The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 27, 1895, Image 4

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Asore spot, green.
Hlant- rr h1i.v la a. I
THE . ,
OUT. IT 18
Attorneys at law. Will practice In all courts of ths
tat. Specwl t tention riven to matter in prob-M
nd to to. lections. OFFICE! In tba Fdna block
Attorney at Law Solicitor la Chancery. Ool
lone mud on all points. Loans negeliatea on
able terms. Albany Oregon , . ,
' ' -
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or,
Al! legal matters will receive prompt at
enf an. Office, First Nwtional Bank
mldinp-, np stairs.
Attorneys at La.
Albany, Oregon.
.. hvejeisa and InnoB, OFFICE Oorns
try streets. Albany, Oregon.
Office on Ferry St near cor ?rd St. Offic
hoars, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m
l&pecial attention given to chronic case
and eye diseases.
Vice President .
Oashlsc , -
rRANSACTS A GENERAL hanking taudaeas
arHWnir,J KEPT mhtM tn check.
SIGHT BXCHANOE and tei Tapbie traaat r, told
New York. Sea Fraaoiaoo. Chicago and. P utiaml
J .'.JrlOSJ ADS on favorable
Bun, 1. Fuss
Eaviasf . Sox.
CCwIl'Ii s CO.,8 VS&EB
OT 1LBAST. OR00, -
tnTs-in 9
aco and Fortlana, Oreeaa;
LOAN MONEY on approved security.
RECEIVE deposits subject to choc.
COLLECTIONS made oa iarorab tenaa,'
IWTSRSSToaid on time jances
eo. r.
Is asw Inmtmt In the Dssocsat offlr. toner
Sad and Broadaibin straets Albany. Or.
Brats and Collections a Specialty.
jyt. 31. II. ELLIS, -
Physician And Surgeon.
Albany, 1 Oregon.
Treats the diseases of the eye and ear.
Spectacles accurately ntted. z-i
Always JJone
Very uickly.
The Printer.
A preparatory school for all colleges os
the coast.
normal aepartment K.-sxtoates receive
state and life diplomas, Music, art,
Dook keeping, - tor cataiugne addreae,
S. A. Rabble, A. M.
S Cueic Block
Albany, Or
Filling end extracting of teeth withon
pain a specialty
Bicycle. A new bicycle. 21 inch wheel,
ball bearing, pneumatic tires, for boy
or girl, for sale cheap. Call at Democrat
Scientists American
Agency ffr
TSABa- saaatB-B.
COfBIQH-ra sSn.
For fnformatiotl and free Handbook write ta
hunk a oo, an BBOUQWAT. sw yobk.
Oldest bnreaa for secarlns patents la America.
Every patent taken out by as Is tmxutht before
the public by a notice given tree of charge in lus
TreestefrenTatlonof any selenttfl. paper fs tha
nrcirtia iinlavuilillw ail.. i . . . ... T
ijui7 luunnHiju, jio m trill.
Weeklv ava.Aha
niaau imnuu do wiuum
year; $1.50 dz month m.
be without It
z months. Adc
Address. HuVlTft co
Bausasaa, 2 til Broadway, lie York City,
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will & Stark.
.Optical Special. v.
Graduate of the Chicago Opthalm
1 am prepared to examine scientific
and accurately, by tbe latest and improved
methods of modern science, any who
aire to hare their eyes tested.
Cusick Block, Albany, Orbgos.
KEEPER. With references, who has
$2000 cash to loan, for a year on ample se
curity, and take steady position as took
keeper and manager, on a salary cf 100
per month, for a well known, long estab
Jiuhed, good paying company at Portland.
AddresH. "L." 706 Marqoam Building,
Portland, Oreo. ,
Tin roo fling and plombing.
the opera house.
A YOUNG MAN 23 years of age
raised on and accustomed to the farm
desires a situation of any kind, the coun
try prelered. Address Ebes Schaktoh',
Monmonth III. r; ; -. .t - -
are tha original and only StKNCH safaondre
tiable care on the market, fries LUU; sent br
Uuuutne sou only by
J, ,A. Cumming, sofe agent, Albany
1 ew-Tl
and watch the color fade,!
the soreness disappear.
m Axed wheala
health by tha
Qf of
Cod Liver CI
I'nnrpuKd aa s
remedy for Cn
umpnoa, Asth
ma. Bronchitis
- Cougha, Debility
and all wasting diseases, perfectly tasteless
yh rj-Hy eelentific remedy by building- sn
ana reviving the body and renew I nf wast
.issue, resist, and destroys disease (craaa,
contains the purest Cod Liver OH . eosabtas4
with atecchwood Tar: pleasant and easy ts
taki, reasonably and honeaUy compoaaM
by a practical pharmacist. -
You can set them ONLY BY laAII FtW-
paid to yon on receipt of 86c, pr bos.
rrtpatfl tuMf by
39 th St state 5ts..
and tb symptoms will disappear
Tbis yon w81 accomplish by rising?
sal Incomparable remedy for diseases af taa
Tax-oat, Nose, ana juouta. a emus,
simple and effective ears for
Brian a, May Fm, Diphtheria. Oulnsj Ser Tarsal, PSal
srsata. UiosratH or Cankwea Bouts snS Teas,
Easily used, quick to relic Te, positive cars.
always ready; small in price. Doat watt
tDl yon moat hare it set it now.
BUT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid o? receipt
at BOc. JPrrpared oletv or
U. U. MIAUti;,( BtMBT,
Ufata A 29th Sta. Chicago, Qa
Tor a
tians strictly eonSdentlsl. AHandbMkof In
rormauoD coorwninaT ramn ana sow w w
tain them sent free. Also a cat slogan of awinheo.
soai aoa aotenuso ooou sent rree. .
ntents tax en urooira ana at in nans
Metal aotiee la the 8rlentl Sc Anseriraa, and
thna am broosht wtdelr before the nobtie with
out enat to tb. tneeeitor. This aeleodid paper.
eiea-anuy urastrated. bas by lar tne
or any soientinc wora in aoa
Mnnie ooptes seat new.
copies. 83 cents.
k ETery
itniy. vuuayear. Binsm
number contains beaa-
tiui passes. Ut colore, and photttrrapas of new
nooses, wi ta plans, onanitna ontioera to t riMlsma and aiH"mn contracts.
- iajw sn lou. xeti sax, saa
prnoM's Erama-GBlErg.
