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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
BEWARE IN TIME.; TO umc ST. J A CO R fs 1 1 ' 1 uAVUDJ Jll Attorneys at law. Will practice In all coorta el ttas tats. Special tentlon (riven to matters lnprob-te nd to eo.lectiona. OFFICE In the FUna block Tffl R BIILYEU Attorney at Law Sotloitor In Chancery. Col lions made on all point. Iioana negsliated- on able terms, .Albany Oregon J WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. UGKBURf. & SOMERS A.O.TORlSTE"5rS -tVI" L-eVW. AH legal matters will receive prompt at entfon. Office, First National Bank uildinp, up stairs. Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. JJR. J. IV. HILL, hydcUn and nnreon. OFFIGK Oorne arty streets, Albany, Oregon. EO. Vf. tlAKRIS, JUSTICE OFPBACB, la nw located In the Duiockat office, corner 8nd and Broadalbin streets Albany. Or. Bents and Collections a Specialty. DR.C, U, CHAL.8ERL.ri Office oa Ferry St near cor "?rd St. Offic hours, 7to9am, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. rMRST HATI02IAI. BANK, I? OF ALBANY, OBJEeoH resident . .... Vice President . Cashier, ,, . 8, B.TOCUO .. W. LAXODON TRANSACTS A GKNKRALbaaMilientnssa anofUTKTS K KPT mbtect to check. SIOHT KXCHA.NG8 and tel Taphle tranat r, sold NewTork.Saa Francises, Chicago ana rwuarel ..O iliSOTIOJH dAOKoa taorable Tom' W Bum, L. Ftanr Csviae I . sox. W. CVSICK S COiB&XHEB OF AX. BAN T, OBJtaOIt, TRANSACTS general Busing nslneas. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS en Mew York, San F seoand Ponlana, Orerw; LOAN MONEY on approved security . RSCEiVB depoai ta subject to check. COLLECTIONS asade on tsrorabie tanas,- INTEOSST paid on time denoal ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that undersigned1 administrator ot the estate ot Jasper urn o- tree, deceased, baa filed his final account In the cnuntv court of Linn county, Or egon, with tie clerk thereof, and the court has fixed the 2nd nay of Dec, 1895 at the hoar of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. for hearing objections to said account, if any. and for the settling of said estate. This the 2Ut day of October 1S95. "Nbvwtoh Crabtrek, Weatherford & Wyatt. Admrtr A'tys for Admrr. ALBAM COLLEGE, WEXTY-NISTH TEAK.) THE COLLEGE WILL OPEN SEP tember 11, 1895, under favorable auv pices. Regular Collegiate and Aca demic instruction The Commercial work; ill be given special attention this year. Such young men and young la dies as are looting forward to a business career should not venture it without lay ing a good foundation with as. the College will also establish a Conserva tory of Music, under the able and effi cient management of ProL Z. M. Parvin. Unusual facilities offered for students desiring to become proficient in music. The Primary Department will receive especial care. Information cheerfully given WALLACE H. LEE, President A Slrancy- Upholsterer Repairer; Hair, wool and shoddy mattresses renC rated and made over. Furniture of every description and tab carriages re-upholstered and Tarnished. Drop a note in the P. 0., or call at 7 street, between Kerry and Boadalbin, A hany, Or. , Fhii Prof. A. STARK Of Will & 8Urk. Opti leal Spccialis. Graduate of the Chicago Opthalm College. I am prepared to examine scientinca and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modem science, any who de sire to ha 7 their eyes tested. Cusick Block, Albaht, Oreooh. JR. M. II. ELLIS, Physician And Surgeon. . Albany, Oregon. Treats the diseases of the eye and ear. Spectacles accurately fitted. 2-1 Taken Up. Abont Oct. 15, 1895, two miles north of the Albany bridge, a colt, 3 years old, bay color. Call at my place in Benton county, secure colt and pay costs. A. Uznbhaw. T) icycle. A new bicycle. 24 inch wheel. AJ ball bearing, pneumatic tires, for boy or girl, for sale cheap. Call at Democrat olhce "C"0R SALE. The undersigned having X aeciaea to go easi, win oner tor sale at his residenco on Seventh street between Ferry and Broadalbin streets all household furniture, etc. It is almost new, and will be sold at a great bargain in whole or in part. Good notes will be taken in lien of cash. t b, Bedekek. NOTICE. On account of ill health I have decided to sell my lunch counter business including- fuel enough to last about 1 month. Will give possesion at once. Terms $300,00 $200,00 cash, bal ance on time with good security. W. A Burnett. first acuta twinge of 18 THK WARNING MLAY, AND THOM TW1NOM MAY twist voua Lta out or shapci n fixed wbenaa . ' i hcaltn Ay ta use of SHAUER'S SaT CodtverCI Unsurpassed aa h remedy for Cse. aumpdoa, Aeta- ma. Bronchitis Coughs, Debility, and all wasting diseases. Perfectly tasteless. This rmly scientific remedy by building ana reviving the body and renewing vasts ssur, resists and destroys disease contains the purest Cod Liver Oil combined wlta eechwood Tar: pheasant and easy ta taki, reasonably and honestly compouaeed by a practical pharmacist. Yon can ret them ONLY BY paid to yon on receipt of 85c, pr box. Pmmrtit tuM.r or G. O. SHAVER, CHBsnsr, S9th l state sta.. REMOVE THE CAUSE And the symptoms will disappear This yon wKl accomplish by uainj SHAUERS' CATARRH Add THROAT SPECIFIC ...... a Incomparable remedy for diseases ac taat Taroat, nose, ana Monta. a cerxata, almple and effcctiYC car for eatsne, HSf Few, DiahtHeria. Ootnaf Sara Tkrsst, Ulsaisltd sr Cankered tteata sad Ti - K-aaOy tued, quick to relleTe, poaitiTe cars. always ready; small in price. Doat watt tm yon ainst hare it net it aow. MNTUNLT BY MAIL, prepaid oa receipt sc sue. rnpurca toitir or ftrta A 29th Sta. Chteaco, Ilia. w' COPYRIGHTS rAi nRTttH A PSTKICI For a prompt snswer and an honeat opinion, write to Hl'NR cVCO., who have had nearly ftfty rears' experience la the patent basiiiees. Commanlce ttona strictly eonMenUaL A Handbeek of In- Tormatioa eonoerainc rareate ana now to on tain them sent free. Alas a eeuuogaeot aasohaa Ical and aolentiae books sent free. fatente taken thronch Mann ft On. Teeetre snecial notioeintho ririenrl.e Aaaerlraa. and una are brouaht widely before the public with out cost to the rnTentor. This splendid paper. ilrostrated. has by far tbe te wore ib aantfree. 