The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 24, 1896, Image 1

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i -
Eaters at th rsst )Mee Mbaay. Or. eeaaa-Clssa Mall M(lr;
t, a yfvriRC. -- r f-ras
staaasfriidsaSSa VtWt
for Infants and Children.
Jadga; J U. Water
CMtoriatosoirell adapted to chndreth
t recommend it as superior to any prescription
l to me." H. A. Archkr, H. .,
Ill So. Oxtord St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Tbs oae of 'Castorfa b so universal and
ft merits ao mell known that it seems a work
f supererogation to endorse it Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Cixua JLutTY, B. D.,
New Vork City.
Caatorla curoa Qolio, OonsttraUlon, -Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, -
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
'Without injurious medication.
"For several Tears I have recommended
'Castoria," and shall always continue to do
so, as It has Invariably produced banoflrial
Kdwix f. Paaon. K. D.,
' 125th Street and TtaA New York CUT-
Tan CxsTaca Cojcpjtxr, 7? Hcsjllt Snuxr, Ksw Yoax Cnr.
Best work
Office Siationery A Specialty! ,
Give us yoar
Tu j "... : r-
"This ii t!is ar'iel :"i it i. d i. -i ? 1 ' "3" "
a, -Jiiiv 2Vi. I3)i. oj ';ifM '! tif y.
ewi-. i-1 i ' 0 i 3 .' in. '
orta.la1-' ailii'nJ f i;t Vj---sH i
E. E. G'F.eJti-ive ase-H for Albany
if ; ' -j i Al'ifU if At.t
ft? tutl.irt iiowo a
i S3Cnti MlUtba
i . .) ,lt. -Vt ' Jicyoie
(iitit:3l4, lalU.i.t. 0. S A.
The BuSfeb Gav Route.
fLVShoi'test and Quickest Line
Croso boi'i Hie CnJei anl lie Rocliy Jlonpljuna in DAYLIO" T, ffo,t!injr passes
gws i oppor onityof riewing the
r T-0rvAi n.u;! Po.-U-i-I; o9 II . m , v'u S'A'Ue. an;' ont att S:"5 p. m.
via 0. R. & Jl. atil S jit vn, (lu w nwib isqnipiii9t, ej Vwm-j o' dWw-x cars, buf
ts KbiAryair ptlaJ up'iolnist-! toiri-i sleapin tvtt. TiM b -let libfArycr
Twin tea4shiu, "XorrIie.t' al "NorUiland, !ce Diilu'o vy J(u.tUy and
FridiT fc Hie "Poo." Makini"; Wand. Detro-t, CJeveUnd and Buffalo in inection
with the Great Northetn'wav. Kn yoar tickets readvia the NORTHERN
8 TE M8HIP CCMPiNI and enjoy a delightfnl ride f ee from the heat and du. For
ticket and eenera infornuit'OB call on o- fc'iiiw
A. B. C. riENNlsTON. C. P. Se T. A.
122 rd St., Portland O
R . C. STEYEMS. G . P. A.. '
612 Front St , SeatUe, Wash.
13 0 a Mullen
144md Peebler
18 Dan McGreggor
28 Tboe Uarriaoa
28 J O Keller
29 Frank Akin
30 Peter Smith
31 OB Tycer
32 Jode Pearl
(J. N. Dutioan, ouuntr Jadae;
4ndJ.W. PuKh, UumaMttouara.)
The list of judges and clerks of election
was completed aa follows :
" The following additional road super
visors have been appointed:
DisU Dist.
8 John Bincrheioier 86 F M Kizer
1.1 tl If .,1 W OT ' tf U'a.nA
88 M F Wyatt
39 DO Swann
40 J T Splawn
45 J Mat Smith
47 Ed U Cox
50 A Li Gustaffron
61 BertCoeper
52 S Bradshaw
53 Jas Hunter
The following bill were allowed :
Andrew Ralston, error in taxes, .ft 7 75
W Save, account assessor 18 00
D B Deaains, " 18 00
H C Watson, acct Allen act Linn
- Co........ 75 00
Land owned by O K Wheeler, soM for
taxes, waa ordered trans I erred to Henry
Mackey upon payment of $12.00.
1 He court today nas been at woik up
on the appointment of judges and clerks
ot election. Below we give tne list
so far as named. The first named iudire
is chairman, and the politics are aa in-
Jgdgbs. - Clkskh.
Albany J aa Elkina, R D T Wyraan. R
Cat Burkhart, D J M Ralston, D
w a isaaer, K
East Albany
Dan Walters, R
Geo Hochstedler. D
L M Curl, P
West Albany
I F Conn, R
J P Galbraith, D
Wait Mead, R
North Brownsville
A Evans, R
Alex Uowe, D
Ben Hoover, R
South Brownsville
N B Standish, R
J A Blakely, D
J F McKinney. R
I Whealdon, R Frank Mcknight, R
Hi Powell, D C E Scott, D
W R Andemon, P
C E MiDowell, P
W C Riggs, R
Z H Rudd, D
Ueo E Fish, R
L L Say, R
A A Tuasing, D
J J Sawyer, D
Win Slil well, R
Frank Skipworth, D
(jeoKoas, Jr, tf
R B Montague, D
W H Brown, R
W E Parriah, R
F G Burkhart, D
C U Whitney, D
:1 Liudley, R
EPLanre, R
G V Kump, D
W E Yates, R
North Lebanon-
Ed Me vers, R
J N Crandall, R
S O Loutt, P
South Lebanon
C W Stokes, R
D F Blodgett, R
G W Cruson. li
W H In cram, R
A P Flcvy, R
Peter Lewis. P
E Catier. R
J C Hutton, Pro
Thoe Kice, D.
Fox Vallev
Miles Rainwater, R W J Traak, R
John Haley, D W E Potter, D
Gibson Myers P
Franklin Butte
D E Berdan, R U L Sutherland, D
L W Pomeroy, D L V Richardson.R
A T Powell. P
Frank Fnsbv, R
Wm Allen, I
W J Ribelin.D
North Harrisburg
W W Briggs, R
John George, 1
EF Wyatt. R
South HarriKbur?
L H Laselle, R
Walter Brown, R
B Grimes. D
Thomas Irons, R
P R Bilyeu, P
Hi Williams, D
Price .
