Ths nervous system Is weakened eiiralgia Torture; Every nerve Is strensrthened la tbe V EAThbttt'UKD fc W YAT-" , Attorney a law. Will practice In all oonrU of the state. Special tentlon jrivon to matter in prob-te ndtoeo.lecuoua. OFFICE In the Fiinn block It BI1I.TED Attorney at Law Solicitor in Chancery. Col ttoos made on all points. Loans negstUtsd on liable terms. Albany Oregon JJ VTHITNE .- a ' Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. liLACKBURN & SOBERS A.-XTOIl3SrE-3rS LAW, All legal matters will receive prompt at entisn. Office, First National Bank uildinp, up stairs. NT AN YE eft HACKtKHAM, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JJB. J. I HILL, hrolclanind dortreoii, OFFICE Co rue erry streets, Albany, Oregon. EO. W. HAKBIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is saw located in the Dnoout offlee, eoraer e Sad and Broadalbla streets Albany. Or. Bents .and Collections a Specialty. DR. C, U, CHAF.1BERLIH IIOaZOB OPATHIST Office ou Ferry St near cor 8rd St. Offic boors. 7 to 9 a in. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. FIRST NATIONAL. BANK, OF ALBANY, ORWOS resident Vice Preaiaent . LFL1NS S. S,YOUNO S, w. LAKODOS TRANSACTS A eESSBALbaatosUBioa ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to eheefc. SIOHT KXCHANOK and tel Taphie tranat r, old KewYork.Saa Fraaciaco, Chleaco and P-wtlard ron A iLStmOHS ADKoa favorable eras Toons K W Bun, L. Fusal Kssass I j Sox. J Yf. CUSICtt K COBiSREB eoV ALSAITY. OH8, fRAKSACT a eneral Banking uaineas. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York. San F ecoand PorUana, OTesrwi. LOAH MONEY an approrad srenrity . RSCVUTB deoasita subject to check. youunrrtos mane on aroraiM INTEREST paid on time deooat i nuioic&ii Riisifia pays k V atam jst w Sk aaaauta s SI rTDiav ai at waa..cs- j .nfce tiocty j- p C c-iiMirs fire ffasciag Ciilov-tel Is about i?s IllnstVateil j a. nj i- ceeca ior tae. C.:talocu mechscJcaHy the beat We are PaaSc Ccast Afenta. Bicycle cata- kigmvnsi'lcdfreejees fn!l dcjLilcUon. prices, etc.. AGEsrrs grABTED. fXTALUJa A ISCUBATOK M- feTSIWS.tSi Bsasch Bocss, S31 S Main St., Los Angeles. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that undersigned administrator of the estate of Jasper Urnb- tree, deceased, bas filed his final account in the county court of Linn county, Or egon, with the clerk thereof, and tbe court has fixed the 2nd day of Dec. 1895 at tbe boor of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. for hearing objections to slid account, if any, and tor tbe settling of said eta'e. This the 2lst day of October 1S95, Nkwtos Crabtree, Weathebford t Wyatt. Admrtr, Attys for Adm'rtr. DO YOU write letters? Of course you do, and what is ni 'than smooth let'er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary, ou should BUY ENVELOPES of ns at one? and soa tha fins quality an extra tow prices. .Next time you wan some inquire OF SMIL KY THE PRINTER Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances ar; cused by an impure flood, which will result is a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities wiil develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results of ?I have for seme time bted fta sufterer f rom a severe blood tro"'j'?, ior which I J took tor i reirfdies that T did me i. j poca. I have Bad Blood I now talfra lour bottles of I iththeroostwsoderful results l'.V;'-gCl Aia enjoyicj the best health I e?er kne, nai gained twenty 'pounds and cy friends tar) they never saw . iiie as well. I am ft-el:ni quite like a new -?cn. JOHN S. EDELLN, V Gorernmsm r5,yh.zOace. Waibiagtoa. O, C Our Treatise on Elood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. SFiFT SPECIFIC CO., jljanta, Ga. iREGUN CENTRAL & EASTERN -YAQUIHA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaquina Ba7 with tae San Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam ship Company l A- A and first class in every respect J. Sails trom Yaquina ior San J ancisco about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations !unsurrass. ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California, Fare from Albacy or points west! San Francisco Cabin .;' , . . fi .12.0u Stekbagh , ;"'.t.X.V;. 8.00 Cabin round trip good 60 days. . . 18.0 For Sailing Pays apply W.rt, -H. L. WALPitr,Agt, Cuab. Clabe,Supi Albany, Or. Corvaliis, O Edwin Stone, manager, Corvaliis, Or. rA.oi Zurnva nreJ3 stoid JC 11,1 J sSSaJsTSf '. T I 1 "J by the care of It by ta axed wheats healtn by ta nse of SHAUErTS Compound Cod Liver CI Capsules. I'nenrpassed as a remedy for C so lum pti on, Aatk- ma. Bronchitis Cough. Debility, and all wasting diseases. Perfectly tasteless. This rly scientific remedy by boil dine ana re I ring the body and renewing waste isir, resists and destroys disease annas, contains the purest Cod Liver OU comblmed wit: Kccchwood Tar: pleasant and easy ts take, nuonabi; and honestly com pouted by a practical pharmacist. You can get them ONLY BY MAIL, Pra. paid to you on receipt of 85c, pr box. rtrtmred lc(r ry G. O. SHAl'ER, CHBWST. 39th & Stats Sts. T T7HT riTTTT? T W 10. fl A TTS.TJ! I XVUiU-w w .a. a . . . va-awaB I And the symptoms will diaappw This yon wiu accomplish by uainf SKAUERS' CATARRH THRCAT SPECIFIC sal incomparable remedy for disesses of ths Taroat. etose. ana uoaia. a ccrtaia, simple and effective curs for Catarrh, Hsj Feier, Diphtheria, Quins, Sots Taroet Feat rsatk. Wesrsted sr Carl, yea Wocts sad Tsagsa. JBaafiy used, quick to relieve, positiTe curs. rware ready: small ia price. Doat wait tUl you must hare it set it sow. EEKT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid o.- receipt at sue, .Prepared orr ir G. G. SHUER. Chemist. Ste A 29th Sts.. Chicago, COPYRIGHTS Cw 1 ART ATM a pit Para ; snswer sou an honest ODtnion. writ to tion.wi hfahy i;KN Aera-who hmv had nearly any reej experience tn the patent baatness. Comnaunle tlooa trtctl r eonSdentlaL A HsilWak of Is. Tormauon concerninc ranin ana auw w wo tain inem sent free. Also a catalogue ox i Patents takea thronsh Mana St On. TSecrva ipeelal notice In the rViratiSc America a, and thna are brought widely before Lbe pnMte wtu mt Met tn tha tnvntir. Thte anleodtd Daner. tsaned weekly, etocantlj llrastrated. haa by far tba iargest cjrenlattoa ot any bo entitle work tn the world. S3 a Tear, sample Rnlldiru, IbiilMB. UMtntblv. Sliti a 1 Bonteaa rear. Stasia triples. -H centaTBTery number contains bean. titu uum. In eolora. and DbotrarraDhs of new houses, with plans, enabi ins boildera to show the aateM desicse wi secure contracts, Aooreea . tnwM CO. SW You. XClBs - WAS NEW LIFE a. t e. wxsrs rzsn tsn ma niAmm is jold under positive writteo ouartetee by lothortzed mgmiZB only, to cure ViaaK alemorrt . joeaof Brain ard Notts Power: loss Manhood 'jutckness: Nisht Losses; Evil Dreams; Lack of iVmndancs: Kerroosneas; Laaaitnde; all Drains Lossnf Power of the Generative Ortrans in eithe pz. csnsed hy over-exertion. Youthful Errors, o jice-nn Css of Tooaoco, Opium ar Idq-oot a leads o Hiserr. Conaompajn, Ineanifc and Death, bj null- (1 a box; six for ; with written -ruarantee to cure or spfund money. Sample packase. contaicira uvw days' treatment, -run full ine-Tnotiina. 