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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
jSU. JhmS JK. 4 v mm i ii . a I lit T I Sal 119 & I VOL XXXI Eatrred at twe rat e-He a alsaay. r. Seesad-Clasa Mall Mattett LB4NT ORM3-ON. OA Y NOVEMBERS 895 r. r prrrnc. r.wuur awwirra-srutsrt 1 1L - t - wan m 1 iMinim in r nwniiim muni i i ' Hn ,n for Infants and Children. "Castoriwtsso wen adapted to children that t recommend It as superior to any prescription "Own to me." H. A. Abchsb, M- D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. "The us of Castorta la ao ontteraal and ft merit ao well known that it aeema a work at supererogation to endorse it. Fswaratha Intelliftwit families who do not keep Castoria within easj reach." Cuibue SUkxtx, D. D Kew York City. Castorta cures Colic, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Dlarrhcrw, Iructatton, Kills Worms, girea sleep, and promotes d gestkm. Without Injurious medication, "For several years f haw recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as It has inyariably produced heneflrial results." Edwih F. Pjusdm, H. TJ., 135th Street and 7th Are New York Ctty. Taw CxjrrAcn OoitPAXT, T7 If cbbav Stkxtt, Raw Yobs Cm. ) Best work Promptness; PRINTING Office Stationery k Spiaitf .. Give us yoor Patronage LEY This it th; nee! that was illjrAtfll in "B-'xrirjfn the Cycling; Aifirltv of Amer n, JMQar- 2fi. I3J5, oyer tha'f j' lowing title: "To handsome Vfodel Shown a a re-n ViMMf' O-n-Ji i!ii'iM. ' I' is th WAVBki.r SoctciKR an I Is lb orellnl'ar til li'til or 0.13-1 grt-n ntc'Cia ia 'M wori imj. v in' a oicjc e ur-: I CiUl-iipis Iw. tantivi Brevet f. Indianapolis, la-liana, U. 3 A. E. E. Gt . exclusive agent for Albany A THTJR3DAT ! CIRCUIT COURT. DEPARTMENT NO. 2. P J rorterva John O Elder. Continued In matter of assignment of Albertina Kriesel. Continued. In matter of assignment of M E Ilearn. Continued. In matter of assignment of Gil key & Titus. Continued. Elisabeth Nickerson vs Hugh Nieker 8 n, divorce. Argued and taken under advisement. W L Vance vs Ked Crown Mills et al, acct'ng A Fore, of stock. On trial. N II Allen et al va Linn county, Ore gon et al, injunction. Permanent injunc tion granted. DB Monteithv EA Parker (city treas) et al, injunction suit. . Demurrer sffstained and plaintiff allowed to amend complaint. David Link vs David Hawley et al, foreclosure of mortgage. Continued. Bank of Brownsville vs R X Thomp son et al, foreclosure of mortgage. Judg ment for plaintiff. ... ,. . ... Pa Jfic States S LdtBCovs John Isom etal, foreclosure of mortgage. Given until Dec 2 to answer complaint. W H Cummings va Wm G Brown et al foreclosure of chattel mortgage. Judg ment art all but Henry Lvon. continued as to mm. N B Avery art Gland Strahan, Fayne Strahan, M L Pipes, admrs R 8 Strati an etai tore. otMtg. on First street brick The Ilarrisburg Water Power Co vs J O Kelley et at, injunction. Set for trial on Dec. 12. Anna E Cain vs Thomas B Cain, di vorce. Granted. Ehen Gnlliford vs Jaa D al, foreclosure of Mtg. Judgment by de fault. In department 3 Judge Htwitt has been hearing the testimony in the If ick erson divorce case. In the case of 21. If. Allen agt Linn county, an injunction suit restraining ths county iron selling the Oregon Bank building property for taxes, several motions have been heard and the motion for a permanent injunction is be for the court The amount of taxes doe was tM, and the plaintiff claims the plaintiff was derelict in not collecting the taxes from the personal property f the bank, of which there was sufficient when ths taxes became dne. In department Bo. 1 Judge Burnett is hearing the ease of CJ. B. Uaight as ad ministrator da bonis bob of tha estate of Jas Knox agt B M Payne as adminis trator of the estate of E. L. Knox. This suit involves the affairs of tha two estates back for fifteen or twenty years. THE TRIPLE MURDER. Looks as if Loyd Montgomery Hid It; but Evidence is All Circumstantial. An Accident. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Kg? 6s flftf The Buffet Car Route. W&i&fit Shortest and Quickest Line BETWEEN PACIHO COAST PCniTS, ST. PAUL AfiD THSAST, Crosses both the Cascade and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording passes gers an opportunity of viewing the GRANDEST SCENERY IN AMERICA. Two trains daily from Portland; on- at II a. m , via Seattle, and one at 8:55 p. m. via O. R. & N. and Spokano, Rons eoperb wjuipraent, osasisiing of dining can, buf fe- library cars, palace and ophol8ter?4 tourist sleeping cars. The b iffet library car are marvels of elegance and comfort, containing bath room barber shop, easy chairs. etc THE MAGNIFICENT Twin steamships, "Northwest' and "Northland, leave Dolutb every Monday and Friday for the "f 00 Makinac Island, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection with the Great Northern Rai'wav. Have your tickets read via tbe NORTHERN 8TE MSHIP OCMPAN 7 and enjoy a delightful ride tes from the beat and dust- For tickets and general information call on or address ... R.-C. STEVENS. G. v7. P. A., A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. t T. A. 612 Front St , Seattle, Wash. . 