The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 15, 1896, Image 1

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A Hi A N" Y ( N HI I A MAY In, I H90
Catered .ft CfcC Foul lee a llbaaty. r. Meeaad-CUs Mali Killtn
r ItTTI? PaklUker aa1(rrarlefe'
iri ii
Illustrated by 6 dolls with 31 dresses, 6 salts, 33 hats,
and SB other articles, furnishing the ladies with the latest ,
French fashions as well as the children with an amusing toy.
t a 3 n
eeua o uoupuus, or
A J Send 1 Coupon and 6 oents, or
i Sena 1U uents witaoat any
Ways to
Get The!
Fashions, t 000
Blackwira Durhctrt Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C, and the
Fashion Dolls will be sent you postpaid. You will find one coupon
inside each a as. bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ox. bag ot
Blackwell's Genuine
Durham Tobacco.
Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them.
Crescents are the only line of medium-price wheels made that sell on their
merits in competition wi'h the highest priced ones hen placed side bv
. side. . , -
) -Crescents are positively the highest trade, lightest weight medium-price
f bicycles made. They are handsome in design ana finish, light and easy
running, and perfect in every detail.
Crescents are cheap iu price only; they are,msde for the masses and not for
a class. We give the j-eople what they want an honest wheel -at an hon-
. est price.
The prices of Crescent Bicycles are right and suit the public. Crescent buy
ers get their money's worth.
This is Orescent year. Crescent wheels are the rsge.
We guarantee every Crescent Bicyele to bs free from any imperfections in
material or workmanship, and aree to mate good any delect pot earned
by use or abase within one year.
40 to $75
For Sale 15 y
Hopkins Bros.
Albany Furniture Co., Incorporated.
a A ir
(J. N.. llMtlcan. nimiitv inlin! J 11. Watar,
sndJ. W. flub. Curniuitsiouac.l
Bill John Knight sheriff Marion coun
ty $1.7 J, d sallowed.
Uln application of J E Yoeman et al for
coui ty road, A Randall, J S Morris and
M Phi lips appointed viewers to meet
May 25.
In application of R WTlutcluns et al
for county road, J H Scott, F M Rhine
hart and J B Roterts appointed viewer.
Continued, bill Whitney Newport
atty fees in Montgomery case, $20.
Road diet No. 19 was ordered divided.
The county clerk was directed to make
application to the city council of Albany out
iji a uupucate ot warrant issued on ac
count of interest on bridge warrants and
lot by the county treasurer of Linn
county, Oregon.
Justice Dittrict 13 ordered divided as
prayed for.
In application of Thos Arnold et al for
county bridge, ordered viewed and sur
Clerk was directed to advertise for
bridge across Muddy at Bratuins
lax ot Edward Loat remitted except
ituue tax.
Assessment of J S Van Winkle rebated
Petition of D 0 Swann et alior road
SO fret wide between J F Moses and A A
Petition of J F Barr for rebate of $500
on assessment dismissed.
Bills allowed.
J A McFeron, sheriff . . .
S Needhaiu, clerk
L F Hard man, recorder . .
P (i Morris, treasurer
J N Duncan, judge
A R Rutherford
F M Redfield. deputy clerk
Q B Propet, deputy 'sheriff
aiuvox lamuy...
.1(16 65
. 168 65
150 CO
. 83 88
. 100 00
. 50 00
. S3 So
. Oil 65
. 7 00
. 7 00
. 7 00
. 8 00
. 3 00
. 6 00
. 5 00
. 5 00
. 10 00
. 6 00
. 4 00
. S 10
. 12 00
. 15 00
. 3 i5
. 3 00
. 4 50
. 5 00
k 2 00
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon
No Charge for Hearse or Services
IC' if. C "
Are built in
11 S '
ibb largest
I(5YCLESl and Best
... Equipped
Pan orv in
egtCI plgQ fcpG6 tbe World
elect the WaverJy because they have learned to know the dif
ference between a wheel that is actually hi2hsrrade sod one that
is simply claimed to be. Some others maybe good but the
Waverly is the highest of all high grade. Neorcber (3 heights)
$35 00, Belie 26 ard 25 inch $75.00 and $85.00.
Keiaorthy family
Alberts "
Alma Vail
Mrs Hines -..
R bert Oillock ..
Orin Watson
teo Werts
Mrs Junkey
J as Larew
partman familv
John Usher, janitor.
Albany Canal Co
F M Holmes, aid noor
Irwin Uodson Co..
Miller & Turner, livery hire
W H Davis, acct insane
M P Parwell. acct poor
J b an - inkle, present owner
ship book 30 00
Oreson agt S Gentry 62 35
Oreffon aet Ed Schmeer 24 50
Oregon agt ltond and Pearl 8 00
Oregon at'imer and H Pearl.. 12 10
Albany Lltctnc Light Co 23 50
A J Pitner. roads. 15 00
Vjiblin A Howard, board iurors.. 6 (N)
Glass A Prudhomme, books ...... 52 00
Aloany Iron Works, roads 5 $5
Oregon act V Wagner 12 70
Ul orris, deputy sheriff 4 80
S W Moore, " 1 00
E Goiu, acct poor...... 8 00
B 51 iknaca,acct poor.... 8 00
W C X Rislev. acct poor 1 50
N Needham, misceiuneous 1 65
F P Muuiajr, prinung 15 00
thwart u eii, jury z 60
ETT Fisher, surveyor 7 50
J Gradwohl acct poor...;. 9 45
Parker Bros, acct poor 8 00
Oregon act John Broek... 93 29
ilary k. Davis, acct poor 10 00
Whitney and Newport, acct ex
Moulijomery cae 30 CO
P Ohen, mis.VlIaneoUb. 1 Oil
B M Payne, acct clerk 3 00
J C Gcdale, lumber. 4522
U r Taylor, acci poor 17 88
Men art A Sox, acct roads . 14 00
tr City Hospital, acct poor. 1 . 47 00
Harris burg Lumber Co, lumber. 8 W
Ashby learce, rent lor poor . 16 V)
AidOTiaibker 8 00
Ortj.on agt Ira Blodgett 7 85
Adams gud tertuson. SS SO
) RCave... 74 S3
" John Doe 7 8
Ira BlodgeU.: 1 25
MPanlen,CH 75
U w Walls 70
Train A Whitney 17 50
f Xieakins 201 UU
ET Fisher 4 00
Mrs Hatcher, aid poor 25 50
Oregon sgt John Doe 7 65
J A McFeron, jail and office 13 00
jiaine roi, witness..... s
Brownsville Times, printing 1 SO
W F Deakins, aid poor 1 50
H Davis, aid Airs Uuiistian. .. I 00
Dr Lam hereon , aid poor 10 00
Mrs Molds, rebate tax. , 8 W
J W Pmrh, com. and roasts....... 15 00
J M Waters, com 13 40
Continued Oreeon Tel. C. S3. 10. Far-
well A Bonner $3U0.
