VOL XXXI. Kateredat the , sue a Uhmmj. Or. i.(..i.ri.i. Kli IHMt ALBANY OtthGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 195 f. r SCTTC,raMUkev mm4irwprUfwt S i : 1 ' f- V It for Infants and Children. "Castorlaissowell adapted to children that V. recommend it as superior to any prescription Lucira tome." H. A. Akcbkr, M. R, 111 So. Oxford St., Brooili-B, X. Y. "The oas of 'Castoria' is so nniyersal and tta merits so veil known that it seems a work f supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do sot keep Oastori within easy reach.' CiUX Habttx, D. D.t Sew York City. Probate Record. Ia esttte of Chris llardm&n. H. 0 liardman was appointed administrator ue bonis non. Bond $8,000. Accounts filed la estates of Jas. Mo Mahan, Helen Spencer, a minor. In estate of Edna A, Colbert, D. F. Kouinett was appointed administrator Bond 1400. A. J. Hunt was appointed guardian of iiorace u. Hunt. lioud $300. In estate of Mrs F. M. Garrett, will admitted to probate. V. E. Githens ex- executor. Under it Nancy J. Githens Maud M. AY agnon. Frances Wagnon, and Caatoria cures Oolle, Constipation, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Eructation. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl James Githens receive one hall the . L, gestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced hmnfldal results." , Eowct F. Pardee, X. IX, tBth Street and 7th Are., New York CKy. Thk OcrrAca Comtakt, T7 Utnuur finest, Nrw Toax Cm. 5 C. James and Frances Garrett ; Nancy J. 1 Githens one third. Jas. Githens 5-Sth. and Maud and Frances Wagnon jointly 3-8th of the remainder of the lCC. To Nancy Githens, one-third, James Githens, one-third and Maud and trances Wagnon one-third of nionev, notes, etc., to each different piece of per sonal property. Bona f s.uuu. In estate of Emily Spicer, inventory nieu, personal property sou, real, 3o.iU. I'ersonal property ordered sol Best work PRINT Office Stationery A Specialty G?ve us yoar Patronage. I 303E15 f P. J. : V Promptnes EG H bflSESS 11153 ----.. 'A s i i.4J' it the w'lee! flit sr.n ill t January 2iii. 1835. over in f ' ?nt StftMt' 0-cte Ev;i ?i! -admire! avi t.lI of hii rnl? 3;ri is C -lii i A t? urtv of A-nr ' I l Vvvstt.y Sjc.e?i8 i H is tb mtrtJ- CUI )?iH f "e. f .fDiT Bi;tol f-i ii tit- l- liana. C. S A E. E. (F.ercJuave asrentfor Albany I o A ONB GIVES RELIEF. Univcwity of Oregon- IS951S9G. Tiie University of OraRM, 13us3'ae, Oreeou, offers free tuition to ail stocents YoQBg men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light ia the dormitory for 2.50 per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with board in private families at $3.00 per week. Tonng women desiring hoard ehould address Prof. John Straub, Engane, Oregon ; or Secretary Ydang V omen's Chris tum Association, Jbugrae. The University oners tnree Daccaianreate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered: An English -course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three ycr? to the title ,rraliate in English ; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading to toe degree master of pedagogy; a three years course in civil engineering leading the degree of civil engineer ; a coarse of two years for teachers of physical equ ation leading to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is payaole in advance by ail students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those aaving teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without -examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department For catalogues and information address U. H. Chapman, President, or J. J. alton, Secretary, Engene, Oregon. GBEtf. The Buffet Gar Route. lnOTKtR',J THE i BAiShortcst and Quickest line , BETWEEN r- PACIFIC COAST POINTS, 'ST. PAUL Af.D THE3AST, Crosses both the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIG IT, affording passes gers on uypur'-uutty ui viewing Ue GRANDEST SCENERY IN AMERICA, Two trains daily from Portland: one at It a. m , via Seattle, and one at 8:55 n. m. via O. R. & N. and Spokano, Rang superb equipment, consisiing of dining cars, baf are marvels of elegance and comfort, containing bath room, barber shop, easy chairs, file THE MAGNIFICENT Twin steamships, "Northwest' and "Northland, ' leave Duiutb every Monday aod Fridav for the "Poo." Makinac Island, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection with tbc Gnat NortbernRailway. have your tickets read via the NORTHERN STE MSHIP COMPANY and enjov a delightful ride free from the beat and dust. For tickets and creneral information call on or address Tangent Items.. Tasqkxt, Deo, 11, 1895. ine Tangent Literary bociety again reormnixed on last Saturday ninht and the following officers were elected : Pres ident, Prof. R. S. Hughes ; secretary, B. S. Mills; treasurer, I. W.Neweomb; ser geant at arms, J. J. Beard. The ques tion for last Saturday night was "Re solved that capital punishment, or hang ing should be abolished and life im prisonment should be substituted in stead." On the affirmative I. W. New- comb, Mr. Green, Clarence Bunnell Negative, A Blevins, Mr. Ace, Jesse McGhee. Judges, Judd Ross, L. B. Luper, A. J Olin. The decision was in favor of the negative. Question for next meeting, ''Resolved that there should be an educational qualification for suffrage.' Speakers, affirmative: Mr. Green, A. Blevins. A. J. Olin. A program com mittee was appointed by the president consisting of the following: Miss Minnie JUcunee, 3iau4 .Beard, L.. li. Luper. Born, in Tangent. Dec. 3rd. 1893. to the wife of M. L. Luper, a bov. There was only one bier Than k.ei vine dinner in Tangent. A great many in vitations were given out but the Demo chat's reporter didn't even get an invi tation to any kind of a dinner. The wet