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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
4 cu e raknimHinn A Erai 1 centrates all J Its Misery In i TJae A-V in A AVI A All BSK KaHHl ill Ail b u i n m y hi ii i r i ail - . auud uil. - EATbEisFORD & WIT AT Attorney al Law. Will practice In all courts of the state. Special t tsntlon given to matten In prob-te tod to to.lectlout. OFFICB-In the FUnu block It BI1LTEP Attorney at Law Solicitor In Chanoary. Ool Uoni made on l! point. Loans negeViated on able terms. Albany Oregon (j sVDITNEa Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. 3LAGKBURN & S0F..ERS AlTOElTETa LAW, All legal matters will receive prompt at ent'on. Office, First National bank mlding, ap stairs. M OSTANYE & HACBLEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. D R. J. L. HILL., hyddan and tanreon. OFFICE Come arry streets. Albany, Oregon. QEO. W. HARRIS,' JUSTICE OF PEACE, i -nw lnfatrd In the Duoca.iT office, corner a Sad and Broadalbia streets Albany. Or. itents and Collections a Specialty- OB. 0, U. CHAF.1BERLIN Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offio hours. 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m KkhmmhI attention siren to chrome case and eye diseases. rlUJr NATtOJAl. BIN It, OF A LB ANT, OUMOOf residdut . . . .... Viie President Taahier . LFL1HH . S. k,YOCXG .K. W. LANGDON . f RAltSACTS A KXSRALbeaktnebeati i . AtKiorrKTS KEPTsabiect tocher. ' S13HT KXCHAKGf. and te Taphie Mow York, gu Fraaciaoo. Cbieeco i Hfoa J ..-10fi sADSoa latorable r.eoM stxacnas ones K W Sura, 1. Fuaat KBWAStl.SOX. 1 OF ALBAJIT. MMOB,' f&ASSACrareneral Bankine m !-. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Kew Yrk. Saa F sooand Ponlano, Oneway LOAN MONEY oa approTedeeearUy. aSCEITg depoeita aabject to check. SOLLESTIOXSmade oo larorabia tenaaf ISTEaESToaid on time daooai S iivt:.iii!?cthe5rte:3aafKj M.-aie Oiucsv ga; g gg-aayj inKiSfi nei for tivS- Catalogue tlhhMMur F at RK. The "ERIE k mechsnically the best iwheo. rrauaiaain I vVe are Faane Coast I Azenta. Bicrcle cata- logucmailoi freerrea Atll AntM' iTntww III Sre rtp. AGKTra tVASTCD. PrTAiuJIA ibcu&atuk cu ren una aiai. Bkasch Bocst, S31 8 Mam St., Lo Angrlga. -Prof. A. STARK Of mat Stark. seal Specialis, Graduate of the Chicago Orthalm Collesre. I am prepared to examine acientifica and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who de aire to bare their eves tested. Cusick Block. Albakt. Orksos. S. 31. H. ELLIS, Physician And Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Treats the diseases of the eye and ear spectacles accurately fitted. 2-1 liKo E FISH THE PLUMBER. Tin rooGing and plumbing', the opera house. Opposite CubicV Block Filling f.nd extracting of teeth withou nain asoecialty iREGON CENTRAL a EASTERN -YAQUIWA! BAY ROUTk? Connecting at YanuinaBa with tne San Francisco and jkquina Bay Steam- eniptompany SteisMj "FaralDB" A I and firet class in every respect 1 Sails troin Yaquina tor San Jvancis( about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations funsurpass ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany" or points west! San Francisco Cabis..... ..$12,011 Stekbage g.oo Cabis round trip good 60 days. . . 18.0 For Sailing Days apply to Ii. I,. WALORS.Agt, Chas. CLABir.Surl Aibany, Or. Corvallia, O Edwix Stose, manager. Corvalhs, Or. - v-rJ'!. t. -. w a t Cvei.t- a id Trade- Marks obtained, and all i er.t r-e ig conducted lor wocaarc rcca. Joua drm is Cacosrrri. S. Phtckt Orneg and we o.n iccure patent In less "ana ban Uiosaf remote frin Vl'ashtngton. S i Send it. .idel, diawiug or photdb. wrta deaerlp.1 - U e ad"ise, ii pjteo'ub'e or not, frse off t enwre - Gut fee not due tut n taut is secarsd. A r A-j.'Mt n , "Flow to Obt 1 Paunits," with! f nost of sr-ue .n the U. S. wt ixeigq esiintriesl sent free, address, I ,A.SfJOW&COi t5 - n-j i sj i arf-1 aj m m iaV gsasl J If 3 5 if Tot. want to f..l U con- fixed wheal health by taw USsfi Of SHAUEtYS Compound Cod Liver 01 Capsules Unsurpassed as at remedy for Cen. sumption, Asth. ma, Bronchitis: Cougha, Debility, and all vraattng dieeaern. Perfectly tasteless, fb t-ly aclentific remedy by building aa ana rev leing the body and renewing waste ,asur. reeiste and deatroya diecaae eon nine the purest Cod Liver Oil com wilt "ccchwood Tar; pleaaant mad eaay ta tui::.reuonaliy ana noncauy cwmpowawew br a practical pharmacist. Vnn can get them ONLY BY MAIL, ITS- pM to you on receipt of 85c, pr box. recared "'.r rv O. . SHAVBR. CHna. 29th & State Sta. REMOVE THE CAUSE tud the symptoms will disappear Th" yon wSi uocomp!ib by uaimy SHAUERS' CATARRH THROAT SPECIFIC am incomparable reaudy for diaeaees ot tJaa Taroat, Noac, ana hob. a to uu, aimple and effective cart for May Fever, Diphtheria. Quinsy Sore Threat, Feat Breath., Ulcerated m Cerltred Woirta saa Ti BaaDy aaed, quick to relieve, positive care. alwava ready: small In price. Dvm't watt tin yoa araat have It fret it aow. SBNTOMLY BY MAIL, prepaid o- receipt af aXkc Jrepref loKr or fat & 20 tb St.. Chicago, liav COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTAJM FTWTf prompt answer and aa boneet oplnton. 1.1 1 K V .itrf'tflwlMi have had nearlrfli experlenca In the patent boaineaa. CiOTmnnlca. tiona strictly eonrMentlaL AHsseketkolIfc formatioa eonearnina Pateata and bow to i oh. tain them aant rrea. Alaoa eataiogaaw Paianta taken thrones Mnna aV Co. isetfva - ummi. .Km ku 1..HI. A "If an. and tbaa are brass bt widely before lie pabUewlUw oat eoat to the lirrentor. Thla antendid paper, tasaed weeklr. eleaaMly Urnatrated. rar ths SarKeat cjrcnlauaa of any acaentifle work la the muIjI ... KunriM MlMMIBtnaa Building Wmoa.BH.Mhly.s a year, angle ervtaa. ill eantarTary namber oootaiaa a. ttrumaica. In eolora. and ahotAirraphs of new BKOoseaTnttb stoa, enabling hllJrsTo show the hue.4 designs aad aacara consrana, aaoreaa it cu. Uiw lot. XflBs A ss. s. a wtsn ran as? rws nunasr ie joid trader poeiavs vnraa mart euw, 07 uthorised agents only, to cars Weas Memory joas of Brain and nerrw rower: suet aisnoooa ' Xuckness: Night Losses; Evil Dreams: Lack of Jonadertre; Servooaneas; laaritods; ail Drains Loss of Power of tiie treoerati vs Organs in si ths . caaaed by over-exertion, YcaiThful Errors, o. xoeanee TJse of Tobacco, Opian ar Liqaa aiuch ieada . Misery. Consnmpbjn, Insanity ltd Death, by null $1 a box; six for t& with sriUn guareaua tn ears or sefosd money. Sample pacta, containing are days' treatment, .Oh foil instractloaa, 2 r-wte. On aasap" ' , fUd to each porsoa ia .;) Fashy & Mason.agpni Conservatory