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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
NOW 99 YEARS OLD. firs Gfinnell Credits Age to Paine's Celery Compound. Tt- L,m ti.;n trt larn of'-lk quite a tlisUnce without feeling It is an. uncommon thing to leara 04 m ecd at my, vig- persona TOHjuiiiK me v' J orous appearance and activity, wmcn i Hyde Grinnell, and years of good healthjoelieve, is the result of my using Paine's i:u i, nnit tn tVinsrt who make celerv compound. It has cured me of JilVV aa3 WVaw i ae of only the very best means of keep ine well. will wonder" that the briahV-i eyed old lady, whose mind today is as alert and clear as ever, should oe anxiousjvaluabie lor recruiting the strengtn ana . others to, trv Paine's celery, com- gDent enemies of men and women ad- wumH v Mra. Emvla IIvdeGrinnell was born in Rpnnintrtrtn. Vt,. Juh 6. 1796, and ia'true nerve food and blood remedy b; today livinz with her granddausmter.tne physicians throughout wife of Martin Fowler of Colchester, Vt-.lja prescribed by them i a beauutui town near tort .iuau au. Her father was a farmer and hotel keep er jind she lived urjon the farm until ..... TT L I'll I linn her niarriaee. Mrs. Grinned has none of th infirmiiifk of old ase. She rises at rfsT-licrht.. works about the house, and: when the weather will permit walks out ,oA tuwwIia anil snends man? konrai MMwtKArtnrt anI Hninf farwv vork. She And ia re-: jnarkably well-informed upon niany'rapid and lasting cures that embraces sabiects. She declares that she doeaevery city and town In the wide sweep Dot feel any older tnan sue nag joryears.HM ... . . i . r 1 jind if neonle half her aee enjoyed such rood health as she they would consider! themsplvrt! forttfnate. She has seven children, four boys and tnree girls, two! oi whom are living today. Mrs. Grinnell writes ; CoLCHESTKB, Vt., Oct. 11, 1S95. "Paine's celery compound has been tn JM . itvn la at faw .r; pain .few doses rf this medicine gives I joy as good health, for my appetite is natural, my sleep refreshing, and I can' Umbrellas, Underwear, Hosiery For just a TRY & If yon want a sure relief for pains ia the back, side, chest, or j& 9 limbs, use as 9 Allcock's EES Z Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita- P - tions is as good as the genuine. y Dress Goods, Ladies & READ, PEACOCK & CO. F0RT3HLLER & JHYING ff7E KEEP constantly on hand a full line of tnetaiic, c.oth inn wood catket and VV coffins. Also burial lubes nj suits, In broadcloth wl:,cashimr. which will be sold at The Lowest LIvtsg Profit. EMBALMING and the proper care of the dead a specially. - TEMfLE riO EXTRA CHARCS FOa HEARSE 0B SEBVIC5 'ALBANY. CiGAR FMyTORY .?e JOKPil. Prnriclor - Hwrvoa ALBANY Red Crown Milling Cc Is now under the managemen Eo urmra Goina, N. H. Allen, Win. L. Vance E D. Barrett and Samuel E. Youug.whs are now prepared to furnish sacks and Eeceive Wh?at on storage", and will pay the hij;b market price for the same. s i MANAGER FJR LIXN COfJKTY Mm. George Diekirson hus bea made manager of l,inn counly for the Via vi Company of Jsan rrancisco. lie car ries a full line of their celibrated trea. rcent Ollii e at residence east iJq riroiid albin Street between 2nd and 3d. Ollice hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. I W wish Her Vigorous Old constipation, and is of great help to me . - when over-urea, urawiuuy youru, Maa. Emyls Htd GaissauJ Painea celery compound is especially vanced in Years. It is the one prepare- tion considered worthy the name of a 7t the country in every state in the anion to tone up the system, reg ulate the nerves and restore health and strength. Nothing in the past has ever approach ed it In oower of building up weaaenea nerve tissues and giving strength to the tired body. In severe cases ot persistent headaches, dyspepsia, neuralgia, and sleeD.essneas. due to nervou8 feebleness, Paine's celery compound has a record of . X . t. ...... W.n.Aj. tuo uiuum oiww, Its remarkable power over disease lies in iu active replacing of worn -out parts by new. healthy ones, and in its healing and purifying action among the most minute tissues of the body. It eeartches out the weak part at once, and sets to work to build the up. The tired body WflT compound forthwith. Z&'hS pound, Childrens little money. AI.BAM mm diJMmfree, W&JC &amTj, Laji-i ot Brmln Power, Fine Shoes, eion. crl! dreams, impotuncr &nd wuUhk dleoaefl eauaed by I 4 yoiUJifxi i error 'jt xicrA. Contain BOOiHat. la nerve tal fanrttolottd Vntter. Makes lh pa Jearnl p-jnretrfmgnd pi am p. J i 1 Eapilyerrle5 n VMt pocket, 1 per box; lor 95Br malijpre iJ pnii, Ht h a vritUn- owrart te or money rtfuvda. WnU um, ire bum, mm raray ,ar 9tnm fcfit tr- cw.. a mpt i,tewm ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and : FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. 