halt will be made at the fair
gronnd, those desiring to ret era from
there mar do so. AH cvclers lirgeand
small, especially ladies, are rordialir in
vite 1 to accompany the club in this meet, j
Cj.o lina Maris.
I o.ttirs ?mi MclLUsTfc. Ibe Ea
get Gusrd says: A demonstration
was made yesterdsy before the students
ot toe stale uuiverkity to show tbe per
nicious rffect of moktng. This waa ef
fected by means "f a. sphrgmogrmpii
whicb recorded the beat of the raoial
artery. To the writing lever of tbe in- i
strainent was attacteda piece of white1
paper, wbW-b could be seen ulainlv from
all pirta of the room, to move at each
beat ot the Alier tbe normal beat
was shown Uie subject smoked a or
ette, which caosed tbe heart to beat
more rapidly, as was shown by tbe
movements of the white paper.' In a
laboratory experiment this increase over
tbe normal wss shown to be at the rat
of 2 beats a minute. The evil effect of
smoking is rasily seen The isatrament
was made by Mr. Seta McAuter, an as
sistant in tbe universitT, wbo is to be
congratulated upon bis ingenuity.
SriuiEv Davrn. Mr. John Crawford,
an old resident of Linn county, dropred
suddenly dead at his home on tbe Ellis
Knox farm, at Knox's Batte. yesterdav
morn in it. May 19. He had been at bis
work as usual tbe l-rerious dav. Mr.
Crawford was sixty-one rears oi age. II
was a member of the V P. cbarcb of tbis
city, and was a man of genuine christian
worth. He leaves a wite. two daughters
snd a son as well aa many friends to
mourn bis death, the taneral services
were bel 1 at a'oclock this morning and
tbe temaint were taken to the Oakville
cemetery for burial.
The best and choicest patterns of
Oregon and Eastern woolen mills are
among the selections we have
Spring suits.
Thequalify-materiaJ- the style-ihe" tailoring of tliese garments are far su
perior to ordinary "special price" elotbing one so often reads of.
are all-imporUnt if they were a problem we bave so ved tbern satisfac
tory to the trading buying appreciative public.
Itemly Brrived is
Oar great line of Summer
shirts fast colors--ledbytije
j Mens Shoes
j- Pointed and narroca sqaare
.mediam and old man's lasts
I Boys shoes
Bicycle shoes
Tennis shoes
L. E. Blain- Clothing Go's.
"km its) ibiz ail ran tare to him to wear
well lanndried shirts and nndeniotbing.
Tbe Albany Hteam Lancory, Richards A
rhulips proprietors, make a speciaity ot
gectlemeas work. Free mending for
men besides tbe nrst elate laundry work.
A. superior bigb sloes finish to shirts
collars, enfft, etc
Taken in 'I imc
Hood's SsTsaparilla has achieved great
success in warding off aickness wbicb,
it aUowed to progress, would have under
mined tbe whole system and given dis
ease a strong foothold to cau-e much suf
fering snd even threaten death. Hood s
barsaparil'.a has done all this and e.-en
more. It baa been taken in thousands
of eases wbicb were thought to be incur
able, and after a fair trial bas effected
wonderful cures.bringina health.sIreDgth
anvjoyto the afflicted. Another im
portant point about Hood's barsapaiiiU
ts that its cores are permanent, because
tbr-v start froaa tbe solid foundation of
panned, vitalised snd enriched blood.
Hot it is not what we say but what
lloou's SarsapariUa dots that tells the
L d. at This.
I have 4a lots witb iair lioupe. All
kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to
college aad city public school, to trade
for residence in Albany. Look t'jis up.
Good make money or for specu
lation. . G. W. Maston.
Liebt meig'at f r fpring sad iir.
Btck at.d lolorA. Latest sylrt.
ktediam prices.
Lots aid let ti them ctore jot re
ceived. Many diSerent grades and
Summer Goods.
" Stock now. coDpIe:; lanrsst ever
broaa-nt to this part rf the vaiiey.
AU new tHjod and rtriues very rvason
ab!e. Send for saasplrt.