of Mafic ALBANY COLLEGE. Z. M. Parvin, Mnsical Director, form vry of Willamette Univeraitv, will have charge of this department " of Albant College. Courses to graduation in the important branches of a musical educa tion. Keweet and beet methods adopted, Beat mujic rooms for Uoneervatorv in the state. Tuition low for grade work. School begins Sept. 11th. Send for circular and catalogue. Ad drees, Prof. W. II. Lec, A.M., President, Albanr. or till SeDt. 9th. Z. M. Pabvlv, Musical Director, Salem Qslckry.Tasrsashly, Farever Cared. Foor oat of five who suffer Beriuusaess, mental worry, attacks of " the bines, " are but paying; the penalty of early excesses. Vie. time, reclaim your manhood, regain roar vigor. Don't despair. Send for book witi explanation and proofs. Hailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are cosed by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results of Bad Blood I have for some; time bua a sufierer from a seveio blood trootae, lor which I took maC7 remedies that did me uo good. I have now taken four bottles of with the most wonderful results Am enioying the best health I ever knew, hare rained twmtv poandsaad aiy friends say they never saw me as well. I am feeling quite like a new Cmuaiaut FathigOg. w'.-.f ri. tf. C Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. .syifTssipic.i?s Pit Academy of Our LaJj Oi Ferpelil Help, illuiy, Or. - A boarding and day school conducteo by the Benedictine Sisters. - will resume studies Aug. 27, 1895. Every facility will be offered for thor ough courses in scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. An able teacher of mano. violin, raitar and vocal music will have charge of the mg win, iimb music, oe laugni as extras, lessons in plain and fancy needlework. t or lurtber particulars call at the Acad einy or address Sibteb Sdpkkiobess. DOLLARS PER MONTH Your Own Localsty maiie easily and honorably, wltboat eapl 'al, during your spare hours. Any man "oman, boy , or girl can do the work band ly, without experience. Talking pn necessary. Nothing like it for mor? making ever offt-red before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted il 'earning the business. We tach yen in a night bow iJ succeed from the firtw tionr. You can make a Jxlnl without el peiin, to T"r-"! f t"'l c? r yrstj, fumlsi every !ti s i.vitu- u it.ii on the bus atjs sicceMnfei , and guarantee yv against failure if you ot follow ou simple, plain Instructions. Bead,?. V yoa are in need of ready money, sih Witnt to kno ir all about the oest paylut DUHineM before the public, send us j""' audress, and we will tnaU yoa a d meet giving you all the pat 4cular RUE & CO., Box -TOO Augusta, Malr?y t Dr. Price's cream taking Powdcl aVsatdsd Cold MaS fdvcl Fair, sen Friruweay f g NEW 120 "Bad Sultans ought to die. The Brownsville murder in one of the coldest blooded on record. The lizxard hearted villain who did it should receive prompt justice. Linn county is having more than its share of murders just now. Two cases within a tew months is too many. The rate war between rortlund and San Francisco is an interesting one, The people are making money by it. It is a peculiar fact that people along the road can only get the benefit of the re daction by goicg to Portland. People say there are immense numbers of murders and suicides nowadays. True, and there have always been, and what's more the world has the livest newapa pel a tn existence contesting to give the news before it happens, if possible. The Democrat hopes to see Salem re build the woolen mill. We regret mis fortune either to an individual or city. These are times when misfortune can ill be received. May the capital city rise above thosa of the present time. A Florida paper says a California wo man baa sued for divorcs because her husband would not read the Durrant trial to her. The man who wrote that must have had all the wheels in bis head going at A cold wave is skipping through the middle easi. Snow is falling and winter is upon tneni. Home people here are predicting a cold winter (or the Willam ette valley. It will not b very coll. de pend opon that; for that is Oregon etyle, and always haa been. The Examiner and Chronicle are in for a hot nasty ffcht ou circulation. They are devoting pages to each other, Anyway all this sett praise so character istic of all big papers is very nauseating, Ii an individual were to do as much blowing hewoald vanish ia his own wind storm. Tae following from Denver would in dicate that Corbett and FiUsimmons could certainly have found a battle ground in that city : The fight between Di vie Bsece, the "Montana Kid," and Harry Jones, of California, was won this evening by Reece in the 13th round. Jonea was knocked down five tinea in the ITth round." It looks very mncb as if some of these govenors vera working more for notoriety than to prevent prize fighting, or else they would stop the small fry. Tne Session of Congress. The next seeeion of congress promises to be timid oa all domestic questions and noisy and aggressive on all questions re lating to foreign affairs. In the session preceding the national election the Re publican boose will be alow lo make any position that will endanger the success of the party at the polls. No general re vision of the tarifi will be attempted ,and it is probable that the popgun poh-y of increasing the tariff on a few articles will be adopted. The pioposilton to in crease the internal revenue on beer may be presented, but the Republicans will tear the power of the brewery, and it is donbtfnl whether any increase will be made. In a general way the policy of the Republican majority sill be to make a chow of attempting to raise more reve nue and at the same time not to do any thing to help the Democratic adminis tration ont of its embarrassment doe to receipts nnder the new tariff bill not be ing equal to the expenditures. Aeon flict between the president and congress oo tariff measures may be expected. There will be plenty of bombast about foreign affairs acd resolutions and bills about Cuba, Hawaii and Venezuela will be damped into the hopper without lim it. A mighty effort will be made to manufacture capital for campaign uses and discredit the administration. The sum total of all legislation enacted wi probably not include much more than the appropriation bills. Thomas B. Reed, as speaker of the bousa in the fifty-fenrth congress, be a very different person from the Reed who presided over tbe house in the fifty' first congress. Tbe imperious, tyrannic al, courageous sneaker will have