61 R.N Morris, Mgr Cor. 2nd and Mai r. Sis. mrr Let V KJ iVl H, gether i Is it not bet ter to buy yonr Bread, Pies, Bolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use enly the Best material why of course i ta you dont want dyspepsia and yor.'i never get it by eating anything irorp ou tore. U. S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. '. j. : ' 0. D. Vandykb. Proprieto REPAIRS BICYCLES. Fiank Dic ey repairs bicycles promptly and in a first da mwuicr. Breaks, punctured tires, otc, filed errefr,. At shop just west of i". M. C. A hall. Where The Money Goes. y An exchange ears it does Lot like' to say much about money because there are many different and violent opinions held by so many people of all parties and there seems no hope of getting "on com mon ground cf agreement. But there are some things all must know or ought to know and on which some kind ot ao cord must bi had, because affairs are bound to march toward an unpleasant oal and reach it ere long. The enor mous growth ot luitilic debts, all of which are o couuic'eii with that heart of the business woi.d, London, that the, intemt in whole or part ia forever streaming thither Is bound to tod in ruin. The syetemlof it has been growing ever since iU origin about the year 1700 A. D. We believe it is certain to eat ap the world ust so sure as it continues. It is the wonder of oar time, anJ even at one per cent will swallow up the wealth or the world faster than new populations and capitals increase. Every month there ia paid in at Ixrodon, says th London Backer' Magazine, interest on loans as follow t: January 32,000.000 pounds February 15,000,100 pounds March 12,500,000 pounds April 19,000,000 oounds May 6.00J.O0O pounds June ....... 3.500.000 pounds And for each month ot the year the same amounts the total being not far (mm nne thousand million dollars or twenty-three dollars per head for each inhabitant and the greater part comes firm abroad. The heaping ap of pay uient, thus disturbs too many markets No" wonder 1 A Land Without Animals. Jaran is a land without the domestic animals. It is this lack which strikes the stranger o forcibly in looking upon Japanese landscapes There are no cows .the Japanese neither drinks milk nor eats meat. There are but few borses.and these are imported mainly for the use of the foreigners. The freight cars in the city streets are palled and poshed by coolies, and the pleasure carriages are drawn by men. There are but tew dogs, and these are neither need at watch degs, beasts of burden nor in bunting, except by foreigners- There are no sheep in Japan, and wool is not used in clothing, silk and cotton being the staples. There are no pi pork is an unknown article ot diet, and lard is not used in cooking. There are oo goats or mnlee, or donkeys. Wild animals there are, however, and in par- icular. beats of enormous size. Oneoi thceeMr. Finck saw a museum he describes as "big as an ox." Besides another stuffed museom bear is preserv ed, in alcohol, the mangled body of a child the bear had tatea Just before be ing killed. War, of course, is acquaint ing the Japanese with the nse of ani mals. The army has cavalry horse .and others 10 drag toe field guns. The empress, 't " omfkw inmauouof European royalties, is an expert horse woman, and saddle hones are kept for her nee. How to Save. Tbe Lehockit thinks it coo Id cut down the expenses of running Oregon very materially. Here woold be a few of tbe items lopped 0Q1 enough to show what con Id be done : Electricity for state buildings 23.000 State and district fairs. . . . 9,500 Railroad commissioners 10.000 Attorney general 3,000 SOOcopiessnpremecoart reports.. 8,200 Fish and game protector 2,500 Dairy and food commissioner.... 1,500 Domestic animal commission..... 3.000 Monmouth Normal school... .... 14,528 State board equalization 1,250 () ST Gi 30, Oregon University 13 000 Pablic printing 13,000 Convey convicts and insane to balem 15,000 Branch insane asylum 40,000 State board horticoltuie 8 .000 Cleaning Mill Creek.a Salem job.. 7,300 There is over I1CS.000 saved without half trying, eaoogh to put the tax down to 3 mills. A country editor who died of starvation was being escorted to heaven by an an. gel who had been sent oat for that pcr- pose. "May I look at tbe other place before I ascend to eternal happiness?' 'Easily," said the angel. 80 they went below and skirmished aronnd, taking in thesigLts. The angel lost track of the editor and went around hades to hunt him. lie found him sitting by a furnace fanning himself and gaxing with rapture npon a lot of people in tbe fire. There was a sign on tbe furnace which said "Delinquent riubeerlbers." "Come," said the angel, "we most be going Yon go on," said tbe editor, "I'm not coming. 1 bis is heaven enough for me.' Ex. The French florist claims to be able to remove the natural odor of flowers and replace it by other perfumes, without injuring the flowers. Tbe marigold, which is a handsome flower, has been robbed of its disagreeable odor and given a perfume that makes it fragrant and valuable. The odor of the rose has been imparted to the sunflower, while chrys anthemums have been made to smell like violets. Tbe transler of the per fume from one kind of violet to one more beautiful bnt naturally inodorous has also been accomplished. Two old inhabitants discussed tbe electric light plant the other dsy, and one of them declared that running tbe engine at 800 revolutions was entirely too fast. "No it ain't; they bave to run it last," replied the other. "No they don't either,'' and back came the reply of tbe second, "I know they do. Do you suppose they csn make lightning with an ox team?" The first old inhabitant hereupon wilted. Corvsllis Times, There are too many people trying to suc ceed through ox team methods. The live man never stops rustling or adver tising. The It'iseb'irg Building aud L?an As sociation has been rimnicg seven years. The present cost value of a share is $123, 09; cash value 1110.59. The highest interest paid last year was 21 nr onths in advance, lowest 1 month. With drawal value 101.79. The gain is less than 60 per cent. At that rate it will take tbe sicca tiiirteen or lourteen years to ma ture- . UliU tl u Col. C A, Lincoln, a pony farmer of Cowley county, Kan,, and said to be cousin of Ab.alism L'ncolo.has suddenly become a Populist leader. He assumes tbe commonplace characteristics of "Old Abe," and drives a little bay mare. which, he says, he has driven three times across the continent. An official working for a salary ought to serve the people as faithfully as if working for fees; .