The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 24, 1896, Image 4

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3 Pain often con-
ccntratcs all .
J its Misery in
1 a
- I oaei
ST .III I. II UK 1111
wrcwww waaas
Attorneys at law. Will practice in all
courts of the state. Special attention giv
en to matters in probate and to collections.
C FFICE In the Flinn block.
A HnrnM at law and Solicitor in Chancery.
riniiorfinnn made on all Toint8. Loan 8
negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany
. r ' ;
Attorney at Uiw, Albany. Or.
All legal matters will receive prompt at
ention. Office, First National Hank
uildinp, upstairs.
. STAN It IS nav-iittn-'t
iI .
Attorneys t Law
Albany, Oregon.
jQn. J. L.-H1U,
hydcian and dnrgaoa, OPFICB Cora
r7 straw. Albany .Ongon.
DR. C, U. CHAMBER!.!?!
Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem
ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with
galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry bt ,
near 3d street.
raaMaat .
Vie President .
ACCOUST9 KEPT ubjct to .
BISHT EXCHAKOK aadtel Tpel tomM r, 10M
New fork, 9u riuctao, Chicago aa P UmsI
.O.S.S'JTlO.V SADSoa taorl
toir W - .'
Bun, I- Ful
Fiesta?, ;
Rose Carnivals
and the like, will be the delight of Cal
ifornia for the next two or thre months.
Santa Barbara Flower Festival, the
fame of which is world wide, and the
glory of which, like that of Solomon, is
not half told, opens April 15. Queen
Flora will reign 3 days an arbitrary and
absolute despot.
La Fiesta de Los Angeles, now fixed in
the chronology of California feasts, and
not less illustrious than its older proto
types, commences April 22, and the riot
of fan will spread over 4 days.
The Carnival of Roees, to take place in
San Jose, May 6th to 9th, inclusive,
though a more recent candidate for fa
vors of the fun-loving world, yet because
of the limitless nossibilities of the Gar
den City for snvthing that is made of
roses, is quite as full of prominence.
will be made bv the Southern Pacific
Comnanv iar all these brilliant events,
Arrange your programs accordingly, and
call on agents tor particulars.
Dealers In
and Oats.
We have had more thorough training in
all tbe branches of inrarance than any
otber agent in Albany, and can give you
more genuine insurance for your money
than any otber agent in tJ.e city.
District assents for the Sun. of London.
estabiuhed 1710 A. D , Phoenix, of Lon
don, A. D., 1782 and "Continental,'' of
New xork, tbe only company issuing a
bar ety i una rolicv.
M. SENDERS, & Co., Hr.
Red Crown Milling Go
la now under the management of Ed
ward Going, K. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance,
E, D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young, who
are now prepared to sell tbe beet
in the market at reasonable rates.
Highest cash price paid for wheat.
Repairer , .
Hair, wool ant! shoddy mattrasus
sl atd made over.
Furnitpro of every dewafption and
carriage re--upholstered and vanished.
Prop to note in the P. 0 , or call at?
street, between Ferryand lirjuilalbin, A
bany. Or.
. Ylboleaale A ItefnU
Pure Drugs and the Finest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
in the Market.
Prof. A. ST A UK
iuiKflitft FamE
Of wm Stark.
Olka! Specialist
Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmie
College. ,
I am prepared to examine scientificully
and accurately, by the latest and improve"
methods of modern science, any who dp
aire to have their eyes tested. :
Cusick Block Albant. Okbsom.
van nl to fel It Con- w
c.ntr-t. It. baallng
A Choice
of a new. bright, cheerful, handsome
artistic and appropriate pattern ijnor
than easy in our grand array of 500 de
signs. Our aim is to include in our as
sortment all the productions 01 iuo Ben
son. We've done so now. Our stock
is a revelation of novelty and unique
ness and shows decorative art at its
best. Wa c&nnot do more than this, we
shall never do less. Here are first
choices in paper for every sort of room
at from 15 centa to tl.00 a roll.
T A riimmtniF.
By the use of -
On your floor,
When ODDlied to floor of any kind en
ables yon to sweep without raising dust.
It is an odorless compound which pene
t rates the wood and for months keeps up
a constant exudation sufficient to tsdeh
and hold the dost.
Atwatxr & Brows,
Agents for Linn Co., Albany,
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
V-iWe i.a.-y w--i ;
others x
Catalog te'.li .! aiout
article aceccd tut
paolbj bntincv
mechanically toe heat
We ai Facuic coast
Ansu. ftkwta cala-
fan dmcrfnrtog. pricai. etc. aognre winm
rrTAiusf a ibcuxatox Co gets maw-si
B&AKCB lioc8, 3I S Mia bt ja Aatrtit.
Good printing
AlwaysT Jone
Very Quickly.
The Printer.
D. Whites Je Ifaii
A head of hair or no oar. Cures al
diseases of the scalp. Address Box 121
for Free Treatise on the Scalp.
nazors uonea ana set ana rut id u
er on Short Notice.
Fire Insurance
with -
jr. V. "31? Zk.lfm'E?
In the Old Harlford. the New York Un-
derwriters Avency or any one of tbe reli
able old line companies he represents. Notes
taken and plenty of time given for payment
on farm insurance. All business will bt
promptly attended to.
write letters?' Of courae you do. and what
is nicer than smooth let'er paper and envel
opes for business corresponding. We maks
speciality of seat commercial stationary
on should
of us at once an J see the Sue quality an
extra lo-w prices. Next time you wan
some inquire
Star. .Bakery
Cor. Broadalbln and First Sis
-Dealer In
Canned Fruits,
Canned Meats,
Dried Fruits,
- vrything that Is kept in
aood variety and grojj
' eery store. High
est price paid .
. -, for . - "
Some Comparative Fiures.
The Salem Post has gotten thielady
clerk business don to a fine point, and
shows it up in its true light as jobbery of
the worst kind. After a prelude the
editor sets down to business as follows:
n to business as nuws. ,
the last legislature, had .
Oregon, in
one hundred and sixty-five clerks and
other employes. The legislature of
Washington is larger than that of Ore
iron, and vet her cleiks and other em.
