The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 10, 1896, Image 3

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    Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Democrat and Weekly
Examiner will Iks sent to subscribers for
$2.85 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of the Examiners big premium git't
in May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 dtrectlv
to the paper. Iau't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat ami thrice a week
N. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
Subscribers to Daily paying iu advance
will receive all the advantages of either
proposition. ,
- TERMS. .
Daily Democrat, 25c per month; $3X0
per ysar, in advance 30c pr month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run ovei 8
months. Single copies 5c
WKSKI.Y. $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end
Of year; $1.75 for second year; 200 tot
third and preceeding year, when not? paid
in advance. Clubs of five iw siibscriberr
for $5.00.
Mandolin with book
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 18 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st
$1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" V witn b
$4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow.
25cts buys one dosen steel loliu 1st or
2nd strings. . .
$25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light running; guaran
teed 5 years. . .
aT"Prices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos
seut on application.
E. U. Will
Following is the complete list ot dele
gates, 122,to the republican congressional
convention which meets in Albany to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock ;
Benton H H Glassford, Ed Williams,
L L Kline, Marion Hayden aud N P
Clackamas J W Meld rum, G W
Prosser, T K Ryan, J M Tracy, Geo F
Horton. S M Ramsby, T B Thomas, J L
Krure, II S O Phelps, i 8 Yauglm, E M
Hartman, J R Morton.
Coos R S Littlefield, W Sinclair, 0 W
Currv W Gauntlet. D Woodruff.
Douglas J B Riddle, L Loughary, R
B Dixon, D S K Bnick, E L Perrott,
Jeptha Hunt, Benjamin Huntington, J T
Bridget, AW Reed.
Jaukscn Ueorge ftl ixve, l. jc nuts.
ate. a JE Ankney, lu V
Victories, brave deeds, grand inven
tions, command universal praise. One
such event may make a man famous
and win our admiration in a day.
"We submit that had you never heard
jf Hood's Sarsaparilla until you read
the following statement you would say :
" That one cure proves Hood's Sar
saparilla onebt the greatest discov
eries of the age; it is a wonderful
blood purifier." But " there are oth
ers," equally as wonderful.
Yes, literally thousands of marvel
lous cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The greater proves the less.
If you need a good medicine to purify
your blood you are doing just right in
deciding r upon Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the one true blood purifier. Read this :
"I want to say, by God's blessing,
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me what
no physician or medicine could, after 20
years of Buffering. After the birth of my
last child, in lS74,Ihadamitk leg; dreadful
ma a unuuu
Peter A pi
Geary. J R Korm and C E Stewart,
) Josephine W T Coburn.C O. Bigelow,
J R A Booth, Chafes Decker.
Klamath U U Appleeate, R S Moore.
Lake A C Auldon, E M Brattain, A
Snider. ,
Lane J H McClung, Wm KuykenJall,
J A Burliug.ime, E iang. H L. Kaun,
Darwin Bristow, u ii liurk holder, 1 B
Cushnian, J G Stevenson, R D Hawiey,
Jasper Wdkins.
Lincoln C B Crusuo, R A, E J
Linn J R Whitney, J A Wilson, E D
usick O P Glover, J E Yeomau.Roliert
Glass. J R Davis, L C Pretty man, A J
Crandall, J F Vernier. ,t
Marion H B Coudit, F W Joins. A fc
Biackerby, J H Rowland. Geo Ehten,
Wm Frv.J II McNary, Louis Stir, son, R
Hendricks, O ilson. Prince Byrne, J
Voorhees. J G Johnson. A J Richardson.
Jap Minto, E E McKinney, Wm Busby,
C D Harunan, Wm Waldo delegate at
la"ge. " - ,
Polk R D Cooper, S D Gibson, O F.
Lent, George L Kelty, L. N Woods, J A
Veness, Uti Uoad ami a fuittr.
Tillamook L P Smith, W L Brooks, T
B Handley.
Washington G W Patterson, Dr
Jamea Wytbiconibe, C F Tygart, Dr J P
Xamesie, 1 A Jl scrum, u r ord, janie
Imbrie, M D Markham, W suit, Wil
liam Marsh, Harvev Hudson.
Yamhill W Ohrlsman. C A Butt, J P
Irvine. J WT Hobbs, O H Irvine, A Det-
mering, M O Lownsdal, D P Trullinger
and George W Bi bee.
The populist club met last nigh', at the
school house. At an early hour the seats
were all filled and many who came later
had to stand. After the meeting was
called to order the following program
was rendered:
Music by the glee club.
Speech by Prof. J. S. 8mith.
Song by glee club.
Speech by Asa Lewellyn.
Kong by Mrs. Cale, entitled "The Vote
of the Brewer and Sunday School Man."
Speech by Rev. G. E. Henderson.
Speech by R. A. Bam ford.
Music by glee club.
Short DnnwIiM were made bv Robert
DELEGATES. ',L. Smith, I. L. Jones and others.
Evervone present were givm a cnance
to speak and the meeting was harmon
ious. One thing seemed strange to us
and that is there were none of the lead
ers of the G. O. P. present and very few
of the followers, but they are excusable
for they have been hard at work for the
dear old party, and now as they have
got their ticket nominated they w'll
have to work a little to provide fodder
for themselves. After hearing the mem
bers of the republican club toll their ex
perience, we couldn't help noticing the
difference in the experience of the popu
lists, for some ot the latter confessed to
voting the democratic ticket once or
twice, and there is none of them so wed
ded to the populist party as to stay with
it forever. Amomg those present we saw
J. J. Beard and witV, of Tangent, and H.
B.Sprenger, of Shedd.
We are informed by hunters that the
crows are des roying the eggs of the
Mongolian pheasuit. At this time of
the year the pheasant has no protection
for her neet, the grass not being- high
enough and the crow is constantly on
the watch for eggs.' This is the caute of
so lew ea i v pheasants. sve suggest that
the hunters meet and do something to
destrov this enemy of our game bird. If
the game birds are protected iy taw,
whv not protect them from the ravages
ot ovher birds. We have no use for the
crow and iav bird, whv not shoot them
. . . -
at rwrjr opportunity i
ores broke oat on m left limb. It
- was thought I could na' live. What I
suffered no tongue can teu nd until Jane,
1893, my life was contina I misery, bo
severe that at times the pain if combined
afflictions would cause me to have faint-
in; nn ua speia xs igajiw, riio iui
lerent times gangrene got into my sys
tem, and I despaired of ever getting bet-
. ter. Tha flesh on my ankle became badly
eaten, and tha bone was visible In places.
. My finger and toenails came off and my
hair came out profusely. For years I did
not know what a night's sleep was with'
out opiate to deaden the pain. I lived in
torment, fearing death, yet dreading life
more, But I decided to try Hood's Sar
saparilla. There was no marked change
white taking the first bottle, but when
taking the fourth I positively knew
was -being helped. Gradually the sores
on both legs healed, the discharge ceased
and new flesh began to form. New nails
came on my fingers and toes, new hair
came on my bead, and as I continued
with TTnnd'a Earaanarilla mv limbs in
We made a visit to Tangent last Wed
nesday on business, didu't see oung
America, although we inquired for liitu
ana his dish washer: we took dinner
with our friend Conrad j business seems
to be dull and we saw but very few
idlers; the nurserymen are all busy, and
we sa w a carload of trees ready for ship
ment. Alfred Blevin and Uncle Jesse
McGhee are still able to discuss politics.
