The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 27, 1895, Image 3

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    Site Jlcuwwat
Dailt, 1 ct a day; 25c per month ; fiOt
per yoar, in advance. 30o per montU not
in advance. By airtierlOc per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run ovei 8
Weekly, $1.25 m. advance; $1.60 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $2 00 fot
third and proceeding jeaw, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers
for $5.00. '
Gum Boots,
Rubber Shoes,
Capes and Jackets, at
S. E. Young's
J. C. LITILIR, Dentist
At the close of business, teeeniber, 1 3tb,lS9S.
Loam and di wants.
Overdratta, secured and unsecured
J. s. liomu to secure cutawH
Premiums on U S bonvs
Stocks, securitea.ere
Banking house, tumituie, and fixtures
Other real estate and mo-teams owied.
Due from National Banks(nH reeerve agvnta 39.Si4.05
Doe from State Banks and bankers li,25J 71
Due from approved reserve ageota.. 7,2Ss.27
Checks and other cash item . 19U9
Motes of other Katronal Banks , . . !SO 0
Fractional paper carreoer, nickels and cents) 4.00
Uwrci Moszt Btsnn Buck, ra:
8pd Ji.J36.T5
Legal fc-nH-r nmm ., , l.uuO uO
lUuemption fund with U. & Treasurer (Ave
per cent of etrenlauon ). , , ,
Liabilities i
Capital stock paid in
16,000 OS
, 16,472.0
-, Si.0uO.CO
surplus ruita..
Undivided profits, less eaptases and
paid s.
2tabanal Bank notes outoaodi&g
Due to other National Banks
Due tojStale Banks and banker
individual deposits subject ,to check.
Demand certificates uf dtposit.
Time certificates of deposit
Cashier's checks outstanding..... .A.
SriTi or Okioos, Corsrrr or Un,-aa:
I, E W Laot&o.i. Cishier of the abore
d bank d solemnly swear that the above rtsifmnnt
is true to the beit of my knowledge and belief.
E W LA.NGDO.V, Qsbier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this S3d day of
December, 1895. J. B, WTATT.
(us.) Notary Pobiie
Cdkksct Attest :
4 1 ' sETOUXtV VDirert-.n.
LB BLA1.1, J
Julius Gradwohl Will Give You
the Best Bargains in the City.
I wish to inform the public that I wil
reduce my large stock of crockery, glass
ware, China ware and silver ware, and
will pell out my entire stock of holiday
goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come
in and price my goods and I will prove
to yon that I sun not deceiving yon, but
mean business. J. Gradwohl
Bat its a big advantage to him to wear
well lanndried shirts and underclothing.
The Albany Steam Laundry. Eicharda &
Philliog proprietors, make a specialty of
gentlemen s work. Free mending for
men besides the first class laundry work,
A superior high gloss finish to shirts,
collars, cuffs, etc.
Higb Art Custom Tailoring.
Besides his regular basiness W,
Graham is prepared to take orders
high art custom tailoring by a leading
house in Kew York, only union labor
employed and first class work guaranteed.
All kinds of garments made from the
nest line of samples ever seen in Al
bany. a fact easily appreciated by au ex
animation of the sample book. Suits from
$16 up.
State Insurance Policies
Written in the "old reliable" Insur
ance Companies of North America, of
Philadelphia, Pa., and Western Assur
ance Co . of Toronto. Canada.
Unearned premium allowed on the
state policies. Mail or bring your poli
cies to J. W.fcEXTT,
Dis't Spt. Agent"
Office over Read, Peack&Co's store,
Albany, Or. -.
Joy's for the Jaded and Geo
Health for all Haakiad.
Is made from
herbs, and
contains) CO)
mine ril
droits of
deadly pois
on. Jov'a
robs the
blood of all
its impuri
ties, and
course ell
these uttpurt-
Joy's YegctaWe
prevents tired feel
ings, staggering tea.
saiiong, palpitation
of heart, rush of
blood to the head.
dizziness, ringing in
ears, spots before the
eves, headache, bil-
of bowels, cams in
1. 1 mT. 1. T
tongue coated, foul
breath, pimples on
face, body and limb,
declineofnerve force
dizzy spells, faint
spells, cold, ciammy
feet and hands, sour
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and all dis
eases of tbestomach,
liver and kidneys.
Joy, Vegetable Sen
ssparilla is sold by all
drugeists. Kef use a
substitute. When you
pay for the best seel
you get tne best.
'1 lisffiiw mfcm4(If
& .? Ill'o
1 5.000. (v
'. , ' ties Hirongli
Ei',., " naturesow a
L-t - . j proper chan-
Jioi I Vegetable
;-Bt 4 Eareapariiia
! cures Dyt-
'"flsJ'i Chronic
i h..MJ,ikr,cv Coostips-
! l25"Sv1 tion' h'va
L I Co m p!alnt
, TJ0v 1 "d Kidney
The attempted assassination of Miss
Ethel Riddle, at llarriaburg, mention of
which was made in he Democrat last
week, continues a mystery, though
there are strong suspicions in the matter
pointing towards tne guilty parties, it
is said to the Democrat ttiata young
lady, though not an immediate aggress
or, was interested in the attempt. The
Review aaya that '"If the suspicion of
some of our most reliable citizens are
well grounded, they will furnish clues,
which, if well traced, bids fair to reach
the guilty person and under the existing
circumstances all supporters of order in
society are called upon to lend their as
sistance to the fullest extent in running
down and capturing the subject of this
criminal outrage." t
The Democrat mentioned former at
tempts to kill Miss Riddle. The Review
refers to them as follows :
One evening she was going home from
the store, she had gone as far as the city
hall when some one grabbed at her and
she beat them off with an umbrella.
The next attempt was perpetrated the
last of October, two shots being fired at
her as she descended the back porch
steps to lock the basement door. The
would-be assassin was concealed under
the steps, but she was evidently closer to
the building than was thought, for both
shots missed; her face was powder burn-;
ed. She saw a figure disappear in the !
darkness but could not tell whether it
was a man or woman. The third at
tempt occurred November 20 at 6:37 in
the evening, Miss Kiddle opened the
kitchen door to bring in her easel and
was just pushing the screen door back
when a club was thrown at her from the
south side of the building, striking the
easel and knocking it against the screen
which came against her with consider
able violence. She plainly saw her as
sailant who was masked and wore a dark
storm coat.
