The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 06, 1896, Image 1

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II i!l
Eaters cS tke Foot aei tlbaay. r.
Secaad't'laa Mall Hatters
r. P- CTTIIG raatMaer aad frarler
"lh i : I
K you send us lcM60 ..
You win find ona coupon inside each a ounce bag, and
, two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of
msm mw mm mm.
Blackwell'a Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. 0.
iJf!his Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon.whichpvesahstof other premiums and how to get them.
Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.
Superior stoves.
V hware, shelf hardware of all
kinds, blacksmiths implements, wood
work for wagons.
Tlasury's mixed paints.
The leading Columbia Bicvcles.
Grass and garden seeds, all kinds.
Studebaker wagons and buggies.
Plows and other agricultural im
plements, guns and ammunition.
Albany Furniture
k A l
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon
. " No Charge for Eearse or Service i
EEP cotistanilr oa hand a full lice of
A lo banal robes and suits, in broadcloth, satin, casaemere which wi I be sold, a
The lowest Lfvfag Prula
EMBALMING d the proper care of the dead a specialty.
Dealer in
Evidenced by the fact that there wer a
make. Be sure to see samnlo M nnr..i,o;r., oa ' '
.1. JOSEPH. ProprfetorV
but quail
SO Coupon, or
2 Coupons and SO cents.
Co., Incorporated.
metallic, cloth and wool caskets and coim
All kinds of furniture
and bedding,, and it
you want the most,
complete flour safe.
he has them and hisl
prces the lowest.
pigliet of pigli ade
mor3 of them
if them sold in 'S5 than.t
ig your '96 wheel.
& -H' ---
f r
jj t ma tf.eribome. The people want men in congress
Hociges and Goff,
Powell's Last Speech.
Frank A brum Powell gave his third
and last address in the opera house last
bight to a packed house. He read the
A.. P. A. platform, and then spoke for
about an hour and a half, and made his
remarks around the statement that
either American institutions most go or
Romanism. He charged that every
country dominated by papacy went back
ward. A statement that attracted at
tention was one that in Philadelphia and
the other biir cities A3
saloon keepers were papists. He was in
favor of restricting emigration aud its-
4u1.ii. n resilience oi at least seven
years before voting and of vol inn only
tor American cantons for office. lfeas-
seriea mat the A. p. A. was now the
largest organisation on the fare of Dm
eann, except perhaps the Romish
emjren, numbering 3,o00,000 members
ana increasing at the rate of 9,000 every
11M II Ul noi siatA file menilier.
ship of tne Albany association, a fact
mat would have been nf interest P,.--
ell is evidently in the fight for keeps for
ac ucvwni uunng ms rvmaras:
"I will fight in this field until hell
Ireeies and continue the battle on the
Powell is a unique looking character,
I avine verv Ion? litrht hair.
hi shoulders, a thin face, and looking
mostly bones, which he declared were
ail back bones. Ha was educated at
Philomath and is now tin a tor of the
Christian church of Corvuliid. Hli
is 8 lid to be 23.
When Shipped.
Portlaxo, Ob., Feb. 26.
Em ro a Dkmockat:
Referring to the Daracraoh published
in the Oregon ian this morning taken
from the files of vonr inner ,nnt
introduction into Linn county of Chinese
pheasants permit me to say that towards
tbeclos oi 18S1, 1 chipped bv sailing
vessel to my brother John, in care of A.
H. Morgan, Portland, abont 30 birds, all
but One Or two Of which arrived in cmnd
condition, as I remember. Two-thirds
of this shipment were hen. I do not
remember the exact date of their arrival
in Linn, but my brother will he able to
fix that as well as the nnmlwr tnrnnl
adrift. I remember though that the ship
was quite a long time on the vovaee.
That would make the date given by
the 1emocat as to when they were
turned loose in this county, March 14,
ISS2, about right.
tiarry l'ay, ot remand, is in the I
city visiting with her parents,
M as Annie Dumond, of Lebanon , is in
at . - 1 . .1 .
tat ciiy on ner way 10 roruand.
3. R. Wratt has just returned from
trip as far as Salt Lake City.
Miss Elsie Martin returned to Albany
today after a several months visit with
ber mother at Lebanon.
Prof. Raynor and sister are in the city
making arrangements to present "Twixt
Love and Duty," a military drama, with
members of F. Co. in the other parts.
Rev. Abbett delivered his Mr. Hood
lecture in Junction last night. This
was the fourth of a course of lectures,
the last in the coarse will be a musical.
General E. 1L Applegate. who has been
confined to his home by a serious illness
for a number of weeks, bas so iar recov
ered that he is able to be out on the
etree't again. Jacksonville Times.
Mr. Jack Roscne. conductor ot the Al -
bauy motor for several years, left this
noon for Salem, where he has accepted a
position with the Western Union line
gang, a steady place Mr. Cbas Morgan
bas succeeded bim as conductor.
Speaking of the late John Priest the
Corvallis Times save : The deceased
was a member of the advisory board
of the Job bank, in which institution
he had a deposit of $4,000 when the in
stitution suspended. He was well known
throughout ol Benton county, of which
for many years he a as a resident He
died aged 64, and one son survive bim.
John Priest was running the Albany ferry
at the time the historic Albany cannon
was sunk in the river off the terry boat.
During the Good of 1861-2 he exposed
himself while rescuing people in the
flooded districts on the Benton comity
side of the Willamette near Albany, and
contracted bronchitis, from which'he al
ways suffered, and which finally resulted
ui ins aeatn,
A small soap factory is being operated
in toe 3rd aard.
A 4ih aard is wanted by citizens in the
eastern part of tre city.