weather has nut a damner to farmers here of late, the ground being most too wet for workine well, but ouite a good deal of grain haa been sown this taiu We are clad to note the fact that Uncle James B. Morgan is improving in health. Mr. Carl Duncan, of Turner, is visit ing his many friends and relatives in and around Tangent. It has been decided to bold a union Christmas tree at the M. E. church Christmas eve. Some cranks thought it was an evil thins to hold a Christmas tree in the house of God. Mr. editor we would like to hare vour opinion on this subject. Our opinion is that the church is tiie proper place for a Christmas tree service properly manaeed. A service in honor of the birth of Christ is certainly proper in the church ; but it should not be made a circus. People should not be narrow on that subject. Ed Geea &. Ross are doin? a nrettv rood business in burin? up chickens and turkeys. Farmers can find a market in which to sell all kinds of fowls. They tay cash. Xhev also intend to raise a lare numoer of chickens next summer. Mr. Amiens, do not think that every msn who goea bv Oak villa and shakes hat at you ia Young America. We told you in our last correspondence that me next time we passed through Uak- ville we would stop and give Amicus the ngai nana oi leuowsnip. Sir. D. Mann who bas been cone to Indiana lor some time, has returned to iiis home in Tangent, iocxG Am mica. Dr. J. W. Watts has just been elected mayor of Lafayette. - 4ft Geo. T. Cox.O. C. & E. azentat Gates II i : . l - -. i - i um ixxu in viic cuy vu ousinees. J. A. Cum mine returned this noon from a fishing trip to the Yaquina river. A. D. Barker, of Albany, will soon or ganize a Workman at Cottage Grove. iUcue uuaru. Harvey Davis, of Sbedd.haa been in the city several days. He baa sold bis drug Dosiness to air. Jonas uarifl. Miss Alice Brenner returned to Port- i iana yesieraay, having accepted a pos ition as stenographer and type writer tnere. Thomas Smith, a well-known citizen of Albany was doing business in the Cap ital Uity yesterdav afternoon. Salem Statesman. RT. M. Whitten and family.of Jefferson who have been visiting in the city the guests of Hon. J. K. Weatherford, re turned home today. Mr. Louis Anderson, formerly of this city, is now preaching on a circnit as an j , Evangelical minister with headquarters i at Medical Lake, Wash. His brother Mewton, of this city, ia contemplating joining him and studying for the same' profession. The death of Annie, the 12 year old daughter of President and Mrs. E. N. (Jondit, at Los Angeles is reported. She was a girl of loveabie character, and bright promise, and there are many in Albany who will mourn with the parents in their great loss. The Corvollis Times pays the following tribu'e to the late Dr. Rich: Dr. Rich by res .in of fine natural abilities and ex cellent culture and prepaiation, took a foremost rank, in iiis profession, ue was ever esteemed as a faithful, kind and honorable physician. Aot only a phvsician of eminent standing not only a Mason of unsullied name, but besides this he was an honorable and upright man a useful citizen, a kind husband and faithful father. Didn't Say Much. a uorvaius uazette man tried to in terview E. L. Bonner, but about all he learned was that he had just run up to see Manager Stone while in Portland ; but he did present this much : "We have been compelled to build practically a new road and until the present work is finished we will not tuks steps towards building branch lines." Asked in regard to the business of the road Mr. Bonner said: "We have town doing our share. Until the present rate war was inaugurated between the O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific companies the traffic of the O. O. & E. was fully up to our expectations, but we are begin ning to feel its bad effects and should it continue our business may suffer con siderably. This rate war, Mr. Bonner believed, was provine a login? irame not oniy tome transportation lines involved out aiso to the state, as it was takimr thousands of people to California and they were speneing thousands of dollars abroad." Which doesn't look much as if the S. P. was in it at all. AVE WANT YOUR TRADE. If every know us We are here to please you. king is not O. K. kindly let We are not selling at cost but at inodor ate profits, we can furnish you any thing in the harness line at lowest prices See our.line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips Po.vica i, Tom limsos. 1 1 " Has Plkstv of Monkv. A. B. Ilain mond will leave New York this week for Astoria. Work there though, is pro ceeding on the railroad the same as if he were present. Ihe following in refer ence to his backing is of interest in con nection with ths U. u. E. : An As toria man raid that he had heard several rumors to the effect that Mr. Hammond's present visit to New York was tor the purposo of raising monev for the con struction of the line. "This," he said. 