The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 21, 1896, Image 3

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Clubbing Offer.
The Weekly Democrat aad Weekly
Examiner will lie sent to subscribers for
$2.35 a year. This includes all the priv
ileges of the Examiners big premium gift
in May, the same as if you sent the reg
ular subscription price of $1.50 directlv
t0,V.,e ,P8Per- Isn't that a bargain.
Weekly Democrat ami thrice a week
N. Y. World, $2.00 a year.
Subscribers to Daily paying in advance
will receive all the advantages of either
Gum Boots,
Rubber Shoes
Capes and Jackets, at
S. E. Young's
Shoes a specialty at St Luis Raket.
Call and settle with Klein & Dulmille
by February 15 and save costs.
Jess the bos bootblack at the Combina
tion barcer shop. Get a shine.
14k gold 6!led rings at French's jewelry
store SOc
B?lding Bros. & Co.'s best 100 yds spool
silk 5cU at 11. F. Mollwain's cash store.
Another 'ot of Fedora hats just anived
today at the Raket stor.
The best $2 00 shoe in city, shop made,
at St Luis Raket stor.
Outinjr flannels and ginghams at Raket
stor. Blum berg block.
Buy your thread at H. F. Mcl I wain's
cash store 8 spools bat thread 25 ets.
Eggs 8 ct3. butter 25 cts a roll, t.utchers
ham, 10 cts, bacon 8 cts at P Cohen's.
3 papers best red tip matches at H. F.
Mc 1 1 wain's cash store for 5 cts.
You can tret genuine bargains in gold
watcnei at French's jewelry store, (on the
The Medford Steira Laundry w;is
burned last week, and the Ashland ' Steam
Laundry began running this week.
Times are hard, still people- have pholcs
made because they are made at prices to
suit the times at 'Inkle's.
Men's kid boots, saddle seam and war
ranted water proof at $1 75 at H. F. ilc-
I main's cash store.
Three revolvers were st-.-len from Puna
& Camobeli's gun store at Corvallis Sun
day night.
Bids for wood for toe Agricultural Col
lege at Corral lis ranged from $1.99 to $2 25
for fir and from $2.25 to $2.75 for ash.
Some people are naturally hard to please
Just the kind of customers Tinkle likes to
have, as he never fails to give satisfaction
Keep your eye on the Ladies Bazaar for
spring novelties. Tney will have the best
line of shirt waists ever broight to Albany.
A epjeial meeting of the ladies of the
Maccabees will be held tomorrow night at
7:30 o'clock. All members are requested
to be pressnt.
Platinotypes are the mask fashionable
photos made now, they are tha rage at
Crawford and Pux'oos and the ci'y gal
leries. Mr. Julius Gradwhol wishes to iufom
the public mat hereafter his business will
be conducted in the opera house store, the
O. F. building store being osed as a sam
dle roem for goods.
Philomath has a newspaper. It is
called the Philomath Journal, and T G.
Bobiaon is at the helm. It is a patent
outside, and is republican inside. T lines
Sousa's band will play in Salem tonight.
Following, are the wices: Reserved seats
down stairs. $1.50; op stairs. M.lO; gen
eral admission in gallery, 75 cents: down
stairs $1.50. There are eleven numbers on
the program, probably doubted by t ncores.
Grandma Wright, who is in her 78th
year, has just completed her twenty-second
crazy patchwork quilt all of which have
been made by ber in 'lie past two cr three
vears. This qoiit was fie: together by h-r
ready for quilting and donated to the
ladies' aid society of tae Christian coarcU
Yamhill Reporter.
Takex to Postland. Chaa. Bisbop.the
miner recently injured, in the Lawler
mine, was brought to Albany last even
ing, being gotten over the enow to Gates
with difficulty, and was taken to Port
land today, where, he will be cared for in
SU Vincent's hospital. Bishop's accident
happened from a blast lie put in a rock
himself. He after putting it in re
turned towards it wl.e i it went off. A
rock about the size of a h -ns egg struck
bin in one of hi3 eyes gouging it out,
and injuring the other. One eye is gone
and he may lose theother.but it is hoped
We have a surplus of the following
goods which we will close out at prices
named :
White beans
Yellow onions
Tea siftings
Gal cans maple evrup
Mgal "
Western yeast
Gallon cans peaches
1 lb cans Progress bak pur
1 gal cans Pearl Drips
Good roast coffee
3 lb papers wash powder
31b cans baked beans
Italian prunes
$1 00
Call easly as these goods wiil go rap
idly. C. E. Bbowkell.
Joy's far lb JiScd and Col
Health for &3I Ilasililno.
. . ... mgg&im.
i t!irot--?1i
siature'sov. u
Cures Dy
p e p s l a ,
and Kidney
bb. and ftf
contains no L, iv ;iVy V 1
line r a I
drags or
deadly poi-
cm. Joy's
robs tb e
blood of all
its impuri
ties, and
courses ftU
Joy's Vejref We
prevents tired feel
n-igs, staggering sen
taiions, palpitation
of heart, rush ot
blood to the head,
dizziness, ringing in
ears, spots before the
eye, beadache, bd-1
-I . . i.
of bowels, pains in
the backnielancholy,
tongue coated, foul
breath, pimples on
face, body and limb,
declineofncrve force
dizzy spells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, sour
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and all dis
poses oft lie stomach,
liver end kidneys.
Joy.s Vegetable Bar
Sapurl'.la kl sold by all
ciru;;c:ist8. Kef use a
aiibittlute. When you
pay fur t lie tx-st see that
you get tae best.
t: he.
Albany, Or. Feb. 15, 1896.
Editor Democrat:
Dear Sir: 1 find in your paper to
night, very elaborate quotations from the
Salem Journal, which published in yes
terday's edition a lot of nonsense regard
in the Lawler company's affairs. Such
publications are very misleading and an
noying to me and should not be indulged
in too freely by the paper wishing success
to the Lawler syndicate. I have repeated
ly toid tlia representatives ot je press
that our work in proving of the ixrtin
acity of the vein at depth and the reduc
tion of Quartzville ores was largely ex
perimental; and I wish it distinctly un
derstood that I am not boasting of suc
cess until we have made one; and that
English capital or any other capital (as
far as my experience goes)is very hard to
raise for developing the mining claims
in this region and for reasons very well
known to mining men, and farther, that
the Lawler mining company has no rep
resentative other than myself in this
country, and, that I have not authorized
anyone to bond or look up mines for my
company. It is absurd to compare our
prospects with the great mines of Cripple
Creelc and Trail. We have good pros
pect" and are willing to spend our monev
in their development, and are hopeful of
fair profits. We have the mines well
opened. There are a great many miuing
claims in Linn and Lane And Marion
counties from surface indications that
are worthy of development, providing
the value in the ores can be saved. But
they must be operated in a large way as
the ores are very low grade and not well
oxidized. Capital, and intelligent min-
ing mav do much good for this section, i
..-!. ;i . . ..... . .. i . :
much harm. Yerv Sineerelv,
r , I
j rAncriauru i?i .,n.-m-iiio limy oo
. 13. LAWUK,
Populist Delegates.
