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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1896)
Wht gctaoctat Bob Miller ia the right man for asses sor, his election will be a big saving to Linn county. If you want to be euro ol against the railroad and other commissions, vote for Watson, murryand Philpot. a vote useless McEl- Even republican candidates for repre sentative do not try to defend the last legislature; bat they eay they will do better. That wee tbe cry two year, ago. The democratic party of this county is in favor of the reenactment of the mort gage tax law. Therefore vote for the democratic representative ticket. Two years ago it died in the hands of tbe committee. Don't let it do it again. Do the people of Linn county want a man for bheriif who charges $5 for what the laT distinctly says 3 shall be paid, and who charges the county in cases with which it has absolutely nothing to do, then vote for Mr McFercn. His career in this respect shows that he will ring in everything possible in order to increase the emoluments of his office. S. M. Garland is becoming quite pop ular throughout tbe county. The popu list paper pays him a deserved compli ment, fie stands Ligh at home. He can be trusted to look after tL interests of Linn county, if elected to tbe judge ship. A vote for Garland will be a vote for economy and good government. Times. During the most prosperous J ear of the McKinley period the proportion of our exports of manufacturers was only 15 per cent of the total exports. In the calendar year, 1S95, we exported $40, 000 more of manufactures ihad we did in the "crack" year oi McKinley law, about which there has been so much boasting. Ex. The Australian ballot law as amended reads as follows: "On the receipt of the white ballot as aforesaid the elector shall forthwith, and without leaving the enclosed space, retire alone to one of the compartments provided, and shall there prepare his ballot by marking immedi ately to the left of the name of the can didate of his choice for each office to be filled, or by writing in the name of tbe person he wishes to vote for. A dispatch' from "Wast in? toe states that Senator Stewart Saturday preeentsd .he senate a document prepared by Wm. P. St. John, president of the Merchan-. tile National bank, of New York, pro posing a national platform tor tbe inde pendent party of 1S96. It proposes that the mints be opened to the unrestricted coinage of gold and silver alike; de mands protection in the interest of the southern cotton mills against Asiatic competition ; pronounces for tbe refer endum and initiative system; condemns Clevelandism utterly. Although it ia claimed (for effect) that Ex-Seoator Dolph ia not a candidate for re-election yet such ia not tbe case. Nothing that ia possible is being left nndone to elect a legislature favorable to Dolpb. His emiearies are at wore all over the state. One of them was in Union this week consulting with those whom he supposed friendly to the man whom the people have said tbey do not want to represent them ia the U. 8. senate; to the man who ia opeely an ad vocate oi tbe single gold standard con trary to tbe declarations of the last na tional and state platforms of tbe Re publican party wbicb declare the bimet aliBm. Dolph ia not the choice of the people. Eastern Oregon Republican. Senator Teller, republican, in a recent speech said: "I am often asked Mr President, what I will do if the political party with which I have been connected and to which I am attached, and of whose record, on the whole, I am proud of, what 1 will do if that party adopts the gold standard and puts itself in Jine with those who are demanding that gold and gold alone shall measure the value of the world. I have no hesitation is saying here, Mr President, as I have said before, that whenever the political organization to which belong ceases to represent my sentiments and my judg ment on great and fundamental princi ples, I shall cease to act with it. As I speak, Mr President, so shall I vote, in the interest I believe, of tba great masses of mm of tbe country ; and in tbe I interest, as I ba'iieve, of the great masses of men throughout Christendom." Mr.Haydcn. The Stayton Times gives the follow ing interesting sketch of a prominent candidate for office : - Samuel L. Hay den, tbe democratic nominee for district attorney of the third judicial district, is a native OregJ nian, born in Eola, Polk county, 29 years ago the 18lh day of last April. He moved to Salem with his parents whiles mere boy, where he received his educa tion, after which he began the study of law in the office of H m W H Holmes at Salem, remaining therefor three years and finishine the eoarse at the early age of 21 year, at which tiuie he was ad mitted to tbe practice ot the law by the supreme court of the state. " Immediately upon entering into the active practice of hie chosen profession he confine! himself more practically to i be practice of criminal law aod be at all times proved himself capable of cop log successfully with the ablest advo cates at the bar of this state ; in all the cases in which he was engaged, never meeting with defeat here he bad a case that could be woa by the skill of an able attorney. fie has b9an euxRged as a leading ounsel in a number of the mot crimi nal cases ever tried ia this district, sev eral of tbem being noted murder trials, and among them were the Hawkins' and theSwarts' murder cases. In but!) in stances he succeeded In savin the life of his client. AH persons who had the opportunity of bearing the trials wilt re member that they - were prosecuted by the state with skill, energy and ability; in tbe face of wbicb, the defense sot np, the argument to the jury, and the man ner of conducting the trial, very clearly proved Mr Haydeo lo be an attorney of ratability. Tbe subject of this sketcn was married in July, 1394 to Miss Miller, a daujtita' of General JohnF Miller, ins of I tie best known pioneers in this Btata. He is a uiamber of Olive Lodge, N. IS, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr Hiyden in all bis transactions io connec tion with his practice of, the law, has al vays beer strictly honorable and hi co idact above reproach. Dr. Price's Cream Caking Powder A war dot Gold Medal Midwintar