'I happen persontllv to be in a position to refute, because I know that before Mr. Hammond entered into the contract he had all the money, and more than he needed. He has any quantity of funds at his disposal. Ol all stutt the worst ia that .Mr. Ham mond is simply a tool of the Southern Pacific, and that road really owns the O. C. A E. There is undoubtedly nothing tn it. Tub Senators at Work. Senator Mitchell has alrea.lv introduce! an im mense batch of bills for personal claims. reliefs, pensions, etc. including a bill he has regularly introduced for years, and which has ln favorably reported once or twice. To reimburse California, Ore gon and Nerada, for money expended by them in suppression of "the relwiron. Oregon's share is to35,152. ISenator McBnde, is new. but is eettine down to business and bas introduced the follow ing bLls: To relievesettlers on railroad land grants: for the relief of W. L, ams; to provide for a public building at Salem, costing $100,000; for the rt-iiei of the legal representatives of Chauncey -M. lock wood; granting a pension to Benjamin Franklin Doweli, of Oregon ; to grant a pension to Ada J. Schwatka. widow of the late Lieutenant Fred Schwatka. Plated Ball. A good sised crowd at the armory hut night saw the expert, experienced and energetic hae ball eight of F. Co. defeat the Y. M. C. A. eight 30 to 15. This was the latters first game at indoor base bail, slippery, active, quick, thoughtful game. Charles Fu'.k-r behind the bat did great work lor r Co., well supported in the box br Cap!. Phil ips, and tn the held. The 1 . M. C. A s. will te all right after experience. This ia a funny gamP. Everything is done by tossing a flabby ball. A hort stop on both sides plays almost under the bat and it takes a terrific blow to get a ban past them. It is oniy occasionally that a fielder ireti a ball. A batsman once started generally make the circuit, ud- ino into the home Mate on a pilch, it is peculiarly a funny game. Held fob tbc Gband Jubt. The ex amination of I. W. Rivers, arrested lor stealing a harness from 1 i L. Reese, took place before Justice I'oweil, at 9 o'clock todav. Deputy Attomev Humph rey appeared tor the state and J. K w' vatt for the defense. The harness was offered in evidence, and identified by Mr. Reese. Marshal Dilly testified as to the circumstances of the man s arrest. It bad been made on susricion of another oRense. The harnesses and other goods bad been put on board a river steamer, with a shipping receipt for Newburg. Rivera claimed to the Marshal that he got the Reese harness of a trader be tween Albany and Bnena YisU. The prisoner formerly lived at Springfield, and it is probable Hi vers is his correct name. Justice rowel 1 held him under $350 bonds to await the action of the gracd jury. What It Did. Secretary E. C. Mas- ten, of the exposition executive commit tee, has submitted his final reportj-how- ing the nnancia. results of the tug fair. The total receipts from all sources reach the sum of $30,460.23: total expenses. $18,233.o7,leaving a balance in the bands of the treasurer of $223H.t Total num ber of free tickets collected, 2265; total number of single paid admissions, S3 ; total admission except those on exhibi tors' tickets or season tickets, 87,355; estimated total attendance, 97,355. A CrowJ of Lawyers. The following attorneys were before Referee Woodcock atfer slices in that $100,000, according to a list made out by the Statesman : J. R. Bryson and W. 8. McFaddcn, of uorvains, represented the trustee of the road, the t armors Loan A Trust comp any and its attorneys; W. S. II afford, county judge, Benton county in its claim for taxes; Jaseph H. Wilsou, of Curval lis. assisted Judge llufford and had some other claims; J. R. w'yatt, of Albany, represented Lincoln county in its claim for taxes; Wallace Nash repreero4 T. E. Hogg, receiver of the road, aud hold era of receivers' certificates; E. E.Wil son, of Corvallis. represented the school district embracing Corvallis in it claim for school tuxes; A. L. MrFadde.i, of Corvallis, represented the holders ot re ceivers' certificates who furnUhed the money which was ordered paid bv the court to the employes of the road when payment to the amount of 46 per cent was made; Judge John Burnett, of Cor vallis, represented his own claims and those of L. Flinn, of Albany; County Judge J. N. Duncan, of Albany, repre sented Linn county's claim for taxe : Geo. G. Bingham, of Salem, represented Marion county's claim for taxes and the claims of seveot-five laborers. All l.i loreeoiiis were lirewnt in nersnn. Knnar A McCaiuant, of Portland, represented with briefs the insurance companies' claims on certificates; W. I. Fenton, of 1 ortiand, reprewnW the claims of hi firm, Bronaui;h, Fen ton A McArthur. for attorney's fee. Judge W oodcock wul aim to return his findings and dciiion by January 22d, at which time circuit court will reconvene in Bentos counlr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank kir.ttn I -ft in- day for UoM.-l.urg to reside. Mr. John Foshav arririt hnrna v.-. terday from his Sin K ran Cisco trip. Mrs, A. Hiner. after a residence of four years in California, Las returned to Albany to reside. Prof. Lee returned this week from an extended trip through Southern Oregon in uie interest 01 the college. Mrs. S. E. Young and Miss Sarah Alt boute returned this noon frt-m a three week's visit with a sister in Colorado. Wm. Fraier, the horx buver, has been in the city. He takes iWtonc horse in f-mr oftere-l and jays o5 to fjS. He is buying for the I'. S artilJerj. Mrs. Harriet Robert., of Brownsville, has been dichared from the afTiuin as entirely cared, and returned to her home this morning. alem Journal. Waller Hoinian relumed today after a few weeks stay in Use mines at Q-aarU-vil'e. He brought don wish bin. a full bltuded Siberian bl-odhoand, hich looks as vicious as one of those crest um are capable. Salem Post. Prof. Wm. Rasmus and aife, acvomp-anie-d by the Albany member of Damon and Pyviiias, in the leading parts, re cently presenle-1 in this city, went to BroansnUle today and will pfeser.t that play in that city tonight. Prof. Rjemnt is also rehearsing it W presentation at Oregon City and Portland. The death of AnnieCoadit occurred on Saturday, Dec. 7. at Los Angele. Her case was one that puzxtrd the doctors. ah tue prominentphysician 01 mat city were consulted. The best opinion was that it was from some diease of the brain and spinal column. For four week she could not otter a word, and vet Fhe was nerfectivconsrions of ail that was tramrpirine. Sue bad no use of her neck at ail. The Toledo Leader, published at Dr. Rich's home, says of him: Dr. Rich was a man of strong personal iuc. Hi friendships were strong and his dislikes were marked. He was a man who was a foulwealher as well as a fairweather friend. For this reason bis friendship was prized, and bis friends wherever be was known were numerous. With the history of the Bay courtiy since 1S79 Dr. Rich bas been largely identified. CIRCUIT COURT. An adjourned session of circuit court was held today by Judge Hewitt in de partment 2, and the following business was transacted : J O Bushnell art P n Wood. . 