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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1896)
Such ills as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like. oooooooooooooooooq WETHERFORD & WYATT Attorneys at law. Will , practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Flinn block. W Ri BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. J. J WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. BLAGKBURFJ & SOBERS A.a'TOH3SrE"2"3 AT 1.", All legaf matters will receive prompt at- enpon. umce, irs awuam - uilding', up stairs. ONTANTE ef HACKUHAK, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon JJR. J. I. HU., lvrddnaadetarton. OFFICK-Oora arry strata, Albany, Oregon. DR. Cf U, CHAUBERUfii H03KOB OIA.TEtIST Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem ishes, neuralgia and other diseases, with ga'vanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. IKST NATIONAL BANK. OF ALB AH Y, ORBOOI resident . Vice President . 0faiar - trLi?m S, K.YO0NO ,.R, W. LAiHlbON IRA59ACT3 A OESKBALbankllisaaloaas ACCOCKTS EKPT subject to shack. EIGHT K1CHANGK and tel Taphle trewS Hew Vara, San Francisco. Chlaaa-o and ?lal Mroa .O.'.t JTIOSJ dAOSoa laorabla ero. Too- W jaaau Bun, I. Fuaa Ksviaa I . Soi. OS" AT.BAWT. 0SV, fRAKSACTtteneral Baukinff uslnea). DBAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Saw York. 8aa F eo sad Ponlana, Orean; LOAN MONEY on approved axenrity. RSCEIYS deposit subject to cheek. SOLLKCTIONSmada on mrorahia tana.' 1NTKRS3T naid on time desoal HAKKIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, mt the ThMrwaw offlf. career lad and Bruadalbia srrwta Albany. Or. cnts aad CoUectioB a Specialty. Fire Insurance INSURE "YOUR PROPERTY In the Old Hart ford, the Xew Tork Un derwriters Asrency or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents. Note taken and plenty of time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will bs promptly attended to. OFFICE IN P- 0. BLOCK ALBANY, OR. K. O. T. M Meals every Saturday renins in K- O M. BalL VLitin2 Knights invited to end- J. . v ak Winkle, Co . VIERECKS; SHAVING AND HAIRCUTHNG PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Df. Whites je ITqit A head of hair or no pay. Cures al diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 f or Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honea and Set and Put in Os ' der on Short Notice. Smiley Good I printing Always ,Jone Very uickly. The Printer. 11UiUlUlUiiiiUliUUlUlUiUa The Naked Truth. can't be argued away. It's too visible to escape recognition. The one truth that will not down is the luminous fact that we lead in wall paper. Our stock shows more new designs than can be seen anywhere else, and every design is not only new but pleasing, artistic' and attractive. Wall paper ie designed to decorat and adorn, and for that reason we've included all the handeomest de eisrns produced this season in our dis play. J. A dimming. WANTED-AN IDEAoTsSr. thing to patent f - Protect your idea ; they mat bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKH, BUiilTte CO., Patent Attorneys, Waauington U. C tor their $LouU prie offer. T T7 Let Us Iteason To-V-W1Y1 LL getherl Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of course i Is you dont want dyspepsia and yon', never get it by eating anything Iroru oo store. U. 8. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. ; ' C. 1). Vandykk. Proprieto POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOjl ST.JAGOBS OIL WIPES OUT Promptly and Effectually. wKndvktisil health by the tttt of SHAUEFTS Compound Cod Liver CI Capsules I'nsnrpassed was, remedy lor Caav- uiiiptinn, Aatn- ma. llronchitif Coughs, Debility, and all wasting dUeasra. Perfectly talteleae. That rr-ly scientific -remedy by building m ana rerleing the body and renewing WUW vasut. resists and destroy disease a contains the pnreat Cod Liver Oil combined wilhJSeecnwood Tut; pleasant and easy talu. reasonably and honestly caoponlti by a practical pharmacist. Yon can get them ONLY B aaaaj n paid to you en feceipt of 88c, pt box. IVeared utrlr fir - 3&th & State Sta. REMOVE THE CAUSE - and the symptoms will disappear This yon wili accomplish by using SHAUERS' CATARRH THROAT SPECIFIC ...... sal in com parable remedy for diseases a SSja Throat. Koae. and Month. A certain, simple and effective enra for Nay Fsvar, Diphtheria. Qulrat Sara Threat, Ml WcaraM ar Csnfcsrsd Httuth and Ti BaaUy wsed, quick torelieYe, positive always ready; small in price.- Dowt watt m yon ajuxt have it get it now. NT ONLY Bl MAIL, prepaid o.- receipt al aoc prepared toicly br U. Q. SH AIJEK, Chemist, Srt A 20th Sta.. Chicago, Ilia. eavcaTm. TttADa: a ASisTft. CESIOM fATKMTat. COPVRIOHTS. tO. For Information and frro Hxlbook write to KITks at cou asi Baoanwar. Haw Yoax CMeat boreanfoc eecnrlng patenu In America, Eiwry patent taken out by n broosht before Uie pabiio by a notice gtren troe ol charge la tbo lajuLntehmlarloaof any ertentlflt par tn the world. Splendidly illustrated. Ho IntrlUrras man ahoold ba without It Weekly aa.OO a year; l.a) alimomh Adlma. MUVN" uOw VoMjavaaaa. ae 1 Broadway- yew York City. DO YOU errite letters? Of course von do. and what is nicer than smooth let'er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary ou should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and "see the fine quality extra low prices, ftext time you . wan some inquire OF S Mil. EY THE PRINTER RIPAN-S The modern stand ard Family Meti cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. .. . . . .... , y. i -J.U - : , - nn 'ir' i..BsTatrf i The "ERIE1 mrchinicatly tnc beat Aeenta. Bicrcle cata- karnc.mailrd free jieet .rTrpHo . r. ices. etc.. torjrrt 'funn. . LliM k irrU3 TCa U) reta!ums.CaL r Jjoc-i. ?-i .ain sc. LoAnreies. - ' 'i m " ri aiMwasBBaBMiasaas FOSHAY k MASOH, ft fao!rale A. Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS A LB AX Y. ORKGOK. PnrePrugs'andtbe Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. Prof. A. STARK Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmk College. I am prepared to -exr-mine scientifically and accurately, by the latest and improvee methods of modern science, any who de sire to hare their eyes tested. Cusick Block Albahy. Oreoob. nr tsim, Cnsii-V Block Albany, Or Filling and extracting of teeth without pain asoecialty JOSEPH VETER1KARY SURGE! Office at Miller Sr Turner' slaVe, resi dence and str.ble it 4th and Calr.pooit streets, Albany, Oregon. Aa Straney. Upholsterer ""wf Ar d Repairer Hair, wool and sboddy mattresses rent atd made over. Furniture of every description and tali) carriages re upholstered and varnished. Drop a note is th. P. 0., or call 7 itroet, between Kerry and Brjadalhia, A bony, Or. 4 Solentiflo American Ajjency I TO w J rjr i fs. 14 f; '' v 2 'fry J SMITH m irsgiTB,.,- -, rniSnfaSa a uicture of a woman holding a mouBe bv the tail is given as the proper thing I there is an expression that I do not un- I. A I T .1... . for a statue of courage. mlmmm Km An exchange hopes that the North pile has really been found, it would save lots of agony. At the earue time a boocI many other men would want to go there and verify -.he fact. It probably is nat true. Following are the rates of fire insurance tor different countries : France, 8 cent per tlOO insurance. Germany, 15 cents per $100 insurance. England. 20 cents per $100 insurance. Austria, 36 cents per $ 100 insurance. Australia. 33 cents per 100 Insurance. Russia, 61 cents per 100 insurance. United States.100 cents per $100 Insur ance. ' . A father wrote to an editor for instruc- J tions how to stop his boy from smoking cigarettes and got the following reply : I "We suggest bribery, persussion.instruc-1 Honor shutting off allowance. Then if he remains obstinate, use rawhide on raa-bide. Welt him until be is ready to hold up his band and promise never I attain to Bmoae anotuer cigarette, i . i . I . - Til that does not work, drown nun. ab drowned boy is better than one mat smokes cigarettes." Yamhill Indepen-1 dent. A Buffalo bov. when asked to write out .h.t ha rrtni,Wd an ideal menu, I evolved the following : First Course Mince pie. Second Course Pumpkin pie and turkey. Third Course Lemon pie, turkey and cranberries. Fourth Course Custard pie, chocolate cake and plum padding. Dessert Pie. Youth's Companion. An Eterr paper says: A Tortland (Ore.) dispatch says that an agent of the 0 linese government has arrived in that city to place an ordr far 50,003,000 feet lumber. Moat n( it is intended for the construction and repair ol govern ment buildings. The agent says indica tions are good for a healthy revival of the lumber trade throughout China and Japan this year and next. This wi'.l be good news for the Pacific coast lumber men, who have more forests and more ess' mills than they have available cus tomers for their output. It is unnatural business tor the Pacific coast mills to forward lumber a thousand or two miles by rail over mountain ranges to Dulnth, Chicazo and other Eastern points, in competition with local mills. Far bet' teris it to eell their lumber in China, Japan, S juth America and Sooth Africa, where Michigan, Wisconsin and Minne sota mills cannot compete. Big Waste of Money. The East Uregonian is in receipt cf a pamphlet entitled "monthly report of the Oregon state weather service, report for 0.-tober, 1S " It is issued by B. S. Pague, local forecast official of the United States weather bureau. It is to bs presumed that the report has been sent to every newspaper in the slate, eeverai hundred in number; to many prominent citizens ; to all the local ob servers, god probauly a .arce n a ruber will lie in the office of Mr. Pagne at Portland and never be used. It would be no violent presumption that at leat 1030 copies were issued. It is a monthly p lblication, and consists of aa average of over 4) pages. It can cost no less than $100 per month, or about f 1200 per year. The work is done by W. H. Leeds, the Oregon state printer at Salem. Tie report contains page alter page of matter which is of no practical value to the newspapers or the people, and possesses a much interest to the taxpayers aa would information showing how many wharf rats there are about the docks at Astoria. Pendleton . O About Mi no. There are fifteen qnanx mills in Alas ka, with an aggregate of 600 stamps. A recent-rich strike of brittle silver is reported from the Silver Queen, in Mot' todon Gulch, near Eureka, Col. A etrike is reported in the Justice mine. Lower Lake District, near Cen tral City, Col. The ore averages f SO ton. Workjon the Adelaide, formerly the Rosa, one of th j Hinnla'e mines, near Like City, Col., will be resumed io the coming seaeon. The Yorkviile Gold Mining Company, with a capital of $30,003 has been locor porated to develop mine rear Dalli. Panlding County Ga. A good strike is reported to have been made in the American Nettie mine, near Ouray, Col, The ore is better than a&y ever before fonnd in that mine. Old time placer minns at Janear, Alaska, are preparing for an early start ia the spring to tiie Tcrnagain Arm diggins, in the Cook's Inlet county. It is raid that the No. 5 coal mine at Almy, Uinta county, Vyo , which bbw op last March, is to be reported at once About sixty men will be employed. The Chicago and Victor Company, cn Straob Mountain, near Victor, Col , is attracting considerable attention The dm pan y has nine c'aims ia a vroop. Some recent assays run 86 in gold Curious Facts. A watch has I57,GSJ,000 tick a year It takes twelve Uonatul oiicrotes to form a procesiiou an inch long. The word "facetious" contains all the vowels in their regular order- People, as a rule, hear better witn their right than with their left ear. " Tbe capital " 1" occurs 3701 times in ttie Iiew irstament and 14 UAJ times in the Old Testament The capital letter "Q" will be found but twice in the Old Testament and three times io the New t. . . . . i ne loi.geai amnciai water coun-e in tbe world ie the Bengal Canal, nint hundred miles, the next is Erie, 363. Each cost nesrly 910,000X00. Every American President, has had from three to