Wkt.iQtmim.- Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Examiner will be sent to subscribers for $2.35 a rear. This includes all the priv ileges of the Examiners big premium git't in May, me same as it you sent the reg ular subscription price of $1.50 directly 10 me paper, lsu't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a week jS. Y. World, $2.00 a vcar. Subscribers to Daily paying in advance will receive all the advantages o either proposition. D4c.h'lri:g It there is one thing more than another which gratifies us, it is the great volume of hearty thanks which come from grateful parents for the cures Hood's Sarsaparilla has effected upon their . children. The agony of despair turns to unspeakable Joy as mothers, and fathers 6eo dreadful sores and eruptions gradually viol I to the potent purifying power of this great medicine, and bright boys tnd girls given perfect health. Read t'.as : -""When my baby was four v.eeks old. scrofulous eczema broke out on his body, i several motions being argued. $0.00 buys a good Mandolin with book. $5.00 boys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 18 choice "cat gut" Banjo 1st strings, " ';'.. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $4.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dosen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running; guaran teed o years . CflTjprices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will : : : Albany. CIRCUIT COURT, TWnarmAnt of the' circuit court adjourned last night, after "cleaning up" tue docket aa toitows: Joshua P Hahn agt O O McFarland, damages. Deft to serve 2nd amended answer on March 26, plaintiff to file re ply by April 6. Continued. S Z Taylor agt Clias Pfeiffer et al re covery money. Demurer to amended complaint argued and taken sub judice. Oregon agt Arthur McDonald, carry ing concealed weapons. Arraigned. Plead not guilty. Continued. Deparment No. 2 under Judge Hewitt will convene on March 80. DEPARTMENT 1, O. H. BURNETT, JCDGB. Mitchell, Lewis, Staver Co., agt Geo. W. Rodgers, keepers fees. Coutinued. D. M. Osborne & Co., a corporation, agt Rebecca J. Morris et al, recovery of money. Attachment. Uoutinued alter CTESnA JC. He became literally covered with When six months old the breaking oat healed on his body, but his head, face and arms were a terrible sight. I passed many sleepless nights holding his little .hands to keep him from scratching his face. I cannot tell what hesn&ered with the sores. One doctor attended him a year without avail. No one thought he would ever get well. He was almost a year old when I commenced to give him Hood's Sarsapa- Ul. BUUU KTCW WJ 1UUCU UCtUSC fcllHb I J D Irvine agt M Martin et al, recov ery money, attachment. Continued after many motions to Btrike out. Harriett Nixon, ad mr appellant agt Linn Co., Oregon and John Craft, respta, appeal from comrs et. Settled and dis missed. Marcena Maple agt Hattie Moore, re covery of money, attachment. Continued. Bramschwuger & Co agt Wm Bilyeu, recovery money. Judgment by default. P O Smith agt G W Croisant, recovery money. Judgment by default. Oregon agt Jas B Keeney, indicted under three charges, arraigned fo sell ing liquor to a minor. I was able to rest at night. Gradually the sores on his head and arms healed, the burning and itching ceased, and he slept better. In 2 months he looked like an other child, gained strength, was cured. I recommend all persons afflicted with eczema or any skin disease to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I feerassnred that it will do wonders for others. I cannot praise it too highly for what it has done for my poor little sufferer. It is hard to believe he is the same child, he Is now Bach big, hearty, fat boy, a -very picture of health.' If more people would give Hood's Sarsaparilla to their children, there would not he bo many poor, delicate little ones." Mas. Agnes C. Baxlkt, Box 91, McVey town, Pennsylvania.-. This and other similar cures prove that n Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. It is prepared only by C I- Hood & Co, Lowell, Mass. u r-t.-f cure an Lhrer Ills and flood S PUIS Sick Headache. Scents. Tangent items. Wm. Wolf spent Sundav in Albany, the guest of his father-in-law M. Stern berg. D. C. Scl-ell was wheeled down street today for the first time after a long ill nee?. Dr. C CJfelley is lying in a ' critical condition at his home in this ciy with hopes of his living only a short time. Licenses have been issued for the mar irage of R. R. Cunningham and M. E. Malone, E. D. Starr andJennie V . Roes. Mr. Joe Klein left yesterday roon for Spokane, Wash., to make arrangements for the removal of Klein & Duburille'e business to that city in the near future. Mrs. Merrill and eon who cwtemnlat- ed moving to California to reside, their Albany friends will be (dad to know. have decided to remain in Albany permanently. Geo. W. Davis, a men ber of Sedgwick . A. R. post, is spoken of as a suitable man lor chairman of I ho Republican county central committee. Saieui Journal. There is talk of runnirc ex-Governor Pennoyer for mayor of Portland. II done a live time may be expected ; but it is tate to predict that the democrats win never combine on rennoyer. The Knights of the Maccabees at their meeting Saturday night were agreeably surprised by tho presentation of a nicely eotten np lunch through the conrtesy of Prof. Cox, J. F. Troutman and C. D. Van Dyke. Come again boys. Vise Flora Mason returned irom Cor- vallis this noon where she had been to attend the luneral of Mr W. T. Hoff man. Mi 8 Mast n was also in Salem and has been from home five weeks Her friend Miss Genevieve Hughes, of Salem, arrived in the city on the noon train ami will be the guest of the familv of Mr. D.JP. Mason. Tasgsxt, Ot., March IS. The farmers are again very busy run' nins their clows and are taking advan tage of the nice weather. The ground i in fine shape to plow, and if the .Lord permits there will be a great deal of grain sowed during tnia weex, The Taneent literary society held its laat mpetin? on last Saturday nielit. and from the present appearance of things they adjourned to mtetno more. It seems as if no one would take' an inter est in 'he meetings and cor seqnently the society died a natural death and it will be a long time until they meet again. The young folks like to go and make fun and cut up and whisper and have a good time in general, but when they promise to laae oart luen wiev ku uaca, uii tueir word." This kind of a way has been go ing on for gome time to come. A very good program was gotten np for the evening. Jl recitation was given by Miss Maud Beard, which was rendered