--r There is a glut of potatoes in San Francisco. Some on a wharf sold for two cents a sack. V Pillubury, the Brooklyn chess player, is being defeated at St Petersburg by Lanker, the Austrian. One needs to judge only by the papers to be satisfied ot the fact that San Fran cisco is socially rotten . " V. Van Burwn county, Mich., has psid out $2,800 in bounties for the killing of English sparrows during the past year nr so It is said there are on'y 300 Chinamen In thelwhole ot New Mexico, according to the registry certiGcates issued under the new law. A hanging should be made as private as possible. It is bad enough in any evf nr. The public morals demand all the privacy to be obtained.' Sheriff who were not Hissing any thing on account of tbe law compelling them to par their own mileage, are un iversally waiting to be re-elected, a fact that speaks for itself. Que fifth of the world's supply of gold comes from the Transvaal, banttam had better gtt a movement forward. Perhaps some day a fifth of the world's eopplv will cover our aorifeious hills. The New York policemen are learning to shoot. To a man in tbe dark it would seem as if a policeman ought to know bow to shoot before being appoint ed, though it la probably a good thing they do not. The railroads have lost money. Speak ing of railroads it is an interesting fact that no fortunes have ever been made from tbe earnings of railroads, and yet hundreds ot fortunes bave been made from railroads, all from speculation, mo from watered stock. .t Several Marion county men are willing to go to Congress, among them being Til Ford, T. T. Qeer, C. B, Moores and E. Hofer. Perhaps none of them will ad mit he is a candidate ; bat all undoubt edly are willing to sacrifice themselves in the interest of tbeir district. It is a cold day when some war scare Is not sprout on the people. Enterprising papers seem to be vie!og with each other to see bow big war lies thsy can tell. The latest is that England ia got 04 to bar Cuba of Spain, and that tbe resolt will be a war, in fact that soldiers are already being gotten together for basi nees. All of which is probably only trash. One sometimes gels tired of so mncb eeamioo without aer foundation to it. It would be a very interesting thing to Linn counly people it the came Santiam become world wide famoos on account ot tbe mines there : arid yet there is a big probability of it. liaok Smith says they are every bit a good as the Com stock. Ii that is tbe ease Eantiatn will be a familiar word. Mr. Smith is re ported to have remarked that the output of only a month or two will pay for all the cost of development. All these things ore encouraging. The following from the London Stand ard will exp'ain in a meascre reasons wby mere should be at- least a small rise in tbe price of wheat: The area ot wheat grown ia the United Kingdom in 1893 was tbe smallest ewr recorded since any attemot at a statistical state ment was made. For the wbole Uni ted Kingdom it was 1,454,290 acres, or mors than 500,000 acres lets than 1794. The total product of the wheat crop n Great Britain is offie iallv estimated at no more than 37.1M.256 bushels, white the total requirements were 240,009.000 bushels. More than s.ww.ww acres nave : gone oat of wheat cultivation 10 Ecgtacd in tne last 20 years. Tbe average perf We last year was the smallest ever known, only bushels. It is also stated that Bnasia's wheat erp wa 50, 000,000 bushels short in 13, and the rye crop 80,000,000 short- This came from a decline io the y?d per acre. Great Britain cannot afford to cultivate wheat at tUs prices ot tbe last two o three One of Geo. Humphrey's Artcsts. Joseph Walters, anted in Bismarck.N, D., for unlawfully taking a letter Irom tbe postofRce.and appropriating a check which it cooUined, was arrested yester day by Deputy United States Marshal Humphrey. Walters was followed to this city by Special Agent E. C. Clement. The warrant issued" for tbe arrest of Walten charges specifically that be un lawfully stole from the postoSice at Bis marck a letter addressed to Joseph Weber, containing a draft dated at Sioux City, Ia., for f 18 75, drawn by II. F. Hedges, captain of the United States engineer corps, In favor of Joseph Weber. This check Wallers canned at a busi ness bouse, indorsing the name of Joseph Weber thereto. Tbe offense was com mitted October 21, 1895, and Walters was traced to this city by letters which he wrote back to acquaintances. Walters is a common laborer, and peaks broken English. He evidently knew that tbe check was to ba sent to Weber. When Marshal Humphrey en countered Walters yesterday he wss en gaged at work io tbe yard of the resi dence ot a widow on uood street. Humpurey, as he hive in einht, called oat: "Hello, Joe, how are youf" Walters answered : "Hello yourself. Wbere did you know me? What is yenr name?" "Robertson," replied tbe marshal. "I knew yoo in Bismarck." Why, you don't say so," said coming friendly all at once. "How is everything in Dakota?" "Oh, everything is all serene," said Humphrey; "but, Joe, to make a long story short, I've got a warrant for your arrest." Walters' jaw dropped, and he sw io a few