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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
muni Of course the Russian czar ia very much disappointed because it waa a girl. He should not be. The next one will be a boy all right. Rev. Edward Davis, who has been re ferred to so frequently has recently received a call from the Christian Church of Portland. He will probably not take the step. After all the sultan waa not poisoned. Strange it would be if a sultan could be poisoned surrounded by safeguards against such a thing, faithful enochs at his elbow, tasters to forestall such a ca lamity. Of course he was not poisoned. Chief Justice Bean has been mention ed for the nomination for congress on the republican ticket. The nomination would not be a good one. Mr. Bean is a nice man personally but he ia not the stuff for congressman.. It is not likely, though, that there will be anything more than the mentioning. The following certainly tells of a very peculiar situation : We do not commend crime in any form under any circuit! Btancea, says an exchange, but the thief who stole a $3,000 shirt pin from Con- euelo Vanderbilt the other day probably will put the money be gets for it into cir culation in thie country, and thua help the financial situation more than Lord Marlborough will. JV. A. Martin writing to the Union Scout from Keighly, Kansas, gives Ore gon a puff. He says : "Allow me a few lines in your paper to say what I think of Kansas as compared with Oregon. would not trade one acre of Oregon soil for the best twenty acres of land here. have been in Oregon twice and was there four years. I worked for John Wagner, on liia dairy ranch, for more than two years. 1 haven't tasted any good butter since I left Oregon. People here only get from fifteen to twenty cents a bushel for their corn. MaDy of the renters are broken up. as thev cannot pay $400 or $560 cash rent for SO acres of cultivated land and take the chances as to what the 6easen will produce, as this is not a sure- . crop state. The Oregon Mining Journal, a new venture in Southern Oregon, has the fol lowing mining news : No accurate data can be had with which to solve the ques tion aa to the annual gold output of the state ot Oregon. From the best data, ob tainable, however it approximates $2,- 000,000. The difficulty in reaching conclusion arises from the fact that the ' gold is shipped out to different parte of the country, and by different channels. Much of it goes by express and some, by mail. Ko data is to be had from which to ascertain the amount shipped through the poetoffice. Again, much of the gold product of the state goes to the Shelby Smelting Company, at San Francisco where it ultimately reaches the mint and is credited to California. About (1,000, 000 is annually produced in Southern Oregon. About $160,000 is annually sold to the bank and merchants at Grant Pass. Tom Reed in Pendleton. Teople will be surprised to read that Tom Reed, of Maine, is in Pendleton, An EastOregonian reporter was in search of something of interest to readers, and unexpectedly ran against an interview with the Maine statesman. Mr. Reed has come West almost "incog.," as no one has heralded his coming, and for once, the Associated Press has failed to tell the American people cf the move ments of Tom Reed of Maine, who if traveling through this section like any other citizen would travel; no private car business goes with Tom, you know, and that is why he has succeeded in coming across the continent ia so quiet a manner. "No eir," he said in answer to the question about his presidential aspira tions, "I am not a candidate fcr the presidency of the United States and never will be. I do not consider that I am competent to fill the position. My present job f nits me first-rate, though I am hoping for a raise of salary before long. I'm for Ben Harrison for presi dent, lien is a daiey aid gentleman and has liven there before. McKinley comes from Ohio, and that's a hoo-doo, because Ohio has always had all the offices and we ain't going to stand it any more, they're awful Em art people in Ohio, but the rest of the boys want a chance- Al lison wouldn't be bad, and Mortor of hew York could hold down the job, if he bad to. Yes, . Harrison ia my choice, provided Joeepn N. Dolph won't run. If be'lt take it, he's my first choice, but I don't suppose he will, and so lam holding for Ben of Indiana. "Well," said Mr. Reed,"! must now o on watch," and lie elippcd on hi overcoat and left the hotel for Georg Darveau's saloon, where he tends bar Tom has been here for come tinae and has been in the saloon business most of the time since coming from Maine, his f rmer heme. Rather Startling. A. J. Barlow, in a letter to tbe River Courier, says : Rogie "Borne years ago General Gibbons, so famous in our civil war, and a great ad mirer of General Jos?ph Lane, stopped at my place in Gold Hill, and requested tne to ascertain and furnish him all tbe facts about General Lace in one of his famous raids against the Rogue Bizer Indians, having driven the Indians, after a bard an! etubborn resistance on their pait, over the frowning precipice of Ta Lile rock. General Gibbons furnished me his address and promised that when be got ail i he data it should be written np and go into the literature of the nation. 