Fair. Sal fftadtaa. Tuberculosis In Cattle. Albany, May lllh, 1896 " Allow me to say a few words regarding tuberculosis in cattle. In Sterhne 111., in April, 1894, seven were killed with tuberculosis in the lungs. Fost mortem examination of Bresselera cnttln diagno sis was correct, indication! cf tubercolo sis found in each ot tbe condemned ani mals. Manufacture ot tuberculin. The tests for tuberculosis in the Breeder herd of cattle were completed Wednes day night ; seven of tbe animals showed symptoms ot the presence of the disease. State Veterinarian Trumbower ordered the animals killed aod a poet mo.tem examination was held Thursday. A large number of the prominent stock raisers in this! vicinity and interested citizens, representatives of the press, be sides several of the physicians from the city were present to witness the exam ination. The animals were taken to the pasture and killed. The autopsy was held by Dr M R Trumbower, State Vet erinarian, Ut Harry Hoover, assistant state veterinarian and 0 D Bartlett, chairman of the state board of livestock commissioners. The result showed that very animal which was killed was al fected in a greater or lees degree by this disease. Two were slightly affected and two were in advanced stages ot the dis ease. In an interview with Dr Trum bower the gentleman stated that a larger percentage ot animals tnat are housed are infected with this disease germ than those which are ia the open air. The reason for this is obvious, when one takes into consideration the germ theory of the propagation ot contagious dis eases. Animals boused in a poorly ven tilated stable are compelled to breathe the verms of the disease. If one of tbe number is infected in any degree the ( recent methods of scientific feeding of beef and dairy cattle which results in keeping cattle shot np in a close , shed for the greater part of tbe time, is one important factor in the spread of the die ease. Tbe disease in man and domestic animals Is identical, and from the fact that the gastric juices have no -Heci upon tne DfCilll oi innercu-osiB anse the danger of tbe use of meat and milk from infected animals as food. The use of tuberculin in the detection ot the disease has been explained in a previous article in the Standard as used in tbe detection ot the diseaie. It is a thick fluid, tbe agent itself being diluted with glycerine so that there are but three drops in a doss of thirty drops which is the ueoal application. Every infectious disease is transmitted by a germ, which once introduced into tbe sysVm nnder favorable conditions grows and multi plies; tbis germ may or may not be harmful in itself but each throws oB a product of its life. A substance which also may or may not bo harmful. Tuber culin is thrown off as a life product of tbe tubercle, bacillus It is quick ly and steadily eliminated frcui the syttem by natural processes ; but hile it is present the bacilli propagate rapidly, and these in turn throw off new supplies of tbe destructive agent, thus tuberculin in tubercular animals has a continuous destructive action; reaction with the germ of which it is a product within the body, while it and its associated through the various secretions; tne latter are scattered far and wide to infect other animals and the human race. The pro cess of aitifie'ally proc it ing tuberculin i as follows: A Quantity ot the bacilli of tuberculosis is select d and sepa-aled from all other bacteria, they are then placed in a tube containing the serum or clear part of ox bCood meat juice, or any other favorable - material, and the mix ture ia kept at blood heat for several weeks. During this time there ia a rapid increase of the bacilli, and a resultant accumulation of tuberculin. Tbe con tents ot the tube are then subjected to a heat of 250 fabienbeit for forty-eight hoars to kill tbe bacilli, then the con tents of the to be are filtered through porcelain nnder (air) pteesure, until tbe dead remains of tbe bacilli are strained from the liqiid and tbe mass ia evapo rated to dryness Tha result is tule culin free germs, it is then dissolved in glycerine with it small proportion of carbolic acid, the dilution making it ten per cent sola tion. Its administration is ita simple process, and consists only in tbe injection of the the required amount in the cel lular tissues just nnder tbe skin usually behind tbe shoulder of tbe animal. The operation is no more painful than the prick of a pin! The following is a list of eminent medical authorities whose opinions coincide in that the disease may be prop mated to man from the use of milk and fl-h from infected animals: Profs. Loomis, Parker, New York ; Par ker and Welsh, Baltimore; Pearson, Shakespeare, Kipper, of Pennsylvania University ; Keating, Ernst of Harvard ; Drs. Nicholas Sena, Davis and Etheride. Jos. J. Smith, Veterinary Surgeon. A Great Straddle. Mr. McKinley will need to have at least three legs to stand upon all tbe platforms upon which be has been pledged; but heaeeuos to be preparing for whatever comes by hi i immense silence. Here are three diverging earn pies. The Ohio straddle plank, pledged for McKinley, reads: We contend for honest money , for a currency of gold, silver and paper with wbicb to measure our exchanges tbat shall be as sound as the government aod as untarnished as its honor, and to tbat end we favor bimetalisro,' and demand the use of both gold and silver as stand' ard money, either io accordance with a ratio to be fixed by an international agreement. If tbat can be obtained, or under such testrictions and such pro provisions, to be determined by legisla tion, as will secure the maintenance of tLe parties of values of the two metals, so that the purchasing and debt-paying power, whether of silver, gold or paper, shall be at all times equal. ' , The California plank, wish a pledge for McKinley reads: W favor th free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and the making tf silver, as well as gold, a legal tender in pay ment of all debts, both public and pri vate. Tbe Illinois plank, covered with gold, with a pledge for McKinley read: We are unyielding and empha'ic io our de mands for honest money. We are op posed as we ever have ben to sny aod every scheme that will give to this country a currency in any way deprec'a ted or debased, or io aoy respect Inleiior to the money of i he most advanced and intelligent nations of the ear.1-. We lavor the use ol silver as currency, but to the extent only, and uude such re strictions, that pari y with gold can be maintaim-d. - Farm lxans. 