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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1896)
PJ1 JfL HVP ft jtl V7 yV As VOL XXXI. Eatared at the fast tact tlbaay. sl.riask Mall Mallrn sou vA .Cat s ArHANY nRIifinN PR IU .TATTAIJV Irt .onr: 7 ? for Infants and Children. - "Ctori la so irell adapted to chndren that I recommend It as superior to any prescription Awwatoioa" H. A. Ahchz, K. IX, 1U So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, H. Y. . "The ass of Castorta' Is so universal and tt merits so well known that it smna a work at luperarogatloa to endorse it. Few are tb Intelligent families who do not keepCastoHa within easy reach. Cakuk SUbtys, D. D New York CSty. Cutorla cores Colic, Constipation, Bout Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes dl geatlon, . Without injurious medication. Tor several years I have rscommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as It has invariably produced "HMal rentta." Eownt r. Pasdks, H. Dn 135th Street and 7th. Ato, New York Ctty. THTJRSTDAT Taa CksTAtra OoHFSxr, 77 Kusjut Btkkkt; Ksw Yobk Cm. Best work Promptnes S3 - r,Tg5g3- Tr. Office Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. P SSV3ILEY QREGGff. This is the wheel that w lU.irVel H "3;iri thi C'cViaj Atti r if Aa:.t a. -Ja-ur 2"t . 1335. over tha f Uoritg Utl: Tt h talon, dllil intii a mMk Vitiw C'ele EtiibiMot" It Is th VVAVKt,v Sccao " IU lb o?t i.l n'fnl ail tal'nl of higi -fr! i hie vela in '-hi w.jtM tol-ty. 'Van' bicycle astr -1 Ciuloja f 'en IsDtwt Bictl Co. Indianapolis. Inliaa. U. S A. fS. E. Gors. exclusive agent for Albany Gson The Buffet Car Route. and Quickest Iiine . BETWEEN - ? PACIFIC COAST POINTS, " ST. PAUL Afi'D THE EAST, Crosses both the Cascade and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording; panes gets au opportunity of viewing the GRANDEST SCENERY IN AMERIC A, Two trains daily from Portland; one at 11 a. rn , via Sii'Lla. and one at 8:55 p. m. via O. B. & N. and Spok&no, Rans superb yiipnt9nt. cj iii4.inof dining cars, baf fe library cars palace and upholstered tonribi sleepta eif. I'aa b ffjt library car are marvels of elegance an I ooinfort, containing bath room, brjir ship, eny chiir.eic THE MAGNIFICENT An 1845 New Year's Dinner. A correspondent in ths Roseburg rlaindealer tells the following : : Oar first New Year's dinner in Oregon was nariRKen m J84&, Hfty years ago, We were living on the Luckiamute in Polk county. A neighbor of ours, Green B. Smith, had lost some calves supposed to be killed by a panther. On the first of Jannary that year a half dozen of us ae sejnbied at bmitn's house to hunt, and, if possible, to find the animal and put an end to his depredations on his band of cattle. We surrounded a fir thicket of about ten acres, started a dog on his tractc and soon the animal ascended a tree for safety. David Stamp with un erring aim discharged his rino t him, and he came tumbling to the ground. Through curiosity, and to teat the qual ity of meat of said' animal, we skinned him, selected some choice portions and broiled it over hot coals ; but when the time came for feting its qualities as an article of diet, we found it most disgust ing to the sense of taste, and worse than the male meat we had eaten ol in the Cascades previously - when oat of muck-a-muck. Bo our dmnt r was at last con fined to boiled wheat and camas, lux uries that are seldom seen on the tables of epicures 'in these latter days. Old pioneers can call to mind those days of early, pioneer life and contrast them with the present manner of living, brought about through their instrumentality in their being the leaders in- the advance of civilization on this coast. Calliug to re- memDrance those early times, we wish tne surviving old pioneers a prosperous ana most nappy iew l ear. Against Public Policy. The matter of assessment of property is one of the most important before the people of Oregon, and should be discuss ed generally by the people and papers. The following is from the Pendleton E.O. The Albany Democrat savs: "The East Oregonian of Pendleton wants a law that will entitle people to buy prop erty at 25 per cent above it" assessed value. Of all proposed laws that is the most ridiculous. Many men own resi dences that they would hardly sell at any price, and it would bean injustice to compel them to pay an enormous tax .on that account." Ihe East Oregonian wants the law, just the same, in the face of the "ridiculous" objection of the Democrat. The "residences" that are owned by "many men," who would not sell them at any prii-e. would not !ind purchasers at an "enormous" figare un der such a law as the East Orevonian wante. However, the law would so raise the assessment values and limit the value of property needed for public purposes that the whole people would be greatly benefitted by it and the present aniust method ol assessment would be freatly improved by ir. The law wanted y the East Oregonian is worthy of be ing given a trial, tne Democrat to the contrary notwithstanding. nevertheless such a proposed law would be against public policy. The DniocitAT thouch. would be in favor of a law uiat would make assessments equal the state over; if anyone can de vine such a law. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. vve are here to please you. II every king is not O. K. kindly let us : know We are not selling t cost but at moder ate profits. We can furnish yon any v1 thing in the harness line at lowest prices See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips POWKB ft TOMUNBOK Capt. E. J. Lanning has just rf turned trom a trip to California. The oldest dauchter of Mr. John Brush ot uregon city, is in tne city on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Humphrey came up irom i oruana tins noon. Miss Zulu Winn left on last night's overland for Southern California, where ane win spend tne winter. Mr. Geonre U. Piper, of the Oregon ian sian wm leave on to-nnrbt'e overland tor ean ranciscon a ten;daya trip. Misses Ora Spangler and Martha Avery, wbo have been visiting in the city, returned to tneir Homes in corval- iis this noon. Mrs. P. K. Woodford, stenographer in President Curtis' office, has returned Uorvauis and Twin steamships, "Northwest"' and Friday for the "Poo." Makinae Northland. ' leave Dulatb every Monday and Island, Detroit, Cleveland and ' Buffalo in connection with the Gnat Northern Railway. Have yoar ticket read via the NORTHERN STE4MSH1P COMPANY and enjoys delightful ride free from the beat and dust For tickets and general infurmation call on or address R. C. STEVEN3. G. W. P. A., A. B. C. DENNISTON, C P; & T. A. 612 Front St, Seattle, Wash. 122 rd St., Portland O University of Oregon 1895-1896. The University of Oregon, Eagene, Oregon, offers tree tuition to all stneents Young men can obtain board, lodging; heat and light in the dormitory for f 2.50 rwr week. Eoomeri furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with hnnrti in nrivate families at S3.00 per week. Yoang women deeirin? hoard should address Prof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Chris tian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate degrees, Bachelor ot Arts, tsacneior 01 dvmsucb ami uacueior 01 Luera vritn correspond in courses of stady. The following shorter courses are aleo offered: An Englisi coarse leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title radsate in English : an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to tne degree master of pedagogy; a three years course in civil engineering leading the degree of civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical equ ation leading to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is payaole in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those ; having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory departm honld address the Dean, N.L. Narregan, Eugene. , - : For catalogues and information address v. H. Chapman, President, or J. J aiton, Secretary, Eagene, Oregon, -;.- from her holiday visit in Albany. Aatonan. . Mrs. W. W. Rowell returned Tester- day from her trip to California accomp anied by her cousin Mr. Vivian Hoxley, of San Rafael. W. L. Vance, the well-known wheat buyer of Albanr. was a visitor in the Genital Citv. vesterdav. retnrninir hnnw on last night's overland. Statesman. Mrs. Frankie Cornell, of Jefferson, is in the city. She is the wife of Wilbur Cornell, one of the best known newspa per men on the coast, who is now in the Yukon mining country of Alaska. Salem Journal. Judge and Mrs. H. II. Hewitt and Miss Olga Hewitt, left on last night's over land lor San Francisco. Miss Olga will enter Mills Seminary, taking special courses in music and painting. J ndse and Mrs. Hewitt will remain about two weeks. A reception was tendered Mi? Alita Arrick last night at the home of Hon J. K. Weatherford. A good gathering of yoang people were present and spent the evening enjoyably. Miss Arrick will re main several weeks the guest of Mr. and Mrs. eartieriord. A letter received bv Parker Brothers toda from their brother Harry Parker stated that he had just had a leg broken and would be laid np for several weeks. He had been working in the road house of the U. P. at Rawhngs, Wvo and was running along by the track, when he stepped in a pit, breaking the leg. He reports ternmc weather, cold and dis agreeable. As Judge Burnett is a semi-Albany man we give the following from the Sa lem Journal : About forty of the friend of Judge and Mrs. George U. Burnett gathered at their elegant new home on High street last night to celebrate the 10th anniversary ot their marriage. An exceedingly pleasant time was enjoved, dancing being one of the principal feat- mres, ana not ontu long alter the ew Year was ushered in did the merry throng disperse. Mr. Fred Floed, second dvpaty in the customs service, has resigned, owing to continued ill-health, and Mr. William b. rniunan has been promoted to fill the vacancy. Mi. Floed has been connected with the customs service for three years. The resignation of Mr. Floed and the promotion ol Mr. Pnllman will make several changes in. the castonv-bonse.bat tnere wui tne only one new appointee taaen irom tne list ot eligible candidate on the civil service list. It is very prob able that Michael Harris and B. L. Nor- dan, both clerks in the office, will be promoted. Telegram. On the Divide. Jan. 1st, J896. Ernest Macy is visiting at Monmouth. Ervin Grimes and Haltie Derapey will return to Lebanon Saturday. Miss Melcine Cavenees is visiting at Mr. Phi!potis. She expects to visit here tor some time. Mrs. Vedder, of Marion Co., is vixiting with her daughter, Mrs. Willard Sim mons. She came Saturday and surprised airs, bimmons- Mr. Davenport has a brother visiting I r Ullll. W infield Aliinghani returned to his school kt Lebanon Saturday after a weeks visit wim nis parents. Mrs. Campbell has been harinir thn cuius out is better now. Todd and Cliff Abrams. of Crawfords- vtlle, are visiting at Monroe Philpotu. Will, Anna and ZaGrimes are spend ing their vacation at home. They will return to Eugene Saturday. Mrs. B. E. Grimes gave a New Years dinner to about twenty-five relatives and friends. The dinner was one of tboee sumptuous affairs that she knows so well how to prepare. The cars killed eight head of sheen for John tirimee this week. Dick Morris baa been boyinz cattle in this ceighborhood this week. Miss Short, of California, is vigitiAg ber sister, Mrs. A. Springate. She in tends to return in about a month. The Christ mas tree at the school hoae was a decided success. There was a full house in attendance and Old Santa Clans remembered the old folks as well as the children. The program was an excvlk-nt one especially the children part. The yoang people of the neighborhood bad a very ecjojable time at the Watch party at Mr. Simmons. Social games were participated in until a late hour ; then lunch was served. After watching the old year out and the new year in the guests departed pronocincing this one of the mott enjoyable evenings ol the bo.