The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 13, 1895, Image 3

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    VSiUt Mtmscmi
, , TERMS. . . " ,
Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per month; 3.0fc
per year, in advance 30c per month net
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run ovet 3
Weekly, fl.25 In advance; $1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for
third and proceeding yearswhen not paid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscriber
tor fo.00.
J. C. LITTLER, .Dentist
Eight to
Uollars each are the prices of tfo p."xten
new mr capes receiver Wednesday at
The continued wet weather retards po-
" "'ggiugquiie seriously.
Frank Thompson departed for Calif
orma Thanksgiving day f be gone in
definitely. He writes back glowing
praise for the sonny south.
Miss Ada Trullinger returned home
last week, her grandparents accompan
ied her to visit a couple of weeks.
Miss Breckinridge is giving good sat-
ituaciion aa teacner in District 8. School
closes Dec. 20th unless the board decide
to let her teach another month.
Mr. Spellinger has enclosed his house
with a substantial picket fence.
The price seems to have fallen out of
hops entirely, some have become dis
couraged and will not tend their yard
next year, except the outlook is better
than at present.
Paul Perry has invested in a full set of
shoemakers tools and henceforth will de
vote his time at his trade.
A social hop at Mr. Perrv's last Friday
night, was enjoyed by the young folk.
Lettsr List.
Following u the list of letters remaining
in the PostoiBoe at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Dee. 3, 1895. Persons calling for
these letters must give the date cn which
tney were advertised
Brown, Frank E.
Clark, Jno. L.
Elliott, W. E.
Fry, Mrs. M. M.
James, Mrs. Mary
McBreen, C. E.
Rainwater, Mrs. V.
Satchwell, H. R.
Short, Charles
Wade, Mrs. Annie
Wilson, Mrs. Annie
Evans, C W.
Earl, Geo. A.
Harris, John
Jewell, Frank
Morganson, John
Rogers, Mrs. C. A.
Search, Geo. D.
Skinner, Mrs. Mary
White, J. R.
Williams, Oliver.
T. J. Stttes, P M
A Chid Enjoys
The pleasant flavor. - gentle action and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when
in need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it is the best family remedy known and
every family should have a bottle on
Keep your eye on this fact and also bear in
mind that C. E. Browcell will supply your
wants in the grocery line cheaper than any
competition house in the city.
Farm Ixans.
I have a limited amount of mow y t
loan on good farm lands in Linn ana ad
joining county. On very favorable terms.
Interest payable annually. Call or write
at once as the amount I have for kaning
will soon be gone.
Albany, Oiegon.
Ix Albasy. At the Albany Dressed
!Meat Go's. shop, corner Second and
Ellsworth streets, yoa can get the finest
meats to be had ; just now some aen
cioas saasatres. bacon, headcheese, etc.
besides the regular lines of tender meats,
Talk about watch chains, just call around
and see
what French the jewe'er has; and
how tney are warranted.
If Tinkle can't make a picture that suits
you yoa just as well give up.- See his
$1.50 photos. ......
The cheapest place to buy coffee or tea
is at Mcllwain's cash store, he keeps tha
For Prescriptions Dawson's.
Why Was It
that Ayr Barsiiparilla, out o tho great
number of similar preparations maiiuiac
Jured throughout the world, was the only
medicine ot the kind atlmitttt at tha
World's Fair, Chicago? Aal why was It
that. In spite of tho united efWrt of the
manufacturers of other preparations, tha
deeiaion of the World's Fair Directors was
ot reversed? - ,; ,
According t- Itirr.E 15 "Articles
-that are la a-sy way dangerous or
otlraslTO, also patent medicines,
nostrums, oni empirical prepara
tions, whoso Ingredients are con
cealed, will not be admitted t9 the
TSxpoBitioo," and, therefore
Becautt I- yor's Sarnaparilla is not a
patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not q
l oecrei preparation.
Beanut Itt pro.leforg had nothing (9
conceal when questioned as to ths for-
inula troin which It Is compounded.
) Because It Is all that It is claimed to be
a Compound Concentrated Extract ot
ttarsaparijlH, and in every sense, worthy
the indorsement of this most hnportaut
committee, called together for passing
.upon the mauufact)"" products of the
entire world.
) Admitted for Exhibition k
! P e 09009 ogo o 0 9.9-9 o 0 o o p o Oi
I I Admitted at the! I
Linn County Council.
Hall of Harmony Grange, Dec. 7, '95.
The Linn County Business Council, P.
of H., met in regular session. Worthy
President H. M. JFalrner in tue cnair.
The Lubin question was again taken
from the table and talked on dv several
members of the council, via : Bridge-
farmer, Ohn, Freerksen, Keece. Mctrrea
or and Dawson. The question was call
ed for and was lost.
The worthy master declared a recess
for dinner, when all stood around the
table, which was loaded with good things,
which the faithful sisters know how to
provide for Mie hungry.
The house was recalled to order, when
J. W. Propst offered a resolution asking
the political parties to place persons on
their tickets tor the next legislature who
are onnosed to the division of Linn coun
ty, and said resolution was talked bv
several memoers, wnen said resolution
was referred to the subordinate granges
for their consideration until the meeting
of the Linn county council.
The next meeting of the council will
be held with Tangent grange the first
Saturday in January, 1896.
The usual vote of thanks was tendered
to the memders ana sisters for the re
past furnished for the day.
J. W . Propst offered a resolution ask
ing the different political parties to place
on their tickets persons for county iudge
and commissioners who are opposed to
u&iug tuo eitnsi onugw uu me cny ot Al
bany and putting it as a county bridge.
Said resolution was laid on the table un
til the next meeting of the council.
On good of the order there were sev
eral suggestions made that were of inter
est to the good patrons, and it more of
the patrons would attend the meetings
of the grange and council they would
hear things said that would be to their
interest and make them better grangers.
AU those who do attend the meettmrs of
the grange and council regularly feel well
paid ior the time spent in said meetings.
To Kill Codlin .Moth.
Edor Democrat :
Please pardon me for my note. I have
an item that will be a benefit to my
brother fruit growers.and all others who
own a fruit tree. It is a remedy or pre
vention against the Codlin moth, and now
is the time to make it known : Save ail
of your ashes from now until the fruit
tree bloom, and the time blooms be
gin to shed take your ash es and scatter
them over the tree, all over the fruit and
foliage, not around the tree. Follow
this lor one week or ten days, iu the
morning while the dew is on is best.
