r y ' ' " f Easaasssavk. ' " '" 4 " ' VOfXXXT AM VNY -ORM-SON. n.llA MAY 8 !& Entered eft Sfct Fui a.ee a tlbaay. Or. Beeaad-4'lass Mali Haiti n 40 . 1 1 (' m WHOLE iV. sW JWBHWv .aswSR. MB GRCU.5 lib for 10 CENTS. It makes a mad parade with elephants, cages of animals, chariot. faanda. Givea a full performance in a ring, with ring master, clown, acrobats, bareback riders, trained dogs and ele phants, winding up with the pantomime of Humnty Dumnty. including ail the charsotera and scenery. - . 3 Ways to Get Send . This Circus TO BlackmlFs Durham Tobacco Cot, Durham. N.C. and the Circus will bo -rt yen postpaid. Ton will find 1 coupon , inside eacn 2 ounce bg, &au 2 coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of b lac k w e ll's genuine Durham Tobacco. Buy a has: of this Telebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which tivcs a list of other premiums and how to get them. a CtNT STAMPS ACCEPTCO. . MtlimMHMllllllllllMl Afflfinmr 7i irri 1 fnia : tainuiij a uaaaaiuiv, A." A ii Undertakers and Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon No Charge for Hearse or Services SEASONS ESCENT 1 (Crescents are the only line of niedium-price wheel made t oat sell on their jmeriu in competition with the highest priced ones w lien placed eide bv edide. - C Crescents are positively the highest abicycles made. They are handsome ; canning, and perfect in every detail. 3 4 5 Crescents are cheap in price only; a class., w e give the people what they want an honest wheel at an hon est price. - . . The prices of Crescent Bicycles are ers get weir money a worm. This is Crescent year. Crescent wheels are the rage. We guarantee every Crescent Bicycle to be free from any imperfections in material or workmanship, and agree dt use or aoase witnin ore year. 40 to $75 i , ttt.- V because they have learned to know the dif Ereficijccd Riders-"" ference between a 'ieel is sinroty claimed! to De- Waverir the hiehe. 0 $85 00, etl 28 ard 28 AM WT ' INDIANA BICYCLE UO. STDlaiTAFOlM, JKD THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT. 40,000 Hsaa. Bediss MsOstod m wj year j. fc., Uailsd Protect tbs dead." Thoasands of gran robbed amraallr. ho srsre, regardless of location, im aiefrom tbe mtntn ot the ho. nan gboal. The Botb Grays cxt affords positive aad abso hits secant r assinst the orara Bobber, and protects botb casket Mad body from dampness, aaold and decay, and from burrowing 4 5 For Sale hy Alba. FurnUue-e Co. THOMAS I and Dealer in prces ALBANY, - R P ONEiGIVES RBL tEF. ALBANY CIGAR i J. JOSEPH.' IO Conjxma, or 1 Coupon and 10 cents, or 14 cts. without any Coupons, J Ce T -i"-v -. V. ,1 VU., 1 UCUI UVl tllCU. FOR BXJYINC5 BICYCLES grade, lightest weight medium-price light and easy in design ana finish, . ; , , they are made for the masses and not for right and suit the public. Crescent buy to make good any defect rot caused For Sale By Hopkins Bros. Y A re built in 1118 largest IGVGLESt and Best Equipped Facorv in MGlfSiiBJltb eWorld that is actually high grade and one that Some others may be good but the l Ihigh grle. corcher (3 beigbts) l.ncu y--w .uu,M.w. A.J-Hodgee, Aent a DosssSsg Tsblsa fm Msolcsl Csegas Stata. b Abaslstaly Air-6gM asd Sissai prvor. -Mads wbollr of Bessemer staei tieaUy iadestrnctible. Sbooldbs ossd in vry ioteraieut. Orer 12.W0 ia actual ass. For sals bf all aadertaJLara. MaBaTd br Tba Cbaapitw Caeaical Ctv, pnagasra, unia. B "BINK, I All Mud. of furniture bediinar, and it you wan t the " most complete flour safe. he has th em and his the lowest. 0BEC0M. A - FACTOI3Y ,Prprie4or, " n 111 " O'd : EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE. The Oregon Conference of the Evan gelical church convened in Albany this morning at 0 o'clock with Bishop Thos. Bowman in the chair. The Democrat roan remembers well the conference held in this city several years ago over part of which the Bishop presided, at that time th famous split occurring. The following account is furnished of the proceedings: The members of the Oregon Confer ence of the Evangelical Association as sembled in the Evangelical church of this city this morning, to hold their 13th annual seus.on. As Bislioo Taos. Bowman, of Chicago. III., entertd the church hundreds of voices feelingly greeted the Bishop by singing "Blest be the tie that Muds1 ilia previous visit to this nlaco was marred bythechismand dissension then I existing, and was visibly touched by the anecticnate welcome given. The Bishop opened the conference with a communion service which was nothing if not a veritable cyclone of spiritual power. After the commuiiion service the Bishop gave a very interest ing address in wluca he especially em phasized enure separation from the con taminating influence of sin and the in- dument of the spirit, as absolutely indis- pruaa oie u a minister. At tint e!nA of thu a.1droa th ttialinn lappointed Rev. h. S Fisher, of Mon- mouth, Or., as secretary, who creditably uas iiueu me name oiuce lor me six pre vious years The secretary chose as his assistants, Rev. Eira M surer, of Mil waukee. Or., and J Erich, of Portland. Or., as German assis'ant the repetoriai staff consists of the fal lowing nomed persons : Rev. P. Bittner, 11. r.. tioruschuch.x,. Anderson. The con 1 mi tee on worship reported (hat Bishop Bowman would preach this evening. For this we feel truly grateful and all should come and her the elo gncnt Biship deliver one of bis able dis courses. Mr. S. E. Yon lie made a business trip to Gates yesterday. F. B. Tinkle returned today from his trip to California. Miss Jennie Clavton reurned todav from a trip to Portland and Salem. Capt. V. X. Phillips is Iving critical- "y ill at his borne in Cloverdale with hy drastic pneumonia and tumor in the stomach. It is doubted if he can lire more than a few davs. s fact that will be generally regretted. One of the litest and as we'd most en joyable events in