There are b?n auignmenta on the docket
for the nest term of court in Marion cour-
Th! Uilephcne system, it i reported
will be eitemled to Sci?, a movement that
will prove of great convenience to tbe pub
The Ladies Anzilliary of the Y. M. C.
A. will not meet at the usual date tbia
month. In place of the regular meeting,
a free musical will be given early in
March, notice of which will be given later.
Eugene ha a good tannery, a cannery
a brewery, an ice factory, a foundry, a saw
mill, and a brst clas ti'mring mill. Sow
she wants and should have a first dan
creamery. Register.
It has been reported that Bunco Kelley
in the penitentiary for life, was dying of
consmrption, and Ibis bas been copied all
over tbn state. Inntead of being in that
condition be is we! I and is in line regular
A gaoit of base biU is to be played in
the opera house next Saturday mgbt
between V. Co. and tbe T. M. t) A. clubs
under the regular iuduor base bait rules as
recently played with Salem. Ad mutton 5
and 10 cents.
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Fogene. offers for
sale his tast pacing sUluon, fat b mount
2:09'. by Altamont, who is at present lo
cated at Fleasanton. Calif . also twin nines
hy tbe same ttallion, wbo are handsome
animals and nearly four years o'.d. Jack
sonville limes.
The tax toll for 1895 was turned over to
the sheriff todiiy. It shows tbe following
State county and s-hool tax. BIU0.80I.ZU
poll tax. $2,981: Lebanon noil tax. $148
Lebanon city tax, $939 08: iialmy city taf.
$143 63: Sodavil'e city tax, $08 73; Scio
cry tax, IbXJZl: special school tax
$H.;mt5: total. 122J2J.98. Of the
school tax Albany's share will be $3,685.09
Tbe Southern Pacific, noi, satisfied with
its share of the Portland pasenger bust
new, bas decided to reduce its tres. The
rates of $15 first class and 17.50 sncond
elaw. between Kan Francixco and Portland,
will be reduced to $10 and to. Tbe re
duction takes effect Friday, from San Fran
cisco and on March 3d on the' southbound
business from Portland.
M. Howe, genera' merclnn'.of Turner,
bas made an assignment to Uao. b Cor
nelius, for tbe benefit of creditors. As
set, $12,400; liabilities $5,403.71. Among
the creditor are Fleischner, Mayer fit Co.,
Portland, $800.00; Wadhams & Co.. Port
land, ' 00; Mooney, ftoldsmitb. Valen
tine & Co., Portland, $75.00; Lang & Co.
Portland, $70.00; Weuntadter Bros., frt
$315 00; Tonhausir Bros , Portland, $75
00; Bradley and Motoa'f Co., Milwauke,
Wis, 400.00. " . '
Tilmon Ford in conirress would secure
1 for Salem a government postollice buiid-
1 ing. Statesman. He sboald be kept at
1 who will not work for every little cross
road appropriation asked for. An ex
change says that the New York World
bas taken up the cudgels against the ab
surd and extravagant demands of small
towns for costly public buildings The
World cites a case of a town with 5000
Inhabitants asking for a building at the
expense of Uncle Bam at a cost of $500,
ni)0. Much nf the neople's money is
squandered on great primer buildings in '
nonpareil towns.
On Feb. 20, Senator McBride intro
duced in the senate the following amend
raent to the allotment bill, which was
read twice and referred to'tho committee
on Indians :
That whenever the Secretary of the In
terior shall be satisfied that any of the
Indians of the Siletx Indian Reservation,
in the state of Oregon, are fully capable
of managing their own business affairs,
and that it will be to their interest to re
ceive title in fee to the lands allotted to
them, he shall cause patents to issue
therefor, in fee, in the names of the al
lottees found to le capable of managing
their business affairs as aforesaid, dis
charged of anv trust, and free of all
charge, incumbrance.or restriction what
soever: and the Secretary of 'he Interior
is hereby auihorized ami directed to as
certain, as soon as shall be practicable,
whether any of said Indians of the SileU
Reservation should eceive patents con
veying in fee the lands allotted to them
under the provisions of this Act.
A Good Platform.
Eugene has a Christian Alliance, of all
the churches, regardless Of creed, with
the following platform :
1. United work for humanitv. It
seeks co-operation of every good citixen.
whether he is a member of a church or
not. ' n e can all stand together iu th
stmgglefor the common good.
z. Unselfish work for mankind. It
means clear up the malarial swamps.
I hat we may all have Dure air to breathe.
Destroy the alluring temptations in the
social environments. It is better to pre
vent than to punish evil.
3. ratriotisin and good citizenship.
Make our city, more and more a place of
unison, of peace, prosperity and safety.
A place to which parents will delight to
send their sons and daughters for educa
tion. 4. Thi movement stands for every
thing that tends to purify, to beautify, to
exalt the stand rd of soi-iat lire. It is
the friend -f and promises to aid every
movement that promises to develop no
ble, ethical character.
As Okecon- Sttdest. Eucene ar-d the
State University have reon toheorou.l
of the sucrest of Clyde Fogel, of that
city, in winning the second prixe of the
American Institute of Sacred Literature
for ex xSence in New Testament Greek,
against many competitors. His success
is certainly a notable one. The Drao
caai is proud in again being permitted.
H&B.uir. ..IV "Ut i' .
I the wonderful
success of Oregon tn.
J dents bas often been commented on by
" liuiotiiaT,
DiToara Scit. A suit tor divorce has
been begun by Mr. Charles Sutton,
Montanye & Hacklemaa attorneys.
againH his wife Sarah Sutton. The
complaint alleges that they were mar
ried in Wisconsin in March. 18o9. and
lived peacefully together until Jan. 1S,
when the defendant without cause or
provocatian deeerted the plaintiff,. Mrs.
sutlon is now residing in Astoria.
