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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1896)
3 si ,flWI)nmiI I III II VOI.XXXT ALBANY. OKMJON. FRIDAY. 31 AY 189(5. Cifr4 tr. tc Coos nc atbaay. r. Beesad-t'ls Hall stalls, r r I 9ITT!1 rakUkr ,rrnl 4 H M III II 3 HI 11 A GIVEN AWAY ' Consisting of one sheet of FARM BtTELDINGS and one sheet Cf 7a Subjects. DOMESTIC ANIMALS, etc. These are to please the children. The Farm Bouse and Animals can Z be cut out and made to stand, thus making a complete Miniature Farm Yard. 3 Ways to Get This Farm: 8 6 Gonpoasi or Z tjGIlQ 1 Oonpon and 6 Cents ; or . 10 Cents without any Coupon, to BLACRWCLL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM. N. C. and the Farm will be sent you POSTPAID. You will find one Coupon Inside cech 2 ounce bag, and two Coupons Inside each 4 ounce tag of - BlaoM Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smokine. Tobacco, and read the . i . i . r . i i i . . . , coupon, wuicu gives a us oi uuier premiums anu now to get mem. S CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. The Indestructible "Maywoocr BICYCLE. On port Hodtm. Host Reliable. " Host Datable o STRONGEST . "Sfbssl on Earth. - THIS S75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE vr, ' - "At A WITH COUPON. PATENTS 555r lSOl Oct. 3, 1813 Ian l. itens Jan. SI. 180S Others Pet-dins; (5 The "Haywood" Is the Oronfrcit anti simple bir-irte tnr rande. Adapted for all kinds ol roads and riders. Hade of material that is mtfiti, ro-gh and nirz': simple in construction, easily taken apart aad pot together; has few parts: is of such try cotiKtruction that its parts will hold together erea in an acci ent: no boliow tnlune to cros!i ta ct every ceotact: a frame that cannot be broken: ee simple that its adjusting parts serve as its reanectinjr parts: a ne-t-iece crank in place of a dosea parts; always ready to five reliable and rapid trEnMxrtation. FKAHJi-ImproTed dooMe diamond, sruavriuiteed fur thi-c-c yean, iinrfe of -inch cold rolled steel rods (cooehest and strongest metal for its weight hmrat; joined toctoer with aluminum bronze fittings in such a triJOcT tbst it in ter4Maii-lr to inr-.k or st part work loose; a marvel sf novelty, simplicity v)U dsM-si'ilit-r; tfco crert-t co-ni-innUon of incenuity in bicycle mechanism known, to build a rrajee wuiwDt braid. i-is and tubiu?. ax yon know that rramescontinnaily bresk aad fraeSrtre ex brazen yir;ts. an.i mbes when tLev are buckled in cwot be repaired. WHi.ii.s swnch: warranted wood rims. piai!0 wire tsurcnt spokea and braes nipples. HCB3 Larse birri pattern. 1 IKk "Ariinclr-n"' bo, pipe or Kor ean Wriirbt tjttick Bepair. r some other tust-clss pnmat-te tiie ? UEAKlSi. Bail bearings te every part, inclndins wtwejs." crank axle, f.ecrisr bead and peda's. CIPS A Sit COXES Best quality tool steei, caceieir? tempered aisd iirr.lcneJ. l liAl.VS-lIicb gTade hardened centers, rear adjustment. CKlSKS-Orj oeiebrctid one-piece rmk. faily pro tected by patents: no eotter pins. KEACHSaortei. 2-inches: lomrcst. ST inches. OKAK CfprTi. FltOXT FORK- Indestnictible: fort crowa made irom rnn-brrel steeL HiSDLE AB Berersible and edjnstahle: easilv adiosted to anv peeit ton desired: rain's horn f nr- Bished if ordered. SADDLE P. A P., Gilliam, or some other nrst-cia tnnke : Ei4LS Bat-trap or robber; fnll ball bearing. TVS ISH Etu-.meied m black, with all bifcrht parte nickel plated. Each Bicycle complete with tool bsc pnmp. wrench and oiler. Weicht ae oordinR to tires, pedals, saddles, etc 47 to 3 noonds. $t Is ear Special Wholesale Price. Kerer before sold for less. Te qnickly introdnoe the Miywood" Bicycle, we have decided te make a special eonpon offer, civins eyerr reader of this pansr a chancs to set a hrst-ciass wheel at the . . . f - ' . VHI". . v .j. 1 r " u I JHII.M' w it . we will ship to anyone the shore Bicvcle. &care!y crated, and cnarantee safe delivery. Honey refunded if not as represented after arrival and examination. We wil ship C O. D. wilh priyOece of examination, for 36.00 and coepm ntonded tSJO is sent with order as a rnarsntee of good faite. A written bindkur warranty with each Bicycle. This is a chance of a lifetime and yon cannot afford to let the eppoc t niity pas. Address eTi orders to CASH Bti.'ERS' UNION, 6a West Vaa Borea Street. Bx 71 oj, CHICAGO. fU Coupon Na. 2( 03 tooo rr A Campaign FaisehotiJ Nailed. BrowkbvIluk, Ob., May 14. Edi or Democrat : We the undersigned liave been well acquainted with Henry Blakelv, now le fore the vottrs of Linn county for sheriff, ever since a small boy, and never knew of him being drunk, notwithstanding what the Daily Herald of May the 9th eaye. " O. P. Cosiiow. 8. P. IUruek. J. II. Glass. F. M. Jack. Lcthkb Whits. V J. M. Moykb. Another Falsehood. The friends ol Henry Blakely who are trying so hard, but utterly in vain, to make people think Mr. McFeron's man agement of the sheriff's otlice has not been strictly straightforward, clean and honest, should bear in mind that Mr. McFeron has never been indicted bv a grand jury for a penitentiary offense nor was he ever put under bonus tor such a crime. Herald The inferance above is as false as an- othr charge refuted else where. The hint refers to a matter occurring over twenty years ago in Eastern Oregon, which was dismissed entirely to Mr. Blakely's credit, and was proven to be a malicious, unfounded charge againtt him. He was never placed tinder bonds hor anything of the kind The charges against Mr. Mcreron, which he admits to be true, and did so iast evening, are of the present age. and the Democrat is in formed by an Albany attorney are of an indictable character. A correspondent wilt review this uiatUrin to-morrow's Democrat. The Teacher Examination is in progress in the college building, under charge of Supt Kutherfo d, as sisted by Prof. Michener and Miss Car others. The following teacher a are te ing examined : R S. Acheson. Shedd: Sdwlt Bean- drean, Rowland: J. C. Booth. Waterloo: J. E. Calaran, Jordan; Gertie Davis, Lebanon; H. t. lierrick. JIunsers; O. It. Diniriddie, Brownsville; Xonna Fronk, Lebanon ; Mrs Florence Hammer, Spicer; Mrs U. A. Hannibal. Albany; k ellie Hogan, Philomath ; O. L. Holt, Scio; Cora L. Hudson, Tangent; Fran ces Jennings. Brownsville; Vena Kearn, natenoo; Aiaua ieily. bcio; .Maggie McDonald, Scio; W. McKinney, Hody; .ixzie McLeod, Brownsville; Annie Morgan, Lebanon: Elmer Keal. Browns ville; Huber Rice. Waterloo: Geo. E. Ross, Lebanon ; Katie E. Runk, Harris burg; Hattie Starre'.t, Scio; U. W. Stricklin, Scio: Lillie M. Titus, King ston ; Watson Townsend, Rosedale; C. White, Lacomb. Licenses bae