9 r--r.ts. One aiaav " sold to each psraou VT uaiL Feshy ft Mason.agents 4w lraney Upholsterer -Ar.d Repairer-. Hair, wool and shoddy n at trusses ren" rated axd made over. Furniture of every description and Lab- carriages re-npholstered and vanished. Drop m note in th P. O.. or call at 7 street, between Ferry anl Brjadalbin. A hany, Or. hfa ailfhrll W itoiiiK -(MauCi-u7l) ee cjiin. i fitfX ej i ia te Uu taaif. TJw Sra if V PREVENTIVE eg it lata--1 i Mafcuwiliia C?aTR5SST 17 E A I LIE CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims of Last JKanbasd shoo id send at once ior a Dooa that explains how full manly visor is easily, quickly and permanently restored, ho man suffering from weakness can af ford to ignore this timely advice. Book tells how full e-trensdi. do relopment and tone are Imparted to every portion of the body. Sent with positive proofs (sealed) res to any man on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. RIP-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Tie AcaJeij cf Oar Laij Oi Perpslual Help, Allaiiy, Of. A boarding and day school conducted by the Benedictine Sisters will , resume studies Aug. 27, 1895. Every facility will be offered for thor ough courses in scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. . An able teacher of piano, violin, guitar and vocal music will have charge of the musical department. Drawing and paint ing will, like music, be taught as extras. Ieesons in plain and fancy needlework. For further particulars call at the . Acad emy or address. Sistkb Sdpxbiobess. and Trade- Marks obtained, snd all I ent bisibess conducted tor moc n, rrra Ooa flFnoi is Ort-osrrf t. Ptiht omet and we can secure patent in lea jus klisa these, remote f imn Washington. 1 Send model, drawing or photow. wits deiertp-f Uo-. We advise, if patenabs ar not, iree off charge Our fee not due till p- Wot w aeeure. S A raiswicr, "How to Ot 3 Patent s. " wltM aost of suite in the V. S. via iureigsosauiesl sent free. Address, aA.srjow&coJ Oft. 1 LUX LC BRUN'3 , fJilEL BHD PEBHY83Y..I PR: are the original and 1 ",EMCIi a-ife and rs. liable cure on the market Price t i-bit: oeat br (sum Uensiesolloaiy bi . .A. Camming, sole agent. Albany 1IEO EFIsH U THK PI.I7MRRR j Tin roofiing and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite BH l 1 1 I ta iy W.M e ; tm U mm mhrmtcLf illl. Both St. Louis and Detroit have ship ped tbeir ;ast horses from tbe street cars. Young Montgomery, the Linn county , murderer, should now be hanged aud i buried out of public sight as fast as due legal process will allow. Statesman Yes, but we ought to be allowed a breath I ing spell juBt the eame. Let ui rest a few days between the trials. A man is as old as his arteries. It they are soft and compressible, the de teriorating effects of old ane have not yet appeared. Distilled water is recom mended as a solvent to act upon the salts in tbe blood and expel them from the body. Apples, grapes and bananas are rich in nutritions elements, and do not contain anything which causes tbe ossifying blockades in the sysUm. Sir John Lubbock has been expert menting with the appetite of a spider. and comparina its eating capacity with that of a healthy man. He finds that . . - ' , ., not even the ogres of fairyland were credited with such eating capacity as a I man must have ii he absorbed the eame proportion to his weight in food that a spider does. If a man ate in the spider e proportion he would consume the equiv alent of four barrels ot fish, a dozen bogs three sheep and two oxen in a single day. One of tbe largest advertisers in Lon- don says : "We once hit upon a novel I expedient for ascertaining over what area our advertisements were read. We published a couple of balfcolumns ad vertisements in which we purposely mis stated balf a doien historical facts. In less than a week we received between 300 and 400 letters from all parts of the I country, from people wishing to know why on earth we keptflsuch a consumaie idiot, who knew so little aDout tognan history. The letters kept pouring in for three or fonr weeks. Ii was one ol the Dest paying aavertisements we cvn printed, but we did not repeat our ex periment, because; the one I referred to served its purpose. Our letters came from schoolboys, girls, profeesors.clergy men, echool teachers, and, in two in stances, from eminent men who bave a worldwide reputation I was more im pressed with the value of advertising from those two advertisements than I should have been by volumes of theo ries.' A great many persons suppose that tba portraits of Jesus exhibited in tba shop windows or need to adorn various religions books, especially tbe several "Lives of Christ" which have appeared from time to time, are exact likenease of the Savior. We bave it, however, on the authority of the most noted eccles iastical writers of both modern and an cient times that nothing could be more erroneous than such suppositions. Neither bave we what could be called an accurate pen-picture of the lowly Na arens. The Gospels give no bint what ever concerning bis personal appearance. From the different conceptions of the Messiah descend tbe two types of pictures of Jeans the Ecce Homo and the Halva tor. Of real painted pictures ot the Sa vior there are none that can be pronoun ced genuine and authentic. The reason of this probably lies in tbe fact tbat the Jewish law forbade all attempts at mak ing images and likenesses. We first hear of a portrait of Christ in the famous correspondence between Jesus and King Abgarus, an account ot which is given in tbe manuscript of Eusebius, which was written about tbe year 320 A. D. Ex. The mail service in many rural die tricts is a positive disgrace. One or t o mails a week is tbe rule in hundreds cf country towns, and in many a single mail