Her wounds from the recent attempt
at ner nte are described as follows: A
cut on the right side of her throat abiut
three inches long being just through the
skin, and a similar ut on the left side of
the throat about two inches long; a gash
cut across the left wrist, which, if it bad
been any deeper, would have severed the
radial artery ; and then was made, ap
parently, a thrust at the Heart, this cut
her dress a distance of about six inches
and struck the corset steels which de
flected the course of the weapon, which
barely reached the skin, leaving a scratch
to snow tne dangerous location.
A Practical Sermon.
Rev. Little has been preaching on the
commandments. Yesterday he preach
ed on the eighth "thou shall not steal"
and made some timely remarks for the
jnnstmas season, as weu as lor ew
Years resolutions. In the first place he
recognized the right to gain and accum
ulate property by thrift, economy and
honesty. He placed within the restric
tions of the commandment the following
among others : Failing in business for
a percentage on the dohar and saving
out anything ; using money kept in trust ;
taxing advantage ot those in distress:
selling giods or anything by misrepre
sentation : bavins goods, or contracting
debts without assurance . of paying if
you owe anything pay it ; don t beat
merchants down below the regular price
and a reasonable profit : borrowing all
the money on property possible, expect
ing to be foreclosed ; failing to pay when
you promise, or arranging satisfactorily
tor the debt ween oue; driving nam
bargains; pleading poverty for special
favors without reason for it; beating
even railroads out of their regular rates
because a corporation there is no jus
tification in robbing them : getting out
of paying just taxes, no one has a right
to cheat the government, "render unto
Caesar the things that are Caesars ; fail
ing to pay your lust dues to the church ;
avoiding excise duties; double dealing
in business, trickery, etc, particularly
among christians; What is wanted to
day is a practical Christianity.
A Bad Thief. David Black is No. 7 in
the county jail, where he will remain
until March awaiting the action of the
grand jury. Saturday evening he stole
a watch of John Gibson, a boarder at the
Kusa Uouse.agold pm .an overcoat. and ya
iise, and hid them behind a fence near the
hoteL He was seen by Mr. Rowell,and ar
rested by Marshal Lee. This morning be
was examined before Justice Freerksen.
fie admitted stealing the watch, but de
nied taking the otter things. Black is a
regular thief. Several months ago he
stole a couple watches, a gun and one or
two other things at llam&burg. He was
afterwards seen in Albany .acknowledged
his guilt, told where the gun was and
gave up the watches and hence was not
prosecuted. Black seems to have been
a natural thief, and a peculiar thing
about it is the fact that be always ad
mitted it. Some time ago he stole an
overcoat from a. boarder, and it was only
discovered when this theft occurred ; one
day he stole a couple theater tickets,
which be was accused ot and gave up im
mediately. A watch which he had se
creted in a sewer was found. A pair of
shoes in his possession had undoubtedly
been taken, as well aa a number of shirts
and small things belonging to Mr. How
ell, tie had been working for board and
accessories four months and when asked
if be wasn't sorry after all the good treat
ment tears came to his eyes and he ad
mitted he was, probably because capt
ured. Garfield Salt on came op from Salem
this noon on a furlough. '
John Anslyn, of Spokane, is home
spending the holidays.
Miss Minnie Monteith is at Byron
Springs. Calif. for the benefit, other
Mr. H. J. Peterson will leave to-mor
row for San Jose. Cal., where be will
spend the winter.
Reuben Thompson, who has been at
tending college in McMinnvilie is borne
spending the holiday accompanied ry
Jiid Schenck.
Mrs. W. C. Havley, of Salem came to
Albany Saturday to spend Christmas in
tne country wun ner parents. ixcr
brother Dr." J. a.. Geisendorfer, of Arling
ton, was in Portland Saturday.
Dr. J. L. Hill returned Saturday night
from Milton where he had been called on
account of the illness of bis son Dr. Clyde
Hill, who had been affected with rlieu
matism of the heart. He was much bet
ter when he left.
Mies Emma Pfeiffer returned home this
noon from a three and a half months visit
with her Uncle and family in Council
Bluffs. She was a week on the way
stopping in St Paul and Minneapolis,
One leature of ber trio was pasung
through immense snow drifts, and it was
cold and disagreeable. Oregon present
ed a great contrast.
Miss Ora Flinn and Miss ilice Arick
arrived in Albany Saturday night after
an unpleasant trip oy way oi toe raciuc.
The young ladies declared that bad luck
was in nearly everything, ending with
Miss Fiinn dropping ber pocketbook out
ot the window at baiem it was picked
np and will be returned to her.
Yesterday was the shortest day of the
year. . : '
The trip from Albany to San Francisco
can be made for $3.00 by the O. R. k N
$5.50 first class, cheaper than staying at
Prineville's city election was held last
week, and resulted as follows: Mayor, W
A Sooth ; conncilmen. O M Elkins, Ed. N
white, S I Belknap, Ed. Harbin; recorder,
d t fticnois; treasurer. J 11 Tempieton
ciiy attorney, M R Biggs: marshal, Frank
The Examiner asked the opinion of Pa
cific coast Mayors on the Venezuelan ques
tion. Mayor Flinn in response to a dis
patch telegraphed; I have not studied that
portion ot the message closely; but as tar
as 1 can understand it, I endorse it.
llAERitmr-Rn. Mrs. It. A. RamDV and
daughter. Miss Cecil, left for Portland
njureaay, where they would take tne
overland tor San Francisco and thence
go on to Los Angeles to spend the winter.
The followingofficers have been elect
ed: I. O. O. F. Harrisburg Encamp
ment No. 8. G. P. Rickley, C. P. 5 Win.
McDonald, H. p.; 0. L. Morris, 8. W.;
T. J. Anderson, Scribe; J. G. Senders,
Treasurer; J. W.Philpott, J. W.; G. W.
