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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1896)
She y. ' " TERMS. DvlbY Dkmock.v?, 25c per month; S3.C0 per yaar, in advance 80c pr month net in advance By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run ovei S months. Single copies 5c. Wreki.y. $1.25 (n advance; f 1.50 at eno of year; 1 . 75 for second year; $20l) rot third and proceeding years, when not paid in advance. Club of five w subscribers for 5.00. ' Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to stiW.riliera lor $2.35 a vear. This includes all the priv ileges df the Examiners big premium gift in May, the Fame as if you sent, the rrjr ular subscription price of t'.oO direetlv to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat ami thrice a -'tok N. Y. World, $2.00 a year. Subscribers to Daily paying in will receive all the advantages of either proposition. If there is one thing more than another which gratifies us, it is the great volume of hearty thanks which J come from grateful parents for the cures Hood's Sarsaparilla has effected upon their children. The agony of despair turns to unspeakable joy as mothers and fathers see dreadful sores and eruptions gradually yield to the potent purifying power of this great medicine, and bright boys and girls given, perfect health. Head this s "When" my baby was tour weeks old, scrofulous eczema broke out on his body. He became literally covered with. When six months old the breaking out healed on his body, but his head, face and arms were a terrible sight. I passed many sleepless nights holding his little hands to keep him from scratching his face. I cannot tell what hesuffered with the sores. One doctor attended him a year without avail. Ko one thought he would ever get well. He was almost a year old when I commenced to give him Hood's Earsapa rills. He soon grew so much better that I was able to rest at night. Gradually the sores on his head and arms healed, the burning and itching ceased, and he slept better. Ia 2 months he looked like an other child, gained strength, was cured. I recommend all persons afflicted with eczema or any skin disease to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I feet assured that it will -do wonders for others. I cannot praise it too highly for what it has done for my poor little sufferer. It is hard to believe he is the same child, he is now such a big, hearty, fat boy, a very picture ot health. If more people would give Hood's Sarsaparilla to their children, there would not 1m an man v nnnr ffalinafca, lfttta mm 71 Mas. Aqses C Bailey, Box 91, McVey town, Pennsylvania. This and other similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood PuriOer. All druggists. $L Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. It is prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co, Lowell. Miss. w . r-i enre all Liver Ilia and nOOU S PllIS Sk Headache, sseenta. The County Judgeship. Enrros Eemockat : By odls One of the Herald defenders of thelment-. court bouse tax eaters unu r the ' sig nificant cognomen of "Taxes" puts bis foot into it as deeply as possible this morning. He tells his readers that Linn county has been run at from 25 to 40 per cent leas cost in proportion than any other county in the state. Of course it has for during nearly all the time since 186S the democrats have, had control of affairs. But during the last four years under Judge Duncan the cost has increased largely as hasal'eady been shown by the figures published in the Democrat. It niaujn not how much the editors of the Herald may juggle with the figures, either as editors, or as writers under assumed names, the fact remains that excensss have largely in creased under Duncan's rule. And this truth was generally admitted by repub lican leaders when tneir county conven tion met to nominate candidates for county officers. It was this truth staring them in the face that caused the defeat of Duncan fjr renomination. This was a publicly known truth, and so power ful was the influence of this troth that it drove the convention to nominate so ut terlv unfit a man for iudee as Dr. Cole. This "Taxes," who is no other than a political roustabout and seven-by-nine striker for the sheriffs, clique very unwittingly but very truthfully and just ly stabs his own party in Marion county bv saying that it has cost that county annually three times as much to meet their expenses as Linn by her side. Of course it has cost Marion county much more to meet her expenses for the last thirty years than it has cost Linn and for the very plain and ail sumcient reasou that Marion has been in the hands of the republicans while Linn has been in the bands of the democrats. No, the great motive that prompts the Herald writers, whether as editors, or as writers under such assumed names as "Taxes." "Vo'er andTaxpayer,"etc , is the fear that supply of public pap is in danger of being cut off. Nevertheless the voters know (and are not going to be deceived by the Her ald's juggling figures) that the county court uuder Judge Duncan has been eareless and extravagant, and the most reputable republican taxpayers iu Al banyand the county at large know it.and on that account manv of them have de termined not to vote for the judge again VKB.TAS ON THE CORNER. Julius Gradwohl Keeps Open Doors Early and Late. Julius Gradwohl does business now in the opera house, store at the corner of Second and Ferry, wh-re you can find a choice stock of standard Groceries for sale cheap. Everything first-class. Also a big variety ot crockery ware of all kinds which yon can buy as cheap as it can be secured anywhere. The O. F. store holding the bulk of his goods is kept closed. Call at the corner place on business. LBA9Y MSBItET. Wheat. 50e Oats 16e Flour, W OO Butter 15s Egps7c Lard 6 to 9c Pork hams. 8 to 10c, sho ilderi 4 o 6. Sid-'s 8 to 10. Hav baled, $5.00 Boys' Engineer overalls. 25c pair, at JL,. t., main uotning tx $t.00 buys a good Mandolin with book S.VOO buvs a irood new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 10 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st Strings. $1.00 buys IS choice "cat gut" V iohn E strings. $4.03 buvs a fine Violin with bow 25cts buvs one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buvs a 5-drawer sewing machine: high arm, light running; guaran teed 6 years fflfPriees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will : : : Albany. THE WOODMA N "ROUNDUP." Tile Big Woodman Gathering Here on July 4th. Far years it has Ik en customary fur Albany to send excursions to oiliet cities, but this year it is proposed to change the "vatem and have other cities send their paiple here. The Woodmen camps liaa utKen the initiatory nepa towards hold ing here on July 4th the. creates! leather ing of f ratemal members ever held on the Pacific Coast. It is proposed to have 2000 members in line of march and a total gathering of 10,000 people. If the arrangements as outlined by the com mittee are auoptea special excursion trains will come from Tne Dalles down the Columbia, up both sides of the valley from Portland, over from the Bay, and north from as far south as Roseburg. While the management is being as sumed by the Woodman, it ia a matter !n T bich eYer busineM a"" ni ciliwn means me expenditure ot at least f-'0,uuu in Albany. 