This process of scattering the ashes
through the foliage and young fruit pre
verts the insect from doing the dirty
work. I sieve all my ashes, this cleans
them of all trash in handling them. I
have tried this for three seasons and find
it to be as above stated, it is cheap and
easy for all to do. Please ask your ex
changes to copy for the benefit of all pro
ducers of a fruit treet This is my own
invention. David D. Pbettvmas.
Conductor Bellinger, who was at one
time on tha S. P., died suddenly last
Frank E Hodk'kin. of Salem, is to de
liver an address at Corvallis tomorrow
night before Mary's Peak Woodmen, of
that city.
Mr. Herman Swartz, a resident of Al
bany two or three years ago, who has
been East since leaving here is in the
city. He will go to California in a few
Married, in Eucene. Mr. A. J. Van-
land, of Montague, Cat- to Miss Armin
da Bone, of Halsey, Oregon. The groom
was an old resident ot liaisey and well
known iu this locality while the bride
has lived here since she was a little girl.
Cor. Harrisburg Review.
Saturday afternoon Miss Hela Gilbert
gave a recital by her junior pupils in
music, and a farewell party to Miss fca
tella Writsman, at the hoineof Mr. Arch
Hammer, on Washington street. A
program of music and recitation, confer
ring credit on the pupils and teacher,
was rendered, and was greatly enjoyed
and as well a social time was had. Those
present were: Ora Dubruille, Thresa
Baumgart, Emma Brenner, Erma Watts,
Bessie Beam, Myra Abbett. Francis
French. Minnie Huston, Ethel Huston,
Ruth Montague, Martha - Montague,
Lena Miller, Elizabeth Courtwright,
Minnie Merrill, Estella Writsman. Flos
sie Knecht, Linnie Kimsey. Agnes But
ler, Henry Abbett, Mrs. Abbett, Mrs.
French, Seth Thomas French. Mrs. Hus
ton, Edward Huston, Mrs. Kimsey, Mrs.
Montagu, Mrs, Hammer and Miss Gil
bert. The Elmore and Gypsy wiil begin mak
ing regular trips on the W illamette this
week for the O. R. & N.
A Home Forum lodge will he organized
in Harrisburg neit Wednesday evening
with a membership of about fifty.
The firemen's election is being held today-
The contestants are W. W . Rowell
of No. 2's and Win. Richards, of No. 1
for chief engineer, and J. L Tonilinson,
of the H. & L. Co. and Dan Meyers, of No.
3's for assistant chief.
At the lat meeting of the Junction city
council ordinance were pasted as tollowt
Prohibiting envt from running at targe
between 9 p. m. and 4 a, ni prohibiting
the keeping of hogs in the corporate limits;
licensing the selling of cigarettes and to
bacco in the sum of 10 per annum.
Whatever else you do get ready to go to
the A. O. U. W. library entertainment on
Dec 20, at the opera boose. There will be
the lively drama. "Mrs Wilains Will,
vocal and instrumental music recitations.
etc. .Crawford and McKnight's orchestra
ill furnish musie tor te occasion. . lbe
admission will be only 25 cents.
A Story ox Tom Ky. Tom Kay. the
Salem woolen mill man, is a deacon ot
the First Baotiat church and the story
told on bun at tne meeting to raise tue
subsidy the other night most be apoc
ryphal. But it runs like this: He had
taken a lot ot &aiem w ooien jiiu samples
into a San Francisco wholesale store and
the buyers thought they would have a
little sport guying the otherwise good nat
a red but red-headed Oregonian. They
saia mere was snoaay in nis ciotn auu ae
picked the threads all out and showed
tney were all wool. Then said the colors
were not fast and he demonstrated they
were solid colors. Then they said that
Oregon could not grow wool and tha
Salem Woolen Mill could not make cloth,
Tom Kay pulled off his coat, rolled up
his sleeves and began to execute a war
dance on the floor, saying: "Gentlemen,
1 don,t ttiint l can demonstrate to your
h'understanding what h'is woolen goods
but i can ncic every man in tnis 'ouse
from the proprietor down in ten min
utes." .He was finally pacified, got a big
order and gained the custom of a firm
that nas stayen wito. mm ever since.
Salem Journal.
New Offices. The Maccabees elected
the following officers Saturday night:
Commander, J S Van Winkle ; lieuten-
annt cammander, Kx a JUilioy; record
keeper, N M Newport; finance keeper, E
U Will, chaplain, W A Cox; sergeant,
JW Uammill: master at arms. Frank
Walsh ; first master of guards F Trout-
man: second master ot guards, 11 fctew
art; sentinel, A Barnes; picket, Hockey
Following are the new officers of Cor
inthian Lodee No. 17. A. F. & A. M.
Wrt Saturday evening? : H L Walden.
W M; A H Freerksen, S W; T J Butler,
J W: E W Langdon, treasurer; D W
Rumbaogh, secretary; StrauderFroman,
The Rebeccas, 1. 0. 0. F. have elected
the following officers for the ensuing
term : Mrs J D Burkart.W G ; Mrs L O
tJoatps. VG: Mrs H Barnes, rec. sec
Miss Jennie Gordan. fin. sec; Mrs J
Uradwhol, treasurer. .
Mads Ilm Wiu, About two years
airo Cant. Winant was discussing
ing the dangers incident to a mariner's
me, in tne store ot oieyer a yo, uu
maH the remark "that seafariDK men
should always have their businegyjaffairs
in order, and their wills made." & lew
hours later he returned to the store with
a letter bearing the followme inscription
"Will of J. J. Winant, careof Wm. Kyle,
to be delivered to Dr. Earnest Warren
Newport Oregon." This was written in
tlie well-known hand writing of the
Captain, and on the news of his death,
Mr. Kyle forwarded it as directed, the.
contents unknown to any one here. I
Florenc West,
Resulting in the Loss of Three Guns,
Coats, Ducks, etc.
Three Albany young men met with an
experience Saturday not greatly enjoyed
nor to be courted, and ending very for -
tunately for them personally. Silas
rn...iA. wii..n.i v.i ci 1
took the latters boat in a wagon several
miles ud the river, for the nurnose of
riding down and shooting ducks on the
way. They had killed fourteen and were
coming through a swift place about two
miles above the fjalapooia bridge, when
in turning a bend a willow was grabbed
in order to pull them around without
running tnto the opposite bank. The
boat went over like a flash and the three
young men into the water. All could
swim and they were soon on the shore :
but their entire outfit was at the bottom
of the river in several feet of water, their
ducks were gone, three guns, and Ed.
Stewart, who had been rowing lost his
overcoat and under coat, as well as the
boat which went floating down stream.
A three mile walk brought them home.