Populist primaries were held Saturday.
are some of the delegates j
elected to the convention, which con
venes in the city next Wednesday :
West Albany J H Marks, C C Hogue.
Albany Claud Mansfield,j W Roberta.
East Albanv B FKamp. J A Fiucli.
Price J B Tillotson, II Bryant, Ed
Burkart, J Clem.
S Lebanon U B Montague, C D 5tein
A T MeCulloeh.J W Cheeir, A Uniphrev. I
John Nichols.
S.Lebanon B F Hardin, W C Fronk.
r rnufc. jirvuie, iiu uansin. i mi ;
Plainview W P
Snvder. A P Blackburn,
Shedd H B Snrenger, O W Kobcett.
S B Frock. J A-.McBride.
Tangent J J Beard. J E Owcnbv. A C
X. Brownsville J J Brown. John
!. Brownsville Jode Fearl, Jos Kiggs,
Crawfordsyille A S McDonald, Harvey (
Hamilton, Thomas Thomas.
Jordan Ben Irvine. A M Shelton. P
P Crabtree, John Bryant.
Oakville A J Blevias. I L Jones. Asa
Santiam Wm Youne. Wm Downinir.
C C Gaues, J M Hassler, A 11 Charlton,
X. Harrisbun: Dr Hendrix.E E Lanz.
S. Harrisburg J R Buckmua, I J Ea
ger, John McMeekiu.
rranklm Butte J G Holt. C O Jet-
frey, Al Mnnkers, R P Miller. T M Holt.
Scio T M M linkers. Robert Carv. T L
Dugger. C S Harnish.
t-vraeiue li liurns, J B Davis, b il
At Tangent.
Tasgekt, Or., Feb. 15, lS3o.
Eoitob Dexoceat:
The populist primary met here this
eve and succeeded in electing three out
of the five present as delegates to the
county convention. There were a few
spectators who looked on with an amused
smile at the few doing the business-
when S3 many claim to be interested.
One delegate resigned but had to agree
to act as the others refused to take his
place. Very few remarks were made by
tbose in attendance. A.
J. A. Cammine weat to Portland this
noon on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bloom have
moved to Portland to reside.
Mr. Tom Kav, of the Salem and Wa
terloo mills, was in the citv this after
Lcuis Dyer and family have located at !
W olf Creek, in the southern part Of the I
State. !
Mrs Hale Uackansto, of Dal'as, has
been in the city the guest of Mrs. t
Merrill. j
Mrs. Gid Eli, recently with the Salva
tion Army, left ibis noon with her chil
dren for Tillamook county, where she
will reside.
Rev. O. B. Wbitmore will lecture at
the opera hoae tomorrow night in the
interest of the United Artisans. He is a
talented speaker. So admission fe.
Mr. Montgomery, the popular eight
operator at the depot has been transfer
red to Junction City, beinc succeeded
here by H. Conoway, recently of Yam
hill county.
The Democrat kno 8 of only one can
didate for to mfy clerk, on the demo
cratic ticket. Mr.'O. H. South, of San
tiam. He is a popular young man, thor
oughly competent, aad if nominated wiil
make a strong run for the place.
Mr. Ed Huston for a good many years
the efficient and trustworthy conductor
on the Lebanon train has been promoted
to a conductorship on one of the over
lands, and will move to Portland this
week to reside. The two Lebanon and
Oregonian trains will be run by Con
ductors Sperger and Cu miniums
Jas. Collins, of Waldport, ' passed
through on his way to Albany the first
of the week, where he went to undergo a
medical examination for an increase of
pension. He Is now drawing $12 per
month, and his physical condition seems
to certainly entitle him to an increase.
Toledo Leader.
Judge and Mrs. J. R. Bryson, of Cor
vallis, were in Albany Saturday. The
iTuard speaks as follows of their son, a
student in the v. of O.: "llie present
is Ed Bryson 's last year at Eugene. Next
year ne will enter upon a course at Col
umbia college, N. Y. from which institu
tion be expects to return in three years,
a bachelor of laws and a bachelor ol arts,
He is said to be one of the best stu
dents in the U. of O.
Superintendent W. B. Lawler and hii J
eec.eiary ijnas. W. Moore left this
morning for the mines. The communi
cation of Mr. Lawler, published else
where gives the exact situation. Mr.
Lawler is conservative and does not be
lieve it helps matter to be "too pre
viouf." It will be time to shout after
some definite cleanups are marie, which,
there is little doubt, will be favorable
Even the snag boat can't g-t to Eugeie
At the populist primaries Saturday. Will
Campbell was nominated for justice tf
Eas Albany, trans Hanging constable.
Damon and Pythias will be presented in
Portland Friday end Saturday night cf ibis
week by Prof aud Mrs. Rasmus and local
Frankie Rice and Belle C'arke. the two
women who were in tue calaboose tor a
few davs were snipped on the Elmore down
the river yesterday it iu reported that
thev had caught a victim before the boat
left the wuart.
After a lonir spree in Albany Selden
Warner went to Brownsville where he was
picked up from water in a dazed condith n
in ine mluoie 51 trie iuifiiv " iui.
He should be taken to the Keeley cure.
'Ihe first vear of Hon T. J. Stites term
a post master of Albany expired on St
valentines day. Ihe increase in recripts
was several hundred' dollars, the increase
ia money orders was an even one thousand.
ah ibis indicates more bu&iaes m Albany
Albany will be full of Woodmen next
Saturday . The Altona will leave S.iltm
at 2 o'clock with a big crowd, and take on ,
another one at Independence, with the ,
laand and Monmouth quartet ' Woodmen
axes are being gotten ready for the occa
sion. The box sheet for the entertains ent
will be open Wednesday and already them
are orders in for about 13J seats. I
Your coal oil cans filled with
best Pearl or Star oil tor 95 cts
Mcllwain's cash store.