1 he city will reap this re ward ami the camp will meet the major portion of the expense but the citizens will be expected to assist. A committee of pn minent citizens will call upon our business men tomorrow and solicit funds for this purpose. When they come meet them f-om a business point of view and give a liberal donation, asit means much tor Albany. ; The e ccrsion trains will leavve here j at 8 o'c'ock and 10 :30 returning at 5. Fioni then on it will be a continual round of hilarity and pleasure. The court house rquare will be covered with an immense platform and iu a blaze of electric lights and to the music of many instruments the light fantastic can be tripped to the Satisfaction of all. There wil be a grand entertainment at the. opera house, during which a couple wi.l be publicly married. A recitation con test for a diamond studded gold medal. At 11 o'clock p. m. there will be a grand display of fire works from the top of the court house, in unison to the music of half a dozen bands. Bowling. Tho score of the Salem team last week for0 frames was: F. W. Steuslaw, 253: Fred Xeckermann, 190; Joph Rogers, 216; Lee McGrew, 201: Henry Meyers, 1S9; Xict Gallo way, 220; Ohus. Townsend. 207; John Knight, 237; Total, 1727. The charge made by some of the valley papers that the Salem bowlers were not rolling fair' games and that each contestant selected the best record made by him during the day, and using that as his' record in Uie contest is wholly without foil minion, as the players here have rolled every nme strictly fair, oftentimes beating their records as bulletined in the games by fifteen to twenty-five points within the hour. The Salem bowlers are simply scienced men, and stand ready to meet their opponents on their alley here at anytime. Statesman. One of the above men who averaged over thirty-five, in bowling on the Albany alley while in the city made only about twenty in ten frames. ' Tonight a live contest will be begun here purely local. Last night's score for the bowling team was 543. The grand total lor the week is 2566. Henry Hollenbeck, substitute fr McClnng made 85 points, the highest score made last night. Register. The record is for 120 frames. The Salem ttam made over 1700 on half the number of frames, and yet a local paper is claim ing that Eugene defeated lalem bv over 600 points. Better learu to count. At Peoria. A bin and enthusiastic democratic meeting was held at Peoria last feito relay.'iates present were H. C. Watson, H. W. McElmurry, S. M.Garland and Henry Biakely. Speech es were made by Hon. M. A. Miller, H. C. W atson, H. W. McElmurry and S. M. Garland, ail making a strong impres sion on the audience. The speakers are fair and candid in their statement, without personalities, and vet giving facts that count. Mr. L. M.-Lamar pre- indirment. The outlook f. r mod vo 1 there is excellent. Mr. Garland will an-1 doubtedly run well notwithstanding it is the borne territory of the populist can didate, Henry Blakelv is eaioing votes comtaotly for sheriff, making friends wherever be goes, and the candidates for representative receive oniy encourage- Ibeir position on the silver question and for economy in state legis lation is making votes daily tor them. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Richardson, of Sa lem, celebrated Ibeir silver wedding last week. Mr. Ezra Horton left last week for Burlington, Vt., called there by the dan gerous illness of his mother. Chas. Cusick, after spending Suaday with Albany friouds, took a trip this mornisg op U uis Santiam ranch. Mr. E. W. Acheson went to Eugene Saturday night in response to a dispatch announcing the dangerous illness ot his father. Rev G. A. Manshardt, pastor ot the Memorial Evangelical church, on East Eighteenth and Tibbetfs streets, will preach bis farewell sermon this evening. He was transferred to Albany by the last conference, and wil' boH lug filial service today. Mr. Mansaardt has ac complished a good work in .hast Port land since he has Deen pastor, xnenne new church and parsonage were erected during this time. The incoming pastor, Rev. L. S. Fisher, is well known in r-ast Portland, having spent several years on that side. Sunday Oregonian. Tbe full moon tomorrow speaks for a . Will change in tba we&tber to a dry seaacn it change Geo. Barton and T. R fcraith. poDuIist candidates will speak at the court house tomorrow night. A big union picnic of all lodires wi.l be held at Jefferson on Jane 18 and 19. It is proposed to make this the bigcest event of tbe kind ever held there. Prof. Heritage, of the conservatory '.of music of Willamette University. ta ao-! cepted a position in an eastern conserva tory ana win go east in tue summer. Mr. Henry Klakely wilt not only keep sober but if elected sheriff will rua the of fice in an economical, reliable manner, chvg'nn for expenses according to law. 3. R. Cartwiiaht upon examining M hops found them to be literally covered with lice. So much damp weather is given as the cause. Harrisbarg Review. At the circuit court iu Croolt county last week. B J. Pengra was granted a divorce from Viola A. Peiigra. This is said to lie Mr. Pengra's third divorce experience. The bis willow tree on the Frank Woods lot on 2nd sreet was chopped down this morning fshing acres the sidewalk. This ba been a lank mark for a great many years. Salem will soon bav a woman attorney ji. law. in the Derson of Mrs. OI ve Ens- land. Mrs. Knif'and is well along in tbe course, and wilt probably become a mem ber ol the bar within another year. Tbe studentsof Willamet e Uni-eraity are raising a fund for needed new buildings for tbe college Amrniar the heavy sub scribe! s is I. H. Van Winkle, of this county with $50 after bis name 11556 have al ready been subscribed just among tbe etu- dents. - . Tbe San Francisco Chronic's publishes a lengthy artble announcing the marriage of Dr. Geo. Busline! 