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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
Sfic jBmtttmL jvronsriD.-2r- 1 FILL TEETH -I PULL TEETH I MAKE BRIDGE WdHK. I MAKE C31DC33VNS. I MAKE LOGAN CROWNS I MAKE METAL PLATES. I MAKE RUBBER PLATES. I SAYE THE NATURAL TEETH I MAKE REASONABLE CHARGES. J. C. LITTLER, Dentist CHEVIOT and ASTRACllAN, . or ladies capes and jackets receive! Mon day morning. CAPES and JACKETS. Already made. Lots of them. " Fur, bou gie, astrachan and beaver. E. YOUNG. Death of H. Farwell. Mr. Far el! died at hi home at Plain- view at 3 o'clock this morniur. of a com' plication of diseases, but immediately of pneumonia, at the aire if 69 rears. Mr. Farwell wis a pioneer of this county, was county treasurer one or two term-, and was a man uni-erally respected- A model citizen i every respect. A Good Company. The Smitli-Lieb company played "The Arabian Nights" and ''The Violin Maker 01 crctnona at the opera noufe last night. They are a talented company, one of the most entertaining to visit our city. It was a dramatic treat in every feature. Mr. Smith is an actor cf rare renins and Miss Lieb-displays a talent that is of a high order in lief line. The support is all excellent. Tonight "A Cross of Gold," a play of much interest and merit will be gi en. Do not miss it. Thanksgiviii". Following are the services tomorrow. . 9 a m Executive commute and chair man of other comniitttees at Y M C A. 10 a m "Thanksgiving" at Y M C A rooms. S p m Grand Union Jubilee Praise Service at M E church. 7 :30 p m Special Object Sermon at 31 S church. 1st Honor of Thasksgivisg. Appro priate thanksgi Ting exercises were given in the schools today. In the Madison school a program of timely song and ex ercises was given, besides which thre were recitations by Eva Morris, Katie Byers, Lillian Lanning, Damon Stinson. Meivin Baltimore, Guy Rogers, Andrew Wagstaff, Burton Collins, Charles Shnpp, Lurley Lytton , Gertrude O'Brien ,nd an essay on the story of Thanksgiving by Wilhird Marks. Thanksgiving Ball. At the opera house tomorrow evening; a ballot will be cast for the beet lady and gentleman waltzera and prizes girn. Albany or chestra will furnish music Tickets, 75 cents; gallery, 15 cents. You can get fine oysters in any style at P. H. Pfeiffers during and after the ball. TheRecerd of remarkable cures ef fcwted enables us truthfully to say that Hood's Sarsaparilia is the enly true blood purifier prominently in the public eye to day. Hood's Pills are the best family eathart e and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, ears. CHANGE YOUR INSURANCE. State Ins. Co. policies will be taken in exchange for insurance in any of the first class companies represented by me. I represent the Sun of London, Continen tal of New York, and several others and will guarantee thhem. Call on or write. M. Ssxders. Tbe leading agent. Is Albas -r-At the Albany Dressed Meat Go's, shop, corner Second and Ellsworth etreets.yon can get the finest meats to be had ; just now some deli cious sausages, bacon, headcheese, etc. besides the regular lines of tender meats, Wheat 42 cents. Conn Huston for groceries. . Cash for poultry at R. M. Robertson's Bring the babies to Tincles and have their photos taken. - New Yarns, saxonvs and zephyrs at he Ladies Bazaar. If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made tV our Al bany cigar factory. m m p For Prescriptions Dawson's, - For Pills and Plasters Dawson )- w 1 Use Dawson's furniture polish. Easy to Take ftvj Perfect In Their Action, AYER'S PILLS Never fall to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. "I have proved the value of of Aycr's Pills in relieving cyspep- Bia and headache, with winch i complaints I was so long troubled j that neither the doctor nor my- ; self sunnosed I should ever be ; well again. Through the use of i tne auove uieuiciiie a biu uch ol than I have lieen for years." A. Gaskill, Versailles, 11L "I have used Ayers Pill for p 15 years as a cauimuu in uct coniilaint,'and always with ex-l-nmeiv lreneficial effect, never i..,uior-h!ui need of other tnedi- oi cine. I also give Ayes Pills to 1 tny children, wuen wcy reuuiro 3 m aperient, and the result is al- 3 waVB men Bauia;ivij. A, JSATON, Centre Conway, N. H. J'llavins been severely pfllicted with costiveness; I was induced to try AVer's Pilla. Their use has cfTvAvA a rnmnlete cure, ana 1 pan confidently recommend them H to all similarly afflicted " C. A. AYER'S PILLS t Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR OC OOOOOOO OOOClOOt)000-00-0- A WEAK CONFESSION. LOYD 3IONTGOMERY TELLS A STORY THAT WILL NOT HOLD WATER. Asserts That McKercher Shot His Father and Mother and Ho Shot McKercher. About 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon Loyd Montgomery made a statement to Sheriff McFeron, which if true, would clear him of serious guilt, but which in its thinness will only tend to convict him 6f the entire triple murder. An awful weight has been pressing down on the boy's mind and he had to relieve himself of his feelings, so he gave a ver sion of the murder, no doubt studied out by him in hia cell, which will be be lieved by no one, but will only make his guilt convincing in the public mind. The sheriff visited him. and in a very Kind manner remarked to mm : 'Loyd, your father and I have been mends ior over 20 years, and 1 am per sonally interested in this matter. The circumstances leave no doubt that you had a hand in the affair," and he cited to him tbe testimony of his brother) and others, "and you might as well tell me the truth just as it happened, and re lieve your mind," making no promises or anything in connection with the re quest. He studied a moment, and then aid: . "Well, come inside and I will do it, and tell you just how it happened." The sheriff went inside, and sat down on the cot beside him, when the prisoner told the following story, sobbing, and break ing down as he did so: After Gilkey left McKercher and I be gan talking about trading the gun for the dog, while we were talking about it we went through the kitchen to the well just north oC it for a drink of water. Mr. McKercher who had the gun.drank and then I went to drinking. Suddenly I heard the can crack, and rushed in the house as Mc Kercher ran around it. He fired twice I rushed into the dining room and veiled to mother. 