S gallons
at II. V.
A good sized audience, including thir
ty or forty from Corvallis, were present
at the opera house Saturday night. The
program was opened with a song by the
A. O. U. W. quartet, Messrs Poling.
Fortmiller, Lundell and Akers.
Ilea. J. K. Weatherford delivered an
address of welcome to those present from
other places, in the course of which he
made the interesting statement that
while onlv $:!6,000 had been paid out bv
the A. O". U. W. of Albany, $oo,000 had
been received by the widows of deceased
members, leaving them in good circum
stances. lion. W. W. Colvig, of Jacksonville,
grand master workman, was introduced
and spoke fluently for about an hour.
We gi'-e a synopsis of bis remarks :
He wants" others to know of the bene
fit of the order, lie would place the A.
O. L. W. above all other orders, without
detracting from them. In considering
the claim of an order it is always well to
look to the history of it. On October 2ti,
1868, the A.O. U. W. was organized by
John G. Upchurch, in Meadville, l'enn.
It was started among the industrial
classes for their benefit. The order is
founded on the golden rule, the funda
mental principle of the A. O. U. W.,men
meet now not with swords, but with the
right hand of fellowship, an idea taken
trom the golden rule established by
Christ. The speaker is an ontiouist, be
believiug that next year will be better
than the past, the golden rule develop
ing in mens hearts. One illustration
was given of the development in the use
of iron, so with the heart.
There are about 6,000.000 members of
fraternal orders in the U. S., 345,000 being
.V... i I ' ir 'n. ; i - ,; j. t . ,i . x Ills utucr is trill ire V
consistent with christianitv.or the sneak-
ii . . .. . . . . . . .
er would not support it. "Bv their Jruita
ye shall know them." and oo th:s the A.
O. U. W. stands. Since starting in Or
egon there have beeu 685 deaths and
over $1,180,000 paid to the beneficiaries.
"i 'IL'&T. !! '1?'.
to widows and others in the L". S. The i
government of the A. O. U. . ia eim-,
pie. .i meiuoer must ueneve in a su
preme Iseing regardless of his individual
faith, and be between 21 and 45 vears of
age, iu good health. The doors are lock
ed in self protection. To be a member
you must le respective, an honest.
.1. . i . riiiTn
In Oregon everv dullamtava in rw,....
Ii onlv tte alioni s . "
cure an insurance
of $2,000. How reas-
:e A comparison was ma.l with
o!d line insurance companies, which
cost J2 for $2,000 straight life, to the A .
O. U. W. $18; also with other fraternal
orders for a like time of existence. In
any event 23 assessments is all the as
sesuiema that can be raised. After that
it would come from the supreme lodge
through newer and younger Jurisdictions
Willi tewer assessments. The speaker
paid a strong tribute to the Degree of
Honor, explaining its workings and urg
ing its hearty support. Ho considered
it a strong element in Christianity to
provide for one's family after death.
The epeaker acknowledged the grandest
reception in this city since being grand
The program was closed by another
song by the quartet.
During the afternoon a fine reception
was tendered the grand master work
man and after the address a reception
was tendered the visiting Workmen and
D.ofH. in the A.O. U. W. hall, both
splendidly gotten up affairs.
Mr. A. J. Hill has succeeded Mr. A. L.
Somers in the saddle and harness busi
ness and will continue in the Odd Fel
lows' building.
Mr. Ed Sacry. who has been stopping
at Dr. Mackey's for the past three
months went to Albany today to visit for
a few days, and will then'go oa to his
home at Alsea.
The Gypsy on her tripdown tomorrow
will finish carrying 12,000 bushels of
wheat for May& Senders. This and
other lota w hich have been sold to go
forward from up-river points daring the
last three weeks have kept the little ship
on her best beha.ior. Besides, there re
mains in store to be shipped from this
place alone, 500 tons oats, which, with
the ordinary store tratlic, wiH furnish
the Gypsy with freight until the wool
clip will be ready for market. Review.
College Notts.
n. t., ,i n.-,
The strident., were nleaiml hear
n .nJ. f rom Kim lfi e rw.b f im.
proving onr oppertunities. Some of bis
poir.U were: Students are in school to
benefit others. This s best accomplished
in a christian institution. L ncnnstian
character is unstable. We cannot tie old
in manhood too soon.
The V. W. C. A. held a special busi
ness meeting this noon. Their social
last Friday evening was very successful.
They cleared ll.t5.
Agaix Abiesteo. Several days ago
the DkHocKAT mentioned the arrest of
vv.H. Greenwood, a former Albany
man, at Wa'.la Walla, on the charge of
being drunk and disorderly. Since Ihen
he has again been arrvsted, a second
time, on the charge of counterfeiting A
ntty cent bogus piece ol silver was pass
ed on a saloon keeper, and things found
in bis possession that indicated his
euilt. On his former trials for counter
feiting he was discharged. He is liable
to be sent op this time.
A Lorn Affair. The Mongolian srave
their closing exhibition of fire ciackers
in front ot their quarters Saturday nhl.
It began before 5 o'clock and without in
termission lasted at least three quarters
of an hour Fully two-hundred feet of
double bunches were fired, the last
string being about twenty-five feet long.
The "devil" was no doubt frightened
away. Several hundred people witnessed
the very loud spectacle.
Base Ball. There will be red hot base
ball at the opera house next Thursday
night. At that time the Y. M. C. A.
club, the best ?n Salem, and F. Co's, the
best in Albany, wiil cross bat, and it is
probable a packed gallery will witness
the contest. Admission only 15 cents;
worth 50c.
A Sunday papsr says there Is a lawyer
in Albanv about whom it has some
thing that will make people's hair stand
on end when published.
Red Blood
Is the Foundation of
the Wonderful Cures by
That is Why the cores by Hood's
Sarsaparilla are Cubes.
That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures the severest cases of Scrofula,
Salt Rheum and other blood diseases
That Is WhV it overcomes That
Tired Feeling, strengthens the nerves,
gives energy In place ot exhaustion.
That Is Why th testimonials for
Hood's Sarsaparilla are solid facte,
and will stand the closest investigation.
That 13 Why the sales of Hood's
Saisuparilla have increased year after
year, while other preparations of less
merit have come, held a little tem
porary favor, and are heard of no more.
That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla
requires the largest Laboratory in the
world. That is Why
Hood'9 Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In tks publlo eye today. Be
sore to get Hood's and only Hood's.