Very Live Affair.
Monday night between 9 and 10 there
was quite a fracas on the sidewalk just
outside the army .barracks It appears
that several young men got together for
the purpose of waylaying Wm. Purdey,
and when that gentleman stepped out of
the barracks with his two litt'e girls,
Pete Windom grabbed him by the collar
and said "You are the man I want to
see." Mr. Purdy reached for hi pistol,
a little 32, and attempted to stmet Pete
in the side, but the chambers were not
all loaded and the weipon refused to fire.
Purdey was kicked In the stomach by
some one, while Windom said "Keep
away.uoys.i oon t want to Hurt lam, "and
in the scuillit I'ete got the pistol. W;n-
then said, I paid " fine for
you Mid you must pay it hack right
here." Purdey gave Windom his puie
and said, "Pete 1 have just that amount;
I want to say right here that I will not
take back a word I said about you ; you
can kill me if you want to; 1 don't care."
me crowd yelled, "Kill inni!" but Win
dom stood them off and Purdey was al
lowed to go to his rooms, a littte way
around the corner. During the exei le
nient Will empke was struck by a sold
ier namH( jouusoti, but was not hurt.
An immense crod collected. On Mon
day afternoon Mr. Parder as arrested (
cairying a concealed weapon and F. F.
Johnson tor striking ill Letnpke,
liraats rass oourier. ;
1 he
to Buy.
Special prices Ion"-whlr. for the
next sixty days.
I'oweii A Tom ust o
Degree of Honor.
Enrroa Ekkocmat :
Last evening was the'Married Ladies"
evening at the Degree ot Honor, and br
continuous applause tuev natter
themselves that they eixired one or two
points. The contest" is for the good of
the order and givn for friendly strife,
and a most enjoyable lime is had every
Wednesjay evening.
The married ladies are stilPin t he swim,"
1 hey have plenty of talen' and lots of vim.
They have sand in their "Craw" and are
on the 'Ramp"age,
And will not be beaten on account of
their age.
The voung ladies judges are Wood in and
They have lots of grit and plenty of seal.
At i lie end ot tue content we re sure
they'll find.
That Brother Burkhart is not far behind.
The young ladies faction
vt ill turn "Urey" with distraction.
And look with wonderin surprise.
They will furnish the supper,
ineir pocxeis will sutler.
e 11 revel in "Oysters up to our eyes.
So watch the contest, my friends.
And ne sure whate er war it tends.
The Iegree of Honor is jolly and gay.
Come join our ranks, 'twill drive care
A.J. Hodges?
40,000 Hbmi Bodies Mrflcfttd mry yr 9m Dbwcfiog Tbl im M&ca! CwJUm
In the Unfed Ststo
Protect the AemdS Tbonaazxls
of gre robbed annually-
grave, mtturdUm of loc&ttoa, im
aafrom tha rmwgm of tbe fan
man gbonh Tbe Born Gsats
vault afford positive and abso
lute ecarity ajfainet tbe GraT
Kobber. and arotecu both eaet
ad body from dampaeM, aoid
aod aeeay, ana irom tmrroinxiC
b AbMlrUly Ah-CgM at
MtOa wbollr of 'Bomrnet to"I
ud mftllMhlA Iron, uul'to
tiaUyiodeatrnctibM. Should b
tued in mr lnirit. 0er
U.uio In sctad oh. For mm br
all ondartakar. auui f of
Tbt Chinpioi Cbenical Co,
apnagnua, ubm.
4-5; For Sale by Albany Furniture Co.
r rrrp ti nn ,.., a fit i;n nf matall'n-. r.lith and wood caskets and coffin
K liio. Knrinl dm uml nllj. in hnvAtl ninth, mitin. fcafsemere which wi:l be sold a
The slowest Llvlsg FroOts
EMBALM I NG and the proper care ot the dead a specialty.
Died. In Portland. Oregon. May 4
1 1836, of consumption. Mm May Wood
bury. Deceased was lormeriy a resident
of Harrisburg and her mother now lives
at that place, for me past nve years
Mies WoodOory has been a teacher in
tue public schools of Portland. Lately
her health lauea ana sue epeai some
time in Southern California and return
ed to Portland about two weeks ajco ap-
oarently much improved bnt was taken
I sudenly worse just before ber death. Tbe
remains were brought to tlarrisoaig
yesterday for interment.
At his "home in Cresswell, Oregon, of
dropsy. May 6th, 1896, James liubinett,
who was oneot urt-gon aearue pio
neers. He was born in Boone couuty,
Missouri. Jun 21. 18;:0; crossed the
ulams io Oregon in 1317 and settled in
Linncoun y ner Corvallis; removed to
Lan county in IRotf where be has since
re i IkI. He was marr I to Miss Jemi
ma 8hitrld on November 27,151. He
uniud with th Buntis' church in 1oj
and has s nee continued his membership.
His wife Slid five children survive him
The children are W. M.. i. R. and F. 8.
of Crosfll ; Mrs. t. M. Chnsman and
D. Z., of Jbastern Oregon. Uuard.
Mrs. I. N. Woodle. of in tbe
ritv viaitimt Albany friend.
Mrs. Dr. Kitchen, of Stavton. has been
in the city, cailrd here by the illness of
her mother, Jim. Jason heeler.
Mrs. X. E. le Spain, sister of Mrs J.
K. Jenks. who has been viritin at
Tangent, leit today for Pendleton her
Bishop Bowman, recesdly in tbe city,
will sad from Portland for Japan in a
few days and will hold a conference in
Yokahoma on June 10.
ReT.and Mrt,D. ILMcCnllagb arrived
in Albany Uii moramgon their war to
Mehama, where Rev. McCuL'agh will
preach the coming summer.
Manager H Ita-ler and II. II.
White k-ft today for Oatesand tomorrow
mitt go in m the mines. Mr. Maud, who
reprvcenird the London vrndicaie, has
returned to Ixtndnn, and Mr. Moore now
does his work as well as the book keep
ing. A I ban r wople aregrvaUr encour
aged over the pnwpects at the mines and
believe there is a bright iulnre ahead.