1 to ft Saa Francis lady and publishes portraits ot both I)r. Bushnell was for several years physician 1 . II J Vl M. II V , J 1 1 V. ,0111 J(.V. .... . r t- i j . t fT I IJOHC ' Mil.., uuy M ii -1 a iciiiuua v w w v. yuaru. OervatsStar: Conlracts are being offered at 8 cents on a three and Ave year contract, and we Know of one Dartv who wanted to place 20.000 ooands for one year at 8 cents. As a rule, however, but little contracting is being d-ne, either by the growers or tli9 buyer. per ' Dr, price's Cream liking Powder . aWUdi Gold MUvtaMt Fair, saa rrinrs SAW MILL PROPOSITIONS. . Two saw mill propositions are now be fore the people ot Albany. Mr. J. II. Decue has renewed his proposition to establish a big saw mill in Albany, this time directly to the citizens of our city. A meeting of business men was held in the office Df Judgo Hewitt at 10 o'clock today, when the following committee was appointed with full authority to act in the matter: Mayor Burkhart, L. Flinn, J. K. Weatheriord. N. It. Allen, H. Bryant, W F. Read, P. B. Mouteith, A meeting of the committee was held and J. K. Weatherford was elected pres ident and N.H.Allen secretary. The secretary was instructed to conduct the necessary correspondence to meet the Drovisions of Mr. Beetle's proposition. ltecue's proposition embraces the estab- lishmentota saw mm anu ourreu aim stave factory at this city with a capacity of 100,000 fbet of lumber every ten hours. He asks for a ten years contract with the O. O. & E. R. R. Co. by which Ins logs will be brought from the front on the road to Albany atl a thousand, and the lumber from Albany to "Calilorma points' at 4 a thousand, for a site free for the mill at a suitable location and for a ten years exemption from taxation. The site will be furnished" and the liest proposition possible will be obtained trom Mr. Hammond; hut nothing will be attempted as to the taxation proposi tion which will lie leiected. The su preme court has already decided that such exemption contracts are unconsti tutional, tueh a mi l will be of great benefit to our city and nothing will be left undone to make the necessary ar rangements to secure it. Mr. Decue, though, has a five or six months contract on the Columbia which he will complete before beginning active operations here in rase the Solisf ictory airangementsare made. There is good reason to believe that J. C. Goodale will move his mill from Sorimfield here. It will be a smaller mill ; hut Mr. Uoodale is an experienced millmaa aod the milt will be a credit to the citv and an important institution here. Brownsville Happenings. James B. Weaver, of Iowa, twice can didate for the presidency on the green -back ticket, spoke to one of the largest audiences ever assembled in the opera house, at 1 o'clock Saturday. He held the profound attention of his audience from beginning t) end. and was manv times beartly apolauded by those pres ent. Many pioplecame and were tnrned away on account ot being unable to find room. Fridav evening Hoos.Tbos Tongue and Harry Miller.botn republicans, presented two excellent speeches at the opera house. Next Wednesday the democrat will hold forth. We can nearly smell political powder now. Mrs. J. P. Cooley, whobss been in Ar izona for the past six months will return home soon, much benefited in health. Rains are still very plentiful in this part cf the valley ana farmers are be coming quite anxious about their crop, but we venture the remark that the clouds will break away and "Old Ore gon,' the land of never failing crops, will five them a most bountiful harvest, ruit, however, is damaged to some ex tent by the frosts. The Sotaville Band and members ct the Mineral Spring Seminary Theatrical Troup gave n entertainment in this place Saturday evening. They were well patronized. The W. C. T. V. of th's place are work ing with no small degree of vigor. Sun day eveuing the Presoyteriaa church was crowed to its utmost capacity by those eager to hear the temperance program rendrred, which was a good one. Trains have been distributing rails along the Oregonisn branch of the S. P. for the past few days. Wax. Ay Waax Spkingb. John dray and Fred Erizon, the well-known con tractors and builders of this city, were visitors at the Warm Springs Ind':ao agency, Crook county, last week for the purpose of be ing present at the opening of bids for the construction of six new buildings that are needed for the accomodation of the officers, employes and Indians of that reservation. The structures to be built consist of a dormitory, assembly ball and kitchen, hoepiui. collate tor the employes and a laundry. Besides Mr. Grav and Mr. Erixon, there were four tiidders two from Portland, one each from Taroma and The lH!lee and the proposals ranged from (28,000 ts 37. 238. Mr. Gray's estimate was 26,000 and Mr. Erixon 29.58, where they were required to f urni h all material. With the lumber furnished by the gov ernment, their bids were 1 23 OX) aod (23,012 respectively. The proposals, as finally decided upon by the ascent there, to be submiltedjo the department at Washington for approval, segregated the buildings in such a way that, with the lumber to be furnished by the agency, Mr. Gray was to have the job of build ing the dormitoy and assembly ball at $11,700 and the 'remainder were to he awarded to Mr. Erixon. These gentle men have since decided not to accept the contracts in that manner Salem States man. Me vss Lots or W a Tea. A correspond ent of the Eugene Guard says: We have crossed the Cascade mountains twice in the last two months, via the military route. We first crossed over March 20lh and there was 15 feet of snow on tbe summit. We crossed again May 1st and found 20 feet of snow. Five feet of new snow had fallen between March 20th and May 1st and it was still snowing The distance across tbe enow was about 25 Piniles. Usually, at this time of the year, only hve or six leet ot snow is iouna on this route and only for two or three miles This means that thre river will be good boatinz on'il la'e in the summer and that Portland will have hiyu chuck about the middle of June. r Tns S. A. Several of the members of the Salvation Army and their friends have gone to Portland to see the famous General and Mrs. Booth Tucker, who now have charee of the American work. some on the Albany this morning. Those going were Capt. Salisbury, L.ieut urn nth. Mrs. Coins. Orville Westgate, Mr, Gobble. Mr. -Vaughn and John Kruse. Thev wilt return Thursd iv. except Lieut Griffith. wbo will go to ber new new oi labor at Snohomish, Wash., w.'ie re she will assist Lieut. Duffey. Miss (inuith nas male many warm menus in aiohiij by her genial manners and exemplary life, who greatly regret that tho b. A. policy requires such a change. Is Hosoa or Miss Maud Hofmas. Mrs. J. B. Montgomery's tea last Thurs day afternoon, from 3 to 6, was given in honor ot miss aiaua nouman, lormeriy . .... . 1 , FT . I 1 . of this citv. now of the Wilson Barrett company, of London, England Miss Hot) man tias scorea immense success in "The Sien ol the Cross," and returns to ner field of labor accompanied by her mother. The afternoon wss delightful ly spent with the guest of honor, who is modest, unassuming and a charming converoationalist. Mrs. Walter Burrell and Mrs. J. Wesley Ijtdd p mrel tea. Sunday Oregonian. Tua Revival. The bin revival began at the opera house yesterday with two Wire crowds. Rev. Ghormley is a sneaker of sbilitv and power without the sensationalism peculiar to some. He made a good imprest-ion. There has been a class of evangelists here who seemed to think 'thev had. a special di Densation for judging everybody, and they run down our women- and threw stones at church members and every body else. Tbe indications are that ttev. Ghormley is not that kind ot a man. letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Postofflce at Albany. Linn county. Oregon, May 13th, 1896. Persons calling for thee letters must give the date on which they were advertised. Breidenstein.WF Garrett. EG Laurence, G II McDavitt, B W Sox, Fred T.J. 8titb, P M For the best Drugs Dawson's fWr Pure Drugs Dawson's. . Miss Maxwell nut Eligible. 