The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 10, 1896, Image 2

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I ipg
Washington Letter.
From cur regular Correspondent.
Washington, March 30, 1896.
Hon William F Harrity, Chairman ot
the National democratia committee, is
not at all disheartened over democratic
prospects. He eaid, while in Washing
ton : "The condition of the democratic
party is far from hopeless, and a sadden
change in the tide Imay pat it in exceV-
m v xt v. (.nn l
DlrooaTmu,H -
Wings can nappen in American puun
inside of thirty or sixty days, and no
party is ever sonrmiy mtrencoea tnat
. . . . 1 .1
it his a sure thing on carrying the coun-
prospects w me aemocracy are not supr-
f i. - iim. i .h.n it.
.u fK a
...... u.-- - ,n
mistakes. My beiieiia uia wnen ine i
, , . jr Lnrl
Will act lor .UB ueu lumreow ui w
...j, -
IUUOI eainusituuii. J. u w
there is any probability of a bolt from
the convention."
The much advertised revolt against
Speaker Reed's control of leg. elation in
the house tookplaie last week, but it
wasn't mucn oi a revon , ana CCu.u-
ed nothing more tangible than a loss oi
two days consideration of the appropria
tion bills, which MrReedwibhes to rush.
By a vote of 142 to 77, the houee decided
to devote Friday to private bills, in ac
cordance with the house rales, instead cf
t the sundry civil "appropriation bill, in
accorditnce with Mr Reed's wishes, and
later by a vote of 103 to 25 to adjourn
until Monday instead of sitting on Sat-
..J.. Wkathr the, revolt in ta be real I
:n k r. .nnth vote ia taken
-s.i.. iir,nftni The demo-
cratsare, of coarse, helping along the
u a far as thev can.
Senator Faulkner, who is Chairman of
Committee, eaid in the course of the de-
bate on the attempt of the republicans to
aneak political legislation into an appro-
priation bill, through a clause in the
legislative bill changing the lime for the
mseting of the Temtarial legislature of
New Mexico from next December to
vr.- ICO? H..HI,.
.i.. ! . v.i;. r.aMnt I
would be elected and seated before that
legislature met. Senator Wolcott, think
ing to be very smart, said : "Do I under
stand that the Senator says a republican
president will be elected?" "fio,"
promptly replied SeEator Faulkner;
"only those of most yiyid imagination
and who dream when tbey are awake
will say that." Senator Hill who first
called attention to the little aneak game
fathered by Senator Elkins and Delegate
Catron, had the satisfaction of seeing it
struck out of the bill by the vote of the
senate. .
Democrats in Congress are deeply inter
ested in the series of joint financial debates
-between Secretary Hoke Soiitb and ex
Speaker Crisp, which begius at Augusta,
Ga., thia week, and which will,' it is be
lieved, play an important l "t in deciding
not only who will be the successor of Sena
tor Gordon whosd term expires next March,
. . r . . : "VJ ,V . r?
dm me naanaai ure uwrg
gatioo to the Chieaso convention. Tne
personal relations of . the two genUemen
are entire y . pltasint so their discussion
will be limited to financial matters. The
m ijority of the democrats in Congress hold
the opinion that Mr Crisp will win the
senatorship and that the Georgia delega
tion to the National Convention will be for
Col lohn A Wise, who ia a republican,
had this to say about the prospect of his
party in New York: "Mayor Strong and
Teddy Roosevelt would wreck any party
and two more grotesque political failures
cannot be found in modern history. The
republican party ia in a bad way both in
, the city and in the atate." m
Hermann, Ford, Miller, Tongue, which
will it be tomorrow? Then who will it be
in Jane? , Perhaps not the nominee of to
morrow's convention. A t class demo
crat can run the nominee a live'y rate.
The .democrats are running on their
old style of platform, one in favor of the
money oi the people and against the tin
gle standard of the Rothcbilde, one in
favor of economy and condemning ex
travagance . This has always been their
policy, a policy in the interest of the
maeses and not of the few.
Many a lake floats on the body politic,
especially in hard times. In CorvalUa
last week a strange lady, who claimed
to be almost bnd, raked in numerous
half dollars by working on the sympa
thies of Corvallisitea. A person who
went to Portland on the same boat with
her, relates that she played whist all
the way down, and with pencil aud pa
per kept tally perfectly, showing that
her sight was perhaps as go6d as the
average. When Portland was reached
she was again siezed with blindness, for
the farther prosecution of a profitable
indunry. Her husband, it is also re
lated, played the blind act in Albany
while she worked Corvallie. Corvallis
There has been general surprise at the
nomination of l)t. Coe for county judge
by the republican convention last Thurs
day . No wonder. But it is not so sur
prising accoi cling to a veision i7cn the
DtsMOcaar Ly a man not a democrat.
The followers of Mr. McFeron learned
Weda-irdjy niht that his nomination
was in jwipardy if not an improbability
In ordr f j get him hi at all events,
Jadp-s D jutfan was "knifed" to ate a
poetical expregufo sod the vote went
to D-. Cole for the vote of Dr. Cole's
folio i n (f. Xiiid is given as the combi
nation.. If it ia titie, as the Dkmocbat
ins reason t believe, it is just about
equal to Portland politics.
Tne gold staudardista are never bet
ter pleaeed il aa wl.-n speaking neer
ingly of the backward condition of silver
standard countries Ibey grandiloquent
ly exclaim: Look at China! Look at
Mexico! And then they assume an air
of salf-eatisfaetion, which suggests the
belief oa their part tbat they have "set
tled"' the qaesticn. It never occurs to
them that the silver men might settle il
the other way just as conclusively by ex
j;Ltiming: Look at Egypt J Look at LI
berial Both of whicn ia the single
mU standard.
iiut day by day comes the Informa
tion from the raot unquestionable sour
cee that the induatries of Mexico are
alvaocing by leaps andjbound.
The fact that this wonderful awaken
ing of the dormant energies of the silver
standard eouutrie is contemporaneous
w.t'i universal stagnation and financial
trubl-a in gold countries, should at,
eart cause p.-ople to set their "think
ets" at woi k. Bimeta'ist.
C-r. Pace's Cream Baking Powdei
World's Fair Highest Award.
g8 ,
, . v. . .1 .On.ation for Har- "
. . , k. flcrhtina a "
Scott ana jo. diiuuu ---- - i ou
ring. A good deal like the aevii ngu-
sin. Salem Journal .
The" most expensive carpet
. . ..wi
oraiiwwvui -
i . th. Bh. v.a ni liih uw i Bnn
. .. ma it .
dins' factory. It is worm foj.vw, u ol
made during
the years 1869 ana
1R70. It was ordered tor aapoieou w,
. . . ITT -
waa unfinished when the Franco-
D.....;.n r broke oat. When mat
war was finished he had no ne for it
Th SnT fimilv of Ambaeton, rerty
nhirA ciiff ana. navo vuum -..- ,
- . - . bre.d ,,l5fU i,Ihe
-r- t.i
now over jwr. J
aVW.aa famils 11 innHR. WOW' f - I
- "".,,' that mon-
irienas oi -". -- .
,-;- .., wUh -
pears, naaaiwy .-j " . ,
loaf ot bread as ft witnes- of good faith.
When Kina John made over the papers
.r-. s. h, Bent tbB tr.di-
'rrmrr:"trmth the "writing."
" " , . .
the deed and the loaf are both aept
.. l
other thinaa have oeen wiea .
ttmna .ra no better. WH
t.iw i -
not trv free silver, the money ot we peo-
pie. Make it a legal tender like gold and
;ii , t naritT. It will restore
the mM8e. who are in
. f rhevery fact tnal
mon men thft Botnctn,as o.