The Lf.r of tbe Euirene learn last night
i 40 . 37 iealhm AHrny.
The 6rtcamp of Maccabees has ju-t
be ojrT itd in Eiigne.
I!, it. Hulmes wa evcutl at PhiU-
hf!pbia tiiio morning. terr,-d him rwht.
Tbe Vn Coover rpsroUr will play th
Miiany bate bH e'eb in this rilr on Jose
Ftrty head .f s' ep on-l br lame
Morry on Oak Creek we.- rean'l kil'ed
by dugs.
Now look oat for the Santiam mines.
They will Hao n. Ii i in th air. and Al
bany will he the center of uppi:e.
Thos Vmiiphn. nominee for repvseala
tire on tiie npah!ican tirset is Lass Boun
ty is tb father of Vr. Jos. Klein, re
cently of thiicit.
In tbe joir t debate in IJina coonty at
! bawk. Hakt-r. toe popalist candidate for
State Mnaior, in n-porls.1 to have rbed
his tUt to strike Kev. Driver, the rj ub-
Itcan tandtdate. .
Tbat RoiiBiitr Cask. "Gil." Juhnson,
a notorious Fourll.-otnvl courtesan, who
a few days ago was discharged from cus
tody by Municipal Judg.i Smith, for the
lareiy of $J0 from the pocket of J. A.
Wali. Jiad anotlier bearing on the same
charge in the jutice court yesterday af
ternoon. Walsh told precisely the same
story, on direct examination, that he re
lated in the municipal court, which
seemed straight enough. But on cros-
e; animation, counsi-i for the defense
greatly emlarrasl Walih it was not
on the vital or salient poimsnf the crime
charged that he he-ame muddled, but it
was the volume of complicated collateral
questions fired at him hot and fan that
tangled, vtaleli np somewhat, of winch
the soman's lawyer nsturallv expected
to make his greate it capital The de
fendant, as hefore. moot emnhaticailv
denie I that Walnh had at anr time vis
ited her '"crib ' and particularly on the
evening of the 2Stb of April, when
the robbery was suppos-d to have been
comm tied. SnecUiuted to have been
alwent from her place during the time
Walsh alleged to have ln there. In
corroboration of his defense the testi
mony of another woman of her class mas
tntrodm-ed; but in some ot us essential
points it was a trifle lhaky. However,
the court took the cae under advise
ment until 11 o'clock, this forenoon.
Tongite at Lebanon.
Hon. Thrs Tongue spoke last night at
Lebanon to a big 1-oush for two hours and
torty minutes. I ao hours were devoted
to the tatilf and furty minutes to finance.
air. tongue tluws t-loiiently and is un
doubtedly a good talker: but with all
his eloquence be can not make most peo-
mc ucuevo me la'iu is vue uaue, just at
the clone of a congress that promised
much and has done nothing, and with a
tariff law already in force that i working
well and wlych would more than meet
expenses but for extravagant appropria
tions and injudicious expenaee. He
straddles the money question, on the face
oi it nsuing lor the votes ot both silver
ites and goldites; but the fact that be
will oppo e the f ree coinage of silver 10 to
t independent ol other countries, shows
his band on thstqnestion.This straddling
position fooled the people a few years ago
but it does not now. Mr. Tongne be
came so heated that when about two
thirds through he took off his cost and
spoke in his shirt sleeves. His address
was listened to intently by men of all
Threshing Machinery.
"The continued rains and bad weather
doesn't seem to lessen our peoples faith
in the productiveness of this part of the
valley YesterJay M. Hoeflich, living
on the south side of the Calapooia, about
tonr miles irom Albauy, purchased of
the btewarl A Sox Hardware Co. a full
tbreahiiig outfit of large capacity. It
cumiets of a 10 H. P. traction engine, a
aixcjo separator and a ten-barrel mount
ed aiater tank, all being manufactured
by Rufsell A Co., of Makillon, Ohio. Mr.
lloetisch last year ran a small outfit and
gave f ucli good satisfaction that he was
forced to enlarge his threshing capacity
on account of increasing patronage.
With this new machinery of tbe very
latest aod most popular kind he wi'l be
able to take care of an immense quantity
of grain during the coming harve.-U
How H Got toOkkwo. The Pendle-
M. Wert Alhers is lying dangerously
ill at his home beyoad tbe Calapooia.
Mrs.E. C. Prtrman. wife of Portland's
popular postmaster, is in tbe city on a
visit witu ber motber Mrs. Lisle and
J. A. Dummet, traveling Y. M. C. A.
secretary, was in the city to day in the
on Tribune teds about ecrary of u:e 5, for cole T M C A trai oin7
Kincaid as follows: He left Indiana -' . "S
with bis parents in 1853, crowing the lrr., CampJell, sisier of Mrs. E. L;
pliins and mountains without (Seine. ?,U? f,f lh,f c,ty Uu morn.!D ,or
after crossing the Missouri rivw, the I rouiand, where she lias accepted a po
sign ol a hoiue until Uiev roarhed what Il,on .n ooo of the hospitals, a
is now the Umatilla reservation. Here P?"loa ,n hich many splendid traits
hey saw a party of colonicts getl ng ol coaracier win enable her 'o excel.
ready to build a log cabin. On the old I Mrs. vt imam Mernman. of Gerrais
immigration road teating down the J better known to many ot the citizens
unxiaiiui laio iwwu iowd 01 ut .,rana i i.-i4uw, u - w iun lmi. mans nu.
as they proceeded westward, their hoist-s I "iiger on the southbound lo-al. vester-
uui, aii'j uier una n tongue I y vwn vt irienis ami retatives
irom lie wagon, turned the horws loie, I m eouioern uregon. Matestuan.
atvl net out on Ion. Reaching ( ester
Uiey found the first bouse since leaving
tbe Mimunri river. Here Mr. Kincaid.
sr took np a bonetrd. The ecrvtrv
of tate at that time iu not old enough
to become oos?esor .f government land
himself. Tie tecretary of sU'e paid the
old road a visit yesterday, a slay-over at
I -a iiraoue being made lor the purpose.
He says tbat be still recon tbe soot
where the borer were abandoned and
that a visit to it lay rel! vividly
the varied experiences of Hie fainii's
journey out west.