I ployes numbered 9174 lees than we
employed. In Idaho, the legislature w
composed of 49 representatives and SI
members of the senate. - Baying nothing
about the smaller wages paid in Idaho,
Idaho had just 18 clerks and other em
ployes. as against our 165. She had sev.
en regular clerk in each branch and one
clerk to each judiciary committee. Here,
one committee and not an important
one either had sometimes three clerks
that didn't nave more than one or two
bills to be considered during the entire
session. The secretary of state of Idaho,
in answer to a question put to him by
ns. KDlied: "I think no more clerks
were employed than was necessary,
though it ia possible that a tew clerks
were employed who could have been
more useful aa 'hay shovelers. " And
yet, these eighteen clerks, and tome of
them mere "hay shovelers." did the
work required of them by the legislature
of Idaho. We wonder bov the legisla
ture of Oregon would look with eight
een employes?
Montana has a legislature composed of
21 senators and 61 assemblymen. But
even in that great, rich state the legisla
ture of 1S95 had 43 employes aa against
our 163. , In his reply to our question,
"Do you think more clerks were employ
ed than were necessary T" replied, "I
am of the opinion that more clerks were
employed than vara necessary, but It is
fair to say. however, that toe adoption
of our codes necessitated a larger force of
clerks for the. purpose of enrollment.'
Well, now, if Governor Bicharda thinks
that 43 were more than necessary, what
would he think if he could peep into onr
bouse and see hordes of idle men and
women lounging about with their bands
in their pockets and their pencils be -
hind their ears?
North Dakota's legislature it composed
of 31 senators and 62 assembly men a
legislature slightly larger than that of
Oregon. The legislator of that state
baa been a synonyom for extravagance
(or several long years. And yet the
wbole number of its employes ia only S3,
twice aa many aa there ought to be, bat
just half as many as Oregon baa had.
Governor Alien, however, in writing to
ns is carefal to say that, "a majority of
these official and clerks were employed
only daring the closing days of the ses
sion.' Sorely there is a lesson In Ibis
'or Oregon's legislators. We trust it
will not be forgotten when the legisla
tor meets.
Now, lei ns take Minnesota an old, rich
state with a population four times as large
as that of Oregon and a leiulalore much
Lrgtr. Oregon has 20 senators and 60
smbly men. Minnesota has 64 senators
and Hi assembly men. Under these con
dittoos, one would rnppose that Minnesota
would need mors cleiks and more legisla
tive employes. But not is. Ebe employ
ed at tbe ia&t session just 76 persons, and
that included all the officers, all the enroll
ing force, the regular clerks and the corn
mi. lee clerks ss well. Sorely nere ia an
otject leaeon for tbe statesmen of onr state.
Will the voters of Oregon allow this out
rage to be continued? We ask them
patriots and 'axpayers, will they tolerate
this imposition any longer?
Let as take one more state tse state
of South Dakota, fbis state compare
almost exactly with Oregon in popula
tion, amoantof revenue and sis of leg'
ialatora. Wbi Oregon gives 110 a day
to ner ebief clerks, South Dakota gives
$8. While Oregon employs 165 cleiks
and otber officials, 8 rath Dakota em
ploys 33. Ii Sjolb Dakota can do with
S8. whv cannot Orzon? Tbers is no
good reason why.
It is General Harrison's turn to laugh.
Last summer Piatt, Q-iay. Clarkson A
Co. pat their beads together and said
"We most have an early and distinct
understanding all around for tbe par
pose of making tore th&t that man liar
rison doesn't get tLe nonioation again ,'
So the combination wa formed. It was
about one-half hatred of Harrison and
one-half desire to get there with a man
whom they could control. Now flatt,
Quay, Clarkson & Co. would give all
their spare change could they induce
General Harrison to come out once more
aa a candidate for Mi purpose of weax
ening nrctumey in loauna. Tbey are
playing toeir cards with tit's objeet in
voinage at me ratio oi io to l meant
simply that the silver dollar shall weigh
16 limes as much as the gold dollar.
That is the difference n weights now.
The gold dollar weighs a little less than
26 grains and the silver dollar weighs
M grains. Using decimal fraction.
with which some people are not very
familiar, tbe gold dollar weiiiiis exictly
25.8 grains. Cipher on it and yoa will
see that 412 is almost exactly 16 times
as much as 25 8. Free coinage means
that tbe mints shall take the money
mental presented by anybody who bas it
and coin it into standard money, free of
toll except the slight cost of doing tbe
work. Under existing laws we have
free coinage of gold but not of silver.
St. Louis Kepnblic.
Dr. Cole baa "resigned" as candida'e
for Judge on the republican ticket. A
republican says that he has bran ased
for ail that was expected of him, he
was forced off the ticket. Poor Dr.
Ojle, not cut out for coanty Judge
he was undonMedly ustd as a tool, aa
carding to the information given this
The greatest farce of the age was that
of the republican nUte convention en
direicg the platform of 1392 Even the
Oregoniao was disgusted. That was a
straddle platform that slgnihed nothing
The public now demands a statement
one way or the otber that is flat-footed.
They bave stood all the iquivocaifon
tbey purpose to stand on the financial
Linn county has another tragedy to
deal with, one that on account of the
prominence of the parties concerned will
cost tbe county a gteat deal of money.
The worst featnre is that an entirely
Innocent, reliable citizen Is the victom.
Men should be ol.C'fcd . to ptHue who
will actually practice economy and not
try and see bow much of the people's
money they can get above what they are
entitled to. co names need to be men
Office 1 office! Here tbey go I
Banning right along.
Man wanti an office here below,
ind wanti that office long Ex.
But the voters will pass It along.
It all the stiver of the world were
dumped into the U. b. there would only
be about $5J per capita.
Some one has said Joe Simon was re
Jred , Q p0Htics, just about as
The National Democratic Convention
is bound to be for free silver, openly and
above board and without equivocation
Everything points that way.
The law against carrying concealed
weapons should be rigidly enforced.
Concealed weapons are more dangerous
than a Kansas cyclone anyway.
There is one thing the average Ameri
can citisen will not forget, and that i"
defeat by trickery. They are right. It
is high time political trickery was set
down on. The voter has as much right
to a square, honest fight in the primaries
aa at the polls, in a convention as at the
elestion. It was recently denied them
in this city.
The Tillamook Head Light gets warm
ed up as follows; There are certain long
haired, long-whiekered, long-faced, long
praying, amen-groaoing hypocrite who
never pay their bills or even offer to.