at intervals ot 10 days to two weeks is the ruie. In sucb places tbe poetoffice may be in a blacksmith shop or cross roads store where frequently do one is in charge to band out tbe mail. Aud to send a letter to the people bave to trav el for miles to tbe postofSce. It ia high time all this was changed. The post office should reduce its rates to absorb tbe whole business ot transporting mer chandise in small packages, as well as books, papers and letters. More fre quent mails and free collection and de livery in all well-settled country districts wou'd make a stupendous increase in tbe mail service tbat could not fail to pay its way in a very few years. The govern ment could well afford a deficit of a lew millions to inaugurate this improvement in view of the benefits it would confer upon rural population. These people need every possible help a perfect mail service can give, for it is in the best and cheapest way ot dWpel'ing tbe isolation of farm life and making it so attractive tbat population will aga.'r. turn toward tbe farm. Sucb a mail service is lbe least this great government can give tbe people. American Agriculturalist. A Day for Thanksgiving. This is a day for being thankful and eating turkey. It may be looked at very seriously, or good naturedty. But bow ever one considers it it is well to be thankful for something. For instance: The editor of the Salem Post is run ning over with thankfulness because be is not like Hofer of tbe Journal, hasn't as big feet and isn't stuck after the girls. Mr. Hufer can hardly express his thankfulness because not built in that spread out style of Gov. Fletcher. Seattle people are thankful because they don't live in Tacoma. Astorians because tbey are to have a railroad and are to be the shipping point of the N. W. in anticipation Salem people because they because tbey will because well, because they will bave a bigger and better woolen mill, perhaps a solider insurance ccmpany, maybe a creamery, a branch of tbe O.C. &E., a railroad to the moon in prospect, a state fair next year, a legislature in a little over a year, and the benefit of the state institutions- Eugene people are shouting gloriouply because they bave a crack foot ball team, and it will lake a big with bone to satis fy them. Poilland is thankful because the me tropolis of the N. W. and its bank clear ances ars the largest. And so many are thankful because of worldly things. But serionslv in a material a ay take our nation from end to end and we bave reason to be thankful ou account of a great improvement, because ol peace with tbe entire world, because of insti tutions that even demagogues cannot tear down, because of a brighter out look generally rersooauy every can una ; much to be thankful for, if they can't it is their own fault, A more thankful spirit will do much to bring content- ment. peace and harmony in the affairs ',ife' " .' n ,, . , n Dr. Pflce'i Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Ten cents, please, to help Rot a fellow a dinner. Well, who could refuse on Thanksgiving day. Corvallls has a scandal. Tbe young men at the bottom of it ought to be made to suffer the full penalty of the law. They are getting it in the neck in the east, and it is white and cold, a foot or two deep and deeper where found in drifts. Paderewski is to receive $250,000 for 100 concerts at tbe rate of $2,500 a night. Water will never Beek its level at that price. 'It is more blessed to give than to re ceive" is something worth remembering today. Those who have brought glad nessinto tbe hearts of the poor nave reason to be thankful. ' Now they have gone to telling charac ter by the teeth. That is thin, for if a man had no teeth then be would have uo character, whereas many noble men wear false teeth. The Harrison ball baa -begun rolling Mr. Harrison ia positively a candidate Grandpa's hat is again to be brought out Patch the old thing up Ben, and get it ready for the campaign of 1896 The Salem (Oregon) Post says that "the human hand is one of God's most wonderful productions." So it is, es pecially when it holds fonr aces. Jack sonville Florida Times. : Bat better when it holds a pen or shovel Vulgarity with some people passes for wit, but at beet it is very dirty species oi humor. Sheridan Sun. The Sun never said anything better or truer thau this. Salem Post. That's right. Let tbe press of tbe country resolve itstlf into an anti-vul- garity eocie'.v. We will start with the Sunj PoBl and dhocbat. Who will . . fa nnt kod fi ht ,bit senseless ... , thtA urirjJOr hM no . , d no ltti0. The Basis, Judge Tourgee's paper, es timates tbe total of mob murders in the United States from March t, l&tt, to Sept. 30, 1895, to be 154. The total num ber killed and wounded in Sept. was S6. Of this number, sines March 1, 135 wet black and fouiteen were women. It it estimated that tbe victims ot tbe mob for 1895 will number fully 200, as tbe mobocralic tendency seems to be on lbe increase. Georgia sod Tennessee remain the centres this year, as tbey were last I er, A Salem gentleman of wiIe knowledge and experience in criminal matters, wbo listened to tbe greater jortion ot tbe evi dence in tbe trial of Mrs. Hannah at Al bany, for the murder of Mrs. Hiatt at Scio, gave it as his opinion to a States man reporter yesterday tbat U rs. Han nah wou'd not be convicted, tie said tbe state made a very poor case and that nothing but public prejudice could pre vent an acquittal upon tbe kind of show ing made. Possibly, be said, the jury might fail toagree, but tbey mould not convict. He said there was an ntte, failure to identify the bat found, or tbe tracks, as also to prove any direct threats by Mrs. Hannah. While there may be a private belief of tbe woman's guilt, Tet it haa not yet been legally proven. Statesman. All the same tbe jury found a verdict of guilty, and they were forced by the public Cut With the Shears. One thousand tons monthly on tbe 110 London. ot soot settle square miles of There is now at work in Detroit a negro motorman, the first ever appointed to such a position by a street railwsy com pany. When Mrs. leonine Cook, of Chicago, went in bloomers to visit a friend, tbe dog failed to recognise ber and tore ber garments to bits, severely biting ber. Mayor Piogree, of Detroit, will reccm mend to tbe City Council the establish ment of a permanent agricultural perk of about 100 acres for tbe municipal po tato farming experimenL Six generations of descendants attend ed tbe funeral of George P. Sanato, known