1 1 oou 9 a Imiy i
catbartle. S3.
County Convention to lit Held
April 3, Primaries March 28
and 30.
The democratic ceutral eommiltee
meet at the court house this afternoon.
The following were present : : L. H.
Montanye, Frank Farrell. G.W.Wright,
O J. Shedd, Edward Meeker, Geo Fin
ley, Henry Lvons, Ira M.Turner, Or
villo Crawford, L. M.Taylor, A. J. M
Oluro, Jas. H. I'eery, A. A. Tussing, M.
A Miller, Mart Miller, E. E. Hammock,
Itobort Miller, J. G. sender, Henry
Blakely, 1. McKlmurry, andE E Davis.
E. E. Davis was in the chair nnd G.
W. Wright recorded the minutes.
Upon motion Friday April 3 at 10
o'clock a. m. wa selected for the county
convention, and Saturday, March 28, for
the primaries, except in Albany, which
will be held on Monday, March 30.
It was voted to have one delegate for
each 15 votes and fraction of 8, cast for
Hon. J. K. Weatherford for congress,
and one delegate at large for each pre
cinct. Albany 8
East Albany 7
West Allmny 8
h llrownsvilie t
N Brownsville 6
. 4
. 5
. 2
. 6
. 4
. 3
. 6
. 5
Fox Yallev
Franklin Butte
llarrishurg, N....,
Harrisburg, S
Lebanon, X
Lebanon, S
Price . .
?? Creik
Slid burn
Sau tii. in
W atertoo
Sweet Home. .
Tlio f-r-ma toirm:innt
at IV ulletjn this ear, i t
..r oe i;eia
1 date to l;
A petition is b'ing rircu'atH to Lve
tb- Kaleui Itxal extended to Ailun. It
should be done.
J. V. Pipes begn yesterday afurnoon to
Ue the census of district 5, as re
quested by law. and will make a tbotvuga
canvss ot the ciiy
The opera "PatiencV is t lie tr?enb-d
i by cot lege talent in Euirene
The thermometer registered 4i degrees
be!o zero in Xartnero New York jester-!
It Hsaul a good inanv hop 6el.! will t-e
plowed op in some cmn'ties in On-iron this
Albany rrill he full of hkyde agencies
this venr. Tae man whj his not an atfen-
err Kill 1 a r,r,.-
-. ..j. t
Fossil is net tn'K-'i of a fuil of a tito
after M. Tnree buildines to ost $l'SfM
are already l-etng erecte-J.
The tournal says qnite a nunir will
cotne up from salf jto witne the big
game of ind r base ball at tlie opera bouM
Thursday right.
Between October 25 and January 1 seven
hundred head of hors were shipped t-i
Portland from around Siiverton, putlog in
crcolatioo $l,G00.
In thesaprem court y.terday the court
decided that neither of the charg- of J. j
W. V.'halley against Tbomai M. Tongue j
... -.. . i i
We uaderstani that an eidavor wi:l t
made by the rvlijficru element of our o-tn-rounity
to eugaire the Rv. Dr. Watt t f
Yamhill county to give q a rure of b
tdreson Chrntunar t.aJesOor Journal.
Tfce SUte
l oier.i!y an i Willamette I
lii tiatea r-nn dbU ons
March SI in Euirene W lilameUe wdl b-
repreoented by J. P.Collisoo. C. I. At wood
and W. P. Mathews. The l cf U s. and
topic not yet selected.
Fisbins fir chub, sucker, salmon tc.
hate bivun in the Wiilainet'e.
lame Mur-
ryuieeiampieimt mormmr. ana
n going toward, the river with a wnl- ,
to bis koe
' . .
of the Kistern ;
A ti S"-n for re? tannir
Oretioj asvlum cas? was filed n the su-
m . vuu tifneu i-t "am- ,
-McCain, district .!if,mev of t!- thinl Jo -
dieial district, tvd l J. Big r ail . ' on her. The cake sold for 13.2' and lb , 'on by beneficiary insurance. An in
H. iioliuen. cf ctun-el : total proceeds of the entertainment troductory program was rendered, .on-
! amounted to $5,wbich iiibe a start consisting of a quartet, "Welcome" by
j wants a library. j Mer Akers, Littler. Goff r.d Lundell ;
Geo. T. Cox, 'iates.mag in the After the entertainment as the crowd a beautifully rendered recitation by Mis
city today. was starting for their homes some ne, ' Grace Ixive and an expert and graceful
J. H. foansend was in the citv todav I tme ,,on 1 knowwherw he came from. f club cminging exhibition by Tall and
on bis way to Lebanon ' " " ' threw an ancient egg inlothe crowd. W Chambers of the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium,
, i i i" t, i . ! don't know who il as aimed for but it ; encored ami ans meted by Mr. Talu
J. "J ,Jo,'1 n IU,C-V' of 1 Hruck a sentleman on the head. This i liev. O. B. Wbitmore, grand lecturer.
. ' J j was umrenUemanly. Those who live in ' formerly three years with the A. O. U.
Rev. Townend, ot Newport.left on the 'glass houses should never throw stones 1 W., then spoke for an hour. We give
overland last night on a trip to Los An-, br stale eggs. ll.e salient points :
B,e' II.KJrrrlii,lim.,1'.r.r.' Protect ion of everything is being di-
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Youne went to
Portland yesterday neon on a several !
days trip. -
Mis. E. W. Lnnedon and daughter
and Mrs. E. D. Ci.irk and .r-m I
to Portland this noon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinton have re
turned from Rosebunr. after a stav ihere
of several weeks.
Licenses were issued todav for the i
marriage of C. S Smith and .Miss Nellie
Uithens. daughter of W. E. Git hens:
and A J. Klum and Addie B. GU-ason.
When Riley Munkers was iu the Cas
cade mountains, not long since, he mel
on Blaee mine Tom Gorman, son of Hy
uorman, a sta.wart colored man who
was the motive power for the daily press
of Salem over 35 years. Tom is even
more stalwart than Ins sire, and a giod
dual blacker. Alter iivm manv years in
Portland he has taken to mining He
has money and has a good mineand in a
fair way to build up a fortune. Old
Salemils will recollect the Gormans. as
old Hy was a pcraonality in his day and
generation. Journal.
Two Womex Impostors. Chief of Po
lice Lee has received a reouest from
Seattle, of which the following is the
"I wish you will keep a look out for
two ladies going around beging for Alms,
claming the gut a sick Hiusband, the
ladies are inKstor to the comunit one
ladies is iJurk complcction the other
Lithg complection the cary a babv with
them to help the cause the hausliond is
a bum is dead bit. (here his mime if
given) left Seattle a dettor to lue amount
of fiia.oO, etc."