well, recitation, Harry Knighten ; select read ing, Lelia Scott; a very interesting and sensible paper woe read by Miss Dora Starr, (the Hesperian News). It was the most sensible paper ever read, for a literary paper. We notice Mr. George McKnight. of near Tatlmao, was in our city one day last week, we don't know what the na ture of bis visit was, but presume be was out electioneering for the office of county sheriff. We understand that Commodore Knizhten is trying to rent a house in our town to start a shoe shop. We hope he will have success. There is not a vacant house in our ctty. Mr. Munn and iamily was seen moving into the only empty house in town. - ' "Bfr. A. B. Hiett and James .West are still grabbing ou t cord wood pa Charles ftQQtta piace near tangent. Vif, thought by reading Oakvilles let ter in the Democbai some time ago, about Little Rosebud escorting a youn -lady home from school one evening, tb, t It was a young taay usarim uwirsc, bat to our astonishment and also to the people of Oakviile, it was not a miss t f 13 this time, but a young miss of 10 years. We presume the next cne be will be escorting will be a young miss cf about 4 years. He was seen in our burg twice during last week, and every time he comes he brings plenty of candy and vend thintra to the vounz miss of 13 in Circuit Court recmveried this morning for the rt hearing of a number of motions A short session will be held. Justice Freerkson is carrying one of his hands in a singulis result of a con flict with a barbed wire. Particulars not obtainable. Some of Linn county's exhibit has been neatly arranged in the Pfeifer block, where it is receiving many favorable com ments. The second presentation of "Twixt Love and Duty" was given Saturday night to a small but appreciative audience. Prof. Bayner and Miss Howard left this noon on the boat l he hep noue ot vv m. je'Iison, near Jefftron. a-as horcedlast week. The loss cnn.iita of 80. OO pounds of bops and about $536 fnr the building etc. It was insured for 600. , A Sos's Doikgs. A sad piece of news is awaiting the aged grand Lather and the mother of Herbert Ring'and, a young man now in the Oregon penitentiary for seven years under sentence of robbery. The tsmilv of" Ringland, back in the eastern state have not for years heard of the boy who came west to make his fortune, but w a long job in ttie peni tentiary. hen tne young man got in' to trouble and was convicted of robbery, he was desirous of keeping his fate from bis tamiiv. A letter has been received by Sheriff Sears of Multnomah county who is requested for a despairing moth er s sake to try and nnd some traces ot young Ringland. The writer speaks of a 97-year-old grandfather, who is extrem ely anxious to near about tne boy. and they say they have ben on a search for him for a long time. With great reluc tance the sheriff has replied to the letter, giving the address of the missing man as the state penitentiary at this city. Statesman. Dr. Smith's Story. Dr. . 0. Smith has been interviewed by the Oregonian and tells about the discovery of gold in the Santiam. The first excitement was in 1859, a silver erase, and a town sprang up, but went down. In 1860 with Jas. and D. H. Smith he begau prospecting and in the spring of 1861 reached the present site of Anidem. In 1862 at Salem he dream ed of having his pockets full of gold, and went back and prospected again. Again he dreamed of locating a ru K lead. 1 i followed up the dream and knocked off $300 in gold at once, and he located the White Bull. Jerry Driggs was there at the time, also a Scotchman named Mc Donald. They went to work on Smith's claim, which lie called the Driggs, and says they took out $7,000 from too rock The excitement set in, a road was built in at an expense of $20,000, and a 5 stampmill put up: It was leased to Salmon Bros., of Portland, who took out $65,000 in gold. The mill was burned in the spring of 1865 or 1866, and after that nothing was done until recently, when the Lawler Co. bonded this and "other mines and went to work. Smith receiv ed the premium fur the first gold found in quarts in the Cascade mountains, con sisting of two Indian horses. The Walter L.Main.a big three ring cir ens will be iu Oregon so,n, iu tim trip to Oregon. The present s'ate school superibtendeul beats the record among euperiutet den's ai a talker Ths number of addresses be de livers is enormous. Gteat preparations tuve been made iu Eugene for ue presentation ot the opera Patience" nexi Saturday niht bv local talent, o-ostiy college student. . The funeral of Mr Fred Price held yes terday afternoon was one of tue largest held around Albany tor a long time. It i reported that over one hun-lred wagons were in line Tne Dlmocbat stated yes terday the cause of Mr. Price's deatn U be paralysis of the stomach. It should hate be-n given as general pavalyaia, hi eulire body being paralysed. From theZeno Mauraia Mu?ic Co. of J9 Market St , we hare received a copy of the greatest of coon oirt " Ma Angeline" by Unas. Sidney -'tirien. Of the piece a San Francisco paper says: "Carro.T Joti" on has made a decidedly big bit on the new conn song 'Ma Angyiii.e.' which ne l singing at the Orpheura It hu a awing ing, catchy melody and the way it is ren dered with the refrain sung in tae gallery th banjo accouipanimen' adds much tu ta beaut and it a decided novelty in song effects. Its Uking strain will anun ' e neard all over town. Tue pnr is fort' en!s. ;-ny music dea'er will supply it." Oakviile. Everybody busy planting gaiden to day. Mies Sarah Eurnell died at the resi dence (if her 8on-ic-law Mr. Irwin Dow on Saturday the 14th inst. Mr. John Vineyard called oa ns last week, he is gettiug better ofjhis cough. The basket social on next Saturday evening will be well attended. Oar home nine are making preparations Ijr a large crowd. They have prepared the follow ing program : Music by Tangent orchestra. Opening address Asa Lewelling. Recitation, Fay Banks. Recitation, Will Smith. Music, double mixed quartet D alogue, entitled, "Played and Lost," Music by langent orchestra. Recitation by Geo. Smith. Solo, Miss Clara Waddeli. Darkey dialogue bv Willard Davis Co. Song by Glen Jnnkin. Recitation, Mrs. Cole. Juggling scene by Mart Berthold song, entitled "Silver Sea," by Glee club. Music by the orchestra. Kameof the basket committee: Miss Annie Worrell. Albany ; Miss - Clara Waddeli, Dixie: Mias Anna Wriehi Shedd; Miss Flora Palmer, Riverside; lara bmith and Anna Millhollen, Oak viile: M iss Ollie Norris. Hoiburte: M:ie Maud Beard, Tareent: Miss Maud Thompson, Bell Plain; Mrs. Sheridan SMnitu, feona. They extend a cordial invitation to everybody and especially to base