111 t VOL XXXI. Eateraw at tha rst wOlee a llbaay. Or. SeeadCIaa Hall Kauri: ALBANY OREGON. Kill PAY. JANUARY-8. 1896 t.r BTTie,rbiur 4rrncirt THURSDAY Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report WE WANT YOUR TRADE. It Remained. New Time Card. IilfH w It VII II f 0V r I Infants Caatoria la so well adapted to children that 1 recommend it as superior to any pceseripUou AaowBtome. H. A. abcbkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The too of "Distort' fa so universal and ft merits so well known that it Boems a work f supererogation to endorse 1U Ftewaretho Intelligent families who do not keepCastoria within easy reach." fUmpnirin-nra, p. p New York City. tsot Cotack Best work PRI3SI - Saso- for '- 4. ' ' ' Office SlationeryA' Specially Give us yoar- Patronage. C9V "Kts-.-vji .. ..-i.'.'i.rr. Si'TX""'--- sjv : ry-fV This 11 the wlwel that was illaritai in 'Bi tin Cc iaj Aitioritv of Ar. r a, "Jamar 25H. 1895, oertr f Sowing titfe hiaiont MaJi! Shawn receaw Si!ht 0c!a -Eolbitioi " ft i the Wavmlt SacaciKa ai Us tbs otintri ii talks! of htsia zt U bicrcle in 'hi wjr'd tl v. Want a biec'e ns'riti Ctflosrn f i. Isdhv-v Bictclc Co. la.iianapolli. InliJu. U. S A E. E.GoF,exc)o4ive agent for Albany - The Buffet Car Route. flAHVShortGst and Quickest Iiine . BETWEEN PACIFIC COAST POIfJTS, ST. PAUL AND THE5EAST, Crosses both the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affordinff p&eBen frers an opportunity of Viewing- the GRANDEST SCENERY IN AMERICA Two trains daily from Portland; on-5 at 11 a. m , via SeaUle. and one at 8-55 p m via O. R. & and Spakano, Bans eaptrb sqoipment. ennsdng of dinin - car, baf fe- library cars palace and ophoisterid tourUU sleeping tu Tim b iffot Fibrirvcir are marvels of elegance and comfort, containing bata njj. birber shop, eny chir.etc THE MAGNIFICENT Twin steamships, "Xorthwest and "Northland, leave Dulutb every Mondav and Friday for the "Foo." Makinac Island, Detroit, Cieveland and Buffalo in connitioo with the Great Northern Railway. Have yoar tickets read via the SOllTHFRK 8TEMSHIP CCMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride free from the beat and dost For tickets and general information call on or address R. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A., 612 Front St , SeaUle, Wash. University of Oregon -1895-1896. The University of Oregon, Eugene, Orecon. offers tree tuition to all students Yoarg men can obtain board, lodging, beat and light in the dormitory for $2.50 - per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Yoanir women are orovided with Jboard in private families at 3.00 per week. Young women desiring board should address Prof. John Straub,15ugenevOregon; or Secretary Young Women's Chris tian Association, iugene. ne university B&cneior oi Arts, cacneior oi science ancpacheior ot Letters with correspond in courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered : An Enirlis! course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title (n-alte in English ; an advanced coarse for graduates of normal schools leading to toe degree master of pedagogy; a three years course in civil engineering leading tbe degree of civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical educ ation leading to a diploma and the title director of ' physical education. Tbe University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is payable in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department witbont examination. Those desiring information noma aaarees ine uean, . xj. narregan, For catalogues and information address alton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. THOMAS All and Dealer in he ALBAfiY, o ONE GIVES RELIEF. ALBANY CiGAR FACTORY J. JO&EPII. Proprietory and Children. Caxtoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, - Kills Worms, gins sleep, sad promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced benwflcial renats." . ; Edwiw F. Pabdex, JJ, D., liBth Street and Tta Am, New To 0T. Ooxpaht, 77 McsaAT Strut, Saw Tom CfciT., Promptnes TIJTO n ifn -boob A. R. C. nEJTNlSTOT T P k T. A. 122 rdst., tVdaa 1 0 oners three baccalaureate degrees, regarding the preparatory department j&ugene. V. H. Chapman, President, or J. J BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe. has them and his prces the lowest ORECOfl. CHRISTMAS EVE DOINGS. Santa Claus waa around Christmas eve iui a gooa euppiy ot seasonable pres ents, suitable for the times. Ti e exercises at the 0. P. church were delightful ones, greatly appreciated by a iuii noust). oama uiaus came aown a cnunney and took his presents from an immense snow ball. The exercises greatly pleased all. Two trees held good things for the Baptist children. A well tarried out program was rendered. The Episcopalian children convened with Santa Claus at the house of Mrs. Telfer where a tree was well filled with handsome presents. Two trees and pleasing exercises made the hearts of tha Methodist boys and girls happy. At the Presbyterian church Santa Oiaua came down a chimney. There was a pretty tree but the presents were loaded on a merry-go round, lighted with electricity, the work of E. E. Golf. Appropriate exercises were given. At the Evangelical church two trees and a eood oroeram furnished aiehta an I entertainment Tor the evening. The Cottsrregationahsts had an eleeant tree, well tilled with useful and pretty presents distributed by St Nicholas in the form of Willie Merrill. A fine pro gram was rendered. A treat was given theTJ P. children. After pleasing exercises, during which the approach of Santa Claus waa herald ed by telephonic messages received from along the route, a splendidly made street car, the work of Geo. E. Acheson, Ed