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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1896)
Tba nervous system U weakened by the ourolsia ' Every nerve la strestfhsasd' la the WETHERFORD & ViYATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C ITFICE In the Flinn block. 7 R. BSLYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points . Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany' Orrgpn. J J- WHITNEY - Attorney at Lw, Albany. Or. , BLACKBURFJ & SOBERS Al'TOHNETS JT IA.W, AJHegal matters will receive prompt at ention. Office, First Nwtional bank uildiny, up Btairs. OKTAKTK tfs HACHTLKHAN, Attorneys at Lair, Albany, Oregon. D B. J. Lt. II ILL, bntciaa end AinreoB. OFFICE Ooroa rry streets, Albany .Oregxia. DR. G, U. GHALlBERLIfi aOMOBOFATHIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. , Office on Ferry St., near 3d street. . -. IKST NATIONAL. BAMH, " OT AXBAST, ORBCK! resident . ... Vice President Ciahier ............. ... truss . S.B.TOTJHO K, W. LAHOPON TRANSACTS A OKNBRALbenktn'baiaa ACt-OCSlSK.BPrBiibj9etta.ehwk. BIGHT KXCHANQK end tel -raphio tnssl r, void Mew lark. Sue Frucuoa, Chleaew end fMUerd ,Oj!TrtO!Ii SU.DE on fatorabt nil Tons , K w Aeur Bun, L. rum-; Xbtass I . Sox. ' EO.W.UAttUId JUSTICE OF PEACE, ait Uwated in the Pocit oflJc. porwer e Xaa mod Broadalbia streets Albany. Or. Beats and CeUeelioas a Spectaity. FLOWER FESTIVALS Fiesta?, Rose Carnivals and the like, will be the delight of Cal ifornia lor the next two or thre months. Santa Barbara Flower Festival, the fame of which is world wide, and the glory of which, like that of Solomon, is not bait told, opens April 1-3. tjaeea Flora will reign 3 days an arbitrary and absolute despot. - La Fiesta de Los Angeles, now fixed in the chronology of California feasts, and not lees illustrious than its older proto types, commences April 22, and the riot ot tan will spread over 4 days. The Carnival of Roses, to take place in San Jose. Mar 6th to 9th. inclusive. though a more recent candidate for fa Tors of the fan-loving world, yet because ot the limitless possibilities ot the uar den City for anything that is made of roses, is quite as fall ol prominence. REDUCED HATES will be made bv the Southern. Pacific Company far all these brilliant events. Arrange your programs accordingly, and call on agents tor particulars. ALBANY MDMCE AGEKGI Insurance, Wheat and Oats. TV hsTA huit mflrrA tlinrnnvh traininirin all -the branches of rwurance than any other agent in Albany, and can give you more genuine insurance for your money than any other agent in the city. District agents for the San, of Lor. don, established 1710 A. D . Phoenix, of Lon don, A. D., 1782 and "Continental,'' of Hew xork, the only company issuing ftatetv und rolicv. M. SENDEES, &Co M.t. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and - FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 51 R. N. Morris, Mgr ' Cor. 2nd and Mair. fits. FOSHAY k MASON. Hbolesale fc Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELrKR ALBANY, OBKOON. Pare Preys and the Finest and Largest ' Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. Prof. A. STAEK Of Will & Stark, Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Optbalmic College. , I am prepared to examine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who da sire to ha?e their eyes tested. Cuskk Block Albaht.Orbooh. or o.m, Cueic? Block ",Y Albany, Or Filling tnd extracting of teeth without pain a soecialty Dr. Price stream -asking PowdeC A vfed Gold vUf M'd s tar For. San Fraoetca" core ol rt by Star Bakery Cor. Brondalbin and First Sts CONRAD MEYEP, PSCPR1ET03- . Dealer In- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. . Canned Meats, Quecnsware, Vegetables Cigars, Spices Tea, Etc. everything that is kept in acod variety and gro eery store, High . est price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE NOttORE DUST, fiO MORE SPRINKLINC, flO MORE SCRUBBING By the use of DUSTINE On your floor, When applied to floor of any kind en ables yon to sweep without raising dust. It is an odorless compound which pene trates the wood and for months keeps up a constant exudation suUicient to catch and hold the dust. Atwatkb Js Brown, - Agents for Linn Co., Albany. ALBANY Red Crown Milling Go Is now under the management of Ed ward Goins, K. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance, E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Toang.wbe are now prepared to sell the best FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. RIPANS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-cLay ills of humanity. 01 o Fire Insurance INSURE YOUR PROPERTY J. "17". LTTsOT Is the Old Hartford, the New York Un derwriters Asency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Notes taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bt promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P- 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. DO YOU write letters? Of course you do, and what is nicer than smooth let er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary on should , BUY EN VELOPES of us at ones and see the fine quality an extra low prices. Next time you wan some inquire OF SMIL KY THEIPRINTER iiyoanseUaePriatax'? fvij Incebstars a plci I ti i Malcs Bonrv wiiiler S-i: ethers are vsustiog .rjt; I Catalog tells ail fcntmt , it.aod describe r-rry jr! t ximetretci, article neeced lor tbeCjl Catalogue P The "ERIE" y the beat ,-jrheeL Pi-uieetmodeL We ate Pacifie Coaat AKeota. Bicvcle cata- kgue,malled ree,giva foil drrfr)tfou. vHcca. etc., aosirra wasttcd. FCTALClrf A IndUBATOS CO.,Petaluaia,Cal. bkaiich tux, ii v wain e., koe Angeles. VIERECKS - SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING PARLORS. . HEAD3UARTHi FOR D. Whites Je IXqii A head of hair or no - mr Dunn el diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise pn the Seal p. .Razors tionea and Bet and Put In O. eron Short Notice. A. Sfraney Upholsterer -38rAr.d Repairer Hair, wool snd shoddy AintKrvaana rated and made over. Furniture of every desa lotion and carriages re-upholstered and varrished. Drop a note in ths P." O . or nll ut 1 street, batween Ferrr Anil Rr tti n . A hany.Or. er. Price's cream