'McKercher has shot father and will kill ns now.' I rushed back around the house. While doing so Mc Kercher shot mother in the dining room. As I reached the front door he was there and fired at me, but niissed me and I grabbed the gun, jerked it from him and shot him dead." Now that can't be true." said the Sheriff, "You might as well tell about the whole affair just as it happened. "So hein me God." he answered "it is all true." A more inconsistent siorv was never told. In the first place his mother would have followed him through the kitchen and not have wanted to be murdered. In the next place the circumstances indicate that it was done just this way, and by the prisoner: Well North. MrsM Mc Mnr T D 51 M When Mr. Gilkey left the house, Mr. Montgomery and Mr. McKercher were standing as indicated in the cut, Mr. Montgomery to the left, and Loyd Mont gomery between them and the house. The boy went into the house, and got the gun. I he distance from the kitchen door to where Montgomery's body was lying was 42 feet, from there to the front door on the east 37 feet. He fired at his father hitting him as heretofore de scribed, and as he fell, he shot at Mc Kercher, but missed him. A ball found in the fence shows this fact. McKer cher ran. crying to him not to shoot, sprang into the door and tried to shut it just as tbe murderer reached it with his gun. He pried it back, a dent on it shows the fact plainly. McKercher af ter making desperate efforts to c'.oso it, turned to run as he fired. Mrs. Mont- gymery appeared in the dining room door ana received two soots. Were Montgomery's story correct the boy would under all circumstances have announced it at once, the defender of his parents, and he would have been a hero. The fact that he did not convicts him. Montgomery told the same story to two prisoners and to one other person. loe grandmother ot tbe boy.who knew bis character well, declared immediately that he am iu A result of the murder is the almost crazed condition of the mother of Mc Kercher. She is almost insane with grief over the death of her beloved son, her prop and mainstay in her old age, There was nothing in tbe report that tbe prisoner had made a complete con fession, though it is confidently expected that be will break down and do so. No one has been admitted to see him today. Tlie wreck of tbe Bandorilla was so torn plete it cannot be saved. Salem is to bave a living whist eaie on thanksgiving day at tne opera house. In football Saturday Yale defeated Prince ton 2J to 10, and Pennsylvania Harvard 17 to 14. The excursion to Corvallis arranged by Ureenleaf lodge D. of H for tomorrow has been postponed until luesday of next week. An immigrant and his family arrived in Albany last night from Kansas after a o4 months trip by schooner conveyance. ana a small one at that. F. Co. will s-ivea irrand ball at the oner house on Thanksgiving evening. Prize win db given ior tn best lady and grn tleman waltzers. iicketa 75 cent; gallery 10 cents. Harry Bnstow left last evening at 6:30 0 clock, horseback, with n important di paten ior some party in Morence. lie ex pected to ride to Hale last night and wonld then reach head of tide today by 1 m. to eaten tne J: lorence boat. (inard That will be an expensive telegram. The Portland Mercury devotes a half calumn to Parke Brandt, at one lime engin eer or fireman on the Lebanon branch Mrs. Brandt hac bim areted for whip ping her, but he was discharged lie teems to bave teamed two grans widows, his first wife having obtained a divorce, 'Une thing that goes against the pn oner is the fact that he was a bad boy, Only a few short weeks ago, mention was made in these columns about him having forged orders' on Mr Rice, an-i starting across the mountains, and bow he was overtaken by hu) father and brought borne. The boy also Dassed forced order at differ. ent stores in this city. Brownsville Times. Last summer A Sieurdnon. of Sheridan. went back to North Dikta to work during tbe harvest season at his former hom On Tuesday night last he arrival at hu home in fheridan, accompanied by 6"n families, together with their household effects The whole party numbers 21 souls and tbey will make their homes in Oregon. They are all of Icelandic extraction. Salem Post. Good Fisnrsa. From parties who ar rived from Florence last evening we learn that nearly every man on the Sius- law river has been engaged in nailing since the first of the month.and that the run of silversides has been immense, a number of days 3,000 being caught. The nsh however are said to be noor and soft, Of course everything is tuspended now as donstapie Linton probably arrested the cannerymen at that place yesterday for violating the state fishing law. It W8S unlawful to take fish after Novem ber lst.G'iard, Important Anniversary Dec. 27th axt will be the 25th anniversary of the advent of the first railroad into Albany. It will be an event worth celebrating.and Albany should at least have a quarter eeniury meeting in nonor ot the event. Or. Price's Cream Batting Powde World's KIr Hhrhest AwvC Upon the convening of court this af ternoon the prosecuting attorney notified the court that a murder had been com mitted in the county since the discharge of the grand jury, and moved for a new grand jury to inquiro into the caeo. The following jury was selected: O. W. Rich ardson, foreman; I. Fox, Chas Bogart, ' E. U. Russell. Jas. Catothers. Frank McKnight and W. II. Kirk. Frank Mc Knight was annotated clerk to take the eviuence. a. i. woouin was appointed bailiff and took charge of the jury. TUB HANNAH CASE. Mrs. Emma G. Hannah, under indict ment for the murder of Mrs Lottie Iliatt, appeared with her attorneys. Weather- ford & Wyatt, while for the prosecution District Attorney McCain, Deputy N. B. Humphrey and E G.Young appeared. Mr. Hannah and a daughter sat near the prisoner, who did not seem very much disturbed by the situation. i the attorney for the prosecution mov ed for a new panel of a jury on the ground that a new grand jury had been illegally taken from the old panel. This was denied and the case was proceeded with. The first twelve jurymen called for examination were: A. P. Blackburn, A. Craft, J. P. Carter, S. I. Shore, Frank Trites, J. A. Stevens, W. A.Gleason.Jas. A Richardson, Henry Blakely, M. V. Keentz, J. W. Burkhart, Jas. McCul loch. At press time the following members of the jury Lad been chosen : A. P. Blackburn, A. Croft, Frank Trites, Henry Blakely ,J. M. RaIson,H. Bishop, T N Umphrey, J H Glass, J H Cald well, W S Foster, E C Roberta, with prospects of the twelfth in a few minutes. Mrs. A. II. Martin went to Mehama toaay to inspect the W. R. O. of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Meyer have re turned from a trip to Portland and the Sound. Mr. Byron Milloy, editor of the Tele scope, is just recovering from a two or luree weens st-ge ol lever. The name of Geonre W. Harris will be placed before the democratic citv con vention ior tne nomination lor citv re corder subject to the approval of the voters o. the city. Oliver C McFarland left oi Saturday nights overland fur Phoenix. Ariaona. He expects to be gone three months. Perhaps if a suitable business prooosi- tion offers itself he may remain longer. Miss Eva Cowan, of Portland, formerly