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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
goooooooooooooooooo Such ills as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like, oooooooooooooooooo VETUERFORD & WYATT Attorneys at law. Will practice in all courts of the state. Special attention giv en to matters in probate and to collections. OFFICE In the i'linn block. WR.BILYEU. Attorney at law and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. Albany Orrgon. fj WHITNEY - . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. BUCKS U Sin & SOWERS ATTORNEYS AT XA."W, All legal matters will receive prompt at ention. Office, First National Bank uitdinjr, up stairs. INI OKTAHTE A HACUXEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JK. J. I Hill. K. J. I. BIXL., krdcUn snd anroo. OFFICE Ooros rij iln, Albany , Oxsgoa. DR. C, U, CHAF..BERLIH Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd Si. Offio hoars, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Esrtecial attention triven to chronic case and eye diseases. ' .... rclRST NATIONAL BARS, I; OF ALBAHY, OHSeoM resident r"iLJ'i'Jl55 TRANSACTS A OKSBRALbnklnTuslos ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. . 8IOHT B1CHANGK aadtel Taphie Hwl r.toM Kaw York, Sa Fraadaco. Chtcairo and Pwtlard jron O.OtiriOSS dAOSou taorahl arsas Torae K W Aauc' Bum, L. Tim bnul. Sox. Vf CVIIca CO.,Bi!iaER rRAWtACTsamsral Baukili? DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS o Kew York, Saa F too mud Portlsna, Oregeo; LOAN MONEY aa approved security. B.ECKIVK deooaits subject to check. O0UL&CTIOX3 made ou mronhi Sanaa.- DiTE REST paid ou tun i E(. W. HAKKIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is iw located ra the Disocam oSce, corner ttnd and Broailalbia streets Albany, or. Beats and Collet tioas a Specialty. narueiCA rrux Prof. A. STARK Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialis. Graduate of the Chicago Optbalm College. I am prepared to eitmine sclentifica and accurately, by tbe latest and improved metnods of modern science, any who sire to have their eyes tested. . Cusick Block, Albasy, Obxoos. r AAaa. Cusic Block Albany, Or Filling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty tJEO E FIH THE PLUMBER - Tin rootling and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite New Goods. . At -Mrs Ashby's Stylish hats, capes with whistles; mit tens, and hand kerchiefs, stamped linen hose, side combs, ornament?, underwear corsets and a general line of goods. JOSEPH J SMITH VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Miller Turner's stable, resi dence and stable it 4th and Calapoou streets, Albany, Oregon. 4. Htramy Upholsterer w-Sr-Ard ; Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy mattresses renf rated atd made over. Furniture of every deciiption and Lair) carriages re-upholstered and varr.:ahed. Drop a note in th5 P. 0., or call at 1 street, between Ferry an-1 BrjaJalia, A bany, Or. eavwaTa TRAna aaaaira. DESIGN "ATKNT8, For Information an4 free HAinibanfc wHft- UNN A CO., HOI BKO.DKiT, KEW Voac. Oiaest bureau for securing patents In America, Erery patent talten out by us is brooKbt before tbe pubile bf a notloe glren free otcoarge in Uta Wklr An , Tear iu uz montnB. Addiew, MOXJT A CO- amaweaa, 361 Broadway, ew.Xork City; , FOSHAY & HASOH. -Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS AnFbOOKSEL lERb ALBANY. OREGON. PureDrugs'andtbe Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Boons . in the Market MScientiEo American 'Jslj asARKt, tP DE8IOM PATCNTS, ST. JACOBS OIL WIPES OUT Promptly and Effectually. Hooocoooooooooooooo a fixed wheals health hy tAw mi 0( SHAUEfTS Compound Cod Liver CI Capsule-. Unsurpassed aa s remedy for Cast aurapuoa, Aata- ma, Bronchiti Coughs, Debility, and an wasting disease. Perfectly tasteleaa. This truly scientific remedy by building and re tI Ting the body and renewing wast tissue, retiats and destroy disease gnn, contain the purest Cod Liver Oil comMaiS with Beechwood Tar: pleasant and easy ts tak; reasonably and honestly compouaded by a practical pharmacist. Yon can get them ONLY BY MAIL. Vfa. paid to yon on receipt of 85c, pr bom. Prtpmrtd ier fx G. O. SHAUER, CHSsnrr. 29th & State Sta. REMOVE THE CAUSE and the symptoms will disappear Tbis you wiil accomplish by using SHAUERS' -CATARRH THROAT . SPECIFIC aa Incomparable remedy tor disease af She Throat, Nose, and Mouth. A certain, almple and effect! car for Bstwi . Mar Fsrsr. WahKwrts. Quins. Sara Tassnf, M watt. WasrsM r Csnttwd Hants, and Tsagsa Baailj used, quick to relleTe, poaitir eara, always ready; small in price. roat wait till you mi tut haTC it grt it sow. aBNT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid CM tweernt St aOc fnpn toiely br U. G. SUA HER. Chsjiist, " Stete k 29th Ste.. Chicago, Das. Caveats wd Trademark ttinnin PsV, ent p-asbesa coca uctcu i roc.""1 r... our firm tm owm,t. . n"?.-.r:tis jia we cxi, jcvut . . rmoMfrara Washington. t Send model, drawing- or f?.", I k. Uo adTise, U pitentabw or not. Ire off Our lee iioto.tidp' ha TsumuT. "How to Obfr i i'" at ol stae in the U. & w l""iii'- est fre. Address, I C,A.8NOW&COi I ALBANY COLLEGE, WENTY-KIXTH TEAR.) T HE COLLEGE WILL OPEN SEP- tomher 11. 189o. under favorable an. nicea. Regular Colleeiate and Aca demic instruction The Commercial work will be given special attention tins year. SUCn young men ana youn(j i riiM as are looking forward to a business career should not venture it witnout lay ;n a good foundation with us. The College will also establish a Coeerva tory of Music, under the able and effi cient management of Prof. Z. M. Parrin. Unusual tacihties ottered lor siuaents desiring to become proficient in music. The Primary Department will receive especial care. Information cheerfully President ae icaieiy ofOir Laflj Oi Penjelual Mb, iltay, Or. A VrardiiMr and dav school conductea bv the Benedictine Sisters will resume studies Aug. 27, 1895. livery lacuity wiu De onereu ior tnor ough courses in scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. an aniA wvnprm niaiio. yioiiu. kuiw and vocal music will have charge of the musical department. Drawing and paint ing' will, like music, De taugnt as extras, rwmnrm in plain and fancy needlework. For further particulars call at tbe Acad emy or address Sister Scfkuokxss. LIFE tLiiYBnisn act sua nunrxm k .old trader pontile) written (unoua, bf vitoorized agents 0017-, to core w eak Hemorr" nt Kfflin and Nana Power: lost llaafaooa 'Xurkma: Nurbt Loase; Eril Dreams: Lack oi Ooondence; Marroosaeaa; Aaasttooe; au main: Una of Power of the Geoerautre Onmna ia eitaa r. eaased hr orcr-exartton, Yootlilul Errors, o. jiisMin TJm of Tobacco. Otinm ar Ldonot atuch lflads u Misery. ConwuupUin, Inasaib and Death. By mail. 91 a box; aiz tor with written anarantae to ear or pfnnd money, (sample packace. eontaining tire dajn' treatment, with fall instrsotiuaa, e-ms. On n1 -w: U to eaeb penoo by taaU. I. -A. Cum min g, sole agent, Albany J. 1. iLLSOJOJT INSURANCE AND M0NE BROKER. -Conctr Warraets . wB, la. mm as Sold. OSiee, Maston Clock, AlbasT Oregon. UHISKEn KfJSIKQ FAYS If yon :ise the Pctalni lecabctfcrf A Or&cler. C others are traius z4& CiOakKtcl'a'!la.