the history of the A. 0. U. W. in Albany was a n entertain ment given in their hall last nigh, bv the Degree of Honor. The feature of the evening-was the presentation of "The Emancipation by Lincoln," given by fifteen young people. A genuine cotton a?ne was given and some excellent per forming was done. Sociability on-vailed and a fine lunch was served. "Messrs. Wallace and Leppert. the evangelists, wbo closed a succesful re vival meeting at the First M. E. church here on bunday night last, are conduct ing similar services, in Albany this week enjoying a good attendance. Kev. Lep- i pert will make his residence in Salem hereafter, and will spend his nnoccunied time here, where he has made tirets of friends since coming f-om his Indiana home last lull. Salem Made man. The entertainment eiven last nicht bv the Ladies of Fair Oaks circle, at the G. I A. K, hall was well attended and was highly enjoyed. A program was ren Jered consisting of two piano solo i-r Cha. Cundiff; recitation by Ada Flick inge, song by Grace Livingston, recita tion by Floyd RAinp, a couple humorous readings by Prof Roberts. The quilt was lrawn by Robert Brown Jr., who was o convulsed with his goxl fortune that !ie was unable to respond to the calls for . speecn. CjoaliU wiil hae aa U A. C. fi'l.l dai M neit Saturday afteinonn with the uu'l cvn'ts A dispatch receive J lv Vrn Alil.r frcm rx Angeles, announced ibe d.tnurnui ill aess of her daughter, Mrs lorr:s. Mr Tongue will wa in fkio nd 1 eba- xn on Mny 7 ami in Halsrv on Mav 8. W jo not we ni utme down for Alanr- Toe Gypy las stopped runninz to En- eee fr the present on account of t w nianv natr in the river 1 be snag boat is heed fd badly . The capital stock of the Albany Iron A'orks has brea increajed to 130.000. This U "ne of the mrt iucceful worki of the kind it the state. S W Vineyard and Frank Thomas, two TOtmjr men. were arrested at Loeene re rerday for stealing cigars and whiskey from the saloon nf Wm Benshaw. A H Moore recently brought into Mvrtl Pcint $800 in fold dust, that be bad taken rrnn his Salmon msuntain mines, in a 10 lay ran with three men. The last of Feb ru-iry be brought djwn $300 from the same mine. Mr R A fVeley. of the Astoria Land and Investment Company, is busily enr.ce in workirjir op a syndicate to build a i2,00 iepot for the railroad in topertown Mr Uammind has air reed to maintaia and operate the station if it la bnilt. Astorian. I Vf Scott attempted to dme a band ol 'nex p over the mountains from Clover Flat to Lakev e lat week, but tbey got snow- a in, anu zoo ot the animals rvnahed. those tbs.t were left wereaiti rwards driven acv, and will be fed until tb-y can be uroagbt ovr. Tlie now commenced fullinir la-t gtur d i aHern.jon and didn't let up till Son Uy evnin -. covennir the ground in the y.ctni'y i L ireview to a deotb of tuny 10 w-Im k. and Chewauran vadey. where it hardly v-r snnws to any dep h. w cover e'witnIH Inches ol the lauifu . Likeview Examiner. The latent: saindeis accomuli.liel b means of a doable fountain pen. one end fil ed with good ink, the other wilb ink that fades away in a cay or two. The sharper' plan is to call on farmer or oth ers, make a bargain so a Ivantaiceous to them that ther are wtliltsg to aitren to it write the contract er agreement with ink that fades, tbei manage so that tl e victim lgns tt with the ink that lasts. Then few days they have 'be name oa a sheet of hlank piper on which any sort of note can be written. People who read the paper" are careful how they sign beir names to any document offered by a stranger. Others are caught in t.iis new trap. A. Northrop ha-t accen eJ Ihi the nouii- nation as a "sound money -candidate id ; the Port and district and will run against Ellis and beonett. This means Kilit' de feat and ought, to mean Bennett's election. Ibe Oregomao nor baa a "noun I mon candidate in eacb district, ortl rupsnd Tongue. Several republican papers though, are trying to figurs Txugue out a a free ail ver man; but be is not whatever he was in Nov. 1894. Tn tt district attorney article appears on our editorial page. It is just simply some facts and fiarurei, and shows that Marion county bat a good charger as welt as Linn county. As tt is from a republican paper republicans will be interested in reading It. Rev. L. D. De:k, our synodical mi-ion ar, embracinir Oregco and Waal.ingtJn, will tireach at the Cumberland PaJViyler unchurch tonight. Don't Jail to . bear him, you will be well pleaded, come. It is reported that the Pooenixo ' lyn has diccontinaed its I aci'io coxt partment and that the Continental tomorrow. de- will The mesting of the Willamet'e Congre gational Association clotted last mgnt at j ter fevcral instructive and entertaining ,fit;smon. The address cf Rev. Scudder last night ara one mat will have a lasting impression I on those who beard it. ' Dr. Price's Cream SaklDg Powder AwsTdsd Cold Maial M id win tar Fafar. Faocisca, ' Lebanon. Prof. W, U. Lee, presideHt of Albany college, will deliver an address on "The Higher Education," at 11a. m. next Sunday in the Presbyterian church; Preaching also in the evening after young people s meeting. iMBt weeK as Mr. u U. Bteen was plowing some rew ground on the Dodge place, he fouud (d 5. The dollars were in Mexican coin and dated back to 1830 and 1848. There were three 25c pieces iu cpHiiiHii coin anu were niaue in 17U.. Al". Aody Nichols came into town Tuesday with a head an him as big as a Darrel. He says he was attacked on Monday at coster by Judd and illiatu Maley, with brass knuckles and the butt end of a nne. According to Mr. Nichols' version 01 tne anair, tie lias neen un- merciful'y beaten. There is an old grudge between these parties. OUicera hav- gone after the Mar lev boys and tho trial will likely bring out all the facta. iet batumay night our city was thrown into excitement by an alarm of fire. The fire proved to be iu Mrs W