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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1896)
Site Scjiwwat. TERMS. ilt Democrat, 25c per month; tS.OO . per ynar, in aavauoe iweper monia net in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run ovei months. Single copies 5c Weekly. 11.25 In advance; $1.50 at eno of year: $1.75 for second Tear: 20U foi third and proceeding yeara, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five new gubscriber for f5.00. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers (or (2.33 a year. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium gilt in May, the same as if you sent the reg ular subscription price ot $ i.ou directlv to the- paper. Isu't that a bargain. Weekly Ds moor at and thrice a week N. Y. Worldc$2.00 a year. Subscribers to JJaily paying in advance ' will receive all the advantages of either proposition. Victories, bravo deeds, grand inven tions, command universal praise. One such event may make a man famous and win our admiration in a day. . We submit that had you never heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla until yon read the following statement yon would say : " That one cure proves Ilood's Sap. saparilla one of the greatest discov eries of the age; it is a wonderful blood purifier." Bui "there are oth ers," equally as wonderful. " Yes, literally thousands qf marvel lous cures by Ilood's Sarsaparilla. The greater proves the less. - If you need a good medicine to purify your blood you are doing just right in deciding upon Ilood's Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. Read this : "I want to say, by God's blessing, Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me what ao physician or medicine could, after 20 years of suffering. After the birth of my last child, in 1874, 1 had a milk leg ; dreadful kj y u iuuui Sfi.OO buvs a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys lo choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buvs one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, ngbt running; guaran teed 5 years fi""Priees on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will : s : Albany. Hon. Jeff Meyer's Campaign Kuniors rent the air yesterday to the effect that Col. Jeff Myers and Senator Vanderburg, democratic and populist candidates, respectively for congress, had withdrawn and that Judge J. B" Waldo. of this county, had been or would be nominated as a free silver candidate to contest with Mr. Tongue for the congres sional honors, says the Statesman. Ac cording to street-talk Myers and Vander burg were in consultation at Portland and their party chieftain and the mat ter had all been arranged. The deal had been consummated and the withdrawals were in the hands of the committee, all ready for filing with the secretary of state. But when the Salem "cannon- ball" arrived yesterdav evening bearing Col Jeff the story vanished into the thin nest of nothingness. When the Colonel was accosted by a Statesman attache to verify the rumor he m ade the statement that there was not a ward of truth in the (reported combination.' On the other hand, he saw Vanderburg started out yesterday on his campaign speaking last night at Lafayette. Vanderburg 'a dates are arranged for the full time and will bring him up the valley on the west side and down on the east side. On behalt of his own candidacy Mr. Myerieaid i. was his intention to start out' about May 15 and make an active campaign from that time on until election day. It is his in tention to go up and down the valley, touching the high places at about ten or adoien different points making that number of speeches in the leading cities of the district. DEMOCR ATICMEETING ATSCIO. sores broke out on m. left limb. It was thought I could no,' live. . What I suffered no tongue can tell, nd until June, 1892, my lite was continml misery, so severe that at times the pain if combined afflictions would cause me to have faint ing fits and spells like lockjaw. Five dif ferent times gangrene got into my sys tem, and I despaired of ever getting bet ter. Ine flesh on my ankle became badly eaten, and the bone was visible In places. My finger and toenails came off and my hair came out profusely. For years I did not know what a night's sleep was with out opiate to deaden the pain. J. lived in Sod3 s torment, fearing death, yet dreading life more. But I decided to try Hood's Sar saparilla. There was no marked change while taking the first bottle, but when taking the fourth I positively knew I was being helped. Gradually the sores on both legs healed, the discharge ceased and new flesh began to form. Kew nails came on my fingers and toes, new hair came on my head, and ar I continued with Hood's Sarsaparilla my limbs in A Salem Relic. time became completely cured. I have taken about 20 bottles, and I know that I owe my recovery entirely to Hood's Barsaperilla. I have never had any pain or lost an hoar's Sleep on account ot the trouble I have mentioned, since Oct., 1892, when the sores were all perfectly heated. the blessing of which I ascribe to Hood's Barsaparilla. I found Hood's Olive Oint ment gave the most soothing relief to the inflamed flesh of any ointment or lotion .To) .IS) applied. I hope every sufferer whose com plaint is in any way affected by impure blood will give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair triaL" Hsa. Cththia A. Edwakjdb, 1127 Cleveland Ave Suspension Bridge, N- Y. Druggist W. l. Huntley says: "lira. Edwards is wen known. Foryears aba took different medicines lor her troubles, but tt remained for Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure her and place ber where she Is today." These and many similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier, ft ; six for (5. Prepared only C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. J. H. Albcrt.ot Salem, has a Bible 250 years old. It has been in the Albert family 175 years. The Salem Statesman says: It is bound in full calf, with stout wooden covra and back and is fit teen and oue-half inches long, ten inches in width, six inches in thickness and has a weight of twelve pounds aud was former ly clasped with iron. The old and new testament take 1.1S0 pages of the vol ume. the remainder being devoted to the publisher's ruelace, glossary, indexes, the Aug.