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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1896)
Bttttttttttttttttttttttttt $ Hosts of people go to work in J the wrong way to cure a ; A. . O A. 1 AH mM car It la th . WBn C31. UUtUUS V1A rirht l"iTHERFOBD & WYATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Flwn block. - WR, BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery, Collections . uade on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. BUGKBURII a SOBERS A1TORKET3 JiSC X&.'W", .... . .. All legal matters win receive prumv -enfon. Office, First National Bank uildinp, op stairs. yj OKTANYE te UACK1KM4N, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. It. J. I BILL, hydctan and tomcvsa, OFFICE Cora rty a Irani, Albany fingaa. DR. C, U, CHAF.TBERLIN Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. QEO. YT. ; JUSTICE OF PEACE, aw lorated to the Dhoc&at office, eoraer gnd and Broadalbin streets Albany. Or. Beats laaa Collections a Specialty. fj WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. FIRST HATIOHAL BANK, or axbajtt, oxsaow resident . Vice President ...... Cashier, i ,i ........ LFtlSH s,E,Toraa W. LAjiGDOS TRANSACTS A OIJgBAtbanklnlBai - T ACCOOTS KEPT subject to abac. BivHT KXCHASGK and Ui -raphie traaat r, osd Mew fork, aaa rrancJaco, Chicago aaa PxUar-a ., jLSOTIOS (ADS en favorable ml Tcrnr K W juhhi' Bun, L. Fuml Sbwabb ( . Box. FOSHAY & HASOH, Wholesale . Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS A LEAST. OREGON. Pore Drops and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures - the common every-day ills of humanity. J. M-RALSTON BROKER. Maston Block, Albany, Or. Money to loan on farm security, also small Joans made on personal lecurity. - City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made on favorable terms. Fire insurance written in three of the largest companies in the world, at lowest rates. Jersey Pins 15 cents ft I, Freud's Jewelry Prof. A. STARK Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist Gradnate of the Chicago OpthaliBic College. I am prepared to excmine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improves methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eyes tested, Cusick Block Albakt. Okeqoh. Cavetts and Trade- Maris closed, and all Pat.! eat business conducted lor Voc.fiatc FrtB. t oum lm in eapoarre L -3. ptit ornes -M we can secure patent la ks ui Send model, diawisg or pho'o., wrta deaerlp-i tor , We ad'ise, J patentab'e or not, free oil Axrfe Our fee not due tti! rr Wii aecsro. 1 A rMiMtrr. "HowtoOM j r'ateota." arltM EDTA, 1IIRU ItaUlllKlUU. mt ol st.tic in tne u . 9 wa arctg; sntiree. Address, VIERECKS : SHAVING AN D HA I RC UTn NG PARLORS. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR -Di?. Whites Je A head of hair or no pav. Cures al diseases of the scalp Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honeu and Set and Put in 0 rr on Short Notice. V w. v, rlrht en. - A Choice ttf a new. bricht, cheerful, handsom artistic and annrODriate pattern is mor than easy in our grand array of 600 de signs, uur aim is to inciuue in our ua eortment all the productions of the sea eon. We've done bo now. Oar stock is a revelation of novelty and unique ness and shows decorative art at its best. We cannot do more than this, we shall never do less. Here are first choices in paper for every sort of room aurora 15 cents to $ i.w a roil. , J. A dimming , . t $ . -: Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts CONRAD MEYER, PRCFMETOR , , Dealer ! Canned Fruits, , Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, ' Sugar, ' Coffee, Etc. Canned Meats, Queensware, Venetahles, Cigars, Spices -Tea, Etc. . everything that is kept in good variety and groj eery store. High est price paid -for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE ALBANY Insurance Agency - M. SENDERS, Mgr. Buys and sells wbrat. oats and woo! at all points in the Willamette Valley and is the reading insurance agent of Albany. Id placing your insurance there are two things to he considered: , 1st. Get a good company. 2nd. Place your insurance with an agent who thoroughly niHierstasds his bus iness and knows bow to writs a policy, giving you its full benefit, having had 8 years of experience in a genera! office and the adjusting of losses. Can guarantee yo 1 nave these requirements. ery &?epectiolly Yours. 3I.SEXDEK5. N0 7.10RE BUST. r.0r.!0RESPR.KKLIXC, NO F.I0RE SCRUBBING By the use of DUSTINE On your floor, When applied to floor of any kind en- aoies you to sweep wiiooat raising oust, It is an odorless com pound which pene , . . -. . i . t rates the wood and for months keeps up a constant exudation sufficient to catch and hold the dust. Atwatm & Brows. Agents for Linn Co., Albany. ALBANY Red Crown MilliDg Go la now under the management of Ed ward Going, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. YaL, , D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young, who are now prepared to sell the beet FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. AwSlrauey Upholsterer ' jw rAnd , Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy mattrvsacs taied and made over. - Furnitore of every descifption and carriages re-nnholstered and varnished. Drop a note in th P. O . or call at 7 street. betweenJFerry and, Briadalbin, A nany, ur. Hafle Mislates, Ei4 They Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed up display was poor type old iasmonea press worK bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well take your next job of ' printing to Smi ley the Printer and It WEI Bs Die mi P. f?. (Important), 'll.t triiefof do ing H will be right, too. " . Smiley's printing is good printing. Ur 44HB, CusicVBIocs ADiariy, llr Filling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty ; ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade ree de livery. Telephone No. 51 R. N. WorrU, Mijr Cor, 2nd and Mair. Pts, K. O. T. M Meetsevery Saturday evening in K. OT M. Hall. Visiting Knifchts invito at, lend. - - - I. ,v4bj WniaxB. Co ... Dr. Prtce'sO'eam taking Powder Awatdad Cold