We found John Luper busy at work on
his farm. Littl Rosa Ben.
Tangent items.
, Pioneer Stoue Ignore J. -
The Examiner says the chances are in
favor of the Colusa rock for the new ferry
depot at San Francisco. It was originally
iriven out that the contract was let to the
Pioneer quarry at Yaquina Bay. "The
ODoosition on the Dirt of the Oregon
quarry rue n is becoming more pronounced
every day. and it was announced yester
day that'if the Commissioners patronize
the California product the Oregon con
cern will immediately ifo into court and
commence injunction proceeding against
ilie Commissioners, mat would mean
Jiat the completion oi the depot
would be tet back another year,
The Ortgon quarrrmen will take the
eround that the California stone is
blue inrtead of gray, that it was not of
fered originally at a reasonable price,ana
that it does not come within the specifi
cations. The Harbor Commissioners,
however, have already said that they
would erect the building of stone of their
own selection, lhey have practically
chosen the Colusa stone, although they
intend to eive the Nile quarry men a fair
chance. Thev say Uiev will not be
swerved in their judgment by any threats
of litigation.
Post-office Brsissssa. The busine8
of the post othce in this city for the year
ending March 31. 1KKS, shows a credita
ble increase over that ci tne preceding
year. The following statement shows
the receipts ot the yeais by quarters:
1S95 1S98
$1446.85 $1546 67
time became completely cured. I have
Luken about 20 bottles, and I know that
I owe my recovery entirely to Hood's
SaraanariUa. I have never had any pain
or lost an hour's sleep on account of the
trouble I have mentioned, since Oct., 1892,
when the sores were all perfectly heated.
the blessing of which I ascribe to Hood's
Sananarilla. I found Hood's Olive Oint
ment gave the most soothing relief to the J ereaee ei ten percent.
Inflamed flesh of any oinunen or lows
First quarter. .
Second 44 ' .,
Third 44 ..
Fourth " :.
20-J-i 63
The increase thus shown for
1896 over 1893 is $651.26, being an in-
Linn County Council.
down f.oui tbe
anolied. I hope every u fferer whose com
plaint is In any way affected by impure
blood will give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair
trial." Msa. CYBTHxa A. Edwasdb, 1127
Cleveland Ave., Suspension Bridge, N. x.
Druggist W. J. Huntley
nn: " Mrs. Edwards is well known. For years
she took different medicines lor her troubles,
but tt remained for Hood's Bursa parilla to cure
ber and place her where she is touay."
These aid many similar cure prore that
Is tlie One True Blood Purifier. $1; six for t&
Prepared only C L Hood & (X. Lowell, Mass.
.. are the only pills to take
HOOO S PllIS with Hood's Sartaparilla.
New Time Card.
Following is the new time carl of th
Albany Street Railway :
The car will leave corner of First
Washington streets as follows:
4:20 a. m. for morning overland train.
80- 44 " Lebanon train.
11:35 44 44 Yaquina tram. .
120 noon, bain going south.
12:35 p. m., Boseburg train north bound
and west bound Yaquina train. .
1 5 d. m., O. C. k E. train, east bound.
4KX)" Lebanon train.
11.35 Ovrland train going south.
a Ornhan'a Home.
- f . , .
The car will alse meet all incoming train
tfl. tha KnnthArn f acme ana v. v.
E. railroads. C. G. Bcbbhabt,
II. H. White came
mines this morning. -
R A. Bensal. of in the city
oaded down with Hermann statistics.
Br. Clvde Hill, of Milton, has been in
tne city several nsys toe guest oi uia
father Dr J. L. Hill.
Alphabet BuU-k, former newspaper
man and once cuaaul to a German city,
u among tUV Hrrnann delegates here.
Mks Alma K.e tel went- to Albany
Tuesday, to work in Mrs. Ashby's mili-
nery eetablunment. uamsimrg rtevwsw.
Mies Olive Baltimore took the train
&ttnrdav eveninz for Plain view, where
she has secured a three months school.
Tom Tongue is at the St. Charles, Til
Ford is at the Revere and Bing Her
man is at Washmeton. where quite a
following seem to think he will stay.
Mr. Ted Piper, city editor of the Ore-
cranian. came up this noon to report the
congressional proceedings for that pa
per, tie is accompanied dj nis umuy
J. R- Cathcart. shenS of Dwugiaa
conntv. who has received some notoriety
on account oi two or tnree jaii escapes
durine his administration, one that oi
gam Brown, is iunongineaeiegaiesnere,
Editor Chenev. of the Conner, this
evening received news that bis brother,
H. o. unenev. wno leu nere in jiuuur,
died today of heart disease at bis former
home in Aberdeen, b. v. tie was aa
unmarried man. Oregon City Dispatch.
Ta.ngkxt, Or.. Aoril 6.
Tte farmers ere beginning to sow their
spring wheat.
We notice since the warm weather has
come that the caterpillars have hatched
out and will be numerous on the fruit
trees again this season.
Tne missionary eutertaiament at the
M. E. church on last Sunday was post
poned on account oiRev. J.M. Shults
beinsr sick and could not be present and
was had yesterday.
Born Near Tangent, on Thursday
night, April 2nd, to the wife of John
Canovan.a baby boy, weight nine pounds.
Strawberries are coming out in bloom.
The early fruit has not been hurt as
yet by the cold weather.
Mrs. Alma Lampman who has been
spending several weeks visiting with rel
atives, has returned to Portland.
Mrs. Wetzel, of Salem, is spending
several days with her daughter, Mrs.
avlvta Ureen.
We notice a correspondent in the Her
ald from Tangert says that i an pent is
noted for a lady physician, and that she
was doing a good business. We think
the writer is mistaken, for there are not
any sick people, and we know of no lady
physician tn our town.
Below we eive the program which was
well rendered at the M. K. church.footh,
at the Easter entertainment, which was
inven lor tne be neat ot me bunday
school, a large crowd being present :
Chorus He is Risen
Praver bv . L. Bryan.
The Moon on tne Lake is Beaming by
Vivian and Dora Starr.
Class exercise by Mise Cora ann.
Chorus Praise tbe Lord.
Recitation Broaderick Smith.
Solo Miss Eunice Luper and Mrs.
Class exercise oy in jeiia?.
Quartet Christ is Risen, Jenks Bros.
Tab eaux The Druni- ardt Home and
The Temperance Home.
. Recitation Knowest Tlmn the Ordi
nance of Heaven, by Misa Cora Yann.
The Lost Ship, by Mr. Mc and James
Life is What We Make It Marvin
Anthem Ob Give Thanks.
Cantata A number of young ladies.
Born Near Tangent, to the wife of
Jay Gould Morgan, a boy.
Thomas McClung, of Spokane, was
seen in our city a few days ago.
The delegates to the congressional con
vention of the first congressional district
met at the opera house in this city this
afternoon at 3 o'clock for the purpose of
nominatins one candidate for cong.-ees
and selecting two delegates to the na
tional convention to meet In St. Ixuis in
June. ,
Fully five hundred men were here
from other parts of the sta'e. JJuring
the day the air has been full of rumors,
without foundation, statements and re
statements, etcetera, all resolving itself
into Hermann and anti-Hermann.
It has been like a holiday to Albany so
large has been the crowd and great the
interest in every movement.
The Albany band came upon the
streets at 2 o'clock and furnished music
until the convention hour, when the
opera house was packed with spectators,
besides the 122 delegates.