M. Rilea's boarding house near the paper mill. The fire broke out about midnight and was well under headway when dis covered. As it was out of reach of the hre hydrants the tire hoys could only stand by and watch it burn. There was $800 insurance on the building ami $200 on contents. It is supposed to be the work of incendiaries. Express. Scio. Messrs. W. R. Bilyeu and J. J. Whit ney will address the voters of Scio and vicii.tty on next Saturday afternoon com mencing at 1 p. m. Before another issue ot the Press reaches its readers, our creamery will be in operation and turning out rich yellow butter tit to please the taste of the most fastidious L. W. Richardson has bought the Mill City meat market oi L C. Pretty man and will tak charge immediately Mr. rrettyman, as soon as he can settle up his attain will, with his father's family, move to California. John Coins was in this city the first of the week. bile here he called in thu office and ordered his paper changed from Albany to lorvaius. and stated that he had bought a delivery business in that city, and won 1.1 move'Lit family thereto immediately. Ires. Viby YioiUNT.Tiie manner in which the fishenn watch matters at Astoria is well illustrated in the jollowing from the Astoria: Quite a lirje excitement was created on the streets about To'c'ock iast night by the appearance of a large amber of fishermen hi came run nun; down from Uppertown. Two men bad t-eea aeen coming down the river in a fishina: boat with what appeared to he a barrel or two of fish and net overttl op in the bottom of the lymt. The Poat wa one of Cooks, and as it bad been reported that some of his men were Dshing, a commt'tee of fishermen st rwk out from the shore in a (mat to investigate, and after having sa'Uued themrlrs of n hat the strange boat contained, and turning back to shore, the crowds who had been atoning followed down town a the boat continued 00 iu way. When the landing was made at the dock opposite the Occident hotel, ihe occupant ot the hoat, William Tioimerman. met the crowd aid explained to them that all be nau on ouard y atout a ha.t uarrei e! salteU 5a!uonr-pf at spring's pack which lie bad promise.! to deliver a month a20 to 1 Bovntgen, tlerelaursnt man. The salmon bad bcrn stored at his residence on tnag Uland al! this lime. The crowd quickly dipered and be tempest in a tfapot subsided. Mr. Timmerman, who is a member of the Union, stated that there was notuhing going on this side of Cook's cannery. A PfeTUA A xsde NT A curious ac cident was one thai overlook Miss Nona Smith rridsy afternoon Jhe was rid- ine a bicycle up the wik leading to the college, when suddenly a friend behind her observed the wheel sway, and the rider fall. Miss Nona, q'licklv picked herself npr'jiotinled the wheel aiwt rode iut to the dormitory. There her friends no iced that she was appan-ntly out of Iter bead, and that there were bruises about her temple and chin. She ws brought to the Smith home.and nntil the next afternoon her conversation was flighty, trhe was unable ben acd is still powerless to remember an; thing about her fall, or anything of the inci dents immediately before and alter it. a condition in which ilham Skipton found bio.self after a fall from a hore a year or so ago. It is supposed that while riding alone she became ditxv and that the fall accounts for the mental Iron Die, Corvallis Times. Two Coavaii m Boy. Brady Burnett returntxl from Portland Saturday cover ed with irlory and wearing a handsome zold medsL In the mile race at the 1st regiment contest tie proveu a surprise to the i'ort landers, and won easily in tne tplendid time of 5:12 2 5. The race was run indoors on a ltt-lap trart, the floor bein&r made of asDhalt. If tlie judge can ran as well, the political complexion of Ihe supreme court will he mxed. rred Colvig. also of the O. A. C, competed in the 2JC-vard rae over the sun track. and won the first heat neatly, but nn fortunately bis nnfamiliarity with the track loft Vim the final beat and the race. He would have won on a straight away track with ease. The boys re to be congratulated and so alto is their traine-, Prof. FI. 1-am-e 'iswtte. The Judge deserves to run as well for Brady Oukuox Piosksrs. Mr. Geo-ge IL Himes. of Poitland. secretary of the 0; gon Pioneer Association, Laa berii n the city tin ween, tmjuuts 1011 it n nuitl nieetina' ot th aiicalir.n w 11 I e hel 1 in Portland. It will b-the fif tenth anniversary of Ortgon Piom-erisui. I .lata are being made out of ail pioneers of the state, including a 1 those who rame here previous to the admission of the state into the union on February 14, 1809. In terested pioneers can obtain any infor mation desired by addressing Mr. liimee at Portland. Bowuso. The Paralysers pulled themselves together last night and won the bowling match by a good core, as follows; Cannon 157; O. Pfeiff.T lt; Drum 147; walla 137. Total ttul. f. Pfeiffer 110: Horton 152; Whitue 147; Archibald 151. Total 0.12. Another match will be atarled.lonight. After an illness of six week . Mrs. Ira Hunhv d el at the faml f residence in U r yalIU la t Monday afternotn agr-d 81yarf, 8 months, 27 days. Mrs. Hunter's m dden name was Martha ..V. Kowers ut.e ri horn in Carter county. leon.. July 30, 1814, ,iud came to Oregon in li. The Salem Journal continues to pitch into Prof. McElroy. nr DUCT WttT. V sas-w s J NO SLEEP DAY OR NIGHT My handa wers eoroplotely oevarad with E sems, and betwocn my flogrrs lbs skia wss narfaatlT raw. I had to alt Willi both hand bald go. and sway from tbe lira. My hgaband bad to drasa sad 11 od rasa me like a baby. 1 Iriad the best physicians, but Ibetf medlelnas gave me no raltat, ana arove roe eimos craiy. mlmmA in ,r nriTICURA HEDIES. Slid did SO, althooRb kit bosbaod hsd lo go twenty mile to ZLa .kZ. a. mana as ha not bask. 1 nsed the Cctiocb, and In Jl" minute ofltr th JlrH CPplUsatUt I prr'V . and tit tiindir all that night- Before I oemmenoed w 6tm nonooaa UsMSDiKS I e loiil set no eaaealKBtorday. I could not bear to got warm, tt would pot m In a mire of Itching. I always keep ha Crmcvaa RaasniBS In my boeae now, aad recommend them to everybody, tweaoae of .1 i. wv.l .Aim Vanrs OTstsf II llv. 2Sjaal.a4.KUW,Pon1atecklenburgCo,Vs - amm s...ms sab TnsrTSf n. Dts. noousa Ruaoa. WsrmsslhirlciiTioii Sor, skTasaaaTniia doss at Cmcu taHN.TSax, anatasieri Bout nmmhmrt world. We, Cjji!.?;' f. ve.i BssoirssT. w. ad si. rsnu list HBSOirssT. ow. sna si. Coar-, Sol Props llnrtoa. J" M Uew Cars Tertarlas Sala P! 