Sddisnur Fair. San Fraoce Evils and Remedies. j The New Yora World asked many prominent people to tell what they con sidered ."the greatest evil of the times and the remedy." In response Mrs. Lease said gold should be demonetised, Dennis Kearney that we overborrow, Sannial, the soclal:st,tliat the remedy will come of itself, Debs gives money power as the evil and the destruction of monopoly as the remedy, Peffer demands the destruction of trusts, Coxey wants more good roads built by the 4,000,000 idle men, Harvey gives selfish laws as the evil and the remedy for people to study the common good, direct vote of people on national questions, and open ing of schools of patriotism all over the U. S., Gompera wants more"Unlonism," that is organization ot labor. Here is Win . M. Stewart's in full : "Your favor of the 21st inst., requesting me to state what I consider the greatest evil of the time, and what is the remedy for the complaints ot the discontented masses, ia before me. You say that 'the silver question and the single tax have been so thoroughly presented that I desire to exclude them from discussion. "Your request embarrasses me very much. You want me to state what I consider the greatest evil of the times and to exclude from that statement the silver question. You might as well auk me to discuss the source of light and heat, excluding from such discussion the san. In my view of the question, the silver question is Involved in the money qteslioo, and that if any metallic money ia used, stiver must be nsed as it was for centuries previous to the passage of the Hint bill in 1S73. "The demonetisation of silver destroy ed half or more ot the metallic money of the world as money of ultimate payment It baa contracted the volume of standard money to gold alone and thereby en hanced the value of gold fully 100 per cent and depreciated the price ot prop erty fully 50 per cent. This has mtde a great scarcity of money and every busi ness man outside of dealers in credits and gamblers in gold know that money ia scarce, and that the scarcity of money makes hard times. And if I were to assign any other reason tut hard times than scarcity of money and falling prices, all Intelligent men would come to the conclusion that I was either a fool or a knave. "If The World has not discovered that scarcity of money and failing prices are the primary cause of the complaints and discontent of the massee, it is not possessed of tbe ordinary information which the great body of the people ol the United States fully understand and appreciate. Go where yon will and U!k to any business man about his business or about any new enterprise, and be will tell von that money ia too ecarcs and times are too hard to undertake anything new; and if he is inclined to give yon his confidence, he will tell you that it is impassible to make any money on fall ing prices. "When it t known of all men that the hard times which we suffer are produced by want -of money, yon ask me to give my opinion ot tbe caose of hard times and leave the money question out. I ou!d be glad to accommodate von if your request did not involve an impossi bility for any intelligent man . It would take either a fool or a knave to attempt to answer such a request." Right to the Point. Tbe following from the Corvallta Times is hot stuff, but right to the point: Tbe people, from one end to tbe other of Oregon, should not forget, during thie campaign to exact sacred pledges of legislative candidates, binding them selves to vote for tae repeal of tbe rail road commission. Tbe commissioner and their clerk, we bave seen lor half days work once per month or - twelve time per year, and for a junketing trip in palace cars twice per year over the various railroad lines of tbe slate, mulct the people to the tone of $10,000 per year. Pleasant indeed, it has been, for tbe commissioners and their clerk to loll back In the velvet cushions, their wants attended by a darkey waiter, while tbey sail around over the state like blood and wait for tbe time to roll around wben Ibey may draw their salaries. A softer snap never fell to tbe lot ot any man. Tne job Is even a better one than doing nothing, for, d ned and wined by the railroad propnetois the lot ot the commitsionertand his clerK is lovely one with rotLing to w ish for, but a life lease on the position, tint how ia it on tne people T v bile the commissioners draw their fat salaries the farmer plowf and sows, digs aad delves, struggles and scrapes lor eoongn sweat money to pay the taxes lo be used in paying tbe ex penses of the ' railroad commission Years ago people saw tl.e injustice, the extravagance, the folly of the commia sion add have manv times demandd tbe repeal of the law. Petitions have been circulated signed and delivered, b it dstgnicg politicians have thwarted the people's will. Once a committee of Cjrvallii citizens went to the legislature to bee their influence for the repeal of tbe taw, but tbeir effort: were baulked, and tbe commission continued. We shall continue to btve the miserable farce nntil the people insist upon their right to govern themselves. Indiana republicans yesterday tried to straddle on the financial question, just for votes. 