1 have a limited amount tif can on good farm lands in Linn and ad joining county. On very fav3rable terms, j Interest payable annually. Call or write j at once as the amount I have for loaning i will soon he gone. ' 0.0. Bubkbart, Albany, Oregon. llalsey people are enthusiastic over the prospect ot the election ot Bob M. Miller for assessor. Tbe latest is that Senator Dolph ia slated tor a cabinet position In the event of McKinley 's election. T j Montgomery, of Sclo, could safely ba trusted with tbe pubho funds. This h his first appearance before the public. Give him a vote. Burners, Say and Uartmus have stated emphatically that they are not for Dolph under any Circumsiances. We would like to know if they are lor Mitchell. There ia no question as to the develop ing strength of S. M. Garland for county judge. , He will be a sale man to trust at the bead of the finances of the. coun ty, v, . - The only candidate tor a place on the county board in any party from beyond tbe Santiam ia W . E. Potter of Lyons. That part of the county ia certainly en titled to one man out ot the three. Mi. Potter besides is a sale, conservative man, in whose hands to trust the public business. Mr. O. A. Archibald would make one of the most efficient county clerks the county ever bad. fie has the individual capacity. His clerical experience in a peculiar manner fits him for tbe posi tion. It ia not enough to be a good man personally, Mr. Archibald is that and is as well in every respect capable. The republican candidates tor ti.e leg islature were asked whether or not they would support Hon. J. V. Dolpb for the U. 8. Senate, and they promptly and emphatically answered that they would not. fbe republican candidate for sueriffwas asked if he would refund the money obtained by bim from Linn coun ty to which he was not entitled, and he promptly and emphatically remained silent. If McFeron and Duncan have been tbe honest and efficient officers, which the Herald tries to make them out, and tbe affairs of tbe county have been so care tally and economically administered. why do tbey not explain to tbe people of the county, why McFeron presented claims against tbe county tor mpey to which he was not entitled, and why Djucan allowed these claims. Tbe ewrt records show tbat such claims were presented and allowed. Why do these parties not explain? t hen tbe Imprint finds a candidate possessed ot brains, unyielding integrity and perpetual morality, we intend to point nim out Tbe Imprint is the pa per tbat speaks what it honestly believes and don't care who it helps or binders When we find a man who stands for tbe free and unlimi'cd coinage of silver and who baa for bis aim the demonetization of the white metal, a man of monster mind, a man whose word is his bond snd a man who endorses every word of the populist platform, we believe him worthy of tbe peoples trnst. Socb is the true and noble characteristics ot Hon. II C. Watson, a free silver candi date for tbe legislators, rl. C. Watecn is a cousin of the great pofJalisl leader. Tom Watson of Georgia. Sifter Imprint. An interesting fact la tbat Sheriff Mc Feron baa been doing work through tbe county by deputies for which the law allows bim $2000 a year salary. When the fee system was done away with it was intended that the salary should cover ins services of tbe sheriff. In one or two counties, smaller ia population than Linn, but with more territory to cover the salary was increased to $2500 with the fact in view tbat the sheriff would have more ground to cover. In tbis county the sheriff bas been having deputies do a good deal o! it, much of which was in private cases, and the county tooted the bill. When she sheriff goes into other counties the law permits tbe payment of mileage whatsoever lb case, but not in tbe cccnty, and certainly not io private Tbe San Francisco i ait, a stanncb re publican paper, says: "The whole qiestion at issue is, therefore, shall the function of redemption money be again conferred upon silver and tbe condition of tbe great body of the citiaens of tbe United States be improved and strength ened, and the avenues of advancement be made wider and deeper, or shall tbe influence . of tbe money syndicates of America and Eu'ope prevail, and tbe noees of 95 per cent of the people be kept on tbe grindstooe of much labor and small compensation F With silver re- mon3tizeJ at the old trap, tried and al together satisfying ratio of IS to 1, tbe overwhelming advantage which Wall street and its greedy and selfish allies are now using to pile np riches at the expense of the masses would be broken, and nntrammeled opportunity to freely participate in tbe currents of money making would be open to all. There is no middle ground in this matter. It is tbe people's welfare and tbe remonetiza tion ot silver, or goldbug plutocracy. In short, it is the people vs. Wall street. A correspondent in the Herald does some peculiar figuring on the relative expenses of running tbe county during the present administration and that of Judge W hitney. The annual cost dur ing Judge Whitney's term was t31r 96 82. During Judge Duncan's it has been about M3.000, exclusive ot the 110,000 paid on the b-idge, though the correspondent claims less. Lie takes the ceiibus of 1880, of 11,431, seveial years before Judge Whitney's term and figures that according to the increase in population up to 18,000, that ol 1805, at pro rata the expanses now should be (51, 988 to b f qual to Judge Whitney's. This won't work. Why, bees use there were practically the same cocnty officers to pay then a uow, if anything more bridg-sto build and repair, roads to keep np aid new Ones to open, naturally more, and poor to support. Besides tbe extravagaut feerystem was then in vogue and the Herald has shown well that that alone saves the county over $5,000 a year. So .the correspondent's figures fall to the ground, though mads candid- ly- The last democratic county judge was J.J. Whitney. Ths cost of running Linn co'imy during bis four years ad miniatmtion