1 Defendants replying to rejly to answer of defts Murry and Griffin, and case was uuiiuiiuea. Maria Miller, et al, agt al. Continued. D P Miller, et DB Monteith agt E A Parker, city treasurer, et al, demurrer to amended complaint overruled. Harrisburg Waterpower Company agt J G Kelley, et al. Demurrer to com plaint sustained. RC Miller agt WG Brown, et al. Continue!. Pacific States Savings Loan & Build ing Co. agt John I so in, et al, motion for judgment and motion for leave of Deft. Weatherford to file answer. Anrnnf and submitted. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors tilts week. Reported bv C. A. Knnw A Co., solicitors of American and Foreiim patenU, opp. U. 8. Patent office, Wach- ngton, V. C. J Bluemal. San Francisco. Cat. shin A E Butterfield. Portland. Or. eveirlaases anu spectacles: i U Uantre'I. Kan r ran. cisco, Cal, adjustable igniter for explos ive-engines; W G Curtis. San Francisco, Cal, preserving timber; J M Eads, San liernanlino county, Oal, irrigation bead- gate; W A Hay. San Francisco. Cal. bi cycle-bell-actuating brake; O A Huff- maxter, ban Leandro, Cal, gate; J D Iveller, Santa Clara, Cal. rotary enzine : C Palm leaf. Seattle, Wash, clectrotber apeutic apparatus ; M LSchleuter, Oak land, Lai, liquid containing can ; O II Hamforlh, San Francisco, Cal, pile- covering; H Ii Tracy, Holhster, Cal, steam-condensing and water-cooling ap paratus. Lebanon. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report r n DfSMiliHil SIT 11 WSSS Hon BODY SNATCHING. Mrs S. M. W. Hindman ia visl'in? in Albany. Mine Lucy Card, of Albany, is spend ing the week here with relative. Rev. Melvin Williams has been troub led a itb hemorrhage for the paxt few weeks, which his many friends will be sorry to hear. 1 William J. Davenport, rommonlv known as "Doc," went to Portland Wed nesday to plead to the indictment found against him for alleged counterfeiting. He takes his indictment coolly and seems anxious for trial. Mrs. A. M. Stewart died ot the borne of Mrs Kilea's in this city last Monday at the age of 74 year. Rev Harmon conducted the funeral service on Tues day, after which she was buried in the Masonic cemetery. At a meeting of the Lebanon Lodge No. 47 I. O. O. F., Ut Saturday even ing the fallowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: S A Nkkerson, N G; J : Allen, VU; A A Keee. Kec Sec ; J G Boyle, Per Sec ; A E Davis, treasurer. Express1. Mr Elizabeth Gentry died at her home in 1 Lie city, early yesterday morn ing, of cancer, aged about $0 years. De ceased was sell known and highly re spected, and leave) a number of children and many relatives and friends to mourn ber departure. Advance. Adricn Comely and Wm. Westfall Arrested tor the Crime. Albany bas a genuine body matching case, and Adrian Comely and William W est al I are under arrest for the crime. Early yesterday morninir Niehtwatch- nien Hale and Williamson saw a couple men take somelhinir trom a wagon and carry it up into the Baltimore block by tne rear door. They bad come in through the back alley. Marshal Lee waa noti fied in the morninir. and nrton investi gation found the body of a pauper who waa buried on Sunday Dec. f in the pri vate cemetry opposite the Jewish cem etery, bid away in the building. The mau had died and was buried without hi name being known and the fact waa not even noticed in the papers, the fart not ueing Known. I tie two defendants BEING CURED. A Salem Woman With a Schlatter Handkerchief. The latest local illustration of the effi cacy of Bch'atter mediumehip appears in the case of a well-known lady of Sa lem, aged about forty years, whose name is withheld from publication. For thirty years the baa suffered from goitre, for which medical treatment has been on availing. Pbysiciana recognize this com plaint as one of the most stubborn in the category of human ills, it being a rare case indeed where it ia entirely cared. In this case the swelling waa loca'ed in the necx 01 me patient. When the cures of Schlatter began to spread through the la&d. the ladv refer red to reeotved to tend a handkerchief to rionnnv lid Xn.ll- AiA lh.. A wem rn3Hrn 1M1 rew ,n niffniwarrnim.. : -. : - i , : . , ; -r "v;"'7 .V ... : ,ngt miormea uigut ueiore imeiy nirea 01 J. w. few of Roberta, the drayman his wairon for a mail job the next morning. The two men called for the wagon about 3:30 o'clock, and Mr. Roberta got the team ready for them, and offered to go along and assist them, of course not knowing what it was ; but they didn't want any help. The horse and dray were brought beck between 4 and 5 o'clock. Comely and Westfall were taken be fore Justice Freerksen at 9 o'clock. The former plead not ga.lty, and waiving examination was held in $250 bonds. $200 if case, for the grand jury. ViemV fail demanded an immediate "trial de claring that be could prove an alibi for the entire day, and 1 o clock was set for it. By consent the case was adjourned until 9 o'clock Mooday. Comely had not secured ball at preWtime. There is a good deal of speculation aa to whom the body was gotten for, but the probability ii it waa eotten for the purpose of making the bones into a skel eton. It would be useless for any thing else, as a body is never nsed for dissect- ing except when taken just after boriaL It unqueetioeably was not on account of any local order. t ber intimate ber husband "and a friends of what she HOME AND ABROAD Trilby watch guard at F. M. French' See French's diiplay of Christmas gocds. 