thirty-two towi.s named for him. There are thirty cities and towns name I after Alexander Hamilton, thirty Clintons, twenty-four Webster, twenty Bentons, thirty Calluuue, eevm Clays, nineteen Qauicvs, twenty one Douglasses and twenty B'aines. Indiana furbished a gieat many tall men for the army Out of 118,234 mn whose descriptions were taken at the time of enlisting 11.3J2 were six feet in beght or trore, There were 2614 six feet one inch, 13)7 six feet two inches, 406 six feet three inches and 303 over six feet three inches. Or. trice's Cream Batting Powde "Vorld'a "sir HIeatAww. What Is It? EntTon Democrat: I am puaxled. In Wednesday' Demo- chat, in the platform of th Populists, derstand, I mean that part of their platform called "initiative referendum " What is it, anyhow? Referendum looks like a Latin gerund, but it may be a gerundive ora passive periphrastic; and I am not unlike some students that I have known. I am not sure whether it Is a gerund, gerundive or passive peri phrastic. If I make it a gerund, the word initiative must modify it, but an aijective never modifies a gerund in Latin. If, however, by some hook or crook, it acquires tnis pawer when It eomes in contact with a gerund in a popnhstio platform, I am still unable to understand what an "initiative referen dum" in. Initiative, acsording to the dictionaiy, rneani "pertaining to initia tion." The 'initiative referendum,' therefore, must be some popullstic cere- raony pertaining to initiation into the populist party. But if this is the mean- jug of the expression,! do not understand wny it is put in the party platform. If I make refeiendum a gerundive, it must have the construction of an adjective and modify initiative, and initiative must be g noun. As a noun it means "an intro- uacwrj step or acuou. iwibimuuiu . - - t . . .. J formed from raierj, to Dear back-. An initiative referendum, then, means bearing back an introductory step or action. But to what point do the popu lists propose to beer back the mlroduc tory step or action, and what object do I. a a . . .. - 11 they nave tn view, mat is wnai i wouiu like to know T If I msks reierenJui a passive periphrastic, then the initiative must be born back by somebody. But by whom? By the populists? if so, be. fore they do it, I would like to know what introductory step or action they are going to bear back aod how far they propose to carry it T I rhall, therefore, be under ten thousand obligations to some one who Is conversant wau popu- listic lore, if he tell uis the exact mean ing of the expression "initiative referen dum," as used in the party platform, and thus add to the linguistic attainment of an Iunoramcs. The expression should htva been ini tiative and referendum. Oregon's Industries. Mr. J. P. Jones, traveling passenger agent of the Southern Pacific road, ie tarned from a trip over the road vester d, says the Oregonian. Mr. Jones re ports traveling fair and slowly improv ing. He said : 'The smaller towns are still suffering (rm the effects of the panic, and it w II take soms time yet for them to recover. Money and business centraliza in th. largest taans first, then spread ont grad ually to the smaller localities. la the country, I find the farmers contented and encouraged over the condition of the wheat market; but that is nnfo.tooatcly oSset by the condition of the hop mar ket, that industry being ,seemiagly so the decline. "From my observation in traveling over the state, I find that Oregoa potet- tes mineral wealth that will make this a great slate when once developed. Take the mining interests in the southern part of the state: They are most iropor tantin point of wealth an J extent. Some of these i roperliee are betog worked and attracting both men and capital to their several localities. But the pont I want to make ia Uiat the general ignorance of the people on tte question of the min eral wealth of Oregon shows that the newspspers io not give the space to it that the importance of toe subject would justify. A'aka ia working her mineral interests for everything she know s bow ; so is Washington; but Oregon appears to be making of its mineral wealth a secondary consideration. That that is wrong time will prove. A One Club. The "Suicide Club' and tbe ' Associa tion of Fat Men' are well known excres cences of Pari aociety. But a practical denizen of the great metropolis ba brought ont a grand new idea. He pro poses a combination of individual, each following a different occupation, to be termed "The One Club." Evry phase of human activity and industry ie to be represented by one man atd one only. Tbe membership of the club will, ac cordially, cum prise m physician, a law yer, a military man, a senator, a banker, a journalist, a deputy, an actor, etc. Their motto is .'"The One," and each man's duty is to assist bis fellow mem ber when required. For instance, tbe only diamatic author io tbe club sees bis rights trampled un der foot bv a t leatrical manager ; tn de fend himself in the press be has recourse to the one journalist, perhaps later to the one lawyer, and last of all to the only deputy, who airs bis gritvao'-c in the chamber. Aoother instance: The only physician renders medical aid to his fllo club raea without ajy remuneration, and. iu return, he is naturally eutiiled to receive legal advice itralia from the one lawyer, to have free admission to see tbe play of the one dramatic author, and, if need oe, to obtain a loan without inrest from tbe one baokr. f he One Cob already counts mot than fotty members Ex- A r-ontnern magazine prints report from 500 correspondents on tbe financial condition of the farmers of that section. ft is shown that the Southern farmers are carrying lees debt than ever before; that they are producing more provisions for home consumption, rapidly improv ing their farms, and adding to their household comfort. A first-class ticket, harmoniously nominated, will mean entrees for at least part if not all of the democratic ticket in Linn county. The timber ts already in the field for a strong ticket. Voters wanting a careful, economical administration of county affairs will need to vote it. Theodore Durrant, recently one of the most conpicnons men in the 17. S. already is hardly mentioned. He has acother chance for fame. The day he hangs will give him a short notoriety, and then he will lie forgotten in a few weeks . Home one says W. C. Whitney is opposed to free silver. If so he should not be nominated at the coming national convention. A btmctaHst should head the ticket. " J. II. Miti hell is said to be confident of bis reelection as V. S. Senator from Oregon. The Dbmocbat's prediction is that he will be; likewise that Dinger Hermann will bs nominated. Tbe chips will fly in Albany to-morrow Bight. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. A week's doings. . Right in San Francisco. , , isound to disagree. Look ahead . Going into the byways. The end of another week finds the Dr. Brown trial being eontinned indefinitely in San Francisco. When a trial is once started in that'matter how small, it may be depended upon that it will take weeks and weeks to finish it. Mo lasses in the wiuter is nowhere's bealde a San Francisco court. One of the most horrible exploiions in hit tory occurred in Johannesburg, South Africa. The French ministry has' again had confi dence expressed in it. The Cubans are getting ready to stand. Mrs. Cody has been seen all over the United States. TUs first Albany woman in the history of the city, as far as the Dkmocbat knows, was arrested for using abusive languags. Turkiy has not yet been whipped for ninrdering the Armenians.' A populist convention was held in Al bany without a circus. The tailors have been striking in New York City, and FiUsimmons knocked out Maher so quick'y that he hardly knew what as up. He can come very close to treating Corbett in the same way. Three robbers entered a San Francisco bank io broad daylight, stood up the cashier and book-keeper, secured $3000 and escaped. San Francisco Is in a bad way when it permits Mich things. The guesning during the week at the time it wilt take to chop in two a fifteen inch log is a good illustration of the tact that men will disagree, and you can't make them agree. They aren't built that way, and that is the long and the shoit of it. There are men who want you to agree with them in every detail, and it yon do not yen are a dotenhead or something rise juot as bad. When a person "knows" a thing that is debata ble then ont. Just as likelv an not be does not. Every man has a right to hisopinluu, and exactly, as much to say he thinks a fiftireu inch log can be cut in 2 minutes a the man who knows it will take over 7, or in any other field of disputation. A man is doing a very just thing when he makes provision for his family after his death. How he shall do it is a per sonal matter that should be settled in a practical way by hit on judgment. The man djing this thinking lus jus'. rad an item about bow "the Salvation Army ami others run on that plan go to the byways and bid aood and bad to come to the least, as renmre J by the Scriptures, while the orthodox clergy practically say: come to our churches and receive th bread of life, but slay away ifyoa choose and be damned." There is at leat something in the idea to think about, and the DsxocaaT gives it w.tbout any of its own thoughts at this lime. Inside of Two Year. Artbnr B. Doming an old resident of Oakland Cel., well known in rehgious circles, has announced that the world i coming to an end within two yeara lie declares ibat the story was confided to him by the Lord aftr be had faUd even days and nights. A vision a,v peared to him oo tbe night of the seventh day, so he says, and he wascsra miMioned to wain the people to prepare for the end Mr. Iteming claims to i the direct representative cf tbe Lord, and has on dertakeo the task to warn the people of the Pacific Coast that the time is near at band for them to tender an account. Wherever be can get a hearing bs make known the result of bis fast and tells of the strange revelalioo that rarne to him in the night lie says that be saw a terrible baUle and' onl ol the tumu'.t cauie an acgei who told him tha story of wbat ia to happen. Mr. Deming asserts that this is not the first time that matters t f moment bave bn tevealrd to him ia vie:oo. In fact, when he desires to he brought into closer cemtncnkt;oa w ith the other world hebtin from food. On February 8th Demtng became im bued m'.lU tbe idea that dread calamities were about to overwhelci the human race. fs troub'ed was he that te de termined to seek further liht, which be hoped to obtain by prayer and fasting. 9e resolved to partake of no f xxl for seven day. luring that period net a particle of nourishment of any kind pneeed bis lips, an J he patiently watted for the vision which to his mind was to be of such dread coerequenre to the world. On the Stlb day the old roau nearly give up in den air A great hunger cmie upon lii io . ami he was eore'y tinptfd to abandon the se.f-impoed cnii-inx on ( tha fieh abd break his agon aiiu ia't. But he bravely put aside the temptation. The sixth d ly came, and (tilt the tnys tic veil of the fuiuie was not rent amn Irr. No vi.ioo rami to the fisting man, who f It that he was soon to be the mes senger of porteotious tidings to his fel low beings. His stiengtn was slipping from him and still the message he so yearned frr was denied him. Wi:h the weakness of the flesh there came a spiritual exalta tion which soon cmi.'J the starving man to forget 'his physical toMure in the glory of radiant scenes which feasted his soul. He seemed to be transported from the narroar confines of this earth and brought nearer to tbe object of his desire. Friends came to him, even as to Job of old, and, some In pity, others in scorn, offered him deheacls to tempt him from his fast. Again and again he resisted, putting the food aside as coming from the devil; and then came the seventh day. That night the message was revealed in a vision. What seemed to be a bat tle in which mighty hosts were contend ing convulsed the