was $127,187,31, an average f 31,7911 82 a year. Add a little over 35 per ceft to the four years cost and you have approximately tbat cf the present c unty judge fon four years, estimating it for the c imlng month or two, an in crease of about (45,003 or over 111,000 a ysar, regardless of i be change from tee to salary system the Isst two years and the fact that these are depressed times, where those of Judge Whitney were dur- i ing a comparatively prosperous era. The figures do not include the $40,000 spent for the Albany bridge. MISFITS. Hold your breath until the wcathor gets well established before making re marks. We neeed it In our business. A Chinaman's wash H I in the cotu.ty court proceedings of Coos county, is playing an . important part in the elec tion in that county, A nephew of Henry Villurd. attar a uiaaijiawu wim( VUUIUJllflVU BU it; I Lie a An exchange heads the item "A rising young attorney." The Democrat would have headed it A tailing young attorney." A comparison of some dead beat lists in this city revea'ed a good many names common to all of them. There is a class ot men here as well as in other places. who mako it a business to owe as many aspowible without any evident inten tion of paying their debts. Jacob Coxey, the well known populist and leader, is io be io Oregon and offers to lecture at any place for J25. Most populists would' rather he would stay away. He is here on hie'own responsi bility. ' Lionel SUfrge, conspicuous a few years ago in Portland, is in trouble in Denver, or rather out of trouble, for he hasn't been caught. He is charged with bilking the business men of that city out of several hundred dollars and then skipping out. In view of the fact that the assessors are around the following from an eastern paper is umeiy : ' l ou have some very vamable property, I believe," said the tall man careless r. The little man looked at bim sharply. "That depends," he said. "Depends on what?" "On whether yon want to buy it or assess it." The Jefferson Review is edited by Geo. W. Humphrey, an old-time union orint- er and personal friend ot Senator Mc- tiriue. it is smalt but independent as a hog on ice, and there ia never any ice io Oregon that is very independent. A town without a little home paper is liks a meeting house without a Ktove a poor place to worship. Salem Journal. A minister had better not ran for of fice. Rev. Driver in Lane county is hav ing a warm time of it and numerous quarrels with opponents. Besides the papers have proven he never had tbat famous debate with Col. Ingeraoll, about which he baa frequently spoken, more than a abort conversation with the Col. and a review of his speech two weeks af ter ne bad gone, and numerous other tntogs. Accordinc to the Sacramento LeaJr a drummer from that city named A. P. Anderson went to Roeevtlle to conduct some business and put np at a hotel owned by Patrick O'Brien. On return ing to the bote! la tbe evening be found his valise lying i a the street. On inquir ing of the landlord the reason therefor that gentleman hautily pointed to tbe in- iuai un uis valise, a. jr. A. At fcugene tbe Lieutenant of the Sal vation Army staled that wood was scarce, and intimated tbat contributions would be acceptable, a good many bovs re turned with about thirty big pieV of wood which they stole from some China men. Tbe wood ws accepted without inquiry, and now Eigens people are criticising tbe Salvation Army. Tbe Statesman boasts that F.W. Stensloff recently made 78 in 10 frames at cocked bat. establishing a new Ore gon record. The coast record is 31. Tbat is nothing for Albany. Mtas Belle Sen ders made 41 in fite frames without get ting excited. The trouble with Albany seams ia that they do not average op well. The Reporter, in speaking of John A. Carson's candidacy for prosecuting attor ney says: "He was born in tne north of Ireland at a very early period of bis ex istence." But it was in Salem. Marion county that he put bis bill ol 601.50l in for settling the Harvev estate, of 4500 In cash, for which the court al lowed $120. After hunting diligently for something with which to fight Henry Blakely for sheriff a few republicans who are rnn ning Sheriff Mel-even's campaign, one of whom is a stockholder in a brewery .have concluded that there is danger of his not keeping sober if elected, and tbat he will do Ibetter than he bas if be does. Tbat that is a campaign falsehood can be learned of Brownsville people. Speak ing of drinking, tbe present sheriff's is by proxy. Some one else does it in the vote getting scheme connected with his campaign. Che leas said by Mr. II c- reron and his compaign committee on the subject of keeping sober the better. A Seattle dispatch tells of a pro nounced case of grit and endurance: Jim mis Jackson, the intrepid half-breed Alaska gnid, arrived in tbat city Mon day forenoon on-the etetmer Willspa, direct from Forty Mile, on tbe Yukon,' viajuueau. Ilia arrival closes, most remarkable winter journey, tbe chronic les of which is perhaps nnequaled for daring in the face of terrific climatic ob stacles. Jackson was froa:n np and thawed out, balked and driven back, held for days together by bitiog Arctic storms. He made a journey ot a boat 2000 miles on foot His two white com panions, L S Hodge and S McNelie, from whom be was separated during a storm, are believed to have been lost. Jackson made the journey to take lo mail to the Yukon miners, and in accomplishing tbe feat be earned the stipulated sum, 309. ne left for tbe interior diggings on De cember 10 hist. BORN HUSTON. In Corvallie, on Monday morning. May 11, 1896. to Mr. and Mrs. Kobert if us ton a girl. Froebel, the great promoter of the kin dergarten system of teaching children said: " Let parents not liveor their children, but trilh them." Ths mother who understands tils sentiment lives with, even her unborn child. She studies to be wise about herself and tbe little life she is fostering. She doea ail she can to give her child a fair start in life, by giving it a strong well developed body. All through babyhood, childhood and youth she lives with her son or her daughter. Especially her daughter she will keep near ber. She will allow no false modesty to stand In the way of tbat daugh ter's knowledge of herself, or' her poasibili ties, of her