The guns used by Oouey and Stewart
belonged to Stewart & Sox and were
about $15 guns, while that ,of Mr. Fuller
cost about $50.
The Calapooia is a vicious stream for
navigation, and several Buch accidents
will be remembered. In one case it was
five or six years before the suns were re'
covered. It is possible all of them may
be found
now as the water is not very
In Memoriani.
Uarace Furwell was born in New
Hampshire in the year 1829, and died at
at nis home in t lainview, Linn county,
Oregon, November 27, IW15, having al
most reached his sixty-sixth year.
At the age of ten he emigrated with
his parents to the then new state of 111.
By careful application, through the
meager school opportunities of those
days, he obtained a common education.
in the year 1So3 he was married to Miss
Esther Fletcher, of Preemption, III.,
where they resided until 1857. After a
short season spent in Missouri, marked
by hardships incident to war times.they
returned to their home in Illinois. In
the spring of 18tS3 they took up the west
ward march across the plains and ar
rived in Oregon the succeeding fall where
uiey nave since rcsmed.
In early life he was an active worker
in the temperance cause, which princi
ple he ever strictly adhered to. He had
a genial, unassuming disposition and
honorably filled all places of trust that
were conferred upon him.
A large and sympathetic congregation
listened to his funeral sermon which
was preached at the Plainview church by
Rev. Sperrv. The remains were laid to
rest in the Sand Ridge cemetery. Truly
a good man has gone to h's reward leav
ing a lonely wife, three daughters and a
large circle of sorrowing friends. 1
;tood up on the Bridge.
When Mr. Mcllhenny, who readies in
the northern suburbs of Albany, across
the Willametes, is to return home after
dark nowadays he brings a shotgun with
mm. lie wouiu carry a revolver, but he
has none. His reason for this is an ex
perience the other night. After enjoy
ing himself in the city until rather a late
hour he started home across the bridge.
Along toward the othr end feeling some
what ticklish be pulled his knife out and
carried it open in his hands. Suddenly
a man stepped in front of turn.
"Hold up your hands" was cried.
Instead of doing so he plunged Lis
knife into the man. It went clear
through the man- The poor fellow
turned and ran.disappearing in the dark.
As his corps was not found and (here was
no blood .on the knife Mr. Mcllhenny
thinks he must have stabbed him under
the arm.
Jenny Lind.
Don't fail to see Jenny Lind.tlie quaint
old doll to be on exhibition at the Dolls
Bazaar at the W. V. T. U. hall Friday
evening. .Nearly buy years ago she was
sent by a ladv in Pennsylvania to her
little grand daughter in Indiana, lhir
ing these years she has traveled a great
many miles, and now she has just com
pleted a three thousand mile trip all
aloue to be present at the Dolls Bazaar.
Next week she will return again to her
Indiana home. Don't miss seeing her.
Mns Cheadi.k'b W'ilu The will of the
late Mrs. E. R. Cheadle has been filed
for nrobate. Under it she aDDoints her
daughters, Dollie, Birdie and ltha execu
tors without bonds, fehe leaves block
129 to the above t lire, to I tha her piano,
to Dollie all the furniture but her rock
ing chair, which Birdie receives. Her
four grand-children and her daughter
Mrs. Mary Gran nan receive (5 a piece
and her son Ernest $25. The will directs
that all the remainder of her property
be sold, her debts, and funeral expenses
paid and a monument be erected not to
exceed (200 in value, the remainder to
be divided among all her children. The
property is valued at (8,000. During the
boom days, though it was worth two or
three times that amoun t.
Where Is He. Mrs. Belle M. Abbott,
of Sommerville, Mass., wishes informa
tion about David T. Simms, a Dr. of
medicines, at one time in Albany years
ago, his relatives having a pictnre taken
by A. B. Paxton. A sinter is dangeryusr
ly ill, and knowledge ot nis whereabouts
is desired.
Watches That are reliable.tbat is the
kind we keep. We bare no use for any
other class, and are certain our customers
have not either. Our watches are guaran-
ted "to go," cot only correct'y but per
H. Ewebt, jeweler.
Ti Abb Oi'tsiso aline of Christmas
goods this week that will excel anything
we have displayed for yean, and at great
ly reduced prices. Our line of sterling
broods are almost as cheanias yon can buy,
Plated ware, watches, clocks and jewelry
at prices way below what they were sold
for last year. Call and see our display and
get prices. r . m h.
ed Blood
Is the Foundation of
the Wonderful Cores by
That is Why the cures by Hood's
EartaparilU are Cubes.
That 18 Why Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures the severest cases of Scrofula,
Salt Rheum and other blood diseases.
That Is Why it overcomes That
Tired Feeling, strengthens the nerves,
gives energy In placa ot xhaustion.
That is Why (ho testimonials for
Hood's Sarsaparilla are solid facts,
and will stand tha closest investigation.
That is Whv tha sales of Hood's
Sarsaparilla have increased year after
year, while other preparations of less
merit have come, held a little tem
porary favor, and are heard of no more.
That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla
requires me largest ijaDoratory in tne
world. That Is Why
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is tho Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In the publlo ay today. Be
sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood's Pills 8iuvnf..BkV
Real Estate Sales,
Emma Lyon
to JC Lyon, 1
1 Q W Wilson to
I w i?1tV8' w 1 v
Lillio Ioftin, (J
Alexander, 20
1 " " iwcii to w
acres. 15 w 4 . .
A G Wainroner to W 11 Gulliford.
1W) acres, 14 w 3 2200
0 Schlagel to W U Perry, 2 lots,
Peoria ". 150
W D Company to Stanard ti Mc-
Kee, 2 loti, Waterloo 250
AG McNee to Bertha Stanard, 2
lots and Sacres, Waterloo 1550
II L Cranor bv sheriff to J R Wyatt,
4 lots, hi 102, H's ad, Albtuiy. . 275
J F Tate to Sarah E Aelieson 1
lot, Nye Creek, Lincoln Co... 1
J O Roe to Enterprise Lumber Co,
tv avii-B, iu iu , . uiw
Peter l'ykeuian to Enterprise
Lumber Co, 320 acres 6000
S Porter to W G Cartel-, U03 acres,
14 w 4 500
O P Coshow et al to Sarah E
acres, ud,
l-l w
O P Coshow to W T Cochran, S, in
terest in 210 acrtrs, 13 w 2 and
2 lots, Brownsville
E W Langdon to Clara J Briggs,
100 acres, 11 w8
S M Keedhaui and other heirs of
Jonathan Needhain, in separ
rate deeds, pieces of land to
Ida M Shelton, Isaac C Need
ham, Solas M Needham, Sarah
. E Baldwin, John W Needhnin
Ruth Loonev, L A Barry, and
Martha A Baldwin, each fur
the consideration oi(-7o
David Roloskv to Andrew Schliuer,
40 acres, 10 w 1
Hannah M New land to J C New
land, 320 acres, 13w2
J J Dubruille to A Klein, J, inter
est iu 2 lots, bl 50, irs 2nd ad.