1 injeelf, always proud of theachtevments the dare-devil bravery and lightning like movements of General Lane, bad ctmi to believe it was a fact, tLough 1 never beard General Lane, with whom I lived for several years, ever mention hav tig a fijiht on Table rock with the In dians. I remember be used to relate bis experience when ratifying tbe tieaty of peace, afterjie had surprised and chas tised (tie Indians on Evans creek. The tity look place under the precipice on the south side of the table, overlook iuj Rogu" rv r. It was at that place that General Lane and his party offrifnde, a li! ar.onipanied the general to act as witnepflrr to the treaty, came so near be ing uiaeKiu-rtd bv tbe Indane(-the facta of wli cli are familiar to most of your rt?.i!ei. tu compliance with General G Mio'ii' request, I set about in quest of inioimH'i' ji, and after diligent search I loin 1 that the Table rock fight was a uiyt'i It mated only in trie fevered im agination of eeneatioual minds!" 1 The Welcome says some o! the Fort- land lawyers have a large practice, atthe bar, principally in front of it. Tacoma Herald: The populist editor of the Auburn Kew Era was boasting of the arrival of a 9-pound boy at his house the other day, when his republican rival of the Argus bad to chip in and go him quarter of a pound better. The poor Pops seem to be getting the worst of it all around these times. A Vassar college girl Jrecently jumped forty-six inches from the ground, ana another made forty-eight inches in prac tice. It they could do this without any Bpecial incentive,what would they not have accomplished had a mouse been on the track. Salem Post. The sight of a snake would make that four foot high jumper go over a telegraph wire. A grueeomly ludicrous feature of crim inal jurisprudence ia furnished in the Eovaley murder trial at Sacramento, where the murderer isieta that he helped to murder the Weber family, and has written out all the details, in which he is strongly corroborated, while two "emi nent counsels" are insisting, against bis own word and will, that he is innocent, and holding daily conferences to discover how a murderer can be kept from being convicted, when he ia so honestly obdur ate aa to insist that he is guilty. Of course the last resort will be a th.-ory of insanity, but nobody except an "emi nent" criminal, lawyer would have any hope that it could avail in snch a clear case. Welcome. The Portland welcome tells some truth in the. following: "The triple murder in Linn county this week is cne of the blackest that has darkened our state, and there seems little doubt tbat it was prepetrated bv a mere boy, a son of two of his victoms. without any mo tive that should move an ordinary youth to more than a sware word. He must be one of those curious metal and moral monstrosities which, bapply, are rare; and which when discovered should be speedily and judicially killed.'' The Pendleton E. O. says on the same subject : "And most horrible of all, the evidence points to a boy, Loyd Montgomery, con of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, aged six teen years, as the perpetrator of this tri ple murder. The youth, surely, must be mentally afflicted, an idiot or a maniac, with a fancied grievance, for the time being, at least." Carney Barnata, the bigsrest man in London today, has just made a startling revelation. In an advertisement of recent meeting of tho- Xew Primrose Company, one tbat Barney claims to be second to none among the South African properties, the November returns are $S5,000. Considering that the capitaliza tion of this company is $1,259,000, it will be readily seen that it shows but very poorly when compared to a hundred or more properties in Colorado, Montana and California. The $15,000,000 that Barney, a few days ago, placed in the hands of London brokers to avert tbe inevitable pin from pricking the bubble of this gigantic mining boom, will either require an additional sum or tbe end most necessarily come. Englishmen seem to have lost their beads. Every one of them is crazy to invest in South African schemes. I will all end like tbe South Sea bubble. Tbe bottom will cer tainly fall out and it will end in a panic Ex. Prof. John M. Laflin?- the strong man, he who challenged Sallivan and was used as a model by Gerome, tbe great French painter, is about to inaugurate a war on cigarettes. Piof. Laflin baa always been a deadly enemy ot tbe cigarette, but now he has taken bis coat off and ia going to work to fight tbe evil in earnest. He ia compiling statistics which wonld frighten any cigarette smoker who bad a particle of sense i emaining . These in clude authentic records of cases all over the union of boys and yonog men who have been brongbt to an untimely end by indulging the babit. They also include facta and figures which physicians and college professors have compiled on the subject, based up on experience and experiment. This matter will go to form a Look which Prof. Laflin is writing. He also aims to band together the Sunday-ecbooia of tbe country in one vast anti-cigarette league tbat will strike a harder blow at the cigarette true than any of its competitors- Clergyman are to be interested in tbe new movements, and there are to be branch clubs in every state and city of the country. Ho better exhibit could be found for tbe lecture platform than Prof. Laflin bimself, wno baa been called "tbe perfect man"(pbys icallv), and who never smoked a cigar ette in his life. Ex. World's Wheat Supplies. Investigating tbe figures regarding the world's wheat supplies, Bradstreet's rinds tbat while it is true that stocks of wheat in the United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains November 1, were about 30,000.000 smaller than one year ago, there were not quite 8,000, 000 bushels less than two years ago, only a little more than 3,000 000 bushels less than on November I, 1892, and fully CO per cent larger than in the corresponds log date in 1891. The total quantity of wheat available for immediate distribution in the United Stabs and Canada, both coasts, plus the quantity afloat for Europe from all ex porting countries November 1, added to tbe available stocks in Europe, gives a grand total cf 153,633,000 as against 178, 682,000 bushels in 1894, 172,825,000 bush els in 1893. 