122 rd St., Portlaa 1 O University of Oregon 1895-1886. Th TTniirnrsitv of OreHK Euzene. Oregon, offers tree tuition to all students Yomig men can obtain board, lodging, heat and bght in the dormitory for $2.50 per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with ; nata familips at 3.00 ner week. Yonne women desirine hoard shnnlrf adrees Prof. John Straub, Kngene, Oregon ; or Secretary Young Women's Chris tian Association, Eugene, 'i tie university oners tr.ree oaccaiaureate degrees Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with correspondim courses of study. The following shorter courses are also ottered: An English course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title (Tractate in English; an advanced course lor graduates of normal schools leading to toe degree master of pedagogy ; a three years course in civil engineering leading the degree of tqvil engineer ; a course of two years for teachers of physical edu ation leading to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is payaole in advance hv all students. Students hnldinir diolomas from the public schools and those Saving teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department hould address the Dean, N.L. Narregan, Eugene. For catalogues and information address V. II. Chapman, Preaklent, or J. J. alton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. ; Stte JTotnl Sclioo Monmouth. Or. A training school foi teachers. Complete eight grade trainiu department and strong Professional and Academic courses. ' Tbe Diploma of the school entitles one to teacn in any county in the state , without further examination. Board and Lodging, books and tu ition, 150 per year. Beautiful and healthful location no saloons. There is a gooddemand for well trained teachers there is an over-euDnlv of untraine teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent op (juiKuuii, Auuregs J.A, Wax , , PL. Oampbxll. Becreurr Presiden Oakvtlu, Nov. 30. Our neighbor, Will Adams, met with quite a serious accident. A week ago last r nday he took a load of bar to Al bany, and while be was unloadirur it he slipped and fell striking on his back and chest, however he didn't feel much the worse for tbe fall except a slight lame ness, until iat Saturday. He conclodavl to go to town for medicine and other business, tie suffered very much on the y. He hurried home and on Sabbath Dr. Ellis was called. On examination pronounced it a severe case of innama- tory rheumatism. His many friends have hopes ot his recovery, but he will probably be a sufferer for many dirt. perhaps all winter. A Piano For$tO!!! Chicago's most orominent music house. Lyon & Healy, have a number of slight ly used and second-hand pianos, taken in trade, used in concerts, and in fact not brand new instruments, which they have determined to sacrifice rather than try to make room for. These instru ments comprise square piano at40. 165, 90, $100 and $125. Upright pianos at $155, $140, $150. $165, $190, $300, $225, AO and upward. Grand pianos at $200. $2.50, $300 and upward. Nearly ail origi nally sold for from two to four times their present price. Almost all promi nent makes (in squares and uprights) are represented, including among num erous others Chickerimr, slnabe. Stein- way, w eber, Decker, bteck. Fisher, etc This is an opportunity that will not oc cur again, as Lyon x Healy never bad so many pianos ot this class before. Im mediate attention is necessary. A good plan would be to order a piano, leaving the selection to Lyon A ilea! v. How ever, they will send a list and full par ticulars npon application. Any piano not proving satisfactory may be return ed at tbeir expense. Address at tnetr new salesrooms, corner Wabash Avenue and Adams street, Chicago. Distance is no obstacle in taking advantage of this remarkable chance to obtain a piano, tor iii pntpuruun w uie Bavin k to ob duc, the freight charges are insignificant. If you do not already know them by repu tation, any banker will assure yau oi Lyon & Healy's entire responsibility and record of over a third of a century for honorable dealing. Write today so as to avoid disappointment. Mr. Rothell. an old resident of Benton county, is lying seriously ill of dropsy at tin norne across tbe river Mr. W. J. Uncer and Miss Matilda Bilyeu, two popular young ptople, of Lehancn, were united in Marriage yes terday. Licenee was issued yesterdav for the marriage of Mr. Samuel 6. Bodine and j Miss Ella E. W allace, two of Linn coun- y's popular young people. Mr. Bigelow, father of Mrs. E. W. Beman, was stricken with paralysis yes terday and is lying dangerously ill from tbe enects. Dr. Hal is attending him. Mrs Geo M Miller and little dauchter Marv, will leave for Chicago tomorrow morning, via the Great Northern rail road . bbe will spend tbe winter study Ing elocution and voice culture. Goard The case of B. F Fuller, of this city it being examined by tbe U. a. district court, in roruana. The world's record at ten-pins was brox en in this city last nieht by V. Orin Bar ker, making 138 points out of a possible low. statesman. Tbe Mt Sbastt limited baa bad to run in two sec ions ou aooountof iu immense bus roe, in the meantime the regular over land trains are carry in -j naa.ll crowds. These rate wars sound big, but they do mighty little good for the people in tbe long run. They generally mean a tighten ing of the cinch somewhere to make up for it. Portland is becoming very metropoli- T. I I . L. . 1 f , . - ion. xi. iioo uu uiruv sun-iues oi prom inent men. Green, Humphry. Allen within a week or two, San Francisco will have to get a more lively oiove on I take pleasure in thankiic the Hir Knights and others who so kindly aaguttad , in in mte inneas ana especially do 1 ten , der to Dr. M astnn my sincere thanks for ' his kind and attentive treatment. W. II men. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. OiGAR .1. JOSEPH. Tsachbr's InSTiiOTB.i-Local institutes for teachers and patrons will be held at the following places: Harrisburg, Nov. 29 and SO : Brownsville, Dec. 6 and 7 ; Oakville, Dec. 13 and 14. It is greatly desired that all teachers and patrons within reach of the above named places will be present and take part in the dis cussion. School Supt. Linn Co, Pkjwtxks vs F. Co. Next Monday night there will be a game of base ball in the armory between a team from F. Co. and the printers oi the city. Though this promises to re a very one Bided at fair, it will no doubt be of enough hter est to draw a crowd. Lyd Montgomery was arrested yes tenliy afternoon on the charge of mur dering hs father and mother and D. B. McKercher, as narrated yesterday in the Democrat. Ho waived examination be fore a justice of the peace and was brought to Albany on the forenoon train, and placed in the southeast cell of the jail, where a Democrat man saw him. Though eighteen years of age he is full grown, and very weather beaten, being a large, raw-boned young man. He was dressed in overalls and ducking coat with a dark shirt. Judge Whitney has been retained as ins counsel. He de clined to make a statement, saying be had bet-n directed not to say anything, but upon being questioned said the state ment mude before the coroners jury was correct. - Unce or twirw this afternoon young Montgomery whiie declaring his iuno cence and that he knew nothing about who did the shooting, broke down and cried in a very disturbed manner. He is a dull looking bov, but with indica tions of a strong wi(t power. The testimony nelore the coroner s jury, consisting of E. A Evans, Jode Pearl, M. P. Fruit, J. D. Arthur, J. B. Homey and W. J. V indies, showed that the shooting of the three people must have been from the direction of the house, from an auibueh, Mr. Montgom ery being shot first, McKercher second and Mrs Montgomery third, all from be hind. The following testimony, com piled by the Times, of BrownsvilU. will show the parts tending to place the guilt on Montgomery. The testimony of Dr. J. F. Henry showed that Montgomery was shot above and behind the If ft ear. and must have died instantly: McKer cher was s.iot behind and just above the left ear, whiie making a desperate effort ( to escape by running into the house; Mrs Montgomery was shot under the right eye, passing out at the base of the brain, and once just behind the left shoulder. Empty shells were on the front door steps. The ritlo was a -KM2 calibre Winchester. Fred McGormick heard shots and some one yell "Oh, don't, don't. Mrs. Mctjormu k : Heard 6 shots and some one say, Uh, t.tod. don t don t. Lock Isom beard the shots. Ed Gilkev was then placed npon the stand and said : Am traveling for a busi ness with Mr. Montgomery, and anving near the fence about 4 o'clock, hallowed. Loyd c -me out, and on being asked if bis father was there atuwered in the af firmative. Mr Montgomery then came out, and during our conversation Dan'l McKercbvr came up horseback, and be gan talking with Loyd, I then took my departure, leaving John Montgomery and son and Mr McKercher in the rar.f, and drove to Joseph Temoleton's, and while in the vicinity heard what I sup posed was six shots, which was accom panied by considerable holloa ing. Said two shots sounded as if fired in the open air; a minute later 4 more were Ered, which sounded muffled as if in the houe. Fearing my team would get away from me did not go to investigate the cause. Montgomery had not been paid any money as reported, and McKerrLer had borrowed $200 at the Brownsville bank and already paid it out. m. riper: Keside m u.e Mint is ra country ; am now employe i by lloUrrt Templeton. Heard o shots and '-lmi-"n the second and third shots heard some one crying. In a few minutes, not over 5, heard a horse coming, and looking op saw the horse, was ridden by Loyd Mont gomery, who said, 'hurry up and go to the bouse : father and mother and anoth er man is killed." Geo. A- Sturtevant heard 4 shots. Kobe Montgomery, 1 1 year old son of the parents was called and said : Was in school yesterday. Heard three shots on mv wav borne. Met mv brother Loyd on my way home. He said he had heard no shots, and also stated be was going to the field where bis brother was plowing, but, who lor some reason, re turned home just behind roe, in compa ny with bis cousto, Clyde lempietoo. I was the first to reach tbe house. I ran in and saw a dead man. I turned and run to the gate, here I met Loyd and Clvde. Told tbem of the dead man in the house, when Lovd began crving and jumped on McKercher'e horse and start- t 1 t I f 1 . . 1 . I ea uown u v. ncie iwucru . vijuctuu i followed. Mrs. Robert Templeton: Lord told me the first I i.eard of the killing. Loyd said. '"Come o nes ; pa and ma and an other man is kilted." Dr. Henry and Wm. Piper weie the only ones pieeent when I arrived. Clyde Temiveton : Am 13 vrs. of age and live with my parents, . mile west of this place. v as at school yesterday Tbe first 1 knew oi tbe killing was when Bobby came running out ot the house and said a man was dead in Ute houe. Loyd did not enter tbe bouse or gate, bat mounted a horse and rode off. Cuming home I heard 3 shots. That gun be longed to uncle John. Orville Montgomery sai J: Mv broth er Robt tod me the first I knew of the shootiog. He said father and mother are killed. Went to the house imined iately; entered the yard and saw father; entered tbe house and saw McKercher and mother. 1 did not hear aov shoot ing; was mile from tbe bouse. Had not seen Loyd since Monday evening un til last night. S. K. Templeton : Had made his home with the Montgomery's Charles McDowell: Went to urowns- ville Tuesday. Dan McKercher rode along on bis horse with me. As I was going home in the evening met Loyd on a norse. wnosaia, ratnerana momn w killed." I went to the house and saw tbe dead bodies. Questioned Loyd some regarding the killing. Some one present made a remark that they never thought McKercher would do a thing ot that kind. 1 said he never did it. lie could not have placed the gun in that position Lovd said. I placed it there, l lounu, it on the floor bv McKercher's side Wm. Ticer: feaw ljyd pass, wno tow him he didn't know how murder , hap pened Lovd Montgomery : Have been living with mv parents. Went huntrng Mon day and returned Tuesday at 2 o clock When I arrived here Aunt Uiiie and Grandma was here ; they left at about 30. Just as they left Mr. Gilkey came and asked if papa was at home ; I ans wered in the athnnative; went out where Mr- Gilkev wes and in a few nun ntes Dan McKercher came up. He came in the house awhile and then he went out where fatherland Mr. Gilkev were. Mr. Gilkey did not