The Monmouth quartet sang several
very lively republican songs cut out for
the occasion.
Hon. T. H. Tongue, of Yamhill coun
ty, chairman of the com
mittee called the convention to order
promptly at 3 o'clock. The secretary. J.
A. Wilson, read the call, and nomina
tions for temporary chairman were call
ed for.
O. H. Irvine and J. H. McClung were
nominated. Upon a division of the
house O. H. Irvine received 62 votes
aud McClung 49. Mr. Iivine upon tak
ing the chair spoke for a moment prem
ising fairness and jus'.ice and appealing
for the support of iho iioinineo ol the
E. D. Cusick was nominated for tem
porary secretary by acclamation, and O.
(i. Ooad, of l'olk county, for assistant
A committee of five on credentials was
appointed: WL Brooks, J W Metdrum,
L Laughery, E P Geary. J H Porter. A
committee of five was appointed on order
of business, as follows: RA Booth, T
F Rvau, R J Hendricks, S B Oibsou, J
W Hobbs.
A committee of three iw appointed
on perm aneut organisation E. E. McKit-
irt-y, Dr. lamesre, and is. t. K. Bmck.
A recess was la ten lor 3t minutes,
in tessMu at pr.KS lime,
As tle congressional convention was
not called to order until 3 o'clock the
proceeding cannot be given in to-day a
Mr. Hermann has been sending luby
telegrams for ten or twelve years every
two years; but no more so now than
M r. O. H. Irvine.of McMinn viile, wears
tne biggest hat in the convention. He
is anti-Hermann. -
W. I. Yawter. a former Linn county
boy, is one of the dark borses ot the con
The Salem Statesman is represented
by Mr. Claire B. Irvine, a red hot anti-
Hermann man.
One man wants Hermann beaten be
cause he secured a free delivery system
in Roseburg and the Willamette river
remains unimproved.
Splendid reasons have ben given why
every candidate in the field should be de
feated if nominated.
T. S. Geer looms np among tbe visit
ors. He is not a candidate because
knocked out in Marion county by Til-
tnon rord.
Max iTacht, Iresh irora bis buropoan
trip, the versatile man from Ashland,
bo knows a big peach and writes gUDty,
is here.
J. R. Davis, of SbedJ. Is tho btinzest
and heaviest delegate in tbe convention.
Bob Hendricks, superintendent of tbe
reform school, left the "kkls" lne
enough to lake a hand in nominating a
C. W. Fulton, a consr regional aspir
ant in tbe other district is in the city .
Among the editors attending the con
vention is Hon. E. Hofe, rf the Salrm
Journal, who cornea closer to speaking
bis crnvicUoos than any ne!peper man
in Oregon.
Railroad Commissioner Wacram.of the
nselesa railroad commission, who is
holiiire over through the incompetency
of tbe last legislature, is seen among the
The Linn Countr Business Council
met in the hall of Halscy grange. April
4th, 1894, President II. 0. Powell In the
chair, also Secretary II. B. Springer at
his desk. Opening exercises consisted of
a song by a select choir and prayer Bro.
Pearl, acting as chaplain.
Roll call found eight granges with rep
resenlatives in attendance All present
were found qualified to remain.
The record of last meeting read and
Delegates reported to the agent the
amount of twine desired by their re
granges. Agent reported tbe amount of official
business which he bad done, and sug
gested to the council his idea of bow he
thought the business should be conduct
ed in the future.
Unfinished business laid over from
the last meeting was taken np and dis
cussed by Bros. Myers, Case, Bridge
farmer, Mitchell, Taylor and Freerksen.
The resolution was lost. A committee of
three, consisting of Freerksen, Palmer
and Mitchell, were appointed to look
after business of importance to the or
der. A resolution asking for tbe reduction
of expenses of state grange was offered
and discussed by Bros. Riblind, Wigle,
Bridgefarmer, Myers, Train, Springer,
Luper, Davis and others which on mo
tion was indefinitely postponed.
A commttttee oi three sisters were ap
pointed to make arrangements especial
ly for their own benefit.
man) gooa suggestions were uuercu oy
a number ot the members present.
The next meeting; will be lieid in the
hall of Charity aiange the first Saturday
in May.
The attendance was good and all pres
ent enjoyed a good social time. There is
a strong leeung in lavor mr a cioaer co
operation among the members, tor we
know In unity there is strcnirn. aiucn
t f . i i
ueuem is utwivea ana iniornmuou given
by the mem Iters of the order from the
meetings of the council. Rcfoktek.
Mr. Ralph Oliling, ot Eugene, has been
in tne city on a visit witu irienas
At press time yesterday the republican
congressional convention wm taking a
recess. Upon reassembling tbe commit
tees on credentials, order of business and
permanent organisation reported in the
usual way, when nominations were call
ed for for congressman :
Judge Waldo, of Marion comity, noni
bated Hon. Tiltnan Ford, of Marion
county, in a flowery speech.
Mr. L. Lotightry, of Roseburg, nomi
nated Hon, Btnger Hermann, giving an
elaborate statement of his record as a
1. A. Macrum, of Washington coun
ty, nominated Hon. T. H. Tongue in an
eulogistic speech, which was seconded
bv the chairman, O. H. Irvine, with J.
11. McClung ir the chair.
Mr. Booth, of Josephine county, nam
ed H. B. Miller, in an elaborate speech.
E. E. McKinney thought Tilmon Ford
was the proper man for the position.
His speech was the most amusing tea
ture of the convention. McKinney bad
his speech poorly learned, so that . a
friend was obliged to sit near bim and
prompt him, resulting in considerable
Kuyinat by the crowd.
J. A. Wilson seconded the nomination
ofH. B. Miller. Mr. Mulkev, of Polk
county presented the name of Hon. War
ren Trnitt, giving bis biography, making
the best speech of the convention.
Mr. Campbell, of Clackamas county,
seconded the nomination ot Bioger Her
mann. A delegate from Lake county seconded
the nomination of Warren Truitt.
A dispatch was read from Binger Her
mann, saying he would support the plat
form of the St Louis convention on the
money question, if nominated.
Mr. lirooks, of Tillamook, seconded
tbe nomination of T. H. Tongue.
The first ballot was then ordered taken
and following was the result: Hermann,
65; Ford, 18 j Miller, 10; Truitt, II;
Tongue, 28.
Then ballot after ballot followed Her-
Mrs. Elix.beth Blain went to Portland j a;in gradually dropped until be reach-
yesterday to attend the U. P. Presbytery
Geo. M. Brown aud W. E. Yates have
been in the city hunting for a district
E. L. Thompson and!y, ot San
Francisco, are in the city the gueata of
Hon. R. A. Irvine.
D. M. C. Uault, editor of the Uiils
boro Independent, was in the city yes
terday and today,
ed thirty, which number never swerved.
it is interesting to note that this is
the same number aa fought Dotph
through thick and tbin, and that it was
from tbe same principle and the same
class of men. The vote for Tongue grad
ually increased, but never getting above
35 until afte- the 28th ballot Ford's
high water mark was 23 and Miller's 22.
Truitt never rose above his first vote of
11 and received 8 aa a role. On the 33rd
Rev. L D. DrWer has been nominated J eT " " ure" nS na
by tbe republicans of Lane county for
i pro
be a
Tbe congressional convention will be
odd in the opera bouse.
600 tons of wheat and 200 tons of oats
are in storage at Hamabur.