Baking Powu t Awvded Go MU Midwleter Flr. San F tiKiioh I One ot the strange things tf the world is how sensible people can be taken in by these quack healers, whose only recom mendation ia their cheek. A French woman confesses, to having attended 722 balls to catch a husband, and only to have caught instead bron chitis U times, plenriny thrice and 120 e ilds in the head. The Philadelphia 1 imea declares "that in all history it may be questioned if there has ever been a congress so entire ly incanable at.d at the same time so mischievously meddlesome as the pres ent one.'' "A very excellent thing for the state. university to do, would be to keep mem bers of its faculty from meddling with Benton county politics." Gasette April 16th. ' How rocky the roads must be when auch thrusts aa the above are made! Hon E B McElroy twice superintendent of Benton county, three times state super intendent of instruction in Oregon is called down and warned out of his own county by the Gazette. Corvallis Times. iWetingitst man on earth has been found in Walla Walla. Before goins: to his business in the morning he counts oat the sticks ot wood bis wife ia to nse in the kitchen stove daring the day. E O. Mr Somen is said to have admitted at Tangent that the last legislature was cme what extravagant, but he declared that the old members had been dropped out this time and new men were running and he was in favor of economy. It ia well to lemember that two years ago these old members talked the same way ; they were opposed to lady clerks, rail road commissions and everything else; but when the legislature convened the same old rales went . into effect and the money of the people was spent as has been recorded. The seventy-two races inhabiting the world communicate with each other in 3,004 different tongues, and confess to about 1,000 religions. The number of men and women is very nearly equal, the average longevity ot both eexes being only S3 yean and about one-third ot the population dying before tbe age of 17. Moreover, according to the most careful computation, only one person in 100,000 of both sexes attain the age of one hun dred years, and only eix to seven in one hundred the age of 60. The total popu lation of the earth is estimated at about 1,200,000,000 souls, of whom 32,214,000 die annually, i. e., an average ot 93.SI3 a day, 4,020 an hour and 67 a minute. The annual number of births, on the other hand. Is estimated at 36.792,000 L e.,an average ot 100.S30 a day, 4,203 aa boar, and 70 a minute. Ridiculous Way to Spend Money Tbe republican congress seems to be schenaiox in every way possible to in crease the expense of running the gov ernment so that it will be above the re ceipts.simply to slap tbe Wilson bill. A dispatch from Washington tells tbe latest scheme, which would certainly do it effectually: "Senator Cannon, ot Utah, has intro Joced a joint resolution which, if it is enacted into a law, will give to the city of Washington one ot the most gigantic attractions for tourists and curiosity seekers possessed by any city in tbe world. Mr Cannon proposes to have con structed in this vicinity monstrous map of the United States, showing every physical feature ol tbe country, every hill, mountain, valley and plain, every lake and river, every hamlet, village, town and city, and probably every rail road. All this is tc be done in minia ture, but oa auch a scale as will give a map about two-thirds uf a mile in length by one-third of a mile in breadth. Tbe Cost of such a project may be imagined. Tbe joint resolution introduced by Mr Cannon provides for tbe appointment ol a esmmittee of five persons who are to serve without compensation, three to be appointed by the president, oo by the president of the senate and the other by tbe speaker of tbe boose, wboae duty it shall be to inquire into and report upon tbe advisability, practicability and cost of establishing such a map, which Mr Cannon describee aa a ground map of the United States to present "our country in miniature.' The map 's to be construct ed on such a scale that one foot square of map surface will represent one square mile on tbe actual area. In rooud num bers the United States extend about 3503 miles from east to west and about half that distance from north to south, and would give a map 3300 feet long by 1750 wide. Mr Cannon, in presenting tbe joint resolution, annonnced that in a tew days be would address the senate on the subject." He ought to be muzzled be.'ore the day arrives. A Remembered Scene. Eorroa DiMocavr: Some scenes are dog deep, as with an engravers tool, on the pages of the mind snd generation ot yeais cannot efface the impression. Such is tbe following, re called by a Boston man. "His name was Hutchinson, they called him 'Zale.'' His home was on tbe principal street of the village, and wss not a favorite resort for ladies. On this , occasion however, a lady whose name was Turner, came five miles, with her babe tbe youngprt of Ave children in her arms to have an interview with aim. She dared not da'av her bminess, nor intrust it to another. As she entered and sa his eyes red and bleared, she would hive turned away liopeles", bat for the necessity pressing upon her. With a couiage birn of dtptirshe told him of the woe that he bad brought to her once happy boms, unhappiness and starvation. With s choltnd voice, she said, "O, sir' I have core e to plead with vou not to sell him any more rum." Riuih came the answer Daok ''I have a license to sell it, and if your hnsbanJ ia fool enough to get drank, that is his job not mine.'' Showing anger, as he spoke, be ordered her to get oat of the store. Still hearing the pleading voice, be aeizau an axe, jumped over the coun ter, and threatened ber life if she did not move ont at once. Slowly she moved backward oat, as the legalized liquor seller followed her with uplifted s xe aid proiane words. iiotb. have been dead for years, and if tbe cry of the wife and mother was pho nographed in the azure above, and who can say that it was not? What revels tion is yet to he made of tbe . mingled oatbr, pathstie appeals and unutterable sobs of a broken heart. And all because of a licensed liquor traffic in a christian land." L, stRashrsn Tongue's Flop Tius. II. Tongue