'The money plank U re garded 4s a sort of compromise between sound money and bimetalism, Tbe main fight in the committee was over the money plank . It favors the nse of both gold and silver at a parity, declares for bimetalism on an interoaticnal basis, and opposes free coinage of silver at tbe ratio of 16 to 1. Here is a late picture: John Bull hat Cncle Haui, bo is standing in a bathing suit in the water of monomntalism, held by the l?g to his chair, tcrois the stream is bimetalism, prosperity, inde pendence, "good prices ' and "good wages" on a factory, gays John Bull "Oh, dear uo, you musn't go into the water until yon have learned Jiow to swim."' The heading Is: "lie isn't big enough to go alone." McKinley is undoubtedly a gold bug of tbe yelli)west?olor, though be is keep ing very quiet for political effect. "Cal ifornia republicans, though strong for McKinl -y yet passed the following reao lotion. "K'e favor tbe free and unlimi ted coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to I, and the making of silver as well as gold a legal . tender in . payment of all debts, both public and private." Even Mr, Norlhrup says the money question is the great issue ; but Tongue wags jiiat hours on the tariff, whip ping over old straw. Silver in Mexico. Justice Walter Clark, of North Caro lina, In the Arena says: "AtKI Paso we changed our United States mouev into Mexican, receiving nearly two dollars tor one. As a lew years back tbe Mexican dollar was at par with the American dollar, this strik ing fact must be noticed. Either tbe American dollar must have appreciated, j in which case debtors, both public and private, and all taxpayers liav been forced to pay double what tbey should an enormous robbery of the many for the benefit of the few, ot the wealth produceis tor tbe encolument of tbe wealth-consumers; or else tbe Mexican or silver dollar has depreciated one-haif. If it were the latter, then the prices of all things depending upon competition would be doubled. On the contrary, we find in Mexico that the prices ot nearly everything remain at the same level as ten or fifteen years ago. Cotton Is 13 cents per pound, wheat 11 per bushel and sometimes a little more. Railroad passenger fares remain two and three cents per mile as formerly, and hotel rales the same. This is true also ot all articles sold in the open market. Tiiete is a alight rise in the value of real estate and the price ot labor (the latter, here tofore, and even yet, being very low for lack of sufficient demaud) due to the in creaeed prosperity ot the country and the opening up of new industries- De cidedly then there has been no deprecia tion in the value ot tbe silver dollar. Tnrn to the United States. There cotton is seven cents per pound, wheat and corn 60 cents or lew per bushel, and other produce likewise brings halt tbe prices of a few yards back, while the re peated cnU In the prices of labor and w v.. iv.uiiiu Dto uiunu .ucvvrj prove beyond controversy t!.e doubling of the standard of value, the dollar. It takes in Mexico the same quantity of produce to buv a dollar as formerly, while in tbe United States it takes dou ble the quantity of produce, and nearly double the number of hours ot labor to purchase it. Decidedly it i the dollar in the United States which has enhanced in value. Who has been benefited ty this? The holders of national, state, municipal, private, or other indebtedness who up eeive- practically double, both principal and interest, of tbeir just dues. Tbe national debt in the Un!ted States, as well as every other debt, has been practically doubled as well as tbe rate ot interest thereon. Nay, further, all fixed charges, taxes and salaries, though nom inally tbe same, bave been in effect doubled because it lazes twice tbe pro duce and twice tbe labor to procure the dollars to pay them . So, too, ot rail road rates and passenger fares, which, remaining tbe same, bave in effect doubled in cost, tor tbe railroad bonds being doubled in valne and the interest being payable in tbe enhanced currency. the pnbtie must pay Ihesame rates or tbe raittoad most go into liquidation. An) so on every hand the burdens of tbe producers have been doub:rd. The looting of Rome by Geo eerie and bis Vandals, o! Iodia by Hastings and CHve, ot this very Mexico by Cortex and the Spaniard, or of Pern by Pixarro, all pale into insignificance compared in magnitude with the extent of this levy npon tbe labor and mcscie ot 72,000,000 of the American people, in the interest and by the procurement of tbe hal,'- million of millionaires, tbeir agents and their dependents, through I tie sirup device of so controlling legislation that every dollar of iodebtedneee, public and private, of taxes and railroad charge, is doubled by donVing tbe valne of tbe dollar. Uenseric, Clive,' Cortes and P'xarro made a rich booty, bot they did it not without great personal hazard, and they at least pillaged foreign nations. But this crime has been manipulated by the tors of the bondholders in secret, in congressional lobbies and committee rooms; there has been Dotting heroic, and the onlr greatness in it bas been in the magnitude r-f the plunder and the vaetneee of the sums transferred annual ly br this legislative legerdemain from the masses to the monopolies and mol-It-milUonaire, whose annual aggregate far so r pisses the plunder that has ever yet fallen to a conquering army in the wealthiest country. Tbew was no pretext for it, aioce sil ver, when demonetized, was worth more than gold, and there has been nothing sine tn depreciate it. That silver in fact has not depreciated in the Wt may be seen right here in Mexico, and throughout 'he 60,000,000 people living on this hemisphere sooth of the Rio Grande, in al which countries the silver dollar will pay as much taxes, as much public or private indebtedness, as much railroad freight and passenger fare, as it ever did, and where sonseqneotly farm produce and land will bring the same prices they formerly did. Tbe standard of value not having been artificially en hanced, fixed charge?, as debts and taxes, are not enhanced, and the satue amonot of produce or labor wilt pay them. In the United Slates every farm er who lat year sold cotton at seven cents or wheat or corn at 60 cent or less was contributing joat one-half of the valne of this produce to tbe further en richment ot those too rich The value of cotton is 13 cents and upwards, an J of wheatt' and upward, rnraairtd by the value of the dollar wben the bulk of private and public indebtedness was created, and when official salaries and mji other government expenses were regulated. Tbe loss to tbe farmers ol the South therefore last year was t30 per bale, or.on an eetimateorop of 7,000,000 bales of cotton, fnll 9210,000,000 for the year 1S95 on that one crop alone. In troth, tbe total amount of the profits reaped by the capitalists through the legislation which has doubled the value of tbe public and private debts held by them staggers the imagination and fatigues indignation to