times, after which be said : I "Well ,1 suppose dot makes Hall right. I just go upstairs and get my clothes and I come along." "And I will go, too," said Hutnp'irey. "But I will be back in a minute," said Wallet s. "Yes, I know you will ; but 111 go along just tbe same, "replied Humphrey, Walters, oa tbe way to jail, admitted to the cflloer that he had obtained the letter and check, but he denied that he indorsed the check in the name of Weber,- Yesterday Jn tha JJnited States court udge Bellinger mads ao order remand- ng Walters to tbe custody of the United States authorities at Bismarck. Orego? man. Some School Customs In Belgium. Bitot Democrat : Thanks to Mary H. Hunt.' Our coun try was the first In the world to have a "Scientiflo Instruction Law."" There are but three states In the union now without these. But each rear maker it hardej to obtain one, as the liquor men are more on the alert to prevent It. The amendment to Ihe old law of New York, has ceased, as we have lately seen the most bitter oprosltiou, headed by the LStale Supt, of Pubjic Institutions. ' Belgium took her initiative from America and it seems to me if we could Sild to our own methods the Belgium schools our work would be more effica cious still. From the age of twelve the children are invited to take tne pledge oi absti nence from all strong liquors up to the age of twenty. This Uoes not include the weak table ines so much used ou the continent of Europe, which are gen erall drank with water. Tbe day of pledge taking is made much of. Tie school is deked with flower? , pupils tre in boHJay costumes, the local officers, the clergy, the parents ot the new members are invited to be present at the ceremony ; and the old pupils are gathered in. in order to en courage their perseverance in their prln- I ciples. Tbe words of the promise are repeated by each new adherent before the asembled conir. any ere be sigai and receives his certificate of honor. It is found that tbe boy w bo keep firm up to the agd rf twentr Joes not usually want to driqk, and through the influence of the children whole families are influenced (or good. About a decade ago Belgium was almost the worst drunken country in Europe, but her character is changing. L. A License to Lie. This is an age of liars evidently and the biggest Is the associated orees. Dis turbing lies have been floodeu over the country Just to display enterprise.backed up by tbe big press of tbe country. There is no excuse for it, do license for it In this respect they are not tike tbe traveling man recently in Albany. Oe was telling a w Hopper one day this wees, a palpable falsehood. "Ob, come," said another drummer, "yoo don't expect ns to believe that, that certainly is a lie." "Yes," aid the man, "but I am licensed to lie," and be pulled out from bis inside porket a pretentions looking pape headed : "Liei License." It was neatly gotten np, authorising the bearer to lie whenever and as often as he pleased. Its importance and authenti city was empbaclsed -by a big gilt seal and bine ribbon, all the same as very important documents It is possible the associated press has one cf tbeee daenments, if so after each lie it woold be only fair it they would exhib'i their iiceoseio the open handid - tainner of the drummer. It was impossible for Corbett and Fitzdmmoos to secure a fighting place, and vet others as big duSers found no trouble in fighting to tbeir bttrt con tent, giving jost as fierce and brutal ex hibitions as would have been given by Crbett and Piuimmoos Moudsy tale of Sew York, on tt-'ceX HanT cTu . . ,, ,. . , -j .i; I "T" pr0!'"- 00 " fk.'0d lJUraieJ!eJ L SS night in the great 5 Long I'iad. C'-oy n each other for thirteen rounds. The W-owio, account of the last two round, will give one an idea of the affair; Roood 12 Cboyntkl again opened np, landing his right heavily 00 tbe Jaw and then his left oa the stomach, while Hail countered with hia right oa the face. Next they ex-btnred heavy lefts, and then Cboyntki laaded his right and itll on the face, wbUe Uall sent his right 10 oa the Jtw twice. Choynaki got in another left on the stomach and seong hit right hsrd on UUi's jiw, kaocziog him down a time was called. The crwd cheered wildly. H nai 13 Cboyaskl was now full of confidence. He jabbd two heavy lefts 03 tUU's face and knocked hia down ago wjlr, fight ca the law. When HaUca-ne no the CalifornUn ram! ' ... rignt and leu band bioasoo tbe face and law, staggering tbe Australian, lie then landed a heavy left 00 the face, and, as II all staggered, tbe Cal;f j roiaa let fly his ribt, landing 00 the jaw, knocking Hall down and out, after one minus and fif teen seconds ot fighting in the unlucky thirteenth roani That tha rich gold discovery oa Forty Mile creek, Alaska.belongs to the United Stales has been acrorately determined by an employe of Ihe British govern mettt. and properly marked in certain puces General DurSeld, cbief of the eoast survey, says the survey shows that but 16 miles of the crrek, as the bird flies, and 23 miles as the water floats. Is in British territory, and in this portion m gold has been discovered. AH the remaining portion of the creek is in Alaka,snd belong to the United States. A hi'l has been introduced io congress, providing for the appointment of com missioners to Cx the boundary, bat It has not yet been acteJ npon. Wash ington dispatch. Everybody says that politics will be very warm this year, on acccuntof tbe number of candidates in the field. HOTHERS end those about to become mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription robs childbirth of Its torture, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiding Nature in preparing the system for parturition. Thereby "labor' and also the period of confinement are greatly shortened. Jt also promotes aa abundant secretion of nourishment for the child. During pregnancy, it pre vents "morning sickness" and those distressing nervous symptoms from which so many sufj'cr, . Tants. Cottle Co., Ttxi. D. R. V. PIRS.CK, Buffalo, N. Y. : Drar Sir I took your "Favorite Pnw scription " previous to confinement and never did so well in my life. It is only two weeks since my confinement and I am able to do my work. I feci stronger than t ever did in six weeks before. Jfours truly, A MOTHERS EXPERIENCE. ? South Bind, fscijic Co., fl'ast. Da. R. V. Piercb, Buffalo, N. Y.: ! Pear Sir I began taking your Favot. ite Pr scription " tbe first month of preg nancy, ana nave con tinued taking it since confinement. I did not experience the nausea or any of the allmenta due to ercsmancv. after ; I began taking your . 11 Prescription." I was iOtUv in labor a short time, and tbe physicians aaid I got along un usually well. We think it saved rat Mae. Bakeb. a great deal of suffering. I was troubled a Meat deal with leuenrrbea also, and it has OOI oat A world of good for ma. Yonrs truly, Mas. W. C BAKU. TELEGRAPHIC. Imprevemeau Waate4. Washinotow, Jan. 21. Sonafor Mitch ell has ofTured the following proposed amendment to the river and harbor bill: For tbe purpowe of continuing the im provement of the Columbia and Lower Willamette rivers below Portland. Or., $250,0011. Kor the purpose of improving tha navi -gaiion of the Yamhill river up to the town of McMinnville, by the conduction of a lock and dams and other necmuiary works, upon the plana speciSad in tbe report o Major Post, of the engineer department, of March 6, 181)5 $6!),o0D. Senator Squire has off .-r-d a number of amendments to the same bill for all the improvements' wanted ia Washington state. Sv Mraare Mcaet. London, Jan 21. Riht Honorable ft J Goschen first lord of the admiralty, ad dretwing conservatives at East Ureeaston tonight, declared no mtmtmce to any coun try was intended by the formation of tbe flying squad. on vV'bile the political sit uation remains as it is, I oeg tbe public, if they near that the squadron baa been sent to any particular :qaarter, net to imagine that the motive i necessarily a menace against our neighbors or our rivals. Tfcer' flab! lac k's W YoKK.Jan. 21 A. World dispatch from Havana says: "This afternoon news was received of heavy firing, in which artillery was taking an active part. A field battery left the city early today and hastened southward. i mil Eetlte CiMCAOO. Jan. 21. A special to the uai'y ew front VYfcthington says: Atn ci ate Justice rietd will ko upon tbe retired list at the cloe of this term of the sopreme couit, if he keeps the promine be made re- cenut tome pr.u!eat and Senator White. of California The senator is authority for the above statement, and for the informa tion that J ustro r leld s successor has been practically agreed upon in the person of juub crsins n Hues. rtll4 al Last. AasAr-ous, tod., fan. 21. The pro tracted struggle for the United States sen atorsbip, which baa been going oo in tbe legislature for the lt week, was practically terminated tonight by tbe republicans ia caucus nominating Congressman Ueorge Wellington to succeed Senator Gibson, liia viUury was decisive, and there enis no roou. fur doutt that be will be elected to rn -Trow. Seaalar alttaaw Axala Dts Motx es, Ia , Jan. 21. The legisla tor proceeded today to elect a L cited btate senator- Tbe vote ia tbe sena'e 1 stood: Ailunn. 42; Babb,6. Home Al lison, 73; Bahb.13; SUurt, 1. That Maadrva. 1-oxDox, Jan. 20 In spite of the as- j v m DFI agCTBCJ IO Use contrary, tbe Aatoriated Prees u in a poM- tion to repeat iu assertion of Eaturday last, that it had been informed by tne admiralty that tbedetfinaxicVof the fl.nng sqoauron. now at r-puae-!, is not yet i larmioed opoo even Ly the admiralty, asm certainly it will nut go to Bermuda or any srsere in American water lor We resent. first re lasaar. Sil-EM. Jan. 20. -Charles) Firster, who drowoetl hia wife in a pool of water near Grant's Pass Ut May and was convicfed of munW at the in'MihM r.( and wkowas granted a stay of sf ntz-oce peoUuig an appeal to the auprt me court baas !n . r" ' ' J1B saw. rort been adjudged insane br lb- fonrDSiioe ! i.111 Jry. Mast t some mistake. county court. A request came from the eaort to Governor LorJ today, asking that be commit Faster to theatyitira. it seenu be insanity trial is open to the charge of irrega.arvy tn not tumntoning the prose- cuUog aitorocy. The governor does not confid-r tiefjx subject to his dwpsl. Where .. i u. ii,.. a i s i .t. . tlAVAXa. Jan. SO. It is Lnown that M...!! ..U;. r... .1.1. actruuc counter-marches Tfcis it ud ; ".TV " "1' rangement made between Cohrael Molina and the bands of Xanea and other. Marital Law la) eWUvar. New Toas. Jaa. 20. A dispatch to tbe Herald from iijaota Columbia, says: Uartial law has been proclaimed in tie province of Barraaquili. state of Bolivar. Six bundled troops are proceeding from the coast op the MUiaa rivsr to tbe city of IWrajwju'.lia The governor has been in vested with mUitary power, and the police force bas been doubled. The government is vhriiant. and is said to be prepared to pot down any attempt at revolution. ery rfcy Wasaiseroa. Jan. 20. The stiver bond bill was laid aside