-xx.t Jua Pajre it-nci oeicri'jrs er-erv Y A ll!n!ral artk le nee'ed ioT thiJt Cataloj;' puuluy Uuainef . . tc ERIE;' mechanically tne best 'iie. lTTtueMmoOei. vVe are pacific Coast Agent. Bicycle cata- kurae,msiledfrec siyei fo'l deserMten. prices, etc.. 6Rirrs 'Vaimcs. TTTAtUXk IECITBAT0E U).,Petalii3is,CaL Unuca Hocst, 231 f Main Sc. Los Angeles. a4e ill HttMlw irfliiaMIJ;tao (ana, FMnnra so chant of wt or ieun la to Ufcaa fadcmalij. Staa A3 I PREVENTIVE V tX ex it Uimaau!Wt contrast 1 ..a, RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. - .x ls r.r-i ji"a STllEL HMD FEjyiiU rt i ire the original ijid i iK.N'CH SHfaiuv re liable core on the mm-lit. I'riee $l M; suat bf iaai tiouuinn soil oiliy bi A UIS C grew iHiWeisnj, Sf.lmMi wrtflM vnmtor HerVon or Sick H ornia riuuwuon, H.eM'lMarim wtul or Nril KearKicuiiUM iur Ubtn uwn, n.ioaer Ji.,ram , yield Dm, Pl.-a. ABKUia. Anli.lota lor AlooholS ."Mi -thr txeoMM. Vruso, 10, Xtuul w uuuZ A-ue:njaciit. THE ARMOLO CHEMICAL fO. IBI 8. IkWters tw, CHICAGO Rail aaaar Mm aDyTW VstM Mt Mtwuut Tbe business man can make no better resolution than to advertise judiciously and continually, not spasmodically. It psys. Complaint is being made against tbe Oregcn Fruit Union, ol Portland. Re gardless ot the merits of tbe complaints, it is well for fanners to know what tliey are doing when they ship ta a eommis sion house. It is rare that the result is satisfactory. Mitchell wanis a $1,000,000 building erected by the government in Portland and Hermann a HCO.000 building in Salem, and yet they are talking about increasing the tariff in order to get enough money to run the government. Doesn't that make one's bead swim. The best men on both sides of the wa ter are opposed to any war between two peoples who write the language that Milton wrote, and speak tbe same tongue that Shakespeare spose. Salem Post. Yes, but we have bad two since Mil ton and Shakespeare wrote. Had they lived they would not have written as did Salisbury. There's the rub. But, really there should be no war between two people who write as Salisbury and Cleve land. The postage stamp bas a rival. A new device bas recently been adopted by the German postal authorities, which does entirely away with the traditional post age stamp, t or it is substituted a ma chine which registers by dies the time and date of preparing each letter for tbe mail, and marks on the letter the num ber of the person or firm who is using the machine, and also the rate of post age the letter should pay. Each com mercial bouse or individual who makes use of the system bas a mscbice and with it stamps letters as fast as they are sent. At the end of tbe week or month the Iocs I postoffice authorities will fig ure op each customer's account and send him a bill, having provided, in all prob ability, for the payment of it by getting a substantial deposit ahead. Our Two Seasons. In the greater portion of tbe United States the year is divided into four seasons. On tbe Pacific slope bat two seasons are generally used, and they are called tbe wet and tbe dry seasons. The term wet and dry are sot literal, only comparative- Tbe wet season means that rain is probable durng that period, the dry season that little rain is probable. Thedry seaeon covers the months from May to November, the wet season from November to May. During; the dry sea son rain does not fall, during the wet season frequently day after dar is to be kund free from rain and clouds. It is tbe greater probabiatv oi rain, or no rain, rather than the absolute condition that caoses the use of tha term. Upon the rainy or dry season depends also the temperature conditions, and upon these depends tbe vegetation and animal life. Owicg to the character of tbe soil the heat from the tab is rapidly absorbed, and is rapidly radiated, hence the great influence of the clouds, or of a cloudless sky upon the temperature of tbe air. Clouds act aa a covering, hence keep the earth and air warm; a cloudless sky allows of rapid radiation, hence a rapid cooling of the air. These being the pre mises, it can be seen that being protected by tie influence of tbe Rocky mountains from the influence r4 the winter's cold, and being modified by tbe pioiiraity of the ocean, that during the rainy season warmth will prevail ; in the dry season, tbe absence of clouds a.low the earth to receive beat, which in turn, beats the air; tbe sky at night being clear, tbe radiation cools the air, and the nights are cool. . Na matter in w bat part of Oregon you may e, no- matter bow warm the day, the nights are always cool, and tbis is due to the radiation, within the broad confines of Oregon can be found all kinds of climates, ranging from the sun ny hillsides of Italy to tbe frosty regions of Minnesota, from the bumid regions of Alaska to the arid regions of California ; these variations are dne to the topograph' ic features. Statesman. Judge Burnett's Views. Level beaded Judge tturnelt, of Cor- vallis, says on tbe Monroe doctrine sub ject: I assert that every war to a great or less extent involves a question cf bound' ary. Our glo'ious Revolutionary war of 1776 changed the boundary of tbe Brit ish empire, and made their English col onies free and independent states, which today form the great commonwealth known as the United States of America. Tbe war of 1812 was mainly to establish tbe fact that tbe dtck of an American vessel is American territory, and though tbe treaty of Ghent tailed to stipulate against tbe impressment of American