42 cents. Krerr number eontains bean- lna EdIUon. aoontblT. said a rear. Bimna ftifni nTfis in eolora. and nbotoaraDha of new booses, with plana, enabl ma builders to show tbe su&tt nee urea ana secure contracts. Aooreaa . ainav I cow Ksw Yoaa. Xt Bk WA rx x. t wssrt nm ass biais ti utaxsti is under poucrre written froanotee, by tnthorimd ajranta only, to cure W aak Memory .joss of Brain and Kerr Power: lost Manhood Jmckneaa: Nurht Losses: Evil Dreams: Lack of jonndenoe: Kereoosneaa; Laatdtode; all Drains: Lose of Power of the Generative Orfrana in either sex. eaaeed by over-exertion. Youthful Errors, o, Axoeeajre Use of Tobacco, Opium er Liquor which leads u Misery, Cononmp&jn. Xcsaniti and Death. By mail. $1 a box; six for K; with written enarantea to erure or refund monee. tjampie paefcasta. containing fire days' treat-neat, with full tnetrneuune, s cmna, una dr- l sold to each perrtoa by Buaii. Feshoy t Mason.ngente ft AcaSeij of Our LaJy Oi PerMial Help, 11121?, Or. A hoarding and dav school condactea by tbe .Benedictine bisters will resume studies Aug. 27, 189o. Every facility will be offered for thor ough courses in scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. An able teacher of piano, violin, guitar and vocal mosie will have charge of the musical department. Drawing and paint ing win, use music, te taught as extras. Lesson in plain and fancy needlework, For further particulars eau at the Acad emy or address Sistek Scpekiokess. Mm N.EW aKv-LrFE' RIPAN-S EL BI The modern stand- ci ard Family Medi- w cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. EJ yaaaaba Consenatory of Hdkc ALBANYCOLLECE, Z- M. Parvin, Musical Director, form eriy of Willamette University, will have charge of this department of Albanv College. Courses to graduation in tbe important branches of a musical educa tion. Newest and best methods adopted. Best music rooms for Conservatory in the state. Tuition low for grade work. School begins Sept. 11th. Send for circular and catalogue. Ad dress, Prof. W. H. Lee, A.M., President, Albany, or toll Sept. 9th, Z. M. Pabvix, Musical Director, Salutn DO YOU write letters? Of coarse von do. and what is nicer than smooth lefer paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary, ou should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and see the fine quality an extra low prices. Next time yon wan some inquire OF SMILEY THE PRINTER LAO H i ro KNiT Dft. rCUX LE BRUP'3 SiHL El FEMYBOYl flj are the original and only f 3FNCH, sate and ra unuie cure on tne marcei. race euw, sent ta in- - lion tiine soil only b J. .A. Camming, sole agent, Albany FOSHAY k MASOH. IVhoIeealt) A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS ALBANY, OREGON. Pure Drugs'and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. I fc bfcUfi S Jtr-Ur tottmrnuS ta NquiM M afauif. of diet Of kux to be taken iaUnaUy. a-a AS iPREVEKTlVB b V exHhlnpKrihUtseaatraal fti?l&MW: hut In tLufm m u,u MHw, .nw HN UNO, w. ivAtum STEA.YED. A black boar, with a few white spots, from my farm near Tamr- ent. Finder will please put hi it ud. and will pay expenses. A.L. Bridgef armer . Cleveland has a strong will power any way. The total vote of Pendleton was 663, ap proximately the same as Albany's; but it didn train there the way it did here. The very low rate of freight ought to raise the price of Theat, hadn't it; but watch and see'if it does enough to be ap preciated. The man who is in danger of want or even in dread of want is not a free man; and the country which does not guard him against this danger and this dread, or does not assure him the means of livelihood, is not a free country, though it may be the freest of all the freer countries. In other words liberty and poverty are incompatible; and, if the poverty is extreme, liberty is impossible to it. We pretend otherwise, such of us as are not so directly oppressed by the conditions ; but .those who feel the burden know better. From time to time they express their dissent in their uncom f ort able way, but, tacitly or explicitly, they always dissent from our optimistic pre tence. Mr W D Howells, in the December Forum. This matter of getting wealth is a very strange and uneven thing. It is well illustrated by an exchange in the case ol Stratum, tbe Cripple Creek miner, and the richest man in Colorado. Stratton was a good miner and prospector. He was out in the canons with an energy that was tireless. But pay dirt was hard to find. He was a failure and at one time his kit ot tools was seised because no ane would supply a grub stake. But one lucky day he found the lead at Crip ple Creek which developed into the great Independence mine, and it has yielded up wealth at the rate of $10,000 a week. Stratton became rich because lucky enough to find when other men sought in vain. Yet then and now there are miners working for titration who knew as much as he about rock formation and all the signs of mineral wealth. They have been as diligent, have prospected as indefatigably. With hope which wonld not despair they have blasted down blind leads, to be met at last with a wall of barren quartz. It was some thing more than mere effort which gave millions to Stratton, and it is something more than the lack of it which denies them to others. "While digging hole for telegraph poles at Byron, Mo.," said a Western Union man, I became interested in watching the ingenuity and perseverance of a mouse. He fell into one of these holes, which was four and a hall feet deep and twenty inches across. The first day he ran around tbe bottom o the bole, trying to find some means of escape, but could not get oat. Tbe se ond day be settled down to business. He began steadily and systematically to dig a spiral groove round and round the in ner surface ot the holo, trying to find some means of escape with a uniformly ascended graJe. He worked night and day, and aa be got further from tbe bot torn he dug little pockets where he could either lie or sit and rest. Interested witnestef threw in food. "At tbe end ol two week, tne moose struck a rock. This pnzzled him. For nearly a day he tried to get under, around or over tbe obstruction, but without success. With unflinching patience be reserved bis spiral acd went on tunneling bis way in tbe opposite direction. At tbe end ol four weeks be reached the top, and probably sped away to enjoy bis well-earned freedom His escape was not seen. When h!s food was pot in, in tbe morning be was near the surface, bat at night tbe work was seen to be complete, and tbe little en gineer whoee pluck and skill had saved his life, bad left,'' New York Sun. Woman Governs Man. At home ; his home life is the happiest part of his existence. Woman is man's best friend, and every time she is pres ent at an entertainment, church or tbea ter, the is respected, and ber presence makes man better. Political meetings and boxing matches, where meo attend alone, are usually little abort of dens of howling, cursing, heathenish mobs. Let as hope that the time is near when women will attend our political gather ings and help to enact laws for tbe moral and social welfare of the country. Wo man