heavens. Suddenly an angel emerged frcm the terrifying scene and stood before the mortal who had eodured such suffering for those ae-Ven days. "The end of the world is at hand," was the dreadful warning spoken bv the angel, who then vaoie'ael. Not content with the revelation just made to him, Deming purposes t j fast for eight days, as he is eager to be in a position to furnish more definite infor mation as to the exact date of the des truction of the world. "People call me a crank and calamity. bowler," said Dcmiog, "but I have re ceived a direct message from the Lord and I warn the people to prepare for the end of the world. To fast for seven days and nights is not a pleasant task, but I have just accomplished it with good re- u.. vs ih sevenm nigni me vision came and I was told that the end of the J ...14- r .i - .. ... . . world would come in two years. "I want to give the people waruing.for I feel that I have been commissioned to spread the news and tell the people with the voice of one having authority that the Lord still reigns and is soon coming." An exchange says : Don't ask an edi tor to suppress an item of news; some other paper will get it any way. The next day something will happen to your neighbor aod if he asks to have it sup pressed jou will be fie first one to jump on the editor for not ' during to say that his soul was his own." Take your med icine when the news luppms to fall your way, tor really you have no more claim on the paper than your neighbor. Nearly every day the eJitor is called on for roasts and several other kinds of cookery for the benefli of thfs and that one, and yet thoie who request this would no more think of writing what they want the editor to write and assume the responsibility for it, than they would attempt to flv. Some men who never touch an ase at home know the most about themaaay from home "Young man, you should ncvi-r go to bed owing any man a cent." "bere would I sleep, fatber?" Detroit News. Portland has a free bridge and ferry, but they cost the city $23.C9 37 in six months. Wrere doe the free come in? Mr. Kruger.preaident of the Trsiifcvaal republic, has been invited to visit Lon don, and has accepted. His name should be changed to DennU. MISFITS. The Journrl eavs the Albany and Pa lent comianis w ill play base ball in that city on teb. 2. The school loy is in bad luck this year. Washington's birthday, dei-ora-tion day and -itU of July all come on Sat urday. If some one would cast a cathode ray into the bowels of the Santiatn mines the sight would 1 worth millions if ex clusive j.rorty. Keep away from Cripple Crtk. Here is the situation: Tweotv-iour dead men lying on elaba in the - . i " n the nio.vne at I i" . .J, n vnppie crec-. victims oiiiunncr, expos- ore, pneumonia and eoicide eighteen - ... .... eoicide eighteen 1 ut uie imrieci uniuenuuta; J. E. Llunlell.of Douglas, says: "Per mit me to say that I am not a candidate lor legislative honors. I have bad all the abuse, all tbe honor and all the emoluments belonging to that office, and am now ready and willing to bold the iaiuer ior tome other rwor fellow to climb." Good judgment, iir. BSundeli. Sousa bad a $418 bouse in Salem. The program lasted an hour and a half, at the rate of f 1 an hour for each reserved seat Tbe Statesman mrs it was oat about 190 worth of advertising for a few non-tran&ferrable tickets, which is a good sample of the sir editors get enm pimenttry tickets, and they wanted lots more, tktme people think newspapers are run for fan. - A singular fact has been discovered in Jcde McGinn's department of tbe state circuit court. Since the 3-Mb of Janoarv there have been 14 cases disDoer.! ofand all of them but one bave been for the de fendant. The one exception wa a diss- greement. Another startling emphatu of the fact that it is well to look before yon Jeap. ever sue nn.tas voa know what you are doing. George Washicgioa, "im in war. Era in peat., firs', in ui hear of tiia coon trvtuen, "never morv dear to the heart of his couuirrmea than in this era of snails. w hen every man seems to be working for his own rain. Washington and his compatriots labored for the ccuctrv thev saved, now men seem to be trying to ste uow mora iney can roo mete Sam, aod tbey are turning his pockets lnsioe out Let ns never at..p erring : Hurrah for treore Washington. On our editorial pae is an article about how an Oakland man bad a virion, alter a seven dayi fast, in hich be a ae mtjrmtj that the world would come to an end in about two years. A former Albany man, now in n Jose, has been studying Uie question and baa figured out that the wurid will come to aa end in ISReS, the Srt quarter. Depend upon i nuen sucn iniurmation 14 given in a vision it will uol he to a man nearly starved, i-ucb a man can imagine any thing. Tbe news was received reslerdav that Conductors W H Jamiesou and Jack An drews had been d.smi! from the ser vice of Uie S. P. Co. The cause was not learned as the company i'- not furnish any great amount of information con cerning its actions. It is understood that Mr. Andrews was contemplating resign ing. and Ue order wae no great incon venience to him. Both theee gentlemen have many friends in Boxlurg. Kote- btirg Keview. It will be .iitlicult to reo ognia- the S. P. conductors if Uie work continues. Lent bean yesterday and UI Ut lony uays. in .iliany it u not gtner- aiiT oiwrveo ; out me Observance of it is given by an exchange as follows : Per fect alien nonce from a! focd everv fast ing day until evening is the U.eory at least required, ami it has aU betn cxn sidrrel uesirahle that pnbiic worship with sermon should le attended daily, with freqiieht communion, etj?cialiy on Saturday and Sunday. Public anlm--nienls, t speeialiv staho plays, are pro hibited, and the celetirati m of religious festivals, as also of birthdays and uiar riKjie. is held to In unsuitable. In creased diligence in almsgiving and deeds of charity is enjoined. How easy it is to figure. Here is some from the Foeil Journal : "At a cost of 1300 the Gilliam County Sheepman's Protective Union has paid for Uie scalps of KJOO eeyotes. One (.as jnrt to think ot the progeny that these 1300 varmits would have brought into the world if permitted to die a natural death to real ize the incalculable benefit the bounty has been to the sheepmen of this county. It is safe to say that each coyote Slavs at least five sheep annually, worth f 10" any way. It is a common sight now to see little pigs renning at lanre all over the Mayville Hat. lteforo the days of the bounty it was unsafe to let them get out of sight." Two young gent'enien of this city started out for a walk recently. When near the outskirts of the citv" they de- i lo "we a coin at eacu street corner - - .