. . , . t community, that .
want the single gold standard,, should
excite suspicion. Times are always good I
to them with ttieir weaim. vr j w
had lesislatum for he
...UK. ' Pnt rivet ns some for the
renublicaDS are considerably
concerned about how the three candi-
d&tea lor renreeeuuiuvo u v
.rnrl in reference to the reelection of U.
s Kanator Mitchell . In order toenlight
en the public and that the readers of the
Democrat may keep posted regardlesa ot
politics, we give the facts as nearly as
-a n Urn them: Mr. SoaiersAna
Mr. Say say they will tupport the caneus
nominie, bui refuse to declare their
choice in the caucus. This is thought to
mean that they are anti-Mitchell, a nat
oral conclusion as both are anti-free
silver. Mr. Hartmus is said to be for
Mitchell. How be stands on the finan-
eial Question the DEMOCRAT is not yet t-
rnrn.xl In tact Mr. Uartmns is to be
learned about.
The laws under wb kb Secretai y Car
lisle has issued bonds to replenish the
gold reserve are part , of the legislation
enacted in the seventies for the resomp-
tian of specie payments. Tae resump
tion act of 1S75 authorises bond issues to
protect the gold reserve, and the anthoi
ity was several times used bv republican
secretaries of the treasury before Mr.
Cleveland's first election. Mr. Harri
son's secretary of the treasury, Charles
Foster of Ohio was getting ready for
such bond sale in 1803, but the repub
licans managed to stave off the evil day
anul Cleveland and the democratic con
gress came in to hold the empty bag.
There ia no act of congress expreeeiy fix
ing the amount of tb gold reserve at
tinonoo OOO. or anv other sum. That
amannt vras decided upon bythetreaa
nry people as aboat the right thing, be
- - , nnri V of rn-
csan iudi. i!i,.vwfr.. o
backs outstanding redeemable on de
mand in coin, and the rule of bankers is
that, in ordinary times it is safe to bold
in money of redemption about one-third
the amount of the circulating paper. On
that theory, since the Sherman coin note
of 1S90 are redeemed in gold on demand,
thm normal cold reserve ought to be
raised to f 159,000,000. St Louis Repub
A Rotten City Government.
Republican administrations every.
where are getting some hard raps. The
Tax Payers league of Portland, have
with wonderful clearness ' declared as
"It is a lamentable fact, through ciim
inal mismanagement of public funds, ex
travagant and lavish appropriations and
expenditures, excessive salaries and a
number of unnecessary offices, assess
ments and taxation have become so ex
cessive that, if continued, will in s short
time confiscate much, if not all, of the
property acquired by oar citixens daring
years of honest toil and strict economy.
When taxes become so burdensome a
to destroy values of real estate, paralys
ing business interest, stopping all im
provements, thereby keeping laborers
and mechanics in forced idleness, and
finally confiscating the homes, it be
hooves and becomes the duty of all good
eitixens to seek and apply a remedy for
each unbearable evils. To change sncb
a state of affairs is the object of tne Tax
payers League, and we call opon the
voters of this ciiy and county, irrespec
tive of politics, to join and assist as tc
devise ways and means by which such a
change mcv be brought aoont aa will
again replace this city and county in it
former prosperous condition. Our
league has no poIiticalSinterests to sub
serve. All we aim to do is to ioduce
good men to accept nominations for the
respective offices to be filled at the next
election; each men as will legislate
for the welfare of this community, and
snch men as will boaeatty, economical
ly and efficiently execute the laws in
conformity with the'preeent needs and
demands of the people. , Underpressure
of public opinion, almost by compulsion,
and on the eve of an lection, the tax
levy for thia year hasjbeen cat down to
24 mills, bat at the end of the fiscal year
the city will more than likely again have
a lot oi city warrants afloat, bearing 8
per cent interest, every dollar of which
ia a mortgage oc your property. It is a
fact well known to every taxpayer that
the state, county ' and -city government
can be efficiently carriedn with a levy
of 13 mills, on an asesm-)it for this
City and county not exeeeding $40,000,
COD, provided we are represented if the
legislature by men who conscfen'ioosly
realize thai "a public office ia a (.ob'ir
trust," and tb it all other official are
fally In accord with the aims and desire
of this league. We, tb taxpayers, be
lieve that, by the united tfforts uf le
citizens of this conntv, the result above
set forth can, ought and will 1 ffei td
Hl&faest Honors World' Fair,
OoM Medal, MJdwiPter Fair.
Most Perfect Made,
40 Years tbe Standard
for ways that are dark commenM us to
Portland politics, sometimes, though
Oreoon cities imitate these ways,
w ann " aU bnt lt doei
the Mttnd a fitt lunny to hear Mr. Fton
..... afPiiRinntbe omer leuows
ia aimnn -: -
.. ml rottenness. l ost.
corruption a. -
nee would have been
Mr Hermann's ca.
x many telegrams.
better served without
wrention by Mr I
nno vaarl in t lift is
Bristow was particularly
" reiooal
eont. , .
--w v.-v
republicans In .heir
o..'- ..i. .l,l
' , fn, frM Uver,
rerdlea ot the wo. k h has done
ssaawa wvvouav ' , .
- , , . , ,
ffold Bt.ndrd. and verv nrononncedly so
That is the situation in a nutshell.
J , 7 , . ,
The republicans of Oregon never again
.honldnntannancial ol.nk into their
7 , . ..
platform whose meanina can be ques-
tioned. Lt as have a plain declaration
. i.
Tt ,UI.I,. iin,,..
All 19 riKu A- "JO"" w H
m..iA Thft nflnniH .ra tired ol slrad
dUrfc Th,y w;nt t0 know just where
it. . a . 1 . It ika m in fatnr nf
trwlnM ,et tnem ,ay .o. If .galn,t
i( . ,.,r,m h. mda .pcordinnlv.
... . or , j.
n, .u .,.. nrinci
lefc When that is announced the peo-
pJe wiJ1 know whnt ,a do. &lem Pot
The speakers last night were of course
very emphatic in their declarations that
if you have things run right yoa must
pat them in the hands of the republic
cms. We have a sample of the way
tu w uuw m .-m..-.-
lature ol this elate, and in the govern-
mentofPoitland, one of the worst on
jre - ord, without referring to the hundreds
o: caws beyond the bounds of this sute,
or even to the present republican con
gress, which baa bungled nearly every
thing it has touched. Talk for mere po
litical effect need ' to reach the people,
bat tLey are becoming serion.
The great issne before the masses to
day is the financial question, that ot bi
mitalism or a single gold standard. No
sophistry or dodging can change that
act. American industries as a wbole,
already have a wonderfully high proteo
tion, an average duty of over 40 per cent,
where the aveiage cost of labor is not
over 20 per cent; so that is not the issue.
The great israe is, shall the money of
the people before 1ST3 be restored. That
ia one thing the country needs to restore
confidence, th4 securing of a money for
the masses. Mr Tonga is opposed to
A measure of importance to Benton
county and every other county would
be by legislative act the reduction of the
interest on county warrants from eight
tod per cent, fbe price of farm pio
dacta has fallen, the wages of laborers
on farms have fallen, the profits on every
mercantile and mechanical persoit nave
been cut down, and it is ouly fair that
interest cn money should likewise be
pruned. Warrant are nontaxable, and
that means at the present rate of taxa
tion a profit of from ten to eleven per
cent on tnem as an investment. It gms
to money inveated in them, while thty
draw eight per cct interest power to
earn a greater proportion of profit than
falls to the lot of baaineaa industry.