Blodgett and others, rolled into a station on the stage, with a young Santa Claus eem through a window and a diminu tive driver in front. Little bova wheel ed the presents from the station, stop ping to spit on their hands, and they were distributed. There were a number of private trees through the city and a merry tin.e was had. Certainly an Oddity. Loyd Montgomery is certainly an od dity, a moral enigma. He seems to hare as little regard for his word as for hu man life. To a person who has called on him several times since he was sentenced he has dogsediv insisted that his first confeesin in which ho alleged that M c- Kercher killed his parents and ne killed McKercher was correct, and that he would have persisted in this storr if not practically forced to make the other statement, and that if he had been per mitted to confess when sentenced, this was the one he intended to make, lie claims in the story he is now telling that before the shooting McKercher asked hia father if he had sold his hops, and the answer was "yes, on yesterday," and immediately after the shooting 'began, implying that McKercher did it for the money. This is the worst kind of fabri cation, and it is not true that be waa forced to give the full confession to any one. His statement betore the grand jury particularly was as voluntary as anything ever giveu. Tbe matter simply shows the peculiar calibre of this young man. Montgomery is now having a real time with the Fox brothers, fiddling, singing, etc., entirely oblivions of the fu ture. He says he is willing to die for a hat he did. bat is eoine to have a rood time before hand. All Mixed Up. The manner in which bank stock was assessed this year by the different coun ties waa ouite- ridiculous. Here ia the result: "Baker countv. no bank stock shown : Benton countv. assessed at 50 per cent of par valae; Clackamas county at 75 per cent; (J rook at w ; Coos, C urry, Co- umbis, Crrant, Harney, Josephine, Jack son, Klamath, Lake, Lincoln, Ma! hear, Sherman, Tillamook, Washington, Wal lowa counties, no bank stock shown; Clatsop at 70 per cent; Douglas 40; Gil liam 50: Lane 110: Linn 65: Marion Capital National 70 percent: Morrow 60; Polk 75; Umatilla 65; Union 60; asco 75 ; 1 amhill 100 ; Multnomah, First National bank, 105 per cent of par value; Commercial 54 per cent. tven the state board of equalization was confused and reported : "We con fined our investigation to national banks. With the information wa have we can not determine what would be an eanit- aLle aesemment of bank stock of each county. To reach such a conclusion it is necessarv to know the amount of sur plus and undivided profits of each bank. ve believe, however, that the actual value of the shares of stock cannot be less than tbe par value of the paid up capital stock.' A. J. Holires went to Portland this noon on business. J. J. Dubruille is in Portland for a few days on a business trip. Ltcecse has been issued for the mar riage of . L. Smith and Leona Foster. W. S. Trainor. recently iniured bv a fall at Mebama, is gradually improving and is considerably better. Sirs. William Adams, residing in the 1st ward. Is lying dangerously ill from the birth of a child last sight. Tbe child is doing well. The Sao Francisco CbranirJn nffmrl a silver cap to every baby born on Christmas this year. Ine attention of Mr Joshua Conn is called fo the fact. On Dec 31. the Foresters will (rive a big ball at Reeds opera boose in Salem. Tbe admission will be $1.00. Parson's orchestra, of Portland, will furnish mu sic. Otto Lee. the druezist. and wife, of Salem, came up last night to spend Christmas with Mrs. Lee s parents, but they got left and only arrived on the overland. Miss Edith Riddle, of Hanisbnre who has had three attempts made upon her me recently, win go to xne uasies, near wnere her parents are, to reside, in order to get away from her persecutors. A. F.Stowe, formerly of tbia city, is now traveling for the Keeley cure of Salem, and doing effective work, having secured fourteen for the institution already. He will soon go io eastern Oregon in the interest of the cure. John Hoi man of Albany is a holiday visitor in the Capital City, and will di vide nig tune and pleasure between tbe homes of his three daughters here. Mrs H. G. Meyer, Mrs. J. H. Lunn and Mrs. Thomas tlolman Balem Statesman. Mr. Joshua Conn appeared in Albany this morning wiih a broad smile on his countenance and a quick, hilarious step that indicated that something had oc curred. Investigation resulted in the following item : Born, near Albany, on Christmas day, Dec. 25, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Conn, a girl. All doing wen. We bad fin-) Christmas wrather. An alarm of fire was given Christmas eve on account of a flue burning out in the residence ot Vol. teller on Lyon street. James and Sam Pool, tried in Portland for robbing the train in Cow Creek canyon utxt spring, were ooin acquitted. John Uase was round guilty. Evangelists Thompson and Zachman conduct gospel services nightly ct the Adel phi Mission hall on First street, op posite ttevere uouse. everybody welcome ihu morning auout 3 o clock some ene going home broke a pane of glass out of tbe ttore of John Fox, who would like to know the name of the culprit. Cobvaixis' Policb. The City Council rif ( Virvallis.did prompt work Tuesday ev. ening. They voted 7 to 2 to remove Chief Taylor of the police force. Nightwatch McLogan resigned. The public is satis fied. C B Wells was immediately elected ' Chief of Police and George.. W. Emerick ightwatc WM. McKINNON KILLED. A Fatal Christmas Fall at Canyon Creek. William M. McKinnou, one of tho best known residents of Linn county, met with a fatal accident yesterday at his home in Canyon Creek, beyond Sweet Home. He was in the second story of his barn when he accidentally fell out upon the ground, striking upon his head, lie is a hoavy man and his neck was broken, from thi effects of which he died in a short time. McKinnon was a pioneer of Linn county, and at one time resided in Albany. There are few peo ple in the county not familiar with his nistory. CITY COUNCIL. Tuesday evening, Dec. 10. Present Mayor. Recorder. Marsh and Council meu Read, Huston, Grad- woul, rarrell and Walter. Tbe followina bills were ordered naid'r Illumes Troutnian. 