It is rumored that a few cotoee ph
ants have been shot in this county. It sa
Mr. MXiuire'a deputies should be on tne
An rrd r of tbe Eastern Star has been
organised at Prioeville, with M i. Mar
irena Brink, 1 orderly ot tins cuy, aa
Wnrsby Matron.
The Lawler mines are running day and
night, making a cleanup every nigh', a
number of shipments ot cold nave neen
made to tbe mint at San rancisco.
Tbe Dem ocaAT has received a copy of
44'1 he Scboul of American Politics,' pub
lished by Hon. E. Hofer, of baiem. up
on reading our opinion will be given fiet-
ty as to its contents.
A good many Albany boys of school age
are roaming toe atreeu and la many in
stances it is claimed because their parents
cannot afford to buy tbe books. Mere is
a splendid neM 'a which tbe charitably in
clined have a work to d(,
For the last time before the convention
tbe DaMOcaAT again predicts tbat Her
mann will be nominated; but not until
after a number of btilota, perhaps a good
many. He will go into the con? en lion
Caw Cocjrrv TKirrs. The toiiow-
irg tickets have been put in nomination
in Uiookcouniy:
Democratic: Representative R. E,
Mieener. of Mitchell: commissiooer, II
T. Ii::i. uf Pnneville: rlerk, Arthur
H.xie-. Prineville: sheriff. J. W. Ell
iott, of Prioeville; assessor, J. T. Robin
son, ot Haystaca ; scuooi superiuiecaeni,
P. IS. Nelson, of M'tchell; coroner, K fc,
Drsey, of Crooked river
Koublicao ttenreseniauve. it, v
E Hoock, of Mitchell; clerk, J. M
Williamson, of Prineviilei sheriff J. H
Gray, of Prineville; commissioner, T S
Hamilton. OI , piier iruui;
C. K Nicboln. of Prineville; assessor, I
E. Shown, WaSdron; school superinten
dent. H. H. Davi. of Bnueviiie; aur
ravnr H. B. Stewart, of Paulina; coro-
j . . "it.
ner, J. r. UOmos, oi jrnnevriie.
State senator. As Rev. Driver is
fesaed A. P A. there promises to
hot fight on tills othce alone.
Sheriff Knight, of Marion county, who
is attending lie convention, yesterday
was showing the other sheriffs bow to
bowl. The DaiiocaaT saw him make 9
at cocked bat m itb wonderful ease. Sheriff
Knight is said to be one of tbe most ex
perienced bowlers of tbe capital city.
Haslet, the" Pilgrim Printer," whose
figure is familiar to every print rand
newspaper publisher on the Pacific coast,
struck this oitice Thursday evenirg. He
was given a 4sit" for a day and went on
his pilgrimage rejoicing. The o'A typo's
form ia getting somewhat bent with ago.
Attorney O. W. Wright aa trans
acting legal business) in the United
States) circuit court at Portland yester
day for Lion county clients in the suit
lately brought by the government
against the C. 4C. B. R. Co., and otli
era, to vacate the patents to certain
lands in this county.
Among the Salem people attending the
IVUITUIWU .... WWm I'X wuic v.,.,
n . . . . . . f t- ' .1 i. .
i). vmuuj, woiiu svait,uik, i vui-
fey. E. M. Croiaon, Frank V. Water,
W. Davis. M. W. Hunt, U. U. Bing
ham, Ed Hirscu. Elmo Davis- L. .
blen. M. 1.. rogue, 1.U. bberman, IT.
W. A. Cusick, Virgil Johnson.
Mrs. F. M . Miller, of Lebanon has been
visiting in the city several days past
Mrs. Miller is ve: v prominent ia Linn
county aa a leader in society and is noted
lor her charitable awppsiuoa. At
the death of her bus baud she was ap
pointed post-uitMreia at Le'-anoo which
position abe hei-j lor some time. :iem
Dr. Gresrory De Kan net t. the eelebra-
ted RusMtan traveler and lecturer, was
in the cily today, and Friday and Sat
urday even in of next week will leclufer
at the opera bouse on "Heart of Russia"
ami "100 months ia tbe land ol to
Tsar. for tbe Wnrfit of the public
school library, by tbe way the 6rt pub
ic school iiimrv establishes! in uregon:
r urther particulars hereafter.
Tbe Statesman ears John Altertnatt,
slii has held the ooaitioa o( secretary of
Albany's Y. M. 0 A., lias reatgned
and among the young gentlemen being
eonsmereu lor rna sramsor ia " iu.
Babrock, of Salem. Tbe asaociaUon
would show wise judgment in choosing
him mi he has bad considerable exper
ienre in tbit particular duty and is sin
exceptionally fine athlete.
Anotueb Obzook Bov. It takes np
considerable of the Dwiocmara spaos
houtina forOreiron boys. An Albany
luvrn hn ia now on too The Eoseni
Riviater ivea the particnlais: In the
recent athletic contents at Ann Arbor,
Mich.. Lawrence T Harris, of Eugene,
aria" llnta4B in tha law department
this vear, wort first place in the vaulting
horse ew.test, which was tha only event
he entered. W hen it is constat rea whm
about 800 students contested for placM
in the contests, bis well-earned honor
will be more fully appreciated.
he received 60. Tbe next ballot settled
tbe matter : Tongue. 83 : Hermann. 31 :
Miller. 5; Ford -.and the original Ton rue
aowa snooted inemsMves boarse.
Mr. Toneue was called for and sooke
for ten minutes. He was followed by
Td Ford, 11. B Miller, Warren Truitt and
r. T. Geer. .
Charles S. Moore, of Klamath, and J.
F. Caibreatb. of Yamhill, were appoint
ed delegates to tbe St Louis convention.
Alternates. A. J- Johnson, of Scio. and
L. F. Wihi ta. of Ashland. Tbe delegates
were instructed for McKinley.
Tbe usoal vote ot thanks was passed.
The conrreseional central committee
member from Linn.
At 12:45 tha convenUon adjoorned.
Hon. O. II. Irvine presided with fair
ness, making a good officer in tbe chair.
The Albany delegation stayed with
ii. B. Miller to ihe very last, exceptint
perhaps tbe 34tb ballot. -
It ia an interesting tact tbat only 7 of
the vote from Linn county would bare
nominated nermann on tne nrw cauot ;
bat they were elected anti-Hermann .and
even the Albany delegate to the county
convention were elected with tbat fact at
usue. There are some things to e di
gested in connection with the lacta.
. B
aud Live
Oar staadlaa at tlaaae.
"Four out of every rive bottles t
cine aold in tbl last nve jears are
i. Th. ft H He&dacke au
?. a rv.ierat cb-MC
t .. .;. Ir n.l arnt to ft Weil. thS
rhyToi do qu?ckc:cbpt.n safe
' buy the S. B. remedies and use a directed.
: P. Batxii, Druireh't, tmfur. Or t-tr
sal by Foabty & Jlas Al w cu per -
Harrv B. Miller, of Eugene, a candi-1 -.. mnn, vntea than Ford, and eventual-
date for congress wnose interests are ue-1 y, wiu get the Ford vote.
The Modern Way.
rtAmmonta UatAt to the well-inform ed
tnitn nlnaaantlv and effectually what
vm formerlv done in the crudest man
ner and disaereeablv as well. To cleanse
f ho avatpTTi and break no colds, bead-
aches, and fevers without unpleasant
after effects, use the delightful liquid
laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. l,anu
factored by California Fig Syrup Com
pany. .
