The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 08, 1896, Image 2

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George Gould ought to run for presi
dent on the Oregonian's ticket. He is
to favor of a gold standard and more
favorable legislation for railroads.
Carlisle Scored.
Governor Algeld, of Illinois, haa pub
lished an v open letter that completely
does up Mr. Carlisle. He Bays:
Finding that hia views had been cor
rect, he continued to hold them until he
entered Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet, when,
in some mysterious manner, there was a
change of heart, but for some leason he
seems unwilling to talk about it. There
are two other members of the cabinet
Hoke Smith of Georgia and Ilerbert of
Alabama who, like Carlise, had made
their voices heard for nearly a lifetime
in demanding the restoration of eilver
and in denouncing the great conspiracy
that struck it down ; and, strange to say,
when these two men entered Cleveland's
cabinet, they underwent a change cf
heart, and like Carlisle, they avoid talk-1
ing about it . When Saul of Tarsus saw
a great light and changed hia views he
was anxious to tell all the world about
it, but these three statesmen seem to be
ashamed to discnbs the manner ot their
conversion . Why did not Carlisle throw
a little light on this question?
Mr. Carlisle should have explained
why it was that for 200 years gold and
silver held the market ratio of about 15)4
to 1. The ratio fixed by law was 15 to 1
la some countries, 15X to 1 in most
countries, and, for a while, 16 to 1 in our
country. In other words, the market
ratio, aa shown by the tables, remained
practically the same as the statutory
ratio during all that time. If the two
metals cannot stand together, how doce
it happen that they did so without seri
ous fluctuation for 200 years, notwith
standing the fact that the annual pro
duction ot each metal varied greatly
from time to time.
- If cnly one of the metals can be stand
. ard and a measure ol the value of things,
and if a combined standard of both gold
and silver is as impossible aa it ia to
have two yardsticks of different lengths,
why was it that some of the greatest
' financiers of the world, and particularly
Boron Kothschild, staled in 1S69 that it
was the sum of the two metals taken
together which formed the measure of
be value of things?
No matter which metal might for a
time predominate, nevertheless the sum
of the t vo taken together was the meas
ure of the valae of all property. If the
same countries had stricken down gold
by law and destroyed it for monetary
usee and made eilver the sole standard,
would not silver have gone up and the
purchasing power of gold gone down T
It ia a fundamental law, recognized by
all gold standard financiers.except recent
converts, that when the volume of money
in the world is reduced, the selling price
of all property and commodities goes
down correspondingly. Therefore, tbe
wiping out by law of nearly half tbe
money of . the world had to reduce the
celling price of commodities proportion
ately. And, inasmuch as the debts were
not reduced, as interest was not reduced
and aa taxes were not reduced, doea not
Mr. Carlisle think, even now, jast aa be
did in 1S73, that a great crime was com
mitted against the entire debtor class
and against the producing class by
bringing about a condition of affairs by
law wh'ch compelled the debtor, the
producer and tbe laborer to sell twice aa
much property or tabor aa were formerly
: necessary to get the same amount of
A year ago Mr. Cleveland sent for hia
former law partner and close friend.and,
through him, Cleveland and Carlise to
gether made a secret contract with an
other friend, who was a former client of
Cleveland, by which that friend and hia
associate epeeulators were enabled to
make nine or ten millions out of tbe
government in a few weeka on a email
bond transaction. And the reason given
for this extraordinary, and even crimi
nal, procedure was that the speculators
and sharks of Wall street had agreed to
protect the government agaiutt tbe gold
raids until the following Novembn
that is, the wealthiest, tbe most enter
prising, moat powerful.raost industrious
and thrifty cation on the globe paid
tribute to a small baud oi speculators for
protection. And when the month of
November arrived, these spectators
withdrew their protection, and then the
government proceeded to issue another
hundred millions of bonds, thus increaa
1 ing the burdens of our people."
Tbe usual campaign cry ot "bitter at
tack" ia being made in order to create
sympathy. So far aa the Democrat is
concerned it has only given facta with
out any name calling or anything of a
bitter spirit. -.,
This sound money talk ia in favor of
running the U. S. government by Great
Britain. Can't you aee through it. The
British and American m joey loanera
want it.
A Declaration of Principles.
May 5, 1806.
W. . Potter runa his owu farm well.
It is said to be one ot the model places of
the Santiam. He ia unquestionably the
best man in the field for the position of
Watson, ilcElmurry and Pbilpot
would work for the people if in the State
Legislature. They can be depended upon
to vole against useless commissions and
not to swallow tbe general appropriation
bill with all ot its obnoxious provisions
The fact that the receipts do not equal
the expenditures pleases republicans,
and vet, the truth ia the receipta are
too much. The government ought to be
run on $200,000,000 lest than it is, and
yet put on lots of alyle. xtavagancs
ia what ia doing the American people.
The manner in which the people's money
is spent ia an outrage.
James Blakely baa been a resident of
Linn county for just half a century and
has been one ofthe solid men of tbe
county since. His eon Henry, though.ia
not running for the office of sheriff on
his father's reputation, but because of
hia fitness for tbe position. He ia a capa
ble, energetic man who would fill the
office well and economically, satisfied
with the legitimate fees of the office. Hia
big vote at home will testify to hia
standing there.
The assessor's office ia one vott rs
should keep their eyes on. It particu
larly needs to be in the ha nds of an active,
energetic man who will rush things in
thejntereat of the county. Bob M. Mil
ler ia such a man. All three candidaUa
reside in the same part of the county;
bat Mr. Miller will take the lead and the
sentiment there is general that he is
much the boatman for the place. Do
not take our word but ask some of the
peopto of Halsey.
Mr. O. A. Archibald has not a super
ior in the valley as aa accountant and in
a clerical capacity! Hia superior attain
menu for the position ot county clerk aie
universally recognised and commented
on. He ia a man ' who dispatches buai-
nesa with threat rapidity and with accur
acy. The records under his charge would
be kept errorless, for that is the way be
has done business for others. Mr. Ar
chibald ia a native ot Linn county and
this is the first time bis name baa ever
appeared before tbe people for any public
position. .
The business men ot Cripple t'reek
immediately held a meeting after their
second fire, and leaned an address, of
which tbe following is a part : "Cripple
Creek baa grown with the development
of the greatest gold-raining district on
earth, in which it is aitaated, and whose
permanence and business value ia de
pendent on iia location. Many ot our
buainesa and residence buildings bare
been destroyed by two terrible firee
within the paat wees. The town in tbe
center of tbe richest known district in
the world renowns, and the citizens wh
built itupr-from a stock ranch four yeai
ago to a city of about 20,000 inhabitants
at present believe that its location and
many advantages offer greater opportun
ity for their energies tban'ever. They
desire to announce through the great
press cf the country that they have lost
their homes and business blocks, but not
their pack, and are already starting
magnificent city on tbe ruins of tbe old.'