been issued for the mar riages of Henry Kellow and Sini King, and Homer Mills aad Agnes Gay. The Y. P. S C. E. f toe Concreca. tional Church will spend next FrHay even- in? wttn ilus .ellie Ungje. at ths family residence, cor or v ajout and Tin stress. Rev. Chas. Wishart, of Monmontn. r r ' fr I 111., will arrive in Albany next t-alur- Z n SjV? f I day and will preach in the U. P. church ; 11 i tli nwl IF SSIT WITH ORDER FOR No. 3 Wayweod Are built in 11 -. J.1... T- ' H lilitJ 1L gcSli I lue aautitJiT, were tame. the next day and every Sabbath for three or four months. . "Mr. Beth R. Hammer, a well known Salem lawyer was in the city yesterday. Mr. Hammer was showing some samples of John A. Carson's chat ting, w ith some lac la in connection with them besides which those in the Harvey estate, pub lished by tue etztevman, and copied by IGYGLESl a id Best Equipped Fantorv in m m w at MTa w p HlOnES!Cf Hinn Kitbe World " select the Waverly because titer have learned to know the dif- t.iraJ fere nee between a wheel that is actually hiehzrade and rne that tAiJCiitijvu ;sginiIv claimed to be. Some others mav be eood but the JUttCfS" Waverly is the highest of all high grade, fccorcher (3 heights) 85 W, Belle 26 and 23 inch 75.00 and $85.00. Jf APE BT ISDIA5A BICYCLE CO. VDIASAFOU6, IKD . Rich Strike at Anidcni The reports of Mr. Jackson, the miujr, of the doings at QuarUviile, are of a character to increase the general confid ence in the mines there, and to lead the publiu to believe that the ore is of higher urade than has generally leen supposed. While investigating the bon anza and putting the property in comli tion, Mr. Jackson, discovered an eight loot UHlge, ol great possibilities, reach itig from the surface and was situated so as to be easily mined, which he reports the richest ore yet found, there, prob ably surpassing the recent and in the Lawler mines. The bond on the Al bany mines expires on the 17lh, and it is probable by that time. something defi nite will be known in reference to their (Utuie control. Big Job Ahead. Mr. A. B. Hammond, Messrs Larsen & Greenough, and Mr. Kelson Bennett, arrived in the city yesterday. The bid or the construction of he balance of the line of railroad above. Tongue Point to Goble, the pile driving through the wa ter frontage, and the depot at 8.ow Bay, were filed with the engineers yesterday afternoon. It is understood that Messrs Bennett. Larson A Greenough, and Corey Brothers are among the bidders. It will take the engineers several day to figure np the various propositions and make the awards. The results will be an nounced as earlv as possible, as Mr Hammond is anxious to push the work as rapidly as can be. In conversation with an Astorian rep resentative yesterday evening, Mr. Ham mond statid that owing to the shortness of time it would now be a very ditti:ult natter to have the duio' and gronnds at Scow bay ready fur the sumuiur travel ; but that trains would be runnii gino the city from Seasule very soon, whether they got up as far as roow bay or not. "It is diuicult to realise the amount of work which wiii be necessary in order to put trains through the city. " Everything must le built on piles, and the work for the foundations of the depot and side tracks, wharves and turntable will cost ten times as much as the building itself. There will also be a small house near the depot to accommodate engines which cannot b conveniently run over to Fisvel." Astorisn. Populism and Anarchy." Alb?, Oa., Mar 1 1. A. J. Hodges, Aenl THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT: 40,000 Hemsa Bodies Mat3ated every year ea DinnCsg Tables ia MeaksJ CeOeges ia ffce Uaiiad ttMsa. Protect the deed. Thousands tt (ran robbed aantnilr. Ko (rare, regardless of location, ia amfefrom the ravages of the bn au eboul. The Bon Gxatw V . I71.T .aords soeitivs sad abeo- ltit Mcarity esisst U Grave jfcoooer, aaa wowu wta wui aad body from daaiBtms, aiold aad dscsy, and from barrowinc teAbssfateJy Air-tiaU aad Wstst uroeC Mad whollr of Btawaxt tN aad buUmM iron, aad i srae tieaiiyiadasrractilii. Should b esed ia srery intemot. Ott 13.CU in actual as. For aala by osdertaluia. man at a br Chpin Ckesiical Ctu, Sariasnawi, Okie. 4-5 For Sale by Albany Furniture Co. 5 REASONS FOR BUYING CRESCENT CYCLES The McMinnviile speak ice of a brother of the eentleman fur re corder in Yamhill county, says: The name ot new nt in lain lull county has always been heldas asrnonvmof h'oe?tv and uprightness. Jndge H. H. Hewitt made an exemplary school superintend ent of that coanty. years ago, and ia making one of the best judges this die trict ever had. F. W. Blum be rs,- secretary of the1 board of immigration of Portland, came up on the E.more yesterday afternoon on his way to Albany. Mr. Blnmberg tatd that the board was doinitaerest deal of advertising in the Eat, and was locating many new settlers in various parts of Oiegon. Salem Statesman. The office s not yet onered, and no business ht8 yet been done by the board, and Mr. Biumberg made no such statement: but no doubt will be able to do so in a few weeks. It was the young ladies turn to show hat they could do. at the A. O. 0. , Hall last niitht, and tint is what they Jid giving a live pro ain, com-ietine ol a presentatisn of the "'Peak Sisu-rs" aul The Old Maid's Repair Shot." The girls" and the "old women" have now each given two entertainments. One more apiece and the judges will decide upon which side has riven the best series ot entertainments. On account of the warm rivalry the Democrat doesn I dart open its mouth as to the merit of these entertainments. Each s:de seems con fident of victory. Owing to the large nnmbers attending it has been decided he.eaiter only members and invited guests will lie admitted. Those desiring tickets !or the uextentertiinment.whicii will be eiven bv the married ladies, will please apply to Mr. B. F. Ramp and for the. last eotertainmeut to Miss Maggie darker. K4tor iX "Vanderberg expresses a remarkable sentiment. He advances views that are j open in their encouragvmect of anarchy." j The above are tha headlines that ap pear in this morning s Herald, after liicU is published an article from W . h. Yanderberg populist candidate for con gress) in which Mr. Yanderberg ears that the .dynamiter ia the effect of a cause and advocates the removal of the cause. The Herald apparently does not want the cause removed. It certainly wants the p.ople oppressed by unjust legislation and tnqs lorce them to revolt. Shame on such sentim-nts. Ian wil ling tOYobmit the article of Mr. Yander berg to any sane minted man and abide by the result. Is it anarchy to i lead ihe cause ol the oppressed and Coan redden of this or any other country or must a let ol crime and poverty exist and ia our ererr rote aad movement en courage it in order t hat we may be cabl ed patriots. 