1 1. Hart vs. tho Southern Pacific Uail- The supreme court at Peudletoureii- road Company, pending in Judge Shat tered a decision which will take I tuck'8 department of the state circuit Ida Maxwell and fourteen other women candidates from the present campaign in this and other counties in Oregon, in the case of the slate ot Oregon ex rel Carter vs Nellie M. Stevens the court decided that Mist tttevena was Ineligible to the office of county school superin tendent. The decision quotes article VI, section 8 of the constitution, which provides, "No person shall le elected or appoint ed to a county otlice who shall not be an elector of the county," ai.d section 2 of article II, of the same instrument, which defines an elector as a male citizen. "Hence," the court sa;s, "it necessarily follows that none hut male citizens can lie elected or appointed for conity offices Now, the office of superintendent of com mon schools, although not so mentioned 'n the constitution, was, at the adoption of that instrument and ever since has leen and is now, unmistakably a county office It is so named and designated ia the statutes creating the office. There fore, it follows that whatever views we niay entertain as to the propriety of the constitutional provisions prohibiting the women from holding count v offices, we have no alternative but to declare that, under. tho provisions of that instrument, as it now exists, they are ineligible o the oln?e in question, and that the act of 1893, as far as it conflicts with the con stitution, is void. The judgment of the court below is therefore affirmed." On the Senntailal Question. EurroK Democrat : A vote for the republican representa tive ticket ia not a vue for Dnlplt : "It ia pretty evident that a vote for the republican representative ticket is a vote for Dolph for U. S. senator. How does that strike you. if this is not a tact the columns of the Dbmocbat are open for a denial, if made without lam ing aroand the bush." lisMocaAT of May 9ih. In answer to the above permit me to say that it is not true, as I shall net, if elected, vote for Mr. IoIph under any circumstances whatever and a vote for me is not a vote for Dulph. I can attto say thai Mr. Hartni a and Mr. Say stand with me upon this proposition. Jon.v M. SuMEkS, Republican Candidate for Representative. In the above the candidate fails to say whether he will vo:e for Mr. Mitchell. That is another interesting question. A Prohl Questions. Eorroa Democuv: Ta.kge.vt, May 11, 1S86. Is it the will of God for the saloon lo exist, or is it the will of the devil? Also, what ia the duty cf a christian voter when he goes to the polls to vote? Two years atto while traking a politi cal speech at Oakville, Mr. Tom Tongue re ma iked that he would answer any question asked him. Several republicans, democrats and populists asked him ques tions which lie attempted to answer. As he was ranting about protection, a prohibuionUt akc'l him who protected the American Ikjvs from the saloon curse. He simply replied that he was not there to discuss prohibition. As election day is near at band, we will give a Bible verse, which we think every minister should preach from on the Sabbat ii proceeding that day: Col. 3:17. And whatsoever ye do in word or ded, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the father by him A L. B. At a meeting f tbe new bo&rd c-f fire delegates ut night M . D Priiiips ca elected president. A. A'. Stel! maker see retary and Otto t;lelan treasurer. Bicycle thieves are crtiimon a'! t ver the state. It seems to le a new ocanpatioo. Owners oi bk-ytlea tbouid be careful bow they leave tLeia aioaod, particular y nights. There sraa a large at! endance a the r -vival at tbe opera boue lat nigut. Be sides a atraoc ermon ty Re . UbanuSey, the singing of Mr. and Mrs Wi ho i a fra'ure de-erviog Dit.ce. The Faral'ion which was due at the Bay yeUrday was obliged lo r'urn to Saa rranciaco arier Martins: lur Ibe nortb on account of a piece of machinery being broken. 1 be a-: earner w II probably reach Yaqaioa on the 17th La- erenidg lohnny and Christine Pipe eie playing in fruntof the college when they looQii a ladie wabrh aod chain lying on tbeaidewalk. Ti e name of Ethel bvia s loand on tbe intide, aiid it was prompOv returned to tbe owoer. A nice act tixwe days when !ot v iluabtea are rare ly returned to their owners. The shipments last year from IrfTemon were 2998 ton all Mid. Tbere were 79S loos spuds. CO I bales hors. 2727 bore aru prunes. z:3 bosea unej prune, l'ASS trek" dried fruit. GO 0u0 Wbe s wheat, 30,0)4 buhels oat. Vr Joha3 oes both i be day and night station work, and sirens only by jerks as it were. The Hoag and Eimore made a pretty .tart down stream this morning, the for mer only a few feet ahead as Ibey gut un der headway. As they paaied out vt tiybt the Hoag was in tbe taad several lencths As the I 'smock at man saw the context bimiwlf he makes this sUbuuent without au attidavidit. 1 na Kin faralizera last nicht kept up their record a bowlors. making tbe fol lowing score: Irum "6. With 62. annoa 59. Cuoick 27 227 ; average 2$. Refere- r'feiffer 36, Sower 4. Urown 84. 'at n 33.-17I: cege2l 3-6. Chief U wid give a 12 inch cigar to the bowler mak n the largest cote and a 7 loch cirur lor tbe smallest. S. T. Johnson has been ssent at Jef ferson twenty-two years. A bsss solo, words and music compos ed bv Miss koeeTmtiihi:!!, i" ) sung bv Mr. Fred Bueeval the Ban'iet church this (Sunday) evening. Astorian. J. P.Galhrailh returned this morn in from a trip through Southern Oregon in the interest ot the Farmers and Mer chants Insurance Company of this city. O. C. McFarland, a druggist, of Al bany, formerly a teacher iu tbe iudus- j tnat school at Klamath Agencv, stopped 0fj t Ashland Friday, while en route to California, to visit Sherwin the druggist, Aauianu j.iuings. - - Mr. John A. Carson, republican candi date for district attorney came up from Salem this noon. By the way this dis trict attorney fight is getting heated, snd there promises to be no L-tuug up until election. The situation is an interesting one. Vheb Use or Ci.cns. An Indian club swinging contest for a gold medal look place at the university evnasiutn at 1 :-i0 o'clock this afternoon, being participated In by hve memotrs ot the ladies class in physical culture. The contestants were Mioses tfaroara ana Henrietta leaner, Pearl Cooper, Flora Watkins and Lila Straub. ftach contestant was required to give 60 swings of the club, being 60 auterent movements. The judges, Messrs lvan JJetAsnmtit;, b. r.Miattuca and: J . Merriman, awarded tbe medal to Miss Barbara Laue", wtio won it on a score of 88 7-10 points The swinging was all good and the scorings were tery close. the medal is of solid gold and has a pair of Indian clubs engraved upon It; also tbe words, "U of 0, 1896V' This content is the termination of the year's work of the class of ladies in physical cultute. bugene Guard. Jkfpehhon. E. Wills