12.60: B F. Pur- doni, $3.00; Thos. DanuaU, 5.00; San- wam uimoer Uo.,ia.oU: w. w. Kowell, 2.75; Chas, Pfeiffer, $2 75; Gib!in A Howard. 3.75: J. A. Finch. 1.2o: F. P. Nutting, 4.00 ; N. J. Uenton, t39.00; H. C. Watson, $100. Licenses to sell liquor were granted uiuiw x uowara, v iiuanis tiros., Peter Schloaser, and M. Baumait for Daniel Marks. The contract for building a latteral sewer across Main street was let to U. G. Hayne at 40 cents per foot. Sidewalks in front of Cowan residence, and Mrs. M. M. Elkins were ordered re paired aithm five days. The bonds of the city treasurer were placed at $10,000 and of the city marshal at $3,000. The Mask Ball. A big mask ball was held at the opera house last sight. There was a large at tendance and many pretty, novel and grotesque costumes were there. following is a list of the oaskers,with their representation)!. KoyBentley hi Plunkard A. Senders ; John Bull O. W. Mitchell Grover Cleveland Annie Willis ..1872 ..1872 MrsW.C. BullW.. Miss G. Hal torn . . . Miss Edith Rowell Miss Etta Cretl... Ella Egan Mack the Barber. . Mike Rogoway Mrs Van Ortwkk Frank Combs Frost fcegRW School girl ....School girt Hired girl ...Pat O' Brian Sleigh bells , Sailor Coon ...Clown ..Wench .....School girl ....Topsy ...Fancy Dress Accordian .........Clown ........ .Clown Cavalier Jack Gibson....... Billy Welch Henry McBee Ethel Bentley Edna Miller Belle Senders. Minnie Senders Bert Crawford. G.I. G been Sam Dupger Arvil Effiie Ward BabvGirl Will Conn .Clown Leo Cohen Coon Coon .Cigarette Sunliower Maid ...Servant .Morning Clarence Dubruille. Cora Slianoon Kate Reynolds Mrs Wm Pfeiffer Mrs Frank Wood Edith Blanchard Lime Farrel Summer Girl Mrs Henry Williams Spanish Danrer Mrs Al Boenicke Folly Mrs Shaw Spaaiyh Dancing Girl Miss Georgia Powers Tatnborioe girl Tom Chambers Jockey J W Chambers Dutchman Linnie Wileon Popcorn girl Stella Rankin , Shepberdesa Senders A Hubble 2 Orphans Mrs England Ivy Leaf Edith ','hiswell Morning Star The prizes for the bet sustained char acters were given Mr. Mike Rogoway as Pit O'Brian and Edith Chiswelf as Morning Star. A Slippery Englishman. Edwin Ltne who is in jail at CorvaUia for swindling people on checks cot backed by tbe uuh seems to have been a slip pery man generally. He is an English man and amocg his thingt was found the following advertisement in an Eng lish newspaper Uiat reads : "Gentlemen's soon, desiring to emi grate to Oregon U. S. A. I have va cancy for two or three pu ri Is, learn cattle raising, ranching-, all kinds of farming, under experienced hands. I'lc-nty ot good hunting and fishing, good com fortable home, first class board and lodg ing, every thing found, 130 pounds per annum, with prospect of making guod wagea second year, if desirable. Good opening for young man who is willing to rough it a little. Further, write per sonally Edwin Lane, Summit, Benton county, Oregon, V. S. A." Lane is a friend of Wallis Nash, and Mr. Nash, on account of Lane's good parentage in England has been trvinn to get him released by the District Attor ney, agreeing that be will get ont of the country. Lane is also under $.100 bonds in Multnomah county for (retting money on fraudulent chucks, lie should be prosecuted and sent to the pen. That is where such fellows belong. Prepare to Groan. Oregon is about to reap the whirlwind raised by the last extravagant and in' competent state legislature. The story is tout in tbe lollowing item in the balem Statesman : "Those in a position to have some knowledge of the subject express the be- net that the state lew lor l$m will be tbe largest in several years. It is said this will be the result of the abnormally small levy made a year atro. thronuSi which a shortage in nearly all tho lm poriant lunus has been created. It is thought likely that not less than seven mills will be rennired to meet the cur rant demands. It is hinted that Secre tary of btate Kincaia hates considera bly under the necessity which will com pel him after only one year in office to more than double the last levy made by his predecessor, this, too, notwithstand ing bis strict personal scrutiny with a view to close economy." excuses will be out ot placj and will not be tolerated. An average of five mills is an outrage. A Literary Program. The Ladies Auxiliary to tbe Y. M. C. A. will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All ladies are invited. The subject for the month is "Artists and sculptors." Following is the program. The life and works of Thorwaldsen, the sculptor. Mrs. Sears. A sketch ot the uio and work oi John Rogers, by Mrs. A. S. Hart. Vocal Duet, Mrs. Uenton and Mis. Wandoll. Millet.the artist, his life and works. Miss Clara Gard. Bastien Lepage, by Dr. Mrs. Beers. Items in regard to American artists. A Fbie.vd of Yaouina. Hon. Chas. N. Clark, oi Missouri who was in Albany last summer and who spent several weeks at Yaqaina, is a member of the new river and harbor committee. Mr, Clark expreated a great friendliness for Yaquina Bay and knows its needs thor oughly. He is the maa the Oregonian attacked so fiercely because he didn't think the Columbia should get all the at tention from the eovernment to the ex clusion of other places. The appoint ment is an important one for "V; aquina Bay. With Mr. Herman the Bay Is cer tainly well fortified for the appropriation it seeds and deserves. We are here to please you. If every lung is not 0. K. kindly let us know We are not selling t cost but at moder ate profits. We can furnish you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips Power A Tomlinson, FRIDAY The State Raisers. The Slate Board of Equalisation raised the assessment on railroad rolling stock as follows: Benton and Linn, 6; C lack mas and Josephine, 8; Douglas, 7; Malheur, 20; Marion and Washington, 12; Sher man, Umatilla, Union and Wasco. 