vanish' ed and in , his place will be tbe genial conciliatory, timid candidate for tbe presidency. Even in the. last congress the change which bad come over Reed was very marked and will be more pro nounced this winter. No one under stands more fully than Reed that he may make or mar his presidential chances whi'.e presiding in tbe speaker's chair, The democratic minority, while small will be strong nnder tbe leadership of ex-Speaker Crisp and by its criticism of tbe doings of the majority will add great ly to tbe interesting features of what promises to be in some respects a dul session. Cleveland Plaindealer. Made $10,000. One day three friends were walking on tbe boulevards of Paris. AH three were yonng and all three were poor, savs the Fhihtdelphia Footlights. "Should I not like a good breakfast?" said one. "I should like any breakfaet,' said another, "even if not very good." And I, also, the roost simple of break' fasts, so long as it was a breakfast," said the third. tlow mach muit it toi-ti" arks the first speaker. "Two dollars at leas," tays number 2, I've got an idea : Come along,'' savs number 3. And all three went to a well known publisher of music. "sir," said the young man with the idea, "we have come to ask yon to buy a song, ot which this gentleman has writ ten the music, and that gentleman the words, and as I am the only one of the three who has a voice, I will sing it to you." The p'iblifeher made a wry face, but he said : Sing, and I will see!" TLeo tb'e young man snng. 'It is a very simple ditty," said the publisher, "but as I want a lt of songs for a cafe chanUnt.wbich is going to open, i will buy it and give yoa 3 for it, a dot- lar a puice.'' Ine three friends looked at each other. They did not exrect so much. Tbey took tbe money and left the manuscript in thai publisher's bands in exchange. And with those $3 they went to break- fmt like three princes of Bohemia, as they were. Now the composer of the music na I Mariposa, Uu author of the words Alfred jUe Musset and the singer Uuprer. I took all Paris and from tne caiecnantant it went to tbe tbea- ter and to every aristocratic salon in Pari. ' The publisher made $10,000 by Lis song, uive mm a Chnncd. i Getting into a penitentiary is a pretty Berlous matter, whatever the offense, for no matter how well one may purpose to live alterwards he is handicapped and it la a fearful undertaking he is in to stem the tide. Recently a yonng man was dis charged from the state penitentiary of Oregon altir serving oniy a year on ac count of a saloon row in Portland. He went back to that city; but the police knew him and he was obliged to move on. He came to Albany, and while here some of our citizens became Interested in him and paid his fare to where his mother lives. He professed convereion and declared that he would live a new lite. Will be, with the awful odds against lum. While it is natural to distrust men in his position, is it not a fact that every effort should be put forth to give such men a chance to rebuild their character remembering trat they are human, but so long as they show an inclination to live right uphold and sustain them. A slate penitentiary is said to be a reform atory institution; bat, when a man leaves it, instead of in any way seeking to as sist him in continuing to retain the re formation he haa obtained inside the prison walla, the policy seems to be to ship him empty handed without a cer tificate of character, out into the cold world, where the police ot the country pounce upon him like a hawk upon a chicken, and, instead ot trying to get him a job and helping him to do some thing, at least finding out whether he haa a desire to live a new and reformed lite, trample upon him ana seek to keep htm down. Perhaps many convicts need watching very closely, the professional convict certainly should be, but the young mao with his first experience, showing aay inclination at all to do bet ter should be taken by the hand- Theie is too much ot a practice in the world to strike those already down and lift up those already high in the world's pi of perity. Practical Christianity suggtstg the jiving of every man a chance. Some Curious Facts. The laogegt suspended telephone wire ia no doubt that extend ng across Lake Wallensladt, Switzerland. The distance from post tapiMt measures one and a balf miles, yet at the lowest point the wire is atill 120 feet above tbe lake. England has sent 672 women mission aries to China within tbe past five years. Thirttix left in a body recently for work in China and India, The propor tion ot women who taka this rigorous and selfdenying work on themselves is far greater than that ot men. t lies and mosquitoes were to numer ous in Iceland last summer that the farmers bad to wear gloves and face masks while working in the fields. Peod ing tbe discovery of an anti-fly bacillus, one bundled frogs have been imported lately to begin the work of destruction. A cat's brain is about tbe size of an ordinary apricot or tbe til of a bantam chicken ; it ia developed by Cbres. and when the fibres stop extending tbe limit ot brain development ia reached . A dog baa a larger brain, and a monkey ctili larger; and tbe length of fibre ia tbe mode ot the increase ot brain from the smallest to tbe largest. Sweden can boast of a steataboat oa wheels. Tbls unique vehicle makes reg ular trips overland from one lake to an other near by. To leave one lake it ap proaches the shore with a fall bead of steam on, rashes over the rai'.s of the connecting road to the top of the emi nence midway, eitoots down to the other lake, and then its screw propsllers merri ly churn the waters again. A peculiar thing in connection aitb tbe Brownsville murder is tne fact that Lord Montgomery on returning to the bouse after bis brother, knew who was murdered inside the house without going in or teing imfortned- Vben did he find tbe goo by UcKercbers side, aa Chaa. McDowell swore he told bint be did and placed it acro;s his legs, when, according to Li statement, he was in the Geld when the shooting took place, and did not enter the boosa on returning but started off oo tbe horse tonoiity the neighbors. These things my be sa'se factorly explained, bol just now tiicj point a red finger towards tbe prisoner. Bat that is one side of tba matter, we anxiously await the other in reference to it. Ktn Franci-co is bound to have a sen sation of same kind. Now the papers are full of the doings of three or four vulgar, decrepit old wretches, without a particle of manhood. Of si', low down, coltia beings in tbe world