was pmtwd in nomi nation for congrssa as a "sound money" man and is now being backed and run because ot his single gold standard doc trine, even the Oregonlan supporting htm, wherea it would not were there a single doubt on the question. Mr. Tongue has completely flopped on the subject without any reason for it ex cept political preferment. Less tban two years ago in a letter In the Oregon ian he wrote lucidly on the si'ver ques tion, giving splendid arguments in its favor, sufficient to induce every Lonest tree silver republican voter to vote against him now that h is tor a single gold standard . Here is the belle ol the letter: HtufBOBO, Oa., Nov. 3, 189. (To the Editor:)-! have read with some care your editorials ia today's Oregonlan, as well as tbe one of a tew days ago, In which you depxt the terrible conse quence ot either tbe free colasgs ol silver, or coinage of the product ot oar own mines. It is to be inferred from these articles that the Oresonlan favors the present coinage U sot the United States, and ia ready to wield its powerful In fluence in favor ot their continuance. Let us look at those laws squarely and see what they are and where they are leading us. Heretofore our silver mines have been a vast source of wealth ; they have furnUheJ employment to thous ands ol men, whe became consumers oj the products of the labor ot others, and have furnished a good share of the in creased circulation needed by a constant ly expanding population to do its in creasing business. Nearly all of this has been overthrown by legislation in the Ust year. We have reached a ondition unknown to our previous history. Our, silver mines are absolutely worthless to a as producers of money metal, lt run 1 to their full capacity, not one ounce of their . rod nets could pass through the mints ot the United States, or get into circulation among our citisens as money. Not a dollar ot additional silver cat get into circulation as money, except by re deeming a treasury note. When the silver is got out tbe treasury note is re deemed and destroyed, and the circula tion remains tbe same. A vast atnvunt ot silver money ia lost and destroyed every year by abrasion and by accident, and there ia no way to snpply the loss Constantly increasing population de mands increased silver circulation and tbe demand is Unored. On the con trary, as tbe population increases, the silver coin, by abrasion and destruction, constantly decreases. This will lead inevitably, it long continued, to gold mosometaiism. With tariff laaa de signed to increase our imports, while exports are deminiabing enormously in value, tbe products of our gold mines, inadequate even to pay tbe interest on our public, private and corporate indebt edness to Europe, what will be tbe end? And where will tbe supply bt money be obtained? A continuance of this legislation means constant contraction. Scarce money means dear money, with Increased pur enasing power; it means a decrease in tbe price ot every other species of pro perty, real and personal, in tbe country, and in tbe city; it'means decrease in tbe wagee of all classes ot labor, skilled and rinekil'el, maoual and professional. Bat worst of all it means an enormoca in crease in indebtedness ot every eiaes, public and private, with diminished power to pay. It omns cos S sea tion of the property of tbe debtor, for the bene fit of the creditor. It will make the United States a para dise to tbe class ot people who are ex clusive creditors, but it will make it a bell for everybody else. Eren the moa generous and lees exacting creditors will suffer with tbe rest. Caving loaned his money on property with only a fair margin at old-time value, ben the power of tbe debtor to pay is taken away, be finds himself compelled to take pro erty robbed of its nine. Thai it would be downright dishonesty to legislate to enable tbe debtor to repudiate just finan cial obligations, is not dispoted. but it is equally dishonest, and productive of much mora hardship, to increase by leg islalion the obligations and burdens of tbe debtor for tbe bene u lot tbe creditor, ft ia easy of comprehension why Eng land tbe creditor nation of the world, should favor contraction of the world's money and a limitation of money metal. Having no silver mines of her own, and being a purchaser ot both eilver and food products, iv is equally easy of compre hension why she should use every effort of diplomacy and legislation to dimioith tbe value of both, but why tbe United States, a debtor nation, with extensive silver and vast stores ot food products to sell, should voluntarily assist in carrying out the same policy, and dim.nish tbe value of her own resources, "paseeth understanding.' Unfortunately for the welfare of the country it contains too many people wha, surrounded by hnge blocks of wed secured, interest bearing obligations, are interested in legia!aton that mak-ja money dear, and everything else cheap; who not engagbd in prodac live industries themselves, are anxious to secure the product of the toil ot others at tbe least pocsible outlay. Asbrsiness and population expand, our monetary needs will be constantly supplied from silver mines on American soil, owned by American citisens, worked by American miners, who in turn supply their needs from the production of other American workmen. How this result, if accom plished, placing in circulation the entire product of our silver mines, not needed for other uses, and will not exceed prob ably 50 cents per capita, wiil dislu-b business or commerce or prove det ri mer, til to our financial system. I am ata loss to ste. In thij contest it is greatly to be re gretted that the Oi-egonian, right upon s many queitioos, should, tn tbe opin ion ot many of its staunched friends, be wrong upon this, should throw the weight of its rait inll ieoca upon the hand that, while oppressing other peo ple, baa re with equal hardship upon the proprietors of the Oregonlan. The luart of the editor is generally in the right place and sympathizes witn those who are wronged and oppressed, and it ought to ce so in this matter. With the Ore gonlan on the right side of this question. tne entire west wouiu present a solid front against those who are doing na financial wrong and Utins weary bur dens upon those least able to liear ihtta TdOMAI II. 1'OKODK. Congressman mit. chairman nfil, committee on foreign affairs aalrf . i daysago: ' I sat next to Mr Hermann ! aara i r six years and 1 look upon Mm as one of the most faithful men In the house. Re has accomplished more for Ins afau in the way of appropriaMona than any man who ever sal ia ooncrreaa. ITU feat ia one of those political pnenomens which mortal man can't comprehend." He might comprehend it had h h.n 1. Oregon and seen tbe wire pulling by sin gle gold standard men from the primer ies through the congressional convention. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Live competition. Uave to take what comes. Fennoyet's success. Funny political situation. ' Too early for excitement. When it comes to competition it takes the river boats to get in and make the spray fly. For several days it has been so lively we have looked (or several duels, bat notiiln has occurred yet so Frenshy as that. The universal verdict Is that we do not need the rain of the past week, that the aoll demanded a dry spell in order to pat it In condition for the spring grain, considerable of which has not yet been sown ; but It did rain, and the Democrat man will make a big guess that crops will be just about as good as usaal. It will come out as nearly all right aa thinga generally do. It men's minds bad their way everything would go to smash ; but fortunately they do not and the world wags on' pretty well. There are men who seem to have luck strike them at every jump through life, and people wonder why it is. Look at Pennoyer, he hits it nearly every time. He will be tbe next mayor ot tbe rotten est governed city in the northwest. Lack? No, not lack; there's no such thing as luck. The man who depends upon success for luck might as well be come a lie) nut One ot the fanniest thingi in the po litical line that has happened daring the week ie the Salem Journal nsing a two year old speech ot Tlios. Tongue ina order to isconcile ita course in supporting him now that he ia sailing nnder the single gold standard banner. The truth ia brother Uoferlain a terrible pickle and it has taken some big stretches of his free silver conscience to reconsile-his support of a gold man. It be gets any comfort out of that old tree silver article, by tbe way a fine argument, be it wel come to it. It Ijoks to the Democrat, though, like back acting comfort, for the very speech is good reason why Tongue should bs opposed now, that he is a gold bug. An exchange that leached the Demo crat office Uiis week is surprised that Turkey is excited with Thank giving so far oft". Bat really this Turkey business is no joking affair, and the Tmocsut would like to see Lis neck wrung before the fourth Thursday in November, Washington Letter. rwaa 1 wgtriac Cm res) oadaaU Wasbisotos, April 20tb, 1S3. Speaker Reed ia getting conspicioos ot some ot those who have undertaken the task of making him tbe republican can didate tcr President. One of the men under ansokion ie Quay. Reed is said to believe that ia addition to dickering with other candidates for the nomine ticn. Quay baa got tie idea in head that if McKin'ey and Reed ran both be thrown down be can himself get tbe nomination (Gee Wbix ! wouldn't Qaay's nomination be a veritable windfall for the democratic party?). O'bers have known that Quay's beal bad become swelled with tbe Presidential idea some time, and have believed that if ha contd at any time dntiug the St. Louis con vention get tbe nomination for bimsell be wonld have no hesitation in gobbling it np regard 'es ot bis obligst'ona to Mr. Reed or any body else. And there isn't the slightest donbt that the practical politicians of tbe Ptatt-Clarkton stripe would sooner see Quay nominated than anyone yet named. He belongs to their ctaes and they would know iast how to deal with him. Scre'y no mn has a better right to be suspicious of these men titan Mr. Reed, whom they are pretend ing to be supporting in hie fight for that nomination. They may vote lor Mr. Reed and they may gel htm nominated bat if they do, it will be because they find that they cannot do belter for them selves by supporting somebody elie. Tbe democratic "steering" committee bat served cos ice upon rf pub! . can Sen ators that nhiie not desiring to raise any obstacles to early adjournment, if the republicans are willing to return to the people ith a record of having done nothing excrpt to paes the appixoiiation bills, they ioeiet noon being consulted upon all tbe measures to bs taken np during tbe remainder of the session and will not grant unanimous consent to take np anything that has not bren previous ly agreed upon. Tbe movement started by Senator Haw ley, of Conn, to take the printing 01 the pottage stamps away from the Bureau cf Printing and Engraving a Washington, ard give it to tbe loweet private b'dier is mskkg rapid progress aod if the friends of real economy in public expenditures do not watch their P's and Q's the schemers will get it through. It is difficult to understand bow any man can have the cheek to stand np aod advocate this step back ward in tbe face ot the advantages the government has gained by taking charge of this work. The stamps are belter printed, there are more sa egaards aronnd their distribution, and consider ably more than 150,000 a year is saved. The republican majority ot the House Commhtee on Ways and Means has de cided not to report any reciprocity bill daripg this Congress, giying as the rea son the uncertainty ot what action the Sena e would take npon such a bill and the presence ot the Democratic President. Tbe real rwoo is that the republicans do not care to define the exact party policy on this suljrct as a hill would have to do, believing that it will make more votes by leaving the question open eo that any sort of promise that may be demanded ma be mads. There was a time when a Senator who was stcuscd of hsvir.g lied by another Senator, as Gear, of Iuwa, wss by Mien, ol Nebraska wonld not have stood up and quietly said that he took no excep tion to the language, as Mr. Gear did, hut St seems to have gone by. Still there are Senators who believe that calling a man a liar is cqnivolent to striking him aud who are