I THE KIHQ CURE over Atu for : !3EOUi3 U MATIBM, 5 sar-nr 'ftn is WETHERFORD a VWATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. CFFICE In the t'linn block. - ' WR.B1LYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. J. J WHITXCl Attorney at i-w, Albany. Or. BUGRBUIUf & SOWERS All legal matters will receive prompt at entfon. Office, Firs National bank uiidin?, np stairs. j-J OSTAS TK a. OKTAHTE A BACKLEMAW, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. QEU.W. nAKUli, - JUSTICE OF PEACE, nw located to the Daaooair offloe. ooraerlo tni and Bruadnlbia streets Albaay, Or, iieatt aad Golleetioa a Specialty. JB. J. 1 HIH. hycician and dnrrooa. OFflC! Ooru rty KTKM. Aibanj .Oretfon. , v. , DR. 0, U, CIIAUBERLIN - SOlHOBOrA-THIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. .MRMT NATIONAL BANK. OF AtAAKT, OBJSOOW raatdant -.... Vic PraafcMot . Oshlor... .... LPLINH S.E.VOUHO K. W. UASOUOS VBAITSACTS A OKJlKRAtUBMM'bn-li SIGHT CXCUAMOK and tM niphto trDJ T,M roTirtOSi .V0Ko tvorbl Bun, It. Tim KK I . Sol. W. CCPilCK K COBAHIAEBS or AI.BAKT, ORSSOS, m5rT. muni RsnUu P RAW SIGHT DRAFTS o Nv Tor. Su Pi ei rao , PorUna, iiiJem, Eugene, OorrmUi d "i points in Krop. IjOAN MONET an approved eearltj. RBCEIVB Aevm t wibtoct lo check. aOU.KJTlOaa'naii oa bhom Star Bakery Cor. Broadalbin and First Sts icneadkiyer; pecpeietos- -Daier in- Canned Fmits, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, . Sugar, Coffee. Etc. . Canned Meats, Queensware, " Vegetables Cigars, Spices Tea, ' Etc everything that is kept in good variety and gro eery store. High est price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE ALBANY Red Crown Hilling Go la now under the management of Ed ward Goins, X. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance, E, D. Barrett and Samnel E. Young, who are now prepared to sell the best FLOUR in the market at reasonable rates. Highest cash price paid for wheat. FOSHAY & MASON, Wholeamle A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSEUERb A LEAST. OSEGOS. Pare Drags and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. A. Straney Upho!sterer 367-Ar d ' " " Repairer Hair, wool nd shoddy mattrvse 'sttnt acd made over. Furniinre of every desafption and carriages re--upholstered aad varnished Drop tt note in the P. 0., or call at 7 utreet, between Feny andj BrjadalUn, A haoy. Or. nr aBAfts, CasicK Block A."'1 V J Filling and ektrsctln; of teeth without pain a soetialty ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and . FEED OF ALL KNDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de li very. Telephone No. 61 R. N Morris, Mgr Cor 2nd and Mair. 6ts. , (r f T7 Let Us Reason Tc V iVl LL, gether! Is itnotbet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, tc, at a reliable store where they nee mily the Best material why of course i ' (4 you dont want dyspepsia and yonl never get it 'y eating anything trom ou; store. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vakdyks. Proprieto :jr rami . ' A Choice : i of a new. bright, cheerfnl, handsome artistic and appropriate pattern is more than easy in our grand array oi ow ae- Bigus. vur aim 10 w wcmui w vui o- sorLment all the ivrodnctions of the sea' son. We've done so now. Our stock is a revelation of novelty and unique. neBS and shows decorative art at its best. We cannot do more than this, we shall never do less. Here are first choices in paper for every sort of room at from 10 cents to f l.w ron. , J. A dimming. Carets wdTmdaMarkcMaiMa,adit l kHn conducted it '4WCUIKMipiwlll rmototrooi Wasbinpoa. isul MfwUI rw winj or BBO-ak. W1U dtM iy. We adriaa, it patentable not. (re oil atf(. Our lee not duo tul p( loot ia ocrd. J araawttrr.-nowtoobt- sruen ost of um in the U.S. xmgmt lent free. Addtesa. c.A.sraow&rGO Oe. HaTTirT Omer. uasHiwe'te.w. & Smiley Goodjprintlns Alwaysli Jone " . " Very uickly. The Printer. RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi . . , w I one : cures tne M r-rTnm rn evprvJjV his oi Humanity. V1ERECKS SHAVING AN DHAIRCUTTING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Da. Whites JJe A bead of hair or no par. Cores al diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honea and Set and Pat in Oi er on Short Notice. t ysM hc the F-4sias fc frrvttr ft fn'cn L c, otners ei vrasticg it .aeddtscribe rare -21 3 Uluauateil article newfed ior thcCl-S Catalopis licallr U .hcei- Prauat we are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicrcle cata- ffce.crffc fall deserfntion . prices, etc, agkhts AJrrro. rrTALUM A OCUBAT0K COmslicaXal. Bhajich Hocst, 1)1 P Main 6C, Lon Angeles. aaaauaKBnntAnMaBennajBn ALBANY ISDEAKC1 AGENCI Dealers In Insurance, Wheat and Oats. We have bad more thorough training in all the branches of insurance than any other agent in Albany, and can give you more genuine insurance for your money than any other agent in H. city. : District agents for the Sun, of London, established 1710 A. D, Phoenix, of Lon don, A. D., 178 and 'Continental,,, of Sew York, the only company issuing a 'Safety Fund Policy. M. SENDERS, & C., M .-n. NO MORE DUST No More Sprinkling When you have DUSTINE On your floor Mr. L. B. Chipman, general agent foi Oregon, will be ..t the St Charles Hotel the balance of this week and will call on die business men of Albany and take or ders forDustine. . . Local agents wanted. General office and P. O. address 206) Stark St. Portland, Oregon. . K. O. T.M Vleetseveiy Batnrday vening in K 0 St. Hall, fluting Knights invited enJ- L , 'ts Wrans, C VANTED-AN IDEA thing to patent t Protect roar Ideas ; thermal bring you wealth. Write JOiLN WEDDEft bVtCSA CO., Patent Attorneys, WasUagUs U. O- tor their $MU) prise oiler. Miss r 30S , .ifj.jm ffTff"-"'-"- "I havf rflrMI lis lcw0at. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Representatives 11. Ok WATSOiN, Ot AlDMiy H. W. McELMURRY, of Tangent. S. I. SHORE, ot Scio. For County Judge S. M. GARLAND, ol LDanon. For County Coromiseiontir V. E. POTTER, ol i ox vaney. For County Clerk O. A. A KCxl Ida L.V, 01 A many. For Oocnty Sheriff 11, BLAKfcUl, Ot Brownsville. For Countv Recorder MARK P is ERY, of franklin uiB( For County Treasurer . A. J. OlUr lWfltttl i oi For County Assessor BOB. M. MILLER, of Halsey. For School Superintendent C F. BIGBY, of Sweet Home. For Coroner - ... O. BREESE, of BrownBVille. These are not hiith priced times. It is always Interesting to see a party professing harmony where chaos pre vails. Our present congress would be im mense if it could attend to the business of the US as well as that of other na tions. The renublican county convention is in session today, a laige t.ody, too large for convenience. . The result ot their pro eeedings will be considered by the Dasc- ockat more in detail as the election ap proaches. There is evidently more wire pulling against Hermann than for him . It was circulated for political effect that be had lost the delegation in bis own county, when as a matter oi fact be bad it solid. It is none ot the Dimocbat's business, bat there is nothing like fair play. The Sultan has presented to the Loot re Museum tbe celebrated Tello silver vase. It was discovered in 1SS8 by M. De Sarsee daring his excavations on thes!ghtof the antique city of Sirpon- It is a piece of Chaldean fabric of the most remote antiquity, and one of vhe oldest examples known of engraving on metal. Tames B Eddy is after the Umatilla county republican eonicresaiunal delega' tion. us came od this morning ana wu remain here long enough to do all in his power to capture the nine votes wmcn this county will cast in the congressional convention in Portland on April 8. bere have been several after the Umatilla delegation, and all Kueeees as to who will eaotnre it are Dasea on opinion merely. E.O. Kistern Oregon mast be hard np tor material to even permit the name of J B Eddy being mentioned for congress. He has made bis record as railroad commis sioner and that ought to last him for life. Tbe republicans in congress displayed their venom, on Friday, by passing res olutions censoring Minister Bayard for speaking bis booeat sentiment in re gard to protection and monopolists. Tbisi act of the House of Representatives, in cited by partisan bigotry, waa uncalled for,antagonistic to that liberty of thought and speech guaranteed by tbe cootitu tion, and demonstrates tbat political basis can descend to lowest and meanest death to vent its spleen on a politics antagonist. Greencastle Star Press. A book baa been written advocating ths abolishing of ail laws for tbe collec tion ot debt. Abstractly such a law would be entirely out of place. It A owes B he should pay him, and it is tbe duty of LEX to lend all tbe assistance possible. Ko amount of argument can change tbat fact. It might be said tbat it would stop the contraction of debts aad that of course is tbe object; bat tbe result would not justify such stringent lav. At tbe same time it is to be re gretted tbat there is not a cbecic to tbe unlimited and reckless contraction of debt. Perhaps tbe author would be sat iafied with a law making deadbeatism a penitentiary offense. Henry Watterson. Henry Watterson baa worked very hard lecturiog for tbe last year or two. and tbe result is, they tell me, that he has $25,000 in bank to tbe credit of bs private account. This tarn be expects t increase by $3000 before tbe middle of April, when be will fail for Eaiope, tak ing bis family witb bim, and stsv there a year or more. While abroad he will write a biography ot Abraham Lincoln, which will be bis magnum opus. Everybody wi'I rejoice in Watterson's inceess for be is tbe best fellow that ever lived . Only in late years bss be been a money saver; it be bad begun earlier be wonld be a rich man. As it is. witb a salary of 115,000 a year from bis great newspaper and a snog bank account, tbe wolf will never cross Lis threshold. He is well qualified to write the biography of Lincoln, for, although 1 oa tbe opposite side in tbe civil war, he knew Lincoln as tbe friend ot bis father in boyhood and baa studied his character thoroughly and svmpatbetically. Moreover, Watterson hss ad more than anybody elseto do witb bringing tbe South to see ths greatness of Lin coln's character. Depend npon it, be will write a book that will live. Cor respondent Chicago Times Ilerald Oregon's Governors. Since its admission to statehood, Feb ruary 14, 1859, Oregon has had bat nine governors. This record is of long ser vice equaled by but tb.-ee other states, all of which ware admitted to the Union later than Oregon. Tb?se states are: Nebraska, admitted in 1867; Nevada, 1364, and Colorado, 1S7U. Of tbe nine governors ot Oregon, three ate dead and tbe rest are living in varioas parts of the state. John Wbitaker, who was the execntive head of the state on its adrois- iin to the Union, in 1859, and served till 1862, is tue oldest living ex-governor. Hi was born in' Dearborn county, tndi ana, May 4, 1820, and at present resides on bis farm in Lane county. Addiion J. Gibbs aad George L. Woods, ho were the next governors and S. F Cbadwick, whi ruoceedel Lafayette Grover, hava pissed to their rest. Mr. Gibbs was giveruo' from 18G2 until 183". He was bora in Chaturaugus couuty, New York, July 9, 1823. Mr -'uikji, who succeeds i Mr. Uibbj a chief tx - cativeoftbesta'e, iu 18(30, was born in Boone county, Missoari, in 1831 or 1832. iatarette u rover, who ai present resides in Portland, was the next incumbent cf toe highest psution io the state, lie was inducted in'o office in 1370, and was re-elected but did not srve the lull term, being e'.ected to the U.iit-d States sen ate before its expiration Mi. Grover was born at Bethel, Oxford county, Maine, in 1823. ''Note tod Comment" jo Portland Oregoniin, Vote the k,tlegu(ars" out. Mr. Glass was not hard enough. Wire palling may nominate a man for Office but It takes ballots to elect him. f here were 45,600 fraudulent registra tion In Chicago. That It a very wicked elty. : " ' is