'trs. Harness Collars Cheapest IMnce to Huy. Special prices on whips for tit) next sixty days. A, Powkk A Tom li si oir THAT RICH STRIKE. Mr. H. If. White, - the miner, came down from the Santiara mines this fore noon, his face illuniiited. lie verifial the rcort -made :n the Iknocrat a few days ago of a rich strike in the Lanier minea. A lode, how ex torsive is not yet known, was struck, rh-I.er than anything yet worked. U runs from k) to 80 per ton. About sixty men nra at work and the mill ia now crushin w lift tc a day of twenty-tour hours. The new lode is thought to be exvnsive and a hi cleanup this uutoier is in prnspecto. In making a trail to the ton of the Albany mines a new and ri her lead was found. Everythinir is biilit hr-mnd Ani.lom and ther is no lon.-er anv doubt ot tho success of the itinc4. While there i aliout ten feet of now at the summit there is none at the in:nes. O. P. Ooehaw of Browns vine is doing Albany today. A. . Charlton, a son of J. K. Charl ton is the populist nominee for sheriff ol Lane count v. E. fi. Redeker and family who went east last I-ccembcr. are now loratisl at Kargo, N. Ifekota. The residence of J. J. Pubrnil'e is now occupie! by Mr. If J. Hopkins and that 01 Mr. Walter Kelchuin br Mr. It. F. Ramp. Emory U aliace left Monday for Ari- tooa, where he will work in a mine at ttie saru- p aoe where bis brother Will is employed. Lebanon Advance. Mr. George Hart, brother of A. K. Hart, bf this city, is a nominee for city attorney ol Grants paM jri the election to take place there next Monday. Rev. W A. Swick. looaTthe nastorof the Presbyterian church of this city. came op from Alhan? yesterday.and was ituest at the McClallen. Rosebanr PUindealer. W. L. Harpule. Arritv's larber. has secured a tob.te nuns' for Jones & Adams. of this iiac. for the summer. His cousin, Riley Lyle, of A!luy,wiil do the barbering for AnutvUes in his s ead. Mc.H-nnvi'.i T. ii. Ja.. Roatwick was brought to the asr turn Irom l'rinevii!. Crook tountv. to day. He is a native of Litn county and this ts the second tin lie haa hern placed in the asylum. He is aeM0 years, and has a tendency toward e-.i-H-i ruction Post. Harry Temp'eton f the clasw of 98 has lawn chotvo to reprerent the Cni ver- sity of Oregon i'PVh inirrcollegiate ora torical contrit, involving the leading on- iti 1 r .nr, iiiti nnir,n ui i,rxon, a u- mton and Idaho, whirh takes place in Seattle, Mae 15. Mr. Templetoa is well taalirlol and wiil dohisnntver-itv hooor in the contest. Kugene (Josnl. A Pt.ittl'fcJ. UiWbljt-k ha iitwvi a irre.' row ty reading tretn.e e? a snin to 51 V Th grand jjry of Ma 'nomsh mmU iiiord 3"! c r., fjant CI true hi! and 3- t ct troe bill . -r The fie!d day f the O . C. wtkh was announced "o r beid tonorrw haa been portpoitel anlil ay IS. ou a smont of 1 tie ram. The U-!i!l faon wa to ora in Port- lr.d Ibis afvrnoon, t robaUy postpoeed on aviooot cf Ibe fain. The Fiisrev hc-wlinir alley tiler a Prise of $2.50 fqr ti:e peroa waking the highest acore st roraed hat during My. r Cba Morrison. of Scio. wfcote wife died recently, was stricken with paraitai la-U atonuy and has not yet reocvered consciousness. Richard Jk f ringle' Minstrel ere well receivd lat night Tbey gate a good ninirel (hoar, fad ot ranetv and calcbv features. They are senntne neerw rfts- ent la tnetr tine. Tb firm of Crmwfo-U $ Px on watd s- solved today and Craaford & HarnUh will hereafter mo the nhot-txraph gallery Mr. liarnib, thoueh will not move from Scio to A I ban for about a month. l'r. Jessie Fremont Pa vis, who waa re cently frrw ted a license hv the sal board to pr I ice netlirine. will open an orhe right st home in Silvrt. n. Mi IXsvis stood second in her clu-o. Tb S'uttj, Company, in AMwn,- a nam ber of time, ia pU in j up and down the Coat. l-ai. Salu'da the plaved Mar!ifi -'d. Sunday niiftit at Kewp rt nod Monday night at i.ouiile vty At lae ba'l verr.lv. rhila'l'p.iia Phiiadeiphia IL New Yok 11. Hrikivn iho-tklyn 7. Washinjrlon 2. IMiiil rittabiirc 9. IxwissiKe 5 Chicago ("fcicigo 8. St. l,oui 3. Boston-U ton Baitin.oie 4. The cotrr.ict to biiil 1 a nw Cu'i.lr!aii'i Pre bvten. 11 ehunh a' fKi Iaville wi I ie let Mav 2w, at I o'clo k p.m. The b nl.lnia i to be built aixordina to plan and pcct Gcations nw oin tothe public t ih resi dence ot v. 1 ones, at toiaviue.un'gon If our psople waul to ewuri the hrcaton ot ) gid new woolen mill trere i now a ifOfKt cliunri A practical nii'l ot era'or ffera o bring the mathinery of a I wo fet mill an I take ahvk to the amount of W.'KW One of our cit:zen effers to furnish the te and erect tne buildinar and hike ato. as pay. Eugene Guard. 8- vertt delegates are holding a meeting at dm v liege today to make arrangements lor tne iiitercoiieKiaie nem-cayto te uciu in lune. Purt'and wai selected a the tluce but an effort will be made to change it to naiem. r . r.. nrown and 1 11. an Wink'e are here in the interest of such thunge. The . A.'