has virtues man can seldom boast of, and by her record she should be the law maker in place of man. Who crowd our jails and penitentia lies? Men, not women. Who are the bank wreckers and absconders? Men, not women. Who make it a business 10 get into political offices for tbe money there is in it? Men, not women. Wbo Siltivate the useless habit of smoking and chewing? Men, not women. Wbo squander dollars? Men, wnile women economize with pennies. Wbo rapport the scores of saloons and places ol ill repute? Men, not women. With such a glorious record, all just men will vow that lovely woman must participate in the making of our laws if we are to atop corruption, beastliness and dl me before the commencement of the twentieth cen tury. Atlanta Appeal. Crime Anion g Animals. Almost every form and variety of hu man crime is to be found among anima's. Cases of theft are noticed among bees. Buchner, in bis "Psychic Life of Ani mals,' speaks of thievish bees which, in save themselves tbe trouble of working, attack well stocked hives in masses, kill tbe sentinels and the inhab itants, rob the hivs, and carry off the provisions. After repeated enterprises of this description they acquire a taste for robbery and violence ; they recruit whole companies which get more and more numerous; and finally they form regular colonies of brigand bees. But it is a still more curious fact that these brigand-bees can be produced artificially by giving working bees a mixture of honey and brandy to drink. The bees soon acquire a taste for this beverage, which has the same disastrous effects upon them as upon men ; they become ill-disposed and irritable, and lose all desire to work; and finally, when they begin to feel hungry, they attack and plunder the well supplied hives. There is one variety of bees the Sphecodes which lives exclusively upon plunder. According to Marcball, this variety is formed of Individuals of the Halyetes species, whose organs of nidificatlon were defective, and which have gradual ly developed into a separate variety, liv ing almost exclusively by plunder. They may thus be said to be an example of innate and organic criminality among insects, and they represent what Prof. Lombroso calls the born criminals. that Is. individuals which are led to crime bv their own organic constitution. William r errero, in tue ueceinoer r orum. Dr. Price's Cream Baiting Powde I World' "air Hle-heat AwswC There, will be considerable pension legislation during the present session of congress. Jchn Sherman is beinrf called the great truth teller. Perhaps McKinley doesn't think he is entitled to tbe title. Alaska's gold output this year will be about 13,000,000. and considerable ol it com 38 from the disputed territory . That is certainly worthjkeeping. It George Williams, of Salem, draws a pension of $130 a month his failure is not a very serious matter. A good many people would like to fail that way. There is a continuous covering of snow east of the Rocky mountains and north of the southern belt. A marked contrast to Oregon weather. There are prophets who say we will have a stormy winter in Oregon. A Pendleton business man attributes bis success in a great measure to judici ous advertising, and apace in that city is two or three times Albanv prices. ill the prosperous merchants of that city advertise heavily. It is over a year before tbe next State legislatuiemeeU ; but already the ropes are being laid to secure the return of J. N. Dolph to the U. 8. Senate. The contest promises to be one of the bit terest in the history of Oregon politics. Col. J. B. Eddy, one ot Oregon's rail road commissioners, has just returned from a convention in Omaha. Ilia sal- arrJwsDt along just tbe same. If these commissioners were paid for the time they actually serve the people it wouldn't cost Oregon much. On account of the enormous output ot gold in different fields some people are afraid there will be an oversupply. As there is now only 22 cubic feet of gold money in the world there is not much danger of that. Iet cs have some silver with it while we are at it. A Dr. iliiler baa been refused a diplo ma by the Oregon board ot examiners because he graduated from a college that graduated more than 40 per cent of stn denia. To a man op a tree that looks like a very small business, wbethei due to the examiners or to the law. President Jordan, oistantord, ayi football is a manly game. It certainly is not a puerile game. Boxing is called manly art, When two men strip down in a ring, though and pummel each oth ers countenances until they look like turkey after dinner it is not quite so manly. President Cleveland is ia for peace Ills message breathes peace at every stage. A good many people nowadays aie in favor ot an aggressive foreign poli cy. Nevertheless the spirit of tbe age it a peaceful one. Increasing civilisation de mands less war and more harmony. Tbe president ia firm, bat does not like tbe smell of powder except when dock boat ing. Many will not appreciate the po sition now ; but it will grow upon the public and they will in time commend the policy. Oregon game birds have some protec tion by law bat not enoagh. Tbe Mon golian pheasants are not aa plentiful as they were last year. More stringent laws for tbe protection of game birds will have to be passed or all the game birds will be annihilated. Sslverton Appeal. That's true. Let banting by means of dogs be prohibited, and the Mongolian pheasants will soon become as plentiful as ever. Salem Post. It is in order tor some one to aaggest that bunting be done without gone in order to protect the birds. What ia the matter of requiring the use of a revolver instead ot a shot goo. Seriously, bent, ing ia a sport, aod there is nothing more sporty than the action ot a trained dog. A surprising discovery bsa lately been made in Amsterdam. Holland, of some very old maps made between 1795 and 1719, snowing tbe regions in Central Africa which have in modern times been rediscovered by Livingstone and Stanley The maps are based on information lur nisbed by Portuguese traders, aod are snoiisingly accurate. The course of the Congo River, under another name, laid down. The maps are accompanied by writings giving information derived from the blacks ot tbe great lake which form tbe sources of tbe Kile, aod which Livingston and Stanley called the Vic toria Nyaota. All tbe modern discover tea were made by men who did not know that this territory had been to so extent explored aod mapped nearly two centuries before. Boomed Things. The courts of Seattle and Whatcom, over in tbe stste ot Washington, have been kept busy daring the past fe months with litigation growing out of tbe