1 suppose he would have cs meektr submit and whenever crime and poverty crop out point the linger of scorn and say mat is me result ol anarchy, in stead of a-king what causes anarchv iast sav that all the ids of humanity are the result ol too much anarchy. Say, brother, let us rather look for some method to prevent the evils that now exist and by this means eliminate the criminal and not rtand idly by and very time a freeman points out a reme dy cry anarchr. ltespectfallv yours B. F.' Ramp Harness Collars C leitpcst Plocc 3 Huy. Special prices on whlpj fur the next sixty days. PoWltB&ToMUSBOa 4 Crescents are the only line of medium-price wheels made that sell on their merits in competition with the highet priced ones a hen placed . side by " side. Crescents are positively tl.e highest grade, lightest weight medium-price bievcies made. They are harwlsoroein design ana finish, light and easy running, and perfect in every detail. Crescents are cheap in price only ; they are made for the masses and not for a class. We give tlie people wnat iney waui. n uvic ....-v.. est orice. The prices of Crescett Bicycles are right and suit the public. Crescent boy ers get their money s worm. This ia Crescent vear. Crescei.t wheels are the rsge. ..r ...., rni Tt'irvcln to he free from anv imperfections in n,0-,oi ,.r wnrkmsnshin. and aeree to make good any defect not caused by use or abuse within one year. S40to$75 For Sale By Hopkins Bros. THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flotr safe. he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, OREGON. Tee voon" l-eoie cf the rmbyter'an Cbnrch gave a sot ia lad niht in the A. R. ball, a well msnaze 1 enjoyable atTtir J B. Eddy is oneoNbe bilters in Fae- tein Oreiron who is opportinir Judge rrthrup-for corgress This U lucky tor fc:ii. It is saiu the fusion ticket in Lane coun ty has bevn given np and that Ibe pint- lists and democrats will each ran lull uck- etr. An effort is being made to induce Piof. Heritage to r main in Salem instead of going to Tennessee, and if is thought that he will consent, provided arrangements can be made This ek the Democrat has given noaee to communications fnm a lepabli- can, pnpulibt and prohibit ion'w; The spirit of the press is to give a reasonable license to correspondents. Though nothing has been done formally it is reported that the name of Prof W . I H. Lee will be put upon the republican ticret in place ot Miaa Maxwa 1 by peti tion o( fifty citiKDS. Wool is coming in s'owlr, still each of the warehouses has received a c mi-idersble amount. At tba Wasco to re are some 250.000 pounds, at Mootlvs f.oin 150,000 to 175.0U0 pouods and at tue v. r. s a. W . about 60,t w, rue ua tf i. . The baseball scores in the Northwest and East, made yesterday, areas follows: Keatt le Seattle 11, vutonao. -Tacorta Tacoma 17, Portland 9. Louwille Ixraisvilln 5. Brooklyn 4. Olevsland Cleveland 14, Philadelphia R-tvL Mem no. mere a as another Ur.e audience at the opera bouse last ni:ht. The discourse was a logical and loiceful one. There I so nincii poison ing of the Toothful minds with Ibe con-1 elusions of" High Critics" awl teachings from some pulpits that the Bible is a lallible book wi'b its human imperfec tions, that it is a consolation to hear a great evangelist declare emphatically that he beiieves the Bible o le the in spired word of God and stards ready to defend this proposition against any and all claims to the contrary. The sermons so far have been bearing in the genuine ness and antlifPtii-ity of the scripture and the recescitv cf taking these a the guide to ai! truth. Good behavior. jrki attention and much interest is b-ina shown. The snhjeet tonight is "Cal vary, the Storm Centerof the Ages." On Sunday at 4 p m. a special mlJretS to women. Eetwezs Ecukne axo Jracrtojt At the May session of commifsiouers court a petition was presented bv F. L. Cham bers of this city and 48 others praying for the establishment of a turnpike r -au be tween this city and Junction. Begin ning at the city limits of Knen the road known as the "River road." extending through road districts No. 27, 31, 7 and to be graded and graveled to a point about one mile north of Junction. The improvement is to be made this sura mer with tke first available work in tue diitriits through which the toad taas. The petition has been granted by the court. When this w -ri ia ri npletel it will make a tlioro ilii'.ire U-leen this chy and Junction, whic.ii will Ins in good condition at all seasons of the yenr. Guard '. Furniing Item. Editor Dkmocrat: . There is no doubt bu' the continued wet weather is doing a vast amount of damage to all kinds of vt gelation. The fall grain pasted through the win ter in fine condition, and made a fair growth in March, but the excessive raini and cool weather simv tht n has caused it to torn yellow and have a dead ap pearance. Another eff.vt of too much rain is to cause the grsin to spindle op and not etool out as 11 flmuld. There has been but little spring grain sowed and Owing to the lilene of the season the acreage will be small. This is and will be a hard season on tie farmers, for a large amount of feed has b. en consumed, aud no work done. ami w hen we consider the damaged con dition of the fa 1 grain and the snail acreage of spring that w ill be sown and the ctiancta ot a drouth whenever the a e it her does clear up, the otitloog is n it very encou:agiiig. All kinds of early fruit wa almost en tirely killed bv the freeze the uiorainir of March Slt. and the cool rain bare bad a simiUr effect on nearly all the rest ; for there has not been enough sun shine in the last month to propeily de velop the blossoms, and the rontequen cea are they wilt most a'l fall off. 1 he SUPIilv of cherries. uluiuS Df titles and early peam will be far below the average. I he early cherry trees have probably "be tenth of a crop, and this will appry to an other kinds of rarijr fnU. 1 thing dnud truit will not be such a dragon the market next fall as ha been the case for the last few tears. There has been but very lilt!e garden ing done and it wi'.l be far into the sea son before early potatoes cabbafe and other things of this kind adorn our ta bles. The berry crop promises fairly well so far, as the cool weather does n l seem to hnrt them so much, tt e feel in hopes the wet weather will oun erase, and maybe everything will be all right once more. When we U We ail things in-o consider ation t am r.ot sore that ought to complain too 01 n. h f.jrotfier cmvitrf-e are vorr-e that Oreoa in many respect. TA),i:T, Mv J2. CoawEvcrne-tT I'a t.ttkv. runday, Jane 14, II a, m , la--calaureate rvruioa by Rev. Thos. Bov.l. D II.. of Portland. at the l'nite.1 Presbt terian churcb; 7:43 p. rn., tareaell exerrtae Y. M U. A. and 1 . W U A. at iie M. E. chutvh; Mon day. June l B p. w., junior oration. college chapel; To.lay Jen 1, 8 p. in., cantata and conservatory ol mnsic eomnienreaiert, opera h mr; Wednes day, it, 10 a. ro., commencemen. In- ited Preso-f terian cbnrch :8 p.m. alum ni reunion. I owusg. The Revere team made a gamy ghl to rrgain it lost ground at the C ravin 4 Url cnbrand's ai.ers last night and sut-creJcd in seliit-g lck 40 piiota. Tun score was as (oliows; Pin Parai.,ters--Dnim, 167. Watu, l'8. Can non, 132,, 100 5.8. Revert Pfeiffer, 111, Sowers. 