-berg confession and to numerous biographies of the Savon princes under whose patronage the noble work was done; and to such other data oi refer ence and record as was calculated to make it immensely valuable not onty to those whose immediate hand book it wa to be, but to the bibliophile of this age and day. The pictorial work in the an cient bock is found on n any 400 of its pages and thi faces, - landscapes, and other detail are woader full realistic in expression and indication. Jss. G. Boutin and family of Ly-ns are making arrangements to move to Cal ifornia. Mr. George Hart, the Grants Pass law yer, is in the city the guest of his b other A (2 11 . - Jas Welch, the Oreironian et.cineer. of this city, . while in Portland last week was robbed of $20 Mrs. John Conner "and nephew, of Portland, are in the city the gums of Mr. Oaf. Buik hart. A-pleasant event in Cioverdule.lan week was the celebration of the 40th an niversary of the birth of Mrs J. B. Cou- gill. A good sized company was present and a happy time bad. R. G. Keene. who was at one time in basinets in Salem, but now a resident of SUyton, expeca to remove to Craw- lords ville. in th southern portion of Lino countv S-iIem Post. Judge C. E. Wolverton, of the preoe court, left for Pendleton morning where he will conduct court next week. The i ad ire was accomnan- ied to Portland by bis niece. Miaa Ednal t rice, wno wm enjoy a snort visit with friends in the metropolis expecting to return to Salem Sunday evening. Sa lem Post. a hckical. The junior class of Miss Helia Gilbert gave a pleasing recital Saturday after noon, giving evidence of the excellent training they are receiving. Following was the program : Duett, r-.ilssoo rio- quet Walls, Uooch, Lena Miller and Lin- me Kimsey ; organ selection, Koot. Kutli Montague ; piano solo. Happr Hcliool Days, Sudds, Oscar - Baumfrart; song. Mr hen 1 go oat Promenade, Martha Mon tague; piano solo, Come Dance With ate, iioerdeler. Lena Miller: organ march, Miller, Agnes Butler; vocal duet, lie Happy. Linnie Xmeev. Vta Hen ton and Myra Abbett ; piano eolo,The Pe ice of Home, Dorr.MoesieKnerrit: organ duet, Root, Myra Abbett and Ruth Montague: Solo and chorus, Little Dan, Hayes, solo Kaymond Hammer. chorusLeo Hammer,- Xe'.lle Miller, Linnie Kimsey, Ruth and Martha Montague: organ se lection. Our Katies' March, St. Law rence, Myra Abbett; piano solo. Doll's Dream, - Oesten, Linnie Ktmsev: song, Wynken, Byken and Nod. Verner. Nellie Miller: Duet. Chiming Bells. Blake, Flossie Knecht and Lena Miller. Editor Democrat : A well attended and successful demo -cratic meeting presided over by Mr. Munkers was held at Scio on Saturday. Among the candidates on the county tickets present were S. M. Garland, . M. Peery, T. J. Montgomery, II. 0. W tson and H. W. McElmurry. r. McElm rry in a brief address de fined his position ou the public questions of the day and the policy he intended to pursue in case he was elected . M r. Mo Elmurry'B remarks were pointed and earnest, lie makes a favorable impres sion. S. M. Garland at some length, and in a pleasing and able manner described the duties and respons bilities of the of fice of county judge. He declined to en ter into a discussion of political questions taking the ground that a candidate for a judicial office while not called upon to surrender his political principles should not go about the country making politi cal speeches and filling the minds of the people, as well as his own mind, with the poison of partisan politics. Thai such a course was not in keeping with that unbiased and impartial state of mind which should be possessed by the occupant of the office, and it was doubt ful if a candidate for this office could, up to the 1st of June, indulge in an excited and sometimes bitter partisan discussion and on the 1st of July become a calm, unprejudiced and impartial judge. Mr. Garland's remarks were well re ceived and the impression made by him whi'e here upon the people generally, without regard to party, was a very fa- voraoie one. The political speeches of the dav were n.;le by II. C. Watson and M. A. Miller. Mr. Miller followed Mr. Garland and in an elaborate and able address review ed the history of tariff and financial leg islation for several veara not and its ef fect upon the business of the country. He aemonstrated that the national iseue ot paramount importance is the money question. It cannot, it shall not be evaded. A straddle such is being at tempted by the republican party in this state win not be tolera'ed by the people. ine speaker reviewed toe various monetary measures before congress, be ginning with the Sherman act of 1873 and called attention to the record of re publican and democratic members. He showed conclusively that the democratic party in congress bad always been friendly to silver while the repiiolicans. as a party, had been hostile and bad al ways sought, either openly or covertly, to st rite down the money of the people. The tariff is not an issue: prosperity will return to this country with the settle ment of this money question and this settlement will be made by the people next November by declaring for the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the ratio of 18 to 1. Mr. Watson, alter a brief reference to n .lion a! matters proceeded to a discus sion of state affairs. The question of the honr, the speaker claims, is what shall be done to reduce taxation ; to prevent useless and extravagant appropriations; and to pot the affairs ot the stale upon a business footing. Private businecs con ducted as the business of the state has been for several years past would end in bankruptcy and ruin. Toe same laws, govern public business and the same re salt must finally ensue. A crusade must be begun against the methodical and continued roobery of the state, and must be kept up until it has been made to cease. Mr. W'at-on after showing from the records bow the expenditures of the state had been growing year by year, and after calling attention to several appro priations made by the last legislature in detail, laid down the proposition that the abuses complained of were mainly from the fact that the legislature for sev eral years past bad habitually violated that provision of the constitution which prohibit the insertion in the general appropriation bill anything except the salaries of state officers and expenses of the state government. The fraudulent raids on the treasury are made through the general appropriation bill. ' A return to constitutional meUiod is a complete remedy. Let each appropriation stand ou its' own merits. The members of pa t legislatures were not adcnrrupt.nor did he believe anything like a majority of them were, but many of them weie totally unacquainted with the methods of conducting public business and for ! tbis reason fell an easy prey to designing best serve the interests of his consuta ents who could orgauixe an effective, op position to existing methods oi transact ing legislative business. Notwithstanding the fact that it rained all day the hall was fillel with peoo'e and a lively interest was manifested. Close attention was given to the speeches made and the frequent appauce tliowed that he great majority of th"e present were in full sympathy with the principles auvocaiea. v . Big Bowling. As considerable interest is taken in bowling in Albany we give the following from the Salem Statesman : The crack bowlers of Salem, Jefferson and Albany have just completed a second week of the tournament, with the result entirely satisfactory to the Salem team. The first week's contest resulted so favorably for the Salem bowlers, tha the Albany team was for the second week given the advantage of 400 points. Salem being handicapped to that extent. The result of this contest was as follows: Pts. 8alem..t 1748! THE IMMIGRATION BOARD, Jefferson 1335 Albany 1153 Following are the scores made by the playeisot iuiloin: F. W. Swusloff.. G. D. Gabrielson . F. Neckermann , H. W. Hatch.... Benny Brooks..'