failure of tbe Blaine Sute bank at Blaine, and tbe liquidation of tbe Com mercial National bank at Seattle, in which Mr fl W Wheeler formerly oi tbis city and of Pendleton aod three brothers also well known in this state, seem to be getting covered with a great aeai 01 aiscreoiu fliru v wneeier was president ot the bank at Blaine when it failed, and is now under arrest, charged with looting its treasury, aa is also one or two ol the brothers, who were inter ested with bim. In fact, be narrowly escaped being lynched by angry deposit ors when the bank closed its doors, and bis life was saved by some one driving him across tbe country to Whatcom dur ing tbe middle of the night Mr H W Wheeler was president of tbe Commercial National bank at Seattle, aod is charged with using its funds to bolster np his bank at Blaine. The di rectors of the bank are after him with red hot irons, and be stands a good show to be put on tbe gridiron and sizzled to a brown turn. L H Wheeler, an attorney at Seattle; Lee Wheeler and R Wheel er, brothers of tbe bank president, are declared to be implicated with bim, and it is a very nice lot of trouble they have gotten themselves into, if appearances indicate anything. Tbe matter is of local interest here, owing to the fact that the Wheelers are well known In this state. They spent their boyhood, it is said, on a farm near Junction City, and received their educa tion at different institutions in the state. L II Wheeler is a graduate of the Oregon state university, and H W Wheeler at tended the Willamette university. Lee Wheeler, a number of years ago, lived at Albany, where he worked at the print er's case in the Democrat office. He afterward went to Pendleton, where bis brother, H W Wheeler, was engaged in the agricultural . implement and hard ware business. Later they were engaged in business in this city. About eight 01 ten years ago, all of tbe brothers moved Seattle, and "got in" pretty well in tbe boom. Oregonian. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Tbe doings ol Loyd Montgomeey sug gest an Inquiry Into what insanity Is. There may be a technical definition ; but for practical purpones a practical defini tion is needed : AH men have not the same kind of brains. The fibres are dif ferently put together. Some men have wonderful use ol their thinking facul ties, and never leap in the dark; other men, down the grade, know just enough to come la out of tbe cold.aod yet are nit insane. A man mav not know how to build a fire and not be insane. But then comes a time when the line is passed. Whenever that is reached be will be found to be dethroned of reason, and en tirely irresponsible for his acts ; but be cause a man is weak in the upper story or peculiar, or cranky, or irritable, or quick tempered, he anould not be con sidered insane. Insanity is absolute ir responsibility. If not the streets would be filled with insane men. Such is tbe structure of man that one may kill even his own mother, the woman who bore bim and yet be sane. At the same tirce such an act suggests irresponsibility. young lion may be somewhat tamed and treated as a pet ; but some day be wil see or taste blood, all friendship will vanish and in his animal blindness he will tear to pieces tbe man wbo has ca ressed him. So a man of animal nature, once started, may keep shooting-regardless o! the cnes beiors his ballet. That is not insanity. Society is not safe with out the moet stringent measures for the punishment ot erime.and tbe prevention of crime. Increasing civilisation will de mand reformation wherever possible. At the same time it will demand punish ment, else there will be no foundation upon which to bqild society into a moral structure. Men must be made to under stand that if they commit murder with premeditation and when in their right mind, they will suffer the fall penalty of tbe law ; that it they have average faculties and a fair use of their minds they cannot get off on any plea of non compos mentis. If a man ia absolutely insane that is a different queetion, at the same time it ia something easy to prove. The Dihocbat this Saturday night is satisfied that foot ball is a very brutal game. It couldn't read the papers and come to any other conclusion. Tbe evi derce is presented in nearly every game The number of deaths alone speaks for tbe tact. We always were inclined to wards sport of any kind and cantot re member tbe time when we were not in for any game that might be mentioned, and are none the leas so now ; bat can dor prevents ns from anv looser admit ting foot ball to be a manly sport that fits one tor tbe battles ot life. In a sense it doea this; but the schooling is too se vere to justify it. It may be msnly to stand in tbe ring and fight an opponent for an hour; that ought to fit a man for the battles of lie; it my ba manly to face an enraged ball in an arena, and a test td a fitness to meet the difficulties of life; but this is not the kind of manline needed in this modern ae to make a man a good business man. Aa a matter of fact this talk ot toot ball contests bet ter fitting young men tor facing the world is all sentiment notailtstaoding Ttof. Jordan or any other professor. A Hift Hearted Man. Here is tome delightful reading: Under date ol October 14 a little Boston girl wrote this letter to F.oreoe Field : "Dear Mr. Field I love too. I pot your picture ject fore Christmas, that my nncle Harry sent me, and Gramma Field's, at the end of tbe poetry. I ex pect to write books when I an older. Will jou please read my book, because I have read yours? Please e sense me for writing short letter. Your loving "CHERRY ELIZABETH NICHOLS." The repty was very prompt, for it a as penned October 17, aod is at follows: "Dear Little Lady I thank jou very much for your charming letter. It pleases me verv greatly to koow that away off in Massachusetts there is a little girl who reads and likes ahat write. Not very long a.o I was a Utile boy in Maseacnuselts ; mar be that is why I love Massachusetts people so very much, lor indeed my heart tarns often nd tenderly to them and to tbelr dear old hills and rtraeant valleys. I bave several boys of my orn now ; when they are older I shall send them down to Massachusetts to see tbe girls there. If you see a fine looking young fellow com ing down your street and crying at the top of his voice, 'where, oh, where ia the charming Miss Cherry Nichols?' yon must know he ia my boy. And you will be gracious to him, will you not? Well I must stop now, for I must go oat and shoot a buffalo or two for sapper. Be sure to call on me if you ever come to Ibis ail J prairie town. Always affec tionately your friend. "ECGESE