- .... V-llll. 111). .11- J BUVUKI go. Heads indicated east and west, and tails indicated north ami south, accord ing to the agreement. They walked all afternoon, tossing the coin at each street corner and pursuing the course marked our oy me piece ot metal, wit were un able to get buck into the business pore tion of the city and had to give up the task. Eugene Guard. Had it been in talcin it should have taken both to the insane asylum. , Hon. Binger Hermann's bill providing for the examination and survey with a view to the improvement of the Long Tom from its mouth to Monroe, has been read twfco and referred to the committee on rivers and harbors. In a private letter received recently from Mr. Her mann, it is stated that he confidently ex pects to get the appropriation asked for. Eugene Guard. Isn't it about time Mr. Hermann began working ior the im provement of the Calapooia from Albany to Brownsville if he wants the support of the voters along its bank. The Ills r Wsnira Ootipation, c.nses more th half the k'ri". 'in... P.-.i T a pleasant cure for constipation. For salt bv Foshay & Mason. TELEGRAPHIC. Raw It Was Dane. Lakmtry. Tex., Feb 21. Peter Maher was knocked out by Bob Fitzimnions to day in the first round, after one minute and 25 second of actual fighting. Kitzsim mons played the same old game be ha so often played before. It was the identical blow that knocked cut Jim Hall in New Oceans. For the first part of the round Mahr had the bent of it. He led often 'Sn J toned tbe fitfbtintf. Finally the Irishman followed Filswbiinotis up and led with his lert, wrien t itz side stepped and, swinging bis right, landed full oa the paint of Mail er's left chin. Maher measured bis length on the floor, his head striking the canvas with great force. He vainly attempted to ri'e. but c ould not do more than raise hit bead. His seconds called on him to get np, but he failed to respond and sank back to the canvas Maher again vainly tried to rise, nut me ratal 1U seconds ere ciunted, Maher declared out, and FiU announced the victor afir 1 minute and 35 seconds of rather lively fighting. A Fatal Silrk. Jacksonville, Or., Fob. 21. Sadie,tbo 10 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs A Sturgis, met with an accident at the family home, near the Hturgis mine, al'out 6 o'clock yesterday afu-rnoon. She was out at ue barn, wbere the were I in if turned in for the nt(;ht, and was kicked in tbe stomach by one of the horv. A me- eenger, who has jut returned from there, says the condition of the little cirl it dang erous in the extreuicand there u little hope oi ner recovery. webs t a 'aadlda. CtiAUi.vasTos, S. C , Feb 21. f'rmideot Eugene V lMj. f th American Cnioa, wlio is in Clinrli fcton todav. was luked bv an ao int. ! pre- r-prorntative regarding me utpaicu Horn .juth IVnd.statinir that he hud acceUed the potmli.t nomination f or governor of Indiana. Debs said that some of his friends are enxioas for him to L a candidate, but that be has refuted He declare he has no tiite for politic, and no viuimion in ins', oi reel ion. WeeHy Stevlew. New itiBK, F-t. 21. Brad-t rot's wek!y review of the stock market kjji: "liuilnets, accompanied by a v?ry ttrcce ur.d-r'ftne, has ruarkllhe week rprcuU UMi. Prix hav, however, advano-d in some -ai wiib csjiii )iTa!!e steadine The iir pulse in tr.i case comet from Lf-nden, which market seems to have compile! revised it f"rmT ad-t-rte opin iens ;n regard to American security's. itsa.e,a. Wahiixctos, Feb. 21. -For tie firs' t me since Sep"etalT 5, l St', tb(ro'.d re serve today raxd the U'O.UiW.iMj point. "T r V T r,-";::- wrjuviiHK; , r.i a .iwuri.s in? true j t - ....... larauunt wuum up- appTOStmainy eius.wj, Tfc . . t l. ff. . . account cf the bond purchase is j05,a,U. . rrer la Baag lert I IS Uxios. Or Ftb 20. At 1-30 o'cSovk this afurnooB. 'be time fixed for pasting sentence ppon Eeltay Porter, convicted of curdcr ia the first degree for killing ia jamiB Mache. sr.. the aitornevs for tbe de- ; IPn. OJ a morion for aa ordWto set aide the verdict of tbe iarr, and for arrest of judge Eakin posted the following sea- teoce opon the defendant: I hat he be conned in th conutr tail until Aoril 10. when he be taken from tfeence, between the boors of 6 a. m. and 6 p. m.. and. within tte enclosure of toe jail, be hanged by the te k until dead.' "lhedeiecae was a' lowed cctil April 1. suttmttr f ia Chicaoo, Feb. 2J.-Cticago is exper ieociog the coldest weaUu-r of the season Since yesterday morning the thermometer ha not liwn above xero, asd with a bitter north wind bio icg, much taSeswt hat ensoed At 6 o clock t h it morning 9 deg wow uro wa some lT3iom- eters in the snbarU indicated 14 below. Michat-1 iitsgbea was from to d-eath on hi way to mora, and Joen Bradley was over come vj use cotd and tea icto toe river. Vteakewlag taaBdewr. Pari, Feb. 20. Thechamlr cf drpu tie touar. I t a vote of to 1;5. and the voJe cf cocSdwoo paed cn tcego-ern- tm-nt e!.roary I-t. Tlse v-)te o rcOrcAr 13 stood 3JSlo43. rsrsttiata. El Paw, Feb. 2) Tbe mzlii-fs and the crowd boonJ for the fig ht Mt on toe ea tvmcd train over tie Southern Pai5c ieavin? here at lOrCo p m. Theitameiiate rfiembers of tbe Maiier and Fitz-immocs pari tea are provided wrila raiboad tickets o Laogtry. ftx. and sleeping terths to hio, Tex, the second staiisa east of Langtrv. Tbe train on which the ourrl- Us k-u is d Je at Laogtry at 1 i?J tomorrow sj.eraxn- Tke t aa )aca4is. W AsnixoTox. Ftb. The Cuban qoUcn came Ufsre tbe senate today for Oeftaite and final a.