the worst are those wbo rain young girls and start them in a life of sbame. The punish ment should be banging. And you don't have to go to San Francisco to find men deserving of the rope. Tbe oyster at tbe commencment of its career is so small that two million would only occupy a cubic inch. In six months each separata oyster ia large enough to cover half acre an, and in twelve months a crown piece. It bears its age upon it back, and it is as easy to tell the age of an oyster by looking at its shell as it is that of horses by looking at their teeth. One to two mil-ion oysters ara prod need from a single parent. Out of the rains of the Salem Woolen Mill and tbe suspension o tbe State In surance Co. will arise a bigger and bet'er factory and a solider aud grander insur ance company. statesman. That's the snap; but don't talk too much as usual, j-ist get in and saw wood, tbat's hat buiids mills, creameries and insurance companies. It wfll be more difficult than ever tor men' to make their salt. It has nearly doubled in price in the east. This not a serions inatur for most of us, but for the big packing houses It is au item amounting toithourands of dollars yearly A politician Is contemplating arraign' ing the young men in his state against, be old men. Such a demagogue ougb to be rammed into the bollow of a tree, and left for a year to think abont his hal brained qualities as a man, Tbe old and young men should work hand and and through life. " The people ara ail talking about the Montgomery murder, It was a cold blooded, deliberate-affair. Tbe three were hot down in Indian style without warn ing, without ap opportunity to defend themselves, with no onft to witness the crime but the murdirer. -f . The Dmochat tredicte the next n- lioual republican convention will not be held In San Francisco. Anyway that city is bad enough already without hav- ing national political ronventions of any kind uKeling there. Uhicagn wants an honest tfseesor. $100,000,000 in personal properly is said to be loft off the roll . SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. During the past week the people of Linn county have been shocked by the worst murder in the history of the coun ty, if not in that ot Oregon. Three peo ple were unquestionably murdered in cold blood, without the least provoca tion, deliberately and with malice afore thought. It was a cruel, brutal exhi bition of lawlessness rarely seen any- here. The Turks in their slaughter of , - . i3 ------ j the Armenians have never done any-1 thing more atrocious. They may have been more brutal in the means, but not in deliberation. I! there was Ue least provocation it cannot be learned ot On the contrary there is everything to in dicate the men were not given the least warning, but were shot down from be hind their baejka. Nothing can be more outrageous in conception. We shudder at the spectacle of mxn being shot with out the leat show for self defense. W ho did it? Well, that is to be decided by a jury of twelve man. Can a son be so lost to filial obligations as to deliberately pour fatal lead into the two best friends he had, those who had nursed him al most into manhood. One hesitates to believe it. Perhaps henevei did. Some one else may have done it, if so, who? We would be glad to bear an answer that would take the evidence of guilt from tbe son's shoulders, but the trnlh is, the circumstances as the public is re ceiving them point strongly towards the young man as the guilty person- It will take good evidence to lead the chain in different direction. Like the Durrant case every new thing presses upon the prisoner. It Is not the spirit of the Dsn. ocbat to say anything that will in tlx least prejudice tbe public; but to speak Its opinion candidly tn so important a matter. The numlier of murders occurring in the world demands that the murderers be brought to justice in order to check the terrible slaughter, and the press ithout bias should, use its best effort in securing such a result, never, though displaying animosity or vindiclivenes. Aa a protection to society there mutt be stroug examples ot prompt but legal punishment for crime. Before another Saturday night coine around Thanksgiving wiU b upon us, tbe gobble ol tlie urky will have been bashed, the caccle of the ben will have been stilled and tbe center rush, right and left guards, right and left tackles, ends, quarter, half and full backs will have been immortalixtd as well as be in the depth of bandages and swimming in arnica or Pond's extract- Are run work ing np your thankfulness tj tbe right pitch to do justice to tbe occasion. Cer tainly yon. will find much ibis year to be thankful for, tba fact that yoa live in this glorious Willamette valley, it noih ing ele; but much else, if you are built with the proper disposition. So it goes; the man with a weak stomach and a b:g bank accennt may feel aa sour aa acid, white another man with a strong stomach and good digestion and just enough to live on may be as happy as a clam, aa optimistic as the sun.wbicb always looks on the bright side of things. llave jwu noticed that the public gen erally baa one subject that tbey talk about. Let it be .n the air, aoJ if yoa see a gathering it is gala to guess w bat the topic is. Il is to be hoped tUeevsoge-Iistic meet ings start many boys, and girls, men and women opon lives of gntine Christiani ty, not the imrre result ot excitement, but d""p!y Uid, permanently srt, that kind of Christianity that means honesty and square draltng ia business, paritv in personal lives and nnselfishoeea in society. A seven day Christianity, G00J Sense From our Exchanges On H-ednesCay 'Old Sol" passed out of sight in greatest grandeur. It was a magnificant anst, a picture that raised meo to a higher level. It was an appeal, a gracious, grateful off-ring from the heavens to ths earth, and a j1 j gift and no mistake. Beauty seen is never lost. God's eolora are all fas! : Tbe glory of this unset heaven Into my soal bat passed. Pn dieton E. O. The human band is one of God's most wonderful rreations Salem, Ore.oo, Post. Nevertheless il g As many a ibake. Philadelphia Inquirer. And so does the earth. Salem Pott. We regret that soma people imagine that in supplying a uewspaptr ttilh per sonal or other item not apt to be picked up by the editor or reporter aifhoul coaching, is a forward act or an evidence that nndne publicity is sought. No greater mistake could he made. The newspaper men are aiaats thankful for such r.ewsy materia! and treat them rightly all around. Union Scont. Ourold friend