Mr Grant Kinney h-ft Is Angeles
yesterday for Albany and a ill be here to
morrow morning. A ticket was tele
graphed by friend. It is said now 'tat
toe report that he bad dex-rted hie fam
ily was not correct aad that he intended
to provide for them if possible, Mrs.
Kianey is lying at the pcint of death.
Albert Wight left todav for Portland 10
eater the intercollegiate oratorical contest
lie nas the U l wishes of the UsMix-a.iT
for aocceaw. He was acroruoanied by
Prof. Howiand, Miit-tn Mary Candiff atd
Mamie Allen, and Messrs A. W. Foshav.
Joe. Sternberg and Uale Hid.
Burglary at Irving.
A gang of thieves have been doing tbe
valley. Wednesday night some of them
did Irving in Lane county, robbing the
store of A. Bond A Son. and securing
$200 in money. A iunnv thing was done
in connection with it. The Guard says:
Thrve auspicious characters were seen
at Irving last evening and Engineer Jack
cvans retnaaked to Mr. Bond that if
any robberies are committed tonight
they can be laid to those individuals."
Acting noon this suggestion Mr. lion. I
did not fasten the combination ot hit
safe, as he felt confident that should ex
pert burglars enter the etore and find
the safe locked they would break itopen,
while an amateur would supposethe safe
to be locked. Mr. Bond was evidently
right in his snrmisps, for the burglars
bad come prepared to break open the
sate, having armed themselves with all
the necessary tools, "h they had pro
cured from an adjoinikiftlacksmith shop.
The burglar or burglars effected an en
trance to the store by prying opeu tbe
front door.
Two tramps were arrested about mid
night in this city. Them were suspic
ions that they were connected with the
Irving robbery and they were placed in
the county jail and left until 10 o'clock,
when no description being sent they
were discharged. A description received
since indicates that one of them at least
is one of the men wanted.
We are glad to report L. C. Bice, of
Lacomb, convalescent.
Mrs. L. Foley and little daughter,
Winnie, are visiting relatives in Albany
this week.
J. B. Marks clobed his school at Hol
ler last Friday, and is now staying in
Charley Donaca, who baa been attend
ing school in Albany, has returned
Died, at her home near Lebanon, on
Tuesday. Feb. 25, 1896, ot erysipelas,
Mrs. G. 0. Davis. The deceased leaves
a husband and a large family of chil
dren, who have tbe sympathy of many
J. H. Townsend will deliver two lec
tures in the academy, nnder the aiiHpi
ces of the Ladies' Aid Society, Friday
and Saturday evening, March 6 and 7.
The subject of flie lectures will be the
Hawaiian Islands, and they will he il
lustrated by over 100 stereo nscopic views.
Admission, 20c; children, 10c.
An emigrant hy the rame of M. L.
Cox, and family, arrived in Lebanon
this morning from Uea Moines, lowa,
and will take the stage today for Foster.
Mr. Cox says there are about thirty fam
ilies in his neighborhood who intend
coming to Oregon this year. Express
and Advance.
- 13 FOUND IN 1
aU Htmukaat tin VMS. Brttlah dtnti T. Wm.
SMT S SUM. I, klns Kdw- , London, PoTiaa
lua ana Caaa. r. Sow Flop. Uohob, XI. a. A.
to liuy.
Special prices on whips for the
next sixty days.
Mr. Lawlcr's Escape.
A correspondent from tbe Blue River
mines to the Eugene Guard tells the fol
W. B. Lawler, the Linn county min
ing man, had a narrow etcape while
coming op the McKesxie yesterday,
while crossing around the shell rock
grade, just where the waterfall tumbles
down the mountain side into the road,
his horses became frightened at the fall
ing water and plunged into the river
Mr. Laaler liad got out of tbe buggy be
fore attempting to pass the point. Had
be remained ir the buggy be and Alvy
Stevens would have both gona into the
McKenxie river. As it was, when the
team Wit tlo g'cade, the driver, Mr.
Stevens, made a successful jump for his
But the strangest feature of the whole
matter was the horses keeping their feet
and the buggy remaining right side up,
plunged into the wild stream. The horses
swam ont into the river about 100 feet,
then swimming down the stream about
100 yards, suddenly turned again and
came to the bank, and walked out of the
water, aith everything intact.
The Student Orators. .
The intercollegiate oratorical contest
will take place in the Centenary M. E-
church Portland tonight. The orations
have alt been examined by the judgess
to tbe five points of lifc-nrr eo
which will count half; tbejelivery. half,
of course being marked after tbe content.
Following is the program :
Albany college Albert W. Wight;
"Tho Monroe Doctrine Our National
University of Oregon, at Eugene Lee
M. Travis; subject. "Mirabeau."
Willamette university, at Salem I.
P. Coilison ; "The Scourge- of the East."
McMinnville college uharies V. Gal
loway ; "True A me Tirana."
Paci-ic New berg Lid a Han
son ; "Methods of Progress."
Monmouth normal school Leila Par
Uh; "Joan of Arc."
Pacific university, of Forest Grove P.
E. Bauer.
Portland university O. W". Easthans:
"Perilous rimes."
Interspersed will he music, vocal and
A receiver hat bfenatked for the G-rais
Milling Co.
The Ovpy i making a big effort to
reach Eogese.
Tbe aaw mill ol Jack Leejr at Minfo.
has begun running, .
The PoJirilU cornet land will ra!r
the drama "Home" at that city tomorrow
Judge Hewitt will cr-arei rteratrcent
Xo. 5, of the circoi'. court in SaWm next
The nam of vriiltaw II. U3eaviirr. of
Llanoa. Linn roonty, has tva added to
tbeoha roll.