J C Biiyeu to Alice J Bilyeu.'a in
terest in 50 feet, Brownsville..
Wni Meyers to W J Turnridge,
88x100 feet, 11 w2
A J Johnson to Linnie Johnson.
1 lot and 30x100 feet, Scic 1500
ti O .. .. i . ,V I .,
1 ouxurr u if iruuoiiue, o
acres, 10 w 2
HJO Averill toOiivt? Stanard, Cm
acres, 13 w 3
L D Hale to Olive Stanard, &5 acres,
13 w 3
J A Sniitn to J W Uaines, .
A B Seal by sheriff to M Stern
bur. 2 lots. Albany
A Strom; and O Marh to W B
1-iwler, the Red Bear claim,
Quartxville '.
Arthur Cox. of Ona. Lincoln countv. is
in the city.
Mrs. Phile. of Corvallis. is in the citv
the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. S.-hloss-r.
Senator Johnson and S. I. Shore, of
Scio, were in the city today on business.
II. II. Pament has rented his ranch to
Jas. Davis, and lias movxd to Albanv for
the winter. Nashville Cor. Leader."
Mr. Hush McGuire. of Portland, the
well known paper man, and receiver of
the Sun PublUhing Co., is in the city.
J. E. Bamett. brother of Wm. Barnett.
of this city, rscentiv of Salem, has lo
cated at Napa, Calif., where he has1
opened a lunch counter.
J. O. Writsman and family will leave
tomorrow for Portland, where they will
reside, and where Mr. ritsman mi! go
into business eventually.
At the. rvot-nt election of Prinevil'e
Lodge No. 76, A. F. A A. M. Judge M E.
Brink formerly of this city, was chost-n
v oruiy jasier.
E. L. Bonner oiie of the receivers of
the Northern Pacific, arrived in Albanj
this noon in a necial Northern Pacific
car, on a visit to the property in nhirh
be owns an interest, tlie ). C. A fc.
Re f. Jas. F. Stewart, formerly tator
of the Christian church, of this citv, re
cently of Santa Paula, Calif., has accept
ed the pastorate of the chnrch at Orange.
Calif., and will move there this evk.
Mr. Charles Metzgar. who went to New
Mexico, several months azo. has re
turned to Orevon. and is now in Port
land. He w ill be in Albany soon. He
got enough of that country. There is no
place in the world like el-ioot.
E. R. Carv. the nooular landlord nf ti.o
I rineviile hotel, was grvtably uriri-Ml
few days ao on iweivine a letu-r
from his eon Mark, who is in South
Africa, enclosing a draft for 10. as a
Christmas present. I'nnevil.c Review.
Mr- and Mrs. E. S. Eedeker and son.
left this morning for Fondulac. Wis.
During their residence of several yea is iu
Albany they gained the esteem and re
spect of a large crt-leof friends who will
all regret their removal trorn our m:dst.
Th Salem Vor..n Xi'.t rebuild;
subsidy has re-ahe! (SI. GOO.
The Toledo Lwlr lxvt-: c t a 27 roend
tnroip, and say it i in th leud.
Portland bas a CelstiJ murder cse.
hiriey Sing shot Li Sin in the abdomtn
last Satnrday and it ac not untii retter-
day that Li Sing died.
Daniel Bully and his excellent trot; p drew
good sized audience, cotuidering the
rnces, 50 and o cents, last night The
Social Lion was an up to date comedr. in-
cludinir the new woman, and wa. made
laughable at every cenwr in the plav. The
, : . 1 : . . .
u'lup u uuu m evrj pan.
Milton Hale has sppisjed the coal mine
case from Judge Falierton's recent decis
ion to the supierne court ihe only
thing in the cane now is the cost, the 'and
having been found to be government land.
Mr. carter maue vice cf the appeal
papers as coroner, Snmff Lan iu being a
party to tua sot, loledo Leader.
A curious and unusual oneraiion wa rr-
formed a few days ago at the bopital at
Astoria, on Lewis Sticky by Dr. J . A. Ful
ton. From a cbroni: trouble of lone stand-
ing bis ribs becanm dueted and four
L : i - . .
lnchas ere takf n off six of them. "Ibe
operation was so successful that tbc nio
will be able to l alxmt airun. feeling no
ill effects from the slivrieninguf nis ribs.
Fkkicht for the Mixes. Ten teams in
and around Albany have been engaged
by Mr. W. B. Lawler to go to Gat.s and
haul in freight for the winters supply.
Four or five months provisions, powder,
etc, will be taken fn. The teamsu-rs will
receive 110 for going to Gates and $'2 a
ton for conveying the freight to Quartz
ville. That seems like a good deal when
.reight can be brought from 8an Fran
'isco to Albanv for S2.00 to 2 50 a ton
eutthe muddy, wet roads wiil make up
uor mat.
The following clubs will contest in bare
ball at tbe armtry: r. Co.-ruller. Hul-
bert. Turner, Welch, SteiimnKer. r . mew
art, Phillips and Wytnsn, I. SI t;;.A.
smiley, Biodgett, uontfciis, v iirn,
SwarU, Chamberlin, Altormatt, Kutting.
Tn Firkmbn's Ei.ettio yesterday
demonstrated the fact that there are
auite a number of firemen left in Albany.
1U3 votes were cast, ol winch vt imam
Richards received 64, and W. V . Rowell
49, for chief engineer; J. R. Tomlinson
63 and Dan Meyers 20 for assistant chief
engineer. A. II . Freerksen, R. N. Mor
ns and "Maggie" white acted as juuges
and clerks of tbe election.
Another Salem FAii-rav. This fore
noon another store failed. Keller & Son
furniture dealers made an assignment
for the benefit of creditors. The capital
city is getting more than its share of
such disasters
Cakd Or Thanks. We wish to thank
the many friends who so kindly awu;ted
in the late illness of our father W. K. 11.
Rich. To the Hir Knights and all mem
bers of the Masonic Order, to those who
so kindly assisted in the funeral services,
and to Dr. O. W. Maston who was both
friend and nhvsician. we extend our
heaitfelt thauks. W. E. Rich,
ffi extend our heartfelt and sincere
thanks to the kind friends and neighbors
whoso willtnclv cave us heln and sym-
nathv durinit the sickness, death and
burial of our dear mother and grand'
mother, Mrs. F. M. Garret.