-: ion. ! is expected that vot wil: be taken at aa early day on the several peciticg prPpitioos rewuest ing $run to recognize tbe beiiiierjncy of Cuba, and reqatiis a reoojraif. a of Culo independe&re. Theie is vcry imli caiiun n k that the debate will lead .to uKire rl:cal wed ve resolutions. Warat mm atrevral JonaASRDiBG. ftooth AfHca, Feb. 20 lb detail ate reaching this city toda; of what is probably the cxrt disastrous dynamite explotton on record in any part ot the world. Tcoo&ond of people hare been renderrxl boncie bv tbe terrible calamity. About a hundred are believed :o Cave Uvti k'Jied, 21U h S'.'O m-m.womea ani children are severely woomied, and many others are tuoie or h8 injured. A Terrible Ea4asea. JoiiAMir.i K... Feb. 19. Kn explosion of iy namite has occurred at Viendendorj an i the p r qaaner cf tbe town has been blown to piec, - Hundreds of h vjes are in ruin, and the havoc wrousht i fearful. A naiuher of ersoi.s have been killed and ti pomace fci turned out ea masse, and i wot am? to rescue thoe who may be bone i in the ruin Toe window of every hou in jokannesburg were broken l y the xpkt-.oi. t he dyuaatite that caued the calastmj-he fill-d t igtt lr,K-k. which were Viug j-uuni-d. Tae -v,.; cau-i an l!;;n.-nse 3) fee! dtvp Ererr bouse w irhiu a radio of half a mile of tbe eplo-si-mi was raised from the ground. r".riy oea.i, neariy sn oi mem terru.le mutilated, have a!ieJy been tiiken from the ruins. Fatal l"leure SecLlag I isbox. Feb. 19. At a marked ball, given by the Artists Club, of Saatarem, lat night, fire broke out shortly before midnight and spread wiib great rapidity. A terrible panic followed the first alarm, and all present rushed for the exits, which were soon jammed with terrified people Despairing of escapinor by any other means, men, women and children jumped from the windows, senon.-ly injuring themselves. Thus far 44 bodies have been recovered. Wa aaw t'Ukllag. Havasa. Feb. 19. Antonio Maceo, with a large fvillowing. yesterday made an attack opon Jaruco, the larjst and most important town on the railroad between Havana and MatanxaA. The official report states that tbe garrieoa made a teroic de fense, but not a word is said of losses on either side or of the damage inftictc-d by the insurgents. After the attsci, Maceo lett the town and joined the column led by Gomes which came to meet him. The ateaerve. Wash i kotos, Feb. 19. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasurv shows : Available cash balance 222.2'A303 Gold reserve 9oY-"04,4;2 The treasury today lost fCl7,70) iu gold coin and 15.o00 iu bars, which leaves the true amount of the reset ve $H1,442,80. A rcrwllar Wraps. IIIU.HB0KO, Or.. Feb. 19. Conrad Es sig was up before Instice Knight yoitervlay on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon upon the person of his stepson. The weapon used was a cross-cut saw. Upon pleading Kuilty to a simple assault, fine of $H and cosla was imposed, which the defendant paid, and was discharged. Bill Kje Vny 111. AaiiKVti.uc N. C, Feb, 19 Edgar William Nye, tbe "Bill Nye" of the world of humor, whose writings have made tbe world laugh, is seriously ill at his home at I Buck Shoals, eight miles south oi here. About two weeks agoMrNve was taken! ill, and since that time the troublo has been slowly progressinj? until now his con dition is very aerious. Ho is suffering wi li a stroke of apoplexy. Dr. Price Cream Baking; Powder World's Fair tugnwst Made! and Dlpiaova. Everybody The largest piece of GOOD tobacco evu scld for io cents IIOMF. ANU ABROAD Shw a ftneciaJtv at St Lais Rskei. Call aa I settle with Klein k DaLrai'ie by February 15 and save coats. Je the boat bootblack at the Combina tion barber shop. Get a shine. 14k trold 6 'led rin at French jewelry sloreCOc Biding Bros. X Co.' bert 100 yds spool silk Set at H. ?. Mcliwain's caab store. Another 'ot of Fedora bats just arrived to-lay at the Baket stor - , . . n , . , . -, . , been paid am tin tin? to 1:6,315. In ad The bet 1 W h m cut. tboo ma.k. A- JTZ a. t - .. . at S Lois Kaitet stor- Octuw flaanels and ginghams at Baket st. Biomberg blotk. Buy your thread at II. F. MellwaiV cash store. 8 spool beat thread 23 eta. Egg 8 cU. butter 25cea roll, batchers ham, 10 cts, Laooo 8 cU at P. Cohen's. 3 pipers beat red tip matches at H. F. Mcliwain's cah store for 5 eta. Too can g gwEsine bargains in gnii waiefcet at French's jewelry store, (on the eorotT.) Times are bard, still people have phoics made hecaase tbv are made at price to suit the times at Tiakie'a. Men' kid boot, saddle seam and war ranted water iroof at f 1.75 at H. F. Mc ii Tain's cAh .ore. oe peopl i are natnrally kard to pleae Jat the kind of customer Tinkle liaes to hare, as be never fail to give satiafactios. Keep your eye on the Ladies Bazaar for prieg noveiiie. They will bave the best iir.e of rhirt waiatiever brought to Albany, j M. Senders, cf Albany, wa in town this weec and parchase4 12.000 sacks of oat ot May ti Senders. HaxrUbarg Ee rie r. PUtinotypes are the wen fashionable photo made now. they are the rage at Crawford and Paxton and the ci'y gal leries. Mr. Julius Grader ho! wishes to ibforni the jrblic that hereafter his bosiness wi'.l be rocda?texi in the opera bouse store, the 0. F. building store being used as a sam d'e room for goods. Tbe Mail ia a new paper just started in Stayten by . E. Becneu. It is well got ten up, and is a decided credit to that town. Fraskie Bice an i Belie Carke. tbe two women recently shipped from Atbanr to Portland on a river sleixer, stopped off at Sa'em. They were soon in the calaboo. A pleasant surprise party was tendered laft evening to the three children of Conductor Huston previous to their de parture for Portland. They hare many young friends he?e who wiu regret seeing them leave. The Western Transportation Company held its regular annual election at Yaooina last Saturday night. Tte following were e ecoM: w