Tble paper has lost more on them than
on street-corner loafers and saloon bum-
seers. This is no reflection on the
church, but it ia intended to help the
church rid itsalf of a few parasites who
nse the church as a cloak to bide their
pious pretense and iniquity If any
chnrchmembers It-el uncertain aa to
whom we mean and feel offended, tbey
wi'l please call and tee proofs on our
books which Justify this article.
Plenty of others who don't pay their
The senate committee on public build
ings and grounds has authorised favor
able reports on the amendments to the
sundry-civil bill, increasing the limit of
cost for public buildings at Cheyenne,
Wyo., from $130,000 to 250,000 and at
Boise City, Idaho, from $150,000 to IXQ,-
, 000, and at Helena, Moot., from $130,
torn t -k) rvvi i- .nn.n.;.i;nn t
$100,000 was made available in each
case. It is ridiculous to epead money
thus lavishly for public buildings not
needed at a lime wLen economy ia need
ed in the oaUooal government, t seems
to be the policy of tb republicans to
keep tbe expenditures above the receipts
and then lay it to the Wiloa bill. That
is a sample of 19th century bontsty.
Following is a Portland dispatch ei
dentlyritteo in tbe Oregon ian office:
"A number of democrat who favor tb
financial policy of President Cleveland
held a meeting 'In this city tonight for
tbe purpose of discnssing tbe advisabili
ty of patting in the field an Independent
candidate for coogreaa in the second dis
trict against tbe regular nominee of the
democratic convention, which declared
for free coinage. It w practically de
cided to name an independent candidate
Both the regular denixralic and repno
itcao candidate in tbe second district
are in favor of free coinage, and the
Cleveland democrats expect to draw
largely from the republicans wbo favor
tbe gold standard "
In A S Bennett tbe pople bave a man
for whom to vote they t are eery reason
la congratulate themselves upon.
Marion County Democrats.
Following is lb platform adopted
tb democrats of Marion county,
"B it resolved by tb Marion county
democratic convention :
"First Thai we have an abiding faiib
in the hones' y, patriotism" aad intelli
gence of the peop'e of Marion eoootr and
renew oar devotion to tb time-honored
principles of tbe democratic part.
Secood Language fails to properly
ex?re our condemnation of tbe repre
hensible coarse of tb Marion suacty
republican convention ia nominsticg a
ticket and asking foe it tbs support of
tbe people of this county, while lacking
tb common hoccs'y and moral courage
to express its views upon any of tbe
great qaeslioos of the day, thus subor
dinating principles, if It bad any, to its
greed for office.
"Third We censure the republican
maforiiy of the last legislate for its
extravagance sod wast of tb people's
money, and thus increasing tbe harden
of taxation, in shameful violation of
ilemn pledges made to tb people be
fore election .
"Fourth We disapprove of tbe rn
butioess-lik management of our county
a fairs by the present republican county
officiate, whereby the foods oi tbe coun
ty bav besa frittered away shi'e valua
ble properties bav been left to the mer
cy of the element.
"Fifth As the excessive ealarie at
present paid our county officials renders
taxation altiiost confiscation, we demand
tbe catting oS of it perqaisiiies and
that the salary of the coiu'y clerk be
reduced to $1200 per year, depaty to
f$T0; heriff to $1300, d3paiy sheriff to
$1000 second deputy, '803; coontv
jade, flOOJ; recorder, $1003; treasurer,
300; assessor, tlOOJ, and we require
tbe candidates no vinated by the conven
tion to p'edge themselves to work for
tbe accomplishment of this object.
"Sixth Religious differenees should
find no place in Americao politics, and
tbe democratic party is unalterably op
posed to, and condemns, as on Ameri
can and unpatriotic, that spirit of big
otry, fostered for political purposes by
tbe American Protective Asoociatibn,
which not only seeks to set up a
religior.s test for qualification for office,
but proscribe! in their business relations
all who are not members nor in sympa
thy with the aims and objects of tbe
organization, We therefore welcome
tbe co-operations of all good citizens
who will assist us n tbs suppression of
this or any otber political movement
organizsd for religious proscription.
Seventh W heartily endorse the
platform of principles set forth by the
recent state democratic convention, and
commend the action of the majority of
the delegates from this convention there
"MiHh-For UiesaccBssof the prin
ciples clearly and fearlets'.y set forth in
our state' and county platforms, we, the
democrats of Mirlon county, pledge to
each other our time, our talents and our
best endeavor aul, conscious of the reo
tituJe of our purpose and the righteous
ness of our principles, we appeal to the
honest voters of all parlies for support ;
determined that whether wa succeed or !
fail, 'sink or swim, survive or perish,'
we will stand by IheHsdfetuooTatlo prin
ciples. -;.::-' .. .-- ;.;
Use Dawson" furniture 'polish
i Dr. Price'A Cream Baking: Powder
World's Fair Highest Mda aad Dipl
The Salvation Army's Fasa.
Takes life todra-v.
They will go off.
A wonderful button.
From an unloosed for source.
Take cars of them.
Ihe person who joins the Salvation
Army and lives np to tbe provisions of
the pass is going to be a pretty exem
plary kind of a person. There are tn
obligations and each one It pointed. Tbe
other night five persons were formal'y
passed Into the Albany Army. Each
one agreed not to use liqior cf any kind
except nnder a prescription, not to use
tobacco, not to utter an oath, not to 1U
not to tell or lutrn to vulgar stories, to
abjure the sins of tbe world, etc., as
given rather strict, but probably not too
murh so. They were warned of tbe
persecution probable, which is not so
necessary now as in tbe early dars of tl
Army, as tbe members of tbs Army are
treated pretty sell all together. Tbe
outspoken cosmopolitan character of
tbelrfcieetinge commends itself to tbe
public, bene tbey come In contact with
all grades of society.