The readers of the Democrat are
warned to look out.
A Bor Captain. The voiinucst can-
tain on the coast is Louis Olsen of the
Gem who is 19 years old and has been in
charge ol the schooner Gem for eight
months. The Gem was formerly com
manded by his father, who met death
on board the vessel while the son was
employed as mate. The schooner was
owned by his father, and it was the on
ly property be bad to bequeath to his
widow and large family. The boy Bailed
the vessel home from Coos Bay, where
tne acciuent occurred wiucii made mm
a half orphan and since that time the
youth has supported the family with the
earnings of the Gem. Coast Mail.
A New Woman Social. The Y. P. S
C. E. of the Presbyterian church wil
give a "Sew Woman" social at the ar.
mory on Wednesday evening February
26. A choice program will be rendered
and a free luncii served Admission 15
cents, two for 23 cents. Many wiil wish
At Gates. Gates', Marion county, is
to have a town hall. Geo. T. (Jox will
build a largo hotel in Gates, Ma.-ion
cqunty. Lots are $100 to $200 each in
Gates, Marion county. L. Jacobs is to
move his stock of goods from Detroit. .A
town hall is to be built. Good for Gates,
Marion county.
There are going to be some pitchforks
at Albany. Salem Statesman. There
are are oh, you refer to the
congressional republican convention,
then you are undoubtedly cotrect.
For the Democrat.
The world Is slowly moving
Along the great highway
To a higher plane ot freedom
Where woman hits her say.
Long has she been down trodden
And all her ritthts denied
By her lite lord and master,
Whose power he has defied.
The long dark night of the ages
And the misery of the race,
The cause is found in woman
Not being in her place.
But purer light is shining
And the world begins to sue
If man would rise to a higher plane
Woman must his helpmate bo.
A brighter day is dawning,
For which the good have prayed.
When truth and love and purity
Shall be everywhere displayed.
All hail the glorious morning
That ushers in the dy,
At woman's perfect freedom
With man to have her say.
Then will the causeof temperance
Move grandly o'er the world,
And the glorious flag of freedom
Bo everywhere unfurled.
Then crime and want and misery
Will I banished from the earth.
And peace and jw and plenty
O'er all the land have birth.
The Prineville Review just received
contains the following:
This usually quiet U e was thrown
into excitement lust Thursday bv the an
nouncement that Isaac W. Mills had
utiiil and L1M...I ln.w.. If V'-..,.. ,.l
Hardin. At this time the" onlv renorti
that we can get of this affair is as fol-
lows :
It seems that Mills and Wagner are
neighbors and as usual sometimes, hard
feeling had arisen between them about
their division fences, at anv rate, on lat
Wednesday Wagner was plowing in his
iieid and Mills rtntc tin In t h U-ntt it lii-h
was some distance away and spoke to i
Wagner.asking him to come out to where S
3 lie as as he anted to have an under-
1 sinn.lin.. r..f..r.. .t;..;..;.... ...
the fence, which thev had d idi ti di. i
the fence, which thev had decided to di
villi Bint .in.-l. litiil.l I. id ..m n u
Wiuner n ulled that ii Mill desired l
ta k ,. I..... i.e .,... 4,.. . ..
talk wi'li him, l;e would have to
.k..M i. .., ... ;. i- ... -
where he was so Mills rode in to win
Wagner was. when he fouud that S e- ?
ner had lleJ las team to a post and in !.: ' .'.ejPitare io.- college and
hands held a double shotgun. Mi Is g t l'rlv-' institutions, but favored public
down from his horse and then .on.- ' favored precinct assessors, the
menced a war of words, pretty Utd i r"iu',)n salaries, the abolition of
names were given bv one to the o her, " u'wleM depuUea an 1 reenactmenl of
and as bitterlv returned bv theotheroue, "'e mortgage tax law.
nnlil tinallv Wagner, who was siandirg! The appoiulment of 18 delegate was
near Mills suddenlv raised his shotgun j Pcf,,pi.: . ,
and struck Mills In the face making a 1 u r'f"1 w". '.Urt?'. E". F
ound near the riitl.t eve at the same I Inip Dr. J. K Hendnx, Dr. J. L. Hill
time stepping back a little he fired at I cd ' county executive c.m
Mills who at the same instant struck tt"u-
the gun with his right hand rweiving the jD A ir1 lut "M ordered. Mr.
niniii in il, liA ! I,;. r;i,t ii.n.l rump movel for tecret nominations bv
Utrikicff it near the knu.-k! iointa inJ I
ranging upward toward the w rist leannc '
y the U-ndons and ligaments. This I
fhot diuel Mills for a moment but rn re- j
iroverinff the r.-l:e.l for him mi-i,
: . v t . .
ins tell band and immedmteiv tired atd S
at the same time W.f.i. ri.l.ia'iln. n.l ;
lime and again Mills revived the con-1
tents in the hand but Ibis time in the j
left, the one in which be had hi pisU-l. '
MiPsuropped his pistol aud Wagner im- j
mediately fell oxer beurkaard and Mills j
after some diiHcr.ity saccee.11 in picking !
up his pistol and walked o;1 leading bis
i horse. After going a short distance he )
j nut a boy ho beijd him to h;s home, j
i and gjrve the alarm
Wagner was probably :nstar.t!v killed.
Mills gave himself up. and wiil five.
Mr. J. W. Senlt caU-i on our poi
. master last et k.
j The enu-rtainment la-t Friday even-
,n wf. en.ieu ana u,e pnVram
and evervone enjoved it. the masse
furnished bv the Riverside band
" f
gaw-rb After rapper Ihrre ma a finer
put op Io le voted to the im-st p p
and handsome young tidy. Met were
t'.l tr l" i , f . . .iMn . . 1 ft... mlin.
... ,..,,,i i - ,.i it,.Ki.i.
mA,lDt Misa Grare Hamlin of Hakvilie,
ia lhc eltclsoa oi Mls Hamlin
n.iu wirrr Dial t hi-m aurs nn t.
jiorters present. We expected to se
Amicus but tx-rhar ,. was at Tar. c-r-nt
again and voting America as not here.)
.iii.'s riaman is a iiacuiK-me voung ladv -
.. ..f -1! ,,.. ,. ;
m,.ni ',
,- .....- , ... ... !