For years the floating debt of Benton
county has been in the neighborhood of
130,000. Paying six instea J of eight per
cent oa the warrants repreif pling this
indebtedness would have saved the coun
ty annually the handrome sum of i 1,000.
The measure is worth considering, and
ought to meet with popular approval, tt
Corvallis Times: -
An Interesting Fact.
The following table speaks for itself.
It abows the national debt account of the
great nations oi the wot Id on January 1,
1396, in gross and per capita, and tbe
changes per capita, as compared with
the year ending December 31, 1SS5
Countries Gro debt capita 93. "85
France $5335.877.000 $139.60 1130 fO
Uermany 3,osu,4J4,UUU 59.20 40 60
Austria 2,804,256,000
(i't Britain 3.284,934.000
Italy 2,68800,000
Spain 1,192,408,000
Ruwia 3,153,464.000
Turkey o99,815,00
Portugal 748.35K),000
Holland 458.312,000
United State 940,8.10,097
66 76
83 80
83 60
66 78
3-2 20
107 00
144 60
95 40
13 40
66 74
101 80
75 00
74 60
19 JO
119 30
139 60
104 40
24 50
r rom this tahie It is seen now unique
is tbe position of the Cn-ted States. Toe
figures abow that as a ffcld for invest
ment this country is without a rival
among the nations.
Has a Fad.
William II. Porter, a jorDg Brooklyn
millionaire, baa developed a fad tbat
piomise to make him famous. Ever)
night, rain or shine, snow or hail, in
freete or thaw. Porter turns out on a
bicycle to all fires In Brooklyn. It is
Porter's boast that he always beats tbe
engine, except in the rases where be
has a long distance to travel, when tb
Bremen of the local district naturally
get ahead of him. Baton even term
he says be can beat tbe engine almost
without an effort.
In his room is a gong that connects
with fire "headquarters. On this every
alarm is sounded. There is an automat
ic connection by means of which the
gas In Porter's bedroom ia turned on and
lightened at the first ttroke of t ie goug.
Simultaneously a gong ia set ringing in
tbe stable behind tne house where th
bicycles are etorrd Lamps are always
kept lighted in the stable, and the
coachman turns out Instantly to get
everything in readiness fr his master.
Porter meanwhile has slipped in'o
pair of 'rouaer and a sweater, and is up
and away. The lower part of the house
is flooded with light by the t-ame ar
rangenx-nt that ignites l.'.e gai in his
bedroom, so that be can run wiibout
any danger of bumping into tables and
chairs and being bowled over. Usually
in five seconds after tbe first alarm ha
been sounded Porter is in the saddle
and strobing toward th Ore.
arrived at IbeJre the bicyclist turns
fireman, helping to hold down a hos or'
stter a nozzle. The firemen all know
him, and they sa- he I a willing and a
brave fire fightt-r.
PorUr keepi In a book n rscord of his
xperience. Etli a! rtu U set down,
with a brief summary uf tb damage
done by each fire He hopes, he says,
o demonstrate by his work the fesslbil
ity of a sort of underwriter's bicycle
pre. New Yoik Journal. ,
are 1
putting some
more or them in circulation thus
Boys' Engineer overalls, 25c per
fair, at L. U. Dlalri Clothing Co's.
A brich ter outlook nrpvnila at Ralntnl
Another creamery mooting has -been
Keallr this Storm of Tlnrmann rlia-
patche just before the biennial congress-
iuui uuuvenuon aoea mane one weary.
The Dcmockat is unabb to find the
name ot any Or iron boy in the list of
winners in the Olympic games.
Wonder if .the Salem natera are all
trying to make the Ruth out the faster
ooai Because the other boat is named
The Journal refers to Mr. O. B Irvine
who represented the Statesman in Al
nany yesterday, as "the copper-top knot
ted Miscourian."
The greatest polemical contest in tiie
hi '"rtwy ot Oregon will probably be that
0I irUn. E. R. Skipworth against Rev. I.
Di river lor state senator from Lane
. i . i n i
The Uxuocrat is confident
Rev. Di Ter wil not 06 in
" 1 1
Ex-Attor.1 te0 vtiamnernn is
for circuit judge of Multno
mah county h payers league
ticket. George i men o he people,
and the people re liable tp have some-
luiogtosar uuo
As a congressional prophet the Dkvo-
rsiT ia a failure. Hermann was not
nominal!. If a alwavs got there before,
and we teallv BUDDoeed ne would tele-
.rranh hlmwlf in again : but it seems
thooe teleiriamfl were really taken for
political cries and ignored.
With Rev. Dr. Driver, of Lane. Presid,
ing Elder Barkley. of Manon, Rev,
Lcggan, of Benton, and Jo Simon's pious
leformers Irom juuitnoman an on ine
ticket, isn't there danger of the republi
can oart v getting too highly moral? i
regular moral wave has struck it Sa
lem Journal. Not enough to hurt one.
Barkley, for instance, was in the last leg
islature and voted for everything carry
ing an appropriation but two bills, for
$1,504,413.60 in appropriations, even (be
Salem sewer from the cspitol and the
Lakeview graded school.
Rose CarniTals
and the like, will be the delight ot Cal
ifornia for the next two or thre months.
Santa Barbara Flower Festival, the
fame ot which la world wide, and the
glory of which, like that of rktlomon, is
not half told, opens April 15. Queen
Flora will reign 3 days an arbitrary and
absolute despot.
La Fiesta de Los Angeles, now fixed ia
the chronology of Caiilorcia feasts, and
not lees illustrious than its older proto-
tpea, commences April S3, and the riot
Ot iun will spread over 4 aaya.
The Carnival of Roses, to take place in
San Joee, May 6ih to 9th. inclusive,
thengh a more recent candidate for fa
vors of the fun-loving world, yet because
of the limitless possibilities) of the Gar
den City for anything that is made of
roeee, ia quite aa full ol prominence.
will be made by the Southern pacific
Company tar all'these brilliant event.
Arrmngu your programs accordingly, and
call on agents lor particulars.
Farm Loans.
1 hare a limited amount of monej . to
loan on good farm land in linn and ad
joining county. Oa very fa3rable term
Interest parable annually. Call or writ
at once aa tbe amount I have fcr loaning
will soon be gone.
CO. BcRsaaur,
Albany, Utegna.
Money to Loan.
a umiieu amount ci money to man on
good farm eca.-ity
ft X. Srxxi x A Co.
Lojk at This.
I bave 48 lot with fair house. All
kind of fruit, all in one body, close lo
college and city public school, to trade
for residence in Albany. Look tbi up.
(rood place to make nmner or for specu
lation. - ii. W. Maston.
.an itwia it.
Ask your physician, ) our druggist and
yoor friend about Shilob'a Cur foror-n-
sumption. 1 bey will recommend it. For
sale oy ioahayjfc Moon.
Ix Autxr At the Albany Dressed
Meat Co', shop, corner Second and
Ellsworth streets, jou can get the fine
meats to be had : just now some del!
cious sausages, bacon, headcheese, etc
besides) the regular lines of tender meat
Ramblers Going rumntcg spin
ning rider smiling for the road are
at their best, and the time to tide is
Ride the best-The Rambler.
Have you seen the "96?'
Skabb & Eutrxa.
letter List.
. Following ia the list of letters renaming
in the Postoffiee at Albany, Linn county.
Oregon, April 7th, 1898. Persons calling for
th se letter must give tbe date cn which
he"y were advertised.
Bowman, Mr
Chamberlain Mm XI F.