aa tbe "Old Mail-Carrier ot the Potomac" ot Farkersborg, W.Va. He was 106 years old, and bis youngest child is seventy-four. J. E. Uore, writing on tbe "Sire ol the Solar System," says that, "enormously large aa the solar system absolutely is, compared with tbe sise of onr own earth, it is, compared with tbe sice of tbe visi ble universe, merely as a drop in the ocean." Mrs. Rebecca T. Bornbam and Miss Susie Sherman, wbo bave been missing from Digbton Mass., for moie than a year, and tor whom tbe police all over New England bave been diligently searching, were discovered at Xashna, N. H., the other day. When pressed both of the missing women acknowledg ed tbeir identity. Tbe man who, at bis Grand Bapide (Mich.) elevator, handled more beans than any other man in tbe world, Wi. iam T. Lamoreaox, generally known as the "Bean King,' committed suicide by shooting himself. Ill health was tbe probable cause. Ho was forty-eight years of age and began business on a small scale about thirty years ago.' The claim has just been made by John Hacb, of Consbocken, Pa., that be is tbe soldier who climbed to the top of the dome on the Court House at Raleigh, N. C, in April, 1864, and tore down the rebel flag, substituting tbe Stars and Stripes. He was then a member of tbe Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, under General Kilpatrick. Kalamazoo and Muskegon, Mich., met chants are using silver dollars for adver tising purposes. They are not giving away their dollars, but are using tbem as bill boards. The citizens are com plaining that the labels come off and stick to their pockets and that tbe gum makes the money unpleasant to handle. The United States District Attorney was appealed to, but be says it is not Against the law to to use coins. William MjDaniel, an old colored man who bas a record of having served over eighty terms in prison, was sent to jail for another term the other day at Media, Pa. While out of jail he rarely works. His glib tongue and comical talk are his 'stock in trade, and when these fail him ha goes to jail. He has served long ' terms in jail for larceny, but of late 3 ears his crimes have usutlly bee breach of the peace Mrs. David Oliver, of Fishing N.J., and two members of her family bad a narrow etcape from death by I . - drinking from a well wbich had been poi,0ned by rati. The rata had been given ,omi deadly poison, and in their death ,g0nies hsd worked their w,y through the well curbing. The poison from their dead bodies had tainted all ' tue wator and the lives of tbe family were saved only by prompt efforts. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. There is a red tinge to things this Sat urday night; bntas vet there is little blood, for Mrs. Hannah is only on hei way to the penitentiary for life, and Loyd Montgomery is liable to land in the insane asylum, though probably not crasy. Mrs. Ir&nnah'was very lucky in only getting a life sentence, for the murder for which she has been convicted was one of the most deliberate ever recorded According to the judgment of the jury dressed as a book agent in a straw hat, with specks and a false mustache she went to the house of Mrs. Hiatt for the express purpose of getting rid of her There was premeditation in every step taken. Even tbe sores were old ones. and ehe had evidently been brooding over the matter forevera.l years. Crack, crack crack cract, crack, and the deed was done, without a sign of provocation at the time, for Mrs. tfol tnan told the truth and could not be hired to tell anything else. If Brenner, McFeron, Farrier, Frost and Burmester toid the truth the Han nah children told as deliberate false hoods as were ever uttered in order to save their mother from the gallows Under like circumstances how many are there who wouldn't do likewise. Had tbey bave been able to agree at once on a line of testimony, and had Mrs. Ban- nab burned those shoes that Thursday evening it ia doubtful if a jury would bave convicted her; as it is, many thought the identifications were incom plete. A lawyer says that bad the line of de feuse been an admission that the d feddaot was the person, that she bad great provocation to do the act and bad told a plausible story of lbe sceoe in tbe llolman house, on account of the age of Mrs llolman, she might bave gotten off with a very light sentence if not cleared entirely ; but this is tpscolation. It looks as if Lion county mere having more than itsshar of murders; but as it never rains but it pours nl there are generally three ere alarms in succes sion, so we may console ourselves with tbe thought that we are getting tbiog only in the usual order. Our Journey Around The World. This highly instructive and splendidly illustrated volume is a lecotd of a recent journey around the world, by Rev. Fran cis E. Clark, D. D.. President of tbe United Societies ot Christian Endeavor, and bis wife. Throughout the long jour ney, which occupied more than a year, and cover! nearly fifty thousand miles bf eea and land, they enjoyed rare op rwirtiinit-eB for observation and stndv. : . . . 11 is one 01 me moat va uao.c dooss ever issued by the American press The reaJer is personally conducted through Australia, lodia, China. Japan. Egypt, PaHtline, Turkey, and many other lands. We see these countries through American eve, and obtain a pe-f'Olly clear view ot them and tbeir people, supplemented by two b nod red and twenty splendid 'ilotrsiioos from photographs, most of which wera taken by Dr. Clark bimseU ; lor he carried a M complete photographic oolSt with bim Dr. Clark waeooeofthe last Americans to travel tbrough.Chins and Japan before the war between these two countries was began. In this rare volume be gives us the latest and best insight ioto the daily tife of a Chinaman in bis own conn trv; h:s and dishes; opium fiends and their.ways; tbes;ngu!ar rites witnessed in tbe temples; tbe public ex ecution ot criminals: Chinese farms and farming : the seamy side of Chinese life, Japanese acrobats and their wonderful performances; Japaoese life, qufer cus toms, art, wonderful skill, etc, the burn ing ghats of India, where the bodies of tbe dead are consumed 00 high p'.ies of wool (a ceremony Dr. Clatk witnessed); the Towers ol Sileoce where the dead are exposed to be devoured by thousands of waiting vultures that constantly sit on the walls; wonderful native jagglers, fearless snake charmers and fakirs these are but a few of hundreds if inter ests topics presented. Their route led across tbe land