Luuxox. Y. J. Hawkins, of AHanv,
was in the car vesterdav to Mr alo it
opening s bowHng alley at tliis plsce.but
tuoognt me city uc!en)e was loo btgn, so
be gave jt op , .
Johnny Mc,own and Paty Martin,
old emp:o;eesof thepspermdl oompany,
left Lebanon MoihUt. Johnny going to
Cal.fornia ami Patty Io Montana. Tbe
young men leave many friends here and
win be greatly missed by all
Josetdi Greenbaum, wh live-l two
miles this tide of Lower Soda, died at the
u Charles Hotel, in this city, last night
at 8 o'clock, of consomotiou. at the ao
of years.
The case of Jo Id acd Will Maler. for
Iteatiog A. J. Nicho , did not come to
trial, the young men pleading guilty and
paying fines and custs. amounting to
about WO. Tuev were also placed under
bonds ol f to Keep Ute peaco lor one
year, tjuue a saving for the Uxpavers
was thus effected. Lxpress and Advance.
Bicvcut Ci?b. The bicycle club held
a meeting last night and began arrange
ments for a general bicycle meet in Al
bany on fraturilay afternoon. May SO. A
schedule of races will be made oat at a
meeting of tbe club Saturday i.ulit. The
college track will be greatly improved
and-wi!l lie put in first class condition.
A sritnd stand will lie built, to which a
small admission will ta charged for cut-
rent expenses.
The club elected Y. b. tiOft preldent
and 0. W. Klkins sscreiary and treasurer.
The object of the club will be to promote
interest in bicycling, the secunng ot lie
improvement oi our rwt and county
reads, the promotion i bicycle racing.
A oet.tion was ordered oreseuteu o the
city conned in regard t-j the -grading of
the citv s Streets.
F. M. French wan appointed ofUcial
time keeiier; A.J. I bulges, Siorey
and P. A Youug.rjcmg committee; and
tid Bhidge t. Wader Itiddell and C.
W inn, i-ommittee on rnl meets and
runs. The lee tor membership wa sei
at f 1.00 for men and 50 cents for women.
- Statu I'jutlkkitt Ob aocate The
senior class of the University of Oregon
this year contains 20 members eight
ladies aod 12 gentlemen. Thuee who
compose the cls are Mtea Maud Wil-
sins, tiouise loran. lienrietta uwen.
Jennie IVattie. Anna Roberts. Alverna
btiarp. Kate Hanna and rannie lfeui'
en way; ile-rs John Kdmudson, Will
snd Chas MeChire, Chas Wintermeir,
Clarence Ke-ne. Frank Tatlor. Herbwt
Hanna, Lester Ha. in. Harry Temple-
ton. irird Johnson, vart Mnilh and
Frd Mr. I key. Carl t'uiitb is class pres
ident, Wiil. McCtnre is class orator and
MiMAUvrna barp is class poet. The
valedictorian uu not been announevi
Only alx. it 15 members of the clas ill
orate, and they u i'.l le aigned u-jivts
Josb Reilly. who md to play base bJI
rtih the Albanies. is i!avir, win.
the Chica?oes and is making a goud
recoil, lnannie with Lonia -JaMh"
as at She bat six limes, mada tarn ran
two base bits, five sits aod put oat one
man and be made three error in doing
this. la this game Reillr asoiated io
making a triple play.
'Lode Biilr' Miller took the PsuirY,
lorat yeterday for Linn county where
he will circulate f r the next three weeks
among hi various nieces and nephews
in iv:o and Lebanon, all of whom will
leave no stone unturned to make his
visit one of constant pleasure. Kales-man.
Charles E. ilemienoa. woll k nnan in
f-a:ie. Linn and Marion ronnlie. a for.
mr student of ibe state university and
an on -nor. afnl champion In tbe big
oratorio I con lest of lm3, in .a'eai. Las
wen Rominaied lor uM legislator of
Indiana, f rom Green count r. and ttmoA
a fair show of going in along with th
resi oi iu, republican coik-goee. Stales-man.
There are two commercial Irav-e'ra
named Smith ho come to Alhanv reg
ularly. Tbe wife of one, nee Miss Nellie
Callahan, of Portland, is in the city vis
iting Albany friends, and is conlamp'.al
ing making this her home this summer,
as Mr. Jsmitb is here more than at Port
land, on account of Albany's central loca
tion. An item in the Dkmixwat several
weeks ago should have been annl ml to
the other Mr. and Mrs Smith.
The Ladies Circle of !h Vmlmmnl
the World last niht tendered Mm. T. J.
Co&nan a farewell reception previous to
neroepanore tuts morning to ber new
i oniaoa. it was nicely ar
ranged and was a complete surprise. The
gowi wui expressed could have leit no
doubt in the mind ot Mrs. Coffman tbat
she took with her the affertioa and
friendship of ber sister memlers as well
as mas y others in our citv. Durine the
eicmng a pleating p rue-ram was retdered
tonne entertainment of the com pan v.
consisting of a duet by Mists Iiena Ve ick
on the piano and David iJ.-tlieo n the
mandoim; a piano solo bv Miss Lillie
harrvil; a recitation by Mrs. J. W
M?e: a duet on nim.o inl mandolin
byMUiieand David lioUieb: a comic
recitation bv C E. Hawkins and a song
by the entire company. A nice lunch
to loed.
Highest of ail in Leavening rower. .Latest U. S. Gov't Report
a mm x.wjf-w w js e m
Attempted Wreck.
As tbe Co burg train on the Orcgonian
road passed Wilkin's last night juit at
dusk, it received a lively shaking up and
was nearly thrown from the track Tue
cause was the filling ot, the split switch
st that point with rocks, undoubtedly
with the intention of canning a wreck.and
it was a wonder tbe cars kept the track.
A Pioneer of 1851.
Died, at the residence of J, 8. Fanlk
ner on May 2, 1898, Mr. T. I, Fanlkner,
at tbe age of 89 yeera. Mr. Faulkner
was a man highly respected by all. He
leaves many friends to mourn bis loss.
The bereaved wife and children have tbe
heartfelt sympathy of tbe community.
Mr. Faa'kner was born in tha state of
Sew York Sept 27, 1807, aod emigrated
to Oregon in 1851, where he resided till
death. X.
Bowlixo. The bowlers last night did
tbe pooi est wo-k of tbe season, the total
socrs being 1 12 less than the previous
ev nlng : Revere, Pfeiff er 51 . Sowers 36,
brown 39. aon 33. Total. 159. St.