A Sa'em ywng mu la been in the city
making arr-incrawnU to pen a fir cla
iing alley, probably m tto Parifb
Tbe Y M C A Alblef k Clnb t making
arrarigemenU to give public exhioition
in two or tbree week in tbe opera Loom-.
It promie to be a good cna.
Ja McCain "did rid the Pythian gnat
Tuefday night A large somber of visit
ing members witnessed the ceremony
McMionvilie T. R.
In connection wiih the regular err ice at
the C ngregatioaal church ai SundaveTeo
ing there will be given a tetectioa by the
Albaoy Mandolin cloh.
Tbe toorixt rate between Portland and
San Francisco h been lowered 1 ..VI. and
tint class limited tickets ar good for firs
day, with a three days lay over.
The Toledo leader says thit in the es
tate of T. K Parker the appraiser bae
Sled their inventory, a fallow : Ileal pro
perty. $438 50: perm rial property. $722
26; total. $1,160.76.
Benry Xewcomb, a son of f. V. Xew
comb. of Tangent, wa committed to the
insane asylum several dan ago- He is
22 jears of ag. A neighbor of the young
auu ay ne is more simple minded tbaa
Hon E R Pkipworth. cf Fncrene. ! re
ported a candidate for rouotv iudg of
Lane county. That rointr wool da the
proper thing in electing him. A enantv
judge Miould be a lawyer and Mr Skin-
aorth u ao efficient one.
A Reecra lodge I 0 O F has leen or
ganized in Scio with the following offi-em:
S O. Mrs M C Smttb: V O. Mrs I.innie
Johnon: Pec. Miss Meivica Miller: r Sec.
Mrs K Sbelton; treasurer. Mrs G W Mor
Ibn P Jones, tbe new owner of tha Al
bany group of mines, was at G lend ale on
Saturday, lie hit very flittering reports
from his mines, which sre under toe super
vision oi bis brother, K A Jones, who is a
practical miner of large experience, he hav
ing owned some of tbe largest mines on
this coast Glendale correspondent Rose
burg l'laindealer. These am the mine re
cently sold by Wm Hand, L V Deyoe and
Captain John Welch yesterday received
$401.50 fro a the grand purser of the Mas
ters' and Pilots' Association, of Brooklyn,
New York, that being tbe amount of in
nurance due the heirs of tbe lata Cantain
Winant, who was swept from tti deck of
the Bimlorilla last November, off the
moiiMi of the Umpqua river and drowned,
the money will be forwarded to his two
littie pirls, who are living in Alameda,
;ai. Asiorian. teb. 14
J. W. Puteh, one of '.he candidates for
sheriff on the republican ticket bas been.
n tne city
F. L. Such arrived from San Francisco-
a few days ago and is slopping aJtClover
Rev Gilnmn Parker, will speak at the
Baptist church Sunday morning and
Mrs. McLean, the milliner, went to
San Francisco f ho first of the week to
buy goods.
W.P. snd I. N. Warmoth. resldinir
between Halsey and Brownsvillo were
doing Albany today.
Sam Worrell and A.L.Farrinston re
turned l ist night from their trip to San
Judire Watson, ot Albany, was in ahe
city yesterday filing briefs in the su
preme court in the case of Lauren vs.
Lanning. Salem Statesman.
Mrs. Dr. J, M. Kitchen returned from
Albany, Monday evening, after an ab
sence of three weeks, attending her
mother who has been seriously ill. Her
mother is much better. Stayton Mail.
the terms
creamery and cheose plant in operation
on May 1 next, in this city, capable of
nsing the milk of at least 600 cows. Mr.
Oatterlin executes a contract mortgage to
this committee, running for the term of
nve years, npon the plant, which must
be otherwise unencumbered, as a guar
antee of the successful operation of the
same. The committee assumed the- te
sponsibility of collecting the subsidy
from the subscribers. Mr. OatterMn in
tends to commence at once getting mat
ters arranged for the work.
Cekamkbt. The Press eayt that J "e?400 oaBty..w,iew. no W
of the creamery contract are p? nuer u" - -
. Catterlin is to have a first class ?no;ren survive turn. - , "7""
I.iat of Patents.
Granted to Pacific States inventor
this week. Reported by O. A. fcnow &
Co., solicitors ol American and Foreign
patents, opp. U. 8. Patent orHe, Wash-
nKton, D. 0.
J F Appleby, Santa Cruz, Cal, harvest
ing machine: w t Bowers, Han r rancis
co, hose; UP Brown, Kedlands, Cal,
flume gate; 8 Coleman, fan Francisco,
car coupling; A Derrenberger, Tacoraa,
goiu separator; U Johnson, Kourne, Ur,
indicator for hoisting-works; u C John
son, jlos Angeles, gas generator or va
porizer; W O Longstreth. Oakland. Cal.
uetonating ourgiar alarm ; T n Mont
gomery, Oakland, Cat., roof-cleat for
hanging painters' falls: I B Sturges.
Portland, device for cleaning tobacco
pipes; J N Htrum, San Jose, Cat, water
heater; W U Wadaworth, Sutter, Cal,
tence wire coiler; W It V Williams,
Grant' Pa, Or, combined automatic
safety-brake and wheel guard for street
A Cathodb Rar it Ei-oixk. Prof,
tnedel of the electrical department of
Uie Umyerslty of Oregon sndC. L. Win
ter, of the Winter Photo Company have
been experimenting at the mechanical
laboratory of the university for several
evenings past on Prof. Roentgen's metb-
oa 01 puotogrspning tbroagn solid ob
jects by means of the cathode ray. The
third trial was made last night and was
a success, A small coil of wire, a screw
about Vi inches in length and a small
thumb screw vice were placed upon the
slide of a sensitized plate and covered
over with blocks of wood and the ray
from the Crookes tube turned on. An
electrical wire had become rusted and
connected so that it formed a short cir
cuit. After an exposure of five minutes
this short circuit was formed and the ef
fect of the ray spoiled. The plate was
taken out and today developed by Mr.