seamen, yet for a space of 80 years ves sels floating tbe Sag of the United States bave been secure from such insults a caused the war of 1812. Another advantage gained by Ameri ca was, the recognition of ber naval power. It was no longer doubtful that American sailors were the peers in valor and patriotism of any seamen in the world. It was no small triumph for the republic that her flan should henceforth be honored on every ocean. ' The war with Mexico involved tbe question of boundary, changed the boundaries of tbe United States and Mexico, and gave na Texas and Cali fornia. Tbe war of the rebellion involv ed a question of boundary and resulted in establishing forever the boundary of the United States and destroying that ol 'he Confederate states- It was tbe effort of the 'Spanish gov ernment to reestablieb a boundary so aa to include its revolted colonies in south America, that called forth the Monroe doctrine, and now, if England can, by extending her boundaty line, include a portion of ibe republic of Veutzuela, and to that exter Intend her i)steai of gov ernment over it, is it not as complete a violation of the Monroe doctrine,, as if she extended tier system over the whole of the republic and converted it into a colon j, governed by a monarchy ? All we aek England to do, is to submit to arbitration ibe question of the true boubdary line between British Uuiana aid Venezuela so that the true line may be established, and she not allowed un der the pretense of a boundary question to forcibly establish a monarchy on a republic. II England insists on grab bing a portion of the territory of Vene zuela, she may find trouble in holding British Guiana, which she took from the Dutch in 1803, but was not made a Brit ish colony until 1S31, and that in viola tion of the Monroe doctrine; solcon cludtd that they not only have no right in Venezuela, but none in what is called Biitieb Guiana. San Francisco ia bappy. otber big scandal. She Las an- In the first place Guiana by bog lav. England secured Arbitration, arbitration, arb'tratlon, that is about all one hears nowadays. Russia will be entirely neutral on the Venezuelan Question. The bear is in bis hole. What tin world wants is facts, and that is what a paper should give, though they sometimes hurt. - A gentleman who has been through tbe valley towns a good deal cujs Albany is the ploaaaniest city of all. New Years calls are hardly known in Oregon sow. Fifteen or twenty years ago they were made generally. The great trouble nowadays is that all legislation has a political string to it, very disgusting fact to most people. The Clarion, Portland's new psper is not only elegantly gotten up, but it bas a ring to it that is clear and to the point. Levi P Morton, being an avowed can didate for president, has staled bis opin ion on the Monroe doctrine. Of course, Another street car fctrike is threatened in rniiadeipnia. Anovner enance 10 show your influence, Mr Wanamaker. The rise in wheat is very encouraging, Even two cents is appreciated ; but there is good reason to belitve it will go still higher, not very much though. There was a big increase in the post- office business in Portland tor 18J5 over 1S14. That is certainly a splendid straw showing how things are going there. That is a very lasy, listless war that is going on in Cuba. It is time something decisive was done by tbe insurgents they wish to succeed ; but perhaps theirs is (be Fabian policy. bo it Is declared that James Corbett, the pugilistic is becoming a victim of consumption, and will go like Oempsey, Fitssimmons is yet in good htaltn ; but bis early demise may be predicted. Moat county jails are safe enough; tbe trouble is generally with the jailors. Some of them need horse sense. We have forgotten who tbe sheriff of Doug las county is, but he ought to be made to stay out of bis office until be catchea Sam Brown. Prince Bismark received about 213.000 postal cards from aa many adm'rera con gratulating him on bia eightieth birth day. These cards have a total welgbt of 1320 pounds, and piled up in one col ass would reach a height o,' 150 leet. There is a good deal in style. Yvctta Guilbert, the wonderful vocalist owes ail her success to ber style of doing things, gestures, facial expressions, etc. Her voice is Terr common. So the elocu tionist and vocalists generally bave a great capital in their manners as well as in their voices. Tbe Venezuelan commission bas been appointed. Tbe members will take an outing and visit Venezuela at a big sal ary, take a glance at the asserted bound ary lines, delve into the very bottom cf tne history of British Guiana and Vene zuela, fix upon tbe correct line, come borne, report, and then . Tbe proposed bond bill doesn't suit the Oregon ian. It doesat look yellow enough to suit it. It doesn't suit the Dxmockat either. ' We want to bond bill at all. The legislation needed to re store confidence is that putting the two precious metals on an equality as money 16 to 1, with tbe free coinage of both alike. V,hy not try it and see srhat it would do. Jack rabbits bave become so numerous and troublesome tbis fall in Cassia coun ty, Idaho, that the farmers are organizing round up hunts to lessen tbe number ol tbe pes Is. At a bunt of tbU kind held last week by farmers living near Oak'iey, 5,126 rabbits were rounded up and killed, and two coyotes and a lynx were also caught in the ring. Tbe method followed ia these bunts is for the farmers and their help to spread over a large section of country, form a ring, and then work towards the centre, wbere they are killed with clubs. An interesting story comes from Wil liamsport, fa., about a woman who is a victim of coffee. Dr. W. P. Logue at tended her and found thai she drank 20 caps ol coffee daily. She is a complete wreck and be found ber unconscious Irom tbe effects of tbe narcotic poisoning. She said she tried to stop drinking coffee and substituted twenty cups of tea every day. She eats but a trifle and depends almost wholly upon the beaverage for sustenance. Thirty years ago J. B. Garrison, Ol Plant City, Flo., a machinist, ran a small stiver of steel into his right band at tbe base of the. thumb. The wound was treated and finally healed, the doctor saying that tbe steel had been expelled. But ever since that time Garrison bas suffered with severe pains n bis right arm which Le attributed to rheumatism. Last