Charles, Howard 37, Cannon 43. Drom,
53. Cusick 33. Total. 166. The tout for
tbe 60 f'ames was: Revere 6U3. a veraee
2ot. SuCharle, 552; average 22. Eu
gene! acoro was 5 ahead of Albany's.
Revere team will play Watts. Cannon.
Coaick and Drum 60 frames beginning
next Monday evening.
The Paralysers have elected John Hol
man as their captain; with bis coaching
they expect to make some great records. !
These game promise to be tbe moat ex
citing games ever played in Albany as
neither one of these teams has ever
ben defeated and both claim the cham
pionship. Albany and Eugene will also
context again neat week. Game called
Monday night at :30 Come evervbodv
and watch ibis interesting sport.
Oh thi WfixAMETTK. Increased in
terest ia taken in th denartnra of th
boats moraingt and large crowds conere-
rate st the wharfs when tbevamve from
Corvallis at 7:4.3. This morning tbe Al
bany arrived and departed about one
hundred yards ahead of the Rath. It
was a Drettr i?ht aa tl.ev iimiiini alae-
triiousiy, pitchy amoks "rolling, wheels
rauing angniy, foruandward. On tbe
Albany were the members of tbe Cor
vallis and Pbilomath Salvation Annies
going to see Mrs. Booth Tucker whosa
hut band is doing thealoms of New York
in red whiskers. Among the pasvngers
on the Rutb were Mrs. John Conner and
gratdaM returning to Ponlann.Mee. T.J.
Coff mas going to her new ho tte at Port
land, and Misa Mane Cundiff goimr to
Salem (or ber weekly elocution lesson.
Hie large passenger traffic oa tbe river
is certainly cutting into the S. P. bust-
WhoH.s Tit t . Tbe Diwoout
started in to keep iu readers posted
about the Portland case of the . P en
gineer running out from Albany on the
Ureornan road. tM now gives the c!os
mg chapter: "tai. Johnson, a hoortn
street co wvtia, arrested last week for
the a'leged larceny of $20 from the pocket
of J. A. Walsh, a visitor to her "cnb."
was- discharged from custody ut tbe
ju-tice ejort this afternoon. he ongi-
nady bad an examination on tbe same
accusation in toe municipal coaiU There
she was alto discharged, but she was
then at ones rearrested oa a warrant
(run the justice court.
Fiaa PxLaoATsa. At tbe meeting of
Albany Engine Company No. 1 last night
. ll. arner. t. K. r indie v and A. w.
Slellmaler were elected members of tbe
board of fire delegates. No. 2's have
elected Uto Ck-ian, Chas Media and W.
W. Boaeil.
A Thrust at Albany.
Tortlaod is full of street beg g-ars.
See Um elegant display of ladies capes
at the Ladies bazaar.
lbere aie 6 f teen assignment eases on tie
docket in Polk county.
7 bars beat Savon soap 25 da at H. F.
Mcllvain's each store.
Tbe oat erop is going to be very small in
tbe valiey, which will mean high prices.
Tbe Guard says tbat Linn county bas a
representative in Lane county, working ia
Driver's intercut.'
Remember Tinkle is ba-kat bis old
stand and will make you the finest photos
at bard time prices.
Battle Axs plug tobacco at H. F. Mc
llwains cash store, at reduced prices, lb
plug25es. - '
. Dan n a Is t Pnesens in well coostrocfed
.etteri have made a window tio read:
rawtord and Haraisn."
Boy yoor tea of (I. F. Mcllwain's cash
'ore aod save 10c oa every lb. Ibe best
brands in tbe market.
Have you seen those new 25c initial
Wiitle ritgn. in French's show window.
Tuey are tbe latest fad.
Contractors will o well to tee Mr. JnU
ius Gradwohl (or prices on oil and lead
oeiore mailing painting contracts
1 'Mi can save money if yon boy floor at
H. F. Mcllwains cash store, Jefferson,
Surton. Red Crown, tbe best in tha mar
The ennf ract for nrintin? tbe An, in ia
bull' its for tbe coming election bas Sees
awarded to Snnl,-y. tbe printer, be being
tbe iowet bidder.
Mortimer W bitebead. the populist from'
the east, is to speak at HaUey May 14, at
Uarrisbor May 15, bis only two Lion
coonty appointments.
The court of discipline of F. company
wi l meet on next Tnesda night for bosi
eewlattbesrmory ia this city. Members
will take notice
Nothing takes tbe plare f gool meat.
Raigbt Bros, bare what yon want, care
fully bongbt and nicely ca', alas some
ane bams aod bacon.
Another invoice of wraorjers and isJ'm
black dress scirt received at tbe Ladies
Kaxur. Tbe skirts are lined throogboot
sad .nna with ve vet. price $2 00
1 be riiibJe -apply of wheat fr I be world
on April 1. 1S. wu 156.075 boieia
tliis mea' s the total amocnt of wheat net
of prod Uf era' bawds aad available for
prompt shipment on demaa i.
Tbe Hoag will gi to Poruad t-Mnorrow
morning, the Albany sras.K op ia tbe
evening ginnir oar c tucc as opportu
nity to spend severa! hcurs ia laiem be
tween the boats.
Sa'em is Io bare a prize iabt Monday
Bigot be" ween Loxtso dtrutal an tbe
Cleand Kid. unW the name of a scar
ring ie a ten. It will probably be a prise
fake. Most Oregon spariiag awtcnesare.
Three dronkea Iadisbs on tbe Cma
tilia ajr-tKT road. Leid np Mr. TbompWM.
a pri rkhterr This co erraoed IV-oaip-
Mrs. Dr. FraLt Skiff.of
np this noon on a sitil.
Mrs. C. D. Bowls and two boys, oi
VaniMMver, are in the city the gtieVts o -the
formers parents, Mr. and Mr-, Rufn i
Thompson. ,
Chaa. Barr of Albany is In the city tn
visit bis father, chief engineer of "the;
new stste sewer, and will remain over
fcnmlay. Balem JournaL
Mr. Kit Carson, tlie well-known Can
adian Pacific man, was in tbe city today.
Mr. Carson recent y returned from a trip
to the Kntania country np north snd
thinks it a wonderful place.
Attorney J. R. Wyatt of Albany vis
ited with relatives and friends in this
place Sunday. Mr. Wyatt intimated
that an active campaign woold rot be
instituted until about tbe 15th imd.
Harrisbarg Review. .