FIELD." A heavy census is now being taken by tbe Paris Observatory ; to count the staia tbe heavens are pbotoprapbed in sections, Some of these actions show only a dozen stars, while othera ot tbe same dimen sions ahow over 1500. According to the New Yoik San Hon. J. II. Mitchell of Oregon is a possible candidate for president, that is if Mc Kinley and Reed do not fit it might be Mitchell. Of course it is something just to be mentioned. Mr. Mitchell could depend upon tbe support ot the Oregonian ( ?). A republican friend at Salem dee Ires to know whether there is any thing in the way of an office lying around loose in Portland. He says it ia wanted for the Minlo family, aa there are only three members in office at present. There is nothing in tbe shape of office that a M in to will reject Disnatcii. The Democrat is not a prophet, but just tbe same it predicts there will be no war between the United States and En gland. There are enough reasonable men in office in both countries to divert such a calamity. At the same time should there be war 1770 and 1812 will be repeated with an emphasis that will be startling. 'An electrical engineer finds the lela- live quantity of heat given off by differ ent forms of light to be : Aro light.tour ; incandescouce, fourteen; kerosene, ar- gand burner, 331 ; gas, argand burner, 380; candle, 473; gas, butterfly burner, 611. In tbe matter ot vitiating tbe air, electricity, of course, compares even more favorably with other sources of light. Hundreds ot people have made trips (o and from Portland and Sao Francisco on account of low rates. Tbe railroad and bread u buttered 0a Wb'ch "d tLe'r' Alter forty years trial the city ot Day ton, Oregon, has ordered all the saloons J loaed. MISFITS. God's resrular armv" tins rnafliAfl Roseburg On its Cftmnslan nnrlli It ia coming by slow marches, and win no doubt be in Albanv in a few weeks or months. fWVeral Vallev prrlmnimo am Irinlrlncr at the number of obscene pictures being posted, no doubt called out by some re- l u,'ce uuzeiie cigar pictures put tip, """"J wing in vne same boat. Two men piayej poker at the Palace Ilotel for thirty-six hours without stop ping. Several others played, but drop ped out. The biggest winner, Coleman, won $.1000, while his principal ojionent, niicy, lost SZIUU, The Dawson Times, of Minnesota, calls upon its subscribers to pay up their bills in this emphatic lanimatri.? "I'l CUBA TtAV up the long past due subscription, as our pants are getting thin, and this is not norma either." Fortunately for Ore gon euiiora no snow is in sight yet. . outh-bound train on the Spokane x Palouse road had a tf Tit i V1 load the other day, two bridal parties, a funeral partv and the virirrlnna ml I team of the Washington agricultural col lege were on board. While the under taker and the masons were placing the tcumiiia m tne nearse a large crowd wet corned C. F. Hulling and bride, and th Pullman boys made the air ring with th college yell. Ex, The Salem Independent says that J. L. Hill, of Albany, will be nominated next year for congressman in this district, by the populists and endorsed by tbe demo crats. It is to be hoped that the unfor tunate people who compose those lioas ridden parties will be allowed to have something to say who shall be their can didate. Sir. Hill may be a very esti uiaole man. but his name ia banllv such a household word in Oregon that he can be nominated on the mere sayso of one or more newspapers. Salem Journal. Hon. J. K. and W. Weatherford drove down from Albanv Sunday for a short visit with Druggist Witten. They drove a span of very diminutive mules, and while J. K. is well versed in legal lore, he does not "cumtux" how to drive two such bunches of cuseednett as tlioee mules. Aa a result they got away from him,and our people wiUieased the unique spectacle of a race up First street between an ex-eta te senator and two mules. The ex-eenator won. No damage. Jefferson Review. A pessimist eavs in an exchange: As long as thete's lite there's trouble and Usee. A widow is bsrdly ever satisfied with her name. It is not necessary to have tour legs to be a hog. A man with a red-headed wife seldom talks too much If none but virtuous men go to heaven it wilt be a mighty lonesome place for old maids. Office seek, the man with about the same energy tbat a rogue seeks a pohemcan. W hen a man marries the second time he always makes an excuse of some kind to his friends. Women talk ol owing other wouen a call in the came way Uiat rr.en speak of owing other men a grudge. A man will look thronch the pockets four times befnre be w ill give bis wife his cost to ew a button oa it. In recent interview, Mavor Satro, populist, of San Francisco, CaL, wbo is several times; a millionaire, used the fol lowing language. It is not my intention to leave all my wealth to my children. The people shall benefit by my effort as far a I am able to confer " that beneSt, and 1 sha.1 leave as a legacy to those of my own family an incentive to the effort hich I contend is the source of happi nej. I do not believe that a man with a full competence which preclude the necessity of honest eSort conftantiy ap plied is able to enjor the rational pleas ures of this life. The man who is cn gajrcvl in congenial labor u the happiest oi all nien. Considerable has been said about a Colorado potato weighing f4 pound. Even the Scic-nhfW American accepted t!ie fact as a photograph was actually produced of lite pota'.o 00 a man a shoulder. Such a potato would weigh at least SS pounds. The Scientific Amer ican reproduced the photograph. It now tr inspires to bave U-ea a fake, the pho tograph bring a clever job ot the photog rapher. As a fake i. far surpassed Una county's big ear of com. The papers have kept enlarging npon the loss of I' nc!e Itille Wright, by the Hood of lsiO until the amount is now .0.000. While l.e bad a loess it was probably not much over one-hf th o.' that. Mr. Wrigbt, thougli, is not fretting over it, aad in his way is enjoying life more than most people. Wby'sltould'at he. Yeoterday hecalledthe Dxnocat editors wife an angel and we have horseradish now at our bouse, aod so evervbody spends 5 to 25 rents nilj him for tbe product. It would be difficult to conceive of a prize fight that approached a game of football played at Enreka. Kansas, hurt week. Here are the brutal facts: In a football game between the Southern Kansas Academy eleven and the Lewis academy team of Wichita, Jesws Jenne, of Eureka, was so severely injured that he died tbe same night. " Capt. Mason, also of Eureka, is suffering from injuries which may prove fatal. Jenne, who was quarterback, was injured during the third