, Daniel Walters, R
Frank Haight, R
fcmith Cox, D
T S Coffey, R
N Yoong, D
T M Muukers. P
S helbnme
James Venters, R
A C Chriaman. P
SB Wash barn, D
Sweet Home
Benson Howe, R
W H Cooper, R
J R Davis, R
Jobn Dancan, D
H B Sprenser. P
T N Humphreys, R O J Mcaley ,R
Erastus B W ihjon, R John Thompson J'
O H Foster. D
Jos Yates, R J E Hamilton, P
o uievins, f J tt Patterson, B
v 11 (jaidweil, u
Sylvester Can non,R L B Luper, R
B A Stafford, R
O M Reeves, D
II R Suetl, R
O P Hyde, I
D C Holt. D
S A Huiin, R
J E Yoeman, R
Frank lhayer,D
J C Jordan, R
RL Burkhart, D
R R Gill, R
M M Perry,
Pi ice M linkers J)
W M Scott, R
A J McCiore, D
W B Wright R
W W Poling, D
Reed, A J Crandall, A T McCullaugh, D
Andrews, John Buhl. W F Moist, Frank
Nickerson, John Withers, Ben Donaca,
E E Taylor.
Lacomb. Wm Loofborrow.II J Down
ing. Millers. Wm Halo. A J Pierce, Jacob
Mill City. E.A neater
Oakville. Chas Everett, O Stockton,
Geo D Barton, D A Wade, Fred Butler,
Chas Pattison, A 8 Stone.
Peoria. G W Clingman, Ed Staver.
Plain view John Morgan, Scott Ward,
Jas Nickerson, B W Cooper, H L Lassell,
Moses Parker.
Rowland. Thoa Turner, David Pierce.
Scio. John iOurl, H F Stanley, Wm
Young, W H Ramsey, J W Gaines, G W
Phillips T F Miller, W G McDonald, G
W Arnold. Kobt Carey, B E Berdon, E
turner, j&a oneuon.
Shedd. W BMcCormick.v Paul Col
line, J M Barton, J B Cornell, H Freerk
sen, E Dow, Fike Ackleman, G W B rat
tan, W B Morgason, Geo B Pugh, L N
Shelburn. N B Washburn, AC Chria
man, t, M Archambaum, J V Miller, J
B Cuuey.
Syracuse. Oscar Perry.
Spicer. Ji Bridges, J RDoaias.Frank
Sodaville. Wm Ingram, J W Chehir,
F M Uaten, Geo Lesley, J B ParrUdi.
Sweet Home. A J McClure, P J Phil
pot, B F Burnett, J W Yt, Chas Kirk.
Tallman. D Barrett, Orville Craw
ford, J vv Swank.
Waterloo. J 11 Turpin, T L Rice, G
Tub Salem B. fc L. A. An adjourned
meeting of the directors ot the Salem
Building and Loan axsociation was held
at their otlice yesterday morning at 10
a. m. Sixteen hundred doIUrs were
loaned at .sixty-five month's interest in
advance and f 70 at forty months inter
est, borne $900 were orJen-d paid on
withdrawals. The proposed by-laws
come up for passage at a meeting to be
held next Monflav. and if passed will
change the order of making loans to a
great extent. Loans will then be made
to applicants in the order io which their
applications are fred and will be limited
to So perent of the actual cash value of
tin property lowed upon. utexman.
To-oavs Waaraxa. A stead r rain has
fallen today. The mercury Las been
just above (reeling, little more ice has
been made. At Portland it v,as colder
and the fall waa in the shaoe of a elect.
with seven inches of snow on the ground.
At Salem there was about six inches of
snow ami rain. South of here the wires
were down. W. C. Postal and teletMione.
At Harrisburg it was declared the tele
phone wires were broken in fort v placrn ;
between here and Corvallis a tree fell di
rectly over the wires mashine them down.
Trees and shrubbery generally are get
ting a benefit trom the icy weights upon
We are here to please you. If every
hing is not O. K. kindly let us know
We are not selling at cost but at moder
ate profits. We can furnish you any
t bing in the harness line at lowest prices
See outline of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips
Powia A Tomunson,
IxsTAUJto. Tuesday evealu? Fair
Oaks Circle, No. I. ladies of the G. A . R.
installed the following officers: Mrs.
Amy Livingston, president; Mrs. M.
tlnobell. senior vice-president : Mrs. R.
Sylvester, junior vk-prMident ; Mrs.
r. (jaimby, secretary ; Mrs. M. Merand.
treasurer: Mrs. Jennie Browo. chsrlain :
Miss Grace Livingston, conductor; Mrs.
ctuma bray, guard ; delegate to conten
tion. Mrs. F. Quimbv; alternate. 'Miss
M. Risley. Alter the installation re
freshments were served and the re
mainder of the evening waa anent in so
cial conversation and the rendering of
many oia songs.
McKokx A XRBKTXD. Edward McKoen
was arrested at Lyons on coo plaint of
H. G. Ply mate, a Portland drummer .and
brought to Albany last n;ght for exami
nation. He appeared before Justice
Freerksen, and his f xaminat.on was set
for next Friday at 9 a. in. This is the
case refetred to by th Democsat a few
days ago, in wbich Plvtuat took Mc-
Koen i girl buggy riding and was as
saulted on account of iU The examina
nation will no doubt bring out the facts
as they actually occurred.
Jas Jenks, D
Ed Meeker, P
W Buchner,
Uilivmily of Oregon 1S95-1896.
T-e University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, orfers tree tuition to all students
Yo mg men can ohtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for $2.50
per week. Roomers f'irnish their own linen. Young women are provided with
fvnnl in nrivate families at 3.00 oer week. Yonnz women desiring hoard should
address Prof. John Straub, Kugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Chris-1
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with corresponding
nnraM of study. The following shorter courses are also offered: An Englich
' course leading in two years to a bnsiness diploma and in three years to the title
.mA nnitk in Knfrlifihf an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading
tq tne degree roaster of pedagogy ; a three years course in civil engineering leading
the degree of civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical edu
atlnn louriir-ir to a dinloma and the title director of physical education. The
rr;rara;r rhanrm an incidental fee of ten dollars which is oayaole in advance
' lw all arnrlATitfl. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those
L Brvan. I)
Alfred Morgan, P
J A Conser. R
A Farlow, D
J A Jones, P
iiocic vreek
T H Goddard, R
W II Niccolson, D E 8 Barzee, R
i i carnes, tr
The court this afternoon was laboring
on the selection of 200 names for the
yearn jury panel.