Kelly. Mr Jane Kcnnedv. Dinnia
Mathews' Frank Palmer, Fannie
aveea, um at Uansey, CO
T. J. 8nTxa, P M
une reason why women are so gener
ally troubled with some derangement of
tb distinctly feminine organism ia that a
lrl they learn nothing about their own
tSysical make up. Parents are waking np
to .e Importance of education of thia kind
and ung women are becoming more and
More atrf to take care of their health.
Carelessness to girlhood cause the great
f.!'ri ag,m3i. "Ohappineaa In afterlife.
Ht"Vl?SllitielZnSwtkaem" girl
should be looked after promptly and treat
ment given at once. ' Dr; Pierce's Favorite
Prescription promote regularity of aU fem
inine functions, make strength and builda
no a aturdy health with which to meet the
?- Th "Favorite Prescrip
tion ' I not a universal panacea. It la
good for but en thing. It is directed
olely at en set of organs.
ael1' foTriL.",,nferer fnm '' weak
Bcm' lor itx yean. I rew wor?' hart
tutting pains fa left orilSlta left rtdTSSd
st-. Th. pain In le sid wSosuSti
ZZSli hmJ spaama prt.lou. to moothly
suffer from severe soreness all orer and could
SCTere beadactaea; burning prewar on brain
Which almott caused me to U inaane. I could
hot lav my bead down without smothering. Mv
tjxc was popr; eyes looked dead; wasted in fn
WM .conntipsted and suffered arvere pain when
bowels would act I could not eat for th. mil.
rr.l.TXa of"0""11- t bad tried three of
porary rl let I bad fio up all bop. of ever
im 1 conciuaeu to aiv.
. FiercCs Favorite preacription a trial. I h.r.
taken two bottlca, on. of th. 'Golden Medical
DuMovery ' and an. of Pellcta.' I hav. not felt
any aignsof my old disease: beadach. alt rone:
""OSes rrrular without aebe or pain. Indeed I
Hd JJk a acw person." Yours truly.
- Koaera, Bcjaoq Co.. Ark,
A tircat Bargain.
New Yokk, April 7 The Journal's
Berlin correspondent cables that ex-King
Milan, of Servia, has just announced that
he will start for New York in May. lie
goes to the United Stales with the express
purpose of nodiugjiome untitled American
girl with plenty of money who would be
willing to marry toe present ruler of Ser-
via. King Alexander. For the exchange
other shekels it is stipulated thitt the
bride to-be sha.1 be formally elevated to
the nobility, after which the marriage will
taxe piace in royai si) ie.
again Oa Tap
Athens, April 7. Another great crowd
was present at the games today, and the
interest continued unabated -The royal
lamny ot ureece witnessed the games from
the position especially provided for.thein.
as they did yesterday. Tonight the city is
illuminated, and all the world and his wife
is abroad to take part in the gaitics of the
occasion. 1 De city presented a most ani
mated appearance Ibe American cou
testants again covered (bemselves with
Teaiiwraare Waa.
Dxhvkr, Aprl 7. In moit of the cities
and towns ot Colorado, aaidu from Denver
and Pueblo, elections were held today.
The election is entirely on local ismes. al
though the repuldicaus put a party ticket
in the field, and in most places polled its
normal strength. In Highland tbe repub
licans won by from 300 to 400. In Lead-
vihe, where the populists bave been in
control, tbe reult is in doubt, tbe republi
cans having made decided gains. In many
of the smaller towns the liquor question
was tbe one at iaue. and almost invarUhly
the temperance element won. The women
were well represented at tbe poll every
where. What Kext.
New York, April 7. The World will
print a double leatkd editorial tomorrow,
in which it will ak whether tbe logic ot
the political situation that has led the re
publican masaea to support McKinley will
nut compel the nomination of Clevdaod by
the democrat.
Tbe paper says: The World does not as
sert that thia is so. lt rai tbe question .
It invite public discussion of it
steal ranlaa.
Chicaoo, April 7. In a fight atibei
polls in the first ward today, Irank Mar
tin abot "Bull" liukry through tbe wriat.
At Twentieth and State streets. J tl Ran
som, colored, shot at Walter Hill, colored,
the bu let missing its mark. Interest in
tbe election centers chiefly in the effort of
reform organizations in the city o clean op
the city council.
iatertcaaa Wla.
Athcs, April 6. Tbe athletic contes's.
which were intended by tbe projectors aa
a revival of the ancient Hellenic contests,
opened today, and the preliminary exer
cises were accompanied by aa impressive
ceremonial. Great enthusiasm was mani
fested by the people.
The njembers of tbe American teams of
the Princeton and Boston Athletic Associa
tion came into the arena in eiocheot con
dition and full ofoonndence, and the Greek
were plainly in tear ot their American com
petitors. Ibe result proved that the cona-
oVsooftite Americans and lite fears of
the Greek were both fully warranted, the
Americans carrying off tfce first honor in
each event in which they entered.
WasHrsoTos, April 6. The boase to
day adopt4 tbe conference report on the
Cuban resolution by a vote of 244 to 27.
and ptc4 tb river and hsjbor appropri
ations bill under a supnjon ot the ru!,
after a lively debute of 40 minute, by a
vote of J16 to 40. 1 be report 00 the Cuban
resolution bad been deoatd Friday and
fviturday. Eighteen republican and nine
democrat voted against Um ivpurt.
-rral BJlcjg.
Nw Yokk, April 6 Tier was much
rejoicing at the headquarters of tbe CuUn
junta today over tbe a4optitn of the Cuban
belligereocT resolution by tn bom of rep
rewnutivc. Dr Joaqoia Castillo, who ia Tborua Es
trada i'aima's representative, said:
"I am terv moch crah&sl the adoo-
tioa of tbe reotution. bat it is jat what
I expecd. 1 cannot conceit ho Presi
dent t lere'and can ignore the will of H e
country now,
ftooonemx. April 7. The municipal
election passed tiff verr quietly todav. 1 he
J inttrert manifested waa a to the uf
bag of women over Stjxtr of a, which
auetiww voted opon tUv. and uf
fiige wa !ot bj one vote, loo following
ticket was the only one in the field
W Miter L Tonfe. mr.-w 1. V IUm.i
O A Xecdd. eMjn iiai-tl fur two rear, and
t Uari- L Ogle, for one jr: F A Ford
recorder; W H lirojlr.
iuarhal; W E
r, traasurer
arrlaaw Married.
XVoasu April 6. Tbe marriage of
jir. ary a-ora uimmick to Ueoeral Ben
jamin tiartlaoa wa sclomniaed at $?
tnomM chrirch this afternoon al5:J.
l)r. esley Brown, the rvw. cuidatcd
at tte ceneraony. Ibe marriage, which
took p'acj in tne preware of 'J relaUve
ana select meeds oi tbe imde and groom,
wu a very private ajair.
sink. UeeUaw.
hiotsx, (r., April 6 The city elcc-
wa waa oca louay, and waa a quiet sJ-
lair as cnpamt with other political
i d. Tonowing ucaet wa elected
. ',0'acildien Isaac Uray. first ward;
uenaeraon, second ward; K M Day,
"aiu. nr rvcorrer it t Uom.
For treasurer -tieorge F Craw.
Tbe propoition for the city to Uue $50 -
wu ooni lor hgbt and water work was
ueieatea t-y a large majority.
The MaUbe'e rptlag.
m Uxnox. Apr.I 6 A Time dispatch
from Cape Town ys it is known thtt 100
wnites cava oeee killed ia the Matabel
uprising and feared tbat the numUr will
reach 200. A private lelegTam from Bulu-
wayo say Uiey nave plenty of arms, am
munition and provision for three month.