" inter when ttie shadow of all tbree of
the objects could plainly be seen upon it,
though an exposure of only five minutes
bad hewn made. An exposure of one cr
two hours would doubtless give tbe de
sired result. Guard.
Sn.ifiD Bs Asiiiacu. As predicted
by the Express a few weeks ago, the
Southern Pacific company baa taken off
the passenger coach on the Lebanon
branch, and in it att t. a nnt An -
regular, old fashioned yellow caboose j
witn seats running along the aides This
tli row 1 tiie passengers
and baggage al
most logeiner in the first one pot on
there was no partition between what
ever aod as there is a great deal of poul
try shipped from this place the paiuen
gers, baggage, poultry and all the ex
press hsd to go in the same caboose. It
is said it was a qoter combination. Tbe
people are justly Indignant at each treat
ment and if tbe company keeps this ca
boose on, a great many people will go to
and from Alhaoy by team ween the
roads get good, instead of riding in this
car. Tlii car is very littie abead of the '
oid stage line. Express. If tbe road j
carried only one passenger a day be j
would be entitled to a better service than
that, Tbe road ooght to be ashamed of
What's m a Kaaa. Barney Barnato!
Is the name of a new claim at Uaamnlie !
owned by C. W. Moore and Herbert j
A cue. That ought to bring lock; ji
Collins and Joe Craik expect lock ial
Humbog; W. B. Lawleraad Jas. Cotlias I
will rely oa Lawler I Yule: A, li. Steel's i
Vulcau ouirht to be hot. staff: Joe Cranr'a i
Do Good deserves to come oat 00 ton:
Lewis Warner's Good Lock sboald bring
good lock, aad bis Artice is well named ;
Jaa. Collins has the Troe Blue. All new
mioea. May tbe gold flow from them.
If Marlon coorty don t send a delega
tion to Albany that is solid for a Marion
county man it ought to be for a Wash
ington or for some other county man. It
will not be for Binger on (be bine.
Salem Malesman. The DaatraaT will
wager that as soon as Mr. Hermann is
nominated, as he probably will be, tbe
Statesman will be shooting as loud as
the Rosebarg Plaiodealer for hiia
1 be creamery is op with th times It
pattiag ia a tephoce. It will be a grew )
convenience to people ia that part of Al
bany. S-A-'-L U KDA
The Oratorical Contest.
At the meeting of tbe delegates of col
lege associations in Portland there were
60 present. Oscar L Cox, of Newberg,
wss elected president, Jos. Sternberg,
of this citv, received 18 votes; for secre
tary J. B.'Beal, of Moamooth, aras elect
ed." Muw Mamie Allen received M votes;
Howard Davis, of fcogeae, treasarer. In
tbe evening the oratorical con was
held before a large audience. The prixe
was awarded toChaa. V.Galloway, of
McMinnville. The Oregonian speaks ol
tbe oration of Albert Wight aa loUowa:
The oration, "The Moo row Doe
trine, Our National Defense," by Albert
W. Wight, ofJAlbany college, was a pa
triotic and historical effort. The you ng
,n.. k!-h leA tia formation. tLa
M...U lin, (tie MinnNitinn nf the fa
uioua Monroe doctrine. Other things
pertaining to the national defense were
depicted with great force and effect,
showing careful study and preparation.
The speaker rec eived hearty applause.
aa he resumed bi s seat.
Our college con vspoadent says:
Alt the orations were of a high order
and deserving of Mr. Chaa. Gal
loway, of McMinnvi lie, nowever obtain
ed the prise. After delivering his ora
tion the audience w ere so pleased that
he wss encored. His subject eras True
Americanism." Mr. Wight did credit
ably to himself and his college. Tbe
contest was the best ever given by tbe
On account of the election of Mr. Cox
as president the next contest will be avid
in .Newberg
AxoTHKS CantODs Rar. Another
periment was made in the State univer
sity with the fol low i ok retult, given by
the Guard : Last night a trial was made
Qnon the bones of the hand. A tuece of
blotting paper was placed npon the sen-
siuzed plate and 1 rol. J . ti. tveuierucw
placed his hand immediately over the
Hon tine paper, which had btea put there
tor the purpose of absorbing the moisture
of tbe band. Tbe Cathode ray was
turned directy upon the hand and an ex
posure of 30 minutes made. Today tbe
plate was developed by Mr. Winter and
a proof taken. An outline of the whole
iiand is shown, bat through it its bonwi
are nlainlv visible from the oalm to the
tips of the finger. Tbe knuckles and
form of the bones of the fingers sre quite
distinct and the experiment can be said
to be most successful.
Ait Evkntftl Ltr.i. G. If. Dodele, fa
ther of Mrs. Columbus Roed, Corvallis,
died at his home on Soap Creek Thurs
day evening. Deceased was bora at
Brussels. Betimitn. March 22, 1820. He
was at eighteen a graduate of Lorwan
university, and for lit teen years there
after practiced law. At 20 ho was mar-
ried to Miss Zellie Ouyot, a ds.uithur of
one of Napoleon's generals. He emi
orated to the United States in 1854. and
for 13 years resided in Rock Island couD-
I tv. Illinois. From Rock Island he went
I to California, but left the latter state im
fi mediately for Oregon.settling near Wells
rue christian life. Corvallis Times.
Farm Loans.
I have a limited amount of money to
lorin on good farm lands in JJnn and ad-
toining county. On very favorable terms,
nterest payable annually. Call or writs
at once aa tbe ameunt I have for lotuting
will soon be gone.
C G . BrjHXHARf ,
Albany, Oregon.
tUfJr Ul bUO vmUvtilU wnuvu, " as v vva wa
. ... -w tl!