of Albany, is iust recovering from the effects of an operation for r.onendicitis. after a treatment in the hospital for some c-uo no,- a iinei 01 inenus in Al bany who will be triad to know of the afe termination of the operation. Capt. Winant. drowned bv the wreck of the Bandorilla. mention of which was made Friday. ha resided at Ya- uuina Bay for a ronil manv vmiim ami was well known by many Albany neo- pie. tie waa a popular man and highly esteemed by a lanre circle of friends reaching all along the coast. Fro Prison- to Astlc. It has been some time since the Democrat has made an item about O M. Bartlett, the man who once stole a boat at Albany, and a good many things at other place. Here is one iroui tne statesman: o. M. Uart lett, who was received at the state peni tentiary about a year ag , from Crook county on a sentence for horse stealing and whose time in such institution would have expired on the 10th prox., was yes terday committed to the insane asylum by County Judge Hubbard. Bartlett never was possessed of a very sound mind and has been in asylums of like character before. He has been acting in a very queer manner i-xtely and the attending physician. Dr. Phil brook, en tered a complaint with the court that he be examined. Yesterday afternoon Judge nubbard, ueputv County Clerk J. is. Giesy, Deputy District Attorney A. O. Oondit and Dr. j. A. Smith went to the penitentiary and looked into his case. Bartlett is 46 years old. He waa in the asylum several years ago on a commit ment from Eugene and last year, while confined in the Marion county jail to await the action of the grand iurv on a charge of horse stealing, he was taken oeiore Judge Hubbard ior a second ex amination, which failed to result in his commitment. Death of Mrs. Cheadix. Mrs. E. R. Cheadle died at her home in this city at o clock, Saturday evenme.ot mnamro- tory rheumatism, after a lingering ill ness, at the age 01 about o years. She was one of Albany's pioneers, for many years residing on First street on the s'ite of the First National Bank. For many years her husband was a merchant here and also run the grist mill at the foot of Broadalbin street. Mrs. Cheadle was a woman of great push and will power and will long be remembered for many sterling traits of character. Tbe deceased leaves four daughters and a son, two residing in this city, and the son and two daughters in Southern Cali fornia. 1 hey were telegrapbel Ior and at least Miss Itha is expected on tomor row morning's overland, so that the fun eral will probably take place from the residence tomorrow at 2 o clock. Thk Fers Leafs. The entertainment by the Fern Leaf Club, at the opera house Saturday night, was greatly en joyed by a good sized audience. Ger trude O'Brien and Clarence Craw were encored after a well rendered vocal duet; Floyd Ramp upon declaiming, "so as was treated tne same way . "saran e Young Man," a lively drama was pre sented remarkably well, considering the fact that all the participants were under id years ot age. ftvery part was pre sented well; but the star presentation was certainly that of Mies Jessie Clifton as Sam Sloeleat. She was continually applauded. Her acting was easy and ber rticulation distinct and ber voice ex pressive, characteristics generally lacs ing in children. Tbe entertainment losed with a song by the entire club. A feature that added much to the an air were the piano solos and accompaniments by Mrs. Frank Ketcbum. Twenty five cottage prayer meetings were he'd this afternoon,, regular services tonight. Now that the State Insurance Company is down every newspaper in the state is jumping on to it. When the concern was alive and kicking V e Keview waa about the on y paper in the state that dared to expoxe us swindling operations. Rose- burg Keview. Surv, Woman5 WorK 15 never clone It Is a constant round of care and toll from which there la no escape. How es sential, then, are health and strength, and yet with how many woman these are al together lacking. They are tired all day and unable to sleep at night. In this con dition the system will soqn break down, Restore fhe Strength, overcome that tired feeling t build up th system by the osa 4 Hood's Sarsaparilia before it is too late. This great medicine. Is exactly what overworked women need, (t makes pure, rich blood, creates an ap petite, gives strength to the nerves, Hood's Sarsaparilia Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today, Hood's Pills arc tMtsUH, mild, sir. I Uva. AUdrug(lu. 2M. DID ALL OF IT. Loyd Montgomery Confesses to the Triple Murder. As anticipated Loyd Montgomery lias made a full confession to the killing of his father, mother and Mr. McKercher, Late last night he confessed to the mur der of all threo to J. R. Whitney and J. S. an Winkte. It was anticipated he would, notwithstanding his former con fession. After some preliminary remarks, drawing him out. he began with, "Oh, if I only had to do it over again, I don't know what made me do it," and gave an account of it about as heretofore pic tured. McKercher and Mr. Montzomrrv were talking alout some motiev the latter owed the former, w.ien the prisoner got some water for McKercher. Then Mont gomery took the prisoner to task for go ing away from home on the hunt and neglecting his work, ho asserted that his father had always treated bim mean, and on thi occasion he ended by elup pimr the prisoner in the face and telling him to cut some wood. This angered the prisoner, and going into the house he got the gun from a bed room, came out to the kitchen door, and im mediately shot without remembering just how they stood. He shot his father tint, fired at McKercher. Mrs. Montgomery was also in the yard and she and Mc Kercher ran toward the front door of house, folio wed by the murderer. Just as McKercher was going through the door he shot him, and then his mother as she fled through the house. He declared that he had never had any idea of killing them until he got so mad, that when he got to shooting he just kept at it. Then he just laid the gun down without any idea as to the purpose and ran into the field, returning when the children came, lie shot five liniM in a! I The young man waa greatly affected and seems all unnerved over the terrible murder he committed. He laid it all t his violent temer, but asserted that while his father had never whipped him he had treated him mean and be had worked hard all his life. The trial of Loyd Montgomery was set for Dec. 1". Senator McBride left yesterday t r Washington. License has been issued for the mar rigee of Frank Bedell and Marv C ner eai h aged about fiO years. Mrs. S. E. Young and Mie Sarah Alt house left today fur Co!orado,w here they will tisit with a sister for several weeks Misa Itha Cheadle left San Francinco yesterday on oue of the O. K. A- N. steamers. The