prepared to live up to that belief at all times. The occasion of the Allen-Gear episode was the Pacifio Rail road's Bill, which Mr Gear, as chairman of the Pacific Railroads Committee re ported to the senate, and it was directly caused by Mr Gear having stated that Weaver, tbe populist candidate for pres ident in 1S92, stood foi the confiscation ot railroad pioperty, the telegraph, aod the telephone, atd the Issuance ot paper to pay for them. This railroad bill may be the cause ot a very bitter fight in the senate Czar Reed can put it through the House without any trouble because ot the belief at some senators that It is entirely too favorable to Huntington. Far Ihe.Laag Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Port land, Or: There is no medicine for the throat and Juntrs that I can recommend to ministers, public speasers and 'singers, with the confidence that I can tbe S. U. Cugh Cms." For sale by Fonhay A Ma ons at 60cU per bottle. MISFITS. Excursions are somo liko circuse. One sees a good many people going who wont pay their honest butcher, grocery and printers bille, and who wouldn't feel tort of hot. TT. S. Mason refuses to run for mayor on the anti-Simon ticket, which leaves the fight between Pennoyer and D. Solis Cohen. Mr. Penaoye? with his old time luck, good fortune or sagacity will un doubtedly be elected. Prof. J. R. Wetherbeo, physical dir ector of the University of Oregon, is en gaged In securing a collection of Oregon snakes, lizards, turtles, etc. Mr. Weth erbee now has a numlx-r of reptiles in the university gymnasium. As fast as he can obtain'them they will be classi fied, and he will endeavor to get a com plete collection. Guard. The Salem Journal publishes a letter of T. II. Tongue of Nov. 3, 1894, in favor of free silver. Since then he has flopped, and while the letter is a good silver ar gument it is a very poor argument juet now, for Mr. Tongue is now an Oregon lan gold standard man. An Albany hunter, who a few years ago was considered a crack goose shot is now obliged to depend npon others for game. Yesterday he had goose, but it was shot by b is brother Fran k. The ol J time snirit ot a few years ago should be revived. Tbe Roseburg Plaindeslcr rails the ed itor of an exchange the little red headed embecile. Names do not count nowa days, and porsonality is no longer an argument. Facts are what is wanted. If the editor is really an embecile he should be taken to Salem. There is a town on the Upper Sntke river in ldaho.called New Swedrn. Hans Hansen is mayor of the town, Peter Pe tersen ia clerk and the common coancil is composed of Peter Hansen, Hans Petersen, Peter Hans Petersen, Hans Peter Hansen and Peter Hansen Hans Petersen. No relationship exists among these men. The Statu Company have presented a bill to tbe Board ot Supervisors of Hum boldt county for $300 damages, caused by detention below the Klamath river while on their way on the coast. The matter has been rcerred to District Attorney Butnell, wbo will endeavor to find out whether the Supervisor of the district or the Almighty was responsi ble (or the snow storm, which ceased tbe road to slide, detaining theuf at Johnstons. Tidings. From present indications it would ap pear that fusion negotiations have come tv a standstill, at least in this district. Jefl Meyers and Mr. Vanderburg are both yet in tbe field, anf there are no evidences of a combination on either man at present. It ia understood that the friends of Sam Uayden and C. II. Dalrymple, respectively the candidate of the democratic and populist paities, have been trying to arrange a withdrawal ot one or the oilier, and it ia said that there is a prospect that the negotiations will be succcsai ul. S-iUetn Foau The .Vio Pree sate Dr. J. W. Cole re ceived the nomination for cuontv judge fairly, and ', according to ail puliu ical usage entitled to the support cf the entire party including candidates that he defeated for the nomination. Judge Duncan's friends have been kicking so vigorously since bis defeat that Dr. Cole preferred to resign rattier than to make the race where he was being assailed It members ot his party that ought to sup port him. Dr. Cole nor bis friends will ieel nnder any obligations to support Judge Duncan who is not the choice of his party for iheo&ce be now hoi J. For the j ear ending April lrt the shcrirTs office cost A mo a the expenses of the otfiee were charges for keeping seven or eiefct prisoners all at $5.00, whereas the law d.siinctlr allows t for tbe first four and Uien I3. As there were a large number of prisoners this atuocnted to something. The bill for the last 1 1 days put in after the Dtw ocsut bad mentioned the fact was ac cording to the law, a recognition that the previous ones had been unlawful. No one disputes the fact that the sheriffs re ctrived too much under the fee evetem. Tbe object of the salary erstem was to twve we county a tug expense; bat it tails to do it materially in the case of the sheria office as ran - 'In tbe case of tbe clerk s oiGce the new system has been a oig saving to the county and tbe two of- nces should not be lumped ,ogetber. Brownsville. Geo. Ifjwe, Sr., went tojSan Francisco this week, w here be expects to meet at toe raiace Hotel, bis brother, a million aire manuucurer tram tne east. Attorney Martin has let the contract to If. F. Archibald for a handsome resi dence to be built on bis lots in the GfU braitb addition. Tbe supposition is, of course, mat .Mr. Martinis building the nous 10 rent v: Jode Moore has kept an arconct of the amount of snow that has fallen at the Lucky Boy claim, in U.e Blue River dis trict since January I, JS98. and the fol lowing is tbe result: January. 