ball players. Come and have a good time ! Come and buy a basket and eat supper with one of the handsomest la dies of Oakviile! ! Dr. W. B Hamilton, of Portland, is visiting relatives here. The Assessor now goes ou horse back. times are getting better. A. Y. Smith baa commenced planting bis garden. He is always ahead in such matters as gardening. borne ot our lady Iricnds are anxious to get a patent dish washer, -that would be nice bat we would rather bare a (pa tient) dish washer; a combined machine that could sweep the floor and sew on buttons aa well as wash dishe. If any one has such a n-acbioe and will sell it reasonable we would like to try it a week, and if it does the work satisfactorily we will take one. Avtcrs. The republican club met last night. Mr. E. B. Couey bagone toHalsey to work, will be gone two weeks. The base ball players are preparing for a lively season, they will play against Albany early in the season. There is a fee of the old nine of 77 sod 78 still able to play. A. Y. Smith will give a history of this ancient nine Saturday evening. Come and hear him. Our merchant has five dollars in nick els and three in ten cent pieces and one in pennies, candidates wi 1 do well to get a supply ot these to -buy votes witb. AMlCl'S. An Editors Experience. There is an editor of a country paper who comes to Spokane quite often, Bays the Review. His home is not , many miles away and ritli an editoral mileage book in his pocket and a sort ot fondness fif artmA rtf Siiinb a nu'u itlaaiiita liu mnn ages to make the vis't at least twice a ' month. A short time ago he was up on one of these bi-monthly trips'strictly for business." when, meeting a few congen ial friends, a social game of poker was proposed. The editor, being a country editor, was not over burdened with coin, but he was not at all loatt to invest what fe had in the game. It was in the af ternoon when they started in and by supper time the editor, together with a couple of his friends, were cleaned up, and a good-natured young man, who is now doing the mining act, had all the money. As they walked out of the room thn mining man turned totheeditot and deeply pitying his condition, said : ''How much is that paper of yours? I think I will subscribe seeing you're busted." The answer did not come, as attention was distracted, and the mining man.with all the money, went to the theater that evening. The editor in tiie meantime had done some Al hustling, and by the time the theater was ever was ready to set in another game. The mining man was willing, and "with a naughty little twinkle in his eye"sat down at the table. It was only a little after midnight when the game broke up. The re ininj'.man and his two friends hadn't a cent left, while the suave editor cai ried in his pocket gold , ailvtr and greenbacks. As they walked out of the room the editor, looking at the down ast miner, said: - "iNiy, what is your address? I'll just send yo'.i tht paper gratia seeing you are busied " W"Ti-Nr gR-n a jc HOMK AND AKKOAD. Y. M. C. A. gytnnnsU. Y. M. C. A. gymnasts Y. M. 0. A. gymnasts, !'The Winton is a winner." Sailor 25c at Mrs McLeuns Tbs Winton 20 lb racer has no supciior. Wait and sre the hundajuiB S iuUjn bi cycle. v Ready made duck suits at the Ladit Bazuar, Hash lights and snap tboU a speciulty at Tinkles. The latent noveltiei in millinery at Mrs McLeans Come to Tinkles and soe the new styles in photos. A marvelous mechanical triumph, the Winton bicycle. New spring raps at the Ladies Bazaar, II. 60 upwards. New style sailor hats '20 cents at the Ladies Kataar. A Heavy Foot Rca. One of the most exciting and hot y contested foot races ever held in Albany occurred at 6:43 this morning, in front of the Revere Uouse, distance, 60 yards. The contest ants were Gus iWnu-ke, weight about 300 pounds, and Otto Clelan, weitfht about 200 pounds. At a signal the men were off ogeiber, and the earth fairly trembled as they swept down the street putting and steaming, each man strain ing every nerve until the vein stood out like w hip cord.. Mr. Bonicke crossed the line in front. The race- was t-e re sult of previous boasting as to which was the faster. Tlie question has been thoroughly settled. DlSllKABTENED ASO DlNOOl KAGKI. A t the meeting held yesterday afternoon as newly organized, at the mass meeting Friday night, for securing the Scow Bay !epot site, absolutely nothing was ac complished. The committee as a body ha arrived at the conclusion that they will be compelled to abandon all further efforts in this matter for the present. Disheartened and digrouraged,after hav ing labored hard for a long time, the committee adjourned sine die. Mr. Hammond went to Portland last night, and there is U'.lle encourageuien' to this state of affairs for inimed.ate wo-k on the railroad. Astonan . Extra st long Privet plants for hedge at Tue Aliany Nurseries. More new shirt waist and sailor huts it the Ladies Bazaar. Miss Minnie Monteilh has returned from Byron Springs, Calif Go you one belter, 9 spools of thread for 25 cents at P. Cohen's. Moie 96 improvements than any a heel. "1 he niton is a innei." See Mrs McLtan French hats and bon ne: on Friday and Saturday. Just received, a fresh barrel of fine salted salmon at Parker Bros. t l-nttxt styles in laoies .U a. St. Louis Racket, at Ku:ket prices All wool serges going like hot cakes at the St. Louis Kakrt tor. Jess the bos bootblack at the Com Una lion baroer shop. Get a shine. 1 A fine line of 11a by Carriages just re ceived at Fortmitler & Irving'. Subject at the Christian church tonight, "Repealancd," eeryb?dy invited. Get a gocd seat, for it does n t coet any wore, and k the Y M. C. A. gymnasts. All kind of fancy draperi fur the ae cou muddtioo of lai patrons at Tinkles. License has been issued for the mar riage of J oh u Gallagher nd Annie Trip. r The salmon seasna ha closed, but the Yauioa market hs lieh sa'njon every day. SOCIAL AND PKKSONAL Mr. Pete M. Abbey, of the Bay View House, Newport, was in the city today. Mr. Frank Watson left on the steamer this noon on a trip to Dallas, where he will visit with hi sister Mrs. J. W, Chamberlain. ' Ed Quinn, of Albany, was In town last Monday greeting hi old-time friends. M Was onurated on nvmtl In Prii..j tor appendicitis, and is on the road to a i"-euy recovery. Me will go to Us An- K 12 day or ,0 tor health Cor vailn Times. J. P Cbesher and wife and E.O ?rWs. o Sodaville, accompanied by Key. Wooley drove upfront that place to t-ugene yesterday. They say the roads are much dryer and letter in Lane than in Linn county and the farming much fuither advanced. Register. The Post fntelligencei says of a former editor of the Corvallia Gazette