perils. She will teach her that happy, healthful motherhood is an honor, n blessing. That sickness is' a tniatake, a breaking of nature's law. But there are times of unavoidable overdoing when the ayatetn becomes run-down. For over thirty yeara Dr. Pierce has used his "Favorite Prescription" as a strength ener, a purifier, a regulator. It works directly upon the delicate, distinctly femi nine organs, In a natural, soothing way. It searches out the weak spots; and builds them up. It is beneficial in any state of the aystem. A woman who would understand herself will find an able assistant by send ing si cents to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. It U a book that has reached it 68oth thou sand. It contain in it 1008 page an im mense store of information in plain words that any person will readily understand. Ml O. O. SntAa, of Sand Sami, Omtg Ot., firm York, teatifiea In thii wiaat "Our nnit child waa bora before my wife waa sixteen yeara old. Afterward her health waa wry poor. Pht trid Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Preacriptlon, Sh rained Arab and atrenrth by using two bottles. Xftiring the last few wet lis of her aecond preg nancy she again used the " Prescription." Her confinement waa a rapid and easy one, and sbs got up strong and wU." TELEGRAPHIC A t'ampramlie Wasuinotoh. Mav 12. The animated contest which bus proceeded for the last four days in the senate over a deep-water harbor on tbe southern coast of California was brought to a close today by a eompro mite between the conllicting interests. The i8ie has been between the ports of Santa Monica, the terminus of the South ern Pacific, and San Pedro, the loculitj urged by the California semihr by refer ring it lo a commission, to com-ixt of three civil engineers, a naval olhcer and an officer of tbe coast aod geodeic survey. Tbe compromise was accepted by tbe California senators, ana wa unanimously passed. Bin Tblagi for AsUrla. AsToniA, Or., May 12. Tbe capiUlisU interfiled in the development of tbe et side of Young's bay completed their s ock subscriptions to the $041,000 hotel this even inif. and win tomorrow incorporate. Kiev will commence work on the building at an early ante. Among the stockholders is A B Hammond, builder of the Astoria & Columbia Kiver milroad. Nelson BpunMt. the hi railroad con tractor of Tuioini, I'ete L'imm and Mr Greenoukth. o Montana, are in town for the purpone ot li -i Jing ou tbn rest of tbe line to iioble, and the con.truction of the wtcr frontage aud depot io Antoiia. Ah bra Ita Cjrloar. Lixcolm. Neb.. May 12 Lincoln was sfru.-k at 4:45 by a tornado, which raged wim unabated violence zo miuutea. Dur ing this psriod rain fell as from a cloud burst, accompanied by hail. Tbe prevail ing force of tbe wind was from the south west. Buildings were nnroofed aid torn down, cornices swe; t from roof into the streets, and the residence portion of tbe city nearly denuded of Uvea. lre rsccta. SaLKM. Mav 12. Cnmtninmrtor rtirta LDa.'r. of the second hartirnltuml li- trict, hod the prospects of the prone crop no more eucoarauiag than given a week ago. Tbe status of tbe prune crop to date as gi vta by Mr Daly is as follows : Italian prunes Total failure with ex ception possibly of an occasional small spot I - . : i . wuctc lira are k eciaiiv ravoreo. fell tea Wiil yield about one-fourth crop. Ibere will be from one-half in thm. fourths crop of silver prunes from present indication. ftawrre Use MmmmH. Sr. Pail, May 11. -Colood J V Brew er, Minnesota s state geographer, bas mads the sensational dweovery tbat the source of tie Missouri river i not Red Kock lake, Montana, as previously wUted Colonel 1J rower has explored the whole region of the upper Missouri and today roaue puo:tc me result ot bis ducovene He says the ionget upper branch f the Missouri does not How through the lower Ked Bock lake in Montana, but comes from a bole in tbe mountains, volcanic in its character, at tbe summit of the Rocky mountains, west of Uelery's lake, Idaho, and at a point bordering the boundary be tween iuu Maie aca -u on una. TeJe aswstfca BlaM Owl. " ASHMorojf. May II. In view of tbe connicunjg report concerning bta attitude. titular lelb-r, of Colorado, tooieht sent tbe following teJegrara to be read to tbe republican state convention, to be held at roeoio on Xbursday next: 1 wiu to say to tbe sUe convention. thtoogb you, that I do not desire to go to the national convention, and cannot go, on le the state convention is in accord with my ideas in oVdanng that, in the coming campaign, the silver qaewtioo U the para- uwuoi w a oe state coayenuoo snook act with the full knowledge tha I do not latent! to support a candidate on a gold standard puiiorra. or on a platform of uvuuuui cwuuncuon. Big Erral- liBAvr s Pass, Or., May 11. The breaking- cf around fur tbe large mining cant i oc ins Hague Kiver Water A Mm log company look piaos today at a piint three mile south of liol l Hill At least 10iX rwopie witnessed the ceremony, and enjoyed tbe barbecue dinner. Short ad dreM were nude by Governor Lord, lion Lttueiiioger, jodeofibe United States district court: Brigadier-General C F Keebe, I V Chapman. Rev Roland D urant, w a Lroweil and J W Noribup. wii Be rMM4 iTV xa? Vxaj- .i. . . be authontafiireJt il that at the reque ot tne L'niLed Staiea tbe cpaaMh government will pot pone the execution of the death seoteaws upon the American riUwns nmil the views ! the L ntted States repecitn the applicant of thstr case la tbe treaty of 173 ami the protocol of 1S77 can be considered. Tbe annonncemeut of the postpoofinent of the executions mean a delay cf some weeaa lne matter will be taken np by the diplomatic reprewUtimof tbe United oiaies ana r pain. Me After all. .