12'- inch es: February, 32, ; March, 49; April, , ibisi, incues. Dr. J. F. Henry wtarted for Lis old home in Kentucky last Tuesday morn ing. Dr. denies it. but his friends are of the opinion that he has gone in answer to an advertisement in a matrimonial paper. He says ho will be gone about 2 months. Married In Prineville. Or., April 12, 1SSJ6, J. W. Uoone and Mrs America Co show. The Review says Mr. Boone is a prosperous farmer living: a few miles above Prineville, and his bride is a daughter of J. II. Snoderly. Mrs Boone was a resident of this com'munitr at one time, and is the mother of Price" Cosbow of this city. Times. Are You One cf those unhappy peo p'e suffering tth weak nerveM Remem ber that the nerves may be made stronir by Hood's Sarsaparilla, wbich toed them np on pure plocd. Hood's Pills are the best pill; aasint digestion, prevent constipa tion. Daily Service "Ruth" more. nnd "EI The 0. K & N. Go's palatini stealers Rutn and Elmore leave fevt of Broadalbin street as follows: Steamer Ruth leaves on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:43 a. m. arriving Portland 4 :80 p. in. same day. Steatter Kliuore leaves on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:43 a- m. arriving Port In nd 4:00 p. m. same day. Rales are as follows: To Port land, one trip $1.5, round trip 2 00, To Oregon Uity, one trip 11.00, round tria $160. To Eulem, one trip 50 cents, round trip 75 cents. To Independence one trip, 50 cents, round trip .5 cents. Special rates for party of ten or more peo ple. The round trips are good for 30 clays. Fare to San Francisco, first class, $5 50, steerage 3.00. CO. Rawlisos, agt. Use Dawson 1 ur 1 i!iti HORN POLING. On Friday night April 24 at 11 p. m., to Rev. and Mrs. D. V. Pol ing, a boy, weight 13 jxmuds. All do ing well. DIF.D. KINDER. At the family home on April 20, 1800, William Kinder, aged 70 years and 10 months. Mr. Kinder was born in Shelby coun ty, Kentucky, on June 22, 1816. He wss married to Julia Ann Bilyeu, May 27, 1845. Crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852 and settled in Linn county. He was a man of sterling integrity, a good neighbor, a kind father and an affection ate husband. The remains were inter red at Franklin Butte cemetery on Tues day ,amid a host ot Borrowing friends and relativea. Scio Press. - - Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Msdal snd Diploma. aaaxmynnnMuiiHiSlSr- rtn TELEGRAPHIC. Tbe British Betreaied Caps Towir, April 24. Telegraphic communication with Buluway was reopen ed tor a short time today . after which theirs was another break. The news is some what conflicting, but the main tfact seems well established that a British force while on a sortie encountered largo numbers of Maiabeles, killed txrbaps IO00, were at oce time in danger of anninilation, and final') retreated. The Mliitla Wllhdrawa. Astoria, Or , April 24 -The Washing ton militia was nr.Wl nr? :. i 1 ' U'NU UI.IH1 yesterday, tbe order demhnding 'heir with drawal coming from General Otis, com- uiwuing Luc ucpariniem or me Uolumbia. Tbe orders reached Major Kenzie, in com mand at Fort Canby, lata last evening, and in less than an bout afterward tbe militia men found themselves at Ileaco making preparations for a quick return to Seattle and a permanent cessation from imitrinary hostilities. tfan Fersmally Charged. Sas Fkaxcikco, April 24. John T. Flynn was today formally charged with tbe murder of bis infant, found two weeks ago in a valise, lite babe's mother, Mrs. Browning, now charges Fiynn with being the far her of the child. She knew Flynn by tbe name of Jones. " Tbe woman says Hynntook the child away a few hours after its birth, saying he would take it to ai orohan ajivlnm. Mr llrni;., K ciarged Flynn with being the father, and uieu ue iota anoiner story . jirs tirown ing today told another detailed story, re peating her first charges, and the police believe Flyun is the murderer. rieadee Callly ef Blah Treaaaa. Psetobia. April 24. Francis Rhodes, Lionel Phi lips and George Farrar, mem bers of the Johannesburg reform commit' tee, pleaded guiityof high treason today. Tbe other membera n!-alo,l miit. rJ i. majeste without hostile intention against we uiurpeuuenae or me iransvaal. Tbe case was adjourned until Monday when the defendants will be sentenced. Here leek Msary. WAsnijkCTOx, April 24. Senator Mc Bridd has secured a provision appropri ating $10,000 for ccntinuing tbe wnrk at I hftt i 1... SOOfrril . . .. . .1 - - f 1 v'u V. w VIIB1I w nsed iorexu-nding the wa:is cf the lock. at. . . . 1 . . -. n may dw openeo lor commerce. The ai-tronr inltnn ia tnlcn.t.t n U-e Lu.iding ol another lock aa,syala Wea-wMlraaa. IIxUKis-Bi KO. Pa.. April 23. Repre-enut-resof tbe republicans of Pennsylva nia ateemblel here in convention today1 and formaily launched toe boom of L'nited Sutea Senator M. S. Qoay for the presi dential Domination. This fa-at was accom ptUhed smid scenes of much turtmlence. ! Men OTditarify seddte lost their tempers and said harsh things to each other, and at least one diftiogD..bed gentleman made dt-taootri:iocs of vioi-rxe. The violent scenes were tbe result of the efforts of the ants Quay delegates to secure the adoption of a reo.utiott namicg McKicley as the second choice. SYraUar Slaamase wit. Tacom. Wsh , April 23 Ia tbe su perior court today wateommeoced tbe trial U tmtly S. Wheeler 's S30.000 damage suit airainst the Saiuvt T..Ur,h i- rnnk Company. Mrs Wheeler brings tie suit as aumtniuramx ot Her tecaed bosnaad. Louis Wheeler, who, ia loVl, met tit Ocato while holding on to the runs of a runaway team. The accident occurred ia Use Stock vwliev. and the immediate cause of Mr. V beeier's death was lie co!l-a.on of the team with a telephone pole belonging to tz defendant oascpany, which tbeco-n-plsinant alleges wss too f at toward tbe caddie of tfce road. Villi Be Eajilaeal Samm, April 25. If the state board of edsesiian persuts in carrying oat it rectnt detidon to put in aa electric lighting pi ant at tbe rvlortn aHbool, it is said opon the authority c4 a tupa-rer that it win be ea joined fcxtewith. Tie grounds for tbe in -junction wonld be that the board is witn it autbon-.y of Uw to enter iota socb con waft. SooutJ the contract be made, tbe secretary ot stale witl be enjoined from utaicg a warrant in complU-xe tbenwiui Fee r O Kahttery. Pesdutox. Or.. A;ril 23. -On the weU-boacd train totigbt Toiled States Manhal IL C. Grady and Depaty J. M. ptitiey passed tfarxish ber on the way to Portland, having ia charge Iae Eodir k, of Ruddock station. The efficers arrested bim this morning. He is cUarseJ with havin., htA itn . . .1 j. Johnson, of PendieOa, about two rcot tis ago, of some &). haeM B- MwaxJe-a. Nbw Tons. April 23. Dan Stuart, of Texas, wbo baa been in New York the Ut moolh arranging pUns to bring Corbett and Fittsimmona Uigetber in the ring, ha invited the two boxers, or their represen tatives, to meet him 00 Satarday to sign articles of serceinent. Stuart will c?