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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1896)
ettttttttttttttttttttttttttttt $ Hosts of people go to work in the wrong way to cure a tt In the a. Oi 1 1 n-kS mtd ear wuaa wjv UtiVUU3 V 11. ylght way, right off. WETHERFORD&WYATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. C FFICE In the Fhnn block. WR. BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Ctancery. Collections made on all points. Loans negotiated on .. reasonable terms. Albany' Orrgon. ' . f J WHlTSEir 1 a . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. BLAGKSURfi & SOMERS All legal matters will receive prompt at enfon. Office, First Notional Bank tuldimr, up stairs. JOKTAHTB 4f HACELEMAW, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JJR. J. 1 HItW hrdcianaad sargsoa, OTFICK Corns eery (treat. Albany, Oregon. DR. Of U CHAL1BERLIFJ H09IOBO Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem fcW. nenmliria and other diseases, with gvanic electricity. Office on Ferry St, near 3d street. IKST NATIONAL. BANK, OF ALBA.WT, OMSOK resident Vlo President . LFLIHN ; S, K.TOCNO g. W. uauws TRANSACTS A O KX K BA L ban kin "boat m 8IPHT EiCHANQS udUl vaphic trenat U. Vnrk Han PranciaOO. CUeUO ana rUVfl Toa-lflOSi tADloa faoraBle ernte Torn' E W Bun, U. Rmi Eswass I . Box. a Used wheats ft health by the UM Of SHAUEffS Comoound Cod Liver C3 Capsules. Unsurpassed aa tj remedy for Cww- eumpuoa. Atta in a. Bronchitis; Cough. Debility, and all wasting diseases Perfectly taateteea. Thi Truly scientific remedy by bauding ana reTl-ring the body and renewing H tisane, realstt and deatroya diaeaae gnats, contains the purcat Cod Liver Oil combined wit& Beechwood Tar; pleaaant and easy t takSj reasonably and honeatly compouaded by a practical pharmacist. Ton can act them ONLY BY paid to yon on receipt of 86c, pr bos. Irci rcri s7r njr G. G. SHAVER. CHSinrr, 39th State Sta., The O. R. &N. has about as much s'.ick-to-ativeness as you often Bee in a big corporation. It continues to keep down its rates though the 8. P. long ago wilted.- Industry Is what Is going to count In 0 euron in the future. - The days Of 120 pieces on the corners is past. With on- j surpassed soil and a salubrious climate we are bound to win. Why should members of the State legislature be allowed 15 cents mile, when it only costs 4 cents, in fact costs them nothing for thev alt ride on passes. A business man who would do things that wayf would soon fail. REMOVE THE CAUSE and tie symptoms will disappear v Tb'm yon wiu accomplish by oaiiiff SHAUERS CATARRH A,id THROAT SPECIFIC am incomparable remedy for dieraece at taw Xnroat, noee, ana atoms, a mrcaia, simple and cdecttTC caw for Catarrh, Ha Few. Dltherta. QuIim Sera Threat. Feel traaa.Utcaretea r Caetwea Waetk ane Tense. BaeUy aaed, quick to relieve, poeitlr cara, always ready; small in price. Don't wait tdl yon aiast have it get it now. SENT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid o.- recetpS C Oc prepared lately b.r 0. G. SUA UER, Chbmist, 8te ft 29th Sta.. Chicago, dav The state league cf republican clubs will meet in Portland on February 4. What will be done with the silver ques tion in their little informal deliberations is a question of interest. It is probable though the meeting will be disposed o by keeplngfthat in the background. f W -f)OK CO.,BAMttEB mr a lb aft. orwoow. ne w DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Hew York. Baa r Ktc.l Pnnlana, Oreraoi LANVOXBY en approved sreartty. RSOKiVB deraiB subject to cheek. SOLLBJTIOSS made an sarorebie terae' IKTEBSST omid em tiraa daaoal RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common eyery-day ills of humanity. When the Dbmocbat is issued to-morrow night Loyd Montgomery will un d3ubtedly ,te the other side of the great divide, ith the weight of a triple mur der against him to face bis judgment. Besides!'., the crime committed be leaves behind an influence that is bound to work forbad. A Bentonjcounty man wanted to see Loyd Montgomery bauged because b bated him ro and applied for a card of admission, but of course it was refused. i That showed a pretty small spirit, a morbid propensity by one knowing none of the parties concerned, but worked np by newspaper reports. Owners of wheat should not forget that the market after all is uncertain ana that you can't most always sometimes tell. If any one said be would sen w nen wheat was 60 cents be had better keep his word. Already there is an indica tion of a weakness in the market, and i tne price should gc down it is liable to do so hurriedly. P. S. But do as you please about it. QE(.W."HBRlV JUSTICE OF PEACE, - lrmt-A In th TKOC4T otflf. tOTUfT 1 Had and Bruadalbin atrerta Albany. Or. Beats and Collections a Specialty- r-TTTT4T10X WAXOED.-To do zener- " al hrmse work. Leave word at tbisl office. T-flTTSD In the ouera bonte. Tuesday Jan. 21. ladies watch and! chain. Apply to V. H. Warner for same. a a- lAOFm FOR USli COUXTY. ' VI OonTcm Dickicson has bees I made manager of linn county for the Via-1 n rnmnjtii of San to rancifco. She car- nes a full line of their celebrated treat- j Ttzont. Offit at residence east side liroad- olKin Stwl betwten 2nd and 3d. Office I boors from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. VTOOn FOR SALE Biz fir, I F small fir, ash, maple, oak and balm, I 4 SotoBliflo Asericaa Agency M'J&t. TSaO MARKS. SJP-t eaiois ATUT, IZZ v COPTRfOHTS. atoJ The Governor's private secretary gets more than tbe Governor, by 3.suu; to a. Il on the face of it. But as a matter of f Act Governor Lord is said to make about $1000 a year by gobbling up all the allowances. While Gov. Lord was ranniog wasn't there something said a wnt his accepting simply the consiitu- Uoal salary, or are we mistaken . To Linn County Democrats. Albany, Or., Jan. 20tb, 1890. Editor Dimoctat: Tbe time is now drawing near, in lact is already at hand, when it behooves rfmrrata to look around and see where they are at. The terrible Waterloo that the party experienced in 1392 seems en tirely to have paralised the whole party. Can It be possible that the great demo cratic party, that survived the many and bitter defeats from lsuu to 100, au . ho so noblv kept the faith and contend ed for the gre.t principles ol free gov rnmttnt dnrinii these Ion years of trial, era now solns to succumb to partial ae- ..A , HM..t l.J. feat and give up tne ngun . become of the great leaders who so nobly led the party In those days of despond tncyT Are they all dead; and are there no true descendants of those noble sires left among us to again volly us and lead to victory? What is the matter with the democrats of Linn county? Ihe time once was that tbe slogan of demo cracy would rally the cohorts in old Linn, and they would meet the enemy and hold tbe fort here, whether victory or defeat was our portion in the general finht. The shades of DeUion Smith Enoch Hoult, Mart Brown.U. L. Brown, H. L. Rudd, Harvey Shelton, James Garrett, and all the Biljeus, Ciabtreei and Bbeltons. of the forks ol the banti- am, where ate you, tba. you do not give some inspiration to your descendants and cause them to emulate the noble ex amples yon have left in record for them to follow? Democrats of Linn counnty it is time that you began to look around you and see where you are drifting. Some of our trusted leaders have gone on alter strange gods, and aome ol the rank" ana file have grown tired of waiting, ana ue .. . . . . i.'