compute. The wonder ia not that there is widespread and incurable depression throughout the United States, but (bat we can exiat under such a state of things. Were we not tbe wealthiest and most energetic and most patient people on tbe face ot tbe globs wj should sink under it Djn'tgetlt in your heal that Thos H. Tongue is a itt9 silver man because tbe Oregonian criticiseJ one paragraph of bis speech. He is now a gold bug whatever he was in 1894, and his speech as a whole leaves no doubt on that ques tion, though he talks bimetalisro under international agreement,in order to catch 3me of thssiWer vote. McKinley will ba nominated on the first ballot, and then McKinleyism will be forced uponth Eastern people, but here the Issue ia silver. We are already protected 20 per cent above the cost of labor, and the attempt to force protection as an issue Is a fake on the face of it. Tbe Portland Chronicle is contemplat ing starting an evening paper in Portland In opposition to tbe Telegram. It will have tbe best wishes of thousands, bnt it takes money to run a newspaper. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Decidedly senseless. Should be circumspect examples. Golden prospects. Wait for certainties. Greatest straddle r of the age. Despises cowards Our stock in trade. Ou account ot the recent uonleasant features connected with Dr. Brown church in San Francisco, t tit re is talk there this week ot selling it and building a new one. That ia the consummation of senselessness and bigotry. That con gregation ought to be sent to the country of Horse Sense and be fd on dry morsels for an age. It surpasses one's comprehension that a minister of the gospel can make such a dunce of himself as did Brown. He was very foolish and indiscreet at all events There are ministers who seem to think that they have special privileges around the fair sex and can ogle and wink as much as tbey pl-ase.whereas they should be examples of decorum and not milk sops. Most ministers appreciate this thoroughly, and their lives are symmet rical in purity, their conduct always circumscribed with judgment aud devoid of the daggers of sentimentality that pierce and tear asunder social and reli gious relationships. The trouble is that when a minister like Brown does make a goose or donkey of himself otbe.s bave to bear some ot the opprobrium.uojustly During the week the return ol Mr. Lawler from London has increased the confidence in the future prosperity ot the Santiam camp. Things look well, tbe ore looks well, and the reputation of the mines is spreading. Wbtlt the papers are full of items about fioe yields from other mining camps, like those aroend Baker City, here mum is tbe word and it seems impossible to get tacts on the sub ject. Other men interested in mining of course wish to know. The fact ia a very important one. It is an elephant in tbe matter, and hence extra efforts are made to secure tbe desired informa tion. Wuiie a few others have it tbe Dkhoobat has not; but tbe-w is enough known to be able to say that the yield has been much than was expected, and that recent finds have greatly in creased it. Tbe slug is a big oue, fre quent in its appearance, and it Is proba ble the money will soon go the other way. Of course there ia a reason tor not publishing tbe yield. The Democrat bopee to see some of the claims retained by Linn county men nntil developments establish certainties. An Eastern paper has a cut of bow McKinley stands on tbe financial ques tion. It is about like this: In Oregon that kind of business will not do. People will not be hoodwinked thnsiy. A republican said to tbe Dcmoccat man yesterday, referricg to the blank, silent position some one took on tbe fi nancial queeticn: "I do despise a cow- aid." If yon buy goods ot a merchant yon hive to pay tot them, no matter how small, whether a paper of pintorasilk drees. A great many people, though, eejru to think that tney ooght to be allowed lo so info the print shop and get what they want for nothing, though the olamns of a paper are its stock in trade, News is news and that is what the live paper mast give, but anything thai ha money makiog in view i hneines. Isn't it. Vanlnitori Letter. Frea war nxvwar Cnmaponaaai. Wasbucotos, May 4ih. 1SJ6. Democrats aie delighted with what now looks like tbe certainty of McKin ley 'a nomination (or president by the republicans. If theyjean't Wat McKin ley they can't beat anybody. Speaker Reed was reported to be so disgusted with the result ot the week just cloted that it required not a little persuasion lo prevent his announcing ii;s withdrawal in favor of McKinley, whom 1 has abandoned all hope of defeating The McKinleyites want Reed lo take tie second place on their ticket," but hie mini wt.l have to undergo a great change before he coneenU. it is said that Mr. Reed feels very bitter towards S? na'or Proctor, of ertuont, on acconnl of bis bel'el that Proctor betrayed him to McKinley in that state, In the hope of getting second place on ti.e McKinley ticket, and it lias been intimated that Reed intends te have eomithiug to ray about the treachery ot Proctor, after tbe meeting cf the St- Louis convention. General Filzhugh Lee is in Washing ton for the purpose of receiving his final iustiuctions before going tj Cuba as U. S. Consdl-General. He has had sev eral conferences with President Cleve land as well as with Secretary Ulney,and has probably been made lull v acquainted with the position the President intends o maintain towards bth Cuba and Spain, tie expects to go to Havana this week. Presideut Cleveland will preside over the exercises at the unveiling ot the equestrian statue of Gen. W. 8. Han cock, on tbe 12tb inst., and inny make a short introductory address. , Following is tbe formal program : Prayer, bv Jttie bop Satterlee; ''Star Spangled Banner," by Marine Baud ; unveiling of statue, accompanied by artillery salute fired on tbe Washington Monument grounds; address by Senator Palmer ot III., who was a Major General ot volunteers, "Hail Columbia," by Marine Band; Benediction, by Rev. Dr. W. II. Gott-wald.Po-t Chaplain, Department Po tomac, O. A. R. Tbe