There is pluck for you.
. Albany Or
By request, of numerous readers of
your valuable paper, and n order to give
all those who call the American Pro
tective Aasocia'ion an ' un-American
bigoted Society," a chance to define
their position, we kindly ask that you
publish .the following Declarationa oi
Principles, the same being the founda
tion of the American Protective Associa
tion: President Council 82.
1. Loyalty to true Americanism,
which knows neither birth place, race,
creed nor party, is the first requisite
for membership in all the American
Protective Association. .
2. The AmerWan Protective- Associa
tion is not a political party and doea not
control the political affiliation of ita
members, but it reaches them to be in
tensely active in the discharge of their
political duties in or out of party lines.
becauee it believes that all problems
confronting our people will be best
solved by a conscientious discharge ot
the duties of citizenship by every indi
3. While tolerent of all creeds it holds
that subjection to and support of any
ecclesiastical powers not created and
controlled by America a citizens, aud
which claim equal, if not greater sover
eignty than the eovernment of the U
S. ot America, ia irreconcilable with
American citizenship. It ia therefore
opposed to the holding of officers in tbe
national. State or municipal govern-
menta bv any subject or supporter of
auch ecclesiastical power.
4. We uphold the Conetitution of
the United States of America, and no
nortion ot it more than its guaranty of
rel'gioua liberty ; but we h Id bis relig
ious liberty to be guaranteed 10 me in
dividual, and not to mean that under its
protection any no-americaa ecciesiacti
cism can claim absolute control over the
education of children growing np under
tbe Stars and Stripes.
5. We consider tbe non-sectailan
free public schools tbe bulwaika
American institutions, and tne tost
places for the education ot American
children. To Keep them such, we pro
test against the employment of subjects
of any on-American ecclesiastical power
aa officers or teachers of our public
6. We condemn the support out
tbe public treasury, by direct appro
priations or by contract ot any sectarian
school, reiormatory or other institution
not owned and control lea by public
7. Believing that exemption from
taxation is equal to a grant of public
funds, we demand that no real or per
sonal property be exempt Irotn taxation,
the title to which ia not vested in tbe
national or State governments, or in any
ot their enbdivieiooa.
8. We proteet against the enlistment
n tbe United htatee army and navy, or
in tbe militia ot any state, of any person
not aa actual cituen o: tne U . a.
9. We demand, for the protection of
our citizen labor tbe prohibition of the
in porta tion of pauper labor and the !
restriction of all immigration to persons
who can ahow their ability and booeet
intention to become sell-supporting
American citizens.
19. We demand a change of natural
ization laws by the repeal o.' tbe act au
thorlzing the natoral-zation ot minors
without a previous declaration of inten
tion, and by providing that no aliena
shall be naturalized or permitted to. vote
in any state in tbe Union who cannM
apeak the language of the land, and who
cannot prove seven 'years continuous
residence in this country from date of
hia declaration of ic ten lion.
11. We proteet agaiott tbe grow
negligence and laxity with wbtcb tbe
judiciary of our laud administer tbe
present naturalization law, and against
tbe practice ot naturalizing aliens at the
expense ot committer oi candidates, as
tbe most proline source of the present
prostitution ot American citizenship to
tne basest uses.
12. We demand Uiat all hospitals,
asvlomc reformatories or other institu
tions in wnicb people are nnder restraint,
be at all times subject to public inspec
tion, whether tbey aie maintained by
the poblieor by private corporation or
13. We demand that all national or
State legislation affecting financial,
commercial or industrial interests, be
general in character and In no instance
in favor of any one section of tne country,
or of any one claee of people.
A Chinaman was through the valley a
few days ago, looking fur one of his
countrymen who had skipped from Al-
banv, leaving tna storeaa'd ueleatiai
16(J poorer than formerly. Blodgelt
Cor. Corvallia Times.
It la a fact worthy of note, that every
candidate but one for county commis
sioner and county judge, resides on this
side of the Santiam. The Forks is cer
tainly entitled to one man on the county
board. Therefore a vote for W. K. rot
ter will be the proper thing.
An Albany miner believes the San-.
tiaui mines is a better proposition than
Cripple Creek, that that camp baa been
overdrawn by railroads in order to get
business, that the mines aro really not
what they are represented though tbe
district has some tine mines. There are
indications that the Santiam mines will
have a live era of prosperity.
A woman was ordered out of town by
the authorities last Monday. To prove
that she merited the medicine it is only
necessary to state that as. she rode to the
depot in the street car, she smoked a ci
garette and shouted to a gentleman on the
streets in the language of the slums.
Corvallis Times, bhe came to Albany, a
flashy looking woman; but had finished
her cigarette.
Dr. Harry Lane in tbe Sunday Oregon-
ian attacka the previous management of
tbe penitentiary during uovernor ren
noyer'a last term in a manner that ia
sensational. Incidentally he . hits the
Governor himself. The letter is liable to
cause a political stir.
farllaasrat Opeaea.
Pretoria, May 4. -The volksraad was
opened today by President Kruger. Ureal
and moht unusuai interest was tasen in ira
proceedings in view of the recent disclo
sures made by the publication of the cipher
telegrams exchanged between Cecil Rhodes,
then premier of Cups Colony, and others,
who took a more or le important part in
the Jameson raid in tbe territory ot the
Boer republic.
The ftlver aad Hatbtr Bll.
Washington. May 6. There is not the
least doubt now that Cleveland will veto
npropriatton bill,
h action ia that it
Oregon Temperance Song.
(BC II. Wilk.r)
Gladly now I sing a song of our fair Or
egon, Where vhe aits beside the tea, aa queen
her throne upon;
Yet I know the time will come, when
richer robes she'll don.
When we've rallied all for temp' ranee.
Hurrah 1 hurrah 1 There'll be a jubilee;
Hurrah I hurrah I when terup'
makes ns free;
Shout aloud the juyiul news from moun
tains to the sea.
That we'll rally all for tewp'rance.
Maaton Block, Albany, Or.
Money to loan on farm security, also
small loans made on personal tecurity.
-ity, county and school warrants bought.
Collec ions made on favorable term.
Fire insurance written in three (f the
largest companies in tbe world, at lowest
the river and harbor ai
Tim main reason for sue!
contains so many continuing contract;, and (J rand are all her enowy peaks, when lit
! 1 .. . I. ....... ..,nilit,.M littkal "
pruyiutni iuf a iuiku tun.iw w i Dy rooming sun ,
(utura. Cleveland has always been opposed
to river and harbor appropriations. He
thinks it is an unnecessary expenditure
Ha thinks results cculd be obtained by a
much leas expenditure. Cleveland i par
ticularly againai the proposed harbor at
Santa Monica.