Doesn't Take Much 31oney For
groceries at Parker Bros. Their
prices are reasonable and
. alitt'egoesalong
Qcalitv ii something also. They keep on
ly'tbebejt It is a fair and square
fliit footed fact that if you
trade with tbetn
vou al
ways get good treatment in goods, prices
anu personally. imiiwiiun-'
able in the lone run. It
counts partipu- .
larly in
rroceries and baked goals you cancer
" wBat vou want without running
around by trading with
Parker Bros.
ine Duebed by the single standard gold
faction of deleeates to the convention
that meets to-morrow, arrived in Albany
yesterday morning, and is the guest ot
his brother . J. aimer.
Mrs. 8. E. Young. Mrs. E. F. Sox,
Mrs. Henrietta Brown. Mrs. F. P. ftut-
timr. of this city, and Rey. Henderson
and M. Acbeson, of Oakville, left this
morning on the Albany and Rev. Little,
on the Ruth, for Portland to attend a
meeting of tbe Fresbytery of tne u. r.
church. Mr. J. O. .Bushnell also went
on the Albany to Portland on a few days
trip. The Albany If It twenty minutes
behind tne ttutn.
The Sunday Oregonian refers in flat
tering terms to the bright career of Miss
Maud Horlman, now leading lady witn
Wiison Barrett in London, who was in
Albany Saturday on her way to Corval
lis, from which- place she will return
eventually to London accompanied by
her mother. The Uregonian says : "Miss
Hoffman is of lithe and graceful Sgure,a
handsome face, with magnificent eyes;
in truth, a beautiful woman. It is pre'
dieted by her London admirers that in a
vear she will be a star." in trutn, sne
may become another Mary Anderson
Shu has received a flattering offer from
Frohman to come to the U. a., but will
probably remain with Barrett.
A good many people are wondering
H. M. Roberts and daughter. Mrs. Ida
Bennett, were in Alnriy this week. Mrs.
Bennett was grant d a divorce iroin l. a.
FUtinAtt and was a so ranted the custody
of their two cbildreu. It is reported that
Mr. Bennett ha taken tbe children to bis
old home in Indiana, which, if a fact, will
make it very dimcutt for . Mrs. Bennett to
gain possession of them Uarrisburg Re
The Multnomah county republican con
vention held in Portland Saturday was one
of the most dUgracetut affairs ever held in
tbe city of Portland, or aaywbere else. The
tax pays beaded by Joe Simon met in al
most mortal coin oat against tne ua eaters,
or Mavor Franc faction, headed by J. H
Cary. Pandsmonium reigned and tbe
convention Spilt tn two. 1 Il tax payer
nominated a licxet. write we r ran a iao
tion adjourned until today. Tbe party in
that city is in a cnootic conuition-
A thrilling incident trai observed Tues
day afternoon on Mary's river bridel Two
teams, in the vehicle attached to one of
which were two children, were cros tng
the bridge en route into town W hen tbey
were fairly on the bid?e a runaway team
ra dashing out of town in the direction
of the bridge. There was no time for the
two teams to get across and it was impos
sible to turn around. On came the fright
ened span, and not far from tbe center of
tbe bridge they met, ano sirauge to y,
it aaves Uvea Every Bay
Thousands of caw of t"onB mptkn
Asthma. Coughs, Colds and t
ured every day by Shi 'oh s Cure.
"joi'a for HieJai!ed end
Health fur ail Hauki.
Henry and Bert Pi m mora escaped from
the prison at Dallas yesterday morning.
m Peatork, of uoverdaie, now owns
is las chickens than betoie taster, a
thief did it.
A Sue burned out kt Parker f rot. la-t
tua', causing an alarm ot fire. v beoeve-
chimney burn eat seme one rashes on
and ring tbe bell.
Mr. Ttww. White ba b"ubl the Ci'T
6-dtmMket near the corner of First and
Ferry streets and will bereaXVr ran it 0
will krep (rest 6b of all kinds and under
stands toe boainesa thoroughly.
Tbe Baum stox.k of gud were today sold
at aher.a sale. Toe s'uck of goo-ls and
tbe piano were bid in by Jacob Fteuchner,
representing lac uxmn, of rvand, tor
tn nm of 11670 Vm indebtedness was
t'SWo 3i Eugene Guard.
Tbe nermann leaders say be will have
59 vote on the first ballot out tt Ine ncc-1
. , n; tl. JJ.n.taa intt
rj..n m i , s u v I uku w .. V
it at 43. Tbe indications to tbe Drmotm vr
this evening sre 'hat ba will be nom a .-ted.
Tbe Dej'K-uT last night receivil tco
late for pnoiicatinn. a dupatch annoanc
ing the passage in tht house of the river
and harlnr bill carrying with it tbe con
tinosnir contract lor tha imnrovement of
the Willvuett and Yamhill rivers. It it
becomes a law it will mean a great deal
for Ongon.
uiraa-raisT so. z, k. h. Baarrr, jcdgc
Department No.f2 of tbe cirruit court.
under Judge Hewitt adjourned last Moo-
day until April 27 titer transacting tne
foi towing boaineaa:
In mailer of assignment oi fjtarK croa.
In mattes- ot the assignment of A F
Hamilton. Continued.
In matter of assignment of F C Ayers
& Co. Continued.
In matter of aaaignment of Tbe Orien
tal Tea Uo. uonunoed.
MarU Miller, et al act D P Milter, et
at, partition. Partition decreed and con
H B Moyer agt Mary J Wtgie. etai
foreclosure of mtg. Judgraent by de
David Link agt David Hawiey, et al.
foreclueure of mtg. Judgment for ft,-
Ida Bennett agt I A Bennett, divorce.
Granted, plfl to bare cnatody of children.
Board school fond com'rs agt J D Mil
ter el aL foreclosure, onuit on motion
of plaintiff.
J K Weatberford, admr, agt E E Moo
tague. foreclosure. oosuil on motion
of plain tiff.
AUianoa Trust Co Limited agt u u
Cook et al, foreclosure. Jvonsuit on mo
tion of plainua.
Clara I Mumlord agt Lemuel S Mum
ford, divorce. Granted.
Edmund Zeyss agt John L Akin et al,
aonnrmauon. vxmunuea.
II Y Gates agt Inet I Wilson et ml,
confirmation. (Joounued.
EUeu GulUfordagt Jas D Hedgepeth
et al. connrmauon. ConUnoed.
EphrUm Haoer agt John P Donaca
et al, confirmation. Continued.
J A Millard agt R A Rampy and J P
Schooling Demurer submitted.
N A Blodgett act W E Kelley et al.
j Present sheriff to make deed.
The telegraph operators had a bitty dny
A ne 24 inch bicycle only 120. at ti e
Dkxockat office.
New ribbons in Dresden and Pertdan
effect at tbe Ladies Bazaar.
Sailor hals 15 cents at Mrs J. N. Her
man's. Call and see tbem
Boots snd shoes are going at cost and
less at Klein, Dubruille Co.
Leave Older at Parker Kro., for some
of that popular World Beater sotp.
All kinds of fancy draperies for tbe ae
eon modation of lady patmns al Tinkles.
Ladies look at Klein. DubruilleaV Co's
windows, beat prices and quality if you can.
Seme haodoome birthday gems at Will
k Stark's, cheap. One for every month
in tbe year.
Pansy Plant 5 cents per dozen. Frank
ft Hokbrs, corner 8'Ji and ft. R. it. Al
bany, Oregon.