3. The couu ties lowered were: Columbia and Gilliam, 16,4j f-ane and Yamhill, 18 ; Jackson, 23. So cbanes were made in other counties Jiaving railroads, Horses and mules were faised, as fol lows: Baker, Benton. Crook, Gilliam, Harney and Umatilla, 10 per cent: Clackamas, Douglas, Klamath, Marion, Wallowa and Wasco, 20 percent; Grant and Josephine, 15 percent; Multnomah, XI per cent. Oilier counties remain un changed. Cattle were raised 10 per cent in isaker and Tillamook, and 30 in Lsnn. and reduced 10 per cet.t in Clackamas and Coos. Oilmr counties nnchaneed. Tha aseH-ssme.it on sheep was reduced 45 per cent in Klamath and raised -V in Linn. The classes of swine and money were left unchanged the state over. Friday and Saturday rain and cooler. River 7.2 feet. Ex-Sheriff C.C. Jackson is in the city today on business. Tbe uw niitht watch cf CorvaUia is to receive $10 ptr month. Mrs. C. A. Lauehead returned this noon from a visit in Salem. O. C. McFarland returned this noon from hia trip to Anion a. Jack Alohine of Litlla Elk and Jack Alphine of Plainview, have been in the city. Mayor-elect Lt-e. of Jndenendenoft. brother of Marshal Lee. of lias was In Albany today. Mrs. Amelia Miller and daughter, of Salem, are in tbe city tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Martin. IV. Mrs. Beers returned ibis noon from Portland leaving Dr. Mr. lWri greatly improved, and he a ill probably be home in a few days. Dr. E. L. Irvine left today for Arling ton, where he will attend to tse hosinca of Dr. John A. Geiendorfer, while that gentleman takes a holiday vacation. Sheriff Combs, of Grant countv was in the citv thifi nfu-tn nil Lia wav hiitn, will. a cow boy wanted there for stealing, lie bad secured turn at it.e bay. D. B. Montcith and family returned this noon from Son Francisco, wnere they went several weks ago. Thev kit their mother, Mrs. Walter Montoith and iirs. Barrows in row health. Caids are oat for tbe marrUseof Lieu tenant Chas. A. S.-ans, of tbe electric light force, and MLs May Day. one of Albany's bright and popular vouaa- la dies, to occur on Dec SI. TbeSaa Fraocio trr vuatl AINiav this morsiair with six passeogvr f r thit city. Two other kX iff at Junction. Af ea leans Jo on ion U train ovwrtofped onui reaming r oruana. Dr. J. M. Keeue, who has practiced dentistry in a!em, for a good many years, has gone east ; bat will rvtarn to to the ectast and locate either at Portland or Los Angeles. He was one W Salem s social lions. Xoea&tera mail this noes. Regular meeting of tbe Eoyal JLraaiam to-oisbt. Mr. Ed Coin has had Vtt o'd Salvation Army atv, used -ia Scio. Irooifbt to Al bany, say tbe PreM,whka indicate war in this city. Etop Fot. a ctazv man at f4tajrs farm near SaVm, jumped out of the thud fiorir of the buikling vesUrJar afternoon and was kiiUd. tie was &5 year old. which ia pretty aged to commit suicide. Mr. l-aler is wcrking with might and main to get tbe mining aiachicery into the mine and it U all pmty we-1 on the way. Abnot twentv-Sve team bare been at work and a litti deoent welfcer would result to sttcceas. 1. W. Smith, a man 78 rears of mm. t Dayton, was aaulud Tues-iav aia-bt op- c-n going to bis front door, twiog struck oa the bead, and it is doattful if be lives. It was prcbably done tor the parpow of rob bery, I J sroneooe thinking be had money. Tbe tockbr4ders of tbe Albao Creamery have jaid received ttnr temi annual divi dend of 4 per cent- During Xovtmbsr the tuiik turnuoer received at tbe rate of 21 rents per pound for but'er f t their milk. ib present market price u 55 cent per roll. Tbe creamery is a oocms bevood expectation. tiertuann, of Ore: on. is mil on tbe River and Harbor committee, but is cot i-hainnan. lie will be able to do as much for the ambiil as be has done in tbe past. wcMinnville Telephone Reiriter If Hermann want tbe good will of Use pen pi of I. inn county be will have to that the south fork of tbe Santtam la made nav igable into the mines. He has never made even a effort that way vet. Tbe editor of the Budget yesterday re reived a private letter from a party in Tacoms, m whicli it was stated that great many bu nines men and capiaiit in that city had their eyes on Astoria with a view of coming this way next summer for a permanent settlement. Budget. Urn on? city set kx to l built up at tie eiveaxe of another. Tit tbe way of tbe world . A Sales Saturn. HueIi A. Scott ar rived home on Chrietmas morning, after an absence of fourteen months, giving his parents. Mr. and Mrs. David fccott, a eenuine surprise .as they did not know he was on this coast. He those the sea for a profession and sailed from Portland to Liverpool on his first voyage October 13, 184. Thence to Sidney, Australia, New Castle. San Francisco where he arrived itwemitcr 2ist. last i-rniav. tie was former student at Willamette, and is probably Salem's only representative- in the seafaring profeasion. Jlle will make a short visit as lie has only sixteen days leave, when he will reioin his ship, th vv raw