srrimmage. Jenne fell with-both teams on lop oi bim. He was found with his head bent under nis breast, uncon scious, and was borne off the field. He regained consciousness in half an hour, but was paralysed from bis head down. After the accident a substitute was pot in and the game continued. Just at the end of Uie brvt half of the game Mason, captain of thn Eureka eleven, as he was carrying the ball trying to make an end run, was tackled and leil heavily on his lace, itwing consciousness, .ubeeoucnt ly he became delirious and was carried to h:a home. 4)100 Howard, fl00. TS tracers of this paper wCH He r1esfl fo team tbat there Is at leat on- dreaded di-ea-w teat science bss been aoie to cure in an if staaee and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catar- Care Is the only positive cure now known ta the medical fraternity. Catarrh be Ins; s con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Mall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Inter nallv. aclins directly ODon ths blood an J mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby drat rying Uie foundation of the disease, and e-ivins; the patient strength by bu I Id i r n p t he ciiint itut ion and assisting; nature in dome ita work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in Ita cn rail re powers, thst they oOcr One Hundred Holla's "r any cae id i. uui. w uv ti ml tit fMtimAlli.lfl. Address, V. J. C HENET & CO., Tolado, O. aa-ejold br Prosaists ?&J .MARRIED. MOYER YOUNG. Ia Tacoma, Wash. on Monday, iov. 23, 1895. Mr. II. B, Mover, of Portland, and Miss Emilv M. Young, of Eckelson, North Dakota. 1 lie groom lorraerlv resided in Browns ville, and a few months ago was divorc ed irom ma lornicr wile. your child You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass throurrh unharmed. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo- phosphites, is Cod-liver oil Part1 diested and adapted iy txic weuiicr uigesuoiis 01 children. Scorr ft Bowks, Chemists, Hew York. 30c and ti.oo List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. ti. Patent office, Wasti ngton, D. O. A L Bahineton. Oakland. Cat. abdom inal supporter; O Blagbum, San Fran cisco, Cal, mining apparatus; G W Dcane, Riverside, Cal, fruit-washer; J T Langlais, Berkely, Cal, train-starter; A H Laszkievioz, Martinez, Cal apparatus for saving precious metals. W J Lorini?. Angers tmp, uai, ueit lor ore-concen trators; W A Todd, San Irancisco, Cal, head-clamp for banjos; G M Wallace, iuua iity, Lai, wagon-loader; J ran drey. Santa Barbara, Cal, truss; A Hard ing, Oakland, Cal, gas-generator. raew at Hepparr. IlKrPKgn. Dec. 4 Snow has fallen here during the past two diys to the depth of six inches. The weather was quite cold lust night, being 18 degrees above at day light tins morning. The Telegram tells how a barber of that city got served inst richt: In a grimy, little 10 cent barber shop on East Madison street last night two men were shaving or rather getting shaved to lie more explicit. The boss barber said to his assistant, who was slightly un steady from the effects of a 'drop or two,' "I'll race you for a shave and I II bet the drinks I can finish in 6'i minutes.1 "Done," says the assistant, and tbey plunged for the throats of their victim and scraped away at their bide. "Ouch," yelled the assistant's man, as be parted with cuticle and beard at the same time. He was a still, small man and made no protest, as the assistants razor bobbed around his nose. By the time 6 min utes were over the boss barber was combing bis man's hair. 'Half a minute later the assistant was done. The as sistants man started out without pay. ing. The assistant followed him. "Where's my pay?" be aeked. "What will you give me for my sere face?" re turned the other. "You'll never shave mo again," and then be hauled off and hit the barber on starboard of the jaw. The barber didn't tbink it worth while to run after bim, but he said he would have him arretted. Tbe warrant has not been asked for, however. In cultivating strawberries under giase of various colors Prof. Zacbarewies of Yaoclaase, France, has obtained tbe following results: Ordinary clear glass gave tbe best and earliest fruit; orange glass increased tbe. vegetation, bat, in jo red the quality, size and earliness of tbe frail; violet glass increased the yield, at the expenae of the quality; red. blue and green glass were burfal to all kin it of vegetation When a person begins to grow thin there is something wrong. The waste is greater than the supply and it is only a question ot time when the end mast come. Ia nine cases oat of ten the trouble is wiin uie digestive organs. 11 you can restore them to a healthy condition you will stop tbe waste, put on new flesh and cattle litem to loei better in every way, ineKxximey eat win be digested ap propriated to the needs of the system, ana s normal appetite will appear. Consumption frequently folio wasting of bodily tissue because nearly all oonsamptiveg have indigestion. The haker Digestive Cordial will restore the stomaclt to a healthy condition in a vast majority of case." Get one of their books from tout druggist and learn about this new and valuable remedv When the children need Castor give them Laxol, It ia palatable. Daily Health Laws. Oil, Don't eat so rapidlv. it on a chair and be quiet after eat ing. Your stomach is not a coal bin. When you feel uncomfortable after eating roa hare eaten ic-o moch, and you nej Jov'e VejreuMe Sarsapariila. If roa suner from rhearcauem watch the sbwts. Don t get bet ween them; if damp dry I hem. Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Veg etable Ssrsararilla. Keen flies out of your house ; they are germ carriers. Wear flannel undergarments. Keep your feet warm ; your head cool. When your blood ia thin you feel cold in the least chance. When" your Wood is thin take Joy's Vegetable Sarnpariila ; it wiii make rear blood red, rich and thick. Des. it will do to tale Joy's Vegetable 5arsaparilU now. When you get off you bicycle after a long a arm rau, pat oa a coat. If yon are going on a trip take Toy's Vegetable Saisapariila. htranire food makes strange stomachs. Joy's Vegetable Sarsapanlia reaches the stomach, cleanees the stonach, and re news the stomach. No appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Keen appetite. Accept nothing but tbe genuine when you a.k tor Joy "a Vegetable Sarsaparilla Worthy Your Confidence. The sncoMsj of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conqnering scrofala in whatever air it may manifest itself is vouched ior'by thousand who were severely afflicted by this prevalent diea$e, but who now re joice over a permaneut cure by Hood's atsapsrilla. Scrofula may appear aa a humor, or it may attack the gUnds of the neck, or break out in dreadful run ning sores on the body or limbs. At tacking the mucous membrane, it may develop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs ieai to consumption. Uome as it may, a faithful course of treatnent with Hood's Sarsapariiia will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all dis ease, impure blood, the system is tlar- iaei and vitalised, and visor, strength ana ueaati restored to the bodv. All Ceeesasseaa It. Ask your physician, jour druggist and your friend about Shiioh's Cure for con sumption. 