temporarily by the sen ate today .as no senator was ready to speak. PUtt akeJ Jnes of Arkansas wVn a rote would be had. Jooee said ee was uaaUe to state, for tbre were several speeches yet to be beard. PUtt said there was 00 op position from those favoring the measure, that tbe majority was endewfjy obUrocting its consideration, and that there should be a time set fir a vote . .rratsbtr a rake. St Lorta. Jan. 30 The Republic this morning, in sctnmarixirir di patches from Florida. New York and VaahiDgtoo, says: "A crisis ba been reached in Use Cuban war. RwMtion of tl betheerency of the patriotic army by tbe Veiled StaJei is immiu-ot. President Cleveland is said to bave prepared a prociamMioo which may ce isswea toasy or in laeiaimaiiate tatuie. re whe. Tallahassee, Ha., Jan. 19 Sema tiooal stories are afloat here tonight. Uov ernor Mitchell, at tbe request of the war department iu Washington, has ordered Adjutant General lijuston to an that th Florida mil. tar be placed in readiness to use tne twu at a moment's notice- It u stated, as coming mm tbe executive office, that tbe Washington authoritite have rea son to believe that a dal ia pending be tween Spam and England for the sale of Cuoa to the latter; that the I, mUsi Hate is preparing to resist tbe transfer of the island, and that the Hyiutr squadron 1 coin ing to American water to be ready for the war with the United State which will inevitably follow an attempted cetsion of CUU. a rniasatlerV Traabte Cnsnaus, Jan. 19 Information re ceived here today, direct from democratic sute headquarters. 1 that the department at asnington has Postmaster John Lara way, ot Centralis, on the books, and that his dismissal has probably been recom mended. Since tbe Centralis postoffic was robbed tome time airo. and about f 1000 lost. Lara way has not boen in good standing itn toe department. A special airent of the government has been in Centralis sev eral months quietly investigating the rob bery. ' ftaaae Fliklta Vane. 1' AVASA, Jan. 19. Further renarta havo now been received ot tbe engagement be tween Colonel Qalbis and the insurgents near Batabano. It is said tbe inaurwnt forces that attacked him were those of Go mes. The troops met the attack of the insurgents on their kneea, and withheld their tire until the enemy were within a short distance. The report says the insur gents left It kilted on the field, and nine were found in a cant-field a short distance away Tbe insurgents retreated, it issaid, itn a nunuroua loss, while the lotsea to the troops were indisniticint, Csed Wheat Sfarhet Wall a Walla, Wash, Jan. 13. The wheat market contines to bo brisk. To da) several thousand busbe's of biueafera were sold for 61 i cents f . o. b., while Choice loU of cluo and chaff sdd for 50 0011U. It is staled on good authority that i choice lot of blueetem brought 52 f. o. b. In tho lott three days half a million bushels have be-n sold at fuir prices., Kully two thirds tf tbe wheat io this section has been sold. fllkhop Hsigood Iiea4. j Covihqtoh, 6a , Jan. 19. RUhop Ha good, ot the Methodist Episcopal church, (South, died at his home in Oxford, tin. .this morning, at 2 o'clock, from paralysis. Bishop V puncaq, of South Carolina, will preach bis funeral service Tuesday. BORN GRAY. On Jan. 19, 1890, in Albany, to Mr. and Mis. C. A, Uray, of tbe 0. 0. & E.--a boy. The largest piece of Good tobacco evu'Scldfor 10 cents MISFITS. Palem voung men bave just orsraoizei a Deux Temps club. That is infringing w" www j ubiik, j xh. Pi;.r . c, n . : w TJf i ??l! T.L- Hoier of being that be has sinister motives in endorsing Hermann. An Allny man reports doing the Lig jft bojfioces in Iecember since his bos inres in Albany One caoce being early and judicious advertising. From the wooJrard near Albany comes no lhet "'y. ener-nc rp- Besides all the wood is sawed here by machines. A great deal has been said latclv aboot ; the enormou cost of ligtiung the state j buildin at Salem. In view of tbe fact experience of Losanrport, lnd is umeir ana ol interest, it was paring : i, . . A.- V'wj-jw irr uguv. It botarht "4 -,l Ty i - reeimenu Clarion, in that state, baa 119 .fcI.theavAeconoi which, in - the number c,uul'B nteret, is fs ite ltntj- U .ow the cost tr light in tbe state building at alem, now many are u-ed. etc Mr. J. Clem, in an article in the Salem Independent obiecu to running men for office on the people's party ticket who have reeealir joined the party evidently for the purpuee of getting oSce. lie says . "There U no counties hot what bave tried and true meu that are capable to fill any o&cv, and certainly the ones that have stood by tho cause in iu dark est days are entitled io the honors after fighting the battle. As lor suitable can didate for cone reB. thn aro a Kim nr more of gvl capable farmers who could , to" 3 each, worth double the mon and would till the portion with credit. ev- Call and see them before they are J-hall we, tie creat Ubonnz class, still continue sending lawver. doctors, etc V congress; 1, lor oa Which make one smile. protest. A Crabtrcc Fight. J. R. Vi'j-a-.t went to Crabtree this morning to defend Marion Crabtree, in a criminal suit before Justice A. J. Jar tngan. for assault and battery. Accord ing to the version given the Pmooiat a eon of Mr. Crabtree had been whipped by Prof. Swank. Mr. Clay Oompton made some remark in reference to it, which came to the ears of Mr. Crabtree. Saturday he called Mr Oompton from the store at Crabtree, and upon bis com ing out is said to hare spit in his (ace ami then