A atcllalaas seasatlaa.
Ci.kvki.akd, O., May 5. -A profound
sensation has arisen in the Chnrch Immac
ulate of Blessed Virgin Mary (Independent
n . ,r . l i . i . : t. ,
Ijamoiicj organize in iui city auuuv
three vears a no. and presided over by
Father A F Kolawsewski father Kolaa
zewski and his 3000 Polish parishioners
desire to ally theunelvea with tbe Methodist
Episcopal church, it U said.
Regardless T Hard Tlasa.
The Sheridan Sun has hit the McMinn
ville Transcript editor a hit that might
be transferred to a few other editors in
Oregon : In his last issue.' Brother Sny
der, who baa been ducking and dodging
irom now. siaee, itis a scaroa nionaey,
fe'l off tbe fence with hia pants fulV of
slivers. He landed in the gold-bug
camp with a dull thud. We are glad
Snyder baa landed somewhere. The
suspense has been agonizing to hia
Or reflect hia golden light when day is
nearly done;
Tall aentinels to guard our hosts, until
the battle's won,
And we've rallied all for temp'rance
Dark have been the clouds that hung,
through many weary years.
But we'll still the children acba, and
dry the mothers tears :
Not again will homeward reel, rum
fiends to mock their fears,
When we've rallied all for temp'ra
Courage I "Friends and Brothers all
and forth unto the fitcht.
Strike for home and Oregon, the land of
our aeugnt,
Prosperity will then shine down, its sun
euuigent, bright
hen we ve ral
WasniSGTOK. May 5 Tbe opponenU Ben veraiueu amor temp ranee.
of. four battle-ships sustained aa over- Glad will be the future dav when old
whelming defeat in tbe boue today on tbe I King Alcohol
proposition to accept the scna'e amend- rjM been driven from his seat, no longer
nient to tbe naval appropriation bin reduc-1 to enthrall ;
ing tbe number to two. gayer, ex chair Then we'll hail the better time, lone de-
4 cans Bismark corn .25
3 " Sugar " .25
3 " Cuttlinga tomatoes. 25
2 Table l'eachee (Yellow Craw
ford) 25
75 cent HillsMan'.eSyrup .50
at H. F. HclLwais'a Cash Store.
ur ini
Southern Pacific Co.
man of the appropriations committee.made
the motion, and in its support argued that
tha oneation Dreaented was ourelr a busi
ness one. ana he appealed to the bouse not
to allow political .matters to influence its
Jaaaeiea Beat Object.
sired by alt.
When we've ral bed all tor temp'rance.
Cash for poultry at E. M. Robertson's
Prof. C. F. Bigbee, the democratic
nominee for school superintendent, Is a
teacher of fifteen years experience; he
it a married man of excellent habits.and
has satisfactorily passed the examination
which entitles bim t3 a state diploma.
He taught 22 months in Sweet Home,
where be stands high as an instructor.
A republican, wbo is familiar wkh his
qualicatiop-s8nd wbo baa been in his
school, candidly1 says he is abundantly
capable of filling the position. Prof.
Bigbee is thoroughly interested in edu
cational matters.and if elected will make
the office of superintendent bis businees,
not only attending to tbe office duties
but visiting every school in the county
as required by law once a year, familiar
izing himself with the work and tbe
needs of tbe different localities. - Lina
county voters will do weil to elect a su
perintendent of this character.
, Tbe Boston Herald siys that local
elections in New York, New Jersey and
Connecticut!, not to speak of express
ions of pu'o'iu feeling elsewhere, seem to
indicate that the political reaction
agaias' th democrats has made a. dis
tinct turn, and that the tide ol popular
feeling, instead of setting againBt them,
Is now turning in their favor.' As com
pared with a year ago, their political
condition throughout the country has
nudergone an improvement, a result
partly due to local causes, such as the
liquor legislation ia New York State,
and partly due to the incapacity exhibi
ted by the republican majority in con
. gress.
Tbe herald further ssya the change in
public sentiment during the last five
months has been s i it r eat that "if it con
tinues to exercise its influence, it may
g've tne oem-cracy in November very
much more than a fighting chanca of
success " "
Tbe Advance, while a Populist paper
and supporting the ticket of its own
party, is free to acknowledge merit ia .a
political opponent, and we don't mind
saying a good word for our friend and
fallow townsman, 8. M. Garland. .Mr.
Garland stands hiyh In this community,
and we.believM, if elected, he would be a
carefc.l and economical county judge.
While very courteous and obliging, be
One Man's Ideas.
Penator Dawson, of Linn county, ia in
town. He saya tbe legislative ticket in
that county ia not committed on the
aenatorahip. Salem Journal. That's
probably correct, and it ia undoubtedly
a tact that at least two areanti-Mitcbell,
with only one proviso. If Mitchell is
tbe only candidate they will vote for
him, or if he is the caucus nominee, but
if there ia a contest they would undoubt
edly vote in the caucus against bim.
TKaVumI frttck trmMnM s nil mvwtnvi mi
London. May 5. Truth claims to have! rn.. t, n.,t .n
unearthed additional details of tbe Jameson I , , . . .
; raid, wbi-h paint the paiticipants in the jJ "TUT. uTmi
plot in still darker color than nave the l '
disc'osurea made by the Transvaal govern- Dr. G. W, MasUm, pnyician and sur
nient. lrutn says it is credibly informed p?0- y w. vaiuanswereu prompt
that President Kruger possesses evidence 7 in city or country.
that the intention of Jameson was to march Dr. H. E. and O. K. Beers offices and
upon freiorta first, to seize Presi dent I residence ia tbe cost office bntlding. Spec
a,ruger, ana uien to proceed to jouanne- uu attention given to diseases ot women
In the boat contest down the river yes
terday it ia reported now that tr.e
was ahead at Independence. The Ve.
oobat doesn't propose to mention any
more boat races without some one gets
killed. Tbe other aide every time in
sist that tbe statements made are alt
wrong. Herealter affidavit should be
The man on Printer Ink. published
by Geo. P. Powell & Co.; of New York,
who wrote the following must. hare been
either crazy or Imposed upon. It wilt
make uregonians laugh out oi bom sides
of their mouth, particularly tbe part
about the unanimity of sentiment among
republicans on tbe money question in
Oregon : "One of the great factors in
tne growth of the fortiand Oresronian
has been Mr. U. W. Scott, tbe editor of
the paper. lie is rated todav at one of
tbe ten great editors ol tbe United s-ute.