1 hey wiU recommend it. For ale by I ohy & Simeon. The Ills of M eanest ContlipaUon, canses more than half tbe His of women, hurl s Clover Root Tea is a pleasant care for constipation. For sale by roshay s Mason. A Fart War, a a, new in s v-onsvrnytion, Lalmpp. Pneumonia. and all Throat and Long diseases are cured ov Mjiloft a Cure, i or sale by r sshay & jtason. II aes Uvea Every stay Tboussnd of cases of Consumption, neinma, vougns, lows and CToup .re curea every day by Mnioh s Cure. a Xalaral Beastlier Karl's Clover Rot Tea purifies the blood ana gives a clear and beautiful complexion tor sa'e by Fothay and Maton. far Drsaepu and Liver Complaint you bave a printed guarantee on eveiy bottle of Shllo s Vital tier. It nevor fallj to cure. For aal he I shay & Mason Catarrh Cared Health and Shiloh's CataTh Remedy. Prico cO cents Nasal injector free. For sale hv rack,. & Mason. Karl's Clover Bool Tta is r sure cure for headache and nervous nstasesr o'hlng relieves so qnickly For sale by Fothay & Mason. IL'gh Art Custom Tailoring. Besides his regular businnan W t Graham is prepared to take orders for high art custom tailoring by a leading house in New York, onlv union inr- employed and first class work guaranteed. au auiua oi garments made from tla nest line of gambles ever tMn i i bany, a fact easily appreciated hv an . amination ot the sample book. Suits from ioup. O. C. & E. Time Table. Passenger Leaves Yannina at t m Arrives at Albany at 11:50 a.m. Leaves Albany 1 :0A, arrives at Bay at 5:40 p. ru. Mixed Leaves Albanv for at 7 :44 a m, arrives at Detroit at 12 :15 p m. Leaves Detroit at 12:55 pm, arrives at Albany at 5 :30 p ni. Freight Leaves Albany at 7:15 a m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Ar rives at aquina at 4':C5 o ru : leaves Ya- quiua at 8:15 a m on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays ; arrives at Albany at 4 ;oo p. oi. TELEGRAPHIC. Acala BUM t'w AjnxAHD, Or., Dec fi.-Tbe Ager-KIa-math Falls stage was robbed again, about midnight Wedneadav, by tbe lone high wayman, at the foot of tbnTopsy grade. Johnny Campbell was driving, and was compelled to cut open tbe pouches Tbe robber took everything in sight, besides re lieving the only passenger, Mrs William A Wright, Of Klamath Falls, of her chancre. ; amounting to about . The robber rode a bone, but stood behind a boulder beside tne read wnen giving bis commands; and, after they bad been obeyed, mounted bis borse and rode ahead of toe stage to the top of tbe grade, where he parted compa ny. aching Serlews Tea Wamhikotow. lw a : ;. hu. as before stated in the' Associated Press fuW?a, ?' 0)41 administration is aware ri . d "dwhury's reply to Secretary Olney s note of July last, touching the Venezuelan boundary dispute, is adverse to the oronoaiuon rn ri; t,i. . the lands lying westward of tbe fschom burgk line, the fact that the reply itself bas not yet reached Washington precludes the idea of any speedy action by oar govern- uu;u iu luis matter. Will Sea rraaeasea Of ItT ASHISOTOW. Dec a -Artie nrmn, ons for the assembling next Tuesday of he reoablican natinnal mmmiHM Ia malaM the time and place for the tational conven tion are being made. Tbe executive com mittee of 1 members meets Monday night, and the fall committee will he ralUd tn or der by Chairman Carter at 11 o'clock Toes day, in the Arlington betel. Large deJe- Kauona are expected trom Putaburg, &an 1 nuoKo, irucago and St. Louis. rear Hlaers Harder. PHOEXIX. Ariz . Dec S. Poor miners are reported killed by Apaches near Globe roaa, on tne Apache Indian reservation. The miners ate understood to hare been camped on tbe bank of tbe Gila river be low old ort Thomas. Tbe murder was committed Wednesday, and hence mart have been by an entirely different band thin that which the dav before killed Mor- nil and bis daughter at Ash Springs. 5 miles distant No fears are entertained of a general ootbreak by any of tbe dozen Apache tribes herding oa the White moun tain reservation. Tke lew CaatsTeaa. Wasrisgtow, Dec. 6. The new con gress up to this time, has been aa nnosu sily conservative one ia tbe matter of pro posing new leirulation. Fewer bills than usual have been introduced, and most of those were for projects which failed to pass the lAstcongresa. Plans for the admission of Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico to statehood have again made their appear ance. ami u New Tors, Dec. C Lazaxd Freres will ship $1,500. OX) in gold; L Von Hoffman k Co., tlj 00,000 in gold tomorrow, and Bar ing, Wagoun k Co. have bought $200,000, god bars, in opea market, for shipment tomorrow, making the total thus far to be shipped $2300.000. AH these eagage mecU ara f yt gr4d bars. Chicago, Dec 5. A special to the Tunes-Herald from its Washington corre rpcadent says: War between the United States and England is threatened. It can be s verted only by surrender on the part of Fngt. The contention over the Monroe doctrine has reached a stage which will prod ace tbe gravest anxiety oa both aides of the Atlant ic until the facts become known. 