was in town Sat urday. He lives at Black Dog Landing and bis wile has been very sick. A. B. Uuddleson is hardware merchant and Cleveland postmaster. Like the lawyer who went to heaven he ii not Cleveland enough to hurt, but a m ighty good postmaster. F. II. Caldwell, successor to T. M. Witten who went to San Jose, Cat., since December 1, is tbe registered pbarmacixt of the place. The two physicians are W O. Hawk and J.C.Smith. Both seemed to be busy. , W. L. Jones, well known in Salem, has for five years been running a barbershop and bath business. In his line a mail who stays that long in any one town has a reputation for btlcg a stayer. Salem Journal. The Hart Case. f n the (25,009 damage suit of Stephen tuui i, vno ueieuunuii iiavmg lulled to in default. The next proceeding will be a trial of the case before tho court, to de termine the amount of damages Hart shall receive In not answering the action, the company appears to concede that Hart is entitled to something. The amount rests entirely with the jude, as where a damage suit is not con teste. I, a jury is not called, but, iustead, the facts are submitted to the court, and the dam ages assessed. Oregonian. Oakville. Mr. Garland and Mr. Watson, the former a candidate for county judge on tbe democratic ticket and the latter a candidate for representative on the sme ticket, called on us last Saturday. They are both nice appearing and will' be a credit to the county if elected. Capt. Montague of Lebanon, candidate for county cleik ou the populist ticket. snoke here Saturday evening to a crowd ed house. Tbe Capt. is a fine appearinu man and a good speaker, a man that will makn friends wherever he eoes He Is proud of his native land (Scotland) and proud of the land of his adoption. lie served his country in the time of its greatest need and lie is a man well qualified for any itiou of honor or trust. "The Oakville Choir" furnished some excellent music and Mrs. Cale sane some other campaign songs. Mrs. C. says "Mr, Smith did pay me for singing at Tanned. He pme niea small dog but the dog has since d el, so I will not sing for J. S. any mote." The rainy weather still continues, the gras keeps groring and we are happy. The fruHrrop will lie light which will be all the better for the men who own driers, for they will not I crowded with rotten prunes Herman Holstien of Germany, wss in Oakville for a short time yesterday. What's the matter with Tangent? Has Amicua been ia your town lately? Write him up when be comes! mm LftTj. Romj Ben. Tangent Item. Tangent, Oa.. May 11. Our public school will be out next Fri day afternoon. The school has been ever since last September with out any vacation. Mr. Dell Knighten of near Peoria was seen in our city one day last week, was here visiting relatives. The populists held a very interesting meet inn at tbeTintrsnt school house on ( laat Thuisday night, an ar count of which a given by the Oakville correspondent. The weather is so bad that nothing can be done only to talk poiitir aod there ia plenty of that talked in Tangent these rainy days. Mrs. Myrtle Mills snd sister of O-burg are her- visiting relatives and friends, Mr. Mills and family. Mr. Geo. W. Kuthe and wife, near Knox's Butte, were visitinga; his father-in-law'e, Mr. A. L. Brid'farmcr. We also noticed Prof. II. H. White, of the Lebanon public school, in Tangent on hut Sunday. The Rev. J. M. Sholts, of Sbedd, preached al the M. K. church on lat Sunday to a full bouse and a very able sermon was preached. There a ill be quite a s ortage of the grain crops if the weather stilt continues bad as there are no oats sowed yet and precious little wheat. Msv 12, 1893. Quite a ninawav happened here yes terday. Albert Hudson's ponv ran off twice with the cart hitched to him and broke the cart all to piecee, lull no one as hurt. Then they bitched him up to a buggy and he was not satittied with that so be ran away with the boggy, up setting it. Mr A. C Morgan. J. E. Owecsby, M. L. Prater aad several others went to Leb anon yrstehlay to boar Gen Weaver, the populist speaker, talk on the public Is sues of the day, they report a Urge crowd presonU Born, In Tangent, on Thursday nighU May 7, 1KW. to tbe wife of Mr. A. B Conrad, our city merchant, a bry. Mr. A. B. C. says if he cannot beat 'the le publtcau party in one way be can in an- oUser Mother and babe doing aeil. We can boast that there is more pol itics talked of ia Tangent than any other city of its size ia Linn county. Mrs. Rebecca Sherer, of near Oakville, was seen on the streets of our city one day last week. Tame sirawberri'-s i l not be near a full crop iu this vicinity oweing to so much cold weather, aad other small fruits are injured. Bartiett pears are dtivaged more or less and cherries about a half crop. We saw a man pats through Tangent one day last week aith two parks on his back and singing Mckinley is the man for the laboring men and he is the man for tbe nezt president and so on.we don't know whether he was rraiy or not. Yoi'jto Amlkica. GaU Gates, Or., May, 12, 1S96. W. B. Lawler has returned briosing five expert miners from Salt Lake City to test the golden ore of QuarUville. "Mr. Cecil Doughery snd wife of To ledo, have located in 'Gale, be having charge of the It. K. here. The Gates meat market baa sold out. Ben K tdlemsn has arceoted the agen cy lor A It wood for the U. U E. Mrs. J. T. Mariman spent a few days with friends in Albany. Col. Reed who has been suffering with hib limb is improving. John Hicks has returned fr-m Sota ville College where he has been taking a course is stenography. Mr. C. Sullivan acting HupUoftheO. C. & K. parsed through Gates Sun-lay. lUx. Dkau Ink On April 32 a man was in this city selling link uotl'e ot spencer A Co's ink. and Burning a contract to print a Sxl4 cut and advertisement in an "Illustrated History of Oregon, to be printed by the Iewis & Dryden Printing Uo ot rortiand. already s'.cned oy j. ti. Spencer Mfg Co.. Clay &t.. ban ran- cisco, and countersigned by F. I lolden. Lewis & Iirvden tpon being written to reported that they knew nothing about the mattrr and that there was no Spen cer Mfg. Co. at the place named in San Iraucisco. The scheme is simply one to sell a very cheap ink prob.bly made by the man, at a high price. M. Lndwig and several others invested in tbe liquiu An imporUr.t question lo be vo'ed npon at the (tine election is as to whether stock should run at large or not. 