Tha ! comptroller, Will H. Parry, holds over nnder the new citv charter, and ha. comes city clerk. He has appointed R. r . e.ewart, who was elected city clerk, as his chief clerk, a new pos created by the new cbartei. Many sympathized with Mr. Stewart, who made a very efficient clerk, that after being re-elected to the othce by an enormous vote, the new charter should wipe out the office. But he gets practically the same position nn der th appointment of Mr. Parry with the only difference that he will be known r. niviinf. ments in Ins denarttnanl. will t mala sunject to civil service rules. It is his m- I'pthb Rtvaa. The O. R. A X. Co 's boat, the Gypsy, left Harrisburg this morning with a load of freight for this city, and arrived at 4 p. m with about 18 tons of freight. The crew repor.ed the snag boat Corral lis still on the bot tom at the mouth of Meek 'a slough. Toe Corvallis obstructed the channel of the slough so that the Gypsy had to k a new channel. The steamer Three Sis ters has come np the river and is now trying to drag the snag buat out so that she can be raied. Eugene Guard. Mas. Ha.vxah. The following is jro bablv preliminary to an effort to secure the pardon of Mrs. lUn.tab, the mur derer al Jordan of Louie fliatt: The burden of her troubles is weighing heav ily upon Emma llarnah. the woman who was committed tj the pnitemiary fr Hie last December for killing Mrs. Hiatt in Jordan valley. lion county. he has grown very nervous, but stilt stoutly refuses to make a statement as to ber guilt or innocence. Since she wss com milted, one o her eons has died. Of the three other children, two are sick of fever. Ftsa Uost Su. Mr. Peter Ander son has sold his well known trotting horse Elveta to Mr. Fred Blumbtrg for f!75. This horse has some fine blood, being pure Altamont, a fail brother of Dei Norte, and has already displayed good speed. Mr. Blum berg will not ride out in the dust of any horse this summer. In ere not being enough practice to justify two physicians in slaying here, Dr. Geary has concluded to go to Junc tion where he has already a good prac tice. Harnsbure Review. Set reserved free of charge at Hodg JrUurkkart s for the Fri ay night gni oasts. , Ladies jiNi are a'l iovi'ed to the milli m ry opening at Mrs cleans Friday ai.d Sdturdat - as chief clerk intead of citv clerk. M Parry announces that all other appoin ments in Ins department will be mac subject to civil service rules. It is his ten lion to consolidate the comptrolltr's and city clerk's offices in such a manner as to simplify the work and do it with the least poseible clerical assistance. Paying Preferred Claims. After a long, long time, the disburse ment of the fund created by the sale of Oregon Pacific iaon. It began in the county clerk's office yesterday morning, and before night several thousand of the $92,851.75, turned over to the clerk by order of the court, bad been disbursed. Only preferred claims were paid, and among those satisfied during the day ociiiuu cuuuiy lor taxes, f lv,4oo.o3; city of Corvallis, taxes, $432; school dis trict So. i. Corvallis. 1530.45: and K. W. liadley, ex-receiver, $3,000, The claims were paid in checks on the First National Bank, Portland where the money has been on deposit ever since it was paid into the bands of Sher iff Osburn by Bonner A Hammond on 22nd of December, 1(H, when the latter firm bought the property. By today's mail Clerk Hunter will forward to the authorities of Marion, linn and Lincoln counties the several amounts allowed Go io the Ladies llauar for tenr kid hoe counties tor taxes by Referee g'ov.'S, you wid gt the correct styles MJ 1 Woodcock'; report. The amount are ave niutwy i as fellows: Marion, $9,343.15; Linn, It i. renoned that Del Xor. of thi, yr l .wi-; i-incoin, ,si.ae. . ., . . : - - j Towan bv a Deep. From Mr. J. A. Green, the Cbelm Leader, learns that a week or two ago Allen' Royce saw a deer swimmimr across the lake near his nlace. about 15 miles np the north; shore, and getting into a boat he gave chase. After a while by heading it first one way and then another, he managed to get along side of it, and finally to get it by the tail and then it towed him to the shore faster than be could have rowed. He was met by Mr. Green in a boat with a rifle, who killed the deer. It was a fine large buck. The gentleman had a rather exciting ex perience, and it was less interesting for a number of people who witnessed it from tne snore. A Jeffekson AcciDgsT. We are sorry Tangent, and asks her if Young America to learn o an teiA that occurred to Mils vfrw often. That is alright. Little Rose Bud, come wtien yon can for we are not jealous of you : but you must call next time you are in Tangent. We did not see voa shake vour hat, aa we were busy leaning on onr hoe handle. ' ' ' ' Yooifa Amkeica, The Modern Way.' Commends itself to the well-informed to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break np colds, bead aches, and fevers without unpleasant aftereffects, ubo the delightful liquid iaxative remedy, Syrup ot Figs. . Mann adtured by California Fig Syrup Company. far the Lwags. Elder Alton W. Steers writes from Porti land, Or: There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can recommend to ministers, public peaaer aud singers, with toe coiifidence that I can the S. B. ough Cme." For sale by Fotbay & Ma- DIED. A Habbisscbo: C.se. A report from Harrisburg is that quite a sensation has been created there by what is thought to have been an attempt to poison tbe iam ily of Mrs. Hiram Smith, a widow, "who Uvea on a farm near Harrisburg, be tween Cobnrg and Harrisburg. Inquir ies have been made at all of tne drug stores regarding the sale of poisons by a gentleman who says attempts have been made to poison tue family by secretly placing poison in food. It is claimed Mrs. Smith's life was attempted once before, but, as in this instance, tbe poi son was detected before any damage was done. There is a mystery alut the whole affair, and several theories are ad vanced. WESTBROOK On Tuesday night. March 17, 1896, altera short illness, of diphtheria. Mrs. Bert A estbrook, at i be ase of 20 years. The dsceasal had been married only I novelties in jewelry, statuary. a Don t one year. Mie was a young iaiy bigbiy beloved by a large circle o. tnemls. a native of Linn county, and her death will be mourned not only by a busoand, parefta, brothers and sisters but by all knowing her. Mrs. Westbrook was a sister ot Mr. r. 15. Marshall, ot the Al bany Farmers Co. and Miss Dorena Marshall of tho public schools, PRICE. On- Saturday evening, March 14, 1896, of paralysis of the stomtch, after a short illness, near Albany. Mr. J. F. Price, at