Splendid cnrslles weas for lisws or Ska
.eadache. Brain Lrhaastiorc, f
i cr seaeral r
r seaerai ecr&lasKMetiW Rhea
Goat, Kidner fliiurden. Acid Vm
ABtMuu tor Aicosaai
fries, hi. ttaadtteuue.
ISt S.rr!ora .?T(W iev CHICAGO
tx t. u. wisTO mn ass zws n lArxxs?
is jold noder positive written fuanatea, b1
wthoRaMf agents only, to cure weak- atemory
am of Krun ana Ham rower: last Hannooa
Joirkness; Kigbt Losses; Evii Dreams: Lack oi
Loss of Power of the lienerstive Organs in eitbs
vi. canned by over-exertion. Youthful Errors, o,
.irwmm TJea of Tobacco. Ooinm ar Lkraw
a nich leads iO Misery. ConsiunpajD, Isaanib
and Death. By mail. $1 a box; six for (5; with
enium miuta to ear. or spfnnd monew.
ijampis packaaw, containing- uve days treatment.
vstn i ail uistxacuane. .9 r-vjis. u sjaf
i sola to nach patvaa uy man.
Fashy ft Hason.ageuta
Tie AcaHsmj - of Our Laflj Oi
Perpelual Help, lHjasy, Or.
A hoarding and day school conducteo
by tne uenedicune bisters wiu resume
Studies Anz. 27. 1895.
Every facility will be offered for thor
ough courses in scientific, normal, com
mercial and elementary branches.
An able teacher of piano, violin, ruitar
and vocal music will have charge ol the
musical department. Ura sing and pamtc
ing will, like music, be taught as extras.
Lessons in plain and lancy needlework,
For further particulars call at the Acad
emy or address fcrSTEB DCFBUORES.
Cavern snd Trado-Msrki cbtsinea. and sH Pat-1
iesabwsneascoaducledlurasoccnaTC ma.
tone ermt wowutiiit . . psvrwr Of
' -ad sr. caa secure patent in lea -
Seed m-jdet, drawing or pacta, wftS dcau!p-
b-. U e advise, if patentable ar not, ires of
Eui-Me iinrn t, asmnerao.
an US tnziacnotauanup-BEBxassecs
Fmrr, "HowtoObtr l Patents,'
uu oi srjac .a vim w. A va ibsi
ant tree. .Address,
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine: Cures tbe
common every-day
ills of humanity.
3 ctbra rc vraitc
pcultsy Uusiaets.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
.wheel. Prettiest model.
we are Pacifie Coast
Agents. Bicycle cata
logac.rnsiVti ir ec-givefl
fait deserfntion. orfcea. ete.,AOawrs srajmo.
FZTALUM A nCTBATOm CO., retalsaiarCsl.
Baaaca Uoo S3 1 Main St., Los Angeles.
Wholesale efc Betail
Pure Drugs'and'tbe Finest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
in the - Market. . ,
-X Ar.d
- Hair, wool and shoddy mattresses renc
rated atd made over. , ,
Farniture of every desciiption and tabj
carriages re-uphoistered and varnished.
Drop a note in the P. O., or ctll at 7
itreet, betwaen Ferry and BrjadalMn. A
hany, Or.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
World's Fair Highest Award. .
v v Jllnstratet 1
article rurtrfed kit ti-.cSxA Cutalocus sW
aaaaaw efiaassw
Few men have left a
cleaner record than
Allan Q. Thurman.
Lots of women who can't vote are at
the head of the household, the Dower
behind the throne.
Congressman Ellis drew a seat in the
middle and in front. That is one way to
become conspicuous, though a mere matter
of chance.
An exchange gays that a man who does
not advertise simply because his grand
father did not, ought to wear knee panis
and a queue. The man who does not ad
vertise because it costs money should quit
paying rent for the same reason. The
man who does not advertise because he
tried it once and failed, should throw away
his cigar because the light went out. The
man who does not advertise because he
does" not know how himself, ought to stop
eating because he can t cook.
The Morning Spiritualist and the
Evening Lawsuit are not without their
uses. They are good to wrap cabbages
in. Journal. That accounts for the
editor of the Journal having his head
tied np in a copy of the Post the other
morning. Post. We give these as sam
ples of Salem pleasantry, in comparison
with the savage, style of Astoria and
Roeeburg papers.
The country doesn't begrudge the
president a vacation. But when a pres
ident has a well-nigh ruined treasury en
his hsnds and immediately after a whole
summer of vacation, starts off in search
of more recreation, the country must be
gin to assume that the tired feeling is
constitutional. ''Better an empty treas
ury than to lose a single dock," seems to
be the Cleveland motto. Salem Post.
Yes but that Yensuelan message is a fish
worth catching for the U. S. It is bus
iness and that is what the TJ. S. wants.
How is it tbat Mexico ts in a pros
perous condition, in good credit financial
ly developing her resources, building rail
roads and fostering industrial enterpris
es, promptly meeting ber expenses and
reducing her bonded indebtedness,
funding ber debt at a lower rate of
interest? ilexico is a free silver country,
on a silver basis, and yet baa no trouble
n adjusting the balance of her foreign
commerce. This admitted condition ol
her industrial and financial affairs is
quite a puzzle to those who are constant
ly proclaiming that tbe United Slates
must conform our policy to suit the
wishes of European countries with which
we have commercial intercom se Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Mr. Huntington is economizing. He
bas decided to discharge over 500 men
from the railroad shops in Sacramento,
and he is cutting his force all over the
Southern Pacific system. Of coarse, the
fact that $33,000 a month will be saved
by tbe Sacramento retrenchment alone
is enough of itself to appeal to tLs
thrifty mind of the venerable warship
ouiider. Mr. Uunmngtoa can see bo
reason why that amount of good money
should be absorbed by a lot of shiftless
workmen who might spend it for bread or
meat, when it might just as well stay
safely in bis own pockets. But tbers
is an additional consideration that doubt
less bss weight with him just at this
time. Tbe Southern Pacific is poor eo
wretchedly poor that a reduction of 8 per
cent oa its gain rates in California would
drive it into bankruptcy That is the
melancholy situation which Jndge Me-
Kennai desired to appreciate, and of
coarse bis understanding of it might be
considerably quickened by tne spectacle
f tbe unfortunate railroad turning its
employees into the streets at Christmas
time in its pathetic effort to make both
ends meet. Examiner.