An article over bis signature would be
accepted by any representative publica
tion without any attempt at revision.and
among the great thinkers of the country
Mr. Scott's opinion oo any subject would
command attention and respect. Mr.Scoi t
bur with the president a prisoner.
a Big ExalaaiM.
CixttssATi, May 4. This city and vi
cinity has been greatly excited over te
explosion of a large tank of irasoline.which
completely demolished the five-tory build
ing at 430 and 432 Walnut street, at 8
o'clicx tonight, before midnight it was
known that 6 were ki led and IS injured.
Toe building was occupied br Adoloh C
' Drachs, a saloon-keeper on the first floor.
I f . ' a l : - c i.
roomer in tne building;.
TerrlM rtwliy.
Kst West. May 4. K naensT from
Cuba report that Candido Mastie. lieu
tenant-colonel of toe local guerrilla of
Cracea, Ciettfoegos, baa been snot by order
of Captain Alba, of tbe Spanish force.
This paaseeger lUtegt tha. be aa in Cru
ce and saw the dead body. He aUo re
ports that there were some appalling stories
to circulation as to the crueity of Mastre.
He is alleged to hare killed over I V) peace
ful peasants. Tbe people of Cruces are
reported to have been trroriied by tbe
presence of Mastre and Aloa.
Lojli at This.
I have 48 lota with fair house. All
kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to
college and city public school, to trade
lor residence in Albany. lxxk tuia np.
Uood make money or lor speca
latton. O. W. .M&ston.
xpms TllM ! Portlaoa iOUy
'nniltM l, IMS I Korik
r. m. I Li
Ufc4.1l I At
Ar 1 14 a
l,T fX t u
Above trains sop at East Portland
rWimn nit. Woolbum. Slem. turner
l .rum jwn. aioanv. judmt
ti t'.nn.nt shadd. HiUr .azene
r.'-:i nnd all stations from
. ., . , .. ..ii A
Roaeborg south to ana nciuawg au
lathe Mat'er of the Ea!icf Lydia
orgai. deceased.
Noi ics is hereby ir.ven that fr m. and
after tha 18 b day of May. i896. In pur
suance of tbe license and order of sale of
tbe & unty court of Linn county. Oregon,
duly made anJ entered of record ia and by
said court lo said etale on tbe 17th day of
September, 1895 I, the undersigned dnl
appointed, qualified and acting adminis
trator ot tbe esta'e ot L,vd;a Morgan, ue-
cearec', sba'l proceed to sell at private sale
on the terms hereinafter mentioned, all
tbe rlirhr. title, interest and eetafe. which
said decedent Lydla Morgan, bad In and
and to be following described real prop
ersy at the time of her death, to wit: Tbe
whole of tbeDLCof David W AUbg
ham and Margsret J AHiogbam hi wife.
Not. 2812 claim No. 54. as known and
designated on tbe map and plats of file
in the D S Isnd office at Oregon Ci'y, Or.,
sUoaied in To 13, 8 B 4 west Willamette
meridian, containing 318 acres more o
lest. Also the east half ot lot No. 7 and
tbe east baf of lot No, 8. in Uk No. 3.
of S VrS8 Hayes Addition to ibe town
of Halsey, as t same appears upon the
recorded plats of said addition to said town
now of file and record In the office of the
county recorder of linn county, Oregon;
tbe whole of aid property being situated
in lwb coutjit. wrecon. "u
win be sold on una after earn jsay iam
1896. at private sale, by the undersigne
administrator upon the following terms
to U : For gold coin of tbe United State
two thirds of tbe purchase price to be paid
cash In band and tbe remaining H on a
credit of twelve mouths, bearing latereat
at 8 per cent from day of sale, secured by
f ' . t ; IJ
D.K mortgage on tne premiaea a auu.
1 ne title 'bat aaid oeceaseo naoiassa
to tbe above described properyat the
time of her dea'h, was a fee simple estate.
Dated this lh day of Apni. 1S90.
Cm W Knnirr . J AS W MoaoAW.
AityforAdmr Admrot'ne
mat ot Lj dia Morgan, deceased
K. McNEILL,Reocdvr.
u AH.r
Ar' Vt
Lt 1 11 ss
L I ft A A
r I Ur
t.raala rasa Kicettaa.
UaasT'a Pas. Or.. May 4. Tha city
e'ection passed eff qniet'y here today. 4-4
vote brtos polled, Si more than wre cast
at tbe city election last tinie. There was
not moth of a contest, except for tbe place
of marshal, for which there were three caa
didatea. Tbe following named ware
Mayor. Abe A ltd: aldermen. C E Har-
never wrote ait innammatorv article, i moa. it Ch inner and Harr Smith- n.
It has been tbe weisht of hia influence. I confer. Tom Smith; city attorney. Ueortre
1.1 , .!... . . . .......
a nan; in-irer. iokmmi Jobnsoa;
marshal. W M lohnsoo; street couuni -turner.
J f GaieefRer.
IsMr StlUttUk.
SoMETHnco that this town needs. A
first claaa boot black. Now that we have
one among us, let as keep lam here by
patronizing bim. lie wiU remove staina
Imm tmir elothinv. brnah von neatlv
and polish or oil boots in first class sty le.
i on wilt nnd cim in front ot tne uomoi
nation barbershop. Try bim and be
convinced. Tanned and patent leather
shoe a specialty. a. r ocstaix.
Sr Pore Drugs Dawson's.
rim omb.
"My three children are U subject te
croop; I lelegrapbeJ to Sn Francisco, got
got a bait doxta bouieaot a B Cough cure-
It is a perfect remedy. God ble yon tor
it. Your, e'c J . H . Gorier. Grants
Pasa, Or." For sa'e by Fotbay k Mason at
IK pw botlie .
Boys' Engineer overalls, 25c per
pair, at l.. t tsiainuotiunsijos.
s-r- 1 l
tir r a I L
13r I Ar
Dininir Cars on Qedm Routt
aitacaw a alt TwwcTra
atSvWww. ....
BrriCK rwarraaaw aaa '
M taai" wsnnsr
c.n mis dsiiv fexceot Sunday) at
Alhacv and Conrall onnect with train ot
OCtE- By.
exerted through tbe editonal columns of
tbe uregoaiao, that baa led to a practi
cal nnanimity of sentiment among the
representative element in tbe republican
party of Oregon, the dominant party in
state politics, on tbe necessity of main
taining tbe gold standard. The attitude
of Mr. Scott baa diouraged tbe free
silver force of the;Pacific Northwest and
baa insured tbe Oregonian a prominence
in the minds of thinking people on tbe
coast that is second to that of no other
paper which circu'atea ia tbe Western
sawa raw t'sw Stiver.