Tub DAUOHTKii and Ora such udhkn.
We Want Your Trade,
and we make a bid for it. We off-sr you
something1 more and bettor than you can
ot plaawhere. we think our line ot silver
ware, jewelry and clocks should tip the
beam in cur favor.
II. EwEnT, jowelor.
Tuesday evening, Dec. 10.
Present Recorder, Marshal, Street
superintendent, treasurer and Council
men Heed, Huston, I'feitTcr, Gradwohl,
r irwrai hiiu tt niter.
Councilman (iradwolil acted as niavor
pro turn 111 the absence of the mayor.
The following bills were ordered paid
O V Dannals. 4'50: B F Purdom.
At O T . ... , . nrt ....
?i.i; a t i-urtiom, fi.uu; i ti Mon
teith, (H5.00; 1 J Smiley, (10 05; p v
Spinks, (U.95; N J llenton, (3U.55; cost
mns a iiacKieinan Birt citv J4U.U7: .1 a
ltiornton, f ,t.0 ; Electric Light I oinp.
pany,( 139.00; J 11 Mullen ngtcity, ( 1U.07
OO Lee, (15. Judges and clerk of city
and llreinuns elections 3 (2 00 each.
Petition of A Becker for sewer was
granted, and bids ordered advertised for.
The committee on licenso reported in
favor of allowing a bill of (2 for rent for
dog pound, deed of right of way oulv ap
plying to the bridge.
No. 2's engine was reported repaired
by tne putting in of a new Hue.
Tho report of the official canvas of tl,,.
city was read and showed tk.-l votes cast
m in lit ward, 2nd ward, VM, 3rd ward,
279. The candidates received the vote
heretofore published.
Report of Street superintendent recom
mended new sidewalks adjoining prop
erty of Mrs. A. M. Elkins, E J i-anning
and that walk abutting lots 3 and 4, bl
31, Ik repaired. Referred.
Petition of E A Parker nnked that in
asmtich as he was elected whiln the
salary was S'JOO ami it was reduced on
Jan. I'd to $100, he bo allowed 1100 ad
ditional. .Mr. V alter moved that it be
granted. This was the livest matter of
the council and created some amim-uieut
as well as talk. It passed by a vote of 4
to a.
The Street commissioner was instruct
ed to get the necessary sewer piHs and
material for draining block l.'S near
Maine si.
Matter of petition of F Biumlerg for
privilege of erecting shed in rear of block
on First street was referred to committee
on tir and water with power to act.
The Street commissioner wa instruct
ed to use sewer pipe for drainage on
Maine street between bm and 6th street.
The matter of a team for No. ls en
gine was referred to thecommitteeon lire
and water with power to act.
Mr Thorn pson, an agent, exhibited an
apparatus. Coopers hose jacket, f r stop
plug a leas at once, or supply defective
loaplings. f rice $". A very effective
and afo arrangement. I'pon motion
ine matter wa- reierred to the commit
tee on tin and water with lower to act.
The Mreet coiiimb-sioner was instruct
ed to remove the tra?-h at 3rd and Lyon
strv-ta. Mr. Gradwohl ti.ought it should
be left to the property owners.
Mr. Dan Wagner, of Saiem, was in
the city today.
MrJohn Fwhay, who has been in San
Fran-isco two weeks is expected home
this week.
The W. C. T. T. social held last night
was enjoyed by a good nuruU-r of onr
citizens The offerings were liberal and
At the Maccabee entertainment in
''orvallis Satunlay n'pht Mi Mamie
Cuudiff, of this citv will recita "A Bov's
Story." "How the Engineers Make
!xve," "Shadow," "How Grandma
Ihiiiced the Minuet," "Curve w-ene from
Iveah." The (irwun dri'.l by twt-Ue
young ladies will be given.
Mr, Iavid Clark and daughter. Miss
Luiu, were on Saturday's tmia ior Los
Angeles, whu-h wiSI be their homo lor
sometime. Their journey U California
w as hastened by a dispatch that Mrs
Clark's grandaughter, Annie, a daugh
ter of 1'ruf. Condd, was at the j inl of
death atd probably could n,t live.
Ashland Tiding.
After Willamette TraJc.
The i5t of Superintendent Clark's i
........ - i
visa to San I rancico is s-n in aa ar-
tide in the Call, in whi.h W. It. Curtis,
manaprr of the Tratltc Afwiatk-n, is re-
ported reaching out !-r the lUatucUe
valh-y trade.
The Geld that Mr, Curtis intends to di
rwl attention of 'Frisco merchant to a
being a favorable one to exploit, i the
centra! portion of the Willamette va!l-y.
Mr. Curtis, with his intimate knowledge
of the rabniad and general transportation
facilities of the coast, views this as one
of tho biota proHiiting proMenis to at
tack at the present tiuie. and t!i projwr
sohition of which will ad I greatiy to the
jobbing trade of San Francisco.. At
present that ttkn derives its supplies
mtly from Portland, which has direct
trantportation farilit'se both by rail and
water. But in the opinion of Traffic
Manager Curtis the San Francisco job
lrs and manufacf trert have even more
than a fighting chance sgainn Fort land
in many classes of goods. He is certain
that he wiil be able to show that freight
from San Francisco can be carried into
tha desired territory iiicre cheaply from
San Francisco via Ysjuina bay than it
can le from Portland Th proposition
of Mr. Curtis is for the local merchant
t- Utili9 lh facilities offured by the
Oregon Central railway, which, he says,
is willing to meet them in the mt-st lib
eral spirit, and make a determined fight
for the valuable tra.le of the section
Take advantage
of the low prittS in
tnotot at unkV.
The hfA freh groceries and
CJnn A- ttuiitun's.
produce at
LaoiKsthe latest fahin is
a seamless
dress trade by Mrs. McLean.
Good treatment at Conn and
and their goods are tbe l-e-t.
Some elegant dadgnus In crockery w&re
at low prices at Conn and il-udons.
20 ea. savon oap at Parker Kru. tor
only 5 ceats a bar. Tbi is a world be iter.
Big reduction in the pricos of all site of
photos at Tinkles.
A large and choice stock of jewVry. sil
ver ware, etc, Just received at Will and
Star in.
The mrwt elegant lin of statuary ever
brought to A'.bany at Will andStsrks. In
several beautiful figures.