attacked hint with hi cane, which Mr. Gompton took away from him ana returned toe compliment, when Mr. Crabtree drew a knife but did no: nse it io the face of the notified cane. Quiet was restored followed bv the ar reel of Mr.Crabtreee A Bad Case. It is assorted that Ales McKensie in jail for lewd cohabitation is At 1 y Ikito sent to the penitentiarr tor burning a steamer at Salem a couple ot years ara. Hut Ibis is a mistake. His name is McKensie. Last fall daring tho air ne worseu lor a man and woman in a restaurant at Salom. The man skipped ouv, leaving ueois tteliino, wtien ifc- Kenie got the woman to transfer the restaurant to him, becidee getting $10 from her and some monev lv falu nn. rcseuiauons irom a ooy ana also skipped out. An A'.banv man then in Salem has reoignixed him. lie is undoubtedly a vtry bad egg, and bas obtained some influence over the girl, to induce her to swear thst he is her husband. The record could be easily obtained, and an offer was made to telegraph for it ; but refused bv him. It is stated to the Dkmooat tha't he applied to the houses of iii fame in tbe ciiy tor a piace lor tne girt proposing an arrangement that he was to be paid per sonaliy half of the proceeds.and that the proof of this can be obtained. If so the character of the man can not be painted iog oiacK. ne girl, tnougn. should not be drairtred down with hiui. and some thing should be dona to keen her irom disgrace. Rpoms For tho National Conven tion. C. S. op Amrpu a, Jan. 21, 1S96. Editor Dtmocrat; I understand that TJ. S. Gradv. tf Portland, but really of Iowa, has tele graphed Chicago for hotel accommoda tions during the democratic national convention. It is currently reported in i ort land that Brother Gradv has said that no expected to head the dele gation from Oregon to the national con vention. Pei haps this accounts for his engaging hotel room. I'erhaps Mr. urady will find out that the ditiiocracv of Oregon will have something to sav about who goos to the convention and that it will not bo any federal officials. MARRIED. ZIMMERMAN ALPUIXE. On Sun. day, Jan. 19th, 1S98, at the residence , of Mr. A. J. Zimmerman, at Millers, by Kev Thomas, of Jefferson, Mr. Ed. Zimmerman arid Miss l'hoebe Aiphine, Thobrido i9 a sister of the Aiphine Bros., and tho groom is one of Linn county's most prosperous young farmers. They will reside at Shedd. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman have the best wishes ot a host of friends. ! H.F.McILWAIN'S CAS II STORE. Dry Goods, Clothing. Groceries. Boots and Shoes Price List. Best quality mens heavy 6 re rails, 50c pr pre Kocttord cocks 23 16 rds beat molin CO 00 .25 20 yds standard printt 8 spools bSlhrjad 2 paper b nedJe The beet granulated sugar, IS lbs. . Fairbanks Gold Dust washing pow der, 3 lbs Ja gal Hills beat maple syrup 3 cans tomatoes 3 cans sugar corn 4 pkgs Lion CiSee 4 " Ar buckle 'oifee 05 00 20 25 25 25 SO 90 5 gal Pearl or Star oil 95 25 iU7-bars Savon Soap of Bert oonpowir tea (eocgrade) lb. L V ! roll roUer nur l .-ck-;,,-v- 40 11 J son tea, per lb 25 Iguaranleed) per 79 25 lbs California raisona The beet vinegar in Albany, per gal Tetrderlcans ui Columbia river sal mon, per can 330 lbs genuine Liverpool alt. . . . 4 Ihe bet green coffee 3 lu Blend coffee Small bottles choice pickels Large The boas saddle sesun boot best pJoogh shoe for ' fineet cork sole shoe for Mens robber boots (thort) " " (long) " " shoes....: 20 20 50 00 00 10 20 75 00 75 50 75 60 I hare iost received a line of mens nn- dera ear, shirts and drawers, that will be auawa. 1 nave received a new fine of 1 mMl VAn rA will mJI tk. 1 reaora lor an even 1 1.00. It tsaercat bargain. Yours for bosinesa. Jaa. 21, IS. U. F. McIxwajs. ALBA5Y HSDBAKGK AGENCY Dealers In Insurance. Wheat and Oats. We bare bad more thorough training ia an toe orancnea ct insurance than other axeot in Albany, and can give asy Ton more genuine tnauraace for your than any other agent ia the city. District agents for the San. of London, eataWtsbed 1710 A. D, Phoenix, of Loo don, A. D 1TS2 and "CochaentaJ.'' U i ors. the only company iasninga r una rKT, . M. SENDERS, Co.. Mgrs. Fire Insurance. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY In the Old Hartford, the Xn Tnrk r. "derwriters Aerncy or any one of the reli able old line companies he represents- Notes taken and plenty ot time ffiveo for navmenl on farm insurance. All business will ba promptly attended to. OFFICE m P. 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR, Hnndv to Have in the house, indicates the articles that ought to be in the house at all times. What s hanuy Biiouia oe handy, speak ing ot toilet articles, we have them. Make it a point to have only the choic est and best. AY hat you get denends on where vou tret it. By purchssimr tout toilet requisites of us, you always secure something fine and thoroughly accept able at a price as satisfactory as the goods, J. A dimming. Dr. Price's Cream Boxing Fowds Yorlds Pair His AwsnL yfy IVFINE. Notice for Publication Lakd Ofpick at Obeoo Cut, Ob. Notice is hemH o'-a- that tl. tri,nm Ing nanw) ,eirf ha 8d not'ee of bis in- wiwniomjM final wl in roccort of I tts clam,. at,d that sa'.d n'nof will be maOV before the coontr e fJf Linn Co. a tltuov. Orr.. on M .-h 11 mi,. 9. , 9?'ki?'.'tl E . '874 fo the N H& C SJ TP 13 8 B 2E He naml tbe following witne's to prote '-isconnnn oo res dee n,on ai ca t'vaiion of .said ian, w.z: lii'Dif S n. M ve-j(. t. both of s-oa'er, O ekoa. -4 i ui iciniiti, O iver B'J'se'l. Uh of Hr-t Hr. O gon. Robest Millr. lit'i ter. suy.r.'