"V" A1 i , ,,a'V"e,7U'r!anC i
i VJ,. r. " )
" "
lAittir List.
od, wing is tnehtr.f ietters remaining,
,n tiie PoUfh at Albany. Linn county.
Oregon, leb IS. J'.i. IVrsons callinff U
thee ku?r mut give the date on which
ttiev were advert !.
I'avis. Mrs P i Meltxer, Jno M
Richardson, l'C(l) L) Svlvester. Moilie
Mmpson. Mrs S J SwarU. ti H
Williams, Nettie Young, Mrs Rose
T. J. SrtTKS, P M
P. J. Smiicr will represent Gemee
Wai-hington at ti:e armory on the 21 t and
Mini Cur t.arr, will represent Martha
.."Toone should fail to honor Geor-. and
Martha Wabipgton. by his pre-nce at
the reception to ! Kiven them st the
armory building on F.-idav evening Feb.
Martha W'ashington Tea. at the srniory
on Friday February 21st. the Coi;giega
tional ladies will give a Martha Wa-hing-lon
'lea. 'J5onU pays for supier and
Tue Boys Club will p-e-.enta farce at the
Martha asiuniiti n Tea, entitled, '"A
Cob ni .d Assemoly " Miss Lillian Craw
ford will recue and a select quartette will
sing. A lunch thrown in nnd all col 2o
ren;s. Remember the dute.
Hest rice in the market at H. F. Mc
llwain's cah store, 6 cts per lb.
GREEN TAYLOR. On Sunday, Feb
18. 1890, at the home of the brides
parents in Lobster. Lane county, Capt.
Hurry Green, of Albany, and Miss Su
sie Tavlor. of Lobster.
Capt and Mrs. Green have the best
wishes of inanv friends. The happy
couple, after a honeymoon of a few weeks
in Oalilornia, will come lo Aioany to re
Highest Honor World's Fair,
Oo!d Modal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard
The populist county convention was
held in Albany today, at the court house.
The convention was called to order at
10:07 a. ui. by Dr. J. L. Hill, of the cen
tral committee, with apparently a full
delegation in attendance. The call was
read. At 10 :10 C. D. Stein was e'ected
ten.iiorary chairman, bavimr been rec-
J omiiiended by a caucus last night. ('.
S. Harnish was elected secretary at 10 :22.
Committees were appointed as follows :
Permanent organization and order of
business J. F. llendrix, C. B. Monta
gue and John Bryant.
Resolutions and platform B F Ramp,
T M Munkeir, J C Robnett, John Holt,
Peter LewU.
Credentials T L Dugger, John
Smallmon, A P Blackburn.
Adjourned for dinner.
The committee on credentials rejorted,
showing the following delegates in ad-
uuion io i nose 'e ported :
Fox Valley John Hale
ley, W R Wyatl
and C N Uownie
Rock Creek Oscar Dillev. 'J Ki
W B Robertson.
Shelburn A B Chrisman.John Small
mon, F J Denny, Thos Follis and W P
M linkers.
Sodaville T J Coyle, P Lewis, W A
Craft, J A Wilson, G H Hound.
Waterloo J W Bishop.O B Jennings,
G Steirs, R R Humphrey, A Holmau
Sweet Home John Barr, John Or
chard, John Kirk.
Foster M Sterdevant, G Stetson, W
M Kider.
The committee reported in fvor of
tempontry organization I made perman
ent, and the following order of business
be adopted :
Reports fromjccuimiilera; selecting 18
delegates to state convention, nominat
ing a representatives, judge, county com-
n"8iontr. cl'k. recorder, sheriff,
a"e8or' Bcho1 "upenniei
surveyor, coroner.
C. C.Hogue was elected assisUnt sec
retary. The committee en platform reported,
rollowing is the substance:
The extra vagance of the last legisla
ture was dennuueed, including the hir
" ""' '". etc. favored ap-
ing 01 neediebs clerks, etc.
".y iJr necessary ohjects.
".ml. action ol taxes. Reattirmed
uieiriaimin (tie umatia fiatlorm. a n- w
lrre' r ,,ie "' ol stiver as
money, ine oui v protection to our mdus-
' dustrv fr
Vra- "i"' ' i'eas novo every in-
ifles. wiiik
urT i-.r preiecuon. ravored initia
Hive referendum, providimr for dirM-i
""lion, uenouiicea the ppropna-
K1"1-. luit created a hot discus-ion
n , delegate warmly denour-ced it as a
CUi. tTVi "-'''nie- . c .
1 M M"nke:, , ' M '.':!!,
roiivlfe, R R Humphrey, of Water-
, if,i i),.:. t t..i.
rrl,ard, of .eet Home, J S Smith, of
-r'n ere named for representative
l'ar and Ray were appointed tel'ert
T M Munkers, W M Uo;-rts and J S
Smith were nominate-l on the first balk-t.
tte.1 D Barton, of Oakvihe, and C H
Iairymple, of Allnv, were ranted for
County Juds. Mr Bar-oo was nomin
ated 64 to M.
J A Mc Bride, F J Ienney.W M lUiney
and R B .Miller were named for County
Commissioner. Rainey was in the lead
at tress tin.. Work was very slow.
County commissioner W M ICaney.
CjnntV clerk C B Montague.
Recorder A S McDonald.
Sheriff M C Gaines.
Treasurer J W Wiiaon.
Assessor J R Burkman.
Scho..! hupt. Kicbard W'hetU-r.
Surveyor Geo. Whitcomb.
Ik-it-gate to state convention B F
Ramp. J A MeBride. J J lard. Tbo
Thomson, P M Hoit. J Clem. J F Hen- I
drix. John Brvant.G W Hartlin. C D
Stein. J S Smith T I. Dueger. M Own
ing, A G Prill. J L Hid, R R Humphrey.
J B t t'hilds, W K Wyaf.
A good ailed audience wete present at
the opera house Last night to Lear the
t- irt;.,i.i,. i,.,,
United Artitau version of the home pro-
cussed ; but tonight it is protection of the
The speaker discusM the age ol dif-
terent orvanizatione, some of which are
ry one organixed in still be-
in in existence; but the lotted Arti
sans is only a little over year old. and
yet it is very energetic." The average
Kugincj accumulation, only in few
cases. Most people cannot afford to
carry old line life policies. They cost too
much, and are lapsing. But the average
man cm keen up a policy in a benefi
ciary orginixalioii All organisations so
. mr as tbe Iraternal part is concerned are
' i-nti mftn 1 ... I hnl tliA ainia ami
workings of the I'nited Artisans are su
perior, and it is a great protector. "He
wiio provides not tor las tiome denies
the faith and is worse than an infidel."