Owen Bond of Ha'sey, who a short
time ago killed Ira fctroad at tbat place
aceidently, for which deed be is now
nnder bonds awaiting the action -of the
grand jury, was in baleui yesterday.
Halem ntatesmaa.
Dr. E. J. Thompson is slowly recover
ing from bis attack of bronchitis, but
wiil not able to occupy bi pulpit
next feundsy. .There will, however, be
services as usual. Rev, Smkk, of Albany,
having kindly consented to pieacb.
uorvaiiis limes.
J. P. Galbraitb, a prominent ctLzen o'
Albany, made the Times a call this
morning, while on bis way to Josephine
county. lie is settling np tbe business
of tbe defunct Farmers A Merchants Ins,
Co. Jacksonville Times,
W r. Samuel Haydea, democratic nom
inee for district attorney was in tbe city
today. Mr. Hay den is a bright young
attorney of ten or twelve years exper
ience and ia making a strmg canvass for
the office, with splendid prospect of
Waiter Denny returned from San
Francisco Monday. Walter went down
there a few days before to enLet in the
U. S navv. He met with encourage
ment and expects to return about the
25th and be assigned to duty aa a fire
man on tbe splendid new battleship Ore
gon which is soon to be pot in commis
sion. Walter is an Oregon bov and
a splendid specimen of physical man
hood and few more such specimens as L.
contributed from this state to rem pie
men t tbe Oregon's crew woold do the
big new battleship more credit than tbe
silver service it is prospeced for this state
o contribute to btr nameship. Ashland
Tbe following f:om the Brownsviiie
Times will show aha. tbe reputation of
the democratic nomine, for sheriff is at
home: Forty-six years ago Henry Blake-
ly was born in tius citv. and save a per
iod of aboot five ears, bas contiuoueiv
resided in tbe c-uoty since that time.
He is honest and upright ia bis deal
ings, and if eWcted sheriff, will make an
efficient officer. We beli-ve ' Henry
would give universal satirfacti-jo in this
capacity. Suppose we jive bim a trial?
L. O. T. M. Surprised.
' ; " iff t4f' s- y-
Webe Takfs Dows Stream. The El
more and tioag started aown stream
about even today. Thev were in such a
burry to get on tbat Judge vvintney.wtio
had gone on board tbe tloag to see m rs.
Whitney anil eon oh" on their trip to San
Jose, California, and Peiry Conn, with a
basket of groceries, were taken down i
stream. By their persuasive ettorts tue
Capt. let them jump off at Spring Hi II
and they walked back getting here an
hour and a half after leaving the wharf.
It is reported that there is a prdspect
of better roads between Albany and
Spring Hill on account of Judge w hitney
and Mr. Perry Coun having Djcome
grf atly intarested in that part of tfenton
All kinds of furniture
and bedding1, and it
you want the most
complete flour safe,
he has them and his
prces the lowest
Dealer in
srs.IOM.lMI. Proprietor
A Veby Recoxciiabj.i Husband. A
woman and three chiluien went from
Newberg recently, to visit a bro.her in
Linn county. L oon failing to return
the husband became alarmed and came
after ber. She had left her brother's
The man came to Albany and telephoned
to Chief Wells, of Corvallis, who after a
half day's search located ber with a man
in that city. The husband immediately
took a carriage for that city, and upon
alighting his son was the first person be
saw. The boy took him to bis mother,
who was found in the company of the
man. Matters were fixed up without
the usual and deserved tragedy, the man
being an old acquaintance the husband
said, and the family left for home. A
peculiar incident in every day life.
Lakb Cocmty Eoas. God's Regular
Army forces established barracks in Cot
taae Grove last Monday, The olficere
comprised two men and a woman. Some
troub'e arose, and Tuesday one of the
men and the woman left town, it was
i reported tbat they went away togetmai
' ried. Last night the man returned and
when be ventured out on the streets he
was rotten egged by a number of citizens.
Guard. . Small business.
What tub Press Says. Messrs.
Ghormelv & Webb who sre to bold the
revival (reeling in the opera house, are
men ell known in their special work.
The oress ;s unanimous in sneaking of
their work in the highest terms. The
Spokesman Review savs: "The victory
oi Faith" was the title given by Or.
Ghormley of Helena, Io his first revival
address at the Central Christian - church
last evening. That popular ptare of wor
ship never before contained a larger ct
gregation.or one that was more in hearty
sympathy with the work. At the open
ing oi me sermon rroiessor nu fim.
Webb who accompany the evangeui
ang, "The Two Ways" in a manner that
would have elicited an encore any where
else than in church., Yakima Dally
Times: "Never in this city has there
beet, such a religious awakening as is
manifest by large audiences and splendid
results nightly at the Christian church."
The results of this meeting were 120
. baptisms and 18 from other sources.
lUm i iMj The contest
taeeu the Revere HoufC snd Si. Chailes
a a live one. Considerable tmptovi
nit ia iK.ttreable in the score, t ollow-
ing are the figures: lievere House,
D'um 61. sow.r 58. Urosn 65. Waisou
56, total 2i0, average SO. St. Charles,
Howard 4!, Cannon fi3. Archibald 40,
Hoi man 3D. total 197, average 215-8.
The total for 20 frames is Revere 444. St.
Charles 3S6.
The Pkmik rat ie informed that iu the
bottling at Salem the large scoie is made
by the men bowling individually when
ever they please during the day, giving
their biggeet score for the required nutu
ber of frames.
ft H3 ILlf o 0 It
It Is so beeanss It strllcos at the emu Ot
the Ctogqtd, Irrltattd, InJIumul, MuggUh, ot
iMtrtDorkul l'oua.
Sola thnmthoatth, mM. Pomi TlitMl uD Cbiu
0l Com wjbatios. Sole PrAfrlBitr UoMon.
as- - lias 111 rmvuul 1'iMplvV M vafw, Ulss, .
pBKriuTs A Fuhid. A gentleman well-
inforiitl utvm the sitbiw t savs that dur-
iiiu the recent protracted rain in the
vallevs of this slate there wss a constant
and uncommonly heavy fall of snow in
the mountains, which, when melting.will
he tributary to the uoiumbia and u
lamette river'. He estimates the pack
of mow now in the mountains to be far
greater than that in 1894, when the city
was mum Bieu, auu in view ui ,nv
that the warm weather cannot much
longer remain in alieyance, he predicts
tuat within the comma 30 davs. this city
will experience another Hood similar in
extent to that of two years ago. Tele
Ii Mkanb Brsixass. A B. Hammond
has advertised for bids tor the grading of
the road Irom the end ol the prevent!
contract to the end of the proposed road
at Gohle, a distance ot 47 miles and for
7000 feet of trestle along the water front
at Astoria. Several contractors already
have their bids prepared ready for sub
mismon, among them being Larsen &
Ureenough and Corey Bros. Alter
thirty years effort to get a railroad, As
toria now sees one ahead for the first
tune as a certainty. Plana are already
being made for the depot. The result is
that many big deals are already on hand
tor Astoria, looking towards its future
growth. Astoria will le beard from.