The Nail Hit.
President Cleveland did not go fishing
in vain. He produced one of the strong
est messages be bas ever delivered, right
to the point, on the Venesnelan ques
tion. After enunciating very distinctly
and ably the true character of tbe Mon
roe doctrine he gives tbe course for the
United States to pursue in the following
Tbe coarse to be pursued by tbis gov
ernment in view of the present condi
tion does not appear to admit ol serious
doubt. Having- labored faithfully for
many years to induce Great Britain to
snbmiLthis dispute to impartial arbitra
tion, and having been now finally ap
prised of ber refusal to do so, nothing
remains but to accept the situation, to
recognize its plain requirements, and t
deal with it accordingly.
Great Britain's present proposition
has never thus far been regarded as ad
missible by Venezuela, though any ad
justment of tbe boundary which that
country may deem for her ad vantage and
may enter into of her own free will, can
not, of course, be objected to by tbe
United States. Assuming, however,
tbat the attitude of Venezuela will re
main unchanged, tbe dispute has reach
ed such a stsge as to make it now in
cumbent upon tbe United States to take
measures to determine with sufficient
certainty for its justification what is tbe
true divisional line between the republic
of Veoezaela and British Guiana. In
quiry to tbat end should, of coarse, be
conducted carefully and judiciously, and
due weight be given all available evi
dence, records and facts in support of tbe
claims of both parties.
In order that such an examination
should be prosecuted in a thorough and
satisfactory roauner, I suggest that con
gress make adequate appropriation for
tbe expenses of a commission to be ap
pointed by tbe executive, who shall
make the necessary investigation and re
port npon the matter with the least pos
sible delay. When each a renoit is
made and accepted it will, in my opin
ion, be tbe duty of tbe United States to
resist by every means in its power, as a
illful aggression upon its rights and
intereets, the appropriation by Great
Britain of any land, ' or tbe exercise of
governmental jurisdiction over any ter
ritory, which, after investigation, we
have determined of right belongs to Ven
In making these recommendations. I
am fully alive to tbe responsibility in
curred, and keenly realize all the conse
quences tbat may follow. I am never
theless firm In my conviction that while
it is a grevious thing to contemplate the
two great English-speaking peoples of
tbe worldas being otherwise than friend
ly competitors in the onward march of
civilization, and strenuous and worthy
rivals in all aria nf nae tl.o
iamity which a great nation can invite
which equals that which follows suoine f
submission to wrong and injustice and
the consequent loss of national self-
respect and honor, beneath which la
shielded and defended tbe people's safe-
ty and greatness,
Whenever Schlatter reaches Chicago
he will have his bands fall in that wick
edest of American cities.
Under the laws of the slate of Calif
ornia a great slagging match will take
place in San Francisco to-morrow between
Reliance and Butte. It will be for blood.
Senator ThnrBton wants all pensions
Increased 25 per cent. This is an out
rage. A reasonable pension is ail right;
but in an era of bad times, when all the
revenue is needed this would not be
It may be earnest'y wisLed that it be
along time before Linn county bas
another murder trial. They are mind
disturbers, and their influence is bad.
A war with England would mean some
live contests between the squadrons
along the Pacific, and perhaps there
might be some smoke occasionally in the
Debs has withdrawn from the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen. A good
deal of trouble would have been saved
had he withdrawn before the bijr
Parents,need to look around, and see
what is needed,to give their children the
right start in life. A good foundation to
character is as necessary in a person as
in the construction of a building.
Statesman "I hardly know how to
deal with my people on this money ques
tion." His secretary ''That's easy; when
they tackle yon,$dont deal, but continue
to shuffle." The Journal Indianapolis.
That is the wsy Senator McBrida is
The totaljvote of Pennsylvania in the
late eiectioc'sives an explanation of the
republican plurality of 175,000. Com
pared with 1S92, the democratic stay-at-
homes number 170,000 tbis year. The
republican vote so far from increasing, is
60.000 behind that of 1892. Compared
with last year democrats fall behind US,
000 and the republicans 50,000. Ex.
Sullivan said in Chicago: "K.'nce 'SI I
have made 2,000,000. 11 ve not got
much of it now, but I'm tbe same John
, and on the level. No man can say I
ever told a lie. You will alwais find
John L. Sullivan honest and on tbe
level." A second George Washington
for sure; but it would not do to analyse
tbat proposition.
Tbe country is safe, J L Sullivan w ill
standby Cleveland: "Monroe had tbe
right kind of tend when be wiote tbat
paper which made the nations of the
world duck their nuts to Uncle Sam,'
said John L Sullivan. "I've had some
experience myself with Johnny Boll,"
continued the great fighter. "and I tonnd
him a regular duffer. There was Tog
Wilson, who came '.over here pretending
to be a fighter. Charley Mitchell had
too much mouth for hit sise.and I quick
ty done him. These Englishman are
very fond of talking, bat they cut no ice
in a real fight. That's where I admire
Cleveland. He gets tight down to busi
ness tbe minute be is challenged.
In his position on the Monroe doctrine
tbe president is backed by the people of
the U. 81, irrespective of party, and
were it to come to a fight the people of
the North and South, East and West
would unite bands and arms, and fight
side by side for their native land. Eng
land has begun displaying some of ber
old time hoggish nets and it is eminent
ly proper for tbe U. 8. to tesvh ner
where she belongs, regardless of tbe con
sequences. Bot there will be bo blood
shed. Two civilised governments like
the U. S. and Ensland will certainly be
able to settle sncn a matter as tbe Ven
esnelan question without tbe clash of
arms. This is an area of arbitration,
and tbe nation that refneee to arbitrate,
woe to it, better were a millstone tied
aiound its neck.
The Two Factions.