It takes a live, emphatic style to draw
crowd, f be Sam Jonsesof tbe world
get be people. Mr Rose, at the M. E.
church south, tb past two weeks has
been of the pronounced style, making
statements regardlets of whose toes get
crashed or feelings lacerated. the shoulder
staking style, and it doesn't take more
than a few minutes to learn that there
are a host of mighty bad people in tbe
world, many of whom are actually pres
ent. These very people chuckle to
themselves and rejoice at the other fel
low gelling hit so hard when they are
the very ones meant. That is utt like
tbe preaching by newspapers against
deadbealiem and such things. Not one
professional dead beat in a dosen knows
bow to swallow tbe dose, repent and
cimenpand liquidate, though he may
have the money to bia pocket.
vVl.stever e!ee joa dodon'tcany a re
f olver. You car safer without one.
Tbey are not for carriage, but to put
Boderyour pillow to kill robbers with
Wben yon see a quarrel going on over a
serious matter between men with bleed
ia their eyes, either rush in as a peace
makr at onre or bave business some
where else. Keep as far away trom dan
ger aa possible. Thai ia not homao na
ture and nearly all cf ns like to see a
fight if it has to be bad; bat tb advice
ia good all the same,
A man wud ten ballet bo'ee in an in
testine will probably not recover. On
the face of it be hardly has one chance
in a hoodred. The only chance ia to
ukeout tb perforated intestine and
join the remainder with a Murphy bat
ion. Before that there conid bav been
no chance at all. If ibis could be done
at once Ufor sepsis seta in there would
be a sbow, but after tb blood becomes
vitiated with putrid matter that retail
from a oand in socb a place tbe chances
are bardly worth mentioning. Not
krays nor aoyiliinglclse can com to the
rrsco. Science may do a good deal ;
but there s a limit, and the time will
never come m ben there will not be on
nntnbered death.
, ;eaveruyuie noser usucsstoa leiiow.
Napoleon may rest in peace. lb has j n is tiks a brave sohiier.for it never hes
bsen commended by John U f a Hi van. i itatea at rbatves nor fear to close in on
H thinks be sat great lor such a small
T: e sherlear in aibig majority. Lock
and behold tbem tn every direction,
very on better than every otber one.
Bat pot a darning needle in this fact : if
yon want a wheel to last yoa mast lake ' vkled alwav, it is in .he otber tel
es, i.t ,i ti,.. ... rA ,..i in. I ow a fami.r Truth.
on rail fences
Waiiiinztua Letter,
WumjtoTOK. April 13th. l&aS.
Democratic skies ar brlgbtening.
Nothing ha male this o.or apparent
than tbe visit to nubington of Lx
Secretary l.itney. Mr. Whitney
would not admit that pilitica bad ear
thing to do sitb his presence m Wash
ington, nor scu'd be see sny newspaper
men. t can b abated, however, with
out any violation of cocfUenre that he
did come on a political errand and tbat
it was in the interest of the democratic
paity. The fact tbat Mr. Wbilney is
again taking active interest in polities is
of itself a good omen for the democratic
party. UiV ts'eu'e as a ba'moniter
have never bn excelled, and they are
all to be aed to nnite the democratic
parly. He believe that if tbe demo
cratic !-ary can be aoitei it raa easny
defeat McKinleyiem.
A special train left Washington early
thin moraing carrviog 'he officers of tb
National Association of Democratic
Clubs, and their distinguished democrat
ic guest to M on'.icello, the birthplace of
Jefferson, where the birthday ot ths
great democrat wss fittingly celebrated
this afternoon on the lawn where doubt
less more than onee Jefferson made
speech to hia neighbors on the, great
principles which formed and aliil form
the foundation of the democratic party.
Of those principles Jefferson said, and
bis words are specially applicable today ;
"And should we waoder from them in
moment of error or alarm, let us hasten
to retrace our steps and to regain the road
which alon lead to peace, liberty aad
safety.' Tbe principal apeakers ot t.'.e
day were Senator Daniel, of Yirglnia,
and Kx-Uovernor Wm. E. Bsssell, of
Mass,, both of whom delivered addresses
worthy of the occasion and of their own
reputation as orators and as democrats.
The party returned to Washington to-1
night, loud In their prase of the Hospi
tality ot the officers of thr Nationrl as
ociatinu of Democratic Clubs and of Mr.
Jefftfrsou M. Levy, the present owner ot
Monticello and all feeling that they are
better democrats tor having made the
patriotic pilgrimago.
Another bomb shell has been exploded
amcng the suppirters ot the several
candidates for tb republican Presiden
tial nomination by the announcement
that R- presentatW LlntoD, of Mich.,
would he the A. P. A. candidal before
the St Louis convention. It la claimed
that t e A. P. A. will hav 150 or more
delegates to that convention and tbat
tby will vote for Linton regardless of
instruction for other candidates unless
he withdraws in favor of one of the other
candidates who will make himself ac
ceptable to the A P A. by pledges.
To tay the least of it there is something
odd about the proposition fathered by
Senator Hawley, tf Conn., to take the
printing of pos'age stamps away from
ttie Bureau of Engraving and Printing
and have it done again by contract,
mist te as well known to Senator flaw
ley as it is to evervbody el re that the
stamps are being as well printed as they
ever were, and that thousands of dollars
are being yearly saved to the government
by reason of the work having been taken
out of the bands of private contractors.
The referendum is demanded on many
important measures, and in bein irrant-
v;,' "v ifgiHiaiure oi isew
you I Salem Journal.
The railroad commiesioners are out on
another picnic pnrty. living high, etc.
Eddy and 1. A. Macrum,1
t", , -"""uvnie iinies says: Ucl. J ii
mlgHioners,caii.e over the 11. it V. It. It.
yeeieruay on a tour of in-iMvtion. Tlieir
were accompanied by Lydell Baker, their :
clerk, Sunt. Fields and Master Mechanic I
(irondahl of the S. P. Oo.
That batt'eshln Oregon Is bound to
have a silver service. The Telegram
says: President Dodd, of the Chamber
of Commerce, has appointed the follow
ing members of the chamber a special
committee on presentation of a silver
service to the battleship Oregon: Frank
Ji01. A-. Invent, B. S. Pague. R.
)V. Mitchell, Paul Wesainger, 1. Solis
Ooben, L. D. Cole, J. p. Marshal, S. C.
uj-cutcr, fx. AlllCliell.
A rialent man who has recently re
turned from a trip through Arizona and
Southern California, thus writes his
opinion of Oregon: "I have been in
every state west of the Mississippi river
except tbe Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming
and Nevada, and it is a fact that Oregon
bas more natural resources within the
same area than any other state I have
been in.