It costs the United Artisans according to
age, the voung less than the older. It
takes in from IS to bO, a good feature;
ladies ran join the same as men, at tbe
same rate according to age, or be mem
bers merely socially. At id years ot age
members withdraw one-tenth yearly tor
ten years. Brothers in sickness are taken
care of. Tbe form of government is
purelr democratic. It is the onlv organ
ization with a reserve fund that limits
the cost of protection. The limit is 1
assessments, while the A. O. U. W. is 23
and in some states 30.' Tli- reserve fund
consists of an average of $1J0, the bencfi
iltry receiving alxui f 190J. The fund is tbe beet security. .Members
may borrow the money at 6 er cent if
security is sutlicient. The order is an
Oregon one and the money is kept here,
anu an me HMige parapuernaua ia inaue
in Oregon. There has not been an as
sessment since organisation about a year
and a half and there are now about 2000
Finest In Oregon.
"Finest hardware store in Oregon," is
what people say of the new Stewart &
Sox Hardware Co's store on Second
street, opposito the P. O. Take a look
at it: Two stories higu witn a cement
basement, three stories, all occupied.
The ground tloor is tilled witb shelf
hardware, tinware ana stoves on lue leu,
while on the right are bicycles, guns.
ammunition, paints, seeds, etc. In the
center is a commodious and well ar
ranged otIUt . An easy stai. way leads to
the second tloor, filled with buggies, wa
gons, plows and agricultural implements
f;eiieraiiy, easily raiseu anu iuhcibi on
arge elevator in the rear. The base
ment will be used as a storage room.
About 15,000 square feet of flooring will
be fully occupied, speaking for the im
mense stock carried by the progressive
company. So large is the stcck and
great the variety that it is almost im
possible to call 'for anything in these
lines without finding it. The excellent
reputation of the firm speaks for good
treatment and fair dealinir. There will
be more reason than ever to congi atulate
Albanv unon her laree and well filled
stores, for thia is a model in size, con
venience and arrangement, probably the
finest in Oregon.
Leaf Saob wanted at the postof&c
erocery. As we grind and put up our own
spi-es we use a large quantity ol leaf sage.
Highest market price paw.
C. E. Bkowmgll.
beats for the Woodmen entertainment, !
first anniversary and log chopping
contest next Saturday evening at the !
opera house were placed 00 sale this
morning and before noon many were ;
taken. They are selling fast and parties j
who want good seats should call and s-'
cure them at once. The program of the s
exercises will be about a follows : i
At o:.i0o clo.:k the reception commit
tee will meet the Corvallis excursion .
train. At 7 o'clock all members of the 1
order in this city will meet at the hall
and repair to the wharf to receive the 1
excursionists from down the river. All
members will then return to the hall arid
there will be presented with souvenir
axes, and the parade, headed by the
band from Independence, will march to
the opera house, where the following
program will be rendered :
Music by orchestra of 8 pieces, led by
Prof. Troulman.
Invocation bv Rev. Arthui'Kaneof the
Christian cuurch.
Solo by Prof. Z. M. Parvin.
Address of welcome by Mayor C. G.
Recitation "Echoes and the F rry,"
Miss Lillian Crawford.
Nolo Miss Alderson.
Recitation Ginevru, Miss Ev Simp
eon. Music Selection, Monmou'h Quartet.
Recitation Tiger Lily's Race, Miss
Mary Cundiff.
Solo Should He Upbraid, Mies K.
Bertha Ellis.
Explanatory address. 1
Solo "Down in the Mines," Rev. D. 1
. 1 01 1 rig.
The Albany camp quartet will sing
while the curtain will fall for thre. min
utes to allow the stage to be prepared for
the wood chopping content, in which
chopper from Eugene, Harrisburir.
tirowiievilie. Halse. C.rtrallig. Stavton.
Salem, Independence, Monmouth, lal-
m uucm isiaanu Jiarion.
The logs were hauled in today and
each one ia ten feet long, 15 inche in
diameter and 15 inches in diameter and
perfectly sound limber. The choppers
will cut iu reiays of three at a time nnd f
the man waking the beet lime cutting I
his loif ia two will receive the first r.rii
of 7.50 and the second $2.50.
After these exercises are concluded the
members of the order and their families
j w 11 return to the hall, and those who I
remain can worship at the terpsicorian
shrine keeping lime to the music fur. i
uished by ttie entire orchestra.
Al 10 ::i0 o'clock a banquet will be ten-1
dered Jl visit in if neighbors, under the i
supervision of Manzerteta Grove, flairs !
win be placed tor 140 and around there
will be arranged seats for all others.
One end of the hall mill be fi.Ied with
evergreens, from behind the branches of
which will eminate sweet strains of mu
sic, furnished by tLe Albany Mao do in
Club of eight pieces. Here the following
program wiil take plaae:
Opening remarks by Toast Maker.Con
sul C. G. Burkhart. Toast, ,mOar Visiv
ing Neighbors," AlUny. Response.
Hamsburg. lfat, "The Circle. Ite Ob
iecu." answered by Saletn camp; Music
by Albany lamp Quartet ; Toast, "Log
Rolling for Pleasure and Profit," answer
ed bv ialias camp; Toast, "W oodmen of
:he W'orld, Ita Welfare assure.1 by Suc
Brownsvil camp; Mon'mo-Jth
tamp yaartet; Toast, "Chip, let them ',
Fly,' answered bv Corrallis camp;!
Toast. "W oodcraft, Why it is True Fra
ternity," ansaered by Eu?ne camp;J
Music by Man-ioin Club; Toast, "rhe '
Goat, the 9th Wpnder of ihe W orld,' j
ansaered by Independence ?ainp. Sup- j
per wiil then be served to all tii e who I
desire. IHirina- this time a carnival of !
fun wiil I held by thea.enilers onlv in S
t-'i. ir l.all.
Tnree hundred souvenir axes have
been made for the tveasioa and S.OX)',
ooden posters ill be cireilate.! about I
Uie city Saturday art?rnon. Ttie
cursion train from Corvadis will
aljonte:-!- o clock and the
from don the nver at 7 o'clock. The
isitors from the south w ill arrive on
the noon train, those trom Lebanon and
Broansvilie at 4:30, and from Scio and
Mav ton al 6:4-5 o'clock.
