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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
Washington Letter. From our regular CorrsspcradsBW Washington, Dec. 30th, 1895. Speaker Reed was given a taste ot what eort o! a job he has on his hands when that bond bill was pat through the house, and the result was probably one olthe worothalf hoars he ever spent. He won, and the bill went through by a majority of thirty-three, but il the vote could have been put off until today it is believed he would have lost and the bill have been defeated, instead of being sent over to the senate to die by being smoth er ea uy amenamems. ai was w vu incidsnc that the revolting republicans were mostly McKinley men. It was on the contrary a very plain intimation to Mr Reed that the McKinleyites intend to make things unpleasant for him when ever they get an opportunity. Another notable thing about this short but sharp ekirmiah was the indication of an un derstanding having been reached be tween the Reed and Allison republicans of the house. Mr Reed is doubtless very glad that the house concluded to make this week a holiday. It will give him time to pull himself together and ar range his program. Congress has by a joint resolution which passed without opposition au thorized the Secretary of the Navy to accept the ram Katahdin, which was re jetted by the president for failure to make the speed required in the contract, at the contract price, it having been shown that the builders were not to blame, they having constructed the ves sel on government plans. Representative Johnson of California is one of the republican members of the house who openly kicked against the bond and tariff bills forced upon the majority of the house by the will and power of Speaker Reed. Mr Johnson voted for the tariff bill under protest, but he with forty-six other republicans refused to vote for the bond bill, which he declared gave the lie to every princi ple and precept of the republican party There is little donbt in the minds of " many that a majority of the democrats in the house want Reed to get the re publican nomination for president. Why doesn't matter at this stage of the game. A prominent demociatic member nf the house says this feeling is so strong among the democrats of that body that he believes they would not hesitate to help Reed if it became probable that any . of his opponents for the nomination were trying to put anything through the house for the purpose of handicap ping Reed before the Republican Nation al Convention, if such help was needed to beat the scheme. Needless to say it isn't love for Reed which actuates them Senator Voorhees says be doesn't see " the need for upsetting the business of the country by a prolonged debate on the tariff bill that has passed the house, and that he will endeavor to get the bill to a , vote as soon as possible. The senate committee on Finance will take up the bill at once, and of iu action Senator Voor hees, who was chairman of the committee. under the democratic organization of the senate, Kfc "I think the bill will be re ported back to the senate almost immedi- ately. But, then, you can't tell what wil happen. There are some crumbs lying around, and every protectionist is after all he can get. There is no disposition on the part of democrats to delay action on the bill. If delay comes it will be from the other side." Senator Voorhees, is of course.- strongly opposed to the bill. Motherhood. The following is from the Pacific Em pire. It is one view of a subject people are talking about: The near approach of the time for tne execution of Loyd Mont gomery, tne unfortunate victom of unto ward conditions who awaits his doom for the murder of his father, mother and friend in the Albany jail, makes the publication of Fanny L. Francher's "Motherhood" story as it appears in this week's Empire, exceptionally op portune. advanced science teaches mac every permanent propensity, whether for good or evil, is enetauaped upon the inner consciousness of the embryotic infant by the temporary conditions that surround motherhood during gestation. If this knowledge were properly implanted in the mind of every child as soon as it at tains the years of discreation, men and women would surround themselves with snch conditions as would enstamp the very existence of children with love, con fidence, joy oneness and celf-ecnlrol. Every mother of a moral or mental monstrosity knows, whether she would admit the fact or not, that somewhere, on some occasion, or may be constantly dining the gestatory period, she was the victim of surroundings, impressions, and circumstances of which the erring son or daughter is the teceesary reflex. False mcdeety, which is only another name for prurience, must step aside before the anvancing dawn of enlightenment -juiow myself is an injunction wan a deeper mr aniug than appears upon the surface. "The proper study of mankind is man," said an immortal bard of the by-gonejeenturies, and the world will go on repeating the axiom till all who reason can comprehend its lull signifi cance, and stop their part, at least, of the grt-at tragedy of wrong conditions nnder which evil-doeis are born. "What is man's greatest need?" asked Principal David E. Gadds, of Grammar School No. 4, of several hundred boys and girls, ranking in age from 7 to J2 years, a :ew davs since. Up went Ki tie hands in all paits of the room, but to a little girl in one of the front row of sea's, who seemed particu larly eager to answer, Principal Gaddt said: "Well, little girl, what do you think is man's greatest need?'' "Soap and water," was the p-oud and confident reply. Even Principal Gadds could not refrain from indulging in a hearty laugh, which spread all over the school room, so con tagious was it. Exenange. A prosperous national future demands that the government be run on business principles, in economy and in the de tails of the work ; ditto as to the state government; ditto as to county affairs; ditto as to city matters- That is not the style though. Officials are paid several times what they would make at other