Mr. Hayden, tbe democratic nominee
for prosecuting attorney of this district ia
an Oregon boy and a bright lawyer. Be
tween an Englishman and an Oregonian
the people can choose. It is said that
the republican candidate for district at
torney for this district, who defeated Jas
McCain before tbe convention for the
nomination, is not yet a citizen cf the
United Slates. McMinnville T. K.
The "brakemeu" are making a new
time table for the S. P, Co. which will
bring the southbound overland paseen
ger train into Eugene tome two boars
earlier than at present. The new sched
ule will not be effective however until it
has been approved by the management
at headquarters and until farther notice
trains will run on the same old schedule,
Eugene tioard. That would Just suit
Albany people.
A man up at Lyons has been ranninS
down bis own town, always small rqi
neas. A eorresponiiunt to the Pre
touches him np aa follows: He is con
tinoally growling about the to an the
town out oi which be is sponging bis liv
ing, while he mUrenresenu it through
the papers. Ii the town doesn't suit him
e wouia ajr.e turn to go up in the pkd to rrea. before an
mounuins to his claim where he belongs. ! f0 ce of 5ftX) iuMj-vr-U.
As for there being bat II families here, Aitbongb tbe latter oamnmbered the
U Utment is just about a truthful a ! ra of the Alf.r.xo XIII batulion by over
some more of his Mvins. baffic tosay.linol. andinswUsof tbe f thlilZ
wtien be inter Lyons, be will bave
qnite an animaied corpse.
The greatest fare of the age was the
pasiuon of the republican convention of
Oregon on the financial plank. It is
amusing to see how bright men like Mr.
Hofer. of tbe Journal gulp it down.
Albany Democrat. The Journal man
was not a delegate to the Portland con
vention. If be bad been he oa!d bave
voted against the single gold etandard
and for silver. Journal. But you are
standing in with tbe plank all right and
tn iag to make it pose aa anti-gold, when
It is merely an eqai location.
A mortgage makes a man rustle, and
it keeps him poor. It is a strong incen
tive to action, and a Kholesaie rezr. irvler
of the fleeting months and years. It is
fully as symbolical in its meaning ss the
bou r glass and scythe that means death .
A morwage represent industry, becaate
it is never idle, nigbt or dav. 'it is like
a bosom friend, becsus tbe greater the
' .en,y-.. " ,bf
if It a 1 " 1 as nnl iHlutn aa rfju.t.
ly in effect. It is like tbe graeo of the
devil the longer it hold the greater it
!.t..k I. ill i n r
and lend acuvity to a sJUgish brain, for
oJ;Sereoc a bow hard tb debtor works
t mjrtirii e works lost aa bard. It ia a
Mvl thinir tA H . r. in tl. . ... 1 v
Tbe CorvaJlU Gazette, one of the lead
ing republican papers of the valley, and
generally ontspoken give the following
very pointed farts: The methods that
governed the Albany convention should
not go anreboked by repqb'tcao news
papers. It was not cood.u le-1 as a free,
llMvlwmtmt ennmilinn lh rta-tnW
1 represenUMve. The organization was
captured through political trickery is the
J inbrt of combination of aspirants,
backed by another combination ot bank
ers. This resulted ia the selection of a chairman who ruled arbi
ar ily ia tbe interest of the combina
tion nl against ad parlinieoury us ge.
Tbe methods used mav be considered
good politics among politicians. They
are not good politic ftr the psrtr, nor
good politics (or the people. It is not the
result that is objected to, tor Mr.
Tongue's ability and standing are not
ijueyiioned. He wiil make an excellent
candidate and a splendid congressman.
It is the methods employed, not partic
ularly in behalf of Sir. Tongue, but
against one candidate a ho had a perfect
right to come before the convention and
bave his candidacy accorded a free
and fair consideration, that merit con
demnation. These combination and
political scheme do not tend to unify the
party, and independent criticism now
Will tend to prvvent such work in future
A large number cf silver republican
are regretting that they cannot vole for
Hermann. Why not vote for Myeis.
fie is solid on the silver qnet on.
U republican in to be the nest Ore
gon senator it ahoulJ be Mitchell. Dem
ocrat are almost uoiverrally agreed on
that, and most republicans believe the
same, and yet there ia a big effort being
made, headed oy the Oegouian, to de
feat him by electing anti-Mitchell men.
People interested in Mitchell should not
vote for S liners and Say for representa
tives according to all the information to
b obtained at tbe present time, and as
well judging from the men who backed
them for nomination.
est :Hi-ua fvx -
oprt ;cn w z a hh r j
t4l 'tiuouii" jo) ptrett a-3ttXjoo-o
n)iiu anaanm pats pooiq iri n.. i,Kiir
VluaAirtuuiua.r) iaa ryjsjnp .ucji
HOBVaiO At 'f l-iM
W" rv 'zaqniaoafi o p mt tp o
(lb ,. wqilMH)n put wi fvtoUNl ot ti,
saavxv.) ,iirt os (ri pe.wa
"I Pivnon aMMciNAit sko j m
ml wjii pnm0!i puu p-vw.ioj.l otitis pui
'Hiii.-.l oMM, JO Aii, q in .Ui-i Smop
) V ..i viir j -f -.4 jo mjp aqi jo jaaiivu ituj
H v-l Hlo in MKtii,) -f uu
H.f ) ao JnT
'ifflnnt f.n un 'onl C z.
,,Bllth, an J Elmore."
Tbe 0. K. & H. Co's palatini steamers
Rutb and Klmorn leave foot of Broadalbin
street aa follows: Steamer Ruth leaves on
"Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:10
a. m. amving rortiana o :w p. in. same
day. Steamer Elmore leaves on Tuesdays
at 6:10 a- in. arriving Portland 0:30 p m
snme day. Bales are as foil ws: To Port?
land, one trip $1.25. round trip $2.(0, To
Oregon Uity, one trip II .CO, round tris
I5. lo tflem, one trip 60 etnta,
round trip 75 cents. To Independence
one trip, 5(1 cents, round trip 75 cent,
8f ecial rates for party of ten or more peo
The round trips are good for 30 days,
are to Ban Francisco, first claim. S3 50.
i steerage 3 00- 0. U. Bawlinob, agt.