Isham, W. T. Wm. McDonald. Trustees.
r D.ofH: C.ofH.,Mrs. 0. R. Holt;'
L. of H., Mrs. L. Douglas ; C. ot 0., Miss 1
Etta Douglas; recorder, Mrs. 8. A. Hu- I
lin; financier, Mrs. J. R. Cartwrigt;
receiver, Mrs. O. F.Wright; uiher.Miss
EllaWhitbeck; I, W., Mrs. W, T, Por
ter. Review,
Ed Lyons Killed Near Pioneer.
Kd Lyons, the well-known 0. 0. & E.
flection boss, was at work along the side
of the road near Pioneer yesterday when
a large quantity ot rock and dirt fell up
on him from an enbankment, crushing
mm beneath it. His fellow workmen
took him out aad everything was done
possible for the injured man. lie was
finally placed in a special car and brought
to Albany for treatment but died before
reaching the city. Mr. Lyon has been
section foreman for ten or .wslve years
and was a faithful, industrious employe.
The deceased was a member of the
Catholic church. Services were held at
the church in this city at 10 o'clock to
day and the remains were then buried in
the city cemetery. The deceased was
about 45 years of age, was unmarried and
had no relatives here.
At a mass meeting of
the citisens of
Lebanon and vicinity,
held in the city
hall Saturday evening,
called for the purpose
Dec. 21, 1895,
of taking into
consideration the president's message ot
Dec. 17. 1895, in reference to the Vene-
auela question and the action of congress
tnereon. Hon. fit. A. Miller was called
to the chair and Robert L. Montague
elected secretary. After a number of
rousing and patriotic speeches the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
hereas : The honor, integrity and
safety of the United States demand the
assertion, at alt times, of the Monroe
Doctrine and Its maintenance wherever
the occasion demands, peaceably if pos
sible and by torce ot arms it necessaiy.
Whereas, 'ihe attempted confiscation
by Great Britain, of territory long held
and claimed by right by Venezuela, a
sister American Republic, Is an, occasion
that imperatively demands the assertion
and maintenance of the Monroe Doc
Whereas: The president of the United
States, in his recent message to congress
has informed that body and the people
at large of Great Britain's refusal to
peaceably settle the disputed boundary
tine between her majesty's possessions
in America and the territory of Ven-
mela, and has declared his belief in, and
adherence to said doctrine, and has in
patriotic words, declared his intentions
with the help of congress and the people,
to defend the honor of America by war
if necessary.
Whereas: Congress has unanimously
approved and are ready to uphold the
position taken by the president. Now
therefore be it
Resolved. That the people of this
neighborhood in mass meeting assembl
ed, heartily approve the patriotic utter
ances of the president and congress and
ueciare our adherence to tne Monroe
Doctrine. id. A. Milleb, Pres.
K. B. Montacce. Secy.
Probate Record.
In estate of Edna A. Colbert, bond
filed and appraisers appointed.
In estate of B. N. lianlman. petition
for sale of personal property granted.
in guardianship of John Newlin et al.
bond of euardian. I. N. McNeil, for (2700
In guardianship of Carrie Angell, final
account approved. . Petition to sell real
estate to be heard on Feb. 3.
In estate of A. B. Mcllwain, final ac
count and sale filed and approved. i
la guardianship of Horace Hunt, in
ventory filed; real property 300,
In estate of F. M. Garrett, inventory
filed; teal property $3256, personal,
$1093.32. Personal property ordered
In estate of Mrs. E. R. Cheadle, per
sonal proprety ordered sold. Inventory
filed ; real estate, $6625, personal prop
erty $105.30.
The Uand-Deyoe Mines Sold.
The following from the Oregon Min
ing Journal, of Grants Pass, is of inter
est to Albany people: This week John
P. Jones, of Portland, for himself, and
R. A. Jones and other parlies, of Port
land, purchased the Albany group oi
mines in the Mount Reuben district.
The mines purchased consist of the
Maod G.. the Dolly V., the C. B., the
Unice, the Albany, the Morning Olory,
the Sunset and the Anna, all of which
are on the same ledge and were owned
by William hand, u. w. ueyoe and
others of Albany. Considerable work
has been done on the two claims first
mentioned, which have produced this
summer over $3000 aa the result of the
two men. A two-stamp Tremaine mill
is on the property. The new owneis in
tend to work the claims vigorously.
New Time Card.
Folio wing is the new time card of U
Albany Street Railway:
The car will leave eoreerot r im ano
Washington streets as follow:
4:20 a. m. for morning overland train.
8:00 " " Lebanon train.
11:35 " " Yaqnina train.
12:00 noon, train going south.
12:35 p. m., Koeeoarg train north bonne
and west bound Yaquina train.
1:05 p. m V. V. & t. train, east bouod.
4:00 " Lebanon train.
11 .35 " Ovrland train going sooth.
40 " Orphan's Home.
The car wiil alsemeet all incoming trains
on both the Southern Pacific and 0. Cat
railroads. C. G. Bcbshabt,
H Secretary
O.CiE Time Table.
Passenger Leaves Yaquina at 7 a. m.
Arrives at Albany at 11:50 a. m. Leaves
Albany 1 :05, arrives at Bay at 5 :40 p. m.
Mixed Leaves Albany ior leiroit at
44 a m, arrives at Detroit at 12:15 p m.
Leaves Detroit at 12:55 p m, arrives at
Albany at 6:30 p m.
reigut Leaves Aioany at :io a m on
Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Ar
rives at Yaquina at 4':05 p m ; leaves Ya
quina at 8 :io am on lueedays, jnurs
days and Saturdays ; arrives at Albany
at 4:00 p.m. .
Is only another name for impure
blood, for no person is weak and ner
vous whose blood is perfectly pare.
When the blood is full of the germs
of disease, and lacking In the red cor
puscles which give it vitality, when it
fails to properly nourish the organs
and tissues of the body, what can you
expect but that tired feeling and ner
vousness? Of couree Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
Catarrh and Bbeumatfsm are uni
versally recognized as blood disease,
for which Hood's Sarsaparilla, as the
best blood purifier, is everywhere
acknowled the greatest remedy.
Therefore, aa Hood' Sarsaparilla
cures all blood diseases, it i the best
remedy for that condition of the blood
which causes Nervousness.
It is a false idea to think you are
curinir vour nervousness when you
are taking a preparation which only
quiets your nerves I It is like trying to
"drown" your sorrows in the flowing
bowl. They are $ure to return.