Paid THBWB0sa County. The Salem
Pott says : Thos (i. Keene petitions the
court for refunding of taxes paid by him
in the vear lS93and 18U4. on the soutiv
east quarter ot section 22, township 10
south, range s east, it appears mat,
laboring under a misapprehension, be
' paid taxes to the sheriff ol Marion conn-
land lies. Meanwhile the land has been I
told.for taxes. I
Dr. Price'a'Crwrn BaklnKPowdet
World's Pair Hlgbsst Msdsl ana Diploma.
A sea lion w.ui rwntlv ktlieJ ner As -
lst nbiht U I tori that weurhed ZlOJ pound.
m. tlaoter. a pioneer of Brownsville,
dc?d tsterday morning at Ibe age of 85
yeirs. .
The Kugene rsxe have We ixwtroned
to te wees b ginning May 20. a week
later th.ui scheduled.
The old steamer Salem was so d at the
bonex ard in Portland for 1 1500. Tbjs tbe
old boutaate "wbilentng."
lMsrit KAJo is arranging to build
second side track at this city between tbe
treigul and psssengr depots.
Sciohas not eeiebrtted lbs 4th of lulv
for five years, and is now contemplating
rum:ng me eagles feathers this year.
Eugene even now ha lis 4th of July
program clarified. Ho e races, foot races.
buycle races and the human race will te
the leading events
The regnlar mo.ith'v meetincr of the Le"
Roi Mining Compan was hel.i in Spjrans
on luewlny evening and tbe n gular
dividend of $50,000 of 111 cents a sbare
was riedartd. This makca 1 1 50 000 in
dividends since lat October. Pretty good
for a mine whose shares were not taken
very rapidly 18 months ago at 5 cents ix-i
share. I bet s mining W. W. States-
Last Friday, Mr. a lounz a at
tempting to dislodge a tree that bad float
ed crosswise in tbe creek just below the
St'io Roller Mills, and being long enema
to reach across the creek, bad lodged II
hud cut a limb, Uiat waa holding tt, half
off and was going to the other side
ttninh it. when it sjddcnlr (rave wav One
nd of tiie limb caught Mr. Young's left
foot at tbe ankle and pinned him in the
ground. The ankle was badly brnied
and one of the booes above the ankle is
probably cracked. The injury it severe
enough to lay him np for to or three
weeks. caoiress.
Suleiu merchants mav or may not care
for the pntronage of the big Santiam coun
try, but juxt as long a-n they remain in
active to the need of r&ilway connections
with this vsst and growinw territory, Al
bany merchants will continue o chuckle
on their good fortune. It is only a fov
minutes by rail to Albany and the business
men ot that city are not indifferent to tbe
volume of trade much of which by right
belongs iu Marion county. A little of the
right kind Of bustling would recurs to Sa
lem a direct railroad line into a territory
that is growing in richness every day.
Stay ton mail.
Rev. E. A. Rosa, who was recently in
Albany holding evangelistic meetings in
a tetter in "The Method irt" stirs np Al
bany as follows :
"Albany has more cbnrcbes and church
members and ie-s religion than any
town we ever set foot in. I felt on ar
riving like St Pan! did while standing oa
Mar's Hill, informing tbe inhabitants.
'In all things ye are loo religions,' and
vet they were destitute of the true kind.
The devil ia willing for a man to get
oluui.full of religion if it is tbe popular
'estiva!, worldly Kind that never saved a
soul from bell since tha fall of man in
the garden ot Eden.
A resident of this city for forty years
told me that tue town had never bad a
genuine revival in all tbat time, but
scores ot little fox nres, bold np your
nsnd, sign a card, join me church meet
ings. Ibe result ia just what Satan
wanted the out-side woild disgusted
with religion. We need a Jeremiah or
two on this coast to rebuke tbe card-
siguing, church-joining preacher, like
the one described in Jeremiab 5S:15.
Hear now, Hananiah, the Lord hath
sent thee ; but thou tnakeat this people
to trust in a lie. Tbe man who puts
bis name on a card and church register
and trusts in this to save him wilt find
out in one minute after his soul leaves
tbe body that be was made to tract in a
lie. 'Except a man be born of water and
ot the Spirit he cannot enter into tbe
kingdom ot l,od, said Jesus, aod it is
Just as true today aa when tbe words fell
from His lips."
on that he immeuiacef "lei out and aooa
bd Ue three stretched upn tlrt grcand
wttn blood stmming from their faces.
Our line of Ladis shirt waists is now
complete, having ja.-t eeved ail tbe new.
est patterws ia lawa and dimity. This is
by far the saillest line of mods ever
sbwa in A'bany, call and see tbem at tbe
Ladies Rsxaar.
"Tiakraa catch the shadow, ere the
rabstawre fade, and make bandsosee
photo of a bomefy old maid1
eitbe'. ia fact anvboty, aad
it is if Ibe photos yon get U. Tinkle are not
satisfactory joa need not pay fur them
Last night tbe bowling alley team made I
IM following vote: Dans 71; tuce 52;
Yoon- (suh) 52: Louis HoUeabecfc (sub) 67 ;
NlcOnng 57; Henderson 43. After tbe
game Looia lioiieabeck ia a trial of twenty
odCflrcutive frames, scored 100 ooinU. teo.
O Yoran followed bim with a score of 3.
These are exceedingly high, scores aod if I
Salem ran do much hetier she had better
trot 'era out. Eager Register.
Quite a srxmtioa has been cased ia Xew
Yoik City, by James fbctBton, a famous
composer, vaodsville scior and .ballad
singer, turning temperance leetsrar, giving
op a very locrative business tor tbe good ot
out fetlow mea- Ms is com posing a som
ber of temperance soeirs whicb be will sing
bimseif ia connection with his temperance
talk. He baa been personally rmca tbe arst
drink to debrinm tenes and will speak
from eiperience. and berides labor person-1
ally in his new he'd among those woo be
come interested.