funeral oi her mother will be announcea in a dav or two. J.J. Bottger went to Albany today to look after a large hay contract he has in that vicinity. H involves the shipment of 230 tons of timothy hay to Kay Vie District race track at San Francisco. Salem Post. The editor of the Democrat acknowl edges a serenade last night from several saeet voiced young people, who sang a tune that went something like this: "There waa a man in our ton who was so wonderfully wise he edited the Deh ocrat, the DEJtocsAT.tbe Democrat, etc" Sid Dorris, who recently left Albany for the sooth by way of the Short Line, has arrived in Los Vesas, New Mexico, after a trip part of which waa traveied in a private !ox car. He report Charles Metxgar working in a wholesale liquor house, and as thoroughly disgusted with that country. iHirria waa about to start for Prescott. Coitajr Grovo-Lem!i 1 to bare cVc ine liiftit. Tbe Lane county co---us on!.. oc-S alout JUo extra. nt j H.e.t;j euonja Marion county's cwt H.SS), u.t wi!..i, enough. A gam of late La! I al the arutorv Lut night between F. Co and th printer re salted in a victory for F Co. 2i to 14. There are ISO ni"n emr-ioved on tte As toria road, and tbi is to le increarj to 600, it is declared, in a very hort time. But will it. The body of Can. Wieant w taken through AibanT Sunday to tie Bay fr burial, coming by way of Kwburg. and wa under charge of the 1 O. . F. of which he was an esteemed ir.embex. Governor Lord has pardoned Thad Ihmn. of Yamhill cottntr, and Harold Pilking- ton. of fort Land. It wa done in order to restore them to citizenship. in ciuuia ny-r Monday night w.i composed of Zt cars in two section. It was estimated that 524 jMuuenger were aboard. Tbe steamer t olumbia lea vine Portland the same evening carried 3lj passenger. A live pufri:i-tic fMfiing is growing be tween the tVilVi.iotte and U. O's. over the coming foM' game en Tbask.giviog and tbey are c.i.l'ni eacht other name. This means a hot game and a big crowd present. That i one way to aovmise- On the Divide. Farmers busy. There has been an un usual amount of grain sown this fall. Dick Morris has been in vicinity buy ing cattle for t he aletn mark ;t. Jim Nixon has bought up all the tur keys from this neighborhood and shipped to San Francisco for Thanksgiving. George Macy has been out to the old home enjoying a hunt. Ernest Macy was visitimr with Bruce Davidson last Sunday. B. R. Holt has moved back to Harris- burg for the winter. Prof. Johnoon spent Ia?t Satnrdav on his farm here. Mrs. Heller and children are viMtins at tAi -MCiiois. J. M Philpott and E. J. Willonehly pcio viic viitjf mcuiit-ra Ui iuva. vr. . W. lodge of thia vicinity that attended . 1. 1 .. 1 t . 1 t 1 the funeral of the late brother Georg McNeil of Harrisbunr, who was buried last Tuesday near HaJscy. Miss Hattie Dompsy who is attending school at iebanon was home on a visit last week. Mrs. c. v. Coleman ot Cohan? was visiting with Mrs. Ella Grims last week. John Sommerville ha been so afflict ed with a numtier of boils so as not to be able to be out ot the house for two weeks. Mrs. Dave Pierce of Rowland, has re turned to Portland, to continue the course of treatment she has been receiv' ing lor some time at the hospital there Another Fatal Gvs AccinKNT. Lane oounty keeps up iu told by the 1 ...... 1 n 11 . ... . vubiu, as iuuvwb; a man came into town at 4 o'clock this afternoon f ir fir oner Harris, stating that Ed Brabham, a fuuujjiuan who resides near SprmgUeld, had been found dead. Informatien U meagre, but it seems that young Brab ham had Bone out buntimr this mnmina and had attempted to cliinbovera fence. While doing to somehow the gun was discharged, the contents, a load of shot, entering his left breast in the vicinity of " iicart. a large noie was torn m bis bady, and he was of course instantly killed. TiiASKscivtso Gifts. Thanksgiving donations this year will be received for the poor of the city. ' Flour, potatoes, meat, groceries, etc., will be received at the W. C. T U hall to-morrow and dis tributed. Leave, before 2 p. m. so they may be sent out ready for use the next day. There will be no further soliciting .1 .... n uvuu VIEVI1U11J. r. li. rveuton receives weekly ubscrip tiontfor all the leading newspHpers and iiinKUiiiien Bin u. natsons Co Gro eery store. This save subscriber the trouble and expence of sending orders tJ puuiuuers Large and enthusi-utic evang)liHc etings were held yesterday. There will be no services tonight, but the remainder iuo weea uiey win oe neid a uxuat with ADigaaj on ihanksgiving. For the best Drugs Dawson's. THE HANNAH CASE. Emma G. Hannah 011 Trial for the Murder of Charlotte Iliatt. At 7 o'clock last evening the court again mnvenrd with eleven men in tl... jury box and one to get. a large number ui Aiuany men examined having proven misatisfactory.priiieipiilly to the defense. After the examination of K. C. lfim. nuu i'. . iroutmnn, Hamilton Creek, was twelfth juryman. M. Berriian. of accepted as the District Attorney McCain in a seven teen minute speech stated the case of the state, which will bo devtdoied in the testimony that follows. Tho defendant at times became very uneasy and once or twice contradicted the remarks oi the attorney, calling one statement a lie when she was husheiWhy her attorneys' ...v oi,m .iuiriw,i 10 present tesMinonv leading up to the defendant as the guilty person corresiKiinhn tnu-lm i.l.o,.;.,. r things found, the revolver, etc., being those of the defendants family .animosity between tho parties, etc. Mr. Wealherford Hi:it.,l th defense. According to it thedeffnxo posed showinif that thu trni'lfii .It. I ..... gowithin half a mile of the defend ants, that they did not correspood with those ot the defendant, nor were the other thimrs found lienor it...... of her family; that there had been no feeling between the deceased and de fendant for three veara. that th ll.innoi. revolver had not been used, that defend ant could not have gone to the Holeman place without pacing several men at work in the neighborhood. That jmt before the murder she had her face poul ticed from a swollen face from a tooth extracted in Albany, that she had been doctoring for a female trouble and was too unwell to have traveled the distance, that she was home at 4 :.0 o'clock and at o'clock, that the person who did It was actually a man, that a person hud Ut n seen in another direction corresponding 10 wie uescripuon 01 tue person seen at the hone. 17 minutes was taken in the delivery of the statement. Circuit Court convened at 9 o'clock tins morning, muen tne prosecution im mediately began business, t'pon re el nest of the defense all witnesses, but those testifying were excluded from the court room. The witnessed were called n a body and sworn previous to being excluded. There were thirty-six in