things, and twice as many are employed as a man would employ in business, and an nnneceEsary red tape is resorted to that is excruciating. Walla Walla people were greatly ex eiled overs temporary rise in wheat of I about 0 cents. It didn't last though. It is about time some new woman laieed a regiment for the Venezuela war. Be-e islnn opportunity to obtain distinction. Mayor Flinn's Farwell Address. Gentlemen of the common council : Permit me as we are about to sever our official relations, to express to you my thanks for the manner In which you have discharged your official obligations, for the harmony of your deliberations and for your provident and economical management of the affairs of the city. Through your effort the city has secured to itself the benefit of the road wore or road tax amounting yearly to over $2500 vhirh tnnntl aum will increase as the ...lth and nonulation of the city in- Maddens 'I'hia rrvn IBT. II lUUlUIBIIV OA- I VIVMCOI - v- a I hi nnnr aonod avatem cf street the improvement will in a few years put the streets of the city in a good condition tor i nnhii. travel, which i a result greatly to r . , be desired. v I v. Aik.. Kalavaerneawnen it is ended, m conclusion vs rendition, 1U9 OUCCIO i '" II owing chiefly to a want of any system "" w"'"u" vu" ,u . , m" r.v,.J!' . .h.m. rntil presiding officer, and for the re- ora .de hPectrul consideration given by each of : .i1d for carrv- yoatoth opinions of your Mlow conn- " ""j - inn off the surface water. During tne wet season it has betn the custom of everr one to dump one or more loads of oravel in front otibisown door or place of business and next to tne siaewais, iust where the gutter ought to be, often making it higher than the adjoining natt of the street, m m to give a dry place near his premises. This ha Been practiced to such an extent mat iu aides of the streets where the gutters hnnlrl ha ua much the highest, and the center, being the lowest, is a recep tide for the surface water and is always a bad condition. During the past year, under your direction, the street annerintendent has rounded up the streets and opened the gutters in a por tion of the city. Where thia has been done the streets are very much improved and their condition is in marked contrast with the others. The care and improvement of streets and sidewalks is the moet important business of every city, tltw to care for thorn in the beat manner with the least expense, has been and is the principal study of all city authorities, r-o ouier item of city expenses w as large as mat required for the building acd keeping ia repair of streets and eideaalks. For this reason the system of improvements to be adopted should be carefully con sidered, and the methods of making such improvements diligently studied One does cot'learn the best methods of road building by intuition; it requires thought, research, investigation. . Theneonleof the united States are beginning to find out that good road building was not generally understood. Recently numerous essays, pamphlets and books have been written on this nbiect. "Good Road" societies have been organized for the purpose of con sidering the better methods of oad building forgiven localities or conditions. On this subject Mr. Morton, the secre tary of agriculture, in Lis last annual re port says: "Improved road construction ia progressing in many of the states, notably in Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina and Kentucky ; more than half of the states have passed new road laws within the past year and there is a general effort to ascertain the best methods of developing tLe roads. Some of the stales have passed laws directing that their highways be con structed upon improved plans and by improved methods. The last legislature of Massachusetts appropriated $400,000 for the construc tion of highways on a new system,' and this new system was such an improve ment on the old it at once won each uni versal public favor that the republican and democratic state conventions both recently declared in their platforms in favor of good road and the new system. And it is claimed that the Higfaway Commissions" of that'state will recom mend to the next legislature that one million dollars be appropriated for the continuance of the work nnder the new system. Within the last few years numerous road machines have been invented, of more or less merit, for grading, rolling and other work connected with the con struction of roads and streets. Large factories have been built and millions of dollars expended in the manufacture of improved road machines best adapted for the naee intended. Notwithstanding this spirit of progress that ia abroad, oar own fair city of Albany still relies upon and adheres to the primitive im plements,' the pick and shovel, with which to make her road improvements. The poor condition of onr streets is owing in part to the imperfect and de fective provisions of our former city charter and partly to a total disregard of its most essentialand important provis ions in street construction. By your wise suggestion better and more liberal provisions for tbe improvemeLt of the streets were inserted in the city charter passed by the last legislsture. These provisions, together- with tbe annual road tax secured to the city, affords the means of a thorough and systematic im provement of our streets. Albany bas over twenty-five miles of streets to be drained and about seventy, eatch baains connected with the sewers to aid in car rying off the surplus water. Until re cently no gutters were opened and the catch basins were useless. Under your direction tbe street superintendent has opened np about one mile of gutters and connected them with the catch basins with very marked improvement to the streets where tucb work bas been done. If the system of street improvement in augurated by yoa is carried out with improved methods, in a few years the streets of Albany . will be in excellent condition. I congratulate you because for tbe first time in eight years, notwitbstand-: ing the larxe amount of street improve ment accomplished during tbe past year, the expenditures of the city during tne j year 183a have been kept within its in come, which appears from the repoitof the city recorder. No individual . can prosper when his expenditures exceed bis income ; neither can a city, a state or a nation. A city, like an individual, must live wh bin its income, otherwise It is only a question of time when bankruptcy will ensue. It appears from the recorder's report ol the financial condition of the city, that the outstanding city warrants Jan. 1, 1896, are as follows: Bridge warrants. ..