. is represented by U. Boline, l. W. Keliey and K, K Uolden Governor Lord, bavins; heard of our laifliit resource and ocenic atlrat:tions, ex ofcis to make u a call during the uiutner II lti rOule win prooaiity ue east tnrougo the Inlmd Kniolre; from Huser City to Lakeview and thence to Klamath rail. His excellency t a little "hard of hearing tint he has beard enonah of our f shing and hnnlinsr stories t. interest biui. Klamath Republican. The efforts of Asloria to get a railroad ate of local interest to every city in Or egon, and hence the Dkmovkat gives considerable attention to the subject. The final location of the depot site and the immediate prospect ot rapid wort on the read leads the Astorian to remark: "All can anticipate ihe lines of improve ment and the many resources and ad vantages which the community can truthfully boast, will tend to bring pros perity to the people who have labored hard these many years to secure the con summation of the ends so much desired, "Tho clouds that have lowered above our heads are in the deep bosom of tbe ocean buried." Astoria's march to the goal of her ambition has commenced and the world ia invited to look upon the progress belnv mane in uie uiiuuing upatiue mouth of Columbia a city to be pioud of. ! United in all its interests, it will stand monument of strength, one site Scow Uav one people, all pulling together the future as in the past, for the attain .1 miiiIii n. t UJ V 11 ui ucdi .vvi svus vait vii j vi 1 success. - Dcith of Capt. W. V.Phfl'ip. The flag 011 the O. A. U. polj hangs at half mast today. Another tneinlier has leen cal-ed to answer to the final roll Capt. V. S, Phillips died last night at 7 o clock at the age of 71 years. The ef fects of wounds eceived in the service of ''" country never left him. Capt runups was horn in ew York state uec. ju, J824. During the war he served faithfully in the 105th III. Vol Infntr ll afterwards came to Oregon where he obtained an excellent reputat.on for in- wrgruy anu as an npright citizen, leaving hmb nrcoru. .apt. rniiupe was the Biuer 01 seventeen children. A mom those who survive, besides a faithfu wife, are Rev. Irvine Phillips, editor of the Cnoanre, of Chicago, Cpt. M. D. Phillips, Homer, Henry and Willie, cf una c:iy anu airs, uiias, Uauueld of Or egon City, all being present at his death out iter, runups ol Chicago. Evangelical Conference. t tie forenoon session was opened bv r:i r ... . . . ' uiauup uowman witn devotional exer cises, and immediately afterwards Bishop S m. Dillon, p. J), of the V. B. church. "o inepiring auuress irom which many salient paasagea might be qnoted, but space forbids. The Bishops urbane manner made a deep impression upon the conference and his kind invitation to uisuop oowtuan and tlie attend in min. oners, to y sit tne v. a. conference at t'hilomaih was greeted with enthusiasm. W. 1,. Thompson waa renortMl ia hs aeTenfu uiti connection with oar church and his credentials were accordingly re volt d. The teport submitted tothe audit ing committee by the conference treas urer was announced by the committee to o correct. Kev. u tj. Fisher, the sedu lous pastoral Monmouth, waa reap poiote.1 editor and publisher of the Con ference Joursa! and ordered U publish K 00 f .pies. The conference treasurer wss alto instructed to pay Rev. Fisher me sum 01 so.uu lor bis at duous labor in reruiirg the Journal and thereby doubling its rapacity. The advrrtis;ng (airs in tlie Journal ere rlicel 10 41.25 jwr" card. The suocesful s-jliciiors for advertisemenu in the Conference Journal were released from ll payment of their allotted Jour nals nulla the lews fortunate were in structed to pay f 1.00 for two dot Jour nals, their It-gttimaie share. The resignation of Rev. II. Schok neclit as conference treasurer painfully reminded us of his departure to superin tend the Spokane district. V rev ret to see him leare our conference but bid bun Gods speed. The committee on worship reported that T. T. Vincent, from Portland, will preset this evening at 6 o'clock sharp. A cordial irvitalion is extended to all. The forenoon aemiun of the third day o pried with devotional exercise ll by j Bisiiop Bowman who read part of the 2nd chapter of 2nd Timothy, after which j he earnestly prayed Then the confer ence united in singing th express ve hymn ' How Hrm a FMtmiaion. 1 ne minutes 01 tne tao rer ous m eion were reawl and appor?d The committee on quarterly confe- ence -evords nx..-.e.l and the report was adopted. The subrtMt'.ed report of the committee on Sabbath and Temeranre a as alopted. The aerviccs of tomorrow will t as follows: Rev N Shupp, Spokane, Wash, will preach at the M E church; Rev y B Fiher, Salem. M E South ; Rev H Q Bittner. PorUand, I'nited Preabyttnan; Rev P Bittner. palcm, Christian church; Key T T Vincect, Portland, Baptist church; RevU A Mansharct, PorUand. Camberland Preebytenan. Bishop Tho. Bowman w:Ilpreach the ordinal .on sermon in tlie Evangelical church. This is one of the most impor tant services and the public is earnestly invited to utrend this seme al 11 rWt At:? : . p. m. . he will crdain Y. Lsuner and W. l. Parnhart as dea cons and K. t. Streyfelier as eider. A ireoeral mass meetinc w.ll be held in the M. E. churth at 7:30 p n. All hurcbea will narficiDate. and Bishon Thos. tiowinaa will dispense the word of iru'li ic his usual pungent and forcible mannei. "atfy a Ceatiirian. Dorothy E. Pazenkopf died at the home of tier son. Augun PAgrnaopLntar Wells, laateveninc, April 30th, at the verr a.tmnevl acne r . rMr a mmtK, ami 2 days She was bom in Prussia. Germany, came to tbe I'. S. in I806 and to Oregon eight years ago. She bad four sons, one 1 wnom died at Anderson rule prison. Only one, .August, survive. Mrs. Pagenkopf was a smau. hut wiry woman, and her great ace tells of the strong constitution an-J exemplary life. KixncanABTFX Mat-rtxo. Tliere will be a meeting of the Alt-env Kindergar ten association tomorrow. .May 2nd. in the Kindergarten room (W. C. T. U. hall) at 3 o'clock, to hit-ball members and inend of the Kindergarten aseocia lion are invited' to attend. The lollow- ing program w ill I r tulensl. r-ong, selected, Mrs. Teller. Reading-. The Kindermrten Games, Kinder- Miss Bruurter. 