Dr. J. Lindsay Hill, ol Albany, i mentioned in connertion with the populist nomination for congress. Another son ol a nonle democratic sire gone wrong, we would suggest to oar friend that Gov. I'ennoyer dors not re side in bis district Portland Trans cript. Tba meanest person in the world. either man or wo.nan, is Ilia anak, ex cept seme other person wbo is a sneak. The man or woman who will mile up into the face of another will friendship, and who, with soft words, will e xpress solicitude for the health aod prosperity ol the persou addressed, and with soft compliments will express the hope that the fortune of the other mat be enhanced; and who then, behind the person's back will by whiepers, innuen do, and, where possible by open words try to break down the reputation of that ptraon, to cast doubt upon that person'h sincerity aud try by the means of I.. I e i sneak lo weaken tbe respect of others f r that uerson and to cause others to doubt thefrieudsLipof that person, sach an in dividual in a community is a mischief maker and is worthy of the contempt, only, of decent people. Baker C ty Dern ocrat. Adventlst cranks again foresee witfiia of the end of the world. Tbey claim that the Turkish empire corresponds to that I mentioned In the ninth chapter of Reve- ations, aad the great battle of Armaged don will soon be fought. One would n&tr.rally suppose adventist would some- time or other get weary of prophesying the dire catastrophe to this venerable Word. But they do not. Alter each failure they come tip to the scratch smiling, with another dute. Eugene Guard. It is dangerous busin-ss to write a book raetiines Whether It was for John wiin Interest. Dr. Whites New Hair-growing System for sale by Louis Viereck, Albany, Or. I Sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Ma- rion. Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add. I II AOt A I .. ft. fni- frA nainr,hlol 'on Baldness, and Scaln Troubles. MISFITS It is an interesting fact that only $47, 50o in money is assesw-d in Linn county, of course that being all that was given in. Tln Astorian rays a scheme is on foot to connect the Astoria road with the O. C. that that is tlm plan. That sands familiar. There are reported several candidates - - - - a,.va saa an(ltj )iAikvrj ,or cl"v e,.'K'neer at the coming fire- mens election. If the iei,nrt merit get up some spirit there won't lie any one left even for the offices. The de partment has hist the old time spirit of - c-rtrs ago. L. D. Carl, a well-known IioKehurir man, puts lizards rn hin linn,! nnH ,sir trolg them at will. A cold blooded ex hibition. The government snair boat will con tinue to work between Eugene and Har- rinourg. iiiere is yet 17,000 or f,000 and it must be soent. Tim I)f ih hat would like to see Eugene get river boats regularly, but the truth is the river be yond Corvallis will never be in a condi tion to depend upon. there la a discussion as to where the u. oi U.-W illainette football game shall be played The Guard hits Salem with the following center rush : Fairness and justice demands that the ganio he play ed in Eugr ne. Then the gate receipts win uc uouoie wnai mey would beat alow-going Salem. xne uregon v;uy enterprise gives quotas a wnacg as loliows: The man who rnns a 'shell game' with a gold brick or 'green goods' to some gullible nayieea is mora of a man and leas do- serving of public censure than the cun ning, smojlh-longued rascal w ho abuses the confidence of thoee who are, or think tuey are, sick, and rous them by magni tying their real or imaginary disorder's.' A San Franeiico jas put an advertise ment iu wo examiner lora man to saw some wood for a lawyer at S3 a day nen i ne lawyer went to the oihee in the morning an immense congregation oi laboring men were waiting for tbe Kb An example of what advertutin will do wnen titers is a bargain ottered. tommy, a brother of the "mysterious Billy Smith,' and for sewral years the tatter's trainer, has eetabluibed a boxing scnooi in me upper story ol the old en gioe house. The place w fitted op with Indian emus, rings, a bag to punch and other implements for the developing of urawn ana ior acquiring tne manly art It is open from 2 to 10 p. tn. and is well patrouixed . The enterprise was launch ed last Saturday night. Uorvailts Times, To illustrate the profit in prune grow tng it is only necessary to ciia the case of one grower at Riddle w bo has a 30 acre orchaid. This gentleman sold at orlv 3 1 cent a pound, and recti ted about 1-3,000, giving him a clear profit of over f 3,000, on that little piex of ground. heveral other fruit men sold somewhat higher, and their profit will be propor tionately greaucT. ivoevoarg Keview, The way tbe valley papers are gushing over loot uai i games, is very tiresome. The appropriation of 50.0( of the rwo- plu's money ha enabled tha state un iversity to import a California eoarher. j and the agricultural coUege, lacked by a simuar pun at tne ireasarr, has followed suiU Tbe people like to be humbured. Rose burg Review. Let the truth be totd. Not a cent of public money is used in the foot ball game. The funds are raised by subscription and by receipts in the games. Peter, the Poef , i in a peck of trouble The following from aCoiousa, Calif., pa per, should be a warning t-j ncacraper wen : "P. l. Connolly, whilom editor of -be Klamath Star, Liokniie. Or., is in hock at the county jail. Connolly, or Pele, the Poet, a be is cal'.ed.ha for the past few days been fishing for live suck ers with hia three-card tnon'.e parapher maiia and so well that be celebrated his case with a fall-grown jag, tbe result of which find htm in limbo. Connolly Is an exceedingly bright fellow ! " bis key is not the compass of his saiUnp, aod be has the reputation ot being a brill-Act writer. He wiil be convalescent al the expiration of five days." At almost tbe same moment that tnow began falling Wednesday, an Arctic owl alighted in a Pleasant Vie farmer's dooryard, says the East Orvjronion. The fanner, knowing ibis to be a rare bird in this latitude, and wishing to secure it opened fir on it at 10 feet with a small pocket pi!ol, having nothing; better at hand. After having emptied every chamber in the gun without effect, be was on the point oi throwing the pistol at the owl iu diegust when the thought struck him that he might be able lo catch it. The owl was so completely dumbfounded, either by it inhospitable reception or tbe poor marksman bio of its would-be-captor, after a few feeble hop, it allowed iiiwlt to be caught. Ii measured nearly five feet from tip to tip of its wings. I s head and part of its body and the under part of its wings are a 1-eautiful creamy white, while iu back and the top lier of wing feathers are white, necked with brown. An effort will be made to domesticate the beautiful 1'ir-j. The Astorian tells of a very funny jok perpetrated in that city: Physicians are agreed that excessive use of alcoholic liquors will in time almost, totally destroy ine taste, tins tieslei was confirmed an a;iiu-n.