LEWIS. Iu Ellensburg. Wash., on
: Wednesday, April 18, 189S, to Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Lewis, a girl.
Mrs. Lewis Is a daughter ot Mr, and
Mrs, L. Senders.
A sther stale Hals l.
Chant's P Or., April 17 -The
Grant's Pass and Crescent City slage, com
ing this way. was held op aU.ut two miles
ibis side of Kerby, about 5H miles from
this city, toddy, about 11 A. M., by a lone
highwayman, who held a Winchester on
lner Pitt and ordered Lim to throw off
tbe niHil, there lmg no Mj.roos service on
1 na": Ba. " Thia Mr I itu
took L. IIZ'ZZ
became friGht! n!
ll:i.V i !i 17 fhA muil t.
leUd. The ttaaewa driven back and
the mail recovered, arriving here about an
bnarlale The highwayman ia described
a a ta l man, having a deep, coarae voice
lie wore a mask made of dark-colored "I'rtb.
1 be ollicers are in search of biu .
Kkw Yohk. Aoril 17.-It. a. Dn.
Co. 'a weekly review of trade, which issues
wuiotow, win say;
"The sudden change from sleighing to
uwiui-r iiesi, witu tair titles in mot cities,
has tented tbe prevalent idea that good
weather was only needed to bring ceueral
improvement in . business. Everywhere
lurro oeen wore retail buying, and us
"Jiue urancnea oetter demand at wholesale.
There is no aoatement of tbe almost uni
versal opposition to deal with nnuraal con-
servaium and not to anticipate future
A Big tales.
UXbOH, April 17. William Dunlap,
described as a valet, and William Turner,
said to be a footman, bave been arrested
here. 1 bey stated Ui&t they left the em
ploy oc a gentleman in 2ew York recently
JnUuDiaps pocket the police found dis-
mona vaiuej at slo.000, believed to bave
been stolen, and a search of the room oc
cupied by tbw couple reveabxl bracelets,
rings, diamonds and other jewelry of great
value. There is no doubt that these men
roblwd the house of I. Townaend Burden,
of New York, in Ileoe laat, of jewelry
to the va ue of about $fJ.0uO.
fceUlag VrUhtcaatf,
UCLCWSTO, April 17. A feeling of ap
prehension es to what the next step of
the revolting Matabeles will be permeates
alt circle here. Information coming
uiu nir fjunirr around makes it cer
tain nisi me native are preparing an
offensive movement aninu ti.
Tle nomber of Matabeles reported gath
ering at points nearby is sufficient to
appall the hesrt of even experience.!
nailers. There is a dread ia tbe minds
ch many i list the place is in danger of
Oeing overwhelmed br s m.h nf hA.
of Matabtfle, and tbe inhabitants pat to
a w "rvaia iaarre,
A Lett Spr
IUvas. April 15 Further deJaila of
tn BgnUn;? betseeo tue Aliooto Mli bat
" i"n ano ice insargot ander Macro, at
6t1 Claudio. showt thst the Sljni.h mn.
b)it A Serf, found tLe latter had beea om-
: a J.lur. ww J , .,;, .v., .- 1
1 I r . t - .
Tanguarxi ot ine eoeray into tbe pcaotion
wuicn a.ino enaokd tos loaurgeati to
torroand tbem from neubbonng beigbu,
as - i"n: mmuei in gooa order, njhl
ing ttabWikS as tbey did so.
Tfcs Kemlmrlf SIrsakitraB.
LoCtSVUXK. Kt . Anril IS Tl rmnK.
licsn tate convention completed its labors
ana ai!oaroed tbu alrotna. after tndon
log tne presideaUal caadidarv of (iovni3r
I'radieT. with secosd uutnoct ioo f.jr Major
ascbuuey; aoopung a t utlurm dedaruic
ior ue gow u.ndara. protcuon aad re-
CJproaiy; exprenasg sytupathv with Cobs,
and eleCing f oar ol?yie from tbe state
at large to the St Lou: coaventioa. with
altenuts and elector.
CatUisaaaaas Wae4
PoaTLAjtD. M. Airil 16. With an eo-
inaaiam aimoft nce-ualed ia the hndory
at rvpooiicaa poiiiiot in itu state, tbe con
recttoa for Ihe nomination of deV gates to
I ce national convection v bid beve to
day- Tb ectbc-iaia center d abont the
name oi moras a. Keeu, tbe OBsntraoas
cboiop of tne conrentioa as cnl;dte for
preaiieot, Tbe Hgb!est reference 3 Beed
called t yrth dVtnootration.
rea) ail Stlxkl.
. Wamusgtos. April 14 The Oregon
neteiratioa bad a bearing today before the
i the Oregon t-r. r wiil be heM in tbe
bi l, except that for tbe harbor of refuge at
PortOrford. Cpaia Svmoa arored
before the commute, and said tbe appro-
iniauun wr icn imprvremeoi was laoe
feaaib'e. and thoold be atiickea out.
aUalag la Bte aUraa'eaia.
CttiCACO. April 15. -Boxing male as
hartnless as Up spinning or any otbf r
child piay, the manly art of seif-de'en'e
reduced to poetics-bag exmse tnis ss
tonUhing rranfrmatioa of pugilism wa
iMtbtrated ia thu city last evening. The
new Karate t t makios; blows bartoiese
conit of a v of pa-ied material and
a rcik for ths jaw and cose It is so
baiit that rrso live nut bearily landed
blow terra to tbe er-r like a ge niU Up
ping and a penca jrpvideJ wisb the de
vke is practically inruiaeraVle afaisa a
A UTvr TlrL'l.
McMtssTlLl K. Or.. April 16. Primar
ie for a union (u tifi, to be nominite-l Sat
urday, were held today, and a roll delega
tion eierted in all of tbe precinct beard
trom. Men grown gray in the service of
tbe old parties attended Free surer wa
the rail mg cry. John Gill the populist
candidate for joint representative, ia a del
egate from Baker Creek precinct.
Madera ra'Htca
Locisnixa. April 13. Thj republican
state convention, after two long aad weary
sessions, adjourned shortly after midnight
until 9 o'clock: tomorrow. While nothing
more than organ iziisjf and a few speech
were accomplished, t jc result of tbe day's
proceedings served to make on bun the COB
trol cf th Bradley men, ecuring to the
governor the endorsement of hi state aa a
presidential candidate, the adoption of a
platform to his liking, containing a flat
devUratioa of tbe go d standard, and the
eiec-ion of delegates at large from this
state favorable to him.