military and civil parade which will precede the unveiling will be undr command of Brigadier General Brooke, commanding the De partment ol Dakota, who is in Washing ton on a visit. All of the United States troops in reach ot Washington will lake part in the parade. While all democrats regret tbe wrangle between Senators Hill, cf N. Y. and Tillman, of S. C, there is almost unan imity of opiaian among democrats as to who was at and who got tbe beet of it. A number of silver democrats in congress deny that Mr. Tillman spoke for them when he declared that tne sil ver democrats would bolt the Chicago' convention unless a 16 to 1 free coinage platform was adopted, and agree with. Senator 11 ill's declaration that no mail oaffht to be admitted to the national e invention who declares in advance tdatf ha will bolt St he falls to jet everything) he wants . Senator Hill's answer to Sen ator Tillman's claim that tbe democrats of the South were going to Chicago with only one idxa to get frea coinage or i to bolt was level headed enough to te studied by every democrat, in the South as well as elesewhere. He said: "No; it will not do for my friend to give that as the sentiment of the S.m'li. li e democracy ot tbe South is not gtfng to that convention with one idea. The democracy has more than one id-a. The South will go to that gr'At gathering to i.nnfar Inwifflmu Tt u.i.i,t.l I .a rtliiwt , .v . ..... K,.. i, . ....., . . " ' " tolly for that great party o split; o di- vide on the financial qtitft-linn. There is more in democracr than the single question of silver, f bere are the great questions of paternalism, of cn raliz- tlon, aud the vital question of personal liberty of the citizen." Mr. Hill ended bis remarks with this advice to the par ty: "In essential nnlty, in non-essent'al liberty ; in all things charity." The tlouse pasaed the bankruptcy bill Saturday afternoon by nearly a two thirds vote. Th Daily Dzmockat tonight begins Vol. IX. Considering the hardness of tbe times we are doing pretty well, thank you. Tlie extravagance of tbe last legislature adds fully $10,OM to tin amount Linn county contributed toward! the sttte ex pense. The stats assessment etioald have been only three mills. Do you want the ne!es commission dne away with, then vote for Watson, McElmurry and Philpjt. They will keep their words when they say they will oppose them An Aetorian paper gets coneolalicq from the fiebertuen's strike out of tbe fact that, a go4 msay lives nave baen saved. S. M. Garland, if elected county judge, may be depended upon to follow the But ler salary law. Senator Mttche'l will make matters lively when he gets in Oregon. MISFITS. This is field dsy at the State Univer sity at Eugene. Tbe records instead of being smashed will be splashed. The Democrat dares tbe Satesman to re-publish its articles about the Harvey estate published in its ieue of April 21 and 2.. 1SU3. It ia reported that two or three mem bers of F. Co. will be brought up before the company next week for discipline with the prospect ot some dishonorable dischargee. An advertisement in a Eocene paper begins: "It rains! bat it won't rain al ways," Sometimes it looks as if it w ill never stop; but it will and we will have our usual good crops. It is pretty evident that a vote kr the republican representative ticket is a voto (or !X!pU for U. B. senator. How dors that strike you. If this is not a tact the columns of the PzworaT are open for a denial, it made without beat ing a round the bush. McMinnville Transcript : The South- era Pacific Company have replaced Chi nese is oorers wun Japanese on nea rsy all sections along their line of ro A. As between Chinese and Japanese there is not roncb difference; but we tee no reas oa why either should be employed as long as so many white men who have fa ffiilie to support, are lying idle. "A cowardly, sneaking, Iring sneaking son of Belial" bxs be-n attacking the editor ot theRoeeburg PlaindeaWr, in the columns of the Keview. Just why the editors of newspapers who are van ning tor nothing enonld be rung into a political cootst is beyond tbe compre hension of the" DKMocsur. But that wrai to be the style in trie county seat of Douglas. The bancing of II. II. Hoi me at Phil- ajtlrti.a yesterday rid the world ol the worst Bend and monster ol this ceoturv. so steeped in depravity that he could d;e wiso a lieon hiIip,amonstroeity with - vw. puliation, aow h-i vurrant iojiow and justice will have been elizhllv vin dicated. A miduie-aged couple passed through Tekoa Uut vnk on toot, says the Wana Walla talesman. They hid walked ail the way from Ashland, Or. The couple were members of a dramatic company that stranded in that section last fall. They have been on their way to the min ing camps, where Uiev expect to get em ployment in dramatic and vaudeville bouses. Mr Moorehead, of ihe Junction Times, who recetvedllOa day for 21 da vs for help ing to fix no the hooa journal after the last legislature, i running for re-election. The peopie this year show strong signs of defeating men alter eu snaps, and it is high time. The price of wheat djesn't justify electing men who take 21 day to do 10 days work, or like l.inn county's experience, who charge illegal fees. Temperance has found a new alley in the bicycle. The Toronto, Ont., hotel keepers are complaining that bicycling hurts their business, people who ride bicycles not ling given to indulging themselves in alcoholic beverages. This is a new development in connection with the bicycle cr&xe, and one that will com mend it lo our temperance friends. It may yet turn out that bicycling is better than the gold cure for inducing the man who is to.1 fond of drink to brace np and lead a solier life. Ex. It ttrength is what jou want, you tticuKl attitiy what causes your weakness. It is practical'y lack of food But you eat ttrree meals a day, and ail you can eat at a time. Yes, but do you digest i ? Food undigested, is not food. It is not nourishment. It doesn'tcreale strength. To digest your food tak Shaker Diges tive Cordial at meals. After a while you will Digvat your food without it. Then you