The tax rolls of several years, includ
Frank Uaslins doun from ti e
mines. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. B . Lawler were in
Salem yesterday.
Frank Campbell arrived last night
from Califoania.
Mrs. Cross, a sister of Mr. John Mor
rison is lying dangerously ill.
License was issued today for the mar
riage of J. I- Read and loo G. lie lb.
Rev. Riley Little is in Porland assist
ing Rev Hawesj in a series of evangelist
ic meeting.
Mr. Frank Wait. chaii man ot the dem
ocratic central committee, of Douglas
county, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. A. N. Thompson, of Watenrilie,
Washington, arrived in Albany last
night on a visit wi'h his brother, Mr.
Geo. Tliomjoo of the Combination Bar
ber SHOD.
Should Mr. E. E. Davis consent to per
mit his name to go before the cotintv
democratic convention for aswesor it
would ba a matter ot satisfaction to a
great many regardless ot politics. There
is probably no one in Linn county better
posted about the property of the countv
and its value, or more competent to fill
ti.e omce.
Mrs. Warren, the first while child
bom in Oregon, and one ot the survivor
of the Whitman mavsacree, was recen
man led to illiam Cochran. The cou
have moved from Brownsville, Or.,
Inu Cml trm V .rrn Mi Ml t'.
if iurn 1? i oltl Bt l!,e time ol her marringe. Ex.
Electric Extra vagunce.
Over tbil signature of Secretary of
State Kinqaid himself the following is
the estimate for electric lights tor the
state buildings at fcaiem tor too year
1896: !' r , '
Electric lighting school for deal
mutes ... .... $ 2,300
Elec lights for blind school 2,200
" " state rsfotm school. . 2,400
Oregon inMrtWimylum. ,iJ,&i4
farm cuttagea
Electric lighting penitentiary.
Total 125,100
This doesn't include the capital, the
cost of lighting which is approximately
fa.OOO, making a total cost for one year
of over $30,090. The capitol lighting ex
pense appears with other items, as fol
lows: "Lights, fuel for olfkeand rooms,
water, postage, expreseage. etc, and
other expenses of the executive, admin
istrative and other state departments,
114.000," but the cost 'of lights is about
aa stated.
There having been some discussion in
this city over the matter we give the of
ficial figures, which are much higher
than have been named by the papers.
An interesting tact is that it costs only
about 11,000 to light the whole of Salem,
outside of the public buildings.
Grant at the Opera
W. H. llnloeri, of the O. li. A N. is id
the city.
Remember Dr.
House Jan. 21.
Jatne Hannah of JotUu, is seriously
ill with typhoid lever.
Mr. Frank Power, of Salem, was in
the city last night.
Mr. It. G. WaUon letl last night for
Memphis, Teno., to be gone five or six
Mrs. Iella Pengra and Hattie John
son, of Portland, have gone to Corvallis
to orgauiie a United Artixan lodge.
Col. F. J. Parker, of the Walla Walla
Statesman, and deputy U. S. Marshal,
went to Toledo this noon to spend sev
eral days at his villa near that riiy.
Mr. A. J. Hunt, ot Albany, came over
Saturday, avcomaniei by ins little son
Horace, whom tie is sending dowu to
Empire City, by the Roharta. Newport
Mis Adele Morzanslern. daughter ol
one of San Francisvo's famous 8, Cotuf
mtssioner Moranstern. arrived in A
bany this noon and U tho guest o.' Mr-
and Mrs. P. A. Young. From ieie she
ill go i-At on a winter tour.
Green Cnffey went to Gates Mfeiday to
see Manager Lawler, in reference to "ob
taining the situation of electrician of the
electric plant it is proposed to put in the
Qoaruville mines. Scio Press.
Hon. Tolbert Carter, of Benton county
is writing soma pioneer letters for the
Corvallis Gazette. Mr. Carter reached
Beston countv,ltecTObr.l&46. and locat
ed where be now reridea.a few mik-s from
Oregon. He intends telling of some of
bis early exerienct.
Pete Lindgren iadevhung.and has near
ly in operation, a gas-braxiag forge. It
ie s-f his own manufacture, and when in
stalled will shorten the work of brazing
broken bicycles very much. XIc.Minn
ville T. R. A former resident of Albany
Mid brother of J. J. Lioogren.
John E. Oartwright, editor of Ute liar-ria-burg
Review, at one time connected
with tlie pnpuiut paper of this cut, and
t: 1.-11. 'u'.:.! -t- ;i
t iv (mim; f re oniivi in mar
The diphtheria scare is about over. AU
the quarantines have been raised but'
one, and it will probably be taken off to
morrow, reace and quiet now reigns
sublime in Lebanon.
The reception that an Albany demi
monde received in Lebanon last wewk
will not tempt ber to repeat her visits to
this place. It would be well for her
class to remain away in the future.
Several young men were np before the
recorder'! court Monday, for disturbing
tne peace, i tie evidence indicated mat
they were having some fun by playing a
tone on anotner party, and very likely
laughed and holloed too loud. There
was nothing particularly wrong in their
conduct and evidently no intention to
violate tne law. A small fine was im
posed on the young gentleman whose
voice happened to be recognised, and the
others were released for want of proof.
Mr. Bilyeu, of Albany, and G. F. fckip-
worlli ol to is place, defended the boys,
and City Attorney Garland prosecuted
tne cases, vv e understand mat tne boys
divided the cost among themselves,
wnicn made tt very ngtil. Express. .
The Albany papers say that 8. M. Gar'
uuiu oi luis -ctiy is meuuoaea aa tne
democratic nominee for county judge at
trie -eoen iop lction. Wa think that
party cannot moke a better nomination
for that office. He would be a popular
canuiuate ana u elected would conduct
the county's business in th best possi
ble manner. Advance, (Populist.)
A Eugene Joke. Wednesday evening
some of the boys thought to have son.e
un witt the congenial barkeeper, Jobn
Wilson, of the Howl Eugene bar. Ac
cordingly they procured a f 10 confeder
ate bill and one of them waJtxed in and
asked for "change for a ten." John is
always accommodating and usually has
a little change kicking around in his "in
side pocket, and ao he fixed the man
with change for his Confederate bill and
carefully stowed the preciotts paper away.