the see of about 23 years. The deceased was a l.ative of linn county, and was a young man highly re spected by a large circle of friends, many lifelong, lie was a son of N. Price, and brother of Mrs. Judge C. h. Wolverton, of Saiem. The deceased leaves a wife, parents, many brothers and sisters, other rlattves and frienos to sincely mourn his death. HALfcY. On Sunday ev.n5n?, March !), j(Kff), in Aiuttu), alter u tjugu'iuv illness, Mr. II. C. Haley at the age of about fifty years. The deceased was a painter, but pre viously to working at his trade in Al bany, lived on a larm several yars. lie was a member in good standing of an O. lodge in the east, lie leaves a wue, three sons and a daughter and many others to mourn bis death. The funeral will take place at the family residence tomorrow at 2 o'clock. our old friend Uncle Jimmy Anderson a few days azo. lie stepped out on the porch early in the morning, and the Boor being icy be supped and leu, break' ing both bones of the right arm, between '.be wrist and elbow. Uncle Jimmy be ing blind mates tne last mipiortune doubly hard. Mr Anderson is one of our old and most highly respected pio neer residents, and all hope he may soon recover from the effects of the accident. Review. Boys' Engineer overalls, 25c pe pair, at L. Ei Blaln Clothing Co'a Good treatment at Conn and Hustons,! and thoir goods are the best. Conn & Huston for' groceries. ' tee Will & Stark's fine stock of silver ware. ' ' ' Bra Ghaut Baa Obdeb. The Albany Farmers Company aim to be in the grain business this year, as in the past, having inRt contracted with Balfour. Guthrie & On.. Importers, through, ai. bender, their representative here, ror o.uuu grain hM. this no doubt is the largest con tract for sacks that will be let in the val ley this season. ' , a p.DrvcBv Arh Willie Phillips, the seven year old son of .Capt. Phillips, of Coverdale, was having a play on a jence Ratiirriav nflernoon. when ne leu on, an boys often do. Me struca in jum- '" right : way, and one of his arms yi broken, Dr. M, ti. iSllis, was caiiea sua set it. , Gospel Meetings. There was a good audience at the Christian church last night. One other confession. The sub ject tonight is 'The Plan of Redemp tion" continued. A cordial invitation is extended to all. If you are a christian you ought to come out and give your en couragement to the meetings. If you are not, you have an opportunity to hear the gospel In ail its ancient purify and Why Nambd. Mr. W. B. Lawler de sired that tbe pest office at the Santiam mines be named Medina alter an old mining companion; but the name was so much like Mebama in appearance thst they refused to use it, hence he had tbe name, reversed so as to read backwards, Anidem. For PilU and Plasters Pwson Use Dawson's furniture polish Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdal World's Fair Highest Award. ' FlKK ACBORS THE WILLAMETTE. The ret Hence of W. H. Warner across the river caught fire Saturday afternoon, and wss in a blaze when discovered. By heroic effort the flames were extinguish ed ; but it was a narrow escape for the building. , ' It is meat that we eat "that put) life into the body. When you want a o-ood steak call on Hyigbt Bros., just across the street rrom me dkhockat office. v ,li - -- - For the best Drugs Dawson's. Prohibition County Convention The prohibitionists ot Linn county will meet in convention on Tuesday March 31st, 1896, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the court house in Albany to nominate a ticket for tbe ensuing election. All members of tbe party are entitled to seats. The state prohibition convention is called to meet at Portland on Wednes day. Marcb 25th. 1996. at I. O. G, ball, liy order of tbe county committee , - i . ' T, Pj Hacklkmam; . Chairman Letter List. recently w-nl a mils at Im Anirrh in il.o very fast liuie of 2.-05. ILe denocratie ciub rruet evry Min Jar evening at the cuurt boute tu o'clock til democrat should attend. Millinery opening at Mrs Mclean n FriJuf and S.i.irliy Vr A Stoh .ml 21.t. lieoepiion from 5 to 9 p m each m.'tt. Col.G. W. Povey, of the Uniform Ranks K. of P. is in Albany and aid in spect the Albany company tonight. ML 1 1 ei'-n Crawford' cUsmw in elocn tutk wii' meet on Moockv an-l Tuesday of each week at W . C. 1 . U hall at 4 p m . This is fine, ioviratmic wmtfaer.'bat nothing inrigorsrfa ra-jre tnaa good most, iiaitftu Bros, oietb Democrat make a ',uUy ol coice media. Try them. Don't foraet i j ledur on Isota tooight (WfdnUjj b lU-r. W t FMclxr.of ihi pl.oe, ta toe Et-angr!ial chart b. Lec ture tree, all invited. There are now otdy fvr ran4idats for proaecuting attorory oo ih reptibiicu t ik, Ja... M.ain, A O CloJit, Jooo A. I'arwitt aad J. R. Wy. IV Mead, the jweler has sUt be a wrU are the Imt layina-33 hi in L no cnonty hine Ukt .& tby hare laid anru: XJ e-ga Hnnj on jour layiag co Rev. W. F. Fic!ier ho has Iwa tu lapAa f.r tocne inn. will lt.tu:o in tbe Eraaelwal chort-h 'ttdamdsv sight cm his roi-sion "-e3J. A4mjion ' free, all are welcome The big Julio L Sutiivan i to ! ta Portland aooo. a!- Paddy hya. Ihrr aretnasctnic prodocttoa. but tlre will tie boxing and tfial is hat the paUie ut to are. The VanlUm mi'4 Kail from .can Frao cieo oa Saturday March 21. and roHurpios tll leavi a&iua -a Jlarrh 55. Fare trim Albany to San Fraacwot, f4 aod $4, round trip tp-oaJ. gaoi for 60 day. The cheap rate of dutUrs rain and 12 50 steerage, including ueai and berth it still in effect oa the O. R. X. Co's. teamen from Portland to n 1'rsncuco, Steamers leave Portland every fiv day. lo ins Gdwbol inform n that his crorkery ha arrived in an Franciaco f em Eojrland. aad will soon be bero in tbe KVkrt for sale the good will he told at wbuleHtle price for net cash. The pub he is invited to ca I aad see these bargain. A lug od elegant line jf si'Tervs'e etc mav l seen at Will ic Stark, one of tbe choict display in the valley, wilb price la reach of everjboly- Too can fiml what you want a their store. Arrangenieois bare Wen made for a one sod a third faie to the republican cenreo lion at this city on Aurii ?. This should brtnar a Urge crowd to Albany bewidea tbe regular de'egate. a tne uvest con Ten 'wo in the bi-lory of Oregoo t promued. School Clerk Georire F. Craw his iuM completed the enumeration of those entiti es to draw school money in district Xo. 4. bugene. lo Uie district there are but males nd C.il female; t'.tal 1J betaeea a-- of 4 and 'id. f'bi i aa increase of l'J eer tbe pr.ceeUng jear. Guard. At the c jurt bous yearteni-iv aKrnoon igantbe refcreo e of tbe T t. Hogg. reeeier's report, authorised U"de. a recent order ot tha coat. The refer wca betor