.oks. the Cnc-at Court at thf ?,Vltr OI Orr,;r lor the ,'otuUy of lAn Henry Lyons. P ain lff. W B Barr-an E O'Con- no?',eo-prtner dotr-g "juh ness onder tie firm name and style of O'Connor & B-rr DefendanU To E J O'Connor One of the atove nam ed defendants. IS THE NAME OF! BE STATE OF Oregon, yo-J are hereby required to appear and answer the eomplalBt filed against yon ia tbe a dot entitled action on or Del ore tbe first day of the text regular term of tbe above entitled court next following tbe expiration of the publication of this summons, to-wit: on thr 9b day of March 1696. and if too fail to ansae a herein required, the p'aintil will take jedf-ment against you for tbe relief demanded ia bis Complaint, to-wit: for judgment of ite above entitled cenrt sgains: yoo fcrtbe snm of 227 and interest f hereon at the rate of tea per cent pr annum, from the 27 h day of beptemter. A- D. 1835. and tor tbe I urtner snm ot t-X) as sron-evs I fees herein, and for the coets and disburse ments of this action to be 'axed. This service of summons ts nsale by pcbtlcaUoa by order of lion hi tl Hewitt, joige ot said court, oade at chambers in tbe city Of Albany, oa tne d Iay ct IJee l"Jo. v aiiTwaT at Mwroxr. Afjs for Plaintiff. ASSIMEES KOH-E CF APPOUIT- Xoticeif here try civen that tHeaader- aigned ba been duly appointed and baa qoal toed as aas-gnce oi tne estate ma l uuno aa insolvent debtor, pnnaant lo a deed of assignment duly executed and filed in de- rrmmt No 1 of tne circuit court of the ate of Oregon for Liac county, and all persons having claim against the estate of said insolvent debtor will present the same, duly veriSed as 'eqaired by law. to the on derstgnd at the taw office of Blackburn A Somen, in Alljeny, Oreooa, within three months from the date hereof V FkASK afsTTEZW-e, - Blcxi!CBS k SosiEXS. Aatijjr-ee. Attoreevs for assignee. X0T12E0F CSAXSHCFfUJIL la the coaoty court of Lina county Stale of Oregon. Appiic'.KM having 9ees made ia the I y Frank Enzencper ger for change of name from Frank Eazen tperger, to ihe name of Fiaai Sparger. Now therefore. KKice U hereby gim to all pertoo whom it msy coecem, thai said application will be heard an-i deter miaed fcy said courts on Monday the 2adt day of March, A. D.. 1S9S. at the cocrt bouse ! the city of Albicy, Li an coaoty. Oregon, at it bocr of I o'cl ck ia tho afternoon of said day, and to then and there appear aad show eaoe it ey exist, wtiv said petition should not be graated aa prayed for. , 1 ix ne by e or ice aw at eM 'Duncan. jude cfctbe coonty S court of the State of Oregon, for the co&ctv cf Lina. with "be seal of said court affixed. bi 10r day of Jaa. 1696. Ai'et: X KttPHAK. eierk. Jos P GAiaaarrH, bj F M Ecrau, Aiy for Pfr-iUontr. Deputy. SPFCIALSCB03LHEmK&. Kotke is hereby given to she legal vot ers of scbnol district No. 5. Una court, -tate of Oregon, that a special school meeting of the tali aiatrict wii be held at central school beikfiog oa the 27th day ot Jaausry. liqL at 7-S o'clock p m; for the following objecU: For the psrpoe f levy ing a tax to sopport pablic schools tor tha earning year. Dated this 14th d.y tf Jasaary. 1893. Attest: - F E AlJ-EN. L Firm. District Clerk. Chairmaa 6 of Direc'ors. . E1ECUIC2S riGUCE. Sotice is bcehv gireathat theaader signed ha heea by the coonty court of L, an conary. Oregoa. only appoiateo ex act) tor of tne last will aad testament and erase oi F M Garrett, deceasea. All persons having claims again said estate are hereby required to present the same slaty verified to the andersigaed at his res idence at Fecria. Lous coasty, Oregoa. wirhia sis months froaa this date. Tnia the ibth day cf December. 1893. V E Grraajts, Eiecoui of tne last will and estate of F M 'jarrett, deceaced. XllTHF&PO&D & WtaTT. Attjs for eecator. ASSXSLL-SKCIICL To all the creditors of FM Kiaer, an insolvent debtor, aad to all other perscae whom it may concern: Ton and each of von are kereb notiSed that F M Kiaer. of Lina county. Oregoa, bas made aa aaaigranrBt to the andrsigra ed. of all his pnjperty fcr the bene tit of all hia creditcs. under te roeral ae sigBmect laws oi the state of Oregje; Too ard each of yoa are therefore fortner do Utied aad required to prevent yoot claims sgaicat taid assignor. F M Kixor, to me nadee oath at tbe office ot W R BHyea io Albany, Lina coonty. Oregoa, within S months front the date hereof. Lat-d this 1 it dav of Jancary, 1S96. J. ij . Mklk. Assignee- XECUTR1X koti:e. Xotice is herebv eiven that letters U- tameatarv have been du'v isso'd fas the QaaVrsigt.ei in the matter of the etaie of E K Cbedle. deceased, bv the coaatc court of Lina ccnaty, Oreg n. All tr sons bavin? claims t .st said estate aro hereby notified to present the sam to tb nndersigned at the Uw orHce oIMw tan & Hacklemaa within six months f vsa ihe ?ate of this B"ice. Dated Dec 13. 1SD5 Attjs for Executrix. U E Creapus, Birpik St Cl 1B1, Itha E Chsadix, Execntrixea. VIERECKS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING PARLORS. , HEADQUARTERS FOR - A head of hair or no par. Cures al diseases of the scalp Address Box t-1 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Kaxors Honea and Set and Put in p dr on Short Notice, WASTED. A reliable, active gentle man or lady to travel for reliable established hoiue. Salary 780, payable f la weekly and money advanced for ex - gsnses. Situation steady. References, nclose self-addressed stamped envelope. H. E. HESS, President. Chicago. 500S $1000 or $1500 wanted, secur- good. Inquire at this