- manner ono day this week, whvn to convivial gentle uieu ciiicrevi a wen Known Commercial street resort, the nose of one being mute I.... 1 . .- , ; , ... . . " r,uiauHBi evidence tnat us coloring uai cost its owner considerable n.onev and several years' time. The genius in the w hile apron asked them what they would have, and he with the ermine nase proposed to add another coat of paint to mat organ oy taaing three angers ot gin. While he was engaged in fathominir the mysteries of the free lunch counter, his laceiiotis mend changed the places ol the gin and the glass of ice water he took on the side. On returning to the bar the veteran drinker seized the nearest glass containing water, and gulped down the contents, whereupon, remarking that mere was notning rise gin to warm man up. he turned to leave the saloon the f.;nniest part of the incident w that nothing could convince the tonej that a trick had been nlared uixin him. Nervous Pro! ration i . JOY Company I navn aiiffara.1 irom nervous nrostratmn mm linan. ;l losses. v,an say Joy's egetable Sarea- parilia has cured me. Mv iver alm,,a..l. and bowels have been very inactive, bnt llflM'n. . 1 . , .t , . j -"""'e rruieuy a am entirety m uusiness men anti women siiouia use it. l'leane publish. (Signen) Mb. Wji. Hknrv Josg. Butte Montana conditions In some conditions the gain from the USe of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil For this reason 14 rapidT We put up a 5oC. size, which is enOUtrh for an orrlinnr-u- coufrh or COld or Useful no trial tor babies and children. in other conditions train must be slow. somph'mAo almostimperceptible.h?nTrh can't be built UD in a (lav Pnr Uia C i? ' ? ..T , emulsion usual, ue iaKen as nourish- "lent, lOOd rathpr tK-r medici'tip fnrtrl Tr. i r "Cine, IOOCl prepared for tired and "Weak dlP"fstinnc 0 - tt a Bowks, chemists, Kew York, yx.six.ti.oo List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow St Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. 8. Patent ollice, Waeh ng'on, D. O. J. Clark, San Francisco, railway con struction; F L Fieher, Granger, Or., separate--and amalgamator ;1 ii Hammond, 1'ortlana, frame lor stamps ; T Harding, San Jose, rotary engine ; C P Harris, San l rancisco, book-holder ; A Hunter, San Francisco, beet topping machine; A Johnson, Oakland, ChI, can body blank cutting machine; J J McDadc. San Francisco, machine for affixing postage stamps or gummed labels; J J Montgom ery, Oakland, Cat., petroliura burner; J j iewsom, uakhtml, rotary stamping and grinding null; W B Pless, Ktoekton, ,ai., ureuging apparatus; ll w Kmith, I'ortUnd. Kubaoueomi mininir machine: D Waide, San Francisco, ollice directory. A Qi'gEB Case. Salem, savs the b talesman, has a very peculiar case of mental derangement, lor about two months one of it's citizeiiM, an old and nighly respected German, has suffered from some affection of the brain which causes him a total loss of memory in cer tain respects, while his faculties in all other ways seem entirely unimpaired. A curious feature of the ailment is that he is fully conscious of it and it worries him gititly. lie was considerable of a reader, but now he takes up a book or a paper and does not know one letter from notber. If asked to write bis name be will do so but in two minutes if tbe sig nature is shown him be cannot tell what it is. He can transact businees for the time being with knowledge and accuracy, but in a short time iu details are all jumbled up in his mind. He eats.slaeps and enjoys his pipe aa well as ever aud takes his exeruLce regularly, and cannot unuerstana tne nature ol his affliction. It is an interesting cane for pathologists. Brif-Diso Extensions. A Salem naner has already begun building railroads for next vear. The Statesman ears; "Everv indication points to the fulfillment of tbe promise ot Mr Hammond that transcon tinental trams will will tie running into Astoria next fall. With ere titrations being made for an extension of the Ore gon Central over the Cascades, which will be followed by a branch building of hat road to Salem, Eagene and other ointg, the outlook for our future pros perity and growth is bright. In fact there are many other substantial reasons for the bopecf tbe coming of good times. to commence very early in l5, and to continue throughout that and succeeding years." As a matter of fact there ia not tbe ghost of an indication that the road will be built to Astoria next year. Tbe first building done wilt be into Crook county. When the road is extended to Saiem it will mean a bunas of fj iO.OOO to 10X1,000. Ditto Eugene. That means alow work in branches. Ltbasov. Married, at the house of H. K. Arnold, Lebanon, Oregon, Nov ember 20, 1895, Mr. Edward Crabtree and Miss Henrietta Ravmer, both of Linn county, Oregon, C. R. Lamar officiating. In the circuit court at Corvallis last week, K1U Baeumle was granted a di vorce from her husband, Olto Baenmle, and was allowed to assume her maiden name Stroud. She is now stopping in Lebanon with her mother, Mrs. Hind man. W. G. Brown, of Waterloo postoSre, says there is more money in fox bound than anything eUe be raises. He has sold eight recently at good prices, and could j.