.ii cause our rauonai leaucia u in their duties to the people, have gone off after something they know not what We have been calling them names, and making mou'hs at them long enough; lets get down to business and try to get the wanderers back again into tue oiu told. We bave crimmated and recrim inated long enough, now let us try to heal matters up, and get the democratic war horses of old Linn into line again, n.l mm tovictorv as or yore. Let National politics take care of themselves. The time will come when the right will asseit itaelf and the party will come out in tu true colors. Can't something be done? Lets bear from the brethren over the county. A But let justice be done Private or public; A scientific subject. How one feels. Like street lalk. War tafbrmatlcaana tree Handbook write to UAH a CO- an BaoumaT. tin Yoac OMaet bareaa far eecnrtaa; paeans in America. Brery patent taken on by as Is brought beture the pobUo by a BoOee (tsea tree ol ehaise la tba et drenlatftm of any ale nttflc panet (a fte L etriendfcUy Illustrated. So UitrUvrBt sbonio be vrmoat It Weekly aileoa mar; SLSOalx months. Address. M CVT COw foruiarM. S61 ttroadwa?. Jew Xx CUT. f Tiie expenses of Tbe Dalles average about IC31.45 a month. The expenses ol Peadlftos are more than tnis. w ny The Dal'es is as large a town as Pendle ton and fast as expansive to govern Government in Pendleton should not coit any more than government in The Dailee. Pendleton . O. One big turn ia Pendleton is its water works that moet oiLerciii do not have. At the earce time the income more titan oflTeeU the extra expense. The past has been an eventful week in Albany, one that will long be a mile mark in the history of Linn county. Tbe first hanging for nineteen years and four davs. and the Dkmochat hopes It will be thi lat for nineteen-years and four days; but should occasion occur let tbe next hanging be within a like seventy-three days. In the event there Is ground work for a dozen dissertations that come flying into one's mind. The Democrat is very emphatically opposed to murder and all practices and habits that lead ti murder, and when they occur it will be found opposing the crime and the murderer where the evidence U so plain as to leave no doubt in one's mind of his guilt. The press must be emphatic on this point, and not display any of the sentimentality that induced many women to beg Governor Lord lo spare the life of young Montgomery. In the first place it is justice, in the next pla:e the public welfare demands it. There are indications that the recent execution will have a beneficial effect 00 tbe public. On account of a limited number at tending there has been a great deal of discussion aa to whether an execution should be private or public, arguments befog advanced on both sides. One pe culiar argument in favor of the latter tbe Democrat man hetfrd advanced wa that the people paid for it and had a right Usee it. Our belief is that the execution should not only bepiivate but that it should be inside the walls of tbe state penitentiary, that tbe notoriety ol the punishment 1 sufficient without tbe unpleasant details. iMISFlTS. An 119 mill tax was levin! W tl a Ashland school district. That fraction will make the clerk nervous. I Yesterdrtv was certainly a live day in Albany. There was a banging, a light between two heavy weights, a runaway and a big time at the opera boue. Be sides the streets were filed with people. , k W.'W. Saunders has been appointed assistant district attorney of Spokane aim win do rnarnea on aiarcb 10 to miss Minnie Allison, so it is reported. He should have been Lino county's No. 4 and Montgomery Ho. 6. An Albany man saw Pnte executed near the Masonic cemetery when a boy. He waited until he heard the sheriff say 'Pate, prepare to meet your God," then he turned, just as he heard the trap drop and ran for home, never stopping until he reached bis parents house. The Salem Post says Lovd Montgom ery said in jail that he would have killed twenty men if they had been present when the murder was committed. He probably never said anything of tbe kind. All kind of stories may be looked for now. Kn account of tbe banging of Loyd Montgomery at this city yesterday morn ing appeared yesterday and this morn ing in all tbe prominent papers in tbe U. 8. with extended accounts of the affair. That is one way to let people know there is an Albany, ur.. as well as Albany. N. Y. TELEGRAPHIC. Gcol-ical Th Efforts For Law. 1st. Sunday Feb. CilorZfcjnocra': All ministers of the gospel have been appealed to to set aside Sunday, Feb. I aa a day on which to show to youth tbe evils ol tobacco. That the to'-acco babit aemato be erowin- in many countries, the dangers from it wore apparent, is manifest from the effVu made U Ik-U A matter that will be discussed scien tifically Is whether Loyd Montgomery ana resDonaible for the crime in tbe fullest sense if it is found from a med irat atandDoint that bis brain was sufficiently diseased to affect bis conduct. Without leaving tbe matter to Dr. tirant the DexocaaT will freely jump where angels fear to tread by remarking that he has not the least doubt of tbe man's entire responsibility regardleas of defect la the brain. The DEnocaAT opines that the brain of tbe average driuker.for instance, ronld not be salely compared with that of the hanged man, and that in fact tbe brains cf many people become out of aorta the same as other parte of the body. Tbe central office of a vast nerve system it wonld be strange if it did not. And yet e ate all individual reponib!e. The thoughts that come tons this Saturday night are that it ... a a . J s would lake a pretty dilapidated mioa to s. teacjlt.r hculd be Uke awar Ihe responsibility, though theoretically it may be rotUr'ta'.ly : i-aried . Sheriff Cathcart has received an invi tation from J. A. Mcl'eron .sheriff of Linn county, to be present at the execution of L is. Monliroiuery, winch takes place at Albany, Fndav. Mr. Cathcart will prot- ably leave on tonight's overland. Uoee- Durg naindeaier. as nis i;rowcv was to be hanged tomorrow, but escaped, it is very proper for the sheriff to want to see tome one stretch sea grass on that day. Cripple creek, which Is Colorado's greateet gold camp, ana the one which u being 'boomed ail over the country, claims a yield of gold for 18U5 of from 17,000,000 to 13,000,000, and the prtwent population of the district is 35,000. H it took 35,000 miners for the population is mostly miners a year to Uke out 13,000,000, they did not nearly come up to what the California mine and miners are doing. In 1894 there were leas than 14,000 miners- at work in this state, and ther nroJuced S 14. 