The johannesburtrers are eauinnim. a f.m.
from rialuwayo, but it is stated the feeling
in Bbodesia is to decline Johannesburg'
HKiHance. tne wire are interrupted
sod there is no news from lion v ecil
Tt law Cafareed-
New York, April 8. The Raines liquor
law wa enforced in thi ciiy today. It
was apparent all over the city that the sa
loon keepers had made up their mud to
take no chance under the existing condi
tion of affairs, for there wa no attempt to
evade the provisions of the taw, and no
violations were reported. On every street,
tbe interior of tbe drinking place were
eipxedtofuli view, tbe blinds and cur
tain being so arranged a to give a clear
prospect of what waa going on inside. The
saloons were in almost every instance de
serted, even by the proprietors and theu
Will Be lively.
WabHISGTOK. Anril R. Thia nniiniaa
to be an exceedingly lively week in the
house. Tomorrow the house will vote on
the adoption of tbe conference report on
the Cuban resolutions, which was debated
on Friday and Saturday. It is a fonxron
conclusion mat tne report win be adopted
bv an overwhelming vote, but it is proba
ble there will be more meniben recorded
against it than against the parage of the
original resolutions.
Tfce eijnplc. Games.
AmsNS, April 5. Tomorrow is (he day
set for the opening of the contexts in the
new Hellenic games.
The games will be under the direction of
the Athenian Olympic gan)p committee,
of which the crown prince is the chairman.
The United State contribute two teams
to the competition, one from Princeton, and
one from the boston Athletic Association,
a startling Statement,
Nkw Yore, April 8. A -World dis
patch from London sajs:
"The positive statement came to your
correspondent from a leading financier of
this city that England has concluded a
treaty of alliance with Spain. 1J is final
message was:
Within 10 iluj Europe will be start
led with the official announcement of this
fact' "
Eallrefr Sarroaded.
Tampa, Fla , April $. Passenger ar
riving tonight from Cuba report that lien
eral lnclan's force were entirely surround
ed by the insutgents and a hand to hand
conflict ensued. Nothing oflicial has been
published, but 100 men, wounded nt this '
engagement, were hronoht into Havana
Friday night. All the wounds we
machete cuts. Inclan was also wounded.
Eminent flethodist
Nerve Trouble by Paine's
Celery Compound.
Eev. Zephntah Met k, D. D., is a
household name all over tbe south.
Since 1867 he baa owned and edited the
"Central Methodist." the leading paper
of the Methodist Episcopal Church is
the south. He represented hi state at
tbe general conference.
fie waa one of tbe Kentucky commis
sioners at the Chicago Columbian Expo
sition. During bis miniatrv in tbe south
be has built and dedicated five chapel.
U writes from Cattleabnrg, ily where
bis home is. a follow :
I bave used serpral bottle of Paine'
celery compound for nervous trouble, re
sulting from overwork, and with immed
iate effect, a well a permanent benefit.
It is tbe beat nerve tonic that I have
over tried. It ha also beea used in my
family with great benefit."
Tired-out, baU-eick men and women
need something more tnan a mere rest.
They need a positive, unmistakable cerve
food; tbey must bave a reserve of nerve
force to draw from, before their bead
will cease to acne and their nerve cease
to tremble with neuralgia.
it u estimated tnat there are over ten
million aerte fibre in the body.
bo long a thee minute tissues are
kept tnlly nourished, one live in bliss
ful ignorance of any such thing aa neu
ralgia, beadachec, or even a nervous r
tern, but let one become ''run-down'
and the nutrition of the bodv get low,
and every one ot the my riad fibre he
come a "live wire" within the fieih .
ileadacbea, neuralgia, rheumatism, and
other form ot nervousnesa and debiiitv
result direct'y from a fain i bed nervous
arstem. P-une' celery com pound is lUie
to correct thi faulty condition. 4t buil is
np the nervous system end sustains it.
iuu4 !.! tt atreriffthra.
in r.ffpru of th aunerl, nmnmcnL
PrCsct tks dasd.
tt ttmna tot4 aaaamar. ka
aw. rtarM M kKanoa. as
sal tram tsa nvac-a tt Oa ks
wa iKa. Ta- ibn cava
Vsru rauv aa at
tab- ftwartu arm tart la Orava
aa asv mn aaav
nar. aa teas swrrrauk
MnWstsi T fwar P iiiiCis
4-5 Fop Sale by Albany Furniture Co.
"IDEALS" $50 to $05.
Call and tee thtre most popular of all wheel.
Some special bcr-aics to early purchaser.
eCsJ!w r
tsataaa. awdkankU
tMSMtV (Waal W
In tbe county cou" t of tie ".Stale of Ore-
aon t r tue county ot Linn
In th matter of the estate
Jsne E Carter, decesacd.
To Earrle't A Gregory, Lizzie Hunt,
Wm McUee, hila Matlbew. EuHeura
ham, Sarah Baas, E Harvey Ford. Lavin
Halcb, Anna Patter m, Sarah A Roth rock.
JuUa Chick, Dora T r rench, Maud Dillon
Julia Threlked, Sophia ford, Phl!lpia
Finley. Robsit Ford, Maryareu Kice.
rninkie Uurt.s, and to all o'hrra known
and unknown interested in aatd es-ate
You are hereby cite! ard required te
appear in tbe count court of tbe State cf
Oregon, for tbe county of Linn at the
court room thereof, at Albany, In the
county oi Linn on Saturday, the 11th day
of April, 1896. at 10 o'clock In the low
noon of that day, then and there to show
cause, if any there b-, why an order should
not be isied out cf the above enti'lrd
court authorizing and directing Ed K M
Ca'ter, the dul v appointed, quslilied aid
ac'.lng admlnisirator ol mid e.late, tu'eli
'liereal property belonging to oiJ estaie
deacrjbeu as follows, towit : Lot thne,
four, five and six in block vlavt n in ' lack-
leman'a aeconc addi'ton to the city ol
Albanv. L'nn county Oregon.
Vitn , the Hon J N Duncan, judge ot
e cou ty court of the State of nreso for
e co-ni) o' i-inn tin toe ei 01 sii
court affixed thi 2nd dv of March A D
1806 . ATTEST : N N kkdh am. Clerk .
. Hy F M RtcDrtKLD
( SEAL J "
No'ic Is hewby givrn tht the utulerr
algncd have been bv tle county court fo-
L:.nn count. Oretfon, duly appointed rx
eoutnrs of the last will and teaiameut of
fame B Morgan, late of saUl coun'y. d
ccaed AH persons hiving claims against
the estate of aid deceasml are hereby
required to preednt the the same to the
undersigned at Tangent, Oregon, duly
verified as by law requ'red w'fbin six
months from thu date. ,
This th 19 h ay of February. 1S8S-
WFTiaaroRn& Wvatt,
Ai'yi for Executors. Ai.krsd CMorqan.
r uiid n j Kngs,
E tecntor of tbe cata'e oUs 11 Morgan
ccessed. .
'Z-$iurlinAlbnf.Vr.brJ. A- i.DLiUt$ixitj UOUO A aUcaUUU. UnttiM.
Divine Curad of
There are thousands of men and women
today w ho have been enabled to keep
vigorously at work, wbo must bave given
up but for Paine's celery compound.
Nervous affection are a warning to
bv teole.
At 1 he earliest sign of reduced nerve
force ,-inability to sleep, languor, or a
gloomy habit of mind, everyone should
took immediately to tbe nutrition of their
nervous system and to the parity of their
blood. Paine' celery compound will at
tend to both of these argent need more
thoroughly and more speedily than any
thing eUe in the world. Paine's celery
compound ia not to pe confounded with
the common preparations, thesareapa
riila and nervine. Being tbe discovery
of a man of science. Prof. Edward fc.