Tbe Portland Cbrooicle, Rep., says it
is well known in political circles tbat
strenuous fight will be made for the
mastery in the June election between
two republican rings, as tbe party is
split owing to tbe desire of many of its
followers to be leaders. This bas re
sulted in tbe two factions being formed.
one having as its bead Mayor Frank and
District Attorney Home and the other
Joe Simon and Harvey Scott As posse
sion is nine points in law and tbe Frank-
Hume combinations are in office, the
probabilities are tbat they will stand the
best chance of being successful ia the
lol campaign. Joseph Simon Is welj
known as a wizard in city politics and
wiseacres doubt not but that be will ma
nipulate the wites to bis own satisfaction
and that of his constituents. The com
bat will involve every republican poli
tician in Portland as there is not a par
tisan who is not in sympathy with either
one or tbe other rings. entire
police and fire departments at bis back
together with several score o.' minor
office holders tbe ousting of Frank would
be a deed requiring Infinite diplomacy
and tact, both of which qualities are
personified in "Little Joe." In any
event, be the outcome what it may, the
campaign will be one of the most excit
ing ever witnessed in tbis city and a
veritable' monkey and parrot time may
be safely predicted wit Lout fear tf con
Cuba is looking to the U. Si. for help.
Here is tbe substance of ber manifesto:
The people of Cuba require only lib
erty and independence to become a fac
tor in the prosperity and progress of
civilized nations, instead of an element
of disturbance and tuin. The fault lies
entirely with Spain. Cubs Is not tbe
offender, but it is the defender of its
rights. Let America, let the world de
cide where rests justice and right."
"Spain denies the Cubans all effective
powers in their own country; condemns
them to political inferiority in their na
tive land; confiscates the product of
their labor without uiving in return
either safety, prosperity or education.
Spain has shown berself utterly incapa
ble of governing Cuba, which it exploits,
Impoverishes and demoralizes. Cubans,
not in anger, bnt in despair, have ap
pealed to arms to defend their rights and
vindicate that eternal principle, without
which every community is in danger,
tbe principle of justice. Nobody has
the right of oppression. Spain oppresses
us. In rebellion against oppression we
defend our right; in serving our own
cause we serve the cause of mankind
We have not counted the number of our
enemies, nor measured their strength.
We may find ruin and death a few steos
abead. Ho be it. we do our dutv. If the
world is indiffertnttoour cause, to much
the worse for all. A new iniquity shall
Pave been consummated. The nrinci-
pies of human solidarity shall have sof
e red defeat.
During the past week there has arisen
in a very emphatic manner a war cloud
of a else sufficient to be seen around the
globe. A presidential message did it.
There is no mistaking the situation, a
,verv plain one. England, must either
I back down from the position aheady
taken or fight. Bat there will be no
fight. England will modify her posi
tion. There will be arbitration in refer
ence to the boundary line of Venezuela
and the trouble will end in smoke. If
England should not change front then
the United States will take sides with
Venezuela with her gun loaded aud the.
hammer up, and should wsr follow, let
ber come. This is an era of peace; but
if tbe United States would be at the
bead of nations she must show her metal
backed as she is by justice and right and
though over an affair in which our gov
ernment has no material interest. The
manner in which the people generally
have un'ted Id favoring the stand takn
is very pleasing While a war now with
England would be (deplored and regret
ted, yet in soue respects it might be
courted. It would strengthen our gov
ernment and unite our people In more
common bonds. Nevertheless, the Dem
ocrat predicts very confidently that it
will never come to blows.
Since last Saturday night Albany has
had its second murder trial within a few
months. A ease of prompt justice was
terminated. A young man was senten
ced to be hsnged just one month after
murder. That is quick work It is not
as quck as lynching; but it is quick
and the proper way. Tbe example is a
good one. San Francisco will please
take note.
People will try to draw lessoos from it.
Already man are giving tbe reasons for
tbe condition of mind that lead up to
the act. Some say be was not brought
up right, Neighbors, though, declare
that he was always different from bis
younger brother, who is well spoken of.
that Loyd was not liked aa well, and was
always causing more trouble. It is easy
to talk, but it is hard to saw wood, sj it
is not easy to assign the actual blame
for so awful a crime, and many who st-
tempt it fail. At the same time it sug
gests the necessity cf boys starting right,
with something higher ahead of them
than their present happiness, and of
parents getting closer in love and senti
ment to their children .
An Old Oregon! an.
Joaqnin Milter, writing of the Oregon
argonauts, has this to eay of ot.e whom
many btte will remember
"And who the men? Many came from
Oregon following Marshall. Her in
Hangtown still is a man, taniooa and be
loved In Oregon, who was one of the
first to join bis old comrade. He has
been here nearly fifty year, and cow
verges on to 9J. He is one of those who
met node the great fir trees of Oregon
in IS to and proclaimed to tbe world tbat
they were not "subjects of England, but
citizens of the United Stales," sent Joe
Meeki at midwinter all tbe wsy to Wash
iogtoaon horseback as a delegate! Tru
ly, "in those days there were giants in
the land.
"Ilaikins, author of 'The Argonants of
California,' says of this man, Jndge Rat
sail, that he is perhaps one of tbe best
read men oa tbe globe; that be bas done
notaing else bnt read and meditate there
in tbe new little red-wood groves for near
ly a ba'.f century ; read and 'rock oat
gold though fur bis simple wants."
A Terra Haute lad. despatch says tbat
Ex-Secretary of the navy K. W. Thomp
son, in commenting on the president's
message to congress, said that be does
not think there is a remote chance of
war with England. Ttere is ao potsi
bility of tbe two EoflUh-epeakinc peo
ple of the world going to wsr about a
i'tlle strip of territory alongside of Ven
"It will be a war of diplomacy," he
said. Bolh countries will demand an
exhibition of pos-er and purpose, but tbe
controversy will be settled by peaceful
methods. Neither nation is prepared to
go to war, and neither want a war as a
result of this quarrel over a boundary
line. It is not necessary for either to
fight to show that it is not cowardly.
Eacn knows the other will fight, but each
is too far advanced in civilization to be
tbe aggressor in bringing on a war oa
such provaeation."
Colonel Thompson said one phase o
the question presented itself on bit mind
which would probably open op a pro
longed discussion. The country bad
never affirmed the Monroe doctrine and
given notice to other nations. So far tbe
doctrine is merely tbe doctrine of presi
dent Monroe. While it is accepted
everywhere as expressing our position in
regard lo Ibe encroachment of foreign
powers on the American continent it
bas not ben given the force of coogres
tonal affirmation.
The Con jiegationalist : The success
ful newtpaper of the future will reduce
to the minimum tbe vast quantity of un
important matter which now fills ths
pages of the average city daily, and will
aim not to show how many words it can
print, but bow it can put matter ot in
terest before its readers in ths most com
pact and orderly arrangement, so as to
be most easily apprehended in their true
significance. The newspaper that will
do that will command a fair price and
will disdain to show its enterprise by the
space it covers and the number of mis
cellaneous topics which it mentions.