-r a porve of I12.1XW for a plore ccnWt, to be heid some time daring November, and will guarantee to futoi-h a bwtUe-gronnd where a fiifet en be held interference, or loncii uie enure parse to tbe pnccipsie, The rawaa War. - Havajca. April 23. -It was reported here tin monsietr that lOW issni-gent ia Fioardt:! Kio bad surrendered uccondt- JonatIv to the aathontioa. Private information ba been received of aa engaptaest between the Spawixh eo! omn onder General MeJq-i.z? and the in rreuta under Aguiire. Tbe Ulter lost 62 uueu. aiahasaa Bewseerwis. UAtm;Avrtir A! 1 ..-.I O". Tn --v.....vnAna, tee deciocraUc state convention, which organ- w yeweroay, recooven-M at 10 o clock this morning and nominated a state ticket as f.tlinara ; nnmitn. fn;K 1 t. p Johnston; secretary of state, Hon. John at awn, renominated; state treasurer, Mr. Kill- of !all.. tVUintl Skt-A law r.-I.a. - - ------- " " a r was v SMJ-tfiUMt W . S. White, of Coltert county Tbe reaoia'infia a....r.t.t ,lnti. tk . .. 1 " wrc fre FOtnni-n nf ilra. , !:.-... : . , --------- - - - . .v w the 22 deleirates from the state to vote as on an questions at tbe Chicago con vention: adrtttM I ho - - .-v-iw VS. BV J-I cent state bank tax; favor honest elections and the legalizing of primary elections. A rwtlllcal Flaks. NcvOmiiti ao a j: .1. - , ... . UlSUiUUl from La Place, St. John Bar.tish naxUh. sajs: ' ' '"Adolf h Taron, a democrat, was killed this afternoon by Joe 1-uixier, a repub.ican, on the opposite Aide of the river. There port that negroes were killed here this morning was an rue. Demar, a republi can, ha taken postession of two or three ballot-boxes and sent them to the St. John courthouse. It is stated that Demar has a a well-armed body of several hundred ne Kroes. Violence is feared. A call was made on the governor for troops. A com pass of field artillery, under Captain IV.... : i i. ."it: .uvtuwy, an i,cu uere uiis evening. The Xew srleaas I leellea. Kt Otl.r iXl. Anril Tl. -inf l.t. L . r,a we UV VUtlUVB is that roster's maj.irity, on the face ot tha tvtumiL m ill I j ,uni 1 vi nI. t...t. the republicans claim tb? have a majurity w iuB iui?a ana win proimoiy at- "". Mwass1ssi-w wM tuc ivU" laureis clae. Tbe democrats claim a majority of 20 on joint tallot. The great dem-crtii loss Iroin 70 000 majority in 1802 in the sute ia attributed largely to the organization of the national republican vj "UKiM-piuuicrs, ana tue comoina tion entered into hv all the populisls. Kelew Maw Bene, . , - . M j Hcncjmvi, here this morninir are full of accouuU of t ho lifak saMll flrSllth aTf IloMn fsA. sk. ww swsvs V14 A.TJ AtUVU UIO disUngutshed Hebrew philanthropist, tell ing cf the lesa which bis death will be to charities, the turf, and especially to royalty, to the members of which, it has long been common gossip, be leut vast sums of money, matters which are discussed ia the clubs, etc The Create? Xew Yk Bi t. ' Auiant, N. Y April 22. The assem bly has passed the Greater New York bill over tbe vetoes of the mayors of New York and Brooklyn. The senate had previously passed the bill over the vetoes, a&d it now goes before the governor for bis approval or tciu. 1 :. Ttllniaa SiMhe. J Owessbobo, Ky., April 22. Hon. Ben ' tv. .tiiiuHu, senator iruui cxiuiu varoiina, spoke to fiOOti people here this afternoon. The tabernacle was packed. He was in troduced by ex-Repre-entative Litis. Sen ator Tillman's rousimr speech caused much unlknciBm mmai.II. In ....... i .4 . - I the financiaj policy of Presidoot Cleveland. IiSsssiBsii sssM mp" n' jiiiieiiiMii.lMiixj,M,WM N, ,-l4: f; v. SiVs ft c4 57.-. . v-' i -1 i' vv A High I 1 III J I - I ,,V V I 1 1 Vf 1 i V Vyj-A ...aUIBi fct'.V The lapgest piece of Good tobacco ever sold for io cents List of Patents. Granted to Pacifie States inventors thiaweek. Reported try C A. Snowr A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign paienu?, onp. v. S. Patent office, Waah ngton, D. C. W Aspen. Riverside CaL. aack nsed in picking citrus fruits; C W Avers, San Francisco, Cel., a atoms tic letteMt a rap ine machine; A W R Berr, Saa Jose, CaL, rotary engine; H Bierer.San Fran cisco. CaL, preserving eggs; G A Brown, Hard man, Or., poisoo-distribntor; F Cavalioro, San Jose, CaL, Sashing de vice for sewers ; I P Dooiittle, Badlands, CaL,gan.9 apparatos; J W Eise&hntb, San Francisco, CaL, gas-engine; W H Eukber, Stockton, CaL, excavator; W Hainsworth. West Seattle, Waeiu, mak ing steel ingots or other castings; W Hayball, Portland, Oreg., reservoir blacking-brnsh ; A M Infrargiola. San Francisco. CaL, black in g-bmeli; H E Newton, Los Angeles. Cai., aatotnatksd-lv-opecing book; R L Peyton, Stockton. CaL, display-stand; D S Began, San Francisco, uaL, power-transnitter; G Rischmuller, Saa Francisco, CaL, ear fender; EJ ShirleT, El Modena, CaL, Hay press; E 8 Simmons, Eocene. Or, , plcmb-leireJ ; J D Stanley, Uoncut, CaL, hot-corn bolder. rreeneelwe: SaHatarlerUj. Wasbisgtox, April 2- Tbe report j that the Yewezoeia qaesUoa has again reached a critical stare, owing to inweoun. has developed two facta, namely: Thitthe United States governmest has not offered or suggested a withdrawal of the Venezne la commission, and that negotiations to ward a general arbitration between the United States and Great Britain are pro ceeding satisfactorily. "I! yon want a liiver nun ia congress," says tbe Oregon Un, -rote for Jodie Bennett, democratic nosniacw for coa gTese. This is sensible advice from tbe Ore- oaianaad Esstern Omoa wofamra will nadocbted'y proceed to da so. The Or- egoataa is oeeooiing very densoeraUe ia its advi?e. STCaXW t-S cne. tat or tsan,, Ljxam Cubxtt. i as. Wwaww J. Csssrr saaaea ewth U&as Tse tv Ce dotnf Wstwjsw iw the City ot TVWeda. Cewwty and Mate atereaaid. and iW said irj win Me the mam ot OXS ErDRI) DOLLAifiTljJ uf ww wh at iuu a i-araaaw traw. sw. ft. -"." I'- .nDraaw,aj)., gag's Catarrh Cwre Istasea IwterwaHy sad seta eUracllyawta hiood aad SBBeswa swrtaewsot LnaB ail - e a. jt AS T. J. CHES ET A tvisdo, O Ct Sold by Drasxia. tii uauy nealtls Laws, Don't est so ranidl. Eit On a chair ami h uir. sour sxomacn u not a rnai run - When von fMl nnmmliHhU ff eating you have eaten toomoch, and yon need Joy'e YegeUble Sarsaparilla. H you suffer from rheumatism watch the sheets. Dont iret hulaann tUm . it damp dry them. Care TOUT rhenmatian, aritt, Tsn eUble Sarsaparilla. n-eep niea out ot your bouse; they are germ carriers. vt ear fiannel nndergarmenta. Keep your feet warm ; your head cool. Vt hen vonr hlml t. i i t in the least chance. When your blood . ".;. w eiaoersaparuia; it wilt make year blood red, ricb. aid thick. De, it will do to take Joy'e Vegetable Sarsaparilla now. , v tien yoa get off you bicycle after a ong warm ran, put oa a coat. If VOn are eninc nn a tritt tl. T.