S. E. Young,
A km Brt-kkx. Clarence Craw, son ot
F. S. Craw, will not ride a bicycle again
for several months. Last oigbt alter re
hearsing at the Maccabee hall (or a cOnw
iiigenicrlaintiient he rtate towards home
on big btcyefe. After crossing Lyon
stifet a dog Wgan barking and following
mm. i urn lie ro le laster. in irunt oi
the residence of ti. F. Simpson be met
two gentlemen whodid not hear bis bell.
only the dog being heard. Ths result
was a lerriiic rollision, one ol the men
was knocked flat aa vounirt riw went
tumbling over striking on his left arm
in such a way as to break both bones ol
the arm just tlow the elbow. Pr. J. I.
aliace was called and set the bone.
LeT A LB? v. Yesterday noon a cit
izen ot Altwoy Iv't lor outer regions,
nothing startling in that. Tbe m teres t
ing part fcbont the afTair is that be was
ordered to do so by several irate dtisens.
it was charged that tie bad been med
dling with lamily affairs. He nndoul t
edlv got bis desserts. Such fellows ought
to tie aicsea out oi a city, anotocr m-
toresting fact is that tbe man was one of
Gov. I'ennoyer's old friends.
I children spent reveral hours enjoyably.
New Suits. -
"They make you feel sheepish" be
cause they are ALL WOOL. We mean
our new suits just received. Bring your
money or some tug grub oak, and try
one of them.
' Thk Albany Woolen Mills Co '
. . , i . .
Ta tbe Albany Dressed Meat Co's mar
ket, at Second and Ellsworth strtiets for
your meats of all kinds, hams, sides, lard,
etc They boy carefully and aim to please.
Tne "Pierce" 175.00 bicycle is the
oual of many flCO wheels see foryour-
it Tr T.' . . n.
v .- '
: , t 1
i catis tomatoes or f cans sngar corn for
25 pU at H F MpH wain's cash etere.
Special sale of boots and shoes H F
Mellwain's cash store, grea argraius
Fairbanks gold dut waunig piwder in
3 lbs packaze 20 cts t U F Mdiwain's
cab store )
Barrel swet pickle,
barrel sour pickles.
Oyster cocktail saace
At Parker Bros.
A Thies Some scoundrel that evid
ently knew the Mins add outs' of Dr. H.
A, pa yis barn took a new set of harness
from the same, last Friday night. The
granary door was broken down and this
set from among numerous others was
taken from the opposite end of the gran-
n ... vi.a tl.iof nndnuhtadlv meant to
shin them by train but weakened when
be gets as tar as tne aepoi, as iney were
thrown in the stock pen where they were
found Tueidy by r red hherrjil and rerry
Hvd. Ji. A reward oi siu nas ueen oi-
iered for tho capture of the thief. Har-
risburg He view.
A IIaisev Picnic The variou lodges
of the Workmen and Degree of Honer in
tbe central Willamette valley are mak
ing great preparations for a basket pic
nic at Halsev on Labor day, Juneo,
Abut 15 lodues will participate. The
the beinnnintf of the cbnrch which
Christ came tat establish. "A large con
gregation was in attenuanoe. nuuieci u
. V , i m. n 1 ti F I .l SI
Digut s "jneuogpet rowr y
Do oeople buy Hood's Barsspsrilla in
preference to any other,'-)n fact almost
to the exclusion of aU others!
Tbey know from actual use tbat Hood's
Is the best. 1. e.. It cures when others fail.
Hood's Barsspsrilla Is still made uadet
the personal supervision 01 tbe educated,
thaimacbU who originated It.
will participate. The i The. question I pest is jusi as posiiiveiji
rtrand 'Master and Pa?t Grand Master of tteclded in lavorot tiooq s ss tne quesnou
ilia WnrlrmAn and rhft (irn IChief of cf comparative sales.
the Degree will be present. A part of' Another thing: Every sdvertlsenien,!
I the exercises will consist of a contest to , of Hood's Barsaparuia u r, V PUmh
j UO KIVCU UJ U1C U 1 lv lltllll VsaV UIMCI"Uti
lodges. The Albany podges are getting
yeady to send large delegation, :
Tbe Demockat defies any one to show a
' sing e sen-ense appearing in the Demo ,
' CD at as tbe production of th editor which
! shows malice or is of a shameful character, I
in tbe present campaign, atrainst any can
didate. Pica foundiess sUteaments, made
' merely to create sympatpy, are back acting.