will get well, and strong anl healthy. Shuker Di.restire Cordial cures indiges tion and all its symptoms, such as nausea, headache, eructat ion, pain in tbe stomach, giuciuesa, loss of appetite, etc It makes your fond nourish you. and make you strong and fat and ht'itrty. Druggists sell it. Trial bottle 10 cents. BE OBSERVING. Cash for poultry at K. M. Robertson's Tbe best fresh groceries and produce at Conn & Huston's. Lapibs the Intoat fa-ihon is a sea m'es dress made by Mrs. McLean. Dr. G. W. Maston, phyician anl mnr. geon, Albnny Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. Drs. U. E. and O. K. Beers offices and residence in the roat office building. Spec ial atteutiou giveu to diseases of women. , Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to sntiecrihers for $2.35 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gift In May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly DmtocHATand thrice a weak N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Subscribers to Daily paying in advance will receive all the advantages of either proposition HORN OONCKLIN On May 6th, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ccncklin. ot San Lenndro, Cal., formerly ot Albany a girl. TELEGRAPHIC. Cuban War Leases. New Yokk, May 8 A World dwra'-eh from Madrid, says: According to the Spanish ofli-sial figure. Ihe Cuoan insurgent caualtiM from the beginning of the inmirrection, February 24, IW, to December 31, 1J5, were: Killed, 20 chiefs. ll'jO men; wounded, 358; pria- onera, four chiefs. 21 men. Daring the i,.t f. .(Kfll'rU.. , H 1 'w : wouniiwl. chiefs. DJI8 men: oris nrrs.20 c-bii-fH, 330 men Tne total numlMr of hor- e taken from the insurgent is given a 457 . Tbe Sp&niih official autistic a1 mi t that i he royal fori es have lost '.n killed and t'-ose who died of wound or d incase, three generals, 29 field ofheers, 272 officer, and 4S'J2 men, up to tbe end of March, 1898. j A n,ml AeeMeat. j Los Angeles, May 8. Tbe mot horri ble accident that ever occurred in this city happened touight when riebas Eacarciga, a Mexican, was crushed to a pulp. Shortly before (be accident, Ejcarciga was quarrel ing on the htre.t with a Mexican, Jose Morales. Tbe men finally came to blows, and both drew knives. Morales tarted lo run across thtret, followed closely by bjcarciga, both men failing to notice the e'ectrie car, which wa rapidly apDrosrch- lng. .Morale was several feet aheaa of hi pursuer, and manad to clear the (ruck, but Kjicarcig was directly in the midJieof the track hen the heavy car struck bini, and the nnfortona'e man wa under the wheels before anyone knew what bad happened- Wilt B Vfairkwt. Wasuixotos, May 8. Tbe proceeding of tbe Hpaoiab court inartiai in the caseot the men captuied cn tbe Cotupetoior are being close.y followed here, and there in ground for tbe fear lLat, unless tbe rnatteJ is handled with great discretion it may re sult in straining tbe present friendly and amicable relations between the United State and Spaa.. Tbe state department will not fail to intervene instantly if it ahoa'd appear that at leant tbe Americans among the captives under trial are not treated with all the privileges enjoyed by the rules of civilized warfare. laalau at pwMieaaa. Ispiaxapou", May 7. The Indiana republican convention today instructed its delegates for McKinii-y. with scarce y a show of opposition, and tbe krag-impead ing battle between the McKinley and asleged Harrison force ended in com moo place pace. Oeneral Harrison did not make Lis eareriy expected speech lo the delegates, and did not visit (be convention ml ail. I be platform declare for sound money, favors the tue of both gold and sil ver at a parity, urges bimetal urn on an in ternational U. and coodemoa the free aad unlimited coinage ol silver at the ratio ot 16 to 1. la rsta. New YoliV, Mat 7. A menger di rect from Cuba arrived at the office of the Cuban jnnta in this city tonight, and re ported to Genval Paioia practicably ma General Macao, with a well-equipped army, has lull and complete poaseitioa of Pinar del Rio prorine, and expects to bold bis present position until tbe rainy season eu in . The recent victory c aimed for the Spanish troop under Genera! Ycxlan was a aevere reverse fcr Spain. Wfcit U rau ftswJa. Nxw Tons. M-y ".A dUpaich to tbe Herald from Madrid ta;: Tbe former premier. tNazufadenies that there exi.t any difference of opinion among ice liuetnl k-ailcTS n-ganhog Cuba, lie said: "The war costs $IG00s,(w0 annu ally an I certainly 10,000 soldier every year. Can we fold oar arms in the face of tki sorrowful prwpert?" T M la aticair. - WAmGTOH, May 7. By the decirire vcteof 51 lo 6, the senate today inaugurat ed an inveetipBUoo, lo be condocted by the senate araiUee on finance, ltto tbe acta and i ciivnettances counecieJ wish the cf United t'Lite bonds by the secretary ot the tresartirr daring the three J"r. Tte six advene votes were cast by Caffery of Louisana. Faaikoer of West Yirgir.ia, Gray of iMawaie, liiil of Ne York. Mit ch. I ot ucocaia and PaJnwf of ILiaoir, ail democrats. tocaratleaa af Stars) Tlaira WasaisoTox, May 7. Ib tenae committee on poUic bui'dinsnanJ grooods baa reported favorably enaor MUcaeil's blU iocrvasiBg the limit of cost ol the t ortiand pnUtc boudicg to f I 0t 0, hre has airvwdy Wi apitrot-nated for the baikiiner &Ck misA li i l.ill ann. i criatea tlw &,l.ii:i.