that Joseph gave to bis father and ' brethren ; past tbe very fields where the Israelites made bricks without siraw, and along tbe highway where once rolled tl.e char iots of Pharaohs. The story f the dis covery of the mummy of the I'haroah wbo oppressed the children ot Israel, is wonderfully iuterestinp, 1: was found among those of 1 other mommies kings, queens, and princes in the rot si mortuary chamber in the Tbt-ban Hills, and the identification of Pharoah is com plete. Illustrations trom photographs show where tbe mummy was found, and others give full-length, pit file, and front views of Ibis ancient king wbo was con tempoary with Moses and reigned in Bible times, thus enabling all to see "juat how Pharaoh looked." A journey was trade ot hundreds of miles in an old spring wagon across Tur key and lrmenia, through an nnknown country, infested by robbers and bo-'ile natives, tbe scene ot the late horrible massacres of the Armenians by the Turks ahd Khurds- Dr. Clatk was the last christian to travel across these coun tries before these terrible massacres were perpetrated.! The story of this perilous trip is full of thrilling intereet and excit ing adventures. Mrs. Clark accompanieJ ber husband everywhere. She draws a vivid picture of life in far off-lands, "As seen through4 a Woman's Eyes.'' Her narrative is packed with anecdotes, incidents, and personal experiences. Her story of the long Journey in the wagon is highly en tertaining, its privations and perils, es pecially to a woman, being many. She was the only woman in the party, which consisted ot heisett and seven men. Dr. Clark's name is a familiar house hold word, and his tame as President ol the United Societies of Christian En deavor, with Us two and one half mil lice members, bas extended to every corner of the world. Manv distinguished per sons urged him to write this book. They knew that he had acquired in this re markable journey a wealth cf material which, with his unique collection of pho tographs, would make one ot the most valuable books ol the day. It contains s'.eel-p!nte portraits of Dr. to the end, and 220 fins illustralions.from nhntnerranka fmm Ufa. TIioom mini Ka r f " ' ' v ....... wv seen to be appreciated, If we speak warmly of the book, it Is because it richly deserves it. It is sold only by agents, and is meeting with an i enormous sale. Agents who introduce . first-class book like this ought to be cor- dially welcomed. We believe tbat the best way to keep out poor books is by In- Clark and of bis wife, from recent photo- sneaklTl nr of Thf frpsitmpnt - for .graphs; . large map, exhibiting Ih.j f scrofula he says. v whole world at a single alance. ahowiog r. 1. . I . r'.v C.i I.. ""-aMSMiw uvhwawai; IW SVBiV IIWI VW'UYVr '( tliA Mitt linr'a irtti ntr Irnm tliei luulnntn. I Oil 1 the beat rented of all. Tha all ahnnM troducing 'its b::;:''' a ji nomes. it will be read over and over again by old and young, with pleasure and lasting profit. The work is published by tbe old and well-known firm of A. D. Worthington & Co.,, Conn., whose imprint is sufficient guarantee of tht excellence of the volume. MISFITS. A Dayton. Oh 10 firm wants in menA nm some whiskey to present to some of our friends (or a ChriBtmas present at S3. 20 a ga Ion, the genuine "Harvest Home Kye, six years old, and they pay the freight. ou struck the wrong crowd, Mr. iiayner. One of the moat sumptuous Thanks- uiviug uiiiners today was eaten at the home of U. E. Browne!!, the grocer A " "issioreexpiainsit: "Thanks giving. Closed from 10:0 to 2:30. We have auer Krout." A Olg cut in freight mt, Uiiwn Portlaud and San Francisco is also in progress biash them down, though, icniijr ii wm uea uaatning lor 1'orlland Ail these cuts are of little use to that city. After the football came in Eutrene the) U. O. boys yelled: We made8ix, they made none, we can do it again, by gum 1 ivan i ran i ran i ijregon I l hen tbe Willamettes yelled: They made six, we made none, they can't do it agin, by gum 1 Rah! rah! rah! Willamette! and that is about the sixe of the whole business. TLe loudest, roughest game in existence. The Brownsville Times says Loyd Montgomery bad no pity for the woman who uore mm, ana is entiuei to none. That he thould bave a prompt trial and be banged. That is the correct way to protect society, In Linn county only $47,000 of money is taxed. If all men's money cannot be taxed then a few men's money should not be taxed. Under the present sys tem of taxation equality is impossible. The system ia wrong in principle and for that reason cannot be made just or practical. renuleton K. O. A union thankaeivinz service was be'.d in Portland yetrr-lsv. Addresses were made by J. E. liaeseltine. D Soils I Cohen, H W. Scott and J. X. Dolpb, while Rev. Roland Grant presided. Cer tainly a good idea for a lhaakstrivineser vice and a s-'gn of better morals in Port land considering tbe reputation of the speaker. I hiring the trial of Mrs. Hannah the ventilation in the court room was very Poor for so large a crowd. Attorney Young fainted during tbe afternoon, while making bis argument tor the state, a large lady in the audience had to be taken out and a little boy was carried from tbe room, so that altogether the scene was an interesting one, but yet of a eerioua nature. EJ Baker says he will in tbe future give the ladies at his lioarding house a wide birth. r-tur-lsy last he sewed up the sleeve of one of Ike ladies' cloaks, just to gel a joke on her. When Ed had stripped for bed that night and tried to don his night wuuUin't don I don his night shirt, it wwti.Jn t ,on)l m nnU Nol ori!v waa lhe leeTe sewed up, Ixit it had been put through a sewing machine "croeeerijw.criss croea" and etrery other way, making it as one pie:. LM is ready -to quit. McMinn villo Transcript. What ote is there in eating when food doM you no good in fact, w hen it does i you more harm than good, for such if, the cam when it is not digested. If ym have a loathing for food there is no use of forcing it down, for it will not be digested. Voo must restore rhe digestive organs to their natural strength and cause the food to be digested a hen an appetite will come, and with it a rel ish tor food. Tbe tired, languid feeling will give place to vigor and energy, then you wili put flesh on your bone and b.xurue strong. The Shaker Igetive Cordial as made by tbe Mount Lebanon Shakers contains ( 1 already digested ami is a digester ol food as well. Its action is prompt and its effects permanent. Doctors prescribe Laxol bevarue it has all the virtues of Castor Oil and is palatable. O. CAE. Time Table. Passenger1 Leaves Yaquina si 7 a. id. Arrives at Albany at 11 -..) a. tn. Leaves Albany I Ti, arrives at Bay at 5:40 p. m. Mixed Leaves Altauiv for Detroit at 7:14am. arrives at 1 Vtroit at 12 :15 p m. Leave Ivtroit at 12:55 p m, arrives at Albany at 5:30 p m. Freight 1 -eaves Albany at 7:15 a m on Mondays, Wedneedavs and Fridays. Ar rives st Yaquina at 4 .