We wish to make most impressive,
thou, this truism:
You cannot purify your blood by
with opiate, narootio or nerve com
pounds. If you take such article!
you are only trxfltso with your
troubles. There is Btrax to be a beao-
Tioir which will leave you worse than
you were before.
Why not then, take the true course;
follow the bee-ltne to the etata of
health, purify your blood and cure
your Nervousness cy taaing
Toledo, Or., Dec. 24th. A. fight last
night at bilctz resulted in the killing of
m 1 .1 ,rr -
muy i'jra oy Aiei oeiieraon, pom In
dians. Jefferson who slept in Howard
& Selic's store claims that about 10
o'clock last night Tom came in the back
door of the store and started a quarrel
with Jefferson. The room was in dark
ness and Tom drew a knife, when Jeffer
son itruclc him two blows over the right
ear with an iron nail puller.
U. S. Grant, J. P., heard the noise in
the store, went in and found Jefferson
behind the counter partially dressed.
Showing the nail puller Jefferson said
"This is what I defended myself with."
Tom was lying on the floor in front of
the counter and could not speak. He i
lived about 3 hours. The feeling is pret
ty strong against Jefferson at Silets.
Preliminary examination set for 4 p.
m. today.
The following was taken from an east
ern paper by the Eugene Guard and ap
plied to Albany. In view of the fact
that not a single Albany girl wears pock
ets in her stck:nga we brand it aa a
libel upon the fair name of our city,
which in the eyes of St Peter will be a
towering mountain while Eugene will
wither oelow as an insignificant . foot
hill butte ; but here's the story :
It is told of an Albany man that he
applied to St. Peter for a cloud and a
"Where are you from?" quoth the
"Albany," replied the newcomer 'Al
bany, Oregon."
"Albany Albany Not on the list,"
remarked St. Peter, glancing over the
Heavenly register; "apply for admission
Thither went the wanderer, and at
the basement door he came face to face
with the evil one. The gentleman with 1
at l at. a. I
the cloven foot and the antlers pnt the
usual question, in reply to which the
applicant again stated that he was from
Albany, Oregon.
"And you are from Albany?"
"Is that where the giris all have pock
ets in their socks?"
The wanderer assured his satanic
majesty that he bad it right. The evil
one frowned, and continued: "And you
know the truth whereof you speak?"
"Yes"' quoth the stranger, in fear
and trembling.
"Well," went on the doorkeeper, toy
ing with his forked staff of office, "there
is no room here for you."
"Ureat Scott!" ejaculated the new
comer in tones of despair; "inus I go
iv aiuwujr .
As Christmas draws near the turkey
roosts high, but the average Johnny is
watching every one for at this season oi
the year he is sure of one of tw thine
or both. That is, he is sure some ioke
will be played on him or that he wiil get
something extra nice on Christmas.
quite often the former and sometimes the
Mr. C. O. McBrkle,of EddyviUe, called
on us yesterday. He was returning
from a trip to San Francisco. He sars
everything is quiet at Eddyviile.
The Street Improvement comnany re
paired the si J walk on State street but
week. Tbey did a good iob and it was
sadly needed.
We expect to vunt friends in Tanzent
tomorrow. Meet u "Yonmr America"
and shake.
Mr. Henderson, of Earrisbnrv. Is vie
iting her mother here; Mrs. Henderson
is aunt of Mi Ethel Rtddell and it was
at her bouse that Miss Ethel was as
saulted. Miss Ethel has many friends
Mire Sarah Morrison, of Corvallis. is
visiting her many friends here during
vacation. She is attending the O. A. C.
We take exceptions to the answer
made by the Editor of the Dsxonur with
regard to "Christmas." According to all
the history we can get on the subject it
is very uncertain what timr In the vear
Christ was lira. The Church of Rome
claims that the 25th of Decemtier was
the time. Now if this can be proven to
a certainty (which we doubt) why should
nis touowers CDserve the anniversary of
His birth? Why not celebrated the dav
of Hia death? The day when he said "It
is fi-d." Another question. How
should Christmas be. observed? Many
of our people will get drunk on that day
and kill their fel'ow men, others will go
to a dance and spend the night in a bois
terous manner. Can He wbo said "I
am the Light of the World" be honored
by such conduct? The giving of gifts is
all right at any time and we will not re
fuse anything that is offered to us.
A Mice s.
Cash for poultry at R, M. Robertson's
Take advantage of the low priors in
botos at Tinkles.
Tbe best fresh groceries and produce at
Ono k Uattun'.
Ladies the latest fashion is a seamless
dress made by Mrs. McLeaa.
20 ox. sa von soap at Parker Bros, tot
only 6 cents a bar. Ibis Is a world beater.
Big redaction in the prices of all sixes of
photo at Tinkles. .
A large and choice stock of jewelry, sil
ver ware, etc, Jutt received at Will and
Dr. G. W. Maston, physician aad sur
geon, Albany Or. Calls answered prompt'
y in city or country.
The most elegant line of statuary ever
brought to Albany at Will and S! ark. In
several beautiful figure.
Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beer offices and
residence in the post office bniHing. Spec
ial aceutioD given to o: women.
Ecgesk Happy. The O. C. & E's
boat, Wm. M. Hoag, under command of
Capt, J as. Smith, arrived here yesterday
morning about 8 o clock. On board the
boat were Manager Edwin B. Stone of
the O. O. & E. K. R. and W. F. Crosby.
of San Francisco, owner of tbe Farrallon
which piles between Portland and Ban
Francisco. Tbe Hoag arrived here on
56 foot stage of water, as registered at
una city, pue is a ooat oi 3W tons
burden, and drew 24 inches of water on
this trip, but experienced no difficulty in
getting here. She did not have to
line up over any ot the rilfle and ran
from Harrisburg up in 5 hours and 10
minutes. The boat bad about five tons
of freight for this city. . The Hoag left
sT WW . I . a
ior uamsDurg eany tins morning, nay
ing on board tons ol oats which
air. Crosby bad purchased of S
H. Friendly. Manager Stone stated that
the O. C. A E would run boats to 10 u
gene whenever they could.