week tbe pains became very acute in bis rigbt shoulder, lit went to a doctor, and the doctor drew from just under tbe skin of bis shoulder the steel sliver that entered his hand in 1865. Alining Excitements. Mining excitements are ot periodica! appearance, and bring speculation and inflation which nearly always results in loss. Some of the genuine fields how ever hold out, and after passing the speculative chase develop into paying properties. Such may prove to be tbe case ia the new Colorado Bind". The Globe Democrat says of this latest dorado that the Cripple Creek mines appear to represent the most that is "in sight." They are all within a tract about five miles in diameter, and num ber about a hundred, . counting those which are regularly producing and ship ping ore to the reduction works. One of these mines has yielded $1,500,000, and they are now yielding in the aggregate $1,000,000 a month. But there are 10, 0J0 prospect claims which have cost an average of $200 apiece, and at least 6500 of them bave failed to show any traceo f go)d whatever. There are not less than 30,000 persons in the locality, and the search for the precious stuff goes on in a most industrious and determined way. Tbe miners who work for wages get $3 a day ; but the labor is mostly performed on the profit-sharing plan, and tbe poor est man in camp nourishes tbe hope of acquiring a fortune. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. New Years. Getting things into the mines. A Brown sensation in San Francisco. - Tbe English whipped in South Africa. Bonds. Annual settlements. Four days of tbe New Year are about gone, and tittle has transpired to indi cato tne transition. Perhaps U 1 a matter of satisfaction though to read about the big snow storms East and then contemplate our own uii'.d weather, Among resolutions a good one for tbe world would be for every body to have a good word for every body else and a good word for the prospects, a determination not to make others downcast however much so oneself . Brighten up, . Do your best, Leave others alone, Grow on your Own merits. There is one thing that at the present time is certainly a very encouraging thing for Albany and that is the pros pects for the Sautiam mines. A success ful mine adjacent to a town means proa- perity every time. One at Qoartxville would mean permanent prosperity Cripple Creeks eprinit up like mush roons and are soon gone, but Albany. already established, would receive a lasting benefit. Because we haze had false hopes in otber directions let us not pessimisticly prophecy such now. Tbe indications are 24 carat ones. Ah, bow the Golden Gate city feeds on scandal, like a vulture on carrion. A matter that would be treated in a few sentences in some places U built up into a mountain by rival papers and all the nauseating details are dug up trim every imaginable source away back almost to tbe time of J alius Caesar. Tbe Brown case now being embellished is a sample. Won't the dear public sometime get dis gusted with a steady diet ol such putrid bash. A small English army down in South Africa bas been whipped. Hurrah, not particularly because English, but be cause tbe aggressors belong to a people who bave for c.nltiries been lawlessly robbintt people of their countries. It is time for a ha't, and every defeat, though small is pleasing. Tbe future policy ol tne world should be to let tbe small as well as large have a show. bonds to get gold witn ovsr $500,0)0,- C00 ia silver ia the U S Treasury. Out rageous. Many million dollais in intsr st w ith good money lying idle because of near sighted political laws. An in dividual who would do business that way would be bankrupted. A neighbor sensibly enlarges upon tbe splendid effect an annual settlement would have on a community. The idea is that on tbe first of every year tbe debtor shall at least call oo tbe creditor, land slate the situation, if possible pay tbe debt, it not make some arrangements to do so as early as possible. If a debtor does not liquidate it is a matter of satis faction to have him honestly state the reason, and bis futare intentions ia tbe matter. Erery creditor bas a rig tit to know. If a debtor with a fair income is spending bis money for whiskey and let ting bis meat, grocery, dry goods, dreg, clothing, doctor, newspaper and other bills go, why certainly it would be only fair to tell tbera so. Thty would respect socb a man more than when be studi ously says nothing and continues to rob his creditos br speeding the money tbey arj entitled to for things ll at are not necessary. The Monroe Doctrine. LtaASos Oak , Jx. 3, 1396. EJdJT Drmucrtl: 1 desire space in yoor valuable paper to briefly reply to aa editorial published in the last issue of tbe Wetkly Advance relative to tbe Monroe doctrine. In ooe breath the editor of that paper endorses the Monroe doctrine and ia the next tarns around and repudiates it. The Advance says: "We believe in the Monroe doctrine, and think it should be upheld, but un der or present srl mot government it is a farce. Tbe wealthy foreigners hsve given a big mortgage on this country, which is now to be increased, and no big kick is made in fact the action is en dorsed by tbe "leadirg statesmen." (manvot whom accumulate millions on a salary of $5000 per year ) The Venezu elan question is insignificant when com pared with this bond business. Tbe former is only a dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela over a little piece of waste land in Sooth America, while the latter question is of vital interest to not only tne people ol tbis but of future generations. Pen canntt describe the toil and suffering that wilt be brought oo the American people by these bonds. We predict there will pe no war, but there will be many more bonds. e believe tbat those in authority scared up this war cloud witn that object in view. If the editor believes in tbe Monroe doc trine and thinks it should be upheld, why nit enforce it nnder our present system of government as well as under any oth er system? Is it notes wholesome today as when it was Hist enunciated by Pres ident Monroe himself? And does it not voice tbe sentiments of the American people irrespective of political party? That iecertain!r proven beyond a doubt by the immediate action that congress took in endorsing President Clevelands message without a dissenting vote- Republicans, Democrats and Populists voting alike; and ever leading news paper in the United States, some one, both Democratic and Republican, were loud in their praise of the action that the president has taken in enforcing this American principle. Tbe bond issue and the Monroe doc trine aro two eeparae and distinct questions. They are not to tie consid ered together. In supporting tbe Mon rje doctrine we are not harmonizing with Cleveland and the Republican House of Representatives iu issuing bonds to replenish the gold reserve, acd b so doing, heap more suffering anl burden upon the poor of oiir land; but are contending for a principle, one that El-Wo'uid be so imbued and permeated In the breast of every Ameiican patriot with such zeal and fervor, tbat if neces sity, he, will be ready ard willing to icrifice his life to maintain this princi ple and the integrity of his country. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who to himself hath never said. This is my own my native land. In maintaining this bor.ndsry line in South America, it Is not a "dispute be tween Great Biitaln and Venezuela over a little piece of waste-land," but it in volves a very rich and valuable mining country. Conceding the fact for the salre of argument that it is a "little piece of waste land." .till it 1. worth contend- lag for. It brings us face to face with I tbe question, whether or not England, regardless of the Monroe doctrine, which declares as follows: "We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between tbe United States and those powers, (tneaningEttfopesn powers,) to diclare that we should consider an? at-1 tempt ou their part to extend their sys tem to any portion of tbis hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety" shall repudiate this principle and en croach upon our rights. Let every true American citizen sav no. Let ever wind thai wafts from this side of tbe Atlantic to the other, carry away upon us loity wing the firm answer of Amer ica, no. We will defend tbe Monroe doctrine to the bitter end irrespective of a bond issus (for the latter does not enter into the controvenr) and show that arrogaut and repulsive nation that we are for America flrt, last and always, and will defend her with onr lives. 0. F. Saihwobth. MISFITS. San Francisco is wallowing in scandal. ma papers mere continually pour oil on the names. It has been araerted that a Salem Jus tice of the Peace makes more than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Who wouldn't bo a Capital City justice these hard times. A Portland woman was picked updrunk on thestreet with a consumptive h Italian J . dying at home. It Is generally the men niw .v CUt II tilings. The members of the Ktata Rntnl nf Equalization think it would beairnod idea to have a board to set regularly dur- 1,1 1? "to wnoie year, lite jxjopie will think differently. Better not have any at all. - ' It has now been learned that the Salem oouuB, twin 10 American agent, are i . really owned by the Uotlichilds. No one Knows now many ol our city bonds tbe l.-.l.-t:t .if . - iwiucuuua realty own. Most of the papers of Western Oreeon have mentioned what Albany's creamery bas been doinz. Thus its reputation spreads, and through the medium of tbe tocai papers, ibis is an interesting (act people ueeu to remember. The Post ears an escaned Russian NU uiiiBi ds9 resiutM in mat city ior several ears, not spending his time in manu facturing plots, but in earniuir a living, and behaving himself. It Is well to re member that tbe Mhilist is a d me rent person from the Anarchist. The job of apportioning tbe $100,000 of tbe Oregon Pacific sale will last while there is nionev in it. Salem Journal nut it is a big job ami the referee ia at lowed so much, f 1000, any way. We wouldn t give much, though, for what tne poor laborer will get. Thee call this a mrft rn n trr - it rained" oo only seven Sunday afternoons dunng ISHc. iieiore you say tins is not true look it uo. Don t jump at conclu sions, investigate the fact thai seems al most impossible in view of the amount of rain that falls in Oregon. The editor oi the Daaocxvr keep a record, and speaks. People who attended the Jubilee con cert la&t night got a couple shosr in one A young man from the country sat in a conspicuous pace; he was lull enough just to be silts' and not virions, lie laughed from the time he took his seat, half an hour early, at everything. If any one bad told him it was raining he would have laughed to split,, opening his mouth until one could see his palate al most. As he smuned to have no malice he was left undisturbed and people look ed and laughed because his laughing as laughable. Hold your breath while resling the following: As tbe beils are ringing in the now yea.- the daw n ol brilliant fu I are appears t (ore tbe view of Astoriarus. Great events in the history of the city by the sea are presaged upon the first page of the pea ly opened y ar book and the air is pregnant with that prosperity whicn has been the dream of the citizens in the years gone by. Standing upon the llre bold of an era of commercial activity and power it is not amiss to con sider some of the factors in this change and to look at some of tbe objects to be attained. The United States supreme court, bv a decision banded down this week, settled a case that has been contested through all the courts by deciding that a man ho was put off a train because a con ductor refused a silver dime that was very much worn was entitled to the $315 and costs which bad been awarded him by the New Jersey courts. Chief Jus tice Fuller in disposing of the case said that silver coins were a legal tender as long as they bore the semblance of the Coin. Tbe County clerk of Marion county bas received the following sv f explanatory letter: Please consider my declaration of intention to become an American cit izen null and voi-l. Circumstances have arisen about my father's estate in Eng land which make it imperatively nec essary for me to resnme my allegiance to Great Britian. I have already sent my renewed allegiance to Her Britannic Majesty's government. Hoping that peace and prosperity may continue be tween the two countries, etc It cost $3,071.20 for tbe State Board of ixioalizattoo to meet and the members showed ttieir appreciation of the fact by causing a direct lose to the state of about l3u,00U besides their