-1 idays. S. 8. The Linn County Raise. Following is the complete result of the action of the elate board of equal iaa'ion in reference to Linn county: City lou. raided 8 per cent; merchan dise, 10 per cent; cattle, 30 per cent; roiang stock, a per cent; sheep SO per cent. Other kinds of property remain the same. The total raise in the county will amount to nearly $300,000. The state tax on this will probably be $1000 tosizuu. n niie una county gets uited this way the whole state is lowered sev eral million dollars on the aaaeswment. GOODS FOR THE MINES, The grccjiy department of 8."E, Young's store presented a wholesale ap pearance today. The clerks were bui preparing about 15,000 pounds of goods for shipment into theLawler mines. The goods consist of beans, bacon, bams, su gar, canned goods, etc, in (net the win ter's supply for the miners in the Lawler mines. A shipping order was also given Stewart & Sox for- large quantity of powder. These goods will go tomor row morning, and be taken at once into the mines. Through the energy of Mr. Lawler the mill machinery has been taken far enough to insure its arrival 'at the mines in a few days, the weather of the last lew days being favorable for the work, ho t. was finally decided to push the winter and spring work regardless of snow. Tne company has an immense supply of ore on hand, in fact all the bins are filled, so that as soon as the mill is put in position in the building await ing ll, won can ue pusueti irom uie very start. The first cleanup will tie watched with great interest, as it will then be es tablished irom actual experience what tho ore will pay. It is thought to be rich, and there is no doubt that the re sult will be very satisfactory. It will probably only take a few moaths run to pay all the expenses the company has been too. All this means a great deal to A! ban v. the center of supplies, and operations for the mines. Fickle LoyJ Montgomery. George U. Piper, of the Oregon "an. last night, while in the cily waiting for the overland to leave for California, made Loyd Montgomery his third visit, i George has completely gotten into thJ graces) of young Montgomery. While he has no use for the Albany reporters he j ana air. riper quickly got upon good terms. la the interview last night Lord. who has been insisting lately that be on ly killed JlcKervher. because be killed his parents, returned to his confession ' before tht erand inrr. admitted on his trial, and acknowlefged the killing of all I three, practically without provocation. The public already knows this was the correct version ; no one ha ever doubted that he shot all three and with the gre&u-st premeditation. The fact estab lishes1 1 be wonderful ficklenew of this boy, who seems to have as little regard for his word as he did for human life. Mi. Piper is a good interviewer and his story, which it I said wt;l appear in to morrow s or Sundav a Uregonian. will be read with interest. 189R MARRIAGES. JANl'ABY. 1 7 IS O W Dodder and Anna B Kochler5. xsed Miller and Jessie Archibald. a r Keedand J Wilson h (J KuSHell and Julia Howes n LjAeH C Bilveti and Wolma Calavan. T 12 J H J-attloiohn and Belle Haltron lo tvJgar N Blodgett and Maggie DiiripnfJn. f UJTlios Thomas and Ella Risley. i - wins ana Anna uabintton 18 A M Sm!th and M A Fisher. 23 Osker M Aplet and Rose Aplet. 29 Frank Tivey and L Walluce. 30 George Henshaw and Nellie Hood ji John Morgan and Lola Knighten FKBKUABY. hos C Waller and Mirv Fmman 12 Hiram Humpleby and LelaKlncaid i j- urotnertoD and Maud Wilson b Hamilton and Hettie J Miller J t, Waasoin ami R l. Aitimann 20 F C Hoffman and Rnaa Rlv. 27 L H Fletcher and Minnia Rl.. V burn. 27 Ellis P Hurst and Mary E Davis. 27 John Reiley and Lulu MespelU MABCH. 14 William Hunter and Mr. Mar M. 17 W L Tyler and Bertha Hawk. u L. r Bilyeu and Jesre M Schmidt. J A Crockett and Susie A Edgar. Peter J Laken and Mattie Morgan. - ana at V Jines. Fred Parsons and Alma Parsons. Ralph Gill and Mas Writ. I ,. If J H Moist and Carrie linger. 10 laienune Aodslank and fli tt y. hlS J 8 Lamar and Marie E Harris. 14 L A Chastain and K l I '!- li Temple ton and L E Booker. t "J a nameon and Joeie Booker. JO'in 31 isomers and Lizzie Uonaca. 22 A Williams and A Rahn. 2.5 M L Forest and Marie H viand. 27 Alex Kirk and Hattie Garontte. 29 I D Miller and O A Brown. 30 Frank Trite and Belle Orr. uy. 6 M Seh mi J and Mary Rosengarten. 5 Jas Calloway and Martha Cochran. 5 l-rank I-auipaod and Alice Winkle. 9 J W Williamson and L A Lnnp. 30 Wm Umeobofferaod Hattie Smith. Jcxa. 2 W J I Boyle and E M Irwin. S AE WiUams and Fannie Dudgt. kaN M Newport and Emma Cnnmil Attention, Boy. I desire to call the attention of a num ber of boys that go to church who don't know how to beiiave themselves, to the (act that the law protects all religious meetings, and a word to the wise 1 tract wil be sufficient. There is no person compelled to go to charch, but if you go yoa wiil be com pel ted to conduct your self in a manner that will not be a source! of annoyance to those who go for the purpose ot worship, lielow pleat read. The law wiU be enforced. 0 I.rr. Cbiei ol PoTTl Will publish the law on the subject to morrow. . LLJ W Barton and Edna Hart 1 Thoa Radford and Moll'ie Stooe. 18 F E Seehale and Mollie Bilyea. 23 J H Bailey and I la Brown. 27 M G Coon and N E Margason. 28 John Salinger and Frances Schmidt, 23 H R Hyde and Lizzie bindinger. 28 Donglas Taylor and Ella IVtnkard. 27 Darid Lin and Augusta Reiner. 2 Harry Wilson and Maod Durham. S Chaa Denney and Nellie Smith. 10 Henry B Higgtnsand RetU Brown. 9 Samuel Hams and Mav Sjivesutr. 