tarry long, ana l started out at the gate and father asked me where I was going. Told turn I was coins out where Orvv was plowing. Just then mother came to the door and said she wanted me to cut wood ; I cut the wood and then started out for where Orvy was : on the way got a squirrel up a tree and began throwing at it. Then 1 heard three shots; never paid any atten lion: supposed father was snooting a hawk or something else. Pretty soon the children came along from school and asked me if I had been shooting; told them no, that I guessed it was down at the house. Robert beat Clvde and I there. He walked into the house and We are here to please you. If every thing is not 0. K. kindly let us know We are not selling at cost but at moder ate profits. We can Iurninh you any thing in the harneut line at lowest prices See outline of 15, 2J and 23 cent whips P.J VK8 A T OMLINSOS. Kercher wer the only persons at the house. I recognised the dead body Mr, Kercber only by his horse. I did not notice the gun, although it is possible thai, I picked it up, but do not now re member doing so; was badly excited. Cannot account for tlio deaths. Father and Mr. McKercher were in a good hu mor when I left. Came nearly taking the gun with me. Don't know how many cartridges there were in the gun ; left the gnu in the bed room. Hail no troublo with my parents. The coroner's jury returned the follow ing verdict: In the case of Montgomery, his wife. and McKercher, who were murdered yesterday, we, the jury, find that John Montgomery and Liuie Montgomery, his wife, and laniel McKercher came to their deaths from gunshot wounds in dieted by sme other person than them selves, r rom the evidence ottered in the case we have good reasons to be lieve that Lloyd Montgomery is the guil ty party. Mr. Ed. Gilkey, the hop buyer, who uad been at the home of John Montgom ery just previous to the shooting, was in the city today. .Mr. Oil key hd passed out across tbe farm of Kobart Templeton auer leaving Mr. .Montgomery, and was going through the gate when he heard the shonling; but thought nothing ser ious had occurred. He tell of an inci dent which w ill come up in the case that will be stong against the prisoner. On bis way home iroin his hunt, on Tues day, Loyd Montgomery stopped at the house ot a neighbor and was talking with the man and woman, when one of them asked him w hoe gun he had : "1 hat s of b father s of luioe, it it asserted be responded. "You nhouldn't taik like that about as good a father a you ha e," said one of them. "Ob? you don't know him, or my mother either," he answered. If this is verified as there is good rea son to believe it will be it is a strong point in show ing the animous, hereto fore misting in the case. It is reported that Judge Burnett will call together a grand jarv upon the con vening of court next Monday, for im mediate investigation of the case, and that an early trial will be set, wiiUia a few weeks protMy. in the meantime young Montgomery continues to assert his innocence; but he is undoubtedly greatly UiturLd. iMme think lie w ill make a confession, but there is little Ukehbooi of aov suchcourse. WAS TALK OF LYNCHING. The Brownsville Times rays it would have taken but little for the crowd in that city to Lave lynched young Mont gomery, so intense wa the feeling. A correp..nd.-nt of the Corvaliis Times says on the same sut-j-ct: "The son of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery is certainly the guilty party, and it i a wonder to me tha be was not Irnched here lat night. If his trial had ocr-urred here to- darand bad he remained here tonight, I am sure the people here would have lynched him." Yesterday ui!e a cumber of visitors saw young Montgomery in his cell. He continues to assert his innocence very emphatically. Nevertheless he acts verv much disturbed, and some think be will eventually break down and conic, but the Dkmoout predicts not. When ar retted he is said to have remarked "Any way there was no one prost-nt. and they can never convict me or substantially that. Our plat of the scene of the murder given veslerdav, though as given us.was changed around some, and today we give the correct situation : North. Mr Mur Me n f M M At the Mines. The big boiler is now within a mile of the mines. It has taken constant work to keep the boiler from rolling down the mountains. -n account of its great weight. The Statesman gives the following report made by J. McSorley just arrived at that city from the mines : At the mines three tunnels have been run, each being about 300 feet and the men are getting out a large amount of ore which gives evidence of being very rich in gold and silver. Most substantial buildings have tieen erected at the mines, giving the place quite a town-like appearand. Mr. McSorley says the bunk bouse is exceedingly comfortable and was built extra strong as a protection from the heavy snow during the winter. One other structure, that is generally considered a novelty in a mining town, is the bath house bnllt for the exclusive use of the miners, it is enninn.! with hot and cold water apparatus and otber u, is very complete. The workmen are in good spirits over me arrival ot tne boiler and other Urge pjxKB ui iue miii macninerr, as jt in sures them steady work during the com ing winter. Had Mr. Smith failed to get i . . , i - ... ..." i no uiaieriai ueilTerea tney would nave been laid off until spring. Mr. McSorlev is getting $2 per day in his special work. He was formerly em- B loved on the Capital City Railway o's electric line, in the capacity of track-repairer. He will return to the mines next week. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report i i m v ji ji i j in rrv LL x cy -ra irtyf if UOME AND ABROAD Cor-Tb Tbe liandorilla Wrecked and Capt Wjnnnt Drowned. Tbe coast steamer Bandorilla was wrecked while cronsing out over the bar at tbe mouth of the Umpajua, by the breaking of a rudir chain. Capt. Wy nant. of Yaquina, was swept into the ocean and drowned. No one else in jured. The steamer lies on the beach. Jos. Klein returned last" night from a trip to Portland. Mrs. Will Lyon, nee Nina Galbraith left today for her new home in Pullman. Wash. Sfrs. N. W. Harris, of near Oak Grove, Polk county, went to Albany today to visit relatives. Journal . Mr. Ed. Rdeker has sold his interest in Stewart A Sox Hardware Co. to his partners and conMro plates to going the road again. Mrs. Peacock, of Albany, arrived last Friday evening. She is visiting with her friend, Mrs- Dr. J. A. Townsend Newport News. JberifT Ovborn, was in tbe city today Ou hia way home from Salem where be bad been with Scott, Holcomb and Cor nell, all two year men. W. T. Slater was a paaeeLger to Al bany this morning, on Lusinewg ronnorl- ed with the iate Insurance company. Journal. . The store of Z. H. Davis A Co. of vallit, has been closed by credit. ts. total attachments amount to 9,000. A couple parasol umbrellas were left at the Linn dressed meat Go's market at second and Ellsworth streets, where you will find first class meats at bottom prices. Call and get them. a Loyd Montgomery seems bound to go through a fire of accusations. It is even being hinted now tbat be knew something about the murders of old man Lnveail immt liebaaoa and tbe peddler beyond Waterloo. Of course there is notbing in tbat Thoae who attend tbe entertainment to night bj the Fern Oaf Dramatic Company at the opera bouse will be given something worth seeing- Admission only 10 and 15 cents, and the Orphans Home will get the benefit. The republicaa central committee, S. 8. Train, W. F. Read and Jo Klein bare called the primaries for Tuesday evening. aov. t V o dock, to make ward aomi natioro, and the mass meeting for city nominations at the court house on Satur day evening. Nov. 30, E. O. Smith, A- L. Ilonaker and M Whiting have filed notice of claim to a pieo of land 325x375 feet enclosing the moata of Soring Gilch at Qnartzrille. said Und being eociowed by a feoce and coo twining a dwelling bouse. la a privats letter L '-v Gar former! r of this county, but now of Idaho, writes: I think vVardne is the tivelisit tows in the I sited Stats of its sis. Our pay rolls is a short time will he $50000 a month- The population is ISO) Eogaae Guard. All member of Baotut 3.S. ar- rsouect- ed to me is Baptist Co arch at 8:45 a. m. feoaday or. to be la readiness tcr mass meeting at the M. E. Chore it) t. m RegdlarS. S. Lasoo at usual time II JO a. . to which all are invited. J. UTomlin o, supt. The milk wasoa team of Tbos. Fromao driven by Chas. Shaw ran away this morn ing, completing their run near ths uvery stable of Turner it Miller Milk cans were scattered all along tbe route, an, one f the horse running bgainst something turned a somenaait almost. Wallace Chaaberiain, who with Tom Shelly and Bob Drory. is trapping on the UUmette. was in town yesterday. Tbey now have their trap in the vicinity of the Coast Fork, and io tke short time that they bars been out ha ye secured over 109 akias. Lageae Guard. A parked hot j greeted Mahara "s Xin- .i -f J : J .4. i 1 The Ilowe-rUkk Dramatic Company uu rounds rtlsr for their clever work Tbe olio wu full of fas and the qaartet ringing and specialty act especial, ly fiae. We can assure Mr. Maharw that sc-cald be decide to visit our city again he will be given a very cordial welcome. - Des Mow Iiegiiter. At tbe opera sota Mon day, Nov. . The letters will suggest the position of the parties. The murderer undoubtedly came from the kitchen on the left and idiot John Montgomery where he stood. McKercher tied around the house fol lowed by the niurdeit r, who shot him just as he reached the door. Tho mur derer then shot Mrs. Montgometv. wno probably stood in the door leading into the dining room, into which she fell. shooting over Uie body of McKercher. Tbe general opinion is strong that the prisoner committed the murder. Yesterday afternoon Montgomery sat for his picture and wrote several letters to relatives at Brownsville. The Oregonian heads an article on tbe Brownsville murder, with a picture of the prisoner, below it: "He slew to rob them." On this point the Times save emphatically: Pecuniary gain could not have been the motive lor committing the crime, as the Montgomery family were not blessed with much ot this world's gooas and McKercher only had $.i.fi5, wlii-.-li was found on tiis person by the corcner. is ptayiog up the Colombia, t rank Rewdick, recently in Albany wilb the Carlton company of players, is leading man. and Bert P. Van Cieve is down a one of the performers. J. P. Howe is manager. Dr. Edgar W. Hill the new pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Port land came to Albany at noon to attend the special service today. He will ad- dres tbe coUr-ge student this afternoon and in the evening will preach in lb .'I. t.. t hurch. More coming to 1 ort- land. Dr. Hill has commanded ths re spect and esteem of ail ihristian people. Come and hear him tonight. The Farailoa will sail from Yaouiaa next Monday. Tbe V incomer foot ball team and tbe O. A. C.'s will (lay foot bail on Thanks giving. The trial of EmmaG- Hannah for Ute murder of Mrs Lotus HoJt will be begun next Moo Jay at 1 o'clock before Jodge Burnett. Clyde Phiiiiber.ot SJea f ormerly of Al bany, who knew young Montgumory well rerorted to the Suteunaa that be consid ered turn a very vitiom, bad boy. While raiting tbe lintel to the Binders brick this afternoon a rope broke nearly tbe heavy piece of iron tall cs tbe men; but furtnnatety another rope held It until fixed. The men took as bars rei Mr. Pan! Downing who did hia beat and excellent work to bring victoqr to the l. A. C lev tn a few days for San t ran Cisco. Xt. Downing is ail right; bat the U. A. C.'s lack to bead won. that's the rub Our would im oldir boys returned from Portland last week. Miles Cary and Chris Utl yra