Fv. Geo. M. St roup has been gr-nted
a divorce from his wife Mis. Martha
Stroup, of this city.
The two sta'e conventions will meet ia
Portland tomorrow. Tbe Lino county del
egates left for tbat city today
Klein, DubruiUe k Co., will be here but
a short time longer. Save money on boots
and shoes while yon have a chance.
a new lot of ail wool serges just received
at tbe Raket Stor. 1 hey are elegant goods
and worth 50 ter rent more moryy.
Yon ran get tha best of all kinds of
mcata at Haigbt Bros., fine boils and roasts,
sirloins, bams, bacon, etc The best lard
made. Try tbem.
Chauncey Depew and Cornelius Vender
bilt gat within a mile or two of Oregon
and then turned back. Pity they did not
turd into salt.
Albany was decidedly in it. A former
Albany man pi ended, an Albany njtn was
bead secretary and an Albany man head
teller; but it was in Albany.
K. Baum opened up his store again this
morning and will sell the stork of goods for
I. Banm. of Portland, who pur hvi it at
sheriff sale jettrday. Eugene Guard.
The reputation of the Victor sa a first
civ high grade wheel that ran be i de
pended upon, has been thoroughly estab
lished. Will Tc Stark are Albany agents.
See tbe latest model a.
An Albany free silver republican say's if
Hon. W. B. Bilyeo should be nominated
by the democrats for congress be would
make Mr. Tongue a warm race, if not de
feat bim and be elected.
Jnat amply as a bosineas proposition
the convention waa a good thing for Al
baay. It left several thou-and dollars here
besides giving our citizens an opportunity
to see now a big convention is run
Frank Abram Powell, who haa ocenniad
the pulpit of tne Christian church for the
past three years, and wno took an active
part in all matters renaming to A. t. A -ism.
took tbe train for Portland yesterday.
He baa sere re1 his connection witn tbe
church here tot a time at least, and will
te tbe field as a lecturer. HU first lec
tures will be delivered at Vancouver.
Wash. C-rraili Time.
'Ine f-'eamskin ''Farslln." with nasar-
paned paaseager aceouMdauoaa will Mil
from Man Franciaao April 8th. returning
leaves l aqnina tor baa Kraacuco Sunday
April 12th. Fare from Albany and point
west to Saa Francisco, cabin. $0 00: steer
age. $4 00; round trio good 60 days. spl.
Vi til call at Port Uxfcrd. HamboidL Trin
idad and Coos Bay both ways. For fnr-
tner partirnitn apply to Kowig ertomm.
manager. CorvalliaOr. H. L. Waxes
agvnt at Albany.
On tb Divide.
April 8,1896.
Mrs Dave Pierce, of Rowland, return
ed from Portland last week where ah
bad been to consult with her attending
Harve Rommervil!e came down Sun
day from visiting bin mother in Eugene.
MraDempsy went to Lebanon last
week to visit her children who have
r jenl the winter there attending school.
Lrwin came np with her and Hattie will
come bom at the clone of the term, both
to enter school in their borne district
where Mis Hattie Bunk, a young lady
of much experience ia teaching a very
sncoeaefnl term of school.
Carson Holt spent a few days of last
week at tbe farm.
Willie Patterson spent Monday in Eu
Misa Edith Herns will this week finish
a six months school at tbe Harris school
boose. She baa given universal satin-
faction. Laving the entire attendance of
children in tbe district and many from
adjoining districts. She haa also bees
one of the most successful teacher in
the Sunday School. She hae made many
warm Ine ml daring ber stay here who
will be very sorry when the departs for
ber borne in Lugene next Saturday.
Our Sunday school ia now tbe proa
possessor of a fine new organ that is giv
ing entire satisfaction. Last Friday
swninff tha Snndav School rave an en
tertainment to finish paving tor the or
gan. A most enjoyable musical and
literary program waa rendered. Tbe
solo by Little Gertrade Crooae waa most
highly appreciated, the quartet tare
pantomime and Indian dob drill were
excellent, but tbe wax works were tbe
decided hit of the evening. At th eloae
of tte iengtbv program a tune eras spent
tn s-aciai chat after wnicn ail aepartea
for their borne much pieaeed with the
pleasures of the evening and more than
! 7 limb, dhu . . . ?
Allcock's. 5K. i
1 2 B?AR ra Mind Not one of the boat of counterfeits and L-a:;a-
fHongiaod as the genuine. lj
r M ir ir ifl WvwJ ri "t sr e" 4yf
Nat a j
y Problem h
VA. i" to ''iTure the savins; In t4
ir If ,R0N"I
l 1 III ClOthing-see the prices
V I m II try IU wearing- qualities
r ffl r d figure the thing; out A
V Mk"' for yourself 71
P Outfit consists of Doable Breasted Jacket, two pair of 1
NT Panto and Straw flat y
t The L E. Blam Clothing Co. 5
h Leading Clothiers. A
ltjaaw4CiaaCsW4ClfwO w'srWiiaaLLVtsa,V3
H. F.
Special Cut Price.
....I oo
: 1
20 yds gingham
20 Marxlara pniits
20 yds outing, flannel
30 yd very beat nnb muslin.
Extra heavy socks
2 large damask towels
14 yd shirting flannel...
S cans best sugar corn
3 44 " tomatoes
7 bars Savon Soap
A. Schilling & Co's. tea, best lb
A. Schilling A Co's. tea, per lb
Choice Bar back potatoes, sack
Choice breakfast bacon
IIjOO box pore aavon soap
$1.75 men s beaw shoe
$3.50 - fine shoe
3 pkgs best matches
3 lbs Fairbank'a Gold Dust washing
powder....... ........... 2
AU of the above goods are new. Ko
old shelf worn goods to shove, all stock
op to date.
Yours forbacineea. II. F. Mcltwais.
March 25, 18S6.
rrioicing in the financial success, as the
door keeper counted out to the trreaaur-
er much more than enough to settle for
the organ and all the other debts of tbe
Sunday School.
The Easter exercises last Sunday
fleeted much credit on the committee
who had it in band, also on tbe little
folks who rendered it so we a before a
laree appreciative audience.
atr. o tnmooa naa ram ooisaeu cmw
ing out his patch of 16S00 strawberry
Rev. E. A Bosa will go from here to ou
McMinnvilie. He has been giving Satan f 011063 JOrXneD,
and all his host fit in Albanv. , ShOS f OT WCmBU,
Born. in Portland, recently to Mr. and "T. " n, on
Mrs. (nee Nellie CaiUhan) fcmith.a too. SllOeS IOr UallGrea.
License has been Isroed for tbe mar- I
riage of G. E. Githena and Misa Minnie j NeW Styles,
Tbe marriage of Frank Dannala and
Misa Caasia Moatgofnery is reported to
take place to-nighu
Mrs. M. A. Burkhart returned yester
day from a three months stay tn Ashland,
somewhat improve! m nesuuu
Mrs. G. F. Russell passed throngh Al
bany this noon from Portland alter ac
companving ber bos band to tbat city on
u way to jauionua,
Misa EUie Failing of Portland, is vis
iting with Misa Piummer. Mias Fail-
in a oent several weeks in Corral lis a
year ago ana toe many inenos sue in
formed are glad to welcome ber back. !
Corral U Time.
Miss Helen Hoi gate was a passenger
on tbe Albany Monday. She went to
Portland to be preeent at tbe marriage
of her brother Ed and Winnie Cole,
which take place this evening. tjor-
vallia Tune.