the crowd as they took the oath, oue member of the company allirming Ten witnesses were sworn f w thu de- ftng ivir?L! (.tiorti iul?..! n..t )..... U-ing , - . ... . ...... . .. . ..... ..... fillug , . ...... l'lio testimony was then taken, of which the following is an outline: Dr. II. C. llr.vritR, of Stii ton, testified to attending Charlotte Iliatt on the dav I ol the murder, wiim-M aid oa Thur-1 dav Oct. 23. at 11 p. m. Located one ! UM 10 t-banlt Hannah 1 bat, being like wound just above right ear, and another l u,f OD ,n evidence ome ol them very just back cf the ear, going through reluctantly so a to be threatened by the ikull. She died on Saturday of the next 'attorney and court if tbey did not gtre week from the effects of the wounds. Thei10 UcU. autopsy was described in detail. Shown bullet and piece of bullet and rt-cognixed them as the ohm found in the br;n and outside thcekull of the dive.i-el. Think , bollet was defective and split. Dr. J. M. Km-nst utiueI to attend-j ing the deceased with Dr. Hunter.on Septi -6, at nearly midnight. lK-acribed ! wounds and autnjwy subtanlUHy like j Dr. Hunter. Thought bullet was' SO to! 33 caiibre. Death w as from the gtm shot i ounds. Didn't know whether two:me, nubs'.AnUally. Both opening were from same bullet. .Vu;n : bait wa directly m.other slightly ikr- ward. Part bet ween ho'.t-s was iict de-1 detached. j Euuina llots.w testified: Am SI veamofase. Chariot'. Iliatt wa mv Vounet da-ichter. Sh lived w ith me at Jordan, she was shot on Sept. 26; nearer 8 than 5 o'clock. The irja , coming m bad t-ook, ;-rea.l it on table. Was in a few minuses. Daughter was i intimate wiin ber riasuanu. .-ite ibouni standing up. Told person didu l want he had a light to rotect her family, to buy it. Thought u wa man but pe- J Also another oue aiierward. when he culiarface. Had on gls-, with jaas-! id lle same. tat he, w lute ftA on it. Rec-guiied one Cros examiaalioa Said I wonll pro rhown her. Picked murtrrhe up. Per j tec my fauidy li 1 knew an;, thing N ver souh..t. but think duln t bit Crtt lime. J told it to anyone beside my family. Pressed in bla. k jt.o-.Jm-eraii. straw j wa not joking her on ibe ut.j. Uatover lace. Person roSied ep tw,k ) vv ci ArnoiJ: Livw 2', tuite Hot and p-it it und-r ciwat. Tlien .uiSeJ re-5 JO- Have ln acquainted wish de viiver and struck dan.-hter 03 head. fdaai Zi year. Ha-l conversaln lal Daughter run toward iove, I picked up I My ll5 defendant at my mothers. SLe stick of wood and followed. Tiw person ake4 me ll I koew any lUu about her turned and hit use on head and I uruck husband and Mrs Hsatl running of! thi the pem.n on head kuotkisg hat t,S I t '!!- ' 1 he SDfr lve gate. Tim- shot wrrc Sired. lf-tiiUteV hia w ben he got her of the prop fell dt-ad ia door. One bt t in houe, .d put that , thtn out of the way, next on frch the n-rita Wowing t!kni of Mrs Ihatt. daughter on torch, and then ia th- Crow examinauon Sir Hannah i aa kitchen, neht l.'.m.l mv ,,..-hi.T Sha fell on iett side. I m-imeil and hal- s towed. Found hat iiiftle gwte, and I I threw it outside. 1 showed ii to men. Was straw bat. Shown hat and sai l it ' was the very same ba' Women picked 1 up giaK-e. were not mine. Lew i Trak and w ife and M r ard M r Leonard w ere first penwn there, and then the houe was full. Wa nol dark wbeu Track tot there. j t'poncrx examiualion the wilnets reiterated her direct tetimonv. Am certain ihe person shot daughter rifi.t t Irom bebilid her. almol toi. l.imr her. I was within twoor three feetoltb per son. Last shot was in kitchen. Re-direct. Shown cat. Iv-clsred it waa a darker o:.e and that was not the one. The witness was hard of hearing an 1 it was almost impossible to keen her from telling more than was immaterial than was material, conllnuallv declarits that she waa going to tell the truth. Her mistakes of the nuestions -ansin.' nuuv smiles. Herman Siieltos testified: Lirt at Jordan, have for forty years. Know all parties. Miown plat a. id ointed out lo cation ol points in connection with the tragedy. Distance between Hannah house and Mrs Holman's i from mile acd a quarter to a mile and a half. Wa at scene ol shooting about 8 o'clock, a good many present. Cross examination Dictatc-d man. Continued description of plat in detail. 11 is arranges according to scale, 10 inches to nuie. L. C. Trask testified : Merchant at Jordan. Mrs. Holman's house was about 300 vards from store. Between 5 and 6 o'clock htard choosing. Started for house, met Mrs. Holman, went back to store, got gun, wint to house with Mrs. Holman, wife and Mrs. Leonard, and Mr. Leonard in 5 minutes. Found Mrs. hiatt on floor, blow! on head, looked o-er house for murderer, picked Mr. I Hiatt up and put her on bed. Searched premises-but found no one. Bullet and false mustache picked up in kitchen when 1 was there. Identified mustache and think bullet the same. Heard five shots fired ; first shot, after over minute three hi succession, then another. Hannah boy was at store day b fore. Wore straw hat, looked like same hat in evidence. " Adjourned for dinner. F. G. Leonard testified : Have lived at Jordan six years. Knew parties. My house mile or over from Mrs. Hiatts. Was at Mrs. Hiatts on Sept. 20 aliout 7 o'cleck, alwut 5 minutes after Mr. Trask. Saw Mrs Hiatt's body picked up from kitchen. Examined premises. Emma Shelton picked up bullet in kitchen. Saw glasses and mustache. Sank Han nah staved all night with me Wednes day nicht. Had on straw hat. Shown hat in evidence. Kesemmeu it. unto bullet. Ditto classes. Ihtto mustache, Cross examination Things nicked up were gathered together and put on table. D dn't see Sark Hannah wear straw hat since murder. During tho examination attorney was threatened wi'h a fine if he repeited questions already asked. fcuima Shelton icmiuea : iave at Jor dan. Gut at Holman house About 8 o'clock. I picked bullet up in kitchen beside the door, handed it to some one. don't know whom. Shown bullet, can't tell anything about the bullet. Saw Sankllannnli in Bilyue's hop yard a week before. Wore straw hat, whue one. Shown hat in evidence, .lookou like that hat. Known defendant 15 or 10 years. She told mo to tell Lottie to hurrv up and get that divorce as John was waiting for her," as I was passing the door, no other convereatton. Airs. Hannahs husbands name is joiiii. Cross examination. Good many other Johns there. It was over a year ago con versation occurred 1 ler name was Lot tie Reed then. Iton't know how long she was married to Mr. Hiatt when kill ed. Never told lottio. Don't remember whether I told it to any one before shoot ing. Was on good terms with Mrs. Han nah. Asked her what she said, and she repeated it. Repeated testimony about finding bullet. Don't remember any one else's hats at hop yard but Sank's. lie helped me pick hops. Don't remem ber