OrrrMWA. la May 5. Return to ihe
You Can't Fish
very well without a good outfit, and
we would tike to self it to you. We
have rods, nets, books, line, reels,
etc., and the prkes are toner than
yoa usually pay.
Mawaar & Sox Hdw Co.
B. Fay Milla in an address in Buffalo,
N. Y. figured things out this way
' "Modern business is simply organized
war. Every man ia fighting lor himself,
under a system of individualism wbicb
teaches that every man baa a right
get all he can and keen all be gef s. W hat
we need now is not to place on each in
dividual tne value which be places
himself, but to soc-ial'zs the individual
. "Tbe oppression of man by man
worse today than ever before. Ia tbe
olJen time, when a man owned a crag
in the mountains he could fortify it an
compel tribute from every traveler
passed below. Today the man witb
capital can grind the poor with equal
temerity. Crags and bsgs bare the
same effect on rags.
"1 lees number of people than there
are in tbe city of Buffalo today own 70
pereentof tbe wealth of .the United
States. Two hundred thousand people,
less than one-third of 1 per cent control
nearly three qnarteis of all our riches,
oat of every 300 inen, one has $70 where
tbe others have $30 to divide betweer.
the 299. There ia going on today tbe
unholy acquisition of wealth that ia un
earned and is only justified by laws en
actea by men elected by the power of
former illgotten gaina. -
"We laugh at the man who saya that
land abonld be owned in common. VV'Lo
gava anyone a title to a bit of land?
Home go back to tbe first man, who
owned tbe earth, and tell bow the titles
to all land now held by individuals is
vested either in fraud or force,
"f be invention of labor saving ms
chinea has done much for the laboring
man, as the increased demand for the
articles manufactured has caused the
employment of much mure labor in every, bnt tbe adoption of auch ma
chinery ought to give the laboring man 1
leisure. Instead, it enriches his em
ployer while it degrades bim.
"Competition la not law it ia anarchy .
The competitive system was invented
by Cain, and the cross of the Bedeemer
of the world stands as its eternal denial.
charge that today the business life of
the country, although it is thn outgrowth
of a worse system, is nncbristiau, and
this principle, which is cal'ed the life of
trade, is tbe very death ot practical
Christianity. Wbat we need is a few
great men who know bow to make mon
ey like christians.
"The Kingdom of God was meant lo
be tbe inspiration of business not its
rival. The church cannot say today, as
1 could in Petes' time, 'Silver and gold
have I none.' Neither can it, like Peter,
A republican admits that the shenfi
charged $5 for some prisoner ia October i
when be only had a right to charge $3;
bnt tries to excuse it st a mistake, or
something of that kind. That ia thin
Whenever be bad mors than four pris
oners previous to January 1 be charged
$3 for each. In December there were
eleven different prisonera.and he charged
at the rats of $5 for all of them. Previ
ous to October there were savers! limes
when the number ran over fonr and be
charged tbe full f 5, his bill oat month
running np to stout $167 for board
alone. The truth U it was bis policy
from the beginning until reminded ot tbe
illegality by Judge Whitney in January.
But tbe greatest amount of illegal fee
were thoee for expenses in private cases
with wbicb the county bad nothing to
do- This has been done monthly from
almost the beginning of bis term, as the
reords. will snow. Tne DEXocaaTgave
several eases aa samples sod did not
deem it necessary to go through the
entire record. Tbe county is entitled to
hsve tbe money rt funded, that is, for
the overcharges ia boarding prisoners
and in charging for private cases. $2000
is a big salary these days, and it was in
tended when it was fixed that the sheriff
sbonld be at his own expense in case ol
mileage and such things. The present
eneriff baa done bis best to get around
these thiogs.a fact verified by the record.
Tbe fact that the office nnder the old
and extravagant fee system cost more
his nothing to do with the matter now
has a pretty stiff backbone andean aay say, 'In the name of Jeaua of Nazareth,
There are many things to indicate
that the single gold standard of tbe past
yeara baa beer detrimental toour finan
cial interests. Aa Congreaa rneeta once
a year itiaa vtry no reasonable person
wbo Is not willing to try a remedy. Thai
remedy is tbe free coinage of silver as
well a gold It will restore confidence
among the masses, regardless of the
Rothchilds.' Judge Bennett of Eastern
Oregon stands on the question as follows,
as given by tbe K. O As announced,
Judge Bennett, dem.icraiic nominee for
congress in the second district.addreesed
tbe rotors Satuiday evening at the court
house. He took a strong stand for trie
silver, and, in a speech of two hoars,
nrged that free siler ia tbe real position
of democracy, and that it is the main
issue before the American people. He
referred to iba position of the admlnia-
tratio i and said that President Cleveland
was wrong on finance, but right on many
other issues. Judge Bennett presents
his argument in a fair manner and avoids
making dogmatic statements without
reasons thereloi. fie said that tbe ma
jority of people believed that fiee silver
will be tried, and that it would be good
policy to try it right now and see if it
would not correct the conditions of the
no" when ne wants to. jDsnon
KaH's Clever if Tea
is a sure cure for headache and nervous
di senses Ko'bing relieves so qnickly.
For sale by Foshay & Mason.
rise, take np thy bed and walk to one
dad. Is there a connection between
these wo facta? I believe there ia "
Bjffalo Express. "
rrpAOQ JSanrea 1119.13 ."! 'Kt
Tbe Harrhburg Review says: The
ilerald ia snppoiting Mr. Tongue. It Is
a silver paper and Mr. Tongue a gold
bjg. The Oregon ian rays for alt "sound
1 money" men t- bolt Ellis. Under tbe
J circumstances it needless to aay that
some one is being fed with a great b'g
spoon, and Wat the dose ia being forced
j down without the batting of an eys.
Come gent'emen, such sctlon la on wor
thy of otherwise self assertive citizens,
cftice of Secretary Waltb.of tbe democratic
state central committee, show that 23
county conventions have been held ia lows.
At Duboaoe tbey will cast 69 per cent for
silver and 31 per cent for gold. This show
mat tne state "ill be for free silver, as tbe
counties yet to bold conventions
unquestioned altar ccoctie.
McMixavnxE, Or., May 4. A firef
started npstair in the reaidVece of ) B J
Gardner U. stebt, by a lamp betegow
tarm-d. and bad tansed fuongh to the
ceiling nnoVrriMSh before the base crafus; ;
arrived. Tbe tire u put out sooe ai ier '
) be boeeait arrived. To km was about i
ftOO. la pui'iDg the boserart tl-roagh tbe
muddy tree', tome of tbe firemen !ot
their shoes and socks, which were puld off
by the (kx-p mud.