Tbe Mother Goose entertainment at
the armory waa an above the clouds suc
cess. Mother boose aoarea nign ana tne
large audience waa pleated. The pro
gram waa spirited. A more amtnung 1
ais-ht than the grand, march ia not often
aeen. witn tlie well gouea np sslesiiuu-
Mnther tioon ehanctera irom lime aim
Muffet to King Cole, the merry old soul.
Good goods.
Reasonable prices.
Seethe First Street show windows.
S. E. Young's.
We have just received direct from tie
actory a large line of
Every part of the program waa mer tor
inna. The closing feature, ten ghostly
young ladies tn a weird and spectral
march of a blood curdling character, aa
seen ia tbe dimly lighted room, will long
hannt tbe snectaiors. A nance cweea
the evening festivities. Some fine mu
sic for the occasion waa fnrnnbed by
Troutman s orchestra.
Sun Umbrella!
and Parasols.
vrid a complete assort
ment of ladies and children a
A Wosroawrt. l.TvaxTtos. Mr. a-1
than Bowman Stuboieneld. ot Murray,
Oakville. I plants. I Kr. has. after stndving many year.
. I Will. Anna and Zolo Grimes returned 1 ,,i. inventkm or disverv that
. i . I to Eugene Sunday after spending spend-1 nmmiae to create a revolution. Mr.
A great many ot onr peopie wm wae . m,.hnlu. I E.-uui-ij ;. . Kkin-i. ntu-
bany on the 7th to attend the rerublicau J. gommervill ia making arrange- i irhWfteU of thia cite, hence the
convention ; among otnera " menta for erectine a larva residence and l.;.- will r.1 ereater intereat to
Y. Smith. Geo. U. Harton and J. 1 i .. T v. " I r ' . T i. l I
1-1 r ... a a .w. I . , . . ..r I .. 1 tnt at th fa-
oaruet pear sou atraw wmts mrv iu i than aa eiectno motor witn uwincuuo i taese goous v... .
injured oy i arUhth earth, running as U connected I tory and paruy nmsneo
Fine Shoes.
among others we noticed A.
Smith. Geo. D. Barton and J. S.
Smith, they are not all leading republi
cans, I nnl frnita that asem to be
Some of our Fonulisl inenaa a in gotoi.i,, uu -old weather.
Tamrent Thuradav evening ana aisoi
Kcibs, and
can lata no
drag or
deadly P0"
cn. Joy's
rob the
blood nf alt
Iu Impuri
ties, aad
iv.n me ail
these lapurt-
mV ".vrs
S -h" "
ties MiTonsti
proper c!i
neis. Joy'
cute lys-
Se p I n ,
t TtT
and Kidney
Vrdp. Rcsskll Fa. George F. Rus
sell, who. in March. 1894. at Albanr.was
convicted of enibcxe'ement ot public
funds while occuDvine the official post'
tion of school superintendent cf Linn
county and sentenced to the penitentiary
tor lour years, is now ureal Ping tne air
outside ot prison walls. He was dis
parted from that institution yester-
Peoria on Saturday evening. They are
all good speaker.
Our Notarv ia busv every day now and
he feels happy if the grass doe grow in
bis garden.
Mr. A. Kendall called on ns yesterday
Rev. Henderson went to Portland to
attend the Presbytery,
Will Barton is still walking tbe read
and assessing tbe people.
Mr. Almon Dow. of Benton county.
Important Suit.
. k i . . , , . . . i
: -t .i nnMuti I here
'ZZ J T.i u i.:. ' ,!. ! Tha Oakville school is Still in session
oiaus a vruaiT fm mo imiiviii . - ...
.i . ...m;i ..i;, m.rv tn r.l with an average attendance of SA. All
uuvs anil v-v Dwutivti - . itt 11 a
t .
Iduce bis term one-half. Statesman.
Muchly Married. Mrs. Davenport
I continues to have a remarkable career,
and it is doubted it any woman in the u
s. can report as checkered and adven
small Johnnies the oldest only 36 1 1
who Geo. B. iiartmus. a nominee for naasnd without damage to either of tbe two
representative on" the republican ticket j vehicles. Tbe ruuaways belonged to ir
Thompson, reaming near una aiugs acuuui
is. xne fcaieru statesman says: w.
B. Hartmus, of Lyons, Linn county, who
was, on Thursday at Albany, namea as
one of the republican candidates for rep
resentative to tbe legislature, was iorn;
erlv a resident of Salem. He was night
watchman at the Salem flour mills on
Commercial and Trade streets, for
ot his
house near town. Corvaltis Times.
eighteen years, and, on account
i,nU,nu Wakk The supariori
aluminum ware is teing generally admit-.-j
it im not onlv light and easily band-
i faili. g bealth due to too close attention commence work as soon as
(to the duties of such a position, was I agreed upon, so as to nave Impr
ity of compelled to make a change of residence ready for summer business ; bu
I j r:.i. t :i ho .wtntitiuul with eonnitiona ot
led but very auraoie. n
and is undcubifldly thi bed thing tot
kitchen ue. Albany is being canvassed
tit different kinda of the ware- By all
means place an order' with the agent.
That Dpot Siva. Afctoria has re
ceived the following pointed dispatch
from A. B. Hammond: "If Scow bay
aiA ia offered intact and free from en-
enmbranues we would accent at once and
as could tie
ut will not
and occupation. With his family be 1 accept deeds witn conaiuon otner wan
went to a farm across the river from , aa provided in our plank f forms, Bo
Mehama an i. consequently, became one j govern yourself accordingly',' Soacom
r r : ...i. it waa an. million sraa annolnted and it IB oronOSed
hointed noBtmaster at Mohama during to complete the deal at once and locate
Harriann'a ailminist ration hut held the the denot where It OUght tO be, in Cen
place a few months only. ral place.
f Joy' Tegetable
prevents tired feel-
tations, palpitation
01 bean, ruan 01
blood to the bead,
ditxiness, ringing in
ear, spots before th
eyes, headache, b'd-iousness.consttpation
of bowels, pains In
. i t-. ' r i..i
US DSCSuniauuiui;.
tongn coated, loui
breatn. DUUDie on
face, body and limb.
oecimeoi uorvs ui w
dizry spells, faint
sneus. cold, ctammy
feet and bands, sour
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and all dis
ease of t he stomach,
liver and kidneys.
- tov,s Vegetable Sar
saparilla is sold, by all
dnimrtst. Hsfos a
utistitula. Wheayou
ssvfnr the tiest sec that
you get U be.
turousalife as a former A'.bany laily, I An certain articles about town without
1 I l ! 1 .. w m. . . . ......
a license, tne parry iu queauou
in Albany when there is anything ior
him to do there, and when out ot em
ployment comes to Oorvallis. As he
claims residence here it make the mat
ter very perplexing.-rTimes,
Who Is It. Chief of Police Wells Is
experiencing some trouble in ueaung
WltU an inuiviuuai suu peraw i
In the name ot tbe United States
complaint was filed last evening bv Dis
trict Attorney Murphy against E E.
Upnieyer.L. II. Laacalle and J. R. Buck-
man, aoing Dusiness nnaer toe nrm
name of the Harris burg Mill Company,
The anit ia brought to recover $19,380,
value ot timber alleged to nave been cut
by detendent.