6 lb choice raistns 25cU at Mcll wain's cb store 8 spool Clark's O.N. T. at Mcliwain's Cub tire. per dos. had done. It happened that her hus band and friends were skeptical and rd icaled the idea. Finally she became discouraged and lost the faith that she had at first. She has a sister who lives in Denver, and before the return of the handker chief she wrote to her, telling of what she bad done and aaking of her sister if she knew anything personally of any body who had been really cured by Schlatter. To this letter she received a Erompt answer. The sister wrote : "1 ave with my own eyee seen the blind made to aee, the lame to walk, the crip pled to throw away their crutch, rheu matism cored instantly by the touch of the man's band. Hare faith and von will be cored." The sister promise! to send ber a handkerchief of her own which had been bleeeed by Schlatter. This instantly revived the drooping hope of the lady in question and she eagerly awaited the appearance of the handkerchiefs. A abort time ago they came. Immediately the troublesome com plaint began to show signs of disappear ing, xue weiung Degan to soiten. imv by day it diminished in size, until now it is hardly noticeable. The lady is con fident of being entirely cored. Post. Aa there is a banukerchief in Albany blessed by Schlatter it ia in order for some afflicted Albany person to ere their faith a test. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas: It seemed good in the sight of oar all-wise Father to Uke from earth Anna, the daughter of oar fo-mer presi dent, Rer. E. N. Condit, D. D., thus early in hie, be it Resolved. That we the students ot Albanv coHesre extend oar heartfelt sym- lal butVr in the city every day for 20c I pathies to her sorrowing parents. "lb very UL and only $2.00 cauuseu at l iokles. The poriece at Bdlknae Soricir ha been duoootinoed. R C. STEVENS. G. VV. p. a., 612 Front St , Seattle, V7ash. A. B. C. DENNISTON, 0. P. & T. A. 122 rd St., Portland 0 THOMAS Dealer in BRINK, I All kinds of furniture n O VI r? ViarlrliwM . J -J. you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, ORECOIiV Nothing Is It. The Democrat yester day published an item from the Eueene Guard about a close call to a collision at that city between the overland and flyer. There was nothing in it at all, The right signal was out all right. The train new by intending to back upon the switch, and it waa thought by the re porter it was only stopped by the frantic efforts of the agent. Of course if it bad gone 011 there would bave been a collis ion. It is said, though, that under the double system in vogue a collision is im possible. A. F. & A. M. Opficebs. The follow ing bave been elected : Bayley Chanter, po. , K. A, to., J K W yatt, II V ; F E Alien, king; u a wmn, scribe; II Walden, UlijFM Red field, rS; LC Marstall, K A U; t W Langdon, treas urer; J P Galbraith, recorder: W Read, G M, 1st Vail ; A 11 Freerksen, G to, zna van; Marie Montgomery, UM 3rd Vail; W E Baker, sentinel. Barzillai Ghapter, rio. 16, O. E. S. Mrs N II Alien, W M;! FE Allen WP; Mrs E W Langdon, AM; Miss Zula Winn, Secretary : Mrs E D Cusick treasurer; Mrs F E Allen, conductor Mrs Alice Love, AO Two Engene bote team are to play foot ball on Christmas. The Gypsy made a fitilt-re in its attempt to go fcom Harrinljurg to Eugene. A mask ball will be held at the opera house on Wednesday evening. Dec 25. Some fiendish villians over in Crook county have hen burning h'y and poison ing sneep. C. E. Hawkins and C. G. Nixon bae pened a collection and irauranc office in the Cusick block. A Rochester. N. Y.. woman claim to be divinely inspired to save worn' n from wearing bloom an. Col J. A. Straight has been held for the irrand jury on charce of libelinir the late H. C Humphrey. The case promises to be somewhat sensation!. The Blackstone Club has elected the fol lowinjr officers: O. B. Winn, president: J A. Cinch, vice president aad liufus Drum, secretary. The club is doing good work. Over $24,000 have been raised for the rebuilding of the Salem woolen mill and Mr. Kay says it will be rebuilt. e con gr atulate Salem s well as the valley gen erally. Ala meeting of the directors of the Fa- I'm Building and Loan association held yesterday $225 weie loaned at fifty-five roonins intense in aavance anu ?7- at iu months. Focb Judges to Meet. Judge Duncan will meet tomorrow in thfs city with the ludges ot Marion, Kenton and l.lncoi counties to consider the O. C. & E. taxes and assessments. Saturday ' Judgei Duncan and Hubbard will go to Meaa uia to look at the bridge, the approach to which has been recently damaged. 40 Loaves of Bread tor $1.00. Let everybody come to thl Star Bakery and get 40 loave of fresh bread for $1.00 cash. ' . CMcvEa. In the early part of the season Albany lead Salem 2 cents on the price of wheat r.gbt along. Now Salem leads Albanv bv 2 cents, l bs price here is 42 cent, there 44 cents, caving raised another cent yesterday The Gospel Mission workers are here and will open tbpir mission work in the Vance building opposite tbe Revere Houre. You are invited. AH welcome. Services every evening al 7:30. w "L. Thompson and wife in charge. Mr. J. W Cusick is making an effort to secure the holding of ue republican con gressional convention at Albany next spring. This is a central location tor such a convention, and Mr. Cutick thinks the committee will name tbia city. John Anderson who owns a small farm near Kerby, left Wednesday for bis old home in Copenhagen, Denmark, after an absence Of ten years. Us is returning to tne land ot bis birth to get a wife, so he said, and considering tbe fact that the dis tance is near 1 i.oot miles, we think hi married life should be a happy one to re compenne mm tot- the long journey Grant's Fas Observer. Chrisbna i looked forward b by every ooiy out toe lares. A outheiitern ex.