Phelps, M. D., LL. D, of Dartmouth
Co! Ity , it baa tbe support of the best
fthyticiant ; tbey prescribe it nniversai
T ; and the many sick persons made well
by it use prove that that support is
Tq tbe great majority of business men
a vacation, to say nothing of tbe month
of complete inactivity, is out of tbe ques
tion at this season, even when their
brain demand a complete rest and their
nerve ache and threaten them with
prostration. Now, there are hundred
of bnsiness urs and hard-worked pro
ffteaiOQal men in this city in juft thi con
dition. What are tbey to do? Those
wbo are tired out, "run down" and de
bilitated at thi trying season will do well
to read rome 0 tbe straightforward and
convincing statement from th men and
womea who have beea cured by Paine's
celery compound.
' Nervous weakness vanishes before
Paine' celery compound a mist before
i the strong, besUtii-givitig laysof the sun.
i Convince yourself o th fact at once, if
your health is at all impaired.
aa4 aKmn-sa. tra.aa trao
baiaissatrsMiak. aaaMW
a-s ta mrr aatarasaas. w
txaattaaclaalaaa. fortmSmk?
ail uivuun. Maaar 4 as
Tte Ckfilw Oealal Ca,
iiitaadau&tt, W &ivfciBeav Urt VluU-Sy Ktct.Ur KRi
sw:, evil tfrmts, ttxtpoiawnrf tMl wrmMinet Xixf cmtusM
pomXMirrvm- uw. CutaUUBootaasH. UsfritNl)
s - v4aae te wt mrl. I Mar boa: B l.r V2 Br nUL
irtmnitlivw. A firaa. r fmmltt?mm. lrrr tmM
t tna kT aSMrl S 3kaVw cVaVl .JVw
Noeice for Publication
Land CFFick at Orfgon Crv, O',
February i4. 1S96.
Notice la herebv given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his
IntenliLQ to make final proof In tupport of
Ms claim, and that said proof wtli be made
be'ore the county cVr 4 Linn count v, at
Albanv. Oregon, on Miy a'h. iS96,'vl:
lohn C Mactev; H E H743 for tie Nti
of the NE 4 of ycc ia and of a
K H of Sec 1, Tp 10 S R 5 E. He names
the following witnestrsto prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, via: S G Pearon, J LPeatley,
P M Perry, all of ! roll, Or., and John
Fojjettv, f Berry. Or.
Robirt AMaus, Register.
Notice for
L-vxo Orrtc at Oregon Crrr. Oa.
I February 10th. 1896.
Xo'lce is berebv given thatth fallow.
ing named settler ha filed no' ice of h ia ia
teu'ion to mtke unal proof in support of
bs cUim, and ist said proot will be made
oeiore ue register ana receiver at Oregon
City, Oregon, on April 22nJ. 1896. via r
John Haley. H K No. Itvsj for th E
of N W i4' N E H otS W f and lot 3 of
Sec isip 10 S 11 5 E. ilename th
following wi'neseto prove bs cvftitituous
residence upon and cultivation of. said
land, via: J C Pratt. UithnaFrnM.
John Daley and J B Com lev, all of Green
oasin, us. KOBSur A Miuu.
rsot o la hmby cttcn thst tha nnn.l
mertinn of the Ajl a M ning and MilUrg
Co. will I held at th' Oliica of O W
at on apui .-9 n, tssw, at 4 t 'oloc p ru if
aid dy, lor tne pi rn tf tlaoiirg aav.a
direvtorato servr for oat year (Bd tfc
tranasction of mch iibr business aa m
l,g.ll-oo-o r.f tkm'nj. R.w..
ft Al.LB.-t,
rr T 17 v Reast n ToT
VW iVl IL get her I Is it not W.
ter to buv vour Bread. Pioa. Knlla
etc, at a reliable store where they use
anly the Best material why of course i
is you dont want dyspepsia and yon
never get it by eating anything Irom ou
store. U.S. BAKERY.
Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St.
. O. D. Vandyke. Proprieto
NotLM is give that by authority
cf tb eomptrcller of tb eerreasy and In
iwrsuaooa of order of tb How Circui,
Conrt of tb U 8 for th. district of Oregoot
i will sell at pnblut .notion oa Tuesday,
April 21, 1899, at tb hoar of 10 a m at
tb Una County NstWnal Bank
tb highest biddr for cash, all tb r
mainiog asset of tb lion Coaoty National
Bank, constating of real tat situated ia
Linn county, Oregon, and lancota county.
Washington, a folio, towitt
Lot 1 in blk 9 and tbat portion of lot 2
ia said blcck 9, asm beinjr In Eastern add,
alaa that portion cf lot 2 is blk 5 in Hsck
leman's 2nd addn, came being N W quar
ter of blk S and 9 respective! V, In aibaay.
Lion county, 0 agon.
Also t lot 22x100 ft en Scond At be
tween Ell.woub sod Lyon it block 18
in Albany, Linn eoonty, Oregon,
a shown b mat; and of tb city
Albany now 00 (il. in the olfiseof tb coin
ly recorder nt Lion eoooty, O'eg.rft, hook
of Deeds. Vt 47, pa 331-
Also 320 atraa of land, mor or lest,
south bait of section II, twabip$25 north
of Rang "8 W M in Lincoln county,
Washington 3re Book of Dm), Ltoeclo
eonuty, Wash, Vol T, pag. 266.
Also Lou 1. j, 3 .orl 4 nia 106 ; nd 1' -ts
5. 6 sod 7 b'.k 107 Hsck ensaa' add U.
Litv of Alhany. Ci.o 1 See Book o D.oj
Vol 43, ptge 433.
Also VAU acre land, not or ' lew, tb
Korth balf i Ji E quarter of StC 30 .id N
W quarter of See 29 Tp 12 HE 1 K W U
L no toency. tgoo ba book fl dead
Vol 49, pa 370.
Abo 160 a-r-s tacd. more or tea. l h
W qoarurr See S9 T12KlKWHu
Unn o ni.t; , Hioa 6e lota oi deed.
Vol 0, pa..u 53.
A so bono a I two lot in N V qaait'
block 43, ilaeWmka 2 d sdda 'o -tiv 4
Alnanv, Oreoo e book of Vol 49
Also 2 U o blcck 4 Western ida
City of A:bnr bodt of cted- V.i SO.
pa 54.
Al 46 scses of iaed, mora or la., coe
tsin4 of toie pa-ee i bilng a part of
DLi: 697 Tp 11 S a 3 a.d 4 W i- U n.
ouaaty, Oregon S? b -ok f deeds, Vi
55, pa 2.
Abw beginning at 8 W diner lot 7 U 4
ia Albany. Lion esaiaty. Oiob. roa
easterly long N i.i 1st a 6 f t to W
wallet b lliing owned be Asnb. Fesice. a
Kort:ffljr eoors. thtag em-r of asi i wall
parallal with w tin of said k 1 7100 ft to
allay, in a weaUrty eoaraa on 8 tide o'
aid allay to ft W tO'per 7 sfatul,
.Sontherly along Una br lota 7 and S in
aid blk 4 t plan of beginaioe.
Also bill nesivable. wvardr-fta. atrak..
ludgaseata, mortgage-, e'aia, ban baiki
ag, famitiia, bxiares. etc.