Highest of all in Leavening
Ov A. a
1A W C
Mr. N. Grume, of Shedd. was in the
city today.
Mr. L. W. Pomerov. of Scio. was do
ing Albany today.
Superintendent Rutherford. Prof.
White, and Miss Maxwell went to Tang
ent today to attend a district teachers
Misa Nellie Hotrae baa been emoloved
as supernumerary in tbe Albany public
schools and already is displaying her
fitness for instructing the young ideas.
Geo. Knox and S. W. Crowder of
this city were in the Co; use war of 1&55
6, and were under fire at one time of
four days and night, Tbey are liable to
be granted a pension on account of it.
Mr. sad Mrs. John Loig. of Corvallis.
were in the city tooay. Mr. Long con
tinues to retain the ballet pot in his
body by Max Friendly. He should have
its location made by an X ray.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, left Monday
for Jacksonville, and was followed by his
ita Wednesday. They will make tbe
city their home. McMinnville T. R.
lit. and Mrs. Lowe are now in Albany.
A del phi Mission service to-morrow.
Kubjects, 10 a. m., "Mollineas Unto tbe
Lord." 2:30 p. m., "Rags and Bones."
7:30 p. m.. ".Second Coming of Christ."
Subject this evening, "Second Coming of
E- E. lMvia of this city will doubtless
be tbe democratic nominee for assessor.
Mr. fJavia is the strongest man in Uie
democratic ranks for this office and will
poll a large vote. Imprint, Right you
are, brother. Brownsville Time.
Tbe Halsey correspondent of the Uar
risbarg Review wishes J. 8. Van Winkle
success in bis effort to secure tbe noiui-
nation on the republican ticket for coan-
ty clerk, snd recommends J.P.Carter
fur tbe office. Don't aacttao county
clerks Co yoa.
Engineer B. E. Uasey, who bas been a
resident of Salem some years while run
ning tbe yard engine and lately palling
Salem "cannon bail" between here and
Portland U about to move with his family
to Rosebarg in tbe near future. He tia
been transferred from the "can 000 ball"
to the Rosebarg Mail and wilt make bis
home at the metropolis of tbe Umpqoa,
where Mrs. Casey's relative reside.
- Salem KLlmn XI r CVaev i a Hrather
ot tbe po polar sister superior of the
Catholic school la this city, and raided
here at one time
Lovely V illamcttc
U.S. Lyman in the Astorian fairly
uh itt. eeavrtn over iKIa ner rj
w;ii..,. m
VUUoette valley. He says:
,n tau- spring day ther t are few
pleaseater views tbao from the higher
grooad back of the city of Corvallis The
C,U hes in front of yoa ; the ner in is
deep banks, is swirling by and winding
o9 among the lowlands toward Albany,
twelve miles east ; to the sooth, level and
an broken, except by water coorscs and
belts of hard wood trees, spreads the
plain of the upper Willamette for a
stretch of fifty mdes; to the west is tbe
foothills of the coaet mountain;, their
oath slopes green and bare, while on
their north sides are the growths of oak,
characteristic of be hills of tbe opptr
valley. There is a notable mountain
about 15 miles west of tbe town Mary's
peakaboat the height of Saddle moan
tain, and of a very commanding coo-
loo r. A Umg way to the east, aad over
the breadth of the ralley, swimming in
various colors of blue, ultramarine and
porpie. with their tops spissbed. or in
case of the high peak, mantled in snow.
tbe long range of the Cascade mountains,
our Sierras, carry the prospect to the
The coloring f.the valley, broken here
ana there into low grassy hills, inter
sected by streams, aad having also tbe 1
diversification of groves of oak and strips
of evergreen, is at this season of the year!
remarkably sou and agreeable. Toe
areas ia wheat are of an intense green ;
the pasture lands are just showing the
fresh grass among the old gray of winter.
In many of the fields tbe soil has just
been plowed, and is brown or reddish;
tbe oak groves are white with moss, and
the distant forests shade into the heav
iest ot blue.
A Ensure Faarma. E. Kaum, the
clothier, who has been engaged in bast
nee in this city for a nam ber ot years,
failed today. His store was closed at
iu:9U a. m . under attacomeat maoe oy
Fleischner, Mayer A Co. of Portland .and
I. Baam, ot Portland. Tbe amount soed
for by tbe former firm Is 37i .62, lndua-
n tcterest, doe oa goods sold tode-
fendanU The latter sues for $1,432.60
iadading interest, doe 00 promisory
notes. Mr. itaam seemed to be greatly
surprised wheo the - attachment was
made aad evidently was not expecting
iu It is to be hoped that he may soon
become solvent again. Guard, air.
Baum resided in Albaar twelve or fif-
. . 1 1 . - . . L. i
wen years ago ana am oasineas t ure
present site ol Knecbt A Meiser.
Ej Ka-xoau, Arrested. In response
to a telephone message from Chief of I
Police Minto of Portland, Chief Lee up-
nn itie arriipal nf the rhver!nl ! URt nit?iitl
rnuttifet Est (Ten. 1.11 fnrmertv of this
a-ttv nafir svf Prartlatnr1 mi ihrM (rhttlvMI.
aaaault with intent to kill, assault and
battery and emliealement. It is sup-
posed that it was the result of trouble
with bts wife : but tbe particulars could
not be learned. Aa officer came np 00
the noon train snd took Kendall to Port-1
I land.
To Bs a Job Divroasn. The sale of
'the Job bank realty bv the alienee has
beat confirmed, and there will be payable
ta the iTeditors of the concern either on
the ninth or 10th of March another divi
dend Uie third of the sort to be realised
out of the bank's assets. After paying
all rlaima aminst the assignment, in
cluding? $a) taxes forl$9o, and after
colleciwir tke sums bid for the realty at
the late sale, tbe assignee will have on
hand sometlsiaff over 25,000, about
enough to para twelve and one-half per
cent dividend. l uues.