11 the Arrawicaa congress anil support the pres ident, aad of this there can be no doubt Great Britain will soon be given the choice of rarrsztsenng or fighting. ae rsstrS. RosEBtrao, Or., Dec 5. The Shasta umited passed here this Burning in two section. The custom has beea to change engines here, but this morning the trains went larougn, engines caring beea sent to Green's station, sax miles sooth, where Use change was made. Tbis was done to prerer.t peopie getting oa and off here Use man jumped from the train a mile oath ot here, and came back in a rather ditapidaed condition. Tbe other gers tot this place walked from Green's a Battle rest .at. Kkt West. Fls. Dec 5. According te advices which reach here from Havana, tor Ca'isEs have once more woo a victory over tbe Spanish troops. Generals Gomez and Sanchez, with 3X4) insurgents, encounter ed Generals Saarez Vatdez aad Garriel, commanding 2500 Spanisn troops. Three nonrs of aerperate figuring was waged, the Spaniards retiring with a loss of 3lO kiiied and 3kA) woaaded. Among the kiiied were several officers. re Bas sat tta. Losnow. Dec 5. The correspondent of tbe Daily News says: "The venal press here eoDgTafulates the saltan upon the success of his reforms and of his repressive rneamrea. Today's news is that AO Armenians were killed in Kai sarjeh (Caesarial, aad that a massacre has occurred at Krhniet. ia the vilayet of x seroooi. about SO miles east ol tbe city of Lxxeroura. a Bs Fail are. . CatCAOo, Dec 5. Embarrassed by their inaouiry to meet outstaading paper, A H Andrews at Co., the largest school-sapply boose in the world, was forced to dose iu doors today. Tbe company made aa as signment to Frederick A Bolbrook, the seoetary. The assets were given as be tween $500,000 and $00,000, and liabiti tiea between 0,iA)0 and StOO.OM. iistisa's rawttassk Washtsotox. Dec 5. Representative Hermann, commenting on the story that toe surer smghta were going to ferce every candidate (or election in Oregon to pledge himself unreservedly for free silver coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1, said tbat so far as he was concerned be would have nothing to do with the scheme, adding: i am a republican, and will stand oa the republican platform." Tacoma, Dec 5. The Canadian gov ernment has let a contract for the carrying of mails from Juneau, ia Alaska, to Forty Mile creek, which is also in the territory alwan claimed by the United States, but which Canada is now asserting- a claim to ll is said that for a tbreigit country to let a contract ror toe transmission ot mails ta we ternary oi anotner government is something that is practically unheard of in international affairs. It would seem that it WOttid OnlT mean thai the Dominion nf Canada, Great Britian's depeuiencv. is bound to OPhold at all hazards her rJaim tn that strip of territory extending from and taking in Juneau to the rich gold fields of tue t uaon river. Ceagreaa' Bwlngs. VtASHrSGTOX. Dec 4. The awals worked today, while the house enioted a recess, out moat oi toe Dusine3 transacted was of a routine character. Haar a ho wart a disposition to co-operate with tbe presi dent in dealing with the Turkish qoestion by offering a resolution deaouncinir the re cent atrocities ia Turkey 'and assuring the executive branch of cordial endorsement by cuua-rws oi a viirorous course for toe pro tection of American citizens in Turkey and tee suppression of barbariti nrainxi Walersea Talks Omaha, Dec 4. The Hon Henrv Wat erson is in utoana today. Speaking of the prvxtueni a message, h said: "Nuthing Will com of iL (Vinsrersa will notdoanyUiingatall; and if the repubu cana are wise, they will simply pass tie ap- Sropriation bills and go home. With ifferenii political majorities in the two houses, and Mr Cleveland in the president's chair, it is idle to hope for any agreement upon important measures oi tegutauon. a BesnseraUe Town. IDEPKNDKRca. Or.. Deo. 4. Ben Bay- den, the old-time democratic warborse of Polk county, was in town yesterday, and said to D. W. Sears, chairman of the state central committee: "1 say, 1 say, we must have the next state democratic con vention at Independence. It's now the only democratic town ia Oregon." Cheiera la Bass la. St. Prrk&siirRO, Dec. 4. From No veniber 23 to November 30 there were 47 cases of cholera and 14 deaths here. For the week ended November 16 there were &S0 cases and 110 deaths in the government of Velhynia, which is a large decrease. Seventy-two cases and 26 deaths have oc curred in the district of Berdicheff, in the government of Kieff. Dr. Price's cream SJtkinjr Powdei vwsraaa tiriai mssal Mali an an raw, ass FOR THE HAIR and II SKIN A warm shampoo with Cutlcura Soap, and a single application of Cutkars (ointment), the pat Skin Cure, clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dand ruff, allay itching, soothe irritation, stim ulate the hair follicles, and nourish the roots, thus producing Luxuriant Hair, with a clean, wholesome scalp. Cear.Saw THROUGH TICKETS to the EAST via the Union Pacllic System. Through Pullman Palace sleeper Tourist sleepers and New Reclinin Chair cars DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains heated by .cas and cars light ed by Pinteeb Light. Xime to Uliicago t nays, mats w Sew York 4 days, which U many boars quicker than all competitors. For rates, time tables aod fall infor mation, apply to Ccaaxa k McarrxrTH, azenta, Albany, Or. Or R W Baxtos. C E Baoww, Gen'i Aaent, Diet Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTA: ROUTE Southern Pacific Co. CaEsara ,sjiisss T -Ins Daily rcoajaa-l. 1 a. I L tiasL al ttcTa a I At 8sa AJsy Ar 1 1 5 a is Lv sear a Above trains sjtop at East Portland. OrecoJ Citv. Woodbara. Sakm. Turner Mar -cm. Jeffenon. Albany. Albaav Jane t'oj. Tang-.... Shedd. Hafeer En-jeoe. Creswe 1. D'a.a, nnd all staons from Roseburg sooth to and ndul'n? Ash'an Wm 3fl re.zas Ban,aasT SJSaa IL rYrJaa Ar a as, leVr.jL. Alfrvry ? . lessen. I Ar siusabiua L.I i St a tsstwwTsaasca e-Wsall AWy -r S IS a a I Ar ceeaaoe L S? r n 1 L Jib-, ar r ir a I Ar Uaa i.. BllKAf tUJFFFT SUEPIR. DLiinar Cars on Ogau SECOND-CLASS SLElflNS CARS Attaeheal t all TBratb Trs,la eTeaS :e SHvtln- BRffEBS rwarraaiB asa reBaiaa Ban. sal urn ( txees Bsnaay : SS a a I Lt lillrslar UrtW ersaiba ArlS-9 Lr) 1 U Etpresi 'rain d'ilr (except Sunday) at Aibsbv and Corval'is on ect with Tai-i of OCcE-B;. rnll irali Ar Ly WkJiiaaTO. sjsSs Tfcroupla Ticlietf a aS tat ta tbe Eastara SSOea, Ca rrama. Aral Albany. -. EOERLKI Ha a 3e-se r-Bev I otber 3 c--:-" m art -ler-recei far tfcc.-- Cal-5 povouy biavrcsf. raxs. The ERIE1 i yneen-nksriT the best whect. PnuestsaodeL We arc Fact DC Coast Areata. Ifrccle cxta- lo n ,sast" i il frccrrcg fetl Jut! tiAin prices, etc. aaswvs wan-res, riTAlinf A nanSATOk CO-.rrrahrsia.Cal BAASca Hocsv aji Mains., Los Ajegetes. K. McNEILL, Eeaetver. TO THE EAST erves Tax cHorcx or TvTO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN union PACIFIC VIA DENVER OMAHA 45 D VIA SPOKANE KIKXEAPOUS AND ST. PAUL KAKSAS CITY low rates to all eastern citiss OCK AN STE A V EttS EAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAVS .. roa .. SAN FRANCISCO For tall details call on CckkAX & MoNTkiTK, Albany, Or OR ADDRZ8S: . W H RURLBliRT, Gat.PA .Aol.1 POIVI LAND, OR. Ai JSTEQltTS Erbngj-Gslgrg. for He or Sick 3 ijaaiianfia Hrua h: lwp.aAiueiaia. Aati4uts for Akoboikj - - ctm. a aiaaq THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL fO, 151 S. Western ree. f H.'CAGS glte rViaas'a cream tt&kia Porrxiti World's Fair rUeasa award. i v .t - - 4- - e. jr. V-iti ai5sil a rsi J . yl - Itelil! . v jw- -a a 'J-. W. ' c v. ar 15) ln?'&K