13 Lorin Courticeaod Addie Gibter. IS B L Buck and Olive Beatty. 13 Frank MrMeekin and Emma Scott. 24 John M Donaca ard Belile Martin. ST J H Coins and Carrie Peerv. . 30 Robert Kiei.ts and I'h'wbia Bar nard. acorrr. X A Bell and Effie D VanderpooL 4rin Jodd and Ora Engiehart. 24 II Primus and A Poblmao. 2$ David 11 Price and Francis Kiaar. 23 Walter Titos and Lena Gobe, mtmr. 3 Herbert Reed and Hattie Sloan. 11 H it Everett and Lola Weatfall. HUE Morgan and lizzie Dunn. 1 E L Feebler and Millie Rand. It) John A Lanfaam and D E Barker. J Olio Lee abd Goarie A Blodgett. Frauk Overboiser and Minnie E Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report IOSOIiHTEIiY PUCE CM SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Judge C. E. Wolverton, of the supreme court came np this noon to spend Sun day. Dr. J. O. Littler went to Harrisbcrg this noon to install the new office of the I.O.O.F. Dr. E. J. Thompson, of CorvaMia was in the city th'iB noon, coming over to meet Dr. G wynne, Mr. Richard Wilkins went to Salem this noon where he will enter the Wil lamette University. Dr. II. E. Beers returned this from Portland greatly improved in health although not entirely strong. Miss Oilie Thompson now holds the position of pianist in the orchestra at Cord ray's theatre, Portland. Times. J. R. Wilson and Frank Kitchen, the well known sewer contractors went to Portland this morning on be gone several days. Judge Flinn was in Portland vesterdav to see Miss Ora off for Stanford on the steamer, and his sister, Mrs. Fay, for Astoria on a visit with a son. Miss Libbie Caronthers, one of the teachers in the Albany public schools. RICH COL. HOGG. A Sensational Affidavit by Mr. Rand, ihe referee court was in session yes terday afternoon, hearing arguments on the claims of E. M. C. Band, the expert sent oat to examine the Oregon Pacific, and the claim of John P. Fay, leceiver's attorney daring the Hadley administra tion. The claim was in the bands of lawyers Joseph Wilson, John Burnett ond John KeUav, and in the deposition of Mr. Rand, submitted in evidence, ap- pearea toe statement mat i . Kgen, ton Hogg was now a very rich man, Rand 1 now a trusted official in the of' fice of Russell Sage, New York, and on oath, usee the following language: "The result ot ray examination showed that the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company had an asset in tie way of a just and vana ciaim against 1. 1,. Hogg of 12,- JO,o.j iM lor money appropriated to bis own uie without hlshsving given the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company any equivalent therefor. This report was given to the receiver and for reasons un known to me the facta were suppressed anu notning was done to realize any thing lor the Oregon racihc Katlroad HOME AND ABROAD It will pay yoa te bear the Hewett Mn seUes to-nizht. They aie Prrt class and give a very entertaining Wheat 44 cents. See Tinkle for photos: Conn k Hostoa for groceries. The best cabinet only $2.00 at Tinkle's. See Will Stark's fine stock of silver ware. Fine Cabinet bfaofos on! v 12.00 rxr dz at Tinkle's. as elegant statu-' stationary was the guest of her cousin. Miss Anna Company from said T. E. Hogg, nor was Lee the past week. Junction City Times. Mr. Isaac McElmnrry, of Linn countv, was an independence visitor Tn!8dav. Mr. McElmnrry was for years a resident of Polk county, and his old-time friends are always glad to give him a welcome handshake. Independence Enterprise. Dr. T. J. Lee spent the Christmas hol idays visiting bis aged mother at Janc- tion City. Grandma Lee is now J57 years old, but she prepared the Christmas dinner with her own hands. Independ ence Enterprise. Also mother ol Mar shal Lee of this city, reference made to this valuable asset in the eSort to get a good price on the sale ol the Oregon Pacific railroad, as T. E. Hogg is a very rich man. and well able to make restitution." As a result of bis labors, Rand sub mitted a report that is raid to nave been about eight inches in thickness, of solid legal cap, and a curious fact in this con nection is the claim that the document has disappeared and can nowhere be found. In it is said to have been the detailed statement of wherein this al leged indebted nes of Hogg consists. It j is also stated in the same connection that at one time in New ork and Mies Iya daughter, of J 8 - Turner, subscription among themselves the sum formerly, of Albany, now of that city, t.,0 JXX) to be need in inctitnting lenl irriM in f rtiaT most i . . 0 P Ethel Allen Pn" marrige on Uhratmas. j proceedings against Col Ho. but Ksilistm tl si tA . 0 . kttst ' ,1. "" i luuer examin&uoa u6 mstier was erven THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete Hour sate, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBAflY, ORECOf.. Dealer in P A N ONE GIVES RELIEF. Regular meeting of Albany Ecgine Co. No. 1 tonight. Life size photograph, the best finish reduced from $60. to only $20 per dozes at Tickles. Cabinet, $2.00. The finest line of jewelry in the valley at w ui a btarks. lhey keep a stock trom which it is easy to get what yoa want Four prisoners escaned from the Oregon Uity aa and are at large. - F Comrany and the Y. M. C. A. will play base bail at the opera boose tomorrow mgnt. Frank Camming, cf tine citv. had a band badiv smashed while coupling cars at woodburn yesterday. Loyd Montgomery and the five other prisoners in the ail were given a iSew Years treat yesterday by a visit from the Lure a Ju'mee ft in gers, wbo snrjg several selections, to the great enjoyment of the prisoners. During 1S95 7,954.225 bosbel of wheat were shipped from fortland. Value. S4. O15.0Si. r'lonr. 245 211 bushels, worth 1571000. Tbe wheat shipment was the biggest in tbe history of tbe city. A live game of foot ball was olaved ves terdav between tbe west enters and east enders, all boys about a dozen years of age me former won lutou. .Tbe imavu