. Nick Galloway.. ChasTownsoud.. J no Knight Total . 234 . 193 . 229 -. 223 . 207 . 241 . 205 . 210 Av 3 32 l-fl 88 1-0 87 1-8 34 1-2 40 1-2 34 1 6 30 Tonight a contest will be begun be tween the Revere House, represented by Messrs Pfei(Ter,Sowers, Brown and Wat on, and the St. Charles, represented oy Messrs Howard, Uorton, Holmnn and Cannon. Gospel Mkktinos - Evangelists Ghorm ley & Webb will begin a series of gospel meetings in the opera house May 10th at 11 o'clock a. m. Meetings will continue indnmte.y. services every evem.ig. Mr. Ohormley is a man of power. His last three meetings averaged 120 addi tions each. The si Hiring will be the hrst that Albany can a ft d. AM are Invited to come and help. are the only pills to take HOOu S FllLS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Rich Minks. A dispatch from Baker City is: "The Virtue mine Saturday evening sent in 113 pounds of gold, avoirdupois, worth 35,000, the product of 22 day's run with 20 sumps A depth of 600 feet has been reached in the mine." According to reports from the Lawler mines gold is being taken out fas:er than that since the recent strike. Borx. To the wife of E. A. Parker on the 2ath, a 12 lb son. The mother and child are doing well but Ed's Knightly brothers had to take him into hands that night and it was sometime before he could demonstrate that he was a brave man and could bravely face tlio"uiisic." Prinevilln Review. 'The father is a son of E. A. Parke. of this city. . Au'msi Mem jk.. The Alumni of Al bany college will meet with Miss Ava Baltimore Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Let ail members attend. By order of president. The directors of tlio Linn County Im migration Board met in the council chambers lust night, with all the mem bers present. Upon balloting Mr. F. W. Blumberg was elected secretary. Mr. J. W. Cusick is president, Chaa Pfeiffer rice president aud N. 11. Allen treasurer ; executive committee, Unas Pfeiffer, Dr. G W. Maaton and L. E. Blain. The board is auxiliary lo the North wejt immigration Board and its great work is expected to be dune with that board, which is arranging to rpend 30, 00J in the east in advertising Oregon. Ui-iaws were adopted providing for the election oi oincers, to servo tor one year except the secretary, who shall serve duriug the pleasure of the board and at such a sitary as shall be prescribed by the board. The duties of president, vice president and treasurer ard the usual ones. The office of secretary is the im porta nt one in the board, and his duties are as follows : To prepare and keep in order a good exhibit of the products cf the county ol Linn, cereals, vegetables, minerals. fruits and other products in a room kept for that purpose. To do all the necessary correspondence to carrv out the object of the board to the best advantage. To prepare all the necesnarv circulars descriptive of the climate, soil, advant ages, capabilities and productiveness of Linn county ready for distribution. To collect all moneys due on the subscrip tion and de.iver to the treasurer, and pay over the same to said treasurer hs fast as collected and take his receipt therefor. To perform such other du'ies as the executive committee may direct ine executive committee shall consist of three, to be appointed by the hoard, and to serve for onjs ytnr. They will nave me general charge and manage ment ol the finances i.f the board, und.T the general superv irkm of the board, Ui select room for exhibit, arrange secre tary salary, direct expenditure of the moneys, etc, and report to the board at leant once in two months. The first secretary 14 a ruaoonsible, energetic oung man, thoroughly iden titied with Albany and Linu county, who ih labor earnestly for the interests of tliis county. HOME AND ABROAD 1 W. B. LAWLER HO .IE XrCTES"D3r Probate Record. In estate of W. A. Biahop, final bear ing set for June 3. In estate of II. S. Hiritns, hearing for sale of real piopertv aH for May 4. Is estate of John Doane,' personal property ordered sold. In estate of Ira Stroud, L.T. Berry ap pointed administrator, bond 11,000. In estate of II. Farwell, person il property ordered sold. In estate minor heirs of O. Serfling ac count approved and guardian dis charged. In estate of Emilv fcpiorr, personal property reported rold for !13.&. In estate Wm Kinder, will admitted to probate, bond of executor 4,0u0. Final account in the eotate of A. B. Mclitain set for Jane 2, In estate J. G. Eaton, June 2 set for final hearing. Evangelical App dutmcnls. Foilowkg are the appointments made by Bishop Bowman and announced be fore the adjournment of the coni'erenoe: Portland District N. Shnpp, P E. Portland, First German 1 B. Fisher. Portland. Emanuel H.I. Bit Ine r. Portland, First English. L. Anderson. Portland Memorial L. S. Fisher. Milwaukee O. B. gtreyfeller. Oregon Citv J. Eh rich'. - Canby II. E. Hornschuk. Salem Liberty Peter Bittner. Salem Chemecketa Kxra Maurer. Jc ffersou W. N. O'Kelly Albany G. A. Mansbardt. Cjrva.lis A. A. Engl jbart. Sweet Home J. R. Eh ret. Monmouth and Kings Valley T. T. Portland R. D. Streyfeller. Nebaleni M. Burlingame, lloulton A. Weiner;. Lit le Falls F. Lamer. Tacoma and Sean! A. Earnest. w hatcom To be supplied. Spokane District H. Schoknvcht, P. E. and Superintendent. Mica To be supplied. Hope aud Oakesdale W. D. Baruhart. Medical Lake A. A. Powers (Supply). Yak ima To be sappl ied. Great Northern To be supplied. Eugene made 3?4 last night in its bo ling co.itest. Potent poolers re'. urn rapid results, see Smiley's sauiples Cloth circulars catch country customers. Sniiky the printer. 7 bars best Suvon soap 25 cts nt II. F, Mcllwain's cab store. 