The hygienic value ot soap is hsrdly
realized by the general public. Recent
experiments have shown that a solutitn
of sosp will kill typhoid or cholera mi
crobes. A one per cent solution will do
so in twelve hours, while a seven or ten
per cent solution will do it in a few min
utes. Tbis is about the simplest aud
most reliable means ot disinfecting that
we have at our disposal.
Mary Anderson will tell in her autobi
ographical paper in the Jacuary Ladies'
Boms Journal how and where she made
her first success on the stage, and of
Genera' Sherman's. General Grant's,
Edwin Booth's and Don Pedro's most
encouraging commendation of her early
efforts as an actress.
A novelty in advertising is shown In a
Scotch church. Ths congregation could
not pay its minister, ar.d a sosp firm
offered to pay $500 a year tor live years,
on condition that its advertisement be
hang up in front of the gallery in ths
church. The offer wae accepted, and it
is presumed tbe advertiser has found a
means of making collections for the soap
Please- Pav Up. Our accounts have '
been placed in the hands of G. W.
Wright for collection. All persona ow
ing us are reouested to call upon him .
and attend to the same.
ALfHivi Bbos.
An eastern paper says never use the
word Xmas, that there is nothing to
jUBuiv it aim tuai it is senseless
that way.
The rlionoirranh man failed tn nvnm
Montgomery's confession for his phono
graph. The prisoner, though, did play
ut. uuvc iu trout ui me apparatus.
lienjamin Harrison has made a master
stroke for the presidency. It is an
nounced that he has never read Trilby.
So the man with his grandfather's hat
has the inside track on at least one point.
Water seeks its level. The reirular 8
P. overland does almost no buHtiima at
all. The fifth day flyer gets it alL This
will not last, as it is not the way to do
A piece of enterptise was the effort of
a phonograph man to get the confession
of Loyd Montgomery for his phonograph.
He didn't get it.
The Post says the closing out of bank
rapt stocks in that city is demoralizing
trade there. Salem is having iu share
ot tbat kind of business now, but this
era will pass away and the Capital city
win oe an rigni.
Tbe Lane county assessor in his re
port says 29 cases of salmon were put np
in tbat city in 1894. The Florence West
says 15,000 cases were put np on tbeSius-
isw. ana sarcasuciy wauls to know it
that isn't in Lane county.
Charley Sulivan and Marindia Myers
were married at tne residence of tbe
brides parents, at Niagara, Inst Sunday,
by w. v. ciark, J. r. A rabble ot their
friends undertook to trive them a chariv
ari, but were diisuaded therefrom by tho
bride s parents, reiniorced by a douiiie
barrel shotgun. Tbe newly wedded pair
will live on tbe gmoms place near Mill
City. Cor. Scio Press. j
The Press says the following are being
mentioned for office on tbe Peoples Party
ticket of Linn county: For representa
tive , J. S. Smith, of Oakville, and J. J.
Beard, of Tangent. County clerk, u. W.
Rice, of Lebanon. Recorder, Henry
Sprenger, of Sbedds. County judge.
Geo. Barton, of Oakville and Alfred
Blevina of Tangent. Sheriff. John Kit.
of Price precinct. Commissioner, Thos.
1- roman, ot Albany.
The young ladies of tbe State Univer
sity gave a public exhibition Tuesday
evening. They manipulated Indian
clubs, wands, etc, climbed swinging
ladders, and played basket ball with
great agiiity. So much for bloomers.
A drummer yesterday sent a box of
mistletoe to his folks in Sew York from
tbis place. He said that one ppecimen
he forwarded would bring (5 in that city,
and tbat mistletoe was generally import
ed from England. Guard. Oregon it on
top in all the luxuries of tbe world. A
lot of spare cupids might be sent east as
well as not.
Those Co tie foot ball players who are
going to San Francieco with a lot of brag
are liable to get all they want when they
meet the Reliance team next Saturday.
Tbe chances are though that they will
wtn U allowed to play tbe proiersionat
players they have secured for the game.
One of their men gets $123 per month as
deputy county sVaSCwSfsWCff
and probably
docs nothing. That's the way profess
ionalism ts gotten around nowadays.
The can lata "Queen Esther" was r-'ar-
ed by local talent in Oregon City recent
ly. Tbis cantata was given by local tal
ent in Albany, in the old From an opera
booje nearly fifteen years ago. The
ttar pans were taken by Mrs. Langdon,
Mrs. Matger, then Miss Avwry, Charles
jianeaoen, it. tj. clement and Perrv
Raymond. Those who saw it presented
wtti always remember tbe eflect it pro-
aucea lie re.
Upon receipt of the news of the course
taken y the president in the enezoeian
matter, Wednesday, enthusiasm ran
high for a short time, and shoots of
"burrab lor Cleveland sn nnumial
sound were heard on ever side. Five
bundre.1 men could have been catheved
iu McMiaville in a verr short time to
help' 'twist the lion's tail." A flag was
run up in Wright's hall in honor nf the
message that a as so long coming. Mc-
Mmnvtlle Trsnscript. We give tbis as a
ample of the manner in which the
American pcop'e are looking at the
The most dangerous class of men are
the following, told of by tbe Grant's Pass
Obeenrer: Two attempts have been
made during the past week blow np the
new bridge being boilt acrose the Illinois
river at the copper mines, but the nerd
was not entirely sacceecful. Dynamite
was used on both occasions and 'coorid-
erabie damage was done. Cine attempt
was made Irom the top of the first sec
tion of the bridge and not being inccets
ful in this, an attempt was made to blow
out one of the foundation piers. Tbe
structure is only partly completed but
wiil be finisbed'in about one week more.
A guard is now kept on duty .and should
the infamous destroyer put in aa appear
ance he will be roughly dealt with.
An old soldier in tbe Soldiers Home
at Roseburg in a letter to the Grant's
Pass Courier kicks lustily st tbe treat
ment received. He says: "I am aware
that some discipline is necessary to car
ry on the bomt. but the old soldiers
should not be treated as a lot o! criminal
paupers who mast bend the knee to the
petty officers of the institution on all oc
casions or ran the risk of getting "fired"
by a "dishonorable discharge7 because
manhood asserts itself against treatment
no self-respecting American would stand.