-sew loRk. May II. Henry Cuylcr lonk. May II. Kenrv vuuucf, tvituT oi i u, aiea mis aJrnooo atm reuueoos in atley, N. J.. from tubercular eonumpuou. Mrs. Bconer ana uiree cuilUren were at hi bedside when death came. klr. Banner bad been iu i or a toog time. Lt winter, ne was sen i io ine ractoc coast. an S)rsa Banalaa;. MaasarrExo. Or.. Mar It. TaH a brecht, tbe man who brutally murdered his wiie upon ine streets of tbis city f-ebroary ItS, was today sentenced bv Jadm Kulirr- ton to be hanged June 26, ISsW, at Kmpire vuy. r attest la Ism WsrM. Sxta Barbara, Cal.. Mav 10 abe battle ship Oregon dropped anchor in tbe channel at 11 o'clock this morning, outaide tbe keip. On the way it went at a rate of mM knots, for a distance of 15 or IS mile. Kntbu-dasm aboarJship is unbounded, and tbe record of the Massachusetts, of 16.15 knots, ia doomed, crowning the Ore gon queen, and placing her at the very front among ships of ber clans, in all the navies of tbe world. JatlTak. Cixcixxati, May 10. A special to the vommercial Uawtte from Springfield, O., give an interview with John W. Brook waiter, tbe democratic candidate for guv ?foroV0nl in lss7- He predicts that Groer Cleveland will be nominated for the fourth time at the Chicago convention. He eulogizes the president as the leader tf tariff reform, and says he is now wanted as tbe leader of ths war party in this country. a r ksbwry Tn May 10. Tbe rostoffice here was robbed last night, and the pouch containing the west-bound mail taken. ' be driver of the mail wagon bad been to the office but a few minutes before, and taken the mail for the east bound train, which reaches here at 11. "When be re turned to tho postoffice, he found the glass in the front floor broken, and the letter pouch gone. Postmaster Crossen and the au thorn ies were quickly notified, and a search was begun. f3.70 in money was guuen, ail abe iseaetvesl. San Fbakcisco. Mav iAu u A. Dividson made her debut as a lecturer on the First Congregational church trou bles, at Oild Fellows' hall last night. The affair was down on the programme a "A hey to tbe Urown Davidson Church 8cm dal, and, in-order that the appetites of the audience might be w hetted in advance, there wore such footnotes a "startling truths," and "that which was not given in thecivi courts." From the standpoint of the bo office., Mrs. Davidson's effort Va "'ng success. There were just oo pcopie in tue bouse. This Week U Congress, Washisgtow. May 10. The probabili ties are that consideration of the river and harbor bill will le concluded in the senate Monday, According to agreement, this bill wm be followed by the resolution to seat Dupontasa seaator from Delaware. With the Dupott resolution disposed or, the bill making appropriation for tbj Dis tncl ofCo umbu will be considered, snd it. will probably consume the remainder of the week. Aw rally slat New Yore. May 10.-The hot wave which prevailed throughout the Eastern states today struck this city at so early hour tbis morning. At BA, M, the ther mometer registered 71, and it went up rap idly, touching the- 85 mark at 10 A. M .aud rvauneu me mpximum at 8 r. M. the record waa 01 in the shade. vben Pansy rianUa cents per down, Frank v. iiufcDis, corner 6'.a and It. K. its, bany, Oregon. Al- .ANOTHER GRATEFUL FAMILY. Mr. Tinier Considers Paine's Celery Compound a National Blessing. Q There is no spring rentaly equal to Paine'a cskry compound. I Sufferers from debility who find their convalescence too slow, are jryously sur prised by tbe brisk impetus toward re covery tbat comes from Pains'a celery compound. Its healing, nerve-restoring, blood-making, nourishing powers go so directly to the root of the trouble that the progress toward health and strength is steady and uninterrupted. No relapses come when Painat'a rclor compound has once fairly begun its healthful action. W lUi a stronirer aDnetit. rounder sleep, and better digestion fieanlta that every one baa experienced who bas taken niut m , vmiWUIlUI.LQS vme ina sore kidneys and the tired stomach cease to trouble, and the nerves allow one to work nnvexed by day and to sleep by nfght without disturbance. Tbis ia what physicians mean when tbey say tbat fame' celery com pouod cures nervous diseases permanently. ror uisorucrea uver, ana lor a I blood diseaes, physicians us this great formu la of Prt-f. Ldward E. Phelps, M. I). LL. RAMBLER BICYCLES -$ioo -"IDEALS" $50 to $05. Call and see these most popclar of all wheels. Some special bargains to early purchasers. CW ELKINS, at 1 E. BLAIX CLOTHING CO. R -1 - P - ONE GIVES RELIEF. GUESS MM ly ins! - ' Tt I5 wvf It will please you to see our line of 1896 SHOES and will save you 15 to 25 per. cent on every pair READ, PEACOCK & GO. fill Io) K. McNEILL, Beovr. TO THE sivas THE cuotca ot TvVO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT vuj SPOKANE rV.INNEAFCUS union PACIFIC VIA DENVER OMAHA aSD ST. PAUL KANSAS CIT? low kites to all eastern cities ookan steamekh eave portland evert 6 davr .. ton SAH FRANCISCO tot toll d 1-tails call On CcanAM & MoNTrrH, Albany, Or ea Annan! W II HUm.KfKT, Uas't Fak ... I PORTLAND, OR. m aWBLMJ. saavt. JMsk EE A S "T D., of Dartmouth ollege Paines celery compound. It has lifted thousands from beds ot sickness. It does what nothing else ever did for the sleepless, the dys peptic, and tbe despondent it cures them once and far all. Here is a testimonial from Mr. E. A. Miller of Colambus.O., accompanying tbe photograph of bis family. "For two years past I have been a constant sufferer with severe nervous headaches, oft-times being compelled to go to bed, when my bosintes necessi tated my personal attention. Last week my physician recommended Paine's celery compound. I have taken now four bottles, and have not suffered with headache since. This government, in my mind should pay the discoverer of Paine s celery corn pound a sum of money sufficient to keep bim and ail his rela tives in luxury during tbeir natural life. Mr. Millet is tbe son of Dr. J D. Mil ler. His wife is the granddauehter of tbe late Gov. I .ocas of Ohio. Mr. Mil ler's praise of Paines celery compoodd is equaled by tbat of thousands of others who owe their health and strength to this greatest of all rem dies. a9u sl IS. ua kaan..-w 1" rf Krm.a aV.aan A ttss.'O-., SreaiJL impnthner Sar eagd ter jumiM mi trrtm ar tca. CVaf.Mt. r,tJ aOaei, UikcmtMlt sV4 WaMsft MM. 1v1HrrWaf3aMt-y'-iffljlp'ft (. I;yirrtsJiii wt sas-fc4L SM prhi:l84. Hrmil. c f. r'a s-s-viWI fynavsrssrwalr rry rnmd&. YC rttaw f rr waspsanwjal llBak. anrsM wrtBtwr. mc. AP4 - r fiww m'ts!fiii. .frmrwms$ tmS'm Hi aiiM.swiaarfsi fcr.t WVc S A sJ4- AS" Ihe greatest set'er on the niarVet tot diseases of the Lirer.Kidnejrsand Cod stipation. rWasaat to take by old or young. No piping. Tbe root of the Liverine plant is exten sively used in Norway fur the core of Piles Bold by all first class druggists Wholesale asonnfactaree, ANCHORS CHEMICAL CO, Lebanon. Ot iREGON CENTRAL & EASTERN. GO YAQUINA BAY ROUT? Connecting at YaoninaBar with tne San Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam- bipoompany StensMB "FaMli" Sails from Yaquina ever 8 days for Pan Francisco. Cwos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Iluuiboldt Bay. PassaMUEa Accomodations UhsrarAssKU. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west to San Francisco Cam. , .. 48.00 3TKKHAOK 4.00 To Coos Bay and Port Orford, Cabin 6.00 ToIIurnboldt Cay I Cabin S00 Round trip good 60 days special. RIVER DIVISION. Steamers "Albany" and "Wm. M. Hong," newly furnu hed, leave Albany daily except Saturdays at" :45a.m. .arriv ing at Portland the same day at 6 p. m. Returning, posts leave Portland same davs as above at 6 .00 a. m. arriving at Albany at 7 .45 p. ni. Edwin Stons, J. 0. Mayo, Manager. Supt. River Division. H. L. Wauikx, II. B. Sachy, Agt. depot, Albany Agt op R"vere House, Albany ONTAKVK k H ACM LEU AN, Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. 11 1 y u mi mil in ial u taBUIUU You Can't Fish very well without a good outfit, and w e would like to self it to you. We have rods, nets, hooks, lines, reels, etc., and the prices are lower than you usually pay. nTtwABT & Sox How Co. Free Silver Is a mighty good thing, and if yon have any that you want to swap for wagons or buggies, just come around and see us. We carry the Htude baker ' vehicles, tbe very best -earth, and can make yon irood ten Stkwat & Sox Hnw Co, Two for a Nickel is tbe way we sell packets of garden seed, and we also have garden seed in bulk and grass seed of all kinds for sale cheap. Stswabt & Box Hdw Co. Almost Anything wanted by a farmer is kept for sale iy the bte wart & Box Hardware Co Lngines, separators, binders, mow ers, rakes, plows, barrows, and al most anything else in tbe line of im plements or hardware. Something Good to Eat is bard to prepare unless you have! nice wife and a cracking good cod stove. Now if yon have tbe wife, w have tbe stove. Yon don't wantH dispose of the wife, and we do wag to sell tbe stove. What's to prevea us from making a dicker? Cons around and we'll talk a boat it. Stewart A Box Hiw Co. The Best Paint in t he world is Masnry's Mixed Paint and e have it in all colors. Every body using it likes it. If yoa want lead and oil we have that, too, and also varpieh, terpentine, brnsbea, etc brxwAarr box Mow Vo, Who Hath Woe? Who Hath Sorrow? Who Hath Much Wrath? Verily it is he that boyelb a Blgb Grade Bicycle at a cost of 150 and 10 per cent off for each. For behold it breakath and caeteth him into the dnst ; yea, even into the mire, and eetteJh into tbe rands of tbe repair- er, and in tbe end coeteth him many pieces oi gold. Moral Bar a "Colombia.- It costs f 100 and is sold by the Stewart THROUGH TICKETS to ths EAST via tbn Onion Pacific System. Through Pal'icnin Palace Tourist sleepers aai New sleeper Reel in in Ubairt AILY POBTLASD TO CHICAGO. Trains heated by esst and cars ligh t ed by inwcb Light. Time to Chicago SH days, time to Sew York 4 day, which Im many bonra quicker than all competitors. For rates, time tables and full infor mation, apply to Ccaan k MoKTarrrn, agents, Albany, Or. O R W Barron. C S Bnoww, . Gen'l Agent, Diet Paaa Agt 135 Tbird Bt, Ponlaaid, Or. cinccir cucriiZAim notice s hereby gnren. that tbe Ci:y Cooncii of tbe city of Albany. Oregon. wii) acect, and i, as a Boa-d of Equalisation, at the conacil ehatntera in said cttv on Wednesday, the 13th day of Hay, leS6, at the boor of 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day, for the purpose of examining, concctingsnd eqoalixirK tbe asses meal of tid oty lor the year I9S; and also fi r the further parpcae of making the tax levy npon said aseesameat for the year, 1596. Given by order cf the city conacil of the city of Albany, Oregon, nsade tbe 2Sth of April. ISSkv K J Hksto. Becorder of the City of A ' buy Albany. Orn ilay 1. 1SS6. STCCKKCLCEIS UEETIXS. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting ot tbe stockholders of the Albany Farmers Co. will be held in Ihe office of said compasy, in becity of Albany, Or., on Tuesday, the 19tb day of Xla, lf9o, at tbe boor of 1 o'clock p m ot sad day. Said meeting wii I be held for the purpose of electing seven (7 1 directors to serve for tbe ensuing year, and for the tMnacuosi of snch other business u a rpguiar'y come b tor socb meeting. Put 6 Mabakau, M U Wilds, Secretary- Presi'ieBt SEALED BIDS FC3AES.SCF. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Byordtrof the county court of Linn coan ty, Oregon, sealed plana, diagrams, speci fications and bids for a wagon bridge across Mudd Creek near Geo Mr Brattia a Linn county. Oiegoa, will be received by the clerk of said coort nntil the 3rd day cf Jane, iS96. at 1 o'clock p- m. ot said dav. Said bnde to consist of one span of 60 feet with sufficient approach. Bids will a so be received for tU bridge to be set on oak pi'iogs. Said court reserves the right to reject any and all bids received naier said order. Done by order of the county coui, N Needhak, Coanty Clerk Linn County. Oregon. Notice for Publication Laso Omci at Oaawoir Cmr, On. Fab-nary S3, 1S96. Kotioe ia hartby given that tbe follow init named attlr kaa fi) 1 notkeefhi toientioo M mak Kol ptoof in sapport of his o'aira, and tbat said proof will ba mad brfoie ths regi-ter and recover at Oroa C'tv, Oregon, Mav l9.b, 1S96, via: Joseph L P.a.ley : II K 11763 so lh. S.','ofS W U NWJolS W of See S3 sad NKful S E 4 cf Sen S9 tp 10 S R 7 K H names the folic wing witasMS to prove his oon- tiouoaa rsaidence apon aerl cultiti b of said S P.aroon, W KraaasJ, Wit Ham Haldicke, Joba D Dalsv, a! of D- troi. t eion. Kosa.T A AlULSR, Begiatar. ADWIXISTRATCR'S KOTICF. Not'ce I hereby given tbat the under signed have b?en by the county coort for Linn couotr, Oregon, duly appointed ad ministrator ot the estate ol R Q Farrar, la'et taid county. All persons having claims sgaintA. the estate of said deceased re hereby reqnested to present the same to the undersigned st his residence about 3 miles southwest ot Tangent. Orecon,duty verified as by law required, within six months from this da'e. Thi 4th day of April A D l8o6. 