000.000 of eold and 16,600,000 more of other mineral pro ducts. Call. Collection Normal. for Stat la raver ef It. j 1 .on don, Jan. i . in an address tonight SalUUury said, with reference to Venezue la: "1 nave been held up as tbe denonnccr of the Monroe doctrine. As a matter of fact, although the Monroe doctrine is no part of international law, my diHpatc'i to Mr Olner, the secretary of state of tbe United a Ktates, supported it as a rule of policy in tbe strongest and most distinct terms.'' Made Beparl. New York, Jn.yi. Tbe iuvestigatinjr committee which was appointed several months afro to bear tbe charges preferred by Lord Ounraven againt the owner of tbe victorious Yankee craft Defender, re ported : Upon careful consideration of tbe whole case, tbe committee is unanimously of tbe opinion that tbe cbarire made bv 1ord uunraven bad its origin in a mistake: that it is not only not sustained bv evidence but u completely disproved; and that all tbe circuuistonces indicated bv him at giving rise to bis suspicion are entirely and satisfactorily explained. Weekly Krpert. Kaw York, Jan. 31. R G Dun & Com pany's weekly review of trade says: Though limine! is still waiting, there are some signs of definite improvement It is now believed that tbe first payment for bonds will cause no furtner pressure, and tbe money markets are easier in repect to loans on collateral, though the difficulty of making commercial loans still checks oper ations. Aaolber Kateeth Exeeattea. Kai. IMA. Jan. SI. Charles Asimtu.who murdered James Green srood September 21 last, died on tbe gallows this morning, lie slept fairly well last night, bat woke op some four or five times.aadasked the guard what time it was. lie said be was glad me time was so near, and ttiat be wanted to (ret op early, so he would be ready. Every detail paed off in the smoothest possible manner. About 30 people wit nessed the execution, mostly sWiSs, doc tor and newspaper men. Aaethrr Carls. I'lTrBCBG. Jan. 31. An afternoon pa per publishes a report that tbe Standard Oil Company is to be organized as a oor- porauori with a capital of 2.000.000,lwice tue capitalization or tbe onffinal trust. Aa Eaataaaas Traw. The.stok, X J., Jan. 31. rtkUcf incorporation have been filed in tie office of tbe secretary of slate by the Standard Match Company, with a capital stock cl $7,000,000. in 7'i.OOO shares of $100 each. The company will hare office in New York. Chicago. Milan and Turin, and all the principal cities in Lurope.Asia and Africa. I tasaartaal Krarts. WAHiscro, Jan. 30. Tbe president today tent to coogreea, in accordance with the reqairetaents of the statrtw. toe "com mercial relations of the United States for the years ll&t and 1S." being tbe annual reports ot tbe consular officer n tne com- GIVEN AWAY Consisting of one eboet of FaBU BUILDINGS and on shaet of 78 Subject, DOMESTIC ANIMAXS, etc. Than sir to plena tb children. Th Farm Bona and Ayai can be out out and made) to stand, tba complete Mislatara Farm Yard. 3 Ways to Get This Farm : r- 8 Coupon, j or GtlO Coupon and 6 Cents 1 or 10 Oeata without asj Con pen, to BLACKWCLL'St DUNHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, H. C and th rtrm will b ant yon POSTPAID. Too win find on Coupon inaid each a ounce bag, and two Coupon tnald each 4 oano bT of BlaeM's Geiili DimeT&o. Bay a ba? of this Celebrated Smoking: Tobacco, and read the a7P. ' t: kaMnri.rna nA KrwtSV f"a erea tr-iavev ; COUpOl) WXUCS grVC UeM VI feAAASSf LACIAIHaUa awa mm b WVehtan. X CENT STAMP ACCEPTED. HOME AND ABROAD Fully appreciating tbe advantage of a complete mineral cabinet for the young people of our institution, we have decid ed to ak the good people of tbe state to ; taerxx and industries of their respective in check. . France and Germany bve made We have alway imagined the sight ol strenuous laws to keep U out of tbe aa execution was a lorrid Affair; but bands of lads and children finding tbalj ,Ca to lace with the reality one becomes You a ill of course reap your reward from the better work that our teachers will do when they go out from our normal. In a slate so rich in minerals every able to tell his pa pi la introductory review of tbe commerce of tbe entire wor.J, a f feature ot great vuloe- TART Us .Caveats nd Trade-M ark cbtasd, od U Pat-I im tneieaeuiiuaei lui oc jmatc rcva. -ndwe can atcore paten us5-i Scad nvadel. drawing or pbetOL, erfta deaolp-i V-. We adTise, il patentaWa ac not, tree at j Crur lee doc but ui fr m m w. A YOUNG LADY wishea to do bouse wn,V in retnrfl for lessons in Latin an iwvtkaooninc. Inauire at Pamocbat cf 1 s- - fice. 1 1EO E FISH " THE PLUMBER Tin roofiing and plumbing, the opera boose. Opposite Money to Loan. I have the following sums of money to loan on good Real or Personal Security : 12,000, $1,000, 11,000, $500, $400. J. M. Ralstos. TJ EPA1BS BICYCLES . Fiank Dicx- 1 tj repairs bicycles promptly and in a j first ciaes manner. Breaks, punctured 1 tires, etc. fixed ctrrectiy. At shop jost west of Y. M. C. A. hail. Ajl EXPEElENCJED girl or widow without children wanted to do general housework, and assist in dairy. Apply to j W.J. RiBRxnr. Halaey Or. TO TRADE for 8idence in Albany. I have 16 lots witfi fair home, just out side the city limits, iargood location, good land, good crcbard, to trade for nsidence in suitable location in Albany. . G W.KAHtK. a .uMtrr. "HowtoOhe J Patenta." stet of esse in the U. & v stfagae antfrea. Address. C.A.SNOW&GO- Oee. P"enrr Orr.ze, v.