entitled to the sympathy of the world. Harvey Scott has sons crsr.y on the money qaietion and wants th Republi can partv to go along witli him Capital Journal. The Dkmochat doesn't care a fig whom the republicans nominate for congress man. ItLdoes enjoy4 though, telling what it thinks about the situation. Mr. Pngh developedl considerable trans-th for sheriff, but the Dbmoceat put him in the wrong place in its pre dictions of the order according to vote received. The three candidates for representa tive on the republican ticket will have to make themselves clear on the Scan cial question. It will be an interesting thing when they do it. An interesting tning in the congress ional fight is to sea some of Hermann's most enthasiastie supporters of former years new working against him as if their lives depended npon bis defeat. It is coating nearly 160,000 a year to ran Linn counly where the democrats need to ran it for about 30,000 Don't von think tbese are economical times that justify a return to Jacksonian pnn ciples of economy T The "Regulars" had things pretty ell their own way yesterday. Tbe voters ot the county will have things their own way next June. They may conclude not to be ran by "Regulars," bat to have theoffii'es passed around some. The Dkmocsat would like to see tbe assessors office ran ny a democrat again. The democrats used to do the business tor from $1500 to tlSOO a year; but un der republican administration it baa cost nearly three times that- The new system certainly has bo, iucreaeed it that mrcb. Tbe dropping ot Ja lge Duncan and tbe nomination of Dr. J. W. Cole, of Scio, for county judge was an eye bulger Dr. Cole for county judge ! A man on tbe street suggests that the Dsmocbat remark that tbe court boose janitor would be more competent for the posi tion. Tbe voters of Linn county certain ly will never permit aoytbing like tbe election of Dr. Cole. The Methodists are gradaai'y wsking np at Dover Delaware. "The Wi'ming- tsu Methodist Episcopal conference re jected, by a ?ote of 107 to 7, tbe propo sition to restrict lay delegates to the an nual con Terences to men only. The con ferear adopted. 109 to 17, the proposi tion to change tbe rales so as to allow laydelegates to the annual conferences ta be mea or women. That's sensible. The women are really tbe backbone of the church and ought to have a voice in their government. 7ifr J A McFeroa might poieibly dj very well for sheriff if wheat were a dol lar a batbel; but it is a fact, and not a political statement, tbat be u not a bard times official. Since bis taking tbe office be seems to have been laboring to s bow much be could make. Where his predeeeasor ran tbe office io a very effi cient manner with one oSce deputy, ex eept for only a few weeks in lb busiest season, bs bas required two moet of tbe time besides a host of deputies thioogb the county, as bas often been comment ed on by the public after the publication of tbe monlbly cost bills, tba defeating tbe provisions of the statute forbidding the pavment of mileage. Another fat thing we mention at tbe outset for voters to consider is tbe msnner in which be bas made big wages keeping county pris- ocers, of a bom there have been a large number. rl be law distinctly permits tbe payment of (5 a week for toar prisoners and 93 a week where there are mors than four. For a long time there were seven or eight and the sheriff1 regularly pat in bis bill and received pay at $S apiece for all of them, knowing tbe law well. H undoubted' cleared f 100 a month on boarding prisoners alone, pretty good tor bard times. In the history ot Lion county only one man has ever eoccded himself as sheriff, and tbe remarks be. ing made make it pretty clear hat tbe record, will stop there for tbe present. If the next legislature of Oregon which convenes in January '97 is composed of men wno wisn local on useless expen ses they will abolish the railroad com mission and save 1:0,000 to ths state treasury; tba board of equalization which costs 10,500 should be thrown in the jaax shop; the attorney genera" office should be pitched out ith it 5,000. All salaries ot county efficers should be limited lo $1500 a year. Tbe committee clerk expense sbou'd be cot down from $23,009 to $5,000 for the ses sion. A thorough cleaning op and weed ing oat should be gone through with io the insane asylum; all useless officials in that institution discharged and all sane paupers returned to their friends. The state penitentiary should be con verted into a hive of industry, instead ol a loafing place for criminals as it is now. Toe governor's psrquisilies should be eat off and be should be paid fair wages for extra work imposed upoo him out sids of bis rooetitulional duties. He will have talk enough ol economy daring the campaign, but men asking for suf frages of. their fellow citizens should plainly pledge themselves along these lines or be elected to stay at home. Ws have had enough of legislative spend thrifts. Let us have a chang toward economy and practical business. Grants Pass Courier. The republicans two years ago pledged themselves to economy, but they went decidedly back ontbeir words. Tbe arrange seats which were belrg made for a reunion ot Union and Con f derate war veterans in New Yoik City on July 4 and a parade of ths boys in gray and in blue, and which was in tended to be a feature ot the celebratii n to empnasize tiie uisappearance ol set- J tional feelings between the North and South, has bee l abandoned. 111 i mma The 8a em Journal writes a co umn of affy for T. T. Geer. Mr. User's geer- 1 ing Is sadly out of order. That is the trouble with Gier. The Journal says that ths mm who rs.ies on merit get left. The statement that Mr. Geer is not a dead inaa is very refrsehiog. We are glad lo bear it. The truth is that Mr. Geer will never have enough cogs to get very macb. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS.' Th a past week hat been ot.e alive with politics, overshadowing all other consid erations, and at this writing the editor gives bis thoughts at lbs end of the week full play upon the subject First came the republicans with con fidence tn every stride, due. to the clean sweep of two years ago, end with a take it-for-granted way about them that It would be repeated as a matter of course They seemed to forget that they had in the midst of hard times, bee n making record (or extravagance that the people had Iteen watching from month to month, the percentage of Increase, in the cost ot running the county being noticeable, due to no one officer, but to the entire ad' ministration. The fact is true that the republican party is an extravagant one in power. The convention was at loggerheads as to what they sbou'd do. The members were decidedly mixed. Tbe result was As poor a ticket As a whole as t hey could have put np it is not a political statement when we remark that it i extremely weak. From present appearance, judging from a re publican standpoint that cannot becov ereuup, the weakest nomination was that ol Dr J W Cole for county judge, a close second is A B Stafford, for assessor. Then comes McFeron. Millard commis sioner is a remarkably weak man judg ing from the comments ot those knowing him. A commissioner should be a good business ruaa. At least two, if not the entire three candidates for represents' tive are gold bug, a fact that will be duly considered before the election. The democratic convention followed the next dav. The delegates came to town quietly, made no stir, worked care-! fully for harmony, and nominated a1 ticket that could not be improved upon. Of course it is the place ot the Dkhik kat to commend a democratic nominee; but it does so witb pleasure and energy on this occasion. Look at the make np of the ticket. The representative ticket is strong. H C Watson is a lawyer of solid judg ment, o! experience and rate discern meet, a man whose sympathies are en tirely with the masses. H W McElraur ry is a successful farirer, a man of broad ideas who appreciates a situation, who bas the good of the masse, not alone of tbe few, at heart. S I Shore is a live basinets man of Scio, np to date, who will stand for everything that will bene fit tbe masses. S M Garland is a lawyei and knows tbe law. He is remarkably careful, thorough ly business and the jud'.cious and pains taking manner in which be a'tends to basinees has been often commented oa. The Democrat is particular; confideot Ot Mr Garland's election. W E Poller bss one of the fioett and bt kept farms up the Saotiam It is the pride o! Fox valley. He is peculiar ly well fitted for commissioner becaase be ran his own be sine well. O A Archibald probably bas no supe rior in Oregon in a clerical way, and as for that he is a gentleran from bead to fert. Brought np on a farm bis interests are witb the people. Steady ard reliable, be also poetess s splendid execntive ability and has the capacity to ran things bimse'f . A wore popular man is not to be fuand. lie wi:l niske an ideal county cleik. Henry Biakely is not only paant to meet, popular witb all knowing bimt but be pSMws that quick, sc'ive char aeter tbat peculiarly fits bim for shenfi. He is no sluggard and will not have all bis basinees done by deputies, bat vill l as Ue lo earn bit salary. A republican remarked tbat personally he is a brare as a lion, keen andqak-k wilted, as ideal a man for sheriff ss Mr Archibald is for clerk. Maik Teery, of Scio, it a s& of Hon. J. II Pee re. Us was al one time a ta dent in oar schools, bat for several )eai bss been a clerk in Tcio. ft is very active, rapid, energetic, correct, a good oenman and a yoanc msa of exception ally good habit tie bas the posh lo do tne basinees in tbe recorders office alone and would keep things op in a mtnoer that wookl a;i'y a'.l l.avirg batinesa in that office. Mr. Jeff Montgomery is sae and relia b'e and would attend to the money of the coo rty in the proper manner. Mr. Bb M. Miller of Haieey is one of tba moat ear rgetic yoang men of the coaoty. When he does a thin it is promptly, ran tn'.ly and oa time. Mr. Miller would be a rasher as an assessor and that is peculiarly what Linn county needs This moiaaats in the wiuter tyle wocld D(.t characterise bis conduct. A school f aperintendent should be a scholar, and a teacher in love with tbe basinees, a man of experience, np to dat-. Sachamanls C. K B:gby, a teacher with a s'ate ceitiflcate, who has had a long experience and knows ths duties of the office. He is a man ot the people who would visit the schools and whose thou Ms would be on the duties of bis office. Dr. O 3. Rese, of Brownsville, needs noeommtnJtion for the offi-e of oar oner. Dispensary Laws in South Carol ina. Editor D.mochat : Writing of the South Carolina "Dis pensary laws," Mrs Chapio, an ardent temperance worker, says she considers that their working bas been most bene ficial. Drinking bas been so much les soned and drunkeness become compara tively rare. What shs thinks ot par amount importance is that ths state has no open saloon to tempt the boys. A man shs knows from tne West, writes and begs his friends and relatives to corns and settle in booth Carolina for this and no other reason. There are good Sabbath laws, scientific temperance instruction is taught io the schools and the people are wakened np to the necessity of industrial education, as wide as on the nsual lines In the public school. Mrs. Chapin eulogises Elmore Martiu, tbe chief ot police in Charleston In tbe interest be took in the matter ot a yonrg girl enticed from another state for im proper purposes. His two detectives detailed for ths purpose, search lor her, find her, and hand her over to the Sup't. of purity work in ths w . C. T. U. to re turn her to her anxiously wait log moth er. 