154,272,000 bushels in 1892. 133,641,000 busbels in 1891. 91,151,000 bushels io 1890, and 109, 117,000 busbels in 1839. It also appears that tbe October toal net increase of tbe world's available sup plies of wheat was tbe heaviest on record for six years with the exception of 1889 ilradstreet'e concludes that these and other figures given in its article, do not lavot tbe bull aide of thi market as much as had been anticipated. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; COEAM Most Perfect Made. -40 Years tbe Standard., MI A cigar has been named Thos. B. Reed. Better see if it is hot loaded before smok ing. It takes a boy a long time to appreciate what his parents do for him. But ths day generally comes when he does. - Perhaps young Montgomery wants to get off with a life sentence, but his con fession shows that nothing short of hang ing will do the case justice. The man who tries not to tread on peo ples toes, if he does anything in the world will have to go where there are no toes. That is particularly true of editors. Mr. Corbett will never fight again, he states positively. Now, if he will bridle his tongue and bury himself from the public gaie he will do a glorious thing for the country. No school room could have better or der than is kept by Judge Burnett. If some of the youngsters of today were to train under the Judge they would be heard when tbey get up io recite. Good lungs is what is needed these days. One lady witness who had a very low voice upon starting under the tutorage of Judge Burnett could be heard distinctly in the fartberest corner of th6 room Farm values in England are much de preciated through the low prices ot pre duce, and many boioers of estates are disposing of their property, not in frequently at auction sales. An estate of 1200 acres located near Winchester sold recently at a price equal to 175.78 per acre, 2700 acres and mansion located on the River Rule have changed hands at $71.15 per acre. An auctioneer has jnst sold under ths hammer 130 acres at Weston, Notts, in email parcels for 371H, equal to $142 per acre, a property which 20 years ago cost XI 0.000. The fool killer is needed badly in Lon don. A dispatch say t: Three foolhardy young men furnished an exciting scene to spectators at the menagerie at Bourg, France, on Thursday. They asked per mission to play a game ot cards in the lions' den during the performance. Ths request was granted. A table was brought on which cards and champagne wer placed, atid the strangers began their game. Presently one of the majestic bruUa approached a player named Chao- veaa and sniffed auspiciously at nim The latter, wishing to enow off, gave tbe animal a push, and the beast resenting tbe liberty, knocked the audacious stranger off his perch, and, eeiiing him with his teeth, rolled him over and over Everybody gave the young man up for lost, but tbe lion-tamer seixed the brute by the jaws and forced bis mouth open allowing an opportunity for Ctaaveau to scramble out of the cage, more frighten ed than hurt. On appearing in the ring later he waa received with load acclaim by the spectators. Chrysanthemum experts are each re curring season endeavoring to break th records of previous years as regards ths earliest of tbe date on which tbe blooms are it to market. This year the rec ord of 15&4 has been beaten by foardays. The first blooms ot the season reached tbe commission agenta at New York oa September 30. Tbe varieties cut ibns early were MmeFerd Bergmann, a wbita Japanese variety, and Marquis de Mont mort, a pink Japanese, which, although not new, is comparatively utue grown. Its flowers are very similar to those of Viviand-Morel (being smaller), a cbrys- - " ' " - P" in America. Tbe blooms of Marquis de Montmort sold wholesale at 50 cents piece, not on account of their intrinsic value but simply becaoae they were early. There ia one drawback connected with tbe popularity of Mme Ferd Bergmann, and tbat is its close resemblance t3 a well-known white dahlia. Tbe lasting qualities, however, are something extra' ordinary. MISFITS. A TOUUZ ladv at a danra in Smith Port. land accused her fellow of looking like Durrant and a row resulted. Douzlas county has fourteen criminal cases on its docket. Corvallis beat this by two. Lmn county's are bit? enouch to make up for tbe lack in numbers. A San Francisco minister aavs bell is only 18 inches below the surface of that city. If oi.e may judge from the papers of that city he has located it on the wrong side of the surface. A Eugene paper recently put its feet in it. The Welcome aavs: Tbe Eurcn Guard says the people of that town "went crazy" over the victory of tbe Eugene football team at Portland. Thev bad but a short distance to so. Seattle city, county and school taxes are now levied and will amount to tl,- JO0,19. Of this sum 72 percent is raised on the city proper. For current expenses four and seven-tenths mills are Jevied out of 12,1 mills total, the rest going to pay interest on debt. The debt and in terest charge is bigger than the current expense charge. Lx. The San Francisco Call has a neat way of keeping in touch with other papers. In Saturday's edition of the Call an ar ticle appeared that was taken from tbe columns of the Democrat. The Call ao knowledges the fact in this ways Dear Sir, The enclosed clipping, taken from your paper, appeared in The Call of this date. Very respectively yours, Charles M. Shortridge. If Loyd Montgomery has now given the correct version of the shooting near Brownsville, and he probably has sub stantially, be undoubtedly has the worst temper it is possible to construct; but the truth is be had probably been in a bad humor for some time, and desired to be relieved of tbe duties of home, lie has his release for life and eternity. That woolen mill rebuilding proposi sion is going along mighty slowly in Sa lem, about as slow as tbe creamery proposition did. A heavier center riwli is needed and the tackles don't rush lo w enough. The entire Willamette valley is interested in in seeing the mill rebuilt, for Oregon has not enough factories. Form a wedge now with some $1,000 guards and tackles, put your heads down and carry that $25,000 ball through. A PupPEBYBmooB This morning while coming horseback across the bridge, Jessie Holmes bad a fall that came with in an ace ot breaking his leg. The horse ' oiled on bis back, and nearly ov r upon the boy. but fortunately rolled back. Young Holmes will limn for a. while. Though hurt he insisted on going to school. 