-i nine wnue alter uoariey vt it er, who
waa one of the guilty conspiratot s against
Mr. Wilson, rushed in and wanted to
know if he had a $10 bill be would ex
change tor silver. . Mr. Wilson, ready to
accommodate again, said he believed he
had, and forthwith produced the f 10
confederate bill. Cbtrley looked at it.
was about to put it in his pocket, looked
at it again, ard then exclaimed. "How's
this John? Something wrong with thist
aint there?" John looked fanny, smiled
a winning smile, 4ug up bis glasses, took
a good look at the bill, smiled another
rmiie and sa'fl he en eased not. Then
Charley laid bare to htm his suspicions
mat it was a eooiederate bill, and upon
another close inspecUoo he discovered
that Charley was right. Register.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A Thrilling Scene un
the Willaoi-
A large number o people saw Clarence
Sloan struggle for his life in the river
this afternoon. He bad been let
down by ropes to clear some debris from
above the west middle pier of the bridge,
and had done so and waa climbing op tne
side by the cracks, when he fell back
into the river. He displayed remarka
sble coolness, and to that fact owes his
life. W. A. McClain and Bob Snell
chopped a boat frm its stake and caught
him opposite the a. r. chair factory after
be had sunk twice. It was quick
Examine our list of close-outs in another
column.. C E Bbowwsll.
Krery patriot wilt hear Dr. - Grant the
Potk coaoty's tax levy ie 14 mills, the
lowest yet reported.
The Bicycle Ctab will meet Monday
night at P. J. Smiley s.
God's Regular Army, oppositel a. Bin
berg block every night.
About one half the wheat crop of C ma
im county nas oeen sola.
Tbd tax levy for Lincoln county will be
17il mills, aa increase of 1.8 mills.
For a sice nvl or oysters in any style,
by piat or quart, t to Stettars reataorant
next to P.O.' t. -
1ft Cents saved era s hair cat sad shave
bravely doue. Mr. Sloan was taken into I
U. G. Haynes, warmed up and was soon i by patronizing Case Bros, sharing parlor,
out of danger. H bad lacked only few I Next tioor to the P. O. "
seconds oi deatu tnougn. a large pair ProL HeriWe, of Salem; and Mr. Rose
oi gum pooia sept mm aown. inese ne Holleobeck. of Eocene will rie a mnsioJ
anally shook oHjust be lore being caugh!. EugeQe 0B j4B, j,
( The S. A. girls have beea presested a
, wah tub and some soup to go witn their
waUitub; lso someoBiotis.
I t bo's afraid of our liberties and feer-
. dun of speeches. Hear Dr. Grant at the
College Notes.
W. ball. Junction
They liave tlie best
riage in the A. O V
City, on Jan. 15th.
wishes ol many.
Married, at the residence ot Ellsworth
Bel hem, Saturday, Jan. 11th, Rev. Bell
officiating, Isaac Porter, son of McCauly
l'orter, and M itm Byers, o Peoria, Linn
county. The welding waa a quiet affair,
only their intimate friends being present.
immediately auer tne cetemony tne
happy eonple departed for I heir new
home on Greasy. tiaxette.
La G'V.Dde bas a couple who have lieen
united in marriage sixty-one yeari. Gen
eral Jobn H. Sievena and wife. Hod
River, nesr "itie Dalles, has a couple.
Mr. and an Daniel D. Kccers, who
bare been happilv married sixty-two
years last A pril. These people are ready
to testify tuat martti'zc is not a failure.
Obcgo Srosx rat Best. At a recent
meeting ot the stato board ot labor com
miasioDtrs of California ia San Francis
co, reports Ironi rrofesaor llilgard of the
state university, who was apoinled to
hti uis rpiaiiTQ menu ot uuiiuing none
from different ecnions. were received
and discussed. This report was secured
for the purpose of selectaug the best mr
terial for the new depot building, at tbe
foot of Market street. Samples from the
state of Nevada, California, and trout
Pioneer quarry at Yaquina cere submit
ted, and the Oregon stone was found far
superior to either of its competitors. If
the at me for San Francisco's biaj depot,
which will require 10.000 tons, ta select
ed upon its merits it will be taken from
the Pismeer quarry in thi state. This
stone is tbe same that was tued ia the
building ot the famoni Parrott block on
Market street in Saa Francisjco. which is
pronounced the .fioeat of its kind ia the
V cited States. Statesman.
The A. C. L. S. held its regular meet
ing yesterday afternoon, it being tbe
regular time for election of officers, the
following officers were elected . Presi
dent D. Swan; vice president, J. Tyree;
secretary, J. Torbet; critic, J. Stern
Some one wants to know the meaninz
ot "extemporise."
A spelling clsas composed of ail the
students in school waa organised Friday
The Y. M- C. A. reading room in well
furnished with standard magazines and
papers and equally well used by tbe
The Y. M. C. A. reception to young
men last evening was a decided success.
An excelieut program was rendered one
of tbe most interesliug features of which
waa the songs bv Messrs Londelland
Alters and by Prof. Parvin. After the
program apples and doughnuts were
passed around.
At a special meeting of the association
the president waa authorized to appoint
a committee to have charge of the ath
letics, also one too see about getting a
room for an association gymnaeiuin.
reaft at HoJgesand BarkfaarU dnj store
without ettra t barge.
cident near this city last Thursday. He , H.-w many ' old veteranV have we ia
rju-tiea with another young man. One rirrj v who hare vim lk.-a reat fcutor ia
of their outct U a 38 calibre revolver.
l onnz Nave shot all the cartridges out
of the weapon and laid it upon a table in
tue itoue His partner noticing it wta
empty daring Nave's aheecce looted it
and laid it back on the U.Ne. Nave c m.-
ing io shortly afterwards remembering
that be had emptied tbe cuambeiS took
tt up and waa
the trbrcer and
one ot bis finoers, resulting in the loss of
tbe end ball, it was dressed, but be n
nine fingenrd now.