salaries over ten t me what they received. Had there been no board Oregon would bare been better off by about $36,000 plus f.1,071.20, probably a round 140,000. W bile that is the result as a whole Linn county will be out about fi.iw on tneir work, and matters really will not be equalized at all. Will some one tell us what earthly use that board is anv way. Salem has a representative at court in Senator McRride a representative who will overlook no opportunity to advance the interests of the city of his adoption. Statesman. It was our idea tbat Mr. Mc Brule was ttie representative of Uie entire state of Oregon. The "Hog City" is used to getting all the public state patronage excepting a few husks, and now it is claiming U. S. senators and "Sich like." What next! Eugene Guard. About the next thing it will tackle the biggest hog in the world, Kna land.and then the bristles will n. This will be the proper way to settle the Ven ezuelan question. BORN UKitKisua. on Thursday, Jan. 2. in Aioany, to air. and Mrs. t. w. Grier- son, a girl. baby growth The baby's mission is growth. To that little bun ale of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added hap piness and comfort! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby oeauty. ' Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, is the eas iest fat-food baby can have, in the easiest form. It snn- tv1iV iikKutW lm J?. Wn. he innot " "13 quinary ioou, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. Scott & Bowks, Chtal, Nw York, Jocandtt.oo William Brenner Used Up. A number of our young people attend ed the mask ball at Stay ton, and report having had a good time. Indeed, one of the number, William Brenner, must have had a jolly time, judging from his condition when he returned. The facts concerning Mr. Brenner's difficulty over mere was as iouows : Mr. JJrenner was attempting to quell a disturbance be tween two other parties, when young Merrifluld, who had just come into the room, thinking that Brenner was im posing on one of the parties, interfered, and in short order he and Brenner were decorating each others faces in the high est style of pugilistic art. The fighters soon became satisfied, or were parted, when unon understamlinir matter a htt-r it is said, they shook hands in token that there was no hostile fueUngs between them. Some two or three hours later, Brennor, in gointc to the hotel, made a misstep and one of tbe bones in his left leg, above the ankle, was broken. Lr: Kitchen adjusted the fracture and Bren ner came home on the following morn ing. Scio Press. Lebanon. 1 Pr. Wallace, of Albany, was called out to Lebanon yesterday, for a consultation with Dr. Booth in regard to tbe illness ofL M.Wheeler, who is in a critical condition. Miss Abbie Frv. who lias been spend ing the holidays with her parents at this place, will leave Saturday for Eugene, where she is attending school at the state University. T. A. Swan has traded the farm that ie bouirht of R. C. Miller for a farm in Tennessee, and also for the Ray proper t id una city. air. nwan ana lamuy expect to move into Lebanon about tbe unit ot March. Ruff lllntt received a ni-e souvenir from tbe Atlanta exposition this week, which represented a negro eating a slice of watermelon, and a bale of cotton on a piece ol cotton paper. It was sfcnt to tim by his cousin. Miss Eoline llatt. who was attending the exposition. Ruff Prizes the souvenir vprv hiahlv and haa been taking much pleasure in showing I.:- t , On the Co-operative Plan. Two stores, one at Mill City and the other at Gates, are being conducted on tbe 'co-operative plan. A number of citizens in either place have organized sick companies ior tne purpose ot en gaging in merchandizing, stockholders get their goods at actual cost, while others than stockholders are snpplied at cost, witn a ten per cent prom added. The principal commodities handled are Hour, teed and groceries. Tne tirst ship ment oi nour and teed to Gates, resulted j in reducing flour from 75 cent: to 60 and j 65 cents per sack, and feed from $20 to 1 f 15 per ton. Bran is still lower. We were informed that it is tbe intention to enlarge their operations till all or nearly an ot tne supplies oi the settlers are fur nished in by or through these stores.! ' Press. That may do theoretically, but practically such stores never last long, and cannot. Albany once bad an ex perience with one. Wrote a Ltrrrtea. Lovd Montgomery lias witten a letter to a Turner lady in re sponse to one received from Mrs. Judd of Turner, urging him ta turn to the Lord before be dies. Among other things he says : "I know that I am a miserable being, but I am going to put my tnut in God. I trust that as I pass from this life tbe Lord above will make me bear iov and gladneseiiihough my sins have been great. I will try to improve the oppor tunity luetween now and tbe fatal day. You spoke of yonr three sons and I wish to tell them that if they are in any wit inclined to walk through tbis life in a crooked and thorny paih to stop and think before it is too late that they may be delivered from darkness into lighu The public and press bas Branded me as one of the worst murderers that has ever entered a felons ceil, but thev know not all God knows, my sins is not as great aa man has pictured them to be, but nerer ihetees when the time comes for me to die I will try and brave it through man- lul.y and that tbe Lord will dearer me from blood-guiltiness and my tongue will sing aloud of my righteousness ." People generally will believe this to be hypocritical. M kb Boxpso. Within the last week, the Lucky Boy claim, in tbe Blue river mining district, has been bonded to W. T. Laarler ior f 15,000. Some activity is expected in that district early in the season, and several parties representing large mining cotnpaniv have made in vest:gations an-J are negotiating for the best claim ia the district. Eugene Guard. The following Linn county teachers bave been attending the stale institute this week: Prof. Tyree, Supt. Ruther ford, Misses Blount. Taylor. Maxwell, Ihmham and Sedgwick of'Albanr: Profs White and Aliingham and Miss Temple, ot Lebanon. It ues an and Gloss, of Crawfordsviile and Prof. Wirt, of Lav rotub. SiaM Seltlag al a freaalassv Chicago. Jan. 3. A Washington spe cial to the Post eays: "The treasury de partment c&rials are somewhat perturbed over the nes