Tb res-iver nrwrvc tbe riakt to rawct
aarcaMmabU hid'. Iitcndin
can funiM t1 aiU al th-t i &m o ihm
rwaiver antl tb dav of aaw
LUtavlat Albaov.OrM.Msrel, 20, 1S9&.
U. Ji. Bcall. Receiver.
Notice for Publication
Lasd Orrica at Obecox Crrr. Oa.
. FeVaary I0.66S.
Notice I herebr trivea that the follow-
ln named aettler bat filed aotica of hia in-
tcntion la make foal proof in support of
ni claim, and that ad proof will b made
before t!e resiater and raeiver at Qrewoa
City, Orcgoa, April lTta. 1&9&. vix:
Riley C Case. If E Ko. 10746 for the S K
of W W and EKolSW M of See 12
TplOSB&E. He name the tol owing
witnesses u prove n coaiiaaon reaMeaee
upon and enftivatioa of, said land, vis:
una J otto, r T Maybora, Jacob Opp'egar.
all of Lvtro Op-gon, and C O Saaita. of
Berry, uregoa. Koacar A 31 ilu.
NotV I herebr given that the under
signed bave ben by the county joort for
Una count v, (ireeoa. duly appointed ad
aiinktrato's of the esi re of R H Fa-rar,
late of inidcoanty. All pennon having
claim against in esute of aaid drrewsed
are hereby reoor atei to pvesewt toe him
U .k I 1 - t : ' 1 .
w in. uofxrurwen at nt reaance anout
3 mile south w.t of Taogeat. Oregon niy
von Bed a by law required, witaia six
moo ins rroro tnu ea'e.
Thu 4th dav of Aprl A D i9o6.
"HrrsT & Newtobt, Rob't L Smth.
Aty foradalniatrator. Adminintralor
of the estate of B il Farror deceased -
Notice i hereby givea that front and
after thi SOt h Cay of April. 1S36. in rr
soane of a lkeee and orOer of tale of Ure
count j coart of Una coun'y, Oregm. dol
made and emered of record and oj avd
conrt oa 'he 7 lb lay of Mar A. f.the
undersigned, doly appointed, qnaliSed and
iesiwr adminintor of tbe estate of X P
Pajre, late of Line coonty. Oregon, de
ceased. abaH proceed to sell at private
a!e for cash in band ia United State gold
coin, all the rig-rt', ti'-le,Vntcret and evare
wcich said decedent K P Pajne, had in
all the following describe preaaiacs at the
time of bi deatn. towi:
L t No. 4 ia block Ji . 25 ia tbe City
of A'-banr, Liua coorrf, Oregon.
Also undivided one ba f of theSoa'b
UK of the Korth half of tbe donation band
claim of Thomas S Summer and wife.
Not, No. 2304. caim No ia township
is souta ot Bang) one ana twowwstottr
Willamette meridian ta Lana coawty. Or
egon, containing 16Q acre more or lews,
savisg and excepting froos the above de
crtbed premise two certain pi reels in the
S E corner thereof containing- 35 73 acre
heretofore cooyeyed to J L Hilt and Wm
Smith. Tne deed therefor beng reco-ded
on page 490 and 491 Tot 41 of deed records
of Linn county. Oregon; the interest ia the
last described premise belonging to said
estate being an undivided oar-half inter
est thereof r 62.135 acre.
Also the following described premise,
to-wit: Beginning at te S Kcorn-r of the
don a' ion land claim of Edward N White
and wif, ctstm No. 48. Not. No. 694. ia
Tp II b R S west of Wi lamett nveridtsa
in Linn county. Oregoa. and tunnies;
hence west 55 chain, 'bence nortb
49-65 chain; thence south 59 decree IS
minute east 46 chain and theace south
2120 chains to tbe place of bgtning,cnn
taining 149.89 acre, all u'caied in Linn
county, Oregon.
The right, title and interest and estate
which aatd decedent, N P Payne, owned
and had in and to all of eaid premises
aaovc atscniea at tne time ot hi deatn
being a fee simple estate.
Dated tai 1Mb dav of March, IS96
B M Patse, Adminis'iatcr,
No' ice is herebr given that tbe under
signed, the'duty appointed, qualified and
so reieree, appomtea by tte circuit court
ot tne county of Una and state of Oregon.
in tbe suit wherein Nancy J Gt bee and
W E Qithen. her hQband, Y B Oarrett
and Esther Gaarett bK wife, Jante H Oar.
ret ana Mary . barren hi wife were
plaintiff and Maud 31 Wagao
r ranees ra wag.toa ana r al
Garrett were defendant toeell tbe real
etate belonging to the plaintiffs and de
fendant jointly and described in the de
cree of said court; now therefore, I will oa
th i8tn day of April. 1S96, at the court
Louse door in the city of Albany, Lin
county. Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a m of said dav, in pursuance of said
decree and order, sell at public auction to
tbe highest b'dder, all of the right, title
and interest of the plaintiffs and defend,
ants above named In and to tbe to' lowing
decribed rel estate, towit: Commencing
t the sou' bra st corner of certain tract of
lard owned by Cateo Davit in the N E
quarter of section 19, In tp 13, S R 4 weft,
rant ing tnencee-t 2.16 chains, thence
smith 2 chains, thenee south 81 degrees
E 7.54 chains thence south 4. S3 chain,
thence S 73 degree west 2.50 chain,
thence south 47 degrees west 7.70 th tins,
thence west 2.63 chain, thence north
13.50 chains loth place of beginning,
eootiining 9.26 acre, in Linn conntv. Or-
ec5. Also lota 5 and 6 of section 13. in
tp 13, S R 4 W Benton county, Oregon,
and tots S and S of section 19 in in ti S
R 4 west, situated in Linn county.. Oregon;
containing in all 151.76 acre more or less.
Term of tale csh in hand on y of al
aUHTi Fatkk. Kef
SAFE FOR SALE. Anyone wisairg
purchase a irood fire proof safe cheap
please call oa Mr. Ashby.
FOR SALE OR RENT. 10 acre of
land 8 mile from Aluanr. Addres,
Mrs. R. E. Owkn. Lebanoa Oregon.
Use Dawson's turn iture polish
ti tla Croat; Coart fur Lltn cennty of th
.J K fceaU'erfot d nd J E -wyalt,
copattneri dy'nir
busmera nrl ih. r
, , f J et Wealher-
ou c wyait,
Eobert Smith,
To Eobert Smith, the bove named de
UBiOON : Yon are bet eby required to ap
pear and snawerthe complaint of plain
tiffs above n?med In tb above entitled
coart now on file wilVi ,K .t u -i :.i
.mi v mu
court, on or before the first day of th
cu 'run oi ara court, lo-wu:
tte 4 b day ot May, il being the reg
ular day of tbe tnnr of said court ; and yon
are hereby notified that if ou fal to ap
pear and ansaer said conr p,.i0t, the plain,
t ffs will asr for a judgment against yew
a prated tor In their complaint, to-wit:
for a judgment for tbe sum of f if 5 60 with
i"tere-t tbereon at tbe rate of gpereeet
per annum front tbe 1st day of N oven. her,
1893 and for tbe costs and disbursement
cf this action io be taxed, and tbat the
eat property levied upon and ariaehed at
'i e imt-i-oe of tbe plaintiff in the above
entitled action and desrribed fobo:
beginning at tne e corner of Isaac
Bievins and wife dowtfion land c'im Not.