Au. Bight. Martin, the Magician, is
good. His performance last night was
greatly appreciated, though tbe inclem
ent wealiier kept many away. The per
former is tery clever and keeps the au
dience constantly interested. Many went
away with valuable presents. Tonight
another pert jrmance will be given, also
tomorrow afternoon and evening.
1s.ati or Maa.Crxxw. Mrs.S.A.CroM,
widow of James A. Cross, died at the
home ot ber brotiier, Joha R. Morrison,
in tbe 1st ward last evening, Jan. 16,
1S96, of Bright disease of the kidoeys at
the age ot & years. Tbe deceased came
to Albany trom Ohio four years ago. She
was a member ot the V. P. church, and
was woman of model christian char
acter, highly esteemed by alt knowing
Grauled to Tactile States inventors
this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. U. S. Paieni office, Wash-
it gton, D. C.
B W Eueeit, Walla Walla, Wash, ct j
earner: J Clark. San Francisco, sell-1
closiug safety gas cock; J W" Cook, Wood- j
barn, Ur., braterod; 11 K this, baa
t raactsco, ore conceutrator; M J Haw- -nod. which we will close
FrracuMO, stone clamp; TWin.-,-,!.
bell ringer; I Ecapke, New Pine Creek, ' v-K"
Or., fire escape; J W Lang, Los Angeles,
eurtain fixture; J W Mote, Wilbur, Or.,
Mr. Sellers, a brakeman on the O. l.
& E. in the city today, was a scout in the
famous 1 tne Uidge war in uabota, in
which Sitting Bull was killed, lie is
able to narrate many hair breadth es-
capet. A few days ago he received a re
ins 1894 and excluding 1893 were accert-1 nuest to iro to Arizona as a scout in some
I-' .1 1 . . . . 1 3 - - n - - - . - - .
ea in iuu settlement with the tax col- Indian troubles, but preferred remain
ing. Breaking has its danzera.hut hard'
The following iurv list is subatantiallv lv those of scouting Indians.
as selected lor tbe year losMS, from which
31 names will be drawn for each circuit
Albany. Ed Chambers. Win Fry. W
F Hammer, H F Merrill, W T Jordan,
M Uensbaw, M t Dawson, Mark Hul-I
burt, T J Butler, Geo Hochstedler, Peter
Anderson, j w rropst, V bbe reters,
iiavimr tpachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without 1 11 Bodine, C E Hawkins, R Marsh, J E
exmnindtion. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department i Arcniuaid, w it. uaker, Jos Barber, A
hould addrees the Dean, N. L. Aarregan, isugone. . uioom, ciamoerg, a xsrociers, J a
For eatalozues and information address v. 11. unapman, rresident, or 4. eioom, j j xiogue, r, y tanguon, reter
ltvon. KecreUrv. iiUgene. uregon. 1 r. f t wi
VV VAs7 414, yCUUCIOi A V 0lJUVB 0
Brownsville. C H Cable. Geo Dvson.
Geo btanard, Clyde Foster, W OOobley,
Bert xempieion.D a Ambrose, J D Arth
urs. J P Cavender. Clyde Foster.- Joa
-) I Hume, L Kirk, Geo McHargue, Geo
. , f A : I I, 1 T li i ...
- jiiciuiiuvr. iih (wn. juua reari. it at
A 11 kindS OI IUrniUlir6 Roberts, W 0 Smith, J J Sawyer, W V
A Scio Bavd. A band lias beeo otxai-U-d
at Scio with the following member-
atp: !Uy U Gill, leader, solo Bb cor
net : L C. rrettvman. Bbtomet: L. W.
Kichardsou, Bb cornet; O. B. Cyras,
Bb cornet: W. F. Gill, solo alto: S. W.
Imager, alto; vtalt Hyde,tenor; John L.
Ray. tenor: M. M. Peerv. baritone:
T. b. Coney, tPbx; John lull, snare
drum ; S. 1. Shore, baas d'um.
Dealer in
n-MH rnarlHlTlfV a Ts H IT Hyde, 0 L Jackson
gu.vUmU&, aMwai "Crawfordsviile-Wro Irelond, Ed Mc-
tvmi uroMt- t.hQ mnflr, Caw, ueo ifiniey, Win Robe, G W
complete tlour sate,
he has them and his
prces the lowest.
Crabtree. Jas Freeman. II A Hecker,
Tangent. A J Blevius, Geo Cochran,
J E Jenks, L B Luper, Jos Simpson, J W
Baldwin, it u Liggett, J it bcott, W A
enarp. u a emitu.
llaisey. h ieeper, a A stanord.Ueo
Simmons, Alex Kirk, W H Bateman,
Geo Gumming, J M Miller, T A Powell,
r p Hmitn, l, ss Alien, lnos Brandon,
Jas Bond, J R Bone, N M Coon, J 8
Ramsey, F A Powell, FF Smith, Thoa
I Brandon.
Harrisburg. Wm M Davidson. T E
UltuirB) f J uunpcuiwii . is, u.ui-
uel Nixon, W iluston, a A Hulin, Frank
Dempsey, Wm Bassett, Wm Shepherd,
M Cunninguam, f w Btarr.
Fox Valley. w is rotter.
Foster. Green Splawn, W A Gilder-
man. J JUL Kinenart.
Holly. 1 J rnupot, j r" uarr, a
joraan. ax v Juyeu, u r Arnoia.
Kingston. J F Follis.
Larwood. Jaa Craft, E Gaines. 0 P
Lvons. G B Hartmas.
Lebanon. Ed O'Neil, J W Bland, G
M Westfall, H Kluni, MA Miller, JO
412 votes were cact i tbe Jiedfo.-d elec
tion this week.
The total ponu'alum of Umatilla county
is z,txt.
No Kervites at the Coi.izreiration il churrh
this week, owmg to the unfavorable weatli
er the services have been postponed for a
week or ten days. Services as usual on
Sunday, January 19th .
A class in irvmnaaium work was oroan
izeu at the Y M. A. lutevening with
a membership of alioul filteeo. Under the
management of Mr. Ames it promises to
be a success.
Other candidates for shoril on tbe dem
ocratic ticket nnt heretofore mentioned are
A J Bilyeu oi Scio. and A J McClure of
Sweet Home, both competent and popular
men who would make strong runs.
Fiester, the man who murdered his wife
by drowning her iu a mud puddle, is in
jail at Grant's Para awaiting execution.