-; I more if he had litem. Several were sold to a man at Heppner, and two Polk county men were over recently af ter a couple Advance. A Sraaxr Bttx. Tbe merchant In the block oa Twelfth street, between Washington acd B.oadway. Oaktandre eonteropiaiing a unique entertainment. It wiU be a street bail. Tbe block has jal been newly bituminixed, and tbe street is as smooth as a fioor. Arrange ments are in Mognr by whic? the street will be csosid some" evening and the w hole block bung w ith lanterns and otherwise decorated, and with a band of mur.c on hand the entire street w:a be turned into a mammoth ballroom, wilb the sky for a roof. s-alt-tn Journal B.rni: Set-. V. S. Marshal Humphrey, spent Taeslay in tlwt city. H- was in serving Mtn-rs on F. M. Man- ton an John Mcf-ruky, wbo were bonds man oi urn. Udeu, wijo was one of ihe Board of Commissioners who made the allotments to the Indians o.i the f-iietx reeertation. and it appears that the L. S. ha cottiaieaoed an action against, in the C. S. courts at Portland ior an al leged deficiency of f 7-VlA). claimed due ihe government. New port News. Frasrot ScArro; r. Carpenters are building the scffold on w hich Fiester is to be hanged Friday of next week, nnles a stay of execution is granted before that lime. A high board fence is to enclose the gallows and Sheriff Hiatt will pro ceed to obey the death warrant unless the supreme court steps in. Judge Hin t's has e;gned a bill ofexeceptionson ap peal. Grants Pa Conner. Fiester is Ihe man who drowned his wife in a mud puddle and if anv one ougut lo be hung it is he. The latest thing in smokers good is the turksy-bone pine stem- "There is nothing like it," said an old pipe smoker. '"It i light, porous and yields to the pressure ol the teeth. Smoke drawn throub the turkey-bone stem is cool and sweet. The structure is porous, and I suppose that the outside air goes through and takes eff the hot, biting taste. There is no danger of a man get ting bis tongue burned if be uses a tur key bone stem. Wild turkey bono are he beet " Uo.r-s Ta:i ffscfJer Owe Ti-i!i.:rJ ro:u- Sewsrd for any caae of Catartii that nanot te cared tay U all's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CH EXE? CO.. r-r-tw.. Toledo. O. Ws tbe Bfcd)rrii:vi3, h,r anowa F. J. Cheney fir the last IS .rears, an J betters bim perfect honorsblo laall bcsinnEsttranaaclloaa and financial'- aMe to carry cut any obtigaUoa saaoe oy taeir crnu Wust Tar- T, r!iti' Tr-trri(a.TVitA n WALDtNo, Ki-rXATA MiTK, V, holeAloDrue . 'I .1-. rt Hsll'a t'alarrh Ou.v . IsV-a tniercalTv, i ma nrreiiy r-e r;-x( a,..d mnn-oa smr- taces f t hs syrtrir . I'Scat V. - r hotilo. .''- by all Pru -.-:-i. h. .i.a'j!4fi, The Moun t Lebanon Shakers ha cently perflated an incenious enrw for d JUC,, uigeuve v-ormai consists ui a i'.mi aimvir aitrestni and ,i;. of foodi- hapnilv combintvi The importance of this invention !! 1 rciri.i,n.1 wnen wo realize wnat a pro- l"'" community are victims of some form Of stomal h tr.uil,U T. i. . . . V'UAIIIIH of rJe, tlitn people have litiie icclination vo ei. nr. i wnat mer do eait cact ti,m pain and d aturai, ihls tUgetive CoM-J of the- Sl.aV m" "T sromacn aemngement at once r malro IK 1 . I . . i C 1 l"mp. every one -grenuy inreresred to read the little ooog wnicn has been n nr.l in k. I i. " uruggists ior tree distribution. ii'i i - . . . .... w ii'iMiui: UUw SaMlOx Oil tuiule as palt4ble as houoy, Cbiidren " N.-nin I, ..i . , a W I . One lionet Man. Dah Editor: Pleawin ,1.-. It . . - "-- "".'. " writ-ten io conndentiallr, 1 will mail in a sealed letter tbe plan pursued by Vll!ftt I wr-rial AA.....MI.. - A i, a . J a . ,r --j s..WIvjuiw urttfia ui.Miiy vigor, wier many tears of suf wing irom Aervnu Weagneas, Los of I'laiinouu, tcgOl ton tul nr. r I I n() scheme to extort money from any on a , . . . "vv-vwm nwiumru w UtilUJUTTRr. I WssJl n.Itrisarl nn.-t sssat.K.1,.1 oy quaeas uaiii i nearly lost faith in man kind but thank heaven. I am now well, vigorous and strong, and anxious to mako this certain means of cure known to all Having nothing to sell or send 0. O. D., I want ro money. Address I as A. Harris, Box 107, IVIray. Mich. Ladic wishing treatment for scalp troab or d indrul?, I will make special ivducs prioea, for 4 weeks only, Louis Viereck. Hereafter all goods purchased of Julia Oradwhol will be delivered free of chanrj. No one will be allowed to undersell him; ' TELEGRAPHIC. atrepplag Vast. New Yosk, Nov. 22. The actual gold engagements for tomorrow pp to 1:30 o'clock today, aggregated $4,600,000 in cluding si.auu.uuu in gold coin and f-J,-100,000 in bars. 'Ine change by most of the shippers irom coin to bars is made be cause bars are standard weight, which is not true of tb coin, aod more easily band led and are less subject to abrasion This week's exports, including the amounts so far announced for Saturday, will bring the gold reserve down to about 82,20,0JO. Tbe' Uarraat T.lal. East Fbascisco, Nov. 22 Tbeodo-e Durrant was taken to court this morning for sentance. His attorneys desired to argue tbe motion for a new trial. After some preliminaries tne case went over till this afternoon, when the whole matter of Durraot's sentaece and motion for a new trial went over till next Wednesday at tbe reoiieft of defendant'a iliimni. who want- ; eu i ur.iier ume to prepare affidavits on wuicn to nase a motion lor a new trial. Wast tk Sanaa as Una. KtctsE. Or.. Nov. 22. Vuim KnJh. ler, bis attorney and the Southern Pacific land agent and claim agent were here to day, and appeared before the equalization board, axkiug a redaction ia the assess ment of the property of tne Oregon k Cali fornia railroad, as follows; un the track. from liCCO to -3500 per mile; on rolling stock, from t625 to Sft per mile; on land, from $ 1 2a to 64 cents per acre . Fewsd Cal ly. Ritzviixe. Wash.. Nov 25L The itmr in the case of Alfred J. Braes, charged with the murder of Constable Conlee. brought io a verdict at midnight of mur der in tbe first degree. Tbe counsel for the defendant moved for aa arrest of judg ment., l ne prisoner took tne verdict Quiet ly, making absolutely no demonstration, but hi face was deathly pale. ssetarr Ktasteel Stank. Nkw Whatcom, Wash., Nov. 22. The Paget Sound Loan, Trust k 880x308; Com pany posted a notice of suspenssoa this morning. Tbe total liabilities ara $58 " 006; nominal assets, $176,000. The fail ore was due to heavy withdrawals si oca toe suspension of tbe Bellini ham Bay and Bennett National banks two weeks ago. and tba inability to meet claims of about 4 ! doe November 27. AaaSker Xtrswwsvtlte TragWy. BBOwgynxs, Ky Nor. 22. Al Stone Hirer last nignt tbe camn of Uibsoa Arnv strctjs; (colored) was burned. His dangbt ers, Nancy aad Fannie, and his aiece. Mot lie Whitney, were bnrned to death. James w ngtit, Armstrong's stepson, wbo bad quarreled with bis foaterfatber, is supposed to have set tbe fire. He baa fled. but. offi cers and neighbors are ia pursuit aaalcnat Uti- Ngw Tobk, ?Jov. Nov. 21. The jury declare i that David F. Baanigan, wbo abot Sotcmoo 11. Mann, the sedocer of bis sister, w as "not guilty." Insanity was tbe defense. Ibe jodg ordered tbe pnaooer returned to the Tombs nntil be recover from tb excitement of the trial, bat was riven rjermissioei to visit hia rrana Krmt When the txiaooer left tbe court he waa cheered by a large crowd. It was 11 0 when be reached borne and fonnd hi moth er beside his father's body. The verdict bad been announced ax 11:10 and at I ;la the etder