Drs. II. E. andO. K. Beers offices and
residence in the pot office building. Spec
ial attention given to diseases of women.
O. C. & E. Time Tnblc.
Fawcnsrer Leaves Yanntna at 7 a. m.
Arrives at Albany at 11 :50 a. m. I-eavos
Albanv 1 arrives at Bay at 5:10 p. m
Mixed ix'ares Albany ior ietroii at
44 a m, arrives at Ivtroit at 12:15 p m
1 -eaves Detroit at 12:55 pm, arrives at
Albany at 5:110 n m.
Frenz it leavcs Albany at :io a m on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Ar
rives at Yamuna at :o- P m : leaves i a-
tmina at 8 :15 a m on Tuesdays, Thurs-
davb and Saturdays; arrives at Albany
at 4 :55 p. in.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard
I. N. Rivers in Custody tor Steal
ing Harness, etc.
Tho Dbmocrat recently mentioned the
fact of tho stealing from the barn of O.
i. tteece, three miles irom tins city, a
single harness. Mr. Recce placed the
matter in the hands of Marshal Loe.who
sent tracers, and last night 1. N. Rivers
was arrested at naiem by uinet xnuy on
the charge Mr. Recce and Marshal
Lee went to Salem this morning and
brought Rivers to Albany on the noon
train. When arrested lie was at the
river in a boat, loaded down with things
he had evidently stolen, seven boxes and
five sacks. Atnmir tha tliincN wan Mr.
Recce's harness, winch he readily ident-
uieu. . a set ot Harness answered tue de
scription of those stolen from Mr. Hecker
of Benton county, a few weeks aeo.
There were one or two otaer sets of har
ness, 200 pounds of beans and other
things. The boat is undoubtedly one
stolen from a man on the Willamette re
cently Rivers is a tall, raw boned man,
with whiskers. He is a wood chopper
and is well known in Benton county.
lie resided at Coberir at one time. The
haul is a good one and will nfl doubt end
by landinir Rivers in the ren. The
single harness was brought up on the
noon train, and the other things will
follow to- night.
Rivers will bo examined before Justice
I'owell to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
lsesidea the ttiinir River had $17 in
money supiiosed to have bten received
for thilllrs Mold. Aniontr tlintftA uliit havA
M,u I........,. :.. i. i
j Mr. Hecker are William Rials and Mr,
iiiiiutrno iii jieiuuii coumv uesiuea
Reese. The
boat is like one lost by
James Dyer.
The academy is full, there is now be
tween tk) and '70 students in attendance.
On inviution of Mr. D. K. Jenkins we
siient an evening with him last week.
.nr. j . iiaa a phonograph, he bas ben
traveling in the slate of Washington
giving exhibitions. His instrument is
one ot the latest and he has a good as
sortment of records. Some are fine or
chestra music, some band music and a
few comic. Mr. Judkin is reasonable in
his chartrca and always and tries to
please. Everyone should hear Ibis won
derful instrument, it is one of the gret
et and most wonderful inventions of the
Mr. O.K. Stone Marled to Colorado
!at Friday. He will return in the
spring. Next!
A funeral procession passed thromrh
here last Saturday on their way to Fine
Grove cemetery, wi:h the remains of
Mrs. Garrett. The hearse returning in
the evening got lost on State street. The
driver called A. Y. out and inquired the
way. We need street lamps and guide
Some of our nimrods are slaying wild
geese, they go to the river bars at night
and shoot them on the wing. i
Mr. Fred Henwood Las sold bis fruit
farm, we didn't learn the name of the
purchaser. i
Teachers institute here this week, j
commencing on Friday evening w ith a
lecture by Key. Riley Littls, of Albany.
Warren Stone is able to be around
again. He resides in east Oakville now.
Mr. Jones drove past with his binder,
lie i either niching the teuton or very
late, with his Ih'Jb harvest. Am lev.
Ji rr ix Tiwe. What might have been
a serious accident, caused by a change
in train orders, was barely averted this
morning. The Shasta tiyef left l'ortland
yesterday evening in two sections bound
for San trancisoo. Tne trtin dispatcher
at l'ortland had sent out orders fur the
dyer and the north bound overland to
pans at Crewrwell. But U-'ore the fiver
reachl this city the orders were chang
ed fur the trains to meet here. White
the o;r:or at this station was receiv-
J ing the changed orders, the flyer pulled
into tne station, i lie signal light indi
cated a clear track and tiie flyer steamed
through at full speed, without stopping.
The --rrst rttohd out with a lantern and
I succeeded in signaling the traid, which
stopped, but not nntu alter it had paus
ed coni lerabte distance beyond the tta-
. aT .through
wwnHii u.-mg cignaiMj it wouid hare
mliied inlo iUe overUnl between her
and Ciewell, as there is no operator
l,etwwn here and that place. Eugene
Uuard. Ntineday that Over wiH Umr
into something on cccocnl vl its high
flying style.
One Ilonot Man.
Dca EorroK : Please ir.f.rin your read
ers that if wriliec to cooSdentialiy, I will
mail in a sealed letter toe -plan pursued by
which t was permanently nttoredlo bealUi
and maair rii;r. after many years of suf
fertnc trt m NerToua rasne, Iac of
Manhood, fck of ConS ,!. etc. I ba
no scheme to extort n.aaty from any on
whomever. I was rvWed and swindled
t t- quacks uatil I neatly lost faith in man
kind but thank heaven. I am sow well.
Vigorous and strong, and anxious lo mako
this certain means of enre knnwa t.ill
Having nothing to eil or send C O. D., I
j want bo monev. Addraa I as A. Uaaais,
Box 107, Deiray, Mivh.
Julius Gradwohl Will Give Vou
the Best Bargains In the City.
I wish to inform the public that I wil
reduce my large stock of crockery, glass
ware, Chir ware and silver ware, and
wttl sell ouTmv entire stock of holiday
goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come
in and price my goods and I will prove
in -!! that I am tint ffAiVuvinc nn Kt
! mean husine&s. J. Ikimmnr
Ftnt its a big advantage to him to wear
well laundried shirta and undervlolhine.
The Albany Steam Laundry. Richards A
Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of
gentlemens work. Free mending' for
men besides tlie nret class laundry won.
A superior bigh gloss finish to shirts,
collars, cults, etc.
Ilhzh 4rt Custom Tailoring.
Besides his regular business W. R.
Graham is prepared to take orders for
lugn art custom tailoring by a leading
house in New York, only union labor
employed and nrst class work guaranteed,
au K.inus 01 garments maue irom tne
nest -line of samples ever seen in Al
bany, a fact easily appreciated by an ex
amination ol the sample book, bulls irom
sin up.