hotly contested bat no one was maimed or laid np. Lmnng tne year I8U0 tnere were com mitments as follows from Lane county: To tbe insane asylum 11; to the reform school 1; to tbe state penitentiary 6. This is a good showing for a countv of at least 18. uuu inbabttants. Eagene Guard. It is reported that a resident of the Wil lamette valley took orders for five carloads ot hay in tbe valley this week- That av tide nmet be very cheap in that tection to pay transportation charges here and compete with that raised by our farmers, jacKgonvu:e time. The big Christmas beef at Fisher and Wat kins' meat market was weighs! last evening in the presence of about 100 peo pie. The beef weighed 1211 lot. The $10 prize was equally divided among the following persons whose guemes were as follows: Ethel Keid 1211. Carl Reid 1212. Anthony Burr 1212, Joseph Davis 1211, Ed McCornack 1212. There were S81 guesses in the boxjtnd they ran from 800 to 190T pounds. Eugene Gaard. Almost through the center of Stayton runs the Salem canal, which starts from here on its way to the Capital City, eigh teen miles distant, to furnish them with an abundant water power, and we have no doubt but that at soma day Salem will secure from pear here her supply of water from the crystal Santiam, one of tbe most leautiful mountain streams in the world. Times. " assessment Laws Needc.'. Mem ben of the slate board of equali zation have given their views as to the need of Oregon in the matter ot assess ment laws. Here is a summary: "Tax mortgages for the value that ran be realised out of them, and make the tax a lien npon the security. Tax notes at their market value, and place an in terest forfeiture penalty upon all not bearing the assessor's stamp. Allow de duction for indebtedness on all debts when the tax is paid by the creditor. Reduce the number of members on the board to five. Remmre them to devote I all their time to the work. Let the board keeignate the classification of property both real ana personal, nave the board assess all inter-countv property and na tional banks. Asothes Awtr. Tbe Salvation Army and Adelpbi Mission are already in full working order in Albany and pushing tne warfare against sin. Now to-day comes Capt. A. . Moore, ol uod s regular army, wbo is making arrange ments to open camp here and fight tbe enemy, vapt. Motre thinks there is Si field here lor one more armv against the common enemy of nankind, sin. Feu. or Laccns. The Eureka Jubi lee Company of Portland gave a concert in in u. a. k. nan last nigm to a gooa sized audieoce, and one of the most ap precia'ive crowds ever seen. The mem bers are splendid vocalists, and gave a darkey entertainment that was pleasing in every feature. Tbe Chinese song was something new in concerts and was great. The troupe will compare with any that has ever been here. Ray. S ocroMuu Tn Bovs Cacobt. Pjts'v Mnniwr. Alonzo Copple and Charles Bennett, the three ineorrigibles wbo escaped from the state reform school Tuesday evening. were discovered in the northern portion of tbe county yesterday afternoon and after a hot pursuit Marshal Broyles. of wooaoaro, succeeded in pturuig lien mtt at a point about half way between Hubbard and Aurora Mooney and Copple succeeded in getting away from Brovies, but the latter took srstiot or two at them as a sort of parting salute and reminder that there was danger brewing. This last experience had the effect to frighten Mooney, for he later turned op at Aurora and by means of the telephone delivered himself into the charge ot the reformatory otnciais. statesman. propo se vera! Sam Brows. The latest ioke of the season is that bam G. Brown made good his escape from jail in broad daylight and, thus far,- baa eluded bis pursuers, wbo are scouring the country in everv direction. It is morally certain he had help from the outside to escape jail and also to shelter him, as, unaided, not so successfully have, so tar, baffled the vig ilance of the posse in pursuit of him, not more than two hours alter bis eccape. Roseburg Plaindealer. Browns' escape was ridiculous. Though sentenced to be banged he was allowed to be in the corridor . A sheriff that would allow that ought to be impeached.hadn't he. That isn't what sheriff's are paid for. Peter Runev, the well known etor of the Foley Springs died Uys ago. Miss Addio Gleason, of Albany, has been visiting her oncle, W. A. Gleason, near Waterloo. Advance. Mrs. W.C. Haw ley and children re turned today from a visit with relatives in Albany. S-alera Journal Mr. and Mrs T. G. Hopkins, of Al bany, are guests of Mrs. Hupkins' moth er, Mrs, fc. U. Mnail. talent Journal. Mrs. J. G. Holcomb. wife of the U. S. Engineer at the Bay, and children, have leturned borne from a trip east, isey were met at the depot by Mr. HolcomD and went to the Bay this noon. Miss Maliel Brouner, the kindergart ener, returned this noon irom a trip to Portland, She will open the school on next Monday, rarents with children whom they desire to get the right train ing will do well to send to Miss Brouner. A pleasant surprise r arty was tendered Harry Cusick New Years night by a crowd of bis young friends. 1 1 ii.xy knows how to entertain, and the result was a live and profitable evening. Bert Wight, John Swan and Charley Donaca, students in the Albany college, spent their vacation at home, Ned Oarleton. the young disciple of Black- stone, was also home a few days Leb anon Advance. . Ora and Zenas Copeland, of Toledo, were in Albany yesterday on their ww to Victoria, B. C., where they will ship on a seal bunting trip, on the same ves sel Ora was on last year, ora moiign onlv about 21 years of age is the mos uccesaful seal hunter who goes from the North YY est. if not from tbe coast. J L Griggs and Mary N Clavpool. ! 7 Herbert U Sslthwell and Nellie J Pogh. 2 Henry Johnson and Olive Piper. 9 W R Kelley and Maggie Carter. I Monasmitb and t.i ia J Maxwell. C Smith and Elizabeth M Graf. S C C Beebe and Lizzie Patterson. 