tnat gofd is commanding a premium of frcm 1 to ll per cent in New York, faifecnbera to tbe sew bonds being the bidders. The fact that tbe gold bid for niut come from outside the treasury vaults affords oc!y a momentary re ief S Traee af Iriwa. Ro$ebvko, Or, Jan. 3. Tbe where abouts of Murderer Sam Brown, who es caped from the county iaiL the niirning of December $), isstiil a mystery. Xot the slightest trace of him bas been f ound so tar. Til Ford, speaking of his exploits in bowling, says that there are a few people quicker than he, many who can leap uglier, come mat are more aciife, but nne with a better eye, a surer aim and mora invincible determination to win. ' When I take off mv coat and vest and hat and necktie, ami put my suspenders u hit invKet, a am a terror l am, said he. &aleta Post. A sample of Mr. rord'e quick eye was once illustrated in Albany when he gvt on the Lebanon train to go to Salem. "War on earth, ill will gtren ae the Jingo motto. to men," is The American tapers are getting even with Premier Salisbury. They are printing bis picture. (100 Beward, $100. The teadera of Uiia paper will tw pleased So laam that there ia at laaKt 009 dreaded diaea." Mat science has been abla 10 cure ia all if Staea and that ia Catarrh. Haifa Catarv Caraiathaonly poaiU.-s cure now known to lha medical fraternity. Catarrh beinc a con stitutional disease, requlrea a constitutional tieattaent. Hall's Catarrh Care ia lakes later aUlr.actingdirecUyopoetbehiood and mu cous rarfaoea ol thearsh-m. thereby destroying the foundation ot the disease, and siring the patient strength by buildinrupthecoustitutiea and assisting nature in doing 11a work. The proprietors hare so much faith in tta curstira powers, that they otter One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it falls to curs. Send fee list of testimonials. Address, Jf. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. aatold by Dnusist CHANGE TOUR INSURANCE. State Ins. Co. noliciea will hn ;n exchange for insurance in any of the first class companies represented br me. I represent the Sun of London, Continen tal of Sew York, and several others and will guarantee thhem. Call on or write . M. Scsders. The leading agent State Insurance Policies Written in the 4i i - l- 1 1 .. r old rtd,able'In8ur - of ANorth America, of an.i w,e8tern As8ur ance Companies Philadelphia. Pa. ance Oo , of Toronto. Canada Unearned premium allowed on the I state policies. Mail or bring your poli ces to J.TV. Sasi-r. Office over Read, reack & Cor. nier, Albany.Or. TELEGRAPHIC. A Sllrrlaa Bebate. Wahhikotok, Jan. 3. Tbe senate beard a stirring debate today, the bond question being the theme. Sherman's speech, which had been anticipated with ujubu uiicren. iw some lima, lnittatea tne financial discussion. Tbe veteran senator was in good voice, and his speech was closely followed throughout. Th.s, bow ever, was merel) a prelude to tbe financial controversy, vigorous and personal ia char acter." Elkitts sought to secare an ioime- oiate vote on bis resolution directing that all bond issues be advertised and the bonds offered to tbe public. Hill attempted to nave we resolution referred to committee, bnt on a roll celt the vote was nvra helm - I ingly in favor of proceeding with the ques won. vniv six negative votes were can. Terr Cold laAceS. St. Paul, Jan. 3. Although Helena re- ponea temperature tonight at 4 above zero, tbat was the only point in the North west where the mercury went above zero. Tbe next warmest places were St Paul and Huron, a. v., both reporting 10 below. In tbis city at 8 A M it was 10 below. Prince Albert, N W T. was the coldest to night, registering 36 below zero. The weather bureau reports 16 below at Dututh and Calgary: 24 below at St. Vincent. Minn. Mtnnedosa and Edmonton report 29 below, and Winnipeg and Battleford 32 below. Aaafher Whlpfag. Ixhpow. Jan. 3. Tbe latest itorr cir culaied this afternoon was that a second body of men belonging to tbe British Char tered Company, numbering a bent 400, that started oat to reinforce Jamteson s troops. bad been cut to pieces by tbe Boers. 'Ibis is tbe lores supposed to cava been advanc ing from Boluwayo. It was also rumored and seemingly confirmed by a dispatch re ceived here, that there bad been aa upris ing in jottamesbarg, and many persons were Killed during toe disuarbance. Will Sell War Bawds New YoBK. Jan. 3. A special from Washington says: Secretary Carlisle will at once uoe a foil statement b tbe publie on the bond issue, it will undoubtedly announus that the president will order a public loan. Tbu information comes from a source impossible to question. Tbe ex act terms ot the statement are unset tied. but the chances are that tbe loan riH be offered to the pnWic first, if that call fails, the government will fall back on tbe syn dicate. Tbe boad call has been arranged for Monday. Osw riaaa. Wasbihgtox, Jan. 2. Tbe monthly statement of tbe public debt, issued today, shows that December 21, 1895, the pabiic debt, less cash in the treasoty, amounted to 1957.283.262, or a decrease for tbe month oftl.l79,M9 Tbe debt is recapitulated as follows: Interest-bearing debt f747Cl.&C0 Debt on which interest has ceaaed since maturity . I.C74.5I0 Debt bearing' no interest 376,233,992 Aggregate debt. $1,155,322,462 litis aggregate is exclusive of $5660,673 ia certificates and treasury notes offset bv an equal amount f cavsh ia the treasury. Tbe cash ia tbe treaty is classified as foiijsrs, cents omitted; Gold.. r fll3.198.707 Filler . 