We fought for liberty under the Star
scd Stripes, but the privilege of beins
boarded and housed at the cost of cong
stant menial labor and subject to spite
ful discrimination is not the kind cf lib
erty we expect, and I am confident not
the kind the American people wish ex
tended to us in old see." The writer
then speciiies cases of unjust treatment.
We have made some very prettv Weddimr
AnouncenHhta. Reception Cards etc. re
cently, ti e have the latest styles, all prices.
Parties in need of good priclicg should see
Smi'w lb. IU.t
Dr. Whites New Halr-erowlmr System
for sale by Louis Viereck. Albanr. Or.
sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Ms
wion, i.incoin ami c iatsop counties. Add.
Box 421, Albany.Or. for free pamphlet
vu Daiunts anu ccaio 1 roubles
residence of the bride's parents, near
Holley. on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1895,
Arthur L. Templeton and Miss Glena
da Wright, Rev. J. K. Snyder, oflicia-
The cream of
purest Norwegian
cod-liver oil, with
adapted to the
weakest digestion.
Almost as
palatable as milk.
Twe SUse-SO erats sad 11.00
Real Entate Sales.
G 0 Cooley to C L Jackson, 2J
acres jirownsviue. I
A E Wilkins to A E Jt M Hogue,
4 lots Lebanon
175 00
250 00
1550 0
Wm Carothera to Martho Payne
so acres. , . . ,
A E Williams to J Dodge. 1214
372 00
C E Powers to Alida Powers 2
lots 8 h etuis.
M N Whitney and E E Smith to
II Smith, one-fifth of Morning
and Evening claim. Santiam. .
1 00
1 00
J J Am to C Guerne, 22x100 feet
J J A rn to C Guerne, 1 acre Leb
1000 00
S J Archibald to Amanda Pate,
234 acres, advance interest as
M Sternberg to J W Cusick, 2
lots bl 112 H's ad Albany....
Francis Miller to Albany B A L
A, lot 6 bl 111 H's ad Albany
700 00
1 00
400 00
050 00
iwt warmoin to tienry keys,
4 lots Brownsville
1450 00
Geo Huston to Union Cemetery,
strip of Isnd for road
ALeedy to LC Courser, etal.
2 00
80 acres IZwZ 2000 00
Enie Busick to L O Miller, 60
acres 9 E 1 350 00
Josephine McLane et al to j P
Uerry, 2o acres 9 E 1
r.'re Dsaep bis It.
Coattaiioooa, Dec 20. At least 29
miners lost their lives today in tbe Nelson
mine at entry No. 10, by an explosion of
6 redam p. The ex plosion was succm led by
a territic crash, which indicated that the
roof of the passage through which they
had entered bad fallen in. No avenue of
escape was left.
$100 Ecward, $100.
The resten of tbis paper will be cleaned t6
lepra that there is at Icn.l oo- dreaded diaears
that sour DC. has been able to cure in all if.
saasea and that is Catarrh. Ball's Catartt
Care is the oasy poaiuo car. now known ta
the medical fraternity. Catarrh beins; a con
autaUonal disease, require, a constitutional
tsrslment. B all a Catarrh Core ia taken i nter
aaiiy, actios; directly upoc th. blood and mo
coos Surface of the aystem, thereby drstrayina;
tae foundation of the disease, and siring the
patient strength by baildmt? up the constitution
and aaaiatins nature ia doing; its work. The
proprietors have so much faith ia its en rati v.
Bowers, that they offer On Handled Dollars
lor any ease that it tails to cure. 8aad a
Hat of lasliiiioiilnis
Addree. V. i. CHEJfET AGO, Toledo, Os
SaTSuld by Drtutjdats
Daily Health Laws.
Don't eat so rapidly.
kit on a chair and be quiet after eat
in p. Your stomach is not a coal bin. !
When you feel uncomfortable after
eating you have eaten too much, and
yon need Joy's Vegetable Saras part! la.
If you suffer from rheumatism watch
the sheets. Dontget between them; if
damp dry them.
Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Veg
etable Sarsaparilla.
Keep flies out of your bouse ; they are
germ carriers.
ear nannel nndergarmenta.
Keep your feet warm : your head cool.
When your blood is thin vou feel cold
in the least change. When your blood
is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla ;
it will make yeur blood red, rich and
Des, it will do to take Jov's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla now.
rV ben vou get oa vou fciorcie alter a
long warm ran, put on a coat.
If you are going on a trio take Toy's
Vegetable Sarsaparilla. -
Mrange lood makes strange stomachs.
Joy's Vegetable Sarsacarilla reaches the
stomach, cleanses the stomach, and re
news the stomach.
No appetite? Take Jov's VeetaUH
ftasapariUa. Keen appetite.
Accept Toothing but the genuine wben
you ask for Joy's Vegetable Sanaparilia
raw Byspesula,
acd L'ver Complaint yon have a printed
gua'sotee on every bottle of Sato's Vital
ize It never fiL lo care. 'For sale by
tnsnsyst Itasoa
aVari's rtavew Basis Vest
- is r stirs core for headache and nervout
nscasetsr relieves so qntckly
for sale by Foshay sr. Mason.
AM KraaassseaS U.
Ak your physician, tour drnrgit and
your fricaia about Shiloh" Corn for con
sumption. 1 hy wiU ivoMnmeod it- For
asje by i oshay A' Meson.
The lliser Waeawa
ConaUpai ioj, canves more than half tbe
fit ol women. Karl's Clover Rjot I've is
a pleasant cure lor consiraticn. For sa'e
by 1 obay A Mason.
a fart Wartfs Kaswlac
t-OBn-ytion. LaGnppe, f neamonis,
and ail Throat and Lung diseases are cured
bv Saitoh's Core. For sa'e by 1st bay A
It Savee Uvea Every Stay
Tboossnds of case of Contain pt ion.
Asthma. Coughs. Colds and Croup are
curea every cay py Mil : on s Cure.
a Xalarat BeastUS-
Karl's Clover Root Tea purtSes the b'ood
and civet a clear srd beautiful coap'exia
For a'e by Fohay and Matoa.
raianrta !arv4
Health and sweet breath secured by
Shi lob's Catarrh Remedy. Price 5O cents
! injector ftee. tarsals by Fosbay
a Aiason.
State Ins. Co. policies will be taken in
exchange for insurance in any of the first
class companies represented bv ma. 1
repreeent the Sun of London, Continen
tal 01 .ew tort, and several others and
will guarantee thbem. Call on or write,
Tbe leading agent.