Last evening during tbe hive Review
of the L, O. T. 11. there was an a'arm at
tbe door, upon the sentinel enquiring the
cause it was announced that the Sir
ICnizhU of Albany Tent with visiting Mr
Knigbta lroni Corvallis and JeSerswi
were present in a body seeking adaiit
taace. Firve leview was adjourned and
tbe guests admitted. They t-roazhl their
orchestra, and a pleasing ptoeram bad
been prepared. Tbe orchestra di persed
music, jsiss Lillian . Crawford recited.
and then it was announced by i-ir
Knight Van Winkle that the "Laoies"
were invited to the panor. where a meet
tempting luneSs bad been prepared. ' It
was indeed a surprise, and one that was
appreciated by tbe ladies. We stayed
until tbe "we small" boors of tbe morn-
I ing, departing with many thanks to the
tbe twenty of I r n-nignts lor ue coorteaes exrenoeo.
1ji tn-'l va worSd. 2QQO
V sinsisy happy israifes itx
. I ifce mCoi, eraii-
tvjf-r sta aad mas Fa.
wA weaamss s -a
k vizor kBova ts
KAikxI science. At
aeroetdof tfcawua
aVr'td siKSwii ia
book farm, wiia ref
creaces and froate,
will be seat 10 saf-
fcrtaff (sesJcd) res. Fail suutly twos
feciBaaeeily wntreid rauaxe taajMasioie.
ImsitGRATtox RooSwTlte Linn Coun
ty Immigration Board have rested the
room of X. H. Allen, recently vacated
by W.C. PaviaACoanditwill befit
ted up for a big display and for tbe office
ot tbe secretary. Mr. Blumberg will
probably go to Portland next week to
confer witb the northwest office in refer
ence to the future ptogram and to post
bimseif opon the varied interests con
nected ilb tbe business. .
0 1
u4 4rscrit"e e
Sah Baows ix Alaska. When it was
reported that Sam Brown had been
drowned while escaping from tbe officials
in Douglas county, tbe DsjtocaAT. imme
diately said it was a take Aow a man
from eetentv miles above Juneau
says Sam Brown is there, having- been
reonrniaed bv an old friend who knew
bim well at'Mvrtle Point. The sheriff
of Dooelaa county should be sent alter
... . ... Y T I
him u it is settled mat it n uresu. ai i
is, in anv eveut, certain tbat he waa not
yii Jt?""! J
saeefeKaJcsThr tie best
-tea. rrrtarttmoaa.
are raciae Co
a.n 1 i Ti I T i,i it, it1,, r aOS9TS WAWTOV
rrTAXlTSt a CraATC CIabuaaXat.
Basse Hoes', sji Ma Sc. lasaasTleJ.
RavtvAL. All things are now ready.
Cornel Kvapgelists Ohormley A Webb
under ibe auspices ot tbe Christian
church, will begin a series of revival
meetiugs in the Albany opera house.
Sunday mornirg May 10. The follosr-
tng themes will be presented by evan
gelist Ohormley :
Sundar. May 10. 11:00 a.m.. Revivals.
Sunday. " " 1 iJU p. m.. t be Kare
Monday 11th 7:30 p. in.. Miracles.
Tuesday " 12th 7 :30 Man, From Whence
and W bitherr
Wednesday. 13th. Emmanual, Cod
With Vs.
Thursday, 14th, Calvary, The Storm
uenter ot toe Ages.
Friday, 15th, Truly this Was the
Son of God.
Saturday, 16th, Victories of the Faith.
Prof. Webb will have charge of the
large chorus choir and in addition to the
chorus singing there will be special m i
sio from time to time. At every service
Prof, and Mrs. Webb will sing one of
their many sout stirring duetts. Come.
Contract LbT The building commit
tee of tbe r irst Presbyterian church ot
itrownsville met at the residence ot I.
Mever. on Saturday, at 3 p. m. with D.
11. Ambross in tbe chair. The bids ot
five different contractors were opened
and found to be as follows: L M Craiv
dall A Sons, of Lebanon, $3,449,00:
Young & Robinson, ot Salem, t2.056,00;
Glass A Cox. of Brownsville, 1,424,00;
Alley A Somen, of r.ugene, l,541,H-":
11 F Archibald, oi uroansviue, si.cxju.
Class A Cox being the lowest bidders
were awarded me contract by an unani
mous vote of the committee.- Browns
ville Times.
V-S v. is i
The Printer.
Always "Tone
II Bares Urea EverIDay
Thousands ot cases ol
Asthma. Coughs, Colds and Coup r
rod every day by Shiloh's Cure.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding ot tne
transient nature of tbe many pbya-
iFire Insurance
, with
la tbe Old Hartford, the New Tork Un-
j a .!', nr anvoaeof tbe reli
able old line companies he represents. Notes
taken and plenty ot Urns given for pay meet
All ''Un , ' v
farm insurance.
promptly attended to.
Far thelLMaeirs.
'I am 65 years old; have had
dieae and constipation for 25 year. Am
now well used your S. B. Headache and
liver Cure cue yesr. Used 6 bot'les at
. n V 11 ir!..w. D ..ll-,l.
oocen- h, . a.u , "'""ip- T-,7uj. u 1..1,
Ur. r orsaie ej roanay ot mason aiow "- , . V -
bottle tiaed and glvea nweXireneralsatABlaetion
leal ilia, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle effort pleasantefforta
wl,W dSretaxt. There ia eomfort in
the knowledge, tbat bo many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who' value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
ne remedy which promotes internal
Cleanliness wimw . . B . I T -
organa on which it acta. It te therefore g: COlHtneilCtinCIll
all important, in oroor to (cc wuw- (
fioial effects, to note when you pur- Pf Qfif alllS
Kac that von have the Pennine art. '
cle. which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Svrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good bealtn,
and the system la regnlar, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to tbe most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
nn should have the beat, and with tbe
well-informed everywhere. Syrup of
5 and class printir. got all kinds
g Very pretty doeigns for "So
g entirely new 1 All prices. 3
g- Work nosnrpassed in the r3J
S State. Order enrly. ZZS
fc-- SMILEY, tlie Printer 3
'Phone 9 Albany, Or.
sr. Price's Cream tiaWiux o -i .
SmmiIsI CoU Msdii M! viator Faw s . k.