Is the One True Illood Purifler. All drugltfsts. $U
Prepared only by C. I. Hood It Co., Lowell. Mass.
mat are the only pills to taks
HOOd S PHIS wlliiUood'sBiirsttiiarlUa.
v .... w - -v" n hi i-i , miu
Miss Maggie Barker, Grand lidy Usher,
went to Corvallis this noon to visit tbe
V. ol t. tonight. They will visit the
Albany lodge tomorrow night.
The Telegram says of tbe recent Daslor
of the Baptist church in Portland : Dr.
Koland V. Grant yesterday morning and
last evening occupied the pulpit of the
services throngs ol ieople had to be
turned away No such crowds bad vis
ited tbat cburcU since the day ol its ded
ication, '
At a meeting of the board of directors
of school district 5, Prof. Tvree was re
elected principal of the Albany public
schools at the increased salary of $1200
a year. The standard of the schools ,B8
advanced in, marked manner under
Prof. Tyree, whose ability as an organi
ser and educator has been fully demon
strated. That is a splendidly executed window
sign Mr. Frank ifcinauli ba just made for
tha Albany linmigration Bourd.
re noo'atio candidates tnoke last niirht
at Taniront, the principal speakers .being
H.O. Watson, Mr. McElmurry and S.
M. Oailand. Pome conviucing statements
were made.
Mr. Jack Howard tslls ths Pkuociot
about bow a man from tbe country had
told b'm of seeing crows nests in tbe coun
try built witb roofx, ;D anticipation of a
rainy summer.
Dr. Price's Creitm TiakloQ ?owder
Awanlal Gold MU Muiwlaur Fair. ?n F uuttra
Attacted v a Bvxu-prXIr. William
Abraham' residing fuur miUis west of
Albany in Benton county, etenlav af
ternoon was attacked by a vit iwiw three
year old Jersey bull a-id iauibisl up
ng&irit ft barn, in a brutal manner
Three rllis were broken and he was
othewise badiy bruised and as injured
luierna'lv. The hud iiad leen dehorned.
but seems to have lost nons ot bis mad
nets. Dr. ii. W. Maston of this ci'y was
sent for and attended him. How torioua
bis internal injuries are cannot yet be
stated lor certain.,
0. C. 4 K. Accident. The west bound
train from the front had jnst passed
Kings this morning when a Usnge on a
flat car broke throwing several cars off
the track. The passengers and baggage
were transferred to the engine and canm
on too Albany. The track U1 bo
cleared tonight all right for businecs.
Orrxonsco. Prof. Tyndsll closed bis
mystic entertainments in this city last
night, giving the most entertaining pro
gram of tbe four riven. Besides some
mind reading be displayed his hypnotic
powers in a marked manner. Amona;
several subjects Marvin Turn- r aad Jode
Galbraitb proved, tbe best. They mere
put through a series of movements that
were very taaghable, being very obedient
in tbe baods of tbe Prof. In the after
noon, a hidden awl was found through
Kev. Abbett as the subject, tbe impress-
ons being communicated through a wire.
Hood's Pills are the best attf
pill; askit digestion, prevent constipa
Imnoveri. hed Blood eaawa tha
tired feeling. Hood's inrwuarilU pun
bes, (one and vitalises tee biocd. givt
lair new lif and increased vigor and vi
Farm Umu.
I have a limited amoaat of moee) tc
loan oa Rood farm lands ia lias aaa ad
joining county. Oa wry fa'mWe term.
Interest rxvable a&noaUy. Call or write
at once aa tne ameaat I har; fcr icaains
will soon be Ooe.
C- U. ill MHlKt,
Albany, Orow-.
I mm Craws
"My three chMdren are H sobj te
croop; I isiecrapbe I to S- Frsaciao vo!
so: a half ku-a b4t'esof S H Coofck C re
It is a psrfect iriaedy . OoJ bl yu f
it. Your, etc, J.H. Oorier. G'snts
Paa, Or." Fur by Fotbay t Ujon ai
Oc vr bnttle.