The Gypsy arrived today. Eugene
A Bad City. J. W. Bell, of this coun
ty, writes to the "Western MetbodiHl
Protestant," an eastern paper, aa fol
lows, about the capitol city : "1st. If a
minister comes to Salem, he must calcu
late to support himself and - family, if a
married man for I judge the future hy
the past. The ministers that are now
on the fields of labor, receive but a small
pittance ; and if tbis was their only sup
port, it would do a scanty living inaeeu
most oi our ministers wura. ior mcir iiv
ing. and preach without pav. 2d. Sa
lem is said to be tbe most immoral and
wicked place in Oregon ; and it I mistake
not. there are now eight preacher in
P. 8. This was published in lS-6.
Bio Wheat Bale. Attorney A. C
Woodcock, administrator for the Meek
estate, eight miles below Eugene, this
morning sold 4UuU bimhelu ol wheat to
W. F. Crosby, of San Francisco, for 49
cents per bushel. The wheat is stored
in the Meek warehouse on tbe river and
will be taken to Corvallis on the steamer
Hoag and shipped by the Yaquina route
to San Francisco. The price obtained
for tbe wheat was two cents per bushel
more than could be gotten at the ware-
bouses along the railroad and show tbe
advantage, to b bad from river transpor
tation. uuaru.
Notice. btellmaker Bros, will make
only one trip tomorrow leaving thostreet
at 9 o'clock sharp.
MawiTra..,u......ij ,iu mu mmu.n iiiiiii.mi
Miss Zclla Wood, of the Portland Un-
veraity is borne for the holidays,
Mia a Laura Chambers has returnml
from a visit with relatives in llalsey.
C . I. Hinkle, one of the prominent mill
men of the front was in the city today.
Mrs. Dr. Davis went to Harrisburg to
day to spend Christmas with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Reason McDonnell have
returned from Kings Valley to spend the
II. B. Mover and wife came up from
Portland this noon and are the guests of
E. D. Moyer. '
Hon. C. K. Wilkinson, of the U. 8.
Custom uliice, Portland, went to Eugene
tnlo. , a ....1
witj fcvr offuiiu v. '-tuta.
E. Thrall. Knox Haight and A. J.
Anslyn returned yesterday from Illinois
where they have' been canvassing the
past year for the well known Gwinolle
Miss Bird Nelson, of Newburg a niece
of Mrs. Grant Hobeig who baa been at
tending school bete left on the noon
train for her home to spend the holi
Mr. Clarence Smith, a son of the late
Green bury Smith, vA Miss Mary Hen
derson, were married in Corvallis this
forenoon. JUey arrived in Albany this
noon on their way down the road on
their bridal trip.
An operation was performed on Dr.
H. E. Beers, of this city, at the-Portland
uoepitai a lew days ago. lor the
SDDefi. I
dicius, and he is now slowly recovering I
irom the effects ot it. Dr. Mrs. Heem, I
U'liA ta witVi kim aviuutta .V.I.
return home in a few days.
llallie PamiH-IIinges, formerly of
fcAieui.wtio sang in Albany several times,
is sppreciated in Boise City judging from
a Boise paper, about the "Temple of
rame" presented in that city : "While
Mrs. Pride was nominally the queen of
the occasion, the real queen was Hallie
Parrish-Hinges. She took the part of
Adeline Patti and wen for herself the
sobriquet of the aneen of sons. The
8lnKl'r ,3""ly thrilled the audience and
(fan aaILiJ a a .! If
wascaiieaout twice. Mrs. iiincres is
the possessor of a voice of remarkable
sweetness and flexibility. Her enunci
ation is as clear as a belt. Withoutdoubt,
ber singing is the beet ever beard in
About a year ago nearly thirty hats
were slashed in the armory in this city
during a bail. While there was no posi
tive evidence it was pretty well known
who did it. Last night the hat slasher
was again at his work in Albany, and it
is believed to have been the same per
son. The Deus Temps club held a ball
in the opera houss. Wm Warner had
charge of the dressing room in the -rear
of the stage. While be was gone from
the building some one entered by the
rear door, went to the roots, cut Joe Du
bruilles new $4 hat to pieces and stole
his gloves, Ed Kronk s gloves and muf
fler, Ed Quinn's gloves and overshoes.
Dr. Ellis' private papers, and a few other
things. Evidently thinking some one
was coming he skipped out before com
pleting bis work. The Indian word
cuius pretty well fits such a case. An
effort should be made to bring the slath
er and thief to justice.
Christ mas Doings.
TonigUt Christmas fe'tiril exircisu
will be held by the Sabbath Scboola of
the city as follow :
Cuinber'anJ Presbyterian : Big soow
ball, containing prvevnu. Kant Clans
will coate down a chimney, break open
the snow ball and deliver the silts.
Other exercises.
Presbyterian : Tree with patnt pres
ent distributer and exercises.
Babtist: Several trees and exercises.
Methodist : Trees and exercises.
Congregational : Trees and exercises.
United Presbyterian; Track leading
into station: electric car loaded wits
drire. Santa Claus and assistants will
roll in, telephone and other exercises
The Fnllcr Cam;-
In the cae ot the United States vs
Rev. B. F. Fuller, indicted for sending
obecene letter through the mails, M. L
Pipes, counsel for defendant, yeeterdav,
in the United Sutf court at Portland,
filed a demurrer to both counts in the
indict menu It is aiiesed that the in
dictment and the matters therein con
tained are not sufficient in law, and that
Fuller by tne law of the land, is not
bound to answer the same. The in
dictment is alleged to be insufficient a
each ot the two counts for five different
Completely Satisfied
re Peop'e who get t! eir prescriptioa
filled at Hode A Knrkhari. The
exercise the greatest care and are al
ways prompt. i-u re drugs, perfumery
auu une une oi ilAU
Doesn't Take .Much Money For
groceneaat Parker Bros. Their
price are reasonable and
a iitt'e goes a long
Qcality is something also. Tbey keep on
ty ue w ii is a r air and square
flat footed fact that if you
trade with them
you al-
wsy g t good treatment in good, price
.hh fAiuwM, ium as u-n.iw r-
able in the long run. It
count particu
lar I v in
groceries and based goo i ion can ret
wnatyou want without running
around by trading with
Parker Bros.