- St. .aT j JS VIERKCKS SHAVJ NG AN D HA! RCUTTI NG PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS F0R- Of. Whites Netv' Han A head of hair or no pay. " Cures al diseases of tbe scalp Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honea and Set and Pot in Ol der on Short Notice. When bard times strike a railroad like tbe O. C. E., for instance, tne j management cuts dawn expenses in a lively manner. That business; but when they strike the government as well, instead of curtailing expenses.tbey I immediately begin talking about in creasing ones burdens by raising tbe rate of tariff or tax. That isn t business. i The eoternment of the U. S. could be ran on $100,090,000 a year lets than now without an effort and then be paying too I high lor things- It's, all politica.thoagh, nowadays, and nearly everything is for political effect. Writing of tbe sun. Sir Robert Ball says : For ever acre on the suiface of our globe there are mors than ten thous and acre on the surface of the great luminary. Every portion of this illimi table desert of flame is pouring forth tor rent a of beat. It has, indeed, been estimated that if the beat which is in cessantly flowing through any single square foot of tbe sun's exterior could be collected and applied beneath the boil er of aa At amic liner it would suffice to produce steam enough to sustain in continuous movement those engines ol thousand horse power which enable a superb ship to break the record between Ireland aod America Er. tbe growth and development of the phy sical and mental powers are mterterea ith. In thirty four state ot th Union, laws have been enacted regulating the sale of tobacco to minors, including our own stale. good and wise law means Us in this country than in tbe old ooes, unfor tunately, attbe enforcement rests with the people. If they are ignorant, lax and care let , the officers of tbe law are it., aama A noasibl reflection con- f roots the officer, and he often wid not iaonardise that, by making himself ob- j r noxious to bis electors. Our children are therefore not given it., nrniariion that Ihe taw provides in this particular for far of offending the tobacco renders. ncrra.1 far the occasion and like tbe murderer display sand. TheDawocaAT maa could not see an innocent man banged, but to man eminently guilty meet justice is not a difficult rat ter.particolarly when in the line of one's business. The Satuiday night thoughts are like the street taik of the past few days, alt on one subject, and that ia their in clination from week to werk, unbia-ed a Bt Tax. H eppskk, Jan. 3d. A raeeting cf tbe votrra of Ibis school dictrirt eras held for something of tbe common gems which ' the purpose of levtioga tax for school par- nature baa strewn with such a lavish i In order to car oattKlinir ln- hand about the child's path. f deobednea aod to provide necessary (and It u our intention a soon as toe neces-: for six month school the coaii eg vear. it aary funds can be procured to add to j era donded necessary to levy a lVnull Ux. our present cabinet until we have a com- This, wish tbe U'e and county tevy.tnake r.lete geological col lection. W e shall en-, u,e tax lMr th rnsaUg year 37 miil. Silver novelties at French's. Trilby watch guards at French's. C New feature at tbe Cantata tonight. Another lot of initial pins at French's. Wheat continues firm and upward and i now 51 cents. Drop in at the St. Louis Eaket and price tbeir shoes. We warrant every pair of our shop made shoes. St. Louis Raket. The best 12.00 shoes in th city at the Raket stcr, try a pair. Jess tbe bow bootblack at the Combina tion barber shop. Get a shine. Men's oil grain shoe, shop made, and warranted, at St. Louis Raket. Fresh Colombia river smt every day, 5 cents a pcund, at City Fia Jfarket" Eggs 10 eta. butter 25 cts a roll, butchers bam, 10 ct. I aeon cts at r, vohea s. Miss Edna Erecsenndee having com- Eleted ber school at Potatodum returned ome thia noon. F. Co. and tbe woolen ii!I taams will play base ball at the opera bouse nit Veinesday night. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid ! horietv wt'l be beJd at tbe residence of Mrs. Upham on Monday Feb. 3d, at 2:30 p tn. Mr. Jcbn Jones has bees appointed de puty city maisul by Marshal Lee. He has fail authority to make arrests and keep the peace. The team of Goorge Huznas na away just after the Democrat had gone to pres yesterday, going straight for Perry Spiaks lumber yard, where they were stopped. T. J. Rkbardsoa died at bis home near Jefferson. Mr. Hicbardsoa was a native ot Illinois and at the time of bis deata was aged 74 years. 11 month 25 days. He was a pioneer ot Uregoo. 1116411 Brothers are azain at tbeir eld bosioesa. having bought the meat market of Hack C Ketcbam. Urant Uaitit, -I A Pioneer Dead. Hon. John T. Crooks died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Jane Miller near Jefferson, on Friday, Jan. 31, 1896, at the age of 88 years, 4 months, IS days. His wife preceedeil hi no about lb years ago. lie leave bva sons and two aaagn- terg, well-known residents 01 uregon. Mr. Crook baa been prominent in valley biatory. He was a member of the con stitutional convention that produced Oregon's constitution, and has been in tbe state legislature twice, serving linn county faithfully. Mr. Crooks was a life-long democrat and wa prominent in the councils of the party in th early dava of Oregon. He was born In Vir ginia, moved to Missouri ana tnence to Oregon in 1S4S. He was a reliable em it n aad worthy 01 tne connaence aiwajn reposed in him. deavor to rau part of this by lectures and entertainments, but at present with your help we feel confident that we can make a representative collection from the rocks of the statf. The specimens will be labelled with th name of the donor, the location where , V.d WM. 9alKr1 tha iat, FreaaMy aa t gatrnseat- U av as.v. Jan. 3 Tbe sound of what appeared to be a evnoos enasnaeat was beard here vs-teniay between Sebnrocal and La CVAa it i believed tbe fighting took r4aoe at the KaladrtKAS farm. Moch tiring ot artillery eras 3uUogntWel. ana it mal. If yoo have auy specimen know where ther can be secured. your vicinity, would you kindly write o and we will" try to make arrangements for their transportation. We !.He vou will take an Interest in idea on current erects, always tending j thi, and respond coon, aa we are very to the itnorovemeni of mankind even rf i arxkrus to bave them for tbe present , , m.l each otber facts as mar be ol inter- u seppojed that the column of Spaauh et. All (Mcimens will remain as a part i trot cctcmjuided ty Colour ta CanneUs of tbe persuancnt equipment of the Nor- j and tialbis have bee engaged with the or j innargenU under Geoeril tsomez. who. it is in onoerstoxl. u naaicg tor a province ot l DirMKio tireiD'or.