Backache, dixxiness, tiredness give way
to Joy's cgetable !?arsapariu.
A supply of Preservaline nas just been
received by Hodges a Mcrarland. It
prerves milk. These who hove been
waiting for it will take notice.
The Record of remarkable cures ef
reeled entbics us truthfully to say that
Hood s SarsaDarilla is the only me blood
pwrifier prominenvty in the public eye to
Hood Pills nre lbe bet family catliart c
and liver mcdiciue. Harmless, reliable,
When tim-s wore gootl and Cabinet
photos were 6 00 tier do, people thought
the were cheap, flow you cn get m
ter wies for only 2.l"0 this month at Tin
klcs. N them.
J.'W. Rent ley at his old stand in the
CuHick block. Boots and shoes made or
repaired wed and carefully.
If jou ore compelled to live cheaply and
wih to supply your bible with the best the
market affords
By all means patronize tbe
Postotlice Uroeery.
For PHIa nnd Piasters Dawson
Use Duwson'u furniture polish.
The prices are all right on Christines
goods at French's.
Dr. f rice's Cream baiting Powds
World's "air nicest AwaC
fnlby watch guards at F. M. French's
See French's display of Christmas goods.
6 lbs choice raisens 25cU at Mcllwain's
ca.h store.
8 spools Clark's O
N. T. at Mcllwain's
caub tore.
Tilt very host, and only 12.00 nor dn
cabinets at Tinkles.
Sam Brcwn is to be hanged at Rosebnrg
curuury 10
Best buttor in the city every day for 20c
per roll at P. Cohen's. Eggs, 20c.
20 lbs best rrnnuiabd unvnr f 1 .V) ot
jicimain s canti store.
ir.ii. . r
For lbe best cottaee or cream rhrnut rail
at Mullwains cash store.
F. L. Kenton is acrent for ti e V Aoblv
Examiner. $1.50 tier year.
A fine stock of holidav lmnka anil niHsma
at H. J. Jones.
Stayton Red Crown snow flake and Jtf
ferson flour at Mcllwain's cash store.
Fairbanks Goldast washing powder 3 lb
package 20 cts at Mcllwain's cash store.
Dsn't forget the Dolls Bazaar, on Fri
day evening, Dec. 13th at the W. C. T. U.
Life size photographs, the bet finish
reduced from ffiO. to only fiO per dozen at
Tinkles. Cabinet, 12.00.
There are a good many girls wuhing
place to work. An Albany man who ad
vertised for one secured one in a short time
and reported a siege of applicants.
The fimt reheano.1 of the Hay Make
was held at the college last night with ove
thirty present. Under the superior man
agen e it of Prof. Parvin it promises to de
velop into an entertainment the people of
Albany generally wilt wish to see.
Last evening the Salem Woolen Mill
rebuilding saoscription lut amount! to
123,300. It is an interesting fact that th
name of an A bany man. Hen. J. K
Weatherford heads the lut for (5001. The
nearest to him is $1500.
F ormal charges have been made againct
Marshal Taylor and uigbtwatch McLagaa,
ot Cuvallis, and they will be tried by tha
counnl next week. It is due to the good
nun . nf V.maI: At... l t - ; . , '
v. wi iojih iu4b xuvj oe impeacned'
Tbe men would display good judgment by
The Albany Furniture Co. wiM astist al
tboe who make cash pure bates of them
auring Uecember in procuring suitable
nouaay precenu. tor each dollar s worth
of goods bought tne purchaser is entitled
to 12, '4 cents toward any of those artistic
baskets shown by them. Thus n tn pur
chase entitles you to a dollar's worth of
baskets bee them and he convinced of
their utility and beauty.
State Board of Horticulture.
Following are Ute rules for inspecting
nurseries, nursery stock, fruits, etc:
Rrut 14. This role is hereby changed
and made to read as follows :
The fee for the inspection of apple,
pear, plum, peach, nectarine, prune cUer
rr, apricot, nut-bearin? tree, and all
other trees, ahrut or plants, shad be as
Thirty cents ner bonr. including th
time from leaving borne, inspection, and
return home of the inspector, and ac
tual traveling and other expenses.
When nursery stock, trees or plants
are found to bo infested with insect peats
or diseases, a charge of 50 per c.-nt. will
be added to the furegoing rates to pay
expenses of the quarantine othcer for su
pervising dtsintcction and subsequent
On all frn:.'. ;Le fee for inspection
shall be one dollar or .any sum up to 35
dollars, and two doiian or any sum over
that amount, and five dollars ior car load
Inspection Ue must be paid in all cases
before eeruticaie is granted.
Kria 15. AH peniuns growing nursery
stock, trees and j Can Is ior tale or to be
offered for sale, are hereby required to
report to Uie commissioner of the dis
trict in which said nursery stock, tree
or plants are grown, for inspection, dur
ing tbe months of beptember, October or
November of each and every year; and
Uie commissioner of such district, or hi
duly appointed deputy, shall inspect
such nursery stock, trees or plants, prior
to shipment and delivery.
When said nursery 'stock, trees or
plants are found by said insDectin offi
cer to te worthy of a ctrtincate celling
lorui ute ireedum ol such nursery stock,
trees or plants from live injurious insert
pesta, tl eir eggs, larvae, pupae or fungus
diseaees, the said insnecumr otfker shall
then issue to the owner or owners oi said
nursery stock, trees or tdanta. a certifi
cate of inspection
The condition under which this certi.
Scale is granted is, that the party or
parties receiving such certificate .haA !
compelled to disinfect by fumigation with
nyurcc-yanic acta gas, aa described in
rule 8, ail apple trees or other stock
grown on apple roots, after lifting the
same and before delivery to purchaser or
car tiers; and in case said fumigation is
neglected, said certificate of instwetion
shall be void and of no effect.
The tees for inspection of nnrserr alack.
trees or plants, and issuing a certificate
therefor, shall be three dollars and actual
expenses per day, and mast be paid br
Uie party or parlies before said certificate
is granted.
All lees so collected shall be reported
at the regular meeting of this bosud ;and
no memoer ei tne board, while engaged
in inspection lor which fees mav be col
lected, shall charge the per diem' allowed
by law.
Passed at a meeUne of the State Board
of Horticulture, at Salem, October 15th,
. u. iwo. i, it. Uardweil,
Attest: Johx Mixro, President.
We Don't Bcliwc it.
The Oregonian intimates that the S. P.
is back of the O. C. & . because it is
not fighting that road as well as the C
K. & N . Tbe Danocnat does not believe.
the 8. P. has anything to do with the O.