You Can't Fish
rell without a pool outfit, and
we won id like to sell it to yoa. We
have rods, nets, books, lie, reefs,
etc. and the pruts are lower than
yoa Bsoaliy pay. .
ma act A Sox Hew Co.
Free Silver
Is a mighty good thing, and if yoa
bare any that yna want to rwap frr
wagons or buggies, just come arocn '
and see as. tie carry the stud
baker' vehicle?, tbe very best '
earth, and can make yoa rood ten
SrcwAirT & "ioi How Co
Two for a Nickel
is the way we sell rackets of gardes
seed, ar.df we also have garden seed
In bais and grass seed ot ail Kinds
for sale cheap.
SfT-t-WABT A Sox How Co.
(Tar tfcr kVMMia.
I am 65 years old; bave bad aidoey
diea ami cooit ipj 1 1 for 25 jer. A m
now well used jar S. B. Headcbe and
liver Cure coe 'r. L'e-l 6 hot lc ai
SO cen' ecd. J U Kn-irh'. Ratiedge.
Or." For sale by Fohay A Maavt at
per bottle .
Conn Huston for groceries.
Get your lawn mower sharpened by
M. Ludwiir. opposite P. O.
Potent posters return rapid results, see
Smiley 's mini pies
Cloth circulars catch country customer,
Smibv the printer.
l.eve oiders at Perkrr Bros,, for tome
of unit popular World tieater coap.
Sc n s handsome birthday gems at V'i 1
k Wark's, t licap. Ore, for eviry month
in ths year.
10 u plug 3attls Axe tobacco 23 cts at
it V utllwttins cash store.
If you wunc a aooa ana clean
smoke buy clears made bv our Al
baity cigar factory.
Social Bau. Thursday eve, at tha
armory boll. By l root man's orcaeraa.
come, we are soins to hava a ffood time.
1 irttets tficis me at ounce uniu tne sto
The Modern Way.
Commends itself to the well-informed
to do pleasantly and effectually what
was formerlv done in the crudest man'
ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse
the svstem and break np colds, bead
aches, and fevers without unpleasant
alter efiects, use the delightful liquid
laxative remedy, Sy rap of Figs, Kaou
factured by California Fig Syrup Com
pany. ."
ffolt buckle, belt bins, shirt wait stta.
! in gold find sitter, at F. M. French s jew
elry store.
Call for the 7 bar Savon soap at . V.
Mcllwain s caoh store ibarsfcr '.scents.
It is the best and the cheapest
Tha TA men's fine shoe at II. F. Mc
llwain'scash s'ore reduced tofi.OOsod
every b?re for 12.80.
Spool Cotton.
Clarks O N T or I 4 P coals thread at
O F Mclleain's cash store, 2 spools for 5
The "V catbvr.
For the best Drugs Dawson's
Don't f.iil to m ths beautiful paiotirg
si the now Witkins and 'labor Btulio
Hlumblirg block,
Ue Duwson' furniture polish
Sr Pure Drugs I'aw.wn'i.
Peonle like tender aeat. nicely cut.
lcnry Broders keeps a lull line of -uieatr,
from the best siocb to ue omaineu, w
mended by all ot his customers
Hiihest Honors World. Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years tbe Standard
A Sa4 Warta tmln.
Con,v(Bitioa. LiriPp:. Penm'nia
sad all Throat a J L d3ae are cure
bv S uio C ire . ru ;e ,- -so4T
A Sataral alSer
Karl s Cloer Rout Tea purifies t be hood
and gies s clear and beautiful comp eXK
For a'e by rosbay and
Sar SraaPtsi
a.d L'ver Complaint yoa bave printed
guarantee OB eei v botVS c 5r.lO iia
iser ItnewfslUto cure, vor sslebj
FoshayJt Mason
Almost Anything
wanted by a farmer kept for salw
by tbe Mewart & Sox Hardware Co.
Engines, separators, binders, mow-t-r.
rakes, plows, harrows, and al
most anything else in tbe line oi im
plements or hardware.