-hange av Bob In- gersol is to lei tens on "Whit a fool I have leo. One of the bet freighter into tbc LawW-r mines has no -eir. He was in Albanv jeteway. iionte- UHvennori tia drawn a oiclure Of loro K-ed. levelled bas aa aucvlic appearance beside need. If 15 word died an awful death, a licht remark on hi tongue a be fell to the end of the rope. ''ben Holmes and Dnrrant o-t it in the nc uie puouc wiu sign with Mtufjction There is one p'e.iinc feature shout foot- wll played by the big collects, it onlv asis a snort lira. The mven'ory of awli of Williams bngland bank.of Salem rhown 8279.t 80, 7, of which $l7l.2t,04. is bills receivable. Mr. tlammend ba boticht $00,003. ton of steel rails for tbe Goble road. That ought to satisfy even tbe skeptical Budget. Hie Scio Press savs the Scio Pvcbic So ciety does rot endorse B. S. Garrison medium recently in that city. He r.sorts to tricks. his morning the team of Le-lie Parne rn away m the !ti watt! scattering things promiscuously. 1 bey were bnaily stopped ner George rattersons. The Democrat tntight it had an item this afternoon when it caught three doctors the marvhal. a constable mil t I. I", in secret consnlation; but there was nothing in it. Tbe l hvnicinns of Albany are forming an O'g&mzation for medical and surgical re- seaich during the coming winter, as well as to unite the picfessiou into a congenial fellowship. On lVc. lnih the firemen will give grand reception and reunion at the 01 era boue. arrangements for which will be made at a department meeting to-morrow uight. To-morrow the college a"d public school mnior foot ba I teams will play on the em lege campus. I he coliPt'e boy recently defeated the public school Iwys 10 to 0, an now tbe latter propose to reverse the score if push kod muscle will permit 1'. Bad if Taca. Veeterdav moraine t lAHistable inn l-inln took the south bound overland for Roeeburg in search of one liey Buell, wiio Justice Wheeler, ednesday, issued a warraat for. sworn out by hi wife, Mr Amanda Buel!, of Springfield, charging him with adullerr with his stepdaughter, Mias Bessie Wif- moot, who is 17 years of age. Accord ing to the complaint tbe crime was com mitted on June 15. last. Mr Buell bas for some time suspected that things were not just what they should be, and last Tuesday the girl was persuaded to make a confession in which her step father was accuse! of the crime, lie was arrested and brought back to Eu gene. Register. Eakkco His Dotxaa. 4 dollar 1 a big I piece of money in Scio judging from tbe loiiowing Trom the I res : Monday even ing during the fun and merriment of a number of yocng men at the livery sta ble, one of the number. Ev Manis. took plunge bath in tbe large horse troagb that ia usually well filled with water. order to get even with Henry Myer, the one who was nrincinallr responsible for the ducking, Ev hired Al Munkers to put Henry tn ihe troagb. lor the sum of one dollar. Munkers. in order to carry t!ie joke out, agreed to pay tbe dollar to llenrv to submit to the ducking without struggle; which he did, and walked awav ith the dollar. A MkAH Sciiemk Not only bas the S, P. nothing to do with the O. CAE. so far as ownership is concerned: but the uemockat learns for a fact that they are not even on such business terms that the S. P. will nav advanca clianrcn nvor tl.n latter road, customary in railroad busi- PnoTonaArn or Lvschess. A picture that makes one shiver is a nhotocraDh ol uli. Memler, Moreno and Johnson. taken from a jail tn .Northern California and lynched bv a mob. Gas Boemcke has placed it in the window where it may be seen as the affair actually oc curred. Men look at it and declare that per roll at P. Coben'. Eggs, Hx, 20 lbs best granuted tagar tl-00 at Mcllauj "s can store. For tbe bet cottage or cream cbetse call at Mcllwain cash ke. F. L. Kenton i agent fur the Reekiy Examiner, $IJ50 per year. A Ene stock of holiday books and nUioa at H. J. lorn. Tbe prices are all right on Chruima good at French'. Tbe O- K- A X. refuted to carry freight from tie O. C. A E. 00 their river boats. Start on Red Crown snow flake and Jtf fenoo Sour at Mcllaain cash store. Fairbanks Gotdost washing powder 3 lb package 30 ct at Mcllwaio's caah store. Tbe cheapest place to boy ecsee or tew t at Mcliwain'a cash store, be keep the best. laea. r. ha usaed a warning to pas- teoters not to get on or 03 uie ever at local points. If Tinkle can't make a picture that suits you voa just a well give op. see his 1 &0 photo. Lite size photograph, the best finish reduced from 160. to only -S) per dozen at Tinkles. Cabinet, f2.0U Talk about watch chains, jot call around and see what Freocb the jeweiea bas; and bow uey are warranted. Tbe crowd to bear Damon and Fythi at Brownsville last tight was so large that thirty or forty people were tamed away. lue Albany people report a nne time Mr. E. A rarker yesterday received . ... . .1 . . 