'The bravest are the tenderest." Mrs. Chapin adds. L. Garland receivtd 86 votes, Blaksly 86, and Peer 87. one for iudiie. one for sheriff and on f.ir recorder, aa inter esting fact in view of the circumstances that the men are ,pread out over tie county, that there was not a sicgle con- tast for delegates in the entire county, aid tbat the numbers were made up 1 (rora different sytsol delegates, and was' entirely accidental. The combination, though is a good one and w lib the rest ' ofthetickefawinnsr." 0. Prise' cream tttkioff PowJef ' World's Fair rUdMat AsrarO. MISFITS. I Uncover. Joe Simon nmt TTartfi. ' Scott working together for reform 1 - . j Six of the Linn ceuntv dlmtia inii.' congressional convention in Albany next I Tuesday are for Ford, three for Hermann ' and one doubtful. 'l'he fire ensine lmiMi at rnr.ii; has been put to good ose. It has been fitted np and rented to the Gazette for an ollice at 10 a month. The Gazette will tlo honor to the pi. ce There we-e several alio of the Tongue at the Auditorium lust Kridav but just the same the eloquent and per suasive orator is skillfully trimming his sails for the Albany convention. Inde- peuuence iMiterprieu. , The word Albany appears a good many times in our exchanges nowadays. The congressional, convention to be held here next Tuesday is the cause of it. It looks now as if the Albany convention will be one that will be referred to for years. "Charlie Sears, son of Sheriff George 0. Sears, of Portland," says the Fossil Journal, "wasm town a couple of days this week talking county politics. He is one of the 15 candidates f-r the republi can nomination for sheriff, and lias the qualilicalions to make a good officer." It mm in ll.o fn,M.. If " " """"jr. The standing of the republican candi date for assessor was well shown in the vote of bis own precinct, only 3 out of 17 voting for htm. A republican from there ays he can't carry the precinct, though the strongest republican piecinct in the county. The Granta Pass Courier is sent to ministers and single ladies al half price. It charges 50 cents for cards of thanks, 1 for resolutions of respect, 5 cents a "oe for notices of paid local entertain ments and 10 cents for obituary poetry, iuo vourier is or ginai ana reasonable Before llarrv Milter left town Mondav night he was walking with the proud step of a turkey co.'k. Hi eye knapped. He w lum iot vungrawmaa in aiIlt. Heaent away happv. Salem Journal. Hep. That is only 12 of enough to nom inate. The number though is five times too much. Mr. liermaun will be nom inated. The nnlv attempt at a first of April joke whkli grazed the Post otBce today when an earnest-looking chap came around and told tbe foreman that the pressman at tbe state printing office, CoL Durkee, wanted the loan of "12 pounds of impression." He was gravely told bv the foreman that the Poet could not spare that much iusi then, but to call on h. II. Klagg, who would duubilees be able lo give him that mach and perhaps a good deal more, if he wanted it. Whether he did get it or not, we are not advised op to the hour of going to press. Salem Post. A prominent insurance man yeter-iar, one of a group in a lawyer's office, die cussing the depot site question, said : "Al the beginning of this century all our Looses mere lighted witb whale oil, and a letter, carrried from Xew York to Washington, .-equired an eighteen-cent stamp. There siere no letter carriers, and if one wanted to travel from New York to Boston, be haj to reckon on about ten days for the journey, ltwould seem trom their actions concerning this depot tbat tbe methods of our grand fathers were still in voee with many Astoria u a." AMorians. Mr. Hermann continues to do some live electioneering. He telegraphed S. II. Krivndlv of F.u,ene as follows: "SiusWw bay get $27,000. Bill will be reported tomrrow. Will try for more in the senate. The Improvement of the Willame'te river l?".c-n l'crtland and Kugene is safrly under the contract svs- lew. Tf the halern Journal be iel graphed : The r.ver and harbor bill su reported today. We bold ail item se cured in committee, and Orvg.ii: fares r!L At a meeting in t. Louis A. K. Ham- nionJ. a-lrertistng mansper, said: Tbe ad vertieera of t day are the brightest and most projrressive bunnes mea of tbe hour. Tby don t need instructions as io bow to protett tiieuiel vea against fake. Tbe advertising office of tbe largest advertisers in ibis city contain plainly pnn lex 1 signs, which convev tbe information pointedly to all "fakirs" tbat adverUM'tnenu are p!a-ed in daily newspapers only. If a charity program is presented, the quick-witted advertis ing writer, by a few welt-directed ou- tiona, determines whether tbe charitable object pays from fifty to binetv-fivo per cent to tbe solicitor or not. If it is de cided that the cause is a worthy one. copies of the program are purchased, or a donation made, in preference to tbe buy ing oi wnat is, practically, worthless ad vertising space. Allaioy people expect to celebrate next Sunday as Kaster. A a math-rot fact Kaster was last Sunday, on this coast, though next Sunday east. A dispatcb from Tacoma in the Exsrainerdated Last Sunday mads: It was Easter Sunday to day on the Pacific Slope, although prob ably not more than halt a dozen people knew it. Those who did know it are ambitioai astronomers and mathemati cians. They find tbat the Cm full moon afur the spring equinox pat in an ap pearance on this Cot shortly after 10 o'clock last nisbt, and it is a fact that the first Sunday after the first full moon af ter tbe spring equinox is Easter Sundav the world over. But in this peculiar case, sail to be tbe first instance ot the kind since tbe beginning of the Christian era. onlv this part ot tbe Pacific Slope has its Easter Sunday a week in advance of the rest of tbe world. When the moon filled Saturday night, reckoning by Pa cific Coast lime, it was already Sunday in New York and London. Consequent ly tor the east and balance of the world. exeptirg the Pacific Coast, the first Sun day after tbe spring equinox does not ar rive until next Sunday. Some republicans hava beea heard from who dare pass some reeolutioae. At the primaries at Wells the