-e the insurgent under Antonio Jjaceo. onlv in a small way. TRAYED. Off from the farm of Mar ion Borkhart, near Spicer, two horse, s one a mare of wbi'e co or, and corse, a gray-roan. The finder will please send word by postal or otherwise to M. borkhart or N. Stribhar, at Spicer. Will pay ex-pence. A Slraney Upholsterer Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy attisvs renf 'ated ar.d made over. Fumitore of every description and tabi carriages re-unbobrlered and varcished. Drop a mte ia th5 P. 0., or call at? treet, between Ferry aal Bradalbin, A hany.Or. T) icycle. A new bicycle. AJbs 24 inch wheel, I I ball bearing, pneumatic tares, for boy or girl, for sale cheap. Call at Democrat I office. FOSHAY 1 MASON, WhIea.Ie . Retail renn ?150.0? URUCJGISTS AH!) tJOOKSKLLEKb , vpjUWi.y good, inquire at this The women regardless of opposition continue to fight for their right. A dispatch says : Tbe senate marble-room was completely filled today by ladies from tbe National Suffrage Association, a ho appeared before tbe senate com mittee on woman suffrage to present a plea for recognition at the ballot box. Senators Call and PeffVr were the only members of the committee present, and they arrived late. The epeakerswere presented by Dr. Annie Shaw. The Breakers dwelt upon the right of the female sex to equal participation with men in shaping legislation, and almost all referred to tbe injustice of taxing women without allowing them to vote. The delegation also visited tbe judiciary committee of the houe. office. WANTED. A reliable, active gentle-1 man or lady to travel for reliable I establiHhed hotue. balary $780, payable I $15 weekly and money advanced for ex j penses. Situation steady. References.! Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. E. HESS, President. Chicago. ALBANY. 0EKG05. Pure Drugs'and'the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. . 820 K "ANTED Several trustworthy gen- VV tlemm or ladies to travel in tbe state cf Oregon for established, reliable heme Salary iT60 and expences. Steady position, enct'e reference and self adaicBwid envelop Tbe Dominion Com pany. Tb'ird Floor, Omaha Bldg., Chica go, 111. T ADIES- I MAKE BIG WAGES Coing I pleasant home worx.wiii gladly eeno full particulars to all sending 2tf Um p Miss M. A. S ebbins, Lawrence, Michigan. JOSEPH J SMITH VETERINARY SUBGEOH DOLksHRS PER MONTH If. Ycui Own LocAimf tnaue eas'.ly aud honorably, withent capf al. during your spare hours. Any mal -oman, boy, or girl ca,i do tbe work baud v without exjricnce. Talking no .tecessary. Nothing like It for mor .aakii.g ever ofltred lefor. Our woraerr jways prosper. No Mme wasted ib earning the business. We toach ya It , night bow stircecd from tbe fir joor. You can make a trial wHhout el peus to yourself. We start you, fumhA everything needed tc carry on the but km s'accessf nl! , and guarantee y acainst failure if you -ut follow w airnnle. nlaln Instructions. ReadW. I' you are tn need of ready money, ar want to kuo- all about the best payltit fiuslness before the public, send us y vinress, and we win maa you a B'eut giving you all the particular CO., Box 400 Ai'Tusta, lelalr-". Office at Miller Turner's stab'e, rew dence and stable at 4th and Calapoou streets, Albany, Oregon JR. M. II. ELLIS, Physician And Surgecn. Albany, . Oregon. Treats tbe diseases of the eye aud ear. Bpectacles accurately fitted. -2-1 LOST.- A G jnion Eetttr lird log black. A libeial reward wil be paid or jte safe return For pirticubra inquire st Will Pfeifff?r's cigar aud conftc'io'iejy e tore at the Ke veto Bout e. Prof. A. STARK m;iNEtav . Of Will & Stark. Oplsfal Specialis Graduate of the Chicago Optbala College. I am prepared to examine scientifically wil accuruielv. bv tbe latest and improved methods of modern science, any who da I sire to hare their eyes tested. Cusick Block, Albahy, Oreooh. As to the nature ol the poison en' gendered by fatigue, some recent exper ments have been made tLat are replete with interest. Maggiori and Mo so, as well as Wedensky and others, find that if tbe blood of a fatigued animal be in fee ted into another animal that is fresh and nnfatigaed, all tbe phenomena of of fatigue will be produced. Wedensky has made a chemical analysis, and Bods the poison to be similar to the ancient vegetable poison curare, into which the Indians used to dip tneir arrow, and a most deadly poison it proved to be. Tbe poison engendered by fatigue is of tbe same chemical nature, and is as truly a deadly poison. In cane it is created more rapidly than can be carried off t y the blood the o-ganism suffars seriously Ex. Tbe Corvallis Time teils of one way ol at least trying to overcome financial set backs: Landlord Wi'klns Is out with a proposition to cotnp'ete tbe Hotel Cor vallis. lie proposes that the people of Corvallis and vicinity shall buy $1,000 worth of meal ticket at the price of four for one dollar, and $-jOO worth of street ctr tickets. Each dollar's worth of tickets is numbered, and when all are sold a 1350 piino will be given to the bolder of one of the tickets, the selection to be determined oy lot. The $1,5 0 re ceived for the tickets, leB the coat of the piano will be applied to tbe completion of tbe building, and wi'i, Landlord Wil kins says, be sufficient lo finish up all but the business rooms on the first floor. The time for the redemption of the hotel property expires September 6, and Mr. Wilktns declares that he will be prepared to redeem it. Johns,' tbe pa per banger, ! now engaged In preparing tbe office and dining room of tbe hotel. A remarkabie'eaee comes from Jack sonville. Flo a remarkable city : To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomas, who live io Oakland, a suburb of Jacksonville, a girl baby was born ylrdy that talked at three different times in iU life ol six hours. TLat tbe child talked is attested by Dr. Peterson, tbe attending physician, its mother, grandmother and nurse, l'r- Peterson says: 'Immediately after the baby was born I banded it to tbe nurse. Mrs. Taylor, arhen itbenn to fret, and tn a few min utes cried. 'O Lord; O Lord!' as natur ally aa I couid bave; done. Th curse superstitious dropped tbe babe, and 1 eanirht it: halt an hour later, tbe baby cried, 0 Lord!' three times again was startled aid determined to watch tbe caee.-Tbe child remained quiet for sev eral hours, and then rose suddenly to 1 sitting potfure andcried'msmma, mam ma, mamma !' th.n fell back dead. 1 ev amined it and found Itldead. The baby was Mrs. Thomas' lttb child, and her seventh daughter. Mrs. Thomas has been bedridden nilhrheninatutn for some months, and lor five weeks befoie the baby was barn, suffered great pain In bar rjarozvam she cried. 