his hat, coat, shirt or boots. S. B, Colo testified : Live near Jor dan. Was at Mrs. Hiatts over half an hour after shooting. Found glasset nn- uer edge o! table in kitchen. Were laid on stand. Turned overto me until turn ed over to John Uilyen for the sheriff. Shown glasses. Don't think they are the ones. Were scratches on those. Chang ed his mind and said: Think now they are the same. S.iw bullet picked up. It was given to rue to keep. Kept that hat, specks, and mustache. Shown bullet, 'iaatisaame Saw tracks just outside gate, day after shooting. Covered up with plunk. On left track impression of paU;h, tacks on heel turned in. Right track turned out. Five or six sods from hoiife, jKiinting towards house, atiout No. 5 shoe. Home tracks on creek to wards Hannahs. Both ways, going and coming; also some in hop yard, traced tracks to within JQ0 yards of Hannahs. A. Farrier was with me. The tracks were detcriled the same as the ones near the lioiiiH). Shown hat. Ixioks like same. Cross examination. Little that was new was developed. With Thanitirivm2 In view Judge Burnett pushed proceedings with all pos sible fin.1.1. A. Farrier substantiated the testimony 01 a. n. ixiie, in relerence to the tracks seen at several places. Identified the spectacles as having seen them at Han nah's. Next day after shooting pi isoner had patch on her face, and ' one of her shoes waa larger than other. A yetr ago heard Mrs. Hannah say she had rather cut Mrs Hiatus throat than have her in the hop vard Win. Brenner, deputy sheriff, ofScio, testified to going to scene of murder next morning, swing track and covering tbeui up, and tracing them towards Hannah s, going and coming. Described puL-uliarity of tracks. At Hannah house Pulled cloth back from Mr Hannah's lace and it was bruisud and scratched below. She said upon beimr asked that it had been torn up and bruised the day before. Found Jims pistol up stair on bed. Looked freshly discharged. Said it wa hers. Talked with her about the murder and she said man w: a Dutch man, and Lottie had better have bought a book. J. A. McFeron, sheriff, testified to ar rest of Mrs Hannah, that her face was bruised and scratched. At home she produced coat. She said Mr Iliatt ought to bavv been shot, that they were all liars. After Mrs Hialt's death she said : "That is good, it is a nice day for fun eral. I would uke to sing tbe doxol ogy." He took ahoe in evidence from prisoner when arrested, were No. 6s marked as 4's Identified pUu!, etc J. I. Sbeltou, Wni. Farrier. Wm. Bil- - v''u Leonard and Tho. Ldgar tesu- Horace Edgar teelified to Shank Han- aalt trying to trade bat with bim. Thought shank's hat was the one in evidence. Tliu Bilyeo testified to tracing the tracks, detenbing the peculiarity ol them, T.J. Hannah ler.ned: I'.ruther-in- law of defendant. Known her since '5S. a at Mr II tali next morning after niurdi - r. Helped erarcb for tracks, found a track into bop yard. Ivscnbed tracks !r ks turned one war. saw Lack c - rl up. Cross examination Track were not from, piireoo tue. Anne trvt: Uve at Jordao, have known defendant about 22 year. Two yars ato had converwaUoo tub Mrs Hannah about Mr Htatl. She Said " uld sool ilr mail it she oaase 1VD 5iCT premisr. iuio -ucwmioo aunt i-y ntarruge. e were inenciy tl Ailed ber Lot tl ia'.t or that old grass w idow. ireorge Arnold : Brother of Wm. Ar nold. 1 Jl winte- Mrs Hannah at my rviiJecie, told me that Mrs Iliatt want- et out ol the way, mat te ana ber husband intimaie. Std we would b-r Irom it again. Thought the parUee were guilty. Crute examination Told about it after the murder. Am on god terms with dctvndant. Ma al Jordan, two day Urr mu'dcr. rraua Harris: nave known aeicn i- ant 10 or 12 year. Heard Mr Hannah, w inter before last, say they had caused her trouble; tl it continued there would be some funerals in the neighborhood, she mentioned Mrs Hiatl and three other Cross examination Never told it ex cept to the grand jury. FUti Kay: Over a year ago heard Mrs Hannah say that if she heard any stork- about Mr Hiatt and ber husband she would make il hot tor them. Mr T. J. Araold: Two year ago she aked me about her husband and Mr Hiatt going away together. She said she would ce'lle matter with six shooter if they didn't atop. t im examination Never told any one but family until thi happened. Aui on good terms with Mr Hannah. 11. C. Miller: A year ago last spring Mr Hannah said she thought Mrs Iliatt and her h urban.! were placing a plot to get her out of the way. She said she would get away with them. Cross examination Told her I thought there wos nothing of it. Told my wife atxnit it. Don't remember who else, un til after murder. G. 1. Sutherland : About a year ago in Scio, Mi Hannah said she would lead Lottie Hiatt on account ol ber mak ing trouble between her and her mau. Never told it until after murder. lr. J. W Cole: Saw Mrs Hannah in Scio after her arrest, on Sept. 27. Was wound on her face, on left check, a bruised wound with scratches below. Guim were sroolen from teeth extract ed, but not up to cheek bone. They were distinct and separate. Cross examination Mm hi have bruis ed hue from (all on right kind of thing; out not ou ground. l'istol. spectacles, nat, shops ana ieau balls were offered in evidence, and mark ed, after objection bv defense. lToseoullon rested. Pkfkssr. Jamks Hannah : Am son of defendant; have lived on farm . On Sept 26 was at home. On Monday and Tuesday, Sept 22 and 23 mother was at Albany. When she returned ber face was swollen. On Sept 2o the had poultice on face. About noon she told me her face was hurt, but didn'tsee it.asit wa poulticed. Ou2tth was working in corn field, 300 or 400 yards from house. Could see house. Went to work about 1 :30 on Thursday, about 400 yards from house. Was in full view of the adjoining country. Went home a little before sun down. Practiced on cornet. About 10 minutes after tl saw mother In house. Heard noise first time. supposed it washer. No oue else came except two sisters then. Father and brother were at tea. A Leonard boy was there at 0 -.30. Said man had shot Mrs Ueed, Mother was in house. Brother came to honse after all of us. Sisters had lieen in field. Shank had straw hat. Thursday morning Sept 20th a dog took hat out of house, tore it up, aud we burned It. Shelten hovs were there. had pistol, father revolver, and there was shot gun and ritle. That is exactly ltke one 1 had. It had been in my possession, under mv pillow, nau been used, me revolver wa under mv pillow when I went to bed. 1 loaded it on Tuesday, it was full, and didn't have any more cart ridges. Used it on Tuesday shooting quails. Bed is up stairs,only mv brother and I slented there. Saw sheriff have re volver after murder. Mather used treat ment three times a day up stairs, morn ing noon ana evening. 