$ 0073 88 Linn Co. warrsut for interest.. &.0 00 General warrants prior to 181)4 113 00 Warrants for 1894 14 00 Warrants for J 895 159 30 ; Total .-..10,559 93 fo pay which the city had on baud money balance in the city treas ury Jan. 1. 1890... 7941 98 Excess of warrants without int erest over money on hand. .2617 95 Total $10,559 93 About $3009 of interest is claimed on the outstanding warrants. '",7 Tbe payment of the bridge warrants, to-wit: 19073 98 was enjoined at tbe suit of one of our citizens on the ground that the contract for . building the bridge was illegal and void, and on the further ground that neither tbe contract nor the city ordinances provided for the pay ) mentof interest, 1 am informed by the attorneys of the plaintiff that their client would dismiss the suit if the defendant would accept the principal. As the matter is before the courts it would be unseemly to dis cuss its merits here. Should the bridge company prevail as to the interest and prinsipal, the indebtedness of the city over and above its bonded indebtedness will be over f 5600. It it should prevail as to the principal and, not as to tne interest, the indebted- ness of the city will be $2617 83 over and enBwnW as sj wvaavaws asavsvi wvuuvo"i ... bridge company .fail as to horn pnn cipal and interest, t lie city could pay off omer ouis anumg warrants auu .. wao U3 in its trearu.y j ! V vu uunaiiuo u uuij u you lor your ainu auu .t . Li... oilmen in the management of the busi ness of the city when not in harmony with your own views. In this way the performance ol public duties is relieved of many of its unplets ant features and the public interests are best promoted and served The Food Question. Editor taaocra: The young lady who organized the Vegetarian Annex at the Columbia Ex position, has given np her bright pros pect of a brilliant artistic career in order to try and make the world a little better than what she found it Basing her opinion on those of the me Jical experts who have etcdied the drink question in relation to diseases, she labors by organ izations and by pectorial tectures, to introduce a more nutritious and a more natural diet than that in vogue. At the time of the hue and cry about the over-pressure of the schools in Lon- don. She was convinced that the true ft, of the case were under feeding, ratjier than over pressure. Miss May Yatea was largely instrumental in organ- king the half-penny (one cent) dinners of vegetarian soup and whole wheat bread and cake for the children.' The resolution drafted by Dr. Benja mins Ward Richardson was adopted at the last World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and Miss Yates was made head of tbe department known as the" Worlds Food Reform DeoartmenU'' , This was instituted, the Resolution says, because "it is now recognized that inebri ety is continually the result of diseased con ditions, produced in a large measure, by injudicious and insufficient diet.' All parents would do well to study the lines of this subject, so as to understand that a rich and over plentiful table does not necessarily provide the sort of nourishment required to build up a hearty constitution in the growing child, and enable him to throw off the seeds of disease, that of in ebriety as well as others. L. Carlisle's Bond Circular. "Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of tbe secretary of the treasuiy at Wash ington, until 12 o'clock noon, Wednes day, February 5, 1S96, for tne purchase of one hundred millions dollars ($100, 000,000) of United States 4 per cent cou pon, or registered bonds, in denomina tions of fifty dollars (50) and multiples of that sum, as may be desired by bid ders. The right to reject any or all bids ia reserved. The bonds will be dated February 1, 1596, and be payable In coin 30 years after that date, and will bear interest at 4 per ten lam per annum, pay. able quarterly, in coin ; bat all coupons maturing; on and before February 1, 1SX, will be detached. Purchasers will be required to pay in United States gold coin or gold certificates for the bonds aearded to them, and all interest accrued thereon after the first dsy of February, 1896, np to the time cf application for delivery. "Payments for the bonds most be made at tbe treasury of ibe Coiled States at Washington, or at the sub-treasuries, at New Yoik, Boston, Philadelphia, baV timore, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis or New Orleans, or they may be msdeat ban Francisco, with exchange on New York, and all bids must state what de nominations of bonds are desired, and whether coupon or registered, and at what place they wilt be paid lor. "Paymert may be made by install ments, as follows : "Twenty per cent (20) upon receipt of notice of acceptance ot bids, and twenty per cent (20) at the end of each ten days thereafter ; but all accepted bidders may pay tbe whole amount of their bids at any time, not later than the maturity of the last installment. ''The bonds will be' ready for delivery on or befoie February 15, 1S00. "notice is hereby given that if the is sue and sale of an additional or different form of bond for tbe maintenance of the gold reserve shall be authorised by law before February 5, 1896, sealed propos als for tbe purchase of snch bonds will also be received at tbe same time an j place, and np to tbe same date, and, up on the same terms and conditions here in set forth, and snch bids will be con sidered as well as the bids for the four per cent bonds herein mentioned " .Albany newspaper men have their hands full keeping track of tbe