1 VIVO. Mr. John Rotli fill died at bin home in Benton county last night after a long illness. He was a pioneer of Oregon and a man hiehl v respected and entemt for many excellent traits of character. TbeLaphs atixiliaet will hold the nextreeular meeting at the Y M. O a. rooms Friday afternoon. Nov. 29. alS:!lo o'clock, the subject being Al'ce and Phebe Gary. All ladies invited to be present. . uvaav qIH JIJ P(JOA jpMO( 2ujja tiiBeo B(93Jd 'JQ WAS HE MURDERED. Night watch Knlfong of Waterloo Found Dead. Last night about 11 o'clock niehtwatcb Knifong, of the Waterloo Woolen Mill, was tound dead on the Ironl porch of the mill. Mr. Thos. Kay came to the city todar and gave it as his opinion that it was an accident. Knifong waa alive when Mr. Kay left; but died during the forenoon. Tho opinion at Waterloo, the Democrat learns this evening bv tele phone from Lebanon, is that he was murdered. About five minutes before a young lady working in tho mill thinks she heard some one call him to the door, and then a scuttling sound was heard, and a man was seen through a window running away. Knifong was on his knees with a bad bruise on his head, his brain beins mashed in. He tried to talk but could not make himself understood. It looks as if we had a third murder case on hand. Knifong leaves a wife and five children. No causo is now known for a murder. The coroner has been sent for and will go tomorrow to investigate the :asc. Oakvllle. Hon. John Swikehammer will lec'.ure n uatvilie to nigtiton "Sintrle and Double Matrimony." John ia an ex perienced lecturer, has followed the bus iness for 35 years and his admission fee is in accord with the times. Gentleman and lady 20 cents; single person 10 cents, payable at the door. Will Adams ia slowly recovering. Rev. Shoutze. of Shedd. will preach in the IT. P. church here on Thanksgiving. Services will begin at 10:30 a. m. . We found a sack of spuds at our vate. which we took in. We afterwards found that they were donated by William Mor- an. jti&ny man as tor ue Murphies, iilly. Remember the Basket social at 11 ul- burt school house next Saturdav eve. Good music and a good proirraui will be the order of the evening. The horrible murder at Brownsville cast a gloom over the community. Mrs. Montgomery nas many relatives arouna here. Mr. William Couey is her uncle. Awcra. The great fight to come cf between Corbett and Fitssimmons is to be in a Mexican bull ring. Certainly the prop er place for pi iie fights.and that is where toot ball games might well be played. R. G-Don, in his "Review of Busi ness" ray: Eigfcty-Oe percent of all the concerns that have failed in the Un:ted, States during the ten tears un der rev:ew, are booths that attempted to do business without advertising.' Here ia the way a ma.ter gets tttted by traveling from Albany to Baker City. "In ail the towns ot the state the early closing movement baa been endorsed. In Albany it has obtained the ocani mous approval of business men and hereafter all stores will be closed at 7:30 p m." Take a Wantage of the low (botes at Tinkles. priors in Tbe best fresh groceries and produce at Conn & tlustun's. Ladies the latest fashion U a train lets dress made by Mrs. McLean. Good treatment at Conn a4 flatten, and their goods are the best. Some elegant deaigse io crockery wtre at low prices at Conn and Hastens. 20 ce. savon soap at Pvker Bros, tor only 5 ceats a bar. This is a world beater. Big reduction in the prices of all site of photos at Tinkles. Onedoien new jackets justreceivtd at the Ladies Bauar very stylish. Thoogh (be soason closed Xorenibdr 1 the Smataw canneries continue to run. If yon want a good thine rail on lex tbe Boss Shoe Seiner at Yen:!. barber shop. Ladies shoes a specialty. A large and choice stock cf jere?ry. sil ver ware, etc. Jut receded at Will and Starks. The most elegant line of sta'narv ever brought to Albany at W ill and Starks. In several beautiful figures. Pay your dog tax before Dec 1. cr tbe dog will soffer the full penalty of the law. ry oruer or manual. J. W. Bentley at bis old stand in tbe Cuaick block. B00U and tboes made or repaired wed and cr?fu j. If Tinkle eaa't make a picture that suits you you just as well give ao. Soe hit $1.50 ptotoe. New stamped linen in the latest de signs, alto the best wash silks in ail the new art shades at the Ladies Bazaar. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Been offices and residence in tbe poet office building. Spec ial attention given to diseases of women "iLIke a Proposition That PaTS" Is what a prominent man said. That ia what th public want in the grocery and baked goods line. They have to have them daiiv. iun. shine or rain. They want good" goals, not bad one, and good treatment with them, and all at reasonable prices. Years of time have taught Albany people that such a place is Parker Bros. Tbey take pains to furnish their customers with the beat groceries, first-class baked good and the freshest produce and fruits. If you would aiwavs kick a roe' Buy your groceries at Parker Broa. Lctttr List. F01I0 iisa is th list of lettata rau.ainins in tbe poitoifioe at Albany, lina onanty uregoit, nov. 3!S, 1833. t'eraons calling to- time. letters matt give ths data on which tbey are advertised. Cossell, P A Cochell. Mrs Ett Ceado, Mrs F Dough terr, Martha Gevrea, Iett)e uevrer, rrank Inderves, I Lite, Clara McCurdy, Willie i 'incus, Julius Sievers, Wiloehn T. J. Stitis, P M Heller. W J Jackson, A K McUane, Mrs Parcel! , W M Bex, Mrs A J THE ONWARD flARCH of Consumption is Mopped short by Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. If you haven't waited beyond reason, there's complete re covery and cure. Although by many believed to be incur able, there ia the evidence of hundred of living witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, con sumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but a large per. ceniave of ens atM Ojwe believe, fully UH tier crnb are rnrvn oy m. fierce rce s Golden Medical rJiscovenr. even after tfte disease ha progressed ao far as to induce repeated bleedings from tbe lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (including tubercu lar matter), great loss of flesh aad extreme emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundred of such raxes reported to us at cured by " Golden Med ical Discovery " were genuine canes of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it They have, In nearly every instance, been so pronounced by the best and most experienced home physicians, who have no interest whatever in mis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial or ,fGolden Medical pUcovery,'' but who have been forced to confess that It surpasses. In curative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Nastv cod- wl L. . ti ,tj i.-ff., , . . .ivc. uu wu in nivny cmmsions and mixtutei Lnaa been tried tn nearly all these J.? Hi. 5"rJ"i.c?K.?e, a short time. Extractor malt, whiskey ' and variotl nrenaratinna of the hnvinh s nrenarations 01 the Hvnnnhnm Dbites had also been faithfully trird In vain The photograph of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, anthma. chronic must catarrh and kindred maladies, have been I skillfully reproduced in a book of 160 pages which will be mailed to you, on re. I enpt of address and six cents in stamps. ! You can then write those cured and learn I theirexperience. AddreasWoai.D'a Oikprm. SAKV MfiDlCAi Association, Iiufalo, Is.Y, TELEGRAPHIC. A ratal Explosion. New Yoiik, Nov. 20 A dispatch to'tbe Herald from Burcelona says: A terrible accident, resulting- in great loss of life, occurred at I'alma, the capital of the island of Majorica, 13 miles sooth of this city, yesterday. There was a large quantity ot powder that had boen taken out of the cartridges lying about over a large area and this was ignatod by the dis charge of the cartridge A tremendous ex plosion followed, which shattered the ma sonry of tho town walls, which were ex tremely thick, and did much" damage to buildings. Thirty-seven men and 25 wo men were instantly killed, and 115 women and five men seriously injured, and of this number zu have sioce died . A Big glarM. Chicago, Nov. 26. The storru which raged here lout night and early this morn ing was one of the wont which ever struck this city. The wind blew a gale and snow fell in great cloud. Street and railroad traffic was greatly delayed and the street car companies had to abandon some of their minor lines, devoliug their energies to keeping the main lines open. The storm blew down telephone and trolley wires in Chicago and many serious accidents were narrowly averted. Three horses were kill ed from contact with wires. t'afeaa Trtablra. Havaaa, Nov. 20. According to official advices, the troops engaged in military operations near taenruegos. succeeded in capturing considerable valuable correspond eoce. i ney men gave battle to the insur gents and the Cuban leader Maceo was re ported killed. Official advices also report mai uie insurants succeeded in liberalmor 'JO Cuban prisoners during the recent de- nulinir of a train. Anolhr niilraoo hn. jus been reported bore. It is claimed tha a mob succeeded in blowing op a railroad train between A villa and Moron. The Total Uit tosTA.NTisori.E, Nov. 2J. Now that matters seeui to be quieting down here and in uie asiauc provinces, people are be if in mng to form estimate of the amount of dan-age done and the number of livs Uwt during the recent distfrbaoces. Well in formed Armenians estimate tbe looses through the event which hare jut Uken plan in Anatolia atone at -V OuO.OOj and tbe number of victims at 40.000. Hut thu : not all. People competent to pronounce an opinion upon the suujvl .iv that, with the coining of winter, tbre will I many mora deaths from eipottir) and I iniire iBd.'aa Trvablr. LOKYESNK. Act Jfi. Mi!sfr rvwwla nave ifrn m-eivoii u-i ot lrou !- itn the Cbejenne fadiann near liotton. Mont. Tl e ! Indian are taid be ki!!iog and dealing cattle daily, and the -ttit-r are in a tal : ot alarm, Several tr,en are report-! kilird. Mutton is a mull puce on Koeebad rrvrk in the Waif mountains. 1 A rrishlrrl Death. Tespletos. Or.. Nov. ?.rj Particalars! have jurt been receivd ot the frightful death of the three-year-old ton of James Kraxkr. at Milton, vet-rday morning. Tbe child got up at 7 o'cltvk. end. ven tured too near the fire when hu ta Miier traa not looking, bit nightgown txk fire t'-e-fore the flames could be extinguished be Lad beeo badly burned, and died from Lis injuries a few hours afterward. Tker V IU fc a lit hi. Wasiiisotos. Nov. 25. The arrival cf a number of wnaton and reprewotatives artjnisht and today, including Thotnat IS. Reed, hat t. ne.1 to imivax? ditrawion over the recrganmlion of the twa boaw of congrest, and the prorct it that thi will be tbe opperni-at qtywiion in concrat- sionu ciirl until tie too contest, are!004 I':1 'i settled, an J it i decided whether Use sen ate will reorjranize. The fact that the tp-kerthip it unirer Jly conceded tl Mr. Reed bu had tbe ef fect of corxneotrating inter in the other elective offive. BU ftmrm. Kaxsas Crrv. Xor. 25 The heavy snow ,orra whi b has prevailed through out the Miatiippi anil Uiucuri valiert all day and kmisbt hat prottrated tele graph wires in ail directum. 