137, Brown, 136, alon, 144 KS. Chief of Police Lee a big cgar went to Ruin Dram, and the mail one to E. D. Cunck. In the ab sence of Mr. Cusick, Capt. Humphrey, made the presentation speech and tmok e.1 it. Ce nocrntlc Rally at Brownsville Bbownsvillb, May, 14. Last eveniug grand rally of the dem ocrais 01 iirownsvuie ana vicinity was held at the city hall in Brownsville, ami the hall though probably the largest in Linn county ouunle of the city of Al bany, was completely tilled with an en thueiastic crowd, stunding room being at a premiun. Excellent music was ren dered by the Woodmen orchestra. The first speaker was H. McElmurry who, a farmer, called the attention oi the audience to the fact that Linn Co. ia an agricultural commnnity and the nec essity ol placing In the legislature men who are in sympathy with the agricul tural interest of our county and nation; and that high tariff, the gold standard and heavy appropriations were republi can mtasuree.uangerous and detrimental alike to the agricultural interests and the nest Interests of the nation at large. That a vote for Hartmus, Summers and hay,uiean8 a vote lor the single gold stand' ard, a high tariff, high taxes aud large legislative appropriations, while a vote for nison, I'hilpot and Mcfclmurry means a vote for free silver, low taxes and an eoonora cal administration. He was then followed by Bam Hay den, candidate for district attorney for the 3rd judicial district, ft true scion of the democratic war horse 01 Polk county and by Samuel M, Garland, candidate lor county judge, both of whom, in a tirui convincing manner, exposed the ex travagance and abuses which hare grown op in those respective oiiices under re publican rule an t in the present admin istration of their affairs, and pledged their constituents to a reform ia those others and a return to their former econ omy under democratic administration. Hon. II. C. W atson then look the door. snd confining himself to the affairs of our state, taking np the eeeeion Us of 105, the act consisting aoivy of an ex cessive and unconstitutional appropria tion directly to the member of that body of 140,000, and which was followed a few ilaya later by a father appropria tion of 1000, directly to the legislature in one of the many clause of the in famous general approp-iation bill pa-ed by the republican legislature of 1895. After II. C. Watson, in hi clear, con rise way bad exped to light some of tbe many shameful features of this infamous nitrasure. be was followed by HojiI M- A. Miner who Riade a strong and elonnent aodress and plea in behalf of the demo cratic doctriaeof tbe free coinage of sil ver, and wlio portrayed the evil result tag from the enforcement of the reuublw can single gold standard theory. Mr. Miller, when a boy, attended school at this place, and ia well and favorably known here, and made a stirring addee which w ill long be remembered. Among other candidate present were Reese Brown villa candidate for sheriff and coroner respectively and W. E. Potter for cotrj nii-ioner. The demorratf of Brownsville are en thusiastic and will be found in force on the fitst Monday of next June. Revival Meeting. The subject of the difcourt-e last night by Her. Ghormley was, "Christ the Storm Centre of the Age." It was ably liatidted ehoairg the practical Mde of Christianity, what it had done for indi- viduais and nation and what it would do f-ir lb world. The subject tonight 1 " Victories of the Faith." Sunday nitTti- ing subject will be "I'ponthi liock 1 Wdl Build My Church." Sander night Pentecost," A special invitation is ex tended to every woman ol Albany to at tend the addres to women at 4 p. m Sunday. Men are privileged to attend. F.xctt- Rcsvwav. Mr. Orin Eeim thi morning started in a livery rig frvrm Sclmiter a subie. fo tiirvallis, and nad onlv gine a short ditance, when bis team becatm- frightened at a wood saw engine, and ran awav, going west along 6th street at a teritic rale. At Ca'apcoia ?t reel Mr. Beam tried to turn them to the left, when he was thrown out and Born, Mar 9. in Lebanon, to tits wife of Wm. Elkins, twins, a buy and a girl. A! doing nicely. Dr. J. W. Watts, of Lafayette, recent ly testied hi position a mayor rather than uOiX hi name to a a loon Itoen- Ir. J. II, Irvine, and son of Hum. R. A. Irvine, of this city, is a democratic nominee in Clacxamas county fur reprt- sen uit. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. li-A-erUoo left this m ining no a five weeks visit in the east. They wll be at Zeoia. Ohio, oar ing the eee-doa of the General AtHembir or tue w. r. cuurcu. Mr. J. II. Water of Brownsville, aa attendant at the asylum. was made happy touay i me amral 01 Mrs. waters and daughter. Tht-r will reside on corner Summer and Marion slreeu. Salem Journal. A. w. Lun le l of Albany wii in the city today making arrangement to give a conrvrt at this place in the near tnture It will be given by pupil of the Albany college tor the benefit of the Presbyter ian ctiercn. UUbim tx press. Mis Winelia Hark waa tnarr.ed to Mr. Chas. R. Cail-vider at San Rafael, CaL. Wednesday, May 6. The bride is a former Lebanon young lady aod ha the best wishes of many friends at this place. Mr. Caliehder is a young minis ter, having just eradualt-d Irons college, and he ami his estimable wile will en gig in foreign missionary work, guing to vorea next UU. l.-Usoon Advance. Mernian thr hcsWwir be in Albany oa mat -J and Tle new Rtlem woolen mill is to be dedi catf-d bxiiirht with a big t!L The C r.f O field dav has been set for M y 2:). bavint been po'rn"d oa acennct ci nun O F. Paxton h wUVdrewn from the senvtnnal contest in Itrtlandon acconnt of til b-allb Tbe Imtn'eratinn Borl r-wns and office hv t-en changed to lh t-ahn tlock 'lj.