New Spring Arrivals at the Ladles
Sailor hats.
Kun nmbrellas,
Chiffon veiling,
Sterling shirt wain sets.
Ladies teeks, Windsor, and dress bows.
Our shirt waists are perfect fitting,
well made, all finished seams and wi.l
stand laundrying.
These soodsareall ma
tkml in t..a'n
figures and are lower than
We invite your inspection.
Moneyto Loan
A limited amount of money to loan 00
eood farm security.
s N. STrxia&Co,
In Albany. At Uie Albany Dressed
Meat Go's. shoo, corner Second and
Ellsworth streets, vdu can cet the fines
meats to ba had: lust now some deli
e.lona aanaatrea. baeon. headcheese,
besides the regular lines of tender meats
n SwnST. !l. Broderslsnow In
new and neat brick, where he will
" n neat onca, woe -
targe and choice stock of meats of
Jcinds. Give him a call.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I IUJ BW El A aawa
11 mv
The last day of winter.
Some snow today; bat it was in the
Photo made at hard time prices at
Polite attention and good phot at
Trilby initial pins 10 cent at French's
jewelry store.
New style, ladies watch chains at
French's jewelry store.
Jeas the bots bootblack at the Combina
tion barber shop. Get a shiae.
Tbe Albany bald will play at tbe base
ball game tonight. Hear them.
B?Iding Bros, k Co.'s hot 100 yi poot
silk Set at H. 9. Md twain' eaafa store
Buy your thread at H. F. Mcllwaia's
eaaa store. spools beat thread 23 eta.
Good pictures or no pay at Tinkle's, come
ana see bow we can make yoa sauie.
Eggs 8 eta. batter 25 eta a roll, butchers
ham, lOcta. Lacoo 8ctaat P Cohea's.
3 papers best red tip matches at If. F.
Mcllwaia s cash store for 5 eta.
Not going out of business. Prices
lower tbaa the lowest at the Ladies Bazaar.
See Dr. Lowe, ia tbe Parlor of the t.
Charles Hotel if yoa need glaea. free
When yoa come to Tiofcle's ff tLoto
bring the babie and djo'c forget Uie old
French the jeweler U tiil holding the
prion of watches Hewn- Caii and Sk
Prof. Rayner and sister and F. Co will
t Ten it Lce asd Imtj." on March
Dr. Lowe has been coming to Albany
for five years. Ho yoa be r people com
plaining ot oi fUs?
Men's kid boot, saddle seam aad war
ranted water irojf at 1 75 m H. F. Mc
llwaia's cash saoee.
The baby bora today will be ia bad lock
to far a birthday go. It wU' bi eight
years before it has another.
Base bail at tbe ooera butne tonight, F
Co at tbe T M C A. Tars oat aad see
tbe fan. Admissioa 5 and 10 cents.
Dr. Lowe pots the cream of experience
iato his glasses. iYl makes tbe eye roe
Tbe enrol! meat ia the puMu: cbi f.
FeUoary has beea 6J5. average aftead
aace 5&5. A good showing.
Ail thote daarisg leseoas ;n pfev.'scil
coltareaod efjcatioa pease call oa Mia
Crawford, reaideoce eorsasr 6th and E is
worth aireeta.
Do not forget wbea yoa waot the best
fall roller floor, to go to H-1 . Vcllwt n's
caUi store Stsytoo, Snov Fiaae, iet
too aad Staadard MUU.
AH members of ManzanltaCrore. W.C.,
are ro,otcd to be preeat Eatarisy vea
mg, Febrnary 29, to driif in the aew work
for special badness By order of lite
worthy gaardiaa.
The regular meerag of the ladies Ad
joctety will be beid at tbe reanieoce of v.r
A B Woodia oa Moaday. March 2od at
pa. Tbe csairaua of aovisory commit
tee request tne member of that co3imttte
to meet wita ner at I -JO.
I is reported that between $7,000,009
and flO.'X'XOO have bera ehippd away
from Sa Fraacisco to avoid tbe payment
of taxes whkb woo id be vewnJ agaiast
the nooer it it were ia Saa Fraacisco next
1 be Wooimen mean business. They
have already rented tbe opera boose of tne
flight of tbe 4:h of Jaiy for a bigelecstioa
arr eotertaiameat, w-.lii participaats from
different parts of the state, aad have aio
chartered a train for aa excarsioa to the
front daring the day.
A Doogla coaatv office hon'er certainly
haaaaeottwo qoaliScatioas that ewtitle
him to soppoat for ofike, aone wore tbaa
tbe ant meatiooed. He say: I owe ao
body a cent, am therefore free to act fair
ly to all and by alt and for the best iater-
eie of Dmurlas cooary. I bekicg to m
ring or combine."
I. R. Abbey, traia dUpatcher of the O
CAE appeared before the polka judge
yesterday a tbe charge of vie latin,; the
city ordinance rearun where it is a mis
demeanor to nde bicycles tie plead not
goi ty aad the case was dicatiam. Cy
clers, take waraiag. Corvallis Timea-
The Ladies Bazaar have jost received
oae haadred doaea bow ia black aad tans.
for Ladies, M laves aad children which tbey
! will place oa sale Monday rooming- for a
hawted tune ooly. at I ) ct per pair. Tnese
good are all .w-amlea with double heels
and toea. and the same as too pay "-5 cts
for elsewhere.