heferee Woodcock, is to be concluded within thirty cay, and Col Hogg is to .ay the expenses f it. C. C Hojroe, iVanis tah and others familiar with the Hogi receiershin. ara in' attendance. Corvallis Times. tyo far only the nreferred claims arc being paid. In the case of tbeee claims tha exact amounts were fixed by tha re port of tbe referee. The disbursement cf the fund gives a tolerably effectual quietus to tbe inten tion any creditor may harbor of an ap peal. T, payment ol tbe preferred claims which aggregate $o8.7o5 is prac tically already accomplished, and there remains in the bands of the court only of the fund. Tm-. Auxiliary Muica!c. Tbe following program wav ait be ren dered at the mu-irale, given Wednesday e.ening. March 18. at 8 o'ciovk. bv Ue Ladies Auxiliary of the V. M. C. A. at tbe residence of Judge Flinn. All Inter ested are cordially invited to attend : lastraineniai dut-t. "Kn Itoute," Smith. Musses Duhruiileand BaamgarU Biofrraphjr Frants Abt Mm. J. Hart. Lurt, "W heo I Know That Thoa Art Near Me," Mrs. Nulling and Mr. Ham mer. -Kmbarranient," Miiss Aldvrson. 'Last X ight," M aie Quartrt. Biography chnmanu Mrs, I lark-oeas. Duet. "Come When the Soft TaiUgbt Falls. Mrs. Nulling and Mia Burneier. -Since Mine Lyea IWbeld Thine," Mies Bertha Ellis. Instrnmenui solo, "Novelette in F," M:ss Burmeeter. Biography vSrhubeft Mr. Daason. "The fiocret," Mws Bertha Ellis. Schubert's Serenade," Mr. Poling. G. R. A.- Xonca. Wm. Pordy, com mander of God's Hegnlar Army, wishes to inform the citixena of Albany that B. W. Moore (former captain of God's Keg olar Army) has been removed from Ue work entirely and that all the legitimate debts contracted by hiui wiil be aatia tactorily adjosted, as tha commander will be here himself in a lew days to personally take charge of the Albany corps until everything is arranged. rer Usxt. bxmut. OREGON'S RESOURCES, Secretary of State Kincaid has sent out a neatly gotten up pamphlet of the 1895 census of Oregon. From it we have com piled the following facts : Oregon's total population is 362,513, consisting of 203,383 males and 157,130 females. There are 110,802 legal voters. Multnomah is the larsest countv. 62.- 950 ; and Curry the smalieit 1,910. Linn county leads in tha number of acres under cultivation, 184,588; Lake is least with 1,254. Total for state, 1,784,- Umatilla leads in the number of bush els of wheat in a year 2,838,370; least Tillamook with 180. Linn's, 928988. Total, 12,617,158. Lmn leads in bushels of oats,l ,003,137: Umatilla I aheaI in rye and barley, 295,011 bushels, lowest Lincoln, 43. To tal, 1,530.861 Union raised the most hay 52,882 tons; least Cuiry. 4,380. Total, 732,073 tons. Most corn, Jackson 103355 bushels: least, Tillamook, none, Lincoln, 10. To tal in Slate 338,821 bushel. Butter and cheese, most in Linn 741, 341 pounds; least Josephine 5,340. To tal, 6,734,182 Flax seed 17,890, of which Marion raised 16,153 bushels, Linn 205. Tobacco, 12,952 pounds, Lane leading with 3,468, Linn 110, many counties none. Hops, Marion most with 8,087.422 pounds, several counties none. Linn, 759.206. Total, 15.628.882. Potatoes, Marion ahead with 591.864 bushels. Klamath least, 12,875. Total, 3,385,243. Apples, Linn far ahead witb 226,850 bushels. Harney leait 21 bushels. To tal, 1,102,673. Prunes and plums, Douglas first witb 67.135 busnels, several none. Linn, 17. 930. Total, 289.204. Salmon, barrels, 11,760; Columbia, 6,193. Cases of salmon, Clatsop. 246,000; Lincoln, 7,000; Total in the stale, 374, 845. Kits of salmon 39. Oysters, bushels 602, all in Lincoln but 2. Coal, 50,130 tons; sli in Coos but 130 tons. Gold dust, 34,054 ounces; Baker lead ing witb 15,399 ,4. Linn is credited wilb Silver, 200 ou nee in Union Co. Lumber. Multnomah. 130.497.0CO feel. Total, 329,79942 feet. Wool, Grant in the lead with 2,001, 689 pounds. Clataon least with 1.626. Total, 12,038,09. Sheep, Grant ahead witb 644,150, Clat sop least, 572. Total, ?,2G9,626. Hops. Grant most, 181,813, Lincoln least, 725. Total, 367,496. Horses, Umatilla most, 14,087, least, Lincoln 678 Total, 191,059 Mules, Harney most, 41.753; Sher man least 2,085. Total, 493,718. SUDDEN DEATH. Pobtlakd, Or., March 18. At 12:50 today Hyman Abraham, ex-col lector of customs, dropped dead of heart failure st the corner of Third and Yamhill streets. It was thought he had fainted. He was carried to a drug store near by, but found to be d ad. Trying Again. A year or two sgo Mrs. Kate Matasce began a suit for divorce in this county against bar husband, and numerous grounds were presented for it. Tbe trial was a little on the sensational. The divorce was refused. Xow the Oregon ian of yesterday says : Kate Matasce yesterday commenced suit in the state circuit court for a di vorce from Guseppe Matasce, because of desertion, and she also asks for s one third of bis property, consisting ot 148.34 acres of land, valued at 5,000, in Linn county, Oregon. Mrs. Matasce states that they were married in Lirn county, January 20, 1894, and that in AprL', 1894, the defendant wilfully and without cause, abandoned her and has ever since failed to provide' for ber, and refuses to let her return home. 8be alleges that during the months of July and Angnst, 1894, both orally and by letter, she be sought tbe defendant to let ber return borne, or to femfsh ber with means to live separate and apart from him. and be declined to do either; that she has, therefore, been compelled to earn ber own living by keeping boarders. She also claims that during the past year she has been confined to ber room on ac count of sickness, and she appealed to bim to relieve her, but be would not do so. EAST AND-SOU7H THE 8HA8TAROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Calitsra Cxfra Ttata Mass Partlaaa fails I taoajas-t. laa m ArS? ar a a L i er a :WV. a. I L rvUsaS lt is bi Albaay IMtt a Ar Ssa Why Not buy your summer dress now, have it made and ready for the season ? Dimity, Organdy, Crepon, Duck, and lots of other goods about which I wi l tell you later, now on sale at S. E. Young's- Abort trail s-op at Etat P -rtlaad Oregon Cit, Wjoibam. Stkm. Taraer Marion. JeS-sri. A'biny. Alb tar Jaae 'on, Tognt. Sheld. Hslsey Eazeoe C res we: I, Dmin. and all stations from Koseborg sooth to and actadtag Ashland aai-. aur A Daaouuric Cixa was organised last night at Brownsville, big crowd ot 150 were present. The name of the club is to be the Tburman Club. Speeches were made by Hons. J. J. inlney, M. A. Miller and J. P. Galbraith. Tie club s quite enthusiastic. All member of Colombia Division Xo. 4, U. B. K. of P.. are requested to appear iu full uniform at tbair armory for inspec tion and instaliaUoi of uifiair