13 O h Welch and M Belle CraHree. 9 EG Morgeasons and Lntitia Hart. 23 George Bennett and Alice Lock wood. 10 R L Iomi aid Alice Townsend. 13 Geo W Kulhe and Imogens Bridge farmer. 16 A J Lavlon and S F Loofborrow. 20 William A Howell and Monty Dun sway. 16 Clarence McKnight and Helen C Uamon. 21 T J Stephens and P E Thomas. 22 PM Sherer and E M Wood. 23 J E Wigte and Bertha K Brock. 30 Ewalt Frits and Rath Hearing. 2- Enry Howell and Fannie Titus. 31 Wm L Lvon and Nina Galbraith. were Miss Fred Fortmilier groomsman The cer- eraoov was performed by Kev. John Mcrrison. Tbe Baker City Blade says : "Senator Alley, of Florence, Lane coanty. has been in the city for several days on bos -iness. He left for his home last evening but expects to return here again in the near future." This, in alt prohabilitv. means that CoL Alley intends disposing of the Florence West and purchasing the Blade. 1 Ins, at least, was his intention when be left here. Eugene Guard. A correspondent ut the Eugene Regis ter from Uarrwburg sars: "v 1 ears night Harrisbarg gave one of the old time 'mask balls, which proved to be one of the most saocessfal social events of Linn coanty this season. People came from Albany, Eugene, Brownsville. Irv ing, Junction, Coburg, Long Tom, and in tart, from most every where. Over 70 numbers were sold, and pleasure reigned supreme." Marion Carev. the Yukon river (Alas ka) miner, who has been visiting bis reis lives in Ashland for several weeks afteir ten yean? spent in the Yukon gold fields, left last evening lor t-eatUe. He goes thence to Idaho and expects to leave in March, as soon as travel opens, on his return to tbe 1 akon country where be is well satwfied. Mr. Carey has been of fered a fine pnsiUon with a new company that has been formed to open spa freight and pasevnger transporiatior. line to that far o7 country, but prefers to take bis chances of a bigger stake in digging oat naggcts for himeelL AsUand Tidings, Will All Be Is. The latest reports from the Santiam mines are that the mill machinery will be at the mines within a few days, and that within two or three weeks afterwards the mill will be ready to run. The men there are considerably encouraged in tbe matter. in the mean time orders lor supllies are being held until the matter is settled. The arrangements are such, thongh.that the supplies can be taken in at any time with little delay. Thk Columbia Calendar. The Co lumbia Pad Calendar for 18V6 bas mnde its appearance, representing the eleventh annual issue, and handy and convenient as it has been heretofore, the new issue certainly surpasses any of its predecess ors, me cycling iraternity, to say noth ing of the general public, has acquired a decidedly friendly feeling for the Co- I t.l Cl 1 . . , iiiuiuia vaiennar, ana its annual advent is looked forward to with interest and The Roseburg Review got op a very creditable New Years editicn- The 0. C. k E. expects to have the Wm. M. Hoag and N. 8. Bentley running on Willamette within a few days. Salem is to have a big poultry how on Jan. 11th. R. H. Huston, of Corvallis, is being mentioned for the office of county clerk of Benton county on the republican ticket. Ue is a son of W. H. Huston of this city, XOTKHBEX. ".6 W R Fry and Irene Swank. 13 N J Kirk and Ida B Nelson. 12 C J Walters and Hat tie Simpson. 13 E Smith and Annie Walker. 17 John Edwards snd Rose Bush. 17 Henry Kbunberg and Amelia Sen ders. 19 Joseph Green and Lillie Phipps. 17 A Llliattand Mollie Lyons. 20 Edward Crabtree and .Henrietta Ravmer. . 20 Samuel Bodine and fclla Wallace. . 20 W J Unger and Matilda Bilyeu. 24 T O Morgan and Lillie Miner. 30 Frank Bedell and Mary Cutler. DBCExaxa. 1 Phillip Wick and Loie Kelso. 4 Fred U Hickock and Ola D Smith. 3 J 11 Walker and Mary Mever. 3 Chas Casey and Jennie Saltniarsh, 10 Geo McCullocu and Etta M Mo- Cul'och. - 14 G W bouthwkk and Sadie E Smith. IS William Todd and Ora Burrell, la Arthur L Templeton and Glenda Right. 10 Albert M rowell and vaitieaiuary, 24 8 B Brown and llushaliufflngton. D M Bonar and Lucinda far well. he following licenses were issued this month for which the returns have not yet been made: Dayton Harris and Olhe Bogart. W II Walton and BelaMcGhee. 24 J L Archibald Emma A Schiller. 24 F L Smith and Leona roster. 2tt John Metcalf and Emma E Gray. 30 Chaa A Sears and Mav Day. 31 RPTharmanand Minnie McCoy 31 Oscar A Springateand Kate nail. A Live Sheriff Sale. The sale of. tbe property of tbe late B. S. Strahan at sheriffs tale this after noon, excited considerable interest. The plaintiff was N. B. Avery, of Corvallis, who held a mortgage on the property. Tbe first property pat np was tbe resi dence property occupied by W. F. Pieif - ler, 40 leet trout, inet east 01 the l'xno- ntAY office. It was started at o00. From tlOQO William F. Pfeiffer and John Fox did some eVady bids at small raises nn- Til the property was, struck off to Mr PieiKer at $1670. The property occupied by R. M. Robertson's feed store, 44 feet front, was sold to J. M. Ralston for $S50 the Delmonico frame, 66x100 feet wtl sold to J. W. Cusick tor $1000, and a I one.sixvh interest in the brick at First and Ferry to G. W. Simpson at $250 Total, $3770. A piece of property in Harrisborg be longing to the Water Co. forecloeed on complaint of Ella and W. F. Mendenhail was sold to H. A. Elliott for "03.3. The property of R. N. Thorn pon, of Brownsville. 44x105 feet .'was sold to the plaintiff "theiBank of Brownsvilla, for $400. up, cn iuat what account, is not stated. It tbe statement of Mr. Rand is true, it expbsns fuliv bow it happened that the uregon I acitic hen sat so Jong on eggs mat never aavenea. 