Mr. Mil! came over from the tv this
Mis Abbie Wright, of Corvallis is in
the city.
W. H. Raymond came up from Port
land last night.
J. Wbeelock Marsh, editor of the
Times has been appoiuted postmaster
at Forest Grove.
J. Fred Yate is todeliver a Geo. Wash
ington address at Granger next Sat
urday. Lieut. Moore, of God's Regular Army
arrived in Albanv thia week with hii
bride, and last night introduced her to
Ha i-Ma.1 i
Mr.Kd'Quinn returned from Port-
land today fullv restored to health, a
tact over which his host of AlbanT
friends wilt rejoice.
The Alt-any Social Club will be reor
ganized tomorrow niguu Neat rooms
have been tilted up in the Tweedaie
block, with baths and other conven
iences. II E. Palmer has rented a pUce in
Waterloo and in a few days w ui open
with a fresh stock of drugs,' which will
prove a great convenience fur the peop e
of that cuy. Mr. Palmer reports among
the needs of Waterloo a physician and
blacksmith shop.
Hasc Ball
To-morrow night at the opera house a
very livelv rame of base ball will be in
dulged in. 15 cents is a small to
pay to see an indoor game of base ball.
It is not onlv interesting but fun from
ihe start. The game will not begin un
til so that everv body can get c5 to
see it. The sides will line up as follows:
J. K vans, capt c F.Steilmaker
C. Murphy p C. Keller, capt
I ihsque lb K. it ilburt
H.C. Ohnger 2b K.Stewart
N. Cherington Sb F. West brook
Alick Moir r. s. F. Welch
W . Evans 1. s. M. Turner
W. C. Paige.the secietary of the Y. M.
C. A , will come up as substitute and
one of the two umpires. Wm. Welch
will umpire for Albany.
Trat Mad Doo Letter. A communi
cation appeared in Mondav's Democrat
beaded "A Mad log. It was a pretty
hot and pointed article. One saloon
keeper in a posted notice in red ink
offered $5 if the w riter would appear and
anoounce himself. One or two Albany
men were accused of writing it. As a
matter of fact it was written by a Port
land ladv, a former resident of Albany,
who had jest as soon the saloon keeper
or any one else would know her name as
not. L. begins her first name. Tbe
columns of the Democrat are always
open for answers to that or an) other
communication- If there are two sides
to anv question it is onlv rigut the pub
lic should bear both of them.
The Modern Way.
Commends itself to the well-informed
to do pleasantly and effectually w hat
w as formerly dono in tbe crudest man
ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse
tbe system and break up colds, head
aches, and fevers without unpleasant
alter effects, use the delightful liquid
laxative remedy, eyrun of r lirs. Maim
factured by California Fig Syrup Com
Carpets worth 80c for 39c.
Carpets worth 2oc tor 15c.
All wool 36 inch go for 50c.
Mens and boys clothing at S price.
Boots and shoes at .S price; 7 prs socks
for 25c; 20 yds muslin $1.00; mens odd
vesta 75c; 5 lbs Japan tea $1.00, and
do not forget yon can get all lines of
merchandise at the Auction Store for
your own price. Mens odd coats worth
$7.60 go for $2.60; $4.50 mens pants t
$2.50; mens boots orth $4.00 ( $1.75.
V ill take produce in exchange for mer
chandise. Tub Albanv Auction Stork.
Fkb 11th, 181)5.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
World's Fair Highest Award.
Hie largest piece of!
GrOD tobacco
evu sold for io cents
The freights and river boats
have brought in much of our
new stock.
Do you want any better suit
than that of Albany goods?
Special at $10.00 nothing
nicei or better-lor the money
anywhere. Are they well made: and of a
becoming style?
Call look for yourself and
your answer is satisfactory to
Our lines bi gin at $4.00-the
best of the che-ipest what's
your limit?
Bring the price and get its
ValllC in rCtU 1 11.
1 lV XAA iVUl11
L. E. Blain Clotting Co..
Leading Clothiers
Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.
Are now in their large and well arranged store on the north side of Second
street, whete they have the best of everything in their line to meet the public
Superior stoves.
Tinware, shelf
kinds, blacksmiths
work for wagons.
flasury's mixed
The leading Columbia Bicycles.
Grass and garden seeds, all kinds.
Studebaker wagons and buggies.
Plows and other agricultural im
plements, guns and ammunition.
iMENT. Notice is hereby given that t e uuJtr
igned bas been duly appointed and has qua!
ified as assignee of the estate of A L Lainb
an "insolvent debtor, pursuant to a deed of
assignment duly executed and filed in de
partment No 1 of the circuit court of 'he
6 ate ot Oregon for Linn county, and ai
persons having claim against the etate
said insolvent debtor will present tbe same,
duly veriSed as required by law, to the un
dersigned at the law office of Blackburn A
Somen, in Albanv, Oregon, within true
months from the date hereof
Fkask Matthews.
BLCKBURlt & SomsRS, Assignee
Attorneys for assignee.
Notice Is hereby given, that there will
be a nteetinit of tho stock holier of tbe
Odd Kellows'Hall Buil ting Association on
March 6th. 1896, at 7 o'ceck p. ni.. for
ihe purpose of electing seven directors for
the ensuing year, and for the transaction
of any other business that may come be
fore said meeting.
Pa'ed this 3rd day of Febru ry, 1896.
K A Parkkk, Ji'liU'S Joseph,
Secretary. PiesiJent
hardware of all
implements, wood
A Glc:'S X3TI):.
To all the creditors of F M Kixer, an
insolvent de'-tor, and to all other persons
' buiu it may concern ;
You and each of you are herb) rotine-1
that F M Kiier, of Lim county. Oregon,
has made an assigrment to the undersigu
ed. ot all his property for the bemStof
all his creditors, uuvkr tte general a
sign ment laws of the state of Oreg ; You
and each cf you are therefore further no
tified and required to present youi claims
against said assignor. I M Kior, to m
under oath t ths office ot W K Bilyeu i"
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within 3
months from the date hereof.
!at?d this 1st dav of January. 1896.
J. il. NViolx. Assignee.
r'A MT Let Us Keason
W iVl XL gether! Is it not bet
ter to buv vonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes,
etc, at a reliable store where they use
nly the Beet material why of course i
Is you dont want dyspepsia and youi
never get it by eating anything from 00
store. U.S.BAKEKY.
Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St.
C. D. Vandyke, Proprieto
t. Mar