p's and qs ot business; but in Salem the boys are more versatile and spread out in all lines part'cnlarly agricultural. Bofer ia a regular strawberry expert; Govenor Fletcher can raise a blizzard in the worst kind of soil and brother Irvine attends strictly to sgricultnrsl matters during the state fair. According to the Poultry Journal they have all got a new fad : Just think of it. There are tbrea chick en editors in Salem besides tbe one on the Journal. Claris Irvine of tbe States man, Col. Hoferof the Capita) Journal, and Gov. Fletcher of the Independent. The first runs a Goldbug newspaper, the second a Silverbug, and the third well its Gov. Gletcher's paper.' We could put up with these political scbeemers and give them lull sway io their partic ular field ot journalism; but here, they have all got the chicken fever, and they have got it bad. We can pass riofer by without comment es he has just received a hundred dollar breeding pen of fine fowls from the east, aud this will fully atone for some of our thunder he has stoltn. But great Inciter, what nre we going to do with Irvine or the Statesman. It was but a short time ago that he was telling us through the columns of the Statesman all about the "itensified htn." We made a professional call on Claire and found we had a very bad case of hen fever on our bauds. It wss really- ma lignant. As lo the Governor, well; what can we do tor him anyway? Our pro-1 fesaional visit to his editorial sanctum came to naught, and no wonder ; what coulJ 00 t'pected of ns on finding a ben man just from the wilds of Dakota where th gentle breezes of that mundane sphere turns the feathers of the finest imported Flymoulh Rocks, in fifteen minutes after entering that promised land, into one of the highest scoring that Frlszled fowls in America. A number of the papers of the valley are predicting that because linger Her mann failed to get the chairmanship of the river and harbor committee he will be defeated for nomination for congress man this year. This is mostly smoke. When the convention meets at Albany in a few months Mr Hermann will be nominated on the first ballot it not by acclamation. The Dsvocrat states this fact as a matter of news for the benefit of several papers that are making.tbem- selves miserable. When he is nominat ed the Democrat would like to see him defeated. MISFITS. A Fortlaud woman has been divorced five times. Another evidence ot the inequalities of life. Ata mask ball in McMinnville one of the characters was Trilby, taken by a man What, no women with big enough feet, not one who came from Chicago or Salem. Oregon's famous De Moss family, who have been playing to the crooned heads of buropa, have returned to the U. S. and are in Pennsylvania. De Moss probably came raes kj get a cieau sum. There are numerous office holders draw ing large salaries that could not earn t-50 a monin at tne present time it thrown upon uieirown resources. roniana welcome. A good deal in that generally. Talk abont hiirh taxes. Colfd. Wash ington, takes the lead with 43 mills, just about twice what Albany people pay, being county and state 30 milts, special scnool, i4 mills, city, 154 nulls. The assessment there is high also, being $11, 23t,3?5 in the county. j A Gkstlemas who baa been through the valley towns a good deal says Albany is tbe aost pleasant city of all. Demo crat Perhaps no other city in the valley treated him so well, and we might add. so often. Post. The gentleman is always treated well, but not often. His was not a liquid opinion. Here is a ioke on the editor of the Pa lem Journal or perhaps one of the com positors. The paper says "President Cleveland will issue his nest bonds to the Armenian people." Of course the "American people" is meant. The non-advertising merchant depends solely upon bis friends for business. The advertiser ia continually inviting the whole community to do business with him and giving his reason for its sup port, Li ttie wonder he gets tbe most trade. Ex. Three Walla Walla voung men at tended a masquerade ball in Daytoa New Year's eve, disguised as convicts and made quite a hit. Some man in Walla Walla, however, telephoned to the sher iff to arrest the three escaped convicts, and they were taken from the ballroom to jail, where they were kept two hours. They appreciate the joke, now that it is over. The Prkoctut azreea with the Saiera Journal that the tate Board of Eonm!- i ration is a humbug and should be abol- isnea. iney are a daisy crowd. Tbey even charged $10 a day for Sundav. and yet they mixed things np where mere was no occasion lor II. A'joiuh the institution. The Salration armv visited the rria- oners in the county jail yesterday after noon, When leaving one of them was heard to say "They are ail saved." Tbe boys are all said to loin bearu v in the exercise conducted ior their benefited ii is prooauie uie meaioera 01 tne army oeiieve .ney nave sjade an impression. ThepnbJic will nut believe that so long aa Aioaigomerr insists upon bis Mc Ker en er version 01 uie murder. The Welcome, cf Portland, tells an in cident in which llarrv Howard, well known in Albany, and bis beet girl aere taking a bicycle ride, when both took a peat tumble. Harry's wheel elippled from nnder him and he went rolling in tbe mud. ills companion became great ly excited and the result was she, too, fell from the wheeL Both were covered with mud from bead to foot, and repair ing to a store near by spent considerable ume in cleaning op. finally Uiey pre- i a paruauy respectable appear ance, ana mounting uieir wneeii tuned ior uome. me iiEMocKAT baa no ul-will against Loyd Montgomery, iust as nlain Lnvti Montgomery; but as the murderer of his parents and Mr. ilcKercher we bate a right to speak out in favor of prompt juauL-e ior oue 01 uie worm crimes on record. Reeardleaa ot anv rnnfwimi the evidence is sufficient to satisfy the public mind of his guilt. Tbe times de mand examples not only as a matter of justice, but as an assistant in preventing crime. Did the nubHc for a moment tw. lieve he only killed McKercber because ne killed bis parents the public eympa uiy would