'O Lord ! frannantlv. Khe freanently called 1 - 'Mamma, mammal' addressing Mrs Black, ber mother. " Dr. Peterson thinks these cries ot the mother were responsible for ibe remark able exhibition of tbe infant, lie says that when born tbe chi:d looked nearly a year o'.d. lie will prepare a statement of tbe case for tbe medical Journals. Tbe Democrat does not intend to give much notice of prise fighters. They are onlv entitled to limited attention. Tbe following from Peoria. HI., will sho how whisky will Gt a man for the insane asylum : "At Davenport last night John L. Sullivan wont out after tbe perform ance and got drunk. On the Rock Is land & Peoria railroad this morning, about 11 SO o'clock, between Lafayette and Ualva, be walked eff the rear plat form. The train was slopped and men started to help him out of tbe ditch where he was lying, but be threatened to fight anyone who touched him, and be got np and walked on to the train himself. It was backed to Lafayette and a surgeon was called whodressed his wounds, but he tore the bandages off. At Peoria, another surgeon was called but Sullivan would not allow him to touch him, and he went away on another tran. His injuries are thought to be slight." Queen Victoria! Personality. class. Address t. E. BaLtomb. Science Department State Normal, Monmooth, Oregon. The heart of gold- th will tvf iroo, th royal temper of steel, the pride, tb patriotiem, and the deep piety of Vic toria bave been enshrined in a small but vigorous frame, the mignoone aspect of which especially Uike those who be hold ber lor the first time lo these her chair-days " It was repjrted bow. when Prince Albeit u dying, be roused himself from a period of wandering to ' torn with iceffable leve to bis spouse and Sovereign, saying to ber with a kin, Good little wife!" And when the Prince Consott was actually p'1' away, attar those twenty one jtars ot weiJed bappiness, it was told bow the Queen bent over him and wbwpereo, "Ills yonr little wife," at which last the Angel of Death stayed bis hand while oice again the dar eyes opened and the dying lips smiled. But though this oe ao, no one who has been honored by near rn to Her Malesty. or lias ever tartied in ber presence, will fail to tes tify to tbe extreme majesty ol ber bear lag mingled always with the most per fect grace and gentleness. Her voice has, moreover, always been pleasant and musical lo bear, and is so now. The hand which holds the sceptre of the teas is the softest that can be touched ; the eyes which have grown dim ith labors of state for England, and with too fre qtient tears, are the kindest that can be seen. The half-forgotten Court gossip of the past is full ot little tales of the tenderneta bich underlies the well-known lore and firmness of tier Majesty. When.on the death of King William the Fourth, Queen Adelaide wrote to the young Vic toria announcing the event, the acceded Princess replied by a gentle and respect ful letter which she addressed to "The Qaeen of England and when a lady of tbe Court humbly remonstrated, saying JTour Majesty, yon only are Queen of England." tne pretty reply was giver, "Yesi but Anut Adelaide mitt not be reinindd ol that by roe." And when. at takina the oath of allegiance, the two Rjyal Dukes bowed low before her to to.i, h hr hand with their lips, she kissed then gravely, raising them from the ground, saying to the Duke ot feus- . . . . 1 I I .tn 1 1 T m m sex, U' not Knee, uer umn , a Q ieen, I am also your niece." Sir Ed win Arnold, In the February l orum. $100 Keward, f 100, Tne TAr of this paper UI fce r ' to learn that tAtrre is at leaat on ditaded otaeasa IAa eoeaoe has bees able to rare in ail nr asacee and Uaat la Catarrh, llall'e Caiv Care Is the only eastu rare now known to tbe amiirai t raienuty. Catarrh brinf a con nutatioaal disease, reqnirrs a cooautntio&al jeataMst. Hall's Catarrh Cure i !ara inter a.11.. uiiBvd-.Mrtl, DMft IS ciood an4 Bra coo aarfam ot lie r"n. xhrTthr Jri-ijr!n authorities had reinforced the pjstoatia tbe foaiUm of Ihe drww.aM eiiioy t! ,4a l,r upline liA, an.1 lei batttrenirlhbTbai3ascnDiaecoailai boundary Vf eofUDg 1WB-B IW twi and aaaiifen aalure In il-.-inir its nark. Tbe proprietors bate so macli laitb in fta mm tire covers, Uia te osVr One Hundred Do.lara nr any caw that it (sua to care- Send ttxt of uaaimc-atai. . , Addreaa, A. J. CEEXEY ACQm ToloJ, 0 Ca-Aeld by Draaaisu kecx aTATE ertrazx t trict Summary. Station, Albany, Or. Month Jan. 1896. Meaa tempera' art-, 43. Maxunnm taaiperatara, 5?; dde, A. Miainani tetBpevatsre, 82; date. 13. Total aaawfall 1 50 rreaee Total precisttatua 8.93 mebca. No. of dear days. N ef pa. Uy emdy days, 5. Nt of docdy days, 24. Hates rf liotiroat, 2 3. 23, 2. 30 Date of kU'isgfrtat, 12 to IS isriwive Dateeo akieh hail Cell. 0. Dateaew wkieb aet fell. 15. 16. Data of tbaader stavata.0. ABrorae, 0 PreraiTste i?irect-' of the wriad.S. 8. Re-aaria- Teatperatar 3.1 cf aorwal. Raiafa I. I i-i of average cf 13 yearn. " JoasBiKes, v Volaateex Ufcesrr-. List of Pa tents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Rerarted bv C. A. Snow & Lacy s pioneer butcher wid be behind th , eouator 01 Andean ana t oreign hiocK. 1 1 vr Prof. O M. Paul, the rjmman. u mak-1 c?0? ' . ing arrangement, to or a wntiwr school ' J Karnaro. tn. aen.. magneto UtheW. C- T. U. ilali next Monday, extractme an-i M-parating machine; J M Prof- Pso, carried off the nrixe at tbe state naiitigioo. ore., ra--tavr r aarTfcwral f air and is a tborough teaAer. , rT cars; ABCamineui, t?an rn- Carpeoteria, Cat., carry-comb; C A WTiB, rssuent, ai.T tcota-CToan sf It is asserted that tbe Ust ore taken out at the Kantian mines will run from $100 tacbmeot; W Hainsworth.Weet Seattle, COME ONE, COME ALL. Julius Gradvrohl Will Give You the Best Bargains in the City. I wish to inform tbe pnVic that I wil reduce my large stock of crockery, glass ware, China ware and silver ware, and will sell out mv entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come F -. - a : . . 