'A' hits st & Newpoet, Robt L Smith. At' j for administrator. Administrator of the ettate of R H Farror deceased- BLACKBURM a S0F.1ERS AITOBNETS JLT L A"W, All legal matters will receive prompt st ent an. Office. First National Bank a at ax a f bl- 4,a4sse Jolt zni Cyclone Proof. Th? Pathlight Tbcywhofioe must fee tne roai. The PatKHc-ht makes Ui&ht the way. AU dealers I teUiL The TUce & Terry mg.CoU7 Centre StN.Y. tea AD&nH'STRATQRS SALE. 1 fc Wafer .rfthe EVa-ecf L.ydU ft wtino NVuv i hereby s;.en I'aat r m, and afitr U 18 b day d May. ife06. ia pur suance of tbe house and order cf sale of the d unty court of Lin a count , Oregon, ao'y rode ana eniererl t-f rrrorc m and ly said coort said estate o-i tLe 17 n day ot Sepnlr, l&Sa I. the ondrind dal appointed, qna i5d acd c iosr adminis trator Of in n i t m lju; orgB, ue eae, sba 1 proceed (oseti at private Ve on tne terms nerevaimr BKn'tosea, a i the rtgb'. title, interevt and trii'e. which aid decedent Lydia Wvgon, had s and and to i he following described real prop ery a the tiase of rer Wlb, 'omit; Tbe wnoleot tbe D LOOT Uavta v Al id? ban and Margsret J Aliisgfaaso bi wie. Not. 2812 claim No 4, a know sed desigasted on tee mep nd plats of file in the U S land office at Oregon Ci'y, Or., U.oa'wd in To 13, S B 4 wet iHamette eoerldian, coatainlDg 318 acres Mre o les. A'so ine ease bait esloOo. 75 'be east bail ot lot No 8, ia tdk No. 3. of S aV g g Haye Addition to the town of Hataey, a Ue same appears open tlw rectsrded piats os ma aaaition to aia wwu now of ale and rrcord hi the office ot the ooan-y reemteros Una eoua-y, uregon; ihe whole of Httd property being sitoatea in Linn coanty, Oregon. Ad tbe rame will be void on and af er said May 13 h 1S&6, at priva'e a!e. by tbe nnOerstgne administrator npoo tne fUwing terms to wit: For go d cia of tee United &'.ate two third ol tne pa cbse trice to be pmUi cash in hand and tbe rrui ning on a credit of twelve nr-eahs. bearing ieteieat at 8 per eet from day of sale, aeured by Erst mortgage on the premises so sold. Tbe title hat said deceased bad in and to tbe abore described property at tbe time of ber deah, was a fes simple estate. Dated t.Sis i;feh day of April, 1SS6. Geo W height. Jas V7 Moaeaw. Atty for Adr Admrof'he cute ot Lj dia If organ, dceeavst d Notice for Pnbiicadon Lajd Oincx at Oaucox Crrr, 0. Febmry 27. a. 1606. Kotaos ia beteby ce tfaaltb foUatwiag DSsscd kUW bsa tiird a X5cc mth-t rnttm tlosj to make f aal eriof ia rsptmrt of ber " elaiaa.a'id tbak asad proof wU be aasde before thsisiater ad iwetrsr at Oregt. Cuy, Ongon, ca Hay 20, tfi, via: itra Rsaily PaAtso, saiiiag wi 'srw ajd aomis astraMz f tie avtaSai of Matfcian L PsaAoas, eeawed: PreD 8 795i. for tbe 8 cf X w aod lota 3 ud 4 o Sse J Tp i0 f . K 4 E. iib a am too foij'rg witsteaaes to prova her eoatiaaoas rendatas ua and ca'tiva taoa of, said Uayt, t'x; Ckrwoaa Seibld, Cbarba J Uoak'.Gtibar Ksnuoa. Jcba S htyas. all ot Niagara, Ores. Loon Djcr. wha saa Auarwtt 22. IS33. filed Tsaabsr Land apphcavtioa Ks 2909 ior said tract, ia apeeiaily SKKi6od to stppeaa a'd show easK at; tba eatrj of said ad aaiaiatraUU abooM oot b. ailowoil. Bu m o.T A MiTia. Baiater. EXEC3T0rS KQTiCE. Xotice is bertby given tist tne nnderr signed have been bv tfe connty coort to Hum eenntv. Uregoo, duly appointed rx ecutors cf the kaa will astd leaanaent of lames B Morgan, late of aavd cooa'y. de ceaed- AU pexson hviag dim against the estate o aaud deceased axe hereby required to preeeet tbe tbe same to the nnderiigned at Tangent. Oregon. July verified as by Taw reqnired wtbia aiz months from tbis date. This tfce 19-b tay ol February. 1395 WaATBsutrosa k Wrsrr, Attjj tor Execniors- AltuoCmouax, Flotd B Jcxss. Esecn'or of the esta'e oi Js B Moraa ceased. KOTlCEOFDiSSUUmCH. Tbe ccpartneraliip fcereofote ezistiag; nodes the Srm name of B"OWBeit at Mor riaoaj. and doing bosinec aa 'b Albany Ncnenea. is ti dj dusolTed by mutual consent - J. C Mcrrioa retiring aai Alaett BrowneU continuirg tbe Luctnna. All note and accounts doe said firm should be paid to Allot Browaeilat once as It is desired to ctaes np Its affairs without de lav. Albeut Browskia. J K Voasisow. Afhavy. Orcgea, May 5th. 1S96. rrwj rr v rscb t V,V11 JlL get her! Is it not bet ter to boy vonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cake-, etc, at a reliable store where they nse only the Beet material why of coarse i is yea dont want drspepeia and yon', never get it by eating anv&ing from on tore. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth acd Lyon 2nd St. CD. Va.vdtks, Pronrietc BICYCLE FOR SALE. A Cornier, good a new, at a bargain, call at Dbxocbat oce for particular. . T TOOD WANTED. We will trade V bviDlnr wot k for wood or part wood and part cash. C Sixfsos, Ci"j Laundry. T OST - JL. of vi OST. Somewhere between residence m. Fortniiuer ad residaice of John Millard on Ferry street, a Uulj' watchioathe 9th. Fteauw return w resi dence of Jr. Millard or Pkmockat or. SAFE FOB SALE .Anyone w iseuf purchase a peed Ere proof safe cheap please call on Mrs. Ashby. HOTJSE MOVING, Carefully, promp'ty Iv, at tbe lowest price. Call on or address G W Taylor, 4th and Madison Sis Albany. capital to engage ia a good paying business. Befereaces required. Exper ience unnecessary. Address N.B., Care of Dkmockat office. REPAIR BICYCLES. Fiank Ukt ey repam bkydea promptly and in a first ciasa manner. Breaks, punctured tires, etc. fired correct it. At shop just west of Y. M. C A, hall. PIGS FOB SAluK. (all farm of W. L. Toole. sixes) at ths Abo a bne milch cow. ITEO E FISR u TUB PLUMBER Tin rooEing and plumbing, the opera house. Oppoaite WANTED PROMPT AND FAITH ful gentleman or buiy to travel foe reliable established bouse in Ore gon. Salary tTSO. payable $13 weekly and expense. Siotioa permanent. Refer encea. Kai-loee seu-aaareaea sumpea en velop. H. E. lies. Pres., 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. T) BENT. A good two story borne eiieht rooms, good water.cbeip. In quire at Democrat office. MONEY TO LOAN. I nave money to loan at 8 per cent interest on good farm or personal security. J. M- Baxstos. Maston block. thins to potent Pro-oet yonridnoa thermaj brina tos woaltb. Vtfruo JOHN WEuDKit BUttN as CCX, I'sutnt Attorney. Waarnngway V, u rw tsour hjxm jria eoer. aildins, np stairs.