go out with a warmth that would astonish the unfortunate boy. But tbe public cannot believe it. There is nouiing in the circumstances to justify such a thing. The Pemoomt has no spite against any one; but it is the ene my of crime. loe Albany Furniture Co. will ait at those who make cash purchase f them during December in procuring suitable uwuuay prenenm. or each dollar s worth of goods bought toe nnrchaw i -niiHH to 12 cenU toward any of those artistic baskets shown by them. Thus an $3 pur- whuw enuues you 10 a dollar's wurth of baskets, bee tbem and tie convinced of neir ouiuy and beauty. BUDS, Society buds, young wo men just entering the door of soci ety or woman hood, require the wisest care. To be beautiful and charming tbey must have perfect hcailh, with all it implies a clear sein. rosy cbeeks. bright eyes and good snirita. At this period the young woman is especially sensi tive, and many Bervoua troubles, which continue through life, hare their origin at this , j l . . ume- 1 there be pain, headache, backache, and nervous dis turbances, or the general health not good, the judicious use of medicine should be employed. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Freasrlp tion ia tbe beat restorative tonic and cerv ine at this time. The best bodily condition results from iu use. It's a remedy spe dally Indicated for those delicate weak nesses and derangements that afflict wo. tnenkind at one period or another. You'll find that the woman wbo has faithfully used the " Prescription " is the picture of health, she looks well and she feelt well. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic dis placements common to women, where there are symptoms of backache, dizziness or fainting, bearing down sensations, disor. dered stomach, moodiness, fatigue, etc., tbe trouble is surelj dispelled and the sufferer brought back to health and good ajunia. -WOMAN'S ILLS." Mrs. W. R. Batbs, of hlworth, Trumbull Co.. Oka, writes: tf "A few years ago IA Favorite Pmcriptii criptlon. A, i V) ten a great ?,;, Ay 1.11 iv i nam occa Dencot to tne. excellent Health now. I hope that every wo man, who Is troubled with ''women's Ills, will try the 'Prescrip tion' and be benefited as I have been." siaa. Baraa, TELEGRAPHIC. A Shanlder Hir!ker. WAsniNQTON, Jan. 7. The senate was treated today to one of Vest's characteris tic speeches. He artaigned the supreme court for the income-tax decision, lie laid the responsibility for the lock of reve nue at its door, when it exempted the "sor did wealth of the land" from taxation, tie contrasted tbe records of the present and past administrations. lie threw some light upon heretofore unknown chapters in tbe history of the McKinlev law. He donounu- ed the financial dependency of this country ana or outers upon toe moneyed influence. He attacked tbe president and tbe secre tary of tbe treasury for their proposition to retire uie greenbacks and place tne circula tion in tbe hands of the national banks; quoted Secretaiy Carlisle against himself, ana in conclusion, declared the conflict be tween bimetallism and the cold standard was irrepressible. New salens oncers. Salem. Jan. 7. At the annnal meetinir of tbe city council tonight two new coun cilmen Charles Simpson and Fred 1 -egg-were sworn in. W f Culvert wa re alli ed street supervisor; O D Hutton succeeds a 4 toss as chiet t tlie nre department; William Kinar. engineer, and lohn Dun can, driver of tbe hose cart, elected police Will Die. Jacksonville. Or., inn. 7 T!rtarlji Fieater, who drowned his wife in a pool of water along the railroad track north of ' Giant's Pass, is very bad. 11 u attending j puysirians and tne jailers say be is un questionably insane, and thnt, unless he rallies from bis present condition, he will nve out a snort uute. laaarteat Army Om Tep. IlAVAjtA. Jan. 7. Tbe influx of refugees from the whole of the country surrounding Havana still continues, and apparently it is impossible to obtain means of transporta tion to accommodate tbe fleeing families and their household goods. The country seems to be entire!? abandoned to the in surgent army, and no movement apparent ly nun vj vuecK mem. . A Ball Bwr. CmcAQO. Jan. 7. A special from n asiungwu sas: Now comes the important information from Mr Morgan, wbo bas formed, or is forming, a bond syndic!, that he will take all tbe bonds offend by the govern ment or none. This is his ultimatum. The experts in finance know what this means. ! Waaler. Loxdox. Jan. 7. Henry Norman, the special commissioner of the Dailv Chroni c'e. cables his paper from Washington as laiion: '"Tne tide of oainnn hen nsr-irJmir England teems to be distinctly turning, ow ing. I Iwiit-re, to tee Chronicle's utterances, and to England's anxious foreign crises. Many utterance of the American press prove the truth of my assertions that all the fcet American opinion is earnestly de sirous of a frietidl sett Semen L HsaefacSar. Wxsni.NGTox, Jan. 6. The aeate n nance committee bas decided to renort to tbe senate a tubotitate for the boowe bond bill in a mnuore agrsee upon by the si.ver majority The tautiluU u: "That from and after the raataure of this act, the mints of the United SUies shall be open to the coinage of silver, and there ball be coined doUars of tbe weight of 412 Ji grain, Troy, of standard silrer.nine tentht fine, as provided by the act of Janu -ary 13, l&sl. rt3c4 aa Waaalc4. Loxdox, Jan. 6. The governor of Na tal, bir WaiUr Fraoraa Healy lintchwon. telegraphs npoo Boer authority that 130 of Jamietoo's follower were kiUJ. and 37 wounded. On the Hoerside, it fat aJJ-d, three were killed, and five wounded. Toe news sirency that, Dr. Jamieaon had been wvemen i rum catiouy a( (Won 1 Otaci ally stated to be wiihmt foumLUioa. New York, Jan. 6 A special to Use Journal from Havana tais: Ibe insurgent army u with in sight of Uavaaa and the firing of muaketr an.1 cannon is plainly beanfia lie eastern sut art. The trains which can be gotten in to the aty on the few railroads not yet de stroyed by the prtrieU are loaded with ref ugees from the surrounding cities and vil fcuee. Handredsof field bands have mimt amred in Havana with their families. Some of these ea say tbey could see tbe insurgent blow up a raitroad rmdge im mediately after the train crated, within a few miles of the city. lUvaxa, Jan. 6. The Spanish official aavrtutat there is eo ixxibaoility of a fight ia the near fata.