Free Silver
la a mishtr rooi thirnr. and if von
have any liit you want to swap fr
wagons or baesries, just come around
and see us. We carry the "tude-
baker vehicles, the very best
earth, and can make yon good ten
Slav Ajrr A &ox llpw Co
Man TS
Pasr.l.rros. Or.. May 4 -Renter aJiT..rfw4?, n fV I-. Il
owner of land in the LmaUl reservation! I WOIOT Q. NlCKel
am ivuaj ami orzaniied a vigilance com- i
mit!e to shoot down cattle straying upon
grain laoaa. i cm moremrot ia caused bv
lUC ilk .1. r I a
are me i. ; . , ...
K ,uuct k uexpeciea wis action
wi I provoke a teat law case to nwre dearly
define to what exteut the Umatilla Indian
ia a citiaen.
Mr. Mark Pjery would work full bonrs
for the cennty as faithfully as if he were
laboring for a private individual. Hia
trustfulness will be vouched for by every
citizen of Scio He is an excellent pen
man ; imt, wbat is more important in
the recorder's office, he la eare.V and
painstaking with bis work.
Ask any Lebanon man, regardless of
politics, aud be wilt tell you that S. M.
Garland is thoroughly competent to fill
tbe position of county judge as it should
be. in a fearless manner- and in tbe in
terest of tbe people. He is no Irieky
youth, hot a man of a number of years
experience, and his good business testi
fies to the confidence bis constitaency
have in Lira.
If you want a anoa and clean
smoke buy cigars mads bv our Al
bany cigar factory.
WA. On Tuesday May 5, 1896, to Mr.
and Mra. San Wa, a boy. He has fonr
CHARLTON. In Salem, Sunday, May
3, 1896. at 10 p. m., to Mr. and Mrs.
O. M. Charlton, a son. Mr Charlton
is temporary turnkey at the state pen-
iicuuury. .
Health and strengta
carry a through
dancer and make
cs safe in the pres
ence of peril- Dia.
eaae germ do no
harm in a healthy
body. A germ is not
a big; thing, and it i
only physical weak
ness that makes it
dahgeroua. A per
fectly strong man
with rich, pure
blood, has nothing
to fear from genua.
He may breathe ia
the bacilli of con.
sumption with im-
pumiy. nsiire is
continually working
to throw off any im
parities that may
come mho tne body,
but if (here ia a weak
spot where the germs
may find an entrance to
the tissues, then the
trouble begins. Disease
germs propagate with
lightning-like rapidity.
Once in the blood, they
n'-kly fill tbe whole
y. The only wray to
get rid of them ia to kill
them. This ia what Dr.
Pierce Golden Medical
Discovery is for. It pa
ri 6es the blood. That
mean that it kills the
term, but that ia onlv
part of what it doea It assist in the di
gestion of food and puts the digestive or
gan in a perfect condition. It atimulatea
the accretion of digestive fluids, so promot
ing assimilation and nutrition. It fills the
blood full of healthy red corpuscle, it
purifies and enriches every drop of blood
In the whole body and so supplies the
tissue with th food they need. It builds
np strong, healthy flesh and puts the whole
body into a dlseaae - resisting state.
Nine - tenths of all human ailment come
from the same cause impurity in the
blood. Take almoat any disease you please
and trace the cause of it you will find it
fn th blood. Purify and enrich Ihe blood
and you remove the cause, and so you cure
the disease inevitably and infallibly. Dr.
Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery cure
all diseasea depending upon poor, iuipoy.
sriahed, thin, impure Mood.
Te Taikfeh BHsSarwaaee
Loxuox. May 5. The Time ha a dia
Ptch from Teiw-ran which aay there wa
a renewal of diirturbaocea at Sbitraxos
Sonday. doe to tbe excitement cau-d by
the murder of tbe shah .and that aa attempt
was made to loot tbe Jewish quarter of the
own. The Jews, however, were prepared
for the attack, and repelled the moo.
' a saw' Mmtet City.
Xtw York, May 3. It i announced
that a compear, of which M R Aroot,prea-id-nt
of the Chemung Canal bank, of
Klmira. N Y, a man worth rJ0.0O0.0uO, is
treat urer, has purchased 30uO acre of land
located 12 miles from New Ywk city, be
tween Orang, N J, and Elizabeth, N'j.snJ
that a manufacturing plant, with borne
capable of sustaining a population of 60U0
inhabitants, will he uotlructed at once.tbe
intenton being to erect a model city in
uiucn tbe same manner that Pullman, III,
ws built.
Tbe Eax-lbrwwc' atelease4.
Socth Besd, Wash.. May 3. John
Gardner baa been released from cutudy by
order of the countycommisMoners,approved
by Superior judge Langhorne Gardner
waa coavi?ted last December of aasaultiog
Rev E B Button, tbe A P A lecturer, witn
rotten eggs. He bad seven month more to
serve, t he petition for hia releane was
largely signed by members of tbe A P A
oo tbe ground that be was only a tool, and
not one cf the ring leaders in the assault. atetrraUag.
Los dos, May 3. Earl Gray has tele
graphed the government from Buluwayo
that the Matabele have retired from he
immediate vicinity of that town, and that
it is believed tbey are tired of fighting and
are preparing: to retire to the westward.
1" be Mangwa toad is secured by 400 men
in seven forts.
rwrUaad W,.
Pokti.akd, May S.Tbe opening game
here of the new Pacific league was played
yesterday at Portland field on muddy
grounds, with threatening weather and a
alim attendance. Tbe Gladiators won, the
Chappie being turned down by a score of
10 to 4. and the bleachers were satisfied.
Considering the condition of the held, it
was a fine article of ball that was prt up,
and made the fans be(rin to hunger for the
time when the field will Le dry and fast and
the race for the pennant close.
Jlaa Car be It's Dalags.
Kansas Citv, May 3 Pugiibt James
Corbett cloed his theatrical season here
last night, and left, today with bis wife for
Hot St rings, . Ark, where he wilt take a
course of baths. From Hot 8 pi ings he will
proceed to Sun Francisco to visit his par
ents. That done, the pugilist says he will
turn his attention to ritzsimuions and
endeavor to bring on a fight with the lanky
Australian, lie promise to follow Fitz
simmons to Europe, if necessary, and put
up $10,000 of bis own money that ho can
whip the Australian in 10 rounds.
, Niagara's Baar.
New York, May 3. The sullen roar of
the great fulls cf Niagara waa heard in this
city tonight, when the electric current.
which is to connect Ibe thunder of the
fulling waters with the electrical show
here, was turned on for the first time as a
test. The test was made bv the iiunawn
of tbe show and was pronounced a success.