1 be too came after a heavy ttorm of raia and tleet, which left a thick coat of ice over every -thing exposed. At midnight tVrapbic communication wiih St. Louis. Chicago, the Kat and Southeast it practically tat pended. Frcra all points 10 kfiuouri tbe Morm it repot te I to be of ununs! severity, and it it Mated that everv kind nf H-i j sure to be senoutiy impeded a rawer Caiitr- tsHTH Peso, Wash., Nor. 25. Tbe caxeoftb Mate v. Mr. Meban, charpvd with aaolting the Rev. Mr. Sottoo. the A. P. A. lecturer, went to the jury Ut Saturday eight. Thi mornibg it brought in a verdict of goiity of itple aaat. He will be Mrateoced by R. K . Iioney. who it acting a judge. Judge Langborne baring been called to Cbehtiis thi morning by the illness of his son. A !eek Rubber. Boston. Nov. 2 It lranpir that William liam-tt, ngainu whom luO cases of burglary bare been charged, some dat ing back H year. paed sncmefully a a jeweler wib the reboer of thit city for 12 yecr. He went to certain place regularly with geld and silver ingot to sell, and. by bit eay, dignified manner and potihed addreM, won the conSience of ail with whom be dea't. a Caarereare rj. Lojcpox, Xov 24. A dipat h to the Timet from Constantino).! tax the opin ion prevails in diplomatic circles that a Kuroian conference 1 indifpenMbie for the -u;emeot of the Turkish question, for although tbe power ba agree-l. thi agreement cannot be put into action for fearcf diawiug Europe into a dangerort Eastern situation. I be winter mows will keep te Asiatic province quiet, but some thing mt be dune U fore springtime re vives th excitement. Awlfcrr Beater. Xr.w Vork. Xov. 2. H. B. Xan. of Wooddiffe, X. J., claims to be poeed of "healing powers" equal to the famous Schlatter, wno baa created snch a sensation in Colorado. Xaon is the leader of a strange religious sect in the vicinity of his home, known as "Anel lancer," or tbe "Churchmen of the Living tioeV' A Xitew ! Xiraraaaa Xkw You, Nov. 'k'-J. . special I ) ite ff..tl4 ... I- ' ueruiu irom ufinngton av a (- io'is blow has been dealt tbe Xicaracua Company's project for the conntruction ot a waterway across the Isthmus by the report of the Nicaragua canal conimitwion. ine vitable delcy and a further and more thor ough investigation of the entire subject are declared to be necessary before even the engineering feasibility ot a canal across Nicaragua can be decided upon. Mare f Ike Ateay. uoraTON. lex.. iov. n. ntzsiuimons signed articles for a fight with Corbett. The stipulation is fot a tight to a finish, J.. . .1 . 1 . 11 1 J in uvo ouncn gioves, 10 ue puuua 011 January hi. iswi. at l.l raw. Texan, or elsewhere, the party of the Brut part (Dan otuart) agreeing to give tbfc winner of the cotiteHa puise of JJO.OOO. Should the party of the firt part fail to pull off tbe tight on the date mentioned, be is to for feit to Corbett and FiUiimmons one-hulf of the purse. 10,000. Oasht o be latane. San Fhajscisco. Nov. 21. Euceno Tar dmi, the Italian shoemaker, awaiting trial ror a series of unspeakable crimes upon nine gins, is a raring maniac, lie was taken from the city prison and transferred to tbe receiving . hospital, where he occu pies a padded cell in the insane ward. ever since his arrest. 1'ardint bis shown signs of mental weakuess. Twice he has attempted suicide A t' Aeeldeat lacitSONVlLl.s. Or.. Nov. 24. Richard Johr.son met with a serious and painful accident today. In company with wijtiani 11.. 1 . . - ncaines ne went out to willow springs this morning to shoot quail. Thev sepa, ndcre coming np a ridge, each u ,r"orn; 0f ,Ue olU,!t s movements. " turiu u some quail, and bred. Ue load taking ei ect in Johntuo's face. ALBANY IS ALL RIGHT Keep your eye on this fact and also bear in mind that C. E. browreli will supply your wants in the grocery line cheaper tliun any competition house in the city. Fir Pure Drugs Dawson's. IS DBIVIHG OUT DISEASE. Dr. J. Baird Well Known in American Missions. Hundreds of Bottles of Paine's Celery Compound Prescribed By Him. Has Found it a ISIcaing to the Af flicted Beyond any Other Remedy Dr. J. It. Baird U not onlv a mliwion- ary.but, what Is not so well known, be is aphyiician of large experience. Ui published account of the work he baa done in the s'ateot Michigan has been read with interest not only by those par ticular concerned in miion, but Ly the public gmerally. IV. Baird is knoan at a pract'eat work er. Hi health was broken or the e ere winter clima'e In Utchign ome time ogo. and he teemed likely to be obled to give up his work. lut be retorted to the n ol that easily obtained remedy, raise's oe'ery com pound, and as him If again. I eneretic and active at ever, fithin a few j weekt. 