If loo arc compelled to live cheaply and
wif,h to supply tour table with the best the
naraet aQord
Py ali mean patronize the
iVstoflice firoeerv. .
if. A..
When tini -it were coed and Cabinet
photo were $6 00 per dot, people thought
the were cbenp. Now you cn get bet
ter jfle for only f2.C0 this month at 1 in
kles, hee tbem.
For Pills and Piasters Dawson
Use Dawson's furniture polish.
FSr Pure Drugs Dawson's.
For the best Drugs Dawson's.
Try Tinkle for Photos.
For Prescriptions Dawson's.
fhotos all sizes,at greatly re 'oced price
at Tinkles,
Highest HoBors World'a Fair,
rjold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard,
flerry Christmas.
According to the usual custom there will
be NO DEMOCRAT tomonow.
P. H. Pfeiffer's
Conn & Huston for groceries.
The chotsest candies at F. H, Pfetffer'i.
Trilby watch guards at F. M. French's
An elegant display of meats may be seen
atShultz Bros.
Christmas Candida chean at F. II Pfeif
Some nice holiday novelties at Conn &
I he very best, and only $2.00 per dos.
cabinet at Tinkles.
Get tour holiday fruits at F. H. Pfeif-
fer's. I
Turkey dinner at the Ru
House to-
morrow for only 25 cents.
Presents for the C. P. exercises tonight
should be delivered at Beckers hall.
Those cold meat forks at Freach's, make
nice Christmas presents.
F. II. Pfeiffer leads in holiday randies
and the prices are bottom ones.
Best butter in the city every day for 20c
per roll at P. Cohen's. Eggs, 20c
F. L. Kenton is airent for the Weeklv
Examiner, $ 1 .50 per year.
A fine stock of holiday books and notions
at 11. J. ones.
Good treatment at Conn and Hustons.
ami IJtai, mwul. ,m tMt
,, , . , ' ,
. U " ;T."'- " i i .11 1
w prices at Conn and Hastens.
The biggest stock of confectionary for
the holidays in the city at V. U. Pfeiffer'.
Those gold filled watches for $8.00 $10,00
and $15,00 at French's jewelry store will
bear inspection.
' You are all invited to r-ll at French's
jewelry store aad see hia display of holi
day goods.
The Albany Furniture Company bav
just received a tot of beautiful Resc k
Co bier seat rockers.
If Tinkle can't make a picture that suits
you you just as welt give up. See his
Lite sice photographs, (be best finish
reduced from $00. to only $'J0 per dozes at
Tinkles. Cabinet, $2.00.
Talk about watch chains, just call around
and e what French the jeweler has; and
bow taey are warranted.
A very attractive Christmas display of
meats may be seen at Henry Broders.
Among others are several mutton sheep
that are immense.
E G. Young k Co shirred 5000 tur
sys and 40U cease fro w Oakland. Oregon,
to r'aa Francisco tor the Christmas trade.
Ittuokaa army of boy almost to pick
ami dean them before shipping.
Hooct calendar for 1&6 is out aad it is
srea'ly admired. A! any proooanos "the
handsomest yet.' It consist of the bead
of a beautiful young lady in aa oval pane!
with a atyiuia gold frame. The back
ground and pad are printed ia harmonious
brown tints. The remarkable growth of
the edition of Hood's Ceadar from one
million copies a few years ago to over
thirteen millions for 1696 is only amraleUed
by the wonderful advance ia favor of Bood
SarsapariUa. which is now the only true
biocd purifier promineoUy in the pub'tc
A Aa-ntar Crr.Jaa. Johnson, a son
of iiaj. Johnson of this city, at Tangent
this morning was at home, when ia
some manner be cot one of bis wrists on
a Mason fruit jar, the guh going into
andcutticgan artery. U was stopped
as welt a possible, while the young man
came to Albany, and 1. M. If. Ellis at
tended him. A good deal ot blood bad
been tost and the youno man was quite
weak from the effects, bat is ail right
Win. Bb OrExeo The general deliv
ery of the post o.'Sce will be open from
$ to 9 a. m. aad from 5 to 6 p. m. t
murrow. T. J. Stitw P. M.
Wm. Hand, who with others have just
sol-t several mine nar Grants Paae,
arrived in Albany on this morning over
land, Catarrh ia a constitutional disease aad
eamBot be cured by local applications,
Bood' Saranl!a is a oooatitutioei-tl rem
edy: it cures eata.rh because it pari Sea the
Hoot Pills are purely vegetable aad do
a4 purge, pain or in-.te. Sold by all
Holiday Goods
Will at Starke.
A Itrgeaod elegant line of silverware,
BoreUirs ia jewelry, statuary, etc, mar be
ea at Wiil & tarks, one of the choicest
displays ia the valley, with price ia reach
of everybody. You can find what you waat
at their store.
Tbe Weather.
Monday rain aad wanner. Tuesday oc
casional rain and cooler. River 10.3.
F M French, LUplarmaa
The Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones are im
proved more by the pleasant laxative.
syrup 01 rigs, when in tne need ot tbe
laxative effect of a gentie remedy thaa
by aoy other, and that it ia more ac
ceptable to them. Children enjoy it and
benefits tbem. The true remedy.
Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
We Want Your Trade,
and we make a bid for it. We offer you
something more and better thaa you can
get elsewhere, we think our line of elver
ware, jewelry and clock should tip tbe
warn in cur favor.
H. Ewebt, jeweler.
The Store ia town that baa
Chriftma present from 5 eta to $500 is
K. U. Will music store. If you cannot
afford to make a present of a fine piano,
then bny at&.GO sewing machine, if not
a sewing machine a fo.ou guitar, if not a
guitar the little folk enjoy a aobo for 10 ct
or a french barp for 5 eta.
Watches That are reliable.tbat is the
kind we keep. We have no use for any
ober claa. and are certain our customers
have not either. Our watches are guaraa
ted "to go," not only rorrecty but per
manently. 11. r-WEBT, jeweler.
Keep your eye on this fact and also bear in
mind that C. E. browoell will supply your
want in the grocery line cheaper than any
competition boose in the city.
Wheat 42 cents.
More About The War.