He is almost crazy. The wretch deserves
hanging without any stays of execution
Owing to Ute mildiess of our winter
considerable amount of stock bas been
driven to the desert to gout for themselves.
r rotn parties who have ieen out we learn
that stock on tbe desert is in very fair tii.
Prinevilte Review.
There was so much snow in the capital
city yesterday that tbe papers tilled a col
umn auoui li. Here we nmy nau siunn
and Cap Humphrey's famous poem "Uli
the snow the now the bemililul bpow,"
did not fit at all, tbcugh it may have ap
plied to our porcine neighbor.
Tbe Baker City Democrat says that be
fore the coming season is over upward of
500 more stamps will be dropping in Baker
county than during 1895 Hundreds of
men will be added to the pay-rolls, and
placer mines will be operated on a scale un
precedented to the country. We a'e anx
iously waiting for stamps to drop like that
in Linn county. These day there is no
more musical sound than the steady dro."
ping jf stamps.
Tbe Oregon Wholesale Nu. Com-
paoy of .Salem bas mjds an BM-gnm-t.
Tbe overland due in Albany Urn mo.-n
ing left kosehjrg at l A and is expected
at Albanv at about 6 o'docc this earning.
Regular meeting of Linn County Coun
cil P. of li at Sand Ridge Grange
Hall on Feb. ltt n. C. PowlX Prsa.
A slid in tbe cow canyon g.-eaily de
lay the overland from tbe sooth this
morning. As tbe wires were down no
truck of tbe train could be kept.
The population of O renin, according to
tbe census jut com Dieted by I he county
assewor. ts 'MZ.7G2. T- is u an inoreaw
ol 48,935, or a fract:on over It per cen
over the governme it census of IS00.
La t year tbe receiobi of tbe citr of Pen'
diet on atnouoted to Cn,333,33; the dis
bursements were $'.7 61052. Cond'eton
and Albany are about tbe aame isx. So
it will ba seen that we have a very econom
ic-1 ctt.
Lute ljt evenioz W Saunders swaliow'rd
a small brara screw, which ha bad pljceu
in a g'asH aort forgotten about He sfter
mni placed some medicine ia the glas
and in taking tt swslioe-l the screw. ' It
is not known tow ner;om ttte result will
be. Eugesa Guard.
. 'Damon and fyihiss," wiil be prevented
at McMinnvil'e on Jan Jo under tbe aus
pices of Mr. and Mrs. K.s.nus. Since
leaving Allunv l)ionyim has grown very
fleshy ana will appear to the form of 0. II.
Irvine. The nait was Ukei in Albany by
Anderson Cuonun.
Mayor Johnson, ct (scio lias putm-.iied a
message to the people ot that cdy warning
them to guard asamitdiolliei-ia, owing to
its prevailen -e io a neg!iborinx (own, re
qaestiig that the people of the two towns
do not visit each otha until the danger is
past. Lebanon has had S'gbtwn cases in
all wilh three death.
A Bk Fixe. Elward McRoen. tbe
Lyons man, who whipped H. G. Ply mate.
the drummer, becanse be went with his
girt, appeared before Justice Freerksen
last evening, plead guilty, and waa given
the heavy fine of $ W and costs, prooably
none loo heavy for such an offense, tor a
man muat be protected ia his great
American rights, and there was no evi
dence tliat the prosecuting witness did
not conduct himself in a gentlemanly
Card of Thanks.
To those friends who ao kind lv gave
their assistance to us during the llluesa
and death oi our mother, we extend our
heartfelt thanks and onl v hone that such
kindness may be shown to Ibeui, it ever
similarly atllicted.
'Ms. a d Mrs. W. B. Peacock.
A Coxaciasca Fusn incLson eojniv
is 7.50 beUer off ouing to tlie chanze ol
heart of John A. In the year
1882 he presented fccalps to the county
clerk add received a bounty on them .the
:lcrk premitDLig they ce.e coyote scalps.
Ot late Williams has joind the chtrch
and he rppcared bf fore Clerk A. Ja
cobs, confessed lie had received a bounty
on uiidcAt sktus in lieu of coyote ecaips,
and turned over mo above aniotmt.
Lost a Finger.
New ton Nave met with a peculiar ac-
opera bouse Tuesday. Ian. 21st.
Tbe name of Judge Blackburn, tbe Dem
it'CAT ia informed will b- represented for
county fudge on the publ'caa ticket.
Duriag tbe past week tbe increase ia
bank clearances was tbe largest ia Spokane
of any city ia lbs U. . bat one, Mmphi.
T m Kay telegraphed yesterday feom
Providence R. I. Have just bought one
large set ot worsted and two sets of woolen
mavkioery. Rush the building '
Joo'ge Paltatoa baa just rendered a de
cision holding that, the S25.000 deposited
on one of the ta!e ' to Col. T. E. Hogg,
was furfeitrL Of coarre
Not a single leap year party bas bee a
held in Albany this year Seme sf our
neighboring towns, taoogb. are boasting
of toe cariosity, sot kaowa for fcor years.
The past r w before Uke a dream,
aeain we are in the great struggle for life.'
Heat Dr. Grant on "National Perils'' at
tbe opera house Toesday, Jaa. lt.
SiaV or swim live or die, sarvive or
perish. I am to.- this decUratkn, Indepen
dence now and independence forever.''
Hear Dr. Grant at the opera boose. Jaa.
All loyal American citizas wil. Iiear Ur.
Grat at tbe opera boose ra'sdar Jan. Slat
at 8 o'clork Admivsioa 25 ct. reserved
lie drrne of -old g!ort ?" Ts whom
patriutum and I be benor of tbe o'd Bag is
dearer than life? Qtr Dr. Grant at the
opera Loose Tuesday Jaa. 21st.
Samoel O. Bron the murderer of Al
fred Kitoid. who earaed from jail at
luxeborjr. Decembtr 50. i- said to be r-
Z,u"7, ZZIZiZ n.,11-5 "mode-, ,a a e Notth Uo-p-iax. afew miles
da ballet -.nt tb ! - , .
v! ,.,, fouod 1i.mi UM-.DSC Ut May. He
I4st of Patents.
as foood bea be escapee but May. He
is appred to be beavily armed.