failed to pass saiiaUctory physical examination, bence tbeir return. Fred Bilyeu pd the requisite examination. Scio Press. Tbe Annual meeting of ths Northwet Fruit Growers Association, of Oregon. Washington. Idaho and the province of British Columbia, will meet ia ala Walla on tbe 10th day of Dscember at 10 o'clock am All fruit giowets and ship per, and commission men and railway men interested in the production, hand ling, transportation and selling of fruit are mpvcUully invited to be brment. as well k thiwe who are indirectly interested in ti e fruit industry 500 10 1900 60 Real Eatitlc Sales. Daniel Hsachett to Nancy D Horn er ,50 acres $ C A Warner to S J Haigbt and II C Watson, 102x134 feet, U 76, M' S ad A II Baltimore to A M Baltimore, 80 acres, 14 w I T J J alone to W L Hawaker, 1 lot. w aterloo Jas Eikins by sheriff to Lino County National Bank, 32 acres adjoining Albany 2000 Geo P Warner by sheriff to Paul Buchoer, John Bochner and C W Buchoer, Ross House property 657$ Hattie to Geo W Rickens, 319.27 acres SO G W Klum to Tbos Ear. 100 acres at Waterloo 000 G W Enler to Eliza Jan Wheeler. 0 acres, E4 734 Mods Robs to Eltae S Masters, S lBtvrvet in 10 acres Ellas Matter to W W Robe, about 23 acres. 14 w 2 J W Wolfe to W W Robe, 4 acres, 19 and 14 w 2 Spicksr Bowers to Omer Salt marsh, 30 92 acres, 12 w 1 ... , O A Elsoa to Lillia Harris. 1 lot. Lebanon 200 U S to Locinda Cloov, $20 acres. .Patent C S to Geo Orchard. 85.4 acres. . . Patent Chas H Cox to Grant Ludlev. 1 lot Lebanon 300 W M Ketchum to H Bryant, 149 acres, 11 w 2 Waterloo Development Co toT M n ttlen, several lots and par rels of land in Waterloo RB Montagu toJ McMonogle, 1 block in Lebanon C M Burkbart to Samuel O Burk hart, 50 acres near Albany... SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. John Simpson Tand danghter Merle, ars ia the city visiting friends. License has been issued for the mar riage of L O. Morgan and Lillie Miller, oi Lirswiorasvuis During ths past week Marvin Turner and Charles Fuller left for California expecting to be gone during the winter They talked some al so of taking a trip east. Capt. E. J. Lanning, manager of the Ked thrown flooring Mills ot Albany, passed through Ashland yesterda-r en route to San Francisco. Ashland 'Tid ings. Ex-manager. Rev. J. T. Abbett last evening deli ver sa nis mu tiooa address in tbe school bouse at Knox Botts to a good sized and very appreciative audience of the people ot mat vicinity. Dr. Rich came home from Albany, wnere nenas been detained by severe illness for quite a spell, arriving here l nursoay evening, us shows the enect of his serious tussle with disease, and it will probably be soma time before be will have recovered his usual health and vigor. We are all clad to welcome him home. Yaquina Post. Misses Grace and Frankie Payne, as sisted by Miss Flo Nutting gave a very pleasant party last evening at tbe home of Mr. Martin Payne on Ferry street. Besides games and nice refreshments. A program was rendered, consisting of piano salos by Mis8 Addis Schiffler, Emma Sox and Millie Gotlieb, recita tion by Alta McPeron. Grace Need ham. Grace .Payne and Jessie Hyde, and read ings ov iena jiiuer, jaaryaret Kjanaxn, Minnie Memll and Flo Nutting. Those preeent,beide those already mentioned, were Lasne L.uper, Francis and fcva French. Oda Uaight. Ftossie Knecht, Nellie and Leah Foster, Nellie McFeroo, Grace and Blanche Brownall, Frankie Read, Liamie Kimsey, Grace Hughes, Willis Phillips and Roy Nutting. The Evangelistic Services. Tha M. E. church was filled last night with an interested audience, repaid by hearing a sermon of great power by Rev. fcdgar w. Mill, the talented fortiand preacher. The subject was "What Think Ye of Christ." It was eloquently delivered ia a manner to force itself into the hearts of those who listened and many were greatly impressed. To-ni-ht there wut be a gospel social service. Sckdat Services. 7 am. Prayer Meeting, Pearce Mem orial church. 8:45 a m. Ail children meet at their respective Sunday school room. V a. in March to the Ji. r.. charc'ior union service. 11 a. m. Regular church services. j 2 30 p. m. La-lies Mass meeting at U. . church. Young ladies especially in vited. 3 u30 p. m. Singing on street. 4 Men's meeting at opera boose. A look recalls a prophecy. 6:15 p.m. Young people's rally at C. P. church. Blackboard talk by Evan Uoldredge. Docs close at fi :io. 7:15 M. E. church. 7 -JO Congregational church. 7 :oO Camberiand Presbyterian, lead by Evan, Dickinson. o services aionoay. 500 IT, 610 a) 1500 6 A SociABtx The first meeting of the Fairview Literary society will be held at Hulherta school bouse on Saturday ev ening, .voveniher jutn. isvj. Alter the rending of an imposing program the meeting will be converted into a basket social, tor tbe benefit of the new addition on the school house. .ach lady is re quested to bring a basket or lox of lunch " I : l ill 1... .1.1 . 1 1 : - witn ncr, wnicu wmwwra i ihimmv auction to the highest bidder, after which the lady and purchaser will de vour the contents. After lunch we rec ommend a trip around the room calling .r . l i.- i;..i. on tne confectionary scinu, u nun pouu and a'l other small places of business, and treat your lady like a gentleman to anything vou may desire, ine best auctioneers that can iks had in the land have been micnrvd. Extending an invi tation to all adjoining districts to come and bring your baskets well filled, we assure you a pleaisant and enjovable eveninp. Gome somebody, isy order of committee. A Hiii is Miller, president. Carrie Johns, Secretary. A WootMKsClRCUt. Mrs. Southwick, deputy snitreme gnaidian, organised a drove of the Woodmen Circle last night with the following officers: Worthy Guardian, Mrs. S. O. Barnes; Worthy Adviser, Mrs. Clara U. Burkbart; Great Magician, Mis. R. E. Yiereck; Worthy Clerk, Mrs. Anna Hawkins; Worthy Banker, Miss Josephine Barnes; Worthy Attendant, Mrs. D. V. Dyer; .t i . . r r, ; T ruysu-ian, at. n.u.imvia- iDniuoovn tincl.Mollie H. Knox; Outside Sentinel, Cora B. Hendly; Managers, Mrs. Maggie Moe, Mrs. Marguerite unit wood ana airs. llachel agstan. All mempers are re quest ed to be present at tne n. oi r. nan at 7 :30 p. tn. tonight tor further instruc tion. Parties desiring to join the Circle can do eo then. Tbe IS95 Assessment. Assessor Desk ins completed the foot ings of ths assessment roll last evening at 6 o clock. Tbey show the following Acreage 636.38 Value $4,257,445 Value of town lots $1,214,800 Improvements $16,190 Value of canal, telegraph, railroad and telephone lines $331 ,74$ Merchandise and implements. . .