this Wed aesdiy eaening at 7:3d p. m. J. it. Wilson, captaio, Toa STraaornraa- ETawT!xg!rr. A good siaed audience witnessed tbe ster eoptican entertainment at tbe opera bouse last night given under tbe aus pices of tbe Decree of Honor by Prof, shields, of Portland. A large number ol Constantinople and other Turkish views were given, all giving a good idea of that much talked of country, bet they were old views without tbe modern stereopti ean appearance, and those who expected anything in connection with tbe Armen ian ma-eaciea and atrocities were greatly disappointed Most of the lecture was read and lacked indivijoatitv. Two orgs by Mis Lillie rarrell. "Down on the Swanee Biter." aad "Ben Boil, "and ong by the quartet. Meters, htefle. Hammer, A kera aod Luodtrll, "My Old Kentucky 3oin," and ''Marching through Georgia," were good, being ae coinpanied by appropriate views illus trative of tb setiumeot of lite songs In tue la i to:,g much enthusiasm was created by to fice views of the stars aod stripes. Before returning lo Portland thai noon Mr. Snteld. called at tbe otnre and in formed the DaaoraaT that he bad noth ing a baterer to do witb edveriaing tbe enu-rtaioment, as "War, war. full view of tbe terrible mataarre of the Armeni ans ny tne l uraa," uat in his arrange ments be only claimed to give an enter tainment and lecture on Coo Stan linnoie aod iu people. Mr. Shield regrets that the misunderstanding occurred. Athletic Exhibition. Xext Friday night, March 30. oar all ien will be given an exhibition by bom taient in autiettcs wntcn Uiey snoujd at tend. Every effort is being made to give an entertainment ot merit as well as amusement. Under auspices of Y. M. C A. Mr. Antes, of Stanford University, director and trainer. Fallowing is the program: Overture by Orchestra. Dumb-bell drill, class. Song, male chorus. Punching bag, Taiu aulting bar, class ; r robes tra accom paniment. H orison tai bar, das ; orcheatra arcom-pan-menu Song, mala chorus. Parallel bars, class ; orchestra accom paniment. exercises 100 lb. ball, Bandow. Tumbling on mat, class. Pyramids, class; orchestra accompani ment. M usic, male chorns. Club swinging, Tait and Chambers; orchestra accompaniment. JSsa U Ukrs L lrt Ar PantaaS AJoaa) ar' sr 1 1LM Lr i ira THIS WEEK Albany and Salem Woolens i fifteen elegant patterns 9X to fl2.C0 best values of the year. New Fancy Worsteds made np into the dressiest of drees suita -47.00 to 15.00. Gray Clays Xkeet of bneinees suits always neat. Pants, For Workingmen. Bull Breeches (cannot rip.) English Corduroy (cannot wear out.) Then for any and everyone else we Lave opened op some lines from $2.00 to $8.50 according to quality. Bicycle Clothing. We are agents for tbe best line of Ei- evehj Suits made a fell line of pants. sweater;, hoes and bicycle shoes. L. E. 6LAIN CLO. CO. LEADING CLOTHIERS. StOsalU SlSsal ar tat ra I L irslsi Aft lalOftaBlM lhaa ar I tt-4r U I : 1 Mr miwr eaFH sleepeeo. Ajrn OimnsT Can on Ogdan Roots SEC0VD-CU3S SIEIHN5 CASS Sltaebwa t ail Tknsrk Tralas nl 1H4 . aTsaa roar la so aas rssmus Maav aai asatll Mil lr l:Ursl As Sannaoa arattw r I I I i ts Eicrwri rain di!y fexoept Sunday) at Albauv aad Corvalu oofct with traiaot CAE O Rx- a i Lt fat pa Ar ai Lw 1 1 a sil la taa IMclzetss lTMS,nsl At. tOtHUt saast rta ti aw Joy's for the Ja".ea and WooS Uealth for all Mankind. jort VEGETABLE fABSAFASIUA. Is made from berbs, au4 con Lams bo a i ne r a 1 drag or deadly pol co. Joy'a Vegetsble Bartaparilta rob the blood nf all Its Impuri ties, aad morses alt these Uapurl- ttr ttiroogfi utvirc owa Joy' Veaetoljt 8arutr!:'.a luici ! pcpits. Chronic L.vrr Complmnts and Kidney AUcclJUUS. icse uafcmi m , ts Following is tbe list of letters remainina in the Postoffice at Albany, pnn county, I Oregon, March 10, 1896. Persons calling for 1 these letters' must' give' the date on which they were advertised. Bradford, Mrs. Ai D. Fields, H. b: Grimm. G W. Hunter, W. A. Russell, Nellie VaJer'.Q'..' Hunter ,G. W, Mo!.. ' Tl I Terry, llary Mrs. Warner, J. W, T, J. Stitbs, P M "S SarsaoariHA prevents tired feel ings, staggering sen- tauons, palpitation ot neart, rush ol blood to the head. diwiness, ringing in ears, spots before ths eye beadacha, bil- louRness.rariBU jaUoq of bowels! pain in .t.. 1 1. . T 1.1. tongue coated, lout breath, pimples on face, body and limb. decllneofnerve force dizr.y spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour rlalnga, Taliiriia. In sormua, and all dis eases of the stomach, liver and Kidney. lor. Vegetable Bar- sapantlals uld y alt drtiKgUt. tte'fuse a sutxtltule. When you pay kr the best see Out you get tat beat. WaxTBn More people to boy Smiley prompt printing. Ring Uiepbooe 9 for Smiley good printing. b tinier gasoline engine wants more work. Park Commisaioneri of the large eastern cities alwa) recommend tbs planting of narsrry grown shade trees in preference to those from tbe forest, as a modi larger prv- pottion ot tbese win live, a bne ttocr ot varioo kinds suitable for street planting at the Albany Nurseries. uauy stealth Laws. Don't eat so rapidly. Elt on a chair and be quiet after eat- inif. i our stomach is not a coal inn. V ben you feel uncomfortable alter eating you have eaten too much, and you need Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. II you sutler irotn rheumatism watcn the sheets. Dont get between them ; if damp dry them. Cure your rheumatism with Joys veg etable Sarsaparilla. Keep nies out ot your nouse; nicy are germ carriers, . wear nannei undergarments. Keen vour feet warm : your head cool When vour blood is thin you feel cold in the least change. When your blood is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla: it wi.'i make veur blood red, rich and thick. Des, it will do to take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla now. When you get off you bicycle after a long warm ran, put on a coat, l you are going on a trip take Toy s Vegetable Satsaparilla. Strange food makes strange stomachs. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches ths stomach, cleanses the stomach, and re news the stomach. NoappetiteT Take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Keen appetite. accent nothing DUt tne ireuuuio wnrn asking for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Doesn't Take Much .Money For groceries st Parker Bros. Their price are reasonable and alitt'egoesalong ways. Qtality is something also. They keep on ly the bejt. U i lair and square flat fooled fact tbat if OU trade with tbeui you al ways get good treatment in goods, prices and personally. Tbaus copuier- able in the long run. It ( counts particu lar! in I groceries and baked goods. You can r et wpat you wans wnuuuii miming around by trading with Parker Bros. Dowuao A LLcv, Craven & Ilellebraed. nronrietora. Pamsh block, oren day aad night for amusement of public, aa well as health or thaae participating. Call at the t arrisb blrck. Taken In Time Hood's Sarsaparilla has achieved great success in warding- off sickness which. it allowed to progress, would have under- j mined the whole system and given dis ease a strong foothold to cause much suf fering and even threaten death. Hood s Sarsaparilla has done all this and even more. It has been taken in thousands of cases which were thought to be incur able, and after a fair trial has etlected wonderful cnres.bnnglnK health, siren pth any toy lo tbe afflicted. Another im- ... . . . ... ... -1 1 portant point aooui tiooa s earsapanua is tbat its cures are permanent, because they start from the solid foundation of punnea, viiaiiseu auu unuini uwu But it is not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does tbat tells the story. uaa Atcmscs Wasjt. The supenority of altiminum a are i( being generally admit ted. It is not oaly light and easily band ied, but very durable, lt will not oxidise and is undoubtedly tbe best thing for kitchen use. Albany i being canvassed lor different kinds of tbe ware. By all means place aa order with the agent. AMADIAII PACIFIC RY & SCO PACIFIC LIIIL ' Save Honey and Time And set the best service and accommodations. Cheap Tickets to and from nil parts ot the H OKLir." Canadian Pacific Royal Mail Steamship - line. "Empress Line' TO JAPAN AND CHINA lue fastest and finest line Ocean. on tbe PaciSc KOTISECF CHAXSUFN&HL la tbe coo sty court of lion county Sta e ot Oregoo. la tbe matter of tne enange or aame ot Frank Eaaeaxperger. to tnat of Frank SpTger. To all whom it may e xacern- arcs is hereby a-ia that the H jnorib e. the coontT coart of Linn CJan'y. Oregon, by is order dalv made aad coterea oa record tnesd y the 3rd Cav of March. A D. 1896, af rr doe and legal notice aad hear r.g thervof. haa ccasged ibe name ot Frank asspeTger. a rerii- at erf fann coonty. Oreeoa. ton same of Frank Sperirer. n that said change ia name is to raart for and intfo le his wife Mertie Mav aad his aoo Fraak SpKrer. woiea aid aames of Frank Sptaer. Merbe May Sprgw. aad Frank Sperger (their n, .hall toereifter e their Wai name. 1 A1TXESS; the Hon JN sxal Duncan. jaoVe of the cooaty ; court of the State of Oreeoa. n th county cf Lina. itb it teai of said eonrt aSxed, this 3rd day cf Mates. 1&6- A "est: & kedba derk. Jos P GauaarrH, byFM Eedfteld; Aay lor Petitioner Depnry. ADMIXIST2AT3SS KOflCE QFFIXAL SETTUMEJIT. la tha county-eonrt cf Lmm coonty stats of Oregon. la tne matter oiuse estate ot L. ucroan. deceaswd. NOTICE, t hereby givea. to au per- oas eoncaraed. thai tbe uadfTsiffaed ad- miaist'atora of tbe estate of L uernard. deceased, bare Ekd tbeir Saai account a sca admioivrabn arkh tbecierk of the above taa ed court; and that said mart has fixed Friday tbe 10th day of April. 13S6, at tbs boor of I o'clock in theaftev- mvw aa tKa lima for- hamritia T aad alt OLje tioas to the said acoaai end for tail settiemeat tnereor. Da-ed March 6th, 1S96 Hkxkt GaHa3. Lno jraatan. Admbsistrators of the estate cf I Ger hard, deceased. Completely Satisfied are people who get tbeir prescriptions tilled at Hodges & Burkharts. Tbev exercise the greatest care and are aU ways prompt, rure arugs, permuicj and a fine Una of stationary. 05 Ramblers $85.00 96 K ambler $100 00 Ideal Ramblers 60.00 and 63.00 best bictel made. Ssahs ft Elkiss At L. E. Blain Clothing Co . For Prescriptions Dawwin'. Try Tioklo lor Photos. Awarded Hlihest Honors World's Fa!r. Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DR. I Albaxt. At the Albany Dressed Meat Go's. shoo, corner Second and Ellsworth streets, you can get the fines meats to be had : just now some deli cious sausases. bacon, headcheese, etc besides the regular lines ot tender meats Farm Ixwins. I 1 have a limited amount of money to loan on good farm lands in linn and ad joining county. On very fa'arable terms. Interest payable annually. Call or writ at once aa tne amount I have for loaning will soon be gone. 0 0. Bl'JtXHAKT, Albany, Oregon. 300 Miles Shorter than any other Trans-Pacific Iiine Short Line to the Colonies. These vessels carry aa experienced med ical man aad a stea ardeas on each voy age. For rate, arcsrmmodatioaa. pampb- leta or an lntormauon call on or aauresa uBSACRY, ALLAN CAMERON Agent, Fit.' Pass. A eat. Albany Or. H6 Third St Portland, Or. GEO. Me L. BROWN. Dist. Pas. Agent. Yaocoiver, B. C Dr. Price's cream tJklnar Powdet awvdtd OaU AMal MvtrSiiar rav. taa l CHEAT! Most Perfect Mads. 40 Years tbs Standard Ursir.- Miss Mildred Burmester teacher of piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence F.fth street, opposite U r cbnicu. A Fact Warthjataswtas. Consvmvtion. LaUrippe. Pneumonia and all Throat and Long diseases are cure; bvSbiloh's Cure, torsa'eby fsshay Mason. On 2sd St. II. Broders Is now in bis new and neat brick, where be will keep a larse and choice stock of meats ot all kinds, uive mm a can. If voa want a aood and clean smoke buy cigars made bv our Al bany cigar factory. Fr Pure, drugs Dawson's. I! RERUN CENTRAL & EASTERN K. McNEILL, Recasnr. TO THE EAST crvas Taa cHoira T0 TRAKSCOXT1SENTAL ROUTES cheat mm NORTHERN PACIFIC via! SPOKANE V.1KJJEAPCUS DENVER OMAHA aKO ano ST. PAUL XARSASCITt LOWR,TE- TO ALL EASTERN CITIES YAQU1NA BAY ROUT! Connecting at YaquinaBay with tne gan Francisco and Yaquina ay ship Company SteiiFMa" A J and first class in every respect 1 Bails trom Yaquina tor San Francisco about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations snrpaa ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisco Cabik W SmiiAl Kound trip good 60 days special. For Sailing Days apply to H. L. Wait. st. Cuas. OtA.Snpf Albanv. Or. Oorwauia, O- Enwrx Stos, manager, Corvallis, Or. KAVE X'KAS STEAMERS PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAVS Some e'egant desgnes in crockery wara at low price a'. Ccnn aud ifodnns. Att wool serges in black and blue, SO ls pt 1 yard at St. Luis Racket. SAN FRANCISCO tor rail detaila eall oa CcaaxM & MoxrarrH, Albany, Or b aoeaasM W H UUKLbUtn. Gsa'fc Paa PORTLAND, OR. P)R SALE OR RENT.-10 acrts cf land 3 miles from Albany. Addres, Mas. R. E. Owki, Lebanon Oiegon. VANTELKAN I D EA i" bUHN OO., Pataat Atteraara. Wlhlntia, U, O. f or thair M prla attar. shaving an dhaircutting 'parlors. HEADQUARTERS FOR- A head of hair or no pay. Cures at diseases of the scalp Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Raxors Honea and Set and Put m Oi der on Short Notice.