8ings and May polo I'ance. garten children. Keviuiio.i. selected. Miss Helen Craw ford. All Uoxk Darr. Iavid Wagner, of Linn county, aged of yean, and a miner by occupation, but whose mind baa been overturned by long years of intemper ance, wrs yesterday brought in and con signed to the care oi Ir 1) A Paine at tl. 1. A., as waa J K. Uoswu-k, ot t'rook county, 40 years old, and an ep ileptic. .Manon county sent an insane patient to the asylum, veterday, also: he was tiilliaui live, of Milt C tv, who called at the court bouse and requested that h'.rmentat condition las examined as be had insane attacks at times in the past. lVputy listrict Attorney A. O, Con. lit and Dr. J. N. 6mith enquirKl into Dye a rase and conr.uded that he waa a fit subj.-ct for l'r. Paine's big hos pital. He was committed to that lnslt- tutioi. Statesman. "Sous Mostv" Man Grant's Pass Oourier: Madame Guigon,of the French laundry, lett Saturday tor ban Iram isco, having sold her property here to a Mrs, Gootman Monsieur Guiaton left here last fall for France, having six pounds of $.1) pieces sown np in each leg of his drawers, the pirtial result of five years laundry business 111 Grant's Pass. He evidently had no faith in banks or ex preas companies and very little in Uncle 8am, or he might have exchanged his 12 pounds 01 gold tor x:i,wtu in greenbacks, llis wife expects to join him in the land of Gaul ere many weeks. Eugene Guard T. W. Davenpcet has prepared statis tics of Marion cotnty showing that ot 100 square miles taken as original don atlon claims including tho rapitol of the state, 60 per cent has passed out ot the possession ot the donees and their de scendants. Another 15 percent is mort gaged lor an tt is worth, and pncticai ly lost tothe faintly of the original claim' ant. Mr. Davenport finds that not more than lo per cent ot the whole have been successful in holding alter a partof their claims. Only 6 per cent have increased their holdings and are considered tlirmy A Grand Bali. Arrangements are be ing made by lrouttuan s orchestra to give, in the near future, the biggest and cheapest ball that has ever been iriven in Albany. A dollar dance ia a thing ot the past, look out tor date and price. a I Lbcttr, Chhikt ix Abt. Postponed Look out for dates. Call at one week. in I Mioeion hall, opposite Revere House for - particulars. Grand re-opening, Tue- h i . Rtl. X"n lA.,:.l tig vssa ai mj was a a vu sas v aaa a 1 vvaa at I I U rieuds. W, L. Tuompson, Highest of all ia Leavening HOME AND ABROAD . p ,,, . -, I Mise LiHie Crawford, of Albany, is in rotent nostpra rafnrn raniil ra. eH j im'.l. . ... . . . . '1 . 8 mi ley's samples - ------ T . --e Cloth circulars catch connlrv rnj-tomera. pmiity tne primer. there are thirteen aasiirnment case on we aocaet tn t oix coamy. It baa strain been decided to start nn ou pine aeeuie tactory at uranis raas. Prof Wfrdherby tt tie ? tatt Umver iy bas secured a live toad with live legs. In Lane county J U Vesica, the oeoo'rs parry canaioate I or aneni, baa witndraw ; The beet and cheapest watch chaini made, at French's jewelry store, fully war. ranted. - An office bas been ea'ablis'ted at Gate', by the OCJi. with C. W. Uoritr al operator ana agent bemember Tinkle u bak at Lis old stand and will make jou the fines1 photos at uara time prices. Ed Ri"ey. a foot racer of San Franeiam is in Ibe city, at the Chart, and is ready to run any nun in Oregoa luO yards. The immigration board eMrjnit'ee will meet to-nisht to clot on the anljtVLrin'inn Uuiuess an j rut e arrangements to ptub the work berf. The acct4ai ce of C. fl. DalrvtnoU as nominee for proserptipg attomev on Ibe populist ticket haa lira fi!e-l. X- resig- nwion oaa oeen 0 1 v reported About 6ft T Woo 'men. frim th tmn Mr cle, af'er their metinm last niirht marcaea to met;, r. retival htnrk. .h ik-. n.. i." It. in iq? r- 11. 1 served. ai r-5 IW iwa V IMC U U" 1UKXI 'l Hon. AiVo Parker will be rna as joint i-pi !..i!ive rrora ijncoin ant Benton O bum. The UEMOCVaT b-pea to see him electee. He will be a eafe man to send tn tie legislature Our line of Ladies shirt waists ia now coroplei. having just ecejved ail the new est patterns ia Uara and dimity. Tl.ia ia ty far the aadlest line of irood erer ahw ia Albany, call and see them at the Utdiee tsazaar. "Tink eean cat-b the shadaw. sv.- tha sntaUox fades, and make a baadts.e photo of a homely old maid' or bachelor ei the", in fact aaybocy, aad the beauty of it is tt the photos yon set uf Tinkle are act aattftactory yon need not pay for tbero The bowiinar tournament coins? on be tea alem. Irffnon and A banv ciivd at night Jefferson's acwe Tharda oi-ht stood. xm h Smith 13'. Hot I -it. J one l.W. AiHkrwHi 117, baiows lil. IVl.lweil 1.52. SieiTT.nv.1 142. Skmi iw t 5 bandLran to start wdh. Iff.w I voa if m-w. ' Ihe mi-e Have heen Doarinff into Hoo- kio Bra, aaioery a grat ra'e aad the mioe as tbey run the inc'ined wheel area rpecia.l. Tbu mTninir llnckias too foang to be jnt in tbe ca;e jet, which wm oe traioej p r the ro'me. t. fc. Alien was the don r. Against Col Hogg. Reteree Woodcock haa filed hie report in the re-reference of the accounts of tteneirer T. E. Hogg. Tlie re-reference ia male for the parpoae of d -"finitely settling items in Receiver Hoggs final report, which the refe.ve refuse! to pa upon ia the former reference on account of iusumcint information. Tbe referee holds that Receiver Hogg was not josf itie 1 in paying certain claims for which he took credit, agfregatina? in all 112,- o -. and he Unas that Receiver llocsr sliould be diarharaed and bis bondsmen exoneraud. I have concluded that the best war to settle this matter is not to allow Receiver Ho or any claimants whose c'aims I disallowed to have any e aim againatlhe money realised from ibe sale of the real and to cancel all claims against Receiver Hogg, and I so find. 1 do not believe that Receiver Hogg was warranted in paying or claim ing the 101 rowing amounts; Expense of X. V. office .