$547,-S35 I Money $47,505 Notes and accounts $349,330 No. shares of stock 7M Value of stock. $51,160 Household goods $28,S95 No. of horses 9,042 Value of horses $193,515 No. of cattle 1-M39 Value of cat tie ...$100,015 No. sheep 23,163 Value ot sheep.. $27,280 No. swine 8.240 Value of swine $16,980 Gross value all property...... $7,567 JJ95 Legal exemrtions $21,670 Total taxable property $7,245,425 No. polls 3.143 Below is given the assessment of 1894 for comparison : Acres of cultivated land 192,801 Value $2,475,555 Acres unimproved land 375,620 Value $1,273,215 and New Time Card. Following is the new timscud of th Albany Street Railway: ' be car will leave comer of First Washington streets as follow; 4:20 a. m. for morning overland tr.iin. 8.-C0 " lx?Unon train. II A5 " " Yaquina train. 1 2 .-00 noon, train going south. 12:35 p. m., Uoseburg train north bound and west bound Yaquina train. . 1 .-05 p. m., O. C. k E. train, east hwi.d. 4:00 ' Lebanon train. 11-35 " Ovrland train going soctb. 4:00 " Orphan s Home. The car will alue meet all incoming trains on both the Southern PaciSc and O Cat L. railroad. C. G. Bcr h a rt. Secretary IMMONSV 7$ GOOD FOH EVERYBODY Almost evenl-oily takes some laxative medicine to des x the system and keep the blood pure. Those vs'no take SMIMOXS Liver regulator (Squ'd or rowdert get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant' laxative and tc.uc that purifies tbe tkxxf and strengthens tne whole svstera. And more than this: Sl.HXONS LIVER REGU LATOR regiUatcs the Liver, keers it active and heaithv, and v. hi the Liver is in good condition you f.n J yourself free front Malaria. Biliousness. Indigestion, Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feefinz. These are s'A caused ty a siozzish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only t had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these corr:plair!;, try SLH.vtONS LIVER REGULATOR- Tbe Kirz of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Piiis. Jp-EVERY PACKAGE- Eas tbe Z Stamp la red on wrrspper. J. H. ZeUiw Co, Pbila Pa. LIME Worthy Your Confidence. Tbe success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may mamiesi iweu is voocoeu war bj thousand who were severely afflicted by this prevalent disease, but who now re joice over a permanent cure by Hood's tfarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack: tne piano oi the neck, or break ont tndreadroi run-i ning sores oo the body or limbs. At-1 tacking tbe mucous membrane, it may develop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consumptioa. uome as it may. a faithful coarse of treatment with Hood s barsapanua win meicome it, lor working npon the foundation of all dis eases, impure blood, the system is clar ified and vitalised, and visor, strength and health restored to the body. Louis Yiereck has ssearrf the sots right of Una. Marios and Braw-a Co. for the sale of Dr. White s Hair Grower. Farue de-mag treatment will do well to cono t him atoia place of business or address box 421, Albany. Una io., ur. O. C A E. Time Table. Pasar-neer Leaves Yacsuina al 7 a. m, Arrinaat Albany at 11 :50 a. m. Leaves Albany 1 :?, arrives at Bay at 5 :40 p. m. Mixed Leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:44 a m, arrives st Detroit at 12:15 p m. Lmv Detroit at 12:55 pm. arrives at Alrautv at 6 :30 r m. rreignt Leaves Aioany at t :ia a ta u Monday. Wednesdays and Fridays. Ar- rivoa at Yaouina at 4 .-05 d m: leaves Ya- mnaat8:iaam on mesuays, inurs- rhe greatest sel'er on tie market for iiaeaies of the Liver.Kidncysind Con stipation. . . Fkaaant to take by dd cr ycucg. No rnpicg. The root of Lb Lireriiie plant is exten- srely nsed in Norway for the care of Piles. Sold by all first class dragguta Wholesale kaaufactsres. ANCHOR S CHTJI ICAL CO, Lebanon. Or, ALBANY COLLEGE, WENTY-NINTII YEAR.) THE COLLEGE WILL OPt-N SI tember 11, 1S85, under favorable aus pices. Regular Col'esiate and Aca demic instruction The Com menial work will be given special attention trus year. Such young men and young la dies as are looking forward to a business career should not venture it without lay ing a good foundation with us. The College will also establish a Conserva tory of Music, under the able and effi cient management of Prof. Z. M.Parvin. Inusual Untitles ouere.t lor stuoeaus desiring to become proficient in music. The Primary Department will receite especial care. Information cheerfully given W II. LLC, President Straney a' dart and Saturdays ; at 4:55 p. m arrives at Albany A Ptaxtuso Discovxsv. Baldness rnnvl or no oar. Dr White's Great Discovery is for sale atXouis Viereck's barbea shoo. It cures all diseases ot the scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I will guarantee a head of hair or no pay. Louis lerecx. lonsonai an Foot 15ali Thanksgiving day inune at Corvallin. 