-05 p m ; leaves Ya quina at 8 :13 a tn on Tueedays. Thurs days eid Saturdays ; arrives at Albany at 4 :ia p. ni. Worthy Tour Ccnfadencc. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched lor'by thousand who were severely afflicted by this prevalent disease, but wbo now re joice over a permanent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the elands of the neck, or break out in dreadful run ning sores on the body or limbs. At tacking the mueous membrane, it may develop imo caurrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consumption. Come as it may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working upon the foundation ot all dis eases, impure blood, the system is clar ified and vitalized, and vigor, strength and health restored to the body. COME ONE, COME ALL. Julius Grndwohl Will Give You the Best Bargains in the City. I wish to inform the public that I wil reduce my large stock of crockery, glass ware, China ware and silver ware, and will sell out mv entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come in and price my goods and I will prove to you that I am not deceiving you, but mean business. J. Geadwoiii. A supply of Prescrvalinn nas just been received by Hodges & McFarland. It prwrves milk. Those wbo have been waiting for it will take notice. Sh'loh'a Cuie. luc great cough snd croup cure, Is in great demand. Pocket alse contain! went v-five doses only 35c. Children love iL sold by druggists. BORN WILLIAMSON. On Thursday morning Novehiber 28, 1895, to Mr." and Mrs. T. B. Williamson a girl. Scrofula Any doctor will tell you that Professor Hare, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work. be given in emulsion, so prepared as to be palatable." He also tays that the hypophosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott's Emulsion of cod-' liver '"oil? withThypophos phites, is precisely such a preparation. .1 . There was eprlling school between the Lako Creek school and the Grass Hopper school last Friday night. Lake Creek was victorious. Mr. Gibson while out riding last Sat urday with his wife came near meeting with a serious accident. Mr. Owen's large Newfoundland dog came running up liehind the buggy catching the horse by the heels and causing it to commence kicking in such away as to break tbe shaves and dash board. Fulton Jackson made a trip to Albany last week. rs R A. Oithens and daughter Allte wereoutridingThursday when the horse 1 became frightened and turned the buggy i over tmt no one was hurt. IN M KMOKY Of Mr. Geoive McNeil who died in Ilarrif burg Nov. 17tb, 18U5, at the age of 44 years, 6 months and 12 days. He Ifaves a wife and two little sons to mourn his lass. He is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, of I'eoria, and the brother of John, Newton and Elmer Mc Neil. Mrs. Mary Falmer and Mrs. Jennie Cunimings. Lis of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co.. solicitors of American and Foreien patents, opn. L . b. Patent office, Wash ngton, D. C. A Bannister, San Francisco, Cal, rail- j way ; J Bond, Turlock, Cal, device for propelling vessels; M P Boss. San Fran cisco, Cai, Chilian mill ; C Cbristensen, Oakland, Cal, voting machine; JChrist ensen, San Francisco.Cal, vehicle-brake; R Henslev, Salem, Ore, keyboard ; L G Holden, Portland, Ore, ladder-slice; M Jensed, Astoria, tJre.soldering-machine; J Laplace, San Trancisco, Cal, milk-can cover; T O'Learr. San Francisco. Cal. die for manufacturing shoes for statnp- mius. it a Simpson, rerndale. Cal. axle-gage; D L SmibaJTirhaven,Wasb, pump; ll l rasrseraaVatlersville, CAM. 7.rtu,PM rlkrHialthA lfnmATArnm Benefit Order ftis bevn organized in Leb anon with aborft thirtv members. Tbe following officers were elected to serve until Dec. Slet: Past president. B F Kirk; president, A E Davis; first vice president, Mrs H s Miller; second vice president, Jlrs 11 Y Kirkpatnck; re- cordins secretarv. Mrs Anna (iati-Jipll r treasurer, Mrs ii F Kirk; historian. Mrs L Foley; orator, Geo L Alexander; as sistant orator. Mies Cordelia Hardy; in ner Guard, Mrs A E Davis' guard ot the court. v T Nichols; medical examiner DrL Foly; trustees, J C Bilveu, E M Bos la r and J G Bovle. A Ivem REiBLE bnoT. There was in Albany this week one of the most re markable pistol shots in the United State. The gentleman was Mr. Benton, traveling talesman for Lunn, Kerrigan A Co., of San Francisco. Mr. Benton gives an exhibition when requested as revolvers are in bis line of business. At so leet he shoots nine bullets into a cir cle tbe size of a dollar inside of twenty seconds, after each shot twirling the weapon on his thumb. He has several medals to speak for his reputation as shot. Move 0t. Tramrs, hobos, wanderers to the right and left, behind and in front, begging, browbeating, persient. The police have had their hands full making mem move on. I tiev camp outside the city limits and it is almost impossible to keep tbem going, as the police officers have no authorilv bevond the citv lira its. Last night a vetv ornery fellow who had been srot out before, returned when the marshal started to arrest him. He fled down Ferrv street followed by a snot trom me omcer. Blosed ar Schlatter. Mr. Tim Wandi-Jl, of this city, yesterdav received from Ik-nver a haadkerchief blessed by Schlatter, the so-calleu Messiah, about whom the papers have been saying so moth. It was sent by a sis'.cr "oi Mrs. Wandell, who recently wtnt there from Albany. She was one of many to be favored that war. Schlatter blessed handkerchiefs bv tbe thousands, singly and in bunchew, until it became consid erable of a farce and a warrant was is- sued lor fits arrest. All tbe same, a handkerchief touched by bim is of great interest. The Oregonian rave tbe verdict of murder in the erauad degree in the Hannah case, was a mockerv of la Tbe pnbb? generally thinks Mrs. Han nah got oft very easy snd that she bad betu r not run tbe risk ci another truU. BOW TiiiSZ Vs offer One H':n "rr-d DoUsrs Eewmrd lor any case of Calan a ijt cscnot be cured hy Ball's Catarrh Csre. F. J. CH ENE Y i CO.. Props.. Tolcda. O. We the cuJ-riod. have kaowa F. J. Cheney for the Ivrt ti years, acd belier hiss perfect :.J toaoraiiis ia all haaiaesatraaaactMaa and financial'- th'.t to carry oat say obUgatioa aaaje by their frx. Wsirr A- Tar - W"j-i-.ase Troirtrijta,Tole O. WllttM, K.