The sound of tha water could be plainly
heard. At tbe sau e time, tne power wa
put on. and everv bit of machinery nf ihp
electrical exposition was put in motion for
a few minute.
is the way we sell packets of garden
seed, and we also have garden seed
ia bulk and grass seed of all kinds
lor sale cbeap.
SrswAST A Sox llpw Co.
Notice for Pubiicacion
T.awn Omra at Okxoov Crrr. Oa.
Febraary 27th. 1896.
Katie u hrbv a'rea that tb folio u g
cawed settler ha filed bjUcs hr ats-
lina tn ma ft A fiaal DTJof HI BSDPXt Of Ber
rlun s,-wt that sairi sroof will be msc
buore tht register aad rocei7r a isrcgo,
Citv. Orttoa. cai Mv 20. l36, viz: Mrs
Kmiiy ran 4t, sarriTiBg ussnv
iatrstrlz of tie uUta f Mataia L Patten,
deceased: Prw D 8 7931. for th 8 Jef w
aadlota3B4 4 8e Te IQ f. xl B.
Sam Bamcw the fo3' c witaease to prys
ij4.M bdob aod ewlliva-
tioa of. said bad. v'z; Cmtiaa JCsihold,
ChaikaJ Hankie. Gilbert Kaat oa, Jcha 8
Mm all of Kiatara. Oreow-
Losis Djtr, wise oa Autre ZA .
filed TiasbM Ld apical No 29U9 tor
said tract, is feii!y aotified to appear
a-d show cur we? th entry of said ad-
miaiatraUtx should sot h ailowsd .
BtaaLT A Mruxa, Banister.
a I Le
I r a I ar
Arl Si
-Or I L
tassal Ar
mtt wot at U lb Eura buuv.
is i a -r-
i Notice for PublicatioD
Lasd Omca at Oaaso Cm, Ow,
Fh-aary 25. 1836
Xotio s hanhy artwai that the follow
in Batned s-ulr has fi'al antics of
mirntioa to saaka fiaat woof ia ssppert af
him c im. and that aaid proof will be aaadw
before the regi-ter aad recaivarat Orwsoa
Crtv.Oiwgon. Msv 9.h, 1896. via: Joseph
L Pwy: H E II7f3 UwSof 8 W
N'WUofg WtefSae ZSadHK
SKcfSS9tp I0SK7K. Has
ik. lr win witn n to orova his
lioaoa twsidawe apoa aad eaHxvatVn af
aid lawd.vix: S Pearana. W Kreiaal, Wil
liaas Heidicke, John D Dalev, all of D
troi O eroa. Kobs.t A MruJt.
toths EAST vU the
Union Pacific System.
srraa raut cmoics o
vu via
A "
, rta ..
For taU deUila el
Cvaaas ft Mowrarrw. A-b
as annaavw:
Gaa'i.PA' -Aoaws
Siyc UqEey
and Time
And get the best service
and accommodations.
r.heaD Tickets to.
and from all parts
of the 'WOUl."."
1 jp, a.
n..A.m Pacific Eoral Mail Steamship
Throarh Pallmaa Pslasa aleeper
Tourist sleepers and 2w Kecunia
Chair cars
Trains heated b awaa; andesrs light
ed by intch Light.
Time to Chlcaro H dT .t,n,
Sew York 4H day, whicf. U many
boars qakker than all eocapetitora.
For rate, lime tables and foil infor
mation, apply to
Cracs k MowrmrrM, agents
Or. 0
R VV Barrow. C B Bavww,
Kotlce Is hereby ctvew. that the Ci'y
Conndl of the city of Albany. Qregoa.wrUl
net. and sii, as a Boa'd ot ivraaizarioa.
at the council rhaaiter ia said citv on
Wediiesdav. the 13th day of May. 1396. at
the boor of 2 o'c?ock ia the aitetaooa of
! said dav. tor tbe porpose of examining
conceiiBg ana rquuvn .swi
of said city for the year 196; aad also fcr
the rnrtberparpose of makiag the tax levy
neon said asseastneat for tbe year. 1S36.
(iivM bv order U the city cooacil of the
city of Albany. Orccoa. made tfeeSStaef
April. ls& S J Hiarro.
Kecarrter ot tbe kaxj A oany
Albanj, Or May 1. li.
KoUce H fkereby givea that the annual
meetine- ot the stockholders of the Alhaay
f armers Co. will be held ia the o&e of
aidcoersnssr. ia'becityof Alhaay. Or.
oaToesdsy. the 19th day of Mav. 1896, at
A'banr, ibe honr of 1 o'clock p m ot said dav.
-- . it i , i j . .t - -
. saau roeang wui uw iu w uc pvnK
of e!ecir? sevsa (71 d'rectors to serve for
Gen'I Aaent.
Diet Pasa Agt the ensaiag year, and for the raction
Almost Anything:
wanted by a farmer is kept for sale
by tha Stewart A Sox Hardware Co.
Lngines, separators, binders, mow
era, rakes, rlows, harrows, and al
most anything else in tbe tine of Im
plements or bard ware.
135 Third St, Portland, Or. of sach other bonnes as ma regularly
I ensue avion w usrcuu;.
i r n ,i . - r tr U7.
Secretary- Presi'ieat,
Good to Eat
i hard to prepare unless von have?
nice wife and a cracking good coo!
tow. Kow if yon have the wife, w
have the stove. Yoa don't wants,
dispose of the wife, and we do was
to sell the stove. What's to prevea
us from makings dicker? Coos
around and we'll talk about it.
Stbwak A Sox Hdw Co.
The Best Paint
in the world isMasnrya Mixed Taint
ana we nave it tn all colors. Every
bodj nsitur it likes it. If you wsnt
lead and oil we have " that, too, and
also varnish, turpentine, brushes.
Who Hath Woe?
Who Hath Sorrow?
Who Hath Much Wrath?
Verily it is he that buyeth a High
Grade Bicycle at a coat of 150 and
10 per cent off for cash. For behold
it breaketh and casteth him Into the
dust; yea, even into the mire, and
getteih into the lands of the repair
er, and in the end costeth him msnv
pieces ot gold.
Moral Boy a "Columbia." It
costs f 100 and is sold by the Stewart
A Sox Hdw Co.
People who want the most lavort from
a ueaspsprr are generally the ones who
ntver spend a cent with it.
It will please you
to see our line of
and will save you
15 to 25 per cent
on every pair
.... w .
Ia t' Cawaty Coir tjf Uta eoan of th
Stale of Ortoe.