-. VeseUWe Sarsaparilla. Joy's Vgetable Saipiirina reaches the a. . .t. t . . , . muiii, ciuk uie stomacn, ana re news the stomach. No appetite? Take Jov's YegeUble Sarsaparilla. Keen appetite. Accent nothins- hnt th mnn:n. .Un asking for Joy's YegeUble SarsaparUla. area rrawp. "My three children are II subject te croup; I lelegraphe t to Sn Frsocisco, got so( a halt dozen bottles of S B Cough Cure It is a perfect remedy . God bless you tor it. Yours, e'c.J.H. Cioxier. Grants Pass, Ur." For ea'e by Foibay & Mason at Ocpsrbtttle. " a All Beeasasaeaw IS. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh'sCurw for con sumption. 1 hey wid recommend it. For sale by Foshsy Mason. - Carataadla at Base 'Four out of every five bottles of medi cine sold in thj last five years are S. B. goods. The S- B. Headache and Liver (ore lose myself ss a general physic. If you are skk and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest snd safest method i to buy the S. U. remedies and nse as directed. CP. B alcr, Druggist, Dufur, Or " For sal by Foshiy & Mason at 50 cU per bot le. Start's rtwvcr KrU Tea is r sure cure for headache and nervous iseasesr No'hlng relieves so quickly, or sie by Foshay & Mason. , Tee Byspeawia aed Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle c! SMIo'e ViUU bier. It never falls to cure. For sal by Foshay tc Mason Theluswt Wasaea Constipation, canses more than half the I'ls pt women. Karl's Clover Root Tea it a pleasant cure for constipation. For salt by Foshay ft Mason. Flvjer V- 'y Democratic State Ticket. residential Elector EDWARD KILLFEATHB, J. L CABOLL. J.J.WBITSEY. W. W. OGLES BY. Supreme Jodge. JOHN BURNETT. sC CbrTaTiW. Congresentsrj JEFFERSOS J4YEBS, of Scio. District At jomey SAMUEL HAYDEN, of Salens Member Board of Equalization B. K1BLER, of Lebanon. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Representativee It. C. WATSON, of Altewt- H. W. McELMURRY.wltangenf. S. L SHORE, of ScW For Connty Judee S. 3d. GARLAND, of Lebaaoa. For Coanty Coran issioncr W. E. POTTER, U Fex Valley. For Coojity Clerk O. A. ARCHIBALD, of Albany. For Cornty Sheriff IL BLAttXY. of BrownsTSsa. For Count v Recorder MARKPEERY.ofFrananBntte. For Conaty Treasurer - X. 4 . MOXTUOMERY. of Scio. For Connty Assessor txjis. M. atll.1 r K. ef Uaker. For School Snperiatendent Vi. t. CUiBl, of Sweet Hone. For Coroner O. B. EEES E, of ErownsvL'ie. Justices ot the Pence JAMES JEXKS, 1st datrictl GEO. W.HARRIS ud dlsirict. Coostablew S. H. BRYAN, 1st district. JOHN SCHMEER, 2nd district. The Oregoaiaa doesn't know where to lie dowa financially. It has snooted astd bolldoeed and called names aatil ex baueted, and, alter all ita ctapeadovs efforts is faced with a plank ia a plat form that, while some people sara&oweol it in ISJi, now it ie a matter of rid"-co!e and, ia vi- of tlie present eabghtea ment is the worst kind of aa eqai vocation- Ko wonder it winces and gains and kicks. Anybody eoght to do that, lor it w a farce of tbe first water. Th Ore gooiaawllnot put itihfaJapcait. Tie Statesman may. tboucL there is an goid ia it, the Journal may, tbooyh there is no si yer ia it. 1 he 0.- g nia wont leeauie tkere is nothing ia it. It is to be com. amended for wanting something besides a. nooenity to tie dowa npoa. The Modern Way. Commends itself to tbe welr-iaforaedt to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done ia the crudest man ner and disagreeably aa well. To ekanse the system and break np colds, head ache, and fevers without nnplewsast aftereffects, nse the delightful liquid laxative remedy, SvrupofFiga. Mana tactured by California Fig Syrup Com pany. BE OBSERVING. Cash for poultry at R. M. Robertson r The best fresh erooeriew and nrodaos at Conn & Huston's. Ladies tbe latest faKhioa is a seaaalea dress eoade by Mrs. McLean. Dr. G. W. Mastos, botmcia and sar seon. Albeny Or. Calls answered nrotaot. ly ia city or coon try. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beers offices a,t residence in the post office bu tiding. Spec- iw at-euctou given to aiseasew ot women. may concern that the practice of letting cows run at large within the corporate limits of the city of Albanv or tieinsr them in tbe streets or alleys 'is hereby prophibited and any violation t thiV rale by any person or persons will cause- ItiA nrain.1m.aliw Ia r.-u.v;.l. . v . -v. .v. . i .-t iwse tip SUch cow or caule and deal with then as provided by ordinance. By order of committee on Streets and Public Prop- rtv t o su.KKSUI - PouBdmaster v lutiuB Oi-a1u-r.-J . nrVvyam t : wl.usV a. ? - - v. wa s tIMt Ui awkery has arrived ia San Francisco i om tnglaad, and wilt soon be here ia tbe insrket for sale- Tbe goods will W sold St wnutesale rn fnv M.v. ri. i , . . C . vw. IUQ DUD uc is invited to ca l and see these bargains Mratn T;m xr;i.t teacher of piano or organ. System the uasou touch and technique. " Residence, t i!th street, opposite U P chuicb. Park Commiliainnura nl tk u -1 . . . . . v. ..r. MUQ CWtnR ciUes always recommend tne planting of nursery mm ahaita in r Tl i - those from the forest, ss a much larger pn.- , v.. ,n ,,Te. a one stock or various kinds mtnM fnr .1., i .: . ipx , uvxut( at. The Albany Nurseries, v ratwrrts Vwre TtteAltn . n.l a V . L , , Shiloh'a TatarrK Hm,. ni. ,a . . - 7-- - - ----"j. t was Nasal injector free. For sale by r'osbav A laet Wwrta Baawtac Cons v rapt ion. LtGrippe, Pneuoioai and all Throat and Lung diseases are cure bv Shiloh'a Care. For sa'e by yhay Mason. Dr. Price's Crea m T3akiD2 Powder Awards Ceid Msdal II 4whuai raw. im f'ascissa.