--S A XUartx, M hoeeasM UnLa riat. Tf 'rein. o. Rail's Catarrh t are letrkea taternalre, aet ta directly una to bio,i ard morons snr tacee of -he v -tec P.-tce 21c. r-er houio. Goitf by all lrurii. T .: data's free Nervous Proermiioc E. W. Jot Oojipast I nave suffered from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable harsa parilla haa cured me. My liver, stomach and bowels have been very inactive, bat since taking Ty.nir remedy I am entirely well. AH business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signen) Ma. Wm. Hexbt Jokes, Butte Mo ntana A. HAN'S A. MAX, But iM a big advantage to him to wear well latindried shirts and underclothing The Albany Steam Laundry, Richards Phillips proprietors, make a snecialtv of gentlemens work. Free mending tor men besides the first class laundry work.. A superior hich does finish tn shirt collars, cuffs, etc. Hlgb Art Custom Tailoring. Besides his regular business W. R. Graham is prepared to take orders for nip n art custom tailoring by a leading house in New York, onlv union labor employed and first class work guaranteed. au sinus oi garments made trom the nest line of samples ever seen in Al bany, a fact easily appreciated bv an ex amination of the sample book. Suits trom sioup. One Honest Man. Dsak Editor: Please inform vour read ers that if written to confidentially, I will mini in a sealed letter tbe plan pursued by which 1 was permanently reatored to health and manly vigor, after many tears of suf fering from Nervous Weakness, Loss of Manhood, Lack of Confidence?, etc. I have no scheme to extort money from any or whom.toever. I was robbed and swindlMi by quacks uatil I nearly lost faith in man kind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to mako this certain means of cure known to all. Having nothing to seil or send C. O. D.. I want so money. Address Ias A. Harris. Box 107, IVlray, Mich. Backache, disxiness, tiredness give waj to Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparil.'. Pleask Pat Up. Our accounts have been placed in the hands of G. W. Wright for collection. All persons ow ing us sre requested to call upon him aud attend to the same. Am-hine Bkos. ALAHY MARKET. Wheat, A2t Oats c , Fbur, S3. 50 Butter 20 Egss25r. Lard. 12 to 15c Pork hams, 12 to l&c, shoulders Sides 11 to 13o Hay Baled 15.00 9 0 10c TELEGRAPHIC, Tk Bale I'ltat. East Francisco, Nov. IK). The Oregon Railway tc Navigation Company and the Pacific Coast bbeamsbip Company have picked op tbe gauntlet thrown down by tbe Southern Pacific, and have gone tbe latter one better in the freight 6ght between here and Portland. It was given oat today by Goodall, Perkins & Co. that the rate on all freight ' Fortland, fmmencing with the departure of the steamer btate of Califor- aVlsaster. Cabmel, N. Y., Nov. 29. An accident, resulting tn the loss of 14 or 1" lives, oc curred at tbe Tilley-Foster mines. little after 3 o'clock this afternoon. Foreman Patrick was descending into the pit to take the tni-e of two gangs of laborers, number ing 'Jf men. who were working at the bot tom, when a vast weiirht of earth and rock slid with tbe lores of an avalanche from tbe mouth of the i pit to the bottom, a distance of 300 feet The earth crashed over the men with tremendous force. Out of one gang of 11, only five came out alive, and three men employed in another gang were takea out dead. ( Aw laellaw Outbreak. Dexvek, Nov. 29. A special to the Times from 1 Paso, Tex., says reports reached El Paso this noon of a big Yaqui outbreak in Actbeaatern oonora. A num ber of citizens, including Americans, are reported to have been killed. Very Law Keeerre. Washixoto, Nov. 29. Today a state ment of the condition of the treasury shows an available cah balance of $179,015,129. Gold reserve. l,ts0.875. Tbe treasury today lost .1.750.000 in gold for export, which laves the true amount of the gold reserve ia,3J0,3 Leaks fcieeaay tn Tarkey. Cosstaxtixopls, Nov. 29. Abdo Ham id appears to cave completely lost bis bead. Tbe public service is entirely disor ganized; the cabinet ministers are being sent for from tbe palace at all hours of the day and night, and may be said to be in almost constwt attendance at the Yildi kiosk. Everybody is anxious and worried Tbe little news received here from Asiatic Turkey only tends to make the situation look blacker. Tae Caaalag Cwarea n ASHUCGTOS, Nov. 29. There is a grow ing probability that the republicans at tbeir caaens, Monday next, will decide to attempt to reorganize the senate on re publican unea, and that a candidate to- president pro tern will the be decided opr 00. tjtute a number ot republican sens tors including three members of the steer ing committee, were at tbe capital today, and an informal exchange of views among them resulted in the general adoption of this conclusLw- BVprraeeiLallTr real ataU C a ears. Saj FRAjtcisoo, Nov. 24 Twenty-two men, with long hair parted in tbe middle, representing the brain and brawn of tbe university of California and Stanford uni versity, wrestled and straggled for tn boar and a half Urn afternoon over a footbalL Rctte. Moot, Nor. 23. Bulte defeat ed the Olympic team, of San Francisco, at football today by a score of 24 to 0. Butte played a strong game, rushing from the start, and bad tbe ball most ot tbe time, Tbe line was strong at critical times, and tbe Olympics were week. Philadelphia. Nov. 23. The eniver- sity uf FesnsrlvaJiia football eleven this afternoon defeated Cornell by 46 to 2, thus winding up tae football Poetlas D.Nov. 28 Tbe Multnomah 'a defeated tbe Portland's 4 to 0. Tae TaHaTvsawstia). WASnrscTos, ov. 2S. rrom every thing that is said by republicans who have corns to Washington it ts apparent that no matter wnat jsr. LKTeiano art saia nere- tofare, or w b it he may say in his message. a tariff bill to raise reveooe wid be sent bim. More than that, it will be a repub lican measure, and contain many elements of protection. Kcr instance, no tariff or revenue bill can go through congress wbich does not coc tain aa adequate protection far WJOi. Pray IW lacesawiL Clevxlaxd. Nov. 23. Manv fervent j prayers were doubtless offered in this city today for tbe conversion of Colonel Robert G. Ingersoil, the