1 There is talk of an electric road from Uorvallfs to Eugene, but mostly talk. W. H. Udell U tn have a new rmidonce in Haiem. TLe bids ranged from fl,i;7 10 tl,09. hntnember Tinkle is ba-k at bis old land and will make you the tines, ptiotos m nara time prices. Buttle Axep!ugtobac o ak H. F. M llwainacaxh u n, at radui-ed prices, lb plug 'Jh c'i buy r,ur ua of H. F. Mcllwain's canh tore and arj 10c on every lb. The best brand in the market. Hiveyou seen thoie new 25c initial banle rings, in French's show window 1 net aw the latent fad. Both Vanderburg end Meyers refoM lo withdraw from the Con'TMmn.d rnntxi and each will make an active fight. La-e county candidal begun a joint u.xq joicruaj a: oocrg. lo Lion county it 1 a go-as-you-please canvats, o; e;m .ive money if jou buy flour at H. r. .tb'l-wnieJt cii store, Jefferson, Mayton. Crown, the hew in fhs mar- set Geo.S. Coe D-ad. George S. Vor, who a as for 37 years ptesident of the American Exchange bank ot -New ork, d:ed bundjy at bis home, -'The Cliffs " at Encleoud. N. J Ieaih was from paralysis, tie was stru-ken for the fifth lime on Suurdsy, and was not able to recover from iu Mr. Coe was one Of the owners of the O. C. A t. and part owner in the Albany W ater Works and other oronertv here, nrnlaul ly having invested over f 160,000 in Al bany property. Will Be Mo Races. College Notes. Miss Brown of Willamette visited the senior sanctum last Friday. The Y. M. C. A. is plannlt g for a local neid nay in conjunction with ine city 1 sociation soon. At a Iae cabinet meeting of the Y. M. C. A. a committee of three was appoint ed to procure a band b-mk. The stale Vol' At a meeting of the directors of the Linn County Driving Assocation. held last evening, the race being arranged and heretofore announced to lake place the last of this month were declared off and will not be held. The reason for the action was that not enough entries) were made and races filled to justify the niet-t- Dr. Cusick, of Salem, was in the citv today the guest of his brother. Mr. Nord. an assayer. of Portland. went to the :'antiaru mine this noon in response to a dispatch from the Lawler Co. Mr- Swann. of Baser City, one of the L. O.T. M. Anniversary. The fo'loaing is the program to le rendered Tuesday evening May 5. at the anniversary exercises of the L. O. T. M. r-e!ection Trontmau's orchestra. Song Male onanel. L.O. T. M. I per Nellie II. Lamb son. Piano Duet Edna Howard and En. ma Hill. May Day lie vie a" by a bevy of boys and girl. Selection Orclsest ra. Krciuiioa IJltian Craw ford, "Tea O'clock in the Morning.- Song 'Selected, Mis Ahlerson. Recitation Helen Crawford, "Last Race of Salrator." Song Male quaitet. Drill Ladies uf iLe L. O. T. M. Selection Ira. Lunch wi lbe served from S o'clock p. m. Small admission fee of ten cents will be charged at the door. A delicious lunch w i be served for 15 cents. Do not uiiM the treat of the season at t the opera bouse May 5th. ?UIUIUI-l . 1 ('iHih. le Athletie KUM Dav will hti almil W?""P,"B r"m . aioany May 29 at Salem. Thev expect to river excursion from Albany and Port land. The senior eli the juniors who them Friday. The Erodelphian society won in the last contest by one sixth of one pet cent. iiiat s wmskerepiitting. 1 feel deeply gratified to brought a dinner lor Oakville. Mr. Ben White. of Santiam mine called on ns yesterday, be reports good times and plenty of money at the mines. Ben is a cousin of Ah Milk. J hn Morgan is posted politically for a young man, but' he sometimes forgets names. Last Saturday he was out buggy riding with bis best girl and meeting some populists he exclaimed, "The old cow is ahead 1" or something to that ef fect. We suppose he bad forgotten the man's name. Two new arrivals in our town this wftpk the first at the parsonage on the evening of Mav 3rd and the ascond at the home of Clarence Stockton on the 4th. Both girisi! . Dogs and sheep are both useful ani mals, but they need to be kept separate. Mr. R. A. Bamford's band of sheep were attacked a few days since but by the time ly assistance of a neighbor the dogs weie driven away without doing any great damage. ; - As we sit and watch our grass grow we wish we were horse or cow, we can eat grass ail right while it is green but bow will we ever learn to eat hay 7 The politicians meet every afternoon at Smith's to discuss the issues of the dav, such as "tariff and finance." We often wonder why Oakville could'nt send a member of congress or a United States senator or president, we have rjlentv of intelligent men to fill all of these places and have some left for the state prison and lunatic asylum, but we couldn't spare them from Oakvijle. Littls Bog Bl'D Doesn't Take Much Money For groceries at Parker Bros. Their prices are reasonable and . a litt'egoesaiong ways. Qcality ii something also. They keep on ly the belt. It is a fairand xquaie . flat footed fact thai if you trade with them you al ways get good treatment in goods, prices and personally. That is consider able in the long run. It counts partieu- ; . larly in . oroceries and baked goods. You can pet what you want without running around by trading with Parker Bros Senator Mitchell will be in Oregon this month to attend to his campaign for the senate. . -- - John Kufel, a iourneymn jeweler, at Carbon. Ind., grew up in Switserland with Francis Schlatter, the healer, and says that Schlatter was once insane. While potatoes a'e selling at twenty cenb a sack in the Willamette valley, they are said to be se ling at $100 a sock in some of the Alaika mining region. Fred Leg, a druggist, of Valem Sattrr day assigned bis property toC aude Gatch. because of inability to meet the demands of his creditors. The libilities amount 1 0 $2000, and will be oftet by the a-et. It is pretty bard on Sheriff Sears, but be is having a little picnic at the present time that he cannot he1 p. Pe is being compelled to refund some of the money be has collected for fees t whijh be i ml entitled. Portland Welcome. The au.e should be tbe experience of Lion county's sheriff. Lost evening sn ambrella was left in the vestibule of tbe M. . church, by Mrs. I. K. WeatbeTfort. Upon leaving for home the umbrella was gone, someone having taken it. It is silk and has a white ivory handle, bearing the name of Mrs. I. K., Weatberford Any one know ing of lis whereabouU will confer a favor by informing Mr. Weatberford. A reception wns given Eer. Morton L Hose, the new pastor of the Christian cbnrcb, at Eugene last week, when former Albany men took an active part. Attor ney E B. Skipwortb delivered tbe adoress of welcome in behalf of the city; Attorney L. Bilreu spoke for tbe Cbr.slian church, and Principal D. V. S. Rid for the Eu gene public scnoois. The O. C. Sc E. steamer Hoag goes on regular run commencing tomorrow niorn- intr. carrying : pasiengers ana ireignt This will give the people a daily service by tbe 0. C. E. boats lo Portland, luej wi 1 make a specialty of excursions, picnic parties etc. Boats land foot Ellsworth St U.K. Sacar, ticket, aud freight sgt. Tbe U. S. government is bard np for a rxwt tiader for the north half of the Col ville Indian reservation. Tbe notorious murderer W. W. Saunders bas been ap pointed to that position. He has secured a. partaer who will run a store at that place wiftla be practices law in Spokane. - Tux Immigration Boasd The Linn County Immigration Board, consisting of S. E Young, J. W. Cusick, L. Flinn, N. H. Allen. L. E. Bruo. Cnaa Pfdiflrr and G. W. Maston. met at the council chambers Saturday night and adjourned until tomgbt, when a secretary wilt be elected. There are four or five candi dates for the place, those mentioned to the Dkmocbat being F. W. Blumberg, Thos tloiiteith. W. B. Blain and C. W. Watts. An office will be opened and an effort made to secure our share of the large immigration that is beaded this way. Over $100 a month has been raised for the purpose. . Cbooks Circcit Cocrt. There are 28 cases on the docket of the circuit court of Crook county which convened today. Of this number Judge Al. b. lirink was attorney in fourteen and Geo. Barnes in thirteen, and Bell, Jayne and Biggs in a few. Of the 28 cases just one-fourth are for divorce, being Mae Belcher agt Thos Belcher, Chas Dempeey agt Clara Demp sey, Marion Morgan agt Clara B Morgan, Jennie Dawes agt W J Dawes, Uharita 1 Bostwick agt JssE Bostwick, B J Pwngra agt viola a rengra, csaran runups agt ATfhiliip. The Oregon State Board of Horticulture has passed the following resolution: Re solved. That it is tbe judgment of Ibis board that tbe state Board ol Public In struction should take measures to introduce into tbe pnb.ic schools of this Ute a rudi mentary line ot inwtruction in horticulture. as tbe essential elements of our education to fit men and women for intelligent labor on tbe tarn, and in tbe orchard. visit and isapect the property. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cusick returned lest night from their trip to Moscow, Idaho, visiting Portlrnd friends several days on their way home. Hon. Presley Denny, who bas been in the county a couple of weeks, visiting relatives and old friends, will leave to morrow for bis borne in Salt Ike City Mr. Denny, is a brother of Mrs Wm. Ralston aud Mrs. Goltra. of ?hi ritv. John tv-nnv, of Uentersml O. N. D.-niir, of Portland. He is one of Utah's leading cilixens, having been the first speaker of me nouse ui.uer sui'enooa The Modern Way. Commends itself to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break np colds, head aches, and fevers without unpleasant aftereffects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Manu factured by California rig byrup uom pany. A fine line uf Baby Carnascsjust re ceived at r ortimlier irving's. Fa'ton Iros. have leased Seed's oiesa bouse at r-alea. Ihe Wm. M. Iloajr and Elmore aent dwd stream this miming. Tb Oregon State Gr mge will lie held at UCMinnvil e on Bay 'Jbtb . Clara U EHy bas brought suit for di vorce against her husband C. F. ECy. Tbe rxnpt of clerks fees during April was ni, o; reCOTders lees enM.JU General Weaver i lo soeak t rlroans- ville .May 9 and at Lebanon May 11. A ntw moiety in Albany i the. Aft -ient Order of Prevaricators. Anvnne wishing V unite can secure a d tired tf jrmaticn of Mr. John Hamme'. There ere 244 bnsine f tiliire in the United State hwt week. 23:1 in the corres ponding week one year ago, 201 two ears ago, ana isuin like week in isw. Tre score in Ihe hnwhnt conies lust night was ms follows: Revere IIum. pieit fer, 63: Soer4i: Itrown 61: aUon 46 Total 20, aveiag 25 S Sf Cbarl , How ard 39: cannon 50: Morton 60:1iolman 40 Total m average 23.'. Tbe contet will be closed tomorrow night. The Prineville Review sirs: Our cur dads seem to be running tbmp very ec - nomical, 'airing info consideration the fur nishing of their ciy hall . A R-vit-w m in was to attendance at a case before the re corder one day last week. The only artt cies iu tbe room are two bench s, one table, to pine . boxes and a goods box with shelves in it nsed for a secretary. Di'S is the troth and no "josh"' about it. Ves. one redeeming feature abodt it is that trey have a good stove and a person can reeo warm if tbe mirebal racceedi in Motoring ensugn 01a sidewalk boards for that pur pose. , - Hjd Blow to Pieces Sunday morning Ihe 1S rear old ron of Jasper H-lls, of Jasper, had tbe mbfortune lo blow bis left hand to pieces with a dyn amite cap. He aud a friend of about the same age a bo resides some distance from the home ot young Hills, had agreed upon certain signals, through the medium 01 exploded dynamite caps, whereby they could signal one to the other from their revpetive homes. Sunday morning young Hills took some cans and went out on a hul to signal bis friend, in exploding the second cap in some war the lose ume in contact with a third cap huh he retained in us hand. This exploded blowing MS hand into pieces. He was brought to thiscily where Dr. Kuykendall ampu tated the member just above tbe wrist Sunday evening. Eugene Register. Was a He mxnn the healer was in Astoria, The Bodgett eptaks out aiter hit exhibition and sava be as a failure, that be did not heal. One of the men whom he failed to i.elp at y waa once a resident of All any. fc-e the Budgett: Joe Pelt v. a paralytic, who waa known here years ago as tbe man with the iron law. who could oat lift ony man in this city for veart, waa brought from Ins home, lie is utterly helpless. unable to talk, his head works as though it hung on a swivel, and while lie can understand anything that is said to him he cannot utter a word. This as the most difficult case that tbe people p seated to Hermann. A big (all of snow al ihe summit be tween uaiea and In mines ma es about fifteen feet there now There i. 00 snow at tbe mines. Nothing takes tbe place of goo 1 meat. Maighl Bros, have what you W4nt, care .ij uuugu- sou nie:y cu', alao svme one hams and bacon. In a runaway accident acroa tbe river lat n ght Mrs. J. B. Cuoill wa 'brown mil ard s igutly injured, fortunately not as sadly as was at fird reported . H. H. Uol me, the arch fiend, i to be banted in Philadelphia tomorrow. Hang ing is too good for Homes; bat bis real punishment will come afterwards. Tbe Monarch bicvele nivnllr dnU. 4mw Chas Nealy while le't in tbe P. O hallway, waa foand yesterday bid between the fence ot Wm Vance anu C-u burkhart'a barn. Tbe Woolen Mill at Salem is to be ded icated with a ball on May 15. Tbe daoo iog (pace will be 60 x 140 feet, Seven car 'mid. of machinery are expected on tftat dy. Tbe trin on the O. C. k E are oLHmd to tsaa.fer freight and suhnk on m. couet i t big slide near Pioneer, prioci- paii.vM rock. One rock which will iaTt to be b:uted. is as ou as a box car. Our line of Ladies shirt waists is now complete, having just iceeived all the new est patterns in lawn and dinuty. This is by far the satllest line of goods ever shw in A'baay, call and are them at tbe Lsuitea Bazaar. Ben Wo'dt. nopri4or cf tbe Man! Shade saloon, met a difficulty last Men day night- H.vrina a rottomer that te desirsd la "r. be resorM to tbe omul in "logo " U-n bow exhibits 1 eje that looks like aa ink hot tie. 'surTaihs Times. "Tinkecan catch the shadow. c th stibsUqce fadei, and make a hsaJsnxe photo ot a homely old maid" or bachelor eitbc. in fct an) hoc j, and tbe beauty of it is if tbe photos you get f Tinkle are act oati'tactory joa med not pay fur tbetn see? '. A change of ownmbip bas overtaken tbe city deiivery. I leor I oore has sold to J tl Gotas, of Albany, bis baif intere4 te tbe coorera. and the f-na name is now i Cockerett A- Goins. The Mice receives) i by Mr. Moore for bis oae-bsif io'eret was X. CorvaHts limes. , Rev. Bryan and wife, toe rvange'ire wi'n tbe a.tenof of several of tbe e t pastors have kindiv o nettrd to conduct a prayer neetiDg la tbe W. K. Ctcrch Souw, WVloesday crening of this snek A civil I invitation la extended lo all us ter ibo'cbes to come sad su it that much good ruiy be tbe iwntt. Recently a life sits portrait of liorernor Lord was huog ia the ball of the boose of iepreotsti- at Sa'eon. Similar tepre srtit.iiotis cf each of Onyo'i roorteea governor's are ccntaind ia the senile and oou cbamljers. abiSe tbe fiwrner rbaenbet' Wt hut rt.