1 te repootbw. unaujnifea way ia wl.lcb I'a'ne't celery ecm,ond fortiSe tbe body again, tiervous eihautUon and rebuild it shattered part b been ff-elf eipUined by pbyoctant. tbe best of whom today altravt KKk t- ".he great rndy wbtre dibility ia ti lie overcome. It dve he work thoroughly sod speedily. Lef eer nervoo tuSerer. snd every man and j vorts who feet run down and tired l-e- tior, "y 1 idi: t w.ti w- )miru. nil make U-e man or woiusn strong an J ac'ite a "out t!iTer la this remedy . Ir Burd. h' i row at hit home in Indiana, I'etn.. d-cribe hi own ejper ccce a folioM: FOR THE PEL Shoes For $3.00- That for shape, design, finish, workmanship, and quality can not be surpassed. We have 'eni also for les money. Read, Peacock SCo. FOETMILLER & UlYING vv E KtEP conttantlron hand a full cufbnt. Alto burial uhet and l.:ch ti! be o!d at The EMBALMING I.ewesl he rcrper smoxic muz HO EXTRACHAHCE FOR THOMAS All and Denier in you he ALBANY H JA'J i liIWJ 4 l'i ' KITkla wll Ka-llr earrled 7JisfHltH urmilolaAlbur,or.,br J. A. Ci;MMlMiS.iabjUOlHilii Mcl'AKLAMI. lttUMltu. ALBANY Red Crown Milling Gc Is now nnder the inanagcnicn Ko waru Coins, N. II. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young, whf are now prepared to furnish sacks and Receive Wh?at on storage, and will pay the hiche market price for the same. REPAIR- BICYCLES. -F.ank Die ey repairs bicycles promptly and in a first class manner. Breaks, punctured tires, eto, fixed correctly. At shop just west of Y. M. 0. A. halt. "It was about six rears azo when I firs. tried Paine' celery compound for nervous diseases and rheumatism. In the severe winter c'imate in the state of Michigan 1 was at our mission station there, and be came a grrt sufferer. I osed three bottle of I'. ine's celery compound, and was very greatly benefited thereby. I then began to advise my membets who were stick to use it, and in every case where the direc tions were strtctlv obeyed tbe treatment was successful. In a few years pt hun dreds of bottles have been ued directly through my advice, fame s celery com pound is far better than any other remedy and leave no bad effect in the ystem. 1U manifold bealmg qualities make it a bon of life and a bletsfng to tbe afflicted beyond any preparation within niy reach.' Tbe great falling off in the amount of rheumatism, neuralgia and nervous weak ness that physicians have everywhere noted coines from the wide-spread knowledge that there i no need of suffering any longer from these common diseases It is now everywhere known how co-rectl r Piof. Edward K. Pbelp. M. 0 . LL. D of Dartmouth college- understood the need of tunVring men and women when he pr pared the formula for Paine's celery com- pound, iiy ibe ae ol t'n wor'i-lmo o remedy coan'lewi men and women have saved tbemteke fran nerv-ut prostra tion. The care of lance families d wot stop whe i the day is over. There 1 inceant anxiety, wake-fulness and concern for som e member tA the nooscnold. it u no won der that so cany, epeeislly women, break down cnubiqg weight- Ther very love and prHe keep them at work 1 bey -!ie on ihe:r narves," a th ttjiog tt, u I iber comes a time wbca ch and blood can stand i'- no longer. It i a aim pie thing lor them t- k.-ep well and frong if Pa'se s csery compound is straight way uh-j at ibe eariet igt or itiiicg vigor Tbe ti'eJ, "dragged out" feeliog 11 id e-stirety removed. The t.l be no Deoralgi. no pertiMe&t hea-iscbei, no dyrcepti. no nauctir.g pain over 'ne eye, no cervoa exhaadiop wlien Paine' celery compound i a-ed. I' makes peo- pjel. LADIES. line ol meta ic. .- otn . wLicaket- sihS n'-m r- tult. In -r hjc Living FretU. care of th dead a special'y. kmw CKEGQX HEARSE OH SERVICE BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding1, and it want the mos complete flour safe, has them and his prices the lowest. OREGON. FaaMnTtp4rr m o'cxty. rxrmantntlT a lioawlocba. Wakfuuu!a. lw Vlialllr, KtaailT Kmla. IyoalA'ttlmura or Jtnt. (XMitaiutBoopiatM. It mvrwm ! atari blm4 bwliaVr. iah pKlar.l pa nT-oe awl plump. dmuL iBiiwitfiicr and vmntlna- inw. earned bv In T-"l p.-lil. l-r rn-l; Tor Kk- T mailjw iMMtsa. w-iff! nintn wmpir, will. twUmtMilili ami VIERECKS SHAVING AN DHAIRCUTTING PARLORS. ' HEADQUARTERS F0R Vt. Whites Jc lv(it A bead of hair or no pav. Cures al diseases of the scalp Address Box 4.1 for Free Treatise on the Scalp. Razors Honeo and Set and Put in O der on Short Kotico. A MAN OR LADY TO MANAGE Dis tributing soap samples, specialUe. do cor respondinjr. Send Sylvan Co., 7S7 Wood ward, Detroit, Mich -. 10c for samples soap, etc., receive outfit offer. Star Baker) Cor Mreadalbisi and first COKRADi MEYER, FRCPf IET0R. 'est FrwKa Ulataware. Irid Froila, 1ssuie C an wed If rata Qwe)wer. Vegetable Cigar . pleefl, Test, E ttmgmr everything that is kept ia good variety and gro eery store. High eat price paid for ALL KINDoOF PRODLCK mm fhuhi uo xwcoa Baltimore Block, - - JRur, cr FURNITURE etnplete line ot UXOEBTAKIKG all it brancbes EMBALMING aapeoaJtj fte idca eoraer 3rd and Cai pools MM ISSIIBiKCi AGENCY Dealers In Insurance. Wheat and Oats. We have had more thorough training ia all the branches cf insurance than any other agent in Albany, and can (rive you more genuine insurance for roor money than aey other agent in the city. IHrtrkt aets for the San. of Locdon. established I7i0 A. D. Pboetux. of Loo- Son. A I)., 17S2 and "Continent!." of New York, the only company iskoinga Gaiety r and l oiin. U. 8ESDERS. Co., Mgrs. Fire Insurance. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY 3". m7mm T2aeXg' In the Old Hart lord, the New York Un derwriters Aomry or any one of to reli able old line companies berepiemsta. Kotes taken and pieoty ot time given for payment on farm insurance. All business will be promptly attended to. OFFICfi IX P- 0. BLOCK ALBANY, OR. Tib Acalemr cfOir Lalj Oi Perpstiai Help, iliaij, Or. A boardinr and dav school condacteo by the Benedictine Sister will resume stodiee Ang. 27, Every facility will be offered for thor oogh conmee in scientific, normal, com mercial and elementarr brancbeew An able teacher ot piano, violin, roitar and vocal music will bare charge of the marical department. Drawing and paint ing will, like music, b taoght as extras. Iesoni in plain and faney - needlework. For father particular call r Uie Acad emv or address Sirm i-sauoarta. -It Do Move." Yex.tbe world moves, and it is inteQigenee that moves it. Tbe world isn't stationery just becaure it nsee so much stationery. Writing paper is one of education's moat effective weapons. It's a plain as tbe multiplication table that we carry tbe largest and finest stock of writing papers and materials in Albany, whether for cor recpoodence or school nse. Oar school snpply department is a wonder of com pleteoes. w e make a specialty 01 blank boc of every kind for law. clerical, mer cantile and school use, ruled or unrated to nit individual requirement. Our prices are always tne lowest. rTML7 Let Va Keasrn To- VWiVl XL getberl Is it not bet ter to buy Tour Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reiiaoie axore wnera tbey nee nly tbe Beet material why of court i is) yon dont want dyspepsia and yon never get it by eating anvt!.ing from on store. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon Snd St. C. D. Yax'oTKE. Proprieto 1 ADT OR GENTTLVMAJf BOOK KEEPER.With references, who has wu casta to loan, for a vear on ample as cority, and take steady position as took keeper and manager, on a salary cf S1C0 per month, for a well known, long eetab- usneo, gooa paying company at t ortiana. Address L., 706 Marqoam Building, fortland, pregon. ' X T T ANTED. A reliable, active centle- vv man np la1r tn tranl for reliable eetablisbed hoiue. Salary $780. payable 15 weekly and money advanced for ex penses. Situation steady, narervntra. Enclose seli-addreseed stamped envelope. U. J. UESS, lYesiuent, micagv. TllANO for rent o' for sale. Call a 17 1 the DaMocBJiT office. t tC X,VV STiTEL END FEMYHOTJ. fU ar.thoHiDl and only JCH ajlaaiidr. SahlacnnT oa lit mark, t'noa tlaW; MU bf Uttaaiaasotiooll of J. .A Camming, sole, agent. Albany WANTED-AN IDESS tblnk siapki thine to patent r rrotactyoorMoas; tbevma brina Ton wwJth. Writ JOHN WKDDBhJ. BUivN A tXJ., rauat attaroera, Washington, a V -1 fkt lain im m pfEOia'S ETumtr-BSlSTa. PpWI cmHva warn tor Kansas r Ska Haarfaoh. braia F.lK.Ko. b .il laiil JWW" or (vaaral Naoralia;las tar Km maiu. , Ouu, kldaa ItuurSaro, Aci4 Vt 3 And ' . amtkw. nsuiwa lor aar nni.iav itwa. .axs c TNE ARNOLD CKEXICAL CO. 1 tl a. w'sstsra fmss. rwcaex New Goods. -At- -Mrs Ashby's Stylish hats, capes with whittle, mit tens, and handkerchiefs, stamped linen, hose, side combs, ornaments, underwear, corsets and a general line of goods. I'lilH I ORTHFRU llVl PACIFIC R. R. s Pol' man Sleeping wars, Elegant Ding Cars, -Tonriat Sleeping Cars' St PanI Minneapolis Unlotb tATpO, TO Grand Forks Crookefon ffinnip-(t " Helena and Bntte THROUGH Tfl Cbieaao Waahinrtoii . Philadelphia New York Boston and all PoinU Eaat and South T yr niormaoon, umecaras, map iw.m. m i mi m vnw 11 rvn rx I, AeentvAIbany, Or. Portland, Or. K. UcXEILl, Rbmw. TO THE E A Si erraa rax cttoh s - TvTO TRAKSCOSnSEXrAl. ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC via. SPOKANE EISKEAPtSUS tts DENVER 0 U h H A A9D ST. P ACL KAKSAS CITY LOW KATES TO A LL EiSTEKX CmE OCKAX STE414ES POETLAD EVERY 5 DAVS EAVE SAN FRANCISCO Tor tali dtite csJ m CcxaaJt & MoNrarrn, A'Swny.Or oa appaavw: W H HUBLBL'Kl. U'l Pa - Aca- POaiLAXP. OR. Notice for Publication Uasd Omci at Oregox Grrr. Oa lv o nlr 5, 1890. Notice is hereby girrn that the folow tng ranted tetter bas SVd aoti of his tn'feotka '-o isake Soal "Pfof ia sopport of his ciaim. anf "Kit i i proof wis ue m4e before j i ckrk or linn county, at A'.h '.j. One?, n. oc rceber 13-h. 1SS5. v.a: Joha roary. HEJsc. 1 1 63 for be S W ottc I6aad ESW K cf it. in Tp 10 S & & E. lie' names 'he foikjwrnc viorssr to prove bi s continuous resoene cpon et csHtva ti"B of, Und, via: Jo"n IVle. Seil M R.J L Berry. Y H hi ock, a lof B. rry P O. Marion -oonty. Oreeoa. Bobkkt A Mh 1 fr. RegHter Notice for Publication. Laxo Omci at Orisos Cttt. Orisos. - N vem er 12. iSSJi. Xutlce ia hereby ei-'ea that th f' Uowtag named setter bas Sled notice of his ilen lion 10 saake final proof ia support of h claim, and that said proof i lbe made btfore the register d icvivrr at Q-egcn City, Or, on J)ee. 21. vl: Horace Birwt, Hd llao9. for tne X ii K 1," sec 22. S X S W X Sec 15 Tp It) S B 6 E. He came the fallowing witnesses to prove his continooas residence eroo and cu'tiva ttca ef. said lard, via: P V Per?, and S S Haasea, of Detroit, Oregon, wiUiam Kreiscl, and John AUisoa of Uanha. Or. KOBSXT A. HtlXER. Register. ADUlKISTKATOtTS NOTICE. Notice i herebv gia that oaiteritfoed administrator of the estate ef Jasper Crnt tree, deceased, bas filed hi 6i accoqnt ta the eouo'y coort of t-ino county, Or en, with the clerk tbereol. and the coort has fixed the '2nd nay of lc at tha boor of 1 o'clock p. m. of said dy. tor hearing; objectioo to std accoont. if any. and for the tettlin jr of id esta'e. Ihis the ait dj of Odober 1S93, Nrwros Ckaetrxk. Wkathkbjorp Wtatt. Acnirir. A'tjs for'Adoofr. MpSEY t Kakton. loaa. I nquire of J, M. LOsT. Somewhere tlween tho pabt school and the depot, a silver watch Please return to U. C Chant berlaia, 01 leave at the Dkmocrat sce. 50 CORDS of wood wanted at the eol ietre. If any new students desire to pay for .tuition in one the same will be accept ed. IF William I Stretch. lately of Mill Cifv Oregon will communicate wh Fred Rice South Bend. Washington." informa tion of interest to said A illiam 1 Stretch will be given. WASTED Several trustworthy gen tlemen or ladies to travel in the state of Oregon for established, reliable house Salary ) and expeoce. Steady position. encke reference and elf- addressed envelop lb fXm mon tomr pany. Third floor. On.ah bidg , Chic KO.111. GEO E FIH THE PLUMBER Tinroofiinir and plar-a.?. Opi j t the opera house. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder avardaf Gold Medal Martrisaw Fair. SB Fraadaca, I J