Good to Eat
is hard to prepare nnless yea have
nice wile and a cracking good coei
stove. Sow ii yoa have the wife, a
bave the stove. Yoa don't wants
dispose of the wife, and we do was
to sell tbe stove. W list's to prrvea
cs from making a dicker? ton -round
and we'll talk about it.
Stew a ar & Sox Hdw Co.
V. . a, ... ...
twin mis aiieraoaa looiubt ana 1 bits-
day, station aiy temperature, river K 7
above extreme kw water.
F M, Lisplajman.
Are You One cf those unhappy no
pie sutferina with weak nerves Ke mem
ber that the nerve may be made strong by
Hoods Sarsaparilla, which feeds them up
on pure piocd.
Hood Fil's an easy to tale, easv to
operate. Cure indigestion, bihoui-nefs.
Doesn't Take Much '.Money For
groceries at Parker liitx I i etr
prices are reasonable and
a litt'e goes a long
Quality it something alau. 1 hey keep on
I.. 1 . 1 . T : 1 .
1 y tue w. ii is a lair anu squiue
Mat fooled fact that if jou
trade with them
you al
ways gi t good treatment in goswls. prices
auu personally, tuat is consitier
able in tbe long run. It
counts rarticu
larly in
groceri s and baked gooJs You ran ret
whvtyou want without running
around by trading with
Parker Bros.
raiarrk ar4
Uealtn and sweet breath secured bj
Shiloti'a Cata- th Remedy, IVU? 5O cenii
Kasal tniector fee. tor sale by roshaj
k Mason.
Karl's - K4 Tva
is a urw r-,re for hesdache and oervoa
dise- Kj hlng relieves o quick.
For rtie by Fohay Je SI asod.
Far Ike tun
Klder Alson W. Steers writes Irom Forl
lind, tr: There is no nieiiicin for tbe
throat and lunes that I caa recommend to
ministers, public sneakers and singers,
lib the confidence that I can the S. B
CughCuie.' For sole by Fo-hay Ma-
onat50oU pe." ooltie.
Let rveryhodj- come to tha Slar Bkery
am gel 40 kiave ot fiesh bread for st.or
A fine line of Baby Carriages just re
ceived at Fortmiller & Irving'.
Money to Loan.
A limited amount of money to loan on
good farm eeeovity
ft N.StwuCo.
The Best Paint
in tbe world is Masnrys Mixed Paint
and we bave it :n ail colors. Every
body usicir it likes it. If you want
lead and oil we bave that, too, and
also varrish, turpentine, brushes,
etc Skwakt & Sox Hdw Co.
Mrsic Miss Mildred Burmester
teacher of piano or organ. System --the
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chutcb.
m my m
For Prescriptions Dawson's.
For Tills and Masters Dawson
Tb Ills at Waaaea
Constipation, canses mors than batf-thr
Hit ot women. Karl's Clover Root Tea i
a pleasant cure for constipation, t or sab
by Foshay & Mason.
It Saras Uvea Every Kay
Thousands of eae of Consumption,
Athnia. Coughs, Colds and Coup sie
ured every day by Shiloh's Cure.
wbewt ?ft
OaU I6,'.r
Flwr, 13 tr)
Butter 13a
l,rd 6 to9o
Pork hania 8 o 10c, shoulders 4 to 6.
Sid? 8 to 10.
Uy baled. 15-00
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdet
World Fair Mhj.nest Award.
Who nath Woe?
Who Hath Sorrow?
Who Hath Much Wrath?
Verily it is he that fcnyetb High
Grade Bicycle at a cost of fo0 and
Id per cent off for cash For behold
it breaketb ami rasteth him into ths
dust; vea, ewn into tho mire, and
getta h into tlie 1 amis of the repair
er, and in theeud costelh him aany
pieces of gold
Unnl Knv a "Columbia." It
costs $100 andts sold by the Stewart
A Sox Hdw Co.
The Printer.
CO M E geUer if Itloot M.
ter to buv vour Bread, Pies, l-olis, Cakes,
etc, at a reliable store where they us,
nly tbe Beet material why of course 1
Is you dont want dyspepsia and yon
at-ver eet it y eating Irom on
store. U. S. BAKERY.
i Bt Ellsworth and Lyon Slid bt.
O. D. Vandts. Propriets