No. 20G3 in township 12. sooth range 4
west of Wiiiameti meridian In linn
eoootj, Oregoo. lhcnc- wet 5o chains
and 34 links, tbence noth 19 chains an
4 ink, thene-; east S3 cHairw an I 34 lir.k
thence sou'b 19 (bain, ar.d 4 ll'-k to p ae
of rginninr, containing J 13cr, more
liT Ira., tw ...i 4 Ia .i tUl. Ka ,Jamml r.i
Dlain":ffa and thi. e ! arid iiiaiuramnta
of said sc.-Ion and tii? ct rau a ! opoo
sncb a!e.
1 bis anmmon ia puVisted oy order ot
the HooTe J N ihinca", jadpe of d
court, only made in chimSer. ai Alb'sy.
(Wi.,rr.n on IW a! VuI. . I W'ri
"MTnurusva it, i.
All oroej fj Paint
...I u
Notice for Publication
Ijisd Ornc at Oa os rrr,
r --narj 23, 1836
Kotljeia h; r, hy g.rea tic si loliow
in aasad ctitr fM fi i e.-ti tf ax
la'cnUott to arvstn 6a. j roof i 1 asipBort if
aia caia, and tbat a- pi im-t ai t oc asd .
befoie tb rrpMrr a d laccavi at Orm.
C'tv.Orcson. May 9 b. JS96. : Joxrh,
L F.aly; ti K 1 1763 u, tta?' o(SWK,
NWJofS WJintSW CSadfiKJwf
S E Ji tl See 23 tp 10 S E 7 E Ha a.nsea
tb foic wwg witawM to pro.a nia s
I icaoas raaideaiee cpow awi raiti;stia of
aa4 land. v. S Ptrr,. MT K csmI, WU
Um H'idicke, John D D-!, , all of D-trot-,
e.o. t Koac T A Unxaa.
Notice for Publication.
Lam Or ran at Oaxtox Crrr. 0.
Feoruar 2.H. 183ft.
N-jtica ia h.eby csei that to fJlouig
aaatcd ct Ir has filtd c ( h 1 iwtew
Uoa la aaa. aal proof ia ap n af ber
daias, aad ta.t aajl proof wi I to aaarte
bit Vkt rtjiz'ec a ad Mtnrti Oxgau.
Cny, Oraaoa, ca Hay 2U, liSS. roc lira
Ruy PaMa j, aumvia wseow mA aoani -iatratclx
of tla a-Usa r4 H atfaiwi L fsi'aa.
aswaaiii: Pis D 8 79Si. for ta S , rf S w
and lata t sad eS3Tpi0r-.B4E
ow nm tna fo3s-rg wiaencte t prav
kr cnatenam tcsadaws a Daw ar rnstivn
tsoa of, said had. a x; Cbnatiaa Xeib- id,
Charks J Uaakla.Giibect Kaabaa, Jckn &
My, all of KUeara, Otsmw.
Lawia Der. VM oa Amwl 2?, 1S3X
Bed TjasharLwad apphaaiinn Ns 909 or
aaid tract, ia svaeaally sochai U appear
a d aaow wh tb casrw at sii ad
Bisiatratriz slwwld mot k. aiUW
iiit A UnjLta, Bfater
Notice for Publication
Land OfSce at Orrgrw City, Oregcn
rebraary 10.
Notice is heveb; give that tbe folow
iag named re-'t'er b fiWd not-ce of hi
in'ewtioa to make Saai -rocf a sapor
bis cUim. and that anid proof ill be made
before the register and reretver at Ore
gon G. Oregon. April 22 -d, ly6. vt;
Henry Soeas, H E 10697 for tbe ! t4. Sec
1, lot 1. 2. 3. 6c 2 Tp 10 S B 4 E st- He
aasne tae following; witneaes to prove
bis MBtiauoo residrnc cprn and c,tiv
tioa of. said tand, vix: JLssbew F Cnlovia,
Ja lMlev. J B Con. ley. T P Medill, ait
of Green Ea-in. Oregoo.
P,obxt A Miixra.. BVgiiter.
Nt.tice for Publication
t-isoOrFtca at Qksos Citt. Oa.
Fecrnary lOUi 18S6-
Notice is fcereby given that 'be foilo'
lag named settler bu tlrd noti -r of kin
intcttxm to make fast proof ia support of
hi claim, and that said proof will be Bade
before the register and receiver at Oregon
City Or, oa April i7f. 1896. via: Fred
eric T MTtxra; H K 1074 for the S X of
the X VV j and K W of S W W See 11.
Tp 10 S R 5 E. H aeae the to! lowing
wrsesscs to prove his continuous 'esideac
cpoaand ccltivatio of, said land, vis:
R'KyCOse, OrJa Jadd. Ja Monroe, alt
of Detroit. Or and Oand D Smith, of
Berry. OretrKs. RoaastT A
Notice for Publication.
Lasp Omw at Oawsos Citt Oa
Febraary 10. lS9k
Notice la bereby given that tbe following-named
settler baa tied notice of his in
teehoa to make final proot ia rapport cf
bin claim, aud that said proof will be mad
before the register and receiver at Oregon
City. Or, on April t h. 1836. via: Oriw
4uou. j-re u a iNO. jvs rov tne o w 010
NEKWtrf thSEJSclandS W X
I of X E i of See IS, Tp 10 S B a E. Be
name th tele-win witnesses to prove his 1
continuous resideace upon and eultivstioo
ot. ait land, via: KHey V Case, S at,
on. both of Detroit, Oregon. Oand D
Smi'h. ot Berry, Oregon, Lather C Ire of
Detroit, Oregoa. Bobext A Miuaa,
Notice for Publication
Land Office at Ortyoo CitT, Or
February 10, 1896.
Notice is hereby givea that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of hi
inteatioa to iatk final proof ba rappoet ot
hi eUtim. and that aaid proof will be
mad before tbe register atd receiver at
Oregon City. Or goo, on April 221 1896.
via: Matbew F Cotovw, H E Nr lt&tt.
forth Ms land SSeclSTplOS R 5E
andNEJa of NE V See 13 TplOSR4
E. He name the following witnw to
prove hi cootioooas residence nnon and
cultivatioa of, said land, viz: John Hi lev,
Henry Suesea, John Daley. J B Cornier,)!
of Green Basin, Oregon.
Kcbkkt A, Kegtster. ,
Notice for Publication.
Land Offic it Otisost Citt, Ca,
'. Ca,
ot hi 7
Notk-e is tiereby givei that the
Ing named aettlei has filed nctic
intention to make final proof In upnort of
hi claim, and that said proof will be made
before tbe register ar.d receiver at Oreeon
City. Or. Apnl 17-h. 1S96. via: Claede D
Smith, H B l'76o for the N W of s W
and S Vv of N VV i of Sec 10 and E
H of N E Ji of S 9 Tp 10 S R 5 E. He
nam tb following wl'nesee to prove hia
continuous residence oroa and cultivstica
of. said land, via: R C Case. On Jadd.
both of Detroit, Or- F T Mayborw, of
Berry Or., Jacob Opphger, of Petroit. Or.
AvBitT A jaitxxa, itegister.
In th county court cf Lisa county
tat of Oregon.
In tbe matter of the estate of L Gerhard,
NOTICE, hereby givea. to all per-.
eu concerned, that tb undersigned d
miaist'stor of the eatat of L Gerbard,
deceased, bar Sled their goal account a
such adminis'ratora with tbe clerk of tb
above ran.d court: and tbat said court
has fixed FiWay tb 10th day of April.
1396, at the hour of 1 o'clock ia the after
noon aa tb tioa for hearig any nd all -o
je tiona to the said account aad for jnal
settlement thereof.
Da?ed March 6th, 1S96 .
Leo 'iKkaaaD.' ' ,
Arlmlnistralora of the estam . f L fiei
hard, deceased.
w- ,