uastie. uoiina lor souiu riunniu port. Mr. Scott will serve a four-years apprenticeship when he can be pro moted to gecT.nd mate, on examination, and hopes finally to become a full-tied ged navigator. Journal. A Fi.ver. Savs the Corvallis Times Tim "flaff shin" of the Oregon Central and Eastern steamboat squadron, the r lloag, turns out, since repaired, to be a reiriilar river erevhbund. Last Saturday she made the trip irom aiurrisuurg to Euecne in five hours, the shortest tune on record, and on the down trip the fol mwinoriav. liesides taking freight en route she made the run from Eugene to nnrvallis between 7 :30 in tho morning and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. She finds plenty of tralllc work to do, having brought down 1000 sacks of wheat for the Corvallis mills, fifty tons of hay for Port land, and fifty tons of oats for San Fran cisco, Yesterday she brought down from Boone vi lie for the Benton Mills, two car goes of wheat of 2,200 sacks each. It la expected that the Bently will be launch- . ed next Monday, and will be ready to pull out tor the upper nvur mo nuuuie it next week. ' Dr. Price's Cream batting Powd World's air Highest AwarC Wm. McKinnon. who waa killed nn Christmas at Canyon Creek, was a night watch at Albany for some time years ago. At one time he worked in a black' smith shop here. He was a man who was ready to fight at tbe drop of tbe hat. and it would take a big volume to tell all the scraps he was engaged in. An illus tration of how quickly his antagonistic bump would rise is told by an Albany maa : One day McKinnon was taking a He took the buggy la the car and piled it up on a seat, ine conductor ca along and remarked : "You'll have to Uke that buggy into vu uapirage car. "Yes?" said Mc without stirrins-. Soon the brakeman came in for busi ness and made the same remark. McKinnon stood nD and binran takinff off his coat. "I will, will I : well I arueas not; if that buggy goes into the baggage room it goes over my dead body.'r It remained, and nothing more waa said about it. Probate Record. In tha guardianship of Lewis Uox. 9th annual account filed. In estate of Joseph Harrison, inven tory oi appraisement tiled : Keai prop erty, si,4w: personal property. 4,9tJS 79; total, $4,368.79. Robert Harrison appointed administrator. In estate of Horace Far well. S. M Fletcher, was appointed administrator with bonds at $9,000. In estate of John F. Crair. Emllv vraig was appointed administratrix. - : , . . . . . . ' In estate of Hiram SmiLh. renort of sateoi personal property Bled, rinai accounting set for Feb. 3, 1896. A Chaliixok. fhe members of F" company desire to play any base ball club in the city, regular or picked. A game to-morrow e renins would be agree- iy i any uuie. SATTJRDA HOME AND ABROAD F. H. Pfeiffcr'e ( Confectionary. Conn IJuton for groceries. Tbe choiaert candies at F. II. Pfeiffer. Trilby watch guards at F. M. French's An eWant display of meat may ba vn at Sbults bros. Some nice holiday novelties at ('nan Huston's. 1h very best, and only 2.00 per dot cabinet, al Tinkle. F. TI. Pfeiffer tea ts in holiday randiaa sod tbe price are bottom on. Tbe overland did aot arrive tit morn ing from Portland QDUl about S o'clock Best butter in tbe city every dav for 20e per roll at P. Cofeen'. drgs. 20c F. L. Kenton is a"eot for the Werklv Examiner, $1.50 per year. A 6ne stock of holiday books aad aotioos at Q. J. lone. Good treatment at Coco and Hoston. aed their good are the best. Some elegant dsirae ia crockery ware at low prices at Conn aad Htttoa. Tbe Ugjrest stock Of confectionary for the boli.lsy in tbe ci!y at K. II. Pfeiffer '. Tboae sold ailed watches fortS.00 110 00 anJ 115.10 at French's jewelry store will near lotpecuon. Yoa are all invited to es.ll at French' jeardry store and aee bis display of holi day gToda. Tbe Albany Furniture Com nan r Kant jtt received a tot of beautiful Resc, A Cobler atat rocker. If Tinkle can't make a pktarethat suit yon yoa ut as well g-.ve up. ee hi $1 60 pbotos- Litesite thctoeraohs. tbe best aih reduced from t50. to only $20 per doxea at Tickle. Cabinet, $2.00. Talk about waich chain, iatt call aroand and an what Freoch the jeweler has; aad bow tsey are warranted. Tbe aalvaiioo army have rented the brick nest door west of Fortmiller tc Irving aad win iay iiege to Aioasy tontgnt Tbe steamer Farrailoa which has been detained at Taqntaa teo days oa account of very rooirh weather, will sail to morrow moraine for San rraactcso. Ibe Stewart A Sox Hardware Co.. are movina into Mr. fox br nek arrow the street, a good bui!din aad excellent lo cation for a hardware store Tbe store being vacate i baa not yet been 'en ted. The total valos of all property ia the Ute is iven at fl5&SI0.740 Mai too mxh i the wealthiest county in tbe state. ber valuation being placed at $56,663,109. turry i tbe poorest, beta aauwasd at $44,S. Lisa couety I third la wealth. A farmer ia Eagle valley. Eastern Ore gon, last year sheared liOO. offered bv an eastern seed grower, for tbe best and big- iret cabbage raised in tbe coontry. aad hi J ear another farmer. D.J Saoders. of tbe Name vall-y. win $100 for raising three of the biggest aad finest onion grown in tne t oiled Mates. Tbe state board of equalisatioa yesterday continued mixing thins up. Note aad accoaots, bare of stock and improvements on deeded binds were left uochara-ed tbe state over. Tbe increase in merchandu and implements waa a follows: Baker. KenttA, Uoos, Linn. A! anon, Umatilla, Lcion and Yamhill, 10 per rent; Clacka mas, 20 Clatsop was reduced 25 per cent and tbe other counties were kept an changed. ArraaTna PaKM. In connection with the removal of Chief of Police Taylor, of Cor vail is. the following resolution signed by Alex Kennie, formerly oi this city, and thirty others was offered to the city council and laid on tbe table : Resolved that the chief of police and nightwatch of this city should be cen sured for their conduct of the 30th of November; that it is the sense of this city has done far greater damage to the good name ot our city by their persistent eL'irts to publish broadcast to the world our domestic troubles; thereby doing a greater and more permanent and far reaching injury to our citv than it would oe poesioie lor any act oi ine caiei 01 po lice or nightwatch to accomplish. Haawoxv Gbanob No. 23, P. of H. elected tbe following officers: Master, J. M. Settle. Overseer, 11. C. Powelll. Lecturer, Dan McGregor. Steward, J. Clem. Assistant steward, F. M. Mitchell. Chaplain, J. W. Propst. Treasurer, M. F. Dawson. Secretary. 