1 , T : 1 1 i-U sou pnee my guu.19 ami a wut prove to you that I am not deceiving you, but mean business. J.tiRAOwom. A MAX'S A. MAX. Brrt Its a big advantage to him to wear well lanndrtexi shirts and nnderviothing. The Albany Steam Laundry. Richards A l billipa proprietors, make a specialty ot gentlemens work. Fre mending for men beside the hret class laundry work. A superior high gloss finish to shirts. collars, cults, etc. Notice. As we are positively going out of buxi nesa in Albany, all parties knowing themselves in debt to us are requested to call and settle their accounts by reb 1st. All accounts not paid by that date will be placed in attorneys hands for collection. Atl sales hereafter will be strictly for cash, as we have cloecd our books. Klein,Di uki u.i-S A Co. We anxiously await news from th California woman who was to die if Loj Montgomery was hanged Boys start right and keep richt. A little wrong, often repeated, may mean the gallows, the consummation of dis grace. . The mimb r of C.tO. Brown's church la San Francisco have been having a ormy times. "Forbearance in love should govern all deliberations." Why do cats die in flour mills is an interesting quesfon. Tbe Otiard says : A student of the university thinks that the cats placed in the Eugene flour mill die because they lap up the oil from the oil Cups. lie says in all probability the cups are not covered over, and the lub ricating oil need in ths mill contain petroleum. Petioleuo is a deadly pois on to bis catshlp, and after they lap up a certain quantity of the oil they did. The city council of Albany has a aari o js matter to settle, the two suits in vo'ving the payment ot the .bridge war rants. Tbe longer they are allowed to ran the more It will cost the city, hence prompt action will be advisable if possi ble, aud this is the spirit of the council. O. C. A E. Time Table. Paswnger Leaves Yaquina at 7 a. m. Arrives at Albany at 11 M a. m. Leaves Albany 1 :0., arrives at Bay at 5:40 p. m. Mixed Leave Albany for Detroit at 7 :44 a m, arrives at Detroit at 12:15 p m Leaves Detroit at 12:55 pm, arrives at Albany at 6:30 p n. Freight Leaves Albany at 7 :15 a m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Ar rives at Yaquina at 4 :05 p m : leaves Ya- 3uina at S :15 a 111 ou Tuesdays, Thurs ays and Saturdays ; arrives at Albany at 4 :it p. m. Scott's Emulsion The majesty ol tbe law has been vindicated. Portland will play base ball this year. Tbe league ia being organised now. Tbe Dkmockat predijls a spotted career for I1.. Will Cure A Stubborn Cough when ordinary specifics fail. It restores strength to the weakened organs and gives the system theforceneeded to throw off the disease son. and St .00 ati all dragg-fetta. A Ha ef Brains. Laxoos. Un. 3J. Tbe Rizht II -n John Mot lev. chief secretary for Ireland in the Ute Rosebery and Giadstooe iiheral cabi nets, aratkirig at Arbroth. ia Scotland, toaigbt. aid that Lord Sa'ubnry blunder ed in Questi oning the Monroe doctrine, to which America u strenooaily attached- He added that if ever there waa a cxe of arbi tration it arts the VesezueU boandary dupute. rerttOlag the Fmlser. Xiw Yoke. Jan. 3?. A letter to tbe Herald from Caracas, dated Jan aary 3), ays: "Yerje5an are etiJ discoftng tbe eews from tb frontier that the Br.tih the o cannotss l he new came sere by way 01 Trinidad, and although there is no positive way to verify it. thore is enrj reaaon to beueve that it is trae. 84a Tew net Callly. Poktlasp. Jan. 30. The case of Sin Ton, charged with the murder of Lai Sine, was given to the jmy lt night at 10 A o'clock. At midnitrht 'be jury sras locked up for the night. At 3 o'c'ok this ro-im-tng the jary brought ia a verdict of not guity. Se Cstra Seaslaw. c . . . w. rw 1 -3 f,m . 1 .i di'poeed ol the extra session matter in the following concuAtve tangaaire today: I cere a ill be uo extra session ot tee legis- Itture. there is no public sentiment ask ing for it, nor have I any assurances, if I should call one. that its results would jus tify the expense, i have received numer ous letters from taxpayer and influential citixena throughout the state, and, barring two exceptions, tbe sentiment expressed in such letters are averse to an extra session.'' Fear Belva U. WAsn1xoTox.lan.r9. Bebra Lock wood. once a presidential candidate oa tbe wo man rights ticket, and now a practicing att.tmey in this city, was today disbarred as a practicing attorney or agent before the pension hureau. 1 his action grew out ot a barge made against Mrs. Lockwood bv the pension department, no-using ber of having improperly accepted a few of $25 ia a plosion claim. la Caaaea Bead. 1!ava5a, Jan. 9 There 1 aa insistent rumor that Maximo Gomel ha died as a result cf hi illness. The friends of the insurgents place no credence in the rumor. and there is no confirmation of the report. It probablv owes it origin to tbe fact that the insurgents tried to buy a colli n at San Antonian de lo llanos, and the conclusion that it was intended for tbe burial of tbe leader of the Cuban lusurrecti in has been juuired at. . Twrkey aad Stavda. CoNTASTtxopi.B. Jan. 29. It is be lieved here that a tacit entente exists be tween Russia and Turkey, by the terms of which Russia ha engaged to support Tur key ia certain events, such as tbe passage of the Dardanelles by tbe British fleet. On the other hand, it is understood Turkey has agreed to permit Russia to occup? and pacify Armenia. - Rusia's policy is held to be opposed to French interests. Lueka Vie nay. Naw York, Jan. 29. Gloom pervaded the headquarters of the Cuban revolution ary party today. Leaders who would not admit lost night that any filibustering ex pedition had met with disaster, freely ad mitted the reported wrecking of the ttoanier Hawkins correct. Thomas E Paluia, the acknowledged head of the Cuban revolu tionary party, said that about $100,000 had been expended in titling out the steamer. tenting This Way Sew. Lonikix, Jan. 30 The financial article in the Daily News this morning says: " 1 he W bite Star line steamer Majestic, which sails for New York froai Queenstown today, will take X500.000 12,500,000) in cold to : New York. The statement that gold is being shipped to America direct from Berlin and Pan ia unconfirmed. to $150 to the ton. If so there is a big mingujer. . &,h ntii-etraiQtecLni? device: S P The gymnasiam class at tbe Y. .CA. Tnrxam. San Jae- Cal rotary enzine: will not meet until Monday evening, owing c M kniler. Stockton. Cal aAS-eneine: to the fcct that the Hay Makers will be h L R:ck-, Eureka, CaL, intake and rendered again toniatht, taking away aev- ) filter; J G Eosling, Oakland, Cal., ro eral of the member. . ' trv cszine: G A Scholer. Spokane. 