-ture of tbe great Dr. 11 c- Lagb ii, of tbe llu.lson Bey Co. A DsNcsam CaayxEU Tli captain ot theGpey reports the new channel of the n liuuneite betaeen Una citv and Hrriaburg, hich was cut for a distance of abnot a mile near Meek's place by the last high water, to be fall ol snags, drift wood and logs which are very dacgerous to navigation. He state that tbe failure of tbe Gypsy to get here last week was not due to a lack of water in the channel but to the dangerous condition in wbtcb the river is at that place. TLe channel in many place ia vcrv narrow and the current very swift. These dangers are considerably modified by tbe present high stage of water, bat the captain doe not con Oder it sale to attempt to navi gate this new channel on five or six feet of water. W. B. Lawler, manager of hi l.a ler mines, on the nantiaut. returned iu Al bany from London this lioou, accomp paniod by Mrs. Lawer. During his so journ in London tb board of di.ectOM of tbe mines extended him a vte of con fidence on account of his splendid nmn agement of the mines. He placed twenty-six claims with I he London Bankers Development Company, on which pteliminary work will be begun in June. He also nfaced several liln-j river claims with the Hamilton Smith synci-, cate, to be examined b them lefoiet purchase, and also obtained $2,000 from j another mining syndicate for the inves tigation of other Oregon mining projwsi tions. All this means great activity at the mine and their future success. Twenty stamps are to be added to the Lawler mill this year. With the twenty stamps the mill has more than paid ex-' penses and a dividend is in contempla tion for tbe syndicate in the future. M r. Lawier s trip to London. I. as brought the syndicate ii-to a closer relationship with Oregon management, and it means a big thing for tbe Santiam district. A fact that will be of great Interest to j Albany people is the ratt Mr. Lawler took in tbe securing of the commutation of tbe sentence of John Hays Hammond. tie was an old friend of Hammond, so that immediately upon the landing of the earner, having learned of the aentence on board tbe steamer, be hastened to ashingtoo, saw Senator Stewart, from bis former borne, a petition a as pre pared addressed to President Kruger, asking for executive clemency fur Ham- manu, and was signed by every V. n. sons tor, a majority of the other bouse, finally after Mr. Law ler 's second visit to him and after much persuasion, by Vice president Stevenson and the member of the state department. Tbe petition was at once telegraphed to tbe Transvaal, to President Kruger. The result is already known. Afterward a lamyer named Treclow, w ho bad nothing to do with the matter claimed the credit of the action. L.O.T.M. Tbe L. O. T. M. (Ladies of tbe Macca bees) gave aa entertainment at tbe opera nouse last night that waa enmyed by a large company. The program waa one of much menu Good music wa furn ished by Troutman' orchestra, which opened the program. A quartet, Messrs. Akere, Poling, Simmons and Lundell re ceived a warm encore and were beard later ia tbe program. Mrs. Nellie H. LamUon read a paper illustrative of the work of tbe order and tbe great benefits, socially and financially derived from this and other beneficiary order, and inci dentally bow well women ran manage a large institution of 65,000 member. Edna Howard and Emma Hill wer heard ia a piano duet, well rendered. Tbe May Day Review with May pole, opened by Carter Lee with a popular eng. and with Mis Lillian Wymaa a May Queen, wa a pretty affair nicely 1 executed. Miss Liltie Crawford pre sented "Two O'clock ia tbe Morning' in a delightful manner, closing it ao faith-' foi to tbe conception of the author ilia, it mas some liiue before tbeaodienctlxp-j predated the fact that it a a ecdidj Miaa AMerron pleased tbe audience in a j sxho, and ropoodea to an smcore witn a very cote selection. Miss Helen Craa ford wa at ber beat ia "Hot rial va tor Won." displaying marked talent in this descriptive piece. An encore was ans wered a 11b a aequel to the piece. Th program wa cloaed w ith a drill, con ducted by Mrs. F. S Craw, displaying some of the interesting work of tbe order. in we maneuver to initial 01 toe order being faithfully spelled out. Several booth were rco. and an ex - eel lent repast erred. That Ban Mav. That dwarf bad man returned from Co-rains this noon. At that city be had a rocky time. He threatened to shoot Paul got drunk 00 some money be pat tn the cooler after a tierce struggle, wa fined $5. which he temd out and tlii morning was unkindly shipped to Albany. Tn fool-mouthed fellow is being kicked from city to city, and only bis deformity call for compas akwi, (or bis miod ia a polluted one. Aileock's J Jsijthmf ad it; m - i-ii ws- ill I X SSMSBSBSSSBSSBBSSaSBSSSSSB 1 O---XGC Not a Difficult Problem to figure tbe saving la "KAST IRON" Clothing-see the prices try it wearing: qualities and figure the thing out for yourself Outfit consists of Double Breasted socket, two pair of ram anu SuBW rux The L E. Blain Clothing Co. Leading Clothiers. FORTMELLER & IRYING KEEP eomtaoUv o band a full line of metaiiic. cloth and wood eaket and cofSa Ai banal robe and soiU, in brosvlcioUi. satin, f3uemere wfcUb nlsoida TIs Asrcw UvlBg Prwtils E M 8 A LM ! N 3 and tbe proper care ci the dead a speciai'y . 5HS0IIC TESrLE --" ? - :-ta- 4i- 4 4;: mm mm 10 EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEARS E OR SERVICE. RAMBLER BICYCLE: $ioo "IDEALS" $50 to $05. Call and see these most popular of all wheels. Some special bargain to early porcbasere. CW ELKINS, at L. E. BLAIN CXOTHIXG CO. aim umy 1 .r ssr aMrafty met fciy. r 11 1 "." ' y aS I. Wfc X. a.r.. Lo-a ot Hrxa t-vj liiSsiba. Smiii is, I VkaUtK Kicauy Eau MatssOeaicaals DTaRMIStMlSnlSl intn: IiySS. Brss!!-P SW.iWltnliii)i mli-ci im ,i('Mnl WriM.S Tn SraiKsu.r '"Faasixos" with nn surpasaed fmareogcr accomodations will ail from ban Franciaco May 7th, return ing leaves Yaqnina frr an Francisco Monday May 11th. Fare bom Albany and point west to San Fiancisoo, cabin. M.OO steerage $1.00, round trip good 60 dav. Call at Port Oxford, Coos and Hamboldt Bars For further Darticu- iars apply to ldnwis roxavOorvailisOr., It. u. Hxuno, acent at Albany or 11. B. Saosy, city agent. Mnrr Keep tbc Paacx. John Brock waa arrested near Scio vesterdav on tbe charge of threatening; to kill bi brother- in-law. Henry K- Hovie. Me wa ea Ini.fcMSsm ir-..i1TT s, wa iriw I. i, f W j - w-re. - .--iina openea nts paotograpa (.aurrv in amioed before J ustice i reerksen this af- jfaj, citT jo Knce bicb Ume be has a L. I J 1 aVlTsA a. sV-. a I. . . . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 1 alias Jennie Clayton, thi dreesanakrr, wno bas been UPi now recovered and able tl attend to boninees. A. R Chapman baa resigsed his posi tion a agent at tbe O. C. k . depot and H. B. Lulimaa baa accepted tbe position. Mr. Lob man comes from Pbilomatb here. It is tbonght that Mr. Chapman wiil go east and enter into bosinees re lations with his brother. Corvallia Time. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Paxtoa left this morning for Portland whore they will re main tao or three weeks, when tbey will to either to Arizona or Florida, Mr. Paxton' health demanding a chance. and it ia probable the change ill be a per manent one. Tbey leave with the mod wui and friendship of all knowing them. air. niua located m A I nan v in isrz and opened bis photograph gallery in Dresdeir id. Wt poicted warp ribboa three Aaotaer tot ju ia. Persian band brimmui;. ' Jet passmenttfrie. fronts, ail jet netting. Th !ast jort reeeived . Elastic be tine, arale beltinir ad bockles. Hair ornaments, shell an silver Shirt waiat ts. Lace aad embroidery, n.aay pavrps and kinds. Lace aad chiffon cellars at ternooa and held under (300 to kep tbe peace. Brock claimed that Boyle bad been slandering one of tbe members of hi family, hence hi londuct. The Oregonian newt writer baa the coventor, eecretarv of state ana state " - . - - . a . treasurer vtsiunsT u moo to inspect toe Ko at McMixsviixs. After a three acek'a series of mtetinga, Rev. Roes, the j site of proposed Eastern Oreeon peniten- Fbom Mill Citv. W. H. Ranibo, of Mill City, duputv county 8etMor, is in Salem visiting at the home of Jos. P tones, dir. Kamio will remain over and hear Hon. Thos II. Tongue speak tonight, as he is an enthusiastic suppor ter ot l lie vt asrnneton county statesman He s-atc that the saw-mills at his place arc now running, cutting on railroad limlier and that the O. C. A E. road will begin repairing their track at once, but the prospects for the extension ot the road are not very bright at present Stattatuaii. Southern Methodist evangelist bas gone from tbis city to r-ookaau raits. Toe Kev. ceotleman ha a happv facuitv of drawing; larsre congregations ard holding liiem. lie beiitve in "hewing to toe line, let the cbip fall where they will,' and whip church member aa severely as the outside world for the n on-perform ance of their duty, and instead o becom ing vexed at Lira tner say amen to what be says. This ia a happv f rivilege which all itinerant ministers enjoy, bnt would not be countenanced In a resident min ister. h believe any community ia better afler a visit trom this "ham Jones" of the Sort b west. Transcript Some people have gotten it in the.r heads that the railroad comnustioner never do anvlhing to earn their money ; but thev have last met in halem alter a I picnic ride over several roads, and talked about railroad matters. Antelope has three couples of dancer who bold the record (or "long-time wattling." At a recent party tn that place they waltzed lor lust two ncura and twenty-two minutes, and would have waltsed all nntht had not the nd' dler rebelled. Ex. been in cosiness here excepting for a vear or two nn two or three oecasiona. tie ha a warm place in tbe hearts of many Albany people and it is srith re-1 gret we see bim leave our c-ty. $30 Gojrn. The following from Moa dav'a Telegran is about the well-known engineer on the Lebanon or Oregon ian branch running oat irom this city: "Last Satard iv afternoon "Cui" John son, a cribdweller, on Fourth and Coach j streets bad an examination in the mn I nicipal coart, being accused of picking 1 tbe pocket ot James A. W alvb.ot -) one i dav last week. airh lives near ionne-I 1 . T. 1 r..wik. i Mn,M f . vWJ neld. Lane countv. and is prettv well bat for the ch mpionsaipof Eugene. Al- kimwn among the railroad I fraternity as bany and Salem, was commeoed at Hoi- 1 s reliab.e man. He stated how on the bntM-k Ar Font m hjwhnir ailer Ul even l sir. I - ""S ' - . . . 1 -1 . I . L 1 z .u . . hum. I m I XII .tS mm L M Ul. IWI UW DOTIimiVI MIC all, "CU iviinl. (.. (iwinlarM- This I not a nn I me Juauaw vwnan iDTiieu uini ui ucr biir score, and a better one will probably rb.' Having nothing else to occupy tarv. This ia the nrst infrotuon have bad that we were gvng to have a branch pentientiarv on tbis side of tbe mountains. The tiallc T. M. Yoa ai liable not to have even a branch insane asylum. S. E. Young's. Letter List. FoltcwbasT is tbe li4 tS letters resuiueg in tbe t'otoffice at Allwnv. linn coucty, Oregon. May 5th. lSS6.rerK-Bt calling fr r these letters mut tire tbe dae en wtskb thev were advertised. Caldwell, Frank Chambers, Adda Esmond, Moliie Jaiwe. Mary JIbs Karsten, Lillie VeKeny, Aleck Morin. Mrs I . S. Miller, Aliss r. Ansa Beed, Misa Luie Wills, Mrs U. Eva. T. J. Srrrrs, P M be requ;red to championship the contsat. UmuM. J n score tn Aioany w a Long wsys Irom Kew York City. . Long rainy days in Oreeon. fjonir tiaie no see sua shine. Long years in tbe photograph bnsines. Ireg u the leading artist in A. ".barn. . Hsveronr pbo'os made by Long Photo Co., Sod and Ferry St. The Went her. Toninht and Thursday, fair and warmer. Kiver 13.0 lee t above tow water I mark. his time, be went in a a matter of cur iosity only, and remained bat a tew minutes, n ben be emerged trom ine den he waa twentv dollars short in cash. Walsh confessed that tbe defendant was close enough to him to commit tbe theft charged to tier." The woman wa ar retted. Barrel aweet'picklei, barrel soar pickles. Oyster cocktail sauce at fatter Bros, This Albany ad Rtnn. The start ol the Albany and Ruth for Portland this morning was an interesting one. As the Ruth swung around to start down stream the Albany whistled and also started. 1 As they got under headway the Albany was sIiKhtly in the lead and they passed tarongn toe Dndge that wav, the Ktun on the north side, the Albany on the south. At the bend the bridge man re ported that tbe Albany had made a ; slight gain and was leading the Ruth as tney passea out oi sight. . For Prescriptions Dawson's. McDatiik's '-Vobk. J. M. Wallace of tbis city is ia .receipt of a letter from U. S. Senator Geo. W.McBride in which he speaks of improving the Willamette river I ' . k.... nil I,",.n- m.l I, irVIU VI Vfvu v. J v A.iiml.v, I'v. rnifl lie: has obtained from the committee on commerce of the senate of which he is a member, an increase or 20,000 over the house bill, making 140,000 cash' for the upper Willamette While still retaining the amount of 1200,000 over a period of years, the work of Mr. Hermann, in the houie. Surely Oregon fares well in Washington Journal. MusasSotn. What are known as the Luckv Bov. Hard Scrabble and Mattie mines, in tbe Bohemia mining district Were yesterday sod at sheriff 'a sale to satisfy tbe claims of the laborer. The Dimea vera usuru vy wippiw uuu. who nut in a mill aud it seem instead of paying their laborers, turned all the proceeds of the mines over a payment on tne plant, Demote a portion wnicn thev kenl themselves. A soon as the laborer discovered this they, thtongh their representative, Richard Whiw, placed an attachment on the mine and personal property, which were nun yes terday. The mines weie bid in by plain tiff for 1320.40. fcugene Uuard. Tar the Albany Dressed Ment Co's mar ket, at Second and Ellsworth streets for our metis of all kinds, bams, sides, lard, etc They buy carefully and urn to please. Belt buckles, belt pins, shirt waist sets, n gold and silver, at f . M rench jew e'.ry store. F U French, Uisplayman. tloodV Pills ar tbe best aftsr-dinnef pill; assist digestion, prevent cotstipar tion. ImooverL heJ Blood camee tin tiied feelimr. Ilood's Sarsaiarilla pun tie, enricves and vitalises tbe Woid. givt tag new life and increased vigor nu i tality. farm Loans. 