8. A. Dawson. U. K., John Harder. Pomona, Sarah Dawson. Flora, Belle Dawson. Ceres, M. J. Clem. L. A. 8 , Harriett Settle. Delegates to L. C. B. O. were II. Powe.1 and F. M. Mitchell. C. The Mount Lebanon Shakers recently performed a great deed of charity, al though it was not designed as a charity, being nothing more nor less than an ad vertising scheme. It however resulted in great good just the same. They gave away 1,000 bottles of their digestive Cor dial to those suffering from stomach de ransenients. - . It was so effective in curing those who used the remedy that they were loud in their praises of it and in consequence a large demand for the cordial was at once created. The druggista of this town have little books that tell all about it. Digestive Cordial creates an appetite, aids diges tion and brings about a rapid Increase in I flesh and streneth. Laxol is the name ot a palatable Cas tor Oil. Just the thing for children. MRS. DR. J. L. HILL Die Suddenly from Apoplexy. Mrs. Dr. J. L. Hill died suddenly about 10 o'clock this forenoon from apoplexy. Mrs. mil had not been well for some time. Upon being taken sick to her stomach she went to the rear porch of her home and was vomiting severely when a blood vessel burst in ber head. and she feU back upon the porch, dying almost instantly. toe news waa received witn general sorrow and regret by all. Mary E. Pennimrton was tbe daughter oi noa, o. ai. renntngion, oi uui city, and was born ear Lebanon. Dec. II, 1850, residing here from her birth. In 1870 sbe waa united in marriage to Dr. J. L. HilL Three children have bleased the union, and survive. Dr. Clyde Hill, of Milton, and Gail and Emily of this city. Mrs. Hill was a woman cf high character, esteemed for many excellent qualities. She was a member of the Baptist church, the Kathbone sisters, K. of P., Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W. and Maccabees. Dr. Hill aad family ha vet be sympathy of the entire community in their great loss. Funeral service will be held at tbe residence of Dr. Hill on Monday at 2 p. m. In Memoriam. To the worshipful master, warden and brethren of St. Johns Lodge So. 62 A. F. A A.M. We your committee appointed to pre pare resolutions of condolence, on tbe death of our late brother John F. Craig, beg leave to report as toiiowa, to-wit : the silent and trreaist able messenger death baa again entered oar fold, and taken hence another victim. Brother John P. Craig departed this life, at his residence in this city on tbe 18th day of December, 1895. Brother Craig was born on the 18th day of August, 1853, in Indiana county. Pennsylvania; removed from Pennsvlvania to Utah territory in the year 1888; and from thence to Ore gon, in April, 1892. where be baa since rmided, in this city, with the exception ol a short time in tbe city of Portland. nrotoer Uraig was married in the year 1ST9, to Miss Emily Cameron, who with five children now survive him. Brother Craig was made a Mason in the year i V!i, in inaiiaa Lodgw, o. US. under be a-rand luruniiction of the Mate of Pennsylvania, demitted therefrom, and became a member of St Jchn's Lodge No. 72. on the 21st dav of Mar. IS'jo. by affiliation, w here be retained bis mem bership to tbe time of hia death. Brother Craig's death was sudden and anexpect ed. He was stricken down ia the prime of life, and leave a wife and five orphan children, who are entitled to the sym pathy of bis brethren. Therefore bo it reeotred : That ia the death of Brother Craig St John's Lodge baa Io a loya1 and faithful member;bis family a toruiz husband and father; and the commoatiy an honest, and upright citisea. Resolved further r That the rvmnatl-v. and sincere condolence of this fodgo are hereby extended to tho bereaved family of oar deceased brother; and that the members of this lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that the altar and jewels of the iod? be draped ia mourning for tha same time. Keaotved furtber: That a copy ot these reaolo ions, duly certified by the secre tary, be furnished the family of tbe de ceased and that a memorial pae be set apart in th record book ot the lodge, and that a copy be f urate bed the city papers for publication. Jo, r. uaiaaarra, J. R. Wtarr, F J. Mrixxa. Com. On motion the resolutions were unani- tnoosly adopted, at a staled communi cation held this 27 it day ot December, 1895. Saltw's Niw Mill. Last evenings Post says: A glance today at the com pleted plans for the new woolen mill shows that the dimensions of the entire stroctare will be 60x145 feet, and that it ill comprise two stones and a base ment. Tbe bids invited were for wood and brick structures. It is thought lik ely that brick will be selected as tbe ma terial provided toe estimates are satis factory. The bids wui oe opened to morrow and tbe contract awarded im mediately. A Iter awarding the contract Tho. Kay