1 Wih, chock far watch-crowns; F C ,, ' Stpbeaon, Green Meadows, Cal., mUk- College Xotes. i MrmWr. j B gtt Chico, CaL, fruit j or vegetable eiicer; ES Sutton. Snoho- TheA.aUS.heMitsregular meet- mib. Wash IXwr lock : G Williams, icg yeeterday. By way of an excitement ranasco, tt-, oeer-oraw-.og appar an amendment to th constitution was . atos. proposed. I The Y. M. C. A. held a basines meet-; Gosng into a derfine." How often do ins this week at which reports were' we bear thia eipr-ioa. What does it given bv the different committee show- mean? It weans toat people are loan; ing good progress, a committee coosisi- cesn. growing tun, wantns. ing of Prof. Sox, D. Swan and J . Smkk The way to correct this condition ia to was appointed to arrange for a eerie of improve the aigesdoa. The eoadiroo " three or four entertainmento between : arues froea an inability to eat rad digest now and June to raise money for tbe food- la fact food does more harm than gTmnaeiam. ' I srood becaase it fsraeeU and potres m Tbe committee on athletics baa organ- tbe storaaeh, deveioptBg poisonons sub ixed an indoor-baseball team to begin ' stance which when absorbed cats various practicing soon. disorders. The local oratorical contest ia coming ajrequired is that the stoaiach be next Friday evening. It ia feared that ffl' .T't someol the orators will expire oetore - y -1 - ;,- , that time. A good program ha been M and a differ of hjod we 1 ItwiM ! from the druggist aed read abont it. ! A California chemist h-s bobbed Castor Oil of it bad taste. Laxol ia its name. prepared. Baowx D aoars ed. EJ. Combs, driver I of the Coos Bay Stage line, came in from j The l tsar wawa MyrUe 1 omt last night and reports that Constipation, canes more tnan naif tbe Sain Brown's gun had been found in the , lib of women. Karl's Clover Rx Tea it river at the place where the last traces 01 a pleasant core for const uiian . For sal his tracks were found by tbe officers in by Foshar A Uason. pursuit. The facts lead to the almost certainty that Brown was drowned there last Saturday as reported by tne omciats who were on his trail. If true, and there is scarcely a doubt of it, it closes tbe drama and shows that the way of the tran?greMeor is bard, and is a warning to all evil doers. Tbev will eventually dose A ae Wee aVaewtaa. Coootytion. La'jrippe, fnenmonia, aod all Throat and Lceg dewsea are cured bv Shikth'a Cure. For sa'e by Fsshay A Mason. All Sereeaaaeaal II. Ak your physician, joor rtigu-t and an ignominious life in an ignobie way. : yoor Meni about Saitoh's Cure for co Host burg Plaindealer. But not as igno- j aumptien. 1 by wi'l recommeod it For This is on way ot let- ble aa bancinr. ting a shenh down easy, rertiaps nrown was not drowned. Brown was sharp. Lkbanos lSTkvnoNS. Ruff Iliatt has perfected an invention to run a bicycle by compressed air. This does away with the chain on btcyelee.and runs tbe wheel by an air engine. Mr. Htatt has been working on this about six months. Jos. Hansard has also invented a steel rim for bicvcles, which is overlaid with short steel springs. Mr. Iliatt and Mr. Han sard have gone into partnership and had a model made which they sent on to Washington, D. C, about two weeks ago to have patented. The application ia for a patent on each, the rim and the air appliance. Express. Having heard l'r Grant's lecture rn Yellow Slone Park. I take pleasure in com mending it to the citixens bf Albany. Hir w Ttekk, Piincipai Albany School. sale by Fosbay A Mssoau ear avyantaala aad Liver Comptaiat yon bave a printed guaaatee on er y bottle of Shito "s Vital -brer- It never faOi to core. For sale by Foshay At Mason ,tt Saves Uvea Kvery Bay Thousands of cases of Consumption, Atbma. Coughs, Colds and Croup ere cnreJ every day by Shi 'oil's fore. A Salaral Seawsiaer Karl's Clover Root Tea SMiriSes the hood and gives a clear and beautiful CJflnp'exina For ta'e by Foshay and M$oa. ratarrh rared Beoltb and sweet breath secured by Shiloh' Catarrh Remedy. Price 5O cents Nasal injector fer. For sale by Fosaajr AT Mason. Dr. White's new hair growertng syttem for sale at Verick's blrber shop, fole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Marion, ClHtsop, Polk, Iaucoln and Yamhill coun ties. Addreaa Box 4il Alhny Oregin for free pamphlet on baldness and scalp trou bles , . Try Tinkle tor Photos. uoiiy Health Laws. Don't eat so rapidly. Sit on a chair and 'be quiet after eat ing. Your stomach is not a coal bin. When you feel uncomfortable after eating yon have eaten too much, and you need Jov'e Vegetable Sarsaparilla. 11 you sutler troni rheumatism watch the sheets. Dontget between them; if damp dry them. Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Veg etable Sarsaparilla. Keep flies out of your house; they are germ carriers. Wear flannel undergarments. Keep your feet warm ; your head cool. When your blood is thin you feel cold in the least change. When your blood is tliin take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla; it wili make veur blood red, rich and thick. Dos, it will do to take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla now. When you get off you bicycle alter a .on g warm rnn, put on a coat. If you are going on a trip take loy s Vegetable Satsaparilla. Strange food makes strance stomachs. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the stomach, cleanses the stomach, and re news the stomach. So appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable araaparUla. Keen appetite. ; e4; a;t;At bit t ii gati ila w'l en albast Bua-itrr. One Honest Man. Dias Editok: Pkase inform your read ers that if srrittec to confidentially, I will mail in a sealed tetter the paa pursued by whih 1 ru rwrm,nnt!r rMLtoriHl io health and!y vigor. after many years of suf- tering from rvervous eaxnees, toss ot Manhood, Lack of Coetideoce. etc 1 have no scheme to extort money from any om bomoever. 1 was rubbed and swindled by quack uutil I nearly lost faith ia man kind, out inula near. 1 am now wvit, vigorous aa-t strmg. and anxious to mako thi certain mean of cure known to all Having nothing to seil or send C. O. P., I want ao money. Address I as A. Hakxis, Box 107. Peiray, Mich STaaa Baby was sick, we sans her Cat ... Wnea sbs was a CaOd. she erwd f or Castorla. Wnea she heenxne lass, she cba to Castorks. WUa she bad CfcDdten, she cweln Castors Wheat, 53t Oa.t r Flour, i.50 Butter 20 Egss 18t, Lard, 12 to 15c Pork hams, 12 to 15c, shoaJdVr 9 0 lOo Sides II to ISc Bay Baled $54)0 Cheaper Than Doctors. "I was nervous and weak and could not do more than half t days work. I could not write without steadying my hand with the other one. I procured a bottle of Hood's Sarsapsrilla and began taking it and now 1 am able to work ana write and am feeling welL This fall my wife was sick and was confined to her bed about half the time, I advised her to take Hood's Sarsaparilla aa it was cheap er than doctors and she hnally consent ed to do to. After taking it for a short time she was ablet attend to her work. I have not found anv better medicine as a blood tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla. I keep Hood's tareaparilla in the house all the time to ward off the grip and other diseases. H. Weirict, -Needy, Or. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awards. Cold Med aUlwanai fan & r-aadsca.