1 ime. Many novslties. such aryatWillfcStarks. Saturday and Sunday rain temperature. River 10 4 The publie schools in all grades will onen Monday morning next Jan. 6th We are still making photos at redaced rates, harry op, see our latest, Tinkle. Talk about fine pictures jatt show ns somebody that eaa beat Tinkle. Best butter in the eitv every dav for 20c per roll at P. Cohen's. Eggs, 20c. F. L. Kenton is agent for the Weeklv Examiner, $1.50 per year. Good treatment at Conn and Hasten. and their roods are the best. Some elegant designes in crockery ware atlowpriofs at Conn and ilistons. 'The Albany Furniture Company have just received a lot of beautiful fieec k Coblev seat rockers. . We want yoar rafrotiags because we know we can mse yon better work than yon have been getting. Tinkle the photo grapher. The regular meeting of the Ladi9) Aid Society will be held at tbe residence of Mrs. 8. S. Train on Mo-day, January 6, at 9. JSQ p.m. Henry Black, io lad for robberv at th a Ross House, vesieroay afternoon was held on another charge of r.ibbery. committed in a Urm boose near this etty. Sheriff MeFeroB tells toe Democeat that it was a mistake about Loyd Mont gomery confessing to Mr. George Piter that be killed all tare persons at the trag edy, that be stilt holds to his story of only shooting one. Mxitana produced in metals about $47. 115,000, during the year 1S5. Tbe pro duction of gold was $4, 100,000; cC silver, 400,000 on noes; of copper. 212.000 ponndk: and of lead. 24SO0XX). The output of copper is estimated of being 65 per cent of the production ot the United Mates. A large crowd witnessed the game of base bail at tbe opera boose last night be tween F Co. and tbe Y- if. C. A. Jt was dose and exciting, tb3 former winmng 13 to 10 Following were the rides: F Co. Folic, Phillips, fa' albert. Nixon, Tainer, Welch, Stewart aad Steilnuker. Y . M. C. A.: Netting. Sw&rtz, Smiiey, BlodgeU, Wilson, Aitennmit, Conckliaand West-brook. Sec 1SS S Page &17 Hills Code. If any person shall wilfully disturb, interrupt or disquiet any assembly or j congregaton of people met for religious worship, wbrther in a boose or the open air, by either ottering any profane dis course, committing any rode or indecent act, or making any nnneceseary noise within the piace where such meeting is hekl or so near it as to disturb the order and solemnity thereof, or by exposing lor sale or gut any intoxicating liquors ordriaks within two mites of the place where anr such assembly or eoogrega-l tion shall b actual I r convened lor re ligious worship and in a pf see other than sucb as shall have been dulv licensed therefor and in which such person shall have usually resided and carried on soen business. !-och person, upon con viction thereof, shall be punished by im prisonment id the coanty nul not less than one month nor more than six months, or by a fine of not less than tea dollars nor more than two hundred dol- Urs. XREGUiVrOR Asastss.'isfl sllstl Will Be a Bsscgrrr. Vr. John Batter- word writes to tbe Ashland Tidings : In your israe of Dec 26th, I notice that yoa print Mr W. G. Steel's letter to the Oregonian criticizing Senator Mitchell's efforts to restore to settlement the terrv: torv coougnons to the C.G-sLB. R,, 1 l - ; lit .t. 1 wiuca is now inrtaaeu in ute .sksu Range Forest Reserve. Whi e Mr Steel is probablv earnest, yet I think that be is unduly frightened. Senator Mitchell onlv Droooses to have a atriDon each side ol the O. C. A E. R. R. taken oat of the reserve, and instead of its being a detriment the the sxhool fund tbe state Und agent is anxixu to have the change made. Ox or Mox-roowsav's Fbxae. One of the freaks of Loyd Montgomery oc curred a few nights ago. The public seems to be after his peculiarittea, so we give it. Awhile beiore bed time he nn- dreesed. made a dummy of bis clothes. pat them in his bank, and crossing tne inside corridor lay down in another cell, covering himself up The sheriff dis covered the trick, and locked him in tbe cell, when, disliking the idea of remain-! tng there, begged to oe Placed in nis own ceil. What his object was can hardly be told, for it would be impossible for him to wet out of the maide corridor witnout assistance. It is probable though he had some kind ot an idea ot escaping. A Dramatic Orqaskatiox. On last evening the Crescent Dramatic Club, nf Alhnnv was ortranized at the opera house. It is composed of tome of the best talent in the citv and in the near future tbe people of Albany may look for a series of choice and select enter tainments. Following are the officers and members ot the club: Marvin Turn1 and regardless of politics would mass a compeuint, popular officer. ' er, manager; Lillian Crawford, asst tngr; L. C. Kease of the Oregonun staff is at Edith Chiswell. secretary; A. B. Cham- Ensenada, Calif., which be reached y ester- heriin, treasurer; M. Rogoway, director; College Notes. College will reopen next Monday. The students are beginning to put in an appearance. 1 he A. o. l a. neid a very rauranw tic meeting yesterday afternoon. Owing to the fact that some of tbe members were unable to be present tbe election ot officers was postponed until U e next meeting. The college . M. U. A. conierence ior Oregon meets at Eugene next Friday. Alhanv will be well representee. The students are beginning to rack their brains trying to learn their lessons tor next Monday. Pbcnss that Pain. D. C. Rose has re ceived a letter from his brother, now in the east, and along with it, returns irom a shipment of dried prunes recently ahinei to St- Louis to be marketed, con corning which there was mention at the time in these coiamns. meiruu, - being 2tt davs enroute.waa sold promptly on arrival at St, Louis at seven cents per pound, and the letter declares that if re- . .. , . 1 ,1:1 -I.. .1 ceived beiore uie noiriay.s,uig" uuc- half cents per pouud would nave oeen miisod. As tho shipment was only partial carload, the freight rate-was $2 20 per 100 in stead of $1.20, as would have been the cae if there had been a full car load. As it is. Mr. Rose receive net 101 hi nmnea four cents per pound, and shinned in carload lot a week earlier, his net profit wou'.d have been six and one- half cents, a result mat win prompt mm to shin bis fruit east hereafter. Three cents was the best price offered in the 1 . 