- between the Span bo troops and the imorgrat now around Havana. The captain-general is engaged in bringiag westward all tbe troops avail able, and if this movement is completed il is not thought that the attack will be com menced. Big sXaaaa rtre. Wichita. Kan.. Jan. 6 There are probably two counties ia Wasters Kamas covered by are. Tonurbt a lurid lieht was seen io the sky, obtervable simultaneously at rueoio 1.010 , and lcnita, a dutance cf dOO miles. The supposition is that there are two uumeoie praine nres in nansas, a distance of about ISO mile apart. The tajcie ha reports from 10 towns, which indicate tbe largrtfireto be in Kiowa county, and that it is of rxtt proportions Will be reaatar. WnisoTos, Jan. 6. The bond lean will be a "popular" one, and a circular, which is dated January 6, gives notice that the government will Deli 1 100,000,000 30 year 4 per cent coupon or registered bonds, dated February I, Is'Jo, for which purchas ers will be required to pay in gold coin or gold certi&caics. This wid be the first ir- soe by the present administration of such a large amount ot bonds at one time. The circular aiso contains an intimation of a rowibie further issue of bonds should the issue or sale of an additional or different form of bond lor the maintenance of the gem reserve be authorised by law before ( euro ary 6. Ifler Sleeracaa New York, Jan. 5. A special from Washington says: - "A more important Lsue than thai over the veuexueia boundary may be raised be tweea Uie united States and Great Britain if recent reports from Nicaragua shall be confirmed by later developments. Tbe sub stance of thee reports, sustained by im portant evidence, is that British interests are reaching out for the control of the Ni caragua canal, and that the sovarnmant is being urged to annul the charter to the ex isting corporation. Class la Havana. HAVANA. Ian. 5. Havana has najunl a day of nervousness and anxiety, and has been in hourly apprebensicn of an attack by tbe insurgent army or a part of it. Yes terday, the Land commanded by Nulet and liermudes were seen at Mamurua. a vil lage not more tban 12 miles from Havana. 1 be advance of Gomez bevond Matanano bas cut the telegraph aud cable communi cation with tbe eastern part of tbe island, upon which Campos principally relied for directing his forces in Santiago de Cuba, Puerto Principe and Santa Clara. A Baker Caaaty Tragey. Bakkb Citv. Or.. Jan. 4 News rear li ed nere today from Pino Valley that Mr 41 ache, his wife and son were killed New l ear s day by a man named 1 orter. Jan. 5 Portpr. the nnrnetrntnr nf Hi horrible triple tragedy committed in Pine Valley, Union county New Year's day, passed through Sparta yesterday, having been bound over to await tbe action of the grand jury at Union. One hundrml dollars wa raiseu oy tne innauitanis or rine val ley for the defense of Porter, who seems tn be hold in good repute. Wheal at Walla. Wau.a Walla. Wash.. Ian 4. There bas been considerable excitement over a sudden jump in the prioa of wheat from 39 to 45 cents here today. A large amount was sold at 4li cents, and it was renortnd that several lots of extra choice bluestem were dispaied of at 47 cents. Local deal ers state that they do not believe the ad vance will be permanent, as there is noth ing in the market to warrant it. Louis Viereck has secured the hois ris-lit of Linn, Marion and Benton Co. for the sale of Dr. White's Hair Grower. Parties desiring treatment will do well to consult him at his nlace of business or address box 421, Albany, Linn Co., Or. 11 you want a sure relief for pains in the back, aide, chctt, or hmbs, use an ... . . Bear in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita tions is as good as the genuine. ress Ladies & Umbrellas, Underwear, Hosiery For just 11 TRY READ, PEACOCK & CO. F0RTMILLER & lEVING I I TE KEEP constsntlv on hand a full line V coffin. Also burial robes and suits. In troadcioiss atJn,cshm-r. t.!ch will be sold at Tbe fewest EMBALMING and ibe proper HASOMC TKHfLE HO EXTRA CHARGE FOR aw -jaw a . jasa- mmhi-) tr?y Sfflaay-:J C 1 ur m i. i.CUlUIb.u4M UUMBi a Mci aRLAAK. UrnttfHW I THE KINQ CURE OVERALL FOR TVl I t-j AT .rrLTT A ALBANY CiGAR FACTORY J. JOMiPII. Fire InsuranceJ.Star Baker) j 'rsoU Kt YOUR PROPERTY 'i la the Old Hartford, tbe New York fn- derarilers Aeoryor any one of tbereli- j olJ J'J!, mm m n auau nruij v- M n.w v. uw. on farm ibfuraoce. All tmtinea will bs promp'Jy attended to. OFFICE IN P- 0. BLOCK ALBANY. OR. imn-nanuKC. agency Dealers In Insurance, Wheat and Oats. We have bad more thorough training in all the branches cf insurance than any other agent in Albany, and can give you more genuine insurance (cr your money than any other agent in li.e city. District agents for the San. of London, established I" 10 A. D , I'boenix, of Lon don, A. P., U&S and "Ccritioental,'' tf New York, the only company inning a Safety Fund Policy. il. SENDERS, & Co., Met. . ALBANY Red Crown MilllDg Cc la now under the managemen Eo wwrd Goins, N. IT. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young.wbe are now prepared to furnish sacks and Receive Wheat on storage, and will pay the nigrt market price for the same. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS Cheat seed for sale or trade Free de livery. Telephone No. f X R. N Morri, Mgr Cor. 2nd and Mair. Sis. ALBANY FDBN1T0BB UU IWCOPORATHD Baltimore Block. Mbanj, FURNITURE complete line ot UNDERTAKING in all ita branches EMBALM1NQ a specialty. Residence oorcer 3rd and Calnpooia Childrens go, Fine Shoes, little money. of metadc. c o.n anu wood caskets and Llvlag FrsUU, c ire of the dead spedal'y. &L6UT OEEG03 HEARSE OR SERVICE Tula riirn-rr T ear maif. prraaaDtly M IMitou aue. WM lu.rta.rfT. Isj ot Brm.0 hn llcadacM. Vt'BMtouana. La-l Vitality. KtftUy Katl tl .1 run.. I rr .Vrtirf maA WYUr ili iml nmt4 b r r i .... y..,. Uaain asistaua StiiiiiMf mHo. Cdl.MrMxllaTnlHrtrt.81 fTl'.a Si. BT aUP- sill IS Proprietor tor BrwadalwlBi Ffrt C3XBADI UEiER, PECP2IHCB awwed rraltft? U lava aw are. Dried Fralla. 