$ Law expense) - Loans toteeeiver Interest on loan account I.. Interest on receivers cerficatea. m 73 322 50 5.i6 12 900 00 200S 40 Just from Phoenix. Wm. Thompson, who went to Arisnna with W. J. Windea a few weeks since re turned home Monday morning. Mr. Windes will remain a short lime longer. at least. Wm. Thompson tells many in teresting things concerning that country. Phoenix, a cuv of 12.000 inhabitants, ha fi- saloons and four sambllng housees.all ot which run every day and nichi ia te week, and yet there are but two police men in the place. Another thine that seemed a little strange 10 Mr. Thomp son was the lack of rain, none having fell there for more than a year. The main products ot the country are alfalfa and lioga, but corn, wheat, oats and everything els. does well, the on! thing necessary to insure a good crop being 11 rigalior. The large canal 10 lie made for ungating purposes is a tuomtrous con cern. Its proj.ctrs have secured a loan of l',4(Kl.tXJ. and wcrk will soon com mence in earnest. A new i l.iO.OOO hotel is new in course of erection. The farms are vary beautiful, and land sells very go. price ranging from . t jlod per acre. Mr. Thompson saw T Wallace, who went there some time ago tor the benefit ot bis health. He is do ing nicely and will probably fully regain is health. U.-ownsville limes. Sua Knew Hiv 41m Howe, returned irom California last niirht. He met his broihft in San Francisco, and then pro ceeded to ;an Jose, where he made Mr and Mrs. Cochran . a abort visit. H says the old folks are enjoying excellent neauu and seem supremely happy During air. Howe a stay in ban r rancis co lie had rather a strange experience. More than 2o vears aao. a niece of W r Howe's suddenly disappeared as if swal lowed by the earth. That she waa dead had long been conceded, but imagine Mr. Howe's sin prise when he was brought face to face with his loni- lost relative. N sooner bad he entered the Grand hotel than a lad v tapped h rn on the Shoulder sod tendered ber hand. Mr. Howe remarked that she waa evi dently mistaken in the man. But she was not. She said : "You remember hat many vears ago your brother Tom had tt girl? well I am that girl." Brownsville Times. asssas ktstb wkatbeb ikrihi Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month April, 189(5. M sn tempera' are, 45 6. Maximum temperature, 6J; dda, 2lr. Minimum temprratare, 31; date, 1,1. Total ai o afall 0 iachr . Total prrcipitation J.tojinchr. No, of clear dayr, 4. Nn. of pa.tly oWwdy days, 8, No. of cloudy days, 1?. Uatssot ugi.1 tro.t, I o d, 15 to 1?,2 . Date of kn ling f roat, 0 Date whiob hail tl", 0 Tbate 00 which s'eet tell, 0. ' Datas of thunder storms, 0. Auroi , 0 , Pravail:ndirect!oi of the w'ld.S. N. Kentartsi T.mperatBraS 5. Rainf-11, 2.16 I'o n mmth'y, aver g for April. John BaiQua, Volunteer Oba avar. Power. - Latest U. & Gov't Report it SOCIAL ASU HKKSONAL I Judge Geo. II. Burnett was in the city 1 yesteraay noon. ) Chas. (Josick came np from Salem tbi noon on a visit. , tne city, tne sTuest 01 miss statt (viii. ion. aaiem etatesman. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society wiil be held at the residence of Mrs, John Althonse on Monday, May lui, p. m. J. II. Townsend haa a nroenect of mat log a contract with the new immigration board of Portland to go east with his tereoptican and a selection of views to be furnished bv the board, and in this way advertise Oregon.-New'oerg Graphic It waa repcrW that Lieut, Miss Grif fith of tbe Salvation Army was sojb to be married to a Salem Lieut. A DaitocaaT representative interviewed tbe popular Lieutenant, from whom it waa learned that there wss nothing in. the report. Mise Griffith will soon go tbe state of Washington to work. Yesterday moraiing while walking on th i streets. M Us Maud Uoffmaa drocp-d quite a roll of bills. She waa fortunate enough to recover ibena immediately as iney were tiroppei in iront ol Ir. esflers lewei rr a ore and were discov ered at once irv the rroorietor anl promptly retorned Corvallis Times. Ex Snperintendent Clark, of the O C. & E., is expected to return to Corraliis ia a few days where be wiil visit 1st a time before leavinz for his old home in Chicago. Mr. Clark stated he had just j returned from a trip to tbe Sasdaich I Islands which he greatly enjoyed. From I en Francisco be will go to Los Angeles tor a onel stay, when be will leave for Oregon . Corral 1 13 Gazette. Dr. E. J. Thompson ia quite ill with bronchitis. He haa not been able to leave the bouse for a week His condi tion, w as socb that he did not occupy the pulpit last Bandar and will not be able to preach next Sunday. At his age any acute disorder goes hard with a person, however, it k to be ho, d the Dr. will soon be around again. Otrrailis Times, j r, , lw url" sy, wneo Voluntary Test i mania: We, the undersigned, payors, hereby w ish to express oar appreciation 'of the labors of the Rev. C. W. Ooortwrighl, PR. L. who for a time has been pastor of the 1st Presbyterian church of this city. Bro, Coortright haa proven himself an si he preacher and a consistent Christian and man. We shall gratefully remember bis labors araoog 0 acd feet that the Kingdrm of the Lord Jeans, has been greatly strengthened throuzh bis efforts hUe among na. His most estimable lamuy, aa wen as uimeii, nave maoe " man virni Insrnlslanns thsir Mas in in Albany. . Signed: J- T. Abbett. Methodist; C. H. McKee, Baptist; D V. Poling, C'oogrecstkmal; W. V. McGee. Comb. Pres.: O. B. Stray&iler, Evan- fL. - , Lnited Pres. ab sent. Henry Blakely aU Sight. E1U.T Democrat: la this morning' Herald aa article appeared casting a reflection npon Henry Bukelv while residing in Eastern Oreeon a good many years ago. Daring Mr. Blakely a residence across the mosn tains I was a neighbor of bis for several year and ran state positively that his record while th. re was a clean one, nothing everoccuri.tg to cast any reflection upon his character in any form. H. F. nciwrnr, A republican. Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of n.akiu j examination of all persons who may offer themselves aa candidates for teachers of the schools of ; tbe count t. the county school scpenn- ten-lent thereot will tioid a pabtie exam ination in the Albany College at AJbany, Oregon, beginning at 1 o'clock p aa. nedneedav. Slay ism. Any persons who mar wish 10 take the examination tor state rapers should present them selves at the same time -nd place. listed this 29th day of April, 1896. A. R. Rmt EaronD, Co. SapU Linn Co. Or, I vtkbcolleki atx FtxLP Dat. Tlie com mittee of students on tbe imerool ie.'iate field day met yesterday afternoon. Port land, Monmouth, Willamette, the State . nivcrsitv and Ihe O. A. U. were r pre sented. Tbe conrtttntion was amended in several respects. Tbe annual con vention w ill be hold in Salern on tbe last Saturday of February, and the annus 1 held day will beheld in fcalem on the first Saturday in Jane. Competitors mast attend their college front rebrnary 15 nreceedinat Ihe dav. The receipts ot the field dav will be divided and travel og expenses ol contestant paid accora- ing 10 disunee traveieo. 1. 11. an Winkle was appointed to tnanaee the coming held uav at &aiem. ana an inkle. Detoreet and Bryson 10 serect the officials for the occasion. Tne " Pierce" 173.00 bicycle is the equal ol many 100 wheels see for your- ... n 1- . . SCI!. V. . C.ll.-MS, For the best Drugs Dawson's Gladness Comes 1 1 rtth a better understanding of the W transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle e ff orts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There ia comfort tn the knowledge, that so many forms of ciMrroMui ant not due to anv actual dis ease, but simply to a critipated condi tion of the system, wmen iw l"-" family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompe ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with mUlionaof families, and is everywhere esteemed s highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial .ar.u.9 sm due, to the fact, that it is the ne remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the orgwns on which it acta. It is therefore all important, m oroer 10 gvv 11a wur fcial effecta, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which la manufactured by tbe Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. ouly aad sold by all reputable druggist. It in the enjovment of good health, and the system "Is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one mny be commended to the moat skillful i. Knit if in nsxvl nf a laxative. tuuyMVUHin, ..... - -one Khould have the best, and with the 1 weU-iniormed everywhere. Syrup of . Figs stands highest and Is most largely tued and gives most general satisfaction mi A Choice of a new, bright, cheerful, handgnm artistic and appropriate pattern is mor than easy in our grand array of 500 de signs. Our aim is to include in our as sortment all tbe production of the eea son. We've done so now. Our etock is a revelation of novelty and unique ness and shows dorative art at its best. We cannot do more than this, we shall sever do lean. Here are first choices in paper for every sort of room at from 15 cent to f, 1 .00 a roll. J. A Gumming, The greatest nel'er 09 the market ftr liseaeea of the Liver.KLlneysaad Con- ftipation. Pleasant to take by old or yoong. No pipiag. The root of the Eivenae plant ia ntea- avely need in orway fur the cure of Pile Sold by all Erst cbua druggists Whnlcnle IsJnnfactares, ANCHORS CHEHICAL CO, Leban. jt Me Mte, Ell Tiej Got tbirgs rpeEed wrorg tnd a.l ivFx ed up display wa poor type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought tube? tVe'd. take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and it m Eg runs lilt P. S. (In to run). 11 ti:t Itnic- ing t will be right, too. f mi ley's printing is good printing. Cms aadTiaatearscaEasl.aadaa3 I 1 in 1 iiaf .r- - har fxjttrrx ma. Ocw t eiasuai 11L W. e adsiae. if raacamsas ar mat, awt ! Oa tee sot esc tal p "gj a r .a ni.rr. p"r. , ' - M c sue ui tie C. S. us McflcMaiBS Bat tna. Aaalrea. I o.AaSriowcoj eft at CURED AS BY MAGIC. Vsctsnas as ussx ehovid scad at onca tcr a tiooc that expiaios how foil naaiy -ior is easily. iTrlci!y aad pericaaeaU? rcctoeed. osua. tilrriic frobs scalsea caw af ford to Ignore this titaety urn Book tells sow tall sreBnBj. de- leaurMaat and torn are Imparted te every portina of Uta body. Seat with pMtjw lTO ISSBJ MMWy.! EElEl!ED!CALCQ.,E,JrFALO,H.l. Jersey Pins 15 cents a Frach Store Money to Loan. 1 have the k'.Winz sums ot money to loan on good Bead or Personal Security: 2,000. 1 1 ,000, 1 ,000, px 1100. LADIES-1 MAKE Blti w AlitSf -oia pleasant home work, will gladly seed full particulars to all sending wimp Miss M. A. Stebbins Lawrence, juicmgun WANTED-AN IDWeTS Udna to paten t fSITi BL'tfN IXX, Patent Aitorwys, Wasiunau tXCfor their tLAO wis dj BICYCLE FOR SALE. A Courier, .ood s new, t a bargain, ca'l at llaaocaar office for particular. WASTED A wctnaa with smal capital toecgage in agnoi pajing bo&inesa. Rrferences required, tx) ei-iv-nce unnecessary. A' dress X ii , t are of DaatoctuT ofHce. Tl 700D WANTED. "' will trade itdry wot k for wood rr psrt weed a d part cash. C Smreos, Cty Uutdry. LOST. Somewhere between residence of v'm. Kortniiiler aed residence of John JlUUrd on Feiry Street, a lady's watch, oa tbe 9th. Ple return to resi dence of tlx. Millard or Democrat offi. - 1 O purchase a ood fire proof safe cheap please call oa Mrs. Ashby, HOUSE MoVlMJ, Carefully, promp ly Iv.attbe lowest price. Call oa or address C W Taylor, 4th and ;Madisn feta Albany. : - R EPA1R- BICYCLES. Fiank Uica ey wyair bicycles promptly and ina Krst chis manner. ireaa, tires etc fixed c irectiy. At shop just west of Y. M. a A. hall. Liisiiri VJEAK-fflE IF