'I he vste will be yes or no. ibe Ukmociut woudi like the uoprejodised opinion of some ot its country suhscr it era on the subject . Out of Weakness comes slrength hen tbe blood has been purified, enriched and vitalised, the appetite rcatored and the tys'.eui built up ty Hood's Sarsapa- - Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, Indigestion, biliousness. Atl drug gist. 25c. Awarded HlLhest Honors World' Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. ! CREAM MMB Moat Perfect Made, do Years Um Standard , ' mm HOME AND ABROAD Tne Eugene cieiimery m ill start next Monday. See tbt etojHiit display of ladies capes at tbe Ladies Ituzaar. Eggs Ocj aids n eV 7cj oLoice bams 8c; best butter 15c pr roll at P Cohen's The city equa'ization fcard was in a s sion today, tbe first one for ibree year.. C. H. Dalrvmnln nromiaa tha ntih'io. II. a facta about fbe district attorney matter next week. Keraembar Tinkle ia ba "k st his old land and will make you the fines, photos at hard time prices. Don't fail tone tbe beautiful p-iiitinirs at the new W'Ikins and Tabor studio Blmnburg Slock. Have you seen tho e new 25c initia bangle ritgs, in French's show window I hey are tbe latent fad. Chief of Police Dilly stopped tbe prize light advertized to take p ace in Salem be tween Cleveland Kid and Christol. The Albany band will give a public concert from their stand in th court beuse iqujre, beginning at 7 o'cl'ak tcniaht. The Ruth Ibis morning in attempting a nw style of landing ran. bow first iuto the bore taking away wUb her several cubic yards ot 1-rl. TU ...... a i ... . .. u -raufiy ce ira' oinuutire or the te pnblinun pt rty sill meet this wees to nom .nae a ucceaor to Mias Ida Maxwell, fr uper.nti uilenr. Mrs Ella Wirt, wife of J B. Wirt of aterloo, was found insane yeterdav and taken to the state insane anylutn by Deiratv Sheriff J. A. Wilson. ' J Nothing take the place of good neat. Haigbt Bros, bare what you want, care fully bought and nicely cut, also some fine hams snd bacon. Another invoice of wrapper aad ladies black drew si-iris received at tbe Ladies Hazaar. The akirts are lined tbroagboot and i.cund aritb velvet, price 200 Evancelist N. J. Bryans and wife ail) conduct tbe prayer meeting at the M. E. church sou tti Wedneedav 13th at 7:30 P-- T.P. HaTsrta. Grand we'eome meeting tonight at 8. Hail, to Lieut. Mansfield. We also have with ua Ensign H. T. Nelson the nrw staff otfccer and marvel muxical. Everybody will be welcome, do not mias it. Our line of Ladiea shirt waiata is now complete, havirg ju.tieceived all the new est pattern ia lawn and dimity. This ia bv far the sa( liest line of goods ever soiwo in A'hauiy, call and see them at tbe Ladies Bazaar. Tink e ean catch the shadow, e e tbe uVta-ve fade, and taake baadaoxe photo ot a homely old maid" or bachelor eithe . in fact anyboc y, and the beauty of it u if tbe photos yon get of Tinkle are not Mtiotaclory you need not pay for them see? Following was the score at the ml ot the playing but night to t three dav howling cntet Wats 15, lumni 117, Cannon 107, Co ick 66. total 836. Pnf fer 71. Sowers b7. Brown 6S. Watson toul 'AXi. Toe conies will doae tonight Many ;eop are oxiog ripleUr azaiort lU weather and stating that they never aw the like of this spnnar. Aa ol i ri- ivol stated a tew days aga that in October oj 1875 it began raining and kept it sp a most steady until Jane cf 76 CorvaJha times. Tne Revival meeting nifat at th opera booie. Evangelist Uhormtey aaster- hither.' TV sinsnnv is nan. In amwial ones of Prof and Mrs. Webb an greatly eejoyed by all woo hear thm. Ihese soogs sre ub just before the sermon The subject tonight is "Eatmaaocl God who oa. I. O. O F. ex Tin ion. Albaev to As toria via lb O. C. E. Company a fast wanxrs -Albany and "Win. W, H - in connection with the steamers. "leie- poooe." "bailey Uatxert" mad "Loiline" lie wea Pirtlaad and Asteris Sanday. Monday and Tuesday, May 17, 13, 19. 1S&6. rickets for rooad trip, $2 JO, good oa any toove named boats aotil toe 25th. inc a sive This sivee choke of day or night boats between Portland and Astona. Fbese are the official boats of the Odd Fel low for ibis trip. H. B.Sact. agt, opp Kevere Hou-e. II. L. W sloes depot at. Mr. Duirymplc Replies. To tba Citizen of Albany and Linn County. In reply to the two articles in the Herald, of the 12ib and 13th ins l. one beaded "Da.rymple and Harden ,' aod Uie other "The county Juiigethip," I nave inn io say : Frist, Tbe articles not signed by their author are too contemptible to have any political effect gentlemen of intelli gence. Tbe author ia no gentleman, and Las little political sense, as the outcome of this will show conclosive:y when the votes are counted in Linn county. 1 have oo apology to make to my par ty for my conduct, and other parties are not entitled to any; but to the republi can party here Is a challenge : I will meet in joint discussion at the court house ball any republican in this judicial district, at any time be may name, oy giving me tare nays notice. .ow i ai payer is your change. ii Kicuara art most Ct to live let Doug bus die. C U. Dautvnrut. Munkcrs. Mt cuts. May 12. We are about to have a new school building to be located across the track from the store on ground now owned by o I' t d. r. Jiuuicn, Two acres of ground is about to be fenced by the O. C. A E. R. R. Co. and thrown open to tbe common, R. R. ground) the lumber baring been or dered. A good a sort men t of lumber of all kinds is for tale by the P. Munkera. Competition in toe grain business this year is promised ss Johnson Phillips A v.o. nave tne warehouse. . . . - M tinkers is to have a baseball clnb. so it will be Munkera against the country a Qui'e an amount of produce is sent to tbe front from this place. Iron for the Enterprise Lumber Co. at Berry passed through for that place touay. Isdictso. Tbe grand jury returned i "true bill" against Issse W. Mills chars ing him with murder in the second de gree. It will be reuiembeied that Mills some lime sgo shot and killed J. R Wagner of Hardin and be himself was shot in both hands. One of his hands has not yet got well from the effect of the shot. The case will come np next Monday and it will be hotly contested l'rineville Review. Long ways from New York City, tang rainy days in Oregon, long time no see sun shine. Long years in the photograph basinets. L"m is the leading artist in Albany. Have your pho os made by Long Photo Co ,2"d and retry bta. Conn A Huston for groceries Get your lawn mower sharpened by ai. l.uctwtg, opposite r. u. Potent posters return rapid results, see smtiey's samples Cloth circulars catch country customers. Mm ley the printer. Leave oidert at Parker Bros., for some of that popular World Beater soap. Seme handsome birthday gems at Wi & Stark's, tbeap. One for every month in the jear. Doesn't Take Much Money For groceries at Paiker Bros. Tbeir prices sre reasonable and aiitt'egoetalong ways. Quality ij something also. They keep on ly the bejf. It is a fair and square flat footed fact that if you trade with them you al ways git good treatment in goods, prices r and personally. That is consider able in tbe long run. It counts particu larly in groceries and baked goods - You can ret what you want without running around by trading with Parker Bros. CITY COUNCIL. . Tuesday evening. Mat 12 Present Mayor, recorder, nutr?!.!, street superintendent, cicf ciijjbet--, and Counciltnen Gradwohl, l', Huston, Farrell, Dickey snd Taeedale. The following bills were ordeied jmid : Albany Canal Co , $92.60: A. Savior. 12.10; N.J. Henton, 120. 