following were adopted: Whereas, owing to the general depression in the finances cf the stale, and the low price of commodities sold to pay taxes, and the unjust prin cipal of taxing the whole for the educa tion of the few, therefore be it revolved, tbat no more money be ptid to state, normal or high schools ot any descrip tion from the treasury of the slate, and be it further resolved, tbat no money be paid to any benevolent or sectarian school within ths slate. These resolu tions are not intended to affect apppro priattona to common schools of the state. All kinds of fancv dranerie ' for the ac- coi modation of lady patron at Tinkles. .....Scott s Emulsion Will Cure A Stubborn Cough nrfgf. OftliriaxV tVPfffr f f, i uruul"y &PCC1I1CS tail. It f CStOfCS StTQlgul - f J CO ttlC WCtmCllCCi Ofgc&S ,J at,- 'T . . glVCS UlC SySlCITl rjl ?f OrC ndrXl tf tfltYIW ft j. UlTQW C OlSCaSCe aoc aad ti-a at alt drnggteta. TELEGRAPHIC. ' Terrible Taitare. CtEVKl,su. O . Annl 3. The stories tnftt ave been told coi.cerninir the torture inflicted by tbe Spaniard in Cuba are more than confirmed by fi F Taylor, who ha jut arrived in this city, after a residence of three years in Havana, lie said: ' The worot bas not been told. 1 have known of prisoner ling strung up by tbe thumbs at Moro catf , find left for day at a time at the mercy of the vicious flies which were attracted by molasne sinered upon the victim s face and chest for that purpose. Mauy other forms of torture are prtcticed t?pou the oiifortunaU captives. Psilllral LraeVra Shut. Tamps. Fla.. Anril 3. Letrin received from Cuba today sute that last Tuesday 17 political prisoner were shot in the foi tress Cabanas in Havana, .and that 2 were to h tve been executed on Wednesday. The Itepat VmrmttnL isTORiA. Or., April 3 -The location of tbe railroad depot in tbe center of the town was decided upon today at a meeting of prominent citizens. The owners of tnoei of tbe property needed for the site donated their holdings, and plans were adopted for raining the money with which to secure the balar.ee, on which options are held. As soon as the lest deed is io, which will be in a few days, MrHamrucnd will commer.ee work on tbe road throogb the city and tbe depot Tbe Bill Brawled. Washikgto, April 3. TLe river and harbor bill of tbe 54th contrre. waa mm- p'eted by tbe committee on river and bar- tors, and reported to the bouse by Chair man Hooker todav. Tbe total amount ap propriated by the bid is. in ronnd nnmlon. tlO.OOO.OlO, and provUion u mail tor con tinuing work already begun. Oregm Vaquina bay coooract. 11,000.- OOO; continuiDK, ri5 000; Coo bay en- vtuhx, iw,w; areaging, l,3I; Fort Orchard, at Grave Yard Point, 203.00J authorized, and tbe balance of the appro- pitauun ior oaruor oi reruge on the I a- ciac coast to be ued at this point; Tilla- nixik oay and bar, f!7,C0U. . At It Agata. WaSIIIXGTOS. April 3. Th hntia In day revived tbe agitation if the Cuban bel ligerency question iu connection with the conference report on the Cuban reooti.,o. It a not expected tbat there would be uiiko ueuav, but uoutelie. by hi vigorous orp jaition, prevented action today, and the chnoce are now that the bill will ran all day tomorrow, Tbe Klrer mm Marto Bill WASUtsorox, April 2 The river and harbor bill bas at butt been completed, and will be reported to congress tomorrow. It carries a total appropriation of $9,600,000. and proride for ii0.00O,OUO worth of work to be done under tbe continuing contract system, to be paid for by future tigresses. I be uregon appropriation follow: Coos bay, Ne-duccs j-Uiea $93,000 Tillamook bay 17,000 unvitrer and dredging inner harbor Coos bay 14.390 fVlunibia river below Tocgae point, 50 000 L pper Columbia river 5,0 0 Lower Willamette river 50.010 Coquille river 20,000 Mouth of SiaLi w river 2i.000 oagin waters of Columbia river. 1,000 L pper Ccqaule mer IO.UuO L'mpqoa nver ' . .Oft) Coo river, completing improvers 'U 5,0(O iixKr, ciMupieucg imp 9.UUU Xeslooca river 6.000 Willamette and Yambiil riters 31,000 Aa laaUaau Warmer. La Posts, Ind.. April 2. William Kemper and John Limpke. cf Otis, this county, engaged in a fneodly eootea for boils supremacy in a aatoon at tbat pi ace ywrerday. After a few pasMa, Kemper strock Limpke in tie abdomen. Ice in jured mu tell oncoostioa. and remained mi uiitil Uday, when be expired. Kla Setae, Post land. April 2. Tbe Frank-Iluroe-Miuto combine was defeated at tbe repub Ucan primaries yestd.y by the taxpavers, notwithstanding a most ce-pera'e mhd vio lent meaer adopted fey the t&e-holders' rio? to defeat '.fee ill of the republican rrty. and to erntrot lie oty and ccun'y cvt-ver.tloo. Tbe scene al a majority of t pc!un;r-p'.H ere without pvallei in tbe bUipry of tbe Xortbwest. The entire poike force '4 tbe cry ws devoted to tbe ose ot tbe ring. " rtaa Tea kM ArrcaiA. April 2 A Bom!f of Vier men of this city made a raid on tbe fin traps juUj f Sand is acd, in tee vtciaity of Baker' bay. ton imrnios. and. with tbe aid of a nsp oler I c ousin to tbe 1 ubetmen i ri-cine Union, lie piling of a number ot traps were drasa, sod rv eral piiedroer were w reached from their Oiooncgs and sent adrift over life bar into the ocean. Tbe affair caused intense ex citemect among tbe traponerx aad cus todians. A a 4terta kkedr. Asroi 1 1, April 2 II Topping, a fur niture dealer of thjciS, committed suicide by blowing bis brains out at 9o'c:qck this evening. Topping only retarded a diy or two ago from California, where be lud taken his lfe for tbe beneSt ol bet- health. Ii cook! not be ascertained deSbitely what was tbe immediate cause cf tberalh act, but it is b-lieved it wa chiefly dae lo financial diflkaUie. t-' rerlrer r,. Okeoox City. Ami 2. -Hon Peter 1 sqoet, who baj been asTring several mouth with a thxuarh disotder, has grown rapidly worw daring tbe pt few cUjs, and tonight hit dedth seem only a mailer ot a few boar. A Train elod Tsk Lebaxox, Mo., April 1. The eit bounl ."annoo-bell train Xo. 6. on the St Louis