1 ... , vara ot ine ceatn ot ci orotner n - " Parker at hi borne in tWeron ilo. Dr. Powell Reeve, of Portland, ba beest indicted for procuring money Resolved, That we deeply feel the lot, of one so dearly beloved by all who were acquainted with ber, who made ber home cheerful by ber bright emilr. Resolved, that copies ot tuee resolu tions be given the daily papers ior pub lication ana; a copy be also sent to tne baravei family. A. AlrtVlN ILiXAJkS, Kthel E RknxLO, M. Lacaa Amx, Com. Rrvxsa Agaoc. L W. Rivers, await ing th actioc of tbe grand jury for steal- fsg a harnese from G. L. Recce of this county has a Benton county Recce after him, and this forenoon he was held un der $2oO bonds for stealing a set ot doable harness from John Keece living aboot halt a mile from the Linn county line. Mr. Keece lost the harness on No. 23. He identified one of the sets in Riven possession when arrested as his. New Time Card. Following is the n-sw time erd of th Albany Street Railway : fbe car will hwve corner of First and Washington street p follow: 4:20 a- m. for morning overland train 8j0 " Lebanon tmin. 11:85 " " Yaqnina tn-Jn. 12)0 noon, train goig wuth. 12:35 p. m.. Roneburg train north benna and west bound Yaquina train. 1 w p. m ., O. C tc K. train, east bourn'. 4.-00 ' Lebanon train. 11.35 " Or rland train going sooth. 40 " Orphan Home. The car will aJsemeet ail incoming train on both the Southern Pad He ard O.C.k E. railroads. C. G. Bckbhart, Secretary rSlMMOMSV GOOD FOB EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to ckanse L':e system and keep the blood pure. These who tike SlXMONS UVER REGULATOR (giitrii or powderi get ell the benefits cf a n-.ili zni pleasant laxative and tonic U-.at f uz&ts the tkxxf and stxengther.s Lh vhcie svstera. And more than this: Sl w.i"ON5 LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is ia good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness. Indigestion, Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feetinz These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will caly be had u hen the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any ef these complaints, try SUCWONS LlVER REGULATOR. The karg of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Fills. -ETERT PACKAGE'S? Baa the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. IL. ZeilLa CoPhiUuFa The greatest seTr on the market for disease of the Livcr.KJdneysaad Con stipation. Pleasant to Like by old or yocng. Xa iriping. The root of the Liverine plant U exten sively used in Norway for the cere of Pile. SoU by all first das exeggist Wholesale aTaBufactoes, AXCHOR S CHEMICAL CO. Iehaiwai, Or HaOroHTToDutw Loyd Montgomery's isi is set for 1 o cl oc k Tuesday. The prisoner continues sane, and yesterday stated to the sheriff that he guessed he ought to be hanged, and had rather be than to go to the penitentiary. He is getting pretty well fixed in his mind the greatneee of the crime which be did, and be certainly ia right in thinking he ought to be He should plead guiltv at 1 o'clock Mondav, are the county the ex- pease ot a tnai, nicn can oniy ena m bis conviction.and be banged at an early day. Let Linn county set tbe world an example in prompt justice. fabe pretense. Tbe charge is that he cored an advance $1(10 tcr curing an in curable case of rupture. J. I. Miller waa arrested today on com plaint of Newton Anderson on a charge of Tnx Asscal MimtG of the Albany Kindergarten Association will be held in tbe college chapel Monday night, when under I the following program will be rendered : there are a rood many others who d- I using atasive language, .lis case wa to serve to be treated the same war; but I come up before Recoroer Heotoo this even- the best way 18 to let the law take its I ing. course, though somewhat ratic. low and er- Two Bot rusx!UAR. David Carr and In going to their home in Benton county yesterday Mrs. W. -S. Phillips and her son were nearly hit by a tree felled by a wood chopper. The horses were bit by tbe ends of the lint be. That looks careless. Dec. 20, comes on Friday. That is tbe date to keep in yoar mind, for en tbe night of that day the D. of H A.OC W. will Praver. Mnsie duet. Misses AlJerscn and Smick. Recitation Miss Eva Simpson. Vocal solo Mr. LondeU. Address Rev. Little. Vocal solo Mr. Akera. Election of officers. All are cordially invited. A good time is anticipated. S-eVTTJTIlTO SOCIAL AND PKHSONAL Kirkendall. two bovs. forced a ker. and Wednesday night entered Shanks General merchandise store at Turner and stole $140 in gold coin. Carr waa sus- SdVwr iruera " Uveama! tV UK,lwUJ?. ilA-i' -ill be the future, and there -ill 1 music. J. J Cale. who arrived in Corvalli from Leror. Mianesota. about two mouths ago. looking for a location r-a purchased the junkins p'ace near vaavuie, ana win shortly occupy it. There are forty acre in the farm, and brought $25 per acre. The place wa sold by Junkins a few week ago and Mr. Cale buys it from the late pure .ater l ime. Tbe W. R. C. elected the following offi cer at their meeting last night: President, Mr Mary Rowel I; senior vice president. Mr Laura tiaight: junior vice president, Mrs Elixa vVoodin: treasurer. Mrs M Pavne. secretary. Mr Clara Crawford chaplain. Mrs hate Moore; condnctor.Mrs M J Train; assistant conductor, Mr Ida Irving: guard, Mr il Meyers; assistant miard. Mrs A B Thrall : delegate to de railment convention. Mrs Irving. Mrs Pavne. Mr Meyer; alternates, Mr Craw ford, Mr tiaight, lira l until Tns Doll's Baxaai given by the Y. L. F. M. society ot the M. E- church, at the W.C. T. C. tell hut evening was en tertaining and arocrees. Afpleasing pro gram was presented in which the chiki dren ennfered great credit on themselves. A fine display of dolls was given. Jenny Lind 60 year old, looked some like the famous singer. A doll sent from New Jereev waa one of the attractions. good many novelties in the doll line were for sale and found ready purchasers. I jinvivf: hip ltstt.ATivHB. A ton "ear old eirl named Tillie Pentecost arrived in Albany this noon from Mavviiie, by wav ot Arlington, tagged lor tins city, She was looking for family named Stitt and bas a sister named Pentecost here. As their whereabouts could not 1 learned she was taken to the Rues House. Any one knowing about