One Honest Man.
Dsab Editor: Please inform your read
ers that if written to confidentially, I will
mail in a sealed letter tbe plan pursued by
which 1 was pennsnenUy mtoredto health
and manly ri-1-.r, after many ) ears cf saf.
frring from Nervous Weaimeas, Loss of
Manhood, Lack of ConSde-oor etc 1 have
no ecceme to extort n-ooey from any cn
vuuaurer, 1 was rvobed and swindled
py qaacks until I nearly lost faith in man
kind, but thank heaven, I am now well,
vigorous and strong, and anxious to mako
tnu certain means of cure known to ail
Having nothing to seil or send C. . P..
want ao money. Address I as A. H arsis,
oox iui, lieiray, Mica
Cheaper Than Doctors.
"I was nervous and weak and could
not do more than half a days work. I
couiu not write without steadying my
uanu wun tne outer wne. t procured a
bottle of Hood's Sarsapariila and began
taaing 11 ana now 1 uu auie to work and
write and am feeling well. This fall my
wife was sick and was confined to her
bed about half the time, I advised her to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla as it was cheap
er man uoctors ana sue nnaiiv consent
ed to do to. After taking it for a short
time she was able to attend to her work.
I have not found any better medicine aa
a blood tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I keep Hood's barsaparilla in the house
all the time to ward off the grip and
other diseases. 11. Weirict, Needy, Or.
Louis iereck bas secured the sole right
of Linn, Marion and Bentoa Co. forthe
sale of Dr. White's Hair Grower. Parties
desiring treatment will do well to consult
him at bis place of business or addnwa hnx
421, Albany, Linn Co.. Or.
Dr. White's new huir crowerinc m
for sale at Verick'a barber shop. Sole
agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Marion,
Clatsop, Polk, Lincoln and Yamhill coun
t'es. Address Box 421 Albsny Oregon for
free pamphlet on baldness and scalp trou
Wheat, 42t
Oats e
Fbur, $2.50
Butter 20 s
Eggs 25c
Lard, 12 to 15e
Pork hams, 12 to lSe, shoulders
Sides II to ISo
Hay Baled fb.00
9 0
A raaalaraeu Tsee
WaSBiweTOir, Dec 20 The United I
States senate by unanimous vote, and with
out the formality of a roll-call, today pass-1
ed the bill already adopted by the bouse of I
representatives empowering tne president
to appoint a commission to determine the
Venezuela-British Guiana boundary. This
action was the culmination of a debate add
ing a memorable pane to congressional his
tory. It was a day of notable speeches by I
notable men. This subject of war between I
the United States and Great Britain was!
the prevailing theme, which found expres
sion in lofty and patriotic sentiments, in
stirring appeals for preparation and da-1
fense, in graphic poitrayais of the horrors I
or war, and at times in defiant warnings
w tne people across tne water,
New Toax, Dec. 20. In a general way,
the average Wall-street habituM went no I
prepared after the close yesterday for prob
able depression today on account of the
Venezuela message episode, and tbe re
newed heavy outward movement of gold.
The actual developments of the day ac
cordingly caused a sensation in financial I
circles which bas not been ermalLvi einra. I
the Baring panic; ia fact, in some parties-1
jars, that gloomy event was overshadowed I
tn point ot interest.
The reaslMs CeaaaiUetaa
Mtw Tore, Dec 20. A local paps I
says excellent information is that the three I
commuisiooers whom the president will ap-1
point to investigate the Veneioela bound-1
ary will be:
Ex-Ssnator Gecrge F Edmunds, of Ver-1
moot; the Hon Andrew D White, ex-pres-1
ident of Cornell university and ex-minister I
iu uexiuaiiy. ana tne uon tAiwua fneips, I
ex-minister to toe conrt ot Bl James.
a Blaers CsSTrsuss.
Graxt's Pass, Dec 20 A general call
was sent out today by miners for a convea-
uon, to be beid ta this city January 6, for
the purpose of organizing a miners' asso
ciation for bontheni Ore eon. Tbe need
tor such an organization is keenly felt
bere. and tbe object of the aaaociatioa will
be to secure better legislation for tbe pro
tection of mining lands and property; for
tbediscTjasion of better mining methods.
and a diffusion of knowledge of interest to
miners generally.
A Sree Car AcvMewt.
Chicaoo, Dec 20. A special to the
inter tjceaji irom ratenon. A.J.. sars:
Joe man was almost instantly trilled sad
10 persons seriously iniured. n ef them
fatally, tn a coll mon that oerarred svater-
dayonthe Hoboken, Peterson A Paaaak
troiley kae sear Clifton, a short distance
from here.
e Wajr.
WiiaiKOTOV. Dec 19 The mirit f.f
Americanism still brooded over the senate
ioaay;but, although every senator who
spoke indorsed the position of the preai
dent, all expressed the opinion that war
would not result; stiu. tbe gravity of the
situation was sot under-estimated. The
war talk" of the last few das attracted
to tbe galleries large crowds, who followed
tne debate with intense interest.
ibe immediate Question before the
ate nras the bill apDrocciaiinir SI 0(1 Art tn
defray the expenses ot the committee ree
ommeadea by the president. Pending dis-
nii nM (Ka - at 1 1 1 1 1 t
avlUew rive ferae as.
MisxavroLrs, Dec 19. The aatetnor
tern statement of Harry E Wayward, the
full text of which makes JO.OOO words, and
wcica ib limes, win print tomorrow
morning ia foil, is in many respects a most
remarkaU doamiamw It was made un
der the most formal eonditioos. and with
soLtma cssertioos oa the murderer's part
that he was teiimg tbe truth.
The fall text, to be pobliahed tomorrow,
gives for the first time the names of five
victims and other important details, - -Win
Ba sew rksia.
Losdo, Dec. 19. Sir Michael HicAs-
Beach. chancellor of toe exchequer, mad.
an address today at a eonaervalive haivm
ts nnHM, wmcn contained aa mpoataat
ruggesiion as tae probable next step to be
Ukea by the British govern meet ia the
Venezuela matier. natnelr. the issuance of
1 : ... . . . . . . - I
a statement by Lord SiIborj. which. Sir
Michael intimated, might not a new nhaaa
on sJSairs.