Tans a C-a Bama.
H Errs sa. Or., April 15. The weather
' or i tie piKt eight days bas been very rough.
numur anu snowing moat ot tne time.
Snow fell to a depth of It inches within
nine miles of town. Yesterday it snowed
and hailed niont of tbe dav, and it wa very
cold today. That the sheepraiis will kue
a large number ot iambs la a foregone con
cl union. How great the loss wiil be can
not be told. It bas been many years aicce
they have had such weather at this time of
ice year locobtend with.
a rre. Silver raairailfMt...
Sedalia, Mo., April IV The Missouri
uetDOcnttio tat convention nere today,
pledged itself unequivocally for free an
unliintted coinage of silver, at 16 to 1, and
nominated the following deleeatai at large
iaD.:m. c . . . .. . , ..
Cockrell, Governor W J Stone and U NY
.v vuiiwiv. oohhit, i J km iisi ana r ,
Allen, ex mayor of St. Louis. Thev ara
pronounoeaiy in lavor ot the white metal,
and are instructed to vote for that issue.
Ex Representative B P Bland's presidential
boom was a feature,
4 Cent t"Ub.
Astoria, April 15. Unconfirmed re-
Krt were received here today that The
dies Packing Company, M iierrick, Mc
Gowan and F M Warren, at the Ca.-ad
and W S Barnes, of Portland; the Eureka
fucking Compauy, William Hume and
liapgood. have begun fishing. It ia atate.3
that tbe Eureka Packing Com ran r ia re
ceiving from five to fifteen tons per dav.
and that all of the above packers are pay
ing 4 Cents per pound for fish, except at
rortUnd, where 3- ceut is being paid.
Ik Ule at tHba.
Chicago, April 15. Division of onin-
ion and not a little feeling was aroused
among the students of C hicago university
by the dciiou of the faculty in debarring
h V 1VU from creaking tefore the student
some time during the next quarter. The
faculty declared Mr Dobs belonged to a
aangerous element, the oratorical asso
ciation is duposed ta leent the position
Ihe faculty has taken.
Tb Greater Jfew Vstk BUI
Alius T, N. Y.. April 15. The greater
New York bill passed the senate today over j
the vetoes of tbe mayors of New York and j
Brooklyn, by a vow of 34 to 14. t he as
sembly ha stilt to act upon the vetoes.
Tba Ills r Waaaea
Constipation, canses more than half th
(Us of women. Karl's Clover Root Tea is
a pleasant cure for constipation. For salt
by Foshay & Mason.
Aood thing-push
The largest piece of
Good tobacco
ever sold for io cents
ten Tuesday evening tor rnoenix,
sonao They will be absent about
months. If tbe find locations that wait
tbey will remove their families there
lb IS faU.
Frans Heck left for Gold Hill, Oregon,
Tuesday, where be has secured emplor
ment in s placer mine. Frank says fie
will retain this tali with a stack of. Ws
four feet high. So mot it be.
Messrs. Hartmua and Somers, republi
can candidates for tbe legialature, will
I peak at tbe city hall Ui ibi city, Thurs
day evening. April 23, and at Crawford s
vilie on tbe following evening.
J. D. Arthur returned from 2 month
visit in lliseoori, last Friday evening.
Great changes bave taken place ia tbe
old state of Missouri since Sir. Arthur
Oroeecd its borders som 33 yean ago.
Comparatively e pea kip g, be ears times
are very good, cattle and bogs, their
catia proa acts, command a big price.
A Mr. Gulliford and two other young
men ol Halsey, met with a 'wet' experi
ence while enroots to Brownsville. Wed
nesday. ben coming down tbe grade
on this aid of tbe Pearl bridge, the
horse jumped, and threw the young
men into tbe water, two of tbem being
compelled to swim aehore. The team
ran awar aad broke thing np consider
ably. Time.
A Bosuno Coxnar. Al Craven A
Heltenbrand's bowling alHr, beginning
Monday evening, there will be a series of
game of cocked bat between Messrs H.
j. Sowers, Anderson Cannon, Ezra Hor-
too.and . H. Pfeineroo one side and
Refu Dunn, C. W. Watts, gam Head
rick and Arthur Simpson on the otber.
This ia to decide the superiority ol tbe
two teams. There will be two games
each evening for one week, beginning at
i :.w p. to. -
Harrr Watkine, presidential elector
for tbe People party will address the
tad lea and imhImuhi nf Alhaav this
Levening at 8 o'clock at the court house.
Ian .--.-.-..4
"1 bae never bad a dav siekne in
my Lfe.'said a middged man tbe oth
er my
" W hat a enmfort it would be, sighs
some poor invalid, "lo be ia bis place for
a year or two." Yet halt of the invalids
ws aee might be just ai be. thy a be. if
tbey would only uke proper care of them
selves, eat proper food and digest it.
It's so strange ti-at socfa sample tnings
are overiookei by those wno want health.
Food makes heal Ji.
It makes stremrtn and ctrenirth war.!
off sickness. 'Hie man wbo had never
oeea sick was ttroe? becaiM h i!-.
Uigeted hit food, and you could become
tne same oy ceipiag yoar tomacn to wort
ns wen as nta.
It will make you strong and beahcy by
uaiug nit iwo jm em niase you It.
DruggisU aeU it, Tral bottle 10 cents
Maiiy ticAltli Laws.
Don't eat so rapidlv.
bit on a chair and be quiet after eat
ing. Your stomach ia not a coal bin.
When you feel uncomfortable after
eaung you bave eaten too much, and
you neea joy e vegetable fcarsapaxilla.
if you suffer from rheumatism watch
uieaaeet. lont get between them: if
diimp dry them.
Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Vee-
Keep Hie out of your house; they are
Wear flannel undergarments.
Keep your warm ; your head cool
. nuen your blood U thin you feel cold
iu wie least cnange. When your blood
iin waeaoy egetabte Sarsaparilla :
it wt. i make year blood red, "ricb and
Dea, it will do to take Joy Vegetable
' When you get off "you bicycle after a
long warm rnn, put on a coat.