WASnntOTOJi D. C.Spedal to the Ore
gon Home Unard. oontinua training ior
aetivA aerviivt incimrteommiaaarv depart
ment to use only meats bocght of Albany
UresiKl Beef Co.
Opes All Night. S tetters Restaurant
will be open all night on the night of
the mask ball, so the dancers can get
lunch or oysters at all hours.
Mas. Stettee.
T icycle.-
A new bicycle, 24 inch wheel.
ball bearing, pneumatic tire, for boy
or girl, for tale cheap. Call at Democrat
Farm Loans.
1 have a limited amount of mone to
loan on good farm land in linn and ad
toining county. On very favorable term,
nterest puvable annually. Call or write
at once a tbe amount I have for loaning
will soon be gone.
Albany, Oregon.
Str.e Insurance Policies.
Ttrintr them to Jos. V. Tlt. who Will
write your insurance in one of the most
reliable companies in the world and give
credit for unexpired lime on ouiws pun
Jos. V. Talt,
Postofflce Block, Albany, Or
...I, . ins ss a," 1 : . - :
J. W. Bentley at bis bid stand in the
Cusick block. Boots and shoes made or
repaired well and carefully.
In the early part of the leap year of
1884 tbe Democrat published a list of
eligable young men, with their qualifica
tions and an invitation to tbe young la
dies to make their choice. There were
thirty-seven names in the list and tbe
manner in wbicb they have been treated
by the world is interesting.
Of the number four are dead, as fol
lows: A. T Arnett, Jas. Hale, Archie
Prusha, Maj. Geo. Strong.
The following have moved awav from
Albany and are married; Oscar Blount.
clothing merchant, of Ashland y Thoe.
Callahan. merchauf Corvallis; Robert
Foster, of Portland ; Wm. Henderson, of
Oakland, Calif.: O H Irvine, of Mc
Minnvilie; Carl Luderman, of Butte.
Mon.: Mack Monteitb. of Portland:
Thoe J Overman, of Spokane: Chas.
Rideout. of Sau Leandro. Calif.: K f.
Thompson, of San Francisco; Walter
TurreJi, of Tacoma ; Jos Tyler, of Salem ;
Al Ewert, of San Francisco.
The following have moved away from
Albany and are s apposed to be single :
Louis Campeau, of Baker C ty ; Jas Fos
ter, of Washington; Frank Ingram, of
the State penitentiary; Chas Monteith,
of Spokane; Simon Seitenbach, bis part
ner. The following are away, but the Demo
CBATisnot familiar with their circum
stances: Leon Beam, Wm Down, Thoj
Gurley, Hausman, a mechanist, and
George Young.
Ihe following- continue to reside ia Al
bany, or Linn county and are married:
W R Blain, Fred Blnmberg, Whit Craw
ford, Geo E Fish, F L Kenton, Biuce
McKnight, Jas V Pipes, Frank Wood,
Jr. and Thoa Monteith.
The only ones not here not married are
John Kruse, of this city, and Frank Mc
Knight, of Tallman; but a good many
have been added to keep them company
t Two Boys Drowned.
Special to Uawocaav.
Caxtoxville, Or, Dec 2L This
morning two boy aged 8 and 11 years,
sons of Edward Maloney, were drowned
while crossing tbe South Umpqua river
seven miles north of CanyonvUie. Their
boat was found floating down the river
cm pi
Their bodies have not been
I un,
Tbe Mount Lebanon Shakers recently
performed a great deed of charity, al
though it was not designed as a charity,
being nothing more nor less thaa an ad
vertising scheme. It however resulted
in great good just tbe came. They rare
away 1,000 bottle of their digestive Cor
dial to those suffering front stomach de
rangement. It was so effective in curing those wbo
used the remedy that they were loud in
their praises or it and in consequence a
large demand fee the cordial was at once
Thedroggiste of this town have little
books that tell all about it. Digestive
Cordial creates aa appetite, aids diges
tion and brings about a rapid increase in
flesh aad strength.
Laxol is the name of a palatable Cas
tor Oil. J net tbe thing for children.
Cbca per Than Doctors,
"I was acrvoue and weak aad could
not do more thaa half a dav work. I
could ktot write without steadying my
nana with the other one. I procured a
bottle of Hood' Sarsaparilla and began
taking it and now I am able to work and
write and am feeling welL This fall my
wife was sick and was confined to ber
bed about half the time, I advised ber to
take Hood' Sarsaparilla a it was cheap
er than doctors aad she finally consent
ed to do to. After la king it for a short
time she ras able to attend to ber work.
I have not found anv better medicine as
a blood tonic thaa Hood's Sarsaparilla,
I keep Hood's carsaparilla ia tbe bouse
all the time to ward off the grip and
other diseases. H. Weirict, eedv. Or.
ws j pile
a&d Liter Cotnplaiat you have a printed
raaateoa every bottle of ShUo' Vital-
tier, u aeeer fail to cure. For sle by
Fnabay Jr. Mason
uarts Cswvwe Ess Tea
is r ur cure for headache aad nervou
riseasear No-bleg relieve so qnickly.
For xle by Fohay k Uasoa.
an a,
Ask your phi kia, tour droggiat aad
your frirnis about Sbiiob'a Core for eon
u mpt ion. 1bT i I recommend IL For
sale by r'oaiuy c Aluocu
Tb Ills fs a
CoastipaiioD, came snore thaa half the
I'U of women. Karl' Clever Rjo Tea is
a pleot core for consUr-atios. For sale
ty l obar a Uason .
AlsttWertk svla
ConaytjoB, LaGrippe, Pneumonia,
aad all Throat and Long diteaaes are cared
by Sbitoh'e Care. For sale by Fsshay t
One Honest Man.
Dab Editor: Please inform your read
er that if written to confidentially. I will ,
mail ta a sealed letter tne plaa pursued by
which 1 was permanently mtored to health
aad manly vigor, after many tears of suf
fering from Nervous Weakness, Lota of
Manhood, Lack of Confidence, etc. I have
so scheme to extort money from any on
whomsoever. 1 was robbed aid swindled
by quack until I neatly lost faith ia ma a
kind, but thank heaven, I am bow well,
vigorous aad strong, and anxious to make
tlu certain means of care known to all
Having nothing to sell or send C. O. D.. I
want so money. Address las A. Hassis,
Box 107, Defray, Mich.