Uanaigan bad died, raw rrsa, Chicago. Nov. 21 Eagene V. Debs became a free man again at 12 o'clock to nigbu His term of six months' imprisoa-t-rni in tbe Woodstock jail came to aa end at taat time. A party of 3U0 admirers and friend will go ont to Woodstock to morrow afternoon to greet tbe labor leader on his release. A party composed of rep resentatives of all the central labor bodies and ot tbe several (oral bajob wilt b strong the tirrt to greet Ltb- ' TaAs Way. Sa Frascisoo. Nov. 21 ihe local forecast oictai of tne Caited States weath er bur Ma ha ismed U foUoriBf special oold-wate boletin: "special report received today indicate Lht a cold ware of considerable severttj it sweeping dowaoa Utah and Nevada. It will caase a fail of more thaa JO deg. in the fcemper.tare. and will rjrobably be ac companied by high nortberiy winds aad snow Fndaynigbi, art Is 4 aa lasavlraw- Nkw Yonxc, Nov. 21. Miss Elsie Sbi! maa, danghter of Mr James Stillman, was married at 3 this afternoon to William ti. Rockefeller, jr., son cf W. G. Kockeseiier. the Standard Oii taigaa. Tbe ceremony was at St Bartholomew chorea. Bishop Potter oSciaung, and as sisted by tie rector. Dr. David G. Greer. Ia comparison with tbe recent weddings ia tne anderbilt and Whitney families, to dJ was rather uootenttiont. and les duunctiveiy ro event for fashionable ao io-t- Tkal VaaKaUag Brre. . Wahtox. Nov. 21. The aUieraent today of tbe conditioa of the treasury I Avaiuwe casb oalacce 177.535. 6s6 Gold reeervw t- &A7 1 he treasury lost VJ CO : in gold for ex- l""- wmca leave tne Uae amoant cf the goia reserve gwtoH.557. S Wsrtk 14. A!t r EAjtnsco. Nov. 21.-Just before leaving tor tbe East C. P Huntington ubecriijd tlOOOto the ronvendun fnn.l He refused to allow tbe Southern raciSc to snbsenbe, for be tb ought that tb reduced rates bis company would give if tne na tional r p-iblican convention came' hers, would be a u ficient ccotnbaUoo. There u about llO.OCHi now in eiht aevrral klllew- Terrkxx. Tex , Nov. 20. F. H. Jovoa proprietor of a saloon here, while ruling borseback tonight, fired ronr (hot at I. W Ogles. One shot struck Zabora Hock aby in the neck, killing him instantly. A second shot struck Buck Scott, in tbe shoor der. Huckaby and Scott, members of the ureen Zooaves, we drilling in the street and happened to t iw range of the stray bullet. (.Vies was fonnd. lalr . tkl orancn street noose, a block and a halt frotn the scene of the snooting, dying from a shot which bAd entered bu side, Joyce was arrested. Tares Seaieaees. Cos v alu. Or., Nov. 20 Motions for V? , ,n P cases of Kd Soort,cor vtcted of asaaolt with intent to kill, and Irank Holcomb and Dell Cornell, jointly " - Vv" aue ui me ot larceny, were ar gued be fere Jo dire Fnllertoa this aft. in each case tne motion was overruled and each of the three prisoners were sentenced ci. i .aA yer? ln tbe penitentiary. . fwiroe win leava nere with the iw oaiem tomorrow. AaaaaUwalew. BKRxt.w, Nov. 80. Nothing further baa been received from Sofia. Bulgaria, in any ay tending to confirm the dispatch from ihat city yesterday which iiuuinui tu A report had been received from Constanti- m-pio max tne sultan of Turkey had been poisoned, lt is believed then ,ut f.l- anon rot tea report. asskUIew Nkw yoke. Nov 20. A special from ney West savs tht ' K t)w Olivette reported that the Spanish were de- leated with a loss of S00 killed and wound ed in tbe battle of November 17. rasa Saby was atck, w gave her CaaAVfa. Tbea . as waa a Caikt, sbs cried for Caatorav Wben she became Ansa, she chicg to Castors. - f Tfrnra rsstiakt DIED. MCNEIL, At bis homo in this citv Sunday, Nov. 17, 1895, Mr. Geonre McNeil, as the age of 41 years and 6 months, of tvnhotd fever. Deceased waa born in IJnn near Uarrisburg, May, 1851. He his been married twice. He move,! . r., . veara'onnTn.r.1!? io i uuKiiras, i hfwttTS. & ' V I" "l?;lSDan WM 01 lt . view. j DISTRESSING .DISEASES OP TUB Speedily Cured by ticiira frsntr f 1 . . T. . 1 w arm hstbs whs Gtmccaa iv.r, eeatie epptV csSkMS of Ccmceaa (aiaOMati, and mild dnmem sf CvncCBA RaaolTSST (the saw Uvoi partner) Sold laraagatst S. vans. aM, 4,, 1 r w, buaSCasa Coar, Prey- jyjmvm. L s A 1 THB006H TliETS to the EAST via the Onion PaciLe System. Through Pnl'man Pslacs sleeper Tourist sleepers aod Kew Reelinist Chair cart tAILY POST L AN I TO CHICAGO. Trains bested . ,- at-iears light ad by tnteeh Light. Time to Chicago day Sew York 4Vtf day. wbicH time to i many boors Quicker than all rorcpetiuira. For rates, time table and f ntt infor mation, apply to Ct-assnr r MowTEtTBT, agents, Albany, Or. O' B W Barrow. C ? Brow. Gen'l Agent, Dixt fwa Ag 136 Third St, fUajad, Or. EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THaV Southern Pacific Co. CaiaVmJa txpreaa Tiatas r jn-m Daily reoa as 1. ! ' Sank, ti Ar irSAa a Utters liar. a. L trraaal Lv lactsw al Ar rJruac Albany Above trains atop at Ea Prfiiad Oregon City. WoodUans, Stka, Tomer -Marion. Jeeron, A bony. Xituaj Janc tioo. Tangent, Saedd. Ht-r Eivee, Creaweit, Drain, rtn-l all svaiicas from Kosebnrg sooth to an i nelaba? Ash 'and t a La Lrstra )Lv fcsvra I Ar Ttf-jaw Ar&x-ij tr sr .1 i i'-iS i-i t s St A isaltyr till Ax t r t L Saa I Aj it am rl i-4ar 1 I i-I :ir A.S t V A Uu PUllSIAr EJrTf r SlirPtEi. Aim Dinic? Cars on 0g-in Rnt secon'd-clus smm CABS tttaiasS a ail TSjrestsSt Trrtss Wees w:tr SMvlsts. snrtwrava s-arAAsa s tatntus Wail aaa Bawt(Cxaei:!!a9uay iV.I Serfaat mlEs r 1 LeI12S Ar Exprewi -rain di!y (except. Sanday) at Albai,v and Corvallis ocnct with train cf O C A E. By. evB rrl L Ar Ar 1 A LvIsjsa WcMiawfti s rrfcjoTAp"b Ticket aB slaA ia the Ba Cvweeaa a esiaiaa Srwetk. Areatt Atbacy. KOKSIZI w-x rar R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. trim n ?; fEJ R a4. " a-ia i aretbeoriicina and cniy I tFSCS, ssfeaadr. bahsacwrs oa tbe nvtx. inxm it): st bf ww toanaiwa aokt osdy by J. .A. Camming, sole agent. Albany FOSHAY & MASON. n leaavle . Retail DRUGGISTS AXH B00KSE14 ER5 ALEAXT. Oka-GOS. Pore Drugs and the Finest and Largeet Vtock of Station at? and Boocs in the Market. joseptj j siktrrH VETERINARY SURGEON Office at Miller & Turner stable, resi dence and stable at 4th and Calapcoia streets, Albany, Oregon OREGON, LEBANON SANTIAM ACADEMY A preparatory school for all colleges q the coast. ' Norma department g.-aduates receive state and life diploma. Music, srt. bookkeeping. For catalogue address, S. A. Ka.sdlx, A. M., Principal . J. M. lillllSTO?' t ' 1 NSU RANCE ANDMONEY vvailll llwiiaBM au V Soli. UlcfyMaste. Bliet AI,3a Oregon. AOSKIN py7 Instantly my.