If yon are going on a trip take Joy
egetable Saieaparilla. '
- Strange food make strange stomachs.
Joy Vegetable Sarsaparilla reachea the
awuiacu, cieansea tne stomach, and re
news the stomach. '
NoappetiteT Take Joy's VegeUble
.t.i ink jvevn sppeute.
Accont nothinir hnt thi, nnniu v.
Ulin.' f.. l.-l." v ,B:, " ","':u
r-a j; i rjtviauie oaraaparilia.
To Portland In One Day
The new steamer AlhaAr
n shed, including new piano, bow runs be
tween Corvaliis and PortJaml tK iu..
g schedule: LVwa river, Mondays, W ed
nesdays and Friday. Leave Conrallia, 7
a, m.; Albany, 8:10 a. ra ; Salem. 11:30 a.
m arrive ia Portland 6:30 p m. Up
river, Tuesday, Thursdays and Satur-
uays. ijeave Portland, 6 a. hi.
3;.Wp ra.j Albany :20 p. m
; Saljfm
arrive at
Kc-und trio fare, good for 30 days, to
rortland. tJ- ainirla hnln !.,! it ax
Portland dock foot Taylor street, App.y
to tl. a. Sacrv. citn tu-fci.t ,.ni an
Cngon r .
far ihestMa).
' 1 am 05 year old: ha Ki i.:a
disease and constipation for f5 JrM. Am
now well used your S . B , Headache and
liver Cure one vear. ITaa.1 c ui.i ..
50cen escli. J 11 Eniirht. RniMi
Or." For sale by Foshay Mason at $Oc
per bottle.
. H stecaaanad It.
Ask your phy.ician, jour dregut and
your friend about ShilohsCure for con
sumption. 1 hey will recommend it. For
sale by Foshay & Aleaon.
it along.
Toledo, O., April 17. A giaatic b-
cycie huh ta isaing anspe isretoi lo
P"P Isdo's largest concerns already bave eig
i ni&ed tavir intention of taking etock in
. l tbe treat. Tbe nsUer was dennnriy set-
tied by a conference whicb was held ia
Chicago three dav ego. Tbe aew eoa
cera will becspnaiixed at from 18,000,
00) to $10,000,00!). Small factories wiil
either be gobbied np or driven oat.
A Small.
McMnrxvnxa. Or April 17. Boa.
WiltiamCbriaaaan, mayur of tbe city,
was arrested today for oior abwsiv
lan go age, on complaint of X. E Keg, a
prominrat merrhast. He pieaded gaiity,
aavd paid tie fine.
Died. Mrs. W.U. Ilamsey, of Mill
City, died April 17, 1SX, leaving a baa
band with a lamily of one boy aad five
girls, the oldest aged 11 years.
The jig is np with tbe old etesser
Three bisters. Doricg the late high,
water the was towef. out on tbe river
bank below town, and she is to be dis
mantled. Her hall bad become so de
cayed and leaky tbat the company de
cided that her dav of urfainess was
over. Corvaliis Times.
The Murryioca at the cemetery have
beea greatly improved by tbe tearing
down of tbe old cmbing aad tbe sec
tion of a new one front tbe pioneer stone
quarry by Mr. P. Y. Duncan. It is an
excellent job.
A subscription: paper has beea ei rea
ls ted for a nUg; for tbe steamer Albany
ia appreciation of iu being named after
our city. Good.
The Modem Way.
Commend itself to the well-informed
to do pleasantly and eSect&aify what
was formerly done ia the crudest man
ner and daaereeabiv as well. To desnas
the system and break no eoUa. head-
' aches, and fevers without nnpleasaat
niter effects, nse the delighUol liquid
. laxative remedr. STranoiln. V Ann
fanned by California Fig gyrus Cora
-runes. MODEL to,
finest of $75 wheels best of mater"jL
3ne bnisb plesing ia appearance.
Run almost like Rambler. Beat of
wheels for ladies.
Ssjss A FOtpta,
Qet On To
the Northern Pacific
The change of time Tia the Xorthera
Pacific enables passengers to leave Port
land daily at 5 p. m., reaching St Paul
and Minneapolis in three days, St Lout
and Chicago -in three and a half days,
Lincoln, b.,al 12 :od noon of toe third
day, Omaha at 4 .05, St Joseph at 5:oO
Atchison at 6:30, Leavenworth at 75
and Kansas City at 8 5.
You can see by this that the Northern
Pacific epuais all other line to all points,
and if you will compare achedulea,' von
will see that the Northern Pacific beats
all other tine into Lircoln four hoots'
St Joseph twelve boars, Atchison twelve
hoars, Leavenworth fourteen hour and
Kansas City ten boors and forty fire
minutes, where immediate connections
are made in Union Depots for all points
Don't forget that the Northern Pacific
is the only line run nine two trains daily
t the east, the only dining car route
from Portland, the only line running
first class Pullman sleeper t brooch from
Portland to Minneapolis and St Paa
without change, and the only line to tb
Yellowstone Rational Park.
Fur lull information, tickets, sleeping
aar reservations, etc, call" on or write U.
G. Burkbart. resident agent, Albany,
Oregon, or write A. D. Charlton, Assist
ant General Passenger Agent, 233 Morrr
son (., corner Third, tWrUaad, Or.
A tart Wsrta fcaswta.
COnst-mrjtioa. LGriire. Pneumonia
and alt Tbrvtat "d L'ln dsns are care
bv Sailor', Cure. Fa.- sal by Fsshsy
A Xataral BvaatiaSe
Karl's Clover Root Te r-infiea tne h ood
and gives a clear and teaut if ul comp exi"
r or e uy r oattay and Mon
Oar S4aa4la at Haas
"Four out of evenr tlv bottles ct medi
cine sold in th last five vear are S. B.
goorj. TheS Ik tieadacbe aud Live'
Cure 1 use mvse'f ss a geoeral phjic
if yoa are skk and want to at well, the
sal by Foshiv & Mason at JkI cts ner hit-
start a Ctsvsr staat T a
is r ure cure for headache sad aervoua
iaeasur No'hlng relieves o qnictlr.
or rile by Fohay at wasoa.
' fa rawaaia
and L'ver Complaint you have a printed
guarantee on evety bottle cf Srdlo's Vital -ixer
It never fa Hi to core. For sale by
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