noted agnostic. Last week, at the quarterly meeting of the Christian Endeavor union of Ctere'and, it was sngeected thai such prarers b offered and the president appointed noon today as lot ume. TW Pre at leans Thaat actvias. WisnisoTos, Nov. 23. President Cl-t eland and Airs. Cleveland came into town Ibis morning, and. alter passing aa boor at lbe bite Hoo-e. taev attraded services at the i irst Presbyterian church and listened to a sermon bv Dr. TaJruaije, following tbe reading of th - rreet Jrnt' lliAnkgiving proclamation and tue rendi u jd of several patriotic h-tnn. From ciurcb tbe president and i, t. Cleveland drove directiy to WoudWy, -re th-y en joyed TbankAgitiag daMr in the privacy of toeir lAniuy. Tea CM far frtarc Foet Smith. Ark.. Nov. 2S. John J. Overton, claiming to be 9$ years of sire. was convicted in tbe United States court of forgerv. His offense was tbe forgery of two affidavits to support his application fot aa increase of penuoo, filed in li2. A SSaewa Cassias;. Sax Fkaxcwco, Not. 23 Storm sig nal are disnlaved from Point Imu mirth ward for a rnoderateiy severe storm along toe northern coast, and information sig nals from San Francisco north. ate Kara peel. Walla Walla. Wash.. Nov. 27. This morning at 5 o dock, G. T. Stevens, who was cerrioaT a 10-year sentence from Wbaicora county, escaped from the peni tentiary. Stereos was in tbe hospital, aud by means of a fcrk and stove-litter that be ka1 maLAged in some way to get ponea- yoa ot, be made a hom in the wail ot bis room at a point near tab window, and crawled throutrh, making bia way to a t i iii ! V.e stockade that was in a shadow. He aJ,t tbe wail by tbe aid of a ladder be I sc la.r-ovieed. ' A Teat Caae Era 8.x n. Or., Nov. 27. The case of the cannery men on biuslaw bur, wbo are un der arrest, charged with violation of tbe fish and game laws, bids fair to be one of great importance to tbe state. It seems the canners went on with their work after November 1, fully expecting to be arrested. Thecannets of salmon tn this state, it teems, have formed a compact with the in tention of making a test of the law, which, they are confident, will be found invalid. arrtsea a CaaSMale. W.sbixotos, Nov. 27. It looks very much aa if Benjamin Harrison were a can didate for the republican nomination for president Some of his friends here are workiug very hard for him, and he has been holding a great many conferences of lab;, which point to a positive determina tion on his part to enter the field. Harri son knows as well as any other man that he can be elected if nominated, The Constat Maeaaa. Wasuixotox, Nov. 27 There are good reasons for the belief that, in bis forthcoming message to congress. Presi dent Cleveland will strictly adhere to his previous utterances in regard to the tariff and financial questions, and it is altogether probable that these subjects, with that of our foreign affairs, will occupy nearly the whole nievsage, to the exclusion of alt other matter. Ne rreteeilen Whatever. Coxstamtisopls, Nov. 27. More am pie details have just been received here of Cie burning of the American mission build iugs at Kharput. Tbey show that the Turkish government officials, in spite of tbe abundance of promises of protection for the American missionaries and tbeir property, made by tbe ports to the United State Minister Terrell, and to the Americans themselves bv the authorities of Kharput, utterly failed to guard tbe Americans There was no protection offered or given them until after tbe maMacra had actually occurred. Daaaas Bea4 Paris. Vnv 27 Abtvsn.W Dnm.. dead, tie died peacefully at 7:45 o'clock this evening, surrounded by his family. President Faure and ex-Empress Euge nie had made frequent inquiries regarding he condition ol the distinguished patient. THE SECRET OF A BEAUTIFUL SKIM 18 FOUND IN GUTICURA SUAP Oh wm. Brhka. Oraefa T. Wssv Wit a So. U Erne at. i.a. rwrraa oje jptMaCMi.Siirim, Sniii.ti-a-s- THBOUGH TLKETS to the EAST via the Union Pacific System. Through Pullman Palace sleeper Reel in in Toorist sleepers and Sew Chair ears TUILY POBTLAXn TO CHICAGO. Trains heated i , . and cars light ed by fin tech Light. Time to Chicago 2 days, time to New York H days. hie) is many hoars Quicker than all competitors. For rates, time tables and full infor mation, apply to Ccsbks A Morrtrtu, ageate, Albany, Or. . 0 R VV Baxtost. C E Baowa, Gen'! Agent, Dist Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. EAST AND-SOUJH THE SHASTA-KOUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. SSSr.a.1 Le Itl a s I L M4Se Ar Ahosc train ateo at Portland Oregon Citv. Woodborn. bakai. Tamer Mama. Jefferson. Ai'n-my. Aixy Junc toa. Tangent. Sheod. Hatsey Eneeae. Creawevt, Drain, end all srKna from HoJeUirg south toani nctai ng n' BUr-aJU S40a La eVrveu- r c 15 t i iefa l"njw fcrei Ar Aibaay Utaaaa Aihaay trsBtr Arl l 1 C POLLUAf MPFFJ SLtt?E. Diitine Cars on Cg4?n Rsuw SECOND-CUSS SLEtfHB CftRS Slue a all Taetr Tva eVees - BJ4. - svetsvees roarxAES) aa tatuiui lie aai aaaittueielSaasay Mia I IttSral Lv Ar Arl LvilSS Express rain daily (except Sunday) at Albanv and Corral U on-ect with tran cf OC.1E- Ry. Ar -T4 a It I A.e a ra Ar Thronph Ticket aB aoiat ta the . rnMt, Ar.-t . EOEHLLf Mc.NEC -TO THE E A eiv es rai cho-s TvVO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHER.. PACIFIC Via VIA SPOKANE UIMKEAFGUS DENVER OMAHA AXD AXD ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RiTR-S TO ALL eastern mist CiCKAS STEAMKUS SAVE PURTLAfD EVERT 5 DAVS SAN FRANCISCO Tor tall details call CclAiN & Moxterh, Albany, Or OE APDEESS: W HHUBLRUR1. Gbn'i, Pah . Aoam PORTLAND, OR. Conservatory ol Mafic ALBANY COLLEGE, Z. M. Parvin. Musical Director, form tr1- f Willamette University, will have charge of this department of Albany College. Courses to graduation in the important branches of a musical educa tion. Newest and best methods adopted. Best mujio rooms for Conservatory m the state. Tuition low for grade work. School begins Sept. llth. , Send for circular and catalogue. Ad dress. Prof. W. H. Lets A. M , President. A lKsanrtf r.s till W P,rh. Z. JiI.'Paevix, Musical Director.SaKm falSlfS BT.21irCeiIa Shi-.)M jw!e r riorerSieB llul u.. Hrn . ;haeien, B -2 aV Lww r r- i ? Mai.e sntiAe for A-tot-Hm LB .. . Ihr .-..' LiitasiCAL fO. ISI S. Wsatsra rvsass. fHrCAGO, I isii' OaEtwa 1 .aewaas Tubas -trw Hiom latOy Se-3 I tuosTias O gert I Mr. a. I L rmtaaS r S "V aa i!TiASlL A'baay Ar "S a aa rrawao Lv S2W r a f-saL S.lSaal Ar tSC r a I L. Sral Ar 0 1.1 -