A rumor was curre t oi tbe streets ye
teniay to i be effect that an artesian well
bad been struck on tbe L Bemlev fan
Mooraoatb tbic weak, i is said the water
ttow out of tbe vpe. which USfteea iocb-
es awve tne croarJ. lr aa rrtesua tb'
ha been Jruck. aa tlec. it til prove
onte a cor.osilv in tbis oan of Oreoa.
ladeptfic'eme toier ne.
lev, San
We have a surplus of the follow tog
oat at price
I leiatzriman, Sacramento, Inconiotive'
White beans . . .
m outoos.
Tea sittings
i, ii uur. vr., - . n ,v
evapota'or-.T Murphy, San Francisco, I ' mp"' T. p
ukuk: mi. . v iu . zi, cwi , . .
r .1 ..i v ; . . . , Meeiernyeaei
I WV, Ul 1. 1.1 UaUUA 111 11 111. WUUW . I . ,, 1
ei ii ollll c..: e-x-i a. CZ. ' i Gallon cna recb
inmacKiVe- O A Sanfor.1 NMl. lb Cans PrO?re bak pur . . . .
Cau., box machine; J Schsde, Los An
aelea, fluid motor; A M Shields, Oakland
Cal. lead bath apparatus for working
ores; E C Souuey, Sacramento, invalid
bed ; E B Stoner, Seaside, Or., atlach
maiiit for atwie coeka :ti J SsaMwr. IVt
aluma, Cal., voting machine; W F Wil-'- idly.
liamt, Buhop, Cat., shirt aleeve, Ac.
1 gal cans Pearl Drips 48
Good roast coffee 19
S lb papers wash powder SO
31b cans baked beans 16
Italian prunes 4,-c
Callea.tyas tiiese goads w at go rap-
cj. t. taow.iXL.
1 lie ladiet of tbe Cootre'alional Church
are arrangink to give a Mart ha Washipg
too tea. on the even ing of "eo- 21st IS96.
FutCer aerouocemeata wi'l be made later.
Ix Ausv At the Albanv Dressed
Meat Co's. shop, corner Second and
Ellsworth st eets. von can cet the finest
meats to be had : iist now some deli
cious sausages, bacon, headcheese, etc
besides the regular lines of tender meats,
Baptist parsonage, Salem. January 16,
1S96, Muss Addie Williams and C. E.
Short, both of this county, Rev. C E.
Kliewer officiaiinz.
Tbe newlv wedded couple left last
night cm the overland for Turner. Mr.
and Mrs. Short will engage in evangelistic
rast bide J unction. aiem
A Pooa Rxcoto. The first murder ws
UM.inui.ted in Dou-'lav county in 1S5U.
act! il has had nineteen since, ceitsinly
an unenviable record, rtotone has !een
hnnged of the twetuy, and only oae.
Brown, who recently escaped, sentenced
to be handed. Oulv three wee sentenced
for bfe and two of those were prrdoned
by Itiiioyer.
Da. R)landD Grant has no superior
on tne American platfo.-m loitay;
wherever he goes crowded iiou-.M are
aore to gslher. This it true of any tub
ioct he may discuss, but "National Perils"
a of tbe most inleme interest now. He
has been a lifelong student of this subject
t b... HU...L all md mnlfaalhs miatuLra i
. , . ,, ..- . .. . . , : V'UI UlVU'n Will U"V awaavavj in oicsw wa
a nnament timi. in an prooauiinv an. ue ! wiw njr this lecture.
ot great benefit to sprinters and owneia i
of fast homes. It is to be used as a body ti. i,;tt nr ..MnUr.n. in the fai Mont-
itlt Itnorl IllArViniiuiitinii . --v. -is
pivpit'a aim win
lion a sUt of px-
Vaiihik VI rnf WltYl .
ff3HMonnl work. Several 1 pnrtioH have AMt iltttl n u;. minA w.n
a ,ft. :U .IV ia. ssulllis.. Ia littA tt.
I J a . .. , i W Ultt riKIl' tlV Tf MltlltW IV saw svs
eiy who have money and he goes to Po- t- i" " ' iLsible.
A Pioneer's Monument.
At tlie Le:uon cemetery todV.y we
noticed a beautiful double column mon
ument, of fine workmanship and ma
terial, beinz of the finest gad of im
ported Italian marble. A closer inspect
ion showed it to be at the graves Oi two
of our o'd ttionvers, Moees Bland and
wife, and it is a fitting tribute of reepeci
Io that class of pioneers who braved tbe
dangers and privations incideut to the
settlement of this country, but who are
uow passing away.
fc. . Aciuson, the marble and mom-
ment dealer of Albany, waa in Lebanon
Monday getting up the above monument.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
Mr. Achison while hi the city. Express.
The Ueatlicr.
. . . - ! . . 'work at
Saturday and Sunday, ram; fctiltonary Journal. The bride is a former
temnerstuie. , dent of this countv, a daughter ot Elder
Tbe following dispatch regarding the giiM Williams. "They have tlie beat
river was received from Portland at 10U i wishes of many in Linn county.
a m votiuy:
To. Frkxcii. Albany. No report from
Eugene, hence little rise thore since yester
day. Tbe Willamette at Albanv will erase
rapid rising by noon. No danger of nooa i
at present. Pagcs, Observer, j
At 3 p. ii. the river registered 19 0 feet,
riointr slowly. F. M Fksnch.
F M Fier.cb, tisp'ajtnan
Martis rum Wizahd. A larger audi
ence attended the wizard entertainment
at the opera houe last night, and it was
a greatly pleased one. Martin does some
very expert tricks, the hen trick partic
ularly being mystifying. The puppet
show at the close waa the best of the
kind ever given here. A good mauy
pi lses were given away, one young man
with his best girl getting 2 and a child's
chair. Tonight another performance
a ill be given. It will pay to see it.
sW JF- Sv
Sotb the method and results irhen
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
Browx and Movtuomkuy. It is an in-1 and refresh in ! to the taste, and acts
A Lomi Felt Wast. W. O. Trine, the
well known foot racer, has compounded
of fast horses, n Is to be used as a body The bi o exce0tions it
wnsh.Mr. Trine hit upon the composition PMi m
tUroughhi, efforts to get souiethf that X
become inlcreslod in Mr. Trine's distov-
land next month to confer with them re
garding the manufact ure and placing of I
teresttng and peculiar fact that Mr. C
II. uairympte, oi tins city, nas langnt
schools in which both Sam Brown and
Iayd Mon'gomery, both sentenceil to be
banged ou tiie same day, were his pu
f its. Brown went to him at Bancion.