10 urs itiatts by bridse mile aud ball or luree Quarters, Could have seen any one towards Jordan. Shown hat. That is not Shank's. Cross Examined Father and sisters were in corn field when 1 lett in evening. Described in detail cornet playing and the seeing of his mother, the Prosecut attorney failing to trap him. Had c 11 vereation with Brenner and Mc Feron and others the next evening. Never told them I did m t see mv moth. er Thursday night. Never said I . ft my 1 pistol in shoe and it was gone. John Hank Harm 1:1 : Am non of deft. , Described location of points in evidence, j distances, view of i.I.i. ch. u:. Vm or i Lyons Wednesday. Stayed at Mr Leon. ards over night. Won straw hat, liid 11 iown on the tloor Thursday morning. Dog got it and tore it im. Mother burn ed the pieces. Shown hat. Is not mine was w lute, irimliton. was too small. being OJi) Wear 7,'i Told where he was during day. Got in w ith last load of cora just beforesundown. unloaded it. put team up. My folks were all at home when 1 reached there. Heard of shoot ing after dark. Two pistols and two guns in house. Shown pistol. Belongs to brother, was kept at head of led. Oould have seen any one go through hop yard. Cross examination Went over Thurs day afternoon's doings (jot home about i b-J0, sun about aa hour high. Got a load of corn in about an hour. In going looked back three or four times. The attorney tried hard to confuse him here and succeeded me, but not effectively. The hat tearing scene fully gone over. Asked about conversation with McFeron, nrenner ami rrot on day after shooting. Denied saying hat was burned op a week la-fore or was lying at corner of house. Denied saying he did not see his mother until next morning. Bought the straw hat July 3rd. Think I wore iij in hop yard. I Re-direct: Brenner arrested me, at J hop house. Took me up road, was cry ing and excited. A good deal waa eaid in a confuted way. John Hannah:' Husband of defendant. Described trip to Albany, hi wife swol len face from u-tlh pulled, eight of them. uisuoings euueMiav. her lace waspuui- wtc-j. iiiursuiia events oeacriuej. After hauling corn arrived at hoiue juH before sundown, found wife at home. 1 ft 1 ... Jimmy and two girls. Heard of shoot ing same evening; wife at house. Like hoy could see bop yards, and could have seen anyone going to Jordan. Shown glasses. Are not mine. Shiwe 1 his own glasses. Mr Farrier when, my house used my glasses. Cro examination out glasse:r peddlet five or six years ago. J them for reading and fine work. Set used glacs before. Do not majpi . much. Questioned about Sank's trr. ' saw mill, view from field, hi wifelt-- ing from mindow before sundown. W a , wife was arrested ate never eaid r - must all swear tojre. her," or that!. . we will awear ail right." j Mary Hannah: Daughter of deft 1 1 year of ae. Told of trip of mother to Albany, and event u. Thursday evening, her motberp li' i: 1 face from swelling. Went to cor 1 1 1 about S :;s0; came back to boute uodown, found mother and Jt Mother was up stain, James b. r 1 , born. Wore mothers shoes ioj .-1 Shown shoes in evidence. Tue one I wore to cornfield. Dog t.-j in Sank' hat and mother burned -Croce examination Havetaik.2 1 Jame hunting with falter since t 1 ber of limes. Think il wa 111 whea I came from field, it wa 1 , yel. When motuer earned jwj t Jame wa in the yard. Am ; moliier wa there. Never told -and other that 1 didn't see m r. evening. I had conversaUoa t them 1 saw her that evening. Row Shelton: Wa at t about 4 o'clock with load of O s t dried in John Hannah's hi? 1 maining aa boor. Could h tr son pa;ng bop yard. D.da' f one pass. CSitford, Osa S ij. fied subetarttiaiiy the taste. - . ton, w bo was with them, tin get there at 4:30. m nj - -Was there about hall aa bo ic. side most of the lime. Jat. Burton: On Uie2Jt"i I . saw pera in pasture east o: not know bim, thought he ( . . hunter. Sun about aa hour 1 larger than witnes. Cron examination Man ; tiling looking like guo. If 1 i coal. Henry Sliauks: Li re f jj Jordan. On theM.h a ---.: ; . i e r -11 hi i i 1 j 9 tn parsed place toward Jorl o'clock. Had something 1 1 - .ike a book. Cross Examination Waia 5eld, 1 cut 100 yard from me; bad package on back, not something that would roil up. A good many stranger pas there. Da, J M kmncN : In August ls&4 and wa previoo treating Mrs Hannah for a female trouble. Prescribed hot medicated douche with fountain rvringe. Some people might suffer ana others nou Probably has ailment now. LCTVask: Heard bot at Mrs Hiatts at 6 o'clock, judged from sun. AaThCR Ta.Ast : Didn't hear shots, nor attend shooting. Sabpoenoed by mistake. Kmwa G Hanah: Narrated trip to Albany and eventa cp to the 26th. U ed nelay morning was picking blackberries when I fell into the bushes against a scantling. Dr. Kitchen told me I would have to ue prescription about 38 months. Had instruments up stairs, need three time a day. Wa not at house of Mr Hiatt any l;me Thursday evening. Crof Examination Pick'berrie about ten minutes Poulticed face Tuesday night, ia getting home,swelling kept de creasing. Bandage slipped down while picking berrie, as I stooped down. Told officer had gotten a scratch. Was not nuar Jordan st re nor iu neighborhood Hadn't been for several months. Wm in bed half the day, after Dr said would have to get over a certain period before disease would disappear, which would be about 23 months. Almanac introduced ia evidence to how sunset on Sept "6. Rtnr-TTAU Ww Brennkr testified to con versa lions near Hannah's in presence of several up- nn niiirnin of imst in whtrh Ja. If An ! nah said he did not see his mo' her on 1 - . a a I n" 01 mu ' fe,oa conversa- uoii m won 14 uu uiftuc i;ir eauie eiate ment. Aloo had a conversation with Sank which he said his straw hat was at the house, also another one that dog bad torn it up and one that it had been burned a week before. Sank Hannah told me he had not seen his mother same night. Also contradicted testimony of Mary Hannah, in reference to seeing her mother the same night. Cross Examination Was asked to give exact language of Jas Hannah, and said he could not, only substantially. Said he had not given exact language of Jas Hannah's answer. Answer of Sank Hannah was exact. He was not crying. didn't seem to be excited. Asked to de tail conversation. Admitted that he told an untruth to Sank. Hannah about hav ing Sank s hat. J A McFerox testified verifying testi mony Wm Brenner in reference to con versations with Sank Hannah, including that of tearing hat up and leaving it at the corner 01 house. 