them will confer a favor by notifying them of the g'rls- presence at the Rues House. AFaimtHartkp Gihi.. Lillie Wed die. a 17-vear-old school ntur Jefferson, wanted to marry a young man of her neighborhood. Her parents refused theL. consent, so this week while on ber way to school she took a dose of 1 1 : - : 1 rri.A A,mi Iiam nimtif ness. ihe whole scheme 1 one started - v. 1-1 ..fnra v,r hut nmh. in Tertian, I V.o tl.a ,1 ,l, I "T"" V . to injnre the O. 0. & E. It was hoped that Portland had risen above this: but the present course ahows that it is at its old tricks. bly without success, as at last reports it j was not thought she could live. Ot, Price's cream Baking Powdet World' Fair Wrtest Award. Air. and Mrs. fc . L. Thompson came pp from Portland this noon and nxt week will go to San i rancisco to reside Mr Tom Kay will leave for the east in a few davs to buy machinery for the new oaieru 11 ooicn mill. The Y. P. S. O. E. of the U. P. chorch gave an enjoyable social at the old church last night. A feature was a shadow pan tomime. Mrs. SI. E. Wade, sister of the late Mrs. II. J. Hopkins, and daughter, will leave tomorrow night for Lancaster, ieoraska. T. M. Witteo and family are visiting lrienos at Aiuany, iiaisey and Asniand, alter winch they will leave lor a year s sojourn at an Jose, tal. Jetlersoo Re view. tien u. Dunn, of Albany, came ui Friday evening, and returned Wednes day morning. He purchased ten live China pheasants while here. Browns ville Times. On Wednesday Sir. and Mrs. Danford Pratt, residing near Brownsville, cele brated their golden wedding. They were married on Dec. 11, 1845, near KUi- mond. 111. Mr. Pratt is 72a nd Mrs. Bate 70 years of ago. The auction store of G. W. Simpson wa removed from this cily to Hiu-risburg last Sunday. Mr Davi. who had charge of the busines here, wa found to be an agreeable business man; and our citizens wiah him success in hi new quarter. urownsvuie time. T.itllA W Cul, 11 4 tta i.1 s-ln tnnV girl residing; bolic acid at Jefferion died from the ef fects of it. The coroners iury find that she came -to ber death from suicide caused by family troubles. Her bead had been affected since last summer, by a fall from a horse. She is referred to as a loveabie girl. ... mm Qwtektr. Till rkity, miw Caraa. Toax oat ot Bts who saffer iu iimiK-1, nmitsl nif.aaacka of "the birnaa." axe tat paytos tb penally of early exrorc. YIc ttata, reclaim yoar manhood, regaia TQgr rigor. Dont despair, fend tor book with explanation aad proofs. Maiitd (saakd free. EEIE ESECIS1L CO., Butfilo, N. T. 120 DOLLARS In Youiw Own Locauty r.aoe easily and hoaonbly, witict capl il. daring your spare hoars. Any tasJ --oman. boy , or girt can do the work baw :y, without experience. Talking war necessary. Xothing Uke It for merry making ever offered before. Oor worxeiw alwavs prosper. Xo tf roe wasted m learning the bosiaess. We teach yea to a night bow ;a succeed from tbe fir fioar- Too can make a trial without ei pens to yourself. We start yom. fhrniss everything needed t carry oa the bos ess staccessfa: . aad guarantee J, against tailnre If Too at XeUow oul simple, plain tnstroctions. EeadW, V yoa are la need of ready raeaey, sik imt to ksw all aboot the best payies easiness before the public, send t T1" audress. and we will mail yon a i toes giving you all the particular YRUE& CO., Box40O. Aueusta Mali? Smiley Good printips L. O. T. M. Euecnos. The following oftlcers were elected at the meeting last night to serve for the coming year : lcillia Sears, L. Cf Mary Stites. Lt, C. Helen Lambeon R. K. Zula Winn, F. k. Mary Hill, Chaplain. Mary Rowell. Sergeant. Ella Stellmaker, M. at A. Emma Watts, Sentinel. Emma Smead. Picket. Rbcoko Kespsk. Dr. G. W. Mas ton pbyician and ur geon, Albany Or. Call answered prompt ly in city or country. Cheaper Than Doctors. "I was nervous and weak and could not do more than half a days work. 1 could not write without steadying my hand with the other one. I procured a bottle of Heod'a Sarsaoarilla and began taking it and now I am able to work and write and am leeung wen. tuis tail my wife waa sick and waa confined to her bed about half the time, I advised her to OI5I9 CNIOYO - Both the method and rewults when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing -to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Ividneys, Liver and Uowcla, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and f orers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt In its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the moat healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qtsa.I;Uc3 commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fitra ia for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not hare it on hand will pro- take Hood's Sarsaparilla as it waa cheap er than doctors and she finally consent ed to do to, After taking it tor a short I euro it promptly for anyone who time she was able to attend to her work. I '.. tntrvk TW not iiMnt i T Viavn not found anv better medicinn aa I . a blood tonic than Hood's Sarsanarilla. substitute. I keep Hood's tjareaparilla in the house CALIFORNIA FI9 SYRUP CO, all the time to waroon tne grip and rumonoo. cL, other disease. H. Weiricfc, Needy, Or. 1 ZjOU 9rXU. Mr. tOBK, stE Always Q one Very uicklr. The Printer. 1 P txSEF4"Sv hSwT HaTT 1 Er " rm AS PREVENTIVE (im "J V .1 1 u n DA. UIX LC BRU3 Sim m FEgfiYEOYJ. i"LS r.thoriHDl lind only I TFNCH safvandr Uablears on th markvt. I'nuo i -v-. seat b dM Uoouiuaaottoab; tax J. .A Camming, sole agent, Albany Tweedale bloi-k and for the return of the same to A. M. Holt T ()ST. between L.P. 0.. a gold nugget pen. Reward YOUNG LADY wisbe to do house work in return for lessons in La'au and bookkeeping. Inquire at Pkxocsai of Jfice.