1BMseecr -sTee' rte el Heats Qseeaiaare. Vegetable Cigar -Kstieea, Tea CI. everything ibat ia kept ia eod tarietv and gro eery store. Hig et price paid frr ALL KINPcOF PIIODLCK VIERECKS SHAVJNG AN D HAI RCUTTiNG PARLORS. 4 awaaaaaasi HEADQUARTERS FOR Vv. W'liitcs jNetf ljqit Cjfoct. A bead of hair or no pa v. Cares al liseasee of tbe ecaln Addreea Box 421 for Free Treatise on tbe Scalp, Razors Honed and Set and Put in Os der on Short Notice. FOSHAY k MASON. Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSEll ERb ALBA XT, ORKOOS. Pure Drugs'andithe Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Boons in the Market. JJR. M. U. ELLIS, Physician And Surgeon. Albany, - Oregon. Treats the diseases ot the eye and ear. bpectaclca accurately fitted. 2-1 0 RECQH CENTRAL & EASTERN YAQUINA OAY ROUTS Onnnectinir at Yanmna Bav with tn San francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam hipCompany SteamsMs "FaraM" A A and first class in every respect 1 Sails rrom Yaquina tor San P-ancisco about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations !unsnrpasa ed. Shortest route between t he Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany or points wesfl San Francisco Cabik ..12.(10 Stkkracb 8.00 Cabin round trip good 60 days. . . 18.0 For Sailing Pays apply to H. L, WALriKS.Agt, Cuaa. OLARK.Snnt Albany, Or. Oorvailis, 0 Edwin Stons, man(ter, Corvallis, Or. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awanhd Gold MmUI MUwtetar Fmv Ftsaciwa, AYOUNO LADT wishes to do house work in return for lessons in Latin an bookkeeping. Inquire at DaxocaaT of Bee. TO TEADE for residence in Albans. X I have 1C lots with fair home, jost out-1 side the city limits, in good legion, .cod land, good crcbard, to trade for nsidence in suitable location in Albany. ur t? . mavrva T "ANTED. Several bust worthy gen- V V tlcmen or ladies to travel is iv, i n i.i,.;.w! 1 reliable honse. fialarv 780 and exDences. Steady position, endows reference and self- aAnrZA .n.olm. Tha Tvvminimi Com. .. Z . . - . I nan -l Klrv.. f Imoha mrfir ft ;nin I r J.. ., B, 111 I " I 1 T ANTED. A reliable, active srenlle-1 VV man or lady to travel for reliable I established bonus, balary 780, peyawe 15 weekly and money advanced for ex- penses. bituation steady, jerencee. enclose rii-ai(ireeastampea envelope. 1 11 1.' iiE-ua 1, ; .4 n fk Mm 1 hod, m. icnucub vuiwiv, 1 A MAN OE LADY TO MANAGE Dis tributing sosp samples, specialties, do cor- responding. Bena eyivan w. r wooa ward, Detroit, Mich., 10c for samples soap, etc., receive ootht oiler. B icycle. A new bicycle, 24 inch wheel, J ball bearing, pneumatic ures, lor ooy or girl, for sate cheap. Call at DntOOUT ornce. TV A ANAGEB FOB LINN COUNTY. 1V1 Mrs. George Dickinson has been made manager of Linn county for tbe Via vi Company of San tranciseo. 6be car ries a full line of their celebrated treat meat. Office at residence east side Broad albin Street between 2nd and 3d. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. M OSEY fc loan. Inquire of J. M Balston. REPAIRS BICYCLES. Fiank DkK ey repairs bicycles promptly and in a first claca manner. Breaks, pnnrtored tires, etc. fixed carrectry. At shop jost west of Y. M. C. A- hall. COME getberl Ia iti Beaara To ne bet ter to boy yonr Bread, Pies, Bolls, Cakea, etc, at a reliable store where tbey use only tbe Best material why of course i la yon dont want dyspepsia ana yoa 1 never get it by eating anytbing from 00 store. U. S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yaxdtkx. Proprieto OST. In citv Sandar. Masonic watch Reasonable re warn tor return to T. Z. Drais. GIRL WANTED. To do general honsework. steady place. Call early on J. H. Stephens, comer 7tn ac4 jdrrsuirj streets, Albany. AGtBL WANTED. To C ... foe her board and go to acnoot, ia rLsily of two. Leave word at Democrat office. STRAYED. Off from the farm of Mar ian Bark hart, near S facer, two horses, one a mare of whi'e eo'or, and horse, a grav-roan. "Ibe finder will ntease send word by postal or otherwise to St. Btzrkbart or . btnbnar. at picr. will pay ex-pence-. A TUUU MAN S3 years of age zaraued om and accnatonicd to tne una desires a attoauoa of any kind, the coun try prefered. Address Ebea Sckaxtox. Mob moo Ih IIL lAUADIAII PACI FIC RAILVAY & S00 PACIFIC LINE. Saie Honey and Time And get the best service and accommodations. Cheap Tickets too and from all parts of the "WORLD." Canadian Pacific Royal Mail Steamship 1 tne. Empress Line'' TO JAPAN AND CHINA Ine fastest and finest line on tbe Pacific Ocean. , S00 Miles Shorter than any other Trans-Pacific Line oiemLruu lrsuinsiii - Short Line to the Colonics. These vessels carry an experienced med ical man and a stea ardes on each voy age, tor rates, accomodations, pampo lecs or anv information, call on or address HBSACRY, ALLAN CAMERON Asent. Frt. A- Pass. Agent Albany Or. 1 Third St Portland, Or. GEO.Mc L. BROWN. Dist. Pass. Agent, Vancouver, B. C 0RTHERI1 11VJ PACIFIC R. R. U s Pullman Sleeping Uars, Elegant Dura g Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oars' St Paul Minneapolis Wlntb Fargo, TA Grand Forks Crookstoa Winnipeg Helena and 8utte THaOUGM TICKETS,,,,, TO Chicago Washingtou Philadelphia New Y'ork Boston and all Points East and South i T jr nformation, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write O G Burkhart, Avent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Faaa Agt Portland, Or. IS BHSTSg . MTKas4 JXXa ffl touavr eMs-aHlw Ma SaaaS J faMa I ess. Mar St. M MaHf f a" S' sgM Sam ax A 2l 1 fEVcimvi CUASD1AN SSr.LE. Notice ii hercbv srlven that 1 be under signed, the duly appointed, qualified and "ing gnirnian 01 tbe per on anarosieor -amiKfi 1. our Knurl, a minor. DVinueoi a ord er do'y made and entered of record hT X liceuMog and authorizing him a socb guardian to eli si 1 1 he riant, title and interest ot laid minor ia mrf in the oU towiog uecnied land, towit: iof unoiHiea 1-9 intern t in and lo the wiiowwg tracts ol lands: at ww i b toner 01 ibe land t t in 1. "t""B" '? "e van ior ptrtiuoe la the ?,ru.,0't ?r rD,n ?n'y. Ore .0. of i P Burkbart. et l. plaintiff vs C G Bnrk- hart. t l - t (km, M An V 1 1 n .k.: iuhu'-'S , i WW -V UJIUU-, M .ftf VIWIW. .u . VT - . thence tooth 2 14.75 chains, tbenee E 36.79 jwaim to the place of beginning. beeinnimr at the N E corner of the traet of aD ml ,part t0 c M Burkban in tbe jt fa prition In clr-uit court of Lin county. Ore eon. ofJ D Burkban. t .