It ia claimed that 1,700,000 feet of lum
ber haa been converted by this mill
company during these year to its own
use. t he niing ot tne papers in ue
above suit haa caused a bench warrant
for commitment to be issued against My,
rss B. Ys'cod. Wood had a contract to
supply it with logs, in fulfilling this he
witb a battery or dynamo, by the mere I ed to close out oar stock ana we coaia
making a it a tetepnone grounu. xueinot countennsuM ui.. - j e-
I 1. :i mimf and I -;,K .Mrrthincelse in our two immense
light directly through the medium of j stocks, at much lower pnee than
Tv. Ka mntnr nr mm hot the earth. I thev vou Id ordinarily sell for- 1 on are
No motor or power but the earth. 1
Tha annaratua ia a marvel of genius and
iu introduction into practical use wiu ue
watched with intense interests it mean
a revolution in the mode of doing thing. I
Ur. Stnbblefield also operate a Norse
telecTaph throngh the medium of an in
duction coil, as well as the Blake trans
mitter of the telephone, at no cost save
.. . 11 1 t ..
an earvo connection, n ouueriui.
invited to call early and inspect them.
Brarosi Tint it. The democraU ot
Benton conntv like those of Linn, put a
flnst elaaa ticket in the field : For clerk.
Virgil K Wattera. Oorvallis; sheriff,!
Peter Kickard 01 Willamette; wmsii
imisr. W M Makme Alaea: recorder,!
ssseesor, Asa a Alexander,
government timber, with the COmD-1 Ii . . ' w u....v,.n..
knowledge, it iaileged, and was Uw.rintendU J i
when here known first as Mrs. Daven
nort aud afterwards as Mrs. Ryan. A
dispatch from Butte, Montana tells tbe
story: Jotin ureen wno is trying to
have ma marriage annuuea, torn a re
markable story today about his wife's
matrimonial adventure, tbe woman
waa know in Butte about a year ago aa
Gladys Southward, and was a devout
1 . 1 . . . .1 . 1. 1
memoer 01 tue oaptias ciiurvii wnon
Green met her. They were married last
September. On tho 12th of last month
Grot n says she deserted him, taking all
his cash, upon investigation Ureen
finds that tbe woman has eight living
husbands, and lias never been divorced.
Her first husband, wbom sne married
alien sue was 11, is a tarmer namea
Amerman, living near Des Moines, la.
Later she married Gossag in Des
Moines. Lassell in Helena, Dayton. Da
venport and Nelson in Portland, Or.,and
Ryan at Albany, Ur. mie ia now sup
posed to ue in rortianu. .
- A slight collision occurred at Corvallis
this morning between the Albany and
TWti tha latter rsosivina a slight damage.
Both boats lelt Albany ten minutes ahead
of time, with steam and blood up.
arrested. U waa fined 100 and waa al
lowed htslibertv to net together the
money with which to pay the fine. He
nai not appearea in pourt since, wmui
ftct waa brougni to tne notice 01 juage
Bellinger on the complaint againt th
mill people, tvooa win now eitner pay
bis tine or go to jail. Telegram,
Rhownhvillb Elbction. At the an'
puai city election held in Brownsville on
Monday Jos. Blakely defeated F. M.
Powell, the present marshal by 1 vote;
J. II. Glass defeated B. S. Martin for re
corder. (J. rJ. Btanuara was elected
treasurer without opposition and II. A.
Stanard, 0. H. McVarland and E. P.
Roby were elected councilman.' Mayor
Elmore, who is giving general satisfact
ion holds over until next year.
The Old Lady
and ber family and friends are beund to
vet f heir nraacrintions filled at Hodge
BurkarU, who aa well carry a complete
stock of patent medicines, an elegant line
of statiouuv. the finest perfumes and no
tions generally. Prwnptoe, care, tbe
best goods and first clas treatment is their
rule, M
Jess the boss bootblack at the Combina
.ion barber shop. Get a shine.
The Ills f Wesaea
Constipatien, causes more than half tht
His of women. Karl 'a Clover Root Tea v
a pleasant cure for constipation . For salt
by rotbay Mason
ratarrh twre.
rtealtb and sweet breath secured. b
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 5O cents
Nasal iniector f'e. For sal by Foahay
k Mason.
Karl's riever Beat Tea.
is r sure cure for headache tad nervous
Wtaseir No'hlng relieves so quickly,
or ssi by Foahay ft Mason.
Care .
"My three children ar !1 subject ts
croup: I telegraphed to San Francisco, got
got a naif doaen bottles of S B Cough Cure
It Is a perfect remedy . God bless yon for
it. Tours, e'C J . H . Crosier, Grant
Pass, Ur." For sal by Fotbay & Mason at
uc par bottle.
For th best Drugs Dawsoo.
Pr. rTtce'i CtWa'tsaicJas Powd
Wnrl4' !: Kt AwawtV
Brvan, Philomatb ; coroner, ur rernot.
f ollowing IS tn repuoucaui ucsn ;
Renreaentativ. Dr. Loggan. Philomath ;
clerk, W W Bristow; sheriff. G A Wag
goner; recorder, Joan a vraiatiy, assee
sor, Louis Edwards ; commissioner, John
Buchanan; treasurer, r rea viara :
school superintendent, G W Denman;
lurveyor, George Mercer.
Las Dkmocratb. Following ia the
Lane county democratio ticket nomina
ted yesterday; E. R. Skipworth, sena
tor; L, Bilyeo, W. H. Matthews, W. L.
Hoisten, representatives; S S Spencer,
clerk; John McMahan, recorder: J. .
HilL conwnisaioner; P. J. McPhereon,
uawi Unrana Hamnton. aheriS; B.
F. Dorris, treasurer, Prof. J. P. Holland,
Buperintendent; J. u. reavenue, sur.
veyor; Jjr. veo nau, v..w.
a re rH-
cn..m tk. Anril7. At the elec-
Uoa her for the purpose of voting bonds
for a new school building, the vote was 17
ttQM iut ineurnnff tne iBueuwuneaa.
WiUinv suw used for achool purposes
ia dilapidated, and by some regarded aa
nnsafa: and th director hav been cem-
peiled to lefuse outside applin Oions lor
jack of accommodation.
Try TSnkl tor Photos.
la the county court of Linn county
Stae ot Oregon.
a th matter of the change of name ot
Frank Eoearerg. to tbat ot irauk
SlT?U whom it mar oncem. Xot?ce is
hereby aiven. that tbe Honorab'e. the
eouoty court cvunty. Oregau. by
itrdWdalv lead and entered on record
onTuesd-y 'be Soi dav of March. A D
1S96, a Ter due ana iega sww - -ingthereol.
has changed the name of
Frank Easensperger. a restd ut of fLinn
county. Oregon, toth name of Jraak
Sperger, snd that said change In name is
to aon for aad induie his wife Mertie
May. and his son Frank Spwver. which
said names ol Frank Sperger. Nerh May
Sprger. and Frank: Sperger (their sou )
. hi iu. k. thair kwai aamea.
sxAh I Duncan, judge of the county
j 5 court of the State of Oregon.
for the conntv of Lwa, vmntne se.ot
aald court taxed, iniajru nay t
1800. Atet: a xiKDis",
joaP GaiJiRrrH, by t X. kxbtixi.
A T wr Petitioner
Of tiCO will be paid for the immediate
return to m in AlUuy of my smaU bay
. . s V.iia hind font.
mare or o jv , . -
atari forehead, black mane and tail,
whieh waidered from Al'aiy T
March 27. Supposed lo bae rjee to Mr.
( itiaa'.er place northeast of Lebanon.