14th U 8 Infunlry team, under Capt. Wilt II ISlosi, s Agricultural Col- leiw. Ihe greatest game oi tne season. Admission o cv. rirt kick mi at zuv A soeoial train will leave Corvallis at 5:30 just after tbe game. Kound trip 50 els. As EhuvviLut Fioiit. Monday morn ing was another lieautuul day .and was only marred by C. O. McBride and W. t iison, meeting and fighting another round on Utile Elk street, it ting only three weeks since their last tight. Tins diil not turn out like the first, a man from the fort under Gen. Jackson said there would have to be an a r res', so C. C. McBride swore out a warrant for tho arrest of Wilson, charging h'm with as sault and battery with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. The trial will bel improvements on deeded land. $ 539,54 heard Thursday. Newport tiews. I Town lots 684,855 I Improvements on town lots N7,lo Dangers or BsASisg. Robert bparttn, I improvement on land not deed who took young Kearney's place as I ed or patented 15,790 oraseman on a ireignt met witn a pain ful accident at Medford Monday. Lie was coupling cars loaded with 1 ail road iron when a protruding ran catigni nis teit hand, smashing it badly and causing the amputation of three ot his fingers. After bavins his hand dressed bv a sur geon he came to this city and wifl be die- j Cattle, 13,438 ameti ior several weexs, urants trass i sheen and goats. 3.aJ Railroad lines, telegraph lines, electric lines, canals, etc Merchandise and implements. . Money Notes and accounts Household furniture, etc Horses and mules, 89(6.. Courier. Wm. ii.v at Eu'.iesr. The Willam came screaming back, saying there was a eUe8 and U.O's will play foot ball in ''.-FACTORY Proprietor'.-.'-" Karl's Clover Koot.the great olood pu 'fier gives freshness and Clearness to th complexion snd cures constipation, aje oc, l .00. Foshay A Mason Agents, man killed. 1 broke and run into the house, and looked in and saw Mr. Mc Kercher and my mother on the floor: run out into the yard and saw father. I iomned onto Mr. Kercher's horse and went down to Uncle RobertB and told them Aunt Ollie sent me to Grandma's as soon as I could go. Coming back 1 told Mr. Tycer. He came bacg a por tion 01 the way witn me was aooui a quarter of a mile from tbe house when I heard the shooting, and I had then been away from the house 25 or 30 minutes. It was about 4 o'clock. My conversation with Mr. McKercher was about hiadoe. I was trying to trade for it. When I left the.houBe,$tather, mother and Mr. Mc- Euirene on Thanksgiving. The Dkmo chat is rattled as to the probable result, imt Imlieves the chances are in favor of the State University eleven. It will be a great game. The People Relieve what they read about tiooUK Sursnpurilla Tiity kqow that it is an hound, niedicinr, and that it cures dioease. That is a hy you shonld get only Hood s. Hood's Pills cure all liter ilia, relieve coca';4.ation and assist digestion. 25c Tint Evasoki.istic Services. Rev. Holdredge sttoka last night to a large au dience oti"Tho Holy Ghost." Beginning at v o'clock today an an day prayer ser vice witn tne Holy fpini as tne topic was being held. Tomorrow evening there will be a meeting of Sunday School teachers to consider the lesson of the following day. Swine. 8.110. . . Gross value of property. Exemptions Total value taxable property.. $7,470,160 No. Polls ....2,819 329,625 . 594,990 . 36,190 . 977,435 . 223,985 . 200,640 . 88,180 . 40.250 . 12,255 $8,064,275 594,115 A MAN'S A MAN, OITO 331wI070 Both the method and results when Syrnp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, fiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem ellectnally, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrop of Figs is the onlT remedy of it kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao- Mntablo to the stomach, nrompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared oily from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to at and have made it the most ' wvswn1 s w MTflAilv VflAWTi. 1 Syrup of Figs is for sale In N Upholsterer Ard Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy atattiwsses reac rated axd made Fnrnitnre of every desair-tioB and lab ! carriages re-upholstered and varnished. Drpnote in th" P. O- or call at ? 4reet, IWweoa Ferry and lirjadalie. A hany.Or. ALBAHY TRADIKG CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL Cheat seed for sale or trade. Free de livery. Telephone No. J I. R. N. orris, Mgr Cor. Snd and Main Sts. DO YOU a-ritA liters? Of course vou do. and what is nicer than smooth lef er paper and envel ope for business corresponding. W make speciality ot neat commercial annrj. on should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and sj the tin quality aa extra loir prices. Next Uuse you waa some inquire Or S MILKY THEPRINTEK Btrt fta a big advantage to him to wear 1 i v. .11 lail 5nr dm wfill lanndried shirts and underclothing. . ",.7T. i - . 1 - - w 1 v. Price's Cream Baking Powdet Awirdwl Cold Mtdai Midwiolw Pair- Sn PlncUoh . . . . . X Toledo Nominees. At the 'citisens The Albany Steam Laundry. Richards A B"- MM' Z meeting held at the courthouse Tuesday I Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of may not havw It Oft nana wut pro evening, for the purpose of nominating 1 gentlemena work. Free mending for euro it promptly for any on who citp otlicers, the following ticket was I men besides the first class laundry work. I bo trr it, D not accept any gronnd out. Mayor, B. F. Jones: Re-A superior high gloss finish to shirts, v..:.... ....1... T V Htour. TW.anM,. T V I .nffa A . . BUlfflUWW, V.lll .IV! W . W.W , . , . , . . . , 1 VVtHH D, VIUM, v.v. . ... Fish; Marshal, J. A. Hall; Council men, I . ' -1.. H Miiffh. A. 11. K roi?Htfld and A. T. Pal fir. trrtrm' Crnim ftaklntr FflWdr : tm marnvi tiiL. terson. News. Worid'S Pair HlIKwt Awvd. UtM9VUt,tr. HWrQS.t CAUFonm m smup ca. Cheap WaocI Saiicg. Owing to bard times J. N. Coombs wit saw wood cheaper than ever Mixed o ;d twice In two. 35 cents ; oak grub. t . 4L eeais; ewes in two SO ecu's; tu!e ewnt-: K cord. 25 cent. Order lef t V . T. Woriey's grocery s'ore ul rerue arompt attention. w T7."iM art. i;ngf IF RSntlreWM i.V LHtlfl. t?'f NMri SaBWSSBBSSPWSnB li s 1 r res B4 BtasBap W eust e rwwrw t4 or ye;weca ttrlU f AS PItCVKrITrVE rnd of i. y'l A