-ui am, .on nt rail 1 wbsch make tbe round rcii.ioo. Tbe bill 1 also Provide that tb haiLi:n. -mm f pitted, ahaii be oed for a caom-aense, jappramcr' !r. couruvotbs. ng-nu sr- I tic otters and oa of tbe I. sited States une or-gwMsn!. tfcwtvttallr faatt-lral. Colfax. Wah .May 7- The Whitman winty rtpauticaa convention today elected .2 dvtaies to t ie t. t-rrU rnvention. I be reKHuuoos are in fvor f th? free and uo- limibJ coinage of;IrY, an-i d-iare that McKinley is the I wckk: adrocateof tariJ reform and as sooh will be tbe mt accept able candidate for the presidency. A ftwrrwlax rkaaer. Washijiotox. May 6 Almost 33,000 government empioves wens brought at one sweep under tbe projection ol the civil KrrK-e txiay by thi- nance of an order by he president, making a general rrviin of the civil service rule. Ih order is the most important sim-e Ihe inauguration of the sy-tem erore than a decade ao. It takes effect in. mediately, lis practical ex tent is tee c'asfilicat ioa of ail government employe beiiw tbe rank of those subject to nomination by the fridnt and con ar illa tion br the senate. Will A'j.arB May IS W amunhton. May 6. The bouss today served notice on Ihe scuate and the country that it had transacted lU business and was ready for final adjournment by tr e passage, without division, of a resooition for hol adjiiurnmeot ou Monday, May 13. Tbe reading was reveived with an out burst of applause from mer-ibers on Loth sides f I be bouae. Wbter denounced the in-ijfirity for proposing to desert tbeir pos's. He asserted that daring the cam paign of 1594, tbe republican party bad pledged il!f to lha r -lief of the people fixiu existing depression. Anwther HI Trwa. ClttCAOO. May 6. A special from Min neapoli to tbe Timea-Herald says: It B Hubbard, the executive front cf the linoeed oil trust, baa succeeded, with the aid of the Pillsburys, in perfecting the organi zation of the greatest millers combine ever put together in this country, I he object is lo advance the price of rlour.and to com pel every spring-wheat grinder to become a part of the pool. Tbe object is to advance tbe price of Hour, and to compel every spring-wheat grinder to become a part of njwO Tk.. u ... Kn, . i . millers in tbe United States. Tbe pnol has neen mcorporaiea. its name is Ihe Aorth American Alilliag Company. The Oregwa Ah attaht. S.ut Fbascisco, May 6. The builders of the battle-ship O."egon, which was re cently completed at the Union iron works, today gave her an unofficial trial trip from Hunter's point to Bed rock, for the purpose of loosening up her machinery for tbe official trial, which will soon take place in Santa Barbara channel. The Oteton d- ..1.4 .1 IO I L . . Lu I. i ivvj a. V. ftiivu All UVUr Bb U1U4- . 1 .1 LJ T C- . . . ,i , -i , i "f ne-iir a c-ccni. uie ouiiuer.pre- u.vww mi, mjv nvu'u uiaao over 4 w knots on her official trip. Tke Mayer Matt tHelde, Pkndlktok, Or.. May 6. There was great excitement at the meeting of the city council tonight, when the petition to drive women of ill-fume from the city was re turned with the minority and majority re ports. The majority report recommended that the ordinance regulating such cases be resurrected and rigidly enforced. On a motion to that effect, the votes tied, leaving Mayor Furnish to cast the deciding vote He declined to do so until the next meeting. This precipitated a heated debate. Mere Cld Gwes Nkw Yotik. May 6. Heidelbach, Ickel heimor & Co state that their gold shipments on tbe German steamer sailing tomorrow aggregate $1,600,000, Baring, Waponu Co have encaged at the su b treasury $300,.' 000 in gold, which ttiev will ship tomorrow for the account of Kidder, Peabody & t'o, ! of Boston. The total gold shipments for the week thus far are $4,850,U00, and since April , $6,000,000. Bovs Engineer overalls, 25c per pair, at L. L. lilaln Ciothlnx Go's. Its a winnep evenytime Battle Ax .Plu g in the lead PUUJ The largest piece of GOOD tobacco ever sold for 10 cents List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Wah- ngton, u. U. -ALAdams, Astoria, Or., automatic gate governor 'f M Anderson, North port. Wash, producing photographs in colors; T Beeing, Los Angelee, shoulder brace; D is Carrick. Oakland, Cal, invalid cbaii , J B Clot, San Francisco, can soldering machine; P Davie?, Oakland, Cal, win dow shade attachment; G C Edwards, Oakland, Cal, exercising apparatus ; M Feintncb, Saa Francisco, advice and safety attachment for bank checks; N Fossati, Smith's flat, Cal, pan-and-roller mill ; A Ueberer, Alameda, Cel. centri fugal machine ; F iiindes, San Francisco, drip attachment for umbrellas; LJnlig, San Francisco, bicycle; W H Kirkm n, tserfceiey, Lai, certain hit are; A C Mor rison, San Francisco, street railway car advertising device ; J A Noble. San Fraa- c .eoo, bot voter irrigator; F R Parr, San tranciseo. Cavrborete; JF Easmoseon, Tacoma, stove; W R-we, Angel Island. Cal, ware power; J D Tucker, Sierra Mad re. Cat, harnees snap J N Van Dorn ; Spokane, car coupling; it A Wolff, Sac ramento, mop. Tig Cattls Dzal. A ten thonsand dollar cattle deal trantpired in the sooth end of the county the first of the week. The purchaser is a Mr. Cornelius, who is a heavy stock dealer of Montana, tbe seller are Geonre A. Hoock and Sam Ferguson, who baa been gathering np cattle in Benton, Lane and Linn for eev- eral months past. The deal includes be tween &X) and $00 bead of rearlinar and two-year old, and they are to be shipped on a special train at Junction next week. Mr. Cornelius is in Webtoot buying cattle because be says Oregon cattle torn off better on the Montana ranges than do tbe Arizona, Texas, and other cattle. In boring theee cattle the maximum price paid t'f Hoock and Ferguson to farmers was 13 SU lor two rear outs, and fS.-XJ for veai lings. The cafle sold to Mr. Come I us were ail eters- Messrs Honck and Ferguson have left on hand a targe lot of cows.calTes, belters, and three and four-year-old steers. Corrallia Times, Taken in 'time Hood's Sarsaparil'a has achieved great success in warding off skknese which. if allowed to progress, would have under mined the whole system and given dis ease a strong loothoid to caue moca suf fering and even threaten death. Hood's arapariila has done all this and e en more. It has been taken in thousands of cases which were thoegbt to be incur able, an 1 alter a fair trial has effected wonderful cares.brinzing heaJlh.strenpxh anvjoyio uie atuicted. Anotner im portant point about Hood's J-Arsapanila is that its cures are permanent, because they start from the solid foundation of pnrthed, vitalized and enriched blood. But it is not what we eav bnt what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the tory. I Di. The Salem Port savs: Robert I, aicviure, woo noros a cnair si roc barber shop of Bunco A Baldwin on State street, has just received the sad news of the death of his mother, Mrs. D. H. Mc-Clu.