501.350, S54 Paper 157fi)96 Beod, diabarang officers bal ocei,e:c .V-15,352,088 Total caA............f787,5T8,7 rXtjsl Kxplaaiam. St. Lock, jan. 2. Four persons were killed, one f-iaii injured, four more are missing, and SI received injuries mora or lats set-ions as the result of aa expknoa of fireworks which occurred here this after noon. A loss of at least $100,000 revolted to the building and their contents, which were oVslroved hr the exntoaon or dun sor ed by fire or srater. This is ful'.j corexed by Uksoiance. The striae Ob. Philadelphia. Jib. 3. Tbe street- railway strike s on again. At 10 this morning, the motormcn and condacton emptoted by the Union Traction Company otaosa do to go to votk wen toe srst day can start at 4 o'clock. Tbe ofiicm declaration was made at a mats meeting- cf the aoen ia Lstbor Liceam. akf s be Kefeasral. Lost DOS. Jan. S A battie orrnrrad bo- fore Johaaiiesbarg today between the Boers and Dr Jamieson's iaTadiasr force sent by tbe British. South Africa ComnaaT. The part ica Lais recetTed are meager, but it is dertaitely known that the British were not only defeated with great lost, bat were I arced to surrender. Wajhixbtox, Jan. ?. ft is amborila- tiry stated in behalf of the administra tion, that the VenesueU commission will i be absolute master of its own proceedings, txinsr the time and nlace of it ominra- aad determining for itself wbetcer or wot it shall ruit foreign countries, what class of erideoce may be taken into conoid era tion. and bow tn intneeted irorrraaaeats may be represented before tbe tribunal. ' fWaiaa Talkaal mt. Ecucxk. Or., Jan. I. There iaalreadr considerable adirity in this county among tbe democrats and populists in antictpatioa of a beery battle against tbe republicans In June. Tbe democrats, who hare hither to scorned anything ia the nature of fusion, are now apparently anxious to put into the field a fusion ticket for the snrinsr cam paign, and are working to bring the popu lists into this arrangement. Tw Cabat War. New Tobk, Jan. 1. A special to the Journal from Haraaa says tbe war has eridently settled down to conditions such as existed before the big raid, except that the scene bas been transferred from the eastern prvrinces to Ma. Lanzas and Santa Clara. Ibere is but littie likelihood of a big battle ia tbe near future, although tbe two big armies are on the march in a com parSLtireJy email area. - Not a day passes but reports come is of orusnes between tne usargeets cavalry ana ppam&n infantry. Tfce Cslsslswsrs Appelated Wshtsotox, Jan. 1 President Ciere- land today announced tbe appointment of toe eoetoeta nooBdary commission follows: lmdj frewer, of Kansas, associate justice of the United Stab Richard H Alrey, of Maryland, chief jaal tioe of the court of appeals of the District oj oiumoia; Andrew D White, of New 1 o; trederick K Coudert of New York, aai Inote v uuman, ot Maryland. & nth Afrtesua War LERUx.Jan. 1. A cable dispatch r- vc im sac uviu i reioria says a rising nas occurred at Johannesburg;. It is added tbat 800 mote armed men belonging to the iwiusu t-nancrea company crossed the frontier yesterday, and that President Kruger is determined to defeat th innd- ersoyiorceof arms. A conflict between the Boers and English is expected totnor- IV w . BaRIJX, Jan. 1. The news of rha inn. sion ot tne iraasraal rvpubUc by an armed British force has created a decided sensa tion here. Tbe Kruea Zeitnnar nan -Enankns uwwue greea ana oaa taita Today it inca; yesierMy it was South Ameri ca. The inraaion of the TransrasJ hr Dr. Jamieson and tbe forces of the British bouth African Company, all the newspa pers declare, constitutes a serious and ua- tustitiahle breach of peace, against which Germany must protest. A Bad Wmt. SSATTLS. Jan. 1 The schooner Dwood. Captain E E Wyrnan. is a total wreck in AUtska. It is tbe worst stury of ship wreck to reach Seattle for a year. One sailor was drowned and the remainder of tbe crew only reached shore after one of the bra rest tights against the elements that nas ucvn recorueu ta uis suiuata ot uo Northwest ouast. A Big Terd.'ct. Tacom a. Wash , Jan. 1 The city ot Tacoma was today awarded a verdict of $S7,ftOO. as damages, against tbe Tacoma Light & Water Company, for alleged mis- Light & Water Cw irenUUoilail(1 purcbase of , light plants in l$a traud, resulting m tbe the waur and altrin , light plants in l&B tor 1,750,000. Money to Loan. f ar m seLTty. ' 8 N.StDUstACo. tWHITE, in tinr I 1 1 in iuu "- B. McSEILL, Becssver. TO THE E A errs tb choicx ot TvVO TRASSCONTISENTAt R OUTE zeeat union HORTHERfi PACIFIC VTA SPOKANE KIKKEAPOUS DENVER OMAHA A KANSAS CITY AVP ST. PAUL fjLWK ?TE TO ALL eastern cities OCEAX STEiMKKS EAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAVg SAH FRANCISCO For rail details call Cuaaa & Moswth, Albany. Or OWADUK1VS: . W R BUBLBUKT. 7' Gss't Pas . Aaaa-i " V-"' PORTLAND. OK. EAST AND-SOUTH TTA TMF SHASTA ROUTE " or THE Southern Pacific Co. OaEiara express Tcafra jsw rVnta Pagjr. Roajaa-t. l&S ISarft ScMr. - Lr tttfis! La frm mi Ar rMTUasst Ar' sa m SVitMT Ar I t 4 a Abwi trail eoo at E ist P TtUaJ Oreirjo Cit. Wxyih'. Sdita. Tirwer Xanon. Jeff-sr. A bmr. V t)' Ji too, TAizeat, Sbadl. Hi?y -tajes CrtwweU, Drain, oal ail rtainns from Rosebarg wth to and c!a l'tn? Vihland aoasnraa naiv,ra&v SSSaa k tt j lt k.ra 1 ar AT" Lt j its Ui is Mf sail sal Ar "I Lt! te-as.r Sa S.M CSC sas riU valAx Arl t 1 - PUtLMAr BrJrTfT SLEEP ESi ATD Dininar Cars oa Ogdsn Route SECOND-CUSS SlEtnMS CARS AtsawaMal all Ykrasurh Tratwa Trs Wfs-KAsam. f-sBTAASS Ast fast At Asa anv nil saw? (KxcafSSsncar -SSaw I Itllrsl Lt Ar raaJ ArlSt LtIIJA L'llS Express -rain dsily (except Sunday) at Albar.- and Corral is oonect with train of O C E- Ry. Ar rara Ar kMiatiL Tickets an Mint ta tto Aran AiJ. . KOKHUU Naaaarar rott'acd wT4J THROUGH TILKiTS to the EAST Tia the Onion Pacific System. Through Pullman Palace sleeper Tourist sleepers and Sew Reclinin Chair cars TU1LY POBTLASn TO CHICAGO. Trains heated t teu. aa dears light ed by Pintech Light. Time to Chicago 3H days, time to Sew York H days, which is many hours quicker than all competitors. For rates, time tables and full infor mation, apply to Craan MoJrrwnw, agents, Albany, Or. - O - R W Baxtox. C E Baows, Gea'l Agent, DistPasaAgt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. 120 DOLLARS PER f.lQNTH In Youi Own Localct ssade easily and honorably, without ear al. during your spare hours. Any ma -man, boy, or girl cad do the work band sy, without experience. Taikln a- necessary. Kothing like ft for too snaiiug ever offered be for. Ourwornerr always prosper. Xo tfrae wasted ia teaming the bushtess. We teach yva is . a night now t succeed from the fir hour Yoa can make a trial wHbout ej neusfe to yourself. We start yon, fnrntsi everything needed t carry on the bus ac3s successful , and guarantee j against failure it yon ut follow out almple, plain Instruct kins.- KesuW, V yoa am In need of ready money, an, want to know all about the best paytnit easiness before the public, send us jr"" audress, and we will niaU yoa d mciit giving yoa all the particulua 1 RUE & CO.f Box 400 Augusta. Malr a Dr. Price's Cream Baklns Powder AwsrtM GcU Madsl MiSwauas f M rwa a ,..rrr!r7.-rws