m. loner, president; ji. il. Davis, secretary; S. A. Loean, treasurer; M. M. Daeu. R A. Beaseti.T. H. Hom imr, S. A Logan, X. A. joaes and George ving, a.rictora. MSTPIHHt beefier One Bandred Dollars Csward tot EaU'a Oatarrh Core. awii CH5XET CO- Prop--. Toleda, CX W the warSeraiened. nam knoa-. F. J, Cieney for the Uat IS years, fc,. perfectlr honorable bs ail bcaineaa traosaeUona and finaaciaTly able to carry out anr ohUgatioai w mrj wwawjAal AAA B4a rata. Toledo, O. '!aWIii. Hall 'a Catarrh Care ia takes tntemavrwX. ng directly nnow the bloond iSS't k ofthe Tni. Price TSeTper bSi? S5 vTtaDruauti. TV.., -iit'i frocT Completely Satisfied are people who gt their prescriptions tilled at Hodges A Borkharts. They exercise the greatest care and are al wavs prompt. Pure drugs, perfumery anu a nne una oi stationary. DIED. FARKAR. On February 21, 1&6, in Oakville, after a week's illness, of pheumonia, Mr. Robert Farrar, at the age of S2 years. The deceased was a man highly re- epected. tie leaves Uiree children, rela tives and friends to mourn hie death. To be thin, for a baby, is to be deprived of its natural ease ; to suffer and not be able to feel it ; to wear a sad pinched face; to live on the edge of sickness ; to grow imperfectly; and to lose the power of re sisting disease. When a baby is thin it needs more fat than U gets from it food ; it is starved, fat-starved. Scotts Emulsion is the easiest fat it can have; the fat it needs, wo.aafr.aataMcrqjtt, is on to it - t f Bill je ! AsnavTLLE. K. C Feb. SI. Advices : tonirht from tbei hfAne d "Bid Xte" are I that bis cosditic-n is onchaaired. The end ! u. believed to te a qvm i4 onlj a short tiase. On the rooreia? of fanoary 31. th Brit ish ahip Brenhila, i?2l tons. fcai!d fpn Maryoart. and the British ship Fnlwood, 211 to&s, aaued from Grisby, f. Attoria. Boca have eargoe. of steel raiu for the new Atoria-Gble raiiwzy. Tbe total valtca tiou of the Brendikla's cargo is f-s8,7t-3, cn which uncraaee, eartag and freight ha , wiU hive to be paid by Mr. Hammond. j roatirir the asrsregate cost of tbe shipcient tl27av. j The Bosebor Review speaks of an i entertainment in which a former Aibwnv T'Tnng woman took part as follows: Mise Warner, the music teacher at the Nor mal, and Miss Dens more, of Eugene, gave a concert at Drain. Friday evening to a small but appreciative "audience, ftie yoang ladiea are both gradaate of eastern conservatories of miiac. Miaa Warner with ber eweet soprano voice always carries the audience. Her sing ing was apptaoded to the highest. Her rendition of Good Bve and the Magnetic Waitx, were especially good. The Proper Tue Woea the most benefit i to be derived from a rood medicine, is early in the rear. This is tbe season when the tired body, weakened organs and nervous ey teai yearn for boiLlinz-co medicine like Hood's S&rsapariila, Many waia for tbe open spring reather and, m fact, delav giving attention to their pbysic&l coodiUou eo long; that a lonz ee oi sickness is inevitable. To rid the sys tem of tbe imparities accumulated dur ing the winter season, to purify tie blood and to invigorate the whole sys tern, there ia nothing equal to Hood's Sarsapariiia. Don't put it o2, bat take Hood s Sare pariiia now. It will do yon good. Read the testimonials poblisbed in behalf of Hood's SersspariUa, all from, reliable, grateful people. They tell tbe story. ' O, C.4E. Time Tab!?. Passes! Leav?s Taquina at T a. la. Arrives at Albany at II 50 a.m. Leave Albany 1 K5, arrives at Bay at 5:40 p. m. Mixed Leaves Albany" for Detroit at 7:44 a m, arrives at Detroit at 12:15 p m. Leaves Detroit at 12:55 p m, arrives at Albany at 5 :30 p m. Freight Leave Albany at 7:15 a m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A - rive at Ysoniaa at 4KV p m ; leaves Ys- Suina at S :15 a m on Tceedays, Thcrs ays ami Satuplays; eniveest Albtnv at 4:5-5 p. ra. sraen Babr ara sick, we v-c a,i.ia. "hen a was a Cad. sb crfed far Castorka. Kl sbe becaaas Sav she ctjng lo Casaoeav ""l -i rn si Hit" -m rtm m rn ia PsssijiI. I mr tke litct EUer Abon W. Stees wriie trom Por. Isnd, t.r: There is no oieih-ir.e for the throat and iunss this I oa recommend It m:aiters, pub:io soeuxera aod siuisvr. wan tte cooadnce tbat I can tbe S. B Cwjih Ca.e." For a.iie oy Fok-hay it Mi aa at ca) cts pe.- wfie. Ow Maaallaa at Baase "Four out of every nve bottle tf roed' cine sold in thi iat five years are S. B. gooc.. IbeS B Headacce and Live i 'ore I ne ruyse.f rs a geoeral phytic. If you are sick and want to et wed. the qaickest, cheapest end jfe method i t bov tbe S B. remedies and rise as directed. C. P. Balch. lruKist. lafur. Or. " For sal by Fosbtv & Mas?a at 30 cts per bot tle. All Krcwtw al It. Ak j-our physician, tour drurit and your frienJ about Shilob's Cur for cot.-r sumption. Ibry wiU rvomiuend it. - Fof sale bj Foshay i Mson. Far SlrspeBa4a) SLd Liver Complaint yon have a printed guaeanteeon eveiy bottle of Shilo' Vital Ixer It never fa ill to cure. For sale by Foshay & Mason A Satnral Eraaltae Karl's Clover Root Tea puriSestbe Vood and gives a clear and beantiful For a'e by Foshay and Mason. Catarrh tWeee Health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prieo s0 cen Nasal injector free. For aala be'rosKav Mason. Kartw riwver Baal T' is r sure cure for headache and nervoiis iseasesr Xo hiog relieve so qniek-ly, or sale by Foshay & Mason. TERMS. Daily Dxmocrat. 25c per month: $3.00 per year, in advance SOe per month net in advance. Bv carrier. 1(V ner week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run vet 3 months. Single copies 5c. Wrxelt. $1.25 in advance; $1.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; 12 00 for third and preceeding yetira, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers for 15.00. . , rr- Dr. Whites New Hair-crowing System tor sale by Louis Vie reck. Albany, Or. sole agent for linn. Lane, Benton, Ma Sion, Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add. Box421,Albanv,Or.for free pamphlet n Bald ne:s and Seal o Troubles Iff, Prioe'a cream OAiat How Jet Workfa Fair Bawaast award. r 1 5