-e, at the farm home near Lebanon. Lteceascd was aged 71- years and well known throughout the Willamette valley. Robert will leave this evening for Leb anon and will attend the funeral which will be held tomorrow. Cosia Of Dr. McCormick, of the Gold Cure Institute, has returned from a business visit to Albany. The doctor has under advisement a proposition to remove his institute from Eugene to that city. Eugene Register. STt I? t-aro, c r-- crieax, XAJCAS CV".TCTT. ( TR J. Caw-nrr maktw oata tkat ba la sBio nartaerol Ue firm ot F. J. ChkxbtJcCo.. duinar basinjaa In th riir of Tlrdo, Oaaty and Mat aforesaid, and that said Ara wiU r-T the aum olWS Hl'NDRKD 1X1LJLAKS ti web and errnr cane of Catarrit thai cauaaot ba Cured by tba wa at Baix's Cmau era a. . . FRANK J. CHENT. Wwnrn to ttefors) ma and anbacribed as Til prweuce, tt aU daj of Ueceoiber, AvO. aaMk, A.W.QLKAS02r. AUr Pw&Ita. Bana Catarrh On re I tattm tntvraailv and acta eirectry on tbe blood aad macotxa sartaoasot to ayatam. tead for tmtiraonista. frve. . J. CUKNEY as CO., loaado, O JEW Bold by DracEta Tic Owr Maadiac at Waaa "Four out ot every five bottles ot medi cine sold in thj last five years are S. B. goods. The S. B. Headache aad Liver Cure 1 use myself as a geuerai physic If you are s'u-k and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method ia to huy the S, B. remedies and use as directed. C P. IUlch, ivreinsist, IKifur, Or " For sal by 1'osbiy A Maem at 50 eti per bot le. "Twe Ilia at Waawa Constipation, cansea more than half tbe P la of women. Kiu-Ia ( 'In,., R. T. i. a p'eaaant cure for constipation. For aU vj cosnay c mason. A Fact Wank ataawlaa, Convnintion. Litirirtne Mn&i.:. and all Throat and Lung disease i are care ov sano'i- wure. i or saie by ihay Mason. rwree Crwwp. J u.iurea are suoject te Pil'sKraphd to San Francisco, got eot a half ilwt... f c I, , ,-. 7. : -"-ctiim o u congo t,ure It ISW perfect remedr linrl 1.1.. . , ' J " f UWU J vu jr it' Yo""- lo-. J.H. Cioaier. Grants Pass, Or. or sale by Fotbay & Mason at 0c per bottle. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Representatives li. C. WATSON, of Albrjiv H. W. McELMEBRY, of Tangent M. FHILPur, ot ttametmrg. For County Ju-lee S. M. GARLAND, of Lebanon. . For Coont v Com m i "pioncr W. K. PUTTER, of Fox VaUey. For Connty Clerk O. A. AlitlllisALJJ, of Albany. For Cocntr Sh?riS If. BLAKXY, of Brownsville. For Coontv Rfltwder MARK PtERY.of Franklin Butte. For Coonty Treasnrer T. J. MONTGOMERY, of Scia. For Coontv Assessor BOB. M. MILIXE, of Halsey. For School Superintendent C Jr . iJHiBl, ol sweet Home. For Coroner O. B. REESE, of Erownrnile. Justices of the Peace JAMES JES KS, 1st district. GEO. W. HARRIS. J district. Constable S. II. BRYAN, 1st district. JOHN SCHMEER, 2nd district. Democratic State Ticket. Presidential Electors ED AKD KILLFE VTHB. J. M. CAROLL- J.J. WHITNEY. W.W.OGLESBY. Supreme Judge. JOHN BURNETT, of Corvallis, Congressman J EFFERaON M YERS, of Scio. District AUornev SAMUEL'HAYDEN, of Salem. Member Board of Equalization EB. K1BLER, of Lebanon. OakvCIe. Last Thuradar eveatnr after we had completed our dav'e work we were in vited by oar friend Jones to accompany him io a popnlist meeting at Tangent. We accepted the invitation and in a few minutes we were inside oar best clothes and ready tor the journey. The evening was besuitifal bet tbe roaids were horrid, howevwr Jooea viidn't care for bad roads and he took in every man on the road nntil he had his wagon fu'L Mr. A. S, Stone, althoogha democrat, took his own horse and coe along, be came to Oregon in early times and learned to talk Chinook jargon, and he Lkes lo use it to this day. He and A. Y. Smith talked politics moet of the way. We would like to know how A. S- will vote bot A. Y. will not give it away. On our arrival at the ci-y we were escorted to the school honse by onr friend Rvsw, ex-engineer of Stone and Ackerman's saw miiL We found room to sit down and soon found that the moet of the coonty candidates were there. Short sneecbee were made bv Geo. D. Barton. candidate for coonty judge and J. iv Smith and . il. .Roberts, canuidatee tor representative. A. S. McDonald, tor coonty recorder, made a few remarks. M. E. Gaines, candidate for sheriff, was called on bot declined and gave the time allotted to him to "Farmer Jones. "And here is a surprise to evervbody. Why didn't the peoole's partv nominate Farmer Jones' for representative? Jones is a fine speaker and there ia no one better posted. Mrs. Lilly, of Colorado, is visiting with O.W.Stone. Geo D. Barton was not able te fill hi i appointment last evening. Awkts. Pure blood is the safeguard of health. Keep your bioud pore, rich and full of vi tality b raking Boud's Sarsaparilia. and yon will not need to feu the attacks of dis ease. ' Hood's Pill cure liver ills, constipa tion, jauniKe, sick headache, oi'Uoosnesa. So cebU. Money to Loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm security - - ft N. Stem & Co. Catarr Cwreal Health and swvet breath -secured by Shilob's Catwrh Remedy. Prioa jO een' Naawl injector free". For aale by Fosbay -at Mason. Kari- rtwvee K4 Tea is a sure core for headache aad nervosa diseases No'hiog relieve so qnicklv. For sale by Fothay k Mason, Far ASM Laiavca Elder Alann W Khw, wnh, fmm Port. . Ian.1 IW Thm ;. . A nul;.;.A ,.- K throat aad lungs that I can recommend to miaisrers, pnbuc sneaaera and singers. ith the confidence that I can the S. B. Cosh Cm e." For nal hv Fohav A Ma- oas at SOcts per bottle. A Xalarml ! Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies the h'ood and gives a clear aid beantifut comp'ezina For sate by Fcwhay and Mison. see Bqrawwaa . atd Liver I Complaint yon have a printed a eei y bottle cf Shilo's ViUl- guaanteeoa It never fatU to cure. For sale by r"o hay 4 Mason All Weaaamrww li. Ak your physician, ? our drugit and your friends about ShUoh's Cure for con sumption. 1 hey will recommend it. For sale by Foshay & Kason. VrtrMiji Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason toucb and tecnnique. Aeeiuencw Fifth street, opposite U P church.