1 said very little, but told the bov he must tell the truth. Geo Frost: Testified verifying testi mony of Brerner and McFeron in refer ence to conversation with Sank Hannah in the road altout Ins hat being at the house. Also in reference to conversation with James Hannah and Mary Hannah. Cross Examination Sank w as consid erably excited after arrest. HkNRY iu' km ester teatiued on same subject verifying testimony of Brenner, and contradicting that ol James. Sank and Mary Hannah. A tARR br testified contradicting tes- tim ony of Sank, James and Vary Han- nan. sank was excited. Henry Suaskk: Re-testified in refer- erence to seeing man near his house 4 miles from Jordan. Was tall, slim man in light clothes. J J siiKi.Tox: Imv after ehootins: at hop house, James Hannah said: "1 ex pect they will suspect us, aa 1 left mv pistol in my shoe and it is gone." The testimony was rested at 1:45 o'clock and the attorneys began arguing tne rase. 11 was inougiu 11 would go to The jury came in at 11 :15 o'clock with a verdict of guilty of murder in ths sec ond dagree, which means imprisonment . ior uie, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Chandler Bloom left thi noon for Pennsylvania, on a visit to hia old home, expecting to be gone about five weeks. Miss Bessie Burkhart came un from Salem today and will remain until Mon day. She has been attending the uni .versity at Salem. AU'cock's Z B?AR n Mim Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita- X J tlons is as good as the genuine. DRESSED TURK But m,oi e faiiiiliar scenes oi ?nater lenellt and far more ' iiiisiiiess Suits and School SuhS'ior men and boys. Oi r jirices are adjusted to the tin Oi as our friends are well 6nv?ife. Never had we greater ca use to thank our patrons for then ta vors never could we of tt t such elegant wearing ap- ji arel for the price as now. 1 he volume ol by our house such that we Thanksgiving with more than usual interest, knowing that our way of serving our custom ers meets with their approval. Thanksgiving Greetings From L. E. Blain HOME AND ABROAD Ibe Job Assignment is to be wound up Tbe GoaH say Eugene is to have strain laoadry. Fat turkey, ducks and hen at Robert son faed store. j Received today 650 initial pias at French" jewelry ftore. 1 Those gold filled wah&ea at French' jewelry stnre are barrin 1 Brick Morse, the Willamette coach will leave on 1 riday for Berkeley. Dr. White new hair giowe-. restore premature gray hair to its original color. For sale at Venck's shaving fMrior. Ad elegant Thanksgiving dinner will be served at tbe Revere House lu.aorrow from 12 to 2 o'clock at 50 eta. a prCB. Mr. L Verick ha secured tbe service of Mr M icbel Rogway of Portland Oreg: n. Mr. Rogway is an experienced barUrr coming well recomraded. Tee first train of car c stated a f?w day ago reached Albany Dec. 27. 1S70; but it wa not until Oct, 8, IN lust Eu gene was reached. Mairgie Duncan has sued L M Duncan in the circuit court of Benton county for a divorve. Thej were married on Oct. 17, I&7 ia Albany. Tbe grand jury had not come iu at pre time in the JJont.ouief cane. It is a foregone conclusion that a true bill will be found, and probably thia evening. Archie Jenner. a former Salem boy, com milted suicide in Seattle. He was a stu dent in the University, and killed himself because the future wa not bright. Dr. White's new hair srrowerinc system fcr sale at Venck' barber shop. Sole avent for Linn, Lane. Benton. Marion, Clatsop. Polk. Lincoln and Yamhill couo t-e. Andres box 4.1 Albany Oregon tor free pamphlet on baldness and scalp trou- bJH JejN for the Jaded and Goel Health for all Mankind, r VEGETABLE JJtAJlE!UJl. ttmadc from herb, and I CoutalttS no I Blttltl 1 drill or deadly em. Joy' Vegetable SartapariUa roba the bkwa of ait Iu import, tl, and OMtrw alt lacs unpurr- He Owoosh nature sow a proper chan nel. Jov-a cirticii Sanaparti'-a cat ea 1j pepsta. Chronic I .vr Com rCalut and Kktney avaectioB. Jeyi Vegetable Sarsaparilia prsvents tired feel ings, staggwring sea satioBS, palpitation of heart, rush ot blood to the head, dixxinesa, ringing in ear, spots before tn eyes, headache, bil iouanfla,eontipatioa of bowels, pain In the backvnielancholy, tongue eoated, foul breath, pimples on faces body and limb. deciineafnerrw forcw ditxy spells, faint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, aour rising, faligua, in somnia, ana ail uia eases of tbe stomach, liver and kidney. Joy. Vegetable 8ar a pari! la la aotd by aU dniKKlata, ( a aubuitale. Whew vow pay for In beat at that yaw get la beat, 7fVA avHssattsaMlil EY IS A FAMILIAR SI6FJT -w. sm m business done this season is appreciate this Clothing Co.. AUCTION, A1XTI0 Go to the Auction Sa'e at tLe McII wain old stand, rreat trgains in all lines of merchandise. This wetk we will offer 75 ladies coats well worth f 10.00 for 3.o0. 10 Udies coats vorth $ S CO for $2 50 16 misses 5 CO for I l 13 child " 3 CO " It 45 mens odd coats worth 7 .50 5 5 2ii " 5 to 1 75 1 1 ' overcoats " 10 00 4 CO So prs mens shoes 2 25 1 26 17 hats " 2 00 7 8 prs " oil grain boots S 50 2 09 69 " ladies shoes worth 2 50 1 3 S3 " " 2 00 7 61 " childs and misses 1 25 50 27 j Q) ;s 200 " Best Kockfofd socks 0i Mens Underwear 25 Mens " cotton flannel i 15 S spools Clarks cotton 25 Groceries. 20 lbs graBu'ated sugar Jl X 23 " extra C sugar 1 00 4 papers best matches C 5 lbs choice raieens Si 3 " Gold Dust wash powder 0 34 ots Savon soap....... O'V Lewisville flour, per sack 65 Graham " " 25 lbs.... S Dry GixkIs, Dress goods at your own price, as we must close out the line in a few weeks. Call and see what bargain we can offer you. You can save -money on eerv purchase by trading at the auction sto.e. Auction sale every AVednesday and Saturday at 2 and 7p, m., goods "sold at private sale every day. THE AUCTION STORE Xov. 25, IS95. W. H. Wokrkix, Auctioned NOTICE 0? F1KAL SETTLEKENT. Notice 1 hereby eUeu that th uader- 'gtied. as 'he administrator of the es ate of Lewis Long, decea d, has tiled hi 6 rial account with tte count t clerk o Line county. Oregon, and taat the coua'y cnurt has fixed Mondav, te9 h day ct December. at the bor cf o locr p m - ol said day, lor tb final htarire o said accouat and tbe aeitieuent of said es tate. Ad; pe'ttms having objeeticas to said account are hereby nctiaed io be present at a!d tiuie and make the tame. Dated 7'h day ol NoTemher. l!95 USOwrx KAVHKKFOR0& -V TATT. AiiriT i-s Arm. . KOItCEOFFiMLSETREir To all wl-Hn it my concern, take no tice) that Sarah Brenner, the eecu rix ot af tbe last wid aai terawest of Beaja a In Brenner, deceracd. ha hied her fi- a aacounta such execatris, wite he countjj fark ol L;bb county. Oregon, and that tt Eun coaoty court, ef said county. a ap pointed Thursday, Dm -em be 1 12. Ic95.. fhe hour of 1 o'clock ia the aftercooa 9 aid day a the time, aud the coon'y cour loom at the county court house of said aount y aa the place for bearing objection o said final account, if any these be, an 1 he ooanrn.atioa of said accoont. Dated Nov. 9, 1895. Gao. W. Wbi6HT. Sabjui Brbssem, Atty terExecutiix, Kwcutrix.