-ining the PosUI teie-mrh office. W. Yincent Gntvss. rmnlendent Ibe Indian a-hool at lis Western Sboshone aencv. Nevada, has been traesierrrd to the school at fhe Sile'a taenry. Oregen, The H.trri-boir Mercantile Comnanv fireil a resnlation with tbe SK-relarr of state rkanging i name to the 'H aV 8 Trading Onmpaay. ' and ita headqoarlera from Harnsburg to Baker City. Ramsey Son. who have been at Salem Highest of all in Leavening i'owcr. Latest U. S. Gov't Report r7T H 4Pn rw. i&DawiOaLTawLXY PZJIwH TIIE SHERIFFS CAREER. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Editok Democrat : , Js Jt'"a Cn toT ? -,he no0" U . 1 11 . m, ui iwi nusiuEtv, rr is., oeing caueu is o painfully plain to Mr. Me- there br .he endoVn desth r.f h,.6f-rh. Feron's friends that he cannot amwerj Isaac Fogel, one of the Albany boy. the charges brought against him, in con-1 thirteen year ago, is in the city today ducting the expenses of the sheriff's of- 1? the interest of tbe Northwest Casket nee for the last two years, sud having looked in vain for something to charge against bis democratic opponent, they must hie themselves back about i of s century to try to find s charge. As to its falsity, every citisen of Linn county who knows Henry Blakely or his lamuy. Knows it is laise. aow for this man upon tbe republican party, (if thev ever did owe him anything; have paid it long ago. to show the public that tins fel.ow has not as much erit aa a Lhtcken. we would like to go over his official career. First. Mr. McFeron waa made chief of police ot tbe city of Albany. How did he fill toe position tie positively could not stop a dog fight on the street, but stood by pale and trembling, atd meekly took a sound tongue lahing, and the worst of abuse f rem the owner of one oi the ca nine, saying be did. not want any trouble, while tlm sheriff ol the county. C. C Jackson, wa railed in to quell thedia tnrbsnce. -which be eSectnaliy did. Next : Circus in loan; gambling games carried on publicly, and our cinx-ns being law abidicg. asked Chief McFeroj to slop each work, as being a disgrace to onr lair ctty. Chief Mc turned pale, bis eyes popped out, he fairly shook, and ne burned himseif borne as quick as bis trembling legs could c.rry him. Sheriff Jackson waacaded, (Mr. Jackson is a mall man, compared tu oar ex-cbiel of . . 1 . . & . , i 1 . , fjuiitvj uut r. iacja 1 orsve, ana was not afraid to do bis duty, and be at once went to the tin horns and said: I'hou t halt not pollute the name of onr fair city in tbi shameful manner, and the tin born, noting the twinkle in his eye, drew in tlieir horns. Then? are but two latum tu which Chief Mcreron tailed to do his duty. There are raanr instance in which he wa called to route tbe hobo from our fair city, bat be tarnea green ; was afraid to tackle them. Brave man : Ha Mr. McFeron been a faithful serv ant of the people in the O&ce w inch be now bo dT So. be has receivrd money he wta not entitled to. the peotde mon ey, and when called upon to account tor ne same ts painfully, very painfully silent. So much so Uiat bofb be and hi friend can only revenge tbemseive by going bact a quarter of a century to find something in hi opponents history wi.o wuicu to gt r, even, w uicn is S8 dims a air. t oters of Linn county, invspe-.-tive tl pat ty, you do not Deed to gj back 25 year to get tbe present encumbents hiaturv . " Take the bttle "wheat" deal tor in stance, this happened only a few year nca- lt is reported that bis illegal charging is indictable. Tl.e people will not ait quietly by and have the p'imio money iransierrcd Irom the public fund to hisT- pocaet by unjust biSU-. eepeeisJly when he ha boasted that he knew rhe'law on ly allow, d him S3 pr week for all over 4 prisoner boarded in the county jail, but he has taken a pride to charging Vt per week for every prisoner confined in the county jail, though that number be one or nine. ot oniy this, but he has re peatedly put ia bills for service, travel ing expense, etc, in various cases, for Lieu be draw a salary. I say. not only has he pat in tLeee bills, but has received the money, and ought to be compelled to disgorge, in the same way that .Mu.tnooiah county's sheriff was handled. YoteisofLinn coanty. James A. Mc Feron was once elected chief ot police of the city of Albany, 'and nerved one year. tie was numinatea the second time. lAd be serve the second .-ear? was defeated on acc.uni of his poor service and then drove a dray. He wa elected sheriff of Lina county and served oae term; be waa nominated the second time, through come political wire palling and through ice dirtv work of some of hi campaign trieods. who were willing to stoop to any kind of dirty work, so that they might still keep tbi finger in the county's affairs, and at the expense of weakening our ticket tbrongb the f aaabltng for judgeship, and wlf-a thtse pari ie above mentioned have only been identified with tbe re publican party for a very short time in this coanty, and then oo!y that they might have their fingers in the money box. and hsve their driving botses, and at the same time hold down numerous other jobs through tbe city. Voter of Linn county, shall this thing still con' tinue? No! He mast drive his dray again, he is an anfaiUiful servant. Kettbuca Co. Mr. and Mrs. A. B Paxton left Port land last night for New Castle, Ind., where tbey will visit awhile, when tbey will go to Floriday to locate. Mr. William Morgan one of Salem's octogenerean. snd Oregons pioneers has been in the city on a visit at Mr. Jason Wheeler's, bis friend of many years. Mrs. Wheeler is lying critically ill. Revs. Wishart and Reed ' arrived in Albany this roon from the east, the former to reside in Albany for several months, the latter in Halsey and Shedd, where he will preach for fie v. Hon) dur ing hi trip east. Mr. and Mrs. Percy A, Young left this morning for Portland, on the Elmore, and tomorrow night w ill take the flyer for Sao Francisco, where tber will be the guests of liJ. and Mr. M. M. Gibson for lour or five weeks. lr. I. X. Woodle arrived about a week ago 1 10m Eugene with his family. It is bis intention to establish a Gold Cure Institption ia Corvalli-, and will make a specially of Keelev cure relate I The doctor has quite a field to operate , in. Times. 