& fc and tbere is nothing to indicate
it. The following though is some rea
soning bv a Portland mau the other way:
He said he had received information
which convinced him of the fact that the
P. was hack of Mr. Hammond. "The
Southern Pacific may win its fijrht w ith
with the U. K. A to. said the gen
tleman referred to, "and then not be in
any belter shape than before with the
Oregon Central & Kastern eating up its
val ley business. It is more important
to silence the Oregon Central Eastern
than the O. R. & N. Co., as far aa San
rram isco business is concerned.
Wnii.B Dura HcHTixa A few mile
up ths Willamette the other day a man
named William Walker while out duck
huutinir in a smalt boat, allowed his gua
to be accidently discharged, and received
the contents 10 the fleshy nut ot bis lore-
arm A physician was called, did not
think the loss of tbe arm wa likely. Wai
ker resides on the Linn county side of tne
Willamette. Times.
Docsnt Take Much Money For
groceries at rarker uros. tueir
prices are reasonable and
Quality is something also. They keep on'
ly tne ueil 11 is a tairanu square
flat footed fact that if you
trade with them
you al
ways gfst good treatment in goods, prices
and personally. That is consider
able in the lone run. It
counts particu
larly in
groceries and baked goofs. 1 ou can ret
what you want without running
around by trading with
Parker Uros.
Completely Satisfied
are neoule who cot their prescription
tilled at Hodges & Burkharts. They
exercise the sreatest care and are al'
ways prompt. Pure drugs, perfumery
and a tine line of stationary.
limhi: n.V . 1 ,are ttM tor
Bear in Mind Not One
tions is as rood as the renuine.
This season has been a rusher for
us in these necessitiesSeveral times
we have re-ordered.
Useful and highly appreciated as
Christmas gifts.
So is nice uhderwearelegant
neckwear- dress shoes and water
proof shoes for street wearno over
shoes needed.
Holiday lines will be ready now.
L. E, Blain Clothing Co..
Go to the
December II and 14 at 2 and 7 p.m.
Remember this sale and avail your
selves of an opportunity to get goods at
your own price as this eale will soon
Onr list to sell this week will consist
of a great many staple goods in tbe fl
owing lines.
Dry goods,
Ladies Cloaks,
Boots & Shoes,
A Urse line of drees eoods will be of
fered, also a large assortment of Mens,
Ladies and Children shoes.
Cheap prices at private sale.
Pec. 9th, IS95.
W. H. Worrell,
Jej for the Jaded aat Good
Health far all Kaaklnd.
tearadsthxa f 1 ties t
hCTba, ud f " ,i T
run lam BO 1 I Pp
lllttll if
rK or L-.tjt, I
neis. jot -m
cut es Iy
pepsta, C h r oatc
and Kidney
robs the
h'.ood oC alt
Its impuri
ties, sad
BDonea sll
UieM impart-
Jay's Vegetable
prevents tired feel
legs, taggering sen-
fauooa, palpitation
of heart, rush ot
blood to the head,
disxincsa, ringing in
ears, soots before the
eyes, headache, bil
ionsnera,coostipatkia of bowels, pains in
the bacamelaacholy,
tongue coated, foul
breath, pimples on
fscebody and limb,
decUneoTnerve force
diasy spells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, sour
risings, fatigue, in-
Komukiwi au uia
easea of t he stomach,
liver and kidneya.
Joy, Vegetable 8r-
mpaniia is suki oy all
drunists. Kefase a
substitute, whea yoa
pay lor the bert set that
yoa get U beak
Tin roofung and plumbing,
the opera house.
IW. Prkw'a Cream ttakias PowJei
WsrM's Fair tlfei AwarS.
P in the back, side, chest, or
of the hoat nf r-nn.r..'v. j -ra
up to
if O.oi 4
I'll- -i-ejrtr
Pullman Sleeping Uars,
Elegant Dining Cars.
Tourist Sleeping Cars
St Paul
jn Grand Forks
Winnipeg '
Helena and
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South
3t nfonnatioo, time cards, laape and
tickets call 00 or write C G BoAhart,
Agent, Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, Aat 'en raaa Agt
Portland, Or.
New Goods..
Mrs Ashby's
Stylish hats, capes with whistle?, mit
tens and handkerchiefs, stamped linen,
hose, side combs, ornaments, underwear,
corsets and a general line of goods.
HENT. Notice is hereby gives that the under
signed bas been duly appointed and has qua I
iticd as assignee ot the estate of A L Lamb
aa insolvent debtor, pursuant to a deed of
assignment duly executed and filed in de
partment No 1 of the circuit court of the
S'ate of Oregon for Lion county, and all
persons having claim against the estate of
said insolvent debtor will present tbe same,
ouly veriSed as equired by law, to the un
dent fro'd at the law office of B'sokourn &
Somers. ia Albany. Oregon, within three
months from the date hereof
. . r. . - .. -j
Attorneys for assignee.
To all whom it may concern, take no
tice that Sarah Brenner, the execn'rix of
of the last wi'd and testament of Benja
min Brenner, decemd. has Sled her final
account at such executrit, wito the county
clerk of Linn county. Oregon, and that tb
Hon coonty court, of said county, r-as ap
pointed Thursday, December li. lSSo. a
the boor of 1 o'clock in the afternoon af
said day as tbe time, and the county eour
room at the county eou-t house of said
county as the place for bearing oSiection
o said final account, if any theie be, and
the contirn.atioa of said accoent.
Dated Nov. 9, 1SS5.
Gso. W. Wright, Sarah Brksskr,
Atty for Kxecuti tx, Exscutnx.
Notice i hereby eiven that umtersiiroed
administrator of the estate cf Jasper Crab
tree, deceased, has filed his final account
tn the cHiny court of Linn county, Or
egon, with the clerk thereof, and the court
has fixed the 2nd nay of Dec. 1895 at the
hour ot 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. for
hearing objection to said account, if any.
and for ths settling of said estate.
Ibis the 21 t day ot October iwj,
N xwtos Chabtrkk,
Wkathkrtord k Wyatt. Admrtr.
A'tys for Auuirtr.
NOTICE. On account of ill health I
aare decided te sell my lunch counter
business including fuel enocgh to last
about 1 month. Will give pnesessioa at
one. Terms $300,00 ICOO.GO cash, bal
ance on time with good security. W. A
Barnett. '
STRAYED. A bluck boar, with a few
white spots, from my farm near Tang
nt. Finder will please put hi w up, and
will pay expense. A . L. Bridgefarnser