J K Weathevfoid and J R
W ytt. ospartnert dvttg
bosioes nader tbe firm
came and tjle o Weatiw
ford t Wyatt,
Robert Smith,
named de-
To Robert Smith, the above
ORSGOX: Yob are heiebj required to ap
twar ami answer the complaint of plain
tiff above nrmed in tne above entit'ed
court now on Cle with the clerk of said
court, on or before the first day of th
regn'ar Mav term of said court, to-wit:
tte 4 h day'of May, 1S96. U being the reg
ular day of tbe terw of said court ; sad you
are hereby not Wed that if )ou tal to ap
pear and answer said con-p aiat, the plain
tffs will sr for a j .gmeot against yoo
aa pr ed tor In lbt:r complaint, to-wit:
for a judgment for the sum of t55 60 with
interwt thereon at tbe rale of 8 per cent
per annum from the 1st dsy ot Noveotber,
1835. and lor the cost and disbo rsemenrs
of this action to be taxed, and that tbe
real property levied upon aad attached at
the instance of tbe plaintiffs in the above
entitled action and described aa follows:
Beginning at the 3 corner of Isaac
Bievina and wife donation land claim Kot.
No. 2003 in township 12. south lanee 4
west of Willamette meridian In Una
count, Oregon. I hence we: 5n chain
and S links, thence no'th 19 chains ano
4 'inks, thence east 59 chain aud 34 links
thence south 19 chains and 4 link to p ace
if beginning, containing HGarrea, more
jr le: be sold to satisfy the judgment of
plaintiffs, and the cost and disbursements 1
of said action and the accruing csta upor
I bis summons is published by order ot
the Honortb'e J N Duncan, judoe of said
court, duly made in chambers at Albany.
Oregon, on tbe 3rd day ot February, 1&6.
Attornei s for Plaintiff's
The copartnership bere'ohwe eziatiag
under the firm name of Browned A afor
risoa, aad doing boaiaeaa aa ibe Albany
Ncrserie. ia this day disvolved y mstaal
S. K. Morrisoa rettrinar aai Aloeet contiaaiPa the Lasaeesa. Al
note and accounts doe aaid final should be
naid to Alrt Browaeil st once as It u
desired to ctase nn its aff irt withost de
lay. Al.BEar Baowsxxt-.
J K Mcbjuso.
Albany, Oregon, May 5th. 1836.
"Em press line
lae fastest and finest Use oatbe racinc
300 Miles Shorter than
any other Trans-iracmc;
Short Line to the Colonks
These Teased carry aa experienced nod
ical maaaada etea a'de eacn i
age. krate,sceawinoaaiieii. Pi"
lets cr aay laionnaTaon ow
n . I x-- A. t.o A sant.
AlbaaT Or. 1 Third St Portlaad, Or.
Dst . Pass. Agent. Vaneoaver, B. C
Pullman Sleeping Oars,
Elegant Dini g Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Oars;
MONF.Y TO LOAS.-I haw money
to loan at 6 per cent interest oa good
Grand Forks
Heleca and
al asenritr.
Kalsios. SI att on biocK.
Notice i hereby given that the Baden
signed have been by tne county coari sc
Linn county. Oregon, duly appointed ex
ecutor of the last will and terameat oi
lames B atoreaa. late of ad couaty. de
ceased. AH persona having claim against
the estate ot aaid deceased are hereby
reqalred to present the tbe same to the
undersigned at Tangent, Oregon, duly
verified as by law required wltbia six
months from this date-
This the 19" a day ol FeWnary.
WsATHKKFoan A Wyatt.
Attvs tor Eaecutor. Altsko C Moaaax,
Flotd B J sso.
Eire stars if the esta'e ol J Marfan
Insurance Agency
Buy and sella whrat, oats and wool at
alt pointa in the Willamette Valley aad ia
tbe leading ineuronc agent of Albiuiy.
Iu placing your insurance there are two
things to be considered;
1st Get a good company.
2nd. Place yonr inaarance with an
agent who thoroughly nnderstands his bus
loss and knows bow to writes policy,
giving yoa its full benefit, having had 8
years of experience in a general office and
the adjusting of losses. Can guarantee
yor. 1 have these requirements. Very
R?spectfully Yours.
BOY WAITED. To wotk. Inquire of
Mrs. W. N. Phillips, serosa the Wil-
aniette. -
Oi Pr ioe's Cream tfshtn; Powdet
World's Fair Wchaat asrard.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed have baen by the county court for
Laa county, Oregon, duly appointed ad
ministrators of the estate of K H Farrar.
lae4 taidcooatr. All pesa having-
claima against the es'ateofsaid deceased
are hereby requested to present tbe same
to the undrrsignexl at his residence abou
3 mile southwest ot Tangent Oregon,duly
verified as by law required, within six
months from this da's.
This 4th dav of April A D iSofi.
Whitxst & NawToar, Kob't h Smith.
Atiysforsdmlnistratar. Administrator
. of the eUte of R II Farror deceased.
VWiVl H. getherl Is it not bel
ter to buy vonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakee,
etc, at a reliable store where they ute
nly the Best material why of course I
is you dont want dyspepsia and yoal
never get it by eating anvCing from on
store. U.. BAKERY.
Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St.
C. D. Vakdtks. Proprieto
From the premise of John Maxwell ia
Albany oa Saturday. April 4. a small bay
borne with a white fare, smooth shod all
round. Suitable reward for any informa
tion sent to John maxwsix. Albany Or.
Tin rootling and plur-Hiag.
the opera house.
Or. Price's cream taking Powdef
awaowt OoMwisI tfidvfekw Fair, tisa Frsaswav
Sew York
Boston aad all
Pmnta East aad South
Co., aa Americaa line.
Fcr iafortnatioB, time cards, P f
tickets call oa or writ C G Bnrkhart,
Agent. Albany, Or.
fWAD Charlton. As
Portlaad, Or.-
"lEi,, 3Sr-
Connecting at Yaqum. Bar with vne
n iWicisco and aquana Bay Steam-
gan tTancisco
Al and first class ia every P
1 Bails trora Ysqrnna tor i5aa
Francisco about every 8 days.
Passenger accommodations Juwwpaea.
ed. Shortest route between u .
ette Valley and Caliiortiia,
Farefrom Albany rpo wear to
ForSailuiglJayaspplyto .
H.UVAu.Agt, CaaCSart
Albanv, Or., u
Eowim Stoss, manager,
Corvallis, Or. .
woman with smal
ia a good payins;
buaiaes. Refereace requirea. "F
ience nsneceesary. Addnsa -Bn
of Dbjsockat office. .
a W T a Sim A
W capital to engage ia a good
ev reMora bicycle promptly and ins
fit banner. Break punctd
tirea.rte,fied carrectlT. At shop jut
west of Y.M.C.A.hall.
-rjIGS FOR SALE.-all si)
JT farm of " .
L. Toole. Also
milch cow.