-I. vs u U curKhsrt, et I, it beige the centrr . . . . ...... - ot tne bntiam ditch, tbenceronBirig sooth alone (be east bouodcrv of said U M tSirk- hart's Und 63.66 chains, thence E 20.44 chains, thence N C2.V6 chains to the center of said dit:b. thence along the center thereof to the place of cezirning, con taininff 13lS acres. Will on the 4tb day of -January, 1896, at t o'clock p. m. at the front door ot tne court honse Albany, uregon, 01- fee for sale all of the interest of said minor in and tosaid lands at public auction, for cash tn hands. This toe 3rd dy of Deomber. 1S35. J. D Bcmhaet , Goadiaa of Eamuel O. Boxkhart, a minor SU&S2CX3. fa Ike GrcrnU Court of Out State ofOrtcm br the CotaUg of Lin Henry Lyons. Plain tlfL W B Barr aw? E J O'Con nor, co-partners doing bori ness under the firm name and style of O'Connor Sc Bw Defendants To E J O'Connor one of the above nam ed defendants. IN THE SAME OF1HE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the comrl "-in- filed against yoa ia tbe above entitled fclion on or before tbe first day of the rxt regular term ot the above entU-d court next louoving- the expiration ot toe pnoiteanoB ca wis summons, to-wit: on the Jrh day of March 1896, and if yon fail to assver as Herein required, the plaintiff will take judrmeat against yoa tor tne renes aeraasoea in nia eemplaint. to-wit: for jag stent ofite above esitled court againat yew for tbe sum cf 227 and inter est thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum, from the 27indayof Septemter, A- D. 1335. and for the further sum of (30 a aforuey fees heme, and for the costs and dibur men's of this action to be taxed. This service of summons is made by pebiicatian bv order of Hon H H Hewitt, joige of said cot-rt, ude at chambers tbe a-'y of Albany, 00 tne a3d day of Iee 18S5- Attys for Plaintiff. Notice. The aanoal meeting cf the stockholders of tbe Albany Creamery Association will be beta at the Albany creamery on January the 9th at I p m. tar he purpose of elect ing fire directors; and to tran-aet toch other bosiiiess aa may property eome be fore the meeting. S Fbomax, DecS, 18 president AiretD Wnzxixa, Sec DCECOrCSS K0T1CE; XoS.ce is betebv given that the under signed has been by the county coort of Dan cosaty. Oregon, duly appointed ex ecutor of the but will and tegument and eae of F H Garrett, deeeaoed. Ail persons baling claims against said estate are hereby required to present tbe same do!y verrSed to the nnder signed at bis res idence at Peciia. Lisa county. Oregon, aitbia sis months from this date. Tnis the xSth diy of I'stwnber. IS90. Eiecotur of the iat will and estate, of F M jarretl, deceased. V mjiTHEnroaD k Wtatt, Atrjs iov ececotor. EXECUTRIX MOUSE. Notice is berebv given that letters 1 tamentary have been duty is-ned ta tee undersigned in the matter cf the estate af E E Cceadle. deceased, by the coaaty coort of Linn eouaty. Oregm. -Ail pr sobs having daims agi-t said esuta are hereby notified to present thesaoMto b wadersigsed at tbe laoficeof Maotaaya Ar Hackleman within six months fnaa taa Wste of this notice. J Uated Lfec 13. lsva. M05TA5TK & HaCSXEKAX. Attys for Executrix. D E Cheadue. Birdis E St CXamx, It ha E Chcaolb, ExecnrrUea. ASSiClETS R3T1CL To all tbe creditcrs of F il Kizer. an insolvent deotor, and to all other persons whom tt may concern : Too ad each of yon are hcrtb) notified that F il Kiser, of Ii na county, Oregon, has made an assigrment to the Badersiga ed,of all bi property for the benefit of all his credit ots, under the general aa slgameot laws of the stale of Oregje; Ton and each of yoa are therefore farther bo- aned and requrad to present yooi ctaims against said asrigaor. F 31 Siior, to m nnder oath at the of&ce ot W R Bl'yeu in Albany, linn county, Oregon, within 3 months froas the date hereof. latl this I st day cf January, 1S96. J. H. VV ictje. As'gtee. STCCXRQIDESS- Notice is hereby given that by order of the board of directors of the Albany Min ing and Milling Company that a special meeting of the siockhoiders of said com pany will be held at the effic of G W Ma ton at 4 p a cf January 10th. 1SS6, fot the parpoee of antticrking the sale of their mining properties and the settling up of their affairs. Albany, Oregon, Dec, 10, "9c. C E BaowKKix, N H Allkx. SecreUry. Presuleot KDTICl' The anaua meeUog of the stockholders of tbe Sugar Pine Milt ftxture Co. will be held at their office in Albany. Oregon on Tuesday, January 14th, at a p m., for the purpose of etectieg five direc tors, and to transact any otht boswe which may property cca;e before t e meet ing Albany, Or, Dec lfkh, 1S35. C YY Seam, DBSA cstkith Secretary. Preside ASSICXEES KOUCE CF AFFCIST tSENT. Notice is hereby given that tHe under signed ba been duly appointed and has qual ihed as asaisrnee o the estate of A L Lamb aa inolvent debtor, pursuant 10 a deed of assignment duly executed and filed in de partment No 1 of the circuit court of the Sate ol Oregon for Linn county, and all persons having claim against tbe estate of mid insolvent debtor will present the same, July veriSed aa equired by law, to tbe un derslgni'd at the law office of Blackburn Somen, ia Albany, Oregon, within three months from the date hereof Fxask Matthews. A Somms, Assignee. Attorneys for assignee. MEOEF1SH U THR PLUMBER Tin loofung and plumbing. Or posits the opera house. . WANTED-AN IDLTsSJ thing to patent t Protect tottWpsji; thfy nmv bring voawaUth. Write JOHiiWSODBH BU kvN A CXX, Pata nt Attonva. Wsihi ngton. ' lAQ for lhairalJW oris eger. Or. Price's Cream BaAm Powui. -SVvM's Patf rUgaastitoaai aaS OUr