Sab Fkascmco. Dec. 19. William P
Harrison, the aoa of Cartel Harrison, the
late mayor of Chicago, reached this city
today from aa extended tour of the Anti
podes. During- his stay ia the bolomoo
islands he stadeathat there were over 25
individuals devoured by the ci,r-i'-i.
of these were whites By the tnereet ac
udent the young- Ccicaguaa esraped the
same fate. He was reaaly to leave on tbe
schooner whew the entire crew was mur
dered and eaten by the cannibals.
Atseaaaaew OwerUtr.w.
as F bah Cisco, Dee. 19. Tbe steamer
AlaaxMla, from Honolulu, brings news,
dated December 12, that three days ear
lier vV J Sheridan and Dr James Under
wood were arrs-tted, charged with con
spirint tooverthrow the rorrrsmrnt mnA
the republic. The authorities claim that
these men cam to Hawaii tor the par
pose ol inciting a revolt.
raety-tawsa aUltesL
RALstaa, X. C, Dec 19. At 9 o'clock
this morning, soon after tbe day fore,
numbering 67 men had gone oa duty at
the Cumnock coal mines, six miles west
ol liere, a terrible fire-damp explosion
occurred with fatal effects. After pump
ing treeh air into the shafts, several
miners wars- prevailed upon to venture
down and investigate. They found and
orougot out lorty-thre Bodies ia all.
Ta Krjstsea Sreatfy.
Atv YoBJt, Dec. 18. A special to the
ona irom Caracas says:
Tbe news of the Cleveland message, nn
com promising! y n pool ding enexueta and
I the Monroe doctrine, created the wildest
' joy and enthusiasm. It has produced new
conndeDce ta the furore of the country and
acts like magic Tbe Venezuela foreign
office declares that it will sustain the dig
nity and sovereignty of the republic by
force if necessary, and luO.UOO soldiers caa
be pot ia the field.
Waal Batata.
SaLKat. Or., Dee 13. Judge Duncan,
of Linn county; Assessor Hubbard, Aasea
scr Coffey, John Hughes and others were
before the equalization board today. The
usual arguments against raning the as
merits were presented. Marion county pre
set! tea a peuDon signed with csxi names,
protesting against a raise. Wallowa's as
eessor writes he assessed oa a cash basis.
Morrow sweated real property on tbe beuiia
of the government price; improvements
and bank stock at SO per cent of their val
ue, aad notes and accounts at frvm SO to
SO percent.
A Big rtra.
Socra Bksd. Dec IS. Acting Judge
R K Booey yesterday sentenced M Men an, !
convicted of assaulting Rev. Mr Sutton,
tbe A r A lecturer, to pay a tine ot s a.
The costs were taxed to tbe county, as they
amounted to nearly $500, and Judge Booey
thought that tbe payment of such a fine
would be excessive punishment Superior
Judge Langhorne had previously sentenced
Gardner, convicted of the same offense.
to pay a hoe of o0 aad cost, the costs tn
his case amounting to f 9 50.
A TerrtM Kx please
New York. Dec 18. Five men were
killed and six injured this miming by tbe
explosion of a steam pipe on the American
hue steamship be rauL at 1 o viocx, wmie
the vessel lay at the dock in North river.
At the time of tbe accident ttere were so
men in tbe firs room and ten in the engine
room. Tbe accident is oeuevea to nave
been due to a Saw ia the pipe.
Every be ly r leased.
Washington. Dec 18. President
Cleveland had many calls today from sena
tors and representatives, who came to con
gratulate him on the attitude he had as
sumed. Tbe telegrams which began to
come ia yesterday commending his course
were supplemented today by many letters.
Secretary Oiney had his share of the call
ra tally lajarew.
Shamok!, Pav. Dec. 18. Four work
men were ratal ly injured and nine others
badly hurt at the Mid vale colliery this
morning by the wrecking of a runaway
work train. A dozen workmen aav"
themselves bv jumping into the brush
while the train dashed down a steep grade.
. a.
r. Price's Cream Baking . .
Awarosd S0I4 Masai UWwHtw Fsas &aa fauciwo
l-abnSi B&uettt
A warm bath with
Cuticnra Soap,
tingle application of
Cuticnra (ouTtment),
grot skin cure, followed by mill
doses of ClTKXtA RrsotvrjrT (the
new blood puri&r), will afford instant
relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to
a spfedy cure in every form of torturing,
disfiguring skin humours.
SaM BuserlwUhs arts dsagtWss sssl.
I naSsn romaIMe.aCaaai.Caar.
Save Honey
and Tims
And get the bbst service
and accommodations.
Cheap Tickets too
and from all parts
of the W ORL .
Canadian Pacific Royal Mad Steamship
"Empress line
The fastest and finest line oa tbe PaciSc
300 Miles Shorter than
any other Trans-Pacific
Can adian-A tutraliaa Steamship Line to
Short Line to the Colonies.
These vessels carry aa experienced med
ical man and a stea a-r de- cm each voy
age, t cr rales. aerrroQVjri&tioris. pampn
leu or any infonaattOB call on or address
Agent, Frt. A Pass. Agent
Albany Or. 16 Third St Portland, Or.
Dist . Pass-Agent, Ysmccaver, B. C
iRECOtl eiflTRAL
rvwuvHiiril TaomnaBav with toe
' 'rMOt
gaa Francisco and Yaqeina Bay Steam-
, vx;
A J and first claae in every reepec
J JL Sails irom Ttaquina lor
Francisco about every 8 days.
edT1?horBest rorite between the Wi3an
eae Valley and California.
Fare froos Albany or points wesrt--Saa
Cams .--f
Stsxbagb --- S-W
Casus roand trip good 50 days. . . 1&.0
For Sailing Days apply to
H. L. W.stncs.Azt, Caa. CiAc,Sap
Albany.Or. Corvaliia.O
Edwm Stosx, manager,
Ctirraiiia, Or.
K. McNEILL, Eeewvev.
srvaa tub CHotca os
awn axd
For rail details eel! oa
Ccuutx & Montamth, Albany.Or
Grxi.Pa& .Aesai
In Yous Own Localst-
maue easily and honorably, wtthent eapj.
al. during your spare hours. Any mat
oaian, boy, or girl caa do the work hana
iy, without experience. Talking un
necessary. Kothinc like It for awtf
making ever offered before. Our worse r'
always prosper. No time wasted t
learning the bushess. We teach yea tn
a night bovr succeed from the fir
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