1 j The Lebanon Express says of the dem .ocratic nominee lor sheriff: Henry Blakeiey has been ir tbe city for several days. He has made many friends snd will poll a large rote Blakeiey is a sober, capable and industrious man. He 1 very popular at borne, and ha llw confidence and esteem of the people without regard to parties. Last evening the memlrs of Benlah Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F-. gave a very pleasant social at their hall. A large number of invited guests were present and ail spent a very eojoyabie evening. Ice cream and cake was served after the following program bad been given. Maeic by Mandolin Club, recitation, Miss Minnte Merrill, vocal 'solo. Dr. Parviu, recitation, Miss Grade Hard roan, piano solo, Mr. Candiff, reading. Miss Helen Crawford, vocal sold, Mrs, Ie, reading souvenir cards, tnnsie, Mandolin Club, A Good Letter. Tbe Dsjsocrat readers are all interested in tbe Indian school st Chemswa. The following letter waa recently written by an Indian boy there and shows that great progress is being made in the canning use of the English language, by the Bed boys: "Dear Father I take great pleasure ! ia writing yon my asni monthly letter stating the condition ol my health, pro gress, netdnese. etficieicy and industry. Mr tieaith has been rerr good, wuh the exception of a large b tit which has mace its appearance oa my inferior maxillary. My conduct has been bad. I got in jail a few days ao tor the first li'ne in nearly four year. Of coarse saeh thing will happen at times. A feiow cannot a! war be what he would like to be. Accidents will happen. Mr progress: hsi been better than it fortneriy was. S"me of tbe employes say 1 know too much for ur own good. bat I continue to advance into the depths of know led re and wisdom. M v neatness shows itself tn my letter wr.ting, so it doe? not need to be described. My efficiency comes next ia order. I cannot say what I am competent to un dertake at present, but 1 can tell von more about it in tor next letter. I bare trade now. M- Potter calls it gym nastic exercise, at the end of a long bandied shovel, but I think tbe scientific name tor it is "ditch digging We are digging a sewer ditch for the school, and we receive 50 cents per day as a recom pense, for oar labor. Ererr thing is going on Terr nicely here at tire school. We still have Mr. Potter io.- our sapenn- tendent, aod he manages things to the best of his ability " the wagon tipped over torn off and lull in t ie road as the team flew westward. They were captured wet ol the citv. One of Mr. Itoaais shoulders waa dislocated. Ir. Hill at tended The top was J the WMt k looking or. hop contracts left Tits Scio eRSAMKar Ed C-ttterlin of this city, who is sllied with Mr. Kent m the Scio creamery .reports the new scheme complete success, ll opened for uusiuess iast Wednesday and trade nas aireauy grown considerably. The first churning resulted in an output oi SI pounds of uutter, and the receipts of milk a the creamery daily amount to 2000 jiounds and it is sid bv the fir-tf Jwy the re- ceirts will le 3000 pounds. The fa mors of the locality are very jubilant over the success o- the creamery and q;ii:e hope ful of the future. Post Beater in ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J, .IOSK.,ii. proprietor '.. Harry McKay, of Oakd.ile, Wah aged 19, is lying at tbe point ot death from a wound in tbe bead, tbe work of his 15-year-old brother, Tommv. The brother quarreled over a Dorse, when 1 ommy eiz1 a heavy stone utter ana nuried it at his brother, striking hi need, making a deep cut through tbe skull. . Walla Walla has a Daniel Webster who weighs over 300 pounds anc is a bigger man than (he original Daniel He makes no pretense to statesmanship but is butcher by trade, lie has traveled exten sively in tbe Orient, and lived for many years in Japan- Ha talks of returning to , tbe kingdom ot tne mikads. Slateeiiitin Here is a late pun on words: An ex change says that apples may be kept two years by wrapping them in newspapers in such a way a to exclude tbe air. The newspaper must, however, be one on which the subscription has been paid in I full, or the dampness resulting from whit is due will cause tbe fruit to spo t. Bicyci e Toi'rkaiient. A bicycle toui- nament will be given at tne vrnuiiu bv the Albany Bicycle Club on Mav IW A good pngram will be arranged and gone attractive prizes given. v nun race will close the races. Bicvci.x Res. Bicyclists are invited to take a run at 7 o clock tonight irom Ferry street to the fair ground track, which will be circled. Men. women. single and married, boys and girls turn out. Boys Engineer overalls, 25c per pair, at L. fc. uiatn t.iotnuia t-o . SCRATCH AND SCREAM Ur bahv broke out with a rash. H wooM scratch and scream. It would take two to hold him .na on ta bu t medieliia on him. W bad tn hold him aoRuUmes aa hour before a could get him quieted down. All said that they never a.w anah a fao or body on an baby as on him. I had to tls hts hands Hunt tn cloth, olitbt snd day, for fiv months, hi y sUler had oaed CUTb CUKA, and 1 began to 0s II.- After on'y on application, KUiy doum and ittpt a b bad not for a month, poor Aula follow, lie has not a sear on him now, and t a fair and hi flesh la soft as sny baby. While ha bad this dlaeaas I had to eut the stesvss out of kl clothes, and fit gauze andorwesr oa hint to keep him cool. 1 nd to keep pleees of soft elolh arouud hi neck, it was so wet with molstar from tlx sores, and I had to Chans the cloth sometime tea or twlr Hues day. lias. A. IIAYNEB, Lisbon, M. 1. Srsinr Ct'.. TuiTxiKV roa IIumom Warm bath, with Ctrrtnv.A Soir. snd fnU asstis. Sim. of taeieo A (olntm..!). UK anal Ala rurs. Soli Ihroufhout Ih. vnria. IWTS Case. Coar., Sal Props, Bomob, U. a. A. P.10 Sai.m EvasT. At the Vroolen mill dedication services in Salem this afternoon the oiwtiii g address was to le made bv r rank liavev, and an address ot welcome bv MavorClaad Gatcli. Other gentleman a ho were to address the gal ti ering are: Hon. J. K. eatber'ord of Albany. Mavor tt alter L. loose ol tt cod burn. Thomas Kay, r Rev. J. P. Farmer. Charles B. Montague of Leb anon, snd r.. a. McuornacK. inis even in the ball will be the leading feature, and the grsnd march will lead off st 9 o'clock sharp. A SastiamTihh'.siiiso Rio. Yesterday the Stewart & Sox Hardware Co. sold to II. H. Ingram, of. Sodaville, a tf-horse Russell portable engine and a 28x40 sep arator. This is the on Hit which has been operated out on the Ca.aooia by Mr Hocllich f ir the past lew seasons, and as it is vet comparatively new it Is capable of doing splendid work. Here- alter tt win uo run in ineaniinm vaney above Lebanon. Mr. Ingrain is one of the prominent men of that section, and was one of the delegates from this county to the last republican state convention. when he and the other stiver relegates were given as good a "thrashing" as he wi'l ever give the grain up there in the Santiam country. for Seattle yesterday. They madeanim Ht rf contract