Ie did not display those characteristics
that made him a 'felon, and Mr. Dal
ryruple has lieen somewhat surprised at
his subsequent career. Loy t Montgom
ery went to him three days at Browns
viflo On the third day he gave the boy
a good whipping and be quit school at
Was Not Thus. A. A. Tuasing and
Tlie Statesman sav'a; Mr and AfiS. vV.
n Lawler camedown from Albany yeter-
r.isroLM Couktt Can niDATK. Tim lav. Mr Lawler is afraid tlie present Robt Harrison were in Albanv Monday
News gives the following as some of the .heavy fall of snow will have a wious ef-: and while there visited the county jail, j
dear citizens ot that countv willing to leci upon mining rpeiauons m w , Mr. xussing nays me ox ooys teei quite
serve the people for a consideration lie- vide di-lrict. I badly over the report that has been c.r-
giuningin July: Sheriff, GALnndls, I culated to the effect that they said Mo-
Clark Coneland and P N Latin on: clerk, i Will Close .Out. Klein, Dubruille ' Kercher and Lovd once had trouble at a
Capt Robertson, 0 B Crosno and John & Co. have decided to close out their school meeting. They deny tlie whole.
. Buckley ; Arsessor, J II LtUz, 0 G Dala- business iu Albrny, and to do so will sell thing. It ia not our desire to place any- ;
!ba,T E Parker and W H Alexander: tor th. ir large and fine stock of boots and thing on their shoulder for which they
county commissioner, C J Bishop, FA shoes at actual factory prices, for cash are not responsible. Brownsville Timea.
Godwin and J J Hrutowr school supt, only, it you wouitt get tne best nar-, i
Dr. Prlce'a Cream Raklntr Powder Cinn Bflthers. Prof Rrnce. TJ F.lllnt.t ami .ruina ever offered in Albany call earlv. nr. Prina'a Cream ttsklnw PowrJac I tAU OAMCtaco. cal.
Worid's Pair Higbsst Madai and Dlplsma. S G Irvin. See big adv on first page. Wftrs Faar Wsgfcsst Awra. f 10U.
Emtly yet promptly on tlie Kkhieys,
iver ami Bowels, cleanses tasVsys
tern effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cares habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ao
eepable to the stomach, prompt in
iU action and truly beneficial in its
elfects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent quslitie? commend it
to all and have made it the most
DODular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 80
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishaa to try it. Do not accept any
Xew Tune Card.
ti n fif t ,f
Fillo'inzH ,!i a
Albany Street Rail :
he car fill u-t - .-.
Wahinloti in--- i4i
450 a m for m r i y.
HHiO ' i' !
ari'l rw.- j - .j. . a t. .
1 4fi p. tu '. C. tC ''.IWli.r.- i..
4:"0 " Lebanon train.
lt.35 " Ov rUnd tr.mi aoina '.
OHO " Orpbav ' hOmr.
Tbe car will Htructl a hi r.
on both tlie Sotalher: Prfciac a,.i O . a
E. railroaili. C. O. Bckirakt.
Secret ax .
Almost everbody takes some laxative
fnedkine to ckansc the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SiMMONS
Liver regulator (Uquij or powder)
get all tbe benefits cf- a mOi and pleasant
laxative and tonic that pur.&es the blood
and strengthens the whole svstwn. An
more than this: Sl.viKONS LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, and when the Liver is ia
rood condition you &d yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, indigestion, Sick-
Headache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated fedinz.
These are ail caused bv a sluzzish Liver.
Good digestion and freciorn from stomach
troubles wiil only be had when the liver
is property at work. If troubled with any
ef these complaints, try SLSUIONS LIVER
REGULATOR- The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Pills.
Ha the Z 6taxnp ia red on wnppea
J. H. Zeilin Jt Co- Phil a,. Pa.
YsetSBss sf Last atamhoed sftocJd aart at
esee I'- a boos:
thai exrHAiss bow
fail soaaiy Tiiar
ia easUy, qsickiy
and pcraaaenUy
restored, imau
aa Serins; from,
weaaaess caa af
fard to ignore this
timelr adTiea.
Eooa teiis bow
-'foll etnaa-di. dv
Tdopmeet and tone are imparted to every
snnwai of the body. Seat wiib Basitnw
BcwCaaeaied) fm magymanoBaprJirataTn.
rbe icrewlet sel'er on the market for
diseases nf the Liver.Kidneysaad Con
Peasant to Uke by old or joo;. Ko
The rant cf th Liverine phuit ia extea-
aveiy used ia Norway fee the core of Piles
Sold by all first das druggists
Wholesale alanafacture.
Lebaaon. Or
IN Youh Own Localto
s?.aue easily and booorafily, witbeat capi
'al. daring yoor spare hoars. Any taai
" oaiin, boy, or girt caxido the work hand
;y, without exrcrieacew Talking ext.
necessary. Koiiiiir; like It for roo- r
aiakingeveroSifccibefor. Ourworxerc
always prosper. So a me wasted a
earning tbe busl-ess. VTe teach JXJt is
a ntsht bow Jj soecced from the fir
Hour- Too caa make a trial without ei
peus to yourself. We start yon, fttrnss
everything needed ta carry on tbe barf
K3s s jcces&fo: r, and guarantee JA
against failure if yon -rut follow
simple, plain iistrocooos. ReaoW. V
you are in seed of ready money, aov
wsnt to know all about the best pavtnfe
bosiness before the public, send as rf'
audrsss. and we will n s!l yon a o.
eut giyins yoa all the psi uccJar
1RUE& CO., Box40O.
Au casta. r1alni
s r 0f, b C Pars iyC6oo- laoJmt
Pullman Sleeping Uars,
Elegant Ding Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Cars
St Paul
TA Srand Forks
. TO
New York
Boston and all '
r-: i r-Di ...1 Ci.tK
yr nfonnafou, tmecrf, ,napaiia
tickets eH on or write J G tirkhai t.
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton. As Gen ?aa Agt
Portland, Or.