14; lie trio! Light Co., $139.00; S. Conn, 8. other 1 bills continued. The committee on fire and aaterre ported progress in several matteif, and wss granted further time Councilman Pfetfter reported that Mr. llogue has s greed to furnish and Isy 8 inch tiling iu uumesoii rerry ana Lyon streets, pro viding city till in the dirt. Councilman Tweedale moved that such arrangement be made by tire and water committee and that proposition be made iu writing. Carried. No. 2's heater was reported fixed as well as other repsirs. Street superintendent recommended several sidewalk repairs. Property own ers were ordered notified to make re pairs inside of five dsvs. J. F. Whiting made appluation for exclusive privilege of painting all signs on steel bridge for a period of rive years, the city to receive 4 per cea. of ail re ceipts for such work. Referred to com mittee on streets and public popert to report at next meeting. An ordinance bill providing for 12 tax for female ard $1 for male dogs was read third time Vote, aye PfeiHer, Twee dale, Farrell; No Dickey, Oradwobl, Huston. Tbe mayor declared the bill lost. The ordinance bill providing for the assessment of cost of expense of repair ing latteral sewers upon adjoining prop erty owners pro rata, was read third time: Aye l'feiffer, Gradwohl, Twee dale. No Dickey, Farrell and Huston. The mayor declared the bill lost. The ordinance referring to Ikenses for peddlers, increasing the amount, intro duced several months ago, was read third tine- Vote, all no. Another ordinance providing for ve hicle Iketue introduced a long iiuie sgo, was also dog up by Councilman 1'arrell from a dusty corner in his drawer, n ad third time. Aye all but Farrell. A communication was lead from the county court requesting tbe city of Al bany lo deliver to Linn county a dupli cate warrant for tl'iUO made and lost several years sgo. Tbe same was form ally demanded. Referred to committee on accounts and current expert, es. A resolution was read providing for a cement curbing or guttsr on First street both aides, Ferry to E'-U-Wortti streets! Hearing on tame to be on J ore Aye Farrell, Pfeiffer, Huston. No Dickey, Gradwohl, Tweedale. Toe mayor declared the resolution lost. All after a live discussion. A resolution was read providing for grading and graveling lh street, afont gomery to Jefferson. Carried. Tbe marshal was instructed to notify property owners through paper to clean np adjoining street of brush, ashes, etc. Also alleys were ordered cleaned Mr. Farrell wanted to know wbo own ed the chemical engine. This was ex plained by Chief Engineer Richards,who pronounced the engine all right and rood property. Though bought bv the U. A L. Co. and citizens it was thought to deserve b-ing kept op bv the city. Councilman Farrell declared it an ele phant and not worth a dollar and he ob jected to the city fathering it, as it wss a d Me piece of machinery. Council man Tweedale spoke for tbe engine and believed the chief knew his and was in favor of treating tbe department white. Councilman Grad wold followed sententiooaly, likewise Cooo. il men Hus ton, Pletffer and Xickey Ail this was' snoot the cost of painting tbe en gine, aod was the hottest event for sev eral meetings. The marshal reported some delinquent ; iw ui, u wh toe owners would latandsanit Timml..l to immedoitely collect the Ux according to law. 8 The chief engineer reported a pipe through the root oi a shed at second and Ellsworth streets. It was announced that it would be attended to by comadfr tee on fire aod water. PorTLurr Spka c rso . The populist Can dida lea spoke at the court house last night. Tbe first speech was made by Geo. D. Ba.too candidate for county judge, who dealt upon populistic and county affairs going into many details in tbe Utter. He was followed by C. B Montague .candidate for county clerk and J S. .Smith.candidate for representative. Several other eandtates were present but did not speak. Tbe t peech of Mr. Montague was com mented upon as a polished, scholarly ef fort, free from offense, one that made a good impression. Smith does tli spread eagle work of the campaign .and he narticulariv s oread himself over the record of State Senator Dawson. vemext urrraas. a resolution pro viding for a cement gutter along rirat street Ferry to Ellsworth was voted an no by the city council last night and de- lea tea. in is pro via a lor an Improve ment at a small expense that would do wonders to imerovw Uie street, nod even if times are is to be egretted was not passed. The city woula do well to have them wherever there is a busiaees block, on First ami Second streets. The dirty, refuse filled mad go Cera now seen are an eyesore. Hear r a Bicrcta. Mr. Scott Ward ot Plainview, was in town yeeterday to investigate matters relative to a bicycle accident mentioned a short time back in the Times. The case referred to is that of a young lady student of the O. A. C, wbo was run into and knocked down and quite sereiely hurt by a "care lees rider of the wheel' Mr. Ward had thoughts of prosecuting the rider for his oarelee- sm. it is not certs n what steps will be taken in the matter. Corral lis Times. Ctosa Call Mrs. Richardson and child were starting for their home sev eral miles east of Albany last evening and were approaching the track in the eastern part of the city when the freight train approached. Mrs iucnarason and child jumped from tbe wagon just in time to save their lives, tor the team sprang in front ot Uie train and tbe wa gon was struck and knocked to pieces. Barrel sweet picklet, barrel sour pickles. Oyster cocktail sauce AtPaiker Bros. People like tender seat nicely cut Henry Broders keeps a lull line of meats. from the best stock to be obUiaed . com mended by all of bis customers Money to Loan. A limited amount of money to loan on good farm security N.STtxix&Co. Ptkruko bicycks 25c at French s jewelry store Call ear y, only a limited number at this pres. Lojkat This. I have 43 lota with fair bouse. All kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to college and city public school, to traue for residence in Albany. Look this up. Good make money or for specu- latton. ts. w . juastuu Blt hackles, belt pins, shirt waist seta, in gold and silver, at F. M. French's jew elry store. Son mireo that this town needs. A first class boot black. Now that we have j one among us, let us keep him here by , natroniaing him. He wilt remove stains from your clothing, brush you neatly and polish or oil boots in first class style. You will find him in front of the Combi nation barbershop. Try him and be convinced. Tanned and patent leather shoes a specialty. A. Foustais. For Pllla and Plaster Dawson H ,. . w 7 wt u reiie7io7ii 7 Juab, use aa aide, cheat, or A Allcock's 'EE,' ii i Z . Bear in Mind Not one of the host s-,...j . fl tjje as the genuine. COBatwfe!u " Jr j Qicccorr if Outfit consists of Double raois sua atraw nax , FOR SALE BY The L E. Blain Clothing Co. Leading Clothiers. i 4MH wGLISHahdBUSINESS ALLEGES R3RTLAN0 Full English Course. frexch ad ger.hajl Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy. 8A - 111 .spTT,r.,Tr.i- -r"r" SOCIAL AM) FKKSONAL Mr. Jackson came down iron the mines this noon. J. P. Galbraith went to Portland this morning on the Albany on business. Z. t. Draia and family will go to Gates tomorrow to reside during tbe summer. Mrs. E. L. Power and son have re turn 1 from a vi?it of several weeks in Portland. Mrs. Helm soenta kw dava were plea antJy in Albany last week. She returned Monday. Corvaills Tunes. Mis Helen Crawford has been invited to deliver an address before the first Oregon Congress of Women to be held ra rortiand oa Jane 8, v and 10. Rev. Raymond C. Brooks, of IowaJias accepted a call from toe Coogregatiooal cbur h of this citv, and will begin bis work with the church July 1st. ane Guard. James Nanny, of Albany, was in town Saturday looking after some property that be owns ia (VrvaTU. Mr. Nannv e sweet to come here to reside 'before tocg. Corral! is Times. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Blair left for AJ- bny yesterday morning. The reverend gentleman will fill the pulpit of the Prea byteriab church tber,having been called to tnat post. Mateemau. Miss Ida Maxwell retires graceiullv from the campaign as a candidate for county school superintendent on the re- pub.ican ticket, and will be an earnest advocate of changing thetconstitutioa so that women may hold omce in Oregon Misa Maxwell is an accomplished and popular young woman, whom democrats are glad to see out of the contest. Tne K Batons tiiiiiHs. Loxdox. Msy 12 A special from Shanghai sa?s: Roman, through aa Amencaa agent earned smith, have taken eossenioB of disputed crriinry of Chee Fro. over wfcich the tfritiab claim rights. Six RoxsiaB warships are there aa well as tbe fetroit, l or k town. Oivmpta and Kathiaa of the United States navy. Ureal excite ment prevails at Cbeo Foo. A dir patch to th Utobe front Shanghai aas the Kuanaas seised lot It of the British concessioa al Chee Foo ia deaaoos of all legal aad treaty rights. ratal Skaaa SUK Nsw Toaa. May 12 A dkpatch to the World from Caracas, Venezuela. ays: la a sham bait e here oa aDO ballets were secretly ased by both sviea. As a CMweqoeace one man was killed and sev eral wounded ia tbe excitement of the fray. Tbe Caracas Journal ia commenting apoa tbe aBaur grimly observes: 'We have ballets foe h.ogubmea. Avststb Smoaosis. While pole vault ing Saturday. Eugene eber had tbe misfortune to break bis arm again in tne same place it was broken about a year ago. The most remarkab e part of Uie affair was that some boys who were with him set it and be wrapped it up in splints l.iuinf.l. a. present ue b Krutug tJ)i nicely. Oorvaliia Times. Kotkw If dog taxes for 1SS5 are not paid at once, tbe marshal ia instructed to proceed and collect them by law. Only a few days will be given before the Drginning w prwwiuop. Mrstc Miss Mildred Burmester teacher ot piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U r chnich. ! m m Dont fail to see the beautiful paintings st the new Wilkins and Tabor studio. Blumburjr block, Tax the Albany Pressed MeM Co's mar ket, at Secund and Kllsorth s'reeta for vour meats of all kinds, bams, aides, lard, etc They buy carefully aad aim to please. Tne "Pierce" 75.0O bicycle is the qual oi many 1C0 wheels see for your- ell. C w . E.LKK8, Agent. Company "F" excursion. Froa Al bany to Salem and return. Sunday. May 17. 18S6, on tbe fleet boata "Hoog' and "Albany." A gala day for ah. splendid music, grand time. Boa's leave wharf, :i fare round trip 50 cents. H. L. Waiobm, H. B-Sacs v. Depot agt. Utyat. The leather. Tonight snd Thursday fair and warm er. River 11 .o above extreme low water, F M French, L'isplarmaa. The Modern Way. Com m ends itself to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse Uie s v stem and brvuk uu told, head aches, and fevers without unpleasant aftereffects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy. Syrup ol Figs. Manu factured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. For Prescriptions Dawson's. If vou want a aoou and clean! smoke buy cigars made bv our Al bany cigar factory. Not a Difficult Problem to figure tbe saving In "KAST IRON" ClOthiug-see the prices try its wearing qualities and figure the thing out for yourself Breasted Jacket, two pair of OREGON Capes. Light weigh! frr spring aad aoiumer. BUtk aed colored. Latest syles. jseoinm i Shirtwaists. Lots aid lots of thorn saore jost re reived. Many different grades and Sty lea t Summer Goods. Stcck sow complete: largt brought to tMa part rf the vai ey. All new goods aad prices very reaaos abie. bead for samples. S. E. Young:, Albany. Sew Time Card. Fallowing is to msw time card of th Albany Street Railway: The ear will leave earner of First aad Washington streets as follows: 4:20 a. oa for morning overiand traia 80 Lebanon train. 11:35. " Taquina troa, 12 KM boob, train going sooth. 12:35 p. ra.. Roseborg traia aorta ba.awa tad ve&i bouad Yaquina traia. I J05 p. m O. C k E. traia, east loond 4O0 Lebanon traia. 115 Or Hand traia going oa&. Kk) u Orphan a home. The ear will alsemeet aU incouisrtzaiae a both the Southern PaciSc aadO- O. A C railroad. C. G. Bcautaar. Secretary Daily Service "Rath more. and -El Tbe O. K & N- Co's falatial steamers Rath aad Elmore tears foot of Broadaibia street as follows: Steamer Ruth leaves oa Jioodays Wednesdays aod Fridays at "rti a at. a-riviasr Portland 4:30 p. in. wss day Steaacer Elmore leates oa Tues day, - Thursdays aad Saturday at T.-4j a m. arriviag Portland 4.00 p.m. 84Be day. Rates are as foikws: To Port rand. one trip $Li'5, room! trip fi 10, To Oregoa tity, ene trip fl.CO, round rria $15ti. To Sclera, one trip SO cents, round trip 75 cents. To Independence one trip, 50 cents, round trip 75 cents. Special rates for party of tew or more peo pjo. Ihe round trips are good for 30 dars. Fare to Saa Fraocisco. first class. Si 50. steerage $3 00. C O. Rivussj, agt. A MAX'S A MAX, ba it. . big advantage to him to wear well lanndried shirts and andervtothir.g. The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards A Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of renUemeue work. Frew mending for men besides the first class laundry work. A superior high gloss hmsh to shirts collars, cuffs, etc Loaves of Bread tor SI. OO. Let evervbody come to the Star Sakery caah. C MkTKt. '-'KfSjK The Old Lady and her family and friends are bs md t. get their prescriptions tilled at Hodges Burkarta, wboas well carry a complete stock of patent medicinoe, aa elegant line of stationary, the finest perfumes aad no tions generally Promptness care. Uie beet goods and find clasa treatment is their rule. It Saves Una tvsyfay Thousands of case of Consumption. Asthma. Coughs. Colds sad Coup sre cured every day by Shi'oh's Cure. Oar .tannins at stoat 'Four out of every five bottles ot medi cine sold in th) test five years are S. B. goods. TheS B Headache aad Liye l ure 1 use mvseif ss a general physic. If vou are skk and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method m to bu tbe S, B. remedies and use as directed. C P. Bitrs, Druggist, imfur, Or i or sal by Foshty 4 Mason at 50 eta per bot le. Use Dawson furniture polish A fins line of Babv Carnages just re ceived at Fortmiller lrviog's.