frp thre vear n a basis of Scents for a gilt edg bop 2 cents to mace the crop and 4 cts for picking ts be advanced on the crop. Journal. Mia bTornbsTg. a Spokane woman, on Friday brought fa (he romraiiorvrrs' office. .TT squirrel tabs, fnr which she got a warrant for 37 cens. This is tbe largest nnruhor bronchi in vet by anv ladv. an-t is the result of just 87 shots fired by Mi b mm berg. For the convenierce of ail who desire to attend the picnic ct Dallas tomorrow Ih O. R. & N. Cos steamsr Ruth will wait at Independence nnJil 8 o'clock o. m Ibis will enable all who dentr o rwtira that day. Give your name to C. W. Watts so that carriages can be fnrcished yen for transportation from Independence In Dallss and return, rare for the round trip only one dollar. The Albany Chkamkrv. Business is increasing out at the creamery every day and the output now averages about 600 lbs per dav. Yes'erday the amount of bnlter produced ran up to 818 pounds, probably the largest amount ever made in this state in one day bd one concern. It now has about 90 patrons daily and during the forenoon of each day our streets are lined with vehicles lull of milk cans, going to and from the cream ery. - ' Next Friday night, Mar 22, a dime social will be hold at tbe M. E. church. After a short program a lanch will be served. , Notice. Drivers are requested to drive on the outside of the fair ground track as the Albany Cyc'e Club have secured the use of the track for their race meet WL" ... ' Mav 30. are working the inside and da re to keep it smooth. SATXTEDji. Some Sensible Suggestions. St. Lorn St. Looi P. Washington 8 Cleveland-Cleveland 10. New York 7 Pittsburg Pitt-burg 20, Boston 4: Om- rinnatta IS. Brooklyn 2; Lonisvltle Louisville J Philadelphia B: Tacoma Tacm21. Victoria 9; Seattle Portland 15. SeaMIe 12: Chicago Chicago 5. lial tininrc 5 Game was called on account of rain. Ths Drmotrat has onlv nferred to the official character of candidbles for office, using no personality. The friend cf Sbei iff McFeron began a personal fight against the democratie nominee for sher iff and the result is a rebrnnj against the sheriff himself. The article signed by Republican is by a republican end is tbe natural rebound of ths attack opon Mr. Blakely. Bicycle Acch'ents. The Preface Accident Insurance Co., of New York, insures against accidents of all snd every description, snd especially from riding bicycles or bail playing, yatching, fishing, gnnning, on other The rates are much lower than other accident companies. - Double benefits paid u accident o curs while traveling on a public convey ance propelled by steam, electricity or cable. For full particulars, rates and appll cations call on C. G. Bcbuhakt, Agent. Don't fail to see the beautiful paintings st the new witktns snd labor studio, Blumburg bluck, Albas v, May 16, 1S98 Ent roa Democrat : The campaign editorial corps of scrib blers organised by the court house clique to assist in editing tbe Herald are said to be engaged in pre paring long tabular statements concerning county manage ment which tbey propose to hold back from publication until the last regular issue of the weekly or a special edition of the dai'r, so that the tax pavers mar be deceived and the tax eaters correspond' - , I a T" I i . 1 . . ingiy ucneuiHTu. . nev re saiu to be preparing a lot of apparently plausi ble tacts against the democratic candi date for sheriff. This is an old dodge ot the Herald. People are no longer de ceived by it- That paper's mode of at tack is by innc.endo and slanderous hint. tt hv- does it not come out openly and make the charges against democrats that it daily hints at tn a vague way 7 Simply because it knows these charges have nothing uron which to be predicated ex cept the prejudice and self interest so closely interwoven in the motives of the editors ol that paper, vv hy not make the charges openly and directly like tbe Dkmocrat has against Mr. McFeron? These charges were made in so ample time and o direct a manner that Mc Feron could have no excuse for not ans wering them, and yet not a word of denial from him. Mr. McFeron, if you did not take fees from the county to which yon were not entitled why not dny it. You know the columns of the Dkmocrat and Herald are both open to you to sav anything you wish upon tins ratter. You are asking 4500 voters to make yo'i tneir agent, their servant. The position is oneof great responsibility and trust, ineee voters want a man who, under no circumstances, will take cent more ot the people's money than what legally belongs to mm. it vol have not done so then you owe it to the reople and yourself todeny it in the same public manner that the charge has been maue. inn writing is not vo injure you but to sppeal to you to set yourself right before the people. Will you do it? 1AX I'AVKR. In reference to the above the Demo crat is informed that the sheriff is pre paring a statement showing bis charge for boarders, seeking to bring out the fact that as he only did it on several different occasions, and the over charges were not a fortune, it was not a serious matter: nevertheless it wss Irs deliber ate policy, done on every occasion until J s n . I . and sin. wed the same dishonest spirit as if it were thousands of dollar, 'lll'U A Mi AHltr Eugene will give I3o0 in can prize for noserttceson tbe4fiiof luly. See tht Mnt dt-f :.,) i f 'd at the Llf4 t z.r There will r.o m rvi.-e- as tue Y. M. tt rotu tomorrow fcgga 8c; M Je .i.e W 7c; fr si-e han 8c; beit ou'ter I5e per roil at P 'jfien' F. Co's excnmi m arranged f-T tomorrow bas been DOstPoned one w-k on anrnont of the weather. Rememfwr Tinkle i. ba-k at bia old aland and will make yon the "ties photo at bard time prices. Don f faii to ee tbe beautiful at the new W lkin and Tabcr etuoio siinnhnrg block. Have you aer-n-th.e- new . 