I. E. Bead. lira. Ella Read, Florence
Read. J . Heary Read aad W. Amelia
Brown, made a reooaet for their letters
from the kl E. church of this circuit, last
Sunday. Tbey claim not to rcoonoce tbe
it. E. church in eeaeral. bat that partic-
alar branch ol tbe church located in iioo-
This is part of tbe ootcome ot the
A. P. A. breeae, recently started np there.
rates Cr.
My three children are .!! tubject ts
croop: 1 'eiecrapneJ 10 rraocjaco. :w
eot a half doaea bottle of S B Couuh Cure.
lit iaa narfwet remedy," God bfe yoa tor
it. Yosrs. e'C- J.fl. Ciosier. GranU
Pans. Ur." For aale by Fohay & Mason at
150c per bottle.
Use Dawson's tarniturc poLUh
Gladness Lornes
wi wa
I nth a better understanding 01 we
W transient nature of the many phys
ical Ula which vanish before proper ex
tortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any aevtnu ai-
tion of the system, which the pleasant
... . aimriiT o w oonsupawu vvuu
family laxative. Syrup of rtgs, orompi-
admMl with miUionaof fmiU, Wid is
MainAsHM 'i nai ih wnT lb ia utu vuij
1 awaywhan. Mt4md so burhlT hr all
mrxl health, lu beneficial
.... a. v. fan that it la vne
one remedy which promoe w"1"
T".. witKnnt debiliUtinir the
ornna oa whicn it acta.
-if imnnrtnt. In order to get ita bene-
1 v
ehaae. that yon have genuine article, EpAlRH BICYCLES. Fiaok tic
WhAta manufactured by the California i A ey repairs bicycle pripUy and a
Kio. Symp Co. only, and sold by all rep- . ar8t t'liUa manner. Break, punctured
ttUble druggists. tires, etc. fixed ccrrectiy. At bop just
If ia the enjoyment of good healta, . wwt 0( y, M. C A. hall.
and the system ta regular,
sjiUVa inawj w - - en
.i nther remedies are not needed.
If afflicted with any actual disease, one
iar be commended to the most skillful
phyaiciana, but if in need of a laxative,
then one should have the beat, and with
v. -..n.innniMil irv where. Svrupox
Fi, BUU1ds highestajd ia moat largely
all 12 Ind Vive moi.'toral satiidacuoo.
' ...
nn'ivu . . - ,
New Time Card.
Following is th-s nr tiro- cirJ -of t i
Albany Street Rail) :
rbe car will leave comer f First ar.'
Wabington street as follow:
4:20 a- m. for morning over Ian J tn 'sn
80 " Lebanon train.
11 " " Yaqaina trin.
12:00 noon, train going aootb.
125 p. m., Uoftenurg train north x,v.n 1
and west bound Yaquina train.
1 i& p. m O. C. k. t. train, eaat Uu. a
4:00 Lebanon train.
1 1 .35 " Ov Hand train going south.
4.00 " Orphan's Home,
The ear will sloe me all incoming train.
on both the Southern PaeiSc and O. C. k
L. raiiroad. C. G. Bt'KaRABT,
fa Simmons 6ver pkjclator dont
forget to tax- it. The Lr. er gets sluggish
duonz the Winter, just like ail nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it It also
regulates the Liver keeps it property at
work, when your system will be free from
foison aad the whole body invigorated.
You get TUE BEST BLOOD when
your system is ia Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept act-ve.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
dmereace. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator it b Simmons
Liver Regulator whfch makes the
differeaca. Take ft ia powder or ia liquid
Already prepared, or make a tea cf the
powder, but take SIMMONS LrV'ER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it.
T. B. Zeilixt Col, Philadelphia, Pa,
YstB9S ef Laot JTmaiirt sfaooid sead at
on. toe w booa
ta&aezpiaias bow
fail wuittiy ieor
is easiir. pdckiy
and pensaiaeaiir
maired. anai
a Serin; from
f k4 to igaDre this
tiiaely advice.
Bora: telis bew
fall streszih. da-
aad too aiw tmnarted 10 enry
of tow Body. Seat with tneiuve
proofaiwahdirai toaayaiaaeaappfifartfia.
Red Crown Hilling Gc
la aoa ender tbe maaaremeat of Ed
ward Goitu, X. II. Allen, Wm. L. Vance,
E J. EarreU and Samuel E. Touag.who
are bow prepared to sell the best
in the market at reasooaUe rates.
Highest cash price paid for wheat.
Star iJiiken
Cor. Itroadalbin and First Sts
-Vtmle U
Canned Fruits,
Canned .Meat,
Dried Fruits,
eferrthiaft that i kept ia a
good variety and aro
eery store. Higb
et price paid
Dealers In
and Oats.
We have had more thorough training ia
all tbe branches cf uu--urnc than any
I other agent in Albany. sadtanj:vre yoa
more eennine insnranre for yar morey
than any other agent in li s city.
IhsUtct ajjeots fortheMin, ot .jotaon.
established 17i0 A. P . Pboema of loa-
don. A IX, 17S2 and Contmenfai, U
New York, the only company uuinga
'Safety Knnd Policy.
M. SKNPEKS, & Co Mktts.
ttouse moving cmi promptly
I I I . . 41 rr.A 1 ail on or
address W Taylor, 4th and Kadison fc-s
FOR SALE OR KfcM.-iu acres oi
land 3 miles from AlUny. Acdres,
Ma. R E- Owks. Lebanon tiei?on.
rpo TRDE f'V residence m Albany.
I 1 have 16 lots with fair hou-e. just out
side the ciiy limits, in good location, good
land, Kod creharO, to trace w nw
in suitable lecation in Albany- .
small 6r, ash, maple, oak snd balm,
by, B.M. HC8TONM.0
Tia rootling and plumbing,
the opera house.
Dr. Frice a vreain itKing t-uwuct
4nM Goat M Vt"
weak mm