will go east to look for tbe necessary machinery. A Srrcwem. Colijk.r. The Mineral Spring College, of the Cumberland Prea- . . ' i . I 1 : I I- 1 : oyieruui cuun.ii, ui cuuiuiv, is ucuig incorporated and articles will be filed on Monday. Capital stock S-XMU. inoer the management of Prof. J . R. Geddea the school has met with marked success and now has an enrollment of over one hundred students. Prou Geddes has eight assistants, and regular college courses are taught- - The college is pros pering beyond expectations. I.x ALBAjtr At Uie Albany Pressed Meat Co's. shop, corner Second and Ellsworth streets, you can get the finest meats to be had ; just now some deli cious sausages, bacon, headcheese, etc besidee the regular lines oi tender mests, Uigb Vrt Custom Tailoring. Besides his reeular business W. R, Graham is prepared to take orders for high art custom tailoring by a leading bouse in New York, only union labor employed and firatclasa work guaranteed. .I, i . . i . t . i. All ainua oi garments niaue ironi uie nest line of samples ever seen in Al bany, a fact easily appreciated by an ex amination of the sample book. Suits from $16 op. O.CsL Time Table. Passenger Leaves Yaoutna at 7 a. m. Arrives at Albany at 1 1 :50 a. m. Leaves Albany l :05, arrives at Bay at 5:40 p. m. Mixed Leaves Albany for Detroit at 7 :44 a m, arrives at Detroit at 12 :15 p m. Leaves Detroit at 12:55 p m, arrives at Albany at 6:30 pm. Freight Leaves Albany at 7 :15 a m on Mondavs. Wednesdays and Fridays. Ar rives at Yaquina at 4 KV p m ; leaves Ya- 3uina at 8 :15 a m on Tuesdays, Thurs ays and Saturdays; arrives at Albany at 4 :w p. m. ' One Hontst Man. Da ah Epitok: Please inform your read ers that if written to confidentially, I will mail in a sealed letter tbe plan pursued by which 1 was permanently restored to health and ru.inly vigor, after many years of suf fering from Nervous Weakness, Losa of Manhood, Lack of Confidence, etc i have no scheme to extort money from any on whomsoever. I waa robbed and swindled by quacks until I neatly lost faith ia man kind, but thank heaven, 1 am now well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to mako 1 1 ! . , k . ,, mi certain mean, m cure snown 10 ail Having nothing to sell or send C. O. D.. I want no money. Addm Ias A. Harkih, uox iui, tieiray, wicd. If you want a eoodl and clean moke buy cigars made bv our Al bany cigar factory. V vUH : PURE SOCIAL AND PKKSONAL The Maccabees held Christmas festiv ities in their hall last night. A pleasant time was bad. An appropriate program was greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wandell and son, Lee, we ht to Eugene this noon, Mr. Wandell to remain over Sunday and Mrs. Wan dell and Lee a week or more. Mrs. W, W. Williams is spending the Christmas holidays in Albany with ber daughter, Mrs D. V. Poling. Mr. Wil liam left this morning for Albany and he and Mrs. Williams will return home Sunday. Independence Enterprise. The family of Prosecuting Attorney McCain is quite seriously afflicted. Mrs. Parker, a daughter, is there ill, and tbe past several days Mrs. McCain has been vary sickv McMinnviOe Transcript. Mr. C. U. Hoberg, of Albany, Linn countv. snrnriaed his brother. Re Joseph and family, Wednesday by drop ping down noon them to spend Christ mas. He was a pleasant caller at this . ic. . r . , ' 1 1 t - ouice. jicjimnviiits anwscript. miss Jiouie bibJin, ot Albany, came down on the 2 i20 train yesterday and will be the guest ol Miss inifred Fen nell, of the Cook hotel, for a few days. faiem statesman. Miss Joyce Brownell will leave in few days for Portland, where she will take a course t4 lessons on the piano un der Prof. W. Gifford Nash. Geo. W. Wright and family, of Al- any, came up Wednesday evening and will be tbe meats of Mrs. 'Wright's nar. enis until Monday. Brownsville Times. Hermann, the greatest wizard of tbe world passed through Albany this morn ing for San Francuco. He had immense bouses in Portland. He ia said to have paid about $350 to have the train held so be could hoard it after last nights entertainment. Miss Lena Yerick was given a birth day surprise party last evening in honor of her eleventh birthday. About twenty five young friends were present, and'a delightful time was had in games and the partaking of a delicious lunch. A very attractive Christmas tree with many novel and unique teatures, re mained in one of tbe rooms for inspect ion and was greatly admired. A letter from Mr. E.S Redeker an nounces the arrival of bimeif and fam ily at Fondulac, Wis., after a pleasant trip. The weather there then was a re minder of Oregcn, as there was bo snow and it waa damp and rainy. It is not the December weather the 'natives like and there is a good deal of sickness. Mr. Redeker has entered into an engagement to represent the big hardware establish ment of tbe Marc hall Wells Hardware Co. of Dulutb, Minn., with bis route in Minnesota and North Dakota. Mrs. C. E. Brownell gave a pleasant little party on Friday evening in honor of Mta Minnie Morris, of Salem, aad Mi Joyce BrownelL The evening was pleasant! y spent in games, after which the yoong peopte enjoyed a dainty lttcch. The present were- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brownell, Marv Men tan re, Lillian W v man. Sue Breckinridge, "Joyce Brownell, Clare Brownell, Minnie Morris, Eliza beth Carotbers, Baynard lion tan re, Jasper Wyman, Herbert Ames, John Ames, Louts brntck. Oregon's Wealth. Reports from all the counties of the state show the following: No. Value. 1,57518 Acres railroad land 1,850,469 $ " waeon road 661.912 702.447 19,913.147 34.046,622 5,125,182 152.814 2,858.273 3.620,921 1,724,686 274.890 38,S56,38 16338,741 6,078,178 1.551,809 9,057.432 1,818,072 891,483 3,743,584 1,522,365 8,894.752 628,171 " unimproved " 6.937,643 " cultivated land.. 2,958.671 Railroads, miles 1540.96 Telephone, telegraph 2207.