1 . r - . . -i. : i home marxet wneu uis imn ww Buipru, Corvallis limes. A DoGGOxk Cas. A Junction man, J. . McFadden is hot, aa will be easiiy seen from the following advertise men t in the Times: Twenty dollars reward w ill be paid for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the party wbo shot my bull dog. Abe supposed gumy party was seen on say premises that Sunday and as soon as additional evidence can be obtained, the coward will be in the clutches of the law. Doggone a man that will shoot a valuable dog anyhow. dav after a terrible experience, lie was onahorso back trip tor his health. He was cblidged to kill his horse for the blood. Be reached fcnsenada in a terr condition just alive. George U. Pipw left on last nigtts overland will go to assistance. KdiMr Holmes, prop, master. Misses Lizzie and Lillv Farrell. Maud Hulburt and Wm. Emerick, Wm. Campbell, G. B. Milloy, Bert Orawford. In tbe near future the club wil present the great so ciety Drama "Time and Tide." GOOD FOB EYLRYBODY Almost evervbodv takes some tsxatfvw Bieuione to cirar se system and keep the blood pere. TU-jse v ha take Si-VIMONS LIVER REGULATOR (Squid or powder) get ail the benefits of a mild tnd pleasant laxative and tonic that purities tbe Wood and strengthens the whoie system. Am more than uus: i'A-'ONS LIVER KEG IK LATOR rezulatrs the Liver, keers it actjva and beaithv, and when the Liver is la good condition you find yourself nee from Malaria, BUiousRess, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These axe all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom trim stomaca troubles wiU only be had when the fiver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, trv StAMONS LIVER REGULATOR, The king of Liver 3VftiH dnes, and Better than Puis. g-EVERT PACKAGE'S Baa tbe Z Stamp in red. on wvappegb J. H. Zeilia Co, PhlU, P. CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. m BBOcua mean u one for a book that explains how full taaaiy wiror is caailr. juckiy a ad parsB&aeauy restored. Ski man saSeriag from vcskSKj caa af ford to ignore tola timely advica. Bock tells how fall strenssb, d vsfeesnant and torn ara Imparted to every aoruoa of the body. Sent with posniv proofs iswisrl)tws tsaayaBaaooapptacatkn. ERIE UED1SAI CO BUFF ALO.N.Y. LIIP11 s-t it: : lit.. f it. . xr ?i if fiTiH " vXirvauiBiueaua umvvivug (tuiey, Albany is pretty close to tbe heart on the v business side of tbe mam ar artery. Whose Spectacles A young man was seen trvlng to sell sold Imitation specta cles in the third ward this morning. His appearance excited suspicion and Chief of Police Lee was notified. Me arrested 1 ilf a. pleasure. Owing to the ann.,.1 dmo;,l ' young man tor peuaiing witnout a M year a mucuW edition haTbeen i J&J&tJ2M' issued lor ihuo. The calendar can be obtained for five 2-cent stamps by ad dressing the Calendar Department of the Pope Manufacturing Company at Hart ford, Conn. Km TiuivKB II sard Fbom. "Every hod v in Union countv knows Rev M. S Driver. He is a son of Rev 1, D. Driver of Eugene, sud for several years was wrestling with sinners in Lnion. He left here and went to California and shortly afterward it was announced through the papers that he had eloped with another man's wife from Placer ville. It was thought at the time that he had gone to the Sandwich i!ands,but it seems that he did not. After leaving Placerville they wandered in different parts of the country ana were in t toriua pow the papers announce Hamilton, 02?I$ XSKTJOYG Both the method and results "when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eas tern effectually, dispels colJa, head aches and levers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most nonnlar remedy Lnovra. Syrup of Figs Is for sale la BO cent bottles by all leading drug, gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- Thb DtrniKRiA situation at Lebanon is reported as very serious. A gentleman from there last night reported thirty-flye cases. The Express though says there are onlv five, probablv nearer correct. , - ...hii There have been three deaths so far, two j tUe suicide of the woman at in the family 01 wr. jsen oimpon, onu in in fwl nlaimivi he had traded for them. 1 1 h fumilv of Mr.Goodwich. Great care Upon being taken before Recorder Hen-1 is being taken to kep tbe disease from 1 Btory. Driver is not through with his ton he was given five days in the city I spreading, the children are being kept 0j jt yet." Scout, jail. A variety store was robbed a few I from the streets as much as possible . aim in Dallas, and it is suspected and husinesa men are using an tne care v. Frice's iream tsaiuns t'owect mam rtAnctaca. cl. this had something to do with it. possible. AwanVid CoU Mui Miswiaur fw. sa Pwcm.. f0M stK 111., where they have been living for i euro tt promptly for any one w-nO some time. It is a tragic ending of a sad wishes to try it. Do not accept any Bwr. inm hw tuivun : Substitute. CALIFORNIA F73 SYR VP COL The greatest sePer on the market for aiseawe of the Uver.Kidneysand Con stipation. Pkasaat to take by old or young. No rnpmg. Th root of the Liverine plant is exten- siwty used in Norway for Ue cure of Piles. Sold by all first class druggists Wholesale ikanufactwe, - ANCHORS CHEMICAL CO, Lebanon. 0 DO YOU write letters? Of coarse you do, and what is nicer than smooth let'er paper and envel opes for busiisess corresponding. We make speciality Ol neat comiueiui siammm j. ou should BUY ENVELOPES of os at once and see the tine quality an ftitra low prices. Next time you wan some inquire OF SMIIsKY THE PRINTER R. O. T. M Meets every Saturday vening in K. O T M. ttaL Visiting KnigLU invited at b4. ' L . vaw Wixiu .Com. 7