1 bave a limited amount of monej to loan on good farm lands in Linn ana nd joining county. On very favorable terms. Interest parable annually. Call or write at once as tiie amount I have for loaning will soon be gone. CO. BCBKHaKT, 41bany, Oregon. Use Dawson' furniture polish For the best Drugs Dawson's For Pills and Flusters Dawson fonn Huston for grocener. Get your lawn mower sharpened by oi. ijui-.wiir, opposite r, v. lave oicers at Purser Bros., for some of that popular World Beater soap. Seme handsome birthday gems at Wi I & Stark's, kheap. One for every month in the year. Psnsy Plants 6 cents per dozen, Frank R Hugh's, corner 8'.h and R. R. st. Al bany, Oregon . Yoa ran get the best of all kinds of mtAi at ilaight Uros.. fine boils and rosists, sirloins, hams, bacon, etc. The best lard made. Try them. It is meat (hat we eat that put )if-t into the body. When you want a good steak call on Height Bros., put across tbe street from the Dkmocbat office. sr. Price's cream Baking iWJU Awsrdad Cold Mold MUwiatsr Fur gas f-ti taav Ready For a Rack. In conversation will. W. O. Trine ("Whiskers") regard ing tlio dinning from the Albany paper which was published in Sunday's Regis ter, he said that he did not consider the Albany article as a cnaiienge, and wasn t looking for a racu in particular: but that if Mr. Riley was on the sprint, if be, (Riley) would issue a challenge it would be immediately looked alter Eugene Register. A Pionefs or Pout. There died at his home in Spring Valley, Polk countv. on Mondav. May 4. 181)6. at 10 a. m.. of neuralgia of the heart, Walter M Walker, sued til years, v montus anu it uays, Mr, Walker waa born In Virginia July 23. 1814. He removed with lus parents to Missouri in 1829, remaining there un til 1848, when be came to Oregon with hi wife, whom he bad married in 1843. Ho waa well known throughout Polk county, . Strrmko bicycle 25o at Fremh s jewelry store Call ear y, only a limited number at this Awnrded Hllhest Honor World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. m cnEtf.i MM Most Perfect Mad. 40 Year the Standard Perth Laags t i.i k ln, W steers writes from Port land, Or: There is no medicine for tte throat and lungs that I can recommend to ministers, pubiio speasers ana singeis. i'h tbe contkieuce tbal 1 can tne o. o n.ih Cma." For sale by ohay x ons at 50ots per bottle. A Malaral sVeaaMaer Karl'a Clover Root Tea purines the b'ood and gives a clsar and beautiful comp'exine I For sale by r osnay ana . t atarr Vwrcw H-alih and sweet breath secured bj Shiloh' Catarrh Remedy. IVlo SO cents Nasal injector f r. or sale by rosbay ft Mason. PeoDle like tender -eat. nicely cut. Henrv Broders keeps a lull line of meat. from the beat stock to be obtained, com- ! mended by all of his customers. W. B. Ijiwler. the hear- mine owner of Southern Oregon, returned this morning with Mrs. Lawler from a European trip, and registered at -the Portland. While absent Mr. Lawler succeeded ia placing several Oregon mining properties with London and laris capitalist. leveiop- ment work on these claims will be com menced during the coming seasoi. fonland telegram. To Portland In One Day The new steamer Albaar. elegantly tur- a'shed, including new piano, now runs be tween torvatlis and rortiaa 1 on tne loiiow ng schedule: I town river, Mondjc ed- oesdaysand rrioaya. jjeavw vorraius, i a. m : Albany. S.-10 a. ta : fralem. 11:3s) a arrive ia roniaea d:ju p in. w p river, inea:ay, i nureaajs ana oiur day. Leave Portland. 6 a. m.; Salem 3:30 p m.; Albany 9:20 p. m ; arrive at finrvaJlis. 11:20. Round trio tare, irood roron oays,to Portland. F-; single fare to Portland, IU Portland dock foot Taylor street. Appiy io H. 3. Sacry, citp ticket agent, Albany, Oregon, Kvery good business mn aill make. I at least, tea dollar a day bv mr rking I thi rati month of Mav for le-wbliran lcces. Salem Statesman How silly that i. It m-ans mote nearly tbe los of tea dollar a ?ay. How a paper can makesncb a statement in the face of the last two extravagaut I republican legislatnrea is an enigma. The Statesman, though, seems to be talking to hear itself ta!k. Taken in 'rims Hood' Sarsaparilla bas achieved great success in warding oS sickness w hich. if allowed to progress, wouHl nave under mined the whole system and given die ease a strong foothold to cause much suf fering and even threaten death, iiood s Sarsaparilla haa done all this and even more. It has bee a taken in thousands of case which were thought to be incur able, and after a fair trial bas effected wonderful cures, bringing heaith.strepctn anv joy to the afflicted. Another im portant point about Hood's Sarsaparilla IS tnat US cures) arv prrouuimi, wvut thev start from the solid foundation of purified, vitalised and enriched blood. But it is not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparuia does that tells the tory. rr tk khluil. I ia 65 year old; have had kid.iey disease d constipation for 25 years. Am now well uted joar S. B. Headache and liver Cure ne yer. Used 6 bot'les al 51cea's ec. J H haighr, Kutiedin. Or." For sale by Foshay Mason at jxk per bottle. The Old Lady and her family and friends are bsiind to get tneir prescription nuea at noore Burkarts, who as well carry a cciiip'et stock of patent msdicinea. an elegant line of stationary, tbe finest perfumes and no tions ireneraliv. iTomptaest, care, toe best goods and first claas treatment is their rule. Th Far rspBsla ai.d Ltver Comnlaiat von bave a printed i.Ttl ST". (VI l.ivela ia ll,A I UUHBte OB every bottle Cj BU0 Vital rwiwf -T" - r i. .n : r-. ..L.k. al of many flCO wheels-see for your. er It revw falb U. O. W. Eutis, Agent. Foahay Mason Oar B4anla at Mesa Four out of every tive bottles t medi cine sold ia th last tive years are S. B. goods. Tbe S B. Headache aud Liver Cure 1 use mvseif as a reoeral physic. If yon are skk and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest sod safest method l t buy the S. 13. remedies and us as directed. C P. B&tCK, Druggist, Uufur, Or t or sal by Foshy & Mason at 5o ct r bot- le. A Faet Wsrtt kVaewtaa. Conovmntion. LUrippe, pneammi and all Throat ail L tag disease are car bvShiloV Care. For site JfNm Mason. It Saves Uvsh KverrCMsj Tboosands of cas of Consumption Asthma. Coughs, Oold and Coup ar ured every day by Shikb8 Cure. Ike Ills V sea Ct astipation, canoes mo than ha:f tb I'Uol women. Karl'a Ckver Root Tea i' apttaaajatcuriforconaiigation. For salt by Fosbay ft Mason.