-15 Horses and mules.. 183,513 Cattle 376.036 Sheep and goats... L707.6SO Swine 120.622 Town and city lots Improvements on lots. Imp. oa deeded lands Money Notes and accounts Shares of stork Imp. on deeded lands.. Household furniture, tte Machinery and equipments. Merchandise and implements Rolling stock of railroads Total value of property . . . .$158,819,730 Attention Hospital Corps. armort Hospital Costs, Sec Rao. AiBA5T Orb. Dec 3 1965. Obdkr No. 6. The officers and members of the Uor-ital Corp Pec Reg., O. N. G. will assemble uniformed and equipped tor muster aad inspection at 7:10 P- m. Dec 30. Is95. By order of M. U. Eixts, J. M. Coscaxnt J a. Surgeon. Hospital Steward. OrrirTRS Elected. Friday evening. Dec. 27, Orgeana Encampment No. 5 I. O. O. F. elected the following officers for the ensuing term: C. P., W. H. Huston: H. P.. R. L. Borkhart; S. W John Reece: Scribe, E. J. Seeley ; Treas urer, E. A. Parker; J. n J . K.Teekie; trustees, W. E. GtUett, a W. Sears, R L. Bur k hart. J. W. Bentley at his old stand ia the Cusick block. Boots and shoes made or repaired well aad carefully. Sola the method and renlta when Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Howcla, cleanses the eys- tein effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cure habitual constipation. &yrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in iU action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend tt to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 80 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist 'who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HO SYKUP CO. Sam nuuKtaeo. eL tomruu. tr. er row eJ f "W of th Albany Street Railway : I be ear will leave coraer of First and Washington streets as follows: 4:20 a. m. for morning over land train . 8:00 ' " Lebanon train. 11:35 " " Yaquina train. 12:00 noon, train going south, 12:35 p. m., Uoseburg train north bound and west bound Yaquina train. 1:05 p. m., O. C. tc E. train, east bound. 4:09 " Lebanon train. 11.35 Ov Hand train goin ? sooth. 4sX) " Orphans Home. Tbe car will aJsemeet all incoming trains on both the Southern PaciSc and 0 .0. k E. railroads. C. G. B urk hart. Secretary GOOD FOB EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medidne to cleanse ikte system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (li'TJid or powder) get all the benefits cf a mild End pleasant laxative and tonic that puriScs the blood and strengthens the whole svstem. Anf more than this: Sl.H.i,ONS LIVER REGU LATOR reeulates the Liver, keens it arriv and healthy, and when the Liver is la rood condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness. Indigestion. Sick- Headache and Consdration. and rid tit that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused bv a s!ur?ih i ivr Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles wiil only fce had when the liver Is properly at work. If troubled u-irh amr of these complaints, try SiMMONS LiVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Piiis. JSS'ETERX PACEAGE-flES Baa tbe Z Staanp in red oat vrrappesv J. JUL ZeUia Col, Phils-, Pa. The greatest sel'-cr oa the market for iiseMs of the Liver,KJdneysaad Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or yocEg. No rnpiBg. Tbe root of tis Ljverine plant i ex ten - aveiy wed in orway for the core of Pile. Sold by til Erst class dmjrjn-s Wholesale arnifarfares, ANCHOR S CHEM ICAL CO, Leb&3oa.Or ALBANY COLLEGE, WEXTY-XIXTH YEAR.) THE COLLEGE WILL OPEX SEP- I . i , i r temoer 1 1, l-s nnuer lavoracm au. pices. Regular Collegiate and Aca demic instruction The Com martial work will be given special attention tnia year, r-ucn voong men and voonjr la . dies as are tooting forward to a business career snooid not ventcre it witnout lav ing a good foundation with as. The College will also establish a Coirserva torv of Music, under tbe able and e21- cient mauasement of ProL Z. M. Parvin. Unusual facilities offered for students desiring to become proficient in mnsic. The Primary Deparunent will receive especial care. Information cheerfully given. - . W ALLACE It. Lt.K, President Ml Smiley Good T3rintipg Always Jonc Very ulckly. The Printer. FAILING MANHOOD Eeaer&I ant Hsnroas Dehllity. Weaknewi of BedV and Mind. Kftects ot Grror or Kxoesses ia Old or Yoanic Ketwt, Kobid jXianiiood fully Restored. How to Knlarfte and Strengthen Weak. Id devrlupod Portions of Body. Absulntety no failinr Home Treat meat. Benefits in a dav. testify from 60 Stale aad Vvia, Conntrtea. Send for Descriptive Book, ex plana una and pcoofa, maikd taaalcdj tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H. Y. MEOEFISH u THK PLUMBER Tin rooiiing aad pluavn. the opera house. v)pf3te AYOCXG MAN 23 years cf age raised on and accustomed to the farm desires a situation of any kind, the conn -tryprelered. Address EuEa Sckastox Monmonth I1L - GIRL WASTED to do general house- work, apply at residence at once. 5th and Ywe at. J. C. Powell. TO TRADK for residence ia Albany. X I have 16 lots with fair bowe. just out side the city limits, ia good location, good land, good orchard, to trads for rtsidence in suitable location ia Albany. 6 VV.MAtTQii- ANAGER FOR LINN CO'JXTY. Mrs. George Dickinson has been made manager of Linn county for the Yia vt Company of San fraacisco. She car ries a full line of their celebrated treat ment. Office at residence east side Broad albia Street between 2nd and Si OSce boors from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Following is the new ti.ue card im?) reIVIKa Maa