1 Bany was afck. we fa ass? Caaauwa,
WVw sha was a CaaJ. she criad f,
Tawa sb bsjoanst Us, he cbaaE to
WVea saw h4 ChlUna, ska gave t warn
For a Cold to Ban into Bron
chitis or Pneumonia.
Check it at Once
Cherry Pectoral.
Wo.l. In 4r,A WlrttA T trmlr a
a.(Mj . 11 a ,
l.i : ..U JauAU,,l InfA ?f
IWYere wiu nuiui uciciujiwuiw qj
an obstinate, backing cough. 0)
.very painful to endure and H
troubling me day and night, for fj
nine weeks, in spite of numerous
remedies. Ayer's Cherry Pec- 1
toral being recommended me, I
began to take it, and inside of 24
hours, I was relieved of the
tickling in my throat, Before I
finished the Dottle, my cough
was nearly gone. I cannot speak
too highly of its excellence,"
Mrs, Bosch, Eaton, Ohio.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Received Highest Award of
. eaevooeooeoooeoooooeeooool
This season has
us in these necessitiesSeveral times
we have re-ordered.
9 clear up to
Useful and highly appreciated as
Christmas gifts.
So is nice underwearelegant
neckwear dress shoes and water
proof shoes for street wear no over
shoes needed.
Holiday lines will be ready now.
L. OlaiD Clotting Co..
Go to
Gash Store.
Dry goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Where the $ will purchase more than at
any store ia tbe city, and yon will have
a bran new stock to select from. Our
grocery stock is tbe best, a full and com
plete line of A. Schilling A Co' coffee,
teas, spires, baking powder and extracts,
also their famous Mocha A Java coffee,
ground to order tythe best coffee mill ia
Albany. Mv stock of all wool 'clothing
for men can t be beat and I wiil be pleas
ed to show you the beet all wool suit in
Albany for $1.00 lea than you can make
the came porchafe elew here. My Line
of rubber boots are of tbe beet make and
will be sold at reduced prices. Ladies
rubber overt beea 35cts per pair. Mens
Macintosh costta with cape same as other
chargw $5 aad $6 for will be sold for $4.
Mens good grade rubber coats at $1.75.
I invite all to call and examine my new
stock and get prices on the same.
Grocery Department.
20 lbs beat granulated sugar $1 00
SOlba - Rice 1 00
30 lbs cream rolled oats 1 00
5 gal beet Pearl oil 95
S cans good tomatoes 35
S " sugar corn 25
4 papers Arbuckle coffee 90
5 lbs Fairbanks Goid Dust WPdr.. 20
10 lbs choice lard SO
4 papers matches (best) 05
Boot and Shoe Department.
Mens oil grain boot, beet ..
.3 00
.2 50
.2 05
.1 25
.1 to
.1 25
. " beet solid "
good plough ahoe
Ladies Donzola tip (new toe). .
" Trilby
Tbe above line i in all sisea aad just
received from the factory. U yon waat
to cave money and get good new. choice
stock, call and see the boots and shoes I
offer. It will pay you if you ate in need
of boots or shoes. I have in stock the
Brown Shoe Go's boots and shoes, of St
Louis, Mo. The beet cork sole shoe for
the money. Do not forget I warrant all
good as represented. e give free ot
charge lib ol fine mixed candy with
each lb of tea and sell tea cheaper thaa
anv store in Albany. H. F. Mc1lwai3U
Lc isth, issa.
The Largest and Best
display of
in the city may be seen
They have elegant
lines of ,
Holiday books,
Plush goods,
Toilet cases,
Vases and
A splendid stock to tie
lect from without any
xunning arouna.
New Goods.
Mrs Ashby's
Stylish hats, capes with whistles, mit
tens, and handkerchiefs, stamped linen
hose, side combs, ornaments, underwear
corsets and a general une of goods.
THllinir and ejetractinv of teeth withou
pmul uwuauy
t. Priue's Cream ruklug Powdcf
WVawkra Fat listaas Award.
sBagsasj. 1 -i- .1 -o
f SnCutick Block
c r-n jifci
been a rusher for
tXaTisSgUk rxrx
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will k Stark
Optkal Specialis.
Graduate of the Chicago Opthaha
I ant nrwnstriNf a nrm-nj u.iiHKj
and accurately, by the latest aad improve!
methods of modern deare, any wbo
ire to hare their eye tested.
utock uwck, ALBAjrr, uaxaes.
Now Is The Time.
to look cut far the health. Wbeatbeair
is chilfy . the weather ana-rtain. and the
wiad peaetratiair. the long! require special
protrviion. Our lung protectors are eora
fortabie barriers asauist cold aad colds.
Considerations of beaJth. faxor tee policy of
lung protection, which it furnished at the
low-tariff price of $1.00. The thing with
which to barricade tbe lungs perfectly
against winter assault is a mag protector.
To wear one will prolong your Life, te
tally a your oocupatooa expose you to sev
erities aad dangerous chanr of tempt a .
j rjtniSG.
Good printing
Always Jone
v ,
The Printer.
la Strancy
Upholsterer -
X Ar.d
Hair, wool aad shoddy asaftnesu rear
ated aad madeover.
Furniture of every desafotioa aad labt
carriage le-upholstered aad Tarnished.
Drop a. note ta the P. O.. or call at t
street, betweea Ferry aad BrMdalbia, A
Tfiralesale . Retail
PureDrugaathe Finest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Book
ia the Market.
Tin rootling 'and pluaahiag. Opposite
tbe opera boose.
AYOUJvG MAN 23 year of age
raised oa and accustomed to the farm
desire a situation of any kind, the coua
try prelered. Address Ebkr Scbastos,
Mon month 111.
mtalettenf Of course you do, and what
i nicer than smooth let'er paper and envel
ope for bosine corresponding. We make
speciality of nt commercial stationary,
ou should
of u at once and see the fine quality aa
extra low prices. Next time you wan
some inquire
V Ha Ct . V art s"'i.
are th. ordinal bJ only TN'CH safest' m
UabSeorJon upmarket. Prw. I UWj sent bf
IE)! qtf.lTll1 WW. J "a
J , .A. Cumming, scle agent, Albany