25e initial bangle rings, in French's how windo w. nej are toe latent fad. Considerable mow feb at DJ! and In deperdence laut aigbt. but none this side of the river except in the moon'aics. Grand Miter 'Sovereign spoke at the crairt hon-e Wt niicht to a fair sixed su dience,- princrpAlly on tbe silver qs1iot. Hn. Harry B. MilW wiil sceikatih coort bou toniirri TBdafl. tbe man ft mytery. at the tumor and Re Ghnm,W at tbe oi era booae. Tbe Albany b-wid was heard frr m jntt a we,g to press, and will ne here to nm-'ut in the exercise on May 23rd InoVprc deoce Knterpriae N.Mbit!g take the place cf good neat. H fight Bro. bare what yon want, care -fully bought ad nicely ea, aJ scree tine hams arid bacon. Another invoice of wrapper aod ladies Mark dress a irt received at tbe Ladies Bazaar. Tbe skirt are lined tt.mor.oot and una with re vet. price $2 00 Tbe river and harbor bill psueed ibe e it s' and anoVr it the "t i'lsrm-tt ar.d Tan bill will get $40,000 and Yaqaiua hay t2.rv 000 with costincing cenfract for both. Micerva r tStfieil. IB trrlnm i.nsl. died eserd.y. agi 61 jrean. he ma furmeri' front Lion coanty. bat ras mm mitted aiiout a year ag from Trootdale. In tbe inter colIe.iate fie'd day to lie held ia Salem, among the eoatet3at from Willamette will be I- H Vaa W inkle, of this c jo nry wbo u entered in the batcmer throw and mile wala. Cvc'ne Davia. of Texas, rcoke ia 1 If court boose tbi afternoon, ibe pretest cyclone weafbev is general; y aocred led te bimoa tbestrevts Ibis thoagh i mi'd with that in Texas, a ixdieatei by the dispatch. - Oar line of Ltdiew shirt waists is complete, having it ,eo-iTed all tbe new eet pattern, ia Us and dimity Tl.u is br far the swttlee: Sir of goods eyer sttowa it! A'bany, oil ud e ltm at tbe Ladies Bazaar. Tink e ran ratch the shadow, e e tbe ' obstanre fader, and make a haadna.e photo ot a hoajeiy old maid' or bachelor ; eitbc. ia tact aenbocy, aad Ibe bsanty of it i if tbe photo yen get A Tinkle re ne t ntitactury yon nted not pay foe tbem ee? lonatbsB Boorce has btes pla ed in ' nomiastion for tee legUare oa tbe peo ple' party ticket to fid the vacracy taosed by the re ignali of S L Craresat. iiooroe is aK a nomine- tvfrke Mticfaell repob' icar s . Mr. ckcrne i- a brc Lei -inlaw of Mr. I- R. Wjatt of ti s ,i:y Prof. Wm. Rasmus and wife assisted br kseal taient will give the society dirama, Damon and ' Pythias, to the UjJtsboro public. Tne perioral ance a ui be under tbe pa roaage of Pboeaix Ledge Na 34- K- of P IcdependetiU Prof row nVxi has been ofieren the pretdettry of tbe Paptist College of Cal ifomia, at Oakland, aad Mrs. Brownsoa has been offered a poattioa in tbe sacne institution. Tbey have not accept ed. bat have taken tbe matter nndei ad visement. McMinvilie T. R- A. B. Hacmocd. rreleet of tKt O C. t E.. came dp fnra Pur. land Utl Friday aad retaraed tbe fjlwir tiay. Daring hij uy be bat ia e limitation with Mjua auer M.oe resrar Imr o. C. A E. affairs. Mr. Hanra-nJ u expected to visit Ccr vallis aaia snort y. at which time he will Itkehf make sorae tatemeBt letrarding nitare O- C at E. pUtt CortsJlu Gs- setle It. Glenn, a txwcHaaic ai the Umatilla agency, ea a straore tiinv-y ia a corner ot bu wtshed. A f-w Etghta ago be cap tared a raccoon, wita foor yoong eie. bat toe motber escaped, leaving the babies be hiad. -liter were immediately adopted by frtaaiecat tha: 1-aJ bea W!ivfi ot hrr own progeny. Ice urt e tehosr tae kindly t tbeir foste' mother, and the, oa her prt. appear J treat t-Teai w:rh tie greaie&t czeciica List of Patents. Granted to Paciac Mates inventor this week. Reported by C A. Snow A Co- solicitors of American and Foreign patent, opnc U. 8. Patent office, Wash- MAR II I T H Andrews. San Francisco, an pport tor stage scenery ; J Uhnstensen, Uak land, CaL, spool box: tt Davidson, ban rancisco, stone raiting and dressing machine: WD Eitel, San Jose, botte real ; C Hoffman, Spokane. Wash , door brace ;LU lhng, beattle, ttash., bed lounge; G Johnston, San Francisco, ore crushing machinery 1 1 W Lewis, Port land, sash lock; H Miaahara. San Fran Cisco, cement 5 b I Nichols, can Fran cisco, apparatus for raising liquids: J D Sianlev. Honcut, Cal combined trace aad holdback and shaft connection there for; O F Street, Saa Mateo. Cat., bee smoker: G H Taylor, San Francisco. sand box or cars; D W Wihard. Red- tauds, Cal . outlet and cat off tor irrigat ing names. Ths Bicvcu Meet is to le held at the fair gionnd on May SO, will be an event of much interest, and it is probable a class of riders will be present wboee ef forts will be worth mentioning, xne track will be put in good condition for the contests, which will be a follows, for prises of the values given : No. 1 s mile. t ys under 10, so ana 12.50. No. 21 mile, boys under 19, 10 and 15. No. 3 1 mile, heats beet S in 3, Ltan county. $15 and to. No. 4 1 mile, heats 2 in S. open I'M and 7.50. No. 5 i mile, tandem, 2 tn 3, K0 and and fit). Entrance fees 50 cents. A. J. Hones. Chairman Racing Com. ial U EbilllltiU Tn Rkvivau Following is the pro gram for the revival at the ope re house lor next wees, me meetings are wormy of a large attendance : Sunday, Mar Jr, 11 a. m. "on tnis Rock." 4 p. ni. an address to ladies. Gentlemen invited. Subject, "Woman as a Factor in Civilisation.' 8 p. m., "Pentecost" Monday. 8 p. m. The Gospel God's Power to Save, Tuesday, 8 p. tn. What Must 1 do to Be Saved, Wednesday. 8 n. m. The Prodigal. Thursday. " " The New Creation. Friday, " " Hell, Here and Hereafter. Saturday, 8 p. ui The Roll Call in ilea ven. La The tnvtttetd sel'er on the market for diwa.-s of tbe I.iicr.Kidtieysand Con- itipatioR. Pleasant to take by old or young. Na rriping. Tbe ro"! of tbe Li venae plant is ien ereiy ose.1 m Norwsy h Uie cure of Pile Sold by U first clas dragguta Wholesale inof jctores. ANCHOR S CHESJ ICAL CO, Lebanon. Of FAILING MlpOBD General aad Kcrvsus Detiiily. XVeainess cf BwJt aad fcui t. l.Secta cf Eror cr l-xctese la Old or Voune. Kobist, Nobie Jianhocl f al 1 v Restorud. liOW to Lntaro Rl Strnrtheri 'eak- la deveioowl Portions ef Rody. Ahsolntely na faihngnotneTreataietiC UeneUu In a day. testify from 6S States and Fr-reisn Countriea, tSend foe Descriptive Boo. i plajiataaa and proofs, niailr-4 vsissueai 1 nse. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.t. J.JVI. RALSTON BKOKEK. Maston Block, Albany, Or. Money to loun on farm secority. also Honvkt, SoBsa, CossctESTtors, The mll loan made co personal recur y . Brownsville Times talks - pointedly and City, countj and school warrants wig u.. plainly as follows : W ho ever saw Hen-1 Collec ions made oa favorable terms, rr Blakely drunk? No man onlearih. I Fire insurance written in three or toe tt'l.w than dn mn nxnrt 1.1 ani'li low. i larMWt com Dame in tue worm, av, coniemplible thing as to say, "If Henry I rate. Blakelv should beUeoled and iieepsooer, i . it would be more th.n he has done be-! ff Nt tT Cf .K, vl? fore," Such slanderous statements csn J J iVl 11, 8ther ! Is it not bet. lienry is an ter to put your re", ' nly tbe Best material why of course 1 IrtsswTIHl UOilk M1V V1C1A a.-a w - never get it by eating anything drorn .a never accomplish any good, honest, sober, conscientious man . .. e Money to Loan. 6t, PrUas'a c-ream ricaong PovrJet Werts Faar nitHHst Award. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm secuvity R N.PtxxisACo, tore. Be U.S. BAKERY. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vakptxb. Propneto