San Fraacisro railroad, was held np three miles east of On city at 1 A5 A. 3a. today, by three masked men, and tne safe was blown open and rabbed. The robbers boarded tbe train here at 12:50 A. XI .. and af :er reachimr the scene of tee robbery, overpowered the engineer and fireman, stopped the train, and witb tbe engineer in frost, marched to the? ex press car. The messenger, refusing to open up, tbe door waa blown open with dynam ite, sod tbe safe cracked and its contents removed. CaaiMenM rrellaa. Woopncas, Or., April 1. Word was brought here tonight that there is much excitement and bitter feeling in Buteville over the killing of Frank Kelly yesterdav by jarae iAjzier 1 here was Ulk of a lynching paity being organized tonight to punih Hosier. Some feeliug exists against Coroner dough, becaase beheld a secret inquest yesterday. It has also been learn ed lroni pretty good authority that a war rant will be iued tomorrow "for the arrest of IVwier on a charge of murder. Mr. Itarier wns at his work today plowing, and did not feel uneasy as to his safety. The St I Elrellan. Proytdkscb, R. I April 1. With only five districts to hear from at midnight, tiovernor Lippitt is re-elected by a plural ity of over 10,000. The total vote, with live missing districts, is aa follows: Lippitt (rep)..... , 25,115 LitUefiold (deni) 15.6S3 Lippitta plurality Lat year tiovernor stale by 10,7-1. 9.477 Lippitt carried the Blasaare Klrlhdajr. Fkikhiuciisrch, April 1. Prince Bis marck was 81 years old tod ty, and i n hon or of tbe event bands played in the Schloss Park ail morning. Representatives of the Hamburg senate, beariuar congratulations, and several friends waited upon the prince, who also received many floral tributes and presents, and large numbers of telegrams, including one from Prince Henry of Prus sia. Crowds assembled about the gates. Trp asked For. London, April 1. Owing to the gravity of tbe situation in South Africa the govern nient is taking steps to dispatch 5000 troops to the Cape of Uood Hope. The di rectors of the British Chartered Company have formally requested the government to order the immediate dispatxh of 5000 reg ular troops from Cape Town to Uuluwayo. a fare seised. Washington, April 1. Senor Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish minister here, has received word from Spanish diplomatic and consular officials in Central America saying that the sUamer Bermuda, bav oa board munitions of war tor the insur gents in Cuba, hat been detained at Puerto Cortes bv the Honduras govern' ment and her cargo seised. " in 'asssasssnaassMaw'sssBSa its rolled The Japgest piece of : Good tobacco wer sold for 10 cents The Coming Convention. Tbe result of the congreiooI conven tion to meet in Albany Tuesday is a very hazy one. It is decidedly mixed. As it approaches tbe chances for tbe nomina lion of Hermann grow kss; likewise tbe chances for Ford, while tbe rtfoepects of H. B. ililler increase. Mr. Miller is a single gold standard man, and thereby hangs tbe tale. In the lien eoantv del egauoa it is possible Hermann wiu have three votes, tbe other seven instead of being for Ford aa stated by tbe Dawo- ckat ar simpiy ami-nermann. As a matter of fact tbev are not Ford, bat in all probability are with one or two except ions ior n. c m titer, nermann and Ford are free silver men. Miller's chance are getting strong on account of bis gold proclivities, tbe gold bogs haw ing gotten in their work in a good many counties. Tbe proceedings of tbe con vention will be watched witb great inter est dj Aiuany people aa well as tbe en tire stale. It will consist of 12ri dele gates. ! Bay SrawacA Osxco Cttt, April 3. Anthony, aged 15 years, ana Thomas, aged 13, sons of Mr and n Casper bodies, who nve oa Fourteen- h tn-t near tbe railway tre'Ld. were drowned in Mots kke thi hiteraocm . Tbe btUe feUows were npon aa old raft, wbxb they had roed across tbe lake with a piece of board. As they apf-roacbed tbe abof e oa tne return trip, the raft which had siaeboari around the top. began to take ca water, and the boys became fright eotdand joicped cverboard. Tne. water wa deeper than they supposed, and they drowned within two ted of tbe shore. Steak r Rrm. Commeocinsr April 2nd tbe "Xew" "Fast" and "Commo dious steamer "Rath" will make dairy trips between Portland and Corvaltis. Leaving Portland on Tuesdays Thnrsdavs and Saturdays at a. nu Leave Albany for Portland on Mondays, Wednesdavs and Fridays at 8 a. m. Do Not Despair became yon have tried essay cedkiaes aad have failed to reeive benefit. Betrember that Bond's Sarsaparitla cures when all others tail to do any good whatever. Hood's Pills are tbe best racily rath artic and liver medicine. Harmless, re iable, sure. imuit axcaltl Laws. Don't eat so rapidly. Eit on a chair and be quiet after eat ing. Your stomach is not a coal bin. Wbea yon feel uncomfortable after eating yoa have eaten too moch. and yoa need Joy's Vegetable Saiwparilla. If yoa suffer from rheumatism watch tbe abeeta. Dont get between them ; if damp dry them. Core your rbenmatiam witb Joy's Veg etable SArsapariila. Keep flies out of your boose; tbev are germ carriers. Wear flannel undergarments. Keep your feet warm : your bead cool. . When your blood is thin yon feel cold in the least cbanse. When toot blood is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sirsarrilla ; itwLHmake year blood red, rich and thick. Dee, it win do to take Jov's Vegetable Sarsaparilla now. When yoa get off vou bievcle after a ong warm run, put on a coat. If too are going on a trip take Toys egetable Saisaparilla. Strange food makes strange stomachs. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the stomach, cleanses tbe stomach, and re news the stomach. Ko appetite? Take Jmr'a ri.M. Sarsaparilla. Keen appetite. Accept nothing bat the genaine when asking for Joy's Vegetable Sarsapariila. BE OBSERVING? Cash for poultry at E. M. Robertson Tbe beyt fresh rmwnw an.) rm.tiu. Cunn & HusUn's. Ladies tbe latmi fhi s . dress made by Mrs. McLean. Good treatment at Conn and Hastens, and their goods are the be. SO os. savon sown at Pneka n. only 6 ceat a bar. Thi it a world better. Dr. G. W. Maston. geon. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. K Drs. H. E. and 11 TC j residence in the post office building. Spec- vu uuKNuea ot women- New O.C4E. Time Table. Time table Ko. S. n;nwi k- i.-.: Stone manager, and a Sullivan, acting superintendent, is out. First class mixed will leave Yaquina 'dailv. excem iiudav, at 6 :15 a m. arrive at Albany at 13 m. leave at 1 :l.V nmvn . iv..:. :10 p m. Train will leavn Ui;i .;i except fc-unday at 6:50 a m, arrive at At. wny an ijw a iu, leave at 1 K p m and arrive at ao,uina at 6:50 p m. This is w ocrvice man waa at nrst reported. COME ONE, COME ALL. Julius Gradwohl Will Give You the Lest Bargains in the City. I wish to inform the nnblie. thai T -;i reduce my large stock ot crockery, grass China ware and silver ware, and Will Sell out mi entiro ntaob- . i. - v a, v. 4IVIIUI!, goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come m and price my goods and I will prove to you tbat I am not deceiving you. ut mean business. J.Geadwohi. Ton can get some of the finest ham pat up of Haight Bros., oprjoaitn th n. oclat office for only 10 cents a pound aai'aer It never falii to care. For sale by well as choice bacon and lard. None better Poshay k Mason List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Waab ngton,D.C. A Cerroti, San Frsncifeo, can wiping machine; G W Cleveland, Little Bock, Wash., fire escape; H Ekrem, San Pe dro, Ca!., winfb; J V Frort, Loe Ange lea, eraporative refrigerator; E S Glover, San Francbco, temporary binder ; D K Howe, Portland, fly-ease; J Lynaos, Saw Jose, Cal, frnit-d:pr4ngapparatas; AJ Moriey, Chela . ista, CaL, combined cuiti valor and weed cutter; H Scbaake, San Francisco, combined crimping and beading machine; J E Schneider, Lan caster, Gal-, device seen ring borsea while shoeing. Over in Illinois tbej have started oa a new lead to control tbe Ikjoor basinees and enforce tbe liquor laws. Tbe La Salle coon! grand jury baa indicted officials in four TiLages for not ei-forcing tbe law that reqars tbe dosing of sa loons on Sunday. The oatcome of this depart ore will be watebed with absorb ing interest, and if it be found that tbe grand jorors bave foreseen a richt there: will be a sweeping round-op of rre.sute officials all alocg tbe line. Lod opia ioa secies to brt tbat a gnodeaee wlb be made asainst some of the tndcted cS etaJs- Starr Press. Woaida't there be five time io Oregon if that rt.tHiH be rome tt.e law." If tbe issne was jast one between Hermana aad Ford, om had better take the deepest water. Bea'iy tbe Ford compaiga is rather low mater. y tatal auU-la. thfjeawng .eadt aseaned ption ot taa ear. Taere i oajv a Sir to care Deaiseas. aad iha im br Ilniial iiaawiica. Deafness in enaseaf hf mm is Saaaad eonrtiitnw of tao mneooa lininr of IM EatwacaiaaTnbe. WaaaUuatnbefetsunaaaed Maharoarmmotiasjaoaadar bBperfeet aetr Ins;. and wbea It is entirety closed Deafness m ace rann, aaa inif u iinwinKwa c take) oat and tan taoa iwuuil to tta l cwwditKML. a nnir will bo 1lubiiiA ft nine r.aar a oat of tew aro rawed by catarrh, wnjca is notame bnt aa ulinarii einaWtirinB ol tfte roncoitU narfnoaa. V will etr One Besdred XM1ar (or aar ean of Deoaeas rcasaed bv catarrh) tn- ena-aotbeenped-HaU'a CSlsiik Cam. afor Stros "-ii"-, free- V 'arvaaxwr t&c To Portland in One Day. Beginnisg Wednesday, ipril I, tbe new steamer Albany, e esaatiy farakned. ib cSading new pwrto. will ran between Cor valiia and Portland on the foilowieg sched ule: Down river. Moadavs. WnMdn and Fridays. Leave Corvallis 1 a m; Al bany, S:I0 a m; BaeaaVnsta.9d&a m; In dependent e, 1050 a m; Salem, 11 JO a m; newoerg, X p m; arms fort land, 6 JO p m. Uo river.' Toexdavs. Tburwiara n.) Sabirdays. Leave Portland, 6 a m: Kew- berg. 100 am; Salem, S :30pm; Inde pendeoce. 5 pm; Boee Vista, 79 pm: Albany, 9) p ra: arrive Corrallia. 11:3) in. . Roaad trip fare, good for 30 days,- to Portland, $2; single fare to Portland, tl.25. Tbe above acbedtls mean no score lay vers at Saiem. Faest time and sde bjrbtfal trip. Portland dock foot Tarlor etreet Apply to H. tS.Saery, dry ticket agent Albany, Oregon. Special rates will be given for tea or ore days and epecilal excursions gives a Sundays. " m Loaves of Breau tor tl.OO. Let everybody cone to the Star Bakery nd ret 40 ioare ol heth bread for ti.oe cash. C MiTkt, Fortke Laags. Elder kUon W. Steers writes from Port land, Or: There is no rnedkine for the throat and lungs tbat I can recommend to ministers, public speaiiT and eingers, with toe confidence that I can the S. B. Cagh Cine." For sale by Foahay A Ma oris at SOois per bottle. mmm Try Tinkle tor Photos. Airmim Wakjs. The superiority of aluminum ware is being (renerally admit ted. It is not only light and easily band ied, but very durable. It will not oxidise and is nndcabisdty tbe beet thing for kitchen ose. Albany is being canvassed for different kinds of the wars. By ail means place aa order with the agent. A MAN'S A MAX, Bm its abie advantage to him to wear wU lanndried sbirts and aaderviaibing. The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards Jt Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of genUemeos work. Free mending for,, men besides the first class laundry work. A superior high gloss finish to shuts collars, cuffs, etc. l ark Commissioner ot the large eastern cities alwajs recommend the planting of nursery grown shade trees ia preference to those from tbe forest, as a moch larger prv portton of these will live. A fine stoct of varioos kinds suitable for street planting at The Albany Nurseries. 0 2sn St. H. Broders is now in bis new and neat brick, where be will keen : keep of all a large and choice stock oi meats kinds, uive turn a call. S"a atvspepala l and Liver Complaint yoa have a printed I Kuaanteeon every bottle cf Shito's Vital-